AN ECONOMIC THEORY OF THE BUDGETARY PROCESS* Soumaya Tohamy Peter H. Aranson Hashem Dezhbakhsh February1999 * The authors are affiliated with Berry College, Emory University, and Emory University, respectively. Send inquiries to Peter H. Aranson, Department of Economics, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322-2240, Fax (404) 727-4639, An Economic Theory of the Budgetary Process Abstract This paper challenges the view that budgetary decisions are incremental because they are complex, extensive, and conflicted. Our model interprets incrementalism (or nonincrementalism) as a legislative political strategy in response to interest group politics and economic conditions. In a given year, a legislator chooses between single-period budgeting (SPB), where he promises funds for one year, or multi-period budgeting (MPB), where he promises perpetual funding. SBP is associated with a greater chance of nonincremental budgeting outcomes than is MPB. We offer a new inferential procedure for identifying nonincremental outcomes. Statistical results based on post WWII data series of agency outlays support the model's predictions. Specifically, the Democrats’control over the political process, a switch in the party controlling the White House or Congress, and presidential election year promises and political vulnerabilities all appear to cause departures from incremental budgeting. A persistently large deficit and a higher discount rate have a similar effect. Results are robust across various specifications. I. Introduction This paper challenges the view that legislative budgetary decisions are incremental1 because they are complex, extensive, and conflicted. We show instead that incrementalism is a distinct legislative strategy, rationally chosen, which reflects legislators' responses to interest-group politics and economic conditions. We construct a model that predicts when legislators' budgetary decisions will be incremental and when nonincremental. Our test of the model shows that we can reject the null hypotheses that nearly all of the relevant economic variables do not affect the incremental versus nonincremental (meta) strategy choice in ways that the model predicts.2 Since the publication of Simon's original papers four decades ago (1955, 1959), social scientists have believed that decision makers approach complex problems by using simplifying rules, sometimes called heuristics (see Heiner 1983). Because legislative budgetary decisions exhibit complexity, extensiveness, and conflict, writers since Lindblom (1959) have argued that the use of incremental strategies would prevail in regularized political contexts. Virtually all of the subsequent research of which we are aware takes the (atheoretical) case for incrementalism as given and tests for its presence. We have found no research that approaches the meta-decision of deciding how to decide -- incrementally or nonincrementally--using a rational choice model. The extensive empirical literature on incrementalism dates to the work of Davis, Dempster, and 1 The term “incremental” refers to several different phenomena. Here it denotes a marginal outcome of a process that may or may not involve reconsideration of the base--the budget of the previous year. The most common understanding of incremental budgeting is that the allocation for year t is the allocation for year t− 1 plus a small (usually positive) increment. The legislature ordinarily accepts the year t budgetary “base” without reconsideration. 2 Our model predicts that the extent of incremental versus nonincremental budgetary outcomes varies systematically with certain economic variables (e.g., interest and discount rates, inflation, and the size of federal revenues and expenditures) embedded in legislators’payoffs. Hence, we are comfortable in asserting that budgetary politics contain a significant Wildavsky (DDW 1966a), who try to explain budgetary decisions with a set of simple linear equations relating agency outlays in one year to either agency requests in the same year or agency outlays in the previous year, and relating agency requests in one year to either agency requests or outlays in the previous year. They conclude that most budgetary outcomes are incremental.3 Natchez and Bupp (1973), by contrast, examine different programs within the Atomic Energy Commission and find that there are considerable variations in program budgets over time. They conclude that by concentrating on agency budgets and not those of programs within agencies, DDW’s research masks considerable nonincremental budgetary choices. Gist (1974) shows that after disaggregating the total budget into its major functional components, defense sector budgets give evidence of nonincremental decision making more than fifty percent of the time. We can divide most of this literature into studies that show (and verbally but not theoretically explain) incremental budgetary outcomes and those that show its absence.4 The literature appears wholly devoid of a deductive theory of choice that would explain or predict these outcomes. We treat the budgetary process as the outcome of the legislator’s5 choice between incremental and nonincremental budgeting strategies, which in turn leads to five main theoretical results: (1) the budgetary process tends to display a more incremental outcome, the larger the inflation element of rational choice. 3 For a discussion and critique of DDW's empirical methodology (and that of others in this literature), see Tohamy, Dezhbakhsh, and Aranson (1999). 4 Studies that show the presence of incrementalism include: Davis, Dempster, and Wildavsky (1966a, 1966b, 1971, 1974); Jackson (1972); Moreland (1975); Ripley, Holmes, Franklin, and Moreland (1975); Ripley and Franklin (1975); Bozeman (1977); Kamlet and Mowery (1985); and Kamlet, Mowery, and Su (1988). Studies that show its absence include: Kanter (1972); Natchez and Bupp (1973); LeLoup (1978); Lane, Westlund, and Stenlund (1981); and Gist (1982). 5 It is not central to our results whether the legislator is a president who has some measure of control over the budget or a participant whose preferences represent the median preferences of budget-making participants in all dimensions, or on a single issue when voting is issue-by-issue in the absence of logrolling. 2 rate, the smaller the discount rate, the smaller the total budget of the previous year, the larger the total revenues of the previous year, and the larger the real rate of revenue growth; (2) the budgetary process tends to display a more incremental outcome, the less shirking there is on the part of legislators, that is, the less strongly they pursue ideologically satisfying projects; (3) the budgetary process tends to display a more incremental outcome the higher the positive change in the legislator’s credibility with interest groups from one year to the next; (4) the budgetary process displays a more incremental outcome if legislators expect to remain in office for longer than one period;6 thus, the model sheds some light on the issue of term limitations and how they might affect the marginality of budgetary outcomes; (5) the total budget tends to grow over time; this result supports Wagner’s law of an expanding public sector;7 the budget grows at a faster rate under incremental than under nonincremental legislative strategies. We test the theory using an empirical procedure that we develop to overcome the statistical shortcomings of earlier studies. The procedure exploits both the cross sectional and time series characteristics of the budgetary data, to identify statistically the occurrence of incremental decisions and to estimate incremental cycles for each agency. We apply a Poisson regression model to the resulting series of counts to examine how economic and political variables affect the occurrence of incremental outcomes. Section II introduces the basic model. Section III presents the empirical analysis and specifically tests the first set (1) of predictions just listed. Section IV discusses the model's implications and those of 6 If the legislator remains in office for a very long time, this result may be reversed. For a discussion of this prediction, see Section IV. 7 See Wagner (1877; 1890). 3 an extension to it, highlights some issues for future research, and concludes. II. The Basic Model To introduce the model we first distinguish between single-period budgeting and multi-period budgeting. When deciding on how much money (benefits) to allocate to a certain program (interest group), the legislator chooses not only the amount of funds to be allocated, but also the period over which the allocation will flow. The legislator can allocate money to groups, or to programs beneficial to groups, with the understanding that the funds are allocated for a single year and will not be allocated in future years unless new deals are negotiated--the single-period budgeting strategy. He also can allocate money with the understanding that the current year's funding will continue permanently to be allocated in future periods as well--the multi-period budgeting strategy. Which strategy the legislator prefers depends on the income (and utility) he derives from each. The legislator’s choice of multi-period budgeting leads to more occurrences of incrementalism. Multi-period budgeting represents a promise of continued future benefits. This strategy necessarily implies that to keep past promises of future funds, the amount of funds remaining from the total budget for the legislator to distribute freely among programs declines significantly. Single-period budgeting, by contrast, allows the legislator freely to distribute the total budget among existing and new programs (and groups). This strategy leads to more variations in budget outcomes. Single-period