Fisher College of Business Working Paper Series Charles A. Dice Center for Research in Financial Economics A New Approach to Measuring Riskiness in the Equity Market: Implications for the Risk Premium Turan G. Bali McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University Nusret Cakici Graduate School of Business, Fordham University Fousseni Chabi-Yo Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University Dice Center WP 2012-9 Fisher College of Business WP 2012-03-009 Revision: August 2013 Revision: May 2013 Original: May 2010 This paper can be downloaded without charge from: An index to the working papers in the Fisher College of Business Working Paper Series is located at: A New Approach to Measuring Riskiness in the Equity Market: Implications for the Risk Premium Turan G. Balia ∗ a McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.20057 Nusret Cakicib † b Graduate School of Business, Fordham University, New York, NY 10023, USA Fousseni Chabi-Yoc ‡ c Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210-1144, USA This draft: August 2013 Abstract We introduce a new approach to measuring riskiness in the equity market. We propose option implied and physical measures of riskiness and investigate their performance in predicting future market returns. The predictive regressions indicate a positive and significant relation between time-varying riskiness and expected market returns. The significantly positive link between aggregate riskiness and market risk premium remains intact after controlling for the S&P500 index option implied volatility (VIX), aggregate idiosyncratic volatility, and a large set of macroeconomic variables. We also provide alternative explanations for the positive relation by showing that aggregate riskiness is higher during economic downturns characterized by high aggregate risk aversion and high expected returns. JEL C LASSIFICATION C ODES : G11, G12, G14, G33 KEY WORDS: Time-varying riskiness, risk-neutral measures, physical measures, expected returns, equity premium. ∗ Tel.: +1-202-687-5388; fax: +1-202-687-4031. E-mail address: 636 6776; fax: +1-212-586-0575. E-mail address: ‡ Tel.:+1-614-292-8477; fax: +1-614-292-7062. E-mail address: chabi-yo † Tel.:+1-212 1. Introduction Aumann and Serrano (2008) introduce an economic index of riskiness of gambles based on risk aversion. According to their definition, whether or not an individual takes a gamble depends on how risky the gamble is and how averse the individual is to risk. Hence, increases in risk should affect more risk-averse individuals more than they do less risk-averse individuals. This suggests that appropriate definitions of increases in risk and risk aversion should be closely linked. Aumann and Serrano (2008) define the riskiness of a gamble as a function of the risk-aversion of an individual who is indifferent between accepting and rejecting that gamble. Their riskiness index is positively homogeneous, continuous, and subadditive; respects first- and second-order stochastic dominance; and indicates that less-averse individuals accept riskier gambles. According to Aumann and Serrano (2008), if a gamble g is sure to yield more than h, it cannot be considered riskier. For risk-averse investors who prefer less risky alternatives (all else equal), riskiness and desirability are not in conflict, i.e., a less risky gamble is not always more desirable. That depends on the investor and on other parameters in addition to riskiness, such as the mean, maximum loss, opportunities for gain, and so on. Indeed, the decision depends on the whole distribution. Desirability is subjective: depending on the investor, one may prefer gamble g to gamble h, whereas another prefers h to g. Riskiness, however, is objective: it is the same for all individuals. Given two gambles, a more risk-averse individual may well prefer the less risky gamble, whereas a less risk-averse individual may find that the opportunities provided by the riskier gamble outweigh the risk involved. In asset pricing literature, there is still an ongoing debate on how to quantify risk and how investors choose among risky assets. Indeed, Aumann and Serrano (2008, p. 811) points out “The concept of risky investment is commonplace in financial discussions and seems to have clear conceptual content. But when one thinks about it carefully and tries to pin it down, it is elusive. Can one measure riskiness objectively independently of the person or entity taking the risk?” In this paper, we relate expected future returns to riskiness, based on the conceptualization in Aumann and Serrano (2008). We show that equity investments become less desirable when riskiness in the equity market rises, and hence investors are less willing to hold equity or they demand extra compensation in the form of higher expected return to accept equity investments in riskier times. Therefore, we expect a positive relation between riskiness and expected returns. We introduce a generalized measure of physical riskiness that nests the empirical measure proposed 1 by Aumann and Serrano (2008) based on the assumption of normality. Since the distribution of market returns is typically skewed, peaked around the mean (leptokurtic) and has fat tails, we propose a measure of aggregate riskiness for the U.S. equity market based on the mean, standard deviation, and higher order moments of the empirical return distribution of the S&P 500 index. In addition to the generalized measure of physical riskiness under the objective probability measure, we propose option implied measures of riskiness based on the risk-neutral distribution of market returns. We provide a model-independent measure of riskiness that can be obtained from the prices of S&P 500 index options and does not rely on any particular assumptions about the return distribution. Suppose an investor needs to find a one-month ahead expected riskiness of a stock market portfolio. Under the physical measure, riskiness can only be obtained from the past historical data (e.g., daily returns over the past one year) and the investor has to use this historical measure to proxy for future riskiness. However, this physical (or historical) measure may not provide an accurate characterization of the market’s expectation of future riskiness. Using the prices of S&P 500 index options in the calculation of riskiness solves this problem by making future riskiness observable because index option prices incorporate the market’s expectation of future return distribution. After introducing the option implied and physical measures of riskiness, we investigate their performance in predicting future returns on the U.S. equity market. The intertemporal relation between risk and return in the aggregate stock market has been one of the most extensively studied topics in financial economics. Most asset pricing models postulate a positive relation between the market portfolio’s expected return and risk, which is often defined by the variance or standard deviation of market returns. In his seminal paper, Merton (1973) shows that the conditional expected return on the aggregate stock market is a linear function of its conditional variance plus a hedging demand component that captures investors’ motive to hedge against unfavorable shifts in the investment opportunity set. Despite the importance of the risk-return tradeoff and the theoretical appeal of Merton’s result, the asset pricing literature has not yet reached an agreement on the existence of such a positive risk-return tradeoff. This paper examines the intertemporal relation between the newly proposed measures of riskiness and future returns on the aggregate stock market. We generate time-varying measures of aggregate riskiness for the U.S. equity market based on the objective and risk-neutral probability measures. The physical measures of aggregate riskiness are estimated using the empirical return distribution of the S&P 500 index. The risk-neutral measures of aggregate riskiness are obtained from the prices of S&P 500 index options. The predictive regressions indicate a positive and significant relation between time-varying riskiness and 2 expected market returns. This result is somewhat stronger for the option implied measures of aggregate riskiness compared to the physical measures. The significantly positive link between riskiness and equity premium remains intact after controlling for the S&P 500 index option implied volatility, aggregate idiosyncratic volatility of individual stocks, and a large set of macroeconomic and financial variables associated with business cycle fluctuations. A large number of studies also investigate the intertemporal relation between macroeconomic variables and market returns: Expected returns are found to be related to business cycle fluctuations (e.g., Keim and Stambaugh (1986), Campbell and Shiller (1988), Fama and French (1988, 1989), Fama (1990), Kandel and Stambaugh (1990), and Ferson and Harvey (1991)). Earlier studies find that risk premia on stocks covary negatively with current economic activity: investors require higher (lower) expected returns in recessions (booms). As a supporting evidence for the countercyclical behavior of expected returns, average stock returns are found to be higher during periods of lower economic growth and after stock market declines. We present a theoretical framework that justifies the positive link between aggregate riskiness and equity premium. Our empirical results not only confirm the positive theoretical relation between riskiness and market returns, but they also provide evidence that increases in riskiness and risk aversion are closely linked, consistent with the theoretical arguments of Aumann and Serrano (2008). In addition to the theoretical framework, we provide an alternative, macroeconomic based explanation for the strong positive relation between riskiness and market risk premium by testing whether aggregate riskiness is higher during economic downturns characterized by lower economic activity and higher expected returns. The results indicate a significantly positive relation between time-varying measures of riskiness and lower economic activity defined by the Chicago Fed National Activity Index and the Aruoba, Diebold, and Scotti (2009) business conditions index. We also find that aggregate riskiness is higher when (i) the growth rate of nominal and real GDP is lower; (ii) the unemployment rate is higher; and (iii) aggregate default risk is higher. These results provide a macroeconomic based explanation for our empirical finding that time-varying measures of riskiness positively predict future returns on the aggregate stock market. Another potential explanation for the positive relation between aggregate riskiness and expected market returns can be based on a time-varying or state-dependent nature of investors’ risk aversion. During large falls of the market and periods of poor economic growth, aggregate risk aversion increases due to short sale, liquidity, or financing constraints that hurt especially on the downside. The increased risk aversion implies higher expected returns next period. In addition to the story due to constraints, the consumption-based asset pricing model of Campbell and Cochrane (1999), the time-varying risk of rare economic disasters 3 introduced by Barro (2006, 2009), and the psychological factors or behavioral biases proposed by Black (1988) provide further theoretical support for our empirical findings. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides the original, physical measure of riskiness developed by Aumann and Serrano (2008). Section 3 presents a generalized measure of physical riskiness. Section 4 introduces a risk-neutral option implied measure of riskiness. Section 5 provides a theoretical framework that justifies the positive relation between aggregate riskiness and equity premium. Section 6 contains the data and variable definitions. Section 7 investigates the significance of an intertemporal relation between aggregate riskiness and expected market returns. Section 8 tests whether aggregate riskiness is higher during periods of lower economic activity. Section 9 concludes the paper. 