AN EFFICIENT GRAPH ALGORITHM FOR DOMINANCE CONSTRAINTS∗ ERNST ALTHAUS† , DENYS DUCHIER‡ , ALEXANDER KOLLER§ , KURT MEHLHORN† , JOACHIM NIEHREN‡ , AND SVEN THIEL† Abstract. Dominance constraints are logical descriptions of trees that are widely used in computational linguistics. Their general satisfiability problem is known to be NP-complete. Here we identify normal dominance constraints and present an efficient graph algorithm for testing their satisfiablity in deterministic polynomial time. Previously, no polynomial time algorithm was known. 1. Introduction. The dominance relation of a tree is the ancestor relation between its nodes. Dominance constraints are logical descriptions of trees talking about the dominance relation. Dominance based tree descriptions were first used in automata theory in the sixties [TW67], rediscovered in computational linguistics in the early eighties [MHF83], and investigated from a logical point of view in the early nineties [BRVS95]. Since then, they have found numerous applications in computational linguistics: they have been used for grammar formalisms [VS92, RVSW95, DT99, Per00], in natural language semantics [Mus95, ENRX98], and for discourse analysis [GW98]. The two most important computational tasks for dominance constraints are satisfiability testing – does the constraint describe a tree? – and enumerating solutions, i.e. the described trees. But as shown recently [KNT01], testing satisfiability is an NP-complete problem. Earlier attempts at processing dominance constraints [Cor94, VSWR95, DN00] all suffer from this fact. This has shed doubt on their practical usefulness. In this article, we identify normal dominance constraints, a natural subclass of dominance constraints whose restrictions should be unproblematic for many applications. We present an efficient graph algorithm that decides satisfiability of normal dominance constraints in deterministic polynomial time. Previously, no polynomial time algorithm was known. We derive the graph algorithm for testing satisfiability as follows. First, we introduce dominance graphs and define their configuration problem (investigated in [ADK+ 01]). Second, we show that the configurability of dominance graphs is linear time equivalent to the satisfiability of normal dominance constraints (first shown in [KMN00]). Third, we characterize the configurability of dominance graphs as the absence of certain cycles, which we finally test for by reduction to a matching problem. We also discuss how to use the efficient satisfiability test to enumerate solutions. We apply a choice rule exhaustively while checking for satisfiability after each step. Both procedures have been implemented in C++ using the LEDA library [MN99] and applied to scope ambiguities in natural language semantics in the CLLS framework [ENRX98, EKN01, EKN02]. ∗ This article joins the results from two conference publications [ADK+ 01] and [KMN00]. The authors are partially supported by the IST Programme of the EU under contract number IST1999-14186 (ALCOM-FT), and by the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 378 of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. † Max-Planck-Institute for Computer Science, Saarbrücken, Germany ‡ Programming Systems Lab, Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany § Department of Computational Linguistics, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany 1 ∀x • → • linguist • ∃2 y • ∧ • lang • • x • • y • speak • x • y • Fig. 2.1. A simple dominance constraint. ∀x • ∃2 y • → • linguist • ∧ • lang • ∃2 y • x • lang • y • ∧ • speak • x • y • ∀x • y • linguist • x • → • speak • x • y • Fig. 2.2. Readings represented by the constraint in Fig. 2.1. To complement our results, we finally investigate a close variant of the configuration problem of dominance graphs where closed leaves are permitted in addition. This variant is more general but also relevant for applications in computational linguistics [Bos96, CFS97]. We show that configurability is already NP-complete for the more general dominance graphs. Nevertheless, the presented algorithms can still help to solve this alternative problem more efficiently. Plan of the paper. The first part of the paper introduces dominance constraints: We motivate using them in computational linguistics in Section 2; then we define them in Section 3, discuss their satisfiability problem, and introduce the concepts of normal dominance constraints and of solved forms. In the second part of the paper, we turn to a discussion of dominance graphs. We define them and relate them to normal dominance constraints in Section 4. Section 5 presents a basic algorithm for enumerating the solved forms of a dominance graph. Then we derive the abovementioned characterization of configurability in Section 6, show how to test for this property efficiently in Section 7, and plug this efficient algorithm into the enumeration algorithm in Section 8. In the final part of the article, we apply this efficient enumeration algorithm back to normal dominance constraints and discuss an implementation (Section 9), and prove that the more general configurability with closed leaves is NP-complete (Section 10). Section 11 concludes and discusses further work. 2. Motivation. As one of the many applications of dominance constraints in computational linguistics, we will give a brief introduction to scope underspecification [EKN01, AC92, Rey93, Bos96]. This application is concerned with coping with ambiguous sentences such as the following: (2.1) Every linguist speaks two languages. Sentence (2.1) is ambiguous because it has two different possible meanings, indicated by the continuations (2.2) . . . namely, English and Chinese. 2 say • john • ∃u • → • comp • ∀w • • • u • in • w • u • → • ∧ • • dept • • ∃x • ∃y • ∧ • ∧ • • ∧ • • repr • w • of • x • w • ∀z • • → • prod • ∧ • spl • x • y • see • x • y • • • z • of • y • z • Fig. 2.3. A dominance constraint describing the meaning of (2.6). (2.3) . . . but not necessarily the same ones. In the first reading, each linguist must speak the same two languages. In the second, no two linguists necessarily speak a common language, but each speaks at least two. We can represent the two possible meanings logically as the following first-order formulas, which can be represented as trees as in Fig. 2.2. (2.4) ∀x.(linguist(x) → ∃2 y.lang(y) ∧ speak(x, y)) (2.5) ∃2 y.lang(y) ∧ ∀x.(linguist(x) → speak(x, y)) Ambiguity is a real problem to language processing because the number of readings of a sentence grows quickly with the number of “quantifiers” such as “every linguist” and “two languages”, and interacts with other sources of ambiguity besides. The sentence (2.6) has already 56 readings, and larger examples are easy to construct. 5 (2.6) John says that some representative of every department in a company saw a sample of each product. The key observation to scope underspecification is that the differences between the readings are very systematic; all contain the same “semantic material” (e.g. representations of the constituents “every linguist”, “two languages”, and “speak”), which is only combined in different ways. The constraints on these combinations can be specified using dominance constraints. An example is Fig. 2.1. This constraint graph is a description of the two readings of (2.1), shown in Fig. 2.2; it can be seen as a graphical representation of a dominance constraint. Similarly, the 56 readings of (2.6) can be represented by the graph in Fig. 2.3. In the paper, we will use constraint graphs to link the (logic) work on dominance constraints to graph algorithms. Pictures as in Fig. 2.3 are being drawn in most modern approaches to scope underspecification. However, they are not always interpreted as dominance constraints [Rey93, Bos96]. The subtle difference in meaning has the surprising effect of making these other approaches NP-complete even when the graphs fall into the class where dominance constraints have polynomial satisfiability. We will show this in Section 10. 