Calculus of clovers and finite type invariants of 3–manifolds Geometry & Topology G

ISSN 1364-0380 (on line) 1465-3060 (printed)
Geometry & Topology
Volume 5 (2001) 75–108
Published: 10 February 2001
Calculus of clovers and finite type invariants
of 3–manifolds
Stavros Garoufalidis
Mikhail Goussarov
Michael Polyak
SG: School of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0160 USA
MP: School of Mathematics, Tel-Aviv University
69978 Tel-Aviv, Israel
Email: and
A clover is a framed trivalent graph with some additional structure, embedded
in a 3–manifold. We define surgery on clovers, generalizing surgery on Y–graphs
used earlier by the second author to define a new theory of finite-type invariants of 3–manifolds. We give a systematic exposition of a topological calculus
of clovers and use it to deduce some important results about the corresponding theory of finite type invariants. In particular, we give a description of the
weight systems in terms of uni-trivalent graphs modulo the AS and IHX relations, reminiscent of the similar results for links. We then compare several
definitions of finite type invariants of homology spheres (based on surgery on
Y–graphs, blinks, algebraically split links, and boundary links) and prove in a
self-contained way their equivalence.
AMS Classification numbers
Primary: 57N10, 57M27
Secondary: 57M25
3–manifolds, Y–graphs, finite type invariants, clovers
Proposed: Robion Kirby
Seconded: Joan Birman, Cameron Gordon
c Geometry & Topology Publications
Received: 19 October 2000
Accepted: 28 January 2001
Garoufalidis, Goussarov and Polyak
Finite type invariants
Polynomials play a fundamental role in mathematics. Here is one of the possible definitions of a polynomial using a discrete version of the n-th derivative.
Let V be a vector
P space over a field
P k . For (x1 , . . . , xn ) ∈ V and σ ∈ {0, 1} ,
denote xσ = i:σi =1 xi and |σ| = i σi . A function f : V → k is a polynomial
of degree less than n, iff σ (−1)|σ| f (xσ ) = 0 for any (x1 , . . . , xn ) ∈ V n . This
definition has a significant advantage over the standard definition of a polynomial, since it can be easily considered in a more general setup. In particular,
V and k may be just abelian groups.
Finite type invariants play the role of polynomial functions in topology. In this
setting, however, the situation is somewhat more tricky, and involves a choice of
an appropriate analog of both the zero element 0 and the addition operation +
in V . In the last decade, this general idea was successfully used in knot theory
under the name of Vassiliev invariants. This paper is devoted exclusively to
a study of a theory of finite type invariants of 3–manifolds, initiated by the
second author.
The present paper was started in September 1998 in an attempt to present
unpublished results by the second author. In June 1999, when this paper was
still in its initial stage, the second author passed away in a tragic accident. As
a result, many details and proofs were lost. We tried our best to reconstruct
them and to present our results in his style and spirit.
The authors were partially supported by BSF grant 97-00398 and by NSF grant
Finite type invariants of 3–manifolds
Several authors developed different theories of finite type invariants of integer
homology spheres. All these approaches are based on the cut-and-paste technique along different types of handlebodies. Historically the first, the theory
of T Ohtsuki [13] is based on surgery on algebraically split links and is by now
relatively well understood. The first author [2] proposed then a theory based
on surgery on boundary links, which remained relatively undeveloped. Subsequently, the first author and J Levine [3] considered theories based on surgery
on blinks, and on gluings along surfaces using elements of the Torelli group. All
these theories turn out to be equivalent (up to a 2–torsion), see Section 1.8.
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Calculus of clovers and finite type invariants of 3–manifolds
The second author initiated in [5] a new theory of finite type invariants for
arbitrary 3–manifolds, based on surgery along Y–graphs (see [4, 5]). The latter
theory has some important advantages. Firstly, it allows a unified treatment of
links, graphs and 3–manifolds (possibly with boundary or a Spin–structure). It
is by now relatively well understood for rational homology spheres. Secondly,
other theories mentioned above have a technical drawback: the corresponding
classes of surgery links are not preserved under handle slides. Finally, this
theory comes equipped with a powerful topological calculus (introduced in [4]),
that is well-suited for a study of 3–manifolds and for explicit computations. This
calculus is similar to Kirby’s calculus of framed links, but instead of cutting,
twisting and regluing solid tori, in the clover calculus one performs similar
operations with solid handlebodies of higher genus. The role of framed links is
played here by clovers, which are framed trivalent graphs with some additional
The main goals of the paper are:
• To give an exposition of the calculus of clovers (see Sections 2–3), and to
describe the graded spaces of the theory in terms of uni-trivalent graphs
(see Sections 1.8 and 4.5).
• To show, as an application, in an elementary and self-contained way,
that all the above mentioned theories of finite type invariants of integer
homology spheres, properly indexed, coincide over Z[1/2] (see Section
Independently and being uninformed about the results of the second author,
K Habiro developed a theory of claspers [6] and used it to study finite type
invariants of links. He also announced in [6, Section 8.4] that his theory can be
extended to the study of finite type invariants of 3–manifolds and gave a brief
outline of this extension. It is based on allowable graph claspers, which differ
from the type of claspers considered in the rest of Habiro’s paper. In particular,
the basic claspers, which were Habiro’s main tool in the theory for links, are
not allowed in this setting. In general it is plausible that invariants of links can
be extended to invariants of 3–manifolds. In the case in hand, however, this
extension is rather nontrivial and involves new ideas presented here.
The initial data, the way to describe the basic objects, and the graphical calculus in the clasper and clover theories are somewhat different. However, while
different in some aspects, these two theories essentially coincide, with surgery
on allowable graph claspers being equivalent to surgery on clovers. This independent discovery of almost the same theory by two non-interacting researchers
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Garoufalidis, Goussarov and Polyak
looks rather promising, ruling out an element of arbitrariness. Some results announced by K Habiro [6, Section 8.4] seem to overlap with those discussed in
Sections 2–4 below. Unfortunately, it seems that presently there is no available manuscript with the exact statements and proofs of Habiro’s results for
3–manifolds. We apologize in advance for any possible overlaps. It should be
also mentioned that T Cochran and P Melvin [1] proposed an extension of Ohtsuki’s theory to arbitrary 3–manifolds. Their theory, unlike the one considered
in this paper, preserves triple cup-products, and the relation between these
theories is more complicated.
Throughout this paper by a manifold we mean a smooth oriented compact
connected 3–manifold.
We recall some definitions from [5]. The graph Γ ⊂ R3 shown in Figure 1a is
called a standard Y–graph. The edges of Γ are framed with a vector field normal
to the plane of the picture. A framed graph G in a 3–manifold M is called
a Y–graph, if it is the image of Γ under a smooth embedding φG : N → M
of a neighborhood N of Γ. The embedding φG can be recovered from G up
to isotopy. Let L be the six component link in N shown in Figure 1b. All
components of L are 0–framed. Surgery on M along the framed link φG (L)
is called a surgery along G, or a Y–surgery. A Y–surgery can be realized by
cutting a solid genus 3 handlebody φG (N ) and regluing it in another way (see
[10]). The resulting manifold is defined up to a diffeomorphism, which is the
identity outside of a small neighborhood of the Y–graph. Denote it by MG .