2. The Original Concept of Riskiness Aumann and Serrano (2008) assume a von Neumann-Morgenstern utility function for money which is strictly monotonic, strictly concave, and twice continuously differentiable, and defined over the entire real line. A gamble g is a random variable with real values – interpreted as dollar amounts – some of which are negative, and that has positive expectation. That is, an individual with utility function u accepts a gamble g at wealth w if E[u(w + g)] > u(w), where E stands for “expectation”. Aumann and Serrano’s measure of riskiness is based on a “duality” axiom between riskiness and risk aversion and positive homogeneity of degree one: DUALITY: Roughly duality says that less risk-averse decision makers accept riskier gambles. Define an index Q as a positive real-valued function on gambles and assume that gamble g is riskier than gamble h, i.e., Q(g) > Q(h). If an individual i is more risk-averse than individual j, then whenever the individual i accepts g at some wealth w, and Q(g) > Q(h), then the individual j accepts h at w. POSITIVE HOMOGENEITY: Positive homogeneity represents the cardinal nature of riskiness, i.e., Q(tg) > tQ(g) for all positive numbers t. If g is a gamble, positive homogeneity implies that 2g is at least “twice as” risky as g, not just “more” risky. Aumann and Serrano (2008) show that for each gamble g, there is a unique positive number R(g) with [ ( )] g E exp − =1 R (g) (1) The index of riskiness denoted by R (g) in eq. (1) satisfies duality and positive homogeneity. Aumann and 4 Serrano (2008) consider an agent with constant absolute risk aversion (CARA) coefficient γ, who is indifferent between accepting and rejecting g. Applying eq. (1) to the CARA utility function, u (x) = − exp(−γx), gives R (g) = 1γ . However, this example neglects the distributional parameters of g. In Section 3, we will take into account the empirical distribution of g when computing the physical measure of riskiness. In this paper, we focus on the riskiness measure of Aumann and Serrano (2008) to investigate the significance of a positive link between riskiness and equity premium. In addition to Aumann and Serrano (2008), the interested reader may wish to consult Foster and Hart (2009, 2010) and Hart (2011) for further understanding of the recently developed measures of riskiness. There is also continued research on riskiness: Bali, Cakici, and Chabi-Yo (2011) introduce a generalized measure of riskiness that nests the original measures proposed by Aumann and Serrano (2008) and Foster and Hart (2009). Bakshi, Chabi-Yo, and Gao (2011) develop a theoretical model in which investors may reduce their holdings in risky assets when the change in riskiness is higher. Kadan and Liu (2011) use the riskiness measures as performance indices for equity portfolios. 3. A Generalized Measure of Physical Riskiness While R(g) represents an objective measure of riskiness, the decision to reject or accept risky assets depends on risk aversion. For an investor with relative risk aversion γ and some initial wealth W0 , it is shown in Aumann and Serrano (2008, Eq 4.3.1, p. 817) that the investor will accept a risky asset with payoff W0 g if W0 + min{W0 g} > γR (W0 g) (2) W0 g if W0 + max{W0 g} < γR (W0 g) (3) reject a risky asset with payoff where R (W0 g) = W0 R (g), and R (g) is defined in equation (1). The riskiness of a risky asset depends on the distribution of the asset’s return. To understand better how riskiness relates to characteristics of the risky assets, ( ) √ • Assume that g ∼ N E [g] , Var [g] , it can be shown that [ ( )] ( ) g E [g] Var [g] E exp − = exp − + 2 . R (g) R (g) 2R (g) 5 (4) Combining this expression with Equation (1), it follows that R (g) = 1 Var [g] . 2 E [g] (5) • Assume that g follows a skew-normal distribution with a shape parameter νg , a location parameter µg , and a scale parameter σg : g ∼ SN (µg , σg , νg ). The skew normal distribution is defined in Azzalini (1985). The distribution is right skewed if νg > 0 and is left skewed if νg < 0. The normal distribution 1 is recovered when νg = 0, which also implies µg = E [g] and σg = (Var [g]) 2 . Lemma 1 Assume that g follows a skew-normal distribution: gSN (µg , σg , νg ). It can be shown that [ ] )2 νg 1 ( log (E [exp (κ1 g)]) = 2 κ1 σ2g + µg − µ2g + log 2Φ κ1 √ , 2σg 1 + ν2 (6) g where Φ is the cumulative distribution function of a normal N (0, 1). 1 We use Lemma 1, with κ1 = − R(g) and show that ] [( ( [ ( )]) )2 νg g 1 1 2 1 . log E exp − = 2 − σ + µg − µ2g + log 2Φ − .√ R (g) 2σg R (g) g R (g) 1 + ν2 g (7) ( [ ( )]) g Using the definition of the riskiness measure (see equation (1)), log E exp − R(g) = 0, and equation (6) reduces to ( 1 R (g) ) σ2g ν 1 g = 0. − µg + log 2Φ − .√ 2R (g) R (g) 1 + ν2 (8) g The riskiness measure R (g) is solution to (7). Under a skew normal distribution, equation (7) shows clearly that the riskiness R (g) depends on µg , σg and the parameter νg that characterizes the skewness of the risky asset. Since changes in macroeconomic conditions (such as recessions and market crashes) affect the distribution of assets in place (via νg ), one may argue that changes in macroeconomic conditions lead to changes in riskiness, and hence affects investor’s decision to accept, reject, increase, or decrease her investment in risky assets. Aumann and Serrano (2008) assume a Normal distribution (with riskiness given in equation (5)) to illustrate the meaning of their riskiness measure. Since the empirical distribution of stock returns is typically skewed and thick-tailed, we use a Taylor series expansion and propose a measure of aggregate riskiness for 6 the U.S. equity market based on the mean, standard deviation, and higher order moments of the empirical return distribution of the S&P 500 index. Under the physical measure, the Aumann and Serrano (2008) riskiness measure RAS,P is solution to: ( ( Et exp − )) gt+1 RAS,P i,t = 1. (9) ( ) gt+1 The Taylor expansion series of exp − AS,P around the expected value of g produces Ri,t ( exp − ) gt+1 RAS,P i,t ( / exp − Et (gt+1 ) ) RAS,P i,t ≃ 1− − 1 RAS,P i,t (gt+1 − Et (gt+1 )) + 1 1 2 ( ) (gt+1 − Et (gt+1 )) (10) 2! AS,P 2 Ri,t 1 1 1 1 3 4 ( )3 (gt+1 − Et (gt+1 )) + ( ) (gt+1 − Et (gt+1 )) 3! AS,P 4! AS,P 4 Ri,t Ri,t We apply the expectation operator to (9) and deduce ( 1 − exp + Et (gt+1 ) RAS,P i,t ) + 3 1 1 1 1 ( )2 Var [gt+1 ] − ( )3 (Var [gt+1 ]) 2 SKEW [gt+1 ] 2! AS,P 3! AS,P Ri,t Ri,t (11) 1 1 2 ( ) (Var [gt+1 ]) KURT [gt+1 ] = 0 4! AS,P 4 Ri,t where Var [gt+1 ], SKEW [gt+1 ], and KURT [gt+1 ] represent the variance, skewness, and kurtosis of asset i return. The Aumann and Serrano measure of riskiness RAS,P is solution to (10). i,t To estimate the generalized measures of physical riskiness for each month from January 1996 to October 2010, we first compute the mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis of daily returns on the S&P 500 index over the past 1, 3, 6, and 12 months and then numerically back out the physical measure of riskiness from equation (10). 4. Option Implied Measures of Riskiness This paper contributes to the existing literature by introducing the risk-neutral option implied measures of riskiness based on the Bakshi, Kapadia, and Madan (2003) spanning formula. They show that any 7 function of the form H(S) with E[H(S)] < ∞ can be spanned by as a collection of call and put options: [ ] ( ) [ ] ∫ H [S] = H S + S − S Hs S + ∞ S + HSS [K] (S − K) dK + ∫ S 0 HSS [K] (K − S)+ dK (12) where HS (.) and HSS (.) represent the first and second derivative of H with respect to S. We denote gt+τ = Si (t, τ) − Si (t) Si (t) (13) the return on the risky asset i with an investment horizon τ. Si (t, τ) is the price of the individual security at time t + τ, and Si (t) is the price of the individual security at time t. In Proposition (1), we derive a model-independent measure of riskiness from option prices.1 Proposition 1 Let RAS i,t be the riskiness measure of the risky asset with return-payoff gt+τ . Let C (Si (t) , K, τ) be the price at time t of the call option with strike price K, maturity τ. Let P (Si (t) , K, τ) be the price at time t of the put option with strike price K, maturity τ. Denote 1 + r f (t, τ) the return on the risk-free security. RAS i,t is the fixed point solution to (13) r f (t, τ) 1 = 1 + r f (t, τ) RAS i,t ∫ ∞ Si (t) fRAS [K]C (Si (t) , K, τ) dK + i,t ∫ Si (t) where fRAS [K] = ( i,t − 1 )2 e AS Ri,t Si (t) 1 RAS i,t 0 fRAS [K] P (Si (t) , K, τ) dK i,t (14) (K−Si (t)) Si (t) . (15) Proof: Section I of the online appendix. The advantage of the option implied measure in (13) is that it can be computed using option prices at any time, and it is not model-dependent. We also provide in Section II of the online appendix, the option implied measure of riskiness when the return on the underlying assets are defined in terms of log returns. 5. A Theoretical Framework for the Positive Riskiness-Return Tradeoff In this section, we first discuss key properties of the Aumann and Serrano riskiness measure when it is applied to returns. As shown in Auman and Serrano (2008), when it is applied to a gamble, their riski1 Aumann and Serrano (2008) develop their physical measure of riskiness R relative to a gamble g interpreted as a random dollar amount, whereas we introduce option implied measures of riskiness by applying R to returns on g, not to dollar amounts. We should note that our newly proposed measure of riskiness retains the properties of R shown by Aumann and Serrano. 8 ness measure preserves desirable properties: “Unicity”, “Duality”, “Positive Homogeneity”, “Monotonicity with Respect to Stochastic Dominance”, “Continuity”, “Diluted Gambles”, and “Compound Gambles”. To show that our riskiness measure preserves key properties as well, we need to demonstrate that net returns ( St+1St−St ) can be viewed as payoff of a gamble. We recall that, by definition, a gamble is a random variable that takes negative values and has positive expectation. Net returns ( St+1St−St ) take negative values and have positive expectation because the average rate of return on the market portfolio is positive: [ ] [ ] f E St+1St−St > E rt . Notice that the riskiness measure of Aumann and Serrano cannot be applied to gross payoffs (St+1 ) because gross payoffs take positive values in all states of the world. Second, we use a simple equilibrium model to provide theoretical and empirical evidence for the positive relation between riskiness (RtAS ) and the market return (Retm,t+1 ). Assume that zt is a time-series predictor. Following Kirby (1998, Equation (8), page 348), the slope β in the predictive regression: Retm,t+1 = α + βzt + εt+1 , can be written as ) ( Retm,t+1 (zt − E (zt )) . β = −Cov mt+1 , Var [zt ] (16) where Retm,t+1 = (St+1 − St ) /St . In equilibrium, the sign of β is determined by the correlation between the ( ( )) Stochastic Discount Factor mt+1 and Retm,t+1 RtAS − E RtAS . In our framework, zt = RtAS . The sign of the left hand side of (15) which is the slope in our predictive regressions must be consistent with the sign of the right hand side of (15). While any SDF can be used, we focus on a simple and well-known SDF and investigate whether the sign of the slope in our predictive regression is consistent with asset pricing models in equilibrium. In an environment with a representative agent with a CRRA utility who maximizes her expected utility, the SDF takes the form ( mt+1 = ct+1 ct )−γ , where ct+1 /ct is the consumption growth and γ is the risk aversion. To empirically investigate whether the sign of β in the predictive regression is consistent with asset pricing models in equilibrium, one needs to empirically check whether the sign of the slope in our predictive regressions is consistent with (16) (( −Cov ct+1 ct )−γ , Retm,t+1 9 ( ) )) RtAS − E RtAS ( (17) To test whether equation (16) is positive, we obtain monthly data on the U.S. aggregate consumption expenditures from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The original data are seasonally adjusted and cover the sample period from January 1959 to December 2010. Earlier studies estimate the risk aversion parameter (γ) in the range of 2 to 4 (see, e.g., Lundblad (2007), Bali and Engle (2010)). )−γ for the risk aversion parameter values of γ = 2, 3, and 4 over the Hence, we compute mt+1 = ( CCt+1 t sample period January 1996 - October 2010. For each measure of riskiness (1-, 3-, 6-, and 12-month), we ( ( )) compute Retm,t+1 RtAS − E RtAS using the S&P 500 index as a proxy for the U.S. equity market. ( ( )) Finally, we calculate the sample covariance between ( CCt+1 )−γ and Retm,t+1 RtAS − E RtAS . As pret sented in Table I of the online appendix, the covariance estimates are negative for all values of γ, and for all measures of riskiness, confirming the positive intertemporal relation between riskiness and market returns. Another notable point in Table I is that the magnitude of covariances (in absolute terms) increases as the risk aversion parameter increases from 2 to 4. Consistent with the theoretical arguments of Aumann and Serrano (2008), our results provide supporting evidence that increases in riskiness and risk aversion are closely linked. 6. Data and Variable Definitions In this section, we first describe the S&P 500 index options data used to estimate the option implied measures of riskiness. Second, we present figures and descriptive statistics of the option implied and physical measures of riskiness. Third, we provide summary statistics of the U.S. equity market indices. Finally, we describe the control variables used in predictive regressions. 6.1. S&P 500 index options data The daily data on call and put option prices for the S&P 500 index, and the corresponding strikes, maturities, and volatilities are obtained from OptionMetrics. The OptionMetrics Volatility Surface computes the interpolated implied volatility surface separately for puts and calls based on a kernel smoothing algorithm using options with various strikes and maturities. The volatility surface data contain prices and implied volatilities for a list of standardized options for constant maturities and deltas. A standardized option is only included if there exists enough underlying option price data on that date to accurately compute an interpolated value. The interpolations are done each day so that no forward-looking information is used 10 in computing the volatility surface. One advantage of using the Volatility Surface is that it avoids having to make potentially arbitrary decisions on which strikes or maturities to include when computing option implied measures of riskiness. To be consistent with Bakshi, Kapadia, and Madan (2003) methodology, we use out-of-the-money call and put option prices with expirations of 1, 3, 6, and 12 months to estimate option implied measures of riskiness for the S&P 500 index. In Volatility Surface, at-the-money call (put) options have a delta of 0.50 (-0.50). Out-of-the-money call options have delta of 0.20 to 0.50 and out-ofthe-money put options have delta of -0.20 to -0.50. We use the longest sample available from January 1996 to October 2010. 