A locally anisotropic model for image texture extraction Loı̈c Piffet Abstract Each chapter should be preceded by an abstract (10–15 lines long) that summarizes the content. The abstract will appear online at www.SpringerLink.com and be available with unrestricted access. This allows unregistered users to read the abstract as a teaser for the complete chapter. 1 Introduction This work ensue from the one made in [10], in which we proposed a second order variational model in order to extract the texture from an image ud , supposing that ud could be decomposed into two components : a cartoon part u and a part v containing strong oscillations (noise and texture). The model was the following : 1 kud − u − vk2L2 (Ω ) + λ |u|BV (Ω ) + µ |v|BV 2 (Ω ) , (u,v)∈BV (Ω )×BV 2 (Ω ) 2 inf (1) with λ , µ ≥ 0, and where kud − u − vk2L2 (Ω ) is he fitting data term. Here, we will not work with this model anymore, but with a Tychonov-like model introduced in [4] for image denoising, supposing that the studied image is in the space of bounded hessian functions BV 2 (Ω ), what is equivalent to assert that u = 0 in the previous model. So, we use the following problem: inf v∈BV 2 (Ω ) 1 kud − vk2L2 (Ω ) + µ |v|BV 2 (Ω ) , 2 (2) Loı̈c Piffet MAPMO, Université d’Orléans, FRANCE. e-mail: loic.piffet@univ-orleans.fr 1 2 Loı̈c Piffet with µ ≥ 0. We prefer to use here this last model rather (1) for numerical reasons. Indeed, the calculation time is definitely lower. The BV 2 -component v represents the regular part of the image, and the remainder term w := u − ud is the part containing noise, texture, and probably a part of contour lines. We can consider that a decomposition model is efficient for texture extraction when all the oscillating information is contained in w, and when v only contains the regular part as well as geometrical information. Then, it turns out that (2), even if it is a good model for image denoising, is not efficient for texture extraction. As a matter of fact, it is the component w that contains, in this case, the major part of the geometrical information of the beginning image. The goal of this work is then propose a way of making disappear contour lines from the component w. For that, we keep the idea introduced in [10] that consists in making tne model become anisotropic. This permits to make the decomposition better but dosn’t make it really satisfactory. We propose here to improve this idea replacing, in the model, the global anisotropy by a local anisotropy, so that each contour line specifically treated. We will first show the limits of the original and globally anisotropic models, and then introduce the locally anisotropic one. In a first time, we will only propose numerical results for two images (figure 1). (a) Fig. 1 images for tests (b) A locally anisotropic model for image texture extraction 3 2 The second order variational model 2.1 Problem in infinite dimension We consider the following function, defined on BV 2 (Ω ): 1 F (v) = kud − vk2L2 (Ω ) + λ TV 2 (v, Ω ), 2 where λ ≥ 0. We are looking for a solution to the optimization problem ∂v =0 . inf F (v) | v ∈ BV 2 (Ω ), ∂ n |∂ Ω (3) (4) We give a general existence and uniqueness result. Theorem 1. Assume that λ > 0. Problem (4) has a unique solution v. We give here the proof in broad strokes. Proof. Let (vn )n be a minimizing sequence of (4). It is clear that (J2 (vn ))n and (kvn kL2 (Ω ) )n are bounded. The Poincaré-Wirtinger inequality proved in [3] by Ma”ıtine Bergounioux make us deduce that (vn )n is bounded in W 1,1 (Ω ), and thus bounded in BV 2 (Ω ) (we recall that kvkBV 2 (Ω ) = J2 (v) + kvkW 1,1 (Ω ) ). Injection theorems given by F. Demengel in [8] imply that (vn )n converges (up to a subsequence) in W 1,1 (Ω ) to v∗ ∈ BV 2 (Ω ). Then we show that v∗ is a solution of (4), what proves the existence. Uniqueness comes from the strict convexity of the cost functional F . If the image is noisy, the noise (as the texture) will appear in the oscillating part of the picture w := ud − v. In th denoising case, such an approach has already been used by Hinterberger and Scherzer in [12] with the space BV 2 (Ω ). However, their algorithm is different from the one proposed in [4]. 