A Preliminary Mineral-Resource Potential Of Northwestern NewMexico: Introduction McLemore and others New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Open-file Report 228 Resources December 1986 Prepared in cooperation with United States Department of Interior Bureau of Land Management PREFACE During Management the spring 1985, of the U.S. Bureau of Land (BLM) and the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources (NMBMMR) entered a cooperative agreementto pepare a preliminary mineral-resource inventory and assessment of northwestern New Mexico, including Valencia, Cibola, McKinley, San Juan, and western Rio Arriba Counties. This is the first of six reports describing the geology and mineral-resource potential of northwestern New Mexico. This first report is divided into two parts. Part I describes the methodology and classification I1 involved in evaluating the mineral-resource potential. Part is an executive summary of the mineral resource potential of eac county. The preceding five reports, Open-file Reports 229-233 are detailed reports of the mineral-resource potential of each county. These available reports data, are based published upon and time-consuming unpublished,a group by analyses of all of geologists and technical support staff. Without this team effort this project would be impossible. In addition to the coauthors of the final report, provided assistance, detailed in the many other especially people in of each acknowledgments i at the NMBMMR reviewing the rough report. and drafts BLM as TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I - Methodology (by Virginia T. McLemore) Introduction 1 Purpose and scope Organization of 1 present study 3 Definitions 13 Numbering system 14 Evaluation process 16 Introduction 16 Assessment 16 procedures Classification of mineral-resource potential 20 . . ~.. , Part I1 - Summary of the mineral-resource potential (by VirginiaT. McLemore and others) Valencia County 26 27 Cibola County 33 McKinley 39 San County JuanCounty Western Rio Arriba 45 County 52 References 58 ii TABLES 1 - 2 - 3 - 1:1000,000-scale maps included in mineral-resource potential of northwestern New Mexico 5-12 Bibliographies and geologic map'.indices Summary County of 4 .- Summary County of 5 6 - mineral-resource potential in Valencia 31 mineral-resource potential in Cibola 37 Summary of mineral-resource County potential Summary of mineral-resource County potential 7 - Summary of mineral-resource Rio 18 Arriba in McKinley 43 in San Juan 49 potentialin western County 56 FIGURES 1 2 - Areas assessed by Mineral Resources New Mexico Bureau of Mines and 2 Index to1:100,000 scale topographic maps covering northwestern New Mexico 3 - Numbering 4 - Classification~of mineral 5 - Classification.of mineral-resource system used in iii this report resources potential 4 15 21 22 Part I Methodology of Assessing Mineral-Resource Potential (by Virginia T. McLemore) INTRODUCTION Purpose and Scope The charges Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) 1976 of theU.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) with responsibility for assessment mineral-resource of preparing a mineral-resource potential inventory for all of and the public lands they manage. These studies are essential to land-use planning and management and they are BLM requiredto prior actions such as disposal, withdrawal, exchange, conveyance of land, or wilderness designations. In order to meet this statutory BLM and the requirement, the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources(NMBMMR) entered a cooperative agreement to prepare a preliminary for northwestern mineral-resource New Mexico, inventory including and Valencia, assessment Cibola, McKinley, San Juan, and western Rio Arriba Counties1).(Fig. NMBMMR staff geologic were studies Mexico, so the already of actively various involved commodities requirementsof both on agencies with all were compilations lands within and New satisfied. McLemore (1984) and McLemore et al. (1984) previously evaluated the mineral-resource and Bernalillo potential Counties and of Torrance adjacent County parts of McKinley, and Sandoval Cibola, and Santa Fe Counties (Fig. 1). This is based preliminary on analysis mineral-resource of available geological, geochemical,geophysical, and inventory and published and economic data assessment unpublished and brief field reconnaissance. A more rigorous and complete analysis of all available information 1 and additional field work could expand + t Figure I + - A r e a sa s s e s s e d by N e wM e x i c oB u r e a u o f M i n e sa n dM i . n e r a IR e s o u r c e s + the preliminary conclusions of this organization of Present The present study paper. study involves a mineral-resource assessment of Valencia, Cibola, McKinley, San Juan, and western Rio Arriba Counties and is divided into six reports; an introduction (this : report) and five detailed assessments for each county 1 (Fig. McLemore et al., 1986a, b, c, maps ata scale d,e). of1:100,000 is However, only one set of included even though 1:100,000- scale maps may cover more than one county 2). (Fig. Table 1 lists the oversized maps. This introductory report is divided into two parts. IPart describes the methodology and classification of mineral-resource potential. Part I1 is an executive summary of the mineralresource potential of each county. Each detailed county assessment (McLemore et al., 1986a, b, and c, d, e) includes a text, appendices, and supporting figures tables. The text includesa discussion of geology, production, known mineral occurrences and deposit types, and the mineral- resource and development potential for each commodity. Mineral occurrences and the mineral-resource potential are plotted on 1) and summarized on page-size 1:100,000-scale maps (Table figures. Mineral occurrences, prospects, mines, and deposits are individually described in an appendix. Petroleum tests are plotted and tabulated. + Rock Point Canyon de Chelly -rl" Sanders - 0 FIGURE 2 5 mi - Index to 1: 100,000 s c a l e t o p o g r a p h i c . .- mapscoveringnorthwesternNew t Mexico. + Table 1 - 1:100,000-scale maps included in mineral resource potential of northwestern New Mexico. ........................................ Map No. R e p o r t sO p e n - f i l e T i t l e Corresponding Map ........................................ 1 M i n e r a lo c c u r r e n c ea n dr e s o u r c ep o t e n t i a lf o rm e t a l sa n d uranium in the Socorro 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, Valencia County, New Mexico. 229 2 M i n e r a lo c c u r r e n c ea n dr e s o u r c ep o t e n t i a lf o rm e t a l sa n d u r a n i u m i n t h e B e l e n 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e t o p o g r a p h i c q u a d rangle, Valencia county, New Mexico. 229 3 Mineraloccurrences,prospects,mines,andresourcepoten30- b y 6 0 tial for metals and uranium in the Acoma Pueblo minute topographic quadrangle, Valencia and cibola Counties, New Mexico. 2 2 92,3 0 4 Industrial materials, occurrences, mines, and resource p o t e n t i a l i n t h e S o c o r r o 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e t o p o g r a p h i c quadrangle, Valencia County, New Mexico. 229 5 Industrial materials, occurrences, mines, and resource 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e t o p o g r a p h i c potential in the Belen New M e x i c o . quadrangle, Valencia County, 229 6 Industrial materials, occurrences, mines, and resource 30- by 60-minute topographic potential in the Acoma Pueblo quadrangle, Valencia and Cibola counties, New Mexico. 2 2 92, 3 0 7 Petroleum tests and resource potential in the Socorro 30by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, Valencia County, New Mexico. 229 8 Petroleum tests and resource potential in the Belen 60-minute topographic quadrangle, Valencia county, Mexico. 9 30- by 229 ~ e w Petroleum tests and resource potential in the Acoma Pueblo by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, Valencia and Cibola Counties, New Mexico. 2 2 92, 3 0 10 Geothermal springs and wells, and geothermal-resource 30- by 60-minute topographic potential in the Belen quadrangle, Valencia County, New Mexico. 229 11 Geothermal springs and wells, KGRF's,and geothermalr e s o u r c e p o t e n t i a l in t h e A c o m a P u e b l o 3 0 - b y 6 0 minute topographic quadrangle, Valencia and Cibola Counties, New Mexico. 2 2 92, 3 0 30- 5 12 Geothermal springs and wells, and geothermal-resource 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e t o p o g r a p h i c potential in the Belen quadrangle, Valencia County, New Mexico. 229 13 Geothermal springs and wells, KGRF’s, and geothermalresource potential in the Acoma Pueblo 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, Valencia and Cibola Counties, New Mexico. 