budgeting may lead to some marginal outcomes, but multi-period budgeting leads to proportionately more marginal outcomes. The total budget level and the individual agency and program components grow out of interactions 4 between interest group members and legislators.8 The budget for each year is the result of the intersection of group members’aggregated demands for budget money and the legislator’s supply of budget money. The demand for money reflects group members’willingness to pay for every dollar that the legislator allocates in year t to any of the government programs that benefit them. Members are willing to pay a smaller amount per dollar of budget money if the legislator adopts a single-period budgeting strategy than if he adopts a multi-period one: under multi-period budgeting, a dollar allocated to a group in year t continues to be allocated in perpetuity to the same group, so the group will be willing to pay in year t for the discounted present value of a stream of dollars extending in perpetuity. The legislator faces political opposition that reflects the supply of budget money for any real expansion of the total budget. He expands the total budget up to the level where his marginal benefit from the payment received for the last dollar spent equals the marginal political opposition that the last dollar in taxes or increased deficit generates. The legislator considers both strategies (single and multiperiod budgeting) separately, determines the total budgets resulting from the utility-maximization problem for each strategy for each year in office, calculates his total utility under each strategy, and chooses the strategy that leads to a higher total utility. The model sometimes predicts a departure from incrementalism, which we explain by the inclusion of the temporal element in the legislator's budgetary promise. Because the theory relies on elements of the Landes and Posner theory of the independent judiciary (1975), we review their argument first and explain how it relates to our model. Landes and Posner 8 Our model incorporates currently politically active interest groups and does not incorporate the analysis of the formation of new groups or the disintegration of existing ones. (See Olson (1977) for an analysis of the formation of interest groups.) The flow of benefits to interest groups will change as new interest groups form or existing ones dissolve. A group that organizes will demand benefits, and budgeters will help satisfy its demands in return for votes, campaign contributions, or other forms of compensation. 5 believe that an independent judiciary that interprets legislation in accordance with original legislative intent facilitates rather than limits the practice of interest-group politics. They assert that legislators have powerful incentives to devise methods that increase the permanence of legislation. By doing so, members of the present legislature can appropriate more income from an enactment because its benefits extend into the future. The legislation will be worth the discounted present value of a perpetual stream of benefits, where each future annual payment equals the benefit provided in the year the legislation is implemented. The legislature achieves permanence through "establishing [legislative] procedures for the enactment of legislation that increase the costs of repealing it (p. 882)."9 An independent judiciary enhances this permanence. Being independent, the judges could refuse to enforce legislation they oppose, and thus the expected value of permanent legislation to the group seeking it would decline. Yet the reduced probability (of sustaining long-run legislative bargains) from judicial independence does not outweigh the even greater reduction in this probability that might occur if the judiciary were not independent, but could be subjected to pressure from existing legislators who oppose the (earlier) legislation. Such legislators might use a “dependent” judiciary to circumvent the same legislative procedures that make repeal of permanent legislation difficult. Our concern with Landes and Posner's theory has little to do with the independence of the judiciary; instead, we use the theory's incorporation of a temporal dimension, particularly the choice between legislation whose benefits run for one period and legislation whose benefits run for more than one period. Suppose a legislature in year t decides to repeal a “permanent” allocation made in an earlier year. The benefits that the present legislature can reap from enacting its own permanent legislation 9 These procedures include the Senate’s filibuster, agenda control by the leadership, and the structure of committee jurisdictions. See, for example, Shepsle and Weingast (1987) and Weingast and Marshall (1988). 6 decline, because a present interest group's expected benefits, reflecting the greater probability that some future legislature will rescind its own program, likewise decline. When choosing to rescind otherwise permanent legislation passed in a previous year, therefore, the legislature includes, and is constrained by, the lower expected benefits of a future expected benefit stream in the present interest group’s net benefit calculation. Inflation poses a final threat to a scheme of perpetual benefits. If legislators fund programs in perpetuity at constant nominal levels, a few years of high inflation rates, or several years of more modest rates, can seriously erode the value of constant nominal funding levels. Hence, to give credence to their own commitments in the enactment of perpetual program funding today, legislators must commit to keeping past programs at constant real funding levels. We believe that adjustments for inflation along with reactions to changing factor costs, give the budgetary process its distinctive incremental character.10 Here we compare two strategies: the single-period budgeting strategy and the “perfect” multiperiod budgeting strategy. The "perfect" multi-period budgeting strategy refers to the case where groups expect the real value of their program budgets to continue indefinitely into the future with a probability equal to one.11 Multi-period budgeting enables a legislator to exercise partial control over the budget, not just during his time in office but also during the years after he leaves the legislature. His control is only partial, because to maintain interest-group expectations of a constant real budget, a 10 Research on legislatures has concentrated on the function of institutions to solve various problems of disequilibrium (Shepsle and Weingast 1981) and post-contractual opportunism (Weingast and Marshall 1988). Landes and Posner assume that rules stabilize expectations. And, the operation of institutions would be consistent with a legislative process that remains largely incremental. By associating the meta-decision of incremental versus nonincremental choice with exogenous variables, however, we suppress institutional effects on public policy. But our analysis does not, nor do we intend it to, settle the question whether institutions “matter.” We believe that they do, and it is a close question whether we would find the kinds of regularities in the data that we do find, were the process we study not as confined as it is with longstanding procedural rules. 11 Section IV briefly discusses the case of imperfect multi-period budgeting (where group members expect benefits to 7 constant level of services, he must respect similar multi-period decisions of previous legislatures. So, he controls only an amount equal to the growth of the current budget over the real value of the previous year's budget. Single-period budgeting, by contrast, gives the legislator complete control over the entire budget, but only during a single term in office. The basic model examines the legislator’s short-run decision. He does not consider the effect of his current year’s strategy choice on his future income from his enactments in subsequent terms.12 The legislator's overarching decision problem is which decision-making strategy--single- or multi-period budgeting--to follow. To make this choice he compares the utility he derives from the optimal choice of program budgets under each strategy and chooses the strategy (and its implied allocations) that gives him the higher utility. To compare the single- and (perfect) multi-period strategies, we begin with a legislator who enters office at year t . Because we are analyzing the case of "perfect" multi-period budgeting, that method must have been in existence for some time before the current legislator's tenure began, for group members to believe that their program budgets will continue with certainty up to infinity. With each subsequent term in office, the legislator can either continue multi-period budgeting or switch to singleperiod budgeting. A. Assumptions of the Model: The legislator's decision problem is to determine the total budget for year t , Bt , given that the budget for year t − 1 is Bt− 1 . We assume that there was only one politically active interest group in year t − 1 , group i , and that the legislature allocated the total budget of that year through a multi-period promise to a single program, pi , that benefits group i . That is, continue with a probability less than one) . 