2.2 The dicretized problem All the results given in this part are proven in [4]. The problem (4) can be rewritten as inf v∈BV 2 (Ω ) kud − vk2L2 (Ω ) 2λ + TV 2 (v, Ω ), We still have an existence and uniqueness result. Theorem 2. Problem (5) has a unique unique solution for every λ > 0. (5) 4 Loı̈c Piffet Proof. The function Fd (v) := strictly convex. kud −vk2 2 L (Ω ) 2λ + TV 2 (v, Ω ) is continuous, coercive est In order to implement the solution, we first specify the discretization process. 2.2.1 Discretization of the problem (5) As for the ROF model, we only consider here square images with size N × N. To define a discrete version of the second total variation, we have to introduce a discrete version of the hessian operator. If v ∈ X := Rn×n , the hessian of v, that we denote (Hv), is a vector of Z = X 4 , defined by 12 21 22 (Hv)i, j = (Hv)11 i, j , (Hv)i, j , (Hv)i, j , (Hv)i, j , with, for i, j = 1, . . . , N, vi+1, j − 2vi, j + vi−1, j if 1 < i < N, vi+1, j − vi, j if i = 1, (Hv)11 = i, j vi−1, j − vi, j if i = N, vi, j+1 − vi, j − vi−1, j+1 + vi−1, j if 1 < i ≤ N, 1 ≤ j < N, 0 if i = 1, (Hv)12 = i, j 0 if i = N, vi+1, j − vi, j − vi+1, j−1 + vi, j−1 if 1 ≤ i < N, 1 < j ≤ N, 0 if i = 1, (Hv)21 = i, j 0 if i = N, vi, j+1 − 2vi, j + vi, j−1 if 1 < j < N, vi, j+1 − vi, j if j = 1, (Hv)22 = i, j vi, j−1 − vi, j if j = N. The discrete second total variation of v is then difined by J2 (v) = ∑ (Hv)i, j R4 . (6) 1≤i, j≤N We get the following discretized problem: inf Fd , v∈X where (7) kud − vk2X + J2 (v). (8) 2λ In the following, we adapt methods used by A. Chambolle for the ROF model to the space BV 2 (Ω ). Fd = A locally anisotropic model for image texture extraction 5 2.2.2 Calculus of the solution of the discret problem (8) Optimality conditions associated with the problem (8) make us consider the LegendreFenchel conjugate of J2 . Theorem 3 gives the expression of J2∗ . We first define the adjoint operator of H (which is the discretized version of the second divergence operator): ∀p ∈ X 4 , ∀v ∈ X, hH ∗ p, viX = hp, HviX 4 . We check that H ∗ : X 4 → X satisfies, for all p = (p11 , p12 , p21 , p22 ) ∈ X 4 (H ∗ p)i, j = + + + 11 11 p − 2p11 i, j + pi+1, j if 1 < i < N i−1, j 11 p11 if i = 1, i+1, j − pi, j 11 11 if i = N, pi−1, j − pi, j 22 22 22 p − 2pi, j + pi, j+1 si 1 < j < N, i, j−1 22 pi, j+1 − p22 if j = 1, i, j 22 pi, j−1 − p22 if j = N, i, j 12 12 12 12 pi, j−1 − pi, j − pi+1, j−1 + pi+1, j if 1 < i, j < N, 12 p12 if i = 1, 1 < j < N, i+1, j − pi+1, j−1 12 12 if i = N, 1 < j < N, pi, j−1 − pi, j 12 12 p − pi, j if 1 < i < N, j = 1, i+1, j 12 12 if 1 < i < N, j = N, pi, j−1 − pi+1, j−1 12 pi+1, j if i = 1, j = 1, 12 if i = 1, j = N, −pi+1, j−1 −p12 if i = N, j = 1, i, j p12 if i = N, j = N, i, j−1 21 21 21 21 pi−1, j − pi, j − pi−1, j+1 + pi, j+1 if 1 < i, j < N, 21 if i = 1, 1 < j < N, p21 i, j+1 − pi, j 21 21 pi−1, j − pi−1, j+1 if i = N, 1 < j < N, 21 21 p − pi−1, j+1 if 1 < i < N, j = 1, i, j+1 21 21 pi−1, j − pi, j if 1 < i < N, j = N, 21 pi, j+1 if i = 1, j = 1, 21 −pi, j if i = 1, j = N, −p21 if i = N, j = 1, i−1, j+1 p21 if i = N, j = N, i−1, j We can prove the following result (voir [4]): (9) 6 Loı̈c Piffet Theorem 3. The Legendre-Fenchel conjugate of J2 is J2∗ = 1K2 where K2 := {H ∗ p | p ∈ X 4 , pi, j R4 ≤ 1, ∀i, j = 1, . . . , N} ⊂ X. (10) As for the ROF model we have a characterisation of the solution of (5). Theorem 4. The solution v of (5) satisfies v = ud − Pλ K2 (ud ), where Pλ K2 is the orthogonal projection operator on λ K2 . 2.3 A fixed point algorithm to compute Pλ K2 We propose here a Chambolle-like fixed point algorithm : we extend to the second order results given in [6]. To compute Pλ K2 (ud ) we have to solve n o 2 min kλ H ∗ p − ud k2X | p ∈ X 4 , pi, j R4 − 1 ≤ 0, i, j = 1, . . . , N . Thus, we define the fixed point problem p0 = 0, pn+1 i, j = (11a) pni, j − τ (H [H ∗ pn − f /λ ])i, j . 