Figure 1: Y–graph and the corresponding surgery link
An equivalent surgery, under the name of Borromean surgery was considered by
S Matveev. As shown in [10], two manifolds can be connected by a sequence of
Borromean surgeries, if and only if they have the same homology and the linking
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Calculus of clovers and finite type invariants of 3–manifolds
pairing in Tors H1 . In particular, M can be obtained from S 3 by Y–surgeries,
iff M is an integer homology sphere (ZHS in short).
A Y–link G in a manifold M is a collection of disjoint Y–graphs in M . By
surgery on G we mean surgery on each Y–graph in G. Pushing out the Y–
graphs of the following surgeries from the previously reglued handlebodies, we
can present a sequence of Y–surgeries by surgery on a Y–link.
Colored Y–links and the filtration FnY (M)
An n–coloring of a Y–link G is its splitting into n disjoint subcollections G1 ,
G2 , . . . , Gn of Y–graphs. The coloring is simple, if each subcollection Gi
consists of a single Y–graph.
For an n–tuple σ = {σ1 , . .S
. , σn } ∈ {0, 1}n , let |σ| = i σi be the number of
ones in σ and put G(σ) = i:σi =1 Gi . In an abelian group F generated by all
3–manifolds, put
[M, G] =
(−1)|σ| MG(σ)
for a colored Y–link G in M .
Let FnY (M ) be the subgroup of F , generated by [M, G] for all Y–links G,
colored in at least n colors. This defines a decreasing filtration F Y (M ) =
F0Y (M ) ⊃ F1Y (M ) ⊃ F2Y (M ) ⊃ . . . .
Given a Y–link G in M without a specified coloring, by [M, G] we mean the
above alternating sum for a simple coloring of G.
Lemma 1.1 The subgroup FnY (M ) is generated by [M, G] for all simply colored Y–links G with at least n components.
Proof Let G be an n–colored Y–link with m components. We call d = n − m
the defect of the coloring. If d = 0, the coloring is simple. Suppose d > 0; then
there are at least two components of the same color j . Therefore, the j –colored
Y–sublink of G can be split into two disjoint non-empty parts G0 and G00 . It
is easy to see that
[M, G] = [M, G r G0 ] + [M, G r G00 ] − [M, G],
e is obtained from G by recoloring all components of G00 in a new,
where G
(n + 1)-th, color. The defect of the coloring for each of G r G0 , G r G00 and G
is less than d. The statement follows by the induction on d.
Thus, without a loss of generality, one can assume that the colorings in the
definition of FnY (M ) are simple.
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The filtration FnY
Further on we will be mainly interested in M being a ZHS. Denote FnY (S 3 )
by FnY .
Lemma 1.2 Let G be an n–colored Y–link in a ZHS M . Then [M, G] ∈ FnY .
Proof It suffices to prove, that there exist two Y–links G0 and G00 in S 3 , each
colored in at least n colors, such that [M, G] = [S 3 , G00 ] − [S 3 , G0 ].
Since M is a ZHS, it may be obtained from S 3 by Y–surgery on a Y–link G
in S 3 . Let G0 be an n–colored Y–link in S 3 r G, such that its image under Y–
surgery on G is isotopic to G. Let G00 be the (n + 1)–colored Y–link, obtained
from G0 by an addition of G, with all components of G colored in a new color.
3 , G]+[S 3 , G0 ] and hence [S 3 , G] = [S 3 , G00 ]−[S 3 , G0 ].
Then [S 3 , G0 ∪G] = [SG
The filtrations Fnas and Fnb
A link L in a ZHS is algebraically split if all pairwise linking numbers of its
components vanish. Such a link is boundary if all its components bound nonintersecting surfaces. A framing of L is unimodular if the self-linking of each
component is ±1. Surgery on (any sublink of) a unimodular algebraically split
link gives again a ZHS. Using these classes of links, T Ohtsuki [13] and the
first author [2] introduced two different filtrations on a vector space generated
by all ZHS. Below we describe the corresponding filtrations on the free abelian
group generated by all ZHS.
For a framed link L in M , denote by ML the result of surgery of M along L.
In F , let
[M, L] =
(−1)|L | ML0 ,
L0 ⊂L
where |L0 | is the number of components of a sublink L0 . Let Fnas (respectively Fnb ) be the subgroup of F , generated by [M, L] for all algebraically split
(respectively boundary) unimodular links L in ZHS M with at least n components. As shown in [13] and [2], in the definitions of these filtrations it suffices
to consider only M = S 3 .
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Calculus of clovers and finite type invariants of 3–manifolds
The filtration Fnbl
In [3], J Levine and the first author considered another filtration, based on a
notion of a blink. A blink is a framed link B with a given splitting of the set
of its components into pairs (B1− , B1+ ), . . . , (Bn− , Bn+ ), such that:
• each pair (Bi− , Bi+ ) bounds an orientable surface Σi , so that Σi ∩ Σj = ∅
for i 6= j ;
• the surface Σi induces a preferred framing of Bi− and Bi+ ; this framing
should differ by ±1 from the given framing of Bi± .
A sub-blink B 0 of B is obtained from B by a removal of some pairs (Bi− , Bi+ ).
In F , put
[M, B] =
(−1)|B | MB 0 ,
B 0 ⊂B
where |B 0 | is the number of pairs in a sub-blink B 0 . Let Fnbl (M ) be the subgroup
of F , generated by [M, L] for all blinks L in a manifold M with at least n
pairs of components.
In the same paper [3] several other filtrations were introduced, using different
subgroups of the mapping class group. Each of them was shown to be equivalent
to one of the above filtrations.
The main results
We describe a topological calculus of surgery on Y–links, developed by the
second author. Using this calculus, we describe the structure of the graded
groups FnY /Fn+1
⊗ Z[1/2], where Z[1/2] = {n/2m |n, m ∈ Z} is the group of
binary rational numbers.
We also compare different filtrations:
• FnY (M ) = Fnbl (M );
Y ⊂ F as and F Y ⊂ F b ;
• F2n
Y ⊗ Z[1/2];
• F2n−1
⊗ Z[1/2] = F2n
Y ⊗ Z[1/2] = F as ⊗ Z[1/2] and F Y ⊗ Z[1/2] = F b ⊗ Z[1/2].
• F2n
Let F be a free abelian group on a set S of generators, equipped with a decreasing filtration F = F0 ⊃ F1 ⊃ . . . . Given an abelian group A, a function
S → A is called a finite type invariant of degree at most d, if its extension
to a homomorphism F → A vanishes on Fd+1 . Each filtration Fnas , Fnb , Fnbl
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and FnY defines a notion of a finite type invariant on the set of all ZHS. The
above comparison of filtrations implies the following theorem announced in [5,
Theorem 1]. If 2 is invertible in A, these definitions are equivalent, with the
following relation of degrees:
2das = 6db = 3dbl = 3dY .
bl ⊗ Q = F as ⊗ Q were obtained by using
In [3], weaker results Fnb ⊗ Q ⊂ F2n
different methods that involved the study of the mapping class group and several
of its subgroups (building on the results of D Johnson [7, 8]).
Surgery on clovers
In this section we introduce a generalization of Y–links, which we call clovers.
They turn out to be quite useful from a technical point of view, and are closely
related to uni-trivalent graphs appearing in the study of the graded quotients
Y . Similar objects were called allowable graph claspers1 by K Habiro
FnY /Fn+1
[6]. We start by recalling some basic facts about surgery (see [9]).