12 Section IV briefly highlights the results of the case where the legislator chooses the strategy that maximizes his utility 8 Bt − 1 = bit − 1 . ( bit − 1 is the budget of program pi at year t − 1 .) At year t a new group, j , organizes and demands funding for a new program, p j . The legislator receives the same payment from either interest group for every dollar spent on the program that benefits it.13 The legislator's decision problem is to determine what proportion of the total level of funding, Bt , to allocate to each program.14 The legislator could use one of two strategies. The first is single-period budgeting, where the decision about how to divide the total budget between the two programs occurs every single year. The second is perfect multi-period budgeting, where the legislator takes the real budgets of the previous year as given, because they are already promised to members of group i . His decision problem then reduces to dividing the excess of the year t total budget over the year t − 1 real budget, between the two programs. The legislator's income equals the payment he receives from both interest groups, which in turn equals a percentage, s , equal to one hundred, of the level of funding allocated to the program that benefits a group.15 The legislator charges both interest groups the same percentage and is thus indifferent between expanding bi by a certain amount and expanding or initially funding b j by the same amount. The legislator's utility increases at a decreasing rate as the result of any increase in the income over his full tenure in office. 13 We assume that the number of interest groups is large enough to preclude any market power or bargaining among them. The use of one interest group in this version of the model helps to highlight the model's conclusions by suppressing its complexities. Therefore, we treat the two interest groups in this model as if they were two among a very large number, to maintain the relevant assumptions. 14 Funding programs for ideological reasons does not exist in this simple version of the model. For a discussion of the effects of ideological animus in budgeting, see Section IV. 15 s equals one because the legislator maximizes his income, and hence charges the highest possible s . Group members agree to pay a value of s = 1 , because they keep the surplus, resulting from their downward sloping demand schedules for budget money. These assumptions grow out of the legislator’s monopoly power and the perfectly competitive environment of interest groups. In legislatures with more than one member, which require a majority vote of a quorum to allocate funds, each majority member's share would be smaller than one, and the sum of individual payoffs also might be less than one. 9 he receives from both groups. The legislator's utility varies inversely with the level of political opposition he faces, which, in turn, is a linear function of real increases in the deficit level.16 The legislator's budgetary strategy does not affect political opposition, because we assume that for any total spending level, political opposition remains the same whether the legislator adopts single or multi-period budgeting.17 We also assume that the marginal cost of increasing the deficit (and political opposition) increases with the deficit level. (The legislator derives negative, increasing (in absolute terms) utility from the additional political opposition that he faces.) We define the deficit level at year t as the difference between total spending, Bt , and total revenues, Rt . Revenues are exogenous to the budget determination process, and we assume that they grow in real terms.18 Rt = Rt − 1 (1 + i )(1 + g ) , where i is the inflation rate, g is the real rate of The model also assumes the absence of price discrimination. 16 Opposition results from an increase in the deficit or in taxes to finance greater spending. As long as either one increases opposition, our results are the same. Hence, we make taxes grow at a positive real rate and let additional spending be reflected in a larger deficit, which in turn results in higher opposition. 17 Political opposition is the same under single- or multi-period budgeting, because we assume that the budget never shrinks: a dollar once spent to benefit an interest group may be taken from it to finance other programs, but it will not be returned to taxpayers. In real life one would expect multi-period budgeting to crowd out spending for other programs in the future. One also would expect more opposition from interest group i (under single-period budgeting, because the legislator broke a multi-period budgeting promise) or from interest group j (under multi-period budgeting, because the legislator denied it budget funds). In the simple model we can assume that either group will exercise the same amount of opposition per dollar of budget funds, and hence the total opposition (from both groups) will be the same regardless of how the funds are split. The extended model (Section IV) analyzes dissatisfaction with breaking a multi-period budgeting promise, through constituents’lower expectations that the legislator will keep future promises. 18 The extended model discussed in Section IV explores the case where revenues decrease in real terms. Even though the model here assumes that revenues grow or remain constant in real terms, it could still explain a situation where revenues decline. Political opposition would increase only if the deficit increases at a level that outweighs the reduction in revenues, even though revenues decrease. The decrease in revenues will not affect opposition from group i or j , per dollar of budget funds; opposition is affected by the budget level, which will be the same whether financed by increased revenues or deficits. If the deficit were to increase enough to allow for what would have been constant real revenues (expenditures are equal to revenues plus the deficit), no additional political opposition will result. Hence, as far as political opposition is concerned, we treat the part of the deficit that compensates for lower real revenues as if it were actual revenues, so it does not affect political opposition. Therefore, all the results of the model will continue to hold in the case of decreasing revenues. 10 revenue growth, and Rt− 1 is total revenues in year t − 1 . The legislator faces no additional opposition at year t as long as the deficit level for year t is less than or equal to the real value of the deficit in the previous year. We call this level the "acceptable" deficit level. The acceptable deficit level, d t = d t − 1 (1 + i ) , is the maximum level that imposes no additional political cost on the legislator.19 For any deficit level greater than d t , the legislator faces additional political opposition that reduces his utility. B. Results of the Basic Model: The legislator's problem at year t is first to determine the total level of spending that maximizes his utility. Then, he decides how to divide this total between groups i and j . We first show the legislator’s income and present separately the utility maximizing budget level for each strategy, SBP and MBP. Then, we discuss how the legislator divides the total budget between both groups. Finally, we report the conditions that lead the legislator to prefer one strategy -- single- or multi-period budgeting -- to the other.20 1. The legislator’s income and the resulting total budget under each strategy. Benefits to group members in year t under single-period budgeting equal or exceed (through surplus) the total budget received by (the programs) both groups (support). Hence, they will pay the legislator an amount equal to s , the price he charges for every dollar of budget money, times the total allocation received. Therefore Yt = Bt . The utility-maximizing budget level under the single-period budgeting strategy is given by: 19 The legislator gains no additional votes for any deficit level below the acceptable one, because a lower deficit, for the same amount of revenues, implies lower spending. Lower spending brings forth more opposition from the affected groups. The additional opposition offsets the reduction in opposition resulting from reducing the deficit below the acceptable level. 20 Derivations using more general utility functions yield similar results, which are available from the authors upon request. 11 Bt = Bt − 1 (1 + i ) + Rt − 1 (1 + i ) g + [Bt − 1 (1 + i ) + 2 Rt − 1 (1 + i ) g ] + 2 2α β , where α and β are the weights of income and political opposition in the legislator's utility function, respectively. The total budget level, Bt , is greater than the real value of the total budget of the previous year, Bt− 1 (1 + i). The greater is α β , the legislator’s valuation of additional income relative to the higher political opposition resulting from expanding the deficit, the larger is the increase in year t ’s total budget. This result shows that if α and i are equal to zero, the total budget reduces to the budget of the previous year plus the increase in revenues -- the deficit will not increase. Also, if the real value of total revenues is constant ( g = 0) , the total budget will continue to expand at a rate greater than the inflation rate, leading to a constantly increasing total deficit.21 This result is consistent with Wagner's law, which predicts public sector spending that expands faster than the real growth rate of the economy. Furthermore, the larger is g , the real rate of revenue growth, the larger is the increase in the total budget for year t . Under multi-period budgeting, group i , which received bit − 1 = Bt − 1 in year t − 1 , will expect the same real amount at year t and will not give the legislator any income for funding program pi at a level less than or equal to bit− 1 (1 + i ) . Group j , which received nothing in year t − 1 , will pay the legislator for any positive level of funding. Because the legislator operates under "perfect" multi-period budgeting, 21 If revenues do not increase in real terms, the budget will still expand because the legislator is always trying to balance the marginal utility from additional income with the marginal cost of increased political opposition. Because marginal utility of income is always positive, the