1 + τ (H [H ∗ pn − f /λ ])i, j 4 (11b) R In addition, a convergence result is provided (see [4]): Theorem 5. Assume that τ satisfies τ ≤ 1/64. Then λ (H ∗ pn )n converges to Pλ K2 ( f ). 3 Improvement of the model We observed in [4] that the second order model generates a blurred effect on the regular part. That means that contour lines are somehow too extracted from the BV 2 component, what means that they appear in the oscillating component. As a result, this decomposition model is not efficient for texture extraction. This problem is illustrated by figure 2. A locally anisotropic model for image texture extraction 7 (a) (b) (c) (d) Fig. 2 (a) and (b) are the BV 2 - components from the test images. (c) and (d) are rescaled oscillating components. We can see that, if the oscillating component contains all the texture, it contains also too many geometrical information. Indeed, figure (2) shows that contour lines (arm, feet of the table in image 1 (a), contour mines of the square in image 1 (b)...) appear in the texture part. We proposed in [10] a very partial answer to this problem, by making the hessian operator become anisotropic, in order to give priority to chosen directions. 8 Loı̈c Piffet 3.1 Globally anisotropic model We can make the model become anisotropic by modifying the hessian operator. We recall the definition of the discretized hessian operator : 12 21 22 (Hv)i, j = (Hv)11 i, j , (Hv)i, j , (Hv)i, j , (Hv)i, j , v ∈ X, avec, pour i, j = 1, . . . , N, vi+1, j − 2vi, j + vi−1, j if 1 < i < N, vi+1, j − vi, j if i = 1, (Hv)11 i, j = vi−1, j − vi, j if i = N, vi, j+1 − vi, j − vi−1, j+1 + vi−1, j if 1 < i ≤ N, 1 ≤ j < N, 0 if i = 1, (Hv)12 i, j = 0 if i = N, vi+1, j − vi, j − vi+1, j−1 + vi, j−1 if 1 ≤ i < N, 1 < j ≤ N, 0 if i = 1, (Hv)21 i, j = 0 if i = N, vi, j+1 − 2vi, j + vi, j−1 if 1 < j < N, vi, j+1 − vi, j if j = 1, (Hv)22 i, j = vi, j−1 − vi, j if j = N. We just have to nullify one of the components to cancel its effects during the processing. In concrete terms, we observe that if we pose (Hv)1,1 = 0, horizontal jumps are not detected anymore, what means that vertical coutour lines are not smoothed anymore. Thus, we get back this contour lines in the cartoon part whereas they don’t appear in the oscillating part anymore. In the same way, we can decide on acting on horizontal contour lines ((Hv)2,2 = 0), or on both vertical and horizontal contour lines ((Hv)1,1 = (Hv)2,2 = 0). It is this last possibility that we illustrate in figure 3, comparing results with and without anisotropy. We notice that horizontal and vertical contour lines have disapeared from the texture part w whereas it contains almost all the oscillating information from the studied image. A locally anisotropic model for image texture extraction 9 (a) (b) (c) (d) Fig. 3 (a) and (c) are the rescaled oscillating components of the images obtained with the original model. (b) and (d) are the ones obtained with the globally anisotropic model. We notice that horizontal and vertical contour lines disapear. Nevertheless, oblique contour lines remain (Barbara’s legs and arms). We also notice the loss of the oscillating information oriented horizontally and vertically (horizontal bands on Barbara’s headscarf). Unfortunately, even if we can work on oblique lines rotating the image, we can only treat two directions simultaneously wich are moreover necessarily perpendicular to each other. Additionally, add anisotropy in order to make disapear contour lines in a certain direction implies that we also lose all the texture oriented in the same direction. Figure 4 gives rise to all these problems : we make test on an image without texture but which have contour lines in every directions, and on an image very close to the one in 1(b) with texture oriented to the same direction that contour lines we want to make disapear from the oscillating component. We then underline the limits of the globally anisotropic model (figure 4). 