2001-02 UNDERGRADUATE DECLARED MAJORS BY ETHNICITY (Three Quarter Average - Third Week Equivalent Headcount & Major Count) Major Count** Equivalent Headcount* Male ARTS % of Total Equivalent Total Headcount Campus 31.8 % 136.0 68.2 % 199.3 Pre-Art 59.3 27.2 % 159.0 72.8 % 218.3 7.3 11.3 % 57.5 88.7 % 64.8 219.0 65.2 % 116.7 34.8 % 335.7 Pre Film and Digital Media 0.3 33.3 % 0.7 66.7 % 1.0 Music 49.0 60.4 % 32.2 39.6 % 81.2 Theater Arts 29.2 32.1 % 61.7 67.9 % 90.8 427.5 43.1 % 563.7 56.9 % 991.2 ARTS Computer Engineering 99.0 91.0 % 9.8 9.0 % 108.8 187.9 79.4 % 48.8 20.6 % 236.7 Electrical Engineering 32.2 94.1 % 2.0 5.9 % 34.2 Information Systems Management 64.8 67.0 % 32.0 33.0 % 96.8 Computer Science Bioinformatics 2.7 45.7 % 3.2 54.3 % 5.8 386.6 80.1 % 95.8 19.9 % 482.4 American Studies 28.0 26.8 % 76.7 73.2 % 104.7 Classical Studies 1.5 26.5 % 4.2 73.5 % 5.7 5.3 ENGINEERING German Studies History Italian Studies Language Studies Linguistics Literature Philosophy Women's Studies HUMANITIES % of Major 63.3 Film and Digital Media HUMANITIES Female Art Art History ENGINEERING % of Major 1.0 18.8 % 4.3 81.3 % 104.8 52.4 % 95.2 47.6 % 200.0 0.7 10.8 % 5.5 89.2 % 6.2 13.7 20.6 % 52.8 79.4 % 66.5 34.0 15.0 44.1 % 19.0 55.9 % 147.9 34.6 % 279.3 65.4 % 427.2 56.8 68.9 % 25.7 31.1 % 82.5 1.0 1.3 % 76.0 98.7 % 77.0 370.4 36.7 % 638.7 63.3 % 1,009.1 Male % of Major ART Ar 69.0 30.7 % StPre-Ar 63.3 27.2 % 1.9 % Art t 8.7 12.4 % 0.6 % Histor Film and Digital y 233.0 64.8 % 2.9 % Medi Pre Film and Digital a 33.3 % 0.0 % Medi 0.3 Musi a 50.7 60.1 % 0.7 % Theater c 32.8 % 0.8 % Art 31.7 Sum ART s 8.5 % 456.7 42.7 % S: Computer ENGINEERIN 101.0 90.7 % 0.9 % Engineerin GComputer g 201.3 79.6 % 2.0 % Scienc Electrical e 33.3 94.3 % 0.3 % Engineerin Information Systems g 65.3 66.7 % 0.8 % Managemen Bioinformatic t 2.7 42.1 % 0.1 % s Sum ENGINEERIN 4.1 % 403.7 80.1 % G : American HUMANITIE 26.2 % 0.9 % Studie29.0 SClassical s 2.0 31.6 % 0.0 % Studie German s 14.3 % 0.0 % Studie 1.0 Histor s 115.7 52.1 % 1.7 % Italian y 10.5 % 0.1 % Studie 0.7 Language s 20.3 % 0.6 % Studie14.3 Linguistic s 16.0 44.0 % 0.3 % sLiteratur 161.7 34.8 % 3.7 % e Philosoph 69.0 68.1 % 0.7 % Women's y 1.1 % 0.7 % Studie 1.0 Sum HUMANITIE s 8.7 % 410.3 36.7 % S: 1.7 % Office of Institutional Research and Policy Studies, Data Source: UCSC Data Warehouse, 9/5/2003 *Double majors are counted as 0.5 for each