reports conference 83

Relay Protection
& Substation
Conference 2007
page 84
CIGRE B5 2007
page 86
Protective Relay
Conference 2007
Washington, USA
page 84
PAC conferences
around the world
Protection, Automation
and Control conferences
around the world provide
forums for discussions and
exchanges of ideas that
help the participants in
resolving the challenges
that our industry faces
page 83
page 82
Protection &
Conference 2007
New Delhi,
page 87
by Jorge Miguel Ordacgi Filho, ONS, Brazil
from around the world
conference reports
Pestana hotel
- the conference venue in
held in Salvador, Brazil
The Symposium of Electric
Power Systems Automation
is among the most
important conferences of
the Brazilian Power System.
The VII SIMPASE – Symposium of
Electric Power Systems Automation
was held in Salvador, Brazil from
August 5 to 10, 2007. Having
existed for more than 15 years,
SIMPASE is now considered as one
of the most important Brazilian
conferences in its area. SIMPASE
is a biennial meeting promoted
by CIGRÉ-Brazil, conducted by
Committees C2 (Operation and
Control of Power Systems) and B5
(Protection and Automation).
SIMPASE's seventh edition was
organized by Coelba (Bahia State
Power Company) and gathered
500 actively engaged professionals
who exchanged information and
technical/managerial experiences.
It is fair to highlight the active
participation of professionals
from utilities, vendors, consulting
companies, system integrators,
universities and research centers
during the technical sessions, panels,
conferences, mini-courses and in
the exhibition hall, visiting the
stands of national and international
companies. Six preferential subjects
were discussed in the symposium:
Automation and digitalization
of plants, substations, distribution
was the first
capital of
networks, and large consumer
Automation of control centers
and service centers;
Integration of local control and
supervision systems, facilities
and control centers to corporate
E duc at ion, re se arc h and
development in the field of
automation for power systems;
Automation-related economic,
financial and performance aspects;
Metering automation.
Out of the 195 abstracts submitted
by 64 organizations, the Technical
Committee selected 42 technical
papers to be presented in the
technic al sessions , The V II
SIMPASE granted awards to the
three best ranked papers based on
evaluation by the participants of the
abstracts, technical reports and their
presentation in the plenary sessions.
The author of the best ranked paper
will be granted a special award that
consists of his/her participation
at CIGRÉ – Paris 2008 Biennial
Conference. The paper that was
granted this award was presented by
COPEL in partnership with UTFPR,
and this shows the evolution of the
academic centers as far as electric
power systems automation-related
themes are concerned. Noteworthy
also is mentioning that the scoring
Many Protection
and Automation
systems will be
and use IEC 61850
system took into account the
scores assigned by the Technical
Committee to the abstracts and
technical reports, in addition to the
voting process that involved the
participants of the conference.
Three technical panels were also
conducted, bringing together
renowned experts of the Brazilian
Power System, and two minicourses that discussed issues
related to IEC 61850 Based
Substation Automation, delivered
by Dr. Alexander Apostolov from
Applications for Control Centers
of Power Systems, delivered by
Dr. Roland Eichler from SIEMENS
(Germany). Special presentations
on relevant and up-to-date subjects
were done by invited speakers, such
as the CIGRÉ SC B5 Chairman,
Mr. Ivan de Mesmaker from
ABB (Switzerland), Dr. Edmund
Schweitzer III from SEL (US), Mr.
Renato Céspedes from KEMA (US)
and Dr. Walter Johnson from CaISO
In addition, VII SIMPASE promoted
an exhibit in which 22 companies/
institutions participated with
27 booths, taking great care in
presenting the state-of-the-art
in terms of available systems and
equipment. The participants of
the conference actively visited the
exhibit. .
The VII SIMPASE also promoted an
atmosphere of comradeship to the
automation professionals, especially
during the opening ceremony and
the get-together dinner offered by
the conference.
held in Sidney, Australia
The conference was a great
success by all reports from the
115 attendees. Many reported
that this was a unique event in
the Australian calendar
The Australian National
Committee of CIGRE and the
B5 Protection & Automation
Panel organized the South East
Asia Protection & Automation
Conference. Its goal was to help
participants to respond to the
increasing pressure on utilities to
provide ever more reliable and robust
electricity supply to the consumer
under tight regulatory requirements.
With new developments in
protection and automation, it is
time to review what the industry is
achieving in its current operations
and take the lessons forward as the
industry is about to embark on the
next evolution of technology. It
focused on best practice protection
and automation issues in the
Australia, New Zealand, South-East
Asia and the Pacific region.
