876 ICULTUR: R0014 COMPRESSIVE BUCKLING CURVES FOR SANDWICH CYLINDERS HAVING CRUCTROPIC FACINGS July 1960 No. 1876 This Report Is One of a Series Issued in Cooperation with the ANC-23 PANEL ON COMPOSITE CONSTRUCTION FOR FLIGHT VEHICLES of the Departments of the AIR FORCE, NAVY, AM) COMMERCE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE' FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY FOREST SERVICE MADISON 5 WISCONSIN In Cooperation with the University of Wisconsin COMPRESSIVE BUCKLING CURVES FOR SANDWICH 1 CYLINDERS HAVING ORTHOTROPIC FACINGS— By CHARLES B. NORRIS, Engineer and JOHN J. ZAHN, Engineer 2 Forest Products Laboratory, — Forest Service U. S. Department of Agriculture Abstract Design curves are presented for determining the axial buckling stress of sandwich cylinders having orthotropic facings and orthotropic cores. They apply particularly to sandwich having glass-fabric laminate facings and honeycomb cores. Sandwich constructions with isotropic cores are included. Introduction The derivation of the formulas for the buckling stress of axially loaded circular cylinders of sandwich construction is•given in Forest Products Laboratory Report No. 1830. 3 The formulas apply to sandwich -This progress report is one of a series (ANC-23, Item 58-1) prepared and distributed by the Forest Products Laboratory under U. S. Navy, Bureau of Aeronautics Order No. NAer 01974 and U.S. Air Force Contract No. DO 33(616) 58-1. Results reported here are preliminary and may be revised as additional data become available. 2 Maintained at Madison, Wis., in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin. 3 —March, H. W., and Kuenzi, Edward W. Buckling of Cylinders of Sandwich Construction in Axial Compression. Forest Products Labdratory Report No. 1830. Revised December 1957. Report No. 1876 constructions having similar orthotropic facings of unequal thicknesses and orthotropic cores. The natural axes of the orthotropic materials are parallel to or perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder. These formulas are simplified to apply to sandwich constructions having isotropic facings and orthotropic cores. Design curves are given that apply to isotropic cores and to orthotropic cores for which the moduli of rigidity associated with radial and axial directions and radial and tangential directions are related by the ratio 2. 5 or 0. 4. These ratios apply approximately to most honeycomb-core materials. In the present report the formulas of Report No. 1830 .3— are put in terms of three groups of the elastic properties of the orthotropic 4 facings. It is shown in Forest Products Laboratory Report No. 1867— that two of these groups have about the same values for all of the glassfabric laminates currently in use and that three values of the third group will suffice for the same laminates. Design curves are presented for sandwich cylinders having glass-fabric laminates of these types and honeycomb or isotropic cores. Mathematical Development The three groups of elastic properties of the facings are: Ex y g a (ryx X 1-txy =- V Ex Ey (3) 3 The nomenclature of Report 1830 — is used so that E x and Eyare the moduli of elasticity of the facings in the axial and tangential directions, ±Norris, Charles B. Compressive Buckling Curves for Simply Supported Sandwich Panels with Glass-Fabric Laminate Facings and Honeycomb Cores. Forest Products Laboratory Report No. 1867. December 1958. Report No. 1876 -2- !i is the modulus of rigidity associated with these directions, o- yx is xY the Poisson's ratio of the contraction in the x direction to extension in the y direction due to a tensile stress in the y direction, o- xy is similarly defined, and X = 1- oyxo-xy• It is required to express equation (79) of Report No. 1830 K - 64 9 y2 "Y ( 3 2 + (4) Y41) 3z2 3 3ZN11 in terms of cy, (3, and .1 and to minimize it with respect to y and z. To do this, Y2, y 3 , and y 4 , according to equations (80), (81), (82), and (86) of Report No. 18303, are expressed in these terms. Substituting equations (1), (2), and (3) into equations (80), (81), and (82) of Report 3 No. 1830- and letting 6 - 1-13 2 Y the following expressions are obtained: YI - 1 [ a 2 z4+ 1 + 4096a2 24 8a z 2 (az + 96) 24 8a z 2 + 81 24 34a z 2 (81az + 98) az 2 + 1 (a z 2 + 6) az .' + 1 24 8 2 4096a 16 V3 _ 4096a Report No. 1876 1+ 16a z 2 2 (az + 6) a z + 1 24 8a z 2 2 ' + 6) az + 1 -3- (5) 3 The expression for