FALL - 2002 UNDERGRADUATE DECLARED MAJORS BY GENDER (Third Week Equivalent Headcount & Major Count) Major Count** Equivalent Headcount* Male ARTS Total % of Equivalent Total Headcount Campus 28.4 % 120.0 71.6 % 167.5 Pre-Art 51.5 26.9 % 140.0 73.1 % 191.5 Art History 14.5 20.6 % 56.0 79.4 % 70.5 217.0 66.8 % 108.0 33.2 % 325.0 1.0 66.7 % 0.5 33.3 % 1.5 Music 45.0 62.1 % 27.5 37.9 % 72.5 Theater Arts 27.0 30.2 % 62.5 69.8 % 89.5 403.5 44.0 % 514.5 56.0 % 918.0 5.5 47.8 % 6.0 52.2 % 11.5 Computer Engineering 105.5 90.2 % 11.5 9.8 % 117.0 Computer Science 187.3 84.6 % 34.0 15.4 % 221.3 Electrical Engineering 32.0 94.1 % 2.0 5.9 % 34.0 Information Systems Management 63.0 70.8 % 26.0 29.2 % 89.0 393.3 83.2 % 79.5 16.8 % 472.8 American Studies 33.5 31.8 % 72.0 68.2 % 105.5 Classical Studies 1.3 19.5 % 5.5 80.5 % 6.8 German Studies 0.5 9.1 % 5.0 90.9 % 5.5 109.0 48.8 % 114.5 51.2 % 223.5 1.0 13.3 % 6.5 86.7 % 7.5 Language Studies 11.0 18.0 % 50.0 82.0 % 61.0 Linguistics 13.0 38.8 % 20.5 61.2 % 33.5 142.3 34.7 % 268.0 65.3 % 410.3 65.5 64.9 % 35.5 35.1 % 101.0 0.5 0.8 % 65.5 99.2 % 66.0 377.7 37.0 % 643.0 63.0 % 1,020.7 ARTS Bioinformatics ENGINEERING History Italian Studies Literature Philosophy Women's Studies HUMANITIES % of Major 47.5 Pre-Film and Digital Media HUMANITIES Female Art Film and Digital Media ENGINEERING % of Major Male % of Major ART Ar 55 28.6 % StPre-Ar 56 27.1 % 1.5 % Art t 17 21.8 % 0.5 % Histor Film and Digital y 232 66.7 % 2.5 % Medi Pre-Film and Digital a 1 50.0 % 0.0 % Medi Musi a 46 61.3 % 0.6 % Theater c 29 30.5 % 0.7 % Art Sum ART s 7.1 % 436 43.7 % S: ENGINEERIN Bioinformatic 6 50.0 % 0.1 % GComputer s 110 90.2 % 0.9 % Engineerin Computer g 199 84.3 % 1.7 % Scienc Electrical e 33 94.3 % 0.3 % Engineerin Information Systems g 63 70.8 % 0.7 % Managemen Sum ENGINEERIN t 411 83.2 % 3.7 % G : American 0.8 % HUMANITIE 30.1 % Studie 34 SClassical sStudie 2 0.1 % 25.0 % German s 0.0 % 14.3 % Studie 1 Histor s 1.7 % 120 49.6 % Italian y 0.1 % 1 12.5 % Studie Language sStudie 12 0.5 % 18.2 % Linguistic s 0.3 % 14 38.9 % sLiteratur 3.2 % 154 34.5 % e Philosoph 0.8 % 75 63.0 % Women's y 0.5 % 1.3 % Studie 1 Sum HUMANITIE s 7.9 % 414 36.8 % S: 1.3 % Office of Institutional Research and Policy Studies, Data Source: UCSC Data Warehouse, 6/30/2003 *Double majors are counted as 0.5 for each major; triple majors are counted as 0.33 for each major; combined majors are counted 0.5 for each major. **Multiple majors are counted in each major. Total majors exceeds the number of students enrolled. % of Major Female Total Majors % of Total Campus 137 71.4 % 192 1.4 % 151 72.9 % 207 1.5 % 61 78.2 % 78 0.6 % 116 33.3 % 348 2.6 % 1 50.0 % 2 0.0 % 29 38.7 % 75 0.6 % 66 69.5 % 95 0.7 % 561 56.3 % 997 7.4 % 6 50.0 % 12 0.1 % 12 9.8 % 122 0.9 % 37 15.7 % 236 1.8 % 2 5.7 % 35 0.3 % 26 29.2 % 89 0.7 % 83 16.8 % 494 3.7 % 79 69.9 % 113 0.8 % 6 75.0 % 8 0.1 % 6 85.7 % 7 0.1 % 122 50.4 % 242 1.8 % 7 87.5 % 8 0.1 % 54 81.8 % 66 0.5 % 22 61.1 % 36 0.3 % 293 65.5 % 447 3.3 % 44 37.0 % 119 0.9 % 78 98.7 % 79 0.6 % 711 63.2 % 1,125 8.4 % Page 1 of 3 FALL - 2002 UNDERGRADUATE DECLARED MAJORS BY GENDER (Third Week Equivalent Headcount & Major Count) Male PHYS & BIO SCIENCES % of Major Female 10.5 87.5 % 1.5 12.5 % 12.0 Biochemistry and Molecular Bio 38.0 50.7 % 37.0 49.3 % 75.0 Biology 18.5 34.6 % 35.0 65.4 % 53.5 Pre-Biology 76.0 29.5 % 182.0 70.5 % 258.0 Chemistry 22.0 46.3 % 25.5 53.7 % 47.5 Earth Sciences 40.0 60.6 % 26.0 39.4 % 66.0 3.0 50.0 % 3.0 50.0 % 6.0 Ecology and Evolution 13.0 53.1 % 11.5 46.9 % 24.5 Marine Biology 24.5 30.2 % 56.5 69.8 % 81.0 Mathematics 45.3 56.1 % 35.5 43.9 % 80.8 Molec, Cell, and Devel Biology 27.0 32.3 % 56.5 67.7 % 83.5 5.0 55.6 % 4.0 44.4 % 9.0 52.8 74.1 % 18.5 25.9 % 71.3 4.5 100.0 % 4.5 Neuroscience and Behavior Physics Plant Sciences Psychobiology PHYS & BIO SCIENCES Anthropology 3.0 42.9 % 4.0 57.1 % 7.0 378.7 43.0 % 501.0 57.0 % 879.7 60.5 27.4 % 160.0 72.6 % 220.5 248.0 56.2 % 193.0 43.8 % 441.0 Community Studies 32.5 22.7 % 110.5 77.3 % 143.0 Economics 39.0 56.1 % 30.5 43.9 % 69.5 0.5 100.0 % 0.5 Environmental Stud/Earth Sci 7.0 53.8 % 6.0 46.2 % 13.0 Environmental Stud/Economics 8.5 68.0 % 4.0 32.0 % 12.5 94.5 38.3 % 152.5 61.7 % 247.0 Business Management Economics Education Environmental Studies Environmental Studies/Biology 3.0 60.0 % 2.0 40.0 % 5.0 28.5 48.3 % 30.5 51.7 % 59.0 Latin American and Latino Stud 8.0 15.1 % 45.0 84.9 % 53.0 Latin Amer/Latino-Global Econ 2.0 40.0 % 3.0 60.0 % 5.0 Latin Amer/Latino Stud-Econ 1.0 50.0 % 1.0 50.0 % 2.0 Latin Am/Latino Stud-Politics 1.0 12.5 % 7.0 87.5 % 8.0 39.0 40.8 % 56.5 59.2 % 95.5 101.0 47.0 % 114.0 53.0 % 215.0 Global Economics Legal Studies Politics Legal Studies - Politics Psychology Pre-Psychology Sociology SOCIAL SCIENCES Total % of Equivalent Total Headcount Campus Astrophysics Earth Sciences/Anthropology SOCIAL SCIENCES % of Major 1.0 100.0 % 71.8 22.3 % 250.0 77.7 % 321.8 1.0 148.0 27.5 % 390.0 72.5 % 538.0 78.0 27.9 % 202.0 72.1 % 280.0 972.3 35.6 % 1,758.0 64.4 % 2,730.3 Male % of Major Female PHYS & BIO Astrophysic 11 84.6 Molecular % 2 SCIENCE Biochemistry and s S 38 50.0 % 38 0.6 % Bi Biolog o 20 34.5 % 38 0.4 % yPre-Biolog 79 29.9 % 185 2.0 % yChemistr 23 46.0 % 27 0.4 % Earth y 60.0 % 28 0.5 % Science Earth 42 sSciences/Anthropolog 6 50.0 % 6 0.0 % Ecology and y 51.9 % 13 0.2 % Evolutio Marine 14 n 30.6 % 59 0.6 % Biolog 26 Mathematic y 58 and 59.2Devel % 40 0.6 % Molec, Cell, s 28 