229, 2 3 0 14 Mineral occurrences, prospects, mines, and resource potential for metals, uranium, barite, and fluorite in the Fence Lake 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, Cibola and McKinley Counties, New Mexico. 230, 2 3 1 15 Mineral occurrences, prospects, and mines for metals, 60uranium, barite, and fluorite in the Grants 30- by minute topographic quadrangle, Cibola and McKinley Counties, New Mexico. 230, 231 16 for metals, Mineral occurrences, prospects, and mines 60uranium, barite, and fluorite in the Zuni 30- by minute topographic quadrangle, Cibola and McKinley Counties, New Mexico. 230, 231 17 Uranium resource potential in the Grants 30- by 60minute topographic quadrangle, Cibola and McKinley Counties, New Mexico. 230, 231 18 Uranium resource potential in the Zuni 30- by 60minute topographic quadrangle, Cibola and McKinley Counties, New Mexico. 230, 231 19 Coal occurrences, prospects, mines, and resource p o t e n t i a l f o r A c o m a P u e b l o 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e t o p o g r a p h i c quadrangle, VAlencia and Cibola Counties, New Mexico. 229, 2 3 0 20 Coal occurrences, prospects, mines, and resource p o t e n t i a l f o r F e n c e L a k e 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e t o p o g r a p h i c quadrangle, Cibola and McKinley Counties, New Mexico. 230, 231 21 coal occurrences, prospects, mines, and resource potential for Grants 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, Cibola and McKinley Counties, New Mexico. 230, 231 22 Coal occurrences, prospects, mines, and resource potential for Zuni 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, Cibola and McKinley Counties, New Mexico. 230, 231 23 Petroleum tests and resource potential in the Fence Lake 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, Cibola and McKinley counties, New Mexico. 230, 231 24 Petroleum tests and resource potential in the Grants 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, Cibola and McKinley Counties, New Mexico. 230, 231 6 25 Petroleum tests and resource potential in the Zuni 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e t o p o g r a p h i c q u a d r a n g l e , C i b o l a a n d McKinley Counties, New Mexico. 230, 231 26 Geothermal springs and wells, KGRF's, and geothermalresource potential in the Fence Lake 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, Cibola and McKinley Counties, New Mexico. 230, 231 27 Geothermal springs and wells, KGRF's, a n d g e o t h e r m a l r e s o u r c e p o t e n t i a l i n t h e G r a n t s 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e topographic quadrangle, Cibola and McKinley Counties, New Mexico. 230, 231 28 G e o t h e r m a l s p r i n g s a n d w e l l s , KGRF's, a n d g e o t h e r m a l r e s o u r c e p o t e n t i a l i n t h e Z u n i 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e quadrangle, Cibola and McKinley Counties, New Mexico. 2 3 0 , 231 29 Industrial materials, prospects and mines for sand and gravel for Fence Lake 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, Cibola and McKinley Counties, New Mexico. 230, 231 30 Industrial materials, occurrences, and mines for the G r a n t s 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e t o p o g r a p h i c q u a d r a n g l e , C i b o l a and McKinley Counties, New Mexico. 230, 231 31 Industrial minerals, prospects, and mines for Zuni 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e t o p o g r a p h i c q u a d r a n g l e , C i b o l a a n d McKinley Counties, New Mexico. 230, 231 32 Resource potential for sand and gravel deposits in the F e n c e L a k e 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e t o p o g r a p h i c q u a d r a n g l e , Cibola and McKinley Counties. 230, 231 33 Resource potential f o r gypsum and sand and gravel deposits in the Grants 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, Cibola and McKinley Counties, New Mexico. 2 3 0 , 231 34 Resource potential for gypsum and sand and gravel d e p o s i t s i n t h e Z u n i 3 0 - by 6 0 - m i n u t e t o p o g r a p h i c quadrangle, Cibola and McKinley Counties, New Mexico. 230, 231 35 Industrial materials occurrences, mines, and resource potential for crushed and dimension stone, gypsum, mica, and silica sand in the Acoma Pueblo 30- by 60minute topographic quadrangle, Valencia and Cibola Counties, New Mexico. 229, 230 36 Resource potential for crushed and dimension stone, 60mica, and silica sand in the Fence Lake 30- by minute topographical quadrangle, Cibola and McKinley Counties, New Mexico. 230, 231 37 Resource potential for crushed and dimension stone, in t h e G r a n t s 3 0 - b y 6 0 - m i n u t e mica, and silica sand topographic quadrangle, Cibola and McKinley Counties, New Mexico. 230, 231 38 Resource potential for crushed and dimension stone, mica, and silica sand in the Zuni 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, Cibola and McKinley Counties, New Mexico. 230, 231 39 Resource potential for scoria, cinders, limestone, e x p a n s i b l e s h a l e , a,nd p e r l i t e i n t h e F e n c e L a k e 3 0 by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, Cibola and McKinley Counties, New Mexico. 230, 231 40 Resource potential for scoria, cinders, limestone, expansible shale, and perlite in the Grants 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, Cibola and McKinley Counties, New Mexico. 230, 231 41 Resource potential for scoria, cinders, limestone, by expansible shale, and perlite in the Zuni 3060-minute topographic quadrangle, Cibola and McKinley Counties, New Mexico. 230, 231 42 Coal occurrences, prospects, and mines in the Gallup 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico. 231 43 D r i l l holes and measured sections for evaluation of coal r e s o u r c e s i n t h e G a l l u p 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e t o p o g r a p h i c quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico. 231 44 Coal resource potential in the Gallup 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico. 231 45 Drill holes and measured sections for evaluation of coal 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e t o p o g r a p h i c resources in the Chaco Mesa quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico. 231 46 Coal resource potential in the Chaco Mesa 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico. 231 47 Petroleum tests in the Gallup 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico. 231 48 Petroleum resource potential in the Gallup 30- by 6 0 minute topographic quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico. 231 49 Petroleum tests and o i l and gas pools in the Chaco Mesa 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico. 231 50 Petroleum resource potential in the Chaco Mesa 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico. 231 51 Uranium occurrences, prospects; and mines in the Gallup 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico. 23 1 52 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e Uranium resource potential in the Gallup topographic quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico. 231 53 Uranium occurrences, prospects, and mines in the Chaco Mesa 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico. 23 1 54 the C h a c o M e s a 3 0 - b y Uranium resource potential in minute quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico. 55 Geothermal springs and wells and geothermal-resource p o t e n t i a l i n t h e G a l l u p 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e t o p o g r a p h i c quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico. 23 1 56 Geothermal wells and resource potential in the Chaco M e s a 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e t o p o g r a p h i c q u a d r a n g l e , M c K i n l e y County, New Mexico. 23 1 57 Industrial mineral occurrences, prospects, mines, and mineral-resource potential for sand and gravel in the G a l l u p 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e t o p o g r a p h i c q u a d r a n g l e , M c K i n l e y County, Hen Mexico. 231 58 Industrial materials prospects and mines and resource p o t e n t i a l f o r C h a c o M e s a 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e t o p o g r a p h i c quadrangle, McKinley County. 231 59 Resource potential for crushed and dimension stone, silica, zeolite, and mica in the Gallup 30- by 60minute topographic quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico. 23 1 60 Resource potential for crushed and dimension stone and s i l i c a i n t h e C h a c o M e s a 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e t o p o g r a p h i c quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico. 231 61 Resource potential for scoria, cinders, limestone, 30- b y 6 0 expansible shale. and perlite in the Gallup minute topographic quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico. 23 1 62 Resource potential for scoria, cinders, limestone, expansible shale, and perlite in the Chaco Mesa 30by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, McKinley County, Neu Mexico. 