Stability of an Oscillon in the SU(2) Gauged Higgs Model by Ruza Markov Submitted to the Department of Physics in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE ,t, tilec CHUSETTS INS1 TiE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 0 F TECHNOLOGY UN 0 7 2005 >F5Ae 2;j Jun, 2005 L IBRARIES ®2005 Ruza Markov. All Rights Reserved. The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Author ............... ....................................... , Department of Physics May 6, 2005 Certified by ... ............................. Edward H. Farhi Professor, Department of Physics Thesis Supervisor Accepted by.Acceptedl by .............. ... .......-........................... David E. Pritchard Professor, Department of Physics Senior Thesis Coordinator 4 HlVES 2 Stability of an Oscillon in the SU(2) Gauged Higgs Model by Rtuza Markov Submitted t the Department of Physi(Cs (on May 6. 005, i partial fulfillment (ofthe re(quirments f)orte (legre of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Abstract Os(cillonsare localiz(edsolutions of nonlinear fiel(dtheories that oscillate without (lissiI)ati(on. W' have 1m1herically found a famlily()fvery long-lived ()s(cillons in the sheri(cal a-nsatz of the SL(2) gauged Higgs model -the standard mnoclelof the weak interactions without electronmagnetism and fermions. In this thesis, we study the stability of these obje-cts. We dlothis b adding a massless mode to the model and coupling it to the oscillating fields contained in the Higgs doublet. Such a mode is expected to provide a decaying mechanism for the oscillons. However, numerical investigation shows that our oscillons do not decay if the massless mode is sufficiently weakly coupled and suggests that our oscillons are stable long-lived solutions that could substantially influence the dynamics of this theory. Thesis Supervisor: Edward H. Farhi Title: Professor, Department of Physics 3 4 Acknowledgments I would like to thank the other Oscillators for their devoted work on this project. They are: Eddie Farhi. Noah Grahamn, Vishesh Khemani and Ruben Rosales. The first three chap)ters of this Thesis follow (closelythe work we i)blishe(l un(ldr the title An Oscillon in the S(U(2) Gauged HigqgsModel. 5 6 Contents 1 Introduction 11 2 SU(2) Gauged Higgs Model 13 3 Numerical Setup and Results 17 4 Stability 25 5 Conclusions 33 I 8 List of Figures 3-1 Energy density as a function of position and time (left). Total energ-v ain(leergy in the b)ox of size 80 (righlt)................. 3-2 19 Evolution of g-ug-e invariant variables jO(r = 0, t)l, and JfO(r = 1(), ) cbtainecl with parameters d = -0.1 and d, = -3.2 ............ 3-3 . 20 Io(r. t)I (top left). y(r. /)I (top right). .fot(r, t) (bottom left). and ~(r. t) (bottomn right) as functions of time at dlifferent radii. for dt =-0.1 (d = -3.2 . and ................................ 1 3-4 The dlependence of the evolution on the initial configuration. We show ceergv density as a fun(ction of position anl( time obtainled wNith(11= ---0.1 and six different values of the initial parameter d2 ........ 22 3-.5 The (decay of the einvelope of 15) at the origin as a function of timne. The field is displayed in cvan. The maximal points of the beats (blue) are fitted with an exponential. The best fit. with \2 9.4, is shown i red ............................................ 23 4-1 Timie evolution of the new field, ), for ( as a function of r and t (left) and = 0.06 and c2 = 0.1. ) as a function of t for different radii (right). The field is oscillating with the beat frequency and the aml)litude of these oscillations is not in(creasing .7........... 2 4-2 The change of gauge invariant fields from the values they had before the i.iew field was intro(lduced for c'l = 0.06 with (2 = 0.1 (left) al( (right). We show, from the top down, (2 = (r, t.). \(r, t) . fo1 (r, t) and ,(r, t) as a functionoftimefor differentradii. . . . . . . . . . . 