3. Satisfiability of Dominance Constraints. In this section, we define the the language of dominance constraints and recall known results on satisfiability. The variant of dominance constraints we employ describes constructor trees – ground 5 The following sentence from [Hob83], which is interesting both in form and in content, has around 200 readings: “Many people feel that most sentences exhibit too few quantifier scope ambiguities for much effort to be devoted to this problem, but a casual inspection of several sentences from any text should convince almost everyone otherwise.” 3 terms over a signature of function symbols – rather than feature trees as considered in [Smo92, BRVS95, ST94, MNP00]. 3.1. Trees and Constructor Trees. We assume a finite or infinite signature Σ with function symbols f, g, . . ., each of which is equipped with an arity ar(f ) ≥ 0. Constants are function symbols of arity 0 denoted by a, b. We assume that Σ contains at least one constant and one symbol of arity at least 2. A constructor tree can be defined either as a term or equivalently on the basis of directed graphs. The ground term f (g(a, a)), for instance, corresponds to the directed graph in Figure 3.1. Throughout this article, we will employ the graph based definition. An (unlabeled) tree is a forest with exactly one root. f • A forest is a finite directed graph (V, E) where V is a g • finite set of nodes denoted by u, v, w, and E ⊆ V × V a set of edges such that the indegree of each node is at a • a • most 1 and there is no cycle. Each forest has at least one Fig. 3.1. f (g(a, a)) root, i.e. a node with indegree 0. We call the nodes with outdegree 0 the leaves of the forest. A (finite) constructor tree τ is a triple (V, E, L) consisting of a tree (V, E) and a labeling function L : E ∪ V → Σ ∪ N s.t. L(E) ⊆ N (edge labels) and L(V ) ⊆ Σ (node labels). The edge labels in a constructor tree determine the order of the children of a node: for each node u ∈ V and each natural number 1 ≤ k ≤ ar(L(u)), there is exactly one edge (u, v) ∈ E with L((u, v)) = k. We draw constructor trees as in Figure 3.1, by annotating nodes with their labels and ordering the edges such that their labels increase from left to right. 3.2. Constraint Language. The language of dominance constraints is a logical language that is interpreted over the class of tree structures. Tree structures are first-order model structures which specify certain relations between the nodes of a construtor tree. Let τ = (V, E, L) be a constructor tree with nodes u, v, v1 , . . . vn ∈ V . The dominance relation uC∗ v holds in τ iff there is a path from u to v; the labeling relation u:f (v1 , . . . , vn ) holds in τ iff u is labeled by the n-ary symbol f and has the children v1 , . . . , vn in this order; that is, L(u) = f , ar(f ) = n, {(u, v1 ), . . . , (u, vn )} ⊆ E, and L((u, vi )) = i for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Definition 3.1 (Tree Structure). The tree structure of a constructor tree τ with node set V is a first-order structure with domain V which provides the dominance relation C∗ of τ and the labeling relation of τ for each function symbol f ∈ Σ. Let Vars be an infinite set of (node) variables X, Y, Z, . . . A dominance constraint ϕ is a conjunction of dominance, inequality, and labeling literals of the following form where ar(f ) = n: ϕ ::= ϕ ∧ ϕ0 | XC∗ Y | X6=Y | X:f (X1 , . . . , Xn ) We freely identify a constraint with the set of its literals. Let Var(ϕ) be the set of variables of ϕ. A pair of a tree structure τ with node set V and a variable assignment α : Var(ϕ) → V satisfies ϕ iff it satisfies all its literal in the obvious way. We say that (τ, α) is a solution of ϕ in this case; ϕ is satisfiable if it has a solution. For instance, the following constraint that happens to be unsatisfiable: X:f (X1 , X2 ) ∧ X1 C∗ Y ∧ X2 C∗ Y. 4 It requires that node values of X1 and X2 are sisters that are both ancestors of the node value of Y . This is clearly impossible in a tree, since trees cannot branch upwards. 3.3. Constraint Graphs. We usually draw a dominance constraint as a constraint graph. For instance, the unsatisfiable constraint from above is drawn in Figure 3.2. It illustrates clearly that the constraint requires upward branching and thus cannot be satisfied by any tree. The nodes of a constraint graph are the f •X variables of the corresponding constraint. La• X1 • X2 beling constraints relate to solid edges called tree edges. Dominance constraints are drawn • Y as dashed lines called dominance edges. As for trees, we annotate labels to nodes of the graph Fig. 3.2. The unsatisfiable constraint ∗ ∗ and order tree edges from left to right. Note X:f (X1 , X2 ) ∧ X1 C Y ∧X2 C Y that we ignore inequalities in constraint graphs. We sometimes annotate variable names to the graph nodes. This is not always necessary since all occurences of the same variable are always represented by a single node in a constraint graph. We may thus freely omit variable names. In the motivating example (Figure 2.3), for instance, we have omitted all variable names. Constraint graphs motivate the following notions to talk about constraints. We call a variable X labeled in a constraint ϕ if there exists a literal X:f (. . .) in ϕ. A (solid) fragment of constraint ϕ is a maximal set of variables in ϕ that are pairwise connected by labeling literals. A variable X is called a root of a fragment in ϕ if it does not occur in child position of a labeling literal in ϕ, i.e. if there is no Z such that Z:f (. . . X . . .) belongs to ϕ. A hole of a fragment is a variable in ϕ that is unlabeled in ϕ. A leaf of a fragment is either a hole or a variable labeled by a constant, i.e. a variable X with X:a in ϕ. 3.4. Satisfiability. We are interested in two natural problems concerning dominance constraints that are both motivated by our application: first of all we would like to test satisfiablity, and second, we would like to enumerate all solutions of a satisfiable dominance constraint. The complexity of the satisfiability problem of dominance constraints was investigated in [KNT01] and shed doubts on their usefulness. Theorem 3.2. Satisfiablitiy of dominance constraints is NP-complete. Deciding satisfiability in non-deterministic polynomial time is quite simple: In a first step one guesses whether XC∗ Y or ¬XC∗ Y for each two variables X, Y in a given constraint. In a second step, one tests the consistency of these relationships. The NP-hardness proof relies on the fact that solid fragments of a constraint graph may overlap in a solution. This means that distinct labeled variables may be assigned to the same node of a tree. For illustration, consider the constraint X:f (X1 , X2 ) ∧ Y f Y :f (Y1 , Y2 ) ∧ Y C∗ X ∧ XC∗ Y1 whose graph is shown in X f Figure 3.3. Every solution must map X to the same node Y1 Y2 as either Y or Y1 . We say that X overlaps with Y or Y1 in X1 X 2 a solution of this constraint. We call an overlap proper if it involves two labeled variFig. 3.3. Overlap ables. In the applications in computational linguistics, we typically do not want proper overlap (but may accept overlaps of roots with holes). 