legislator’s utility maximizing deficit level will lead to a positive level of political opposition. That is, it always will exceed the ideal deficit level (the deficit of the previous year adjusted for inflation), and hence the real budget will grow even if revenues do not. 12 any funding level allocated to an interest group in year t will continue with certainty to be allocated in real terms to the same group in perpetuity. Group i 's payment to the legislator equals one hundred percent of the discounted present value of the increase in its stream of funds. Group i was already expecting a constant level of services: bit− 1 (1 + i ) in year t , bit− 1 (1 + i ) 2 in year t + 1 , bit− 1 (1 + i ) 3 in year t + 2 , and so forth. (As we note earlier, the inflation adjustment represents at least part of the “increment” in incrementalism.) The discounted value of this stream of expected benefits equals bit− 1 (1 + i ) 1+ r , where r is the discount r− i rate -- the marginal rate of time preference. If the legislator decides to give group i a budget for year t equal to bit > bit − 1 (1 + i ) , the income stream group i expects to receive will equal bit in year t , bit (1 + i ) in year t + 1 , bit (1 + i ) 2 in year t + 2 , bit (1 + i ) 3 in year t + 3 , and so forth. The discounted value of this stream of expected benefits equals bit 1+ r . Therefore, the increase in the discounted present value of group i 's income, and the r− i legislator's income received from group i , equals [ bit − bit − 1 (1 + i ) ] 1+ r . r− i Group j 's budget equals b jt . Similar to group i , group j expects its program to receive a budget of b jt in year t , b jt (1 + i ) in year t + 1 , b jt (1 + i ) 2 in year t + 2 , b jt (1 + i ) 3 in year t + 3 , and so forth. The payment group j is willing to make to the legislator equals b jt [ legislator's total income equals bit + b jt − bit − 1 (1 + i ) 1+ r . Therefore, the r− i ] 1r +− ri , which equals [Bt − Bt − 1 (1 + i )] 1r +− ri . ( Bt − 1 = bit − 1 because at year t there was only one interest group, i ). The budget that maximizes the legislator’s utility under multi-period budgeting is given by: 13 [Rt − 1(1 + i )g ]2 + R (1 + i ) g Bt = Bt − 1 (1 + i ) + t − 1 + 2 2α 2 β . Therefore, in the multi-period budget determination problem, the legislator chooses a total budget i ) , the real value of the total budget of the previous year. Bt ≥ Bt − 1 (1 + As before, the greater is α β , the legislator's valuation of additional income relative to the higher political opposition resulting from deficit expansion, the larger is the increase in the year t total budget over the budget in year t − 1 . If α and i equal zero, the total budget again reduces to the budget of the previous year plus the increase in revenues--the deficit will not increase. Also, if the real value of total revenues is constant ( g = 0) , the total budget will continue to expand at a rate greater than the inflation rate, leading to a constantly increasing total deficit. The greater is g , the real rate of revenue growth, furthermore, the larger is the increase in the budget. These are the same qualitative conclusions reached under the case of single-period budgeting. Yet, other things equal, the total budget tends to expand more under multi-period than under single-period budgeting.22 This result seems intuitive, because the legislator’s marginal benefit from increasing the 22 To find out which strategy will yield a higher total budget, we subtract the total budget under the single-period budgeting strategy, BtS , from the total budget under the multi-period budgeting strategy, BtM , and we get: BtM − BtS = Bt − 1 (1 + i ) + − = Rt − 1 (1 + i ) g 2 1 B (1 + 2 t− 1 − Rt − 1 (1 + i ) g [Bt − 1 (1 + i ) + 2 [Rt − 1 (1 + i ) g ]2 + 2α β + 2 Rt − 1 (1 + i ) g ]2 + 2α − Bt − 1 (1 + i ) 2 β 2 i ) + [Rt − 1 (1 + i )g ]2 + 2α β − [Bt − 1 (1 + i ) + Rt − 1 (1 + i )g ]2 + 2α β . To find the sign of the term in the square brackets, because all three terms are positive, we square the sum of the first two terms and square the third term, subtract the squares from each other, and find the sign of the resulting term. The resulting term equals: 14 budget by one dollar is greater under the multi-period than under the single-period strategy for every dollar greater than the real value of the previous year’s budget. Hence, when equating marginal benefit to marginal cost, the legislator will support a higher total budget in the case of the multi-period budgeting strategy. 2. The allocation of the total budget between interest groups i and j under each strategy. The legislator is indifferent, under single-period budgeting, between giving a dollar to group i and the same amount to group j . There are no issues of credibility involved, and each group will pay him the same amount. Therefore, we assume that the legislator will split the total budget between i and j according to a uniform distribution over [0,1]. The share of i is θ , and the expected value of θ = 1 2 . [ In the case of multi-period budgeting, the legislator's income equals bit + b jt − bit − 1 (1 + i ) ] r1 +− ri , where we constrain bit to be greater than or equal to bit− 1 (1 + i ) . That is, we constrain the budget of program pi in year t to equal at least its budget at year t − 1 adjusted for inflation. Any choice of program pi 's budget less than bit− 1 (1 + i ) lowers the probability with which group i expects its program to receive, at any year x greater than t , the same real amount of benefits it received in year x − 1 . This reduction would lower the group's expected flow of benefits and hence the legislator's income. Funding pi at a level less than bit− 1 (1 + i ) harms the legislator without any extra benefit, because we assume that he receives the same payment for every budget dollar spent, regardless of which 2 2α 2 Bt − 1 (1 + i ) Rt − 1 (1 + i ) g + + Rt − 1 (1 + i ) g , β [ ] which is greater than zero. Therefore, BtM is greater than BtS . 15 group benefits from the payment.23 To maximize his utility, therefore, the legislator commits to funding pi at a level equal to bit− 1 (1 + i ) , and he divides the excess budget between both programs, pi and p j .24 Because the legislator is indifferent between funding both programs, we assume that his decision to divide the excess budget is again according to a uniform distribution on [ 0,1] . We denote the percentage of the extra budget funds that group i receives as θ ( 1 − θ is the percentage that group j receives). The expected value of the budget that groups i and j receive equals bit − 1 (1 + i ) + 1 2 [Bt − bit − 1 (1 + i )]and 12 [Bt − bit − 1 (1 + i )], respectively. of funding between bit− 1 (1 + i ) and bit − 1 (1 + i ) + [Bt − of funding between zero and [Bt − bit − 1 (1 + i )]. bit − 1 (1 + i )]= Bt . Group i receives some level Group j receives some level Because the increase in the budget is small relative to the total budget, variations in the budget that either group receives are smaller under multi-period budgeting than under single-period budgeting.25 We would observe more incremental (nonincremental) outcomes, therefore, if the legislator chooses multi- (single-) period budgeting. 3. Comparison of single- and multi-period budgeting. To predict the legislator's choice between both strategies, we solve for the real rate of revenue growth, g , that makes equal the legislator's total utility derived from the optimal choice of variables under both strategies. We choose g to illustrate how the growth rate of total revenues affects the 23 It harms the legislator by reducing his income from both groups, as they observe his breaking the multi-period promise to group i . 24 i ) only if he chooses multi-period budgeting; he always can choose with a budget lower than bit − 1 (1 + i ) The legislator commits to the funding level bit − 1 (1 + single-period budgeting and fund pi 25 We use this characteristic in Section III to identify years when the legislature is likely to adopt more instances of singleperiod budgeting for a set of programs and fewer instances of multi-period budgeting. 16 legislator's choice between strategies.26 We call the value of g that makes the legislator indifferent between both strategies the critical g , g * . The legislator chooses multi-period over single-period budgeting for any g > g * , because his total utility is higher. He remains indifferent between both strategies if the real rate of revenue growth equals g * . So, we assume that he chooses multi-period budgeting then also. Any growth rate less than g * leads the legislator to choose single-period over multi-period budgeting. The critical g is given by: g* = Bt − 1 ( r − i ) α − . Rt − 1 (1 + i ) 2 βBt − 1 Rt − 1 (1 + i )(1 + r ) There is no restriction on the sign or the value that g * may take. A relatively high α makes g * negative. A negative g * means that any g ≥ 0 will lead the legislator to choose multi-period budgeting. And, because we assume that g ≥ 0 , the legislator always chooses multi-period budgeting. We could expect this result because a very high α means that the legislator values present income very highly relative to political support. Hence, he would pay little attention to the increase in opposition associated with the higher (multi-period) budget. A high β , by contrast, makes the value of g * positive, yet less than one. Depending on the actual value of g * , which is a function of the discount rate and the inflation rate, the legislator may end up choosing single-period budgeting, because the cost (disutility) that he bears if opposition increases is too high. Given the very high marginal cost in terms of opposition, β , no expansion of the budget to yield greater income may be worthwhile, and the legislator will choose singleperiod