Surgery on links
We will call framed links L and L0 in a manifold M surgery equivalent, and
denote L ∼ L0 , if ML is diffeomorphic to ML0 . Recall (see [9]), that links L
and L0 in S 3 are surgery equivalent, iff one can pass from L to L0 by a sequence
of Kirby moves K1 and K2 :
K1 : Add to L a small ±1 framed unknot, unlinked with the other components
of L.
f0 , where #b is a band conK2 : Add L0 to L1 by replacing L1 with L1 #b L
f0 is a push-off of L0 along the framing.
nected sum and L
It is convenient to introduce three additional moves K3 –K5 , which can be
expressed via K1±1 and K2 (see [9] for K4 , K5 , and [11] for K3 ):
K3 : Let L0 be a closed, 0–framed component of L bounding an embedded disk
D, which intersects L r L0 in exactly two points, belonging to different
components L1 and L2 of L. Replace L0 ∪ L1 ∪ L2 by L1 #b L2 , where
the band b intersects D along the middle line of b.
See for some unexpected meanings of the word
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Calculus of clovers and finite type invariants of 3–manifolds
K4 : Delete a ±1–framed unknot, at the expense of the full left- or right-hand
twist on the strings linked with it.
K5 : Let L0 be a closed, 0–framed component of L which bounds an embedded
disk D. Suppose that D ∩ (L r L0) consists of exactly one point lying on
some component L1 ⊂ L.
Delete L0 and L1 from L.
The moves K2 –K5 are shown in Figure 2. Here, and throughout the paper, we
L 1 #b L 0
L 1 #b L 2
Figure 2: Kirby moves
think about a surgery presentation of M and use thick solid lines to depict an
arbitrary union of surgery components comprising M (possibly together with
some edges of embedded graphs). Also, we use a usual convention that all
depicted links, or graphs, coincide outside a ball shown in the picture. In all
figures the framings are assumed to be orthogonal to the plane of the picture,
unless explicitly indicated otherwise. Some examples of the moves K2 , K4
and K5 are given in Figure 3. By a repeated application of K3 we obtain the
K -1
Figure 3: Examples of Kirby moves
following relation (which explains the term Borromean surgery, used in [10] for
Y–surgery in a manifold M , and the term ∆–move, used in [12]):
Lemma 2.1
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Let G be a framed trivalent graph, smoothly embedded into a manifold M .
We will call G a clover, if:
• Each point of G has a neighborhood, diffeomorphic to a neighborhood
of some point of a standard Y–graph (including the framing), by an
orientation-preserving diffeomorphism.
• Different edges meeting in a vertex have different tangent lines.
If both endpoints of an edge coincide, the two corresponding tangent lines may
coincide. In this case the edge is called a leaf, and the incident vertex is called
an external vertex. A vertex not incident to a leaf is internal. We call an edge
internal, if both its endpoints are internal vertices. A degree of G is the number
of internal vertices. For example, a Y–graph is a degree 1 clover. It has one
internal vertex, three external vertices and three leaves, see Figure 1a.
Clovers of degree 0 play an important role in an analogous theory of finite type
invariants of links. However, we will exclude them from the theory of finite type
invariants of 3–manifolds. Therefore all throughout the paper we will always
assume that each connected component of a clover is of degree at least one.
In figures we will always assume that the framing of G is orthogonal to the
plane of the picture.
Surgery on clovers
Let G be a clover in M . We construct a framed link L(G) in a small neighborhood of G. In Figure 4 we show the structure of L(G) near an edge, a leaf,
and an internal vertex of G. The framings of the fragments of G and L(G)
appearing in Figure 4 are assumed to be orthogonal to the plane of the picture.
The construction of L(G) is illustrated in Figure 5. The surgery of M along
Figure 4: Construction of the surgery link from a clover
L(G) is called a surgery along G, and the manifold ML(G) is denoted by MG .
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Calculus of clovers and finite type invariants of 3–manifolds
Figure 5: A clover and the corresponding link
We call two clovers G and G0 in M surgery equivalent, and denote G ∼ G0 , if
MG is diffeomorphic to MG0 .
Denote by G1 , . . . , Gn the connected components of G. For an n–tuple σ =
{σ1 , . . . , σn } ∈ {0, 1}n we put
[M, G] =
(−1)|σ| MG(σ) ,
where G(σ) = i:σi =1 Gi and |σ| = i σi . If the degree of each Gi is 1, we
recover the definition of [M, G] for Y–links.
Suppose that a leaf or a cycle of edges of G in M bounds an embedded surface
Σ in M . Then the intersection number of its push-off along the framing with Σ
does not depend on the choice of Σ and (by a slight abuse of terminology) will
be also called the framing of this leaf or cycle. A leaf is trivial, if it is 0–framed
and bounds a disc D in M whose interior does not intersect G.
Lemma 2.2 Let G ⊂ M be a connected clover, which contains a trivial leaf
l. Then surgery on G preserves a neighborhood of G ∪ D, where D is the disc
bounding l. In particular, MG = M and [M, G] = 0:
Proof Follows from the construction of L(G) by an application of K5 .
An edge of a clover is a trivial loop, if both its endpoints coincide, it is 0–framed,
and bounds a disc D whose interior does not intersect G.
Lemma 2.3 Let G ⊂ M be a connected clover, which contains a trivial looped
edge e. Then surgery on G preserves a neighborhood of G ∪ D, where D is
the disc bounding e. In particular, MG = M and [M, G] = 0.
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Proof Follows from the construction of L(G) by an application of K5 :
Theorem 2.4 Let G be a clover in M , and let G0 be obtained from G by
cutting an internal edge of G and inserting there two small Hopf-linked leaves:
Then G0 ∼ G and [M, G0 ] = ±[M, G], where the sign is negative if the edge is
splitting G, and positive otherwise.
Proof The equality G ∼ G0 follows from the construction of L(G) by an
application of K3 . Topologically, this corresponds to cutting the corresponding
solid handlebody introducing a pair of complimentary handles as shown below:
Let G0 be the component of G containing this edge, and G1 , G2 be the components of G0 replacing G0 . Note that each subclover of G0 which contains
exactly one of the components G1 and G2 , has a trivial leaf. Thus by the
definition of [ · , · ] and Lemma 2.2 [M, G0 ] = [M, G] if G0 has the same number
of components as G, and [M, G0 ] = −[M, G] otherwise.
Corollary 2.5 Let G be a degree n clover. Then [M, G] ∈ FnY (M ).
Topological calculus of clovers
Below we describe some important moves Y1 –Y4 on Y–links, which are shown
to preserve the surgery equivalence classes. One can apply these moves also to
clovers, in view of Theorem 2.4.
Moves Y1 and Y2 (similar to the Kirby moves K1 , K2 ) are shown in Figure 6:
Y1 : Add to G a connected clover G0 , which has a 0–framed leaf l bounding
an embedded disc whose interior does not intersect G ∪ G0 .
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Calculus of clovers and finite type invariants of 3–manifolds
l 1 #b l 0
Figure 6: Blow-up and leaf slide
Y2 : Add a leaf l0 to another leaf l1 of the same Y–graph along a band b by
replacing l1 with l1 #b le0 , where le0 is a push-off of l0 along the framing;
then change the framing by −1.
Let l be a leaf of a Y–graph G0 and e be the adjacent edge. Let K be a knot.
