Congressman Philip R. Sharp Papers, 1970-1994 Finding Aid Compiled By John Straw, Joan Dutour, Kirk Overstreet, Jr., Sean Reilly, Jeffery Rhoades Archives and Special Collections Ball State University 2002 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction............................................................................................................. 3-4 Biographical Note ................................................................................................... 4-5 Scope and Content .................................................................................................. 5-7 Container List.......................................................................................................... 8-119 Administrative Records .............................................................................. 8-87 Political Campaign Records........................................................................ 87-91 House Subcommittee on Energy and Power Records................................. 92-114 Audiotapes .................................................................................................. 114-115 Videotapes................................................................................................... 116-117 Photographic Prints and Negatives ............................................................. 117-118 Memorabilia................................................................................................ 118 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 3 Congressman Philip R. Sharp Papers, 1970-1994 Mss 156; R 43; V 35; P 60; PN 60 107.5 cu. ft.; 118 Boxes INTRODUCTION In 1994, Congressman Philip R. Sharp (D-Indiana) decided not to run for re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives. He had served the 2nd district (formerly the 10th district prior to redistricting in 1982) of Indiana for 20 years, arriving in Washington as part of the Watergate Democratic landslide of 1974. Upon his decision to not seek another term, Sharp made arrangements to donate his congressional papers to Ball State University where he had been an assistant and associate professor of political science from 1969 to 1974. He also provided funds for students from political science to assist with organizing his papers in Archives and Special Collections at the Alexander M. Bracken Library. The Head of Archives and Special Collections made a trip to Sharp’s Washington office in October 1994 to review the files that would come to Ball State’s Archives and Special Collections. She worked with Sharp’s staff members identify and prepare the records for shipment. One hundred and forty boxes arrived at Ball State’s Bracken Library in 1995. Work began immediately to prepare the papers for use. By agreement with Sharp, the papers were to be officially opened for research in 2002. Between 1995 and 2002, Ball State undergraduate and graduate students worked in Archives and Special Collections to arrange and describe the papers and transfer them to acid-free folders and boxes. From his involvement in helping guide energy proposals by Presidents Ford and Carter through the House in the 1970s to his leadership as Chair of the Energy and Power Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee in the 1980s and 1990s, Sharp played a key role in energy and environmental issues during his 20-year tenure in Congress. He was instrumental in obtaining decontrol of natural gas and was a leading proponent of energy efficiency and renewable fuels. He helped stop a $1.75 billion bailout of the uranium industry and sponsored the law to provide better data on foreign investments. For the 1990 Clean Air Act, he co-authored a key provision that created an allowance trading system where utilities that exceeded standards for clean air could sell their extra “credits” to other utilities, a compromise that made passage of the law possible. Sharp effectively shepherded through the Energy Policy Act of 1992, which opened the wholesale electric market to competition. His congressional papers reflect the work Sharp did with energy legislation and provide a wealth of research documentation in this area. In addition, the Philip R. Sharp Papers contain information on his political campaigns, issues relative to his congressional constituency in Indiana, legislation, appropriations, civil rights, crime, education, health care, labor, urban development, employment, and foreign relations. The collection reflects regional, national, and international concerns from the beginning of the post-Watergate era through the first part of the Clinton presidency. The papers are rich in research materials on the U. S. Congress from 1974 to 1994 and on Indiana politics from 1970 to 1995. Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 4 In addition to this finding aid, a published guide and a Web page for the collection is available. Consult Archives staff for more information. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE Philip Riley Sharp was born in Baltimore, Maryland, on July 15, 1942. He was raised in Elwood, Indiana, and attended Washington Elementary School and Wendell Willkie High School, where he graduated as valedictorian in 1960. After a year at DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana, Sharp transferred to Georgetown University School of Foreign Service and graduated cum laude in 1964. He spent the summer of 1966 studying at Oxford University in England. In 1974, he earned a Ph.D. in government from Georgetown. He received honorary degrees from DePauw University in 1986 and Ball State University in 1997. Phil Sharp taught political science as an assistant professor, and later associate professor, at Ball State University from 1969 to 1974. In 1972, he married Marilyn K. Augburn of Muncie, Indiana. She is a novelist whose works have been honored as Literary Guild selections and translated into several languages. The couple has two sons, Jeremy, born in 1975, and Justin, born in 1981. Sharp’s political career began when he served as a Legislative Aide to Senator Vance Hartke (D-Indiana) from 1964 to 1969. In 1970 and 1972, he was the Democratic candidate for Congress from Indiana’s Tenth District. He was elected to his first congressional term in 1974. Sharp was re-elected to the next nine Congresses before deciding not to run for re-election in 1994. The district that Sharp served was made up primarily of the small rural and industrial towns of East Central Indiana. In 1982, redistricting created the Second District from the Tenth District that Sharp was originally elected to serve. The Second District included Randolph, Wayne, Decatur, Shelby, and Johnson counties, and portions of Delaware, Henry, Rush, Fayette, Bartholomew, and Marion counties. During his ten terms in office, Congressman Sharp took a leadership role in development of energy legislation, including the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 and the Energy Policy Act of 1992. He served on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Interior and Insular Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on Commerce, Transportation, and Tourism, Energy and Environment Subcommittee, and the Water and Power Resources Subcommittee. In 1977-78, Sharp chaired an energy task force appointed by Speaker Thomas “Tip” O’Neill and was instrumental in fashioning a compromise plan that phased out price controls on oil and natural gas over several years. He chaired the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Fossil and Synthetic Fuels, one of the most important subcommittees in the House, from 1982 to 1986, and the Energy and Power Subcommittee from 1987 to 1995. In addition, he was a member of the Democratic Study Group, Environmental and Energy Study Conference, Human Rights Caucus, Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 5 Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future, and the Automotive Caucus. Sharp was selected as a Democratic Whip At-Large for the 99th Congress. He also served as a member of the Organizing Committee for the 10th Annual Pan American Games, the Executive Board of the Institute for Resource Management, and the Government Advisory Committee on Americans for Energy Independence. Politics in America 1982 stated that Sharp “entered Congress in 1975 as a political veteran but a legislative novice, quietly determined to overhaul what seemed an unresponsive process.” The publication went on to say that “he emerged six years later as chairman of the crucial Commerce subcommittee on oil and gas, close to the center on most energy issues and carrying a reputation for exceptional skill at negotiations and compromise.” In February 1995, Sharp became a Lecturer in Public Policy at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. From July 1995 to February 1998, he served as Director of Harvard’s Institute of Politics. He continued his interest and involvement in energy policy as chair of the Electric System Reliability Task Force for the Secretary of Energy, member of the Secretary’s Advisory Board, Vice Chair of the Energy Board of the Keystone Center, and member of the board of directors of the Energy Foundation and the Cinergy Corporation. He was appointed as an advisor on consumer choice and energy deregulation for the Columbia Energy Group in 1999. In 2001, he became a Senior Policy Advisor to Van Ness Feldman, a Washington, D. C., based firm that provides legal and government policy counsel on energy, environmental, natural resources, technology development, and tax issues. As of this writing, Sharp is a Senior Research Fellow with the Environment and Natural Resources Program at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. SCOPE AND CONTENT The papers of Philip R. Sharp consist primarily of records related to his tenure as U. S. Representative for Indiana from 1975 to 1995. Materials from his congressional campaigns in 1970 and 1972 are also included. The collection is divided into the following series: Administrative Records; Political Campaign Records; House Subcommittee on Energy and Power Records; Audiotapes; Videotapes; Photographic Prints and Negatives; and Memorabilia. Congressman Sharp’s papers contain extensive correspondence from and to his constituency on issues ranging from agriculture to veteran rights. There are files of newspaper clippings, briefings, reports, and other documents that Sharp and his staff used as research and reference material on local, state, national, and international concerns. Advertisements, correspondence, publications, press releases, and other materials document Sharp’s political campaigns for Congress. Television and radio advertisements, speeches, interviews, and panel discussions are available on audiotapes, videotapes, and reel-to-reel tapes. Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 6 Subjects covered in the papers are wide-ranging. They include airline safety, civil rights, crime, education, economics, foreign relations, government spending, health care, natural resources, social programs, and terrorism. Evidence of Sharp’s involvement in energy and environmental issues and legislation is located throughout the papers, but the most substantive documentation in this area is found in records of the House Subcommittee on Energy and Power. Sharp chaired this subcommittee of the Energy and Commerce Committee for many years. Information is available on topics such as alternative fuels, clean air, electric utilities, hydroelectric power, global warming, nuclear power, and renewable energy. There is documentation on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, ConRail, NAFTA, and SALT negotiations. Overall, the papers provide an expansive view of Congress and the nation, with an emphasis on energy and environmental issues, from the mid-1970s through the mid-1990s. The correspondence and other records generated and collected by elected officials, like in other areas of government, are voluminous. Some of the documentation is relatively routine and duplicative. For example, correspondence to constituents may be form letters that present information in the most efficient manner to a large and diverse population. Due to the large volume of these types of materials, sampling was done of the records before they were transferred from Congressman Sharp’s office. The archivist identified essential documentation to be preserved intact and then selected a random but extensive sample of the routine and repetitive materials. The documentation selected in this manner is representative of the scope and content of the records generated in the office on a daily basis. An automated correspondence system used in Sharp’s office assigned numbers to many routine, legislative, and constituent letters. Some of the correspondence in the Administrative Records were filed by the computer-generated numbers. This arrangement has been maintained in the processed collection. The size of the collection is 107.5 cubic feet contained in 118 boxes. A description of each of the records series in the collection follows. Administrative Records, 1974-1994, (82 boxes; 78.6 cubic feet) contains personal correspondence, constituent correspondence and responses, official congressional correspondence, newsletters, committee notices, material on legislative issues, congressional bill books, congressional voting records, issues notebooks, legislative reports, office memoranda, schedules and appointments, sponsored bills and resolutions, press releases, reports and statistics, invitations, town meeting notices, newspaper clippings, and Indiana and district project files. Subjects include agriculture, appropriations, budget, civil rights, crime, education, economy, energy, environment, foreign relations, government spending, health care, housing and urban development, immigration, labor, NAFTA, natural resources, postal service, social programs, taxes, veterans, and voting records. Political Campaigns Records, 1970-1994, (6 boxes; 5.3 cubic feet) contains campaign literature, budget summaries, advertisements, fund-raising information, debate Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 7 preparation materials, polls, mailings, newspaper clippings, Friends of Phil Sharp records, correspondence, publications, press releases, speeches, surveys, and voter profiles. House Subcommittee on Energy and Power Records, 1982-1994, (20 boxes; 17.8 cubic feet) contains correspondence, speeches, newspaper clippings, press releases, reports, and other documentation on alternative fuels, Freedom of Information Act, Anderson Act, nuclear power, clean air, coal, automobiles, fuel economy, Department of Energy, electric utilities, hydroelectric power, global warming, mineral leasing, National Energy Policy Strategy, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, natural gas, Naval Petroleum Reserve, NAFTA, aging nuclear plants, nuclear waste sites, nuclear power, petroleum, pipeline safety, propane, renewable energy, and uranium. Audiotapes, 1981-1990, (3 boxes; .7 cubic foot) contains cassette and reel-to-reel tapes of radio spots, interviews, and speeches. Subjects include budget, education, energy, investigation of Speaker Jim Wright, oil, and Sharp’s voting record. Videotapes, 1981-1993 (4 boxes; 3.4 cubic feet) contains videotapes of interviews, debates, political advertisements, and campaign issues. Subjects include tax cuts, natural gas, acid rain, famine in Africa, agriculture, ConRail, redevelopment in Indiana, terrorism, SALT negotiation, airline safety, balancing the budget, issues for the 99th Congress, projects and goals for the 100th Congress, impact of Federal Government on State Government, AIDS, Third World debt, Catastrophic Health Insurance, security of American embassies, Contra in Nicaragua, product liability insurance, trade and competition, Nursing Home care, Soviet Union Foreign Policy, energy, and jobs. Other individuals appearing with Sharp include Lee H. Hamilton, Timothy E. Worth, James R. Jones, Andrew Jacobs, Jr., Edward R. Madigan, Wendell H. Ford, Donald J. Pease, Les Aspin, James J. Florio, Thomas E. Petri, John D. Dingell, James Wright, G. T. (Mickey) Leland, Dan R. Glickman, Dave McCurdy, Henry A. Waxman, Elliot H. Levitas, Dennis E. Eckart, Larry Conrad, Robert Kupperman, Norman D. Dicks, Norman Mineta, Richard G. Lugar, Bill Nelson, Tony Coelho, Ken Kobe, Evan Bayh, Charles Shumer, Lindy Boggs, Daniel Mica, Jim Jontz, Don L. Bonker, Doug Walgren, and Robert Carr. Photographic Prints and Negatives, 1974-1992 (2 boxes; .5 cubic foot) contains photographic prints and negatives of Congressman Sharp, administrative staff, campaign events, and other activities. Memorabilia, 1975-1994 (1 box; 1 cubic foot) contains plaques and certificates presented to Sharp for his work in Congress. Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 8 Congressman Philip R. Sharp Papers, 1970-1994 Mss 156; R 43; V 35; P 60; PN 60 107.5 cu. ft.; 118 Boxes CONTAINER LIST Administrative Records 1974-1994 (82 boxes; 78.7 cu. ft.) Box 1: Correspondence, October 1974 - October 1976 Folder 1: Correspondence/Personal, October 1974 Folder 2: Correspondence/Personal, November 1974 Folder 3: Correspondence/Personal, November 1974 Folder 4: Correspondence/Personal, December 1974 Folder 5: Correspondence/Personal, December 1974 Folder 6: Correspondence/Personal, January 1975 Folder 7: Correspondence/Personal, February 1975 Folder 8: Correspondence/Personal, March 1975 Folder 9: Correspondence/Personal, April 1975 Folder 10: Correspondence/Personal, May 1975 Folder 11: Correspondence/Personal, June 1975 Folder 12: Correspondence/Personal, July 1975 Folder 13: Correspondence/Personal, August 1975 Folder 14: Correspondence/Personal, September 1975 Folder 15: Correspondence/Personal, October 1975 Folder 16: Correspondence/Personal, November 1975 Folder 17: Correspondence/Personal, December 1975 Folder 18: Correspondence/Personal, January 1976 Folder 19: Correspondence/Personal, February 1976 Folder 20: Correspondence/Personal, March 1976 Folder 21: Correspondence/Persona, l April 1976 Folder 22: Correspondence/Personal, May 1976 Folder 23: Correspondence/Personal, June 1976 Folder 24: Correspondence/Personal, July 1976 Folder 25: Correspondence/Personal, August 1976 Folder 26: Correspondence/Personal, September 1976 Folder 27: Correspondence/Personal, October 1976 Box 2: Correspondence, November 1976- November 1978 Folder 1: Correspondence, November 1976 Folder 2: Correspondence, December 1976 Folder 3: Correspondence, January 1977 Folder 4: Correspondence, February 1977 Folder 5: Correspondence, March 1977 Folder 6: Correspondence, April 1977 Folder 7: Correspondence, May 1977 Folder 8: Correspondence, June 1977 Folder 9: Correspondence, July 1977 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 9 Folder 10: Correspondence, August 1977 Folder 11: Correspondence, September 1977 Folder 12: Correspondence, October 1977 Folder 13: Correspondence, November 1977 Folder 14: Correspondence, December 1977 Folder 15: Correspondence, January 1978 Folder 16: Correspondence, February 1978 Folder 17: Correspondence, March 1978 Folder 18: Correspondence, April 1978 Folder 19: Correspondence, May 1978 Folder 20: Correspondence, June 1978 Folder 21: Correspondence, July 1978 Folder 22: Correspondence, August 1978 Folder 23: Correspondence, September 1978 Folder 24: Correspondence, October 1978 Folder 25: Correspondence, November 1978 Folder 26: Correspondence, November 1978 Box 3: Correspondence - Thank You Letters, 1977-78 Folder 1: Correspondence, Thank You Letters, January-June 1977 Folder 2: Correspondence, Thank You Letters, December 1978 Folder 3: Correspondence, Thank You Letters, January 1979 Folder 4: Correspondence, Thank You Letters, January-June, 1978 Folder 5: Correspondence, Thank You Letters, July-December 1978 Box 4: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, 1975-90 Folder 1: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Romania, 1986 Folder 2: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, South Africa, 1985 Folder 3: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Extension of Rail Service, 1982 Folder 4: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Transportation of Hazardous Substances, 1985 Folder 5: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Amtrak, 1985 Folder 6: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Railroad, 1987 Folder 7: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, International Involvement With Agriculture, 1985 Folder 8: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, U.S.-Turkey Relations, 1985 Folder 9: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Involvement with Ferdinand Marcos Case, 1985-1986 Folder 10: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), 1985 Folder 11: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, TRIO Program and General Education Folder 12: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Solid Waste and Recycling, 1989 Folder 13: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, PCB Contamination, 1989 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 10 Folder 14: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Environmental Protection, 1989 Folder 15: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Waste, 1989 Folder 16: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, White Mouse Research Lab, 1989 Folder 17: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Special Education, 1985 Folder 18: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, School Nutrition, 1985 Folder 19: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, School Prayer Constituent Center, 1986 Folder 20: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Illiteracy, 1985 Folder 21: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Student Loans, 1985 Folder 22: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Welfare, 1985 Folder 23: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Acid Rain-Clean Air Act, 1982 Folder 24: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Solid Waste, 1989 Folder 25: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Superfund, 1990 Folder 26: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Telecommunications/Electric, 1987 Folder 27: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Terrorism, 1985 Folder 28: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Veterans/Welfare/Childcare, 1985 Folder 29: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Letters and Responses, 1984 Folder 30: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Letters and Responses, January-March, 1985 Folder 31: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Letters and Responses, April 1985 Folder 32: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Letters and Responses, MayDecember 1985 Folder 33: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Letters and Responses, 1986 Folder 34: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Letters and Responses, 1985 Folder 35: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Letters and Responses, 1985 Folder 36: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Letters and Responses, Senior Citizen Internship, 1977 Folder 37: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Letters and Responses, Environmental Issues, 1985 Folder 38: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Letters and Responses, Environmental Issues, 16601 - 16650, 1975 Folder 39: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Letters and Responses, Environmental Issues, 1976 Folder 40: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Letters and Responses, Environmental Issues, 1978 Folder 41: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Letters and Responses, Environmental Issues, 1979 Folder 42: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Letters and Responses, Environmental Issues, 1980 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 11 Folder 43: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Letters and Responses, Environmental Issues, 1981 Folder 44: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Letters and Responses, Environmental Issues, 1982 Folder 45: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Letters and Responses, Environmental Issues, 1983 Box 5: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, 1985-94 Folder 1: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Letters and Responses, Environmental Issues, 1985 Folder 2: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Letters and Responses, Environmental Issues, 1986 Folder 3: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Letters and Responses, Environmental Issues, 1987 Folder 4: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Letters and Responses, Environmental Issues, 1988 Folder 5: Subcommittee-Energy and Power, Responses to District Correspondence, 1988 Folder 6: Subcommittee-Energy and Power, Responses to Constituent Correspondence, 1988 Folder 7: Subcommittee-Energy and Power, Responses to Constituent Correspondence, 1989 Folder 8: Subcommittee-Energy and Power, Responses to Constituent Correspondence, 1990 Folder 9: Subcommittee-Energy and Power, Responses to Constituent Correspondence, 1991 Folder 10: Natural Gas, 1991 Folder 11: Natural Gas, 1993 Folder 12: Natural Gas, 1994 Folder 13: Postal Patrons/Mass Mailings/Town Meetings, 1985-1986 Folder 14: Letters # 109651 - 109700, 1992 Folder 15: Letters # 109701 - 109750, 1992 Folder 16: Letters # 109751 - 109800, 1992 Folder 17: Letters # 109801 - 109880, 1992 Folder 18: Letters # 109851 - 109900, 1992 Folder 19: Letters # 109901 - 109950, 1992 Folder 20: Letters # 109951 - 110000, 1992 Folder 21: Letters # 110001 - 110050, 1992 Folder 22: Letters # 112000 - 112050, 1993 Folder 23: Letters # 112051 - 112100, 1993 Folder 24: Letters # 112101 - 112450, 1993 Folder 25: Letters # 112151 - 112200, 1993 Folder 26: Letters # 112251 - 112300, 1993 Folder 27: Letters # 112551 - 112600, 1993 Folder 28: Letters # 112701 - 112750, 1993 Folder 29: Letters # 112751 - 112800, 1993 Folder 30: Letters # 112801 - 112850, 1993 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 12 Folder 31: Folder 32: Folder 33: Folder 34: Folder 35: Folder 36: Folder 37: Folder 38: Folder 39: Folder 40: Folder 41: Folder 42: Folder 43: Folder 44: Folder 45: Folder 46: Folder 47: Folder 48: Folder 49: Folder 50: Letters # 112851 - 112900, 1993 Letters # 112901 - 112950, 1993 Letters # 112951 - 113000, 1993 Letters # 113051 - 113100, 1993 Letters # 113101 - 113150, 1993 Letters # 113151 - 113200, 1993 Letters # 113201 - 113250, 1993 Letters # 114101 - 114150, 1994 Letters # 114551 - 114600, 1994 Letters # 114801 - 114850, 1994 Letters # 114901 - 114950, 1994 Letters # 115051 - 115100, 1994 Letters # 115101 - 115150, 1994 Letters # 115151 - 115200, 1994 Letters # 115201 - 115250, 1994 Letters # 115401 - 115450, 1994 Letters # 115041 - 115500, 1994 Letters # 115501 - 115550, 1994 Letters # 115551 - 115600, 1994 Letters # 115601 - 115650, 1994 Box 6: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, 1980, 1994 Folder 1: Letters # 115651 - 115700, 1994 Folder 2: Letters # 115701 - 115750, 1994 Folder 3: Letters # 115751 - 115800, 1994 Folder 4: Letters (no numbers), 1994 Folder 5: Letters # 15901 - 15950, 1980 Folder 6: Letters # 15951 - 16000, 1980 Folder 7: Letters # 16001 - 16050, 1980 Folder 8: Letters # 16051 - 16100, 1980 Folder 9: Letters # 16101 - 16150, 1980 Folder 10: Letters # 16151 - 16200, 1980 Folder 11: Letters # 16201 - 16250, 1980 Folder 12: Letters # 16251 - 16300, 1980 Folder 13: Letters # 16301 - 16350, 1980 Folder 14: Letters # 16351 - 16400, 1980 Folder 15: Letters # 16401 - 16450, 1980 Folder 16: Letters # 16451 - 16500, 1980 Folder 17: Letters # 16501 - 16550, 1980 Folder 18: Letters # 16551 - 16600, 1980 Folder 19: Letters # 16601 - 16650, 1980 Folder 20: Letters # 16651 - 16700, 1980 Folder 21: Letters # 16701 - 16750, 1980 Folder 22: Letters # 16750 - 16800, 1980 Folder 23: Letters # 16801 - 16850, 1980 Folder 24: Letters # 16851 - 16900, 1980 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 13 Folder 25: Letters # 16901 - 16950, 1980 Folder 26: Letters # 16951 - 17000, 1980 Folder 27: Letters # 17001 - 17050, 1980 Folder 28: PL100-615/Federal Energy Management Implementation Act, 1988 Folder 29: Letters # 17051 - 17100, 1980 Folder 30: Letters # 17101 - 17150, 1980 Folder 31: Letters # 17151 - 17200, 1980 Folder 32: Letters # 17201 - 17250, 1980 Folder 33: Letters # 17251 - 17300, 1980 Folder 34: Letters # 17301 - 17350, 1980 Folder 35: Letters # 17351 - 17400, 1980 Folder 36: Letters # 17401 - 17450, 1980 Folder 37: Letters # 17451 - 17550, 1980 Folder 38: Letters # 17551 - 17600, 1980 Folder 39: Letters # 17601 - 17650, 1980 Folder 40: Letters # 17651 - 17700, 1980 Box 7: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, 1989-94; Invitations Accepted, 1975-77 Folder 1: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Abortion/Civil Rights, 19891990 Folder 2: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Child Care, 1989-1990 Folder 3: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Child Abuse, 1990-1991 Folder 4: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Disabilities, 1989-1990 Folder 5: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Education, 1989-1990 Folder 6: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Guns, 1989-1990 Folder 7: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Family and Medical Leave Act, 1990 Folder 8: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Product Liability, 1989 Folder 9: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Transportation, 1989-1991 Folder 10: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Welfare/Consumers/Drugs, 1991 Folder 11: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Choice, 1990-1991 Folder 12: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Constituent Response Letters-Text of Responses, 1979-1980 Folder 13: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Constituent Response Letters-Text of Responses, 1979-1980 Folder 14: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Dura-Tape Log/Robo (Computer generated responses), 1984 Folder 15: Legislative Constituent Correspondence, Legislative Letters, 1982 Folder 16: Legislative Constituent Correspondence and Responses-Computer Codes List, 1994 Folder 17: Invitations Accepted, January 1975 Folder 18: Invitations Accepted, February 1977 Folder 19: Invitations Accepted, March 1975 Folder 20: Invitations Accepted, April 1975 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 14 Folder 21: Folder 22: Folder 23: Folder 24: Folder 25: Folder 26: Folder 27: Folder 28: Folder 29: Folder 30: Folder 31: Folder 32: Folder 33: Folder 34: Folder 35: Folder 36: Folder 37: Folder 38: Folder 39: Folder 40: Invitations Accepted, May 1975 Invitations Accepted, June 1975 Invitations Accepted, July 1975 Invitations Accepted, August 1975 Invitations Accepted, September 1975 Invitations Accepted, October 1975 Invitations Accepted, November 1975 Invitations Accepted, December 1975 Invitations Accepted, January 1976 Invitations Accepted, February 1976 Invitations Accepted, March 1976 Invitations Accepted, April 1976 Invitations Accepted, May 1976 Invitations Accepted, June 1976 Invitations Accepted, July 1976 Invitations Accepted, August 1976 Invitations Accepted, September 1976 Invitations Accepted, October/November/December, 1976 Invitations Accepted, January 1977 Invitations Accepted, February 1977 Box 8: Invitations Accepted, 1977-78; Official Congressional Correspondence, 1977; Newsletters, Notices, and Memoranda, 1976, 1983-91 Folder 1: Invitations Accepted, March 1977 Folder 2: Invitations Accepted, February 1978 Folder 3: Invitations Accepted, March 1978 Folder 4: Invitations Accepted, April 1978 Folder 5: Invitations Accepted, June and July 1978 Folder 6: Invitations Accepted, October 1978 Folder 7: Official Congressional Correspondence, To Chairman's of Committees, 1977 Folder 8: Official Congressional Delegation Correspondence, 1977 Folder 9: Official Congressional Correspondence, Legislation-Sharp CoSponsored, 1977 Folder 10: Official Congressional Correspondence," Dear Colleague”, 1977 Folder 11: Official Congressional Correspondence, Sharp's Newsletters, 19831991 Folder 12: Official Congressional Correspondence, Congressional OfficeCommittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce Notices, 1976 Folder 13: Official Congressional Correspondence, Congressional Office SubCommittee on Oversight and Investigation Notes and Memos, 1976 Folder 14: Official Congressional Correspondence, Congressional Office SubCommittee on Bicentennial Affairs, the Environment and the International Community, Notices and Memos, 1976 Box 9: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Agriculture - Crime, 1975 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 15 Folder 1: Folder 2: Folder 3: Folder 4: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Agriculture/General, 1975 Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Agriculture/Food Shortage, 1975 Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Appropriations/Agriculture, 1975 Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Appropriations//Budget (General), 1975 Folder 5: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Appropriations/Defense, 1975 Folder 