32.6 % 58 0.7 % Biolog Neuroscience and y 55.6 % 4 0.1 % Behavio 5 Physic r 59 74.7 % 20 0.6 % Plant s 6 0.0 % Science Psychobiolog s 3 42.9 % 4 0.1 % PHYS & BIO y Sum 412 43.8 % 528 6.8 % SCIENCE : S SOCIAL Anthropolog 1.7 % SCIENCE 68Management 28.0 % 175 Business y 3.4 % SEconomic 262 56.6 % 201 Community sStudie 35 1.1 % 22.3 % 122 Economic s 0.5 % 50 57.5 % 37 sEducatio 0.0 % Environmental Stud/Earth 1 n 0.1 % 14 53.8 % 12 Sc Environmental iStud/Economic 0.1 % 18 69.2 % 8 Environmental s 1.9 % 103 37.6 % 171 Studie Environmental s 0.0 % 60.0 % 4 Studies/Biolog Global 6 yEconomic 0.5 % 30 47.6 % Latino 33 Latin American and sStu 0.4 % 10 15.6 % 54 Latin Amer/Latino-Global d 0.0 % 4 40.0 % 6 Eco Latin Amer/Latino n 0.0 % 2 50.0 % 2 Stud-Eco Latin Am/Latino n 0.1 % 12.5 % 14 Stud-Politic Legal 2 sStudie 49 0.7 % 41.2 % 70 Politic s 1.7 % 116 46.6 133 Legal Studies - % s 0.0 % Politic 1 100.0 % Psycholog s 2.5 % 79 22.6 % 271 yPre-Psycholog 4.2 % 153 27.7 % 400 ySociolog 2.2 % 84 28.6 % 210 SOCIAL y Sum 21.3 % SCIENCE 1,086 36.1 % 1,924 : S 0.1 % Office of Institutional Research and Policy Studies, Data Source: UCSC Data Warehouse, 6/30/2003 *Double majors are counted as 0.5 for each major; triple majors are counted as 0.33 for each major; combined majors are counted 0.5 for each major. **Multiple majors are counted in each major. Total majors exceeds the number of students enrolled. % of Major Total Majors % of Total Campus 15.4 % 13 0.1 % 50.0 % 76 0.6 % 65.5 % 58 0.4 % 70.1 % 264 2.0 % 54.0 % 50 0.4 % 40.0 % 70 0.5 % 50.0 % 12 0.1 % 48.1 % 27 0.2 % 69.4 % 85 0.6 % 40.8 % 98 0.7 % 67.4 % 86 0.6 % 44.4 % 9 0.1 % 25.3 % 79 0.6 % 100.0 % 6 0.0 % 57.1 % 7 0.1 % 56.2 % 940 7.0 % 72.0 % 243 1.8 % 43.4 % 463 3.4 % 77.7 % 157 1.2 % 42.5 % 87 0.6 % 100.0 % 1 0.0 % 46.2 % 26 0.2 % 30.8 % 26 0.2 % 62.4 % 274 2.0 % 40.0 % 10 0.1 % 52.4 % 63 0.5 % 84.4 % 64 0.5 % 60.0 % 10 0.1 % 50.0 % 4 0.0 % 87.5 % 16 0.1 % 58.8 % 119 0.9 % 53.4 % 249 1.9 % 1 0.0 % 77.4 % 350 2.6 % 72.3 % 553 4.1 % 71.4 % 294 2.2 % 63.9 % 3,010 22.4 % Page 2 of 3 FALL - 2002 UNDERGRADUATE DECLARED MAJORS BY GENDER (Third Week Equivalent Headcount & Major Count) Male INDIVIDUAL STUDIES Individual Studies INDIVIDUAL STUDIES LIMITED Limited Status LIMITED UNDECLARED Undeclared % of Major Female % of Major Total % of Equivalent Total Headcount Campus 6.5 25.5 % 19.0 74.5 % 25.5 6.5 25.5 % 19.0 74.5 % 25.5 3.0 50.0 % 3.0 50.0 % 6.0 3.0 50.0 % 3.0 50.0 % 6.0 3,105.0 45.7 % 3,687.0 54.3 % 6,792.0 UNDECLARED 3,105.0 45.7 % 3,687.0 54.3 % 6,792.0 University Total 5,640.0 43.9 % 7,205.0 56.1 % 12,845.0 Male % of Major INDIVIDUAL Individual 24.1 % STUDIE Studie 7 INDIVIDUAL Sum S s 24.1 % 0.2 % STUDIE 7 : SLimited 0.0 % LIMITE 3 50.0 % Statu D Sum LIMITE s 0.0 % 3 50.0 % D : Undeclare 52.9 % UNDECLARE 3,130 45.7 % D d Sum UNDECLARE 52.9 % 3,130 45.7 % D : Sum 100 % 5,899 43.9 % : 0.2 % Office of Institutional Research and Policy Studies, Data Source: UCSC Data Warehouse, 6/30/2003 *Double majors are counted as 0.5 for each major; triple majors are counted as 0.33 for each major; combined majors are counted 0.5 for each major. **Multiple majors are counted in each major. Total majors exceeds the number of students enrolled. % of Major Female Total Majors % of Total Campus 22 75.9 % 29 0.2 % 22 75.9 % 29 0.2 % 3 50.0 % 6 0.0 % 3 50.0 % 6 0.0 % 3,714 54.3 % 6,844 50.9 % 3,714 54.3 % 6,844 50.9 % 7,546 56.1 % 13,445 100 % Page 3 of 3 FALL - 2002 GRADUATE MAJORS BY GENDER (Third Week Equivalent Headcount) Male ARTS % of Total Male Total % of Total Female 9 50.0 % 9 50.0 % 18 1.6 % 1.3 % 6 40.0 % 9 60.0 % 15 1.0 % 1.3 % 15 45.5 % 18 54.5 % 33 2.6 % 2.6 % Computer Engineering 51 71.8 % 20 28.2 % 71 8.8 % 2.9 % Computer Science 82 70.7 % 34 29.3 % 116 14.1 % 4.9 % Electrical Engineering 21 77.8 % 6 22.2 % 27 3.6 % 0.9 % 154 72.0 % 60 28.0 % 214 26.6 % 8.6 % History 14 41.2 % 20 58.8 % 34 2.4 % 2.9 % History of Consciousness 14 24.6 % 43 75.4 % 57 2.4 % 6.2 % Linguistics 13 54.2 % 11 45.8 % 24 2.2 % 1.6 % Literature 20 25.3 % 59 74.7 % 79 3.4 % 8.5 % 5 62.5 % 3 37.5 % 8 0.9 % 0.4 % 66 32.7 % 136 67.3 % 202 Astronomy and Astrophysics 17 70.8 % 7 29.2 % 24 2.9 % 1.0 % Biology 42 38.2 % 68 61.8 % 110 7.2 % 9.8 % Chemistry 44 57.9 % 32 42.1 % 76 7.6 % 4.6 % Earth Sciences Philosophy HUMANITIES PHYS & BIO SCIENCES % of Unit Theater Arts ENGINEERING HUMANITIES Female Music ARTS ENGINEERING % of Unit 11.4 % 19.5 % 25 48.1 % 27 51.9 % 52 4.3 % 3.9 % Environmental Toxicology 3 33.3 % 6 66.7 % 9 0.5 % 0.9 % Marine Sciences 2 18.2 % 9 81.8 % 11 0.3 % 1.3 % 30 76.9 % 9 23.1 % 39 5.2 % 1.3 % Mathematics Ocean Sciences 5 20.8 % 19 79.2 % 24 0.9 % 2.7 % 37 69.8 % 16 30.2 % 53 6.4 % 2.3 % 2 9.5 % 19 90.5 % 21 0.3 % 2.7 % 207 49.4 % 212 50.6 % 419 Anthropology 11 25.0 % 33 75.0 % 44 1.9 % 4.7 % Applied Economics and Finance 11 52.4 % 10 47.6 % 21 1.9 % 1.4 % Education 31 22.6 % 106 77.4 % 137 Environmental Studies 23 50.0 % 23 50.0 % 46 4.0 % 3.3 % International Economics 24 61.5 % 15 38.5 % 39 4.1 % 2.2 % 8 44.4 % 10 55.6 % 18 1.4 % 1.4 % Psychology 14 25.0 % 42 75.0 % 56 2.4 % 6.0 % Sociology 16 33.3 % 32 66.7 % 48 2.8 % 4.6 % SOCIAL SCIENCES 138 33.7 % 271 66.3 % 409 University Total 580 45.4 % 697 54.6 % 1,277 Physics Science Communication PHYS & BIO SCIENCES SOCIAL SCIENCES Politics Office of Institutional Research and Policy Studies, 6/30/2003 Data Source: UCSC Data Warehouse 35.7 % 30.4 % 5.3 % 15.2 % 23.8 % 38.9 % 100 % 100 % Page 1 of 1