The move Y3 is sliding an edge e along K , see Figure 7:
Y3 : Denote by G1 Y–graph obtained from G0 by adding K to e along a band
b. Construct a Y–graph G2 as shown in Figure 7: one of its leaves is a
push-off of K (and the adjacent edge goes along b), another is a push-off
of l, and the third leaf is a 0–framed unknot linked once with l. Replace
G0 by G1 ∪ G2 .
Figure 7: Edge slide and leaf-cutting
Let l be a leaf of a Y–graph G0 , e, e1 and e2 be its edges, with e adjacent to
l. An arc a, starting at e ∩ l and ending on l, cuts l into two parts l0 and l00 .
The move Y4 is cutting the leaf l along a, see Figure 7:
Y4 : Let G1 be an Y–graph obtained from G0 by replacing the leaf l by l0 ∪ a.
Let G2 be obtained from G0 by replacing the leaf l by l00 ∪ a, adding l0
to e2 along the band e, and taking a push-off copy e02 , as shown in Figure
7. Replace G0 by G1 ∪ G2 .
A convenient way to draw the moves Y1 –Y4 is by depicting them in a standard
handlebody, which then can be embedded into a manifold in an arbitrary way.
Below is such an interpretation of the moves Y3 , Y4 as moves in a standard
handlebody of genus 4:
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Figure 8: Y3 and Y4 as moves in a handlebody
For example, when the handlebody is embedded so that one of the handles links
another handle as in Figure 9a, the corresponding move Y4 is shown in Figure
Figure 9: An embedding and the induced Y4 move
Theorem 3.1 The moves Y1 –Y4 preserve the classes of surgery equivalence
of Y–links in a manifold M .
Proof It suffices to prove the surgery equivalence of Y–links obtained by the
moves Y1 –Y4 in the standard handlebody. Instead of drawing the handlebodies
we will draw thick lines passing through the handles (encoding a set of surgery
and clover components), similarly to Lemma 2.1.
By Lemma 2.2, Y1 is surgery equivalence. To verify Y2 , depict the Borromean
linking with one component passing on the boundary of an embedded surface
with two handles, and then twist one of the handles along the other:
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Calculus of clovers and finite type invariants of 3–manifolds
To verify Y3 , use an isotopy and Lemma 2.1:
The verification of Y4 is similar:
The following theorem was announced in [5] in case of a Y–graph G.
Theorem 3.2 For any clover G in a manifold M , there exists a clover G−1
in a neighborhood of G, such that the result of surgery on both clovers is the
original manifold: MG∪G−1 = M . The construction of G−1 for a Y–graph G is
shown in Figure 10a. Another presentation of G−1 by a 2–component Y–link
G1 ∪ G2 is shown in Figure 10b.
Figure 10: Two presentations of the inverse of a Y–graph
Proof Let us first verify the statement for a Y–graph. By an isotopy and a
subsequent application of Y4 and Y1 , we get
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The general case now follows by Theorem 2.4. Finally, G−1 ∼ G1 ∪ G2 by
Y3 .
The structure of the graded spaces Gn
This section is devoted to the study of the graded spaces
Gn (M ) = FnY (M )/Fn+1
(M ).
Y (M ).
Denote [M, G] = [M, G0 ] iff [M, G] − [M, G0 ] ∈ Fn+1
Graded versions of Y2 –Y4
Using 2.4 and Lemma 2.2, we obtain the following immediate corollaries of
Theorem 3.1.
Corollary 4.1 Let G be a clover of degree n in a manifold M , and let G0 be
obtained from G by sliding one of its leaves along an adjacent leaf by Y2 . Then
[M, G0 ] = [M, G], and hence [M, G0 ] = [M, G].
Let G0 be a Y–graph in M , and let G1 ∪ G2 be obtained from G0 by an
application of Y3 , see Figure 7. Note that MG2 = M by Y1 , thus
[M, G0 ] − [M, G1 ] = MG1 ∪G2 − MG1 = [M, G1 ∪ G2 ] ∈ F2Y (M ).
Hence, using Theorem 2.4 we obtain:
Corollary 4.2 Let G be a clover of degree n in a manifold M , and let K ⊂ M
be a knot. Let G0 be obtained from G by sliding an edge of G along K . Then
[M, G0 ] = [M, G].
In Lemma 4.10 we will strengthen this result by computing the difference
[M, G0 ] − [M, G] in Gn+1 (M ).
Let G0 be a Y–graph in M , and let G1 ∪ G2 be obtained from G0 by an
application of Y4 , see Figure 7. By the previous Lemma, the value of [M, G2 ]
in G1 (M ) does not change when we slide its edge e02 along a knot. Thus we
can pull e02 off l0 , making it back into e2 . Hence, using again Theorem 2.4 we
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Calculus of clovers and finite type invariants of 3–manifolds
Corollary 4.3 Let G be a clover of degree n in a manifold M and l be a leaf
of G. An arc a starting in the external vertex incident to l and ending in other
point of l, splits l into two arcs l0 and l00 . Denote by G0 and G00 the clovers
obtained from G by replacing the leaf l with l0 ∪ a and l00 ∪ a respectively, see
Figure 11. Then [M, G] = [M, G0 ] + [M, G00 ].
Figure 11: Splitting a leaf
The dependence on framings
Theorem 3.2 allows us to deduce the dependence of [M, G] on the framings of
Lemma 4.4 Let G be a clover of degree n in a manifold M . Let G0 be
obtained from G by twisting the framing of an edge by a half twist. Then
[M, G0 ] = −[M, G].
Proof Let G and G1 ∪ G2 ∼ G−1 be the Y–graphs depicted in Figure 10b.
Note that G1 looks exactly like G, except for the way its lower leaf links the
thick line. Turning this leaf to the same position changes the framing of the
adjacent edge by a half twist:
half twist
By Theorem 3.2, MG∪G1 ∪G2 = M ; also, MG∪G2 = MG and MG2 = M by
Lemma 2.2. Thus
[M, G] + [M, G1 ] = 2M − MG − MG1
= [M, G ∪ G1 ] + [M, G1 ∪ G2 ] − [M, G ∪ G1 ∪ G2 ] = 0
and the lemma follows.
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Alternatively, one can show that [M, G] + [M, G−1 ] = 0 for a Y–graph G−1
depicted in Figure 10a and pull its edge off the lower thick line by 4.2 to obtain
once again G1 .
Corollary 4.5 Let G be a clover of degree n in M . Adding a kink, ie, a full
twist to the framing of an edge preserves an n–equivalence class of [M, G].
Now, note that the following two Y–graphs are isotopic:
half twists
Thus, applying Lemma 4.4 and Theorem 2.4, we obtain:
Corollary 4.6 Let G and G0 be clovers of degree n in a manifold M , which
coincide everywhere except for a fragment shown in Figure 12. Then [M, G0 ] =
−[M, G].
Figure 12: The AS relation
Simplifying the leaves
Denote Gn (S 3 ) by Gn . We want to show that the space Gn ⊗Z[1/2] is generated
by clovers with only internal vertices, ie, without leaves.
A leaf of a clover G is special, if it is ±1–framed and bounds an embedded disc,
whose interior does not intersect G. A leaf l of a clover G is simple, if it either
bounds an embedded i–framed disc D whose interior intersects G in at most
one point, or is special.