major; triple majors are counted as 0.33 for each major; combined majors are counted 0.5 for each major. **Multiple majors are counted in each major. Total majors exceeds the number of students enrolled. Female % of Major Total Majors % of Total Campus 155.7 69.3 % 224.7 1.8 % 169.7 72.8 % 233.0 1.9 % 61.0 87.6 % 69.7 0.6 % 126.3 35.2 % 359.3 2.9 % 0.7 66.7 % 1.0 0.0 % 33.7 39.9 % 84.3 0.7 % 65.0 67.2 % 96.7 0.8 % 612.0 57.3 % 1,068.7 8.7 % 10.3 9.3 % 111.3 0.9 % 51.7 20.4 % 253.0 2.1 % 2.0 5.7 % 35.3 0.3 % 32.7 33.3 % 98.0 0.8 % 3.7 57.9 % 6.3 0.1 % 100.3 19.9 % 504.0 4.1 % 81.7 73.8 % 110.7 0.9 % 4.3 68.4 % 6.3 0.1 % 6.0 85.7 % 7.0 0.1 % 106.3 47.9 % 222.0 1.8 % 5.7 89.5 % 6.3 0.1 % 56.3 79.7 % 70.7 0.6 % 20.3 56.0 % 36.3 0.3 % 303.0 65.2 % 464.7 3.8 % 32.3 31.9 % 101.3 0.8 % 90.7 98.9 % 91.7 0.7 % 706.7 63.3 % 1,117.0 9.1 % Page 1 of 3 2001-02 UNDERGRADUATE DECLARED MAJORS BY ETHNICITY (Three Quarter Average - Third Week Equivalent Headcount & Major Count) Male PHYS & BIO SCIENCES % of Major Female Astronomy and Astrophysics Total % of Equivalent Total Headcount Campus 0.7 100.0 % 0.7 Biochemistry and Molecular Bio 41.8 51.1 % 40.0 48.9 % 81.8 Biology 13.8 30.2 % 32.0 69.8 % 45.8 Pre-Biology 66.2 28.2 % 168.2 71.8 % 234.3 Chemistry 29.8 47.5 % 33.0 52.5 % 62.8 Earth Sciences 41.2 62.2 % 25.0 37.8 % 66.2 5.0 25.9 % 14.3 74.1 % 19.3 Marine Biology 21.2 28.2 % 53.8 71.8 % 75.0 Mathematics 49.2 49.9 % 49.3 50.1 % 98.5 Molec, Cell, and Devel Biology 33.3 32.8 % 68.2 67.2 % 101.5 Physics 52.7 69.6 % 23.0 30.4 % 75.7 7.5 60.0 % 12.5 Ecology and Evolution Psychobiology 5.0 40.0 % Astrophysics 4.8 100.0 % Earth Sciences/Anthropology 1.0 50.0 % 1.0 50.0 % 2.0 Neuroscience and Behavior 1.7 71.4 % 0.7 28.6 % 2.3 1.5 100.0 % 1.5 518.2 58.6 % 884.8 Plant Sciences PHYS & BIO SCIENCES % of Major 366.7 41.4 % 4.8 Male % of Major Female PHYS Astronomy & BIOand SCIENCE Astrophysic Biochemistry and Molecular0.7 43.3 51.8 % 40.3 0.7 % Ss Bi Biolog o 16.0 31.0 % 35.7 0.4 % yPre-Biolog 67.7 28.1 % 173.0 2.0 % y Chemistr 31.7 48.0 % 34.3 0.5 % Earth y 42.7 62.1 % 26.0 0.6 % Science and Ecology s 23.8 % 16.0 0.2 % Evolutio Marine 5.0 n 27.7 % 56.7 0.6 % Biolog21.7 Mathematic y 60.7 53.1Devel % 53.7 0.8 % Molec, Cell, and s 36.0 33.5 % 71.3 0.9 % Biolog Physic y 58.7 71.3 % 23.7 0.6 % sPsychobiolog 5.0 39.5 % 7.7 0.1 % y Astrophysic 5.0 100.0 % 0.0 % Earth s 2.0 50.0 2.0 0.0 % Sciences/Anthropolog