It gave participants the opportunity
to gain an understanding of current
protection and automation practices
in the industry and a unique
opportunity for networking amongst
other professionals in the region and
The scope of the conference provided
wide opportunity to discuss
project strategies for development,
justification, implementation and
project management as well as
design objectives and solutions for
green field projects, brown field
developments through to full life
cycle management of the asset.
Projects encompassing direct
equipment replacements through to
complete technology shifts were also
of interest. The program was highly
interactive enabling an exchange of
information on the papers presented
with opportunities for all attendees
to discuss specific issues particular to
individual organizations.
Two keynote speakers - Brian
Pokarier, PowerLink Manager
Engineering & Projects and Chris
Fitzgerald, Transgrid General
Manager Engineering - discussed
development s w ithin the
industry and the issues facing their
A special feature of the conference
was a tour of Transgrid’s new
330/132 kV indoor GIS substation.
The conference included an
exhibition area where a number of
suppliers presented their products
and were available to discuss user’s
from around the world
conference reports
Western Protective
Relay Conference, USA
Relay Protection
& Substation
Participation in the Conference
was open for all the experts
The 34th Western Protective
Relay Conference was held in
Spokane, Washington, USA from 16
to 18 October, 2007. It is an annual
event hosted by Washington State
University and offers the attendees
from many countries the opportunity
to discuss new developments in
power systems protection, as well
as the application of such devices or
systems in the field. The wide range
of protection and protection related
papers presented at the conference
make it attractive to researchers and
educators, technicians and managers,
consultants and manufacturers’
As usual, the conference venue
was the Spokane Convention
Center. Approximately 600
protection professionals attended
the conference, which makes it the
largest specialized conference in the
field. The attendees were from many
countries, predominantly from
the Western US. Papers about the
application of protection technology
in generation, transmission,
distribution and industrial systems,
and how it is used were presented.
The program committee selected
50 of the submitted abstracts to
be presented over 3 days in 10
sessions. The opening and closing
sessions were general and attended
by all participants in the conference.
The remaining eight sessions were
grouped in four pairs, thus giving the
opportunity to the attendees to select
the papers of interest. The advantage
of this approach is that more papers
can be presented at the conference.
The drawback is that some times
both papers presented in the same
time slot might be of interest to some
of the attendees.
Following the paper sessions, the
participants had the opportunity
to visit the hospitality suites of
many leading vendors in the field
and discuss the latest demonstrated
interested in the preferential
subjects chosen for discussion.
T he Rus si an National
Commit tee of CIGRE (RNC
CIGRE) and the All-Russian Relay
Research, Design & Technology
Institute (VNIIR) along with the
System Operator for UES of Russia
and the Federal Grid Company
org anized the Inter nat ional
Conference on Relay Protection and
Substation Automation of Modern
Power Systems. The conference was
held from 9 to 13 September 2007
in Cheboksary - the administrative,
industrial, historical and cultural
center of Chuvashia, located in
the center of the European part of
Russia, in the heart of the VolgaVyatka region. The republic is not
large, but is one of the most densely
populated regions in the Russian
The Red Lion
hosted the
The main purpose of the
Conference & Exhibition is
to put forward all the latest
achievements and lines of
development in the field, and to
encourage a dialogue.
The conference was
held in
Chuvashia, Russia
is the capital
from around the world
of Chuvashia
conference reports
Federation, with a total population
of 1.35 million people. It is one
of the main ancient ports of the
Volga River and its foundation
goes back to the 14th century. Old
monasteries and other cultural
monuments reveal its rich history,
while woodland sceneries show
some of the real treasures of the
Russian nature. Another important
reason that Cheboksary was chosen
to host the Conference is that it
is in fact the Russian and former
Soviet center of the relay protection
scientific research.
The goal of the conference was
to summarize and analyze the
world experience in development,
manufacturing, operation and
maintenance of facilities, tools and
systems for relay protection and
automation of EHV power systems
and encourage a dialogue between
experts, manufacturers and users in
that area.
Several CIGR E study
committees were invited to take
part in the Conference. This clearly
shows the focus of the conference
on a wide range of issues related
to the protection and control
of large electric power systems
under different normal, as well as
abnormal system conditions. Papers
presented over the three working
days of the conference covered new
and re-discovered theories and
practices serving the modern power
system protection and control, the
impact of IEC 61850 on the design
of secondary systems, electric
power system simulation methods
and their influence on development
of power system protection and
control. FAC T S systems and
synchrophasors applications were
also discussed, together with
protection reliability.
A significant number of papers
were also available to the attendees
in poster sessions. The exhibition
allowed the participants to see new
devices and tools and discuss the
future trends in the field.