5 The subclass of dominance constraints that excludes proper overlap (and fixes some minor inconveniences) is the class of normal dominance constraints. 3.5. Normal Dominance Constraints. We next distinguish a fragment of dominance constraints which we will show to have a polynomial time satisfiability problem. Definition 3.3 (Normal dominance constraint). A dominance constraint ϕ is called normal iff for all variables X, Y ∈ Var(ϕ): 1. There is no proper overlap in solutions of ϕ: X6=Y in ϕ if X and Y are distinct variables that are labeled in ϕ. 2. Solid fragments are tree shaped or cyclic: every variable in ϕ appears at most once as a parent and at most once as a child in a labeling literal of ϕ. 3. Dominance edges go from holes to roots: if XC∗ Y in ϕ then X is unlabeled in ϕ whereas Y is labeled but does not occur in child position in ϕ. 4. There are no empty fragments: every hole of ϕ occurs in some child position. Conditions 1 and 4 say that only roots and holes have the permission to overlap in a solution of a normal constraint. Distinct holes cannot overlap since they must have distinct parents, which are labeled variables that cannot overlap. For a similar reason, it is impossible that a hole overlaps with a labeled node that has a parent. Condition 2 requires acyclic fragments to be tree shaped. This excludes many constraints, as for instance X:f (Y, Y ), X:f (Y1 , Y2 )∧X:f (Z1 , Z2 ) or Y :f (X)∧Z:f (X). The last two examples are particularly difficult to treat when subsumed by a larger constraint: they entail equations (Y1 =Z1 , Y2 =Z2 , respectively Y =Z ) whose global consequences are difficult to predict. W.l.o.g we can always restrict ourselves to normal constraint with acyclic fragments. Other constraints are unsatisfiable anyway. Condition 3 forbids to express equality through two side dominance: XC∗ Y ∧ ∗ Y C X is not normal since a variable cannot be at the same time a root and a hole. Condition 3 is also violated by the dominance edge XC∗ Y1 in the constraint from overlap example in Fig. 3.3. It goes from a root to a hole, instead vice versa. In the following theorem we state the main result of this article, which will follow from the results presented in the succeeding sections. Theorem 3.4. Satisfiability of normal dominance constraints can be decided in deterministic polynomial time. 3.6. Solved Forms. We stated above that we would like to have an algorithm that enumerates all solutions of a given normal dominance constraint. Interpreting this proposition literally makes not much sense as the reader already might have noticed. For instance, we can solve the constraint X:a by all trees that have a node labeled by a. Indeed, every satisfiable constraint has an infinite number of solutions, so that we probably do not want to enumerate all of them. What we want to do is to enumerate all solved forms of a normal dominance constraint instead of all solutions. The idea behind a solved form is that it should be similar to a solution but not describe its irrelevant parts. For instance, X:a is a perfect solved form since all its solutions can be easily read off from this constraint. We will now define an appropriate notion of solved forms. In particular, it should hold that a normal dominance constraint has a solution if and only if it has a solved form. Given a constraint ϕ we define a relation Rϕ on the variables of ϕ that we call the reachability relation of ϕ. This relation is the transitive closure of the following relation: {(X, Y ) | X:f (. . . , Y, . . .) ∈ ϕ or XC∗ Y ∈ ϕ} 6 We say that Y can be reached from X if (X, Y ) ∈ Rϕ . In this case, it clearly holds that ϕ entails the dominance XC∗ Y . Definition 3.5 (Solved Form). A normal dominance constraint ϕ is in solved form if it satisfies the following two properties for all variables X, Y, Z in Var(ϕ): 1. Dominance edges do not branch upwards: if X and Y are distinct then not both XC∗ Z in ϕ and Y C∗ Z in ϕ. 2. The graph of ϕ is acyclic: (X, X) 6∈ Rϕ . In other words, a normal dominance constraint ϕ is in solved form if and only if its constraint graph is a forest. A solved form of a normal constraint ϕ is a normal constraint ϕ0 that is in solved form, contains the same labeling literals as ϕ, and has a stronger reachability relation, which means Rϕ ⊆ Rϕ0 . Lemma 3.6. Every normal dominance constraint in solved form has a solution. Proof. We have to construct a tree solution for a solved form ϕ. The idea is that the constraint graph of a solved form is already a forest. It is sufficient to transform this forest into a tree without dominance edges. This is quite simple given the transformation illustrated in Figure 3.4. (Note that we assumed Σ to contain a function symbol f of arity at least two and a constant a.) In the first step, we turn the forest into a tree by adding a top most fragment. Let Y1 , . . . , Ym be the minimal elements in the reachability order Rϕ which exist since Rϕ is acyclic. We can then define a new solved form ϕ1 with a top most fragment, by adding a new fragment to ϕ with a single hole with dominance edges towards all roots Y1 , . . . , Ym . In the second step we repeatedly transform dominance edges into tree edges. We stop, once no dominance edge is left. The idea is illustrated in Figure 3.4. Recall that we assumed that our signature contains a constant a and a function symbol f of arity n ≥ 2. We will also use a function V dist on constraints, which is defined for all constraints ϕ0 by dist(ϕ0 ) = ϕ0 ∧ {X 6= Y | X, Y ∈ Var(ϕ0 ) distinct}. Suppose that there still exists a hole X in ϕ1 from where dominance edges start. Let Y1 , . . . , Ym be all the roots of ϕ1 such that the dominance literal XC∗ Yi belongs to ϕ1 for i = 1, . . . , m. We construct ϕ2 by removing all these literals from ϕ1 and distinguish two cases: • If m > n, we fix a fresh variable Z and define: ^m ZC∗ Yi ) ϕ3 = dist(ϕ2 ∧ X:f (Y1 , . . . , Yn−1 , Z) ∧ i=n ϕ3 is a solved form that entails ϕ, and it contains n − 1 dominance literals less than ϕ1 . • If m ≤ n, we fix fresh variables Zm+1 , . . . , Zn and define: ^n ϕ3 = dist(ϕ1 ∧ X:f (Y1 , . . . , Ym , Zm+1 , . . . , Zn ) ∧ Zj :a) j=m+1 ϕ3 is a solved form that entails ϕ, and it contains m dominance literals less than ϕ1 . By applying the above transformation repeatedly, we obtain a solved form ϕ ∗ which entails ϕ and contains no dominance literals. In the third step we can easily satisfy ϕ∗ by the constructor tree that corresponds to ϕ∗ itself. In the construction of a solution of ϕ we had to ”invent” variables that are not present ϕ. Thus the constructor tree in the solution contains nodes that do not 7 X f X f Y1 Y2 a Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y3 Y4 Fig. 3.4. Transforming dominance edges into tree edges. Here, 4 dominance edges are transformed while using a function symbol of arity 3. correspond to variables of ϕ. In the following lemma we will show that every satisfiable normal constraint has a solved form and that it can essentially be obtained by removing the invented material. Lemma 3.7. Every solution of a normal dominance constraint ϕ also satisfies some solved form of ϕ. Proof. Let (α, τ ) be a solution of ϕ. In order to construct a solved form, we define a partial function hole on the root variables of ϕ. Consider a root Y , the function is defined if there is a hole X with α(X)C∗ α(Y ). Since τ is a tree, there is hole Z such that α(Z)C∗ α(Y ) and α(X)C∗ α(Z) for all holes X with α(X)C∗ α(Y )6 . We set hole(Y ) = Z. Let ϕl denote the conjunction of the labeling and inequality literals of ϕ, then the following is a solved form of ϕ: ^ ϕ0 = ϕl ∧ {hole(Y )C∗ Y | Y is a root for which hole is defined} Clearly, ϕ0 is a normal constraint in