6.2. Option implied and physical measures of riskiness Figure 1 shows the option implied measures of aggregate riskiness obtained from the S&P 500 index options with 1, 3, 6, and 12 months to maturity. These riskiness measures represent the 1-, 3-, 6-, and 12month ahead “expected riskiness” of the U.S. equity market. A notable point in Figure 1 is that the option implied measures of riskiness are highly correlated with each other and they all present significant timeseries variation. In particular, aggregate riskiness is extremely high during the recent financial crisis period (2008 – 2010). Another notable point in Figure 1 is that the short-term expected riskiness of the stock market (e.g., 1-month ahead riskiness) is higher and more volatile than the market’s long-term expected riskiness (e.g., 12-month ahead riskiness). Table 1, Panel A presents the descriptive statistics of the option implied measures of aggregate riskiness for the sample period January 1996 – October 2010. The average option implied measures of riskiness are about 2.12, 1.59, 1.44, and 1.22 for 1-, 3-, 6-, and 12-month horizons. The corresponding standard deviations are about 3.97, 2.46, 2.13, and 1.66. These results indicate that when investors feel a great deal of uncertainty about future market returns, they will be correspondingly uncertain about how much change to expect in short-term returns. However, investors will not change their expectations as much about the long-term returns. Hence, aggregate riskiness of the market will be higher and more volatile over the next month (short-term riskiness) as compared to aggregate riskiness of the market over the next 12 months (long-term riskiness). Similarly, when investors feel a great deal of uncertainty about financial markets and state of the economy, their risk aversion will be higher in the short-run. In other words, economic downturns or uncertainty about output growth, unemployment, and default risk may frighten people and cause them to withdraw from the market in the short-run. Therefore, aggregate risk aversion is more likely to increase as a result of unexpected changes in the short-run. 11 Figure 2 displays the physical measures of riskiness obtained from daily returns on the S&P 500 index over the past 1, 3, 6, and 12 months. Similar to our earlier findings in Figure 1, the physical measures also exhibit significant time-series variation. Although the level and standard deviation of the physical measures are lower compared to the option implied measures of riskiness, the physical measures also reach extremely high values during the recent financial crisis period (2008 – 2010). Another notable point in Figure 2 is that the short-term riskiness of the market under the objective probability measure is also higher and more volatile than the market’s long-term riskiness. Panel A of Table 1 reports the descriptive statistics of the physical measures of riskiness for the period January 1996 – October 2010. The average physical measures of riskiness obtained from the past 1, 3, 6, and 12 months of daily data are in the range of 0.36 to 0.38. The standard deviations of the physical measures are in the range of 0.37 and 0.61. Although not as strong as in the option implied measures of riskiness, the results in Panel A indicate that the historical (objective) measure of riskiness is higher and more volatile in the short-run, consistent with the idea that aggregate risk aversion is more likely to increase as a result of unexpected changes in returns and risk in the short-run. Panel A of Table 1 also presents descriptive statistics for the S&P 500 index option implied variance (VIX). Similar to the riskiness measures, the implied volatility is also skewed to the right and has excess kurtosis. The VIX is highly persistent as well, with the first-order serial correlation of 0.84. Another notable point in Panel A is that the option implied measures of riskiness are more persistent than the physical measures and the VIX. Panel B of Table 1 presents the correlations among the option implied and the physical measures of riskiness and the VIX. As shown in Figure 1, the riskiness measures obtained from the S&P 500 index options are highly correlated with each other; the correlations are in the range of 0.91 to 0.99. Although the correlations among the physical measures are not as high, they are still considerably large, in the range of 0.46 and 0.86. The physical measures obtained from the past 6 and 12 months of daily data are highly correlated with the option implied measures of riskiness; the correlations are in the range of 0.50 to 0.78. However, the short-term physical measures obtained from the past 1 and 3 months of daily data have relatively low correlations with the option implied measures of riskiness; the correlations are in the range of 0.27 to 0.55. These results also suggest that the physical riskiness measures obtained from the past 6 and 12 months of daily returns have smaller measurement errors because of the larger sample used to compute the mean, standard deviation, and higher order moments of the return distribution. Another notable point in Panel B is that the correlations between the option implied measures of riskiness and the VIX are in the range of 0.43 to 0.56. Although riskiness is positively associated with the 12 option implied volatility (VIX), the correlation is not as high as one would expect because riskiness takes into account ex-ante expected measures of option implied skewness and kurtosis. Hence, riskiness provides a broader measure of risk in the equity market. 6.3. U.S. equity market indices The aggregate stock market portfolio is proxied by the U.S. equity market indices. Specifically, we use the value-weighted and equal-weighted CRSP indices that contain all stocks trading at NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ. In addition to these broad stock market indices, we use the S&P500, Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), and NASDAQ as well. Table 2 presents the descriptive statistics of the monthly excess returns on these equity market indices for the sample period January 1996 – October 2010. As expected, the average excess return on the equalweighted CRSP (EW CRSP) index is higher (0.84% per month) than the average excess return on the value-weighted CRSP (VW CRSP) index (0.42% per month) because the equal-weighted index gives more weight to small stocks with higher average returns. Similarly, the average excess return on the NASDAQ containing relatively small stocks is higher than the average excess returns on the S&P500 and Dow 30 indices containing the large 500 and 30 stocks, respectively. As expected, the equal-weighted CRSP and NASDAQ indices containing relatively more illiquid and smaller stocks are more volatile than the valueweighted CRSP, S&P500, and DJIA. Specifically, the unconditional standard deviations are 6.17% and 7.70% per month for the EW CRSP and NASDAQ, respectively. Whereas, the standard deviations are, respectively, 4.93%, 4.72%, and 4.62% per month for VW CRSP, S&P500, and DJIA. One common characteristic of the stock market indices in Table 2 is that their return distributions are skewed to the left and they have excess kurtosis. The significance of departures from normality is determined by the Jarque-Bera (JB) statistic: JB = n[(S2 /6) + (K–3)2 /24], where n denotes the number of observations, S is skewness and K is kurtosis. The JB statistics reported in Table 2 provide strong evidence that the monthly returns on the U.S. equity market indices are not normally distributed. Consistent with earlier studies, the empirical distribution of market returns is negatively skewed and fat-tailed. These results also justify our newly proposed measures of riskiness that take into account the mean, standard deviation, and higher order moments of the physical and risk-neutral distributions. 13 6.4. Control variables We investigate the predictive power of aggregate riskiness in forecasting future market returns after controlling for a wide variety of volatility, macroeconomic and financial variables. Our control variables include: 1. VIX, a ticker symbol for the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) market volatility index. VIX is a popular measure of the implied volatility of S&P 500 index options. Often referred to as the fear index, it represents one measure of the market’s expectation of stock market volatility over the next 30 day period. 2. Aggregate idiosyncratic volatility (IVOL) defined as the value-weighted average of idiosyncratic volatility of individual stocks (see, e.g., Goyal and Santa-Clara (2003), Bali, Cakici, Yan, and Zhang (2005), and Guo and Savickas (2006)). For each stock trading at NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ, we first run the CAPM regression using daily returns in a month. Then, idiosyncratic volatility of individual stocks is defined as the standard deviation of residuals from daily return regressions. Aggregate idiosyncratic volatility is defined as the value-weighted average idiosyncratic volatility using market capitalization weights. 3. Realized market variance (RVAR) defined as the sum of squared 5-minute returns on the S&P 500 index in a month. The monthly RVAR data are obtained from Hao Zhou’s website: 4. The variance risk premium (VRP) defined as the difference between expected variance under the risk-neutral measure and expected variance under the objective measure (Bollerslev, Tauchen, and Zhou (2009)). The monthly VRP data are obtained from Hao Zhou’s website. 5. The default spread (DEF) defined as the difference between the monthly yields on BAA- and AAArated corporate bonds. 6. The term spread (TERM) defined as the difference between the 3-month Treasury bill and the 10year Treasury yields. 7. The relative T-bill rate (RREL) is defined as the difference between the 3-month T-bill rate and its 12-month backward moving average.2 8. The dividend-price ratio for the S&P 500 index (DIV). The monthly data are available at Robert 2 The monthly data on the 10-year Treasury yields, 3-month Tbill rate, BAA- and AAA-rated corporate bond yields are available at the Federal Reserve website: 14 Shiller’s website: 9. Monthly growth rate of the U.S. industrial production (IP) obtained from the G.17 database of the Federal Reserve Board. 10. Monthly U.S. unemployment rate (UNEMP) obtained from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 11. Monthly consumption-wealth ratio (CAY) following Lettau and Ludvigson (2001). The original quarterly data on CAY are available at Sydney Ludvison’s website: A linear interpolation is used to convert quarterly data to monthly frequency. 7. Empirical Results In this section, we first investigate the intertemporal relation between the option implied measures of riskiness and equity premium. Second, we examine the predictive power of physical riskiness in forecasting market risk premium. Finally, we test whether the riskiness premium is as informative as the riskiness itself when predicting future market returns. 7.1. Intertemporal relation between option implied riskiness and future market returns Dynamic asset pricing models starting with Merton’s (1973) ICAPM provide a theoretical framework that gives a positive equilibrium relation between the conditional first and second moments of excess returns on the aggregate market portfolio. However, many studies fail to identify a statistically significant intertemporal relation between risk and return of the market portfolio. French, Schwert, and Stambaugh (1987) find that the coefficient estimate is not significantly different from zero when they use past daily returns to estimate the monthly conditional variance. Goyal and Santa-Clara (2003) obtain similar insignificant results using the same variance estimator. Glosten, Jagannathan, and Runkle (1993) use monthly data and find a negative but statistically insignificant relation from the asymmetric GARCH-in-mean models. Harrison and Zhang (1999) find a significantly positive risk-return tradeoff at one-year horizon, but they do not find a significant relation at shorter holding periods such as one month. Using a sample of monthly returns and implied and realized volatilities for the S&P 500 index, Bollerslev and Zhou (2006) find an insignificant intertemporal relation between expected return and realized volatility, whereas the relation between return and implied volatility turns out to be significantly positive. 