6: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Appropriations/Foreign Operations, 1975 Folder 7: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Appropriations/Housing and Urban Development (Space, Science, Veterans), 1975 Folder 8: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Appropriations/Interior, 1975 Folder 9: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Appropriations/Labor-HEW, 1975 Folder 10: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Appropriations/Military, 1975 Folder 11: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Appropriations/Public Works, 1975 Folder 12: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Appropriations/State, Justice, Commerce, Judiciary, 1975 Folder 13: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Appropriations/Transportation, 1975 Folder 14: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Appropriations/Treason, Postal Service, and General Government, 1975 Folder 15: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Bicentennial/Other, 1975 Folder 16: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Civil Rights/Discrimination, 1975 Folder 17: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Civil Service/General, 1975 Folder 18: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Civil Rights/General, 1975 Folder 19: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Civil Rights/Voting Rights, 1975 Folder 20: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Communication, 1975 Folder 21: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Consumer Affairs, 1975 Folder 22: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Consumer Affairs, 1975 Folder 23: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Consumer Affairs, 1975 Folder 24: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Copyright and Patent, 1975 Folder 25: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Daylight Savings Time, 1975 Folder 26: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Industrial Development, 1975 Folder 27: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Interstate Commerce, 1975 Folder 28: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/International Trade, 1975 Folder 29: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Securities, 1975 Folder 30: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Small Business, 1975 Folder 31: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Transportation Air, 1975 Folder 32: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Transportation Mass Transit, 1975 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 16 Folder 33: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Transportation Automobile, 1975 Folder 34: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Transportation No Fault Insurance, 1975 Folder 35: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Transportation Rail, 1975 Folder 36: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Transportation Trucking, 1975 Folder 37: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Utilities, 1975 Folder 38: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Congress, /General, 1975 Folder 39: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Congress/General, 1975 Folder 40: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Congress/Reform, 1975 Folder 41: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Courts/Federal and Other, 1975 Folder 42: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Crime/General, 1975 Box 10: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Crime - Energy, 1975 Folder 1: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Crime/Gun Control, 1975 Folder 2: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Crime/Gun Control, 1975 Folder 3: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Crime/Gun Control, 1975 Folder 4: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Crime/Law Enforcement, 1975 Folder 5: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Defense/General, 1975 Folder 6: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Defense/Weapons, 1975 Folder 7: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, District of Columbia/General, 1975 Folder 8: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Education/Busing, 1975 Folder 9: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Education/General, 1975 Folder 10: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Education/General, 1975 Folder 11: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Education/Higher Education, 1975 Folder 12: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Education/Other, 1975 Folder 13: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Education/Primary Education, 1975 Folder 14: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Education/Secondary Education, 1975 Folder 15: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Education/Vocational Education, 1975 Folder 16: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Economy/Aid to New York City, 1975 Folder 17: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Economy/Banking and Interest Rates, 1975 Folder 18: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Economy/Banking and Regulations, 1975 Folder 19: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Economy/Deficit Spending, 1975 Folder 20: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Economy/General, 1975 Folder 21: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Economy/Inflation, 1975 Folder 22: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Economy/Inflation, 1975 Folder 23: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Economy/Recession, 1975 Folder 24: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Economy/Tax rebates, 1975 Folder 25: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Economy/Wasteful Spending, 1975 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 17 Folder 26: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Energy/Atomic Power, 1975 Folder 27: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Energy/Energy Conservation and Oil Policy Act, 1975 Folder 28: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Energy/Coal, 1975 Folder 29: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Energy/Electric, 1975 Folder 30: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Energy/General, 1975 Box 11: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Energy - Health, 1975 Folder 1: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Energy/General, 1975 Folder 2: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Energy/Natural Gas, 1975 Folder 3: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Energy/Oil, 1975 Folder 4: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Energy/Oil, 1975 Folder 5: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Energy/Other, 1975 Folder 6: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Environment/Solid Waste, 1975 Folder 7: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Environment/Strip Mining, 1975 Folder 8: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Environment/Water Pollution, 1975 Folder 9: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Environment/Air Pollution, 1975 Folder 10: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Environment/Air Pollution, 1975 Folder 11: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Environment/General, 1975 Folder 12: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Environment/Land Use, 1975 Folder 13: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Environment/Pesticides, 1975 Folder 14: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Federal Government/General, 1975 Folder 15: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Foreign Relations/Africa, 1975 Folder 16: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Foreign Relations/Aid, 1975 Folder 17: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Foreign Relations/CIA, 1975 Folder 18: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Foreign Relations/China, 1975 Folder 19: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Foreign Relations/Cuba, 1975 Folder 20: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Foreign Relations/Cyprus, Greece, Turkey, 1975 Folder 21: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Foreign Relations/Disarmament, 1975 Folder 22: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Foreign Relations/Europe, 1975 Folder 23: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Foreign Relations/Indochina, 1975 Folder 24: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Foreign Relations/Indochina, 1975 Folder 25: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Foreign Relations/Indochina, 1975 Folder 26: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Foreign Relations/Inter-American Affairs, 1975 Folder 27: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Foreign Relations/Middle East, 1975 Folder 28: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Foreign Relations/Other Countries, 1975 Folder 29: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Foreign Relations/Soviet Union, 1975 Folder 30: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Foreign Relations/United Nations, 1975 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 18 Folder 31: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Foreign Relations/World Food Situation, 1975 Folder 32: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Government Spending/General, 1975 Folder 33: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Health/Abortion, 1975 Folder 34: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Health/Alcoholism, 1975 Folder 35: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Health/Delivery Systems, 1975 Folder 36: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Health/Drugs, 1975 Folder 37: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Health/General, 1975 Folder 38: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Health/Hospitals, 1975 Folder 39: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Health/Insurance, 1975 Box 12: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Health - Presidency, 1975 Folder 1: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Health/Medicine, 1975 Folder 2: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Health/Mental Health, 1975 Folder 3: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Health/Nursing Homes, 1975 Folder 4: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Health/Nutrition, 1975 Folder 5: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Health/Research, 1975 Folder 6: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Highways/Federal Aid, 1975 Folder 7: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Highways/General, 1975 Folder 8: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Housing and Urban Development/General, 1975 Folder 9: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Immigration/General, 1975 Folder 10: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Indiana Sportsmen’s Council, 1975 Folder 11: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, International Relations/Indochina, 1975 Folder 12: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Labor/CETA, 1975 Folder 13: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Labor/General, 1975 Folder 14: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Labor/General, 1975 Folder 15: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Labor/Manpower, 1975 Folder 16: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Labor/Manpower: Minimum Wage, 1975 Folder 17: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Labor/Manpower: Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA), 1975 Folder 18: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Labor/Manpower: Pensions, 1975 Folder 19: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Labor/Manpower: Taft Hartly 14b Folder 20: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Legislative Correspondence/Inquiries, 1975 Folder 21: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Inspirational, 1975 Folder 22: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Issues, January-March, 1975 Folder 23: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Issues, April-June, 1975 Folder 24: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Issues, July-September, 1975 Folder 25: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Multiple Answers, 1975 Folder 26: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Multiple Answers, 1975 Folder 27: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, No Answer Necessary, 1975 Folder 28: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, No Answer Possible, 1975 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 19 Folder 29: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, No Answer Necessary, 1975 Folder 30: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Referrals, 1975 Folder 31: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Mobile Office/No Answer Necessary, 1975 Folder 32: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Natural Resources/Animals, 1975 Folder 33: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Natural Resources/Birds, 1975 Folder 34: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Natural Resources/Fish, 1975 Folder 35: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Natural Resources/Forests, 1975 Folder 36: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Natural Resources/Parks, 1975 Folder 37: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Natural Resources/Parks, 1975 Folder 38: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Natural Resources/Rivers and Harbors, 1975 Folder 39: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Offers of Assistance/No Answer Necessary, 1975 Folder 40: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Postal Service/Complaints, 1975 Folder 41: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Postal Service/General, 1975 Folder 42: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Postal Service/Postal Rates, 1975 Folder 43: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Postal Service/Right to Strike, 1975 Folder 44: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Presidency/General, 1975 Folder 45: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Presidency/Campaign, 1975 Box 13: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Projects –Voting Record, 1975; Agriculture -Civil Service, 1976 Folder 1: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Projects/Conrail, 1975 Folder 2: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Projects/Hancock-Henry Counties, 1975 Folder 3: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Social Programs/Action, 1975 Folder 4: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Social Problems/Aged, 1975 Folder 5: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Social Problems/Children, 1975 Folder 6: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Social Problems/Children, 1975 Folder 7: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Social Problems/Children, 1975 Folder 8: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Social Programs/Food Stamps, 1975 Folder 9: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Social Programs/Medicare, 1975 Folder 10: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Social Programs/Reform, 1975 Folder 11: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Social Programs/Social Security, 1975 Folder 12: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Social Programs/Welfare, 1975 Folder 13: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Space, Science, Astronautics/General, 1975 Folder 14: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Taxes/General, 1975 Folder 15: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Taxes/Reform, January-August 1975 Folder 16: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Taxes/Reform, SeptemberDecember, 1975 Folder 17: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Taxes/Revenue Sharing, 1975 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 20 Folder 18: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Veterans/Benefits and Pensions, 1975 Folder 19: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Veterans/General, 1975 Folder 20: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Voting Record, 1975 Folder 21: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Agriculture/Commodities and Livestock, 1976 Folder 22: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Agriculture/Family Farms, 1976 Folder 23: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Agriculture/Foreign Trade, 1976 Folder 24: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Agriculture/General, 1976 Folder 25: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Agriculture/Rural Development, 1976 Folder 26: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Appropriations/Defense, 1976 Folder 27: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Appropriations/Foreign Operations, 1976 Folder 28: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Appropriations/Housing and Urban Development and Space, Science, and Veterans, 1976 Folder 29: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Appropriations/Interior, 1976 Folder 30: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Appropriations/Labor-HEW, 1976 Folder 31: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Appropriations/State and Justice, Commerce, and Judiciary, 1976 Folder 32: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Appropriations/Transportation, 1976 Folder 33: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Appropriations/Treasury, PO General Government, 1976 Folder 34: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Arts and Humanities/General, 1976 Folder 35: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Banking/General, 1976 Folder 36: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Budget/Budget Committees, 1976 Folder 37: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Budget/Deficit, 1976 Folder 38: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Budget/Federal Debt, 1976 Folder 39: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Budget/General, 1976 Folder 40: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Budget/Government Spending, 1976 Folder 41: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Civil Rights/Discrimination, 1976 Folder 42: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Civil Rights/Discrimination, 1976 Folder 43: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Civil Rights/Economic Regulatory Administration (ERA), 1976 Folder 44: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Civil Rights/General, 1976 Folder 45: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Civil Rights/Privacy, 1976 Folder 46: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Civil Rights/Women, 1976 Folder 47: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Civil Service/General, 1976 Box 14: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce - Energy, 1976 Folder 1: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Civil Service/General, 1976 Folder 2: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Committee, 1976 Folder 3: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Communications, 1976 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 21 Folder 4: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Consumer Protection, 1976 Folder 5: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Consumer Protection, 1976 Folder 6: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Copy, Patents, Trademarks, 1976 Folder 7: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Energy and Power Subcommittee, 1976 Folder 8: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/General, 1976 Folder 9: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/International Trade, 1976 Folder 10: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Interstate Commerce, 1976 Folder 11: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/No Fault Insurance, 1976 Folder 12: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Regulatory Reform, 1976 Folder 13: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Securities, 1976 Folder 14: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Small Business, 1976 Folder 15: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Transportation Automobiles, 1976 Folder 16: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Transportation, 1976 Folder 17: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Transportation Mass Transit, 1976 Folder 18: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Transportation Railroads, 1976 Folder 19: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Transportation Trucking, 1976 Folder 20: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Commerce/Transportation Waterways, 1976 Folder 21: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Congress/Benefits, 1976 Folder 22: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Congress/Ethics, 1976 Folder 23: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Congress/General, 1976 Folder 24: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Congress/Reform, 1976 Folder 25: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Congress/Salaries, 1976 Folder 26: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Courts/Federal, 1976 Folder 27: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, State, 1976 Folder 28: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Supreme Court, 1976 Folder 29: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Crime/Antitrust, 1976 Folder 30: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, General/General, 1976 Folder 31: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Gun/Gun Control (Con), 1976 Folder 32: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Gun/Gun Control (Con), 1976 Folder 33: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Gun/Gun Control (Con), 1976 Folder 34: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Gun/Gun Control (Con), 1976 Folder 35: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Gun/Gun Control (Pro), 1976 Folder 36: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Gun/Gun Control (Pro), 1976 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 22 Folder 37: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Intelligence/Intelligence Agencies (CIA and FBI), 1976 Folder 38: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Law/Law Enforcement, 1976 Folder 39: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Defense/Debt, 1976 Folder 40: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, General/General, 1976 Folder 41: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Weapons/Weapons, 1976 Folder 42: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Weapons/Weapons, 1976 Folder 43: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, District of Columbia/General, 1976 Folder 44: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Economy/General, 1976 Folder 45: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Inflation/Inflation, 1976 Folder 46: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Unemployment/Unemployment and Recession, 1976 Folder 47: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Wage/Wage and Price Controls, 1976 Folder 48: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Education/Busing, 1976 Folder 49: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, General/General, 1976 Folder 50: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Higher/Higher Education, 1976 Folder 51: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Primary/Primary and Secondary, 1976 Folder 52: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Vocational/Vocational, 1976 Folder 53: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Energy/Coal, 1976 Folder 54: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Electric/Electric Utilities, 1976 Folder 55: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, General/General, 1976 Box 15: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Energy - Labor, 1976 Folder 1: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Mandatory/Mandatory Standards, 1976 Folder 2: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Natural/Natural Gas, 1976 Folder 3: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Oil/Oil, 1976 Folder 4: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Oil/Oil, January-June 1976 Folder 5: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Research/Research and Development, 1976 Folder 6: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Solar/Solar Energy, 1976 Folder 7: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Environment/Air Pollution, 1976 Folder 8: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Clean/Clean Air Act (Auto Emissions), 1976 Folder 9: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Pesticides/Pesticides, 1976 Folder 10: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Noise/Noise Pollution, 1976 Folder 11: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Land/Land Use, 1976 Folder 12: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Solid/Solid Waste, 1976 Folder 13: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Strip/Strip Mining, 1976 Folder 14: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Toxic/Toxic Substances, 1976 Folder 15: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Water/Water Pollution, 1976 Folder 16: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, General/General, 1976 Folder 17: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Estate/Tax Reform, 1976 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 23 Folder 18: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Federal Government/Election Laws, 1976 Folder 19: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Federal Government/General, 1976 Folder 20: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Federal Government/Bureaucracy, 1976 Folder 21: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Federal Government/Financial Disclosure, 1976 Folder 22: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Federal Government/Lobbying, 1976 Folder 23: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Federal Government/Presidency, 1976 Folder 24: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Clean/Clean Air Act, 1976 Folder 25: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Health/Abortion, 1976 Folder 26: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Health/Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, 1976 Folder 27: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Health/Drugs, 1976 Folder 28: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Health/General, 1976 Folder 29: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Health/Hospitals, 1976 Folder 30: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Health/National Health Insurance, 1976 Folder 31: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Health/Nutrition, 1976 Folder 32: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Health/Training, 1976 Folder 33: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Highways/General, 1976 Folder 34: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Highway/Highway Trust Fund, 1976 Folder 35: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Regulations/Regulations, 1976 Folder 36: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Housing/General, 1976 Folder 37: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Subsidized/Subsidized, 1976 Folder 38: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Immigration/General, 1976 Folder 39: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, International Affairs/Europe, 1976 Folder 40: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, International Affairs/Panama, 1976 Folder 41: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, International Relations/Africa, 1976 Folder 42: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, International Relations/Africa, 1976 Folder 43: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, International Relations/Aid, 1976 Folder 44: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, International Relations/CIA, 1976 Folder 45: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, International Relations/Europe, 1976 Folder 46: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, International Relations/Intelligence Organizations, 1976 Folder 47: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, International Relations/Middle East, 1976 Folder 48: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, International Relations/Other Countries, 1976 Folder 49: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, International Relations/Panama Canal, 1976 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 24 Folder 50: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, International Relations/POW and MIA, 1976 Folder 51: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, International Relations/United Nations, 1976 Folder 52: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, International Relations/USSR, 1976 Folder 53: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Labor/Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (C.E.T.A.), 1976 Folder 54: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, General/General, 1976 Folder 55: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Manpower/Manpower (Job Training), 1976 Box 16: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Labor - Social Programs, 1976 Folder 1: Labor/OSHA, 1976 Folder 2: Labor/Minimum Wage, 1976 Folder 3: Labor/Pensions, 1976 Folder 4: Labor/Unemployment and Compensation, 1976 Folder 5: Labor/Unions-Strikes, 1976 Folder 6: Constant Correspondence, 1976 Folder 7: General Information, 1976 Folder 8: Inspirational, 1976 Folder 9: Multiple Issues, January 1976 Folder 10: Multiple Issues, February, 1976 Folder 11: Multiple Issues, March, 1976 Folder 12: Multiple Issues, April, 1976 Folder 13: Multiple Issues, May, 1976 Folder 14: Multiple Issues, June, 1976 Folder 15: Multiple Issues, July, 1976 Folder 16: Multiple Issues, August, 1976 Folder 17: Multiple Issues, September, 1976 Folder 18: Multiple Issues, October, 1976 Folder 19: Multiple Issues, November, 1976 Folder 20: Multiple Issues, December, 1976 Folder 21: Personal, 1976 Folder 22: Referrals to State and Local Agencies and Legislators, 1976 Folder 23: Natural Resources/Animals and Fish, 1976 Folder 24: Natural Resources/Parks and Forests, 1976 Folder 25: Official Congressional Correspondence/Chairman of Committees, 1976 Folder 26: Official Congressional Correspondence/”Dear Colleague”, 1976 Folder 27: Political Affairs/General, 1976 Folder 28: Political Affairs/State and Local Politics, 1976 Folder 29: Postal Service/Complaints, 1976 Folder 30: Postal Service/General, 1976 Folder 31: Postal Service/Rates, 1976 Folder 32: Postal Service/Reorganization, 1976 Folder 33: Social Programs/Action, 1976 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 25 Folder 34: Folder 35: Folder 36: Folder 37: Folder 38: Folder 39: Folder 40: Folder 41: Folder 42: Folder 43: Social Programs/Children, 1976 Social Programs/Children, 1976 Social Programs/Elderly, 1976 Social Programs/Food Stamps, 1976 Social Programs/Food Stamps, 1976 Social Programs/Medicaid, 1976 Social Programs/Medicare, 1976 Social Programs/Rehabilitation, 1976 Social Programs/Social Security, January-June 1976 Social Programs/Social Security, July-December, 1976 Box 17: Legislative Issues, 94th Congress, Social Programs, Voting Record, 1976; Legislative Issues, 95th Congress, Agriculture, Commerce, 1977 Folder 1: Social Programs/Social Services, 1976 Folder 2: Social Programs/Welfare, 1976 Folder 3: Space, Science, and Aeronautics/General, 1976 Folder 4: Taxes/Corporate Taxes, 1976 Folder 5: Taxes/General, 1976 Folder 6: Taxes/Reform, January-June 1976 Folder 7: Taxes/Reform, January-June 1976 Folder 8: Taxes/Reform, July-December, 1976 Folder 9: Taxes/Revenue Sharing, 1976 Folder 10: Taxes/Tax Cuts, 1976 Folder 11: Veterans/Education, 1976 Folder 12: Veterans/Hospitals, 1976 Folder 13: Veterans/Pensions, 1976 Folder 14: Voting Record/Sharp Voting Record, 1976 Folder 15: Legislative Issues, 95th Congress-Agriculture/Census, 1977 Folder 16: Agriculture/Commodities-Livestock, 1977 Folder 17: Agriculture/Farm Bill, 1977 Folder 18: Agriculture/Foreign Trade, 1977 Folder 19: Agriculture/General, 1977 Folder 20: Agriculture/World Food, 1977 Folder 21: Appropriations/Agriculture, 1977 Folder 22: Appropriations/Housing and Urban Development, Science, Space, Veterans, 1977 Folder 23: Appropriations/Interior, 1977 Folder 24: Appropriations/Labor-HEW, 1977 Folder 25: Appropriations/Legislative, 1977 Folder 26: Appropriations/State, Justice, Commerce, and Judiciary, 1977 Folder 27: Appropriations/Transportation, 1977 Folder 28: Armed Forces/Pardon Decision, 1977 Folder 29: Arts and Humanities/General, 1977 Folder 30: Banking/General, 1977 Folder 31: Budget/Deficit, 1977 Folder 32: Budget/General, 1977 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 26 Folder 33: Folder 34: Folder 35: Folder 36: Folder 37: Folder 38: Folder 39: Folder 40: Folder 41: Folder 42: Folder 43: Folder 44: Folder 45: Budget/Government Spending, 1977 Civil Rights/Discrimination, 1977 Civil