For M = S 3 , the graded space Gn is generated by clovers of degree n all leaves
of which are simple. Indeed, suppose we are given an arbitrary clover of degree
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Calculus of clovers and finite type invariants of 3–manifolds
n in S 3 . We may split each of its non-trivial leaves into small pieces and apply
Corollary 4.3 to present G in Gn as a linear combination of clovers with simple
Suppose that all leaves of clover G in a manifold M are simple. If two simple
leaves are linked with each other (see Figure 13a), we replace them by a new edge
by Theorem 2.4. Suppose that at least one simple leaf l still remains after this
Y (M ) ⊗ Z[1/2].
procedure. We will show below that in this case [M, G] ∈ Fn+1
We should consider three cases, see Figure 13b–d. Firstly, it may be that l is
trivial. Secondly, it may be that l is 0–framed, and the disc D intersects an
edge of G. Thirdly, it may be that l is special. In the first case, [M, G] = 0 by
Figure 13: Four types of simple leaves
Lemma 2.2. The second case can be reduced to the first case after unlinking
the edge from the corresponding leaf by Corollary 4.2 (sliding the edge along a
small unknot linked once with the leaf). Thus we readily obtain:
Lemma 4.7 Let G be a clover of degree n in a manifold M . Suppose that G
contains a 0–framed leaf bounding an embedded disc, whose interior intersects
G in exactly one point, belonging to an edge. Then [M, G] = 0.
In the third case we encounter 2–torsion.
Lemma 4.8 Let G be a clover of degree n in a manifold M , which contains
a special leaf. Then 2[M, G] = 0.
Proof Rotating the special leaf we can change the framing of the adjacent edge
while preserving the isotopy class of G. Thus by Lemma 4.4 [M, G] = −[M, G]
and the lemma follows.
Over the integers, we have the following inclusion:
Lemma 4.9 Let G and l be as in Lemma 4.8. Suppose that the connected
component of G which contains l is of degree at least two. Then [M, G] = 0.
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Proof Cutting the neighboring internal edge we obtain two new leaves l1 and
l2 . Without a loss of generality suppose that the framing of l is +1. Then slide
l along l1 by Y2 as shown below:
Notice that Y2 changes the framing of a leaf by −1, so the new leaf l0 is 0–
framed. Splitting l2 as shown above by Corollary 4.3, we obtain two clovers
each of which contains a trivial leaf (either l0 or l1 ), and so can be removed by
Y1 .
The IHX relation
Let G = Γ ∪ G0 be an n–component Y–link which contains a Y–graph G0 ,
and let K be a knot in M . Choose a band connecting an edge of G0 to K .
Sliding this edge of G0 along K by Y3 , we obtain a Y–graph G1 , as shown in
Y (M ).
Figure 7. Denote G0 = Γ ∪ G1 . By Corollary 4.2, [M, G] − [M, G0 ] ∈ Fn+1
Y (M ). It is easier
There is a simple expression for this difference modulo Fn+2
to visualize the picture in a neighborhood N of G0 ∪ b ∪ K , which is a genus 4
handlebody embedded into M .
Lemma 4.10 Let G0 , G1 and GH be the clovers of Figure 14 in a handlebody
V embedded into M . Let Γ be a degree n − 1 clover in the complement of N .
Put G = Γ ∪ G0 , G0 = Γ ∪ G1 and G00 = Γ ∪ GH . Then [M, G] − [M, G0 ] =
[M, G00 ].
Figure 14: Sliding an edge and computing the difference
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Calculus of clovers and finite type invariants of 3–manifolds
Here is another graphical expression for the above graphs:
Proof We use Y3 to pass from G0 to G1 and G2 with G0 ∼ G1 ∪ G2 as
in the proof of Theorem 3.1. Then we split the leaf l of G1 by Corollary 4.3
introducing new Y–graphs G01 and G001 with [M, Γ ∪ G1 ∪ G2 ] = [M, Γ ∪ G01 ∪
G2 ] + [M, Γ ∪ G001 ∪ G2 ]:
But [M, Γ ∪ G001 ∪ G2 ] = −[M, G00 ] by Theorem 2.4, and [M, Γ ∪ G01 ∪ G2 ] = 0
by Lemma 2.2. Hence [M, Γ ∪ G1 ∪ G2 ] = −[M, G00 ]. On the other hand,
[M, Γ ∪ G1 ∪ G2 ] =
(−1)|Γ | (−MΓ0 ∪G1 + MΓ0 ∪G1 ∪G2 ) = [M, G0 ] − [M, G]
Γ0 ⊂Γ
The comparison of two above expressions for [M, Γ ∪ G1 ∪ G2 ] proves the theorem.
Theorem 4.11 Let GI , GH and GX be clovers of degree n in a manifold
M , which coincide everywhere except for a fragment shown in Figure 15. Then
[M, GI ] + [M, GX ] − [M, GH ] = 0.
Figure 15: The IHX relation
Proof It suffices to prove the statement for n = 2; the general case then
follows by Theorem 2.4 and Lemma 2.2. Consider a standard Y–graph G in a
handlebody N of genus 3 and attach to N an additional handle h. We are to
slide all three edges of Y along h in a genus 4 handlebody N ∪ h as indicated
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Figure 16: Sliding the edges along a handle
in Figure 16. Each time we will use Lemma 4.10 to compute the corresponding
change of [M, G]. Sliding the first edge of G, we obtain a new Y–graph G1
with [M, G1 ] − [M, G] = [M, GI ]. Sliding the next edge of G (or rather of G1 ),
we obtain a new Y–graph G2 with [M, G2 ] − [M, G1 ] = [M, G0X ]. After sliding
the third edge we return back to G and get [M, G] − [M, G2 ] = [M, G0H ]. Here
a degree 2 clovers GI , G0X , and G0H are shown in Figure 17. Summing up these
Figure 17: Computing the difference
three equalities we get
[M, GI ] + [M, G0X ] + [M, G0H ] = 0.
But G0X differs from GX only by an edge slide, and G0H differs from GH
by an edge slide and a cyclic ordering of edges in a vertex, see Figure 17.
Hence [M, G0X ] = [M, GX ] by Corollary 4.2, and [M, G0H ] = −[M, GH ] by
Corollaries 4.2 and 4.6. A substitution of two these expressions into (1) proves
the theorem.
Remark 4.12 There is a topological version of the IHX relation, which may
be deduced similarly using the Y3 and Y4 moves to slide each edge of a Y–
graph through a handle in a handlebody of genus 4. We leave the details to an
interested reader.
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Calculus of clovers and finite type invariants of 3–manifolds
Trivalent graphs and Gn
Consider an abelian group Aek freely generated by abstract (not necessarily connected) trivalent graphs with 2k vertices and without looped edges, equipped
with a cyclic ordering of the incident edges in each vertex. Denote by Ak the
quotient of Aek by the following AS and IHX relations:
AS: Let G0 be obtained from G by reversing the cyclic ordering of edges in
some vertex, see Figure 12. Then G0 = −G.
IHX: Let GI , GH and GX coincide everywhere except for a fragment shown
in Figure 15. Then GI = GH − GX .
Denote by Y a Y–graph in M with three special leaves. For each graph G ∈ Aek
pick an arbitrary embedding of G into M . Equip it with a framing so that the
framing along each cycle of edges is integer, and take its disjoint union with m
copies of Y . The resulting framed graph in M may be considered as a clover
of degree n = 2k + m. Denote it by φ(G). Put ψen (G) = [M, φ(G)] and extend
e ⊂ FnY by Corollary
ψen to ψen : ⊕2k≤n Aek → F by linearity. Note that ψen (A)
Theorem 4.13 The map ψen : ⊕2k≤n Aek → FnY induces a quotient map
ψn : ⊕2k≤n Ak → Gn , which is surjective and does not depend on the choice of
φ. The image of ⊕A2k<n is a 2–torsion.