231 9 60- 231 63 Petroleum tests in the Toadlena 30by 6 0 - m i n u t e topographic quadrangle, San Juan County, New Mexico. 232 64 P e t r o l e u m t e s t s i n t h e F a r m i n g t o n 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e topographic quadrangle, San Juan County, New Mexico. 232 65 P e t r o l e u m t e s t s i n t h e N a v a j o R e s e r v o i r 30- b y 60minute topographic quadrangle, San Juan and Rio Arriba Counties, New Mexico. 232, 233 66 Petroleum tests in the Chaco Canyon 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, San Juan and Rio Arriba Counties, New Mexico. 232, 233 67 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e Oil and gas fields in the Toadlena topographic quadrangle, San Juan County, New Mexico. 232 68 Oil and gas fields in the Farmington 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, San Juan County, New Mexico. 232 69 Oil and gas fields in the Navajo Reservoir 30- by 60minute topographic quadrangle, San Juan and Rio Arriba Counties, New Mexico. 232, 233 70 Oil and gas fields in the Chaco Canyon 30- by 60-minute RiO Arriba Counties, topographic quadrangle, San Juan and New Mexico. 232, 233 71 Petroleum resource potential in the Toadlena 30- by 60minute topographic quadrangle, San Juan County, New Mexico. 232 72 30- b y 6 0 Petroleum resource potential in the Farmingon minute topographic quadrangle, San Juan County, New Mexico. 232 73 Coal occurrences, prospects, mines, and resource potential f o r T o a d l e n a 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e t o p o g r a p h i c q u a d r a n g l e , S a n Juan County, New Mexico. 232 74 Coal occurrences, prospects, mines, and resource potential f o r F a r m i n g t o n 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e t o p o g r a p h i c q u a d r a n g l e , San Juan County, New Mexico. 232 75 Coal occurrences, prospects, mines, and resource potential for Navajo Reservoir 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, San Juan and Rio Arriba Counties, New Mexico. 232, 233 76 Coal occurrences, prospects, mines, and resource potential for Chaco Canyon 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, San Juan and Rio Arriba Counties, New Mexico. 232, 2 3 3 77 Mineral occurrences, prospects, mines, and resource potential for Rock Point 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, San Juan County, New Mexico. 232 7a Mineral occurrences, prospects, mines, and resource potential for Canyon de Chelly 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, San Juan county, New Mexico. 232 79 Mineral occurrences, prospects, mines, and resource potential for Toadlena 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, San Juan County, New Mexico. 232 ao Mineral occurrences, prospects, mines, and resource potential for Farmington 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, San Juan County, New Mexico. 232 a1 Mineral occurrences, prospects, mines, and resource potential for Chaco Canyon 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, San Juan and Rio Arriba counties, New Mexico. 232, 233 a2 Geothermal hells and resource potential in the Toadlena 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, San Juan County, New Mexico. 232 a3 Geothermal wells and resource potential in the Farmington 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e t o p o g r a p h i c q u a d r a n g l e , S a n J u a n C o u n t y , New Mexico. 232 a4 Geothermal wells and resource potential in the Navajo Reservoir 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, San Juan and Rio Arriba Counties, New Mexico. 232, 233 a5 Geothermal wells and resource potential in the Chaco Canyon 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, San Juan and Rio Arriba Counties, New Mexico. 232, 233 a6 Aggregate pits and resource potential in the Toadlena 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, San Juan County, New Mexico. 232 a7 Aggregate pits and resource potential in the Farmington 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, San Juan County, New Mexico. 232 aa Aggregate pits and resource potential in the Navajo R e s e r v o i r 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e t o p o g r a p h i c q u a d r a n g l e , San Juan and Rio Arriba Counties, New Mexico. 232, 233 a9 Aggregate pits and resource potential in the Chaco Canyon 30- by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, San Juan and R i O Arriba Counties, New Mexico. 232, 233 90 Resource potential for crushed and dimension stone, 60mica, and silica sand in the Toadlena 30- by minute topographic quadrangle, San Juan County, New Mexico. 232 11 91 R e s o u rpcoet e n t ifacolrru s haedndidm e n s isotno n e , mica, and silica sand in the Farmington 3 0 - by 60minute topographic quadrangle, San Juan County, New Mexico. 232 92 R e s o u r cp eo t e n t i a l f o r c r u s h ae dn id m e n s i so tn o n e , mica, and silica sand i n t h e N a v a j o R e s e r v o i r 3 0 - by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, San Juan and Rio Arriba Counties, New Mexico. 223323, 93 R e s o u r cp eo t e n t i af loc r u s h ea dn di m e n s i os nt o n e , mica, and silica sand in the Chaco Canyon 3 0 - b y 60minute topographic quadrangle, San Juan and Rio Arriba Counties, New Mexico. 223323, 94 R e s o uproctee nltfiiogarhlt w e iagghgtr e gaantde l i m e s t o n e i n t h e T o a d l e n a 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e t o p o g r a p h i c quadrangle, San Juan County, New Mexico. 232 95 R e s o uproctee n t i a l f o r l i g h t w e iagghgtr e gaantde l i m e s t o n e i n t h e F a r m i n g t o n 30- b y 6 0 - m i n u t e t o p o g r a p h i c q u a d r a n g l e , S a n Juan County, New Mexico. 232 96 R e s o u pr oc te e n tlfiioagrlh t w e i ag gh gt r e g a nt de limestone in the Navajo Reservoir 3 0 - by 60-minute topographic quadrangle, San Juan and Rio Arriba Counties, New Mexico. 97 R e s o u r c ep o t e n t i a l f o r l i g h t w e i g h ta g g r e g a t ea n d 30- by 60-minute limestone in the Chaco Canyon topographic quadrangle, San Juan and Rio Arriba Counties, New Mexico. 12 2 23 33 2 , 2 3 2 2, 3 3 Definitions Mineral resources are the naturally occurring concentrations or liquid) inor on the earth’s crust of materials (solid, gas, that can be extracted economically under current or future economic conditions. Reports describing mineral resources vary from simple inventories of known mineral deposits to detailed geologic investigations. A mineral occurrenceis any locality where a useful mineral or material occurs. A mineral prospect is any occurrence that has been explored by or above underground ground techniques or by or subsurface drilling. These two terms do not have any resource economic implications. A mineral deposit isa sufficiently large concentration ofa valuable or useful mineralor material that or future economic conditions.A may be extracted under current mine is useful any prospect produced, or is mineral-resource or probability it potential thata mineral can be will extracted preferred favorability in is describing used in resources, Factors the is an that is a measure could feasibility of producing, a of of preclude 13 the sufficient under whereas likelihood quantities current or future type or The mineral-resource potential development the mineral-resource rock quantities the extracting is Mineral-resource potential area the area in describing a specific not a measure but an economically geologic environment (Goudarzi,1984). potential of occur 1983). conditions (Taylor and Steven, is currently mineralor material. The so that which of minerals, of the of the mineral occurrence. resources, land such ownership, as accessibility of the minerals,or cost of exploration, development] production, processing,or marketing] are not considered in assessing the resource potential; although these factors certainly affect the economics of extraction. Total evaluation of mineral-resource understanding of the a given known potential and involves a complete undiscovered mineral resources in area. Numbering System The numbering system used in this report is based upon the township] range, and section land-grid system (Fig. 3) and is used by the New Mexico State Engineer for numbering water wells and springs. In this system, each occurrence or sample location has a unique location number consisting of four parts separated by periods (i.e. 3N.53.24.441). The first part refers to the township] the second part to the range, and the third part section. The fourth part locates the occurrence to the nearest quarter-quarter-quarter section block, if posible, as indicated in Figure3. An occurrence or sample number designated of section 3N.53.24.441 is located in the NW1/4 SE1/4 SE1/4 24, T3N1 R5E. Some occurrences