solved form. We have to show Rϕ ⊆ Rϕ0 . Since both constraints have the same labeling literals, it suffices to prove for every dominance literal XC∗ Y in ϕ that (X, Y ) ∈ Rϕ0 . We will show a stronger statement: if X is a hole and Y is a root with α(X)C∗ α(Y ), then (X, Y ) ∈ Rϕ0 . We proceed by induction on the length of the path from α(X) to α(Y ). For Z = hole(Y ), we have α(X)C∗ α(Z). If X = Z, the claim holds. Otherwise, let R denote the root of the fragment of Z. The hole X can only overlap with a root, so we get α(X)C∗ α(R). As α(R) 6= α(Z), we can apply the induction hypothesis and obtain (X, R) ∈ Rϕ0 . Since (R, Z) and (Z, Y ) belong to Rϕ0 , the claim follows from the transitivity of the reachability relation. The validity of Lemma 3.7 heavily depends on the absence of proper overlaps (Condition 1 of Def. 3.3). This is illustrated by the following example: X:f (X1 , X2 ) ∧ Y :f (Y1 , Y2 ) ∧ 2 ^ f •X • X1 X2 • f •Y ∗ ∗ (Xi C Zi ∧ Yi C Zi ∧ Zi :a) • Y1 Y2 • i=1 a • Z1 a • Z2 This constraint satisfies all normality conditions except for the overlap restriction. It also has a solution but no solved form. The reason for this problem is that X and Y overlap properly in all solutions of this constraint. The combination of Lemmas 3.6 and 3.7 yields the following proposition, which justifies computing with solved forms instead of solutions: Proposition 3.8. A normal dominance constraint has a solved form if and only if it is satisfiable. 6 So either α(Z) = α(Y ) (i.e. Y is plugged into Z) or α(Z) is the lowest proper ancestor of α(Y ) for which α−1 is defined (i.e. which is not ”invented”). 8 4. Configurability of Dominance Graphs. For the satisfiability problem it turns out that we do not have to consider any labels. If we delete all labels from the constraint graph but keep the information whether an edge is a tree or a dominance edge, we get a dominance graph (given two minor assumptions): Definition 4.1 (Dominance Graph). A dominance graph is a directed graph G = (V, E ∪˙ D) satisfying the following two conditions: 1. The graph G = (V, E) defines a collection T of node disjoint trees of height at least 1. 2. Each edge in D goes from a leaf of some tree in the collection to the root of some tree in the collection. We will use analogous notions for dominance and constraint graphs: The edges in E are called tree edges, and the edges in D are called dominance edges. A leaf is a node with no outgoing tree edge and a root is a node with no incoming tree edge. A dominance edge d = (v, w) is redundant if there is a path from v to w in G \ d. The reachability relation RG of a dominance graph G = (V, E ∪˙ D) is the set of all pairs (u, v) such that there is a (directed) path from u to v in G, i.e. RG is the transitive closure of the binary relation induced by the edge set of G. We need a new notation that replaces the notion of a solution in the logical sense. Now the idea is that we want to assemble the trees in T by plugging roots into leaves. Definition 4.2. We say that a dominance graph G is a configuration iff it is a forest and the edges in D form a matching, i.e. every node of G is incident to at most one edge of D.7 We call a dominance graph G0 = (V 0 , E 0 ∪˙ D 0 ) a configuration of G iff V = V 0 , E = E 0 , G0 is a configuration, and RG ⊆ RG0 , i.e. G0 realizes all dominance edges in G. A dominance graph is configurable if it has a configuration. 4.1. Solved forms. In the sequel we will prove the equivalence of the configurability problem for dominance graphs and the satisfiability problem for normal dominance constraints (Lemma 4.5). In order to do so, we extend the notion of solved forms to dominance graphs. Definition 4.3. A dominance graph G is in solved form iff it is a forest. By definition, every configuration is a solved form. Unlike a configuration, a solved form does not require its dominance edges to form a matching. We call a dominance graph G0 = (V 0 , E 0 ∪˙ D 0 ) a solved form of G iff V = V 0 , E = E 0 , G0 is a solved form and RG ⊆ RG0 . A dominance graph is solvable if it has a solved form. The following lemma shows that configurability and solvability are equivalent for dominance graphs. Lemma 4.4. Every dominance graph in solved form is configurable. Proof. For the proof, we define a problem leaf to be a leaf with more than one outgoing dominance edge; our aim will be to eliminate problem leaves from solved forms. The proof is by induction on weights (d, a) of graphs G, where d is the negative minimum depth of a problem leaf of G (or −∞ if there is none), and a is the total number of dominance edges emanating from problem leaves of minimum depth (potentially 0). We consider the lexicographic order on these weights. Solved forms without problem leaves (i.e. with weight (−∞, 0)) are configurations, so the lemma is trivially true in this case. So let G be a solved form that does have 7 And hence D defines a partial function from roots to holes which specifies for every matched root where to plug it. 9 t0 t0 l0 l0 r z1 r t t l l z1 zk zk Fig. 4.1. Application of Rule 1: All dominance edges of l 0 except for (l0 , r) are shifted down to the leaf l. problem leaves. Let G have weight (d, a), and assume that we know that all solved forms of lower weight do have configurations. Then we can apply the following rule to a problem leaf l0 of minimum depth: Simplification Rule 1. Let e = (l0 , r) be a dominance edge from the leaf l 0 of a tree t0 to the root r of a tree t. Let l be an arbitrary leaf of t. Change any dominance edge (l0 , z) with z 6= r into (l, z), see Figure 4.1. The result G0 is still in solved form, and its weight is strictly lower than that of G; so by the induction hypothesis, G0 has a configuration Gc . But Gc also realizes all dominance edges of G. This is obvious for (l 0 , r) and for all dominance edges which do not start in l0 . For an edge (l0 , z) with z 6= r we note that this edge is realized because there is a path from l0 to l in G0 and Gc realizes the edge (l, z). So G has a configuration as well. 4.2. Dominance Graphs of Normal Constraints. We now map normal dominance constraints to dominance graphs while ignoring labelings. Let ϕ be a normal dominance constraint. We define a graph G(ϕ) = (Var(ϕ), E ∪˙ D), where the set of tree edges E and dominance edges D are defined as follows: E D = {(X, Xi ) | X:f (X1 , . . . , Xn ) in ϕ, 1 ≤ i ≤ n} = {(X, Y ) | XC∗ Y in ϕ} Lemma 4.5. For a normal dominance constraint ϕ the following holds if none of its roots is labeled by a constant and if all its fragments are acyclic. 1. The graph G(ϕ) is a dominance graph. 2. The relations Rϕ and RG(ϕ) are equal. 3. ϕ is in solved form iff G(ϕ) is. 4. If ϕ0 is a solved form of ϕ then G(ϕ0 ) is a solved form of G(ϕ) and vice versa. Proof. We will proof the statements one by one: 1. Conditions 1 and 2 of Definition 3.3 ensure that all acyclic fragments of ϕ are trees. Since we assumed all fragments to be acyclic, it follows that (Var(ϕ), E) is a collection of node-disjoint trees. The roots of these trees must also be roots of fragments in ϕ since there are no empty fragments by Condition 4. This shows that the height of all trees in G(ϕ) is at least one. And finally, from Condition 3 we can conclude that dominance edges can only go from leaves to roots. 10 2. We have equality since both relations are defined as the transitive closure of the same set. 3. Only the roots of the normal constraint ϕ may have more than one incoming edge in G(ϕ) all of which are dominance edges. But every root in a solved form has by definition at most one incoming dominance edge. Since solved forms are acyclic by definition, it follows that their graphs are always forests and thus in solved form. The converse implication is obvious. 