Proof The map ψen factors through AS and IHX relations by Corollary 4.6 and
Theorem 4.11. The independence on the choice of φ(G) follows from Corollary
4.2 and Lemma 4.4. The surjectivity follows from the results of Section 4.3 and
Lemma 2.3. The torsion result follows from Lemma 4.8.
Note that ⊕2k≤2n−1 Ak = ⊕2k<2n−1 Ak , hence G2n−1 consists of a 2–torsion and
we obtain:
Y ⊗ Z[1/2].
Corollary 4.14 For any n ∈ N, F2n−1
⊗ Z[1/2] = F2n
The equivalence of the F bl , F as and F Y filtrations
Equivalence of F bl and F Y
We can present surgery on an arbitrary blink of genus g as surgery on g blinks
of genus one, slicing the surface into pieces of genus one as shown below (see
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also [3]):
Also, as noticed already in [10], surgery on a blink of genus one can be presented
as Y–surgery (and vice versa). Indeed, depicting the Borromean linking with
one component passing on the boundary of an embedded surface with two
bands, and then using K3−1 , we obtain:
Lemma 5.1
Therefore the following theorem holds:
Theorem 5.2 For each integer n we have Fnbl (M ) = FnY (M ).
Comparison of F as and F Y : plan of the proof
The rest of the section is arranged in the following way.
We will first present any Y–link of degree d by a trivial d–component Y–link in
S 3 , together with a trivial unimodular link O which links T in a special way.
Y ⊂ F as by an easy counting argument.
We shall then prove an inclusion F2n
The opposite inclusion is similar in spirit. Now we present any n–component
algebraically split link by a trivial link O, together with a trivial Y–link T
linking O in a special way. We then consider an appropriately modified version
of some results of Section 4. Building on these results, we prove the inclusion
as ⊂ F Y ⊗ Z[1/2] using a similar counting argument.
Undoing Y–graphs
A link O in M r G laces a clover G, if O is trivial unimodular, and each of the
(pairwise disjoint) discs bounding its components intersects G in at most two
points, which belong to the leaves of G. A Y–link in M is trivial, if it consists
of Y–graphs standardly embedded in n disjoint balls.
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Lemma 5.3 Let T be a trivial n–component Y–link in S 3 . For any n–
component Y–link G in S 3 , there exists a link O in S 3 which laces T , such
3 , T ].
that [S 3 , G] = [SO
Proof Any Y–link in S 3 , in particular G, can be made into a trivial Y–link
by framing twists and crossing changes. Moreover, it suffices to use crossing
changes which involve only the leaves of Y–graphs. Indeed, instead of a crossing
change which involves an edge of a Y–graph, one can do two subsequent crossing
changes with the neighboring leaf of this graph (by sliding first the other branch
towards the leaf). Using K4 we can realize each of these framing and crossing
changes by surgery on a trivial unimodular surgery link, as illustrated in Figure
3. The resulting collection of these surgery components comprises O.
For a Y–link G in a manifold M and a link L ⊂ M r G denote by [M, G, L]
the double alternating sum:
[M, L, G] = [[M, L], G] = [[M, G], L] =
(−1)|G |+|L | MG0 ∪L0
G0 ⊂G L0 ⊂L
Corollary 5.4 The space FnY is generated by all [S 3 , O, T ], where T is a
trivial Y–link in S 3 of degree at least n, and the link O laces T .
3 , T ], with O and T as above.
Proof By Lemma 5.3, FnY is generated
by all [SO
It remains to notice that SO = O0 ⊂O (−1) [S , O0 ] and that any sublink O0
of O also laces T .
Y ⊂ F as .
Theorem 5.5 For each integer n we have F2n
Proof Let T be a trivial Y–link in S 3 of degree at least 2n and O be an
arbitrary link lacing T . In view of Corollary 5.4, it suffices to prove that
as . Suppose that some leaf of T is not linked with O,
[S 3 , O, T ] belongs to F3n
as by
ie, bounds a disc which does not intersect O; then [S 3 , O, T ] = 0 ∈ F3n
Lemma 2.2. Otherwise, all (ie, at least 6n) leaves of T are linked with O. But
each component of O is linked with at most two leaves of T ; hence the number
as .
of components of O is at least 3n. Therefore [S 3 , O, T ] ∈ F3n
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Undoing an AS–link
Let L be a framed link in S 3 . We call L an AS–link, if it is algebraically split
and unimodular. In Section 5.3 above we presented any Y–link by a trivial
Y–link T , together with a trivial unimodular link O lacing it. In this section
we shall do the opposite: we present any AS–link by a trivial unimodular link
O, together with a trivial Y–link linking it in a special way, which we will also
call “lacing”.
A clover G in M r L laces a link L, if each leaf of G either is trivial and links
L once (ie, bounds a disc which intersects L in one point), or is unlinked with
L (ie, bounds a surface which does not intersects L).2 A pair (O, G) consisting
of a trivial link O in M and a Y–link G lacing O is called a lacing pair. A
lacing pair (O, G) is trivial, if G is trivial. Surgery on a trivial lacing pair in S 3
was called a Borromean surgery in [10] and a ∆–move in [12]. It was shown in
[10, 12], that one can pass from a link L in S 3 to any other link with the same
linking matrix by surgery on a trivial Y–link lacing L. Applying this result to
AS–links, we deduce:
Lemma 5.6 Let O be a trivial unimodular n–component link in a S 3 . For any
AS–link L in S 3 , there exists a trivial lacing pair (O, G), such that [S 3 , L] =
[ST3 , O].
Corollary 5.7 The space Fnas is generated by all [S 3 , O, T ], where O is a
trivial unimodular link in S 3 with at least n components and a trivial Y–link
G laces O.
Proof By Lemma 5.6, Fnas is generated
by all [ST3 , O], with T and O as above.
It remains to notice that ST3 = T 0 ⊂T (−1)|T | [S 3 , T 0 ] and that any Y–sublink
T 0 of T also laces O.
In what follows, we will in fact need only a weaker version of Corollary 5.7, in
which we omit the assumption of triviality of the lacing pair.
The inclusion F3n
⊂ F2n
⊗ Z[1/2]
We will need a modification of Corollary 4.2 and Lemma 4.4. Returning to
their proofs, we notice that both statements can be stated for Y–links lacing a
fixed link in M :
In fact, we will not need this type of leaf, but prefer to formulate the definition in
its full generality
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Calculus of clovers and finite type invariants of 3–manifolds
Corollary 5.8 Fix a link L in a manifold M . Let G be a Y–link of degree d
lacing L and let G0 be obtained from G by sliding an edge of G along a knot
K ⊂ M r L r G. Suppose that for every Y–link Γ of degree (d + 1) lacing L
one has [M, L, Γ] = 0. Then [M, G0 ] = [M, G].