are located only to the nearest section, quarter-section] or quarter-quarter section because the occurrence can not be more accurately located or the occurrence extends over the entire given area. In unsurveyed areas, the locations are approximated 14 by projecting section lines. to Figure 3- Numbering system used in this report, A - S u b d i v i s i o n of a township into sections. B - S u b d i v i s i o n of a section into quarter-quarter-quarter sectionblocks.Minesymbolindicateslocation of a n o c c u r r e n c e n u m b e r e d 3 N, 5E424.441, SECTION 24 RANGE 5 EAST I Ill I 112 121 "-IlO-""120""2lo" I I I I I 211 122 I 212 I 113 I 123 114 I 124 213 214 221 I 222 -- 220I 223 I 2 2 4 'O I 241 I 2 4 2 I - - 240" 243 I 2 4 4 I I 311 I 312 321 322 -- "-310" 314 313 - I I 331 1332 341 "-330" -320- - 323 300 A 411 1412 - - 410" I 413 I 414 1 I 421 I 4 2 2 - -420" I 4231424 4 442 431 1342 432 I% I 344 443 1444 - - -340" "430" 333 I334 343 6 MILES- j 324 I I I 433 1434 - - 440- I c"---------- I MI LE- B EVALUATION PROCESS AND SOURCES OF INFORMATION Introduction The complex evaluation process of of mineral-resource geologic analogy of potential involves a prominsing or favorable geologic environments with geologic settings (i.e. models) that or contain known economic deposits. Such subjective assessments evaluations area to be depend on evaluated the and available on the information current concerning knowledge the and understanding of known economic deposits. Assessments of resource the team and potential researchers, depend therefore ofNMBMMR geologists are upon subsequently the these who knowledge evauations specialize reviewed by in and are experience assessed a specific additional of by commodities commodity specialists. Evaluations of resource potential are timedependent because the data base, technology, and economic conditions change with time. The date of resource potential studies must be given and these studies must be periodically updated. Assessment The used process currently by of Procedures evaluating NMBMMR is the the mineral-resource similarto that used by potential the U.S. Geological Survey (Shawe,1981; Goudarzi, 1984) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Voelker et al.,1979). minimal field because of 1. and investigation time constraints is However, only incorporated imposed into upon the by NMBMMR these studies theBLM. The most important stage in any geologic investigation especially in these evaluations is the compilation of all available published and unpublished data. A complete bibliographic search of published geologic references 2. essential. Bibliographies used are listed in Table geologic index Evaluation and to mapping ofthe resource interpretation of is helpful potential several data and sets A included involves is in complex each report. integration maintained by various state and €ederal agencies, including a) MRDS (Mineral Resources Data Systems, formerly CRIB, Computerized Resource Information Bank, and MILS (Mineral Industry Location System): b) DMEA (Defense Minerals Exploration Administration); c) NURE (National Uranium Resource Evaluation), HSSR (Hydrogeochemical and Stream- sediment Reconnaissance) andARMS (Aerial Radiometric and Magnetic Survey): d) NCRDS (National Coal Resource Data System): e) AML (Abandoned Mine Lands): and f) various unpublished file (NMBMMR, State Inspector of data from state and federal agencies U.S. Mines, State Highway Department, BLM, Bureau of Mines,U.S. Department of Energy). From published and unpublished data sets known mineral occurrences, prospects, mines, and deposits and oil and gas tests are identified and plotted on maps. Geochemical and geophysical anomalies are described and identified. Known deposit types are identified and favorable 2. geologic environments that may contain potential economic resources are defined. Geologic models are developed. All types of metallic, nonmetallic, and energy fuel deposits are examined. Field 3. examinations, when time permits, are valuable. A preliminary evaluation of the mineral-resource potential from available data is determined. A number of factors must be evaluated, including a) host rock favorability, b) 17 Table 2 - Bibliographies and geologic map indices. Bibliography Comments ........................................ Burks and Schilling (1955) general bibliography covering through 1950 Schilling and Schilling (1956) general bibliography covering 1951-1955 Schilling and Schilling (1961) general bibliography covering 1956-1960 general bibliography covering 1961-1965 R a y (1966) Koehn and Koehn (1973) general bibliography covering 1966-1970 Wright and Russell (1977) general bibliography covering 1971-1975 Heljeson and Holts (1981) general bibliography covering through 1975 Adkins-Heljeson and Holts general bibliography covering 1976-1980 (1984) R o b e r t s o n (1976) bibliography of Precambrian geology Schilling (1975) bibliography of Grants uranium region M c l e m o r e (1982, 1983) bibliography of uranium K i r k et al. (1983) b i b l i o g r a p h y o f M.S. dissertations Boardman and Broun (1958) geologic map index McIntosh and Morgan (1970) geologic map index McIntosh and Eister geologic map index (1979) New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Price Lists in New Mexico t h e s i s a n d Ph.D. publications and open-file reports Various listings of M.S. thesis a n d Ph.D. d i s s e r t a t i o n s f r o m Universities """"-"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""- structural controls,c) evidence of mineralization, d) previous mining and production, e) geochemical and/or geophysical anomalies, f) regional geologic setting, g) time of mineralization, h) alteration, i) mineralogy,j) processes affecting mineralization since formation, k) andgeologic 18 history. Reports are written describing known deposit types, assessing were the resouce potential, and explaining how conclusions reached. Recommendations for additional studies and types of data 4. required The should for better assessments evaluation be followed of the by field are made. preliminary mineral-resource investigations and more potential detailed mapping, geochemical sampling, and geophysical studies. A final assessment However, should these cooperative be detailed agreement Repeated made based studies of are detailed not field included investigations. under the BLM and NMBMMR. the between evaluation on the mineral-resource potential is required. New data on the study area should be incorporated into the data base. New geologic concepts and models and more sophisticated exploration techniques could drastically alter the assessments. New technologies that require different commodities and changes exploration in and mining, milling, development of and processing lower-grade or new could types allow of deposits. Political and economic conditions change rapidly and can transform today's mineral curiosity into tomorrow's mineral deposit. Therefore, mineral-resource potential assessments must be revised periodically and 19 updateda timely on basis. CLASSIFICATION Classification of OF MINERAL-RESOURCE mineral-resource POTENTIAL potential differ from classification of the mineral resources. Quantities of mineral resources are classified according to availability of geologic or data (geologic assurance), economic feasibility (identified undiscovered), and as economic or subeconomic (Fig.4 ) . resource of potential the is a qualitative probability existence aofcommodity. Classification simple judgmentof the Mineral- subjective complex of mineral-resource schemes, quantitative and like potential that statistical varies from NMBMMR, currently by to used methods (Harris and Euresty, 1969; Harris, 1969; Harris and Agterberg, 1981). However, it is rare that commodities for complex an adequate data statistical base for treatment, all especially for is available preliminary assessments. Furthermore, a simple classification scheme is more versatile for uses such as land-use planning and exploration for of new deposits. The potential is classified for the purposes this report according to availability of geologic data and relative probability of occurrence as high, moderate, low, very low, or unknow (Fig. 5). Hicih mineral-resource Dotential is assigned to areas where there are known geochemical, or mines or geophysical or where deposits data the indicate geological, an excellent probability that mineral deposits occur. All acitve and producing deposits properties in known fall into mining this districts or in class known as well areas as of mineralization. Speculative deposits, such as reasonable 20 identified - 1.c .9 .ln Y- Economic Identified Remonstrated Indicated Measured Inferred Reserves Inferred reserves .