4. This an immediate consequence of the previous statements and the definitions of solved form for normal dominance constraints and dominance graphs. We call a dominance graph G arity consistent if for all nodes v of G there exists a function symbol f ∈ Σ such that the number of tree edges emanating from v is equal to the arity of f . Lemma 4.6. For every arity consistent dominance graph G there exists a normal dominance constraint ϕ such that G(ϕ) = G. This lemma is obvious. The following theorem summarizes our results of the previous two lemmas: Theorem 4.7. The following four problems are linear time equivalent: 1. Satisfiability of normal dominance constraints. 2. Existence of solved forms for normal dominance constraints. 3. Existence of solved forms for dominance graphs. 4. Configurability of dominance graphs. Proof. We have to check the application conditions of Lemmas 4.5 and 4.6. 1. We can always assume fragments to be acyclic. The existence of cycles can be checked easily in linear time, and normal constraints with cycles are unsatisfiable anyway. 2. We can assume that normal dominance constraints do not contain roots that are labeled by constants. Otherwise, we can replace the fragment X:a by V X:f (X1 , . . . , Xn ) ∧ ni=1 Xi :a for some fresh variables X1 , . . . , Xn and sufficiently many inequalities. This operation requires constant time and clearly preserves normality,but also satisfiability as the inner structure of fragments is anyway irrelevant for the satisfiability of normal constraints. 3. We can make all dominance graphs arity consistent with a similar transformation as in the proof of Lemma 3.6 (see also Figure 3.4). We use the fact that we have a function symbol of arity n ≥ 2 and a constant symbol (which has arity 0). Let u denote a node in a dominance graph G with children v1 , . . . , vm . If m 6= n and m 6= 0, we can apply one of the following transformations: • Case 0 < m < n: Add new nodes vm+1 , . . . , vn and the edges (u, vm+1 ), . . . , (u, vn ) to G. Then u and the newly added nodes are arity consistent. • Case m > n: Add a new node u0 and make u0 a child of u by adding the edge (u, u0 ). Then shift the children vn , . . . , vm of u down to u0 by replacing the edges (u, vn ), . . . , (u, vm ) with the edges (u0 , vn ), . . . (u0 , vm ). After that u is arity consistent, and the out-degree of u0 is less than that of u. If u0 is not arity-consistent, we apply the appropriate transformation to u0 . We see that the transformations preserve satisfiability because only the inner structure of the fragments changes, but the reachability relation (restricted to 11 r0 r l0 l r0 r l0 l v v r0 r l0 l v Fig. 5.1. Two graphs H, H 0 are generated by applying the choice rule to the graph G on the left hand side. the original nodes) remains the same. Since n is a constant, the time required to make u arity consistent (including recursive transformations) is O(m). 5. Enumeration of Minimal Solved Forms. Now that we have reduced the problem of solving normal dominance constraints to the problem of finding solved forms of dominance graphs, we show in this section how to enumerate solved forms of a dominance graph G. We are interested in solved forms that contain no unnecessary dominance edges. Let G0 be a solved form of G that is transitively reduced. We call G0 a minimal solved form of G if there is no solved form of G whose reachability relation is strictly contained in RG0 . Our algorithm below enumerates exactly the minimal solved forms of G. However, the algorithm may take exponential time to produce even a single solved form because it blindly enumerates all cases. Using the efficient configurability test we derive in Sections 6 and 7, we will optimize this algorithm to enumerate solved forms in polynomial time per solved form (Section 8). The enumeration algorithm applies the following simplification rules: Simplification Rule 2 (Redundancy Elimination). All redundant dominance edges, i.e. edges that are implied by transitivity, can be removed. In particular, parallel edges can be combined into one. Simplification Rule 3 (Choice). Let v be a root with at least two incoming dominance edges (l, v) and (l 0 , v) and let r and r 0 be the roots of the trees containing leaves l and l0 , respectively. Generate two new graphs H and H 0 by adding either (l0 , r) or (l, r 0 ) to D, see Figure 5.1. The enumeration of the solved forms can be carried out by a recursive algorithm: 1. Make the graph reduced, i.e. apply Rule 2. 2. If the graph contains a (directed) cycle, terminate this recursion since the graph has no configuration. 3. If the graph is in solved form, report it and terminate this recursion. 4. Otherwise, apply the choice rule and apply the algorithm to the two newly generated graphs. We will now prove that the algorithm is correct. First we observe that if the algorithm does not report a solved form in the third step, then the graph is acyclic, but not a forest. And hence, there must be node v with two incoming edges. It is easy to see that this can only be root, which implies that the choice rule can be applied to v. Now we analyze the effect of the simplification rules on the set of solved forms. 12 The removal of redundant edges (Rule 2) does not change the reachability relation, which implies that the solved forms remain the same, too. An application of the choice rule (Rule 3) increases the reachability relation and partitions the set of solved forms in two disjoint sets: In a solved form S of G the nodes l and l 0 are both ancestors of v and therefore either l0 is ancestor of l and hence of r or vice versa. This implies that S is either a solved form of H or of H 0 . From this we conclude that every enumerated solved form is indeed a solved form of the original graph. On the other hand, we see that for every solved form S there exists exactly one solved form S 0 such that S 0 is enumerated by the algorithm and its reachability relation has the property RS 0 ⊆ RS . If S is minimal, we get RS 0 = RS , and since both graphs are transitively reduced and acyclic, we obtain S 0 = S. Thus the algorithm enumerates at least all minimal solved forms. What remains to show is that all enumerated solved forms are minimal. So let S be solved form that is reported by the algorithm. Assume that S is not minimal, i.e. there exists a solved form S 0 with RS 0 ⊂ RS . Since both S and S 0 are enumerated there must be a step in the computation which ”separated” the two graphs. This means there is an application of the choice rule which generated two graphs H and H 0 such that RH ⊆ RS and RH 0 ⊆ RS 0 . From RS 0 ⊂ RS we infer RH 0 ⊆ RS . Since RS cannot contain both RH 0 and RH , we have a contradiction. To prove termination, we derive an upper bound for the maximum recursion depth. We reconsider the reachability relation RG of a graph G. If G is acyclic, the of nodes in G. Thus, cardinality of RG is at most n2 ≤ n2 , where n is the number whenever the size of the relation becomes greater than n2 , the recursion terminates immediately. But if we apply the choice rule to a reduced, acyclic dominance graph, the size of the relation increases strictly, i.e. |RG | < min(|RH |, |RH 0 |). This is because RH ⊇ RG , and (l0 , r) ∈ RH but (l0 , r) cannot be in RG , otherwise (l0 , v) would have been redundant. A similar argument holds for H 0 . 