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MASSACHUSErrS INSTITJTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUL 0 7 2006 L~n6 Author................................... .... LIE3RARIES · (JDepartment of Physics May 19, 2006 Certified by............................... Gabriella Sciolla Assistant Professor Thesis Supervisor Acceptedby............... . . . *"*. * *- . . . . ..-. . i . . . . David E. Pritchard Senior Thesis Coordinator, Physics Dept. ARCHIVES 2 Initial Analysis towards a Measurement of the Branching Fractions B-e py and B-e wy by Molly Bright Submitted to the Department of Physics on May 19, 2006, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Physics Abstract The Standard Model of particle physics predicts the existence of the "Unitary Triangle," which graphically relates the matrix elements of the Cabbibo Kobayashi Maskawa matrix and describes the strength of transformations from one quark to another. By measuring the ratio B(B p/wy)/B(B , K*y) we can measure a side length of this triangle and use the result to test the Standard Model, and perhaps illuminate new physics. In this thesis, a new set of cuts on variables measured by the BABAR detector is optimized to obtain high levels of efficiency and significance in separating the rare py or w-ysignal events from the high levels of continuum background. Neural nets that can consider correlations between variables have also been implemented to suppress the continuum. Preliminary results using Monte Carlo are discussed. Final values using runs 1 through 5 of the BaBar experimental data will be published in summer 2006. Thesis Supervisor: Gabriella Sciolla Title: Assistant Professor 3 4 Acknowledgments Thank you to Prof. Sciolla, who graciously brought me into her group and helped me throughout the thesis process. This work was also done with indispensible scientific and technical support from Ming Yi, Mary-Irene Lang, Nivedita Chandrasekharen and the other "Rad Penguins." The moral support of my parents across the telephone lines has also been crucial in the production of this paper. 5 6 Contents 1 13 Introduction 1.1 Standard Model of Particle Physics ........ 1.1.1 The Subatomic Particle Zoo ........ 1.1.2 1.2 Symmetry Violation and the CKM Matrix Radiative B Decays. ........... ........... ........... ........... 2 The BaBar Experiment 13 14 15 17 23 2.1 Charged Particle Tracking System ......... 25 2.2 Detector of Internally Reflected Cherenkov Light 28 2.3 Electromagnetic Calorimeter ............ 30 2.4 Instrumented Flux Return and Muon and Neutral Hadron Detection. 30 3 Analysis 33 3.1 Variables and Cuts. 3.1.1 Photon Cuts . 3.1.2 Meson and Charged Track Cuts . . 3.1.3 Continuum Background Suppression 3.1.4 B Meson Selection 3.1.5 Optimization. ......... 3.2 Neural Nets. 3.3 Efficiency .................. 3.4 Sanity Checks ................ 7 ............... ............... ............... .............. ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... 34 34 35 36 37 37 38 41 41 4 Results and Conclusions 51 8 List of Figures 1-1 The Unitary Triangle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 17 1-2 Feynmann diagram of the b -- d quark process. ............ 21 2-1 The electrons and positrons are accelerated and then fed into the two storage ring machine PEP-II. of BaBar detector. ....................... 2-2 Structure 2-3 Schematic of DIRC ............................. 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26 29 3-1 Schematic illustration of how a neural net can use correlation to obtain better separating power. .......................... 40 3-2 The separating power between signal and background of six variables used as input to the neural net. ..................... 3-3 .. 42 Comparison of Off Peak Data with MC uds. ............... 44 3-4 Comparison of Off Peak Data with MC uds. .............. 45 3-5 46 RhoO mode Efficiency Table ........................ 3-6 Rho mode Efficiency Table. BAD876 cuts applied to new data ..... 3-7 Omega mode Efficiency Table. BAD876 cuts applied to new data. . . 47 48 4-1 Efficiency table for p0 mode using new cuts. .............. 52 4-2 Efficiency table for p± mode using new cuts. .............. 53 4-3 Efficiency table for w mode using new cuts ................ 54 9 10 List of Tables 1.1 Fundamental fermionic particles and their masses, divided into three generations. 19 1.2 Four main types of mesons. Naming is determined by the heavier of their quark pair. .............................. 20 3.1 Fixed Cut Values for po mode. 3.2 Optimized Cut Values for po mode. 3.3 The 33 Neural Net Variables ....................... 4.1 Expected yield for the B° 0 4.2 Expected yield for the B° - po' decay mode. . . . . . . . . . . .56 4.3 Expected yield for the B + -- p+ decay mode . . . . . . . . . . .57 4.4 Expected yield for the B + . . . . . . . . . . .59 4.5 Expected yield for the B° -- w' decay mode . 4.6 Expected yield for the B° -- wy decay mode . - ...................... ................... poy decay mode . p+7ydecay mode 11 38 38 49 ......... ...55 . . . . . . . . . . .60 ......... . .61 12 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Standard Model of Particle Physics Developed in the late sixties and early seventies, the Standard Model of particle physics (SM) describes the set of known fundamental particles and their interactions via the strong, weak, and electromagnetic forces. The SM is a quantum field theory that is generally considered to successfullyexplain and predict the physics of quantum mechanics and special relativity. There is still a great deal of debate over the extent of this success; the SM currently doesn't include the gravitational force at all, the predicted Higgs particle has never been seen, and many free parameters contained in the model cannot be calculated but rely on experimental measurement. Proposals of "grand unification" theories try to address current concerns, but still the model appears to many scientists to be incomplete. For example, the SM relates matter and antimatter in terms of CPT symmetry, which suggests there should be an equal amount of matter and antimatter in the universe after the Big Bang. A cursory glance at the immediate environment shows the unsettling dominance of matter in our world, and advanced experimental research in particle physics also reveals even more detail on the finer working of this symmetry violation. 13 1.1.1 The Subatomic Particle Zoo It is important first to understand the general concepts presented in the SM. There are two types of fundamental particles: fermions and bosons. Fermions possess halfinteger spin and obey the Pauli Exclusion Principle. A simple example of a fermion is the electron, and the fermionic nature of the electron is what causes the organization of the Periodic Table of the Elements and the principles of chemistry. In the SM, fermions come in three groups called "generations" labeled 1, 2, and 3. Generation 1 contains the electron, the "antielectron" or positron, the electron neutrino and its antineutrino counterpart. These particles fall into the category of "leptons." The other particles in the generation are quarks and their respective antiquarks. A summary of the leptons and quarks is given in Table 1.1. Ordinary matter is made up of particles form generation 1 due to their significantly smaller masses: the higher generation particles decay quickly into first-generation ones. Quarks are generally confined in groups of two or three as hadrons. Mesons, which are composed of a quark-antiquark pair, are of extreme importance to the