-oE Undiscovered + 0 ' 'C Marginally economic .a c 0 Marginal reserves I a Speculative Hypothetical Inferred marginal reserves Resources t 2 m a m Subeconomic Subeconomic resources C .ln I 0 2 ~~ -2 I Other occurrences - . - Nonconventional and low-gradematerials Increasing degree of geologic assurance Figure 4. Classification of mineralresources - 1 D l Very low I A I Low I Moderate 1 High Unknown or unevaluated - Increasing degree of probability - Figure 5. Classificationofmineral-resourcepotential extensions partially of known known mineralization, where deposits are sufficient Information, mining within classified as as quantity, and identified geologic high a high indicates data such districts trends deposits or areas mineral-resource probability quality, of grade, or of potential occurrence. past and present production, depth to deposit, and reserves, is important although not always essential, in determining that an area a high has potential. Exploration may be in progress or expected to occur within 10 years. Moderate geologic, mineral-resource geochemical, possibility that or Dotential geophysical undiscovered exists data deposits in areas where suggest a reasonable occur in formations or geologic settings elsewhere. Speculative deposits in known mining districts potential if or mineralized a high for evidence areas a moderate assigned are potential of economic deposits is inconclusive. This assessment, like other classifications, can he changes revised in Low when economic new conditions mineral-resource available data information, imply develop. Dotential the geneticor models, new exists occurrence of in areas where mineralization, but indicate a low probability for the occurrence aof deposit. This includes or speculative settings not deposits known to contain similar to environments Additional geologic or in areas economic settings data may be of of geologic deposits, known needed to classify environments but economic better which are deposits. such areas. A classification reserved for areas of very where 23 low mineral-resource sufficient information Dotential indicates is that an area is unfavorable for economic deposits. This evaluation may include as areas with wellas areas dispersed that have but been uneconomic depleted mineral of their occurrences mineral resources. Use of the very low potential classification requires a high Very level low that there These are may "economic" current geologic mineral-resource deposits though of and too geophysical This of assessment are is level support is assumed of to an evaluation. potential even assurance. the commodity and conditions. mineral-resource necessary and for geologic geological, inadequate to otherwise low such economically, according unknown where to extracted vary economic areas data deep to be depths future for potential not a be high A classification reserved assurance any other Dotential geochemical, classify an is and area. classification (high, moderate, low, or very low) would be misleading. These areas should receive The high proximity mineral-resource for potential additional of some study. areas can not be assessed because of lack of useful data. Detailed geologic mapping ata scale of 1:24,000 may be required before the mineral-resource potential can be assessed. The lack of data does not imDlya very low mineral-resource Dotential. The difference area is potential between that some which an unknown data implies exists the resource in an possibility potential area of of the and unevaluated unknown resource occurrence of resources. This classification scheme is similar to that Brobst used by and Goudarzi (1984) where a high mineral-resource potential 24 corresponds to substantiated resource potential and a moderate potential corresponds toa probable resource potential. Goudarzi (1984) of theU.S. Geological classification schemeto Survey the one In addition to evaluation proposes a similar used of the in this report. mineral-resource potential, the potential for development is assessed. The potential for development is classified simply as high, moderate, or low and takes into account such factors as grade, tonnage, current market conditions, and status, and similar economic factors. potential for development indicates producing a commodity or economic production of the that the conditions deposit is economically area suggest feasible is currently that currently or in the near future. Moderate potential for development exists in areas where production of the deposit would occur if certain geologic or economic conditions became favorable. Low potential for development indicates only a slight possibility, if any, for production of the deposit. The potential for development classification offer an is also a highly evaluation of the subjective economic 25 judgment, feasibility of but an it area. does Part I1 Summary of the mineral-resource by V i r g i n i a T. McLemore 26 potential ,' An.Executive Summary of A Preliminary Mineral-Resource Potential of Valencia County, Northwestern New Mexico . New Mexico Virginia T. McLemore, Ronald F. Broadhead, James M. Barker, George S. Austin, Kris Klein, Karen B. Brown, Diane Murray, Mark R. Bowie, and John S. Hingtgen Bureau of Mines and Mineral Open-file Report 229 September Resources 1, 1986 Prewared in coooeration with United States Department of Interior Bureau of Land Management 21 ABSTRACT A preliminary Valencia County mineral-resource involves A potential assessment of analyses available of published and unpublished geologic, geochemical, geophysical, and economic data and a brief field reconnaissance. Mineral-resource potential is an assessmentof the favorability that a commodity will ' occur substantial concentrationsin a given area that can be exploited under current or future economic conditions. A classification of A high high, moderate, low, very .low, and unknown is used. mineral-resource potential exists in areas where geologic and economic data indicate an excellent probability that economic mineral deposits occur there. Moderate or low mineral-resource potential exists in areas where the data indicate a lesser probability that economic mineral deposits occur.A classification of very low potential is reserved for areas where sufficient information indicates that an area is unfavorable for economic deposits. A classification of unknown mineral-resource potential is assigned to areas where either necessary geologic, to geochemical, geophysical, and economic data are inadequate otherwise classify an area or where any other classification (high, moderate, low,or very low) would be misleading. Some areas have not been for specific evaluated commodities because Of lack of useable data. Travertine deposits along the Lucero uplift in western Valencia County are currently being mined for dimension stoneand have a high resource potential. Products include 2-inch sheets and 8-inch slabs. Additional travertine deposits may occur along in the Hubbell bench where the resource potential is low. The potential for travertine as crushed stone is also high. High potential also exists for sand and gravel deposits in Quaternary-Tertiary deposits. Resources in the Rio Puerco drainage system, central Rio Grande valley, and terraces in eastern Valencia County are extensive. .Material for adobe also has a high-resource potential in these areas. Crushed and dimension stone resources occur in Precambrian rocks and Paleozoic sandstones and limestones in'the Manzano Mountains,,where the resource potential is high. Limestone for cement occurs in bhe Pennsylvanian Madera Formation in the southern Manzano 'Mountains where the resource potential is high. Travertine'from the Lucero uplift also could be used in cement. Moderate potential existsfor (1) Cu-Au-Ag (+ U, Pb) in (2) gypsum in the Precambrian rocks in the .Manzano Mountains, Permian Yesoand San Andres Formations' in the Lucero uplift, (3) scoria and cinders in the Cat Hills area in northern Valencia County, (4) silica sand in Precambrian quartzites in the Manzano Mountains, and ( 5 ) petroleum accumulations in Paleozoic and Mesozoic reservoirs in the Albuquerque Basin. Additional geologic mapping and geochemical studies are suggested in areas with active claims, in the Lucero uplift and Manzano Mountains, Aggregate resources andin areas with unknown resource potential. should be mapped and sampled in greater detail prior to extraction. Isopach facies and structure contour maps of several Valencia County formationsin the Rio Grande valley in central should be completed to delineate for oil and gas accumulations. favorable areas SUMMARY As is true studies are with all diminary pre investigations, ad' dikiona1 necessary to adequately assess the mineral-resource potential in Valencia County. These assessments must be reevaluated as economic conditions, geologic interpretations, and models change. The mineral-resource potentialsfor various commodities in Valencia County are summarized in Table 15 and Figures 15, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, and 24. The most important commodity in in the Valencia County is travertine used fQr dimension stone Lucero uplift. High potential also exists for sand and gravel, limestone, adobe material, and crushed and dimension stone. ,Moderate potential exists for Cu-Au-Ag .