9 0.' 29 4-3 Influence of a change in coupling constant c. The difference of each of the gauge invariant fields obtained with c = 0.06 and c., = -0.2 an(d those ob)taine(l with c = 0.08 and c = -0.2, sowing left. (r. t)I top right, f(,(r, t) bottom left and functions of time at different radii ................... O(r. t)| top (r. ) bottom right as ........ . 30 4-4 Influence of a change in coupling constant c,2. The difference of each of the gauge invariant fields obtained with c = 0.06 and c, = 0.1 and those obtained with ('l = 0.06 and c = -0.2. showing 6(r. t)l top left. \(r, ) top right. ,fo1 (r, t1)bottom left ad functions of time at different radii .................... 10 (r, t) bottoInI righlt as 31 Chapter 1 Introduction Ill nonlinear classical field theories. one canllset p a local disturbance that would. generally. disperse away. But, sometimes, the disturbance can result in a localized solution that oscillates without dissipation. Such solutions are clled scillonusor breathers. Often. oscillons are not infinitely long-lived and only live for extremely long times. But. for p)hysi(csa)li(cations, the distinc(tion between a infinite ad a very loIl( lifetime is irrelevant. As long as the object's lifetime is significantly larger than the nlatural tiniescales of the p)rob) can hlave significant eff(ects (o the (dynIlaIics ()f the theory. We have found an oscillon in the gauged SI((2) Higgs model which is the standard mno(lelof the weak interac(tions without ele(ctromiagnetism iandfermiions. e worke(d in the spherical ansatz and numerically evolved the classical equations of motion. Even after verv long runs. ex(ee(ding times of 30.000 in natural units, we have never seen this oscillon decay. In this thesis, we stlldy the stability of the oscillon we found. This object owes its extre'mIelvlog life to its oscillation fre(quenc(ywhi('chis lwer than anly natural imode of the sstem. In order to test its stability we introduce an additional effectively imassless mode that provides a possible decay mechanism. We study the effects of this massless rnlo(deoni the evolution of our oscillon. 11 12 Chapter 2 SU(2) Gauged Higgs Model We consider lanSlU(2) gauge theory coupled to a doublet Higgs in 3 + 1 dinensions. which is euivalent to the weak interac(tions sector of the Standardt MIo(el(ignoring fermnionsand electromagnetisml. The Lagrangian density for this theory is 1 £(x,.t)= -I TrFFP',2 +2Tr (L)(L)t L) - where F,,. = 0,4,-VA[, A (Tr() (I) - V 2)2 - iqg[A4t, A,] DD = (01,- i.qA4tL)..4, = (2.1) and -4To/;') indices run over one time and three spatial dimensions. WVehave defined the 2 x 2 nmatrix(1)representing the Higos doublet by t) ) 2 ; 1 (2.2) ,:2 We follow the conventions of [1], except we use the metric ds2 = The spherical ansatz is given b Aj(x, t) (I (x. t) = 1 -ao(r. 2g = - - t)o - dx 2. expressig the gaige field .4 ancidthe Higos fieli D in terms of six real functions a((r, t). al(r. t). ( (r, t), 0o(x. t) 2 r, t), (r. t) and v(r. ): fT (1 (r. t)co ki + (-- - [(r,t) + ,1(r. t)c - (o , - r. xr ) + I. ., ( . [' . eI . J Ok -. (2- 3) g 13 where i is the unit three-vector in the radial direction and are the Pauli matrices. ,/r and For the fields of the full theory to be regular at the origin. o,o(. ar-y./r. ' must vanish as r - 0. The theory reduced to this spherical ansatz has a residual (1) gauge invariance consisting of gauge transformations of the form exp[i(r, t)o ;/2] with Q)(0. ) =0. In the spherical ansatz we obtain the Lagrangian density 4 7£C(r, oI) [I~1 -g-K . D,,-(t1 r ftv +(DI')*D, +r (DIL )*D - 2- - 2) , r (|)2 2 2 2 o-- Re'(i\*0 .-( \-+-I) .(0, =- =(k. 2 fJ,2 (2.4) where the incdicesnow run over t and r and ia,.. 0,, DlA ,, = Und(ler the re(lduced ~o,). (1) g \ + Il i(, - (),,- D,,.O (- rauge invariance. the = + . a,,)().