Document 10984295

 The State Advisory Council on Indian Education Council Meeting February 13, 2014 Virtual Meeting via Call to Order Council Chair Kamiyo Lanning called the meeting to order at 10:15 a.m. Due to inclement weather conditions, the Council met via an electronic platform, GoToMeetings. Attendees SACIE Members: Kamiyo Lanning, Dorothy Crowe, Alisa Hunt-­‐Lowery, Karen Goins-­‐Kueny, and Kara Stewart. SBE member: Dr. Olivia Oxendine SACIE liaison: Dr. Ogletree Richardson DPI Staff: Debora Williams Guest: Kim Dial Sellars, UNC Pembroke Absentees SACIE Members: Trina Bennett, Katherine Chavis, Veronica Graham, Margo Howard, Angela Lynch, The Honorable Jim Davis, and The Honorable Charles Graham. DPI Staff: Debora Williams Quorum The number of members present for the meeting was not sufficient to establish a quorum. Council member Kara Stewart moved that the quorum stipulated in the by-­‐laws be suspended for this meeting in order to conduct the business of the Council. Council member Karen Goins-­‐Kueny seconded the motion. All present voted in the affirmative. Approval of Minutes of November 14, 2014 Meeting Edits: Kara Stewart was not present. Dorothy Crowe moved to accept the minutes with the noted correction. Kara Stewart seconded the motion. All members voted in the affirmative. Annual Report Dr. Richardson provided an overview of the 2013 SACIE Annual Report to the State Board of Education titled “A New Vision for Native Students.” Council members were provided an electronic copy of the report draft. The report includes one recommendation. “Collaborating with the Department of Public Instruction, the Council will develop an investigation framework to include the following indicators that often shape the school experience of many American Indian students: • Student discipline rates; • Discipline referral summaries (i.e. amount of time assigned to in-­‐school suspension and/or out-­‐
of-­‐school suspension); • Efforts to involve American Indian tribes, communities, and families; State Advisory Council on Indian Education Minutes -­‐ Quarterly Meeting February 13, 2014 Student membership in school organizations; participation in school sports; enrollment in AP courses; and goals beyond high school, and other school co-­‐curricular activities; • Students’ perceptions of cultural affirmation and inclusion; and • Tutoring and mentoring support provided by certified educators and/or highly qualified external partners (e.g. Boys and Girls Club). Kara Stewart asked, “How will the Council ask the Board to fulfill the recommendation?” Dr. Richardson responded that the Council and DPI would partner to conduct the study, Dorothy Crowe asked, “Will the study replace the 2014 report?” Kamiyo Lanning responded that the Council hopes to use information from the report to design a scope of work or strategic plan to hone in on strategies and support systems deemed worthy of replication as well as area of focused need. Dr. Oxendine reiterated that study findings would be included in the 2014 annual report. Karen Kueny moved to approve the report allowing Dr. Richardson to continue with editorial changes. Kara Stewart seconded the motion. Updates State Board of Education – Dr. Olivia Oxendine Dr. Oxendine thanked Dr. Richardson for her work on the Annual Report and provided a review of Read to Achieve legislation. Also discussed was the authorization of an assessment task force. SACIE member recommendations for the task force should be sent to Dr. Oxendine. North Carolina Commission on Indian Affairs – Mrs. Dorothy Crowe The Unity Conference will be held March 13-­‐15 at the North Raleigh Hilton. Council Chair Lanning and Dr. Richardson will present overview of the SACIE Annual Report to the Commission and to participants of the conference. Council member Kara Stewart will present a concurrent workshop on literacy. The Department of Public Instruction as informed the NC Commission on Indian Affairs that the term of office for the following Council members will end on June 30, 2014: st
Trina Bennett (1 term) st
Katherine Chavis (1 term) st
Karen Goins Kueny (1 term) nd
Angela Lynch (2 term) Unity Conference It was suggested that the Council secure a booth during the unity Conference. The chair suggested that a booth maybe provided in gratis for the Council. Members volunteered to staff the booth in three-­‐hour shifts. Closing Dorothy Crowe offered a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:26 a.m. Brandi Brooks seconded the motion. The next meeting will be May 15, 2014 in Room 504 of the Education Building, downtown Raleigh. •
State Advisory Council on Indian Education Minutes -­‐ Quarterly Meeting February 13, 2014 