(+U, - Pb) in Precambrian rocks, gypsum;scoria and cinders, silica sand, zeolites, and petroleum. Additional work is necessary to calculate reserves and resources in these areas. 30 _. I TABLE 3 type of *It - S u m a r y , o f mineral-resource potential County(after McLemore et a1.;.1986a). .~ Pctsatlcn ~~ - Cffgrapl,ie laaticn . in Valencia I ninornr=renhre ptentia1 derate 1,Y 7-1 1tes Petrolelm RECOMMENDATIONS Detailed geologic terranesin the Precambrian determine mapping the and Manzano mineral-resource studies in geochemical Mountains potential for are needed to base- and precious-metals and uranium. Isopach facies and structure-contour maps of several formations in the County should be Rio Grande completed in valley in central Valencia order to delineate favorable areas for oil and gas accumulations. Aggregate detail resources should be mapped and sampled in greater priorto extraction of such materials. Any areas with active claimsshould be examined (Fig.10). Geologic Luerco Area mapping uplift near geothermal and to geochemical evaluate the the Manzano Mountains resource potential. studies resource should are required on potential. be examined for Drilling is required in the Rio Puerco coal field in northwestern resource Valencia County to aid in evaluating the coal potential. The ratingof unknown for vermiculite and expansible shale 'does not imply that the potential is low. Rather, the appropriate rock typesare present but needto be in more detail specifically for these examined resources. the An .Executive Summary of A Preliminary Mineral-Resource Potential of Cibola County. Northwestern New Mexico by Virginia T. McLemore, Ronald F. Broadhead, Gretchen Roybal, William L. Chenoweth, James M. Barker, Robert M. North, . Mark R. Bowie, John S . Hingtgen, Diane Murray, Kris Klein, Karen B. Brown, and GeorgeS. Austin New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Open-file Report230 Resources December, 1986 Prepared in cooperation with United StatesDepartment of Interior Bureau of Land Management 33 ABSTRACT A preliminary mineral-resource assessment of potential Cibola County involves analyses of available published and unpublished geologic, geochemical, geophysical, and economic data and a brief field reconnaissance. Mineral-resource potential is an assessmentof the favorability that a commodity will in occur substantial concentrations.ina given area that can be exploited under current or future economic conditions. A classification of high, moderate, low, very low,or unknown is assigned. A high mineral-resource economic data potential exists in areas where geologic and indicate an excellent probability that economic mineral deposits occurthere. Moderate or low mineral-resource potential exists in areas where the data indicate a lesser probability that economic mineral deposits occur.A classification of verylow potential is reserved for areas where sufficient information indicates that an area is unfavorable for economic deposits. A classification of unknown mineral-resource potential is assigned to areas where either necessary geologic, geochemical, geophysical, and economic data are inadequate to otherwise classifyan area or where any other classification (high, moderate, low, or very low) would be misleading. Some areas have not been evaluated for specific because of commodities lack of useable data. Uranium is currently being mined from the Morrison Formation at Mt. Taylor mine, although economic conditions are unsettled for U.S. uranium producers. The uranium resource-potential is high in the Morrison and Todilto 34. Formations in the Grants district and couldbe mined if economic conditions improve. Coal resource potential is high in the Salt Lake field. River Project of Arizonaplans t 0 mine The Salt coal just south of Cibola County in the nearfuture. Petroleum resource potential is moderate in the Puerco fault zone and Acoma and Zuni Basins. The resource potential for base- and precious-metals, in Precambrian rocksin the Zuni fluorite, and barite is moderate Mountains. Various units throughout the countyhave a high resource potential locally for clays, crushed and dimension stone, gemstones (smallquantities), limestone, and travertine. Pumice, scoria, and perlite have a high resource potential in the Mt. Taylor area. Additional geologic mapping and geochemical studies are suggested in areas with active claims,in the Lucero uplift and Zuni Mountains. Exploration drilling and samplingof fluorspar veins in the Zuni Mountainsis required to properly assess their potential. Aggregate resources should be mapped and sampled prior to extraction. The rhyolites near Mt. Taylor should be examined for tin potential. 35 _- SUMMARY As is true with all preliminary investigations, additional studies are necessary to adequately assess the mineral-resource potential in Cibola County. These assessments must be reevaluated as economic conditions, geologic interpretations, and models change. The mineral-resource potentialfor various commodities in Cibola County are summarized in Table 30 and Figures 18, 20, 22, 26, 2 8 , 29, 30, 31, and 32. The most important commodities in the county are coal and uranium. Additional work is necessary to calculate reserves and resources of these commodities in areasof high potential. F.2trOle"n hlgh mrlerate RECOMMENDATIONS Any areas with active claims should be examined (Fig. 15). Isopach facies and structure-contour maps of several formations in Cibola County should be completed to delineate favorable areas foroil and gas accumulations. Aggregate detail resources to and sampled in greater priorto extraction of such materials. Geologic Lucero should be mapped mapping uplift evaluate and and the geochemical in the studies northern mineral resource and are required central Zuni in the Mountains potential. Sample fluorspar veins for silver and gold content. Examine rhyolites near Mt. Taylor for tin potential. Chemical sampling of the Glorieta Sandstone high-silica sandstones is required to determine potential for high-silica Detailed studies deposits are of the sand and the resources. mineralogy required to assess Member their and chemistry of clay potential. of the Mt. Taylor area Geochemical and geophysical studies are required to assess the geothermal-resource potential. Exploration drilling and sampling of fluorspar veins in Zuni Mountains are required to determine depth and extent of the deposits. Examine outcrops of the Yeso Formation for manganese resources. Exploration regions and rated testing of expansible unknown are shale needed to delineate and any vermiculite ores. other An Executive Summary of Mineral-Resource Potential of McKinley County, Northwestern New Mexico A preliminary by Virginia T. McLemore, Gretchen Roybal, K i m Birdsall, Ronald F. Broadhead, William L. Chenoweth, Robert M. North, James M. Barker, Peter Copeland, Mark R. Bowie, John S. Hingtgen,' Karen B. Brown, and Kris Klein New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Open-file Report231 Mineral December 1986 Prepared in cooperation with United StatesDepartment of Interior Bureau of Land Management 39 Resources ABSTRACT A preliminary McKinley County mineral-resource involves potential analyses of assessment available of published and unpublished geologic, geochemical, geophysical, and economic data and a brief reconnaissance. Mineral-resource potential is an assessment of the favorability that a commodity will occur in substantial concentrations in a given area that can be exploited . under current or future economic conditions. A classification of A high high, moderate, low, very low, or unknown is assigned. mineral-resource economic data potential indicate exists an in areas excellent where probability geologic that and economic mineral deposits occur there. Moderate or low mineral-resource potential exists in areas where the data indicate a lesser A probability that economic mineral deposits occur. classification sufficient of very low information potential indicates that is reserved for an area unfavorable is areas where for economic deposits. A classification of unknown mineral-resource potential is to areas assigned where either necessary geologic, geochemical, geophysical, and economic data are inadequate to otherwise classify an area or where any other classification (high, moderate, low, or very low) would be misleading. Some areas lack have of useable Energy McKinley not been Coal is currently €or specific commodities because data. resources County, evaluated are although being the most important commodities other commodities have been produced and ahas high potential in produced. in the Star Lake, San Mateo, Crownpoint, and Gallup fields. Oil and gas of production County is and substantial