The evening event s were
an excellent opportunity for
networking and establishing
contacts with protection and
control professionals attending the
Cheboksary is
an ancient port
on the Volga
river and was
founded in the
14th century
from around the world
conference reports
CIGRE B5 Colloquium
Madrid, Spain
The CIGRE B5 Colloquium is biannual event held in different
countries around the world
The capital of Spain, Madrid,
hosted the Annual Meeting and
Colloquium of CIGRÉ Study
Committee B5 from 15th to 20th
of October 2007. This event is held
every two years in different venues
all over the world with a worldwide perspective and participation.
The 2007 event venue was the
Palacio de Congresos de Madrid
(Madrid Congress Hall), located in
the heart of Madrid. The city is very
well known for its rich history and
intense cultural and artistic life.
More than 250 professionals
attended - half from utilities, one
third from manufacturers and the
remaining – consultants, educators
and researchers. The program also
allocated time for working and
activity groups meetings, as well as
a half-day Tutorial.
The Colloquium was held on
17 – 18 October 2007. All accepted
papers were related to one of the
three preferential subjects (PS).
In CIGRE Technical Discussion
sessions, the paper authors do
not actually present their papers.
Each discussion session is based
on questions raised by the Special
Reporter in his report, published
before the colloquium and available
to the registrants along with the
papers. Authors of accepted papers
presented them in a poster session.
PS 1: “New Trends on Bus Bar
protection” Special Reporter: Zoran
Gajic (Sweden)
PS 2: “Acceptable Functional
Integration in Substation P&C for
transmission Systems”- Special
Reporter: Iñaki Ojanguren (Spain)
Madrid is a city
with very rich
Gala Dinner,
hosted by the
Spanish National Committee
of CIGRE in
Castillo de
PS 3: “Protection of
Tr ansmis sion L ines & C oordination of Transmission System
Protection”- Special Reporter: João
Emanuel Afonso (Portugal)
At the opening of each
discussion session, the Special
Reporter presented a summary of
his report and the questions he had
posed. Registrants who attended
the discussion sessions made short
prepared contributions in response
to the special report questions.
Spontaneos contributions were
made at the end of each session,
followed by the summary of
all discussions by the Special
I n a s s o c i at i o n w i t h t h e
Colloquium, a technical exhibition
on the subject of Protection
and Automat ion Systems
complemented the colloquium.
Fifteen companies presented their
protection and control products in
stands organized in a special area
adjacent to the meetings place.
This was a good opportunity for
the participants to learn directly
from the manufacturers about the
latest and most advanced devices
and tools in the field of substation
protection and control.
After the colloquium, interested
attendees participated in a technical
visit to the Renewable Energies
Operation Center in Toledo
The conference
an environment for
sharing ideas
and experience
Th e C e n t r a l B o a r d o f
Irrigation & Power organized
the 4th international conference
on “Power System Protection and
Automation” that was held at
Hotel Le-Meridien in New Delhi,
21-22 November 2007.
New Delhi is currently the
capital of India. Most of the city
was planned by Sir Edwin Lutyens,
considered by some as the greatest
British architect.
The aim of the conference
was to provide the participants
excellent opportunities to share
knowledge, experience and new
ideas in the areas of power system
protection and automation and to
discuss their implementation and
applications to the existing and
future power systems.
Approximately three hundred
protection and control professionals
from different countries attended
the conference. They had varying
interests on the discussed subjects
- senior officers of power utilities,
planning specialist and consultants,
manufacturers and researchers.
The conference inaugural
address “Trends in Protection and
Substation Automation Systems:
Integration, Standardization,
Information Technology” was
delivered by Ivan De Mesmaeker
(Sw it zerland), Chair man of
CIGRE-SC-B5 “Protection and
Internationally recognized
experts from around the world
presented the 36 papers selected
by the technic al commit tee
during 7 sessions. Two sessions
Protection Conference
New Delhi, India
International experts presented
and discussed papers at the
were dedicated to protection and
monitoring of main plants and
transmission circuits. Another two
covered monitoring, metering,
recording and overall power system
protection. The remaining three
Substation automation, remote
control and novel sensors
Case studies
Maintenance, training, asset and
information management
Several manufact urers
used a small exhibition area to
demonstrate their latest devices
and engineer ing tools . The
interesting discussions between
authors and attendees during the
sessions and the breaks showed
the importance of information
and experience exchange that such
forums offer.
It was clear that IEC 61850
- the new international standard
for substation communications, is
gaining momentum and is going to
shape the future of the protection
and control industry not only in
India, but in many other countries
around the world
the conference
Most of New
Delhi was
planned by Sir
Edwin Lutyens