- omplex scalar fields and _1), (2.5) have charges of 1 and 1/2 respectivelyv.a, is the gauge field. j, is the field strenith. and D[I is the (covarianlit derivative. The indices are raise(l and lowered with the 1 + 1 dimensional metric ds 2 = dt2 - dr 2 . The equations of motion for the reduced theory are "(,'(r-f.L) = /;[D.\*\-\ * ] +.',' o'[6 .] *2 [DO(,6o-* - i~~o:' = i _' , D)'r2D,+ (\ [l)' ~ 2A 9(,./.) + 1)+2 r 1 2] K' \K-i) -tioK 1 () F _ O. (2.6) These equ(ationscan be obtained either by varying the Lagrangian density (2.4) or b, imposilng the spherical ansatz on the equations of motion of the full theory. Altlholgh the theory is described b six fields, (10. 1. . . (, ianld, there are only four indepelndent degrees of freedom consisting of the three lV-bosons and the massive iggs. The remniainingclegrees of freedom are gauge artifacts. WNemay fix 14 thle o-augeby a timne-dependent gauge transformation followed bv a tinie-indepenldent gauge transformation which removes the remaining gauge freedom. We choose to first set (10 (r. t) = 0 everywhere, an(l then apply a timle-in(el)end(elltgaugetransformation to set (r. =) 0) 0 initially. The choice of ao()=() gauge makes the covariant time dlerivatives eqtual to the regular time derivatives. As we chose a0o () there are only five fields that evolve in time. To obtain time evolution., for each of the four fields p a. ct, and -t we must specify the profile at t = 0 as a fn(ctionll of r as well as the time (lerivativeof the p)rofile at t = 0 as a function of r. The time derivative of l(r, t) at t = () is then determined by imposing Gauss's = 0. In this a-lge. Gauss's Law Law whichl is the first equation in (2.6) with index is i 2 t(r ,al(r. t)) = '2- [6(r.t)*0,6(r. t) 1 - +- [\(r. t)*.(r. t)- Ot@(r.t)*(r. t) t(r. t)*\ (r.t)]. (2.7) We evolve these five fields according to the Equations (2.6). Configurations obeying, Gauss's Law at the initial time will obey it for all times. Thus we have fully specified the initial value problem by providing initial value data for the four real degrees of fr'eedom(ontailned(lin /,. v, . and . 15 16 Chapter 3 Numerical Setup and Results III order ( to imulate the extremely Onglifetiie ((iuritelh highly stalble numerical, techniques. Laglrangin inl E(qulation (2.4). of os(illos. we require Ne cliscretize the systemn at the level of the Xe (1OOS a fixedt spatial latti(e sacing Ar, pla(Cing the scalar fields at the sites of the lattice and the gauge field al on the links. Thus each of the five scala.r fields A(r. t) is replaced by a set of functions A\{t"'(t). defined at each lattice )(int. Frther o. we rellace a first-or(ler lttice lge-(ovriant erivattive by the discrete expression , A{ +A}(t)ex (xp [- go D,.A(r, t) (t)Ar]- A (t) (3.1) Ar where g is the charge of the scalar field A and r = r/Ar labels the lattice point correspndlding to radilus r. We vairv the spattially (liscretizedLatgranlgianto btain secoi(l-or(der acurate lhit- tice equat ions of motion. In the limit of continuum time evolution. this system has .(:act(conservation of eiierg- rln(lexact gauge iivarial(ce. NVe iiollitor these (qualtities to detect numerical errors and determine whether our time steps are short enough. However. they do not tell us whether our spatial grid is fine enough. because even for very coarse ,grid or systeim conserves eergy Ind obeys Gauss's Law. In ll our simulations, these invariants hold to aln accuracy of roughly one part in 106, and we see no numnerical instabilities even after extremely long runs. 17 Since we chose to work in a ao(r. t) = () gauge. the covariant time derivative coincides with the ordinary time derirvative. Thus, the discrete second-order time (derivativ(' is given 1)xby D2A(r. ) A'{j}(t+ At) - 2A{tI(t) + {}(t - At) 2 (3.2) (At) Our time evolution is simply inverting this second-order differential. which appears in the e(lllations of mlotiorn,i order to solve for ,\A{t'}(t+ At). Th'lus.we compute ech new timne step fronmthe previous two. This approach is stable for At < Ar so we (hoose to work with fixed( time step At = Ar/2. In order to monitor the energy conservation and gauge invariance of the solution. it is neessary to compute first-order til(e (derivatives. e comu)ite the derivative at time to by subtracting the result at t o - At front the result at to + zi and dividing by 2At. rather than comparing adjacent time steps t and t + At. We chose this (lefinlitionlof the first (derivative b) the continuummlimit, it is accurate to the second ordler in At unlike the one using adjacent time steps which is only accurate to the first crder. Since -we are considering classical dynamics, the theory is invariant under overall rescalings of the Lagrangian densitv. As a result. the theory is completely specified by the choice of the ratio of the Higgs mass mw = g'l/2. 7' 2.Ato the IV-boson mass For generic values of this ratio. we observe localized configurations that oscillate lbut are spreading out and decaying. However. in a )articullar case m.Hu= 2n- these oscillations exhibit no observable decay in our simulation. This is the only ]mnassratio at which we found stable oscillons in this theory. We chose to work wNith q = 2 and A = 1 whilch give this milass ratio. Also, we chose to work il natural units with the vacuum expectation value of the 0 field = 1. The localized initial configuration we start from is given b o(r. - 0) I+ and (r t = ) -i ( + '/) (3.3) here d1. . and ' parameterize the initial configration. e set initial time ewhere ctl, d.2. ad tc parameterize the initial configuration. We set initial time deriv18 atives eqlual to zero everywhere. Then, we evolve this configuration according to the equations of motion and observe its evolution. To ensure that we are not seeing numllerical trtifacts we monitor auge-invarilant quantities. A (lear coi( e are the energy and energy density. As described in [1], there are also four gauge-invarialnt field 1O(r.t)lI(rnt)[. Jl(r,t), and (r.t) = arg[i(r.t)()(r,t)*)2], that completely determine the state of the sstem. WVedisplay results for d =-0.1. d2 =-3.2, and 12 although small changes ! = inl these p)aralleters give siuilar results. In the left panel of Figure 3-1 we show the energy- density as a function of t and r. A localized time dependent object is clearly visible. The right panel shows that the initial configuration sheds about a cquarter of its (llenrya ui ickly ( settles into the localize(l oscilloll which (h)es not decay visibly. 0 0.45 0.4 0.4 8000 80 0.35 0.3 - 75 total energy energyin the boxof size80 0.25 - 16000 0.2 70 0.15 24000 0.1 65 0.05 32000 0 20 40 r 60 AN vNv,. 80 U ----eUUu ---IUUUU ----dUUUu t Figure 3-1: Energy (denlsity as function of position and time (left). and(l energy in the box of size 80 (rilght). Tlotal energy In the upper left panel of Figure 3-2 we show the gauge invariant magnitude of (5 ait the riginl, 1(5(r = 0. t) . at = , lThefield is oscillating aout 1. By counting the number of oscillations. the frequency of the oscillation is measured to be 0.2239. As the mass of the Higgs is propagat;ng the vacuum expectation value miode ()f the Higgs field is 2/2r 9 the lowest frequency of any = 0.22.51 which is above the oscillol frequency. This is an essential property. Any oscillon owes it long life to a frequency of oscillation which is belowvany natural mode of the system. Such an object cannot 19 decav into modes which canl carry energy away. We also show that the gauge invariant quantity fol(r = 10,t) is oscillating with a frequency of 0.1120 - exactly half of the frequency of oscillations of lo within the accuracy of the measurement. The gauge boson mass is /2 so the lowest frequency of these )rop)agating modes is x/22/47 = 0.1125 which i also aove the oscillation frequency. Similar analysis holds for the other two gauge invariant fields, \(r. t)] and ,(jr,t) where \(r, t)I oscillates with samnefrequency as [6(r.t)[while (r. t) oscillates with same frelen(y