the from resource the San potential Juan is high Basin in in McKinley several formations in the San Juan and Acoma Basins. Uranium is currently being mined from the (Homestake), Morrison although Formation economic at the conditions 23 mine Section are unsettledU.S.for uranium producers. The uranium resource-potential is high in the Morrison be and mined Todilto if Various Formations economic units in conditions throughout the Grants district and could improve. the county a have high resource potential locally for clays, crushed and dimension stone, silica sand, gemstones (small quantities), limestone, and humate. Many of these commodities are needed to support production of the energy resources. The resource-potential forC02 and helium in the Acoma and San Juan Basins, Gallup sag, and Defiance uplift moderate. The resource potential for base- and precious-metals, fluorite, and barite northern Zuni Additional is unknown in mapping and Precambrian rocks in the studies are Mountains. geologic required in areas with active claims geochemical and in the northern Zuni Mountains. Isopach facies and structure-contour maps of several formations in Cibola County should be completed to delineate favorable areas for oil and gas accumulations. Aggregate resources should be mapped and sampled prior to extraction. The rhyolites near Detailed studies silica sand Mt. of Taylor should the mineralogy resources are needed resources. 41 be examined and to for chemistry fully tin potential. of clays evaluate these and is SUMMARY As is true with all preliminary investigations, additional studies are necessary to assess adequately the mineral-resource potential in McKinley County. These assessments must be reevaluated as economic conditions, geologic interpretations, and models change. The mineral-resource potential for various commodities in 30 and Figures 17, 20, McKinley County are summarized in Table 22, 24, 26, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, and 36. The most important commodities are petroleum, coal, and uranium. Aggregate resources, limestone, clays, crushed and dimension stone resources also have a high potential and are needed to support production of the energy resources. Additional work is necessary to calculate of high reserves potential. and resources of these commodities in areas TABLE 5 - ~ ~ Fruitland Formation Menefee Formation Coal Crevasse Canyon Formation Upper Cretaceous sandstones, Petroleum Uranium (?anadium, nwlytdenum) Base and precious h t r a d a Sandstone Cretaceous,Jurassic, Permian, Pennsylvanian nme Permianand Pennsy1,vanian Morrison,Lhkota, and Tcdilto Iron Tin, beryl Cop He Clays Crushedand Dimension stone remstones oypsum Humate pumice ~ . . tuffs high low to moderate low high derate hiqh to moderate high o lw to hioh d e r a t e to”high d e r a t e t o low moderate to low Zuni u p l i f t Defiance u p l i f t Grants district low to very low o lw high to d e r a t e Z m i Mountains M t . Taylor San Juan and Amm & s i n s C%dlup sag Defiance u p l i f t entire county northern and western McKinley County recent stream beds various units ” - Kimberlite t u f f s Navajo Reservation Zunibkmntains coal f i e l d s Permian rocks coal-bearing units Cretaceous Tertiary Expansible shale Limestone various units San Wres Formation T c d i l t o Limestone and g r a v e l Star U k e f i e l d Cham Canyon f i e l d Chacra Mesa f i e l d .San Mteo f i e l d StanAing Rock f i e l d CrmpSnt field Gallup f i e l d Znni f i e l d San Juan and Amm h s i n s Gallup sag Paleozoic limstone Tertiary volcanics Paleozoic and Mesomic units Paleozoic and Mesomic u n i t s P a l e o m i c and Mesolaic u n i t s . Mesozoic u n i t s Cretaceous units Tertiary volcanics Zeolites ~ Zuni Mountains Scoria and cinders Silica sand ~, ~ . Precanbrian veins metals,~un~~,@~~~4 Sard ~ Summary of mineral-resource potential in McKinley County (after McLemore et al., 1 9 8 6 ~ ) . Z i l d i t l o i Mountain TZON, R21W Malpais Zilditloi Wntains - various Cuaternary units various units Bidahcchi Formtion Brushy Basin Member , 43 Zuni Mountains Tcdilto Park, Winnate-Grants scatt;red throughout county high - &theel area Chuska Mountains - unknown Inw unknown moderate derate derate d e r a t e to high high derate d e r a t e to high d e r a t e to high o lw d e r a t e to high moderate moderate mlerate unknwn high moderate low to high unknown unknown RECOElMENDATIONS 1) Geologic mapping is required in the Zuni Mountains area to determine the mineral resource potential. 2) Any areas with active claims should be examined 12). (Fig. 3) Isopach facies and structure-contour maps of several formations delineate 4) in McKinley favorable County should areas f o r oil and to completed be gas accumulations. Aggregate resources should be mapped and sampled in greater detail prior to of such extraction materials. 5) Examine rhyolites near Mt. Taylor for tin potential. 6) Chemical samplingof high silica sandstones is required to determine 7) the potential for high-silica sand resources. Detailed studies of the mineralogy and chemistry of clay deposits are required to assess their potential. An executive Summaryof Mineral-Resource Potential of County, Northwestern New Mexico A Preliminary 8an Juan by Virginia T. McLemore, Ronald E’. Broadhead, Kevin Cook, William L. Chenoweth, James M. Barker, Gretchen Roybal, Robert M, North, Peter Copeland, Mark R. Bowie, John S. Hingtgen, Kris Klein, and Karen E. Brown New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Open-file Report232 Mineral November 1986 Prepared in cooperation with United StatesDepartment of Interior Bureau of Land Management Resources ABSTRACT A preliminary Juan County mineral-resource involves analyses potential of assessment available of published San and unpublished geologic, geochemical, geophysical, and economic data and a brief field reconnaissance. Mineral-resource potential is an assessment substantial of the favorability a that commodity concentrations in a given area that will can occur be in exploited under currentor future economic conditions.A classification of or unknown is assigned. A high high, moderate, low, very low, mineral-resource economic data potential indicate exists an in areas excellent where geologic probability that and economic or low mineral-resource mineral deposits occur there. Moderate potential exists in areas where the data indicate a lesser A probability that economic mineral deposits occur. classification of very sufficient low information potential indicates is that reserved an area for is areas where €or unfavorable economic deposits. A classification of unknown mineral-resource potential to areas assigned is geochemical, otherwise geophysical, classify an where and either economic area or where any necessary geologic, are inadequate to data other classification or very low) would be misleading. Some (high, moderate, low, areas lack have of usable Energy Juan Coal, not evaluated are although and for specific commodities because data. resources county, oil, been gas the other are most important commodities currently being have commodities been produced in San produced. and have A high resource potentials in various parts of San Juan County. high o potential exists locally €or carbon dioxide, clay, helium, sand and gravel, and limestone. Much of the county has a high potential€or crushed resource A moderate resource and potential dimension stone. exists €or uranium in the Shiprock district and at the Boyd prospect. A moderate potential exists locallyf o r humate. Additional geologic mapping suggested in areas with areas of aggregate resources, active and geochemical claims, and in at the areas studies Boyd with are prospect, in potential for silica sand, clay, and zeolites. More drilling and quality analyses are needed to better evaluate the coal resource potential. The significance of barium anomalies along the Kirtland-Fruitland to be examined. contact and in the Nacimiento Formation needs SUMMARY As is studies true are with all preliminary necessary to assess investigations, adequately the additional mineral-resource must be repotential in San Juan County. These assessments evaluated as economic conditions, geologic interpretations, and models change. The San mineral-resource Juan County is €or various potential summarized 3 0 , 31, 32, 36, 37, 39, and 40. commodities in and Figures 2 4 , 25, 27, in 37 Table The most important commodities C02, helium, are petroleum and coal. Aggregate resources, limestone, a high clays, potential crushed and are and dimension to support needed stone resources productionof the energy resources. Additional work is necessaryto calcualate reserves and cy€ these resources commodities potential. 