y 4 given by equation (86) of Report No. 1830 — d , and T 3 given by equations (57) and (83) of Report No. 1830— are used. These expressions are: remains unchanged if the proper expressions for d l, 2 2 = z E (3z x d 2 = z2Ex ) a a (6) d = E x 3 1 T 3 1 2 + ) [ (3 az 2 + 20) oz 2 + 3 cr and from equation (86) of Report No. 18303 T V 4 X f2) 32th2(f 1 I+ I (d d 1 d 2 ) T Ex2 rid i Sx 1 + Ez 2 1/47 lidsSy + (8) 1 2" (d i d 3 d 2 2 ) S S x y + Ex in which = f 1f2 f (c+ 2 f +f 2 1 1f Report No. 1876 -4- 2 Z 2, 3 3 f l 12 12 2 eflf2 Sx E x 3Xrhp.' zx f1 + £2 2 cf f l 2 S= y f 1 + f 23Xrhi' yz• Where f, f , and c are the thicknesses of the two facings and the core, 1 2 h is the thickness of the sandwich, r the radius of the cylinder, p t zx and p.' yz the moduli of rigidity of the core associated with the radial and axial and the radial and tangential directions. Equation (4) can now be written as: 2 K = 1 1 + 21 riM 3 (f+ f ) 1 + MeS x + M 5ri SxI 2 1 2 in which: M M M M 9y2 64 -62 2 3z 2 3 = 3 x 2 2 I f + — M 2 2 32 1 --y z` [(3ycy z = 1 4 S [7 ( 3 a z Report No. 1876 2 + 9 + 213y - 2 2 g ) az + 3y ,+ y) + 0 (3 + ya z 2) -5- 1 (-2z + 0) (9) M = M 5 0 31+ 0 Z2 S zx 0 = S r-- yz y x 3 Equation (9) is exactly the same as equation (93) of Report No. 1830 — but applies to sandwich having orthotropic facings as well as isotropic facings because of the more general expressions given for M 1 , M2, M 3 , M4 , and M 5 . This equation is to be minimized with respect to both y and z. It is conynient to proceed in a manner similar to that used in. Report No. 1830—. If the core has moduli of rigidity so great that the shear deformations in it may be neglected, S x becomes zero and equation (9)/becomes M1 K0 = — + 2 (I + If) (10) M 2 3\0.1 (f + f ) 1 2 This equation can readily by minimized with respect to Lo K = K0 '1 Thus, n- Where L o 1 2 (f and 0 1 minimized with respect to z M M )h 2 12 Then equation (9) may be written N- M 1Q1 L o 71, 21 3L0 Q 1 (1 + Q2) M2 M TIS 3x {2 1 + KI T'S + M 1 S 2 5 x x Report No. 1876 X +Q M 2 2 -6- Where N = KQ1 If Q=— 2 I and Values of N minimized with respect to and z are given by the curve sheets presented. Design Curves The critical buckling stress in the facings is given by: f '1 o E h xr (12) in which h is the thickness of the sandwich, r is the mean radius of the cylinder, and E is the modulus of elasticity of the x facings in the direction of the natural axis directed parallel to the axis of the cylinder. Values , of Q a re given by equation (119) of 1 3 Report No. 1830- or z Q 12X(1 - l 3 3c (f 1 - f2 )4 [1 h 3 Or, for facings of equal thickness, 3X, Q 1 c % 2 c +1 Where c is the thickness of the core, f 1 , and f are the thicknesses 2 of the facings, and X is one minus the product of the two Poisson's ratios of the facings (about 0.99 for the glass-fabric laminates considered in this , report4). Report No. 1876 -7- c Values of N are plotted in figures 1 to 9 against values of Sx and -for particular values of a, 0, y, and 0. These particular values were chosen because they apply to sandwich panels having glass— There are three values of a, fabric facings and honeycomb cores. 4 1. 5, 1. 0, and 0. 67; one value of 0, 0. 6; one value of y, 0. 2; and three values of 0, O. 4, 0. 1, and 2. 5. Values of the parameter S are given by: x 2cf f l 2 x fl f2 S - Ex 3 krhp.' zx where p' zx is the modulus of rigidity of the core associated with the radial and axial directions of the cylinder. Values of the parameter 0 are given by: = zx yz where p.' is the modulus of rigidity of the core associated with the yz radial and tangential directions of the cylinder. The values of L are associated with the values of a according to o the following tabulation: a 1. 50 1. 00 0. 67 Lo 0. 530 0.795 1. 193 In calculating the values of N, sandwich having facings of equal thickness was assumed; however, the curves can be used for sandwich having facings of unequal thickness with very little error. The abscissas of the curves in figures 1 to 9 are plotted to two scales, a large scale to the right and a small scale to the left. The two scales meet at an abscissa of unity and the large one overlaps Report No. 1876 -8- the small one so that some of the data from zero to unity are plotted twice, once to the large scale and once to the small scale. This was done so that more accurate values of N may be obtained in the range of S from zero to unity. Report No. 1876 -9- 1.5-19