6. Characterization of the Existence of Solved Forms. We give a graph theoretic characterization of solvability; as this is equivalent to configurability by Lemma 4.4, the result carries over to configurability. The undirected dominance graph Gu = (V, Eu ∪˙ Du ) corresponding to the dominance graph G = (V, E ∪˙ D) is the undirected graph obtained by making all edges of G undirected. More precisely, we set Eu = {({u, v}, tree) ; (u, v) ∈ E } and define Du = {({u, v}, dom) ; (u, v) ∈ D}. This explicit distinction is important. Consider the dominance graph consisting of the two nodes r and l, the tree edge (r, l) and the dominance edge (l, r). If there were no explicit distinction, then both edges would correspond to the same undirected edge. However, when we talk about undirected edges in the sequel, we will only state the first component because it will be clear whether we refer to a tree or a dominance edge. Now, we want to define the notion of a cycle in an undirected graph, which may differ from the reader’s usual notion. A cycle C in an undirected graph is a sequence [v0 , e0 , v1 , e1 , . . . , en−1 , vn ] of nodes v0 , . . . , vn and edges e0 , . . . , en−1 with n ≥ 2 such that v0 = vn and for i = 0, . . . , n − 1 the edge ei is incident to vi and vi+1 , and ei 6= e(i+1) mod n . This means we require a cycle to consist of at least 2 edges, we do not exclude that a cycle uses a node or an edge more than once, however any two consecutive edges must be distinct. We call C edge-simple if the edges in the sequence are pairwise different. C is said to be simple if all the visited nodes v0 , . . . , vn−1 (and hence also the edges) are pairwise different. Usually, we are not interested in the sequence of nodes and we identify C with the sequence e0 ◦ e1 ◦ . . . ◦ en−1 of its edges. 13 2 1 3 1 2 4 3 5 6 4 7 6 5 7 Fig. 6.1. A solvable dominance graph and one of its solved forms. The graph contains an undirected cycle, but no hypernormal cycle. 6.1. Hypernormal Dominance Graphs. Let us first investigate a simpler subproblem of the solvability problem. A dominance graph G = (V, E ∪˙ D) is hypernormal if for every leaf l in (V, E) there is at most one dominance edge (l, .) in D. Proposition 6.1. Let G = (V, E ∪˙ D) be a hypernormal dominance graph. If Gu contains a cycle then G is unsolvable. Proof. The proof is by induction on the minimal number k of dominance edges in a simple cycle C of Gu . Clearly, the case k = 0 cannot occur. If k = 1 then there exists a dominance edge from a leaf l to the root of the fragment of l, and hence G is not solvable. For k > 1, assume that we know the result to be true for k − 1. C either does not contain any nodes at which its edges change directions; then it is also a cycle in G and hence, G is clearly unsolvable. Or C does change directions, then it must contain two dominance edges (l, r) and (l 0 , r) into the same root. Both results of applying the choice rule produce graphs with a simple cycle containing k − 1 dominance edges, so both are unsolvable. But then, G must be unsolvable as well. The converse of the above proposition is also true. If G is not solvable, then G u contains a cycle. This statement will be a corollary of Theorem 6.2, which we will prove below. 6.2. Dominance Graphs. The Proposition 6.1 does not carry over literally to the general case: Figure 6.1 is a counterexample. In order to state our theorem for the general case, we call a subgraph Hu of Gu hypernormal if the corresponding directed subgraph H of G is hypernormal. In particular, a hypernormal cycle in Gu is a cycle that contains for every leaf l at most one incident dominance edge. Theorem 6.2. Let G = (V, E ∪˙ D) be a dominance graph. (a) G is solvable iff Gu does not contain a hypernormal cycle. (b) G is solvable iff every hypernormal subgraph of G is. Note that this implies that a graph G is configurable iff Gu has no hypernormal cycle, by Lemma 4.4. Proof. Part (b) follows immediately from part (a). If some hypernormal subgraph of G is unsolvable, G is unsolvable. If every hypernormal subgraph of G is solvable, Gu contains no hypernormal cycle, and hence G is solvable by part (a). We turn to part (a). 14 Assume first that Gu contains a hypernormal cycle C. Let D 0 be the dominance edges of G corresponding to edges in C. Then G0 = (V, E ∪˙ D 0 ) is a hypernormal dominance graph such that G0u contains C. By Proposition 6.1, G0 is unsolvable and hence G is unsolvable. It remains to prove the converse: If G is unsolvable, Gu contains a simple hypernormal cycle. Suppose we run the algorithm of Section 5 on G. The computation of this algorithm can be modeled as a binary tree. We label every node x with a dominance graph D(x). The root of the computation tree is labelled with G. Whenever the algorithm applies the choice rule and generates two new dominance graphs, we grow the tree by attaching two new nodes at the current node and label each node with one of the two new dominance graphs. Since G is unsolvable, the leaves of the tree are labelled with graphs that contain directed cycles. For every node x in the tree we will show that D(x)u contains a simple hypernormal cycle. We prove this by induction on the height of x in the computation tree. If the height is 0, then x is a leaf and the claim clearly holds, for any simple directed cycle translates to an (undirected) simple hypernormal cycle. Assume now, that the height is greater than 0. So x has two children labelled with the graphs H and H 0 . The two graphs have been generated by an application of the choice rule to D(x). And by the induction hypothesis we may assume that both Hu and Hu0 contain a simple hypernormal cycle. Suppose that v is the root and that (l, v) and (l0 , v) are the edges considered in the above application of the choice rule. Let r be the root of the tree with the leaf l and r 0 be the root of the tree with the leaf l0 . We have a simple hypernormal cycle C1 in Hu which uses the dominance edge {r, l0 }. So the tree edge {l0 , r 0 } must also belong to C1 , and hence we may assume C1 = {r, l0 } ◦ {l0 , r 0 } ◦ P1 . Similarly, Hu0 contains a simple hypernormal cycle C2 = {r 0 , l} ◦ {l, r} ◦ P2 . If P1 or P2 visits v, we can construct a hypernormal cycle in Gu . Suppose P1 = P 0 ◦ P 00 such that P 0 ends in v. Then P 0 ◦ {v, l0 } ◦ {l0 , r 0 } is a simple hypernormal cycle because P 0 avoids l0 . (If P2 visits v, we can apply a similar argument.) So we may assume that both C1 and C2 avoid v. Let w denote the first node on P1 different from r 0 that also lies on P2 . (The node w may be equal to r.) We decompose P1 and P2 such that Pi = Qi ◦ Ri , Qi ends at w and Ri starts at w. Q1 is a path from r 0 to w, and R2 is a path from w to r 0 . By the choice of w, we have that Q1 ◦ R2 is a simple cycle. If it is not hypernormal, then we are in the situation of Figure 6.2: w is a leaf, Q1 ends with a dominance edge and R2 starts with a dominance edge. Since P2 is hypernormal, Q2 ends with the tree edge incident to w. Now we consider the cycle 0 0 0 C = Q2 ◦ Qrev 1 ◦ {r , l } ◦ {l , v} ◦ {v, l} ◦ {l, r}. Obviously, any two consecutive edges on C are hypernormal. So it remains to prove that C is simple, i.e. we have to show that Q1 and Q2 avoid l0 and l. Since P1 avoids l0 and P2 avoids l, we have l0 6= w 6= l, Q1 avoids l0 and Q2 avoids l. We show now that Q1 also avoids l. Assume the hypernormal cycle C1 visits l, then it must use the tree edge e = {l, r}. As C1 is simple, P1 ends with e. Recall that Q1 ends with w. Since w 6= l and w 6= r (w is a leaf), the prefix Q1 of P1 ends before l is visited by P1 . A similar argument proves that Q2 avoids l0 . Thus C is a simple hypernormal cycle in D(x)u . 