15 Several studies even find that the intertemporal relation between risk and return is negative. Examples include Campbell (1987), Breen, Glosten, and Jagannathan (1989), Turner, Startz, and Nelson (1989), Nelson (1991), Glosten, Jagannathan, and Runkle (1993), Whitelaw (1994), and Harvey (2001). Using a regime switching model, Whitelaw (2000) finds a negative unconditional relation between the mean and variance of excess returns on the market portfolio. Using a latent vector autoregression approach, Brandt and Kang (2004) show that although the conditional correlation between the mean and volatility of market portfolio returns is negative, the unconditional correlation is positive due to the lead-lag correlations. Some studies do provide evidence supporting a positive risk-return relation. Using a multivariate GARCH-in-mean model, Bollerslev, Engle, and Wooldridge (1988) find an economically small but statistically significant risk-return tradeoff. Ghysels, Santa-Clara, and Valkanov (2005) introduce a new variance estimator that uses past daily squared returns, and find that the monthly data are consistent with a positive relation between conditional expected excess return and conditional variance. Guo and Whitelaw (2006) develop an asset pricing model based on Merton’s ICAPM and Campbell and Shiller (1988) loglinearization method, and find a positive relation between stock market risk and return. Using a long history of monthly data, Lundblad (2007) estimates alternative specifications of the GARCH-in-mean model, and finds a positive and significant risk-return tradeoff. Using a large sample of time-series and cross-sectional data, Bali (2008) and Bali and Engle (2010) identify a positive and significant relation between expected return and risk on equity portfolios in a multivariate GARCH framework. In this paper, we examine the performance of aggregate riskiness in predicting future returns on the U.S. equity market. Specifically, we estimate the time-series predictive regressions of one-month ahead excess market returns on the option implied measures of riskiness with controlling for a large set of variables: ( ) Retm,t+1 = α + β RtAS,Q + λXt + εm,t+1 , (18) where Retm,t+1 denotes the excess market return in month t+1, RtAS,Q is the option implied Q-measure of aggregate riskiness in month t, and Xt includes a large set of control variables: the S&P 500 index option implied volatility (VIX), aggregate idiosyncratic volatility (IVOL), default spread (DEF), term spread (TERM), relative T-bill rate (RREL), dividend-price ratio (DIV), growth rate of industrial production (IP), unemployment rate (UNEMP), consumption-to-wealth ratio (CAY), and the lagged excess market return (RET). Panel A of Table 3 presents results for the value-weighted and equal-weighted CRSP indices that con- 16 tain all stocks trading at NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ. For the value-weighted CRSP index, the slope coefficient on RtAS,Q is estimated to be positive, in the range of 0.0066 to 0.0223, and highly significant with the Newey-West (1987) t-statistics ranging from 2.28 to 3.29. Similar results are obtained for the equal-weighted CRSP index as well: The slope coefficients on RtAS,Q are positive, in the range of 0.0067 to 0.0256, and statistically significant. As shown in Panel A, the significantly positive link between aggregate riskiness and future market returns is robust across all measures of option implied riskiness. These results indicate that when riskiness rises and investors choose to reject equity investments (or divest equity), then such de-risking behavior is accompanied by higher subsequent returns. A notable point in Panel A of Table 3 is that the S&P 500 index option implied volatility (VIX) and aggregate idiosyncratic volatility do not predict one-month ahead returns on the market portfolio. For the value-weighted CRSP index, there is a positive but statistically insignificant intertemporal relation between VIX and expected returns. For the equal-weighted CRSP index, the intertemporal relation between VIX and future market returns is negative but statistically weak. There is no significant predictive relation between aggregate idiosyncratic volatility and market returns either. For both the value-weighted and equal-weighted CRSP indices, the intertemporal relation between IVOL and future market returns is negative but statistically weak. These results are different from earlier studies providing evidence that the option implied variance measured by VIX is positively and significantly related to future returns on the market portfolio. The significantly positive link between VIX and future market returns is previously documented by Guo and Whitelaw (2006) and Bollerslev and Zhou (2006) for different sample periods (not for the 1996-2010 period). Earlier studies do not provide conclusive results on the predictive power of average volatility of individual stocks. Goyal and Santa-Clara (2003) find a positive and significant link between the equalweighted average stock volatility and future market returns, whereas Bali, Cakici, Yan, and Zhang (2005) find an insignificant relation between the value-weighted average stock volatility and future market returns. Guo and Savickas (2006) show that when the value-weighted idiosyncratic risk and aggregate stock market volatility are jointly used to predict one-quarter ahead returns, the stock market risk-return relation is positive, but the value-weighted idiosyncratic risk is negatively related to future market returns. Since the significantly positive link between aggregate riskiness and future market returns remains intact after controlling for VIX and IVOL, the option implied riskiness clearly dominates the option implied volatility and aggregate idiosyncratic volatility in terms of predicting future returns. However, since the option implied riskiness and volatility are correlated, we investigate this issue further in the online ap- 17 pendix. In Table II of the online appendix, we examine the predictive power of riskiness without VIX in the predictive regressions but keeping all other control variables. The results show a positive and highly significant relation between riskiness and future market returns without VIX in the predictive regressions. In Table III of the online appendix, we investigate the predictive power of VIX without the option implied riskiness in the predictive regressions but keeping all other control variables. We find a positive and marginally significant relation between VIX and future market returns for the value-weighted CRSP, S&P 500, and NASDAQ indices, whereas the relation is positive but insignificant for the equal-weighted CRSP and DJIA indices. In other words, the option implied volatility (VIX) itself is not as strong as the option implied riskiness in our sample period 1996-2010. Among the control variables, dividend yield (DIV), the growth rate of industrial production (IP), unemployment rate (UNEMP), and lagged return (RET) have some predictive power. Specifically, the future returns on the value-weighted CRSP index are positively related to DIV and IP, and negatively linked with UNEMP. The lagged excess return seems to be positively related but, its effect is weak for the valueweighted CRSP index. For the equal-weighted CRSP index, there is a significantly negative relation between future returns and UNEMP, whereas the relations between future returns and DIV and IP are positive but weak statistically. The lagged excess return has significant predictive power for the equal-weighted CRSP index, indicating positive serial correlation in monthly returns of small stocks. The other control variables including the default spread, term spread, relative T-bill rate, and consumption-to-wealth ratio do not seem to have robust, significant predictive power for one-month ahead returns. Panel B of Table 3 provides a robustness check by presenting results for alternative stock market indices. For the S&P500, DJIA, and NASDAQ indices, the slope coefficients on the option implied measures of riskiness are found to be positive and statistically significant. Similar to our earlier findings for the CRSP index, the significantly positive link between aggregate riskiness and future market returns remains intact for all measures of riskiness. Also, there is no significant relation between VIX, IVOL and market returns. For the S&P500, NASDAQ, and DJIA indices, the intertemporal relation between VIX (IVOL) and future market returns is positive (negative) but statistically insignificant. 7.2. Intertemporal relation between physical riskiness and future market returns In this section, we investigate the predictive power of physical riskiness in forecasting future market returns. We estimate the predictive regressions of one-month ahead excess market returns on the physical 18 measures of riskiness after controlling for a large number of variables: ( ) Retm,t+1 = α + β RtAS,P + λXt + εm,t+1 , (19) where Retm,t+1 denotes the excess market return in month t+1, RtAS,P is the physical, objective P-measure of riskiness in month t, and Xt denotes a vector including the control variables: the physical measure of market variance (RVAR), aggregate idiosyncratic volatility (IVOL), and a set of macroeconomic and financial variables used in equation (17).3 Table 4, Panel A presents results for the value-weighted and equal-weighted CRSP indices. When we use the past 1 month and 3 months of daily data in estimating the physical measures of riskiness, we find no evidence for a significant link between riskiness and equity premium. However, when the physical measures are estimated using the past 6 and 12 months of daily data, we generally find a positive and significant link between the objective measure of riskiness and future market returns. As discussed earlier, the physical riskiness measures obtained from the past 6 and 12 months of daily data have smaller measurement errors because of the larger sample used to compute the mean, standard deviation, and higher order moments of the return distribution. This drives the significant predictive power of the 6-month and 12-month historical measures of riskiness. Panel B of Table 4 provides very similar findings for the S&P500, DJIA, and NASDAQ indices. There is a positive and significant relation between market risk premium and the 6-month and 12-month measures of physical riskiness, whereas the 1-month and 3-month historical measures do not predict future market returns. Among the control variables, only dividend yield (DIV) and the growth rate of industrial production (IP) have a significant link with future market returns although their predictive power is sensitive to the proxy for an equity market index. The other control variables do not have any forecasting ability for future market returns. We should note that the option implied measure of riskiness is limited by data availability of the S&P 500 index options (starting January 1996), but we are able to estimate much longer time-series of the physical riskiness measure that relies on the empirical return distribution. In this section, we use daily returns on the S&P 500 index over the past 1, 3, 6, and 12 months to estimate the physical measure of riskiness for each month from January 1960 to October 2010. In Table IV of the online appendix, we 3 Since we test the predictive power of physical riskiness in equation (18), the risk-neutral measure of volatility (VIX) is replaced by the physical measure of volatility (RVAR), proxied by the monthly realized variance of the S&P 500 index calculated with high-frequency data (see Section 6.4). 19 investigate the predictive power of physical riskiness for the long sample period 1960-2010. Similar to our findings from the options sample, 1996-2010, the results in Table IV indicate that when we use the past 1 month and 3 months of daily data in estimating the physical measures of riskiness, there is no significant link between riskiness and equity premium. However, when the physical measures are estimated using the past 6 and 12 months of daily data, there is a positive and significant link between the objective measure of riskiness and future market returns. In fact, the predictive power of physical riskiness is somewhat stronger for the long sample period 1960-2010. 7.3. Intertemporal relation between riskiness premium and future market returns While the physical measure of riskiness under the objective probability measure (P) captures the actual risk, the option implied measure of riskiness under the risk-neutral probability measure (Q) also incorporates the investors’ preference toward risk and the difference between the two roughly has an interpretation as “riskiness premium”. We now test whether the riskiness premium is as informative as the riskiness itself when forecasting future market returns. Specifically, we estimate the predictive regressions of onemonth ahead excess market returns on the spread between the option implied and the physical measures of riskiness: ( ) Retm,t+1 = α + β RtAS,Q − RtAS,P + λXt + εm,t+1 , (20) where Retm,t+1 denotes the excess market return in month t+1, RtAS,Q − RtAS,P is the riskiness premium in month t, and Xt denotes a vector including the control variables: the variance risk premium (VRP), aggregate idiosyncratic volatility (IVOL), a set of macroeconomic and financial variables used in equation (17).4 Table 5 presents results for the value-weighted and equal-weighted CRSP, S&P 500, NASDAQ, and DJIA. After controlling for the variance risk premia and a large set of variables associated with business cycle fluctuations, the predictive regressions indicate a positive and significant relation between time-varying measures of riskiness premium and expected market returns. This result holds for the CRSP, S&P 500 and NASDAQ indices without any exception. For the Dow 30 index, we also find a strong relation between expected returns and the 1-month and 3-month riskiness premium. However, the positive link between expected returns on Dow Jones and the riskiness premium is marginally significant for 6-month and 124 Since we test the predictive power of riskiness premium in equation (19), the risk-neutral measure of volatility (VIX) is replaced by the variance risk premium (VRP), proxied by the difference between expected variance under the risk-neutral measure and expected variance under the physical measure (see Section 6.4). 