Robert I. Field Faculty Professor of Law, Kline School of Law

Robert I. Field
Professor of Law, Kline School of Law
Professor of Health Management and Policy, School of Public Health
Travel to Switzerland and France to Give Presentations at a Conference
and at two Public Health School Campuses
June 2015 My trip included three presentations -­‐ at a conference at the Brocher Foundation in Hermance, Switzerland, at the Paris campus of Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sante Publique (EHESP), and at EHESP’s Rennes campus. Brocher Foundation, Hermance, Switzerland The Brocher Foundation hosts visiting researchers in bioethics and health policy to work on scholarly projects. I had spent time there in 2012. The conference was a meeting of the Foundation’s “alumni” who had spent time in residence since its founding in 2007. It included three days of panel discussions and several social events. I chaired a panel on the third day on “Health Governance – Globalisation and Reforms Emerging Issues” and gave a presentation as part of the panel on “The History and Ethics of Government Support for Private Sector Health Care in the United States”, based on the book on which I had worked while at Brocher, Mother of Invention: How the Government Created ‘Free-­‐Market’ Health Care. The conference provided an opportunity to reconnect with other researchers I had met during my stay at Brocher, to see other colleagues who have spent time there, and to meet other researchers from around the world. The picture is of a dinner reception during the conference. EHESP, Paris, France I had met the director of EHESP’s health management program in Paris when I visited Europe in February, and he invited me to visit in June to present a lecture to faculty and graduate students. It was entitled “Health Reform in the United States and the Continuing Growth of Private Sector Health Care”. During lunch after the lecture, I had the chance to speak with several faculty members about common interests. After lunch, I attended a faculty discussion of ongoing research. Europubhealth, Rennes, France I, along with three other faculty members from the School of Public Health, participated in the year-­‐end integration module of Europubhealth, a consortium of five European public health schools. It is based at EHESP in Rennes, where the integration module is always held. I had also participated in the module last year. The picture is of the four of us outside the school at the program’s conclusion. In addition to me, there is Prof. Shannon Marquez, Prof. Darrell Brown, and Prof. Seth Wells. I had visited EHESP’s Rennes campus in February to give a lecture based on my book. At that time, I was invited to give the keynote lecture for the integration module, which was entitled “The Mother of Invention: Government Health Policy and the Private Sector Throughout the World.” I also served as a judge for master’s thesis presentations and posters and took part in the program’s “Career Days” in which students receive advice on career direction and job hunting. The visit provided a chance to reconnect with faculty at EHESP whom I had met during my previous visits. The Public Health School and EHESP are working to develop a closer relationship. I also met with faculty members at the University of Rennes Law School, who invited me to return in November to give lectures on American health law. Hopefully, this will open other avenues for collaboration. 2 