Rights/Economic Regulatory Administration (ERA), 1977 Civil Rights/General, 1977 Civil Rights/Privacy, 1977 Civil Service/General, 1977 Civil Service/General, 1977 Commerce/Committee, 1977 Commerce/Communications, 1977 Commerce/Consumer Protection, 1977 Commerce/Consumer Protection, 1977 Commerce/Copyrights and Patents, 1977 Commerce/General, 1977 Box 18: Legislative Issues, 95th Congress, Commerce, Energy, 1977 Folder 1: Commerce/International Trade, 1977 Folder 2: Commerce/Interstate Commerce, 1977 Folder 3: Commerce/No-Fault Insurance, 1977 Folder 4: Commerce/Regulatory Reform, 1977 Folder 5: Commerce/Small Business, 1977 Folder 6: Commerce/Trade Readjustment Allowances, 1977 Folder 7: Commerce/Transportation Automobile, 1977 Folder 8: Commerce/Transportation Aviation, 1977 Folder 9: Commerce/Transportation Railroad, 1977 Folder 10: Commerce/Transportation Trucking, 1977 Folder 11: Commerce/Transportation Water, 1977 Folder 12: Commerce/Securities, 1977 Folder 13: Congress/Assassinations Committee, 1977 Folder 14: Congress/Benefits, 1977 Folder 15: Congress/Ethics, 1977 Folder 16: Congress/General, 1977 Folder 17: Congress/Reform, 1977 Folder 18: Congress/Salaries, 1977 Folder 19: Courts/Federal and State, 1977 Folder 20: Crime/General, 1977 Folder 21: Crime/Gun Control, 1977 Folder 22: Crime/Gun Control, 1977 Folder 23: Crime/Gun Control, 1977 Folder 24: Crime/Gun Control, September-December, 1977 Folder 25: Crime/Intelligence Agencies, 1977 Folder 26: Crime/Law Enforcement, 1977 Folder 27: Defense/Amnesty, 1977 Folder 28: Defense/General, 1977 Folder 29: Defense/Weapons, 1977 Folder 30: Defense/Weapons-Edmund F. Ball, 1977 Folder 31: Disabled Veterans, 1977 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 27 Folder 32: Folder 33: Folder 34: Folder 35: Folder 36: Folder 37: Folder 38: Folder 39: Folder 40: Folder 41: Folder 42: Folder 43: Folder 44: Folder 45: District of Columbia/General, 1977 Economy/General, 1977 Economy/General, 1977 Economy/Inflation, 1977 Economy/Recession, 1977 Economy/Wage-Price Controls, 1977 Education/General, 1977 Education/General, 1977 Education/Secondary and Higher, Daycare, and Busing, 1977 Energy/Administration, 1977 Energy/Carter Program #1, 1977 Energy/Carter Program #2, 1977 Energy/Coal, 1977 Energy/General, 1977 Box 19: Legislative Issues, 95th Congress, Energy, Health, 1977 Folder 1: Energy/General, 1977 Folder 2: Energy/Natural Gas, 1977 Folder 3: Energy/Newsletter, 1977 Folder 4: Energy/Nuclear, 1977 Folder 5: Energy/Oil, 1977 Folder 6: Energy/Oil, 1977 Folder 7: Energy/Research and Development, 1977 Folder 8: Energy/Solar, 1977 Folder 9: Energy/Solar, 1977 Folder 10: Energy/Utilities, 1977 Folder 11: Environment/Air Pollution, 1977 Folder 12: Environment/General, 1977 Folder 13: Environment/Land Use, 1977 Folder 14: Environment/Recycling, 1977 Folder 15: Environment/Strip Mining, 1977 Folder 16: Environment/Toxic Substances, 1977 Folder 17: Environment/Water Pollution, 1977 Folder 18: Federal Government/Bureaucracy, 1977 Folder 19: Federal Government/Election Laws, 1977 Folder 20: Federal Government/Employees, 1977 Folder 21: Federal Government/General, 1977 Folder 22: Federal Government/Labor Unions, 1977 Folder 23: Federal Government/Presidency, 1977 Folder 24: Federal Government/Reorganization, 1977 Folder 25: Health/Abortion, 1977 Folder 26: Health/Abortion, 1977 Folder 27: Health/Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, 1977 Folder 28: Health/General, 1977 Folder 29: Health/General, 1977 Folder 30: Health/Hospitals, 1977 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 28 Folder 31: Folder 32: Folder 33: Folder 34: Folder 35: Health/Hospitals, 1977 Health/Manpower, 1977 Health/Medicare, 1977 Health/National Health Insurance, 1977 Health/Nutrition, 1977 Box 20: Legislative Issues, 95th Congress, Health, Labor, 1977 Folder 1: Health/Saccharin, 1977 Folder 2: Highways/General, 1977 Folder 3: Highways/Indiana Highways, 1977 Folder 4: Housing/General, 1977 Folder 5: Housing/Subsidized, 1977 Folder 6: Immigration/General, 1977 Folder 7: Interior/General-Oversight and Alaskan Lands, 1977 Folder 8: Interior/Indian Affairs and Public Lands, 1977 Folder 9: Interior/Mines and Mining, 1977 Folder 10: Interior/National Parks-Insular Affairs, 1977 Folder 11: Interior/Water and Power Resources, 1977 Folder 12: International Relations/Africa, 1977 Folder 13: International Relations/China, 1977 Folder 14: International Relations/Europe, 1977 Folder 15: International Relations/Indochina, 1977 Folder 16: International Relations/Middle East, 1977 Folder 17: International Relations/Other Countries, 1977 Folder 18: International Relations/Panama Canal, January-August, 1977 Folder 19: International Relations/Panama Canal, August, 1977 Folder 20: International Relations/Panama Canal, September, 1977 Folder 21: International Relations/Panama Canal, October-December, 1977 Folder 22: International Relations/Panama Canal, 1977 Folder 23: International Relations/POW and MID, 1977 Folder 24: International Relations/Soviet Union, 1977 Folder 25: International Relations/United Nations, 1977 Folder 26: Labor/CETA, 1977 Folder 27: Labor/General, 1977 Folder 28: Labor/General, 1977 Folder 29: Labor/General, March, 1977 Folder 30: Labor/General, April-August, 1977 Folder 31: Labor/General, September-December, 1977 Folder 32: Labor/Manpower, 1977 Folder 33: Labor/Minimum Wage, 1977 Folder 34: Labor/Minimum Wage, May-July, 1977 Folder 35: Labor/Minimum Wage, August-November, 1977 Folder 36: Labor/ I.O.S.H.A., 1977 Folder 37: Labor/Pensions, 1977 Folder 38: Labor/Reform, 1977 Folder 39: Labor/Strikes, 1977 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 29 Folder 40: Labor/Unemployment Compensation, 1977 Box 21: Legislative Issues, 95th Congress, Labor, Veterans, 1977; Questionnaires and Miscellaneous Issues, 1977. Folder 1: Labor/Unions, 1977 Folder 2: Natural Resources/Animals and Fish, 1977 Folder 3: Natural Resources/General, 1977 Folder 4: Natural Resources/Parks and Forests, 1977 Folder 5: Pending Legislation Requests/Inquiry, 1977 Folder 6: Pending Legislation Requests/Inquiry, April-June, 1977 Folder 7: Pending Legislation Requests/Inquiry, 1977 Folder 8: Politics/Indiana State and Local Campaigns, 1977 Folder 9: Postal Service/Complaints, 1977 Folder 10: Postal Service/General, 1977 Folder 11: Postal Service/Rates, 1977 Folder 12: Postal Service/Reorganization, 1977 Folder 13: Prisons/General, 1977 Folder 14: Social Programs/General, 1977 Folder 15: Social Problems/Medicaid, 1977 Folder 16: Social Problems/Medicare, 1977 Folder 17: Social Problems/Rehabilitation, 1977 Folder 18: Social Programs/Action, 1977 Folder 19: Social Programs/Children, 1977 Folder 20: Social Programs/Elderly, 1977 Folder 21: Social Programs/Population, 1977 Folder 22: Social Programs/Food Stamps, 1977 Folder 23: Social Programs/Social Security, January-June 1977 Folder 24: Social Programs/Social Security, 1977 Folder 25: Social Programs/Social Services, 1977 Folder 26: Social Programs/Welfare, 1977 Folder 27: Taxes/General, 1977 Folder 28:Taxes/Reform, 1977 Folder 29: Taxes/Reform, January-June, 1977 Folder 30: Taxes/Reform, July-December, 1977 Folder 31: Taxes/Revenue Sharing, 1977 Folder 32: Veterans/Pensions, 1977 Folder 33: Veterans/Education, 1977 Folder 34: Veterans/Hospitals, 1977 Folder 35: Veterans/General, 1977 Folder 36: Veterans/Benefits, 1977 Folder 37: Questionnaires, 1977 Folder 38: Constituent Correspondence, 1977 Folder 39: Inspirational, 1977 Folder 40: Multiple Issues, January-March 1977 Folder 41: Multiple Issues, April-June, 1977 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 30 Box 22: Legislative Issues, 95th Congress, Miscellaneous Issues, 1977; Legislative Issues, 95th Congress, Administrations/Federal Appointments, Commerce, 1978 Folder 1: Multiple Issues, July-September, 1977 Folder 2: Multiple Issues, 1977 Folder 3: Personal, 1977 Folder 4: Questionnaire, 1977 Folder 5: Referrals to State-Local Agencies and Legislation, 1977 Folder 6: Robo (Computer generated responses), 1977 Folder 7: Legislative Issues, 95th Congress-Administrations/Federal Appointments, 1978 Folder 8: Agriculture/Census, 1978 Folder 9: Agriculture/Commodities, 1978 Folder 10: Agriculture/Commodities and Livestock, 1978 Folder 11: Agriculture/Foreign Trade, 1978 Folder 12: Agriculture/General, 1978 Folder 13: Agriculture/General, 1978 Folder 14: Appropriations/Agriculture, 1978 Folder 15: Appropriations/Foreign Operations, 1978 Folder 16: Appropriations/Interior, 1978 Folder 17: Appropriations/Labor-HEW, 1978 Folder 18: Appropriations/Public Works, 1978 Folder 19: Appropriations/State Commerce, 1978 Folder 20: Arts and Humanities/General, 1978 Folder 21: Banking/General, 1978 Folder 22: Budget/General, 1978 Folder 23: Budget/Government Spending, 1978 Folder 24: Civil Rights/Discrimination, 1978 Folder 25: Civil Rights/Economic Regulatory Administration (ERA) (Con), 1978 Folder 26: Civil Rights/Economic Regulatory Administration (ERA) (Con), 1978 Folder 27: Civil Rights/Economic Regulatory Administration (ERA)(Pro), 1978 Folder 28: Civil Rights/General, 1978 Folder 29: Civil Rights/Religion, 1978 Folder 30: Civil Service/General, 1978 Folder 31: Civil Service Reform, 1978 Folder 32: Common Cause Candidates, 1978 Folder 33: Commerce/Committee, 1978 Folder 34: Commerce/Communications, 1978 Folder 35: Commerce/Consumer Protection, 1978 Folder 36: Commerce/Copyrights and Patents, 1978 Folder 37: Commerce/General, 1978 Box 23: Legislative Issues, 95th Congress, Commerce, Energy, 1978 Folder 1: Commerce/International Trade, 1978 Folder 2: Commerce/Interstate Commerce, 1978 Folder 3: Commerce/No Fault Insurance, 1978 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 31 Folder 4: Commerce/Oversight and Investigation, 1978 Folder 5: Commerce/Securities, 1978 Folder 6: Commerce/Small Business, 1978 Folder 7: Commerce/TRA, 1978 Folder 8: Commerce/Transportation Automobile, 1978 Folder 9: Commerce/Transportation Aviation, 1978 Folder 10: Commerce/Transportation Mass Transit, 1978 Folder 11: Commerce/Transportation Railroads, 1978 Folder 12: Commerce/Transportation Trucking, 1978 Folder 13: Congress/Ethics, 1978 Folder 14: Congress/General, 1978 Folder 15: Congress/Reform, 1978 Folder 16: Congress/Salaries, 1978 Folder 17: Courts/Federal, 1978 Folder 18: Courts/State, 1978 Folder 19: Crime/General, 1978 Folder 20: Crime/Gun Control, 1978 Folder 21: Crime/Gun Control (Con), 1978 Folder 22: Crime/Gun Control (Con), 1978 Folder 23: Crime/Gun Control (Con), 1978 Folder 24: Crime/Gun Control (Pro), 1978 Folder 25: Crime/Intelligence Agencies, 1978 Folder 26: Crime/Internal Securities, 1978 Folder 27: Crime/Law Enforcement, 1978 Folder 28: Defense/Disarmament, 1978 Folder 29: Defense/General, 1978 Folder 30: Defense/Weapons, 1978 Folder 31: District of Columbia, 1978 Folder 32: Economy/Banking, 1978 Folder 33: Economy/General, 1978 Folder 34: Economy/Inflation, 1978 Folder 35: Economy/New York City Assistance, 1978 Folder 36: Education/Busing, 1978 Folder 37: Education/General, January-June 1978 Folder 38: Education/General, July-December 1978 Folder 39: Education/General, 1978 Folder 40: Education/Higher Education, 1978 Folder 41: Education/Primary and Secondary, 1978 Folder 42: Education/Vocational, 1978 Folder 43: Energy/Carter Plan, 1978 Folder 44: Energy/Electric Utilities, 1978 Folder 45: Energy/Fuel Economy, 1978 Box 24: Legislative Issues, 95th Congress, Energy, Interior, 1978 Folder 1: Energy/General, 1978 Folder 2: Energy/Natural Gas, 1978 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 32 Folder 3: Energy/Nuclear, 1978 Folder 4: Energy/Oil, 1978 Folder 5: Energy/Research and Development, 1978 Folder 6: Energy/”Soft Path”, 1978 Folder 7: Environment/Air Pollution, 1978 Folder 8: Environment/Clean Air Act, 1978 Folder 9: Environment/Clean Air Act, 1978 Folder 10: Environment/General, 1978 Folder 11: Environment/Recycling, 1978 Folder 12: Environment/Toxic Substances, 1978 Folder 13: Environment/Water Pollution, 1978 Folder 14: Federal Government/General, 1978 Folder 15: Federal Government/Lobbying, 1978 Folder 16: Federal Government/Presidency, 1978 Folder 17: Federal Government/Reorganization, 1978 Folder 18: Federal Government/Election Laws, 1978 Folder 19: Health/Abortion, 1978 Folder 20: Health/General, 1978 Folder 21: Health/General, 1978 Folder 22: Health/Hospitals, 1978 Folder 23: Health/Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, 1978 Folder 24: Health/Drugs, 1978 Folder 25: Health/Medicare, 1978 Folder 26: Health/Training, 1978 Folder 27: Health/General, 1978 Folder 28: Health/National Health Insurance, 1978 Folder 29: Health/Nutrition, 1978 Folder 30: Highways/General, 1978 Folder 31: Housing/Community Development, 1978 Folder 32: Housing/General, 1978 Folder 33: Housing/Subsidized, 1978 Folder 34: Immigration/General, 1978 Folder 35: Interior/General, 1978 Folder 36: Interior/Indian Affairs, 1978 Folder 37: Interior/National Parks, 1978 Folder 38: Interior/Oversight and Alaskan, 1978 Folder 39: Interior/Water and Power, 1978 Box 25: Legislative Issues, 95th Congress, International Relations - Postal Service, 1978 Folder 1: International Relations/Africa, 1978 Folder 2: International Relations/Aid, 1978 Folder 3: International Relations/Aid, 1978 Folder 4: International Relations/China, 1978 Folder 5: International Relations/General, 1978 Folder 6: International Relations/Immigration, 1978 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 33 Folder 7: International Relations/Indochina, 1978 Folder 8: International Relations/Middle East, 1978 Folder 9: International Relations/General, 1978 Folder 10: International Relations/Organizations, 1978 Folder 11: International Relations/Panama Canal, 1978 Folder 12: International Relations/Panama Canal, 1978 Folder 13: International Relations/POW and MIA, 1978 Folder 14: International Relations/Soviet Union, 1978 Folder 15: International Relations/United Nations, 1978 Folder 16: International Relations/U.N. Law of Sea, 1978 Folder 17: Labor/CETA, 1978 Folder 18: Labor/General, 1978 Folder 19: Labor/Minimum Wage, 1978 Folder 20: Labor/O.S.H.A., 1978 Folder 21: Labor/Pensions, 1978 Folder 22: Labor/Reform, 1978 Folder 23: Labor/Strike, 1978 Folder 24: Labor/Strikes, 1978 Folder 25: Labor/Unions, 1978 Folder 26: Natural Resources/Animals and Fish, 1978 Folder 27: Natural Resources/General, 1978 Folder 28: Natural Resources/Parks and Forests, 1978 Folder 29: Constant Correspondents, 1978 Folder 30: General Information Requests, 1978 Folder 31: Inspirational, 1978 Folder 32: Multiple Issues, January-March 1978 Folder 33: Multiple Issues, April-June, 1978 Folder 34: Multiple Issues, July-September, 1978 Folder 35: Multiple Issues, October-December, 1978 Folder 36: Personal Correspondence, 1978 Folder 37: Personal Correspondence, 1978 Folder 38: Questionnaires, 1978 Folder 39: Referrals State and Local, 1978 Folder 40: Requests, 1978 Folder 41: Natural Resources/Animals, 1978 Folder 42: Pending Legislation/Inquiries, January-March 1978 Folder 43: Pending Legislation/Inquiries, January-March 1978 Folder 44: Pending Legislation/Inquiries, October-December, 1978 Folder 45: Pending Legislation/Inquiries, October-December, 1978 Folder 46: Pending Legislation/Inquiries, 1978 Folder 47: Politics/Indiana State and Local Campaigns, 1978 Folder 48: Postal Service/Complaints, 1978 Box 26: Legislative Issues, 95th Congress, Postal Service, Voting Records, 1978; Legislative Issues, 96th Congress, Miscellaneous, 1979 Folder 1: Postal Service/General, 1978 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 34 Folder 2: Postal Service/Reform, 1978 Folder 3: Postal Service/Reorganization, 1978 Folder 4: Postal Workers/Drafted PMR, 1978 Folder 5: Prisons/General, 1978 Folder 6: Science/General, 1978 Folder 7: Social Programs/Children, 1978 Folder 8: Social Programs/Elderly, 1978 Folder 9: Social Programs/Food Stamps, 1978 Folder 10: Social Programs/Handicapped, 1978 Folder 11: Social Programs/Medicare, 1978 Folder 12: Social Programs/Rehabilitation, 1978 Folder 13: Social Programs/Social Security, 1978 Folder 14: Social Programs/Social Security, 1978 Folder 15: Social Programs/Social Services, 1978 Folder 16: Social Programs/Welfare, 1978 Folder 17: Taxes/Corporate Taxes, 1978 Folder 18: Taxes/Deduction, 1978 Folder 19: Taxes/Estate-Inheritance, 1978 Folder 20: Taxes/Fringe Benefit Exemption, 1978 Folder 21: Taxes/General, January-June 1978 Folder 22: Taxes/General, 1978 Folder 23: Taxes/Reform, 1978 Folder 24: Taxes/General, July-December 1978 Folder 25: Taxes/Tax Cut, 1978 Folder 26: Veterans/Benefits, 1978 Folder 27: Veterans/Education, 1978 Folder 28: Veterans/General, 1978 Folder 29: Veterans/Pensions, 1978 Folder 30: Voting Records, 1978 Folder 31: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 6551-6600, 1978 Folder 32: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 6601 - 6650, 1979 Folder 33: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 6651 - 6700, 1979 Folder 34: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 6701 - 6750, 1979 Folder 35: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 6751 - 6800, 1979 Folder 36: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 6801 - 6850, 1979 Folder 37: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 6851 - 6900, 1979 Folder 38: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 6901 - 6950, 1979 Folder 39: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 6951 - 7000, 1979 Folder 40: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 7001 - 7050, 1979 Folder 41: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 7051 - 7100, 1979 Box 27: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress, Miscellaneous, 1979-80; Legislative Issues, 97th Congress, Miscellaneous, 1981 Folder 1: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 7101 - 7150, 1979 Folder 2: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 7151 - 7200, 1979 Folder 3: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 7201 - 7250, 1979 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 35 Folder 4: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 7251 - 7300, 1979 Folder 5: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 7301 - 7350, 1979 Folder 6: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 7351 - 7400, 1979 Folder 7: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 7401 - 7450, 1979 Folder 8: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 7451 - 7500, 1979 Folder 9: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 7501 - 7550, 1979 Folder 10: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 7551 - 7600, 1979 Folder 11: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 7601 - 7650, 1979 Folder 12: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 7651 - 7700, 1979 Folder 13: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 7701 - 7750, 1979 Folder 14: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 7751 - 7800, 1979 Folder 15: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 7801 - 7850, 1979 Folder 16: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 7851 - 7900, 1979 Folder 17: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 7901 - 7950, 1979 Folder 18: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 7951 - 8000, 1979 Folder 19: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 8001 - 8050, 1979 Folder 20: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 8051 - 8100, 1979 Folder 21: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 8101 - 8150, 1979 Folder 22: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 8151 - 8200, 1979 Folder 23: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 8201 - 8250, 1979 Folder 24: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 8251 - 8300, 1979 Folder 25: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 8301 - 8350, 1979 Folder 26: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 8351 - 8400, 1979 Folder 27: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 8401 - 8450, 1979 Folder 28: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 8451 - 8500, 1979 Folder 29: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 8501 - 8550, 1979 Folder 30: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 8551 - 8600, 1979 Folder 31: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 8601 - 8650, 1979 Folder 32: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 8651 - 8700, 1979 Folder 33: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 8701 - 8750, 1979 Folder 34: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 23349 - 23400, 1980 Folder 35: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 23401 - 23450, 1980 Folder 36: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 23451 - 23500, 1981 Folder 37: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 23501 - 23550, 1981 Folder 38: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 23551 - 23600, 1981 Folder 39: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 23601 - 23650, 1981 Folder 40: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 23651 - 23700, 1981 Folder 41: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 23701 - 23750, 1981 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 36 Folder 42: Legislative Issues, 96th Congress-General Letters # 23751 - 23800, 1981 Box 28: Legislative Issues, 97th Congress, Miscellaneous, 1981-82; Congressional Bill Books, 1975, 1978. Folder 1: Legislative Issues, 97th Congress-General Letters # 23801 - 23850, 1981 Folder 2: Legislative Issues, 97th Congress-General Letters # 23851 - 23900, 1981 Folder 3: Legislative Issues, 97th Congress-General Letters # 23901 - 23950, 1981 Folder 4: Legislative Issues, 97th Congress-General Letters # 23951 - 24000, 1981 Folder 5: Legislative Issues, 97th Congress-General Letters # 24001 - 24050, 1981 Folder 6: Legislative Issues, 97th Congress-General Letters # 24501 - 24100, 1981 Folder 7: Legislative Issues, 97th Congress-General Letters # 24101 - 14150, 1981 Folder 8: Legislative Issues, 97th Congress-General Letters # 24151 - 24200, 1981 Folder 9: Legislative Issues, 97th Congress-General Letters # 24201 - 24250, 1981 Folder 10: Legislative Issues, 97th Congress-General Letters # 24251 - 24300, 1981 Folder 11: Legislative Issues, 97th Congress-General Letters # 24301 - 24350, 1981 Folder 12: Legislative Issues, 97th Congress-General Letters # 24351 - 24400, 1981 Folder 13: Legislative Issues, 97th Congress-General Letters # 24401 - 14450, 1981 Folder 14: Legislative Issues, 97th Congress-General Letters # 24451 - 24500, 1981 Folder 15: Legislative Issues, 97th Congress-General Letters # 36401 - 36450, 1981 Folder 16: Legislative Issues, 97th Congress-General Letters # 36451 - 36500, 1981 Folder 17: Legislative Issues, 97th Congress-Yearbooks and General Letters # 36501 - 36550, 1981 Folder 18: Legislative Issues, 97th Congress-Yearbooks and General Letters # 36551 - 36600, 1981 Folder 19: Legislative Issues, 97th Congress-General Letters # 36601 - 36650, 1982 Folder 20: Legislative Issues, 97th Congress-General Letters # 36651 - 36700, 1982 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 37 Folder 21: Legislative Issues, 97th Congress-General Letters # 36701 - 36750, 1982 Folder 22: Legislative Issues, 97th Congress-General Letters # 36750 - 36800, 1982 Folder 23: Legislative Issues, 97th Congress-General Letters # 36801 - 36850, 1982 Folder 24: Legislative Issues, 97th Congress-General Letters # 36851 - 36900, December 1981-January 1982 Folder 25: Legislative Issues, 97th Congress-General Letters # 36901 - 36950, 1982 Folder 26: Legislative Issues, 97th Congress-General Letters # 36951 - 37000, 1982 Folder 27: 94th Congressional Bill Book, 1975 Folder 28: 94th Congressional Bill Book, Text of Constituent Response Letters, 1976 Folder 29: 94th Congressional Bill Book, Text of Constituent Response Letters, 1976 Folder 30: 95th Congressional Bill Book-Letters Signed to Veterans, 1978 Folder 31: 95th Congressional Bill Book-1978 Folder 32: 95th Congressional Bill Book-1978 Folder 33: 95th Congressional Bill Book Special Interest Group Reports, 1978 Box 29: Congressional Bill Books, 1975-76, 1980-84; 99th Congressional Voting Records-Legislative Guide, 1986 Folder 1: 95th Congressional Bill Book Special Interest Group Reports, 1978 Folder 2: 95th Congressional Bill Book Special Interest Group Reports, 1978 Folder 3: 96th Congressional Bill Book-Foreign Affairs, Veterans, Letters Signed, Special, 1980 Folder 4: 96th Congressional Bill Book-Foreign Affairs, Veterans, Letters Signed, Special, 1980 Folder 5: 96th Congressional Bill Book Agriculture-Federal Government, 1980 Folder 6: 96th Congressional Bill Book Agriculture-Federal Government, 1980 Folder 7: 96-97th Congressional Bill Book-Master Directory Legislative Letters, 1980-1981 Folder 8: 96-97th Congressional Bill Book-Master Directory Legislative Letters, 1980-1981 Folder 9: 96-98th Congressional Bill Book-Text of Constituent Response Letters, 1980-1984 Folder 10: 96-98th Congressional Bill Book-Text of Constituent Response Letters, 1980-1984 Folder 11: 94th Congressional Bill Book, 1975 Folder 12: 94th Congressional Bill Book, 1975 Folder 13: 94th Congressional Bill Book, 1975 Folder 14: 94th Congressional Bill Book, 1975 Folder 15: 94th Congressional Bill Book, 1975 Folder 16: 95th Congressional Bill Book, 1975 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 38 Folder 17: 95th Congressional Bill Book, 1975 Folder 18: 99th Congressional Voting Records-Legislative Activity Guide, 1986 Box 30: Congressional Voting Records - Members Personal Voting, 1975-86 Folder 1: Congressional Voting Records-Members Personal Voting-94th, 19751976 Folder 2: Congressional Voting Records-Members Personal Voting-95th, 19771978 Folder 3: Congressional Voting Records-Members Personal Voting-96th, 19791980 Folder 4: Congressional Voting Records-Members Personal Voting-97th, 19811982 Folder 5: Congressional Voting Records-Members Personal Voting-98th, 19831984 Folder 6: Congressional Voting Records-Members Personal Voting-99th, 19851986 Box 31: Congressional Voting Records - Members Personal Voting, 1975-86 Folder 1: Voting Records-94th Congress First Session, 1975 Folder 2: Voting Records-94th Congress Second Session, 1976 Folder 3: Voting Records-95th Congress First Session, 1977 Folder 4: Voting Records-95th Congress Second Session, 1978 Folder 5: Voting Records-96th Congress First Session, 1979 Folder 6: Voting Records-96th Congress Second Session, 1980 Box 32: Congressional Voting Records, 1981-91 Folder 1: Voting Records-97th Congress First Session, 1981 Folder 2: Voting Records-97th Congress Second Session, 1982 Folder 3: Voting Records-98th Congress First Session, 1983 Folder 4: Voting Records-98th Congress Second Session, 1984 Folder 5: Voting Records-99th Congress First Session, 1985 Folder 6: Voting Records-99th Congress Second Session, 1986 Folder 7: Voting Records-100th Congress First Session, 1987 Folder 8: Voting Records-100th Congress Second Session, 1988 Folder 9: Voting Records-101st Congress Second Session, 1990 Folder 10: Voting Records-102nd Congress First Session, 1991 Box 33: Legislative Activity Guides, 1984-92 Folder 1: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 1984 Folder 2: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 100th, 1988 Folder 3: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 100th, 1988 Folder 4: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 1988 Folder 5: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), Democratic Study Group, Special Report 1984 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 39 Folder 6: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 99th, 1986 Folder 7: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 101st Legislative Profiles, 1989 Folder 8: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 101st Statistical Summary of Votes, 1990 Folder 9: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 100th Statistical Summary of Votes, 1989 Folder 10: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 100th Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 1988 Folder 11: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 100th Statistical Summary of Votes, 1988 Folder 12: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 99th Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 1986 Folder 13: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 99th Statistical Summary of Votes, 1986 Folder 14: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 101st Voting Record, 1989 Folder 15: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 101st Statistical Summary of Votes, 1989 Folder 16: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 102nd Statistical Summary of Votes, 1991 Folder 17: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 99th Individual Voting Record (Sharp), 1986 Folder 18: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 100th Individual Voting Record (Sharp), 1988 Folder 19: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 100th Statistical Summary of Votes, 1988 Folder 20: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 100th Statistical Summary of Votes, 1990 Folder 21: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 102nd Individual Voting Record (Sharp), 1991 Folder 22: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 101st (NFIB) How Congress Voted, 1989-1990 Folder 23: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 101st Individual Voting Record (Sharp), 1989 Folder 24: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 101st Individual Voting Record (Sharp), 1990 Folder 25: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 100th Individual Voting Record (Sharp), 1988 Folder 26: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 101st Individual Voting Record (Sharp), 1988 Folder 27: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 101st Statistical Summary, 1989 Folder 28: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 102nd Individual Voting Record (Sharp), 1991 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 40 Folder 29: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 102nd Individual Voting Record (Sharp), 1992 Folder 30: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 102nd Statistical Summary, 1992 Folder 31: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 102nd Statistical Summary, 1991 Folder 32: Legislative Activity Guides-Individual Voting Records (Sharp), 102nd Individual Voting Record (Sharp), 1992 Box 34: Issues Notebooks, Budget Notebooks, and Voting Records, 1976-94 Folder 1: Issues Notebooks, Voting Record Books-102nd Issues Notebook Information, 1992 Folder 2: 94th Legislative Activity and Bulletins, 1976 Folder 3: 98th Issues Notebook, 1984 Folder 4: 97th Congress, Budget Notebook, 1981 Folder 5: 100th Congress, Issues Notebook, 1988 Folder 6: 97th Congress, Budget Notebook, 1981 Folder 7: 98th Congress, Issues Notebook, 1984 Folder 8: 103rd Congress, Legislative Activity Guide, 1993 Folder 9: Sharp Attendance Record, 1975-1988 Folder 10: 100th Congress, Legislative Activity Report, First Half, 1987 Folder 11: 100th Congress, Legislative Activity Report, Second Half, 1987 Folder 12: 100th Congress, Position Papers, 1988 Folder 13: Legislative Voting Records and Issue Notebooks-102nd Muncie Delaware Chamber of Commerce, 1991 Folder 14: 100th Congress Issue Notebook Index, 1988 Folder 15: 98th Congress, Democratic Study Group, Special Report, 1984 Folder 16: 103rd Congress, Voting Record (Sharp), 1994 Folder 17: 100th Congress, Democratic Study Group, Special Report, 1988 Folder 18: 100th Congress, Democratic Study Group, Special Report, 1988 Folder 19: 99th Legislation Sharp Sponsored, c. 1985 Folder 20: 98th Congress, Whip Issue Summary, 1984 Folder 21: 97th Congress, Whip Issue Summary, 1982 Folder 22: 100th Congress, Legislative Checklist, 1988 Folder 23: 99th Congress, Legislative Checklist, 1986 Folder 24: 98th Congress, Democratic Study Group, Special Report, 1984 Folder 25: 98th Congress, Legislation Sharp Sponsored, 1984 Folder 26: 100th Congress, A Civil Rights Voting Record, 1987-1988 Folder 27: 101st Congress, Democratic Study Group, Special Report, 1989 Folder 28: 100th Congress, (CQ) Legislative Summary, 1987 Folder 29: 100th Congress, Democratic Study Group, Special Reports-Key House Votes, 1988 Folder 30: 100th Congress, ADA Today, 1988 Folder 31: 98th Congress, Democratic Study Group, 98th Congress Record Vote Installment, 1984 Folder 32: 94th Congress, Democratic Study Group, Record Vote, 1975 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 41 Folder 33: Folder 34: Folder 35: Folder 36: Folder 37: Folder 38: Folder 39: Folder 40: 99th Congress, Democratic Study Group, Record Vote, 1986 99th Congress, Democratic Study Group, Final Report, 1986 96th Congress, Voting Records, 1979-1980 96th Congress, Voting Records, 1979-1980 96th Congress, Voting Records, 1979-1980 99th Congress-Conrail, 1985 99th Congress-Conrail, 1986 99th Congress-Conrail, Indianapolis Union Railroad, 1986 Box 35: Issues Notebooks and Files, 1978-90 Folder 1: 99th Congress-Conrail, Rail Equity Bill, 1985 Folder 2: 99th Congress-Conrail, Refugees, 1985 Folder 3: 98th Congress-Banking and Insurance-Amendment to H.R. 5094, c. 1985 Folder 4: 98th Congress-Banking and Insurance-Amendment to H.R. 5094, Hospitals (Indiana), 1984 Folder 5: 99th Congress-Iran-Contra, 1985-1986 Folder 6: Rail-Union, 1987 Folder 7: 100th