20 month horizons. Overall, we conclude that when predicting future market returns, the riskiness premium is as informative as the riskiness itself. 8. Alternative Explanations for the Positive Relation between Riskiness and Equity Premium One possible explanation for the strong positive relation between riskiness and equity premium can be based on a time-varying or state-dependent nature of the aggregate risk aversion. If the market declines substantially, this could effectively raise risk aversion for investors because of constraints that bite on the downside, e.g., short sale constraints, financing constraints due to collateral or even behavioral biases. Consequently, the increased risk aversion leads to an increase in the next period’s expected return. In this section, we will provide a macroeconomic based explanation of our empirical findings. Aumann and Serrano (2008) propose a measure of riskiness based on investors’ risk tolerance. Risk tolerance is one of the most important factors influencing investment decisions because it takes into account investors’ ability to take risk. A conservative or risk averse investor would favor investments in which her capital is preserved, whereas an aggressive investor can risk losing her investment to generate higher profits. According to Aumann and Serrano (2008), aggregate riskiness is related to aggregate risk aversion of market investors. Since aggregate risk aversion affects investors’ investment and consumption decisions, it is natural to think that aggregate riskiness may potentially be related to macroeconomic activity. The option implied and physical measures of aggregate riskiness introduced in the paper take into account time-series variation in aggregate risk aversion and may potentially be linked to business cycle fluctuations. We determine increases and decreases in real economic activity by relying on the Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI index), which is a monthly index designed to assess production, consumption, employment, and related inflationary pressure. The CFNAI is a weighted average of 85 existing monthly indicators of national economic activity. It is constructed to have an average value of zero and a standard deviation of one. Since economic activity tends toward trend growth rate over time, a positive index reading corresponds to growth above trend and a negative index reading corresponds to growth below trend. Since the underlying monthly macroeconomic data series are volatile, the monthly CFNAI index is also quite volatile. The Chicago Fed generates the 3-month moving average of the CFNAI index (CFNAI MA3 index) to reduce the month-to-month volatility. In our empirical analyses, we use both the CFNAI and the CFNAI MA3 indices. 21 In addition to the CFNAI index, we use the Aruoba-Diebold-Scotti (ADS, 2009) business conditions index which is designed to track real business conditions at high frequency. Its underlying (seasonally adjusted) economic indicators (weekly initial jobless claims; monthly payroll employment, industrial production, personal income less transfer payments, manufacturing and trade sales; and quarterly real GDP) blend high- and low-frequency information and stock and flow data. The average value of the ADS index is zero. Progressively bigger positive values indicate progressively better-than-average conditions, whereas progressively more negative values indicate progressively worse-than-average conditions. We use the original daily data available at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia and generate the monthly ADS index using the end-of-month daily ADS values and also by taking the averages of daily ADS values in a month. Since both measures of the monthly ADS index generate very similar results, we report our key findings from the end-of-month ADS index. To be consistent with the Chicago Fed’s 3-month moving average index (CFNAI MA3 index), we also generate the 3-month moving average of the ADS index (ADS MA3). A recession is a business cycle contraction, a general slowdown in economic activity. During recessions, many macroeconomic indicators vary in a similar way. Production, as measured by gross domestic product (GDP), employment, investment spending, capacity utilization, household incomes, business profits, and inflation all fall, while bankruptcies and the unemployment rate rise. Hence, in addition to the monthly CFNAI and ADS indices, we use more traditional measures of macroeconomic activity: (i) nominal and real GDP growth; (ii) unemployment rate; and (iii) default risk. First, we obtain quarterly data on the nominal and real GDP from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Then, we use a linear interpolation assuming a constant month-to-month GDP growth in a quarter and generate the monthly series of the nominal and real GDP growth. We acquire the monthly data on the U.S. unemployment rate (UNEMP) from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Finally, we collect the monthly data on the BAA- and AAA-rated corporate bond yields from the Federal Reserve Board, and define the aggregate default risk (DEF) as the difference between the monthly yields on BAA- and AAA-rated corporate bonds. To provide a potential explanation for the positive relation between aggregate riskiness and expected market returns, we now test whether aggregate riskiness is higher during economic downturns characterized by lower economic activity and higher expected returns. Table 6 reports the correlation matrix for the option implied and physical measures of aggregate riskiness, the CFNAI, CFNAI MA3, ADS, and ADS MA3 economic activity indices, the nominal and real GDP growth, the unemployment rate, and the aggregate default risk for the period January 1996 – October 2010. Table 6 clearly indicates a significantly positive link between time-varying measures of riskiness 22 and lower economic activity defined by the CFNAI and ADS indices. Specifically, the correlations are all negative and significant at the 1% level. The correlations reported in Table 6 also show that aggregate riskiness is higher when (i) the growth rate of nominal and real GDP is lower; (ii) the unemployment rate is higher; and (iii) aggregate default risk is higher. We now test the significance of a contemporaneous relation between aggregate riskiness and economic downturns using time-series regressions. Specifically, we estimate the regressions of economic activity indices on the riskiness measures: CFNAIt = α + βRtAS + εt (21) ADSt = α + βRtAS + εt , (22) where RtAS denotes the options implied and the physical measures of riskiness. As shown in Panels A and B of Table 7, there is a negative and significant relation between aggregate riskiness and the CFNAI, ADS indices, implying a significantly positive link between riskiness and lower economic activity.5 As a further robustness check, we run the above regressions using the nominal GDP growth, unemployment rate, and default risk as a proxy for the economic and financial downturns. The highly significant t-statistics on the slope coefficients and the large R2 values in Panels C, D, and E of Table 7 provide evidence that aggregate riskiness is higher when output growth is lower, unemployment rate is higher, and default risk is higher. Since aggregate risk aversion is higher during economic downturns, investors demand extra compensation in the form of higher expected return to take higher perceived risk during bad states of the economy. Overall, these results provide a macroeconomic based explanation for our empirical finding that timevarying measures of riskiness positively predict future returns on the aggregate stock market. In Sections III, IV, and V of the online appendix, we provide three alternative explanations based on the consumptionbased asset pricing models, the time-varying risk of rare economic disasters, and the psychological factors. Consistent with these alternative explanations, in Section VI of the online appendix, we show that the intertemporal relation between riskiness and future market returns is stronger during economic recessions. 9. Conclusion Aumann and Serrano (2008) develop an objective measure of riskiness that looks for the critical utility regardless of wealth. Their riskiness measure is introduced based on the physical return distribution of 5 At an earlier stage of the study, we also use the CFNAI MA3 and ADS MA3 indices in our regressions and the results turn out to be very similar to those reported in Panels A and B of Table 7. They are available upon request. 23 risky assets. For illustrative purposes only, Aumann and Serrano (2008) present an empirical counterpart of their riskiness measure based on the normal distribution. This paper introduces a generalized measure of physical riskiness that nests the original, empirical riskiness measure of Aumann and Serrano (2008). Since the distribution of market returns is typically skewed, leptokurtic, and has fat tails, we provide a measure of aggregate riskiness for the equity market based on the mean, standard deviation, and higher order moments of the empirical return distribution. In addition to the generalized measure of physical riskiness under the objective probability measure, this paper develops a new measure of riskiness based on the risk-neutral return distribution of underlying assets. Riskiness of an underlying financial security (e.g., equity market index) is derived from the prices of derivative securities written on the underlying asset (i.e., prices of call and put options on the S&P 500 index). The newly proposed forward-looking measures of riskiness condense option implied risk-neutral probability distribution to a scalar and satisfy the monotonicity and duality conditions. We generate time-varying measures of aggregate riskiness for the U.S. equity market based on the objective and risk-neutral probability measures. The physical (objective) measures of aggregate riskiness are estimated using daily returns on the S&P 500 index over the past 1, 3, 6, and 12 months. The option implied (risk-neutral) measures of aggregate riskiness are obtained from the prices of S&P 500 index options with 1, 3, 6, and 12 months to maturity. After introducing the option implied and historical measures of riskiness, we investigate their performance in predicting future returns on the U.S. equity market for the period 1996-2010. The predictive regressions indicate a positive and significant relation between timevarying riskiness and expected market returns. The significantly positive link between riskiness and equity premium remains intact after controlling for the S&P500 index option implied volatility (VIX), aggregate idiosyncratic volatility, and a large set of macroeconomic and financial variables. These results indicate that equity investments become less attractive when riskiness in the equity market rises, and hence investors are less interested in holding equity or they demand extra compensation in the form of higher expected return to accept equity investments in riskier times. We present a theoretical framework that justifies the positive link between aggregate riskiness and equity premium. We also provide a macroeconomic based explanation for the positive relation between aggregate riskiness and expected market returns by showing that aggregate riskiness is higher during economic downturns characterized by lower economic activity and higher expected returns. The results indicate a significantly positive relation between riskiness and lower economic activity defined by the Chicago Fed National Activity Index and the Aruoba, Diebold, and Scotti (2009) business conditions index. We also 24 find that aggregate riskiness is higher when GDP growth is lower, unemployment rate is higher, and default risk is higher. Consistent with the original definition of Aumann and Serrano (2008), higher riskiness corresponds to periods with higher risk aversion and the increased risk aversion implies higher expected returns next period. We explore alternative explanations for the positive link between riskiness and equity premium based on a time-varying or state-dependent nature of investors’ risk aversion. 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Review of Financial Studies 13, 521–547. 