analysis discussed in this paper. The other possibility is the three-quark baryon, which includes the familiar proton and neutron from atomic physics. Mesons are named based on the heavier of their two quarks, and the possibilities are given in Table 1.2 Bosons possess integer spins and can actually occupy the same quantum state, which leads to the intriguing fields of Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity. Bosons are generally used as force carriers in the SM. The known bosons are: * Photons-quanta of light, mediate the electromagnetic interactions * W and Z Bosons- mediate the weak force, essential in decay processes * Gluons- mediate the strong nuclear force, described in terms of "color" in Quan- tum Chromodynamics (QCD) * Higgs Boson- induces spontaneous symmetry breaking, responsible for the ex- istence of inertial mass (predicted, not yet seen) 14 In this research we are focusing on the decay of B mesons. This process, a particle decay, simply involves one fundamental particle transforming into other fundamental particles. (This is different from radioactive decay, in which the products of the event are parts of the original, composite substance.) transformation Only weak decays can cause the of fundamental particles (i.e. a flavor change). When a fundamental particle decays, it first changes into a less massive particle and a force-carrier particle (generally a W boson). This W boson then re-emerges as some other particle. A clever reader may become upset at the apparent violation of energy conservation that the production of a massive W boson appears to imply. It must be added that these particles exist so briefly that they can be allowed through the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (i.e. they can never be observed or measured). Because of this character trait, this type of boson is known as a "virtual" boson [5]. 1.1.2 Symmetry Violation and the CKM Matrix There are three major symmetries present in the Standard Model: * C - charge symmetry (transformation of a particle into its antiparticle) * P - parity symmetry (spatial reflection of a system) * T - time symmetry (reversal of a process) At first, these symmetries were thought to be indelible. It came as quite a surprise when researchers saw that not only did violations occur, but they occur to the maximum possible extent. The only symmetry which has remained thus far unbroken is CPT symmetry. P and C symmetry were discovered to be maximally violated in the 1950's, but a combined CP symmetry was expected to be conserved. In 1964, however, James Cronin and Val Fitch gave clear evidence that CP symmetry could also be broken. (They were awarded a Nobel Prize for their work in 1980.) Kaons and B mesons are prime examples of this type of symmetry violation, and thus an important motivation for the research discussed here. 15 In the Standard Model, CP violation is due to a single phase in the CabbiboKobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix. The CKM matrix is a unitary matrix which contains information on the strength of flavor-changing weak decays. In simplest terms, the CKM matrix states the probability of a transformation of a quark q into another quark q'. This probability is proportional to the matrix element Vqq,,12. In Eq. 1.1, the CKM matrix transforms the vector of strong force eigenstates into the vector of weak force eigenstates. Vd V Ib d) Idl) Vcd Vcs Vcb S) I Sl) Vtd V Vt b lb) Ibl) Requiring that the CKM Matrix be unitary, we arrive at the equations E Vik = 0. (1.2) k For any fixed i and j, this is a constraint on three numbers, one for each value of k, which states that these three values form the vertices of a triangle in the complex plane. Given 6 choices of i and j, there are six of these triangles. If the sides and angles of these triangles could be measured using various techniques, they would provide a direct means of testing the predictions of the SM. It is also important to over-diagnose these triangles, measuring all sides and angles. Perhaps experiments will fully agree with the model, and it can be convincingly said that the realm of particle physics is understood. Perhaps, however, our results will prove inconsistent or contradictory with respect to the SM predictions. Is there something flawed,then, with the Standard Model? Is there "new physics" not yet discovered in the field? There are two triangles that have all three side lengths of approximately the same order, although only one of them can be feasibly measured experimentally: Our analysis is geared towards measuring the length lVtd/Vtl. While this length has been recently measured in B° oscillations, our measurement, based on completely different decay diagrams, could unveil physics beyond the SM. 16 1 Figure 1-1: The Unitary Triangle. 1.2 Radiative B Decays This research features the radiative penguin decay of a b quark into a d quark and a photon. A penguin decay, which received its rather unusual name as the result of a bet, is an effective flavor changing neutral current (FCNC) process that can be illustrated by a simple loop in the Feynman diagram describing the process in Fig. 1.2. The main intermediate contributor in the b , d quark transition, along with the virtual boson, is a top quark, t. Thus, by measuring the ratio of b , d and b s quark events, it is possible to determine the ratio Vtd/Vtl we are aiming to obtain. 17 To decrease theory errors, we measure the ratio of branching fractions B(B -B(B py) ) K*y) Vtd Vt, (1.3) where the denominator is already known with good precision. While theoretically B - py provides the best measurement of Vtd/Vtl, teh statistics are limited. To lower the statistical error we include three decay modes: pOy with pO _ 7r+r - B * B ± -* p± B -+ with p - 7r7ro° w where w + 7r+Tr-ro These three modes are referred to as the p, p and w modes, respectively. The p0 , p and w particles are light, unflavored mesons. These then decay into pions and photons, which can be recorded in the BABAR detector. It is necessary to use the information about pions and photons to reconstruct what the B mesons decayed into. The challenge arises from the incredibly small likelihood that these three decays will occur with respect to the overwhelminglyprobable decays into strange mesons like the kaon. 18 Particle Name Generation Symbol 1 Electron e- Electron neutrino Positron Electron antineutrino Up quark Down quark Anti-up antiquark Anti-down antiquark ve e+ ve u d d Generation 2 Muon - Muon neutrino VA Anti-Muon Muon antineutrino Charm quark Strange quark Anti-charm antiquark Anti-strange antiquark p+ c s s Generation 3 Tau r- Tau neutrino VT Anti-tau r+ Tau antineutrino Top quark Bottom quark Anti-top antiquark Anti-bottom antiquark VT t b b Table 1.1: Fundamental fermionic particles and their masses, divided into three generations. 19 Heavier Quark Type c Name of Meson D s K t does not exist b B Table 1.2: Four main types of mesons. Naming is determined by the heavier of their quark pair. 20 w c u yct t 1 J d I d Figure 1-2: Feynmann diagram of the b -+ d quark process. 