budgeting. Table 1 summarizes the results of the basic model. First, the legislator is more likely to choose 26 We use the same analysis for the other exogenous variables. The results are similar, and therefore we do not repeat the 17 multi-period budgeting if the previous year's revenues are large. For a not very large α β , the larger is Rt− 1 , the smaller is the value that g * takes. A large value for the revenue of the previous year, resulting in a lower g * , other things equal, makes the additional revenue of the current year bigger (because revenue in one year is equal to the real value of revenue of the previous year times 1+ g ), hence making it more attractive for the legislator to choose multi-period budgeting. That is, the larger is the increase in revenues, the more attractive multi-period budgeting becomes. Second, for a not extremely large α , the larger is Bt− 1 , the larger is g * . A very large Bt− 1 , other things equal, makes commensurately large the amount of funds group members already expect to receive. Thus, they are less willing to pay the legislator extra funds for receiving a budget they already expect. They are only willing to pay the legislator for new promises, in addition to the real value of Bt− 1 . A large Bt− 1 , other things equal, reduces the extra money available for new promises. This reduction, in turn, makes multi-period budgeting less attractive, which is reflected in a larger g * . Third, the larger is the discount rate, r , the greater is the value that g * takes. A large discount rate, other things equal, reduces the discounted present value of the stream of future benefits to group members. This reduction, in turn, diminishes the legislator’s income under multi-period budgeting. The resulting lower income makes multi-period budgeting less attractive, requiring a larger value of g for it to be preferred to single-period budgeting. Fourth, the larger is the inflation rate the smaller is g * . Stated differently, the model predicts that increases in the rate of inflation, ceteris paribus, will increase instances of multi-period budgeting and diminish instances of single-period budgeting. We have no cogent verbal interpretation of the reasons for analysis here. 18 this prediction. But our tests fail to disconfirm it. And, while we might advert to an exogenous money illusion, we prefer not to do so, and to remain with the model as stated. Fifth, the larger is α β , the smaller is g * , making it more attractive for the legislator to choose multi-period budgeting. A large α β indicates a strong preference among legislators for marginal income in relation to the additional disutility that the associated increase in the deficit provokes. Finally, the larger is g , the more likely is the legislator to choose multi-period budgeting. An increase in the real growth of revenues makes larger the total amount of budget funds that he can allocate to programs that benefit interest groups, without increasing political opposition. Hence, a large real growth rate in revenues makes the increase in funds under multi-period budgeting, and hence the legislator's income, larger. (The larger rate of revenue growth makes the legislator's income higher under single-period budgeting as well, but the additional income from every dollar of budget money is greater under multi-period budgeting, because it includes the discounted value of the future income stream.) The larger the growth in the total budget, therefore, the more likely is the legislator to choose multi-period budgeting. If the legislator does choose multi-period budgeting, the income he receives must be greater than the income he would have received from single-period budgeting. Single-period budgeting always leads to a smaller budget, a smaller deficit, and consequently, less political opposition.27 For the legislator to be willing to bear more political opposition, he must receive more income from interest groups to compensate for the additional cost. 27 One could argue that the lower opposition increases the legislator's expected term in office and hence his income. While that may be true, it does not change our results, because we are only comparing short-run decisions, where by definition the legislator does not calculate future periods’earnings. We expect, in any case, that the planning horizon of most legislators does not extend much beyond the next election. 19 The short-run model of budget determination also predicts that the legislator grows more willing to adopt multi-period budgeting as his winning margin or the safeness of his district increases. This hypothesis is a direct result of two predictions of the model. First, multi-period budgeting always leads to a larger budget than does single-period budgeting. Second, a larger budget leads to greater opposition. The more secure the legislator is in his position, however, the less concerned he becomes about added opposition resulting from the larger budget associated with multi-period budgeting. The safer the legislator's seat, therefore, the more likely he is to choose multi-period budgeting. III. Empirical Analysis Empirical studies of the budgetary process ordinarily rely on time series regressions, where the regressand and regressors are some combination of agency requests, appropriations, and their lagged values.28 Regression specifications in these studies are atheoretical, and inference also remains suspect because of statistical problems. Tohamy, Dezhbakhsh, and Aranson (1999) note several such problems. They demonstrate that budget data series are often nonstationary, possibly containing unit roots. Regressing one nonstationary series on another induces a spurious regression wherein standard t and F tests may be invalid.29 Many of the inferences in empirical studies of the budgetary process are predicated on these tests. Furthermore, the estimation procedure these studies use involves subjectively locating the "most likely" point for a change in parameters of the relationship. The stability of such relationships is examined through ad hoc procedures. These studies also use the coefficient of 28 See, e.g., DDW (1966a; 1966b; 1971), Gist (1974), and Ripley and Franklin (1975). 29 See, e.g., Granger and Newbold (1974) and Banerjee, et al. (1993, pp. 76-83). This is not a direct criticism of those researchers who performed prior studies of the budgetary process, because some of these studies predate recent findings about nonstationary regressions. 20 determination, R 2 , as the criterion for choosing among models with different break points. But the use of R 2 for this purpose remains inadequate, particularly in the presence of serial correlation--a real possibility for the models that these studies estimate (Pesaran 1974). The method we use here is designed to serve three purposes: to allow an analysis of non-stationary budget data; to provide a way to detect nonincremental outcomes without relying on spurious regressions, R 2 , or subjectively chosen break points; and to accommodate testing the hypotheses we derive in Section II. A. Testing Marginality of Budgetary Outcomes: We provide an alternative method for measuring incremental and nonincremental changes in the U.S. federal budget. We calculate the real budgetary growth rate of each of the sampled agencies, for every year in the period under study. Then, we test for the marginality of the budgetary outcome using this definition: if an agency’s real budget growth rate for a given year is not significantly different from (either larger or smaller than) zero, then we classify the treatment of its budget as incremental for that year. Otherwise, we classify the treatment of its budget as nonincremental. This classification reflects the definition of multi-period budgeting, where group members continue to expect the same real value of program budgets. We also measure the regularity of incremental outcomes by identifying agencies that display incremental budgeting for four or more consecutive years.30 To summarize our method, we identify agencies with budget growth rates significantly different from zero by first drawing a confidence band [ − c ′ σ∃st ; + cσ∃st ] around zero for each year.31 σ∃st is the 30 Tohamy, Dezhbakhsh, and Aranson (1999) detail the method for identifying agencies whose budgets display incremental (or marginal) outcomes. They construct eight different measures of incrementalism, four of which identify regularity over an extended period of time. 31 Notice that we are imposing the hypothesized zero growth rate in our calculation. 21 cross agency standard deviation of the annual percentage change in the budget.32 c and c ′are the critical values from the standardized empirical distribution (one for each size) of the annual budget change.33 Any agency with a growth rate that falls outside (either above or below) this band indicates a deviation from an incremental outcome in a given year. Then, we sum cases of deviations from an incremental outcome over all of the agencies for each year. The resulting variable, Dt , represents the number of agencies in the sample that deviate from a marginal, incremental outcome in a given year. We use eight different measures of Dt : DI1t , DI 2t , DI 3t , DI 4t , DR1t , DR2t , DR3t , and DR4t . The second letter in the variable name, I or R , indicates whether the variable measures deviations from the incremental one year outcome, or the regular outcome, where the budget is incremental for four or more consecutive years, respectively. A value of one for the subscript indicates a small positive forty percent band and a value of two indicates a two-sided forty percent band. Similarly, a value of three for the subscript indicates a large positive 45 percent band and a value of four indicates a two-sided 45 percent band. By constructing Dt from a cross sectional inference, we avoid the statistical problems mentioned earlier, caused by identifying nonincremental deviations through time series regressions with nonstationary variables. The model presented earlier suggests several variables that may affect Dt . We test the hypotheses of the model by regressing the variable Dt on the set of exogenous variables that the model suggests may 32 Small agencies may experience exceptionally large growth rates, particularly soon after their inception. To prevent such outliers from skewing the results, we first divide the sample into three sets according to agency size, in the year 1970 (the midpoint of the time series). Then we construct three different bands for the three different sizes, using the three different sample variances. 