10 Loı̈c Piffet (a) (c) (b) (d) Fig. 4 (a) et (c) sont les images originales. (b) et (d) représentent la texture extraite à l’aide du modèle globalement anisotrope. On observe l’inefficacité du modèle : les contours du cercle sont quasiment intacts tandis que la texture horizontale est totalement perdue. To remedy these difficulties, we are going to make the model become locally anisotropic. A locally anisotropic model for image texture extraction 11 3.2 Locally anisotropic model 3.2.1 Principle We underlined limits of the globally anisotropic model pointing up the fact that we could only treat simultaneously two directions, and the fact that we necessarily lose the oscillating information in these two directions. So, we propose to work on contour lines locally. Here is tha approach: • Step 1 : In a first time, we detect problematic points (figure 5), that is to say points on contour lines that appear in the texture component and we want to make disappear from it. Every remaining pixel is treated with the original model. • Step 2 : Then, we calculate in these points the gradient vector, that gives us the angle α between the contour line and the horizontal line. • Step 3 : We extract matrices of size p × p centered on each problematic point, and rotate these submatrices with the angle α previously calculated. Then, we just have to aplly to each rotated submatrix the original model. We have to consider submatrices big enough to avoid side-effects (for example p = 5). This is illustrated figure 6, for a pixel detected at the first step. Remark 1. We point at the fact that the process can be systematized introducing rotation matrices, that we locally apply to the dicreet hessian operator (see [5]). Doing this, we hope to make disappear significantlycontour lines preserving almost of all the texture. Figure 7 illustrates the result when we treat any detected pixel. We notice that the contour lines disappear from the oscillating part while almost of all the texture is preserved. In return, the BV 2 -componant still contains a part of the texture, espacially near to contour lines. We observe that we get back almost of all the texture while almost of all contour lines have disappeared. In practice, we meet difficulties that we express in the next part. 12 Loı̈c Piffet (a) (b) (c) Fig. 5 (c) highlights pixels on which we apply the anisotropic model. Other points are treated with the original ROF2 model. A locally anisotropic model for image texture extraction 13 (a) (b) (c) Fig. 6 (a) Choice of one of the pixels detected in figure 5 (c). After having calculated the angle α between the direction of the contour in this point and the horizontal direction, we rotate the image to make the contour become horizontal. Then, we just have to apply the globally anisotropic model (H 2,2 = 0) on a neighbourhood of the pixel. (a) (b) Fig. 7 (a) is the texture part obtained with the original ROF2 model. (b) is the texture part obtained with the locally anisotropic model. We see that texture is well preserved while the most of all contour lines disappear in every direction. 14 Loı̈c Piffet 3.2.2 Implementation The first big difficulty is to precisely detect points onstituting contour lines. As a matter of fact, we have to detect contours as many as possible, without detecting points from texture. We so proscribe classic contour line detectors (as a gradient) which dosen’t permit to differentiate contour lines from texture (gradient is high in both cases). Furthermore, a more precise contour detector would be to ban too. Indeed, we noticed in [4] that, even if the global model reserve contours very well, it tends to disperse them. This dispersion is all the more important that the number of iteations and the value of λ are high. That means in particular that a point which is not a part of a contour but which is close to one will sustain effects of