21 22 Chapter 2 The BaBar Experiment The Babar experiment began taking data in 1999, using the asymetric e+e - PEPII collider at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). SLAC, built in 1962 in Menlo Park, California, is home to an extensive linear accelerator facility that has helped the field of particle physics progress through the last several decades. The electrons and positrons are first accelerated in the LINAC, and then fed into the two storage ring machine PEP-II. The two beams are kept at different energies (9.0 GeV and 3.1 GeV for the e- and e+ beams, respectively) and collide at a CM energy of 10 GeV. This corresponds to the T(4s) resonance, which always decays into two B-mesons. B-mesons are produced essentially at rest in the rest frame of the T(4s). While several combinations of beam energies are possible to create the desired resonance, the beams have been optimized such that the detector that surrounds the interaction point is capable of measuring most of the decay products but enough boost of the resulting B mesons to look for CP violation as they sequentially decay. The peak luminosity of the PEP-II collider was developed to be 3 x 1033 cm-1 s - l, although the current record of over 1 x 1034 cm - 1 s - 1 already triples this value. Such high luminosities correspond to extremely high rates of T(4s) production: approximately 30-100 million BB pairs could be produced per year! [6] The detector, shown in Fig.2, is designed asymmetrically with respect to the collision point in order to consistently record particles exiting the interaction region. Running at the T(4s) resonance, there is a Lorentz boost p/3yof approximately 0.56 23 PEP It t PDmOW le dIPEPII ~~~~~~~F~~~~~~n "KW fkuhBwp~ ----- SO&OO Mo PP 11 (IGeV] PEP 1LowEnergy ypss (HLEB) JPEP D iEP ~~~~IR-2 r~~~~~~~~~~~B~~~~~~f~~ PEP 1 ihE Am4PEPII EA a taW3 km PoS Figure 2-1: The electrons and positrons are accelerated and then fed into the two storage ring machine PEP-II. 24 in the e- direction, and the detector is constructed to cover approximately the same solid angle in the forward and backward directions in the moving CM frame. Several concentric cylinders surround the section of the PEP-II ring containing the collision point. The different layers of particle detectors, as shown in Fig.2, include the following devices (listed below with their primary purposes): * Charged Particle Tracking System - Silicon Vertex Tracker, to reconstruct decay vertices of particles; - Drift Chamber, to measure the momentum of charged particles; * Detector of Internally Reflected Cherenkov light, to identify particle species, in particular pions and kaons; * Electromagnetic Calorimeter, to reconstruct high energy y's, r0°'s and ro7's; * Instrumented Flux Return, to identify muons and detect neutral hadrons. Each portion of the detector measures specific traits of the B-meson decay products, and careful coordination of their measurements can be used to reconstruct what events take place in the interaction region. Each of these diagnostic elements will now be discussed in more detail. 2.1 Charged Particle Tracking System The charged particle tracking system is made up of two components: the silicon vertex tracker (SVT) and the drift chamber (DCH). The SVT is composed of five layers of double-sided silicon strip detectors. The inner three layers provide primarily position and angle information for measurement of the vertex position, while the outer two layers, located at larger radii, provide similar information needed to link the recorded particle tracks from the SVT and DCH. The SVT provides a spatial resolution along the direction of the electron beam of less than 70 microns. 25 Collider ring containing Interaction Point IV %IAlrAD FPi IM -% it ' W Approx.) size of person ra Figure 2-2: Structure of BaBar detector. 26 The drift chamber is a relative of the simple wire chamber. Wire chambers replaced the effective but time-consuming bubble chamber technique for recording a particle's path. With bubble chambers, scientists were required to take a physical picture of the chamber, develop the film, and then analyze the image visually. In wire chambers, everything is done in real time and electronically. Wire chambers are made up of many parallel wires arranged in a grid and biased with a high voltage. As an energetic particle traverses the medium, ions and electrons left in its wake will "drift" towards the nearest wires and cause a signal which can be traced back to that specific location in the grid. Once a series of signal pulses are localized as the particle passes completely through the chamber, one can reconstruct the entire path by simply "connecting the dots." Our advanced version of this simple concept uses a more complex 3-D grid with timing capabilities. The DCH is a 280cm long cylinder with inner and outer radii of 24cm and 81cm respectively. The tracking volume is made of 40 layers of wires arranged in 10 "superlayers" of 4 wires each. The super-layers are oriented in slightly different directions to obtain an accurate and precise 3-dimensional reconstruction of the particle track. The space between the wires is filled with 80% Helium gas and 20% Isobutane. This arrangement allows for a spatial resolution of better than 140 microns. The SVT and DCH are located within a 1.5T solenoidal magnetic field. The strong magnetic field causes the charged particles exiting the interaction region to curve strongly, in a direction determined by their charge. By quantifying the curvature of the recorded track in these media we can determine the momentum of the particle: 'Lorentz = ICP= q (V x ml r l ) . (2.1) (2.2) where q is the charge of the particle, v is its velocity, m is its mass, B the mag- netic field, and r is the radius of curvature within the detector. Combining these relationships, we see that the radius of curvature is given by 27 p r= B Ir- n\ [z. ) where p is the transverse momentum of the particle. 2.2 Detector of Internally Reflected Cherenkov Light The detector of internally reflected Cherenkov light (DIRC) is a novel device used to separate pions and kaons. Cherenkov light is radiation emitted when a charged particle travels through an insulator at a speed faster than the phase velocity of light in that medium. It is named after Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov who first characterized this effect and won a Nobel Prize for his efforts in 1958. A common analogy is the notion of a "sonic boom" that occurs when a object travels faster than the speed of sound in a medium. As a particle travels through a medium, electrons are displaced or polarized, and if the material is an insulator, the restoration of the electrons to their equilibrium positions is accompanied by the emission of a photon. Normally, the particle that is causing disruptions is moving at a speed slower than the radiation it creates. The radiation then deconstructively interferes with itself and isn't seen. However, when the disrupting particle travels faster than the radiation it leaves in its wake, a cone of constructively interfering light is easily visible. The relationship between the angle of this cone (with respect to the particle flight direction) and the particle velocity is given by cosOc fin (2.4) where n is the index of refraction in the medium. In our DIRC, 144 bars of fused silica arranged in 12 groups of 12 bars each are used to create this Cherenkov radiation. The light travels through these bars into toroidal tank of purified water, and finally reaches an array of photomultiplier tubes (there are 10,752 PMT's in total in the BABAR detector). Using the position of the signals from these PMT's as well as the timing of their detection, and image of the 28 I inht Cr.atnher PMT + Base PMT Surface Track T .jectory I Purified Water A6. II II I II II Window 13ox Figure 2-3: Schematic of DIRC. Cherenkov cone is inferred. An illustration of the path of a Cherenkov light cone through one fused silica bar is shown in Fig. 2- 3 The DIRC in BaBar is used primarily as a tool to differentiate