33 Because the distribution is far from normal, instead of using standard normal critical values for calculating the statistical band, we standardize the distribution of growth rates by subtracting from the median and dividing by the standard deviation of the pooled rates. Notice that the two critical values are different from each other because they are derived from a skewed distribution. We use four pairs of critical values: plus or minus forty percent around zero, plus or minus 45 22 influence budgetary outcomes. We use this functional relationship to test these hypotheses: (1) where i, Dt = g ( i t , rt , g t , ∆d t , du∆d t , Democratst , εt ) , r , g , and ∆d are the inflation rate, the discount rate (marginal rate of time preference), the real rate of revenue growth, and the change in the nominal value of the deficit (the change in the nominal value of revenues minus the nominal budget), respectively. 34 εt is an error term. The variable du∆d is the product of a binary variable and ∆d . The binary variable takes a value of one if the share of the deficit in the total budget is greater than ten percent for two consecutive years. Otherwise it takes a value of zero. The justification for creating this dummy variable is that budgeters’ attitudes toward the deficit change over the sample period. In the early period the deficit is not very large as a share of the budget and a majority of budgeters appear to have ignored it. Hence, budget expansion was mostly deficit financed, which rendered the real rate of revenue growth a non-binding constraint. In the later period the deficit becomes larger and more noticeable, and hence the model’s assumption about the real rate of revenue growth imposing a constraint on budgetary expansion becomes applicable. If this suggested description of the budgetary process is accurate, the du∆d t variable will have a positive effect on the total number of deviations from incremental changes, reflecting a positive shift in the deficit coefficient in the later period.35 We refer to this variable as Persistent-Deficit. The political party variable, Democrats , takes a value of three if the Democrats control the White percent around zero, zero to forty percent and zero to 45 percent. 34 We use the deficit level to test the effect of both revenues and expenditures on the number of deviations from incrementalism. The coefficients for revenues and the total budget have predicted opposite signs, which allows us to test their effect jointly (to avoid multicollinearity in the independent variables). We also use differences rather than levels, to reduce the time trend in that variable. 35 Notice that the small size of the sample for the later period does not allow a meaningful estimation of separate relationships for the two periods. 23 House, Senate, and House of Representatives. The variable takes a value of two, one, or zero if Democrats control two, one, or none of these institutions. Our model does not directly predict the effect of this variable on our measure of deviations. We use it here as a proxy measure for α / β in Table 1. It tries to measure different preferences for additional income relative to increased political opposition by using party affiliation of both the president and members of Congress. We nevertheless expect Democrats to have a positive coefficient, because our data set contains the budgets of nondefense agencies only. Because Dt is an integer-valued variable, we use the Poisson regression to estimate (1). 36 Consider the Poisson probability model: (2) e − λt ( X t ) ( λt ( X t )) dt , Prob( Dt = d t ) = dt ! where d t = 0, 1, 2,..., T , λt(.) is finite and positive and Xt is a set of explanatory variables. We wish to estimate E(DtXt) = λt(Xt), which is the moment conditional on the explanatory variables.37 Following statistical convention, we assume that λt(.) is log-linearly dependent on the model’s explanatory variables. Therefore, we specify the expected regression relation: (3) ln E ( Dt ) = β1 i t + β2 rt + β3 g t + β4 ∆d t + β5 du∆d t + β6 Democratst , where E denotes expectations conditional on the regressors. Based on the theory’s predictions (see Table 1) we offer several conjectures about equation (3). 36 See, e.g., Hausman, Hall, and Griliches (1984). 37 The Poisson model imposes the restriction that the conditional mean and variance of the count variable are equal. Cameron and Trivedi (1990) explain that the model is inappropriate if the data exhibits overdispersion--variance exceeding the mean. In such cases one should use the negative binomial model or other mixture models, as discussed in Gurmu and Trivedi (1994). We apply a test proposed by Cameron and Trivedi, and the results suggest no overdispersion in our data. So, we proceed with the Poisson model. 24 By definition, the larger the variable Dt , the more deviations there are from marginal outcomes, or equivalently, the more the occurrences there are of single-period (nonincremental) budgeting. The lower the value of Dt , the more the occurrences there are of multi-period (incremental) budgeting, where legislators promise to maintain for interest groups a constant stream of benefits over time. The model then suggests these hypotheses: first, the larger the inflation rate, the more likely will legislators adopt multi-period budgeting and the lower will be Dt ; second, the larger the discount rate, the more likely will legislators adopt single-period budgeting and the higher will be Dt ; third, the higher the real rate of revenue growth, the more likely will legislators adopt multi-period budgeting; fourth, the larger the deficit level of the previous year (and the change in the deficit as well), the more likely will legislators adopt single-period budgeting. (The larger the total budget of the previous year, and the smaller the revenues of the previous year, the more likely will legislators adopt single-period budgeting). These hypotheses predict that β1 , and β3 will be negative and β2 and β5 will be positive. The sign of β4 is not relevant to the model because it measures the effect of the deficit throughout the sample period, when we know that its role as a constraint on spending only becomes relevant during the later period. Even though the model does not directly predict the sign of β6 , we expect party affiliation to affect program funding preferences. The increasing strength of a party would lead to a shift in program funding to more of the party’s preferred programs and will therefore lead to more deviations from incremental outcomes. B. Empirical Results: We estimate the empirical model using real rather than nominal data, to reflect the model's emphasis on the legislator’s budgeting to maintain a constant level of service--the definition of incrementalism we use. We only use outlays data, because the emphasis of the model is on the actual 25 budget funds that programs receive and not on agency requests, or appropriations.38 We collect data on all 115 nondefense agencies that DDW (1971) study.39 We expand DDW's sample period to 1946-1994, to provide a stronger asymptotic justification for the statistical results. We drop the agencies for which data are not reported for some of the years. For agencies that merge after 1963, we add their expenditure data for the years before the merger and create a new time series; then, we use the resulting series as if the two agencies were one throughout the period. We exclude agencies that merge with other agencies that are not in the original sample. We add zeros for agencies that come into existence after 1946 or go out of existence before 1994, to reflect that they receive no funds in the years described.40 The resulting number of series is 93. We use the twelve-month Treasury Bill rate to measure the discount rate. We also use the Consumer Price Index to transform expenditure figures into real figures. We estimate equation (3) for each of the eight measurements of the dependent variable Dt , using the maximum likelihood (ML) estimation method for the Poisson model. Tables 2 and 3 summarize the results. The dependent variables in Table 2 reflect only year-to-year changes, leading to placement outside the bands. . We denote these as the incremental variables. The dependent variables in Table 3, by contrast, measure regularity of the incremental outcome, as a small change that last for at least four years, which we denote as the regularity variables. Tables 4 and 5 use the same set of independent variables used in Tables 2 and 3, together with 38 We believe that outlays are a better measure than are appropriations because appropriations are not always given for one year and future appropriations are sometimes used as a way to appease agencies that do not receive a large increase in their budgets in a given year. 39 We use data from the Budget of the United States Government: Fiscal Years 1946-1996. 40 This process will tend to increase the extent of reported incrementalism. 