28 Table 1: Aggregate Riskiness Measures and the VIX This table shows the descriptive statistics of the option implied and physical measures of aggregate riskiness and the S&P 500 index option implied variance (VIX). The option implied measures of aggregate riskiness are obtained from the S&P 500 index options with 1, 3, 6, and 12 months to maturity. The generalized physical measures of aggregate riskiness are obtained from the daily returns on the S&P 500 index over the past 1, 3, 6, and 12 months. Panel A reports the mean, standard deviation, maximum, minimum, skewness, kurtosis, and AR(1) statistics of the aggregate riskiness measures and the VIX. Panel B presents the correlation matrix for the option implied and physical measures of aggregate riskiness and the VIX. The sample period is from January 1996 to October 2010. Panel A. Descriptive Statistics Implied Measures of Riskiness Physical Measures of Riskiness VIX 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month Mean 2.1208 1.5868 1.4417 1.2244 0.3796 0.3743 0.3711 0.3644 0.0047 Std. Dev. 3.9728 2.4622 2.1311 1.6644 0.6143 0.5283 0.4535 0.3702 0.0040 Maximum 20.3960 10.8540 9.5582 8.0583 5.5901 4.0648 2.7804 1.7749 0.0299 Minimum 0.0948 0.1089 0.1207 0.1551 0.0389 0.0447 0.0469 0.0616 0.00091 Skewness 2.62 2.14 2.13 2.16 5.53 4.72 3.64 2.52 3.08 Kurtosis 9.37 6.41 6.37 6.83 40.84 29.35 17.51 9.26 16.17 AR(1) 0.947 0.973 0.989 0.997 0.748 0.898 0.957 0.980 0.838 Panel B. Correlation Matrix AS,Q AS,Q AS,Q AS,P AS,P AS,P AS,P RAS,Q 1-month R3-month R6-month R12-month R1-month R3-month R6-month R12-month RAS,Q 1-month RAS,Q 3-month RAS,Q 6-month RAS,Q 12-month 1 VIX 0.93 0.91 0.91 0.38 0.55 0.72 0.78 0.56 1 0.99 0.97 0.29 0.40 0.52 0.70 0.45 1 0.99 0.27 0.39 0.50 0.68 0.43 1 0.30 0.43 0.54 0.66 0.46 1 0.84 0.66 0.46 0.88 1 0.86 0.62 0.83 1 0.81 0.77 1 0.61 RAS,P 1-month RAS,P 3-month RAS,P 6-month RAS,P 12-month VIX 1 29 Table 2: Descriptive Statistics of the U.S. Equity Market Indices This table presents the descriptive statistics of the monthly excess returns on the U.S. equity market indices: the value-weighted NYSE/AMEX/NASDAQ (VW CRSP), the equal-weighted NYSE/AMEX/NASDAQ (EW CRSP), S&P500, NASDAQ, and Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). The excess market return is defined as the monthly return on the aggregate market portfolio in excess of the risk-free rate. The riskfree interest rate is measured by the one-month T-bill rate. The table reports the mean, standard deviation, maximum, minimum, skewness, kurtosis, and the Jarque-Bera (JB) statistics. JB = n[(S2 /6) + (K–3)2 /24] is a formal test statistic for testing whether the returns are normally distributed, where n denotes the number of observations, S is skewness and K is kurtosis. The JB statistic is distributed as the Chi-square with two degrees of freedom. The last row presents the p-values for the JB statistics in square brackets. The sample period is from January 1996 to October 2010. VW CRSP EW CRSP S&P500 NASDAQ DJIA Mean 0.0042 0.0084 0.0022 0.0053 0.0028 Std. Dev. 0.0493 0.0617 0.0472 0.0770 0.0462 Maximum 0.1104 0.2196 0.0938 0.2154 0.1047 Minimum -0.1854 -0.2068 -0.1702 -0.2341 -0.1556 Skewness -0.7448 -0.2680 -0.6341 -0.3581 -0.5566 Kurtosis 3.9184 4.5616 3.6803 3.5287 3.7991 JB 22.71 [0.00%] 20.22 [0.00%] 15.36 5.88 13.93 [0.05%] [5.30%] [0.09%] 30 Table 3: Option Implied Measures of Riskiness and Future Market Returns This table presents results from the predictive regressions of one-month ahead excess market returns on the option implied measures of riskiness obtained from the S&P 500 index options with 1, 3, 6, and 12 months to maturity. Panel A presents results for the value-weighted and equal-weighted NYSE/AMEX/NASDAQ (CRSP) index. Panel B presents results for the S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), and NASDAQ. The control variables include the S&P 500 index option implied volatility (VIX), aggregate idiosyncratic volatility (IVOL), default spread (DEF), term spread (TERM), relative T-bill rate (RREL), dividendprice ratio (DIV), growth rate of industrial production (IP), unemployment rate (UNEMP), consumptionto-wealth ratio (CAY), and the lagged excess market return (RET). The Newey-West (1987) t-statistics are reported in parentheses. The last row presents the R2 values. The sample period is January 1996 – October 2010. Panel A. NYSE/AMEX/NASDAQ (CRSP) Index Value-Weighted CRSP Index Equal-Weighted CRSP Index 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month intercept 0.1930 0.2742 0.2914 (3.19) (3.19) (3.59) 0.2771 (4.10) 0.1452 0.2513 0.2774 (1.76) (2.49) (3.14) 0.2585 (3.15) 0.0256 (3.22) RtAS,Q 0.0066 0.0163 0.0195 (2.35) (2.28) (2.77) 0.0223 (3.29) 0.0067 0.0184 0.0227 (1.77) (2.26) (3.11) VIX 2.2232 0.9576 1.0090 (1.16) (0.42) (0.46) 0.9934 (0.45) -0.0480 -1.4622 -1.4153 -1.3692 (-0.02) (-0.55) (-0.56) (-0.55) IVOL -0.9784 -1.1620 -1.0882 -0.8011 (-1.35) (-1.63) (-1.55) (-1.17) -0.0289 -0.2333 -0.1559 0.1759 (-0.02) (-0.20) (-0.14) (0.15) DEF -1.3485 0.1973 0.0077 -0.7235 (-0.63) (0.09) (0.00) (-0.36) -3.4524 -1.8057 -1.9519 -2.5812 (-2.18) (-1.05) (-1.16) (-1.59) TERM 0.4729 0.5955 0.6438 (1.25) (1.39) (1.52) 0.5915 (1.52) 0.6187 0.8477 0.9384 (1.16) (1.58) (1.81) 0.8701 (1.71) RREL 0.2785 0.5873 0.6320 (0.65) (1.43) (1.49) 0.5757 (1.32) 0.3020 0.6224 0.6753 (0.60) (1.25) (1.30) 0.6084 (1.13) DIV 0.0507 0.0686 0.0762 (1.92) (2.62) (2.91) 0.0803 (3.07) 0.0419 0.0642 0.0739 (1.13) (1.73) (2.03) 0.0782 (2.13) IP 1.4753 1.3695 1.4162 (1.86) (1.81) (1.88) 1.5034 (1.94) 1.4847 1.3727 1.4269 (1.51) (1.48) (1.55) 1.5281 (1.62) UNEMP -0.0163 -0.0293 -0.0307 -0.0265 (-2.44) (-2.52) (-2.88) (-3.40) -0.0150 -0.0317 -0.0344 -0.0292 (-1.72) (-2.48) (-3.27) (-3.40) CAY -0.0435 0.1284 0.1255 (-0.22) (0.61) (0.60) 0.0618 (0.31) 0.0831 0.2537 0.2487 (0.28) (0.82) (0.81) 0.1718 (0.57) RET 0.2080 0.1833 0.1630 (2.14) (1.94) (1.67) 0.1605 (1.68) 0.2738 0.2667 0.2543 (2.95) (2.91) (2.80) 0.2550 (2.88) R2 15.96% 17.46% 17.73% 17.54% 31 12.93% 14.67% 15.20% 14.94% 32 1.5195 (0.52) 0.0363 (3.80) 0.5753 (1.38) 0.3004 0.5854 0.6276 (0.74) (1.49) (1.54) 0.0505 0.0679 0.0752 (2.06) (2.72) (2.94) 1.3661 1.2669 1.3100 (1.86) (1.81) (1.88) RREL DIV IP 15.71% 17.29% 17.55% 17.40% R2 0.1146 (1.16) 0.1642 0.1383 0.1180 (1.65) (1.42) (1.18) RET 0.0864 (0.48) -0.0102 0.1488 0.1455 (-0.06) (0.80) (0.79) CAY UNEMP -0.0142 -0.0266 -0.0280 -0.0241 (-2.16) (-2.29) (-2.55) (-3.05) 1.3916 (1.95) 0.0793 (3.11) 0.4665 (1.21) TERM 0.3406 0.4683 0.5133 (0.92) (1.09) (1.20) -3.6530 -2.1741 -2.3267 -2.9199 (-2.44) (-1.33) (-1.44) (-1.87) 1.3803 (1.43) 0.1114 (2.47) 0.7318 (1.03) 1.0921 (1.43) 0.0887 (1.36) 0.1961 (0.56) 9.70% 11.81% 12.81% 12.65% 0.1163 0.1053 0.0909 (1.74) (1.59) (1.37) 0.0839 0.3085 0.3005 (0.23) (0.87) (0.86) -0.0216 -0.0445 -0.0503 -0.0437 (-2.04) (-2.79) (-3.39) (-3.60) 1.3152 1.1666 1.2377 (1.27) (1.20) (1.30) 0.0568 0.0877 0.1042 (1.21) (1.92) (2.32) 0.3195 0.7408 0.8226 (0.45) (1.08) (1.17) 0.6584 0.9891 1.1687 (0.86) (1.26) (1.48) -4.3898 -2.4244 -2.7850 -3.8240 (-1.56) (-0.90) (-1.05) (-1.46) 3.4895 1.5581 1.5463 (1.24) (0.51) (0.54) 0.0087 0.0246 0.0317 (2.27) (2.69) (3.65) DEF 0.9854 (0.47) 0.0209 (3.21) 0.4260 (3.77) -2.0049 -2.2826 -2.1904 -1.7242 (-1.26) (-1.45) (-1.39) (-1.10) 2.1920 0.9677 1.0155 (1.19) (0.44) (0.48) 0.0061 0.0152 0.0182 (2.29) (2.19) (2.60) 0.2487 0.3960 0.4474 (2.29) (3.03) (3.61) NASDAQ index 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month IVOL -0.9035 -1.0616 -0.9822 -0.7112 (-1.43) (-1.70) (-1.61) (-1.20) VIX RtAS,Q 0.2665 (3.83) S&P 500 index 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month 0.5169 (0.28) 0.0146 (2.53) 0.1800 (2.43) 1.3854 (2.31) 0.0568 (1.96) 0.2243 (0.52) 0.0041 (0.01) 0.0519 (0.54) 0.0915 (0.46) 11.07% 12.24% 12.23% 12.21% 0.0841 0.0652 0.0541 (0.87) (0.69) (0.56) 0.0326 0.1387 0.1325 (0.17) (0.69) (0.67) -0.0063 -0.0162 -0.0166 -0.0141 (-0.94) (-1.44) (-1.52) (-1.79) 1.3693 1.2987 1.3289 (2.21) (2.19) (2.25) 0.0358 0.0493 0.0536 (1.32) (1.80) (1.89) 0.0539 0.2364 0.2602 (0.13) (0.58) (0.61) -0.1189 0.0146 0.0299 (-0.29) (0.03) (0.07) -2.5942 -1.7006 -1.8057 -2.2277 (-1.64) (-1.06) (-1.13) (-1.40) -0.5471 -0.6508 -0.5909 -0.4018 (-0.77) (-0.92) (-0.84) (-0.57) 1.4060 0.4396 0.5533 (0.82) (0.23) (0.30) 0.0038 0.0109 0.0126 (1.61) (1.74) (1.94) 0.1160 0.1801 0.1871 (1.82) (2.07) (2.16) DJIA index 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month Panel B. Alternative Stock Market Indices: S&P 500, NASDAQ, and DJIA intercept 0.1839 0.2626 0.2792 (3.12) (3.02) (3.30) Table 3 (continued) Table 4: Physical Measures of Riskiness and Future Market Returns This table presents results from the predictive regressions of one-month ahead excess market returns on the generalized physical measures of riskiness obtained from daily returns on the S&P 500 index over the past 1, 3, 6, and 12 months. Panel A presents results for the value-weighted and equal-weighted NYSE/AMEX/NASDAQ (CRSP) index. Panel B presents results for the S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), and NASDAQ. The control variables include the physical measure of market variance (RVAR), aggregate idiosyncratic volatility (IVOL), default spread (DEF), term spread (TERM), relative Tbill rate (RREL), dividend-price ratio (DIV), growth rate of industrial production (IP), unemployment rate (UNEMP), consumption-to-wealth ratio (CAY), and the lagged excess market return (RET). The NeweyWest (1987) t-statistics are reported in parentheses. The last row presents the R2 values. The sample period is January 1996 – October 2010. Value-Weighted CRSP Index Equal-Weighted CRSP Index 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month intercept 0.0849 0.0894 0.1418 (1.42) (1.51) (2.53) RtAS,P 0.0105 0.0033 0.0605 (0.71) (0.14) (3.59) 0.1281 (1.85) 0.0428 0.0513 0.1036 (0.58) (0.70) (1.41) 0.0838 (1.04) 0.0381 (1.78) 0.0337 0.0051 0.0628 (1.56) (0.19) (2.52) 0.0356 (1.33) RVAR -3.1085 -1.9990 -1.8567 -1.3070 (-1.46) (-1.24) (-2.05) (-1.13) -7.2901 -3.5089 -3.2781 -2.8042 (-2.43) (-1.63) (-2.81) (-1.92) IVOL 0.3827 0.4258 -0.2066 -0.3496 (0.45) (0.48) (-0.23) (-0.39) 1.2359 1.3763 0.7200 (0.94) (1.00) (0.51) DEF 0.4657 0.2995 -4.6990 -1.2897 (0.30) (0.13) (-2.62) (-0.71) 2.0292 1.9460 -3.1114 0.6571 (1.00) (0.72) (-1.16) (0.28) 0.6495 (0.44) TERM -0.1217 -0.0907 0.2048 -0.0198 (-0.29) (-0.22) (0.52) (-0.04) 0.1394 0.2178 0.5202 (0.27) (0.41) (0.97) 0.2781 (0.51) RREL 0.3284 0.3420 0.1582 (0.77) (0.76) (0.36) 0.3955 (0.95) 0.3579 0.4203 0.2331 (0.68) (0.76) (0.45) 0.4765 (0.96) DIV 0.0518 0.0537 0.0582 (1.68) (1.77) (2.04) 0.0545 (1.73) 0.0440 0.0485 0.0525 (1.15) (1.24) (1.42) 0.0480 (1.20) IP 1.8298 1.7839 1.8453 (1.76) (1.75) (2.08) 1.6804 (1.76) 1.9656 1.7896 1.8463 (1.50) (1.43) (1.69) 1.6831 (1.45) UNEMP -0.0008 -0.0010 -0.0033 -0.0053 (-0.21) (-0.26) (-0.78) (-0.94) -0.0009 -0.0014 -0.0037 -0.0053 (-0.18) (-0.29) (-0.74) (-0.91) CAY 0.1159 0.1082 -0.2043 0.0732 (0.58) (0.48) (-0.92) (0.36) 0.1056 0.1154 -0.1997 0.0971 (0.36) (0.35) (-0.60) (0.34) RET 0.0868 0.0831 0.0722 (1.08) (1.03) (0.85) 0.2064 0.1912 0.1833 (2.51) (2.49) (2.32) R2 0.0646 (0.84) 11.84% 11.77% 15.72% 13.75% 33 0.1734 (2.34) 13.21% 12.62% 15.33% 13.70% 34 -0.0780 -0.0690 -5.0091 -1.9779 (-0.05) (-0.03) (-2.92) (-1.16) DEF 0.0542 0.0551 0.0599 (1.83) (1.91) (2.21) 1.6813 1.6457 1.7181 (1.76) (1.75) (2.10) DIV IP 0.0445 0.0433 0.0350 (0.53) (0.52) (0.40) 11.79% 11.75% 15.64% 14.17% RET R2 0.0229 (0.29) 0.1382 0.1419 -0.1700 0.0877 (0.76) (0.69) (-0.82) (0.47) CAY UNEMP -0.0001 -0.0003 -0.0024 -0.0047 (-0.04) (-0.07) (-0.59) (-0.86) 1.5515 (1.77) 0.0567 (1.90) 1.7054 (1.40) 0.0667 (1.24) 0.3946 (0.55) 0.0898 (0.11) 6.75% 6.41% 9.26% 0.0614 0.0485 0.0297 (0.97) (0.81) (0.48) 7.41% 0.0382 (0.64) 0.2399 0.1569 -0.1804 0.2163 (0.67) (0.39) (-0.47) (0.60) -0.0016 -0.0027 -0.0057 -0.0082 (-0.27) (-0.42) (-0.85) (-0.95) 2.0952 1.9387 1.9273 (1.53) (1.54) (1.71) 0.0592 0.0694 0.0720 (1.14) (1.30) (1.42) 0.2356 0.2665 0.0669 (0.32) (0.35) (0.09) 0.3481 0.3610 0.1773 (0.86) (0.85) (0.42) RREL 0.4078 (1.02) -0.1088 0.0673 0.4164 (-0.15) (0.09) (0.58) TERM -0.1937 -0.1807 0.1106 -0.0940 (-0.47) (-0.45) (0.29) (-0.21) 0.7575 -0.6223 -6.3916 -1.3494 (0.30) (-0.18) (-2.04) (-0.47) -0.0268 0.1466 -0.7559 -0.8656 (-0.01) (0.08) (-0.38) (-0.43) 0.0504 (1.65) 0.4716 0.5000 -0.0981 -0.3108 (0.63) (0.66) (-0.13) (-0.41) 0.0469 0.0239 0.0866 (1.80) (0.78) (3.24) IVOL 0.0401 (1.97) 0.1700 (1.46) -8.0673 -3.5350 -2.4119 -1.5830 (-2.58) (-1.94) (-1.97) (-0.92) 0.0064 0.0004 0.0573 (0.44) (0.02) (3.63) 0.1063 0.1329 0.1934 (1.05) (1.24) (1.88) NASDAQ index 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month RVAR -2.4813 -1.7249 -1.7082 -1.1424 (-1.25) (-1.16) (-1.97) (-1.07) RtAS,P 0.1314 (1.99) S&P 500 index 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month 0.0350 (2.08) 0.0975 (1.62) 1.4868 (2.11) 0.0432 (1.43) 9.85% 10.16% 11.12% 11.76% -0.0031 -0.0003 0.0048 -0.0144 (-0.04) (0.00) (0.06) (-0.18) 0.1213 0.1852 -0.0661 0.0641 (0.58) (0.85) (-0.28) (0.32) 0.0021 0.0024 0.0010 -0.0017 (0.56) (0.61) (0.25) (-0.35) 1.5281 1.5025 1.6152 (2.02) (1.96) (2.34) 0.0428 0.0396 0.0447 (1.41) (1.32) (1.50) 0.0794 0.1057 -0.0431 0.0993 (0.20) (0.26) (-0.10) (0.25) -0.4168 -0.4778 -0.2580 -0.3515 (-1.03) (-1.17) (-0.64) (-0.83) -0.1904 0.6806 -3.0581 -1.9355 (-0.14) (0.36) (-1.62) (-1.36) 0.5710 0.5538 0.1985 -0.1688 (0.65) (0.65) (0.22) (-0.18) -0.6876 -0.8617 -1.4472 -0.9686 (-0.32) (-0.62) (-1.69) (-1.04) -0.0066 -0.0128 0.0325 (-0.44) (-0.72) (2.09) 0.0609 0.0503 0.0893 (1.08) (0.89) (1.56) DJIA index 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month Panel B. Alternative Stock Market Indices: S&P 500, NASDAQ, and DJIA intercept 0.0884 0.0901 0.1419 (1.53) (1.58) (2.62) Table 4 (continued) Table 5: Riskiness Premium and Future Market Returns This table presents results from the predictive regressions of one-month ahead excess market returns on the riskiness premium defined as the difference between the option implied and the physical measures of riskiness. Panel A presents results for the value-weighted and equal-weighted NYSE/AMEX/NASDAQ (CRSP) index. Panel B presents results for the S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), and NASDAQ. The control variables include the variance risk premium (VRP), aggregate idiosyncratic volatility (IVOL), default spread (DEF), term spread (TERM), relative T-bill rate (RREL), dividend-price ratio (DIV), growth rate of industrial production (IP), unemployment rate (UNEMP), consumption-to-wealth