Congress-Drug-Free Grant Program, 1988 Folder 8: 102nd Congress-Hazardous Waste, 1991 Folder 9: 100th Congress-Banking Regulation and Deregulation, 1987 Folder 10: 100th Congress-Banking and Insurance Reform, 1988 Folder 11: 101st Congress-Mouse Research Laboratory, 1989 Folder 12: 101st Congress-Constituent and Business Letters, 1989 Folder 13: 95th Congress-Energy Management Act, 1978-1979 Folder 14: 97th Congress, Natural Gas, 1982 Folder 15: 99th Congress, Railways, 1985-1987 Folder 16: 100th Congress, Highway Projects, 1987-1988 Folder 17: Old Voting Records, 1973-1978 and 1983-1985 Folder 18: 98th Congress, Congress Record-Vote Installment, 1984 Folder 19: 101st Congress, Letters for Clinical Labratories-Imporvement Act, 1990 Folder 20: 101st Congress, Sharp/Hiler Insurance Amendment, c. 1990 Folder 21: 100th Congress, Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Block Grant, 1987-1988 Folder 22: 98th Congress, Old Constituent Letters From Phil, 1983 Folder 23: 98th Congress, Old Constituent Letters From Phil, 1983 Folder 24: 95th Congress 2nd session-Congressional Voting Records, 1978 Folder 25: Issue Notebooks-Issues Book, 1986 Folder 26: Issue Notebooks-Issues Book, 1984 Folder 27: Issue Notebooks-Issues Book, 1976 Folder 28: Issue Notebooks-Issues Book, 1978 Box 36: Issues Notebooks and Files, 1980-90 Folder 1: Issue Notebooks-Issues Book, 1980 Folder 2: Issue Notebooks-Issues Book, 1984 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 42 Folder 3: Folder 4: Folder 5: Folder 6: Issue Notebooks-Issues Book, 1982 Issue Notebooks-Issues Book, 1984 Issue Notebooks-Issues Book, 1984 102nd Congress, “Master Signage Program for Delaware County, IN, 1992 Folder 7: “Front Door Project: Columbus, IN”, 1992 Folder 8: 101st Congress, “Indiana Hospital Association Handbook, 1990 Folder 9: 98th Congress, “Acid Rain Briefing Book”, 1983-1984 Folder 10: Indiana Business, 1980s Folder 11: Phil Sharp Record, 1980s Folder 12: 101st Congress, Telecommunications, 1990 Folder 13: Letters from Phil Sharp, 1984 Folder 14: Phil Sharp Questionnaire, 1981 Folder 15: AIDS File, 1985 Folder 16: Lobby and Trade Association and Voting Records, 1980-1993 Folder 17: Questionnaires, 1980-1985 Folder 18: Sharp on Budget Issues, 1980-1985 Folder 19: Tax Reform Issues, 1984-1985 Folder 20: More Lobby and Trade Association and Voting Records, 1979-1989 Folder 21: More Lobby and Trade Association and Voting Records, 1979, 19861988 Folder 22: 102nd Congress, Health Care Issues, 1992 Folder 23: Lobby and Trade Association and Voting Records, 1984-1987 Folder 24: Lobby and Trade Association and Voting Records, 1984-1987 Folder 25: 102nd Congress, Airport Re-authorization Testimony, 1991 Folder 26: Amendments to Product Liability Act, c. 1990 Box 37: Issues Notebooks and Files, 1987-93 Folder 1: 101st Congress, American Trans Air, 1990 Folder 2: 103rd Congress, Ball State Projects, 1993 Folder 3: 100th Congress, Cosco (from Columbus) Hearing/Testimony on Product Liability, 1987 Folder 4: Co-sponsorships, 1990-1991 Folder 5: Education-Special Education, 1991 Folder 6: Federal Aviation Hearing, 1987 Folder 7: 103rd-Federal Trade Commission Testimony, 1993 Folder 8: 100th Congress, Letters from Indiana Businesses about Product Liability, 1987 Folder 9: 100th Congress, Joint and Several Liability, 1987 Folder 10: Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program "LiHEAP”, 1990 Folder 11: 100th Congress, Mediations, 1987 Folder 12: Product Liability, 1987 Folder 13: Speech: Black History Month, 1991 Folder 14: 100th Congress, Product Liability, 1987 Folder 15: 100th Congress, Product Liability, 1987 Folder 16: 100th Congress, Product Liability, 1987 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 43 Folder 17: Folder 18: Folder 19: Folder 20: Folder 21: Folder 22: Folder 23: Folder 24: Folder 25: Folder 26: Folder 27: Folder 28: Folder 29: Folder 30: Folder 31: Folder 32: Folder 33: Folder 34: Folder 35: Folder 36: Folder 37: Folder 38: Folder 39: Folder 40: Folder 41: 100th Congress, Product Liability and Insurance, 1987 100th Congress, Product Liability and Punitive Damages, 1987 Product Liability Cosco (Columbus) Issue, 1987 101st Congress, Savings and Loan, 1990 101st-Savings and Loan, 1990 Notes for Savings and Loan Crime Bill, 1990 100th-Sharp, Amendment to Product Liability, 1988 101st-Telecommunications, 1989 101st-Telecommunications and Cable, 1990 100th-Testimony on Product Liability and Punitive Damages Consco (Columbus), 1987 101st-Telecommunications and Cable Continued, 1990 100th-Trade (H.R. 3), 1987 Trade Bill, 1987 Trade Bill “Dear Colleagues”, 1987 Trade Issues, 1987 Trade, Section 905 of Trade Bill, 1987 Utilities, 1987 102nd-Transportation Issues, 1991-1992 Columbus-Mill Park, Front Door Projects, 1990-1991 102nd-Infrastructure and Transportation, 1992 101st-National Monument to All Americans, 1989 Mill Race Park and Focus 2000 Projects (Columbus), 1990 Transportation-Highway Projects, 1990-1991 State Road 67, 1990-1991 Columbus and Muncie Road Letters, 1990-1991 Box 38: Issues Files, 1988-93 Folder 1: Projects: Columbus S.R. 46 and “Front Door”, 1992 Folder 2: 100th Congress-State Highway ‘67', 1988 Folder 3: 101st Congress-Transportation, 1990 Folder 4: Transportation, 1991 Folder 5: Helmet and Seatbelt Laws, c. 1991 Folder 6: 102nd Congress-Alternative Fuels Highway Bill, 1991 Folder 7: Child Care, 1991 Folder 8: Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Services Block Grant, 1991 Folder 9: Mental Health Issues, 1990-1991 Folder 10: Medicaid, 1990-1991 Folder 11: Family and Medical Leave Act, 1990 Folder 12: Abortion-Indiana-Clips, 1990 Folder 13: 102nd Congress-Medicaid, 1991 Folder 14: Medicaid, 1990-1991 Folder 15: 102nd Congress-Higher Education Issues, 1992 Folder 16: 102nd Congress-National Education Goals, 1992 Folder 17: 101st Congress-Education Issues, 1990 Folder 18: Vocational Education, 1989 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 44 Folder 19: Folder 20: Folder 21: Folder 22: Folder 23: Folder 24: Folder 25: Folder 26: Folder 27: Folder 28: Folder 29: Folder 30: Folder 31: Folder 32: Folder 33: Folder 34: Folder 35: Folder 36: Folder 37: Folder 38: Folder 39: Folder 40: Folder 41: Folder 42: Folder 43: Folder 44: Folder 45: Folder 46: Folder 47: Folder 48: Folder 49: Folder 50: Folder 51: Indiana Department of Education, 1989-1990 National Writing Project and Equity in Education Act, 1990 National Board For Professional Teaching Standards, 1990 “Old constituents letters of Thank-you”, 1991 General Educational Issues, 1990 Indiana Academy Outreach Programs, 1991 Library Legislative Day, 1992 Kids Who Read, Succeed, 1991 Airports (EAS), 1993 AMTRAK Maintenance Facility, 1992 AMTRAK-Tom’s Files, 1990-1993 Birth-To-Five, 1990-1993 102nd Congress-Minority Scholarships, 1991 Ball State University Housing Grants, 1992-1994 103rd Congress- Ball State University Housing Grant, 1994 103rd Congress-Campaign Finance Reform, 1993 Columbus Roads Project, 1991-1993 102nd Congress-Constituent Letters-Seat Belts, 1992 Current Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration (ADAMHA) and Old, 1992 Direct Lending, 1993-1994 Family Leave, 1992-1993 Federal Library Deposit Program, 1993 Fetal Tissue, 1991-1992 Food Stamp Quality Control Program, 1993 Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances, 1993 Freedom of Choice Act, 1991, 1994 Front Door Project, 1993-1994 Goals 2000, 1993-1994 H.R. 281-Child Pornography, 1993 H.R. 1640 Childhood Immunization, 1993 Head Start, 1994 High Speed Rail, 1993 High Speed Rail, 1993 Box 39: Issues Files, 1972, 88-94; Congressional Office Legislative Reports, 1981-87 Folder 1: Higher Education Issues, 1972 Folder 2: Highways, 1988 Folder 3: Indiana Transportation Dollars (Appropriations), 1992 Folder 4: Interstate Commerce Commission, 1993 Folder 5: 103rd Congress-Correspondence, Independent Order of Foresters (IOF), 1994 Folder 6: Issues-AMTRAK Funding, 1993 Folder 7: Legislation-Bus System (Appropriations), 1992 Folder 8: Library Media Act, 1993-1994 Folder 9: 103rd Congress-Lobby Disclosure, 1994 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 45 Folder 10: Folder 11: Folder 12: Folder 13: Folder 14: Folder 15: Folder 16: Folder 17: Folder 18: Folder 19: Folder 20: Folder 21: Folder 22: Folder 23: Folder 24: Folder 25: Folder 26: Folder 27: Folder 28: Folder 29: Folder 30: Folder 31: Folder 32: Folder 33: Folder 34: Folder 35: Folder 36: Folder 37: Folder 38: Folder 39: Medicaid, 1990-1992 Press Releases, 1992 Muncie Airport Project, 1990-1992 Muncie Roads Project, 1990-1993 National Highway System, 1993 National Taxpayer’s Union, 1991-1992 H.R. 6 Amendments, 1994 Open John F. Kennedy Files, 1992 Sharp's Co-Sponsorships on Social Issues, 1988-1994 Road Improvements, 1994 School Choice, 1992 Transportation, 1991-1993 Transportation Safety Act/Fibre Drums, 1993 VLM Grant Project-Ball State University, 1992-1993 Vocational Training, 1989-1992 “We the People” Project, 1994 Women’s Health Issues, 1992 Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, December 1981-May 1983 Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, June-December, 1982 Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, January-June, 1983 Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, June-December, 1983 Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, January-May, 1984 Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, June-December, 1984 Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, January-July, 1985 Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, August-December, 1985 Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, January-April, 1986 Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, May - December 1986 Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, January-April, 1987 Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, May-August, 1987 Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, September-December, 1987 Box 40: Congressional Office Legislative Reports, 1988-92 Folder 1: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, January-March, 1988 Folder 2: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, June-August, 1988 Folder 3: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, September 1988 Folder 4: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, October 1988 Folder 5: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, August-December, 1988 Folder 6: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, January-March, 1989 Folder 7: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, April-July, 1989 Folder 8: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, August-December, 1989 Folder 9: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, January 1990 Folder 10: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, February 1990 Folder 11: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, March-April, 1990 Folder 12: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, May 1990 Folder 13: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, June 1990 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 46 Folder 14: Folder 15: Folder 16: Folder 17: Folder 18: Folder 19: Folder 20: Folder 21: Folder 22: Folder 23: Folder 24: Folder 25: Folder 26: Folder 27: Folder 28: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, July-September, 1990 Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, January-February, 1991 Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, January-March, 1991 Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, March 1991 Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, April 1991 Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, May 1991 Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, June 1991 Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, April-June 1991 Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, July 1991 Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, September 1991 Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, July-September, 1991 Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, October-December, 1991 Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, October-December, 1991 Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, January-February, 1992 Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, March 1992 Box 41: Congressional Office Legislative Reports, 1992-94; Memoranda, 1981-91; Office Appointments and Schedules, 1975-76 Folder 1: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, January-March, 1992 Folder 2: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, April 1992 Folder 3: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, May 1992 Folder 4: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, June-July, 1992 Folder 5: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, April-June 1992 Folder 6: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, July-December, 1992 Folder 7: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, September-December, 1992 Folder 8: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, January-May, 1993 Folder 9: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, January-April, 1993 Folder 10: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, June-December, 1993 Folder 11: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports 1994 Folder 12: Congressional Office-Memorandums, January-November, 1981 Folder 13: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, December 1981 Folder 14: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, January-April, 1982 Folder 15: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, May-December, 1982 Folder 16: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, January-May, 1983 Folder 17: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, June-December, 1983 Folder 18: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, 1984 Folder 19: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, 1985 Folder 20: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, 1986-1991 Folder 21: Office Appointments-Schedules, 1975 Folder 22: Office Appointments-Schedules, 1976 Box 42: Office Appointments and Schedules, 1977-90; Sponsored and Co-sponsored Bills and Resolutions, 1976-94 Folder 1: Office Appointments-Schedules, 1977 Folder 2: Office Appointments-Schedules, 1978 Folder 3: Office Appointments-Schedules, 1985 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 47 Folder 4: Office Appointments-Schedules, 1986 Folder 5: Office Appointments-Schedules, 1987 Folder 6: Office Appointments-Schedules, 1988 Folder 7: Office Appointments-Schedules, 1989 Folder 8: Office Appointments-Schedules, 1990 Folder 9: Bills Sponsored/Co-Sponsored-List by Congressman Sharp, 1994 Folder 10: Legislative Activity Guide, 1994 Folder 11: Sharp Bills Enacted into Law, 1976-1987 Folder 12: Summaries and Indexes, 1994 Folder 13: Bills and Resolutions, 1993-1994 Folder 14: Resolutions, 1991-1992 Folder 15: Resolutions, 1989-1990 Box 43: Resolutions, 1981-82; Legislative Issues, 1991-95 Folder 1: Resolutions, 1987-1988 Folder 2: Resolutions, 1985-1986 Folder 3: Resolutions, 1983-1984 Folder 4: Resolutions, 1981-1982 Folder 5: Banking/Foreign Affairs-Automotive Trade and General System of Preferences (GSP), 1994-1995 Folder 6: Banking/Foreign Affairs-Automotive Trade and General System of Preferences (GSP), House Resolution # 302 (NAFTA), 1991 Folder 7: Banking/Foreign Affairs-Automotive Trade and General System of Preferences (GSP), Anchor Glass (NAFTA) and General Agreement on Tariffs And Trade (GATT), 1991-1992 Folder 8: Banking/Foreign Affairs-Automotive Trade and General System of Preferences (GSP), “Apprenticeship For Adulthood” 1992 Folder 9: Economic Integration, 1992 Folder 10: Car Sticker Bill (Import or Export), 1992 Folder 11: House Subcommittee on Energy and Commerce Mark Up, 1993 Folder 12: Indiana National Guard, 1993 Folder 13: Security and Defense, 1991 Folder 14: Tax Cuts for New Cars, 1991 Folder 15: Cummins Engine Co., 1992-1993 Folder 16: Bill Information, 1991-1992 Folder 17: Foreign Business (NAFTA), 1991-1992 Folder 18: Camp Atterbury, 1993 Folder 19: Indiana Army National Guard, 1993 Folder 20: Military Construction, 1992 Folder 21: Camp Atterbury, 1993 Folder 22: Camp Atterbury, 1992 Folder 23: China MFN, 1992-1994 Folder 24: China MFN, 1992 Folder 25: Rushville National Bank, 1990-1993 Folder 26: Rushville National Bank, 1990-1993 Folder 27: Banking, 1993 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 48 Folder 28: Folder 29: Folder 30: Folder 31: Folder 32: Folder 33: Folder 34: Folder 35: Folder 36: Community Reinvestment Act, 1991-1992 World Bank, 1992 World Bank, 1993 A.I.D., 1992-1993 Agency for International Development (AID), 1992 Aerojet/Gencorp, 1993 Supplemental, 1993 Exon-Florio, 1992 House Resolution. 962, 1993 Box 44: Congressional Office Legislative Reports, 1988; Legislative Issues Subject File, 1991-93 Folder 1: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, June-March 1988 Folder 2: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, March-May, 1988 Folder 3: Congressional Office-Legislative Reports, June-August, 1988 Folder 4: Legislative Issues,, Defense/Trade-Spending Cuts, Proposals, 19931994 Folder 5: Grameen Trust, 1993-1994 Folder 6: National Guard, 1992-1993 Folder 7: Projects-General Baker (Columbus), 1992 Folder 8: Long Term Care Insurance, 1993 Folder 9: Federal-Mogul, 1992 Folder 10: Dual Training, 1991-1992 Folder 11: Detroit Steel Products-Leaf Spring Tariff Case, 1991-1992 Folder 12: Cummins, 1994 Folder 13: Budget-Medicaid, 1993 Folder 14: Rule of Origin, 1991-1992 Folder 15: NAFTA, 1992-1993 Folder 16: NAFTA-Letter to Kantor, 1993 Folder 17: Military Construction, 1993 Folder 18: Real Estate, 1993 Folder 19: Asea Brown Boveri-Israel, 1993 Folder 20: Foreign Affairs-Hiber Conteris, 1983 Folder 21: British Thermal Unit (BTU) Tax Graphs, 1993 Folder 22: Budget Information, 1993 Folder 23: NAFTA-“corn letter”, 1992 Folder 24: Content Labeling, 1992 Folder 25: Spring Manufacturers Institute, 1991 Folder 26: Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), 1989-1990 Folder 27: Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), 1989-1990 Folder 28: U.S. Exchange Rates For Mexican Peso, 1991 Folder 29: Report to the President on General System of Preferences (GSP), 1991 Folder 30: Leaf Spring Tariffs, 1991-1993 Folder 31: Services Life Extension Program (SLEP), 1991 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 49 Box 45: Legislative Issues Subject Files, 1988-92; Staff Legislative Report, 1990 Folder 1: Services Life Extension Program (SLEP), 1990 Folder 2: Preparing for the Next New Madrid Earthquake, 1989 Folder 3: Service Life Extension Program, 1991-1992 Folder 4: U.S. Auto Industry, 1992 Folder 5: Indiana Foreign Investment, 1989 Folder 6: Jefferson Proving Grounds, 1989 Folder 7: Foreign Investment, 1988 Folder 8: Flag Amendment, 1989 Folder 9: Antitrust Issues, 1992 Folder 10: H.R. 4318 Tariff Bill, 1992 Folder 11: NAFTA Letters, 1991 Folder 12: NAFTA-Autos, 1991-1992 Folder 13: U.S. Technological Leadership Challenged, 1991 Folder 14: Letters Cosigned, 1992-1994 Folder 15: Camp Atterbury, 1992 Folder 16: Cummins Engine Co., 1991-1992 Folder 17: H.R.4827 Cummins Duty Suspension, 1992 Folder 18: Cummins, 1992 Folder 19: Defense Conversion, 1992 Folder 20: Services Life Extension Program (SLEP), 1992-1993 Folder 21: Services Life Extension Program (SLEP), 1992-1993 Folder 22: Services Life Extension Program (SLEP), 1994 Folder 23: Fort Benjamin Harrison, 1993 Folder 24: Cummins vs. Industrial Equity Pacific, 1989-1990 Folder 25: Cummins vs. Industrial Equity Pacific, 1989-1990 Folder 26: Technology and Science, 1990 Folder 27: Middle East, 1989-1992 Folder 28: Dominick Supports Clinton’s Economic Plan, 1993 Folder 29: Tax issues, 1987-1990 Folder 30: Tax Reform Act of 1986-1987 Folder 31: Staff Legislative Report-Legislative Report, January-February, 1990 Folder 32: Staff Legislative Report-Legislative Report, March -April, 1990 Folder 33: Staff Legislative Report-Legislative Report, April-May, 1990 Folder 34: Staff Legislative Report-Legislative Report, June-July, 1990 Folder 35: Staff Legislative Report-Legislative Report, August-September, 1990 Box 46: Staff Legislative Report, 1987-89; Legislative Issues Subject Files, 1986-91 Folder 1: Staff Legislative Report-Legislative Report, January-February, 1989 Folder 2: Staff Legislative Report-Legislative Report, March-April, 1989 Folder 3: Staff Legislative Report-Legislative Report, May-June, 1989 Folder 4: Staff Legislative Report-Legislative Report, July-August, 1989 Folder 5: Staff Legislative Report-Legislative Report, September-October, 1989 Folder 6: Staff Legislative Report-Legislative Report, October-November, 1989 Folder 7: Staff Legislative Report-Legislative Report, September-October, 1988 Folder 8: Staff Legislative Report-Legislative Report, July-August, 1988 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 50 Folder 9: Staff Legislative Report-Legislative Report, May-June, 1988 Folder 10: Staff Legislative Report-Legislative Report, March-April, 1988 Folder 11: Staff Legislative Report-Legislative Report, January-February, 1988 Folder 12: Staff Legislative Report-Legislative Report, January, 1988 Folder 13: Staff Legislative Report-Legislative Report, November-December, 1987 Folder 14: Staff Legislative Report-Legislative Report, September-October, 1987 Folder 15: Staff Legislative Report-Legislative Report, July-August, 1987 Folder 16: Legislative Bicentennial of Congress-Civil Rights/Crime/Bicentennial Constitution, 1988 Folder 17: Legislative Bicentennial of Congress-Civil Rights/Crime/Bicentennial Constitution, 1986 Folder 18: Indiana and the Juvenile Justice and Prevention Act, 1991 Folder 19: Gun Control Legislation, 1990 Folder 20: Prison Industry (UNICOR), Project, 1990 Folder 21: Civil Rights Speech, 1991 Folder 22: Anti-Drug Legislation, 1987-1989 Folder 23: Brady Bill, 1991 Folder 24: Money Laundering, 1990 Folder 25: Drug Free Indiana, 1990 Folder 26: Crime Bill Surroundings Issues, 1990 Folder 27: Crime Bill-Racial Justice Act, 1990 Folder 28: Bicentennial of Constitution and Congress, 1987 Folder 29: Bicentennial of Constitution and Congress, 1987 Box 47: Legislative Issues Subject Files, 1985-93 Folder 1: The Pennsylvania Packet, and Daily Advertiser, 1987 Folder 2: Commission on the Bicentenary, 1986 Folder 3: Background Information on Bicentennial, 1985 Folder 4: Report to the Commission on the U.S. House of Rep. Bicentenary, 1986 Folder 5: Civil Rights Act, 1991-1991 Folder 6: Product Liability, 1986 Folder 7: Product Liability, within Jurisdiction of Phil’s Subcommittee, 1986 Folder 8: Testimony, 1986 Folder 9: Liability and Insurance, 1986 Folder 10: Consumer Product Safety, 1987 Folder 11: Product Liability, 1986-1987 Folder 12: Product Liability, 1986-1987 Folder 13: Risk Retention Within Product Liability, 1986-1987 Folder 14: Asbestos Provision Within Product Liability, 1987 Folder 15: Product Liability and Abortion, 1988 Folder 16: “Record Retention Issue”, 1987 Folder 17: Protective Order on Product Liability, 1987 Folder 18: Product Liability, Phil’s Subcommittee, 1988 Folder 19: More Product Liability Subcommittee Information, 1987 Folder 20: Sharp Amendment to Product Liability, 1988 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 51 Folder 21: Folder 22: Folder 23: Folder 24: Folder 25: Folder 26: Folder 27: Folder 28: Folder 29: Folder 30: Folder 31: Folder 32: Folder 33: Folder 34: Folder 35: Folder 36: Folder 37: Folder 38: Folder 39: Folder 40: Folder 41: Folder 42: Folder 43: Folder 44: Folder 45: Folder 46: Folder 47: Folder 48: Folder 49: Folder 50: Folder 51: Folder 52: Folder 53: Folder 54: Folder 55: Folder 56: Folder 57: Folder 58: Folder 59: Folder 60: Folder 61: Folder 62: Folder 63: Folder 64: Folder 65: Bicentennial at Georgetown, 1988-1989 Drug Bill, 1988 Bicentennial Competition, 1987-1988 Many Radio and Publicity Spots for Bicentennial, 1987-1988 Bicentennial (Sharp was a member of the Commission on the U.S. House Bicentenary), 1987-1988 Sharp's Bicentennial Visit to Philadelphia, 1987-1988 James Madison Fellowship, 1987 Northwest Ordinance Project, 1987 Subcommittee Activity, 1987 Trade Bill, 1986 Unfair Trade Practices (Phil Sharp as a Co-Sponsor), 1986 Textile Issue, 1986 Trade Issues, 1986 Indiana Trade Issues, 1985 Fossil Fuel, 1985 Aluminum, 1985 Exports, 1986 Drug Exports, 1986 U.S. Pacific Rim Trade, 1985 Food Assistance Hunger, 1985 Angola-Unita, 1985 Hunger in Africa-Phil Sharp Involvement, 1985 Human Rights Projects-Signed by Phil Sharp, 1986 Foreign Aid, 1985 Lebanon, 1986 Arms Sales, 1986 Libya, 1986 Trade Letters from District Businesses, 1986 Nativity Scenes, 1990 Higher Education, 1994 Budget Issues and Tax Issues, 1993 Tax Issue and Education-Press Release, 1990 Cummins Engine Research, 1994 Lead Tax, 1994 Auto Trade Policy, 1992 Campaign Finance Reform, Phil Sharp Letter, 1990 Diesel Emissions Technologies, 1992 Russian Oil Industry, 1991 Cummins Tariff Suspension, 1992 International Competitiveness, 1991 Base Closings, 1991 Indiana Environmental Management, 1993 Legislative Issues,-Fax Sheets, 1993 Letters, 1993 Testimonies, 1993 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 52 Folder 66: Surface Transportation, 1991 Folder 67: Energy and Commerce, 1990-1991 Folder 68: Energy and Commerce, 1990-1991 Box 48: Legislative Issues Subject Files, 1986-94 Folder 1: Toxins, 1990 Folder 2: Amtrak Investments Act of 1994 Folder 3: Witness List, 1994 Folder 4: Lead Exposure, 1994 Folder 5: Radon, 1994 Folder 6: Lead, 1993 Folder 7: Safe Drinking Water, 1994 Folder 8: Ryan White Care Act, 1994 Folder 9: Inter-modal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA), 1994 Folder 10: Track Safety, 1993 Folder 11: Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Oversight, 1994 Folder 12: Wayne County Health Department, 1994 Folder 13: Health and Human Services (HHS) Appropriations, 1994 Folder 14: Community Health Center’s Letters, 1994 Folder 15: Muncie Health Care Center, 1994 Folder 16: Physician Program at Methodist Hospital, 1994 Folder 17: Indiana University Medical Education Proposal, 1994 Folder 18: Indiana University Clinical Cancer Center Application, 1994 Folder 19: Breast Cancer, 1993 Folder 20: National Mammography Day, 1994 Folder 21: National Biomedical Research Day, 1993 Folder 22: Awareness Week for Lifesaving Techniques, 1993 Folder 23: National Health Information Management week, 1993 Folder 24: National Scleroderma Awareness Month, 1993 Folder 25: Crime Prevention Week, 1993 Folder 26: National Breast Cancer Awareness Week, 1994 Folder 27: National Apollo Week House Joint Resolution 353 Mineta (Sharp Cosponsored), 1994 Folder 28: Mental Health Benefits in HCR, 1993 Folder 29: Children in Health Reform, 1993 Folder 30: Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 1993 Folder 31: Commemorative Medal for Organ Donors, 1993 Folder 32: Mandatory Helmet Penalty, 1993 Folder 33: State Above Ground Storage Tank Act of 1993, Hearing 9-14-94 Folder 34: Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, 1994 Folder 35: High-Speed Rail, 1993 Folder 36: Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Re-authorizations, 1993 Folder 37: Federal Trade commission Act Amendment of 1993 Folder 38: Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) ‘93 (Ball Memorial Letter), 1993 Folder 39: United States of America -Mexico Border Health Commission, 1994 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 53 Folder 40: Folder 41: Folder 42: Folder 43: Folder 44: Folder 45: Folder 46: Folder 47: Folder 48: Folder 49: Folder 50: Folder 51: Folder 52: Folder 53: Folder 54: Folder 55: Folder 56: Folder 57: Folder 58: Folder 59: Folder 60: Folder 61: Folder 62: Folder 63: Folder 64: Folder 65: Folder 66: Folder 67: Folder 68: Folder 69: Folder 70: Folder 71: Folder 72: Folder 73: Folder 74: Folder 75: Landfill Groundwater Requirements, 1994 Organ and Bone Marrow Transplantation Amendments Act of 1993 National Advertising Coordination Act of 1993 Traumatic Brain Injury Act, 1993 Domestic Chemical Diversion Control Act of 1993, November 16, 1993 Passed by Voice Toll-Free Number, 1994 Reauthorization of Developmental Disabilities Act, November 16, 1993 House Subcommittee on Energy and Commerce AmendmentPassed by Voice Minority Health Improvement Act of 1994, February 2, 1994 House Subcommittee on Energy and Commerce Amendment passed Federal Railroad Authorization Act of 1994 Udall Parkinson’s Research, Education, and Assistance Act of 1994 Highway Crossings, 1994 (Railroad) Medical Device User Fee Act, 1994 (Passed by House Subcommittee on Energy and Commerce) Orphan Drug Act Amendment, 1994 (Passed by House SubCommittee on Energy and Commerce) High-Speed Rail Development Act of 1994 Railroad Unemployed Insurance Amendments Act of 1994 Ticket Fee Disclosure Act of 1994, September 29, 1994 Medicare Select, 1994 Amendment to the Social Security Act (Contains H. R. 5082-Sharp was Co-Sponsor), 1994 Disabilities Act, 1991-1993 Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 1994 Child Pornography, 1993 Americans with Disabilities Act, 1989-1990 Slattery-Boehlert Amendment to Superconducting Super Collider, 1993 Labor-HHS-Education Bill for 1995, July 29, 1994 (Passed) Veterans Affairs-Housing and Urban Development FY 1995-Space Station, June 29, 1994 (Passed) NASA Authorization, 1993 Space Station Cancellation, 1993 Phil Sharp’s Position on Issues, c. 1993? Nuclear Testing Ban, 1986 Importation of Machines from Japan, 1988 Diesel Engine Emissions, 1987 Clean Coal Technology/Acid Rain Fossil and Synthetic Fuels, 1987 Federal Communications Commission, 1989 Privacy Rights for HIV Infected People, 1990 Health Effects of Tobacco Smoking, 1990 Gallaudet University-Appointment of Dr. Elizabeth Zinser as President, 1988 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 54 Box 49: Legislative Issues Subject Files, 1975-93 Folder 1: Chrysler Electrical Plant-Indianapolis, 1987 Folder 2: Fire Fighters- Handling Hazardous Materials, 1989 Folder 3: CITTC Rail Line From Indianapolis to Cincinnati, 1982 Folder 4: National Education Association, 1990 Folder 5: Appropriations Votes 75-93, 1983-1991 Folder 6: Tort Reform/Liability Laws, 1986 Folder 7: Government Spending Reform, 1992-1993 Folder 8: Health Care Reform, 1993 Folder 9: Brady Bill/Semi-Automatic Weapons, 1991 Folder 10: Army National Guard And Reserves, 1993 Folder 11: Workforce Training, 1992 Folder 12: Congressional Excesses, 1992 Folder 13: Correspondence-Thank You Letters from Constituents and Delegates, 1990-1993 Folder 14: Solicits for Legislative Support, 1992-1993 Folder 15: Philip R. Sharp, 1986-1993 Folder 16: Walter Mondale’s Budget Program, 1984 Folder 17: Amtrak Hearing on Hi-Speed Rail, 1993 Folder 18: Indiana Gas Company, October 1991 Folder 19: Madison-Delaware County Floods, 1992 Folder 20: Newsletter Article-Clean Air Act, c. 1993 Folder 21: Newsletter Article S.U.R.E. Clearinghouse, 1990 Folder 22: Newsletter Article and Photos-Farm Bill, c. 1990 Folder 23: Solid Waste Management, c. 1990 Folder 24: Newsletter Articles-Child Care, May 1990 Folder 25: Foreign Investment, May 1990 Folder 26: Brady Bill-Passed 11/10/93-Conf. Passed 11/23/93-P.L. 103-159 signed November 30, 1993 Folder 27: Crime Survey, 1993 Folder 28: Defense, 1994 Folder 29: National Parents Day, 1994 Folder 30: Kuwait-Building New Cities, 1994 Folder 31: Highway Investment Criteria-S.R. 67, May 1993 Folder 32: Legislative Profile-Philip R. Sharp, January 3, 1991-July 6, 1992 Folder 33: Balanced Budget, 1991 Folder 34: Midwest Baseball League in Merrillville, 1993 Folder 35: Auto Trade Tariffs-Japan, 1990 Folder 36: Olympic Commemorative Coins, 1990 Folder 37: Foley’s Appointment as Congressional Observer to U.N. Conference on Environment and Development, 1992 Folder 38: House Subcommittee on Financial Institutions Supervision, 1992 Folder 39: Clean Air Act-Legislation/Amendments, 1982 Folder 40: Build Indiana Council, 1991 Folder 41: Reports, 1987 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 55 Folder 42: Folder 43: Folder 44: Folder 45: Folder 46: Folder 47: Folder 48: Folder 49: Folder 50: Folder 51: Folder 52: Folder 53: Folder 54: Folder 55: Folder 56: Folder 57: Folder 58: Folder 59: Folder 60: Folder 61: Folder 62: Folder 63: Folder 64: Reports, February 6, 1992-April 24, 1992 Reports, May 8, 1992-December 3, 1992 Reports, January 29, 1993-July 30, 1993 Reports, August 5, 1993-December 17, 1993 Reports, January 7, 1994-April 29, 1994 Reports, May 6, 1994-August 12, 1994 “Horizons”, 1985-1986 East Central Indiana Economic Development Council, 1986 Use of Financial Allowances, 1982-1987 Constituent Publications, 1976-1982 Congressional Bicentennial, 1986 Bill M. Brent-Applicant for Congressional Science Education Fellow, c. 1993 Indiana Visits, 1993 Good Letters, 1992-1993 Staff Lists-Staff Assignments, 1989, 1992, 1993-1994 Administration/Federal Appointments, 1976 Sharp Newsclippings Clippings, 1990 Administrative Assistant's Files, Committee Assignments, 1990-1991 Administrative Assistant's Files, Richard Clips, February-June 1992 Administrative Assistant's Files, Madison County People, 1991 Administrative Assistant's Files, State of the Union, 1992 Administrative Assistant's Files, Newspaper Coverage, 1990-1993 Administrative Assistant's