the regularization. So, a contour line detector, as efficient it could be, will not permit to detect all problematic points, and will detect too many points from the texture. This phenomenon is illustrated figure (8), on an image without any texture. We can see that, in spite of the anisotropy, vertical lines can still be seen. In order to remedy this problem, we first treat the image with the original algorithm. We choose the parameter λ contingent to each image, big enough to make disapear almost of all the texture. Contour lines are thereby diffused, and a gradient applied on this smooth image pemits to detect every problematic point that a classic contour detector applied on the original image could not do. Figure 8 highlights pixels that have to be treated with the anisotropic model and that don’t appear in the original image. Then, we can notice that almost of all of the contourlines disappear from the oscillating component. Moreover, a preprocessing of the image making disappear almost of all of the texture, the points we then detect are, in the majority, only contained in contour lines. We notice on figure 9 the result obtained on the full image 1 (a). A locally anisotropic model for image texture extraction 15 (a) (b) (c) (d) Fig. 8 Detection of points we have to treat with the locally anisotropic model on an image without texture. Images on the left put in evidence points locally treated. On the right, we propose the texture part of the associated solution. We don’t apply the locally anisotropic model on the edges but the original ROF2 model to compare resultas. On (a), we detect contour lines with a gradient on the original image and treat these points with the locally anisotropic model; we observe on (b) that if a part of contour lines disappear, a lot of them remains in the oscillating component. We observe on (b) point detected thanks to a gradient on the BV 2 component of the original image treated before with the original ROF2 model. We observe that we detect like this more points and on (c) that almost of all contour lines have disappeared from the texture component. If the loss of useful information (texture) in the ocillating component is very acceptable compared with the geometrical information we make disappear, the cartoon part is not really satisfactory. Indeed, too much oscillating information still remains. Finally, it seems more consistent not to speak about a decomposition model but a texture extraction model. 16 Loı̈c Piffet (a) (b) Fig. 9 Result obtained with the locally anisotropic model used on the full image. We see on (b) that the oscillating component almost of all the texture despite an acceptable loss of information near contour lines. The BV 2 component preserves in these places a part of the oscillating information. 4 Numerical tests on a natural image We propose to compare results from the original FROF2 model and the locally anisotropic one on a natural image for different values of λ . Fig. 10 Original image A locally anisotropic model for image texture extraction (a) ROF2 (λ = 20) (b) anisotropic (λ = 20) (c) ROF2 (λ = 50) (d) anisotropic (λ = 50) (e) ROF2 (λ = 100) (f) anisotropic (λ = 100) 17 Fig. 11 BV 2 components of solutions obtained with the original ROF2 model (on the left) and the locally anisoropi model (on the right). 18 Loı̈c Piffet (a) ROF2 (λ = 20) (b) anisotropic (λ = 20) (c) ROF2 (λ = 50) (d) anisotropic (λ = 50) (e) ROF2 (λ = 100) (f) anisotropic (λ = 100) Fig. 12 texture components of solutions obtained with the original ROF2 model (on the left) and the locally anisoropi model (on the right). We observe that, on this image, that contour lines on the BV 2 component are well preserved using the anisotropic model, so that we con talk about a cartoon component as for the ROF model (see [2]). Moreover, we can see on the texture component that contour lines and edges visibly disappear with the add of anisotropy. 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