7. Testing for Hypernormal Cycles. Now we show how to test for the presence of hypernormal cycles in a dominance graph in polynomial time. This immediately gives us a polynomial algorithm for testing solvability (and hence, configurability) of dominance graphs. 15 Q1 root Q2 r’ w r root R2 l l’ v root Fig. 6.2. Construction of a simple hypernormal cycle in the proof of Theorem 6.2. We reduce the problem to a matching problem in an auxiliary graph. First, we want to recall some basic definitions from matching theory. A matching M in a graph H is a set of edges of H such that every node of H is incident to at most one edge in M . We call the edges in M matching edges and the other edges non-matching edges. An alternating path with respect to M is a (simple) path which alternately uses a matching edge and a non-matching edge. An alternating cycle is a cycle (of even length) which is an alternating path. For the test we construct the following auxiliary graph A. For every edge e = {v, w} ∈ Gu we have two nodes ev = ({v, w}, v) and ew = ({v, w}, w) in A. Before we define the edges of A, we want to introduce some more definitions. Let v denote a node of Gu , we call a pair of distinct edges e = {u, v} and f = {v, w} incident to v a bend at v and denote it by he, v, f i. The bend is called a hypernormal bend if either v is not a leaf or v is a leaf and either e or f is the tree edge incident to v. Now we are ready to define the edge set of A. We have two types of edges: (a) For every edge e = {v, w} we have the edge a(e) = {ev , ew }. (b) For every hypernormal bend he, v, f i we have the edge b(he, v, f i) = {e v , fv }. Clearly, the edges of type (a) form a perfect matching M in A. The following lemma shows how hypernormal cycles in Gu are related to the auxiliary graph A: Lemma 7.1. The graph Gu contains a hypernormal cycle iff the graph A contains an alternating cycle with respect to M . Proof. Suppose first that Gu contains a hypernormal cycle C. We may assume that C is simple. Every pair of consecutive edges on C is a hypernormal bend. Suppose C = e0 ◦ e1 ◦ . . . ◦ en−1 , where ei = {vi , v(i+1) mod n } for i = 0, . . . , n − 1. Then C 0 = a(e0 ) ◦ b(he0 , v1 , e1 i) ◦ a(e1 ) ◦ . . . ◦ a(en−1 ) ◦ b(hen1 , v0 , e0 i) is an alternating cycle in A. Suppose next that A contains an alternating cycle C 0 . Look at an edge of type (b) and its neighboring edges of type (a): a(e) ◦ b(hf, v, gi) ◦ a(h). From the construction of A we can conclude that either e = f and h = g, or e = g and h = f . Hence he, v, hi is a hypernormal bend at node v. So if we delete all the edges of type (b) from C 0 we get a sequence a(e0 ) ◦ . . . ◦ a(en−1 ) of type (a) edges. Then C = e0 ◦ . . . ◦ en−1 is an edge-simple cycle and any pair of consecutive edges is a hypernormal bend. Now fix any leaf l visited by C. Every hypernormal bend at l contains the tree edge incident to l, and since C is edge-simple, we can conclude that C visits l only once and hence contains only one dominance edge incident to l. This proves that C is a hypernormal cycle in Gu . 16 Gabow et al. [GKT01] gave an algorithm which can decide whether A contains an alternating cycle with respect to M in time O(m0 ), where m0 is the number of edges in A. Now, we want to bound the size of the auxiliary graph A. We assume that all non-leaves in the dominance graph G have outdegree at most two8 . Observe that we have one edge of type (a) for every edge of G. For the edges of type (b) we count the number of hypernormal bends at a node v. For a leaf we get outdegv , and v for a non-leafPwe have deg . Thus the auxiliary graph A has n0 = 2m nodes and 2 0 2 m = O(m + v∈V (indegv + 2) ) edges. Let us assume that G is transitively reduced. Then we have no parallel edges, and hence a root r with indegree greater than n must have two dominance edges from different leaves of the same tree to r, which is trivial to recognize in time O(m). So we can assume that the indegree of any root is at most n. LetPus say that we have r ≤ n roots and let di be the indegree of the We P i-th root. 2 (2 + d ) ? We have ri=1 di ≤ m and d ≤ n. What is the maximum value of S = i i i P P have S = O(n+m)+ i d2i . The sum i d2i is maximized if we make the di s as unequal as possible. So we attain the P maximum if we set m/n of the di s equal to n and all others equal to zero. Thus v∈V (2 + indegv )2 = O(n + m) + O(m/n · n2 ) = O(nm). The dominance graphs that arise in our linguistic applications have the following properties: m = O(n) and the indegrees are bounded (the outdegrees are not), and hence the auxiliary graph has n0 = O(n) nodes and m0 = O(n) edges. We summarize the results of this chapter in the following theorem. Theorem 7.2. The existence of a hypernormal cycle in a dominance graph can P be decided in time O(m0 ), where m0 = O(m) + v∈V (2 + indegv )2 = O(nm). 8. Efficient Enumeration. A first application of the solvability test from the previous section is to make the enumeration of solved forms more efficient. We modify the enumeration algorithm from Section 5 by testing for (undirected) hypernormal cycles in step 2 instead of directed arbitrary cycles. The recursion will terminate immediately once the graph becomes unconfigurable, and we know that the recursion depth is bounded by n2 . Thus: Corollary 8.1. A solved form of a solvable dominance graph can be constructed in time O(n3 m). If a dominance graph has N minimal solved forms, they can be enumerated in time O(N n3 m). Note that N can still be exponential in n. Also note that we can get configurations instead of solved forms in the same asymptotic time, by applying Lemma 4.4: Simplification Rule 1 can only be applied at most n2 times either, by a similar argument about the reachability relation. 8.1. Incremental Redundancy Elimination. The enumeration algorithm in Section 5 has to maintain the transitive reduction of the dominance graph G. This can be done in time O(nm) (see [GK79, Sim88]). But for all recursive calls of the algorithm the reduction can be computed much faster, only the top-level needs to do the full-fledged reduction. This is because the instances on which recursive calls work are just reduced graphs where one irredundant edge has been added. So we are faced with the following problem: We are given a reduced dominance graph G and an irredundant dominance edge d = (s, t) which is not contained in G, and we are to compute all edges of G which become redundant by the insertion of d into G. An edge e = (v, w) of G becomes redundant iff there is a path P from v to 8 We can replace each non-leaf with outdegree more than two and its children by a small binary tree. This construction increases the number of nodes and the number of edges only by a constant factor. 17 1 2 k ... Fig. 9.1. Embedded chain of length k. k 3 4 5 6 7 8 N 5 14 42 132 429 1430 Time (new) 20 190 1210 4130 16630 255000 Time (old) 180 670 5900 12740 46340 n/a Fig. 9.2. Runtimes on embedded chains of length k. N is the respective number of configurations. Times are in milliseconds CPU time. w in the graph G ∪ d. Since G is reduced, P must use the edge d. And hence e is redundant iff in G there is a path from v to s and a path from t to w. Further, we observe that if G ∪ d is cyclic then any cycle must use the edge d. And hence G ∪ d is cyclic iff there is a node v such that in G there is a path from v to s and a path from t to v. Thus we can make G ∪ d reduced and test its acyclicity with the following algorithm: • Start a depth first search in G at the node t and color all reachable nodes red. • Start a depth first search in Grev at the node s and color all reachable nodes green. (Grev is obtained from G by reversing all the edges.) • If there is a two-colored node v, report that G ∪ d is cyclic and stop. • Delete all edges with red target node and green source node, and insert the edge d. It is easy to see that the running time of the algorithm is O(n + m). Note that this improvement does not lead to a better asymptotic running time of the enumeration algorithm, but it has shown considerable impact in practice. 