Files, Federal Appointments, 1993 Box 50: Press Releases, 1988-90; Legislative Issues Subject Files, 1983-94 Folder 1: Administrative Assistant's Files, Press Releases, 1988-1990 Folder 2: Administrative Assistant's Files, Legislative Issues, Files-Good Letters, 1992-1994 Folder 3: Administrative Assistant's Files, Census Employment Opportunities, 1990 Folder 4: Administrative Assistant's Files, Daily Clippings, July 2-June 15, 1992 Folder 5: Administrative Assistant's Files, Thank You Letters from Richmond District Office, 1990-1994 Folder 6: Administrative Assistant's Files, Good Letters, 1987-1989 Folder 7: Administrative Assistant's Files, Federal Appointments, 1994 Folder 8: Administrative Assistant's Files, Bracken Nominated to Interior, 1989 Folder 9: Administrative Assistant's Files, Federal Appointments Recommendation Letters, 1992-1994 Folder 10: Administrative Assistant's Files, Wright Resignation Letter, 1989 Folder 11: Administrative Assistant's Files, Recommendations and Nominations, 1985-1989 Folder 12: Administrative Assistant's Files, Recommendations and Nominations, 1990-1992 Folder 13: Administrative Assistant's Files, Recommendations and Nominations, 1993 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 56 Folder 14: Administrative Assistant's Files, General, 1987-1992 Folder 15: Administrative Assistant's Files, News Clippings, April 30-May 9, 1992 Folder 16: Administrative Assistant's Files, WHBU Radio Call-In Show, 1992 Folder 17: Administrative Assistant's Files, Labor/Economic/Autos-Press Material, 1991-1992 Folder 18: Administrative Assistant's Files, Newspaper Clippings-“Lawmakers Disclose Loot”, 1993 Folder 19: Administrative Assistant's Files, Newspaper Clippings-“Tax Bill Coverage”, 1992-1993 Folder 20: Administrative Assistant's Files, Newspaper Clippings-“GOP Attacks Sharp Budget Votes”, 1993 Folder 21: Administrative Assistant's Files, Newspaper Clippings-“Anti-Sharp Letters”, 1993 Folder 22: Administrative Assistant's Files, Newspaper Clippings-“NAFTA”, 1993 Folder 23: Administrative Assistant's Files, Newspaper Articles-“Clean Car Initiative”, 1993 Folder 24: Administrative Assistant's Files, Newspaper Clippings-“Sharp Argues for Atterbury”, 1993 Folder 25: Administrative Assistant's Files, Newspaper Clippings-“Sharp Urges Input on Health Care Reform”, 1993 Folder 26: Administrative Assistant's Files, Newspaper Clippings-“Local Airports/Roads Lose Federal Funding”, 1993 Folder 27: Administrative Assistant's Files, Newspaper Clippings-“GOP Candidate Announcements” 2nd District, 1993 Folder 28: Administrative Assistant's Files, Newspaper Clippings-General, 1992-1993 Folder 29: Administrative Assistant's Files, URSA Line No. 633-Amtrack, 19751985 Folder 30: Administrative Assistant's Files, Wayne County-RP and L, 1993-1994 Folder 31: Administrative Assistant's Files, Projects-Delaware County Labor, 1992 Folder 32: Administrative Assistant's Files, Projects-Indiana Buses, 1994 Folder 33: Administrative Assistant's Files, Correspondence with Constituents, 1989 Folder 34: Administrative Assistant's Files, Delaware County, 1983 Folder 35: Administrative Assistant's Files, Delaware County, Sludge, 1983 Folder 36: Administrative Assistant's Files, Johnson County, 1983 Folder 37: Administrative Assistant's Files, Decatur County, 1983 Folder 38: Administrative Assistant's Files, Projects, 1983 Folder 39: Administrative Assistant's Files, Shelby County, 1983 Folder 40: Administrative Assistant's Files, Rush County, 1983 Folder 41: Administrative Assistant's Files, Randolph County, 1983 Folder 42: Administrative Assistant's Files, Marion County, 1983 Folder 43: Administrative Assistant's Files, Henry County, 1983 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 57 Folder 44: Folder 45: Folder 46: Folder 47: Administrative Assistant's Files, McCloskey/McIntyre Material, 1985 Administrative Assistant's Files, McCloskey/McIntyre Material, 1985 Administrative Assistant's Files, White House Conference, 1985-1986 Administrative Assistant's Files, White House Conference-Indiana, 1986 Box 51: Legislative Issues Subject Files, 1975-94; Reports and Statistics, 1993-94; Legislative Letters to Constituents, 1990, 1994; Delegates and Constituents Correspondence, 1994; Press Releases Materials, 1984, 1990-92 Folder 1: Administrative Assistant's Files, Pan American Games Organizing Committee (PAX), PAX/Indianapolis, Inc., 1986-1987 Folder 2:Administrative Assistant's Files, Partners for Livable Places, 1987-1988 Folder 3: Administrative Assistant's Files, Presidential Inauguration Correspondence, 1993 Folder 4: Administrative Assistant's Files, Information on Class 1994-1995 (Graduating 1998, 1999), 1994 Folder 5: Administrative Assistant's Files, Academy, 1975-1976, 1992 Folder 6: Administrative Assistant's Files, Academy Selection, 1991 Folder 7: Administrative Assistant's Files, Academy Selection, 1990 Folder 8: Administrative Assistant's Files, Administration-Academies Screening Committee, 1989 Folder 9: Administrative Assistant's Files, Academy Information, 1988 Folder 10: Administrative Assistant's Files, Correspondence, 1983-1987 Folder 11: Administrative Assistant's Files, General Correspondence, 1989, 1991-1993 Folder 12: Administrative Assistant's Files, 103rd Congress-Report on Passed Legislation, 1994 Folder 13: Research and Statistics-District 2, 1992 Folder 14: Reports and Statistics-1993-1994 Folder 15: Elder Laws-Social Security Amendments Regarding Medicare, 1993 Folder 16: Omnibus, Social Security Amendments Regarding Medicare, 1994 Folder 17: Computer Document Codes-Government/Civil, 1985-1986, 1994 Folder 18: Text of Legislative Letters to Constituents-Office Series, 1994 Folder 19: Legislative Issues,, c. 1990 Folder 20: Text of Legislative Letters to Constituents, c. 1990 Folder 21: Text of Legislative Letters to Constituents, c. 1990 Folder 22: Correspondence-letters from Delegates and Constituents Asking for Sharp’s Support, 1994 Folder 23: Press Release Material-Coal, 1991 Folder 24: Radio Show, 1984 Folder 25: Cable Companies, 1991 Folder 26: Alternative Fuels, 1991 Folder 27: Banking Bill, 1991 Folder 28: Banking, 1991 Folder 29: Academy Days, 1991 Folder 30: Transportation, 1991 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 58 Folder 31: Folder 32: Folder 33: Folder 34: Folder 35: Folder 36: Folder 37: Folder 38: Folder 39: Folder 40: Folder 41: Folder 42: Folder 43: Folder 44: Folder 45: Folder 46: Folder 47: Folder 48: Folder 49: Folder 50: Folder 51: Folder 52: Folder 53: Folder 54: Folder 55: Folder 56: Folder 57: Folder 58: Folder 59: Folder 60: Folder 61: Folder 62: Folder 63: Folder 64: Folder 65: Folder 66: Folder 67: Folder 68: Folder 69: Folder 70: Folder 72: Folder 73: Folder 74: Folder 75: Folder 76: Soviet Coup, 1991 Soviet Aid, 1991 Simmeraker, 1991 Cummins Engine Co., 1991 Public Utility Holding Company Act (PUHCA), 1991 Mill Race Park, 1991 Medical Research, 1991 Linville, 1991 Letters-Negative, 1991 Heating Assistance, 1991 Greensburg Rail, 1991 Foreign Aid, 1991 Federal Emergency Management Agency-Disaster Funds, 1990 Delco Remy, 1991 Cummins, 1991 Campaign Limits, 1991 Alaskan Pipeline, 1991 Indiana Road Projects, 1991 Brady Bill-Crime Bill, 1991 Cummins Engine Company, 1991 Conrail Corporation Rail Abandonment, 1991 Abortion, 1991 Energy Policy, 1991 Releases, 1991 PUHCA, 1991 Medicaid Corrections, 1991 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1991 Trade Magazines, 1991 Persian Gulf Clippings, 1991 Electric Car, 1991 Palladium-Item Breakfast, 1991 Jobless Benefits, 1991 Energy Efficiency, 1991 Detroit Steel Products, 1991 Out-of-State Garbage, 1991 Mike Pence Clips, 1991 Media Report/Strategy, 1991 Manville Corporation, 1991 Indiana Redistricting, 1991 Highway Funds (old releases), 1991 Folder 71: Good News File, 1991 Foreign Investment, 1991 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1991 Clean Coal, 1991 Check Scandal, 1991 Cummins Power Company Inc., 1991 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 59 Folder 77: Folder 78: Folder 79: Folder 80: Folder 81: Folder 82: Folder 83: Folder 84: Folder 85: Folder 86: Folder 87: Folder 88: Folder 89: Folder 90: Folder 91: Folder 92: Folder 93: Folder 94: Reforms, 1991 Perks, 1992 Oil Reserve Fund, 1992 Muncie-Chicago Air Service, 1992 Mental Health Funds, 1992 Labor Issues, 1992 Health Care, 1992 John F. Kennedy, 1992 Indiana Gas, 1992 Nuclear Licensing, 1992 Foreign Aid, 1992 Auto Labeling, 1992 Auto Hearings, 1992 Ethics, 1992 Ethanol, 1992 Energy Clips, 1992 Energy Clips, 1992 Energy Issues, 1992 Box 52: Press Release Materials, 1979-83, 1992 Folder 1: Family, 1992 Folder 2: Expanding Innovation Education Program, 1992 Folder 3: Elwood Flood Prevention Projects, 1992 Folder 4: Deficit Reduction, 1992 Folder 5: Detroit Steel Products, 1992 Folder 6: Religion/FCC, 1992 Folder 7: Pro-rationing, 1992 Folder 8: Unemployment, 1992 Folder 9: Trash, 1992 Folder 10: US AID, 1992 Folder 11: Energy, 1992 Folder 12: Union City Body Co., 1992 Folder 13: Volunteer Fire Department, 1992 Folder 14: Transplant, 1992 Folder 15: Tax Bill, 1992 Folder 16: State of the Union, 1992 Folder 17: Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 1992 Folder 18: Spending, 1992 Folder 19: Sharp Attendance Record, 1975-1992 Folder 20: Child Support, 1992 Folder 21: Cable Bill, 1992 Folder 22: Bus Funding, 1992 Folder 23: Building Codes, 1992 Folder 24: Bottle Bill, 1992 Folder 25: Bank/Checks, 1992 Folder 26: Energy Bill, 1992 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 60 Folder 27: Folder 28: Folder 29: Folder 30: Folder 31: Folder 32: Folder 33: Folder 34: Folder 35: Folder 36: Folder 37: Folder 38: Folder 39: Folder 40: Folder 41: Folder 42: Folder 43: Folder 44: Folder 45: Folder 46: Folder 47: Folder 48: Folder 49: Folder 50: Folder 51: Folder 52: Folder 53: Folder 54: Folder 55: Folder 56: Folder 57: Folder 58: Folder 59: Folder 60: Folder 61: Folder 62: Folder 63: Folder 64: Folder 65: Folder 66: Folder 67: Folder 68: Folder 69: Folder 70: Folder 71: Ethanol, 1992 Cable Bill, 1992 Bottle Bill, 1992 Bloomington Dump, 1992 Alternative Fuels, 1992 Atlantic Monthly Forum, 1992 House Bank/Checks, 1992 Women’s Health Seminar, 1992 Amtrak, 1992 Economy/Recovery, 1992 Debt, 1992 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 1992 National Institute of Health Conference Report, May 21, 1992 National Taxpayer’s Union, 1992 Higher Education, 1992 Clinton Energy Policy, 1992 Auto Scrapping, 1992 Union City Body Co., 1992 103rd Congress Issues, 1992 Trade-Japan, 1992 Health Care, 1992 Trade-General, 1992 Trade-Japan, 1992 Trade-Mexico, 1992 Health Care/Women, 1992 Trade-General, 1992 Spending, 1992 Health Care, 1992 Press Releases and Report on Status of the Energy and Power Subcommittee action for National Energy Policy, October 31, 1991 Health Care, 1992 Sharp’s Newsletter, 1992 Alternative Fuels, 1992 Highway 35, 1992 Alaskan Pipeline, 1992 Clippings, 1992 Phil Sharp Press Clippings, 1992 Check Articles, 1992 Family Leave, 1992 Elwood Flood Prevention 1992 Department of Energy Appointment, 1992 Child Support, 1992 Press Releases and Town Meeting Notices-Issues, 1979 “SBA’s FY 1980 $50 Million Direct Loan Goal for Women”, 1979 Questionnaire Results, 1979 Budget Too High, 1980 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 61 Folder 72: Folder 73: Folder 74: Folder 75: Draft Registration, Remarks, 1980 Report to the People, 1980 Report to the People, August 1980 Budget Issues, 1981 Folder 76: Press Releases-Budget Cuts, 1981 Folder 77: Tax Bill Issue, 1981 Folder 78: Energy Issues, 1981 Folder 79: Steel-Clean Air Exemptions Folder 80: Pipeline Safety Bill, 1981 Folder 81: Foreign Truck Issue, 1981 Folder 82: Social Security Debate, 1981 Folder 83: Reports, 1981 Folder 84: Schedules, 1981 Folder 85: Intern Announcements, 1981 Folder 86: Picture Captions, 1981 Folder 87: Energy/Strategic Reserve Funding, May 11, 1981 Folder 88: Media Tour, May 26, 1981 Folder 89: Jim Wright’s Visit to Indiana, May 30, 1981 Folder 90: Statement: Isaac Walton League Legislator of the Year, June 14, 1981 Folder 91: Speech Notes for Shelby J.J. Dinner, June 19, 1981 Folder 92: Questionnaire, July 1981 Folder 93: “U.S. Must Heed Lessons of War to Keep Peace,” July 11, 1981 Folder 94: “Sharp stunned at Farm Disaster Declaration," July 24, 1981 Folder 95: “Cardinal to Continue”, July 29, 1981 Folder 96: “Sharp Urges More Attention to Agent Orange”, August 15, 1981 Folder 97: Budget/Government Spending, September 23, 1981 Folder 98: Letter to Paul Volcker, October 23, 1981 Folder 99: Food and Agriculture Act, December 30, 1981 Folder 100: Issues-Amtrak, 1981-1982 Folder 101: Gas Conservation, 1982 Folder 102: Veteran’s Questionnaire, 1982 Folder 103: “Low Cost/No Cost Energy Savers”, 1982 Folder 104: “Dear Friend” (mailings to groups of constituents), 1982 Folder 105: Questionnaire Results, 1982 Folder 106: Newsletters, 1982 Folder 107: Newsletters-Postal Patron, 1982 Folder 108: Constituent Surveys-Questionnaires, 1982-1983 Folder 109: "Dear Friend" (letters to specific constituents), 1983 Folder 110: Newsletters, 1983 Folder 111: Newsletters-Postal Patron, 1984 Folder 112: Letter to Rostenkowski, October 4, 1984 Folder 113: Summer 1985 Newsletter, 1985 Folder 114: Congressional Record Reprints, 1980 Folder 115: “Reports to the People” (Postal Patron and Mailing Lists), 1980 Folder 116: “Dear Friend” (School Prayer, Social Security), 1980 Folder 117: Internships, 1980 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 62 Folder 118: Questionnaire, 1980 Folder 119: Town Meeting Notices, 1980 Folder 120: Flow Controller, January-February, 1980 Folder 121: Request for American Retail Federation Book, February 20, 1980 Folder 122: “Energy Cost Reduction in Retailing” (offered to small business), March 5, 1980 Folder 123: Town Meeting Notices, 1983 Folder 124: Housing and Urban Development (Housing and Urban Development) Grant Announcement, July 20, 1983 Folder 125: Letter Accepting Auto Industry Committee, October 17, 1990 Folder 126: Voting Record, September, 1980 Folder 127: Gas Savings Demonstration (on the Hill), May 13-15, 1980 Press Release Materials, 1977-83 Box 53: Press Release Materials, 1977-83 Folder 1: Staying in Touch Brochures, 1983 Folder 2: TRA Amendment, 1977 Folder 3: Town Meeting Cards, February 1977 Folder 4: Town Meeting Cards, March 1977 Folder 5: Town Meeting Cards, May 1977 Folder 6: Town Meeting Cards, July 1977 Folder 7: Town Meeting Cards, September 1977 Folder 8: Town Meeting, June 1977 Folder 9: Dingell Business Dinner, June 6, 1983 Folder 10: Report on Agriculture, 1978 Folder 11: Natural Gas Newsletters, 1983 Folder 12: Greenwood Office Opening, 1983 Folder 13: Mobile Office Schedules, 1983 Folder 14: District Office Schedules, 1983 Folder 15: Interns, 1983 Folder 16: “Sharp Supports H.R. 2552" (Unemployment Relief), 1983 Folder 17: Redistricting Release (Lee Hamilton), 1983 Folder 18: Press Releases-Town Meeting Cards, January-March, 1980 Folder 19: Press Releases-Town Meeting Cards, April -June 1980 Folder 20: Sharp to Join Congressional Auto Hearing in Indianapolis, July 30, 1980 Folder 21: Press Releases-Town Meeting Cards, July-September, 1980 Folder 22: Press Releases-Town Meeting Cards, October-December, 1980 Folder 23: Press Releases-Town Meeting Cards, January-March, 1981 Folder 24: Press Releases-Town Meeting Cards, April-June 1981 Folder 25: Press Releases-Town Meeting Cards, July-September, 1981 Folder 26: Press Releases-Town Meeting Cards, October-December, 1981 Folder 27: Press Releases, 1983 Folder 28: Press Releases-Issues, 1983 Box 54: Town Meeting Notices, Press Releases, and Newsletters, 1978 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 63 Folder 1: Town Meeting Notices, Press Releases, and Newsletters-Sharp to Discuss Energy with Foreign Legislators, 1978 Folder 2: Sharp Announces Area Nominee to the Service Academies, 1978 Folder 3: Cleand to Speak at Dinner for Handicapped, 1978 Folder 4: Reservations Forms for Cleland Dinner, 1978 Folder 5: Sharp Schedule for Weekend Veterans Conference, 1978 Folder 6: Postal Patron-Report on 1977 Folder 7: Sharp Urges Housing and Urban Development Reform for Small Cities, 1978 Folder 8: Sharp to Return for District Work Period, 1978 Folder 9: Gas Price Compromise, 1978 Folder 10: Sharp Urges Appointment of Marshal as Coal Mediator, 1978 Folder 11: Time Change in Welfare Conference, 1978 Folder 12: Postal Patron for February 11th Town Meetings, 1978 Folder 13: Sharp Says "Government Farm Program Not Always Welcome," 1978 Folder 14: Sharp Sponsors Welfare Forum With Jacobs, 1978 Folder 15: Sharp Announces Coal Hearing for Release, 1978 Folder 16: Sharp Tells Administration to Prepare Takeover of Mines, 1978 Folder 17: Sharp Announces Candidacy, 1978 Folder 18: Sharp Plans Three Town Meetings, 1978 Folder 19: Madison County Farmers Eligible for S.BA. Drought, 1978 Folder 20: Town Meeting Notice Hancock and Rush County, 1978 Folder 21: Sharp Opposes Ban on Nitrite in Bacon, 1978 Folder 22: Sharp to Speak at Energy Conference, 1978 Folder 23: Sharp Announces Senior Citizen Employment Projects Grants, 1978 Folder 24: Sharp Reveals “Last Chance” Gas Compromise, 1978 Folder 25: Sharp Receives Georgetown University Alumni Award, 1978 Folder 26: Abram Appointed to Presidential Commission, 1978 Folder 27: Sharp Announces Weekend Activities, 1978 Folder 28: Sharp Say ICC Order Devastating to Glass, 1978 Folder 29: Sharp Urges Solar Energy Use, 1978 Folder 30: Sharp Schedules Mobile Office Stops, 1978 Folder 31: Breakthrough In Energy Legislation, 1978 Folder 32: Sharp Supports Farm Credit Bill, 1978 Folder 33: Sharp Bill Requires Cost Estimates Before Regulation, 1978 Folder 34: VA Head Max Cleland to Attend Veterans Conference, 1978 Folder 35: Sharp Says Federal Investigation May Have Impact on Local Utility, 1978 Folder 36: Sharp Supports Federal Standing for Insulation, 1978 Folder 37: Sharp Hosts O’Neill, Cleland This Weekend, 1978 Folder 38: Town Meeting Notice For Chesterfield, 1978 Folder 39: Sharp’s Senior Interns Bring Back Federal “Know-How”, 1978 Folder 40: Marhoefer Employees Pensions, 1978 Folder 41: Postal Patron, 1978 Folder 42: Sharp to Hold Meeting on Rail Crossing, 1978 Folder 43: Newsletter-Civil Service, 1978 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 64 Folder 44: Sharp Sponsors Senior Forum, 1978 (June) Box 55: Town Meeting Notices, Press Releases, and Newsletters, 1975-87 Folder 1: Sharp Visits Area, Saturday June 9, 1978 Folder 2: Sharp Opposes Federal Water Projects, 1978 Folder 3: Sharp Uses Rushville Example to Oppose HEW Controls, 1978 Folder 4: Sharp Supports Veteran Pension Change, 1978 Folder 5: Sharp Predicts Congress Tax Cut, July 3, 1978 Folder 6: Town Meeting Notice, July-August, 1978 Folder 7: Area Students Work In Sharp’s Office, 1978 Folder 8: Sharp to Attend Solar Energy, 1978 Folder 9: Representative Sharp Weekend Schedule, 1978 Folder 10: Agriculture Newsletter, 1978 Folder 11: Report on Health Issues, 1978 Folder 12: Sharp Returns for August Recess, 1978 Folder 13: Sharp Says Tax Cut about Right Size/Utility Investigation, 1978 Folder 14: Report to Senior Citizens, 1978 Folder 15: Special Unemployment Benefits, 1978 Folder 16: Sharp Return to Indiana, August 8, 1978 Folder 17: Sharp Opposes Military Unions, 1978 Folder 18: Sharp Invites Applications for Service Academies, 1978 Folder 19: Sharp in Favor of Public Works Bill Veto, 1978 Folder 20: Sharp Issues Annual Financial Disclosure, 1978 Folder 21: Sharp Renews Door to Door Campaign, 1978 Folder 22: Sharp Votes Against Moonlighting, 1978 Folder 23: Sharp Favors Major Tax Cuts, 1978 Folder 24: Utility Rate Reform May Bring Change, 1978 Folder 25: Sharp Favors Disciplined FED Spending, 1978 Folder 26: Sharp Cites Efforts to Keep Out Fraud, November 2, 1978 Folder 27: Sharp Cites Improved Defense, 1978 Folder 28: Statements, Reprints, and Town Meeting Notices for JanuaryDecember 1975 Folder 29: Extra Reprints of Washington Post and District Newspaper, 1975 Folder 30: Sharp Releases Questionnaires, 1978 Folder 31: Newsletters from January to December 1975 Folder 32: Press Releases, January 1977 Folder 33: Press Releases, February 1977 Folder 34: Press Releases, March 1977 Folder 35: Press Releases, April 1977 Folder 36: Press Releases, May 1977 Folder 37: Press Releases, June 1977 Folder 38: Press Releases, July 1977 Folder 39: Press Releases, August 1977 Folder 40: Press Releases, September 1977 Folder 41: Press Releases, October 1977 Folder 42: Press Releases, November 1977 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 65 Folder 43: Press Releases, December 1977 Folder 44: Press Releases, January-June, 1976 (Mobile Office Schedules Included) Folder 45: Press Releases, July-December, 1976 Folder 46: Press Releases, January-December, 1975 Folder 47: Press Release/Mobile Office Schedules-Pres Release, JanuaryFebruary 1987 Folder 48: Press Releases, March-April, 1987 Folder 49: Press Releases, May 1987 Folder 50: Press Releases, July 1987 Folder 51: Press Releases, October 1986 Folder 52: Press Releases, June-July 1986 Folder 53: Press Releases, August-September 1986 Folder 54: Press Releases, April-May 1986 Folder 55: Press Releases, June 1986 Folder 56: Press Releases, January-February 1986 Folder 57: Press Releases, March 1986 Folder 58: Press Releases, November-December 1985 Folder 59: Press Releases, October 1985 Folder 60: Press Releases, September 1985 Folder 61: Press Releases, December and January 1986-1987 Folder 62: Press Releases, August 1985 Folder 63: Press Releases, July 1985 Folder 64: Press Releases, June 1985 Folder 65: Press Releases, May 1985 Folder 66: Press Releases, April 1985 Folder 67: Press Releases, March 1985 Folder 68: Press Releases, February 1985 Folder 69: Press Releases, January 1985 Folder 70: Press Releases, October and November 1984 Folder 71: Press Releases, August and September 1984 Folder 72: Press Releases, July 1984 Folder 73: Press Releases, June 1984 Folder 74: Press Releases, May 1984 Folder 75: Press Releases, April 1984 Folder 76: Press Releases, March 1984 Folder 77: Press Releases, February 1984 Folder 78: Press Releases, January 1984 Folder 79: Press Releases, December 1983 Folder 80: General Press Releases, 1979-1993 Folder 81: Mobile Office Schedules, January-Mobile Office Schedules, February 1987 Folder 82: Mobile Office Schedules, Spring 1987 Folder 83: Mobile Office Schedules, October 1986 Folder 84: Mobile Office Schedules, June 1986 Folder 85: Mobile Office Schedules, August 1986 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 66 Folder 86: Mobile Office Schedules, May-June 1986 Folder 87: Mobile Office Schedules, January-February 1986 Folder 88: Mobile Office Schedules, March-April 1986 Folder 89: Mobile Office Schedules, November-December 1985 Folder 90: Mobile Office Schedules, October 1985 Folder 91: Mobile Office Schedules, September 1985 Folder 92: Mobile Office Schedules, August 1985 Folder 93: Mobile Office Schedules, July 1985 Folder 94: Mobile Office Schedules, June 1985 Folder 95: Mobile Office Schedules, May 1985 Folder 96: Mobile Office Schedules, March-April 1985 Folder 97: Mobile Office Schedules, December and January 1984-1985 Folder 98: Mobile Office Schedules, October and November 1984 Folder 99: Mobile Office Schedules, September 1984 Folder 100: Mobile Office Schedules, July 1984 Folder 101: Mobile Office Schedules, April and May 1984 Folder 102: Mobile Office Schedules, December 1983 Folder 103: Newsletters, Postal Patrons, Town Meetings and Reprints for January to December, 1976 Folder 104: Sharp Announces Senior Internship Participants, 1978 Box 56: Appointments and Schedules, 1983-91 Folder 1: Office Appointments-Appointments, 1983 Folder 2: Office Appointments-Appointments, 1984 Folder 3: Office Appointments-District Schedules and Notes, 1991 Folder 4: Office Appointments-District Schedules and Notes, 1991 Folder 5: Office Appointments-Sharp’s Schedule, January-July 1988 Folder 6: Office Appointments-Sharp’s Personal, January 1988 Folder 7: Office Appointments-Sharp’s Personal, February-April 1988 Folder 8: Office Appointments-Sharp’s Personal, May-September 1988 Folder 9: Office Appointments-Calendars, March-October 1982 Folder 10: Office Appointments-Calendars, April-December 1989 Folder 11: Office Appointments-Calendars, January-December 1990 Folder 12: Office Appointments-Schedules 1984 Folder 13: Office Appointments-Schedules, 1985 Folder 14: Office Appointments-Schedules, 1987 Folder 15: Office Appointments-German Marshall Fund Trip, 1978 Folder 16: Office Appointments-District Schedule, 1978 Box 57: Press Clippings, 1976, 1982-84 Folder 1: Press Clippings-Good Quotes About Sharp, 1982-1984 Folder 2: Indiana Clippings, 1982-1983 Folder 3: News Clippings, October 1983 Folder 4: News Clippings, September 1983 Folder 5: News Clippings, September 1983 Folder 6: News Clippings, August 1983 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 67 Folder 7: News Clippings, August 1983 Folder 8: News Clippings, July 1983 Folder 9: News Clippings, July 1983 Folder 10: News Clippings, June 1983 Folder 11: News Clippings, June 1983 Folder 12: News Clippings, June 1983 Folder 13: News Clippings, May 1983 Folder 14: News Clippings, May 1983 Folder 15: Energy Clips, 1992 Folder 16: News Clippings, April 1983 Folder 17: News Clippings, April 1983 Folder 18: News Clippings, March 1983 Folder 19: News Clippings, March 1983 Folder 20: News Clippings, March 1983 Folder 21: News Releases, 1982 Folder 22: News Clippings about Sharp, October – December 1976 Folder 23: Press Correspondence, 1976 Box 58: Press Clippings, 1974-86 Folder 1: News Clipping about Sharp, 1974-75 Folder 2: News Clipping about Sharp, March – August 1975 Folder 3: New Clippings about Sharp, September – December 1975 Folder 4: Press Correspondence, 1975 Folder 5: Delta Faucet, 1986 Folder 6: Hartke Reunion, 1983 Folder 7: “Taxing Twenty” Attack, 1983 Folder 8: Life International, 1982 Folder 9: Gas, 1983 Folder 10: Rushville National Bank, 1986 Folder 11: Pipeline, 1981 Folder 12: Henkin Project, 1983 Folder 13: Hunger, 1983 Folder 14: House Administration Committee Report, 1985 Folder 15: Cummins-Five Ton Truck Engine, 1985 Folder 16: Cummins-Five Ton Truck Engine, 1985 Folder 17: Cummins-Five Ton Truck Engine, 1985 Folder 18: Good Sharp Clippings, 1989 Folder 19: Good Sharp Clippings, 1989 Folder 20: News Clippings, July-September 1986 Folder 21: November-December 1986 Folder 22: Social Security-Indianapolis, May 1981 Folder 23: News Clippings, October-November 1983 Folder 24: News Clippings, June-July 1984 Folder 25: News Clippings, October-December 1984 Folder 26: News Clippings, January-March 1985 Folder 27: News Clippings, April-August 1985 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 68 Folder 28: News Clippings, September-December 1985 Box 59: Press Clippings, 1986-93 Folder 1: News Clippings, January-April 1986 Folder 2: Social Security, 1990 Folder 3: Survey Statistics, 1990 Folder 4: Bartholomew County, 1990 Folder 5: Johnson County, 1990 Folder 6: Detroit Steel, Rassini Rheem, 1991 Folder 7: Energy, 1992 Folder 8: News Clippings, 1993 Folder 9: News Clippings, 1993 Folder 10: Ball State Housing, 1993 Folder 11: Bosnia-Press Release, 1993 Folder 12: Clinton Budget, 1993 Folder 13: Somalia, 1993 Folder 14: Camp Atterbury, 1993 Folder 15: Campaign Finance, 1993 Folder 16: Sharp Energy Spending Cuts, 1993 Folder 17: Clean Air, 1993 Folder 18: Columbus Office, 1993 Folder 19: Clinton 100 Days, 1993 Folder 20: Amtrak, 1993 Folder 21: Academy Nomination, 1993 Folder 22: Advanced Liquid Metal Reactor, 1993 Folder 23: Press Releases-Economy, 1993 Folder 24: Rural Electrification Administration (REA), 1993 Folder 25: Penny-Kasich Cuts, 1993 Folder 26: NAFTA, 1993 Folder 27: Highway Funds, 1993 Folder 28: Line Item Recession, 1993 Folder 29: Japan Auto Parts, 1993 Folder 30: Press Releases, 1993 Folder 31: Human Radiation Experiments, 1993 Folder 32: Trash Bill, 1994 Folder 33: Spending Cuts, 1994 Folder 34: Phil Sharp’s Retirement, 1994 Folder 35: Crime, 1994 Folder 36: Awards, 1994 Folder 37: Energy Assistance, 1994 Folder 38: Energy Budget, 1995 Folder 39: Elwood Road Project, 1994 Folder 40: Front Door, 1992-1994 Folder 41: State Road 67, 1993-1994 Folder 42: Press Releases, 1994 Folder 43: Randolph County Clippings, 1989 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 69 Folder 44: Folder 45: Folder 46: Folder 47: Folder 48: Folder 49: Folder 50: Folder 51: Folder 52: Folder 53: Folder 54: Folder 55: Folder 56: Folder 57: Folder 58: Folder 59: Folder 60: Folder 61: Folder 62: Folder 63: Folder 64: Folder 65: Folder 66: Folder 67: Folder 68: Folder 69: Folder 70: Folder 71: Folder 72: Folder 73: Folder 74: Folder 75: Daily Briefing, 1990 Flag Burning, 1990 Economy, 1990 Farm Bill, 1990 Sharp Newspaper Clippings/Press Releases, 1990 Decatur County Clippings, 1988 Reclamation Projects, 1990 Delaware County, 1990 Iraqi Crisis, 1990 Strategic Petroleum Reserves, 1990 Civil Rights, 1991 Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), 1991 Muncie Airport/O’Hare Access, 1991 Budget, 1990 Global Warming, 1990 Medicaid Medicare, 1991 Redistricting, 1991 Octane Cheating, 1991 Clean Air Act, 1990 Indiana Politics, 1990 Newspaper Clippings, 1990 Wayne County Clippings, 1990 Newspaper Clippings, 1986 Budget/Energy, 1992 News Clippings, 1984 Press Clippings, January-February 1983 Newspaper Clippings, February-March 1984 Newspaper Clippings, February-April 1984 Newspaper Clippings, April 1984 Newspaper Clippings, March 1984 Newspaper Clippings, April 1984 Newspaper Clippings, April-May 1984 Box 60: Press Clippings, 1982-91 Folder 1: Newspaper Clippings, May 1984 Folder 2: Newspaper Clippings, May-June 1984 Folder 3: Newspaper Clippings, September 1984 Folder 4: Newspaper Clippings, September-October 1984 Folder 5: Newspaper Clippings, February-March 1984 Folder 6: Newspaper Clippings, 1983 Folder 7: Newspaper Clippings, 1983 Folder 8: Newspaper Clippings, 1981 Folder 9: Newspaper Clippings, (Non-Campaign), 1982 Folder 10: Newspaper Clippings, December 1989 Folder 11: Newspaper Clippings, July 1990 Folder 12: Newspaper Clippings, January-February, 1990 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 70 Folder 13: Folder 14: Folder 15: Folder 16: Folder 17: Folder 18: Folder 19: Folder 20: Folder 21: Folder 22: Folder 23: Folder 24: Newspaper Clippings, 1989-1990 Newspaper Clippings, January-March 1990 Newspaper Clippings, August-November 1989 Newspaper Clippings, August-November 1989 Newspaper Clippings, Clippings-Sharp, 1980 General Press Clippings, 1981-1995 General Press Clippings, April-May 1984 General Press Clippings, Campaign Clippings, 1988 Newspaper Clippings, February 1989 Newspaper Clippings, January 1989 Newspaper Clippings, January 1989 Newspaper Clippings, June 1991 Box 61: Press Clippings, 1989-91 Folder 1: Newspaper Clippings, February 1991 Folder 2: Newspaper Clippings, Indiana, 1990-1991 Folder 3: Newspaper Clippings, May 1990 Folder 4: Newspaper Clippings, April 1991 Folder 5: Newspaper Clippings, May 1991 Folder 6: Newspaper Clippings, Persian Gulf Clippings, 1991 Folder 7: Newspaper Clippings, March 1991 Folder 8: Newspaper Clippings, November 1989 Folder 9: Newspaper Clippings, November 1989 Folder 10: Newspaper Clippings, January-February 1990 Folder 11: Newspaper Clippings, October 1989 Folder 12: Newspaper Clippings, December and January 1989-1990 Folder 13: Newspaper Clippings, October 1989 Folder 14: Newspaper Clippings, September 1989 Folder 15: Newspaper Clippings, September 1989 Folder 16: Newspaper Clippings, August 1989 Folder 17: Newspaper Clippings, August 1989 Folder 18: Newspaper Clippings, July 1989 Box 62: Press Clippings, 1977-89 Folder 1: Newspaper Clippings, July 1989 Folder 2: Newspaper Clippings, June 1989 Folder 3: Newspaper Clippings, June 1989 Folder 4: Newspaper Clippings, May 1989 Folder 5: Newspaper Clippings, May 1989 Folder 6: Newspaper Clippings, May 1989 Folder 7: Newspaper Clippings, April 1989 Folder 8: Newspaper Clippings, March 1989 Folder 9: Newspaper Clippings, March 1989 Folder 10: Newspaper Clippings, February 1989 Folder 11: Newspaper Clippings, April-June 1980 Folder 12: Newspaper Clippings, January-March 1981 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 71 Folder 13: Folder 14: Folder 15: Folder 16: Folder 17: Folder 18: Folder 19: Folder 20: Folder 21: Folder 22: Folder 23: Folder 24: Folder 25: Folder 26: Folder 27: Folder 28: Folder 29: Folder 30: Folder 31: Folder 32: Folder 33: Folder 34: Folder 35: Folder 36: Folder 37: Folder 38: Folder 39: Folder 40: Folder 41: Folder 42: Folder 43: Folder 44: Folder 45: Folder 46: Folder 47: Folder 48: Folder 49: Folder 50: Newspaper Clippings, July-September 1980 Newspaper Clippings, October-December 1980 Newspaper Clippings, January-March 1980 Newspaper Clippings, April-June 1980 Newspaper Clippings, July-September 1980 Newspaper Clippings, October-December 1980 Automobile Import Limits, 1980 Gasohol, 1980 International Trade, 1980 Bill to Cut Paperwork, 1990 Questionnaire, May 1980 Grain Embargo Gasohol, 1980 Food, Cancer, and Government Regulation, July 1979 Amtrack, 1979 Social Security Debate, 1979 Big Blue Reservoir, 1970 1980 Budget Too High, 1979 Questionnaire Results, 1979 Loans to Chrysler Corporation, 1979 Military Academy Admission Standards and Nominations, 1979 Sharp’s Amendment to Save Energy, 1979 Sharp Visits Indiana Counties, 1979 Reimbursement From Peoples Temple, 1979 Press Releases, 1979 Newspaper Clippings Sharp, September 1978-1979 News Clippings-Opposition, 1979 News Clippings-Bill Frazier, 1977-1978 News Clippings-Frazier’s Campaign File, 1978 News Clippings-Marlin McDaniel, 1977-1978 News Clippings-Roger Marsh, 1977-1978 News Clippings-Jeffery Espich, 1977-1978 News Clippings-District Issues and Candidates, December 1978January 1979 News Clippings- Candidates, 1978 News Clippings-General Election Letters “Dear Colleagues” from Sharp, 1978 News Clippings-General, 1978 News Clippings-Sharp, 1978 News Clippings-Sharp Campaign, 1978 Box 63: Press Clippings, 1978-89 Folder 1: News Clippings-Issues and General District, 1978 Folder 2: News Clippings- Candidates, September-December, 1978 Folder 3: News Clippings-Tip O’Neil Visit to District, 1978 Folder 4: News Clippings-General, 1978 Folder 5: News Clippings-January-February 1977 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 72 Folder 6: News Clippings-March-April 1977 Folder 7: News Clippings-May-June 1977 Folder 8: News Clippings-July-August 1977 Folder 9: News Clippings-Farm Conference, August 1977 Folder 10: News Clippings-September-October 1977 Folder 11: News Clippings-November-December 1977 Folder 12: News Clippings-Copies of Clippings, 1984 Folder 13: News Clippings-Articles and Newsletters on Sharp, 1983 Folder 14: News Clippings-Press Speeches, c. 1982 Folder 15: News Clippings-c. 1976 Folder 16: News Clippings-May-September 1976 Folder 17: News Clippings-1976 Folder 18: President Reagan’s Second State of the Union Address, 1983 Folder 19: Philippine President Marcos, 1986 Folder 20: Tax Meeting and Questionnaire, 1985 Folder 21: Maps/Redistricting and Census, 1982 Folder 22: Military Base Closings, 1985 Folder 23: Superfund, 1986 Folder 24: Abortion, 1986 Folder 25: Oil Prices, 1985 Folder 26: Campaign Finance, c. 1985 Folder 27: Oil Mergers, 1985 Folder 28: Letters to the Editor-Sharp, 1980-1982 Folder 29: Clean Coal, 1986 Folder 30: Petroleum Practices, 1985 Folder 31: Rough Draft Releases, 1985 Folder 32: D.A.R.E., 1986 Folder 33: Indiana Railroads, c. 1985 Folder 34: Beeper Intros, c. 1985 Folder 35: Satellite Feeds, 1983 Folder 36: Sharp Profile, c. 1985 Folder 37: Sharp Floor Statements, Testimony, and CR Reprints, 1982 Folder 38: News Clippings-Positive Articles on Sharp, 1983 Folder 39: Sharp Voting Record, 1980 Folder 40: Grants and Programs Announcements, 1982 Folder 41: Budget Deficit/National Taxpayers Union, c. 1983 Folder 42: Sharp Accomplishments, c. 1983 Folder 43: Letters to the Editor, 1986 Folder 44: Education, 1988 Folder 45: Export Developments, 1988 Folder 46: Food Labeling, 1989 Folder 47: FSX Military Aircraft, 1989 Folder 48: U.S.