Lemma 5.9 Fix a link L in a manifold M . Let G be a Y–link of degree d
lacing L and let G0 be obtained from G by twisting the framing of some edge
by a half twist. Suppose that for every Y–link Γ of degree (d + 1) lacing L one
has [M, L, Γ] = 0. Then [M, G0 ] = −[M, G]
Moreover, the following version of Lemma 4.8 holds:
Lemma 5.10 Let (O, G) be a lacing pair in a manifold M with G of degree
d. Suppose that some disc Di bounding a component of O intersects G in
just one point, which belongs to a leaf of G. Suppose also that for any lacing
pair (O, Γ) with Γ of degree greater than d we have [M, O, Γ] = 0. Then
2[M, G] = 0.
Proof Proceeding similarly to the proof of Lemma 4.8, we rotate O together
with the trivial leaf linked with it. This adds a half twist to the framing of
the adjacent edge of G, while preserving the isotopy class of O and G. Thus
[S 3 , O, G] = −[S 3 , O, G] by Lemma 5.9.
We are in a position to prove the second inclusion theorem.
as ⊂ F Y ⊗ Z[1/2].
Theorem 5.11 For each integer n we have F3n
Proof Let O be a lacing pair in S 3 with O having at least n components.
Y ⊗ Z[1/2].
In view of Corollary 5.7, it suffices to prove that [S 3 , O, G] ∈ F2n
We proceed by downward induction on the degree d of G. If d ≥ 2n, then
Y and the theorem follows. Suppose now that the
obviously [S 3 , O, G] ∈ F2n
inclusion holds for all Y–links of degree higher than d and let us prove it for a
Y–link G of degree d.
By a repeated use of Corollary 5.8 we can reduce the problem to the case when
none of the edges of G pass through the discs Di bounding the components of
Y by
If for some i the disc Di does not intersect G, then [S 3 , O, G] = 0 ∈ F2n
Lemma 2.2, and we are done.
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If some disc Di intersects G in exactly one point belonging to a leaf l of G, the
statement follows from Lemma 5.10 (applicable by the induction assumption).
We are left with the case when each component of O is linked with at least two
leaves of G. But each leaf of G can be linked with at most one component of
O. Therefore, G should have at least 6n leaves, ie, at least 2n components.
Y , and the theorem follows.
Hence [S 3 , O, G] ∈ F2n
Remark 5.12 Over the integers, a simplified version of the above counting
argument leads to an inclusion [S 3 , O, G] ∈ FnY that does not require Lemmas
5.9 and 5.10. Indeed, we proceed as in the proof of Theorem 5.11 above, first
reducing the problem to the case when no edges of G pass through the discs
Di , and then noticing that if some Di does not intersect G, then [S 3 , O, G] = 0
by Lemma 2.2. Otherwise, each of the 3n discs Di intersects at least one leaf
of G. Each leaf of G can intersect at most one disc, so G should have at least
3n leaves, ie, at least n components, hence [S 3 , O, G] ∈ FnY .
The equivalence of the F b and F Y filtrations
Plan of the proof
The section is arranged in the following way.
Y ⊂ F b . This is done in two
In the first part we shall prove an inclusion F2n
steps. By Corollary 5.4 the space Fd is generated by all [S 3 , O, T ], where T
is a trivial d–component Y–link in S 3 , and the link O laces T . In the first
step, we take d = 2n2 , construct a “good” sublink B ⊂ O with at least n
Y ⊂ F b . Building on this result, in
components, and show that this implies F2n
Y ⊂ F b using the IHX relation.
the second step we prove a stronger inclusion F2n
Y ⊗ Z[1/2]. We
In the second part we shall prove an opposite inclusion Fnb ⊂ F2n
present any n–component boundary link as an image of a trivial unimodular
link O under surgery on a Y–link G, linking O in a special way, which we
will call “1–lacing”. Using this presentation together with an appropriately
Y ⊗ Z[1/2] by an easy
modified version of Lemma 5.10, we prove that Fnb ⊂ F2n
counting argument.
Constructing a boundary sublink
Let T be a trivial 2n2 component Y–link in M and let O be a link which laces
T . Below we construct a sublink B ⊂ O with at least n components, which
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Calculus of clovers and finite type invariants of 3–manifolds
will be a boundary link in the manifold, obtained from M r (O r B) by surgery
on T . This construction is based on a notion of a good sublink.
A link B in M is good, if B laces T and the following conditions hold:
• No Y–graph of T is linked with B by all three leaves.
• If some Y–graph of T is linked with B by two leaves, then it is linked
with just one component of B .
The possible structure of B in a neighborhood of a component of T is shown
in Figure 18.
Figure 18: The structure of a good link near a Y–graph
Lemma 6.1 Let T be a trivial Y–link in M and B be a good sublink. Then
the image B 0 of B in MT is a boundary link in a neighborhood of T ∪ D, where
D is a union of discs bounding the components of B .
Proof Cut out a tubular neighborhood N of T ; this is a disjoint union of genus
3 handlebodies. Components of B bound non-intersecting discs in M , which
intersect the boundary ∂N by either one or two circles, which are meridians
of N . Perform surgery on T by cutting, twisting by an appropriate element of
the mapping class group, and gluing back the handlebodies N . This transforms
the meridians into some other curves on ∂N . It suffices to show that for each
handlebody Ni of N these curves on ∂Ni are bounding inside Ni .
Let m be a meridian on ∂Ni . The surgery on this Y–graph corresponds to the
action of an element of the Torelli subgroup (which acts trivially on H1 (Ni )),
so the image of m still bounds a surface Σm . Now, recall that B is a good link,
so there are only two possible configurations of the meridians. Firstly, ∂Ni may
contain just two meridians m and m0 , corresponding to the same component b
of B . Then, smoothing the intersections of Σm with Σm0 , we obtain a surface
bounding m ∪ m0 . Secondly, these meridians may appear only on one of the
three handles of ∂Ni . Pick one of the meridians m; all other meridians on ∂Ni
may be considered as small push-offs of m in the normal direction. Thus their
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images under the Y–surgery, together with the corresponding surfaces, can be
obtained by a similar push-offs. This finishes the proof of the lemma.
Corollary 6.2 Let T be a trivail Y–link in M and B be an n–component
good link with the union D of discs bounding B . Then [M, L ∪ B, T ] ∈ Fnb for
any link L in M r (T ∪ D).
Proof By Lemma 6.1, the image of B under surgery on T 0 ⊂ T bounds in the
complement of L. Thus it will bound also in (MT 0 )L0 , for any L0 ⊂ L.
Lemma 6.3 Let T be a trivial 2n2 –component Y–link in M and let O be a
link, which laces T and links all leaves of T . Then there exists a good sublink
B of O with at least n components.
We will say that two components of O (respectively, two leaves of T ) are
neighboring, if there is a Y–graph (respectively, a component of O) which is
linked with both of them.
Proof Suppose that there is a leaf of T , which has at least n neighbors, apart
from the other leaves of the same Y–graph. Then the corresponding components
of O comprise B . It remains to consider the case when each leaf of T has less
than n neighbors belonging to other Y–graphs. Pick an arbitrary component
B1 of O and remove from O all neighboring components of B1 . Repeat this
step, each time picking a new component Bi of the remaining link, until there
are no more components left. Finally, take B = ∪i Bi .
Let us establish a lower bound for the number of these steps. Each Bi is
linked with at most two Y–graphs, leaves of which have altogether at most
6(n − 1) − 2 = 6n − 8 other neighboring leaves. Thus the removal of Bi and of
the link components neighboring Bi may unlink at most 6n − 2 leaves of T . In
the beginning, O was linked with all 6n2 leaves of G. Therefore, the number
of steps is at least 6n−2
> n, thus B has more than n components.