ratio (CAY), and the lagged excess market return (RET). The Newey-West (1987) t-statistics are reported in parentheses. The last row presents the R2 values. The sample period is January 1996 – October 2010. Value-Weighted CRSP Index Equal-Weighted CRSP Index 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month intercept 0.2065 0.3335 0.2750 (3.38) (3.98) (3.20) 0.2051 (2.83) 0.1533 0.2980 0.2281 (1.85) (2.67) (2.29) 0.1597 (1.78) RtAS,Q − RtAS,P 0.0072 0.0218 0.0199 (2.70) (3.25) (2.75) 0.0170 (2.75) 0.0070 0.0227 0.0197 (2.22) (2.87) (2.60) 0.0168 (2.77) 0.3046 (0.10) -2.9509 -3.7067 -2.4970 -2.5466 (-0.99) (-1.25) (-0.76) (-0.77) VRP 0.1990 -0.7434 0.3578 (0.07) (-0.26) (0.12) IVOL -0.1683 -0.6513 -0.7076 -0.2828 (-0.21) (-0.94) (-1.06) (-0.44) 0.6263 0.1534 0.1314 (0.51) (0.14) (0.12) 0.5521 (0.49) DEF -2.5307 -0.1520 0.1604 -0.8724 (-1.81) (-0.11) (0.12) (-0.59) -1.2018 1.0635 1.3466 (-0.60) (0.58) (0.76) 0.3212 (0.17) TERM 0.5534 0.8233 0.5416 (1.43) (1.95) (1.16) 0.3293 (0.76) 0.6952 1.0434 0.7110 (1.29) (1.87) (1.20) 0.5029 (0.88) RREL 0.1939 0.6500 0.6727 (0.47) (1.58) (1.54) 0.4902 (1.10) 0.2189 0.6803 0.6881 (0.42) (1.28) (1.25) 0.5083 (0.90) DIV 0.0626 0.0859 0.0763 (2.38) (3.14) (2.84) 0.0687 (2.45) 0.0501 0.0774 0.0664 (1.34) (1.91) (1.74) 0.0590 (1.47) IP 1.6108 1.3579 1.4290 (1.86) (1.73) (1.71) 1.5834 (1.84) 1.6304 1.3697 1.4552 (1.62) (1.48) (1.49) 1.6077 (1.61) UNEMP -0.0177 -0.0391 -0.0304 -0.0178 (-2.69) (-3.71) (-2.63) (-2.20) -0.0152 -0.0390 -0.0284 -0.0160 (-1.83) (-2.98) (-2.28) (-1.85) CAY 0.0049 0.2527 0.2667 (0.02) (1.32) (1.40) 0.1441 (0.74) 0.0973 0.3311 0.3348 (0.33) (1.17) (1.19) 0.2133 (0.74) RET 0.1467 0.1410 0.1539 (1.40) (1.39) (1.45) 0.1554 (1.47) 0.2016 0.2159 0.2315 (2.10) (2.31) (2.38) 0.2331 (2.33) R2 15.37% 19.30% 15.99% 14.50% 35 14.12% 17.22% 14.52% 13.60% 36 0.4298 0.6998 0.4203 (1.13) (1.68) (0.91) 0.2241 0.6527 0.6707 (0.57) (1.66) (1.60) 0.0622 0.0849 0.0751 (2.55) (3.35) (2.97) 1.4838 1.2438 1.3132 (1.85) (1.72) (1.69) TERM RREL DIV IP 15.17% 19.23% 15.86% 14.26% R2 0.1168 (1.07) 0.1174 0.1074 0.1158 (1.10) (1.04) (1.06) RET 0.1629 (0.94) 0.0296 0.2626 0.2769 (0.17) (1.58) (1.65) -0.0159 -0.0365 -0.0277 -0.0156 (-2.45) (-3.53) (-2.33) (-1.90) 1.4583 (1.82) 0.0673 (2.58) 0.4975 (1.18) CAY UNEMP -2.7996 -0.6120 -0.3103 -1.2520 (-2.12) (-0.48) (-0.24) (-0.87) DEF 0.2086 (0.49) -0.1404 -0.5911 -0.6457 -0.2498 (-0.21) (-1.00) (-1.13) (-0.46) IVOL 0.6005 (0.21) 0.6007 -0.3544 0.6445 (0.23) (-0.14) (0.22) 0.0155 (2.52) RtAS,Q − RtAS,P 0.0067 0.0206 0.0186 (2.63) (3.18) (2.52) VRP 0.1949 (2.72) S&P 500 index 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month 1.1918 (0.33) 0.0285 (2.91) 0.3152 (2.54) 1.4732 (1.38) 0.0930 (1.90) 0.6193 (0.85) 0.7006 (0.89) 8.88% 12.49% 11.40% 0.0892 0.0885 0.1016 (1.21) (1.21) (1.36) 0.1375 0.4735 0.5189 (0.38) (1.42) (1.60) 9.78% 0.0996 (1.33) 0.3168 (0.92) -0.0246 -0.0564 -0.0515 -0.0307 (-2.29) (-3.34) (-3.02) (-2.35) 1.5198 1.1620 1.2162 (1.37) (1.13) (1.17) 0.0745 0.1095 0.1054 (1.53) (2.28) (2.22) 0.1849 0.8171 0.9217 (0.27) (1.17) (1.28) 0.8224 1.2676 1.0500 (1.04) (1.59) (1.26) -2.9867 0.1901 0.6299 -1.1041 (-1.13) (0.08) (0.28) (-0.45) -0.8407 -1.5123 -1.6838 -0.9781 (-0.52) (-1.00) (-1.15) (-0.65) 1.2048 -0.0791 1.3426 (0.35) (-0.02) (0.38) 0.0097 0.0309 0.0332 (2.71) (3.24) (3.46) 0.2717 0.4624 0.4301 (2.38) (3.31) (3.16) NASDAQ index 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month 0.5278 (0.22) 0.0095 (1.65) 0.1202 (1.59) 1.4176 (2.15) 0.0456 (1.56) 0.1733 (0.40) 0.0544 (0.54) 0.1418 (0.76) 11.11% 14.24% 11.63% 10.43% 0.0631 0.0533 0.0544 (0.64) (0.55) (0.54) 0.0479 0.2132 0.2197 (0.25) (1.17) (1.20) -0.0081 -0.0255 -0.0167 -0.0069 (-1.23) (-2.57) (-1.36) (-0.82) 1.4354 1.2494 1.3144 (2.17) (2.09) (2.03) 0.0438 0.0633 0.0533 (1.61) (2.31) (1.88) -0.0036 0.3070 0.3024 (-0.01) (0.72) (0.68) -0.0305 0.2421 -0.0253 -0.2139 (-0.07) (0.57) (-0.05) (-0.49) -2.1370 -0.6919 -0.4682 -1.0525 (-1.53) (-0.54) (-0.37) (-0.75) -0.0716 -0.4019 -0.4173 -0.1429 (-0.09) (-0.56) (-0.60) (-0.21) 0.5959 -0.1975 0.5327 (0.28) (-0.10) (0.23) 0.0045 0.0159 0.0130 (1.96) (2.79) (1.79) 0.1301 0.2367 0.1782 (2.05) (2.97) (1.96) DJIA index 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month Panel B. Alternative Stock Market Indices: S&P 500, NASDAQ, and DJIA 0.1986 0.3220 0.2635 (3.35) (3.94) (3.01) intercept Table 5 (continued) Table 6: Correlation between Aggregate Riskiness and Economic/Financial Downturns This table presents the correlation matrix for the option implied and the physical measures of aggregate riskiness, the CFNAI, CFNAI MA3, ADS, and ADS MA3 economic activity indices, the growth rate of nominal and real GDP, unemployment rate, and default risk for the sample period January 1996 – October 2010. The option implied measures of aggregate riskiness are computed from the S&P500 index options with 1, 3, 6, and 12 months to maturity. The generalized physical measures of aggregate riskiness are obtained from daily returns on the S&P500 index over the past 1, 3, 6, and 12 months. The CFNAI and the CFNAI MA3 economic activity indices are obtained from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. The daily data on the Aruoba, Diebold, and Scotti (ADS) business conditions index are obtained from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia . Quarterly data on the nominal and real GDP are obtained from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Monthly data on the U.S. unemployment rate (UNEMP) are obtained from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The default spread (DEF) is defined as the difference between the monthly yields on BAA- and AAA-rated corporate bond yields. The monthly data on the BAA- and AAA-rated corporate bond are available at the Federal Reserve website. Implied Measures of Riskiness Physical Measures of Riskiness AS,Q AS,Q AS,Q R1-month RAS,Q 3-month R6-month R12-month AS,P AS,P AS,P RAS,P 1-month R3-month R6-month R12-month CFNAI -0.54 -0.40 -0.39 -0.41 -0.54 -0.67 -0.73 -0.62 CFNAI MA3 -0.63 -0.48 -0.46 -0.49 -0.57 -0.69 -0.81 -0.75 ADS -0.49 -0.33 -0.32 -0.36 -0.57 -0.68 -0.75 -0.60 ADS MA3 -0.55 -0.39 -0.38 -0.40 -0.59 -0.69 -0.80 -0.70 nominal -0.65 GROW T HGDP -0.50 -0.48 -0.51 -0.59 -0.73 -0.81 -0.74 real GROW T HGDP -0.53 -0.36 -0.35 -0.38 -0.58 -0.68 -0.73 -0.60 UNEMP 0.83 0.92 0.92 0.90 0.16 0.24 0.36 0.58 DEF 0.74 0.58 0.57 0.60 0.64 0.80 0.88 0.77 37 Table 7: Aggregate Riskiness and Economic Downturns This table presents results from the contemporaneous regressions of economic indicators on the option implied and the physical measures of riskiness. The option implied measures of aggregate riskiness are computed from the S&P500 index options with 1, 3, 6, and 12 months to maturity. The generalized physical measures of aggregate riskiness are obtained from daily returns on the S&P500 index over the past 1, 3, 6, and 12 months. Economic downturns are proxied by lower CFNAI, CFNAI MA3, ADS, and ADS MA3 indices; lower nominal and real GDP growth; higher unemployment rate; and higher default risk. The Newey-West (1987) t-statistics are reported in parentheses. The last column presents the R2 values. The sample period is January 1996 – October 2010. Panel A. Contemporaneous relation between CFNAI index and Aggregate Riskiness Implied Measures of Riskiness Physical Measures of Riskiness Intercept 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month R2 0.0393 -0.1227 29.33% (0.39) (-3.42) 0.0102 -0.1456 15.88% (0.10) (-2.05) 0.0146 -0.1633 14.97% (0.13) (-2.01) 0.0534 -0.2240 17.16% (0.45) (-2.01) 0.0773 -0.7854 28.75% (0.77) (-4.28) 0.2046 -1.1367 44.55% (2.22) (-6.70) 0.3150 -1.4438 52.95% (4.12) (-16.65) 0.3307 -1.5093 38.56% (2.49) (-3.48) Panel B. Contemporaneous relation between ADS index and Aggregate Riskiness Implied Measures of Riskiness Physical Measures of Riskiness Intercept 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month R2 -0.0253 -0.1056 24.38% (-0.14) (-2.74) -0.0683 -0.1140 10.92% (-0.32) (-2.02) -0.0652 -0.1276 10.26% (-0.58) (-1.86) -0.0267 -0.1817 12.68% (-0.22) (-1.97) 0.0517 -0.7927 32.87% (0.54) (-5.28) 0.1587 -1.0899 45.96% (1.72) (-7.33) 0.2698 -1.3984 55.75% (3.32) (-16.69) 0.2554 -1.3808 36.22% (1.82) (-2.99) 38 Table 7 (continued) Panel C. Contemporaneous relation between GDP Growth and Aggregate Riskiness Implied Measures of Riskiness Physical Measures of Riskiness Intercept 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month 5.6403 -0.4779 (19.33) (-3.61) 5.5672 -0.5930 (17.42) (-2.24) 5.5837 -0.6639 (16.93) (-2.18) 5.7146 -0.8886 (15.39) (-2.12) 5.6922 -2.8072 (17.37) (-4.46) 6.1352 -4.0303 (21.70) (-7.24) 6.5666 -5.2272 (27.40) (-17.81) 6.7671 -5.8570 (17.20) (-4.64) R2 42.18% 24.92% 23.42% 25.59% 34.79% 53.05% 65.74% 55.02% Panel D. Contemporaneous relation between Unemployment Rate and Aggregate Riskiness Implied Measures of Riskiness Physical Measures of Riskiness Intercept 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month 4.8472 0.3372 (38.69) (4.75) 4.6088 0.6009 (46.52) (18.11) 4.5578 0.6968 (44.86) (17.11) 4.4969 0.870 (38.76) (9.96) 5.4044 0.4161 (19.98) (2.32) 5.2938 0.7176 (19.71) (2.82) 5.0880 1.2783 (19.69) (4.41) 4.6347 2.5386 (20.93) (7.84) 39 R2 69.45% 84.71% 85.32% 81.17% 2.53% 5.56% 13.00% 34.17% Table 7 (continued) Panel E. Contemporaneous relation between Default Spread and Aggregate Riskiness Implied Measures of Riskiness Physical Measures of Riskiness Intercept 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month R2 0.0081 0.0009 54.08% (20.90) (3.97) 0.0082 0.0012 33.26% (17.92) (2.37) 0.0082 0.0013 31.94% (17.16) (2.35) 0.0079 0.0018 35.76% (14.17) (2.37) 0.0081 0.0051 40.39% (16.63) (4.58) 0.0073 0.0074 64.00% (17.14) (7.49) 0.0065 0.0095 77.13% (17.04) (17.77) 0.0063 0.0103 59.54% (8.50) (3.86) 40 Option Implied Measures of Aggregate Riskiness 25 20 15 10 5 0 Jan 96 Aug−97 Apr−99 Dec−00 1−month Aug−02 Apr−04 3−month Dec−05 6−month Aug−07 Apr−09 Dec−10 12−month Figure 1. Option Implied Measures of Aggregate Riskiness This figure presents the option implied measures of aggregate riskiness obtained from the S&P 500 index options with 1, 3, 6, and 12 months to maturity. 41 Physical Measures of Aggregate Riskiness 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Jan 96 Aug−97 Apr−99 Dec−00 1−month Aug−02 Apr−04 3−month Dec−05 6−month Aug−07 Apr−09 Dec−10 12−month Figure 2. Physical Measures of Aggregate Riskiness This figure presents the physical measures of aggregate riskiness obtained from daily returns on the S&P 500 index over the past 1, 3, 6, and 12 months. 42 A New Approach to Measuring Riskiness in the Equity Market: Implications for the Risk Premium Online Appendix Section I provides a derivation of the option implied measure of riskiness based on simple returns. Section II presents the corresponding solutions for log returns. Sections III, IV, and V provide three alternative explanations for our empirical findings based on the consumption-based asset pricing models, the time-varying risk of rare economic disasters, and the psychological factors. Section VI investigates the intertemporal relation between riskiness and future market returns during economic recessions. I. Recovering the Aumann and Serrano (2008) riskiness measure from option prices: The case of simple returns We use simple returns, and derive the Aumann and Serrano (2008) riskiness measures from option prices. Theorem A in Aumann and Serrano (2008) shows that for each gamble gt+τ , there is a unique positive number Rt [gt+τ ] such that ) ( g − R t+τ gt+τ ] [ t − 1 = 0. Et e (1) UNDER THE RISK NEUTRAL MEASURE, (1) can be expressed as ( ) g − t+τ Et∗ e Rt [gt+τ ] − 1 = 0 (2) where gt+τ = Si (t, τ) − Si (t) Si (t) (3) represents the return on the risky asset i with an investment horizon τ. Notice that, under the risk neutral measure Et∗ (gt+τ ) = r f (t, τ) . (4) where r f (t, τ) represents the risk-free rate for the time period [t,t + τ]. Since Et∗ ) ( g − R t+τ gt+τ ] [ t − 1 is finite, e we can use the Bakshi and Madan (2000) spanning formula: [ ] ( ) [ ] ∫ H [S] = H S + S − S Hs S + S ∞ HSS [K] (S − K)+ dK + ∫ S 0 HSS [K] (K − S)+ dK. (5) We use the return’s definition (3) and apply the Bakshi and Madan (2000) formula (5) to gt+τ t [gt+τ ] −R H [S (t, τ)] = e − 1. (6) with S = Si (t). We obtain e gt+τ t [gt+τ ] −R ( ) 1 − 1 = (Si (t, τ) − Si (t)) − Si (t) Rt [gt+τ ] ) ( ∫ ∞ (K−S (t)) − S (t)R ig 1 [ ] e i t t+τ (Si (t, τ) − K)+ dK + 2 2 Si (t) Si (t) Rt [gt+τ ] ( ) ∫ Si (t) (K−S (t)) − S (t)R ig 1 e i t [ t+τ ] (K − Si (t, τ))+ dK. + 2 (t) R2 [g ] S 0 t t+τ i 1 (7) Now, we apply the expectation operator to (7) and get 1 r f (t, τ) Rt [gt+τ ] ) (K−S (t)) − S (t)R ig 1 [ ] = e i t t+τ Et∗ (Si (t, τ) − K)+ dK 2 2 Si (t) Si (t) Rt [gt+τ ] ( ) ∫ Si (t) (K−S (t)) − S (t)R ig 1 + e i t [ t+τ ] Et∗ (K − Si (t, τ))+ dK. Si2 (t) Rt2 [gt+τ ] 0 ∫ ∞ ( (8) Notice that the prices of the call and put options are: 1 E ∗ (Si (t, τ) − K)+ = C (Si (t) , K, τ) , (1 + r f (t, τ)) t 1 E ∗ (K − Si (t, τ))+ = P (Si (t) , K, τ) . (1 + r f (t, τ)) t Hence (8) can be written as r f (t, τ) 1 (1 + r f (t, τ)) Rt [gt+τ ] ( ) (K−S (t)) − S (t)R ig 1 = e i t [ t+τ ] C (Si (t) , K, τ) dK 2 2 Si (t) Si (t) Rt [gt+τ ] ( ) ∫ Si (t) (K−S (t)) − S (t)R ig 1 + e i t [ t+τ ] P (Si (t) , K, τ) dK. Si2 (t) Rt2 [gt+τ ] 0 ∫ ∞ (9) The riskiness measure Rt [gt+τ ] is, therefore, solution to (9). II. Recovering the Aumann and Serrano (2008) riskiness measure from option prices: The case of log returns We use log returns, and