26 three additional dummy variables: ElecYear, PresSwitch, and CongSwitch, which indicate a presidential election year, a switch in the party affiliation of the president, and a switch in the majority party in Congress, respectively. Separating the House and the Senate switch dummies gave similar results. The regression equation is given by: (4) ln E ( Dt ) = β0 + β1i t + β2 rt + β3 g t + β4 ∆d t + β5du∆d t + β6 Democratst + β7 ElecYeart + β8 Pr esSwitcht + β9 CongSwitcht We expect all three dummy variables to have a positive effect on deviations from incrementalism ( β7 , β8 , and β9 are positive) because they indicate a change in program priorities in the executive or the legislative branches of government. A change in program priorities will lead to greater deviations from an incremental path as legislators reduce funding of some existing programs, so that they can increase funding to their (or their constituents’) preferred programs. Both groups of affected programs are them more likely to experience a nonincremental change in their funding level. The estimated coefficients of the discount rate, the deficit, the presidential election year, and the switch years are significant and positive, again as expected, in all variants of the model. The estimated coefficient of inflation is significant and negative, as expected, in all variants of the model. These results strongly support the model’s predictions. The estimated coefficient of the real rate of revenue growth is positive and significant for the measures using a positive band for both the incremental and regularity variables (Tables 2 and 3). This result is opposite to the predicted effect. It arises, we believe, because the real rate of revenue growth matters in the model. This indicates an increase in revenue, and therefore legislators could fund programs at increasing levels, without affecting political opposition. Using the positive band to measure a marginal outcome results in a positive effect of the growth rate on deviations because a low growth rate of revenues makes it difficult to keep previous real funding levels. The reduction in the real budget 27 (to make sure that funding to most programs is close to its previous level) would be measured as a nonincremental change when the positive band is used, even if the nominal budget level were constant. This result disappears for the two sided band measures. It also disappears when we use the three dummy (political) variables to measure the effect of changing program priorities. The estimated coefficient of the real rate of revenue growth becomes insignificant throughout. The positive significant estimated coefficients in Tables 2 and 3 merely may result from the omission of the dummy variables in equation (3) and the resulting mis-specification of the model. While this discussion may explain why the significant positive coefficient for the real rate of revenue growth does not provide evidence against the model, we still need to discuss the insignificant coefficients of the real rate of revenue growth in the estimation results of equation (4). The insignificant coefficients for all eight measures may arise from our inability to separate the sample period into two different subperiods. In the earlier period, revenues, their growth rate, or the size of the deficit do not place a binding constraint on budget expansion because politicians relied on deficit-financed spending without facing any political opposition. (Politicians used deficit financing, inter alia, to stimulate the economy.) In the later period, deficit financing generates political opposition and revenue growth becomes a restraining factor for additional expansion of the budget. The later period is a better reflection of the model’s assumptions regarding the increase in political opposition as a result of an increase in the deficit. The results show high overall significance for all eight measures of incrementalism, as indicated by the log-likelihood function. The results are slightly stronger for the positive band compared with the two sided band measures. This additional strength indicates that incrementalism is best described as having a real rate of budget growth that is greater, without being much larger, than zero. Any negative deviations from a zero real rate of growth of budgetary benefits, even if they are not statistically different from zero, 28 appear to constituent groups as broken incremental promises. So, they hurt the legislator’s ability to receive compensation from the interest groups affected, groups with which he might wish to deal. The results also show that the regularity measures outperform the incremental measures. Both results jointly indicate that we best may measure incrementalism using a positive band around zero real growth for a given agency for at least four consecutive years.41 IV. Extensions, Implications, and Concluding Remarks We extend the model to include the legislator’s choice of budget strategy in the presence of ideologically satisfying projects that he supports for their intrinsic value. The literature refers to this kind of legislative activity, which detracts from payoffs to the legislator’s clients, as “shirking” (see, e.g., Kalt and Zupan 1984; Kau and Rubin 1979; 1993; Nelson and Silberberg 1987). The extended model shows that ideologically motivated legislators will not choose multi-period budgeting as often as will nonshirking legislators. We also extend the model to allow the legislator to maximize his utility over his full tenure in office. This extension leads to imperfect multi-period budgeting, because group members adjust their expectations downward, as legislators sometimes break their multi-period promises. The results of the basic model are reinforced. Two additional results also emerge. First, the legislator’s credibility (the probability with which interest group members expect him to keep his multi-period budgeting promises) affects his choice of strategy. Indeed, the increase in the legislator’s credibility, either over time or compared with previous 41 This may be the result of the basic model’s hypothesis of “perfect” MPB in the theoretical model. One way of checking the robustness of the results is to test the predictions of a model that introduces uncertainty and less than perfect MPB. 29 legislators, makes him more likely to choose multi-period budgeting. Second, legislators who expect to remain in office for a very short period will choose single-period budgeting. As their expected tenure increases, they choose multi-period budgeting more often. Yet, as their expected tenure increases even more, they may switch back to single-period budgeting. Our theory of the budgetary process holds five implications. First, the total payment to each interest group, across all agencies and programs, is the best unit to use to analyze budgeting. The literature on incrementalism concentrates on agency budgets, with some reference to program budgets and functional components of the budget. Our model, by contrast, rests on the notion that while these classifications may be relevant to analyses of budgeting, they only remain so as long as they correspond to, or provide an approximation for, how much specific groups that are beneficiaries of these agencies and programs receive. We must view with some caution, therefore, studies of budgeting (including our own) that are based on agency, program, or functional allocations. The model uses agency allocations (or outlays) as an approximation for interest-group benefits. We believe, however, that the interest groups that benefit from federal funding are the proper units of analysis to use when constructing models to explain budgetary allocations, both over time and among different agencies and programs. We also believe that interest groups’benefits are best reflected through agencies, and not through specific agency programs or functional components.42 Second, the budget tends to expand in real terms over time. Legislators weigh the benefit of expanding the budget against the political opposition from doing so. The increase in the deficit over the 42 Natchez and Bupp (1973) show that while the Atomic Energy Commission's overall budget remains stable over the period studied, there are significant variations over specific Commission program budgets. Concentrating on these program budgets might lead one to believe that Congress acted in a nonincremental fashion. But exploring benefits to recipient groups might lead to a different conclusion, because shifts across programs might leave the members of these groups largely unaffected by such changes. 