charged pions and kaons. These particles have different masses, and with the same momentum (measured in the SVT and DCH discussed earlier) they will have different velocities. The angle of Cherenkov radiation will therefore be the distinguishing characteristic of these two particles which could look similar to the charged particle detectors. The number of Cherenkov photons produced increases with the momentum of the particle, and there is a threshold minimum number of photons required to accurately seperate a pion or kaon from the background. However, the lack of a signal also carries information, and the detector is also used in "veto mode." 29 2.3 Electromagnetic Calorimeter The electromagnetic calorimeter (EMC) is designed to measure electromagnetic showers with excellent efficiency, and high angular and energy resolution [2]. What is an EM shower? When an electron, for example, passes through a material in which there are high electric fields (i.e. E-fields due to the charge of nuclei in the material) it will be deflected, and a virtual photon will be produced such that total energy and momentum are conserved. The photon then has sufficient energy and momentum that it produces a positron-electron pair, which in turn produce further pairs as they propagate through the same medium. Thus a cascade or "shower" of electrons and positrons is created by the initial particle. Eventually there is not enough energy to form more pairs and all the particles of the shower are absorbed. High energy photons also cause these showers, and we use the EMC primarily to analyze the high-energy ("hard") y produced in signal events as well as decays of 7r°'s and O's, which decay in turn to two photons [6]. The EMC in BaBar consists of 6,580 Thallium-doped Cesium-Iodide (CsI(Tl)) crystals. Two photodiodes are mounted at the rear of each crystal and convert the scintillation light produced by the EM showers into a measurable electric pulse. The EMC is designed to detect photons in the range .02-9 GeV with a resolution of 1-2%. 2.4 Instrumented Flux Return and Muon and Neu- tral Hadron Detection The outer part of the BaBar detector (surrounding the superconducting magnetic that creates the strong magnetic field inside the rest of the detector) has three main purposes: magnetic flux return in the iron yoke support, muon detection and neutral hadron detection [2]. The IFR uses the steel flux return of the magnet as a muon filter and hadron absorber. The gaps between the steel plates are fitted with single gap resistive plate chambers (RPCs), which detect streamers from ionizing particles via capacitive readout strips. There are also two layers of cylindrical RPCs installed 30 between the EMC and the magnetic cryostat to detect particles exiting the EMC. RPCs are gaseous parallel-plate detectors that combine the spatial resolution of a wire chamber with the timing capabilities of a scintillation counter. They are relatively simple to fabricate, consisting of a pair of parallel bakelite plates separated by spacers with the gaps filled with gas. The outer surfaces are coated with Aluminum and connected to high voltage. Two sets of copper readout strips are pressed against the detector surfaces on opposite sides of the gap. For more detailed information about RPCs please refer to [4] and [1]. 31 32 Chapter 3 Analysis The challenge in measuring the branching fraction of B -- p/wy lies in the great disparity between levels of this "signal" and the much more abundant background processes. Each step that can be taken to remove background events will have some amount of undesirable consequence (i.e. will remove some of the signal as well). A balance between the efficiencyof signal and background must be found to maximize the statistical of the result. To assist us in developing an unbiased system for background and signal separation, a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation of B decay events is generated and analyzed. After this analysis has been completed, the real data from BABAR will be addressed. In other words, we are doing a "blind analysis," meaning we are not looking at the amount of signal selected by the cuts on real data until all cuts have been frozen. Having this alternative, well-understood MC data also helps in the optimization and analysis of cuts: because every simulated event is already labeled, we can easily observe the effects of cuts of each process individually. There is a level of uncertainty in the labelling of the simulated events, and the term "truth-matched" is used to indicate an extremely high level of confidence. The enormous datasets produced in Monte Carlo simulation and in experimental data are first processed with a set of very loose "cuts" to substantially shrink file size and reduce process time by removing events that are obviously background. Each cut simply looks at a certain variable (or combination of variables) and removes those 33 events with values in an undesirable range. A list of the principle variables used is given in the following section. After the first set of "skim" cuts is applied, more focused work can be done to optimize each cut for the best possible total efficiency and significance. After the data is processed in the optimized way, some variables with especially good separating power (signal vs. background) are used to define a "signal" region and a "fit" region in variable-space. The events remaining in the fit region are fit with a carefully selected set of distributions. We can then extrapolate the fitted distributions into the signal region, and effectively count how many signal events are present. The final analysis will use maximum likelihood fitting procedures. 3.1 Variables and Cuts 3.1.1 Photon Cuts The production of a high energy photon is quite unlikely in typical B meson decay processes. Because they actually do produce such a photon, the rare decays that we are interested in can be distinguished by this feature. By requiring a high-energy photon, we are able to reject many background events. The characteristics of all high- and low-energy photons are aptly measured by the EMC. We choose the photon with the highest energy to be the center of our focus. gAcceptAngle -0.74 < cos0 < 0.93 where 0 is the polar angle of the pulse. This cut eliminates clusters of signals at the edges of the EMC where we cannot be sure all particle information was successfully collected. gnCrys Number of crystals that contribute to EMC signal must be greater than 4 to help guarantee the quality of our data. GammaisOK Rejects signals from EMC that include a "noisy" crystal. Isolation (gdistNe and gdistCh) EMC cluster must be at least 25 cm away from the nearest charged or neutral particle bump in signal. 34 gSecMom The second moment of the high energy y must be less than 0.002. 7r°/ Veto Rejects (vetoes) 7r - yy and r - -y' decays. These two processes are large contributors to our background. Using our selected "high-energy" or "hard" photon, we also select a second photon. The energies of the two photons and the momentum of the "soft" photon can be combined to determine how likely it is these two photons came from a r ° or a 7. We select the pair which has the highest probability of being an unwanted 7r° or 7rdecays and use a veto cut to remove the most probable background events. 