9. Implementation and Evaluation. Going back to the application in computational linguistics described in the introduction, the algorithm for enumerating solved forms that we have just sketched gives us a straightforward algorithm for enumerating the minimal solved forms9 of a normal dominance constraint ϕ: We only need to run it on G(ϕ) and translate the solved forms back to solved forms of the constraint. We have implemented this algorithm, and this gives us a significant improvement in runtimes over earlier solvers for dominance constraints. By way of example, consider the dominance graph in Figure 9.1. This graph is an embedded chain of length k. Such graphs appear in the application; for instance, the graph for “John says that every linguist speaks two languages” is an embedded chain of length 2. Runtimes for enumerating all configurations of embedded chains of various lengths (on a 550 MHz Pentium III) are displayed in Figure 9.2. In the table, “new” refers to the algorithm 9A solved form ϕ0 of ϕ is called minimal iff G(ϕ0 ) is a minimal solved form of G(ϕ). 18 l 1 B+1 T m t1 t2 t3m B+1 Fig. 10.1. The dominance graph constructed in the reduction of 3-partition. sketched above; “old” refers to the dominance constraint solver described in [DG01]. 10. Dominance Graphs with Closed Leaves. A slight extension of the configuration problem by closed leaves becomes NP-complete again. This is interesting in its own right because it shows where the frontier between polynomial and NP-complete is. It is also interesting in the application to computational linguistics because some approaches interpret graphs as in Fig. 2.3 as dominance graphs with closed leaves instead of dominance constraints. A dominance graph with closed leaves is given by a dominance graph G = (V, E ∪˙ D) and a set L of leaves. The members of L are called closed, all other leaves are called open. Closed leaves cannot be the source of dominance edges. A solved form of (G, L) with closed leaves L is a solved form G0 = (V, E ∪ D 0 ) of G which has the additional property that there is no edge (l, v) ∈ E 0 with l ∈ L, but there is an edge (l, v) ∈ D 0 for every l ∈ / L. In other words, it is not allowed to attach a tree to a closed leaf, and every open leaf must be “plugged” with some other tree. We show that the configuration problem of dominance graphs with closed leaves is NP-complete by reducing the 3-partition problem to it.10 Fact 1 (3-partition). Let A denote a multiset {a1 , . . . , a3m } of integers and P3m B ∈ N such that B/4 < ai < B/2 for all i; and i=1 ai = mB. The P question is whether there is a partition A1 ] . . . ] Am of A such that for all i, a∈Ai a = B. The problem is NP-complete in the strong sense [GJ79, problem SP15, page 224]. We describe the reduction now, which is shown in Figure 10.1. The tree T has m leaves. Each leaf wants to dominate B + 1 closed subtrees (i.e., subtrees which have only closed leaves). T is required to be the child of some node l. This node l also wants to dominate the trees t1 , . . . , t3m . For all i, the tree ti has ai + 1 open leaves. Theorem 10.1. The configurability problem for dominance graphs with closed leaves is NP-complete. Proof. Consider an instance (A, B) of the 3-partition problem and the dominance graph G constructed in the reduction. We show that the instance (A, B) has a solution iff G is configurable. Assume first that the 3-partition problem has a solution. Observe that each of the sets Ai must have cardinality three. Let Ai = {axi , ayi , azi } be one of the sets 10 Exactly the same reduction works if we do not require open leaves to have outgoing dominance edges in solved forms; so this modified problem is NP-complete as well. 19 in the partition. Then axi + ayi + azi = B. We plug txi as child into the i-th leaf of T , tyi into some leaf of txi and tzi into some leaf of tyi . Then the tree T has axi + 1 + ayi + 1 + azi + 1 − 2 = B + 1 open leaves below its i-th leaf. These leaves are plugged with the B + 1 closed subtrees which the i-th leaf of T wants to dominate. Finally, we plug l with T and obtain a configuration of G. Assume next that the dominance graph G has a configuration. Consider the subtree pluggedPto the i-th leaf of T . It contains a subset Ai of the trees {t1 , . . . , t3m }. We must have tj ∈Ai (aj + 1) ≥ B + 1 + |Ai | − 1, which can be seen as follows. B + 1 closed subtrees must be plugged into some open leaf. Every subtree in Ai also requires an open leaf where its root can be plugged. And one of these leaves is the i-th leaf of T. We next show that |Ai | ≥ 3 for all i. It is clear that Ai cannot be empty (since B > 0). If Ai is a singleton, i.e. Ai = {tx }, we have a contradiction since tx has ax + 1 < B/2 + 1 ≤ B + 1 leaves. Now consider the case, where Ai consists of two elements tx and ty . By attaching tx and ty below the i-th leaf of T , we obtain ax + 1 + ay + 1 − 1 < B/2 + 1 + B/2 = B + 1 open leaves, which is also a contradiction. Since each set Ai has cardinality at least three, since we have m sets, and P since there are 3m elements to distribute, we conclude that |Ai | = 3 for all i. Thus tj ∈Ai aj ≥ B P for every i. Finally, we observe that we have equality since a∈A a = mB. Thus we also have a solution for the 3-partition problem. Note that for solvability of dominance graphs with closed leaves, Theorem 6.2 still holds. That is, solvability is still a polynomial problem. The difference with the unrestricted problem is that Lemma 4.4 breaks down: All the graphs we construct in the encoding of 3-partition are in solved form, but they may well be unconfigurable. The relevance of this result is again in its relation to computational linguistics. There are alternative approaches to scope [Bos96] which require that the holes and roots of the trees must be paired uniquely: The roots must be “plugged” into the holes, and every hole must be plugged. This corresponds to making the holes open leaves, and all others closed leaves. Hence, we can show that the satisfiability problems of these alternative approaches must be NP-complete as well. 11. Conclusion. We have have distinguished the large and natural fragment of normal dominance constraints and shown that it has a polynomial time satisfiability problem. We have shown that this satisfiability problem is equivalent to the configuration problem of dominance graphs, we introduced. Configurability was then reduced to the existence of particular cycles, which could finally be checked by solving a weighted matching problem. The efficient graph algorithm we presented eliminates any doubts about the computational practicability of dominance constraints which were raised by the NPcompleteness result for the general language [KNT01] and expressed e.g. in [WM99]. First experiments confirm the efficiency of the new algorithm – it is superior to the NP algorithms especially on larger constraints. Two main directions are to be pursued in the future. On the one hand side, one might want to extend the presented graph algorithm to more expressive languages than normal dominance constraints. In particular, one might try to find a polynomial time fragment of parallelism constraints [EKN02] that are also useful for computational linguistics [EKN01]. 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