Remark 6.4 In fact, one can assume that the degree of T is just 6n, but the
construction of B in this case is significantly more complicated.
The inclusion F2n
⊂ Fnb
Let us start with a weaker inclusion:
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Y ⊂ Fb .
Proposition 6.5 For each integer n, we have F2n
Proof Let T be a trivial 2n2 –component Y–link in S 3 and O be an arbitrary
link lacing T . In view of Corollary 5.4, it suffices to prove that [S 3 , O, T ] ∈ Fnb .
If some leaf of T is not linked with O, then [S 3 , O, T ] = 0 ∈ Fnb . Otherwise,
all leaves of T are linked with O and we can use Lemma 6.3 to find a good
sublink B of O with at least n components. It remains to apply Lemma 6.1
for M = S 3 and L = O r B .
Now we are in a position to prove a stronger result:
Y ⊂ Fb .
Theorem 6.6 For each integer n, we have F2n
Proof Let G be a clover of degree d ≥ 2n in S 3 . We proceed by the downward
induction on d. If d ≥ 2n2 , then [S 3 , G] ∈ Fnb by Proposition 6.5, and the
theorem follows. Suppose that the statement holds for any clover of degree
higher than d, and let us prove it for a clover G of degree d. Note that by the
induction assumption we can use Theorem 4.13. Thus it suffices to prove the
statement for a clover G which is a disjoint union of a degree 2k ≤ d clover G0
with no leaves and d − 2k copies Gi of a Y–graph with three special leaves.
We call a path in a connected graph maximal, if it is connected, passes along
each edge at most once, and contains the maximal number of edges. A path
in G0 is maximal, if it is maximal in each of its connected components. The
number v of vertices of G0 which do not belong to a maximal path is called the
length-defect of G0 . If v is positive, pick a vertex of G0 which does not belong
to a maximal path, but is connected to it by an edge. Applying to this edge
the IHX relation of Theorem 4.11, we obtain two clovers, each of which has the
length defect v − 1. Hence it suffices to prove the theorem for v = 0. Notice
that if v = 0, there are at least k edges of G0 without common ends. Thus,
including Gi ’s, there are at least d − k edges of G without common ends.
Cut all edges of G0 by Theorem 2.4. Now, unlink all pairs of newly created
leaves and change the framing of all leaves of Gi ’s to 0 by K4 , as shown below:
K4 G
Denote by O the resulting link and by T the d–component Y–link obtained
from T . Clearly the link O laces T and
[S 3 , G] = ±[SO
,T] = ±
(−1)|O | [S 3 , O0 , T ].
O 0 ⊂O
Geometry & Topology, Volume 5 (2001)
Garoufalidis, Goussarov and Polyak
We should show that [S 3 , O0 , T ] ∈ Fnb for each O0 ⊂ O. If some leaf of T is
unlinked with O0 , then this leaf is trivial and [S 3 , O0 , T ] = 0. Otherwise, by
the construction of O, there are at least d − k ≥ d/2 ≥ n non-neighboring
components of O0 (since there were at least d − k edges of G without common
ends). These components comprise a good sublink of O0 . The theorem now
follows from Corollary 6.2.
Undoing a boundary link
Let B be a boundary link in M , and fix a surface Σ = ∪i Σi bounded by B .
We would like to present B by a trivial unimodular link bounding a collection
of discs, together with a Y–link, lacing it in a rather special way. Namely, we
will say that a Y–link b–laces the link B , and each of its components intersects
Σ in at most one point, which belongs to a trivial leaf. By the classification
of surfaces, we can assume that a surface Σi bounding each component is an
embedding of a connected sum of discs with two attached bands. Lemma 5.1
shows how such a disc with two (possibly linked and knotted) bands can be
obtained from a standard disc by surgery on a Y–graph b–lacing it:
A pair (O, G) consisting of a trivial link O and a Y–link G in M is called a
b–lacing pair, if G b–laces O for Σi = Di being discs bounding the components
of O. Exchanging pairs of bands to b–lacing Y–graphs (or vice versa) as above,
we obtain
Corollary 6.7 For any n–component boundary link B in a manifold M there
exists a b–lacing pair (O, G) such that surgery on G transforms O into B .
Conversly, for any b–lacing pair (O, G), surgery on G transforms O into a
boundary link.
We illustrate this construction on an example of a genus 2 surface bounding a
Geometry & Topology, Volume 5 (2001)
Calculus of clovers and finite type invariants of 3–manifolds
Remark 6.8 A presentation of a boundary link by a b–lacing pair (O, G)
encodes an information about the Seifert surface Σ of B and the Seifert form.
Indeed, each Y–graph Gi of G corresponds to a pair of bands, ie, to a handle
hi of Σ. The cores b2i−1 , b2i of these bands, being appropriately oriented and
closed in the disc in a standard way, comprise a preferred basis of H1 (Σ). This
observation allows one to deduce that the Seifert matrix is given by lk(bi , bj ) +
δi+1,j , where lk(bi , bj ) is the linking matrix of 2n non-trivial leaves of G. We
will investigate some applications of this construction in a future paper.
Corollary 6.9 The space Fnb is generated by all [S 3 , O, G], where (O, G) is
a b–lacing pair in S 3 and O has at least n components.
Proof By Corollary 6.7, Fnb is generated
G ,0 O], with G and O as
P by all [S|G
above. It remains to notice that SG = G0 ⊂G (−1) | [S 3 , G0 ], and that any
Y–sublink G0 of G also b–laces O.
The inclusion Fnb ⊂ F2n
Returning to the proof of Lemma 5.10 (and Lemmas 5.9, 4.4 used in it), we
notice that it may be restated for b–lacing pairs in M . Thus the following
modified version of Lemma 5.10 holds:
Lemma 6.10 Let (O, G) be a b–lacing pair in a manifold M with G of degree
d. Suppose that some disc Di bounding a component of O intersects G in just
one point. Suppose also that for any b–lacing pair (O, Γ) with Γ of degree
greater than d we have [M, O, Γ] = 0. Then 2[M, G] = 0.
We are ready to prove the last inclusion theorem.
Y ⊗ Z[1/2].
Theorem 6.11 For each integer n we have Fnb ⊂ F2n
Proof Let (O, G) be a b–lacing pair in S 3 such that O has at least n components. We will show by downward induction on the degree d of G that
Y ⊗ Z[1/2]. If d ≥ 2n, then obviously [S 3 , O, G] ∈ F Y . Induc[S 3 , O, G] ∈ F2n
tively suppose that the statement holds for any b–lacing pair (O, Γ) in S 3 with
Γ of degree greater than d.
If for some i the disc Di bounding a component of O does not intersect G,
Y and we are done. If for some i the disc
then obviously [S 3 , O, G] = 0 ∈ F2n
Geometry & Topology, Volume 5 (2001)
Garoufalidis, Goussarov and Polyak
Di intersects G in exactly one point, the statement follows from Lemma 6.10
(applicable by the induction assumption). We are left with the case when each
disc Di intersects G in at least two points. Since G b–laces O, these points
should belong to the leaves of different Y–graphs, which do not intersect any
other disc Dj , j 6= i. Therefore, G should have at least 2n components, and
the theorem follows.
Remark 6.12 The inclusion of Theorem 6.11 and its proof are valid not just
for ZHS, but for arbitrary 3–manifolds.
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