3.1.2 Meson and Charged Track Cuts The p0, p+ and w mesons are reconstructed in the final pion states: +rr- , 7lr±r°, and 7r+7r- r0°. These pions are required to match a variety of standards. There are also straightforward cuts on what these pions appear to reconstruct. GTL+/- "Good Tracks Loose" requires that there be at least two charged tracks in the event which fulfill the following: 1. At least 12 "hits" in the DCH 2. Transverse momentum > 100 MeV/c 2 3. At some point track was closer than 1.5 cm to the beam axis 4. Track must have come closer than 10cm to nominal "beam spot" 5. Momentum of track < 10 GeV/c 2 Points 1 and 2 require that the track be sufficiently lengthy through the SVT and DCH so that our data is reliable. 3-5 remove tracks induced by cosmic ray events. Pi+/-PID and DRCcons Particle Identification. BaBar has analysis packages that, using information from the DRC and the rate of energy loss in the DCH, can select pions based on a range from very loose to very tight requirements. There is the usual balance of efficiency and purity in the final product. In our 35 analysis, a collection of variables are analyzed to arrive at a likelihood that the detected particle is actually a pion. Kaons must also be identified and removed. The B - Kir background peaks strongly in a way that overlaps and masks our signal, and it becomes essential to remove this source of false-signal events despite the necessary decrease in efficiencythat accompanies this type of cut. Meson Mass Simple cut on the invariant mass of the p0 , p± or w. RhoChi2Prob After reconstructing the tracks of the particles that come from our signal events, we can attempt to discern the vertex at which the p must have been when it decayed. However, given a set of tracks that have some uncertainty in their precise location, we construct a X2 that reflects how likely it is that our measured "vertex" is actually at the cross-point of our various individual tracks. RhoCosHelic Cuts of the pw helicity angle based on the angular distribution of the particles created in the decay. 3.1.3 Continuum Background Suppression R 2 This variable provides a very efficient way to suppress continuum at the skim level. R2 is the ratio of the second to the zeroth Fox-Wolframmoment H2 /Ho where HI = ,P(cos illP ij). (3.1) i,j Here -i/j are the momenta of two particles in the CM frame, ij is the angle between these momenta, Pl are the Legendre polynomials and s is the square of the CM energy [4]. This value is a measure of how "jetlike" an event is. Continuum background events (u, d, s, or c quarks or charged leptons are produced) are generally affiliated with two collimated bunches of particles moving in opposite directions. The desired signal events, e+e- - T(4S) - BB, are practically isotropic. At the T(4S) resonance there is very little kinetic energy left for the daughter B mesons, and thus these mesons have very little momentum that could translate into jetlike decays. 36 Neural Network Neural Nets provide a way to combine correlated variables for optimal background rejection. Nets can be trained using Monte Carlo data to discern the underlying probabilistic connection between variables, and then use this "knowledge" to arrive at a probability that an unknown event is signal or not. Neural Nets will be discussed at greater depth in a subsequent section. The one implemented in this analysis is used to suppress the continuum background. 3.1.4 B Meson Selection AE This variable is the difference between the reconstructed energy of the B can- didate and the expected energy. The expected value is half of the total CM energy, or the sum of the energies of the beams. Correctly reconstructed signal events should therefore form a peak at around AE= 0. mEs The "beam energy substituted mass" is the invariant mass, but calculated using the beam energy instead of the energy of the particles reconstructed in the detector. Because the energies of the beams are so precisely known, it is preferable that we use these values instead of the less precisely determined measured values. 3.1.5 Optimization Some of these cuts, especially those related to the EMC and high-energy gamma, have been optimized by detector experts. The others, like the cuts on veto, meson and NN, are optimized by us to obtain the most efficient and useful upper and lower limits. The cuts that are fixed are shown in Tab. 3.1 and the optimized cuts with their respective optimal limits are given in Tab. 3.2 for the RhoO mode. Rho+ and Omega modes are optimized independently. 37 Category Cut high-energyphoton -0.74 < cos Ohel <0.93 number of EMC crystals > 4 high-energy photon no problem crystals Isolation > 25 cm Tracking and PID Good Tracks - Loose "veryTight" r ID DIRC consistency lAzj <0.4 cm AZerr< 0.04 cm Vertexing Vertexing 0.63 < m,, < 0.94 Meson Mass Table 3.1: Fixed Cut Values for pO mode. Variable NN Output Lower Limit 0.957 Higher Limit 1 Prob(X2o) 0.016 1 cos(Ohel) ,r Veto 7 ° Veto 2 nd moment of y -0.548 0.900 0.767 0 0.656 1 1 0.002 as95 0.941 1 Table 3.2: Optimized Cut Values for p0 mode. 3.2 Neural Nets Neural networks are devices inspired by the complex workingsof the brain. In human brains, for example, the precise mechanisms of how the organ as a whole processes, understands, and makes decisions is still unknown. Large numbers of neurons, oper- ating in intricate connection with each other, fire signals in parallel that then activate neighboring neurons. In a similar way, neural nets are comprised of many similar elements that are linked together. Each link is prescribed a particular "weight," and the signal produced by one element is passed through these links onto the next elements. A network can be taught to determine the most accurate set of weights that provide a desired outcome. 38 Neural nets have an intrinsic advantage in our analysis over using series of rectangular cuts on individual variables [4]. The links between NN elements (which we can now think of as being labeled by a variable) consider the correlations between variables. This concept can be shown in a simplified example, illustrated in Fig.3-1. Let's say we want to separate A from B using two variables (1 and 2). Using simple cuts, like those described at length in the earlier section on variables, we do not consider that there might be a correlation between these variables. What happens when we introduce a Neural Net? Fig. 3-1 shows graphically what correlation might look like as well as the optimized cut that best separates A from B using the two available methods. Using normal cuts that only take one variable into account, the optimized cut causes a portion of signal (A) to be eliminated and a portion of background (B) to remain (see Fig. 3-1-a). Using this type of cut on variables 1 and 2 separately, Fig. 3-1-b illustrates the consequence of such negligence: the shaded regions in the upper right and lower left quadrants are mislabeled. If a neural net is used, however, we can see in the two dimensional plot that the cut with most separating power is on the diagonal. Of course, we are not simply looking at two variables, and the correlations presetnt in BaBar processes would require a very high-order dimensional space to describe them. Our neural nets use 33 variables at initial inputs. These 33 each have two links to a total of 66 "hidden nodes." These 66 nodes then combine in some way to produce a signal output value. Each B-candidate that we feed into the NN will result in a single number, which is the probability that the candidate is actually a B. The neural net is trained using Monte Carlo data. A second, unrelated set of MC data is used to "validate" the NN, making sure that the weightings being calculated in the training process are actually helping the NN differentiate signal from background. Short descriptions of the 33 variables used as input in our NN are given in Table 3.3. A visual example of how background and signal events are distributed across these variables is given in Fig. 3-2. A good variable for a NN will show significant differences between the signal and background distributions. This property, called 39 X2 Figure 3-1: Schematic illustration of how a neural net can use correlation to obtain better separating power. 