as jo (r, t). In the lower panels of Figure 3-2 we plot the two fields over a. much longer time so that their oscillations are not visil)le. However we ( see beats in these profiles. The beat frequency of both fields is about 4. x 10-1. I 1.15 1.1 1.05 7:_ 0 C~ 1 7, Sigif c n 0.95 l $o 0.9 0.85 0.8 I I i 6020 6000 6040 6060 6080 61(00 t 0.06 1.15 1.1 I.... - 0.04 VY V V VI A IAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - _ 1.05 c5 0.l 1 _P 0.95 VVVVV V 0.85 0.8 I 0 i! _ _ 00 5000 100 10000 150I00 15000 20000 50 25000 0 -0.02 'IIIIII"""'" 0.9 0.02 -0.04 00 30000 -0.06 0 5000 10000 15000 t 20000 25000 30000 Figure 3-2: Evolution of gauge invariant variables 1,(r = O,t)l. and fol(r = 10.t) obtained with parameters d =-0.1 and d. 2 =-3.2. 20 In Figure 3-3 we show the profiles of four gauge invariant fields. {kI(r.t) I[(r. t), (r.t) = arg[iX(r,t)(o(r.,t)*) fol (r. t), and 2], as a function of time for four different radii. l . -r 1 _ Q - r=0I - r=101-- r=20 r=301 r=40 1.5 1.4Ir - 1.3 -e 1 ,,2 C 1.1 . . T v I 0851 ~, 0 5000 10000 15000 ,",I O9 20000 5000 t 0.10I1t_- - I 10000 15000 20000 t d 1 I i' r 7 0.8i C 0.6 _ _ _ 0.4 0.2 --0 - -0.2 -( -0.4 -0.6 -01 -0,2 - r=OI0 --2 0 - 5000 t r=101 r=20 10000 t ~tl r=301 --- r=40I 15000 -1 20000 I _iLIlk 0 -r=0l --- -r=10 5000 -r=201 10000 r=30 - ---r=40 15000 20000 t Figure 3-3: I( (r. t)l (top left). Ix(r,t)l (top right), f (r.t) (bottom left). and (r.,t) (bottom right) as functions of time at different radii. for d =-0.1 and d2 -3.2. Althoigh a particular initial configuration is displayve(ld, the details of the starting point are not essential. In the beginning. the initial configuration varies substantially. It sheds energy andclfinally settles into the stable configuration. From the left panel of Figure 3-1 one can see energy leaving the snmallregion aroun(d the origin dring the shedding. The fact that our initial configuration spontaneously settles into an oscillon culdcl mean that oscillons can form from generic initial conditions and are 21 not imp)robable solutions. However, changing the initial conditions does affect the nature of the oscillation. InIFigure 3-4 we show that the bl)eatfreq(uency of tile oscillon (dep)ends(onthe initial configuration. There. parameter d2 is varied until the oscillon becomes unstable. d2=2.6 d2=2.8 d2=3.2 100(: 1000 100( 200( 2000 200C E 300( 3000 300C 400( 4000 400C 500( 5000 500C 600( 0 20 40 60 80 6000 0 40 20 d2=3.4 60 80 600C ---- 0 20 d2=3.5 40 60 80 60 80 d2=3.6 i 1000 2000 a) E 100( 200( i 3000 4000 300C 400C I 5000 U 6000 e:~V 4+ OU OU 500C 0 20 40 r 60 80 600( 0 20 40 r Figure 3-4: The dependence of the evolution on the initial configuration. W-e show energ-v density as a function of position and time obtained with d = -0.1 and six different alues of the initial parameter d. We never saw the death of the oscillon shown i Figures 3-1, 3-2 and 3-3. But a carefull eve canl notice a slight decay in the maximal value that the beats of the fiel(ls achieve. This effect is displayed in cyan in Figure 3-5 for 161at the origin. where the vertical axis is stretched until this decay is clearly visible. This figure also shows that there is a l)eat in te TThe maximal l)eats of this field. points of the beats of [( (r. t) at the origin were read off and fitted with a shifted exponential function of time. ac¢- ' + c where c = 1 is the acuum 22 1 1nn 1. u -L I 2 data \, 1.104 I X 1 = 9.4 nirve I-fittd ~........._. ,j y=a*exp(-bt)+c TI a = 0.016 0.001 xl", T \x %I, 1.102 | T 'sb 2) x 10- 5 =(5 ±+ I `- 1.1 ' C= 1.094 ± 0.002 -IT 1.098 i no- _ 1I U;U 50 0 0 I . . . 10000 .. _._ 15000 . 