30 real value of the deficit of the previous year affects legislator’s utility less than does the increase in the budget. Hence the resulting deficit will tend to increase over time, at least in nominal terms. Both the expansion of revenues, because of the growth of national income, and the expanding deficit, lead to an expanding total budget. The model predicts that the budget will tend to expand in real terms over time. It also predicts that it will expand more under multi-period, incremental, budgeting than under singleperiod budgeting. Third, our earlier remarks in this section concerning legislative tenure and the choice of a budgetary strategy hold implications for the imposition of term limits. Very short term limits will induce legislators to act nonincrementally, with a resulting smaller budget. Increasing the term limit up to a point leads to more occurrences of multi-period budgeting, a larger budget, and less legislator shirking. If the term limit is very long, and if the legislator expects to remain in office during his natural life, more instances of single-period budgeting eventually will occur. Because multi-period budgeting, other things constant, leads to a larger federal budget, if one seeks a lower rate of expansion of the federal budget and if a reduction in the federal deficit is considered a high priority, one could design a very short term limit to induce legislators to choose more single-period budgeting. Similarly, the model predicts more rentseeking under multi-period budgeting. And, if one views reducing rent-seeking as a priority, then a very short term limit might lead to less rent-seeking than will a term limit of intermediate length. Fourth, incrementalism should not be without its defenders. If legislative outcomes arise out of disequilibrium preference profiles, then the only way for the budgetary outcome to be an equilibrium outcome is through issue-by-issue voting, or some other structurally induced equilibrium. Yet, if legislators circumvent issue-by-issue voting through logrolling, there may exist no equilibrium (McKelvey and Ordeshook 1984; Shepsle and Weingast 1984). Incrementalism would then have the virtue of minimizing the resulting chaos by reducing variations in the budgetary outcomes from one year 31 to the next. If this were true, then it may be in the interest of stability of the whole budgetary system to introduce moderate term limits, which lead to more occurrences of incrementalism, and hence reduce the possible chaos resulting from disequilibrium. Fifth, our theory points to and explains cases where incremental budgeting breaks down. The hypothesis of legislative incrementalism predicts that legislators seldom reconsider the total budget and only focus on small year-to-year additions: they treat the budget of the previous year as given. Scholars since Lindblom suggest that legislators revert to incremental decision making to simplify an unmanageably complex, extensive, and conflicted budgetary process. Our theory rejects the complexity of the budgetary process as an explanation for the incremental outcomes observed. It suggests, instead, that in periods of crises, when revenues are shrinking, for example, legislators will reconsider the total budget. They will indeed revert to cutting program budgets, to be able to finance new programs and remain within spending targets. Hence, the incremental outcome of the budgetary process is not the result of an incremental decision process, where decision-makers do not examine the base. Instead, when it occurs, incrementalism is the result of a rational, utility-maximizing process that leads to marginal budgetary outcomes.43 That is, the result of the metadecision of “deciding how to decide” is itself a rational choice. A logical extension of our research is to test some of the model's untested predictions. These include the effects of a legislator's winning margin, credibility, and expected term in office on his budgetary decisions. This test would require identification of a bill where votes reflect the choice between single- and multi-period budgeting. We tried using votes on indexation of Social Security 43 There have been very few additions to the literature on budgetary incrementalism in recent years. Perhaps this is because of the absence of a theory. More likely, it reflects the conventional wisdom, since the Reagan years, that members of Congress do adopt nonincremental changes. 32 benefits. But the data set could not allow statistical inferences, because of the almost unanimous vote for indexation. It also would be fruitful to link this model to the existing literature on legislative shirking and to derive a statistical test of the model's hypotheses about this phenomenon. We also could apply the theory to several budget determination cases, to compare the model's predictions in different political, constitutional, and economic environments. Even though we restrict the analysis to budgets of nondefense agencies in the United States, it would be interesting to test the model using both defense and nondefense agencies and to extend it to regulatory and taxation decisions. It also would be interesting to analyze its applications to other countries. 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The effect of all the variables other than g is determined through the g * expression. The effect of g is determined through the computation of a critical discount rate, r * . Because the analysis of r * is exactly the same as that of g * , we do not repeat it here. 37 Table 2: Regression Results for equation (3) – Incremental Variables Explanatory Variables ECONOMIC VARIABLES: INFLATION RATE DI1t Dependent Variable DI2t DI3t DI4t -11.056*** (0.872) -11.118*** (0.957) -9.796*** (0.917) -8.403*** (0.921) DISCOUNT RATE 30.610*** (0.990) 28.781*** (1.090) 29.426*** (1.039) 24.684*** (1.234) REVENUE GROWTH 0.784** (0.370) 0.639 (0.398) 0.790** (0.393) 0.3397 (0.445) DEFICIT -0.000005*** (0.000002) -0.000004** (0.000002) -0.000006** (0.000002) -0.000005** (0.000002) PERSISTENT-DEFICIT 0.00001*** (0.000002) 0.00001*** (0.000002) 0.000012*** (0.000002) 0.000012*** (0.000002) 1.192*** (0.0157) 1.172*** (0.0169) 1.146*** (0.0167) 1.123*** (0.0193) -1619.30 47 -1345.90 47 -1383.07 47 -1027.42 47 POLITICAL VARIABLE DEMOCRATS Log-likelihood Number of observations Notes: Standard errors are reported in parentheses. ‘***’ and ‘**’ indicate significance at the one and five percent levels, respectively. DI1t measures the number of incremental cases using a small positive band. DI2t measures the number of incremental cases using a small two-sided band. DI3t measures the number of incremental cases using a large positive band. DI4t measures the number of incremental cases using a large two-sided band. 38 Table 3: Regression Results for equation (3) – Regularity Variables Explanatory Variables ECONOMIC VARIABLES: INFLATION RATE DR 1t Dependent Variable DR 2t DR 3t DR 4t -10.677*** (0.793) -10.184*** (0.828) -10.260*** (0.816) -8.853*** (0.931) DISCOUNT RATE 31.051*** (0.916) 30.456*** (0.956) 30.777*** (0.938) 27.560*** (1.080) REVENUE GROWTH 0.726** (0.338) 0.315 (0.361) 0.641* (0.352) -0.031 (0.405) DEFICIT -0.000006*** (0.000001) -0.000007*** (0.000002) -0.000006*** (0.000002) -0.000008*** (0.000002) 0.000013*** (0.000002) 0.000014*** (0.000002) 0.000014*** (0.000002) 0.000015*** (0.000002) 1.249*** (0.0144) 1.225*** (0.015) 1.223*** (0.0149) 1.178*** (0.0169) -2048.88 47 -1845.10 47 -1884.76 47 -1337.93 47 PERSISTENT-DEFICIT POLITICAL VARIABLE: DEMOCRATS Log-likelihood Number of observations Notes: Standard errors are reported in parentheses. ***’ and ‘**’ indicate significance at the one and five percent levels, respectively. DR1t measures the number of incremental cases using a small positive band. DR2t measures the number of incremental cases using a small two-sided band. DR3t measures the number of incremental cases using a large positive band. DR4t measures the number of incremental cases using a large two-sided band. 39 Table 4: Regression Results for equation (4) – Incremental Variables Explanatory Variables ECONOMIC VARIABLES: INFLATION RATE DI1t Dependent Variable DI2t DI3t DI4t -5.828*** (0.870) -6.745*** (0.956) -4.775*** (0.907) -4.916*** (1.048) DISCOUNT RATE 21.854*** (1.020) 21.550*** (1.118 20.752*** (1.066) 18.698*** (1.240) REVENUE GROWTH 0.289 (0.356) 0.081 (0.387) 0.254 (0.378) -0.245 (0.436) DEFICIT -0.000016*** (0.000002) -0.000015*** (0.000002) -0.000016*** (0.000002) -0.000014*** (0.000002) 0.000030*** (0.000002) 0.000028*** (0.000002) 0.000029*** (0.000002) 0.000026*** (0.000003) 1.186*** (0.014) 1.156*** (0.0155) 1.143*** (0.0149) 1.104*** (0.0178) PRESIDENT-SWITCH 0.251*** (0.061) 0.225*** (0.067) 0.275*** (0.064) 0.243*** (0.075) CONGRESS-SWITCH 1.201*** (0.062) 1.035*** (0.070) 1.172*** (0.659) 0.879*** (0.081) ELECTION YEAR 0.608*** (0.0479) 0.609*** (0.0513) 0.592*** (0.0511) 0.576*** (0.0578) -1408.41 47 -1203.37 47 -1202.29 47 -938.93 47 PERSISTENT-DEFICIT POLITICAL VARIABLES: DEMOCRATS Log-likelihood Number of observations Notes: Standard errors are reported in parentheses. ***’ indicates significance at the one percent level. DI1t measures the number of incremental cases using a small positive band. DI2t measures the number of incremental cases using a small two-sided band. DI3t measures the number of incremental cases using a large positive band. DI4t measures the number of incremental cases using a large two-sided band. 40 Table 5: Regression Results for equation (4) – Regularity Variables Explanatory Variables ECONOMIC VARIABLES: INFLATION RATE DR 1t Dependent Variable DR 2t DR 3t DR 4t -4.843*** (0.781) -4.691*** (0.812) -4.542*** (0.799) -4.151*** (0.897) DISCOUNT RATE 21.579*** (0.925) 21.47*** (0.962) 21.394*** (0.946) 19.722*** (1.065) REVENUE GROWTH 0.507 (0.320) 0.176 (0.342) 0.453 (0.333) -0.203 (0.386) DEFICIT -0.000017*** (0.000002) -0.000017*** (0.000002) -0.000017*** (0.000002) -0.000017*** (0.000002) PERSISTENT-DEFICIT 0.000032*** (0.000002) 0.000031*** (0.000002) 0.000031*** (0.000002) 0.000030*** (0.000002) 1.244*** (0.0127) 1.217*** (0.0133) 1.218*** (0.0131) 1.163*** (0.0151) PRESIDENT-SWITCH 0.196*** (0.0562) 0.189***(0.059) 0.183*** (0.058) 0.206*** (0.066) CONGRESS-SWITCH 1.356*** (0.055) 1300*** (0.058) 1.351*** (0.057) 1.181*** (0.066) ELECTION YEAR 0.581*** (0.0442) 0.561*** (0.0462) 0.573*** (0.0456) 0.560*** (0.0516) -1750.08 47 -1593.13 47 -1607.00 47 -1166.23 47 POLITICAL VARIABLES: DEMOCRATS Log-likelihood Number of observations Notes: Standard errors are reported in parentheses. ***’ indicates significance at the one percent level. DR1t measures the number of incremental cases using a small positive band. DR2t measures the number of incremental cases using a small two-sided band. DR3t measures the number of incremental cases using a large positive band. DR4t measures the number of incremental cases using a large two-sided band. 41