Neuroscience and% y 71.4 % 0.7 0.0 % Behavio Plant 1.7 r 2.0 0.0 % PHYS Science & BIO Sum s 397.0 42.2 % 543.7 7.6 % SCIENCE : S 0.0 % Office of Institutional Research and Policy Studies, Data Source: UCSC Data Warehouse, 9/5/2003 *Double majors are counted as 0.5 for each major; triple majors are counted as 0.33 for each major; combined majors are counted 0.5 for each major. **Multiple majors are counted in each major. Total majors exceeds the number of students enrolled. % of Major Total Majors % of Total Campus 100.0 % 0.7 0.0 % 48.2 % 83.7 0.7 % 69.0 % 51.7 0.4 % 71.9 % 240.7 2.0 % 52.0 % 66.0 0.5 % 37.9 % 68.7 0.6 % 76.2 % 21.0 0.2 % 72.3 % 78.3 0.6 % 46.9 % 114.3 0.9 % 66.5 % 107.3 0.9 % 28.7 % 82.3 0.7 % 60.5 % 12.7 0.1 % 5.0 0.0 % 50.0 % 4.0 0.0 % 28.6 % 2.3 0.0 % 100.0 % 2.0 0.0 % 940.7 7.7 % 57.8 % Page 2 of 3 2001-02 UNDERGRADUATE DECLARED MAJORS BY ETHNICITY (Three Quarter Average - Third Week Equivalent Headcount & Major Count) Male SOCIAL SCIENCES Anthropology Female 139.2 71.4 % 194.8 211.0 53.4 % 183.8 46.6 % 394.8 Community Studies 38.3 23.4 % 125.7 76.6 % 164.0 Economics 46.2 62.8 % 27.3 37.2 % 73.5 Environmental Stud/Earth Sci 8.0 57.1 % 6.0 42.9 % 14.0 Environmental Stud/Economics 9.2 56.7 % 7.0 43.3 % 16.2 95.3 35.5 % 173.0 64.5 % 268.3 Environmental Studies/Biology 3.3 29.4 % 8.0 70.6 % 11.3 Global Economics 21.2 37.1 % 35.8 62.9 % 57.0 Latin American and Latino Studies 16.0 27.1 % 43.0 72.9 % 59.0 Latin Amer/Latino-Global Econ 2.3 50.0 % 2.3 50.0 % 4.7 Latin Amer/Latino Stud-Econ 0.3 12.5 % 2.3 87.5 % 2.7 Latin Am/Latino Stud-Politics 1.0 17.6 % 4.7 82.4 % 5.7 Legal Studies 44.3 41.0 % 63.7 59.0 % 108.0 Politics 89.5 44.2 % 113.0 55.8 % 202.5 Psychology Pre-Psychology Sociology SOCIAL SCIENCES 96.9 24.4 % 299.7 75.6 % 396.6 167.7 24.7 % 511.5 75.3 % 679.2 71.7 27.4 % 190.2 72.6 % 261.8 977.9 33.6 % 1,936.2 66.4 % 2,914.1 1.0 100.0 % 1.0 1.0 100.0 % 1.0 East Asian Studies INTERDISCIPLINARY Individual Studies INDIVIDUAL STUDIES LIMITED Limited Status LIMITED UNDECLARED Undeclared UNDECLARED Prop Electrical Engineering Prop Electrical Engineering University Total Total % of Equivalent Total Headcount Campus 28.6 % Environmental Studies INDIVIDUAL STUDIES % of Major 55.7 Business Management Economics INTERDISCIPLINARY % of Major Prop Electrical Engineering 7.8 28.8 % 19.3 71.2 % 27.2 7.8 28.8 % 19.3 71.2 % 27.2 0.7 16.7 % 3.3 83.3 % 4.0 0.7 16.7 % 3.3 83.3 % 4.0 2,471.5 46.7 % 2,818.2 53.3 % 5,289.7 2,471.5 46.7 % 2,818.2 53.3 % 5,289.7 43.7 92.9 % 3.3 7.1 % 47.0 43.7 92.9 % 3.3 7.1 % 47.0 5,052.7 43.4 % 6,597.7 56.6 % 11,650.3 Male % of Major Female SOCIAL Anthropolog 62.0 29.2 % 150.3 SCIENCE yBusiness Management 220.7 53.5 % 191.7 3.4 % SCommunity Economic s 22.7 % 140.0 1.4 % Studie41.0 Economic s 57.0 62.4 % 34.3 0.6 % Environmental Stud/Earth s 16.0 57.1 % 12.0 0.1 % Sc Environmental iStud/Economic 19.3 58.0 % 14.0 0.1 % Environmental s 102.0 34.5 % 194.0 2.3 % Studie Environmental s 28.6 % 16.7 0.1 % Studies/Biolog Global 6.7 y 23.3 38.3 % Latino37.7 0.5 % Economic Latin American and sStudie18.3 26.8 % 50.0 0.5 % Latin Amer/Latino-Global s 4.7 50.0 % 4.7 0.0 % Eco Latin Amer/Latino n 0.7 12.5 % 4.7 0.0 % Stud-Eco Latin Am/Latino n 17.6 % 9.3 0.0 % Stud-Politic Legal 2.0 sStudie53.7 41.5 % 75.7 0.9 % Politic s 101.7 43.9 % 129.7 1.7 % sPsycholog 109.0 25.4 % 319.3 3.4 % y Pre-Psycholog 172.0 24.8 % 521.0 5.8 % ySociolog 75.0 27.2 % 200.3 2.2 % SOCIAL y Sum 1,085.0 34.0 % 2,105.3 25.0 % SCIENCE : SEast Asian 0.0 % INTERDISCIPLINAR 1.0 Studie Y Sum INTERDISCIPLINAR s 0.0 % 1.0 Y: INDIVIDUAL Individual 0.2 % STUDIE 27.7 % 22.7 Studie 8.7 INDIVIDUAL Sum S s 0.2 % STUDIE8.7 27.7 % 22.7 : SLimited 0.0 % LIMITE 16.7 % 3.3 Statu 0.7 D Sum LIMITE s 0.0 % 0.7 16.7 % 3.3 D : Undeclare 45.4 % UNDECLARE 2,499.3 46.6 % 2,862.0 D d Sum UNDECLARE 45.4 % 2,499.3 46.6 % 2,862.0 D : Prop PropElectrical Electrical 0.4 % Engineerin 43.7 92.9 % 3.3 Engineerin Prop Electrical Sum g g 0.4 % 43.7 92.9 % 3.3 Engineerin : g Sum 100 % 5,305.0 43.3 % 6,960.3 : 1.7 % Office of Institutional Research and Policy Studies, Data Source: UCSC Data Warehouse, 9/5/2003 *Double majors are counted as 0.5 for each major; triple majors are counted as 0.33 for each major; combined majors are counted 0.5 for each major. **Multiple majors are counted in each major. Total majors exceeds the number of students enrolled. % of Major Total Majors % of Total Campus 70.8 % 212.3 1.7 % 46.5 % 412.3 3.4 % 77.3 % 181.0 1.5 % 37.6 % 91.3 0.7 % 42.9 % 28.0 0.2 % 42.0 % 33.3 0.3 % 65.5 % 296.0 2.4 % 71.4 % 23.3 0.2 % 61.7 % 61.0 0.5 % 73.2 % 68.3 0.6 % 50.0 % 9.3 0.1 % 87.5 % 5.3 0.0 % 82.4 % 11.3 0.1 % 58.5 % 129.3 1.1 % 56.1 % 231.3 1.9 % 74.6 % 428.3 3.5 % 75.2 % 693.0 5.7 % 72.8 % 275.3 2.2 % 66.0 % 3,190.3 26.0 % 100.0 % 1.0 0.0 % 100.0 % 1.0 0.0 % 72.3 % 31.3 0.3 % 72.3 % 31.3 0.3 % 83.3 % 4.0 0.0 % 83.3 % 4.0 0.0 % 53.4 % 5,361.3 43.7 % 53.4 % 5,361.3 43.7 % 7.1 % 47.0 0.4 % 7.1 % 47.0 0.4 % 12,265.3 100 % 56.7 % Page 3 of 3 2001-02 GRADUATE MAJORS BY ETHNICITY (Three Quarter Average - Third Week Equivalent Headcount) Male ARTS % of Unit Female % of Unit % of Total Male Total % of Total Female Music 8.7 48.1 % 9.3 51.9 % 18.0 1.7 % 1.6 % Theater Arts 6.3 57.6 % 4.7 42.4 % 11.0 1.2 % 0.8 % ARTS Subtotal 15.0 51.7 % 14.0 48.3 % 29.0 2.9 % 2.4 % ENGINEERING Computer Engineering 55.7 74.2 % 19.3 25.8 % 75.0 10.8 % 3.3 % Computer Science 71.3 72.5 % 27.0 27.5 % 98.3 13.8 % 4.6 % 127.0 73.3 % 46.3 26.7 % 173.3 24.6 % 8.0 % History 12.0 39.1 % 18.7 60.9 % 30.7 2.3 % 3.2 % History of Consciousness 12.7 25.2 % 37.7 74.8 % 50.3 2.5 % 6.5 % Linguistics 15.0 60.8 % 9.7 39.2 % 24.7 2.9 % 1.7 % Literature 16.3 26.6 % 45.0 73.4 % 61.3 3.2 % 7.7 % 4.7 82.4 % 1.0 17.6 % 5.7 0.9 % 0.2 % 112.0 64.9 % 172.7 ENGINEERING Subtotal HUMANITIES Philosophy HUMANITIES Subtotal 60.7 35.1 % PHYS & BIO SCIENCES Astronomy and Astrophysics 14.7 66.7 % 7.3 33.3 % 22.0 2.8 % 1.3 % Biology 32.3 36.9 % 55.3 63.1 % 87.7 6.3 % 9.5 % Chemistry 42.3 58.3 % 30.3 41.7 % 72.7 8.2 % 5.2 % Earth Sciences 23.7 50.4 % 23.3 49.6 % 47.0 4.6 % 4.0 % Environmental Toxicology 3.7 55.0 % 3.0 45.0 % 6.7 0.7 % 0.5 % Marine Sciences 2.3 20.6 % 9.0 79.4 % 11.3 0.5 % 1.5 % 26.7 74.8 % 9.0 25.2 % 35.7 5.2 % 1.5 % 5.3 30.8 % 12.0 69.2 % 17.3 1.0 % 2.1 % 33.0 70.7 % 13.7 29.3 % 46.7 6.4 % 2.4 % 5.0 25.0 % 15.0 75.0 % 20.0 1.0 % 2.6 % 189.0 51.5 % 178.0 48.5 % 367.0 28.0 72.4 % 38.7 2.1 % 4.8 % 2.3 % 0.9 % Mathematics Ocean Sciences Physics Science Communication 11.7 % 19.3 % PHYS & BIO SCIENCES Subtotal SOCIAL SCIENCES Anthropology 10.7 27.6 % Applied Economics and Finance 12.0 69.2 % 5.3 30.8 % 17.3 Education 26.7 22.8 % 90.3 77.2 % 117.0 Environmental Studies 22.3 50.8 % 21.7 49.2 % 44.0 4.3 % 3.7 % International Economics 23.7 61.7 % 14.7 38.3 % 38.3 4.6 % 2.5 % Politics SOCIAL SCIENCES 36.6 % 30.6 % 5.2 % 15.5 % 5.7 50.0 % 5.7 50.0 % 11.3 1.1 % 1.0 % Psychology 12.7 25.3 % 37.3 74.7 % 50.0 2.5 % 6.4 % Sociology 11.7 29.7 % 27.7 70.3 % 39.3 2.3 % 4.8 % 125.3 35.2 % 230.7 64.8 % 356.0 517.0 47.1 % 581.0 52.9 % 1,098.0 Subtotal University Total Office of Institutional Research and Policy Studies, 9/5/2003 Data Source: UCSC Data Warehouse 24.2 % 39.7 % 100 % 100 % Page 1 of 1