20000 t 25000 30000 _ 35000 Figure 3-5: The decay of the envelope of 1]0 at the origin as function of time. The field is displayed i cvan. The maximal points of the beats (blue) are fitted with an exponential. he l)est fit. with \2= 9.4, is shown in red. value. The fitted curve and its parameters are shown in Figure 3-5, as well. Although the decay rate b = (5 ± 2) x 10-5, could not be determined very precisely due to insufficient d(eta. the ('constant offset. c = 1.094±0.009 is determlilled with relative error of less than 0.2%c. The fact that this offset does not equal the vacuum expectation value ' =: 1 suggests that the os(cillol is not (decaying but only settling into a stable configuration. 23 24 Chapter 4 Stability In order to study the stability of the oscillon described in Chapter 3 we introduce t Inatssless scalar field t) coupled to the Higgs doubl)let. This is a good (che(kof the robustness of our object as an uncoupled oscillon owes its long life to the fact that its freq(uen(cyof oscillation is lower than alny natural mode of the system, so there are no modes that can carry its energy away. The addition of a massless field may provide a decay nlechanismn for the oscillon. The new Larangitm we choose is LC(x.t) ))'i/ = [-TrF"F,~, --(A- 4 + Tr (D"i' ) D)( + c1t)-( 2 2) (TrttT- (4.1) which reduces to the Latgrtangianin equation (2.1) when O(x, t) = 0 everywhere. In the spherical ansatz this Lagrtangian is £(r,t) 4 ~~~ .22 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Dt\)*DI\ +[r r-.l , + (D~'\)*D y,-i+ r'2(Dl,/)* (Db16)*Do+ g aOa'.ti) ~()l2 _ 2 (I 2 + 1)1,.32*2) 2r2 ]22 ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ,. '2 .(2 47,~ 1i g2-(A (,I-) -C2) ( - ) the indexes running ~ith over t a1nd r and all the fields (4.) onlv on r ad(4lepending t. with the indexes running over t and r and all the fields depending only on r and t. 25 as define( i Chapter 2. The regularity of this theory at r = a,(, ca. a, - oa/r, /r and must vanish as r implies that. O90/'r, 0. -- The equations of motion for this spherical Lagrangian are 2f.,.) = i[vy\*\ - \*),\] O"(r i\*= --o [DO'rDpL ( \| oDI -- t 24A- ~ =.2 _'12 0'L( r° 2 = -2r'2 -) (- 22 + -+ 1) .,I (\ 11 _12 + 2,0 22c.) 1(-1-- 92) 2\ (-2tL) c1\ - c1) :d I [L2 r2[D,)(*6 - O*D] (4.3) g-u- Again. we will fix the gaullgeby first setting a((r,t) = 0 everywhere, and then a)pplving a time-ind(lel)enldent (auge tranlsfoirmation to set (l (r, t To obtain for each of the five real fields f, P. v time evolution, 0) = 0 initially. . a,nd 1) we must specify the profile at t = 0 as a function of r as well as the time derivative of the l)rofile at t = as a function of r. Timetilme (lerivative of oI (r, t) at determined by iposing = 0 is then Gauss's Law, the first eqluation in (4.3) with index = 0, which in this gauge read(s: 0,(r Otal(r.t)) = 2 [(r. t)*&to(r, t) - (to(r. t)*o(r, t)] + [dr' )*9f( I)-d9t\(T t) \i(r t). (44) We evolve the five fields according to equations (4.3) and the configurations obeying Gauss's Law at the initial time then obey it for all timles. Thus we have fully specified the iitial value problem by providing initial value data for the five real clegreesof freedom contained in tl, v. c, . and 0. corresponding to the five degrees of freed(lonmof this theory. In order to see how the newlv introduced field os(illonIlswe (choosethe samileinitial configuration fr gave rise to an oscillon. . =-3.2 influences the stability of our t, , a(, and as the one that We arbitrarily choose the oscillon with (1 = -().1 and as the essential properties of the oscillons did not clependconilthe initial 26 configuration. Also. we choose a static initial configuration for the new field given by 0(r) = O. 90(r)/Ut = 0. From the last equation in (4.3) we see that if cl 4 0 this static Zero field configuIation will evolve and move away fom zero. We are interested in knowing if the new field 0 carries energy away from the oscillon. Because the system now has a natural mode lower than the frequency of oscillation of the oscillon we think that energy will be transferring from the oscillon to the massless field. As a massless mode cannot keep the energy confined. we expect to see the energy dissip)atilngout of the