48 in areas of high also have TABLE 6 Summary of mi-rieral--resource p o t e n t i a l i n S a n ~ county ( a f t e r McLemore e t a l . , 1 9 8 6 d ) Pattolsun Tertlnry. cr.t"c.o"., Jurnsslc, Pa"".ylva"lan. Hlsalsslpplsn unite ~~"O"1"". snn J U O ~n a a h hlgh Deflnnee upllft NlaeisslppInn, Pe""syl"anla", Permian. Trlnaslc. and Jurasalc llnlts coal Frultlnnd Formation Frtlitlnnd Flald Nnvn jo Fleld Distl Fleld Star Lake Field Henefee Formatton hlqh hlgb hlgh hlgh to moderate IOU lloqbnck Fleld Tondlens Fleld Newcomb Fleld moderate Unknown LOW very IOU to low Ur?."i"lU (Vanndlun) Jurnaalc rocks moderate Cretaceom rocks Hestwater Cnnyon Ilenber moderate ""K"0W" upper cretaceous rocks moderate Geothermal Pletale varloua (other than formations vsnadlun) osritt nnd FlUOrlte Cretaceous rocks unknown cot vnr1ot,a ",,It" various ""Its Clay v a r i o u s ""Its low to hlgh Cz'uehed various units hlgh modprnte to h l q h noderats to hlgh nnd dlbenslon stone Hsllu" vnrious units various units moderate to h l g h moderate to hlgh Hunats same a* coal low to moderate Punlcs Tertlnry and auatsrnsry ",,Its very Low to low very low to IOU Expanslbls unknown or low ahala Linsmtone Todlltollsestons sanosteeDesutiful EIo.nta1" a0UthWl)rd entire Salina nlneral. Sand and grav.1 s111ca Pennaylvanlan Quntarnnry. Tartlnry, and Cretaceom unlta llernoea Formation sottca varlous ""Its sand sulfur zeolite county various units Bruahy n n s l n Chuska Sandstone 49 oounty moderate to IOW low hlgh hlgh RECOMMENDATIONS Any areas Isopach with active facies formations in and claims should be structure-contour San Juan County examined 14). (Fig. maps should of be several completed to delineate favorable areas for oil, gas, COz, and helium accumulations. Aggregate detail resources should priorto extraction Chemical sampling determine the of studiesof the deposits are More evaluate the especially Gather the determine Barker and reserves outcrop in data various correlation with lower deposits greater required to resources. of clay potential. needed to better for several fields, to coal at estimate total coal fields. the Boyd Fruitland prospect Formation to to aid potential. is needed data in sand are potential needed hole in field. and resource is chemistry their analyses are drill uranium high-silica assess resource sampled materials. mineralogy to and sandstones studies uranium More such for quality hole and Stratigraphic in coal drill resources and mapped high-silica required drilling of potential Detailed be the to better Westwater delineate Canyon the Member on Tocito dome. Investigate the Kirtland-Fruitland in northern San significance contact Juan and and of in barium the southern anomalies Nacimiento Rio Arriba along the Formation Counties. 11) More testing of crushed stone resources is required to determine their commercial capabilities. 12) More analytical and field work is needed to determine the resource potential for zeolites. :. An Executive Summary of A Preliminary Mineral-Resource Potential of Western Rio Arriba County. Notthwestern New by Virginia T. McLemore, Ronald F. Broadhead, Gretchen Roybal, William L. Chenoweth, James M. Barker, Peter copeland, Mark R. Bowie, Kevin Cook, John S . Hingtgen, Kris Klein and Karen B. Brown " New Mexico Bureau of Mines andMineral Resources Open-file Report2 3 3 December 1986 Prepared in cooperation with United StatesDepartment of Interior Bureau of Land Management 52 ... . !' Mexico ABSTRACT A preliminary mineral-resource potential assessment of western Rio Arriba County involves analyses of available published and unpublished geologic, geochemical, geophysical, and economic data and a brief reconnaissance. Mineral-resource potential is assessment of the favorability thata an commodity Will occur in substantial concentrations in a given area that can be exploited under currentor future economic conditions. A classification of high, moderate, low, very low, or unknown is assigned. where A high mineral-resource potential exists in areas geologic and economic data indicate an excellent probability that economic mineral deposits occur there. Moderate or low mineral-resource potential exists in areas where the data indicate occur. a lesser probability that economic mineral deposits A classification of very low potential is reservedfor areas where sufficient information indicates that an area is unfavorable for economic deposits. A classification of unknown mineral-resource potential is to areas where either assigned necessary geologic, geochemical, geophysical, and economic data are inadequateto otherwise classifyan area or where any other or very low) would be classification (high, moderate, low, misleading. Some areas have not been evaluated for specific commodities becauseof lack of useable data. Oil and gas are currently being produced in western Rio Arriba County and the resource potential is high in Cretaceous, Jurassic, and upper Paleozoic rocks. Clay in the Mesa Alta area has a high resource potential. There isa high resource p::.ential area. for crushed anddimension the throughout the entire Limestone resource potentialis high in the Todilto Limestone in stone in southeastern A moderate resource the Chinle Formation Menefee and Arriba potential in Fruitland andheliuminthe Formation. Rio the County. exists for Nacimiento Formations in copper and Mountains, the San silver deep in JuanCo2 Basin, SanJuanBasin, and limestone in the Madera An unknown resource potential exists for silica sand, zeolites, and barite. Additional required in geologic areas with mapping active and geochemcial claims, areas of studies are aggregate resources, and along the Kirtland-Fruitland contact for barium resource potential. Isopach facies and structure-contour maps and additional petroleum tests are suggested to enhance evaluation of the petroleum resources. Detailed studies of the mineralogy and chemistry of clay assess their potential. deposits are coal required to fully SUMMARY As is true with all preliminary investigations, additional studies are to assess necessary adequately the mineral-resource potential in westernRio Arriba County. These assessments must be re-evaluated as economic conditions, geologic interpretations, and models change. The mineral-resource western Rio Arriba potential County are for various summarized 19, 20, 22, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, and 31. commodities in in 20Table and Figures The most important commodity is petroleum. Limestone, clays, and crushed and dimension stone resources also have a high potential and needed to support productionof' the energy resources. Additional work is necessaryto calculate commodities in reserves areasof high potential. and resources of these are Petroleum western Rio nrrih, mmty hish COR1 Wmero field 1.W ,F,n Juan Panin very so11them Rio A r r i b Uranium Geotherml " " lru to mlerate lW very lnr NincellaneaLs Ektals Chinlr F o r w t i a ~ ( c q p r , si.1vsr) Nacinto Mnlntninn mrite stream swliments i n Kirtlnnd-Fruitland m l t J c t a n 1 Nacimimto Formtion northern S m Juan and scntthern Rio Arrih, Cumties a 2 several t m i t s Clays Tertiary sediments crunhed stone sedimentary unitn of Falmmic thrwgh cenozoic age, awl Cemtoic igneats intrusives hid, Triassic Chinlc and Jurassic Fhtrada Sandstone hiqh Dimensirn stone u w r cretacw1s unkm 10.4 to hiqh Other rock u n i t s llelium derate derate c e n t r a l San Juan Basin mXlerate sandstones,mtrnda Snn,ndstme, Triassic Snmlatnlea, FermiRn sadstones,wnnsylvanian l i m s t o n e s and sandstones and Missisaigpian carbcnates ilunnte Lightweight Aggregate Limatme very 10.4 to W l Cr"tacm1s MPnnfee Formtion shale Rtrata in sedimntary volcanic ana ignems intrusive rocks nmr ml.ce Talilto southeastern Rtldy area liiqh Madera north flank oE Sirn Pedro Mamtain m7erate Manma Shale near Tierra AJmrilla Lewis Shale 1W W I Mica Precamlxian rocks northeastern p r t of Son Juan &win W l saline Permian e n t i r e n t W area very la, sand and Gravel T e r t i a r y and waternary s i l i c a saw3 Permian to T e r t i a r y Zeolites Jurassic : 1W RECOMMENDATIONS , ! Any areas with active claims should be examined (Fig. 11). Isopach facies and structure-contour maps of several formations in Rio Arriba County should be completed to delineate favorable areasfor oil and gas accumulations. 3) Analyze Mancos the thermal Shales in maturity and kerogen subsurface of western the content of marine Rio Arriba County. 4) Drill more wells inthe Paleozoic sectionofthe Basin (western Rio County) to better Arriba reservoir qualityof Paleozoic Test Pennsylvanian to the determine the Drill in the Paleozoic dependent porosity Aggregate resources detail Examine NURE document units. section reservoir SanJuan Rio Arriba County western in quality of Pennsylvanian section to establish units. depositionally zonations. should be mapped and sampled in greater priorto extraction of such materials. the belt of anomalous stream-sediment contact in northern barium samples values along the San Juan 'and southern the mineralogy found in the Kirtland-Fruitland Rio Arriba Counties. 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