-Canada FTA, 1988 Folder 49: Jim Wright/Legislative Council, 1988 Folder 50: Military Base Closings, 1989 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 73 Box 64: Press Clippings, 1987-89 Folder 1: National Ranking/Awards/Ratings, 1988 Folder 2: Pornography, 1988 Folder 3: Radon, 1988 Folder 4: Salary Increases, 1989 Folder 5: Savings and Loans, 1989 Folder 6: Section 89, 1989 Folder 7: Tongass National Forest, 1989 Folder 8: Trade Bill, 1988 Folder 9: Water Subsidies, 1988 Folder 10: Sharp Biography information/Kay-Kay, c. 1982 Folder 11: Sharp Sponsorship/Co-Sponsorship, c. 1983 Folder 12: Budget, 1989 Folder 13: Capital Gains, c. 1985 Folder 14: Catastrophic Coverage, 1989 Folder 15: Civil Rights Restoration Act, 1987 Folder 16: Contra Aid, 1988 Folder 17: Diesel Fuel Tax, 1988 Folder 18: Drought, 1988 Folder 19: Drugs-Indiana, 1988 Box 65: Personal Correspondence, 1989-94; Health Care Reform, 1993-94 Folder 1: Personal Correspondence-Phil Sharp Indiana Trips, 1993 Folder 2: Desert Storm Letters, 1991 Folder 3: Correspondence, 1991 Folder 4: Member Letters, 1991 Folder 5: Correspondence, 1990 Folder 6: Correspondence, 1989 Folder 7: Indiana Statements, 1992 Folder 8: Correspondence, 1992 Folder 9: Official Business, 1992 Folder 10: Members Letters, 1993-1994 Folder 11: Correspondence, 1993-1994 Folder 12: Thank-You’s, 1993-1994 Folder 13: Indiana Statements, 1993-1994 Folder 14: White House Request, 1993 Folder 15: Schedule and Trip Material for Visit, August 31-September, 9, 1992 Folder 16: Indiana Visits, 1994 Folder 17: Indiana Visits, 1993 Folder 18: Indiana Visits, 1993 Folder 19: Indiana Visits, January-April, 1992 Folder 20: Indiana Visits, May-August, 1992 Folder 21: Indiana Visits, May-August, 1992 Folder 22: Indiana Visits, September-December, 1992 Folder 23: Indiana Visits, 1991 Folder 24: Indiana Trips, 1987-1989 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 74 Folder 25: Folder 26: Folder 27: Folder 28: Folder 29: Folder 30: Folder 31: Folder 32: Folder 33: Folder 34: Folder 35: Folder 36: Folder 37: Folder 38: Folder 39: Indiana Trips, 1990-1994 Health Care Reform-AFFOC, c. 1993 Alzheimer’s Association, 1993 American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, c. 1993 American Health Care Association, c 1993 Ameritech, c. 1993 Appointment Requests, 1993-1994 Articles/Essays, 1993-1994 Attendees of Health Care Forum, 1994 Chamber Care 2000, 1994 Citizen Action, 1993 Corporate Health Care Coalition, c. 1993 Correspondence, 1993-1994 Correspondence, 1993-1994 Correspondence, 1993-1994 Box 66: Health Care Reform, 1993-94; District Projects, 1975-79 Folder 1: Dental Association, c. 1994 Folder 2: Easter Seals, c. 1994 Folder 3: Eli Lilly and Company, c. 1994 Folder 4: Employer Self-funded Health Care, 1994 Folder 5: Health Care Leadership Council, 1994 Folder 6: Health Care Reform Project, 1994 Folder 7: Health Security Act, 1994 Folder 8: HMOs/GHAA, 1994 Folder 9: Hoosiers for Intelligent Health Care Reform, c. 1994 Folder 10: Indiana Community AIDS Action Network, 1994 Folder 11: Indiana Hospital Association, 1993 Folder 12: Indiana Hospitals and Providers, 1993 Folder 13: Indiana Primary Health Care Association Inc., 1993 Folder 14: Indiana Rehabilitation Association, 1994 Folder 15: Indiana Chamber of Commerce Report, 1994 Folder 16: Indiana State Medical Association, 1993 Folder 17: Malpractice, 1990 Folder 18: Medicaid/Medicare Rebate Structure Changes, c. 1993 Folder 19: National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, 1993 Folder 20: National Association of Health Underwriters, 1993 Folder 21: National Association of Retail Drug Stores, 1993 Folder 22: Pastoral Counseling, c. 1993 Folder 23: Principle Insurance Group, c. 1993 Folder 24: Richmond Metal Casting Company, c. 1993 Folder 25: Vasa Broughen Self-Funded Plans, 1993-1994 Folder 26: District Projects-Delaware County-Warner Gear/Trade Adjustment Assistance 1976 Folder 27: District Projects-Delaware County-Warner Gear/Trade Adjustment Assistance, 1976 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 75 Folder 28: District Projects-Delaware County-Warner Gear/Trade Adjustment Assistance, 1976 Folder 29: Trade Re-Adjustment Assistance, 1976-1978 Folder 30: Trade Re-Adjustment Assistance, 1976-1978 Folder 31: Indiana-Railroad #633, 1975-1977 Folder 32: Indiana-Railroad #633, 1975-1977 Folder 33: Correspondence, Railroad #633, 1975-1977 Folder 34: Correspondence, Railroad #633, 1975-1977 Folder 35: Correspondence, Railroad #633, 1975-1977 Folder 36: Correspondence, Railroad #633, 1975-1977 Folder 37: Big Blue Lake-Correspondence, 1975-1979 Folder 38: Big Blue Lake-Correspondence, 1975-1979 Box 67: District Projects, 1974-79; Indiana Projects/District Files, 1990-93 Folder 1: Big Blue Reservoir-Opposition, 1975-1979 Folder 2: Big Blue Reservoir-In Favor, 1974, 1975-1979 Folder 3: Proposals and Amendments, 1974, 1975-1979 Folder 4: Indiana Projects/District Files-Jay County, 1993 Folder 5: Johnson County, 1993 Folder 6: 2nd District-Congressional Arts Competition, 1989 Folder 7: Disaster, 1992 Folder 8: Bartholomew County, 1992 Folder 9: Decatur County, 1992 Folder 10: State Road 67, 1989-1992 Folder 11: Delaware County, 1991-1992 Folder 12: Delaware County, 1992 Folder 13: Old Fellows, 1990-1992 Folder 14: Delaware County, 1992 Folder 15: Delaware County, 1992 Folder 16: Henry County, 1992 Folder 17: Henry County, 1991-1992 Folder 18: Henry County, 1993 Folder 19: Delaware County, 1993 Folder 20: Delaware County, 1993 Folder 21: Delaware County, 1993 Folder 22: Henry County: Correspondence in regard to preserving land for recreation between Phil Sharp, the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) and the National Park Service (NPS), 1992 Folder 23: Henry County: (IDNR)(NPS), 1991-1992 Folder 24: State Road 67, 1993 Folder 25: Engineer’s Report S.R. 67, 1992 Folder 26: Housing Resource Directory Muncie, IN, 1992 Folder 27: Board of Aviation Commissioners, 1992 Folder 28: Overmeyer, 1992 Folder 29: Indiana, 1992 Folder 30: Disaster, 1991-1992 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 76 Box 68: Indiana Projects/District Files, 1982-83, 1991-94 Folder 1: Madison County, 1991-1992 Folder 2: Randolph County, 1991-1992 Folder 3: Disaster, 1989-1991 Folder 4: Rush County, 1991-1992 Folder 5: Madison County, 1992 Folder 6: Marion County, 1992 Folder 7: Shelby County, 1992 Folder 8: Jay County, 1992 Folder 9: Wayne County, 1992 Folder 10: Wayne County, 1992 Folder 11: Indiana, 1992-1993 Folder 12: Bartholomew County, 1993 Folder 13: Decatur County, 1993 Folder 14: Madison County, 1993 Folder 15: Randolph county, 1993 Folder 16: Rush County, 1993 Folder 17: Shelby County, 1993 Folder 18: Indiana, 1982 Folder 19: Delaware County, 1982 Folder 20: Bartholomew County, 1982 Folder 21: Blackford County, 1982 Folder 22: Decatur Projects, 1982 Folder 23: Delaware County (CAUSA) Petition, 1982 Folder 24: Hancock County, 1982 Folder 25: Henry County, 1982 Folder 26: Jay County, 1982 Folder 27: Johnson County, 1982 Folder 28: Madison County, 1982 Folder 29: Marion County, 1982 Folder 30: Randolph Projects, 1982 Folder 31: Shelby County, 1982 Folder 32: Rush County, 1982 Folder 33: Union City, 1982 Folder 34: Wayne County, 1982 Folder 35: Indiana, 1983 Folder 36: Block Grants in Review, 1983 Folder 37: Summer Interns Program, 1983 Folder 38: Wayne County, 1983 Folder 39: Washington Post Articles, 1994 Folder 40: Project Tracking Indiana Counties, 1985-1994 Box 69: Indiana Projects/District Files, 1985-91 Folder 1: Project Tracking Indiana Counties, 1985-1994 Folder 2: Project Tracking Indiana Counties, 1985-1994 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 77 Folder 3: Project Tracking, 1987 Folder 4: Project Tracking, 1987 Folder 5: “PCBs/Washburn”, 1989 Folder 6: Randolph County, 1989-1990 Folder 7: Bartholomew County, 1990 Folder 8: Delaware County, 1990 Folder 9: Delaware County, 1990 Folder 10: Delaware County, 1990 Folder 11: Indiana (state of), 1990-1991 Folder 12: Decatur County, 1990-1991 Folder 13: Johnson County, 1990-1991 Folder 14: Randolph County, 1990-1991 Folder 15: Rush County, 1990-1991 Folder 16: Bartholomew County, 1991 Folder 17: Delaware County, 1991 Folder 18: Delaware County, 1991 Folder 19: Henry County, 1991 Folder 20: Marion County, 1991 Folder 21: Shelby County, 1991 Folder 22: Wayne County, 1991 Folder 23: Wayne County, 1989-1990 Folder 24: Wayne County, 1989-1990 Box 70: Indiana Projects/District Files, 1990-94 Folder 1: Flood Emergency, 1990 Folder 2: Flood Emergency, 1990 Folder 3: Personnel, 1990 Folder 4: Wayne County-NATCO Closing, 1990 Folder 5: PRC Tape Corporation, 1990 Folder 6: Issues-Indiana, 1990-1991 Folder 7: Central Indiana Railroad, 1991 Folder 8: Ice Storm Emergency, 1991 Folder 9: Ice Storm Emergency, 1991 Folder 10: Ice Storm Emergency, 1991 Folder 11: Indiana REMCs Vs. REA, 1991 Folder 12: Job Search-Clark, Payne, 1991 Folder 13: Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians, 1991 Folder 14: Party Organizations and Indiana Legislature, 1991 Folder 15: Persian Gulf War, 1991 Folder 16: Wayne County-Manville Plant, 1991 Folder 17: Legislative Issues,-National Energy Strategy, 1991-1992 Folder 18: Disaster Assistance, 1992 Folder 19: Issues-IPALCO/PSI, Merger Fight, 1993 Folder 20: Issues-NAFTA, 1993 Folder 21: Buses-Indiana Transportation Association, 1994 Folder 22: Administrative-Budget, 1989-1991 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 78 Folder 23: Folder 24: Folder 25: Folder 26: Folder 27: Folder 28: Administration-Mailing Procedures, 1990 Inauguration-New Office, 1993 Issues-Redistricting, 1990 Administration-Office Rentals, 1990 Legislative-New District Maps, 1990 Legislative-New District Maps, 1990 Box 71: Indiana Projects/District Files, 1990-94 Folder 1: Issues-Mergers and Acquisitions, 1991 Folder 2: National Guard Reductions, 1991 Folder 3: Administration District Staff, 1990-1991 Folder 4: Administration Budget Conclusion for 1991 Folder 5: Administration-Computer List Development, 1991 Folder 6: Administration Equipment, 1991 Folder 7: Fund Raising-Opening of 103rd Congress Breakfast, 1991 Folder 8: Mobile Office, 1991 Folder 9: 103rd Congress Committee Assignments, 1991-1993 Folder 10: Mike Pence-Campaign Violations, 1991 Folder 11: Administrative-AAs Meeting, 1992 Folder 12: Academy Day, 1992 Folder 13: Form/Switchgrass, 1992 Folder 14: Summer Interns, 1992 Folder 15: Computer Proposals, 1992 Folder 16: District Scheduling Conferences, 1992 Folder 17: Budget, 1992-1993 Folder 18: Administration-Intern, Spring 1993 Folder 19: Job Openings/Staff Assistant, 1993 Folder 20: Budget Proposal, 1993 Folder 21: Subcommittee Staff, 1993 Folder 22: Budget Analysis-Phil Sharp, 1993 Folder 23: Federal Judgeship-Thomas Clem, 1993 Folder 24: Fund Raising, 1993 Folder 25: Internships, 1993 Folder 26: Administrative-Phil’s 52nd Birthday Luncheon, 1994 Folder 27: Unemployment Office Closures, 1990 Folder 28: Decatur County Contacts, 1991 Folder 29: Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS), 1992 Folder 30: Agriculture Program, 1993 Folder 31: Bartholomew Projects, 1993 Folder 32: Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation, Javits Project, 1993 Folder 33: Decatur Projects, 1993 Folder 34: Landfills, 1993 Folder 35: Press Clippings, January 1993-June 1993 Folder 36: Press Clippings, January 1993-June 1993 Folder 37: Press Clippings, 1993 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 79 Folder 38: Folder 39: Folder 40: Folder 41: Folder 42: Folder 43: Folder 44: Folder 45: Press Clippings, 1993 Shelby County Contacts, 1993 Small Business Administration, 1993 News Clippings, 1994 Press Clippings, 1994 Talent Search-Bartholomew County, 1994 Veterans Problems, c. 1993 Projects-Environment Protection Agency/IDEM Permitting Dispute, 1993-1994 Folder 46: Projects-Ball State-Energy Efficient Lighting and Building Center, 1993-1994 Folder 47: Projects-Ball State University, Visual Learning Materials, 1993-1994 Folder 48: Delco-Remy Electric Shuttle, 1993-1994 Folder 49: Projects-1990 Congressional Reapportionment, 1990 Box 72: Indiana Projects/District Files, 1975-76, 1993-94 Folder 1: Federal Appointments-U.S. Housing and Urban Development (Indianapolis), 1993-1994 Folder 2: U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1993-1994 Folder 3: Federal Court, Southern District, 1993-1994 Folder 4: U.S. Attorney Northern District, 1993-1994 Folder 5: U.S. Department of Energy, 1993-1994 Folder 6: Justice Department-U.S. Attorney (South), 1993-1994 Folder 7: Issues-Ball State University Housing Futures Project, 1993-1994 Folder 8: Issues-Out of State Waste Legislation, 1993-1994 Folder 9: Projects-Green Lights Project, 1993-1994 Folder 10: Projects-Fair Labor Standards Act, 1993-1994 Folder 11: Community Development Housing and Urban Development, 1975 Folder 12: American Revolution Bicentennial Administration (ARBA), Projects, 1975-1976 Folder 13: Family Planning Project, 1975-1976 Folder 14: General District, 1975-1976 Folder 15: Indiana General Information, 1975-1976 Folder 16: Agency Questionnaire Letters, 1976 Folder 17: Carlos Post Office, 1976 Folder 18: Centerville Tornado, 1976 Folder 19: Crime Work Day, 1976 Folder 20: Federal Assistance Programs Retrieval System (FAPRS), 1976 Folder 21: Economic Development Act (EDA) Amendment, 1976 Folder 22: Indiana Founding Study, 1975-1976 Folder 23: Indiana Grants, 1976 Folder 24: Interfaith Housing, 1976 Folder 25: Public Works/Economic Development Act (EDA), 1976 Folder 26: Revenue Sharing, 1976 Folder 27: Postal Projects, 1976 Folder 28: Postal Projects, 1976 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 80 Folder 29: Folder 30: Folder 31: Folder 32: Folder 33: Folder 34: Folder 35: Folder 36: Folder 37: Rockcreek Ditch Project, 1976 Student Aid, 1976 Senior citizens, 1976 Senior Citizen Intern Program, 1976 United Auto Workers (UAW) Official Mailing foreign Car ‘Dumping’, 1976 Projects-Adams County, 1976 Blackford County, 1976 Delaware County, 1976 Delaware County, 1976 Box 73: Indiana Projects/District Files, 1975-77 Folder 1: Economic Development Administration, 1976 Folder 2: Hancock County, 1976 Folder 3: Henry County, 1976 Folder 4: Indiana Correspondence, 1975-1976 Folder 5: Jay County Hospital, 1976 Folder 6: Projects-Jay County, 1976 Folder 7: Madison County, 1976 Folder 8: Randolph County, 1976 Folder 9: Rush County, 1976 Folder 10: Union County, 1976 Folder 11: Wayne County, 1976 Folder 12: Wayne County, 1976 Folder 13: Wayne County-Starling Roosts, 1976 Folder 14: Wells County, 1976 Folder 15: Wabash Canal, 1975-1977 Folder 16: Wabash Canal, 1975-1977 Folder 17: Delaware County-Jack Perkins, 1976-1977 Folder 18: Delaware County-Jack Perkins, 1976-1977 Folder 19: Fort Wayne and Vicinity Flood Control, 1976-1977 Folder 20: McIntyre, 1976-1977 Folder 21: Work For Learning Wallin, 1976-1977 Folder 22: Amtrak, 1977 Folder 23: Amtrak, 1977 Box 74: Indiana Projects/District Files, 1975-80 Folder 1: Maumee River Basin, 1977 Folder 2: Project TRA, 1977 Folder 3: Solar Energy Research Institute, 1977 Folder 4: Penn Central Taxes, 1977-1978 Folder 5: Revenue Sharing, 1977-1978 Folder 6: Chrysler, 1978 Folder 7: Glass Manufactures, 1978 Folder 8: Cleland-Vets. Conference Dinner, 1978 Folder 9: Marhoefer, 1978 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 81 Folder 10: Folder 11: Folder 12: Folder 13: Folder 14: Folder 15: Folder 16: Folder 17: Folder 18: Folder 19: Folder 20: Folder 21: Folder 22: Folder 23: Folder 24: Folder 25: Folder 26: Folder 27: Folder 28: Folder 29: Folder 30: Folder 31: Folder 32: Folder 33: Folder 34: Folder 35: Folder 36: Folder 37: Folder 38: Pennville Water, 1978 Project Life (Karft), 1978 Rush County, Economic Development Act (EDA) Grants, 1978 Synthetic Natural Gas Plant, 1978 Snow Emergency, 1978 Section 221 (Big Blue), 1979 Big Blue Project, 1979 Big Blue Project, 1979 Big Blue Project, De-authorization, 1979-1980 Economic Development Act (EDA)-TitleX, 1975 Canning Lid Shortage, 1976 Computer Letters, 1976 ConRail-Letters to Governor Bowen and Arthur Lewis, 1975 Computer Letters, 1975 ConRail, 1976 Muncie, Economic Development Act (EDA)- Title IX, 1976 Muncie, Economic Development Act (EDA)- Title IX, 1976 Economic Development Act (EDA), 1978 Blue River Reservoir Project, 1978 Emergency Snow Removal Aid, 1978 General Indiana, 1978 New Community Health Care Centers (delay in spending FY79 fund), 1978 Projects-Adams County, 1978 Blackford County, 1978 Delaware County, 1978 Delaware County, 1978 Hancock County, 1978 Henry County, 1978 Jay County, 1978 Box 75: Indiana Projects/District Files, 1978-88 Folder 1: Jay County Hospital, 1978 Folder 2: Madison County, 1978 Folder 3: Muncie Federal Building, 1978 Folder 4: Wayne County, 1978 Folder 5: Wells County, 1978 Folder 6: Randolph County, 1978 Folder 7: Rush County, 1978 Folder 8: 10th District-Indiana, 1978 Folder 9: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1978 Folder 10: Union County, 1978 Folder 11: VA Cemetery, 1978 Folder 12: Bartholomew County, 1980-1981 Folder 13: Adams County, 1981 Folder 14: Blackford County, 1981 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 82 Folder 15: Folder 16: Folder 17: Folder 18: Folder 19: Folder 20: Folder 21: Folder 22: Folder 23: Folder 24: Folder 25: Folder 26: Folder 27: Folder 28: Folder 29: Folder 30: Folder 31: Folder 32: Folder 33: Folder 34: Folder 35: Folder 36: Folder 37: Decatur County, 1981 Delaware County, 1981 Delaware County, 1981 Hancock County, 1981 Henry County, 1981 Indiana, 1981 Indiana Weatherization Funding, 1981 Jay County, 1981 Johnson County, 1981 Madison County, 1981 Marion County, 1981 New Castle Economic Development, 1981 Pending, 1981 Randolph County, 1981 Randolph County Hospital, 1981 Randolph County Hospital, 1981 Rush County, 1981 Muncie Sanitary District: Sludge Disposal and Recycling, 1981-1982 Union City, 1981 Wayne County, 1981 Wells County, 1981 Wells County, 1981 Marion County: Amtrak-Moving Beech Grove Purchasing Office, 1982 Folder 38: Shelby County, 1982 Folder 39: Delta Faucet, 1986 Folder 40: Johnson, Bart Co. Pipeline, 1987-1988 Folder 41: Arvin, 1988 Folder 42: Columbus Social Security, 1988 Folder 43: Indiana, 1985 Folder 44: Bartholomew County, 1985 Folder 45: Decatur County, 1985 Box 76: Indiana Projects/District Files, 1984-86 Folder 1: Delaware County, 1985 Folder 2: Fayette County, 1985 Folder 3: Henry County, 1985 Folder 4: Johnson County, 1985 Folder 5: Marion County, 1985 Folder 6: Randolph County, 1985 Folder 7: Rush County, 1985 Folder 8: Shelby County, 1985 Folder 9: Wayne County, 1985 Folder 10: Wayne County, 1985 Folder 11: Indiana, 1986 Folder 12: Project Reports, 1986 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 83 Folder 13: Folder 14: Folder 15: Folder 16: Folder 17: Folder 18: Folder 19: Folder 20: Folder 21: Folder 22: Folder 23: Folder 24: Folder 25: Folder 26: Bartholomew County, 1986 Urban Development Action Grant (U-DAG), 1986 Decatur County, 1986 Delaware County, 1986 Disaster Aid, 1986 Henry County, 1986 Johnson County, 1986 Indiana, 1984 Bartholomew County, 1984 Decatur County, 1984 Delaware County, 1984 Fayette County, 1984 Henry County, 1984 Johnson County, 1984 Box 77: Indiana Projects/District Files, 1977, 1984-86 Folder 1: Marion County, 1984 Folder 2: Randolph County, 1984 Folder 3: Rush County, 1984 Folder 4: Shelby County, 1984 Folder 5: Wayne County, 1984 Folder 6: Marion County, 1986 Folder 7: Randolph County, 1986 Folder 8: Rush County, 1986 Folder 9: Shelby County, 1986 Folder 10: Wayne County, 1986 Folder 11: Yorktown, 1986 Folder 12: Adams County, 1977 Folder 13: Blackford County, 1977 Folder 14: Delaware County, 1977 Folder 15: Delaware County, 1977 Folder 16: Hancock County, 1977 Folder 17: Delaware County, 1977 Folder 18: Delaware County, 1977 Folder 19: Henry County, 1977 Folder 20: Jay County, 1977 Folder 21: Madison County, 1977 Folder 22: Randolph County, 1977 Folder 23: Rush County, 1977 Folder 24: Union County, 1977 Folder 25: Wayne County, 1977 Box 78: Indiana Projects/District Files, 1975-77, 1990-93 Folder 1: Wayne County, 1977 Folder 2: Adams County, 1975 Folder 3: Adams County, 1975 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 84 Folder 4: Indiana, 1975 Folder 5: Blackford County, 1975 Folder 6: Corps of Engineers (General), 1975 Folder 7: Delaware County, 1975 Folder 8: Disaster Assistance (General), 1975 Folder 9: Foundries, 1975 Folder 10: District (General), 1975 Folder 11: Greenfield Bus, 1975 Folder 12: Hancock County, 1975 Folder 13: Henry County, 1975 Folder 14: Jay County, 1975 Folder 15: Indiana (Correspondence), 1975 Folder 16: Indiana (Grants), 1975 Folder 17: Madison County, 1975 Folder 18: Pennville Sewer, 1975 Folder 19: Randolph County, 1975 Folder 20: Rush County, 1975 Folder 21: Senior Citizens, 1975 Folder 22: Senior Citizens Intern Program, 1975 Folder 23: Stennis Letter-Wabash River Navigability, 1975 Folder 24: Union County, 1975 Folder 25: Urban Mass Transit Authority (UMTA), 1975 Folder 26: Wayne County, 1975 Folder 27: Wells County, 1975 Folder 28: Anderson’s Flagship Industrial Park, 1993 Folder 29: Various Resumes, 1990 Box 79: Indiana Projects/District Files, 1984-86 Folder 1: Indiana Projects/D.C. Files-Bartholomew County, 1989-1991 Folder 2: Bartholomew County, 1991 Folder 3: Bartholomew County, Landfill, 1994 Folder 4: Broderick County Health Plan Problems, 1990-1991 Folder 5: Decatur County, 1991 Folder 6: Delaware County, 1989-1993 Folder 7: Delaware County-Muncie Speedway, 1992 Folder 8: Muncie Reclamation Supply Company, 1992 Folder 9: Naval Air Warfare Center (Indianapolis), 1992 Folder 10: Randolph County, 1991-1994 Folder 11: Rush County, 1993 Folder 12: Shelby County, 1992-1993 Folder 13: Service Life Extension Program (SLEP), Military, 1993 Folder 14: Union City Body Company’s Chap. 11, 1992 Folder 15: Jay County-Indiana Glass, 1992 Folder 16: Johnson County, 1989-1990 Folder 17: Madison County (Delco Remy. Plant #11), 1991 Folder 18: Madison County, 1992-1994 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 85 Folder 19: Folder 20: Folder 21: Folder 22: Folder 23: Folder 24: Folder 25: Folder 26: Folder 27: Folder 28: Folder 29: Folder 30: Marion County, 1991-1992 Detroit Steel Products, 1992 DynAmerica (Muncie), 1992 Gateways to Delaware County, 1991 Henry County, 1990-1993 Jay County, 1993 Indiana Projects/District Office Files-Bartholomew County, 1988 Decatur County, 1988 Henry County, 1988 Indiana, 1988 Indiana, 1988 Indiana, 1988 Box 80: Indiana Projects/District Files, 1978 - 80, 1988 Folder 1: Indiana, 1988 Folder 2: Indiana, 1988 Folder 3: Johnson County, 1988 Folder 4: Marion County, 1988 Folder 5: Randolph County, 1988 Folder 6: Ray Alton File, 1988 Folder 7: Rush County, 1988 Folder 8: Shelby County, 1988 Folder 9: Terry Lombardo, 1988 Folder 10: Terry Lombardo, 1988 Folder 11: Tommy Vick, 1988 Folder 12: Wayne County, 1988 Folder 13: Adams County, 1979 Folder 14: Blackford County, 1979 Folder 15: Delaware County, 1979 Folder 16: Hancock County, 1979 Folder 17: Henry County, 1979 Folder 18: Indiana-General, 1979-1980 Folder 19: Jay County, 1979 Folder 20: Madison County, 1979 Folder 21: Multi-County Projects, 1979 Folder 22: Wayne County-Air Pollution Case, 1979 Folder 23: Delaware County-Railroad Crossings, 1978 Folder 24: Randolph County, 1979 Folder 25: Rush County, 1979 Folder 26: Union County, 1979-1980 Folder 27: Wayne County, 1979 Folder 28: Wayne County, 1979 Folder 29: Wells County, 1979 Folder 30: Adams County, 1980 Folder 31: Blackford County, 1980 Folder 32: Wayne County, 1980 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 86 Folder 33: Folder 34: Folder 35: Folder 36: Wells County, 1980 Randolph County, 1980 Rush County, 1980 Madison County, 1980 Box 81: Indiana Projects/District Files, 1975 -81, 1989 Folder 1: Delaware County, 1980 Folder 2: Hancock County, 1980 Folder 3: Henry County, 1980 Folder 4: Jay County, 1980 Folder 5: Aeroforge, 1981 Folder 6: Blue River Valley, 1989 Folder 7: Delaware County, 1989 Folder 8: Henry County, 1989 Folder 9: Indiana (General), 1989 Folder 10: Indiana (General), 1989 Folder 11: Johnson County, 1989 Folder 12: Marion County, 1989 Folder 13: Randolph County, 1989 Folder 14: Rush County, 1989 Folder 15: Rush County, 1989 Folder 16: Shelby County, 1989 Folder 17: Wayne County, 1989 Folder 18: Wayne County, 1989 Folder 19: Muncie-Union Station, 1989 Folder 20: Interstate Commerce Commission, 1975 Folder 21: Stottlemeyer Ditch Fortsville, 1976 Folder 22: CETA, 1977 Folder 23: Community Development Grants, 1977-1978 Folder 24: Drought Relief, 1977 Box 82: Indiana Projects/District Files, 1976 -78, 1993 - 94 Folder 1: Economic Development, 1977 Folder 2: Economic Development, 1977 Folder 3: Farm Conference, 1977 Folder 4: Federal Highway Program, 1977 Folder 5: Grant Information (General), 1977 Folder 6: Indiana Grants, 1977 Folder 7: Indiana Grants, 1977 Folder 8: Indiana State Jurisdiction, 1977 Folder 9: New Palestine Sewer, 1977 Folder 10: Post Office, 1977 Folder 11: Revenue Sharing, 1977 Folder 12: Rock Creek Ditch, 1976 Folder 13: Social Services, 1977 Folder 14: Thank you Notes, 1977 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 87 Folder 15: Folder 16: Folder 17: Folder 18: Folder 19: Folder 20: Folder 21: Folder 22: Folder 23: Folder 24: Folder 25: Folder 26: Folder 27: Folder 28: Folder 29: Folder 30: Folder 31: Folder 32: Folder 33: Folder 34: Folder 35: Folder 36: Folder 37: Folder 38: Folder 39: Folder 40: Trade Readjustment Allowances, 1977 Wells County, 1977 CMCA: Computer Services-Correspondence, 1978 Office Services-Art in the Capital, 1978 Health Care-Reform, 1993 Health Care-Reform, Aetna Reform, 1994 Health Care-Reform, American Association of Maxillofacial Surgeons, 1994 Health Care-Reform, American Dietetic Association, 1994 Health Care-Reform, American Society of Anesthesiologists, 1994 Health Care-Reform, Letter to Clinton-Abortion, 1994 Health Care-Reform, Non-Forfeiture Standards Letter, 1994 Health Care-Reform, National Corporate Business Association, 1994 Health Care-Reform, Quality Imperative, 1994 Health Care-Reform, Rural Health Care, 1994 Health Care-Reform, Synar Letters to Dingell, 1994 Health Care-Reform, AdminaStar, c. 1994 Health Care-Reform, American College of Nurse/mid-wives, 19931995 Health Care-Reform, American Psychological Association, 1993-1995 Health Care-Reform, The Associated Group, 1993-1995 Health Care-Reform, Health Care Reform, 1991-1992, 1994 Health Care-Reform, District Press, 1993-1994 Health Care-Reform, District Stories, 1993-1995 Health Care-Reform, Eli Lilly and Company, 1993 Health Care-Reform, Hearing Appearances, 1993 Health Care-Reform, Jimmy Ryrer Testimony, 1993 Health Care-Reform, Releases, 1994 Political Campaigns Records, 1970-1994 (6 Boxes, 5.3 cu.ft.) Box 1: Campaign Files, 1970 - 93 Folder 1: Campaign Literature and Memorabilia 1970; 1972 Folder 2: Literature and Visuals, 1976 Folder 3: Budget Summary, 1978 Folder 4: Vote Totals, 1978 Folder 5: News Clippings, 1980 Folder 6: Sharp Advertisements, 1980 Folder 7: Fundraiser, 1982 Folder 8: Debate Preparation (Democratic Platform), 1984 Folder 9: Fundraiser, 1984 Folder 10: Debate Material, Polls, & Mailings, 1988 Folder 11: Press Clippings, 1988 Folder 12: Press Clippings, 1988 Folder 13: Press Clippings, 1988 Folder 14: Press Clippings, 1990 Folder 15: Press Clippings, 1990 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 88 Folder 16: Advertisements - Sharp, 1992 Folder 17: Political Campaign 1992, Sharp opponents, attacks by Frazier and Simmerman Folder 18: Political Campaign 1992, Sharp and article on Frazier's Debt Folder 19: Political Campaign 1992, Frazier accuses Sharp of dodging draft Folder 20: Budget Summary, 1992 Folder 21: Debate Press Clippings, 1992 Folder 22: Press Clippings, local, 1992 Folder 23: Election Summaries, 1992 Folder 24: Endorsements-Frazier, 1992 Folder 25: Endorsements-Sharp, 1992 Folder 26: Phone Bank-negative: Phil Sharp Responses, 1992 Folder 27: Polls/Projections, 1992 Folder 28: Primaries, 1992 Folder 29: Releases-21st Century Products, 1992 Folder 30: Check Votes, Sharp Response, 1992 Folder 31: Check Votes, Sharp Response and Endorsements, 1992 Folder 32: Check Votes, Sharp Response and Energy, 1992 Folder 33: Family Farm Responses, 1992 Folder 34: Frazier Advertisements, 1992 Folder 35: Frazier Challenges Sharp to Debate, 1992 Folder 36: Major Efforts, 102nd Congress to Re-Elect Philip, 1992 Folder 37: National Rifle Association Support, 1992 Folder 38: Sharp Advertisements, 1992 Folder 39: Sharp Appearances, 1992 Folder 40: Sharp Attacks, 1992 Folder 41: Sharp Draft Responses, 1992 Folder 42: Campaign Releases, Sharp Experience (what Phil Sharp is for), 1992 Folder 43: Advertising/Press, 1992 Folder 44: Budget Reform, 1993 Folder 45: Correspondence, March 25, 1992, Bill Clinton Folder 46: Campaign Material-Reform Record, April 16, 1992 Folder 47: Debate/Problems/Solutions, 1982-1989 Folder 48: Examples of Political Fundraiser Invites, Solicitations, and Christmas Cards Folder 49: Finance Chairman Folder, 1992 Folder 50: Fundraising/Budget Expenses, 1987-1993 Folder 51: Fundraising/Budget Expenses, 1990 Folder 52: Fundraising/Budget Expenses, Special Help, 1992 Folder 53: Texas, 1981 Folder 54: Friends of Phil Sharp, Campaign Material, 1980-1982 Folder 55: Correspondence, 1978 Folder 56: Letters and Invites, 1976, 1978, 1980 Folder 57: Memos and Records, 1970 and 1980 Folder 58: Publications, 1984 Folder 59: Great Job letters, 1985-1986 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 89 Folder 60: Folder 61: Folder 62: Folder 63: Folder 64: Folder 65: Folder 66: Folder 67: Folder 68: Folder 69: Folder 70: Folder 71: Folder 72: Folder 73: Folder 74: Folder 75: Folder 76: Folder 77: Folder 78: Folder 79: Folder 80: Folder 81: Folder 82: Folder 83: Folder 84: Folder 85: Folder 86: Folder 87: Folder 88: Folder 89: Folder 90: Folder 91: Folder 92: Folder 93: Folder 94: Folder 95: Holiday/Thank-You Card, 1989 Indianapolis Hosts Phil Sharp documents, 1981 Reception-Skyline Club, 1993 Invitation Flyers and Declaration of Candidacy; 1988-1990 Invitations and Schedule Book, 1984 Mellman and Lazarus Research Study, 1988 Negative Editorials, September 1992 Oklahoma; Tulsa Group, 1980s Phone Bank Wrap-Up, 1986 Phone Charges, 1990-1991 Polling, 1992 Press Clippings, 1990-1993 Press Clippings, 1992 Post-Election, 1992 Printed Material, 1976-1980 Profile of Phil Sharp, 1990 Samples of Mailings, 1972-1992 Sharp Advertisements, 1984 Legislative Record, 1984 Mailings, 1987-1988 Opposition, 1989-1993 Rushville Republican Survey Response, April 22, 1992 Scheduling and Events: July-August 1992 Shelby and