snmallregion near the origin. for c1 = ().06 and c = 0.1. The initial static Figure 4-1 shows the evolution of zero field evolves and pulses with the frequency of the beats in the other fields. The amplitude and freq(uency of these plses is not (lhalging in te. This shows that althouoh there is some energy stored in the new field, contrary to our expectations this ainolnt is not increasing in time. The ener-v is not (contiimnousl transferring friomi the massive fields to the massless field. After the oscillon has stabilized, the energy in the box of size 80 is 61.6 in this case while it was 61.8 before ) was introduced. nntA U.4 0.035 -r=O r2 r20 -r10 r=01 r30 -r=40 0.035 0.03 501 I 0.03 0025 0.025 0.02 _ fooc 0.015 0.01 150 0.005 2000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 1^ 0.02 0.015 0 ._01K , . ",r ^.-- 0005 .005os °.°°--~v.~. n ann U UUU / i", 1nnn UUUU 1nn I uJU .mnv ZUUUU t t 0 as a func(tion o)fr ad(l t (left) and 0)as a function of t for (lifferentrad(lii(right). The field is oscillating with the beat frequency and the amplitude of these oscillations is not Fignre 4-1: lime evolution of the new field. 0, for (' = 0.06 and c = 0.1. increasing,. In order to see how the ew evolving massless mode effects the evolution of the other fields we compare the gauge invariant variables without the new field (or, equiv27 alentlv, with cl = 0 and c = 0) and with present. as illustrated in Figure 4-2. The right column is the difference of the results obtained with cl = 0.06, C2 = 0.1 and those with no and c., =-0.2 while the left olumn comp)ares the results obtained with c' = 0.06 to those with no . Row by row. from top to bottom, we show the foi(r.t) and (r.t). change of 6c(r,t)}. y(r.t), bWe see that the change in the fields is quasi-periodic and does not grow in time. The 'period' of this (quasi-periodic evolution of fo(rt) and (rt) is twice that for 16(rt)j and {\(r,t)j. We also see that the period' is longer for c.2 = -0.2 than c.2= 0.1. The dependence on the coupling constant c1 is shown in Figure 4-3. where we plot the difference of each of the four gauge invariant fields obtained with different (couliling ( onstaIlt c'l and the salne (c.. Spec('ifically. Nveused (c = -0.2 and ci = 0.06 for one rn while c = 0.08 for the other, and plotted the difference between the gautge invariant fields l)etweenlthese two runs. We see that the difference b)etweellthe fields is, on average. not growing in timne.but is periodic and oscillates around zero. The period of this oscillation for 1(5(rt)l and \(r, t) I is the same nd very nearly equals half of that for fol (r. t) tand (r, t). Figure 4-2 shows that the changes in the fields due to introducing d with the two different values of c are very similar. Results obtained with c = 0.1 and c2 = -0.2 (both having (l = 0.06) are directly compared in Figure 4-4. where we plot the difference of each of the four gauge invariant fields obtained with different coupling constant and c (,. e see that the amount by which (r,) t) I and \(r', ) (lifferfor c = 0.1 -0.2 is growing at first and then decreasing after a time of about 15000 suggesting that it actually oscillates with period of about 30000. On the other hand. aTimountsi) . which / l(rt, ) and ,(r, t) differ is rowing over the time of the run of 200)00.but the properties noticed above suggest that they are actually cquasi-periodic with p)eriodof about 60000. A longer run is necessary to further test the (ldependence on the coupling constant . 28 c,=0.06and c2=-0.2 c=0.06 and c2=0.1 --r=0 I- 025 r=10 201 r = r=30 1 r=40 I --- I 0.25 O 7 =r -r101I , r=30 1 --- -=201 r=40 015 o0 -00.1 -3 - 02 o - L 0.1 0.05 I a~ 0 i -0~c -0.05 -C -0 1 -0- -0 15 -0. -c -0.2 _n 10000 5000 20000 15000 0 5000 10000 15000 205300 t 0 25 --- .r=0 =10' --- r=20 r=30 I r=40 - .02 -r=I r=10I 20 - =301- -- r=40 ¢o 0. 