40 "separating power," helps provide the neural net with a strong foundation upon which to train. 3.3 Efficiency To optimize the set of variable cuts that we need to apply to our MC data, it is essential to somehow quantify how successful a given cut or set of cuts is. We use two such quantities: efficiency and significance. Efficiency is then in turn broken down into "relative" efficiency and "absolute" efficiency. Relative efficiency is a simple ratio of how many events are still present before and after the cut. If half the events survive the cut, then the relative efficiencyof this cut is 50%. Absolute efficiency compare the events left after a given cut with the initial number of events present. Combined, these give a measure of how effective each cut is. Significance is extremely important in determining how much confidence our mea- surement can merit, and is given by S S= (3.2) where S is the number of signal events present in the signal region after all cuts, and B is the number of background events in the same region. The signal region is a small area surrounding the predicted location of signal events in variable space. These two quantities will feature prominently in the tables discussed in the next section as well as in the final results. 3.4 Sanity Checks It is important (and rather comforting) to be able to periodically check the analysis to make sure that things makes sense. One possible uncertainty revolves the Monte Carlo data: does it accurately represent was we intend it to? Clearly we would like to directly compare some experimental results with our MC to reassure ourselves that the simulation is running correctly. One easy way to do this is to explore the "off peak" 41 Figure 3-2: The separating power between signal and background of six variables used as input to the neural net. 42 experimental data obtained by BaBar. Offpeak, or running off of the T(4s) resonance, causes the u, d, s continuum background to dominate. This experimentally obtained information, describing how real u, d, and s events are recorded by the detector, can be directly compared with the "background" simulated by Monte Carlo. Examples of such plots are given in Figures 3-3 and 3-4, clearly illustrating that the MC data is being produced correctly. A similar check can be done to compare the control samples with the MC signal. Another source of so-called "sanity checks" is the BaBar Analysis Document (BAD) 876. This lengthy paper includes almost all relevant facts regarding the analysis done through 2004 on this project. Since this document was compiled, many new techniques have been introduced, but there is a foundation of work already laid which we can use as a reference for our progress. Figures 3-5 through 3-7 are efficiency tables created in the same way as discussed in the previous section. In these tables, however, the best cuts found in our optimization process are not used. Instead, the cuts used in BAD 876 are implemented. In theory, although we are using new code and new Monte Carlo data, we should obtain approximately the same efficienciesif we use the same cut limits. It must be noted, however, that the neural net cut provides a slight problem. Because the net is ever changing during training processes or reevaluation of its fundamental structure, implementing a cut at the same value as BAD 876 will not necessarily have the same effect. To balance this dilemma, the NN cut was tuned until the relative efficiency was comparable to the earlier published values. BAD 876 does not provide us with facts that we must imitate unquesitoningly. However, it is still a useful tool with which we gauge the general trends in our analysis. 43 Figure 3-3: Comparison of Off Peak Data with MC uds. 44 )eElectronlPid ......... lu o lon.ft o! I 7' 8000 6000 4000 2000 c :· 'YL·"' cY-- 3 0.4 05 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 . 1 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 Figure 3-4: Comparison of Off Peak Data with MC uds. 45 1 1.5 Cl CCCCl·l Cl C HAHHAH + HA -H m H sCD Ci Ii c C: CN C 0 :t O0 " 00z Cl Cl Cl Ci e~n O O 000000 =WMCCD CO . .X t t t t Ci CO ! i 0l00 1 N MX C ne -! +++ -H -H 0 0 MO X ne O O O + , + 1+ H 1+ ++ Cn -C0 = e 0 , ° °00 t- O)00CN .0000:kCNXH :< 000t0000C0 V o5-H+ * O -H O3-H o -H H 0 +00 H 0 -H 0 0 NeC 00 d C -0 On 00 CC tC w 0 lO Cz X o xCI F j N0 -z 00 Cr Cl Cl Cl O C C 0 00 t CD CC X t O OO.o0 0 oco NI:: CCzC CO 0l O Cl CS CO t IC t CO N- CO 0R COCCO ON- GC + 00 0 10e ' £ W 6 C6 6O O -H -H 0-H -H 0 CC X M Wr tW zCCC-)1 ICC- I 'M COCOi C n X CO 00 0 0 CD W C N- C CCCC CCC Cq CO C CCCC-CC~N- ICCCO n 0 COCONCS 0: 00 OOCO 0 OCCCCC 00000 COC WclC cWO N-OCCC (DON-NX Cl CC 0 0-m C Cl CtlCl CC -c/-- C CO C Cl d O 0 oC C 0 +H NCl 00CR 0MtO -w s coco tC IM-11$ Co CO OC c= OC r- C O -I C, 0 ; 0) Cq CI In CC C C) C'4 xM C tC 00 Q6 N- + .0C - C0 00 0 00a66eCS 0 U r. Ce 8.) U U 0 t0d 0-d 0 00 doood~ 0O 0 0000 CCC 0 -0 0 le F0$ . E Vd VR 0 =C C ).0= bo el U - c;i C| CI 0 C-/ b Ce* C;u5S p C-CC ,= C-C P5~ ' .4 , P. 8, ;: L L - C CT C CO N- + 0 0 t 0 7aa C - 0 zo b rm W N ., cuW ca CC)Cl4 R-CC _ dc - 0 Cl _O P- 04 C-, ¢O U1 10 Q) 0 Q~ L4 zCe, - CO 0 HA ObO- -H - -w 000 HAHAHA CO... 0C t-u1~ 0 0 O CO HA~d CCC 6 CO . R z 0 CD + +o n 0 6r CO hS Q; c a 40 -H H H A H H A X t 0 HA HAHeaHAHA ... .. - 000 C HC H HA CO iC CCC *000 0 HAAA r 0 CS Cl C° 4 Cl HA~c 0 U Cd cCC M Cl Cl Cl b ±H-HA+ C 0 CO *H I t1:ieII 0iC H CC C; Cl - -H z C? el CC 4;11 C Cl C! 000000000 0 U: U U:Ii 0 0 0 C + HHHH-H Cd H Cl C -H N I- n- CS 0 0. CE -CC 0 CO N- U - - ------------ - --- 00 -rCl W - - CC C ~Cl-ccm CClC - ---- - Figure 3-5: RhoO mode Efficiency Table. New code applied to the new data using the cuts specified in BAD876, compared with the values obtained in that document. 46 "a 0 - +O 1 -H N -H _ Ne 0 q OCN INN O N H -H H -H C7 0 CiD N CC t-N C CR 4 *o *o D4 U - t C H 6 uajcjc1111C! u:u 6 °H 66C I 1 C: C 0000 C 0 10 00 0 0ceq~ O 0 0 M ct MI 0 04 tC00 O H O0 <0 = U N- O) eq0 0 .2 000 t00 m o a, ( I M C)e C U W 0O 0 LO I M - -HM-4N - 4 at a C0) -H - -H + 4 -H o1ac 0R O H o o e t C) N CIC N q C) N: .4 U:N N t-e: Co 00 c: 0NtM 0 aj t ttI - C o t" 0. N C N N N N N 4 M0 onc XO C00 C) 0t Mr N o O O M eO o + + C M 0N to "I i., 00 C- mCCVC e t O+O+ t 00 ,L- - CD C C)O O Cc; = ( 00 N1 O Co~ oN N 0 iaCV LO0) ° q - CD CD))Q (C 0000 O O 0e4 o00 LiEq erN D Ino CD oat- 3Q _ _s bd~~ +I1IllS+ 00 ; 0 Z;7~6~d ~~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ dddd ~ ~ ~ aoo <0 CO + °+ C3C : - H10O M N~ N 00 e CD N eq c . -4O en :0 V6 LO6 C) o N ( Cq 003 _ 4 I = 14 - H ON I-4 q Na U:> C C) 0 PQ a) 00X o M eq ru 00 NL t M C: M 00 00= .14 6 00 oo~ NO H e C4 M 00 = oooact-eqo 0 (M tN etC t-M Clq_ N CN 4N Nq .o000 +rdd ~- t-N,4 deq + vi 0-4 N C cj 6 0 66 6 D° eqc ce 000 ko coo 00 H°-H+°*-H0-H C-4 0L to LO 00 l 4 crO -4 - 0 o 6t6 + o0 0 + C1 C o0 0 00 0N ! O 1te r- VD eq -4 1. -H 668 41 -H H- H -H -H -H -H -H -H -H Otd CD _ -t r -4 O O ts -H H -H . - O O) 6 ,~O ,.. +-H 41 0Z -H -- H O eq 6 OD t V eq -H g~ 00 CO 00000*000 -H l-H -H --H -H -H -H e g'q 66 eq e 0 ,: NLO eqeq d° +s C+) ° acac eqeq N N1 cCVC Ntt-t- acac 00 I C4 u4 O L oL eqe 0 ° o N o 00 lS 0000 _ g ! X 0 0 A 4 ?4 z 0 U r. 0 0 ·a C.) U:z 5 2 14 0 A a ~ 0) 0 o O S 0blo Cc4 -t! .r4 1 C 0 UC bO EN i aF'5 tl- bo c I" col N NcI 000 or u 4 -4~-4-4-4 ~~-4 ~~rc rlr ..