Johnson County Issues, 1989 Statement of Congressman Phil Sharp, House Bank Disclosure April 16, 1992 Surveys and Reports, 1982 Thank You letters, Certificates, and Clippings, 1980-1984 Campaign Issues, Taxes/ Frazier, 1992 VIP Letters and Endorsements, 1982-1984 Voter Contact Program, 1980 Voter Identification and Printed Material, 1982-1984 Turnout, 1988-1990 Washington D.C. Fundraiser, 1980 Winning Indiana: A Coordinated Campaign Plan, 1960-1990 Wrap-Up Campaign, 1990-1991 Campaign, 1992 Box 2: Campaign Files, 1972 - 93 Folder 1: Campaign Press Releases 1972, Folder 2: Press Releases, 1974 Folder 3: Releases and Literature, 1974 Folder 4: Polling Surveys, 1978 Folder 5: Newsletters, 1980 Folder 6: News and Clippings, 1982 Folder 7: Campaign, Statements, 1982 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 90 Folder 8: Issues, 1984 Folder 9: Pence News Clippings, April-August 1988 Folder 10: Pence News Clippings, September-November, 1988 Folder 11: Press Clippings, 1988 Folder 12: Press Clippings, 1988 Folder 13: Press Clippings, 1988 Folder 14: Election Results, 1990 Folder 15: News Clippings, 1990 Folder 16: Pence News Clippings, 1990 Folder 17: Family Farm of Sharp-Dump Site, 1992 Folder 18: Newsclippings, 1992 Folder 19: Republican Support for Frazier, 1992 Folder 20: Administrative: Good Newspaper Coverage, 1989-1990 Folder 21: Campaign Material and PAC Information, 1985-1992 Folder 22: Clippings and News Endorsement, 1986 Folder 23: Correspondence with Friends and Mike Pence, 1980-1990 Folder 24: Democrats Big Winners in Election Article, 1990 Folder 25: Eastern Graphics, Phil Sharp Campaign After 1988 Folder 26: Friends of Phil Sharp Mailings; 1985-1986 Folder 27: Good Press and Clippings, 1981-1982 Folder 28: Good Press Clippings and Quotes, 1982-1984 Folder 29: Good Press Clippings and Quotes, 1983-1984 Folder 30: Indiana's New Congressional Districts, 1991 Folder 31: Media, 1982 Folder 32: National Conservative Political Action Committee (NCPAC) Materials Folder 33: Newspaper Articles, 1993 Folder 34: Press Clippings, 1970-1980 Folder 35: Press Clippings, 1989-1990 Folder 36: Press Clippings, 1993 Folder 37: Victory, 1983 Box 3: Campaign Files, 1972 - 93 Folder 1: Press Coverage of Opponent David McIntosh; 1993 Folder 2: Press Releases and News Letters, 1983 Folder 3: Press Releases and News Letters, 1984 Folder 4: Press Vote Totals, 1976 Folder 5: Radio Advertisements and Negative Ads, 1987-1991 Folder 6: Sharp vs. Frazier Articles, 1992 Folder 7: "Sharp Going to Washington for 10th Time," Muncie Star Article, 1992 Folder 8: Sharp's Literature, August 1992 Folder 9: Sharp/New Religious Right Information, 1987 Folder 10: Speeches, 1991 Box 4: Surveys and Analyses of Voter Attitudes and Opinions, 1974 -93 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 91 Folder 1: A Survey of Voters' Attitudes in the 2nd Congressional, District, IN: Tables-Appendix, Section IV, December, 1993 Folder 2: A Survey of Voters' Attitudes in the 2nd Congressional, District, IN: Tables-Appendix, Section IV, December, 1993 Folder 3: A Survey of Voters' Attitudes in the 2nd Congressional, District, IN: Introduction, Section IV, 10/1/1992 Folder 4: A Survey of Voters' Attitudes in the 2nd Congressional, District, IN: Introduction, Section IV, 9/1/1992 Folder 5: A Survey of Voters' Attitudes in the 2nd Congressional, District, IN: Introduction, Section IV, 5/1/1992 Folder 6: A Survey of Voters' Attitudes in the 2nd Congressional, District, IN: Introduction, Section IV, January 1992 Folder 7: A Survey of Voters' Attitudes in the 2nd Congressional, District, IN: Tables-Appendix, Section IV, January 1992 Folder 8: A Survey of Voters' Attitudes in the 2nd Congressional, District, IN: Introduction, Section IV, 10/29/1990 Folder 9: A Survey of Voters' Attitudes in the 2nd Congressional, District, IN: Introduction, Section IV, 10/18/1990 Folder 10: A Survey of Voters' Attitudes in the 2nd Congressional, District, IN: Introduction, Section IV, 10/1/1990 Folder 11: A Survey of Voters' Attitudes in the 2nd Congressional, District, IN: Introduction, Section IV, 9/1/1990 Folder 12: A Survey of Voters' Attitudes in the 2nd Congressional, District, IN: Introduction, Section IV, 8/1/1990 Folder 13: A Survey of Voters' Attitudes in the 2nd Congressional, District, IN: Introduction, Section IV, June 1990 Folder 14: A Survey of Voters' Attitudes in the 2nd Congressional, District, IN: Tables-Appendix, Section IV, January 1990 Folder 15: A Survey of Voters' Attitudes in the 2nd Congressional, District, IN: Introduction, Section IV, June 1990 Folder 16: A Survey of Voters' Attitudes in the 2nd Congressional, District, IN: Tables-Appendix, Section IV, June 1990 Folder 17: A Survey of Voter's Opinions in the Indiana 10th Congressional District, 1980 Folder 18: Tabular Report, IN 10th Congressional District, August 1980 Folder 19: An Analysis of Voter Opinion in the IN 10th Congressional District, 1978 Folder 20: A Survey of the Political Climate in the 10th Congressional District of IN, May 1974 Folder 21: A Survey of Voter Attitudes in the 10th Congressional District of IN: July 1972 Box 5: Campaign Files, 1972 - 93 Folder 1: Campaign Organization Binder, 1988 Folder 2: Campaign Organization Binder, First Half, 1976 Folder 3: Campaign Organization Binder, Final Half, 1976 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 92 Folder 4: Campaign Organization Binder, 1974 Folder 5: Polling Study Report, 1988 Folder 6: American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (A.F.S.C.M.E) Local 293 (data compiled), 1986 Folder 7: 1992 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee; Issues Book Folder 8: Campaign Research Packet, 1990 (vol 1) Folder 9: Campaign Research Packet, 1990 (vol 2) Folder 10: The New Right: Record and Response, 1981 Folder 11: Election and Re-election Plan, 1994 Folder 12: Democratic Fact Book, 1986 Box 6: Voter Profile Printouts, 1976 - 78 Folder 1: Voter Profile Printout, May 1, 1976 Folder 2: Voter Profile Printout, December 1977 (Weighted Frequencies) Folder 3: Voter Profile Printout, December 1977 (Un-weighted Frequencies) Folder 4: Voter Profile Printout, June 1978 Folder 5: Voter Profile Printout, September 1978 House Subcommittee on Energy and Power Records, 1982 - 1994 (20 Boxes, 17.8 cu. ft.) Box 1: Administrative Files, 1977-94 Folder 1: Administration - Blank Forms for Payroll, Taxes, Hearings, and Travel, 1990 Folder 2: Correspondence, September 1989-February 1990 Folder 3: Invitations, January-December, 1989 Folder 4: Letters and Receipts, 1989 Folder 5: Nominations and Investigations, 1990 Folder 6: Administrative-Forms-Passport, Bill, Attendance, Proxy, Requirements of Foreign Governments for Passports, 1986 Folder 7: Administrative-Speeches, January-October 1987 Folder 8: Administrative-Speeches, 1991 Folder 9: Appointment Calendar, 1991 Folder 10: Appointment Calendar, 1992 Folder 11: Awards Dinner, 1994 (Sharp Receives the Congressional Energy Efficiency Award) Folder 12: Biographical Profile, 1987 Folder 13: Budget Reconciliation Speech, 1993 Folder 14: Campaign, 1986 Folder 15: Commercial Advertising Credit, 1988 Folder 16: Reasons to Re-elect, 1990 Folder 17: Conference Board, 1983 Folder 18: Congressional Election Statistics, 1982 Folder 19: Correspondence, October 1983 Folder 20: Correspondence, 1985-1990 Folder 21: Correspondence, 1987-1990 Folder 22: Administration, December 1984 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 93 Folder 23: Folder 24: Folder 25: Folder 26: Folder 27: Folder 28: Folder 29: Folder 30: Folder 31: Folder 32: Folder 33: Folder 34: Folder 35: Folder 36: Folder 37: Folder 38: Folder 39: Folder 40: Folder 41: Folder 42: Folder 43: Folder 44: Folder 45: Administration, December 1, 1988 Thank You notes, 1984 Administration Resumes, 1983-1984 Administrative, 1985-1990 Accomplishments, 1988-1990 Biography, 1987 Budget, 1985-1990 House Resolution, Legislation, 1982-1990 Responses to Applicants for work with E & P Subcommittee, 19851988 Responses to Applicants for work with E & P Subcommittee, 19891990 Taxes, 1985-1993 Windfall Profit Tax Act, 1985-1988 Democratic Policy Committee Special Report, February 1993 Democratic Study Group-Special Report, May 1993 Energy Appointments to meet Sharp, 1992 Environmental and Natural Resources Policy, March 1983 Fossil and Synthetic Fuel Descriptions, 1985 Guestbooks, 1977-1979, 1979-1980, 1975-1981 Guestbooks, 1984-1987 Guestbooks, 1987-1994 Health Care, Ca. 1991 Inauguration, 1993 Indiana Appointments in D.C., 1992 Box 2: Administrative Files, 1982-94; Alternative Fuels, 1985-90; Freedom of Information Act-Anderson Act-Nuclear Power, 1987-90 Folder 1: Indiana Appointments in D.C., 1993 Folder 2: Indiana Appointments in D.C., 1993 Folder 3: Indiana Appointments in D.C., 1994 Folder 4: Invitations Accepted, 1994 Folder 5: Legislative Correspondence-Hard Copy Text, 1994 Folder 6: Library of Congress-Congressional Research Service, 1983 Folder 7: Memorandum-FY 1984-86 Federal Budget, 1983 Folder 8: Administrative, 1985-1987 Folder 9: Legislation, 1987 Folder 10: Budget, 1989-1990 Folder 11: Monthly Reports, 1983-1984 Folder 12: News Clippings, 1990-1992 Folder 13: News Clippings, 1993 Folder 14: Newspaper Articles, 1987-1992 Folder 15: Office History, 1983 Folder 16: Press Releases-Budget, 1987 Folder 17: Project Plans-Reports, 1990 Folder 18: Sharp meeting with Secretary Hodel, January 1983 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 94 Folder 19: Folder 20: Folder 21: Folder 22: Folder 23: Folder 24: Folder 25: Folder 26: Folder 27: Folder 28: Folder 29: Folder 30: Folder 31: Folder 32: Folder 33: Folder 34: Folder 35: Folder 36: Folder 37: Folder 38: Folder 39: Folder 40: Folder 41: Folder 42: Folder 43: Folder 44: Folder 45: Folder 46: Folder 47: Folder 48: Folder 49: Receipts, 1982-1983 Recipes, c. 1980s Reference, c. 1980s Sharp Speeches - Conference Board, 1983 Talking Points-Conference of Mayors, c. 1984 Speeches-invitations to give, 1992-1993 Speaking Engagements, 1994 Statement on H.R. 776 (National Energy Policy Act), 1992 Subcommittee on Fossil and Synthetic Fuel, Plans, 1983 Alternative Fuels, 1987 Public Law 100-494, October 1988 Correspondence-Alternative Fuels, 1985-1988 Correspondence-Alternative Fuels, 1987-1990 Correspondence-Alternative Fuels, 1987-1998 Correspondence-Ethanol, 1989-1990 Correspondence-Hydrogen, 1987-1988 Correspondence-Methanol, 1985-1988 Correspondence-Synthetic Fuels, 1985 Joint Staff Proposal to Conferees, 1987 Memorandum-Alternative Fuels, 1987 Ethanol, 1990 Synthetic Fuels, 1985 Methanol-Draft Bill, 1987 News Clippings-Synthetic Fuel, 1985-1989 Opening Statement-Methanol, 1987 Synthetic Fuels, 1985 Press Releases-Alternative Fuel, 1987 Methanol, 1985-1987 Synthetic Fuels, 1985 Briefing Memos-Energy and Power Subcommittee, 1987-1988 Briefing Memos-Energy and Power Subcommittee, 1989-1990 Box 3: Freedom of Information Act-Anderson Act-Nuclear Power, 1985–94; Clean Air, 1986-91 Folder 1: Briefing Memos-Energy and Power Subcommittee, 1991-1992 Folder 2: Energy and Power Subcommittee, 1993-1994 Folder 3: Correspondence-Price-Anderson Act, 1986 Folder 4: Fossil and Synthetic Fuels, 1985-1987 Folder 5: Hearing-Licensing Reform-Freedom of Information Act Letters, 19841986 Folder 6: Hearing-Management-Pilgrim-Nuclear Power-CorrespondenceEvaluations, 1985 Folder 7: Hearing-Licensing Reform-Correspondence, 1986 Folder 8: Hearing-Licensing Reform-Correspondence, March-August 1986 Folder 9: Hearing-Second Round-Representative-Correspondence, April-May 1986 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 95 Folder 10: Hearing-Second Round-Representative-Correspondence, April-June 1986 Folder 11: Hearing-Management-Pilgrim-Correspondence, 1986 Folder 12: Hearing-Management-Pilgrim-Correspondence, 12/1/1986 Folder 13: Acid Rain-Advisory Committee, 1991 Folder 14: Allowance Trading, 1991 Folder 15: Administrative-Accomplishments, 1988-1990 Folder 16: "Analysis of Congressman Mitchell's Arguments in support of Acid Rain 'Cost Sharing", 1989 Folder 17: Automobile Labeling Act, 1992 Folder 18: Clean Air Act, May 1988 Folder 19: Clean Air Act, 1991 Folder 20: Symm Robo (Computer generated responses)-(Farm Bureau Co-Op), 1990 Folder 21: Acid Rain-Articles, 1989 Folder 22: Correspondence-Indiana, February 1989 Folder 23: Correspondence-Indiana, March 1,1989 Folder 24: Correspondence-Indiana, March 1,1989 Folder 25: Correspondence-Indiana, April 1,1989 Folder 26: Correspondence-Indiana, May-June 1989 Folder 27: Correspondence-Indiana, August 1, 1989 Folder 28: Correspondence-Indiana, August 1, 1989 Folder 29: Correspondence-Indiana, September 1, 1989 Folder 30: Correspondence-Indiana, October-November, 1989 Folder 31: Correspondence-Indiana, January-February, 1990 Folder 32: Correspondence-Indiana, April-June 1990 Folder 33: Clean Air Act-Acid Rain-Press Releases, July 1989-May, 1990 Folder 34: Clean Air Act-Acid Rain Reports-Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1986 Folder 35: Acid Rain Reports-Clean Air Working Group, Ca. 1986 Folder 36: Environmental and Energy Institute, January, 1988 Folder 37: Environment Protection Agency (EPA), September 1988 Folder 38: Environment Protection Agency (EPA), November 1989 Folder 39: Executive, September 1987 Folder 40: Indiana State Agency Workgroup, October 1989 Folder 41: National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (NAPAP), 1987 Folder 42: National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (NAPAP), 1987 Box 4: Clean Air, 1986-90 Folder 1: National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (NAPAP), 10/1/1989 Folder 2: National Air Quality &Emissions Trends Report, 1986 Folder 3: National Resources Defense Council, October 1989 Folder 4: Alternative Fuels-Correspondence, Indiana, November 1990 Folder 5: Correspondence-Private, June-September, 1989 Folder 6: Correspondence-Private, October, 1989-February, 1990 Folder 7: Correspondence-Private, 1989-1990 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 96 Folder 8: Amendments, 1990 Folder 9: Amendments, 1989 Folder 10: H.R. 3030-H Doc. 101-87, 1989 Folder 11: Amendments of 1990-H.R. 3030, 1990 Folder 12: Amendments to S. 1630, 1989 Folder 13: Amendment Correspondence, May 1990 Folder 14: Clean Air Facts, March-May, 1989 Folder 15: Clean Air Facts, July-October, 1989 Folder 16: Clean Air Facts, February-June, 1990 Folder 17: Clean Air-Robo (Computer generated responses)-Indiana, September 1989 Folder 18: Indiana, November 1989 Folder 19: Indiana, 1990 Folder 20: Indiana, 3/1/1990 Folder 21: Waxman Lewis, April 1990 Folder 22: Waxman Lewis, May 1990 Folder 23: Waxman Lewis, April-June 1990 Folder 24: UPS, July-September 1990 Folder 25: UPS, October-November 1990 Folder 26: Conference Correspondence, June-July 1990 Folder 27: Conference Correspondence, 8/1/1990 Folder 28: Conference Correspondence, 9/1/1990 Folder 29: Conference Report, October 1990 Folder 30: Cost Sharing-Press Clippings, May-July 1989 Folder 31: Cost Sharing-Press Clippings, August-December 1989 Folder 32: Cost Sharing-Press Clippings, 1990 Folder 33: Cost Sharing Reports, May-September 1989 Folder 34: Correspondence-Private, January-February 1990 Folder 35: Correspondence-Private, 2/1/1990 Folder 36: Correspondence-Private, 3/1/1990 Folder 37: Correspondence-Private, 9/1/1990 Folder 38: Correspondence-Private Reports, September 1989 Folder 39: Private-SCAG, February-March 1989 Folder 40: Correspondence-State, 1989-1990 Folder 41: Cost Sharing Reports, c. 1990 Folder 42: Emissions Conference Correspondence, September. 1990 Folder 43: Emissions Conference Correspondence, September 1990 Folder 44: Emissions Conference Correspondence, October-November 1990 Folder 45: Emissions Reports, February 1990 Folder 46: Emissions Reports, 10/1/1989 Folder 47: Emissions Conference Robo (Computer generated responses), October 1989 Folder 48: Emissions GOA Report, October-November, 1989 Folder 49: Government Report Construction Moratoria, July 1989 Folder 50: Government Report, November-December, 1989 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 97 Folder 51: Government Report-Environment Protection Agency-Toxic-Releases, June 1989 Folder 52: Government Reports-Environment Protection Agency, January 1990 Folder 53: H.R. 99 Statements, March-July, 1989 Box 5: Clean Air, 1985-91 Folder 1: H.R. 3030, 1989 Folder 2: Mineral Fibers-Correspondence, May 1990 Folder 3: May-June, 1990 Folder 4: National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program-Integrated Assessment Question #3, 1990 Folder 5: Question #4 and 5, 1990 Folder 6: National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program, 1988 Folder 7: National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program, August, 1989 Folder 8: National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program, Results, 1989-1990 Folder 9: Ozone Reports, July 1989 Folder 10: Ozone Reports, August-September, 1989 Folder 11: Postcard-Robo (Computer generated responses), May, 1990 Folder 12: Public Law (101-549), 1990 Folder 13: Reauthorization (part I), 1989 Folder 14: Reauthorization (part II), 1989 Folder 15: Reauthorization (part III), 1989 Folder 16: S. 1630, 1989 Folder 17: S. 1630, 1990 Folder 18: Symms-Robo (Computer generated responses) Indiana, July-August, 1990 Folder 19: TCM-Robo (Computer generated responses) Indiana, August, 1990 Folder 20: Testimony, March 1991 Folder 21: Coal Reports, 1985-1986 Folder 22: Coal Reports, 1985-1986 Folder 23: Coal Reports-Airblown Gasifiers, 1985-1986 Folder 24: Clean Coal Technology, March 1989 Folder 25: Legislative History, 1989 Folder 26: Coal Imports, December 1989 Folder 27: Combustion/Fluidized Bed Combustion, 1985-1986 Folder 28: Department of Energy, 1988-1989 Folder 29: Government, January 1989 Folder 30: Government, February-June, 1990 Folder 31: Government, October-December, 1990 Folder 32: Limestone Injection Multistage Burner (Limb), 1990 Folder 33: Low Nox Systems-Dual Fuel Overfiring, 1990 Folder 34: Post-Combustion Emission Control, 1985-1986 Folder 35: Pulverized Coal-Combustion, 1985-1989 Folder 36: The Cleaning of Coal by Poundstone/Rubin, 1985 Folder 37: Waste Management, 1985-1986 Folder 38: Wet Coal Charged by-Product, August, 1989 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 98 Folder 39: Folder 40: Folder 41: Folder 42: Committee Report-H.R. 3030, 1990 Compliance-Flexibility Amendment To H.R. 3030, March 1990 Congressional Record-Natural Gas, November 1985-April, 1986 Conservation-Appliance Energy Conservation Material on Record, May 1, 1988 Folder 43: Appliance Standards-Press Releases, 1986-1987 Box 6: Clean Air, 1985-91 Folder 1: Corporate Automobile Fuel Economy: Robo (Computer generated responses) Correspondence, 1991 Folder 2: Corporate Automobile Fuel Economy: Robo (Computer generated responses) Correspondence, 1991 Folder 3:Conservation-Appliance Standards-H.R. 87 and 83 Committee Report, 1987 Folder 4: Conservation-Appliance Standards-P.L. 100-12, 1987 Folder 5: Conservation-Automotive Fuel Efficiency Hearing, 1990 Folder 6: Coal Reports, 1987-1988 Folder 7: Federal Energy Management Improvement Act, House of Representatives Resolution 100-684, 1988 Folder 8: Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) Legislative History, July, 1990 Folder 9: Legislative Hearing, July 1989 Folder 10: National Appliance Energy Conservation Act, 1987 Folder 11: National Appliance Energy Conservation Act H.R. 87, 1987 Folder 12: National Appliance Energy Amendments, H. R. 100-685, 1988 Folder 13: Conservation Reports-Interagency Geothermal Coordinating Council Report, 1987-1988 Folder 14: Message From the President, 1987 Folder 15: State Energy Conservation Program, 1987 Folder 16: Conservation-Snap shot, 1987 Folder 17: Consumer Products Coalition-Clean Air, November 1989 Folder 18: Correspondence-Acid Rain, 1987-1990 Folder 19: Correspondence-Acid Rain, 1988-1990 Folder 20: Correspondence-Acid Rain, 1988-1990 Folder 21: Correspondence-Acid Rain, 1989-1990 Folder 22: Correspondence-Automobiles, 1985-1990 Folder 23: Correspondence-Corporate Automobile Fuel Economy, 1987-1990 Folder 24: Correspondence-Clean Air, 1988 Folder 25: Correspondence-Clean Air, 1985-1990 Folder 26: Correspondence-Clean Air, September 1985-February, 1990 Folder 27: Correspondence-Clean Air, 1987-1990 Folder 28: Correspondence-Clean Air, 1988-September 1989 Folder 29: Correspondence-Clean Air, 1988-1990 Folder 30: Correspondence-Clean Air, 1989-1990 Folder 31: Correspondence-Clean Air, 1989-1990 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 99 Box 7: Clean Air, 1985-91 Folder 1: Correspondence-Clean Air, 1989-1990 Folder 2: Correspondence-Clean Air, 1989-1990 Folder 3: Correspondence-Clean Air, October 1989-1990 Folder 4: Correspondence-Clean Air, March 1-9 1990 Folder 5: Correspondence-Clean Air, March 12-15 1990 Folder 6: Correspondence-Clean Air, March-June 1991 Folder 7: Correspondence-Clean Act-Acid Rain-Indiana, 1989-1990 Folder 8: Correspondence-Clean Act-Acid Rain-Indiana, June-November 1989 Folder 9: Correspondence-Clean Act-Acid Rain-Indiana, February 1, 1990 Folder 10: Correspondence-Clean Act-Acid Rain-Indiana, March-April 1990 Folder 11: Correspondence-Clean Act-Acid Rain-Indiana, April-May 1990 Folder 12: Correspondence-Clean Act-Acid Rain-Indiana, June-July 1990 Folder 13: Correspondence-Clean Act-Acid Rain-Indiana, August-September 1990 Folder 14: Correspondence-Clean Air Act-Acid Rain-Private, January 1989 Folder 15: Correspondence-Clean Air Act-Acid Rain-Private, July-September 1989 Folder 16: Correspondence-Clean Air Act-Acid Rain-Private, October-December 1989 Folder 17: Correspondence-Clean Air Act-Acid Rain-Private, March-June 1990 Folder 18: Correspondence-Coal-Clean Coal, 1985-1990 Folder 19: Coal Gasification and Coal Pipeline, 1985-1990 Folder 20: Coal Gasification and Coal Pipeline, 1985-1990 Folder 21: Correspondence-Conservation, 1987-1990 Folder 22: Correspondence-Environment-Inventions, 1990 Folder 23: Department of Energy -"Increasing Competition in the Natural Gas Market", 1985 Folder 24: Department of Energy Supplemental Report to Congress on Emerging Clean Coal Technologies, August 1985 Folder 25: Energy Information-Administration Annual Report to Congress, 1986 Folder 26: Environment-Global Environmental Change, 1988 Folder 27: Environmental Issues-Newsclippings, 1987-1988 Folder 28: Environment Protection Agency-Carbon Monoxide Oxygenate Program, 1992 Folder 29: Environment Protection Agency-Clean Fuels Regulatory Negotiation Workshop-Reformed Gas and Fuel Certification and Anti-Dumping, 1991 Folder 30: Environment Protection Agency-Clean Fuels Regulatory Negotiation Workshop-Schedule, April 1991 Folder 31: Environment Protection Agency-Reformed Gasoline-Anti-Dumping, March 1991 Folder 32: Environment Protection Agency-"Reformed and Oxygenated Gasoline", 1991 Folder 33: Fleets Program Briefing, March 1991 Folder 34: Global Warming-Climatic Change Seminar, 1988 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 100 Folder 35: Global Warming-Non-Government Reports, 1988 Folder 36: Greenhouse Effect-"A Matter of Degrees: The Potential For Controlling and the Greenhouse Effect, 1988 Folder 37: House Resolution 99/Waxman Substitute, 1990 Folder 38: House Resolution 3030, Ca. 1990 Folder 39: House Resolution 3030-Sharp Amendment, March 1990 Folder 40: House Resolution 3030-Title V Staff Draft, April 1990 Folder 41: Inside Environment Protection Agency-Clean Air Report, JanuaryFebruary 1991 Folder 42: Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LiHEAP) Reports, May 1986 Folder 43: Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LiHEAP) Testimony-Department of Energy, 1983-1984 Folder 44: Map I "The Clean Air Act of 1990: Potential Implications for Industry, March 1991 Folder 45: Manufacturing Technology, 1991 Folder 46: Memos-Acid Rain, 1989 Folder 47: Memos-Coal, 1985-1989 Folder 48: Memos-Clean Air, 1987 Folder 49: Memos-Clean Air, 1987-1990 Folder 50: NaTec Resources Inc., 1989 Folder 51: NaTec Resources Inc., March-May 1990 Box 8: Clean Air, 1985-92 Folder 1: National Energy Subcommittee (NES)-"Congressional Record", 1992 Folder 2: National Energy Subcommittee (NES)-National Energy Policy-H.R. 776, 1992 Folder 3: Newsclippings-Clean Air, 1988 Folder 4: Oxley Amendment, March 1990 Folder 5: Press Releases-Acid Rain, 1989 Folder 6: Press Releases-Coal-Coal Gasification, 1985-1988 Folder 7: South Carolina Public Service Authority, March 1990 Folder 8: States-Clean Air, 1988-1989 Folder 9: Subcommittee Office-Emissions Monitoring Subcommittee, March 2022 1991 Folder 10: U.S./Canada Air Quality Agreement, 1990 Automobiles, Corporate Automobile Fuel Economy, 1990 Box 9: Automobiles and Fuel Economy, 1979-93; Energy Issues, 1982-93 Folder 1: Automotive-Fuel Economy Hearings, January-February 1991 Folder 2: Automotive-Fuel Economy Hearings, April 1991 Folder 3: Automotive-Fuel Economy Hearings, April 1991 Folder 4: Automotive-Fuel Economy Hearings, April 1991 Folder 5: Automotive-Fuel Economy Hearings, April 1991 Folder 6: Automotive-Fuel Economy Hearings, April 1991 Folder 7: Automotive-Fuel Economy-Richard Meserve Testimony, April 1992 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 101 Folder 8: Automotive-"Fuel Economy Potential to 2001", January 1990 Folder 9: Automotive-Fuel Economy Program Report, January 1992 Folder 10: Automotive-Hearings-Michael Ebert Comments, January 1992 Folder 11: Automotive Industry-Auto Agenda Decision Memo, January 1992 Folder 12: Automotive Industry Hearing, 1992 Folder 13: Automotive Industry-Testimony of Clyde V. Prestowitz, 1992 Folder 14: Automotive Industry-Motor Vehicle Employment, 1991 Folder 15: Automotive Industry-Interim Report, Ca. 1990 Folder 16: Automotive Industry-Restowitz Testimony, January 1992 Folder 17: Automotives, January 1992 Folder 18: Automotive Safety, 1991 Folder 19: Bingman, Jeff-"The Future of U.S. Manufacturing: Auto Assemblers and Suppliers", December 1991 Folder 20: Briefing Book on the United States Motor Vehicle Industry and Market, 1991 Folder 21: Briefing Book on the United States Motor Vehicle Industry and Market, Assessment and Comparison of Technology, March 1991 Folder 22: Briefing Book on the United States Motor Vehicle Industry and Market, Consumer and Demand, March 1991 Folder 23: Briefing Book on the United States Motor Vehicle Industry and Market, Costing/Pricing, March 1991 Folder 24: Briefing Book on the United States Motor Vehicle Industry and Market, Financial Performance, March 1991 Folder 25: Briefing Book on the United States Motor Vehicle Industry and Market, OEM Infrastructure, March 1991 Folder 26: Briefing Book on the United States Motor Vehicle Industry and Market, Plant Conversion, March 1991 Folder 27: Briefing Book on the United States Motor Vehicle Industry and Market, Product Plans, March 1991 Folder 28: Corporate Automobile Fuel Economy Hearings, 1991 Folder 29: Corporate Automobile Fuel Economy Hearings, 1992 Folder 30: Corporate Automobile Fuel Economy Hearings, Johnson/Corporate Automobile Fuel Economy Amendment, May 1991 Folder 31: Corporate Automobile Fuel Economy Hearings, Legislation, 1991 Folder 32: Corporate Automobile Fuel Economy Hearings, National Journal, 1991 Folder 33: Corporate Automobile Fuel Economy Hearings, Statements-T. Elliot and J. Decicco, April 1991 Folder 34: R. Boltz and L. Stuntz, April 1991 Folder 35: Coalition For Vehicle Choice, May 1991 Folder 36: Congressional Staff Meeting with Chrysler, February 1991 Folder 37: Correspondence-Auto Industry Hearings, February 1992 Folder 38: Correspondence-Automotive Issues, December 1990-January 1991 Folder 39: Correspondence-Boxer Bill, October 1987-April 1992 Folder 40: Correspondence-Corporate Automobile Fuel Economy Hearings, February-March 1991 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 102 Folder 41: Correspondence-Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association, August 1991 Folder 42: Correspondence-Returned, 1987 Folder 43: Correspondence-Sierra Club, 1992 Folder 44: Correspondence-United Auto Workers (UAW), 1980 Folder 45: Energy Consumption Conservation, March 1991 Folder 46: Environmental Defense Fund, Ca. 1990 Folder 47: Environment Protection Agency Fuel Economy Rates, 1992 Folder 48: "Forty Miles a Gallon at the Very Least"-Center for Energy and Environmental Studies-Princeton, April 1980 Folder 49: Fuel Economy-"Cost Effectiveness of Future Economy Improvements", Ca. 1990 Folder 50: GAO-Automobile Weight and Safety Testimony, 1991 Folder 51: General Motors Briefing, July 1980 Folder 52: Hearings on Corporate Automobile Fuel Economy, March 1991 Folder 53: Hearings on Corporate Automobile Fuel Economy, April 1, 1991 Folder 54: Hearing on S. 341, February 1990 Folder 55: Hearing on S. 341, February 1990 Folder 56: Hearing on S. 341, February 1990 Folder 57: Hearing on S. 341, February 1990 Folder 58: Memo-Automotive Fuel Economy, 1990 Folder 59: Motor Vehicle Fuel Efficiency Act-S. 1224, September 1990 Folder 60: Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association-Fuel Economy Hearings, April 1991 Folder 61: U.S. Motor Vehicle Manufacturer's Facilities, Ca. 1990 Folder 62: Newsclippings, 1989-1992 Folder 63: Automobiles, 1991 Folder 64: Automotive Fuel Economy, May 1980-September 1991 Folder 65: Automotive Industry, 1979-1992 Folder 66: Corporate Automobile Fuel Economy, 1991 Folder 67: National Research Council-Fuel Economy, December 1990 Folder 68: National Research Council Hearings, May 1991 Folder 69: National Research Council Hearings, May 1991 Folder 70: Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) -Energy and Materials Program, 1991 Folder 71: Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) -"Improving Automobile Fuel Economy" 1991 Folder 72: Prose Outline of Corporate Automobile Fuel Economy Bill, 1990s Folder 73: Statistics and Goals, 1987-1992 Folder 74: Toyota-Corporate Automobile Fuel Economy, April 1991 Folder 75: Womack, James-JEC Statement, December 1991 (1982-1993) Folder 76: Alliance Against a Carbon Tax, January 1993 Folder 77: Briefing, January 1993 Folder 78: British Thermal Unit (BTU) Energy Tax, 1993 Folder 79: Capital Energy Letter, April 1984 Folder 80: Correspondence-Conservation, 1984-1990 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 103 Folder 81: Correspondence-Conservation, 1988-1990 Folder 82: Correspondence-Conservation, 1987-1990 Box 10: Energy Issues, 1982-93 Folder 1: Energy, 1988-1993 Folder 2: Energy, 1985-1990 Folder 3: Energy Inventions, 1988-1990 Folder 4: Energy Taxes, 1985-1993 Folder 5: Environmental Concerns, 1987-1990 Folder 6: Environment Protection Agency, 1983-1990 Folder 7: Federal Agency Regulatory Commission, 1987-1990 Folder 8: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 1989-1990 Folder 9: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 1984-1992 Folder 10: Fuel Cell Energy Utilization, 1988-1989 Folder 11: Fuel Economy, 1985-1990 Folder 12: Fuel Use Act-House Resolution 309, 1987 Folder 13: Gasoline, 1985-1990 Folder 14: Gasoline, 1987-1990 Folder 15: Gasoline Tax, 1985-1990 Folder 16: House Resolution 3751-National Ocean Protection Act, 1990 Folder 17: Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, 1985-1990 Folder 18: National Energy Education Development, 1989-1990 Folder 19: Natural Resources, 1987-1990 Folder 20: Responsive Energies-Technologies Symposium and International Exposition, 1989 Folder 21: Safe Project, 1985-1990 Folder 22: Seabrook Station, 1988 Folder 23: Transportation Inventions, 1985-1990 Folder 24: Weatherization, 1987-1990 Folder 25: Democratic Platform Committee, June 1988 Folder 26: Department of Energy-Environmental Impact Statement-Grand Junction Colorado, December 1986 Folder 27: Health and Environmental Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident, June 1987 Folder 28: Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement Report, 1985 Folder 29: Nationwide Energy Extension Service Program, May 1988 Folder 30: Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management-Policy, June 1987 Folder 31: Reports, October 1987 Folder 32: Reports, April 1, 1987 Folder 33: Department of Energy-Performance Evaluation of the Energy Information Administration, July 1988 Folder 34: Petroleum Reserves, 1987 Folder 35: Reference Material, 1982 Folder 36: Selected Management Issues Involving the Energy Information Administration Computer Center, 1987 Folder 37: Energy Forecasts-"Speaking with Forked Tongue", 1988 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 104 Folder 38: Folder 39: Folder 40: Folder 41: Folder 42: Folder 43: Folder 44: Folder 45: Folder 46: Folder 47: Folder 48: Folder 49: Folder 50: Folder 51: Folder 52: Folder 53: Folder 54: Folder 55: Energy-GAO Reports, February-April 1987 Energy Information Administration Annual Energy Outlook, 1987 Energy Information Administration Annual Report to Congress, 1987 Energy Tax, 1993 Energy Tax, May 1, 1993 Federal Energy Conservation Programs Report, 1987 House of Representatives, House Resolution 3545, House Joint Resolution 3837, 1987 Inside F.E.R.C., Weekly Report on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (F.E.R.C.), 1984 Inside Energy/ with Federal Lands, 1984 Memos-Conservation, 1987 Energy, 1987-1990 Energy Tax, 1990 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 1987-1989 Fuel Use Act, 1987 Gasoline, 1985-1987 Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, 1990 News