0.1 .2 I i 02 0 0 ,-4 0 0.0 Z_ - x,: -0 -0 0 -= x= -0. -0 -0 -0 1 - ) -u -0.1 10000 5000 0 15000 20000 5000 0 10000 0.25 - 02 i 20000 15000 t t 0.25 --- r=Oj--r=101 --- r=20j r=301 ---- 4 j 015- I n, r=40j!I , r=0 I r=10 ----- r=201 r=30 I - - r=40 i - 01 - 0.I - z- -0 05 __~ -00c -0 -P -0.1 -0,15-0.2 _no_ / -- IJ - 0 10000 5000 200()0 15000 0 5000 10000 t 1.5, - ,*v I = I --- r= --I - ..... F r=101 I -r=20 15000 20000 t f~ ~ = 15. .9 q - - - - -- ,=30 1 - -=40 I rO- - r=10 r=201 r=30 - ,:o r=40 1. Z___p 0 o0.51 I11-P -0.5 v -0. 5- -0 I "-p -1 _ o 5000 10000 15000 ll 20000 1 0 t 5000 10000 15000 20000 t Figure 4-2: The change of gauge invariant fields from the values they had before the new field was introduced for l = 0.06 with c = 0.1 (left) and c = .2 (right). We (r, t) , /ol(r./) and ((r' t) as a func('tion of time show, froim the top down, (r. t), for different ra(lii. 29 0.25r E--r=O I- r=10 - r=20 r=30 - r=40 _ --- r=0 - r=10 --- r=20 r=30 r=40 0.2- A 0 9 0.1 0. 0 I? .0I 0 ol 0. 0.0 ; 0I- '2' x.. -0. I .- -0.0 -0 -0. -0.I -0.250 0 5_n V 5000 10000 t 15000 0 20000 -- r=101 0.2L E-r=o -- P 10000 t 15000 20C 100 I.W 'I D- U.Zb l - 10 9 011 5000 - -r=201 I r=301 r=40 0.1 1: (0 -P I 0.150.1 0.05 5 10 I6 9 0II- --9 -C, -0.15- -0.2 0 5000 10000 t 15000 200( JO t Figllre 4-3: Influence of a chage in couplillng, constant (c1 . the g(augeinvariant fields otained with c = 0.06 and(1c,with cl = 0.08 and c = -0.2, showing 1((r t)j top left, bottom left and (r. t) bottom right as functions of time at 30 TIhe (lifferelnce of each of -0.2 1and( those obtailled (r.t)l top right. f(rt) different radii. ,: 0.2 I.J u 0.25r --- r--r=O - r=10 - r=201 r=301 - r=40 l i' ,5 I e r--O- r=101- r=20 .2,]: r30IJ -- r=-30 r40 r=401 I 15F 0.* .1 0 1c0.0.-c 0.1 -0. 0 1 oC? l~ 11 ) -5 ).r_ -C -0 -0.1 uw -0. 15F i - -02 0 -0. -0c I {,4_ S.[~ r)E Zz H) 0 5000 I 10000 15000 20000 ~ 5000 10000 t 15000 20000 C ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r-r=0l I---r=101 -r=20 r =30] - 1j I-- r=40 0.1 ,1 , r=301 r40 6 I 0. I 4 O.z ~, 15 C r=101 -- r=20I F~~~~~~~~~~~~~i 0.8 0.0 __O r---- v~ 0. 0 2 -0 -0.015' v -0..1 _ 0 Filre -. 4 D.1 _ _~~~~~~ -U.b F -0.8 5000 10000 t 15000 4--4: Influenc(e of a chan-ge in 200DO oupling 0 5000 onstant c. 10000 t 15000 The differen(e 20000 f each of the gwuge invariant fields o)taine(l with cl = 0.06 ad (' = 0.1 an(l those obtained with c = 0.06 and c = -0.2. showing b(r.,t)j top left. , (r. t) I top right f(rt) bottom left and ((r, t) bottom right as functions of time at different radii. 31 32 Chapter 5 Conclusions Ill this Thesis we studied the stability of an oscillon in thle SU(2) gauged Higgs model bv introclducinga mnasslessfield coupled to the oscillating Higgs doublet. Contrary to our exp)ectations we found that a sufficiently weaklv coupled inassless field (does not destabilize the oscillon. We saw that onlv a small amount of energy is transfered to the new field and that this amount dloes not grow in time. We also saw that the new field does not introdluce an increasing change in the gauge invarianIt fields describ)ilng the state of the system. This suggests that our oscillon is a stable long-livecl solutions which (ll sulbstalitiallyinfluence the dynamics of this theory. The next natural question is: how does this finding depend on the strength of the coupling? How strong must the coupling be for the oscillon to become unstable? t\ (l, did not pursue this issue as our numerical simulation couplings )becomesunstable for larger the results stop obeying Gauss's Law and conserving energy. Further investigation is needled to find the source of this numIerical instabl)ility. Then, the robustness of the oscillon could be tested for a strongly coupled massless field. 33 34 Bibliography [1] E. Farhi, K. Rajagopal, and R. Singleton, hep-phl/9503268. Phys. Rev. D52 (1995) 2394. [2] R. Rajaraman. Solitons and Instantonls (North-Holland, Amstercldam.1982). [3] C. N.ash and S. Sen. 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