- _ ._ _ .- It a0 0O LO e zo _1 _I s. _ 0 0 r. 0 '6Q P; r.- R A eN I M .- -4 N N N NN 1 C0 _ . ) 000 ( C14 CI M _- Figure 3-6: Rho mode Efficiency Tabs7e. BAD876 cuts applied to new data. _ _- Cl Cl Cli C CC C0 AA'TAA 11 CC C C Cl N -H CO 0I c,6-, - Cl C:l Cl! Ci Cl Cl -H + -H cl1 M N + -H N -H N -H1 -H hOC ICC L3 Cl! cC . .H --H . -H 0 *- - - - ~6 6-ije : a6 -H + -H ° H H °-H 00000000e:N NCt00 odoo o0 z a6 cr~ c4 ciLf ho G o 0 0 -H-H -H CO eeC +,+' + +5 . N. 1 l -H cl COl U::CO .H H hO C-CC Cl $n H A t~ c i U: t O O O O +l + N 0 O 0N00 eo s X z 0> s k00 t xN l Cz xoo 0 s X c C n o Nl CC sr n t4 N Xt ,1 C -1lC C 00 N bD · N 00 O O-- O -H n + CC r- Ca C 7-+ I Do HH H QH - oc O hoh hC o oc oCC l O r O) X 1C c1 N NN 1_ 1Ov NN q NN r m cL c: 0 ho 1 N N N (D D D 0V m -C) N C· C hQ L 0 CD D S t Cl CO Z C N00 C l: 0 b1oO 00 -HA-H 14- CC$010 ~0-HC- O~0bO~T~to:mi NC -1~ 2: C N t oo x1 O ) N Nct CIo°OI NC O (M CC t-: o -H 1b + -H-H + +A -H $1 1 1$ C'1 t-I oC 0i vi C:¢: X ob X X s Zb cq N Norc_ N 0000-Q MS -C O ++++ Cz z n X d dd -H -H -H CC MD ho u: CZ CC C m+ (M W O + +3ot + 0 c C- 11 CO C) 6 -H O -H ho CC -H C - ".00000 + 1: C1:,!C! 0000 - <T)= n C r N h CI C (M M r CC IN0 1 X~gd t C 1-CA) N o 1 H , c:l ho N CC C:,I In -z C-Cl CC COh ho ClcoC CD xc m CC o, d0 SOO O Q:6 O IS 1~ O$a, c.; zn X C a, Co X X: Zoo O t S z 0 ~C0W O 000 O O; 0 ~O3Io CN\ ~z O"u(~~ 0a, t oo oo bo '5 z C U C C) C) 60 's- zC W E c O fw Ct GCC· p N ,+ ; 0~ a, 1 00 o oOS o S 00 ± tt NC~ 1C· a U C C- 6 C) -C~ C I; a~~ *cu.Z~U 0C) 0l ho - - -o -C M 6 6C C- C 3O; l n o3 W-rl le -C <o~hI SFi(3 -C 0 C; 'ItL a., C~) Figure 3-7: Omega mode Efficiency Table. BAD876 cuts applied to new data. 48 -a C r. Table 3.3: The 33 Neural Net Variables N 1 2 Name abs(BcosAngGamThrust) R2All 3 4 abs(BcosThetaCM) BroeGamL2 5 6 7 8 BroeThrL2 BroeThrL1 BroeThrL3 BroeGamL1 9 BroeGamL3 10 BrecoilR2prime30 11 12 13 abs(BdeltaZ) BRoeElelCosThMissCM BRoeElelE9OW 14 15 16 BRoeElelP3CM BRoeElelPid BRoeEle2CosThMissCM 17 BRoeEle2E9OW 18 19 20 21 BRoeEle2P3CM BRoeEle2Pid BRoeMulCosThMissCM BRoeMulE90W 22 23 BRoeMulP3CM BRoeMu2CosThMissCM 24 BRoeMu2E90W 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 BRoeMu2P3CM BRoeKChargedlP3CM BRoeKCharged2P3CM BRoeKShortlP3CM BRoeKShort2P3CM BRoeKinLepTrackslP3CM BRoeKinLepTracks2P3CM BRoeKShortlMass BRoeKShort2Mass Description cosine of the angle of a particular gamma with respect to the Roe thrust axis the ratio of the second to the zeroth Fox-Wolfram moments for event. ChargedTracksAcc and GoodNeutralLooseAcc are used for 'All'. cosine of the polar angle of the center-of-mass momentum. the second normalized Legendre moments of ROE boosted into the CM frame with respect to the ROE thrust axis. the second normalized Legendre moments in the CM frame the first normalized Legendre moments in the CM frame the third normalized Legendre moments in the CM frame the first normalized Legendre moments of ROE boosted into the CM frame with respect to the ROE thrust axis. the third normalized Legendre moments of ROE boosted into the CM frame with respect to the ROE thrust axis. R2 of EMC bumps of energy greater than 30 MeV in a particular gamma recoil system. Az, the displacement between the two vertices in the z direction. cosine of the angle between best electron's momentum and the missing momentum. the sum of energies over all charged and netural candidates in the same hemisphere as the best electron with respect to the direction of the virtual W± in the T(4S) frame. the center-of-mass momentum p* of the best electron particle identification of the best electron cosine of the angle between second best electron's momentum and the missing momentum. the sum of energies over all charged and netural candidates in the same hemisphere as the second best electron with respect to the direction of the virtual WI in the T(4S) frame. the center-of-mass momentum p* of the second best electron particle identification of the second best electron cosine of the angle between best muon's momentum and the missing momentum. the sum of energies over all charged and netural candidates in the same hemisphere as the best muon with respect to the direction of the virtual WI in the T(4S) frame. the center-of-mass momentum p* of the best muon cosine of the angle between the second best muon's momentum and the missing momentum. the sum of energies over all charged and netural candidates in the same hemisphere as the second best muon with respect to the direction of the virtual W± in the T(4S) frame. the center-of-mass momentum p* of the second best muon the center-of-mass momentum p* of the best charged kaon the center-of-mass momentum p* of the second best charged kaon the center-of-mass momentum p* of the best short kaon the center-of-mass momentum p* of the second best short kaon the center of mass momentum for the first kinematic lepton candidate the center of mass mkentum for the second kinematic lepton candidate invariant mass of best K short candidate invariant mass of second best K short candidate 50 CO0! el C' ' CDqqq- ,,i-H -O Cn -.t -H -H + + +, 0000000 0 R eC -H 4j+++- 1- -1 -4 t "0:, . 4 Xq. C 0O6 +0 vC C + t C 0 ... C d . d-:s H C e 0 00 t rCtC C0 00 MC C N m4CNC4Cl 00 o 0o 00 00 " S = -zt- CC U o . C: ~cis - M- H x.: t- 000 000 0o ho 0o Cc 4 t oo - t- - 000 00 o oo -H0- - N- I, Cu000 0 CN t-x CD CD In H -H -H (S-H HH 00OC I0 CD 0000 ~ M e tD OCC C-u CS 00 C C.:) t- ~P FZ00 Co" ) ooS O ab t x RC >o 0d C=) = C oC 0o 000 vZ C c0 t 0 d00 00 cl + .- I00 00o 00! O 0n 0n CS 00 CscC +o o+H = CI CstDn 0 z ln C= 0 O =)5 Lo Cl - ~ C CD r+ 0 n ~ CC c 0 x axc O C 0 nCl Vc m + [ s C C OC s C o~ 00 X nv sC oO 00mo.~CN mr5~0+ oC 00-+ °+ 0" O 0 '-4 -~ o, C)D In C O CC oo, s O 00 mcC 4Ij0 cs t- r-ln o1 cz cx 1= m ct xd tl ° Mu G0 t t nD - OC C) = L--I00 ot- ~ b C:, C I S srb C) P X-C l = 00:O~~X- M 000000 00003 tcs jo 0 00Vs crL ctn CI t 000X4cC o o0 m 0000 o o eC = 4nC oo X0- OO N "r0 CC 0 SCOnC 00 K CulC D dd d -HA -H -H t *0 00 M oo -0CCT n nC c oc o CO CS Cl X 00 c0oo CD 0CDooonX(C Nt- t00 00 oo 0 0H + oooo~- CC = O" M 000 U~ UM .o mm oo oo to -d l~ - -00 o -H -H-H - -H -He -4 U 0 h0 t MMMM000 ul, Ii - 00 o 00 00CeC 9 oA-IA t- ci C) usl 6, 00~ X co o + o X3 l +o l cc C 4 ,o cl .- O CC 0 0± d 00 hC 11 90 (L .,, .. U z Fi7 0 i0 )~0S ') Z-CiO, ~ ~~ t ;0 CU . - ,I., §3 bc G. nc E U * .,e bcMMM 0V) bC O o 0 c ,0 bh b . upa C 0 C 1-1 t _ _ H -d +-+ 0,4 = : + OM0 -wU 0- dIC 0 tc u 0F I2 0 _ _ 00 ., , IC ._ m d a R, 'L, I, _ cl c 00 0- r,7 W 0 _ 0 Cl 0 -- -ClC 01,Z 0 U _ = 0 Cl CqC C 4 Figure 4-2: Efficiency table for p mode using new cuts. 53 jo Cl Cl _ _ _ --- PAGES (S) MISSING FROM ORIGINAL - a - - - - - oI! - C· I+ C +l ++++.i tSS . hOe C!el COC! Ci Ci 000000.00 el b0 e (e tdo N7 11nN -C) 0. 