Articles-Energy, 1983-1984 Newsclippings, 1983-1993 Box 11: Energy Issues, 1982-93 Folder 1: Newsclippings-Energy Issues, March 1983 Folder 2: Option Paper for Achieving Cost-Effectiveness and Fairness, September 1989 Folder 3: Press Releases-Conservation, 1987 Folder 4: Energy, 1985-1989 Folder 5: Gasoline, 1985-1987 Folder 6: PSI Energy-Indianapolis Power and Light Co. (PSI-IPALCO) Merger, March-May 1993 Folder 7: PSI Energy-Indianapolis Power and Light Co. (PSI-IPALCO) Merger, May-August 1993 Folder 8: Questions for Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 1987 Folder 9: Regulatory Fairness Act, October 1987 Folder 10: Report-Federal Land Policy Act, 1988 Folder 11: Testimony of Petrochemical Energy Group, June 1986 Folder 12: The Aluminum Association, 1993 Department of Energy-Electric Utilities, 1985-1992 Box 12: Department of Energy, Electric Utilities, 1985-92; Hydroelectric Power, Global Warming, 1985-90 Folder 1: Correspondence-Department of Energy, 1987-1990 Folder 2: Correspondence-Department of Energy, John Dingell, (H.R. 776), 1992 Folder 3: Correspondence-Department of Energy, 1991-1992 Folder 4: Correspondence-Department of Energy, Groups, 1992 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 105 Folder 5: Correspondence-Department of Energy, April 10, 1992 Folder 6: Correspondence-Department of Energy, April 10-14, 1992 Folder 7: Correspondence-Department of Energy, April 11, 1992 Folder 8: Correspondence-Department of Energy, April 13,1992 Folder 9: Correspondence-Department of Energy, April 16, 1992 Folder 10: Correspondence-Department of Energy, (Constituents), 1992 Folder 11: Department of Energy: Budget, 1987-1990 Folder 12: Electric Consumers Protection Act, 1987 Folder 13: Electric Power, 1988-1990 Folder 14: Electricity, 1985-1992 Folder 15: National Association Regulatory Utility Commissioners, 1987-1990 Folder 16: Phil Sharp, 1991-1992 Folder 17: Public Utility Holding Company (PUCHA), 1988-1990 Folder 18: Public Utility Holding Company Act (PUCHA), 1988-1990 Folder 19: Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PUCHA), 1985-1990 Folder 20: Rural Electrification, 1987-1990 Folder 21: Solar Bill-Electricity- Committee Report 100-385, 1987 Folder 22: Utilities, 1985-1990 Folder 23: Department of Energy-Reports to Congress on the Residential Conservation Service Program, December 1987 Folder 24: H.R. 2884-Uniform Regulatory Jurisdiction Act, 1988 Folder 25: IPALCO-Annual Report, 1992 Folder 26: Industries, 1992 Folder 27: Memos-Department of Energy, 1987 Folder 28: Electricity, 1989-1991 Folder 29: Utilities, 1989 Folder 30: Powerplant and Industrial Fuel Use Act Amendment, 1987 Folder 31: Press Releases-Electricity-Utilities, 1987-1988 Folder 32: PSI Energy, Inc., June 1993 Folder 33: Public Law 100-473, October 1988 Folder 34: Reports-Electricity-Restructuring, March 1991 Folder 35: Responses to Questions-Electricity Consumer Protection Act, 1985 Folder 36: Statement-H.R. 776, October 1992 Folder 37: Testimony of Ashley C. Brown-Ohio Public Utilities Commission, March 1991 Folder 38: Correspondence, 1983, 1986 Folder 39: Correspondence, 1984 Folder 40: Global Warming, 1987-1990 Folder 41: Hydropower, 1985 Folder 42: Hydroelectric power, May-December 1985 Folder 43: Hydroelectric power, 1985-1990 Folder 44: Ozone Layer, 1987-1990 Folder 45: Hydropower Relicensing Box 13: Hydroelectric Power, Global Warming, 1985-90; Arctic National Wildlife Reserve, Mineral Leasing, National Energy Policy Strategy, 1983-92 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 106 Folder 1: Hydropower Hearing-Extraneous Materials, 1985 Folder 2: Hydropower Hearing-Extraneous Materials, 1985 Folder 3: Hydropower Hearing-Testimony Folder 4: Hydro Relicensing, 1985 Folder 5: Hydro Relicensing, 1985 Folder 6: Memos-Global Warming, 1987-1989 Folder 7: Hydroelectric Power, 1987-1989 Folder 8: Hydroelectric Power, 1984 Folder 9: Ozone Layer, 1987 Folder 10: Oil and Gas Industry, 1984 Folder 11: Press Releases-Global Warming, 1988 Folder 12: Questions-Hydroelectric Power, 1984 Folder 13: Responses to Questions-Jack W. Renalds-Hydro Power, Ca. 1990 Folder 14: Correspondence-Artic National Wildlife Reserve, 1987-1990 Folder 15: Correspondence-Arctic National Wildlife Reserve, 1987-1990 Folder 16: Arctic National Wildlife Reserve, 1988 Folder 17: Energy Policy, 1983-1990 Folder 18: Energy Policy, 1985-1990 Folder 19: Energy Policy, 1987-1990 Folder 20: Energy Policy, 1989-1990 Folder 21: Mineral Leasing, 1985-1988 Folder 22: National Energy Strategy, 1987-1990 Folder 23: Regulatory Fairness Act, 1987 Folder 24: Environment-Arctic National Wildlife Refuge-Alaska, Coastal Plain Resource Assessment, April 1987 Folder 25: H.R. 4604-Extension of Title II of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, 1987 Folder 26: Leasing-Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Report, 1989 Folder 27: Memos-Federal Land Policy and Management Act, 1988 Folder 28: Energy Policy, 1988-1990 Folder 29: Regulatory Fairness Act, 1987 Folder 30: National Energy Strategy: Committee Jurisdiction, March-April 1992 Folder 31: House Floor, May 1992 Folder 32: House Floor, May 21-May 27 1992 Box 14: Arctic National Wildlife Reserve, Mineral Leasing, National Energy Policy Strategy, 1983-92; Natural Gas, 1983-91 Folder 1: Interior Commission Bill-“Energy Development and Environmental Protection Act, March 1992 Folder 2: Interior Commission Correspondence, April-May 1992 Folder 3: Legislative Initiatives, January-April, 1991 Folder 4: Bill-“Comprehensive Energy Policy Act of 1991" Folder 5: Bill-“National Energy Security Act of 1991" Folder 6: Subcommittee Amendments that weren’t offered, March 1992 Folder 7: Subcommittee Amendments that weren’t offered, March 1992 Folder 8: Ways and Means Committee Correspondence, April-May 1992 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 107 Folder 9: Articles-Natural Gas, March-April, 1988 Folder 10: Speeches, March-October, 1988 Folder 11: Committee on Energy and Commerce-Opening Statements, FebruaryJune 1991 Folder 12: Correspondence-Constituents, 1984 Folder 13: Correspondence-Constituents, 1984 Folder 14: Correspondence-Constituents, 1984-1992 Folder 15: Constituent Telegrams, February 9 1984 Folder 16: Constituent Telegrams, February 10 1984 Folder 17: Constituent Telegrams, February 13 1984 Folder 18: Constituent Telegrams, February 14 1984 Folder 19: Constituent Telegrams, February 15-29 1984 Folder 20: Constituent Telegrams, March-June 1984 Folder 21: Dingell, John (Constituents), April 1984 Folder 22: Natural Gas, 1985-1990 Folder 23: Natural Gas, 1985-1990 Folder 24: Natural Gas, 1987-1990 Folder 25: Natural Gas, 1989-1990 Folder 26: Natural Gas Pipelines, 1987-1990 Folder 27: Philip Sharp-Constituents, 1983 Folder 28: Energy Appointments, 1983 Folder 29: Energy Appointments, 1994 Folder 30: Environment Protection Agency-Phase II Allowance Allocations, 1991 Folder 31: Environment Protection Agency-Special Review on Louisiana Wetlands, 1990 Folder 32: House Resolution 4277, 1983 Folder 33: House Resolution 4277 Comments, 1984 Folder 34: Natural Gas, 1983 Folder 35: Natural Gas, 1983 Folder 36: Natural Gas, 1983 Folder 37: Natural Gas, 1983 Folder 38: Natural Gas, 1983 Folder 39: February 1983-January 1984 Folder 40: Natural Gas Consumer Regulatory Reform, 1983 Folder 41: News clippings-Natural Gas, 1952-1983 Box 15: Natural Gas, 1983-91; Naval Petroleum Reserve, NAFTA, ICFA, 1984-93 Folder 1: Press Releases, February-October 1983 Folder 2: Natural Gas Bill, April 1984 Folder 3: Research and Schedules, c. 1991 Folder 4: “Testimony of Philip Sharp, Subcommittee on Interior and Agencies”, May 1993 Folder 5: “The Gas Glut and Producer State Pro-rationing”, 1983 Folder 6: Alliance for Energy Security, 1983 Folder 7: American Gas Association, September 1983 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 108 Folder 8: American Gas Association, November 1, 1983 Folder 9: American Small Business Energy Conference, June-September 1983 Folder 10: Canada-Natural Gas, September 1983 Folder 11: Canada-Natural Gas, October-November 1983 Folder 12: Conference of Local Energy Officials (CLEO) Conference Program, August-September 1983 Folder 13: Congressional Budget Office-Natural Gas pricing Policies, January 1983 Folder 14: Contract Carriage, September 1983-March 1984 Folder 15: Correspondence-Charles H. Percy, 1983 Folder 16: Committee Memos, November 1983-March 1984 Folder 17: James T. Broyhill, April 1984 Folder 18: Correspondence, Natural Gas, February-October 1983 Folder 19: Correspondence, Natural Gas, October-November 1983 Folder 20: Correspondence, Natural Gas, November, 1983-1984 Folder 21: Correspondence, Natural Gas, November, 1983-1984 Folder 22: Correspondence, Natural Gas, Dingell, March-May, 1984 Folder 23: Correspondence, Natural Gas, Profit Data, March 1984 Folder 24: Correspondence, Natural Gas, Phil Sharp, March-May 1983 Folder 25: Correspondence, Natural Gas, Phil Sharp, June-September, 1983 Folder 26: Correspondence, Natural Gas, October-November, 1983 Folder 27: Correspondence, Natural Gas, Supply Association, March 1984 Folder 28: Correspondence, Natural Gas, Public Service Commissions, March 1984 Folder 29: DALLASFED Economic Review, July 1983 Folder 30: Gas Bill, 1983 Folder 31: Gas Draft-Discussion/Questions, November 1983 Folder 32: House Resolution 4277, 1984 Folder 33: Indiana Gas Company-Residential Fuel Costs, March 1983 Folder 34: Indianapolis Field Hearing, March 1983 Folder 35: (Informal) Congressional Hearing, March 1983 Folder 36: Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA)-Policy Analysis, October, 1983 Folder 37: Inside Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Conference, April 1983 Folder 38: Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA), September 1982 Folder 39: Merrill Lynch-Natural Gas Monthly, March 1983 Folder 40: Merrill Lynch-Natural Gas Monthly, August 1, 1983 Folder 41: Merrill Lynch-Natural Gas Monthly, September 1, 1983 Folder 42: Merrill Lynch-Natural Gas Monthly, October 1, 1983 Folder 43: MidCon Corp., November 1983 Folder 44: National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates (NASUCA), October 1983 Folder 45: National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates (NASUCA), H.R. 2154, October 1983 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 109 Folder 46: National Gas Briefing Book-Commission Rulings and Proposals on Natural Gas, Ca. 1983 Folder 47: National Gas Briefing Book-Consumption and Comparative Price Data, August 1983 Folder 48: National Gas Briefing Book-Current Gas Pricing Issues, August 1983 Folder 49: National Gas Briefing Book-“Development of a National Federally Regulated Natural Gas Industry”, August 1983 Folder 50: National Gas Briefing Book-Information, August 1983 Folder 51: National Gas Briefing Book-Legislation, session July 28, 1983, August 1983 Folder 52: National Gas Briefing Book-Natural Gas Imports, August 1983 Folder 53: National Gas Briefing Book-“Problems with NGPA”, August 1983 Folder 54: Production Enhancement, August 1983 Folder 55: Significant Court Rulings, August 1983 Folder 56: “Structure and Statistics of the Natural Gas Industry”, August 1983 Folder 57: Studies on Natural Gas, August 1983 Folder 58: Summary of Certain Natural Gas Act Provisions, August 1983 Folder 59: Summary of Committee Print, August 1983 Folder 60: Summary of Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978, August 1983 Folder 61: Summary of S. 1715, August 1983 Folder 62: Terms Common to the Discussion of Natural Gas, August 1983 Folder 63: “What the NGPA has Done”, August 1983 Folder 64: “What the NGPA was Intended to Do”, August 1983 Folder 65: National Governors’ Association, November 1983 Folder 66: Natural Gas, Consumer Information Center, March and May 1983 Folder 67: Natural Gas, Canada, July-April 1983 Folder 68: Natural Gas, Canada, September-November, 1983 Folder 69: Natural Gas, House Concurrent Resolution No. 76, Ca. 1983 Folder 70: Natural Gas, Pricing, 1980-1983 Folder 71: Natural Gas, Supply Association, August 1982-January 1985 Folder 72: News clippings, Natural Gas, March 1983-April 1984 Folder 73: Newsletters-Natural Gas, December 1983-August 1984 Folder 74: Northeast-Midwest Coalition Natural Gas Survey, September 1983 Folder 75: “Old Gas Supply and Pricing by Interstate Pipeline”, September 1983 Folder 76: OTA-“U.S. Natural Gas Availability” Booklet, September 1983 Folder 77: Press Releases, March -November 1983 Folder 78: Section 8G, “What Is It?" 1985 Folder 79: Substitute Natural Gas Bill, October 1983 Folder 80: Substitute Natural Gas Bill, October 1983 Folder 81: Texas Eastern Pipeline Company, October 1983 Folder 82: The Government Research Corporation, February 1983 Folder 83: U.S. Policy on Natural Gas Imports, February 1983 Folder 84: “The Natural Gas Debate: A Northeast Perspective”, May 1983 Folder 85: Trunkline Liquefied National Gas (LNG), September-October, 1983 Folder 86: Trunkline Liquefied National Gas (LNG), 10/1/1983 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 110 Folder 87: Economic Regulatory Administration (ERA) Docket 82-12, 83-04, 1980's Folder 88: Economic Regulatory Administration (ERA) Docket 82-12, 83-04, 1980's Folder 89: American Metal Casting Industry-Foundry Facts, 1980's Folder 90: Charges to Anticipate, 1987 Folder 91: Compromise-Natural Gas Proposal Explanation, April 1984 Folder 92: Compromise Gas Proposal Savings, 1984 Folder 93: Crossborder Report, July 1991 Folder 94: Correspondence-Natural Gas, Canadian Free Trade Agreement, 1988 Folder 95: Correspondence-Natural Gas, Gas Related Activities Act, 1990 Folder 96: Correspondence-Natural Gas, “NAFTA” (North American Free Trade Agreement), 1990 Folder 97: Correspondence-Natural Gas, 1989 Folder 98: Correspondence-Natural Gas, Pipeline, 1985-1990 Folder 99: Correspondence-Natural Gas, Naval Petroleum Reserve, 1987-1990 Folder 100: Correspondence-Natural Gas, OCS, 1985 and 1990 Folder 101: Correspondence-Natural Gas, Texas Gas Pipeline, 1987 Folder 102: Correspondence-Natural Gas, Texas Gas Pipeline, 1987 Folder 103: Correspondence-Natural Gas, Texas Gas Pipeline, 1987 Folder 104: Correspondence-Natural Gas, Texas Gas Pipeline, 1987 Folder 105: Correspondence-Natural Gas, Texas Gas Pipeline, 1987 Folder 106: Correspondence-Natural Gas, Texas Gas Pipeline, 1987 Folder 107: Correspondence-Natural Gas, Texas Gas Pipeline, 1985-1990 Folder 108: Correspondence-Natural Gas, September 1987-February 1989 Folder 109: Correspondence-Natural Gas, Texas Gas Bill (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission), December 1987-February 1989 Folder 110: Correspondence-Natural Gas, Texas Gas Pipeline (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission), Ca. 1988 Folder 111: Correspondence-Natural Gas, Texas Gas Pipeline (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission), Ca. 1988 Folder 112: Correspondence-Natural Gas, Texas Gas Pipeline (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission), October-November 1987 Folder 113: Correspondence-Natural Gas, Texas Gas Pipeline (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission), 11/1/1987 Folder 114: Economic Plan Talking Points, May 1993 Box 16: Natural Gas, Naval Petroleum Reserve, NAFTA, ICFA, 1983-93; Aging Nuclear Plants, Nuclear Waste Sites, 1984-90 Folder 1: Free Trade Agreement, September 1992 Folder 2: Free Trade Agreement, September 1992 Folder 3: “From Weakness or Strength-U.S. Firms and U.S. Policies in a Global Economy”, 1992 Folder 4: Indiana Workforce Development News, May 1993 Folder 5: Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA) Critique of Natural Gas Policy Act Amendments, June 1986 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 111 Folder 6: Memos-Canadian Trade Agreement, March 3, 1988 Folder 7: Memos-Natural Gas, 1983-1989 Folder 8: Memos-Natural Gas Pipeline, 1987-1988 Folder 9: Memos-Naval Petroleum Reserve, May 1987 Folder 10: Natural Gas Contract Reports, 1988 Folder 11: Natural Gas-Energy Information Administration Report, October 1987 Folder 12: Natural Gas Briefing Book, August 30 1983 Folder 13: Natural Gas Briefing Book, August 30 1983 Folder 14: Natural Gas, Market Policy Act of 1984, April 2 1984 Folder 15: Natural Gas, Market Policy Act Summary, April 1984 Folder 16: Natural Gas, Market Policy Comparison With Other Bills, April 1984 Folder 17: Natural Gas, Reference Material, 1981 Folder 18: Natural Gas, Utilization Act, 1987 Folder 19: Naval Petroleum Reserves Report, 1987 Folder 20: “Net Revenue Effects of Major Tax and Budget Legislation since 1981", 1983 Folder 21: News Clippings-Pipeline, 1987 Folder 22: News Clippings-Texas Gas Pipeline, 1977-1989 Folder 23: News Clippings-U.S./Japan, 1992 Folder 24: Press Releases-Natural Gas, March 8 1985 Folder 25: Reports-Natural Gas “Planning Analysis Issues”, May 30 1986 Folder 26: Statement of Robert C. Thomas, June 12 1986 Folder 27: Testimony of Bill Callahan, June 12 1986 Folder 28: Texas Gas Hook-up, 1987 Folder 29: Texas Gas Pipeline, 1987 Folder 30: Texas Gas Pipeline Material, 1987 Folder 31: Texas Gas Pipeline-Order Issuing Certificate, 1989 Folder 32: Aging Nuclear Sites, 1984-1987 Folder 33: Aging Nuclear Sites, Published Reports, 1984-1987 Folder 34: Aging Nuclear Sites, Reports and Publications, 1986-1987 Folder 35: Analysis of Radiation Exposure-Residence Islands and Operation Greenhouse, April 1987 Folder 36: Containments, 1987 Folder 37: Containments, 1986-1990 Folder 38: Evaluation of National Research Council, 1987 Folder 39: Nuclear Development Proliferation, May 1987 Folder 40: Nuclear Power Plant Maintenance-Reports, 1987 Folder 41: Nuclear Waste, 1986-1988 Box 17: Nuclear Power, 1984-90 Folder 1: Report of Nevada Commission on Nuclear Projects, November 1986 Folder 2: Safety of Aging Nuclear Plants-Published Reports, 1984-1987 Folder 3: Seminar Proceedings on Nuclear Power Plant Life Extension, August 1986 Folder 4: Appalachian States Low Level Radioactive Waste Compact Consent Act, October 1987 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 112 Folder 5: Atomic Energy Act Amendment, 1987 Folder 6: Containment, 1987-1988 Folder 7: Correspondence-Aging Nuclear Facilities, 1987 Folder 8: Department of Energy Nuclear Facilities, 1987-1990 Folder 9: Nuclear Licensing, 1988-1989 Folder 10: Nuclear Power, 1988-1989 Folder 11: Nuclear Power, 1987-1990 Folder 12: Nuclear Power, 1985-1990 Folder 13: Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1982 Folder 14: Nuclear Power, 1987-1990 Folder 15: Nuclear Power, 1987-1990 Folder 16: Nuclear Waste, 1989 Folder 17: Nuclear Power, 1985-1990 Folder 18: First Round Representative, 1986 Folder 19: Nuclear Weapons, 1987-1990 Folder 20: Plutonium, 1987-1989 Folder 21: Establishing an Emergency Response Program Within the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, July 1987 Folder 22: Government Reports on Nuclear Energy Use, 1988 Folder 23: Hydro-Power-GAO Reports, November 1988 Folder 24: Memos, 1985 Folder 25: Department of Energy Nuclear Facilities, 1987 Folder 26: Emergency Planning Decision, 1987 Folder 27: Nuclear Power, 1987-1990 Folder 28: Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1987-1989 Folder 29: Nuclear Waste, 1985-1989 Folder 30: Roger Fortuna Case, 1989 Folder 31: News Clippings, 1985 Folder 32: Non-Government Reports on Nuclear Energy Use, 1987-1988 Folder 33: National Research Council/NAS, April 1992 Folder 34: Statement of Richard Meserve, April 1992 Folder 35: Nuclear Issues Mark I, 1986-1987 Folder 36: Nuclear Issues Mark I, 1987 Box 18: Nuclear Power, 1986-88; Petroleum, Pipeline Safety, Propane, 1983-92; Renewable Energy, Petroleum Reserves, Uranium, Waste, 1985-90 Folder 1: State of Nevada-Comments on DOE Energy Consultation Draft Site in Nevada-Vol. I, 1988 Folder 2: State of Nevada-Comments on DOE Energy Consultation Draft Site in Nevada-Vol. II, 1988 Folder 3: Southeastern Power Administration Annual Report, 1986 Folder 4: Correspondence-CO2 Pipelines, 1987 Folder 5: Octane, 1985-1990 Folder 6: Oil, 1985-1990 Folder 7: Oil, 1987-1990 Folder 8: Petroleum, 1983-1990 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 113 Folder 9: Petroleum Export, 1985-1990 Folder 10: Petroleum Imports, 1985-1990 Folder 11: Petroleum Marketing Prices Act, 1985-1990 Folder 12: Petroleum Pipeline, 1985-1990 Folder 13: Petroleum Price Fluctuations, 1985-1990 Folder 14: Petroleum Price Fluctuations, 1988-1990 Folder 15: Persian Gulf, 1987-1990 Folder 16: Pipeline Safety, 1988-1990 Folder 17: Propane, 1985-1990 Folder 18: House Resolution 5000-Petroleum Marketing Practices Act, April 1992 Folder 19: Letters to Sharp-Propane, 1987 Folder 20: Memos-Petroleum Marketing Practices Act of 1978, 1988-1990 Folder 21: Mobil/Marathon Acquisition, 1988 Folder 22: Octane, 1987-1990 Folder 23: Oil, 1985-1987 Folder 24: Pipelines, 1988 Folder 25: Pipeline Safety, 1987-1989 Folder 26: Propane, 1987 Folder 27: National Energy Subcommittee (NES)-Conference on Oil and Energy Security, October 1987 Folder 28: Pipeline Graphs-NGPA/Dingle-Sharp, Ca. 1987 Folder 29: Press Releases-Pipelines, 1989 Folder 30: Octane, 1990 Folder 31: Oil/Petroleum, 1985-1990 Folder 32: Revenues From Outer Continental Shelf Drilling, 1985 Folder 33: Report-Consumer Costs of Oil Import Fees, 1987 Folder 34: “Global Oil Demand and Supply”, October 1987 Folder 35: Oil Snapshot, February 1987 Folder 36: Petroleum World Outlook, 1988 Folder 37: “U.S. Oil Production” Report, July 1987 Folder 38: Correspondence-Geothermal, 1990 Folder 39: H.R. 4808-Solar, Wind, and Geothermal Energy Power Production Incentives Act, 1990 Folder 40: Hydro-relicensing, 1985 Folder 41: Renewable Energy, 1985-1990 Folder 42: Solar Energy, 1985-1990 Folder 43: Solar Tax Credit, 1985 Folder 44: State and Local Assistance Programs, 1988-1990 Folder 45: Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 1985-1990 Folder 46: Super Fund, 1989 Folder 47: Uranium, 1985-1990 Folder 48: Uranium, 1987-1990 Box 19: Renewable Energy, Petroleum Reserves, Uranium, Waste, 1978, 1984-90 Folder 1: Nuclear Issues Mark I, 1987-1988 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 114 Folder 2: Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act of 1978, 1984 Folder 3: Nuclear-National Research Council Authorizations, 1987 Folder 4: Nuclear Plant Reassessment, 1988 Folder 5: Nuclear Plant Reassessment, 1988 Folder 6: Nuclear Power Plant Maintenance-Reports, 1987 Folder 7: Nuclear Power Plant Standardization Act of 1988, 1988-1989 Folder 8: Nuclear Safety, 1988 Folder 9: Nuclear Safety, 1988 Folder 10: Nuclear Safety, 1988 Folder 11: Nuclear Waste Policy Act-Fund Fee Adequacy Assessment, June 1987 Folder 12: Nevada Site Overview, December 1988 Folder 13: Office of Technology Assessment-Star Power, 1987 Folder 14: Opening Statement-Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee on Interior and Insular Affairs, 1982 Folder 15: Oversight hearing on Leaks in Nuclear Power Plants, 1982 Folder 16: Papers and Reports for Oversight Hearing on Nuclear Power Plant Leaks, 1982 Folder 17: Press Releases-Department of Energy Nuclear Facilities, 1987 Folder 18: Nuclear, 1987 Folder 19: Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1982 Folder 20: Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1988 Folder 21: Price Anderson Act, 1983-1984 Folder 22: Questions and Answers-APPA Witnesses, 1985 Folder 23: Gordon W. Hoyt and Ann L. Taylor, 1985 Folder 24: International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (I.B.E.W.), 1985 Folder 25: Report on Funding of Emergency Planning Activities For Nuclear Power Plants, 1983 Folder 26: Seabrook Nuclear Power Station, 1984 Folder 27: SECY Papers-98th Congress, 1984 Folder 28: Safety of Aging Nuclear Plants, 1987-1988 Folder 29: Spratt Amendment-Nuclear Safety, 1988 Box 20: Renewable Energy, Petroleum Reserves, Uranium, Waste, 1987-90 Folder 1: Correspondence-Uranium, November 1988 Folder 2: Waste, 1987-1990 Folder 3: Waste Isolation Pilot Program, 1988-1990 Folder 4: Water, 1988-1990 Folder 5: Journal-“Renewable Resources”, 1988 Folder 6: Memos-Solar Energy, 1987 Folder 7: Solar, Wind, and Geothermal Power Production Incentives Act, 1990 Folder 8: Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 1988-1990 Folder 9: Renewable Energy, 1985-1989 Folder 10: Uranium, 1987-1991 Folder 11: Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Land Withdrawal Act, 1990 Folder 12: Press Releases-Renewable Energy, 1988 Folder 13: Uranium, 1988 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 115 Folder 14: Reports-Hydroelectric Power, 1988 Folder 15: Solar Electricity, ca. 1988 R43 Audiotapes, 1981-1990 (3 Boxes, 0.5 cu. ft.) Box 1: Radio Spots and interviews on energy and other issues, 1984 - 1990. Cassette tapes, R43-0 - R43-10 R43-0: American Energy Update, February 3, 1984 R43-1: Clear-up on Sharp Record and what is More Important, July 27, 1990 R43-2: Education, August 14, 1990 R43-3: Budget, August 14, 1990 R43-4: Fraud and Investigation of Speaker Jim Wright, August 14, 1990 R43-5: Energy, Ethics, Local, Us, Judgment, and Facts, September 21, 1990 two copies R43-6: Oil and Air, October 18, 1990 R43-7: Oil Prices, 1989 (Copy #2) R43-8: Career, Record, and Represent, 1990 R43-9: Comparison, Grudge, Scorecard, and Party Label, 1990 R43-10: Resources, Waste, and Economics, 1990 Box 2: Radio Spots and interviews on energy and other issues, 1981-1984. Reel-to-Reel, R43-11 - R43-23 R43-11: Jim Wright at Fundraiser-Parts of His Speech About Phil Sharp, May 30, 1981 - 2 Copies of reel-to-reel one copy on cassette R43-12: Phil Sharp weekly report, (speech no title) 5 min. 12 sec. R43-13: Phil Sharp weekly report, Controversy Over the Synthetic Fuels Corporation’s Budget, no date, 2 Copies R43-14: Phil Sharp weekly report, Natural Gas and Budget Resolution, no date R43-15: Phil Sharp weekly report, Panhandle Eastern, Natural Gas Legislation, and Solution to the Budget, no date R43-15: Phil Sharp weekly report, Deficit, no date R43-16: Sharp-November 7, 1983 R43-17: Sharp-November 21, 1983 R43-18: Sharp-December 12, 1983 R43-19: Sharp, 1984 R43-20: Phil Sharp weekly report, Grace Commission, Cutting Government Waste, Raising value of Japanese Yen, 1984 R43-21: Phil Sharp weekly report, Immigration Bill, Natural Gas Bill, 1984 R43-22: Phil Sharp weekly report, Superfund Legislation, Cutting Federal Deficit, 1984 R43-23: Phil Sharp weekly report, Natural Gas and Panhandle, January 9, 1984 Box 3: Radio Spots and interviews on energy and other issues, 1984. Reel-to-Reel, R43-24 - R43- 36 R43-24: Sharp-January 23, 1984 R43-25: Acid Rain and Emergency Preparedness, February 12, 1984 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 116 R43-26: R43-27: R43-28: R43-29: R43-30: R43-31: R43-32: R43-33: R43-34: R43-35: R43-36: Medicare Meetings and Tax Legislation, March 12, 1984 Natural Gas Bill and Methanol, April 2, 1984 Natural Gas and Budget Resolutions, April 23, 1984 Sharp, May 25 and28, 1984 Sharp, June 1, 1984 Sharp, June 11, 1984 Sharp, June 29, 30, and July 2,3,4,5,6, and 7, 1984 Immigration Bill and Natural Gas, July 1, 1984 Superfund and Federal Deficit, July 16, 1984 Sharp, August 6, 1984 Telephone Industry Changes, December 6, 1934 V35 Videotapes, 1981-1993 (4 Boxes, 3.4 cu. ft.) Box 1: Videotapes 1-12, 1981 -1985 V35-1: Tax Cut, July 22, 1981- (UCA30) V35-2: Tax Cut, July 22, 1981- (UCA 30) V35-3: Sharp/Levitas Floor Debate, November 3, 1983- (UCA 30) V35-4: Sharp with Lee Hamilton and Tim Worth, December 12-13 1983-(UCA 30) V35-5: Sharp on Budget and Deficit With Jim Jones, January 5, 1984-(UCA 30) V35-6: Sharp With Andy Jacobs and Ed Madigan, January 7, 1984- (UCA 30) V35-7: Sharp With Senator Wendell Ford on National Gas and Congressman Jim Jones on Acid Rain, March 7, 1984-(UCA 30) V35-8: Sharp Report on the Immigration Bill, Defense Budget, and Procurement, May 15, 1984- (UCA 30) V35-9: Sharp Show with Congressman Pease and Congressman Aspen, June 12, 1984- (UCA 30) V35-10: Sharp Show-Sharp Interviewing Congressman Florio and Congressman Petri: June 29, 1984-(UCA30) V35-11: Talk Show with Dingell and Wright-“Issues for 99th Congress, January 7, 1985-(UCA 30) V35-12: Talk Show with Mickey Leland and Dan Glickman-Famine in Africa and Agricultural Issues, February 7, 1985- (UCA 30) Box 2: Videotapes 13-24, 1985 -1987 V35-13: Sharp-Statement of Thanks, March 25, 1985- (BCS 20) V35-14: Sharp with Dave McCurdy, Jim Florio, and Waxman, May 21, 1985(UCA 30) V35-15: Sharp Report with Dennis Eckarton-ConRail and its Impact on Indiana and Congressman Lee Hamilton on Nicaragua, June 18, 1985- (UCA 30) V35-16: Sharp with Carry Conrad-Redevelopment of Indiana and Robert Kupperman on Terrorism, July 16, 1985-(UCA 30) V35-17: Sharp with Norm Dicks on Salt Negotiation and Norm Mineta on Airline Safety, September 26, 1985- (UCA 30) Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 117 V35-18: Sharp on Balancing the Budget and the Agriculture Bill, October 9, 1985 (UCA 60) V35-19: Sharp with Senator Lugar and Congressman Nelson, February 21, 1986(UCA30) V35-20: Sharp on Balancing the Budget: May 30, 1986-(BCA 60) V35-21: Sharp with Guest Tony Coehlo on the Projections and Goals of the 100th Congress, February 4, 1987-(UCA 30) V35-22: Sharp with Ken Kobe; State Budget Director and Evan Bayh; Secretary of State, February 13, 1987-(UCA 30) V35-23: Sharp on Impacts of Federal Government on the State Government, February 13, 1987- (UCA 30) Box 3: Videotapes 25-41, 1987-1992 V35-24: Sharp Talk Show-Waxman on AIDS and Glickman on Agricultural Issues, February 25, 1987-(UCA 30) V35-25: Sharp Talk Show-Waxman on AIDS and Glickman on Agricultural Issues, March 25, 1987-(UCA 30) (2) V35-26: Sharp with Stark on Catastrophic Health Insurance and Schumer on “3rd world” Debt, June 2, 1987-(UCA30) V35-27: Sharp with Charles Schumer on “3rd world” Debt, June 18, 1987 (UCA 30) (2) V35-28: Sharp with Boggs on Celebration of Constitution and Mica on Security of American Embassies, July 9, 1987- (UCA 30) V35-29: Finn on NASA and Jantz on Agriculture Crisis, August 4, 1987- (UCA 30) V35-30: Lee Hamilton on Aid to the Contras in Nicaragua and Ron Wyden on Product Liability Insurance, August 4, 1987- (UCA 30) V35-31: Tony Coelho on Agenda for 100th Congress and Don Bonker on Trade and Competition: August 4, 1987- (UCA 30) V35-32: Walgeren on Nursing Home Care and Carr on Soviet Union Foreign Policy, October 6, 1987-(UCA 60) V35-33: Walgeren on Nursing Home Care and Carr on Soviet Union Foreign Policy, October 6, 1987-(UCA 60) V35-34: Phil Sharp-Campaign Group-Negative Testimonial, October 10, 1990(VHS) V35-35: Ethics and Cars, October 10, 1990(VHS) V35-36: Energy and Bills, October 16, 1990 (VHS) V35-37: Trouble, October 17, 1990 (VHS) V35-38: Negative Testimonial, October 29, 1990 (VHS) V35-39 Phil Sharp-Gridlock and Jobs, September 18, 1992 (VHS) V35-40: Phil Sharp-Campaign Group-Frazier Advertisement, Negative on Sharp September 22, 1992 (VHS) V35-41: History, Taxes, and Votes: September 30, 1992 (VHS) Box 4: Videotapes 42-45, 1992-1993 and undated V35-42: Facts, September 27, 1992 (VHS) Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 118 V35-43: Health Care Reform, September 17, 1993 (VHS) V35-44: House Floor Coverage-Joint Session F.D.R., 1993 (UCA 60) V35-45: House Floor Coverage-Joint Session F.D.R., 1993 (UCA 60) V35-46: Phil Sharp Testimonial-Baker-Losco Educational Videos, Inc. (VHS) P60; PN60 Photographic Prints and Negatives, 1974-1992 (2 Boxes, 0.5 cu. ft.) Box 1: Photographs, 1974 - 1992 Folder 1: Administration District Staff, 1990-1991 Folder 2: Agriculture, ca. 1978 Folder 3: Beck Toyota, ca. 1982 Folder 4: Campaign, 1992 Folder 5: Campaign, 1992 Folder 6: Cummins Engine Company, Inc., ca. 1990 Folder 7: Delco Remy Folder 8: Energy Salvage Association-Burning Bales of Paper, ca. 1984 Folder 9: Harke Reunion, c. 1974 Folder 10: Ice Storm, 1991 Folder 11: Jeff Mastin, July 1980 Folder 12: Leasing a Vehicle for Travel, 1989-1991 Folder 13: Medicare Meeting, 1984 Folder 14: Portrait Photos Folder 15: Railroad, c. 1984 Folder 16: Senior Citizens Intern Program, 1976 Folder 17: Straughn Fire Department Folder 18: Union Station, Muncie Indiana, ca. 1901 and ca. 1989 Folder 19: United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America-Delaware County, 1984 Box 2: Negatives, 1974-1992 PN60-0001-0040: Formal PN60-0139: Energy Salvage Association - Burning Bails of Paper PN60-0194-0268: Campaign 1992 Labor Day PN60-0270-0340: Delco Remy PN60-0356-0363: Straughn Fire Department Memorabilia, 1975-1994 (1 Box, 1 cu. ft.) Box 1: Plaques and Certificates, 1975-1994 Plaque-Cambridge City Parade, 1975 Plaque-National Pork Producers Council Plaque-Wayne Community Action Commission Civic Achievement Award, 1975 Plaque-Martha M. Perin Responsible Government Award Plaque-Rural Electric Cooperatives (H.R. 3050), 1984 Plaque-Indiana Coalition for Acid Rain Equity Plaque-Indiana State Building and Construction Trades Council, 1994 Plaque-Sound Dollar Award, 1990 Sharp Papers MSS 156, p. 119 Certificate-H.R.776: Uranium Enrichment Legislative Alert Reference Collection of Congressional Directories, 1974-1987 1974 Election Index with Redistricted States and Congressional Staff Directory 1977 Congressional Staff Directory 1979 Congressional Directory 96th Congress 1st Session 1979 Congressional Staff Directory 1981 Congressional Staff Directory 1983 Congressional Staff Directory 1987 Congressional Staff Directory