00I -4-Cq CC~ -H (M (M 1- abC H M0 O Ixc00 C '1 111 e-T-'CCS -- N ; CotN CCC1 CCC-4 N , + CC0 Go CSN c CCC1 CC d7 IC6 LCc,CCC '000 c c nn ' m c $ 4 t OC CO Ot E 00 odO 70CC o n O C-nC z t- N N 7 C 0CCD c XOmC IC17-C m cCC0 -- I C CICC c-~s xD C 0 CN C· .. P., In~n~C CV·CCN· tC 9'1* b-C (0 00 C tt 071 CUCIC X 00 CCC c4 OCCC X CS NC 1 0 d t0 CD Cr0· Coo tt zO F C C-1CC o o s --C9-H o rl 00 n t-O 11 -4- 0000 7c~c~ 07C4Cq CS n ~CCCCC 17-rC M~P r 17--4c C0 CC 1-ISI oCC 17S* M ~CC Xo-c CC17 -C CD CSI CC c IQ 9 .o Ed >1 ·L3) 0 r 0~00 dX~,, ,,tX 0 L) rb So m bsXo K x I ~c, 0 O o+o, m 0 CE 00 Our 1 - n IO t )" , tD tC O OC U 0tE-4~~~~~~~~~~~1 O b 0 -O IC b C-) C C C CO :S MS rb h ooO K 175d oo UO c src) o c t s CC tO C : 1770 07+ e(0 mS z CSC 10 -d`? us C, C- O; CC CC 4 a 470 5 -, ~ F C' 17.740P ;II "I Cn 0 CCCC 07C C6 C bb CC C E 1r36 CC *0Op Y C4a bD) 17- R 0 OCS C V WV C W(D .S~ 0 o 007 $l~IcIC O C7C- C t X1 o r~Q *)C b 00 CC-I CtS CD °.0 O °r C1C, C 00. < ' o zN eq noD0 CM* 10 X x 100'+ CCCCCC -N0CC CVCIVhC et> Qu ~CVCC-0CC r--4 " Cq eq eq oo oo oo 007 m oc en, c - 0 00 o1$ H_ 07 07 17 C 0Cc ++ 000 000~ -4H *C C9C 4CCC F)n 00 000 000 0 CD CD CS o 00 -4- a6 o63"ci t '=0'GO t-CC a H 00 -4-4 C, 0) - Ci- 9 o6 - -- 000000000 dt-. t- 0 011: 0 0 0 - C l -CIC CC7 C-C- i -z - CO-I CCOC 5 C a0 bc 7: C CF 0 CC CIC CIC- x Cd C) Figure 4-3: Efficiency table for w mode using new cuts. 54 k 4~ 1c a -S C) ,0007 corc C fit region Description B° - p°y B° B° - K*°7 K*O°, K*O -° K+Tr B° K*°r - B° °r B o -, p pOrq B + -+ q+q + B K+,r B° B+ B+ - - (300fb- 1 ) raw raw (300fb- 1 ) 13056 10.82+0.10 12315 10.21±0.10 198 90 5.94+0.42 7.13±0.75 169 72 5.07±0.39 5.70±0.67 3 0.03±0.02 596 286 0.71±0.03 0.27±0.02 0 452 189 0.00±0.00 0.54±0.03 0.18±0.01 0 0 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 0 0 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 Ksr, 1 0.00±0.00 0 0.00±0.00 r+nr K+7r 0 0 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 0 0 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 Sum B° B+ signal region 1.02±0.04 Xs Xsfy 61 43 10.63±1.36 6.76±1.03 Sum B°B ° background B+B - background Sum 0.72±0.03 31 8 17.39±1.71 5.40±0.97 1.26±0.44 6.66±1.07 53 34 15.96±2.19 9.17±1.57 25.13±2.70 25 2 udsbar 303 280.62±16.12 16 ccbar 116 106.29±9.87 10 taus Sum 38 30.91±5.01 417.83±19.56 0 0.00±0.00 23.98±4.70 off-peak data 33 436.51±75.99 2 26.46±18.71 SI/VTV 1 0.51 7.53±1.51 0.54±0.38 8.07±1.55 14.82±3.70 9.16±2.90 1.57 Table 4.1: The expected yield for the B° -- pO7decay mode at 300fb -1 after applying all new cuts. For the B background, the signal has been excluded, but not the peaking B background. 55 - fit region signal region r~~~~~~~~~~~ Description B o __+ pO? o B -+ K*Oy, K*o B0 - Bo - PO7r0 pr Sum B ° B° background B+B- background Sum (300fb - 1 ) BAD876 16.8±0.1 K+7r - - - - (300fb - 1 ) - BAD876 10.82±0.10 I 15.6±0.2 10. 21±0.10 11.4±0.6 7.13±0.75 9.2±0.6 5..70±0.67 1.60±0.02 0.99±0.03 2.59±0.04 33.3±4.4 43.2±7.1 76.5±8.3 0.71±0.03 0.27±0.02 0.98±0.03 1.20±0.02 0. 54±0.03 0.58±0.02 1.77±0.03 0 15.96±2.19 9.17t1.57 25.13±2.70 8.6±2.2 3.5±2.0 12.1±3.0 7. 53±1.51 udsbar ccbar taus Sum 4000 280.62±16.12 106.29±9.87 30.91±5.01 417.83±19.56 off-peak data 4025±224 436.51±75.99 0. 54±0.38 8..07±1.55* 14. 82±3.70 9. 16±2.90 0. 00±0.00 23. .98±4.70 300±61 26. 46±18.71 Table 4.2: Comparison with BAD876, using new cuts for the B° -~ pOy decay mode. Note: *For B°BO and B + B - , the old BAD had the peaking background excluded whereas for our current values, the peaking background is included. 56 18±0.01 72±0.03 fit region Description B + ~ p+? B+ K*+? ° K*+r° , K*+ -- K+7r B + -K*+T, K*+ -- K+r B+ B° p+ °r B+ P+7/ (300fb-1 ) raw 14365 24.59±0.21 413 11 6 12.42±0.61 0.01±0.00 0.05±0.02 1976 3.48±0.08 375 3.21±0.17 Sum B° B+ signal region raw 12606 145 2 1 1368 220 6.69±0.18 X-s X8 178 227 15.51±1.16 17.84±1.18 (300fb-1 ) 21.58±0.20 4.36±0.36 0.00±0.00 0.01±0.01 2.41±0.07 1.88±0.13 4.29±0.14 31 63 2.70±0.49 4.95±0.62 Sum B°B ° background 110 33.13±3.16 17 5.12±1.24 B+B- 201 54.21±3.82 61 16.45±2.11 background 33.34±1.66 Sum udsbar ccbar taus Sum off-peak data 7.65±0.79 87.33±4.96 21.57±2.45 1647 389 113 1525.36±37.59 356.44+ 18.07 91.92±8.65 1973.73±42.59 93 22 7 86.13±8.93 20.16±4.30 5.69±2.15 111.98±10.14 119 1574.07±144.30 11 145.50±43.87 S/V S+B 0.54 Table 4.3: The expected yield for the B+ - 1.73 p+y decay mode at 300fb-1 after applying all new cuts. For the B background, the signal has been excluded, but not the peaking B background. 57 2006. A journal publication will be made in fall 2006, using the entire BaBar run 1-5 statistics corresponding to a luminosity of 360fb- 1. This result will immediately be compared with previous measurements, and it will provide a new perspective through which to view the predictions of the Standard Model. 58 fit region Description BAD876 B+ p+ty 28.7±0.2 B+ p+7ro 7.0±0.1 6.5±0.2 -- B + --*p+r7 Sum 13.5±0.3 B°B ° background 74.7±6.5 95.6±10.5 B+B- background 170.3±12.4 Sum off-peak data J signal region BAD876 (300J £b- l) 25.3±0.2 21.58±t0 .20 4.7±0.1 3.5±0.2 8.2±0.2 2.41±0 .07 33.13±3.16 54.21±3.82 16.6±3.0 5.12±1 .24 19.8±4.8 16.45±2 .11 87.33±4.96 36.5±5.7 21.57t2 .45* 24.59±0.21 3.48±0.08 3.21±0.17 6.69±0.18 1.88±0 .13 4.29±0 .14 1525.36±37.59 356.44±18.07 91.92±8.65 86.13±8.93 7000 1973.73±42.59 111.98±1 0.14 7050±296 1574.07±144.30] udsbar ccbar taus Sum (300fb-1 ) 20.16±4 .30 5.69±2 .15 400±70 Table 4.4: Comparison with BAD876, using new cuts for the B + - 145.50±4 3.87 p+y decay mode. Note: *For B°B ° and B+B - , the old BAD had the peaking background excluded whereas for our current values, the peaking background is included. 59 fit region Description B° -, B° B° 1y ° 7r -* raw wr raw (300fb - 3277 7.02±0.13 330 131 0.69±0.04 1.10±0.10 1.80±0.10 223 94 0.47±0.03 0.79±0.08 1.26±0.09 0.21±0.08 K*°7 31 0.93±0.17 7 K*+? 25 0.75±0.15 4 1.68±0.22 B° -+ Xsy B + Xs? Sum B°B° background B+B - background Sum udsbar ccbar taus Sum off-peak data -+B 1) 7.88±0.13 Sum SI signal region 3677 Sum B° B+ (300fb- 1 ) 0.12±0.06 0.33±0.10 16 2.79±0.70 4 0.70±0.35 18 2.83±0.67 5.62±0.96 4 0.63±0.31 1.33±0.47 17 15 5.12±1.24 4.05±1.04 9.16±1.62 6 2 1.81±0.74 0.54±0.38 2.35±0.83 273 79 15 252.84±:15.30 72.39±8.14 12.20±3.15 337.43±17.62 17 3 1 15.74±3.82 2.75±1.59 0.81±0.81 19.31±4.21 32 423.28±74.83 1 13.23±13.23 0.42 1.31 Table 4.5: The expected yield for the B -- wy decay mode at 300fb-1 after applying all new cuts. For the B background, the signal has been excluded, but not the peaking B background. 60 . signal region fit region Description (300fb - 1) BAD876 BAD876 (300fb-.1) B°O - w7 9.5+0.1 7.88i0.13 8.5t0.1 7.02i0.1~ B o - wr 0.50±0.03 0.69i0.04 2.2+0.1 2.7+0.1 1.10+0.10 1.80i0.10 0.35i0.03 1.3t0.1 1.7i0.1 0.47:0.0: 0.790.01 1.26+0.0' K*O7 2.7+0.3 0.93+0.17 0.7i0.2 B+ -+K*+ 2.3i0.3 0.8±0.2 Sum 5.0+0.4 0.75+0.15 1.68+0.22 5.12i1.24 4.05i1.04 9.16±1.62 1.7±1.0 0.21i0.0 0.12±0.0( 0.33+0.1( 1.81i0.74 1.2i1.2 0.54±0.3& B° - wr Sum Bo - B°B ° background 11.5i2.6 B+B- background 14.0i4.0 Sum 25.5i4.7 udsbar ccbar taus Sum 1700 337.43+17.62 off-peak data 1763i148 423.28i74.83 1.6+0.2 2.8+1.5 252.84+15.30 72.39i8.14 12.20i3.15 I 2.35±0.8 15.74i3.8' 2.75+1.5 0.81+0.81 19.31+4.21 175i46 13.23±13.23 Table 4.6: Comparison with BAD876, using new cuts, for the B° - wy decay mode. Note: *For B°B ° and B+B - , the old BAD had the peaking background excluded whereas for our current values, the peaking background is included. 61 62 Bibliography [1] CERN/LHCC. Atlas technical proposal for a general-purpose pp experiment. [2] The BaBar Collaboration. The babar detector. Technical report, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, 2001. [3] M. Convery et al. Search for b -+ py and b -, wy with run 1-4 data. BaBar Analysis Document 876, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, University of Wisconsin,Madison, MIT, UC Santa Cruz, August 2004. [4] Karsten Koeneke. Measurement of the Branching Fraction for the Decay B K*+y, K* - K7r ° with the BaBar Detector. PhD dissertation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Department of Physics, September 2003. [5] L.B. Okun. a,/3, ...Z, A Primer in Particle Physics. Harwood Academic Publishers, Chur, Switzerland, 1987. [6] SLAC. Virtual visitor center (detector, experiment, and physics information). http: // 63