derive the riskiness measure of Aumann and Serrano (2008) from option prices. We denote the log return: gt+τ = log SSi (t,τ) . i (t) UNDER THE RISK NEUTRAL MEASURE, the riskiness measure in Theorem A of Aumann and Serrano (2008) is ( ) Et∗ e−gt+τ /Rt [gt+τ ] − 1 = 0. (10) We apply Bakshi and Madan (2000) formula (5) to H [Si (t, τ)] = e−gt+τ /Rt [gt+τ ] − 1 2 (11) with S = Si (t). We obtain e −gt+τ /Rt [gt+τ ] ( ) 1 − 1 = (Si (t, τ) − Si (t)) − (12) Rt [gt+τ ] Si (t) ) ) (( ∫ ∞ − R g1 log S K(t) 1 1 i t [ t+τ ] + + e (Si (t, τ) − K)+ dK Rt [gt+τ ] K 2 [Rt [gt+τ ] K]2 Si (t) (( ) ) ∫ Si (t) − R g1 log S K(t) 1 1 [ ] i + (K − Si (t, τ))+ dK. + e t t+τ Rt [gt+τ ] K 2 [Rt [gt+τ ] K]2 0 Now, we apply the expectation operator to (12) and get 1 r f (t, τ) Rt [gt+τ ] ∫ ∞ = ) (( 1 1 −R 1 t [gt+τ ] log S K(t) ) i + e Et∗ (Si (t, τ) − K)+ dK (13) 2 2 R [g ] K Si (t) t t+τ [Rt [gt+τ ] K] (( ) ) ∫ Si (t) − R g1 log S K(t) 1 1 i + + e t [ t+τ ] Et∗ (K − Si (t, τ))+ dK. 2 2 Rt [gt+τ ] K 0 [Rt [gt+τ ] K] Hence, (13) can be written as r f (t, τ) 1 (1 + r f (t, τ)) Rt [gt+τ ] ∫ ∞ = (( ) 1 1 −R 1 t [gt+τ ] log S K(t) ) i + e C (Si (t) , K, τ) dK(14) Rt [gt+τ ] K 2 [Rt [gt+τ ] K]2 (( ) ) ∫ Si (t) log S K(t) − R g1 1 1 i + + e t [ t+τ ] P (Si (t) , K, τ) dK. Rt [gt+τ ] K 2 [Rt [gt+τ ] K]2 0 Si (t) Therefore, Rt [gt+τ ] is the fixed-point solution to (14). III. Time-Varying Risk Aversion By adding a slow-moving habit or time-varying subsistence level to the standard power utility function, Campbell and Cochrane (1999) introduce a consumption-based asset pricing model that explains the predictability of excess market returns. According to their model in which investors have time-varying risk aversion, as consumption declines toward the habit in a business cycle through, the curvature of the utility function rises (i.e., investors become more risk averse), so risky asset prices fall and expected returns rise. The key assumption in their model is that investors’ utility functions depend on the past history of aggregate consumption, so they capture a “Catching up with the Joneses” motive. Investors are more risk averse in recessions, when their consumption is low relative to past aggregate consumption. They are less risk averse in booms, when their consumption is high, and so gambling feels less threatening. These countercyclical 3 movements in risk aversion make investors want to be compensated more for holding risky assets (such as stocks) in recessions. Thus, the consumption-based asset pricing model of Campbell and Cochrane (1999) generates expected returns that are high in recessions. Combining the theoretical results of Campbell and Cochrane (1999) with the riskiness definition of Aumann and Serrano (2008), we conclude that increases in risk and risk aversion are closely linked. Since aggregate risk-aversion is higher during recessions and individuals with higher risk-aversion are more reluctant to invest on riskier assets, they expect higher return to induce them to take higher perceived riskiness during recessionary periods. The countercyclical variation in the aggregate risk aversion and the market risk premium shown by Campbell and Cochrane (1999) is also identified by Chan and Kogan (2002) in a continuous time, infinitehorizon exchange economy populated by heterogeneous agents whose individual risk aversion is constant over time but varies across the population. Chan and Kogan (2002) show that the aggregate risk premium in such an economy exhibits countercyclical variation due to endogenous changes in the cross-sectional distribution of wealth. Relatively risk-tolerant investors hold a higher proportion of their wealth in stocks. Therefore, lower economic growth reduces the fraction of aggregate wealth controlled by such investors and hence their contribution to the aggregate risk aversion. Thus, to induce them to hold the entire stock market in the aggregate, the equilibrium compensation for risk must rise. Cecchetti, Lam, and Mark (1990) introduce an equilibrium model of asset pricing in which asset prices are proportional to the endowment. An interesting feature of their model is that the factor of proportionality depends on the relative risk aversion coefficient and whether the economy is currently in a high-growth or low-growth state. According to the parameter estimates of Cecchetti, Lam, and Mark (1990), when the economy is currently known to be in a low-growth state (or recession), the economy is more likely to move to a high-growth state into the future. This implies that agents anticipate high future levels of the endowment. This has two effects on asset prices that work in opposite directions in their model. First, there is an intertemporal relative price effect in which the higher expected future endowment implies a lower relative price of future goods. This induces agents to want to increase savings and to increase their demand for assets. The increased asset demand arising from this intertemporal relative price effect works to raise current asset prices. Working in the opposite direction is a substitution effect arising from agents’ attempts to smooth their consumption. When the expected future endowment is high, the consumption smoothing motive leads agents to increase current consumption in an anticipation of higher future investment income. To finance higher current consumption, they attempt to sell off part of their asset holdings, which in equi- 4 librium results in falling asset prices. When the agents become more risk averse, then the intertemporal consumption smoothing effect is more likely to dominate the intertemporal relative price effect, indicating lower asset prices or higher expected returns. More recent papers have studied the performance of the Campbell-Cochrane model in other asset markets. Wachter (2006) shows that a quantitative implementation of a model with time-varying risk aversion can simultaneously explain the predictability of stock returns and long-term government bonds. Wachter (2006) provides a unified explanation of pricing for stocks and bonds. Wachter (2006) also finds that the real rate is countercyclical, so long-term real bonds are assets with low payoffs in recessions. As a consequence, investors demand positive average compensation for holding these bonds, generating an upward sloping real yield curve. Chen, Dufresne, and Goldstein (2009) apply the Campbell-Cochrane model to corporate bond markets. A challenge in these markets is that yields on BAA-rated corporate bonds are much higher than those on AAA-rated bonds, despite the fact that the default probabilities of BAA bonds are only slightly higher than those of AAA bonds. A model with time-varying risk aversion can account for high BAA-AAA spreads, because investors are sensitive to the timing of defaults: defaults of BAA bonds are more likely to happen in recessions, when risk aversion is high. Therefore, investors want to be compensated with high yields for a small average amount of exposure to default. IV. Time-Varying Risk of Rare Economic Disasters Rietz (1988) introduce the idea that rare disasters in consumption make investors worry more about holding stocks and hence may explain a large equity premium. Disasters are rare, so their frequency, size, and duration are difficult to measure. Although economic disasters provide new interpretations of average risk premiums, they do not provide any mechanism for stock return volatility. To generate volatility and predictability of stock returns, the probability of a disaster has to vary over time, so that consumption growth is heteroskedastic. Recent literature combines disasters with such time-varying risk. Barro (2006) calibrates disaster probabilities from the twentieth century global history (World War I, the Great Depression, and World War II), and explains high equity premiums and volatile stock returns. His empirical analyses indicate a disaster probability of 1.5-2% per year with a distribution of declines in per capita GDP ranging between 15% and 64%. Characterizing economic disasters or sharp economic contractions by the time-varying probability of disaster, the size of contractions, the probability of default, and the extent of default, Barro (2006) provides evidence for large equity premium during highly volatile 5 periods. In a follow-up paper, Barro (2009) introduces a model with Epstein-Zin-Weil preferences and rare economic disasters, and explains large equity premium if the coefficient of relative risk aversion is in the range of three and four. Bali and Engle (2010) investigate the intertemporal capital asset pricing model (ICAPM) of Merton (1973) using the dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) model of Engle (2002). The risk-aversion coefficient within the ICAPM-DCC model is estimated to be between two and four and highly significant. The risk-aversion estimates in Bali and Engle (2010) provide supporting evidence for the theoretical findings of Barro (2009). Overall, we conclude that asset pricing models with time-varying risk of rare economic disasters provide further evidence that during sharp contractions or extremely large falls of the market, aggregate riskaversion becomes higher and individuals with higher risk-aversion demand higher expected return from risky financial securities to induce them to take higher perceived risk. V. Behavioral Biases Black (1988) indicates that the level of the market is affected by the public’s confidence in the market and the breadth of its participation. The market will be higher when participation is broad instead of narrow. When more people are willing to share in the risk of the market, each one bears less risk. This means that the expected return on the market can be lower and the market level higher. He calls this element “liquidity”. When there is broad public participation in the stock market, the level of the market will be high, and a change in one group’s desired holdings will not cause a big change in price. Such a market will be less volatile than one with narrow participation, all else equal. Black (1988) argues that people may avoid trading because they have little confidence in the market. They may feel that the market is too volatile; that it may close unexpectedly just when they want to trade; that it may be so congested at high volume times that trading will be hard; or that traders with extra information on the market behavior have an unfair advantage. Feelings that have no apparent factual basis can affect liquidity too. An increase in volatility, decline in output growth, or extremely large falls of the market can scare people off, even when it is due to a change in tastes or technology. Since the causes of volatility or the causes of sharp declines in the economy and financial markets are not observable, even economists may decide that an increase in asset prices is capricious, and they may urge investors to be cautious. 6 Black (1988) emphasizes that whatever the original reasons for recessions or financial market downturns, it frightens people. The sharp decline and the high volatility may cause people to withdraw from the market. The market will be low when participation is narrow. In bad times, when stocks are trading at low prices, investors could be well aware that prices are likely to go up, but they may worry about taking on the extra risk associated with holding more stocks. Investors may also be facing more risk in times when expected returns are high. During the financial crisis, we observe significant declines in stock prices and still households do not want to buy more stocks. A plausible explanation is that they are worried about losing their jobs and prefer holding cash. Overall, these behavioral biases indicate that investors require higher expected return to induce them to invest on riskier financial products during recessionary periods. Campbell and Cochrane (1999) also provide supporting evidence for the aforementioned psychological factors. They indicate that variation across assets in expected returns is driven by variation across assets in covariances with recessions far more than by variation across assets in covariances with consumption growth. Therefore, investors fear stocks because they do badly in occasional serious recessions, not because stock returns are correlated with declines in wealth or consumption. Campbell and Cochrane (1999) indicate that during recessions participation will be narrow because investors will reduce their demand for risky assets. The reduced asset demand will decrease current asset prices and increase expected future returns. VI. Intertemporal relation between option implied riskiness and future market returns during recessions In this section, we estimate the intertemporal relation between option implied measures of riskiness and future market returns during economic recessions. Specifically, we estimate the following predictive regression of one-month ahead excess market returns on the riskiness measures with recession dummy: ( ) ( ) Retm,t+1 = α0 + α1 Dt + β1 RtAS,Q + β2 RtAS,Q Dt + λXt + εm,t+1 , (15) where Retm,t+1 denotes the excess market return in month t+1, RtAS,Q is the option implied Q-measure of aggregate riskiness in month t, and Xt includes a large set of control variables: the S&P 500 index option implied volatility (VIX), aggregate idiosyncratic volatility (IVOL), default spread (DEF), term spread (TERM), relative T-bill rate (RREL), dividend-price ratio (DIV), growth rate of industrial production (IP), 7 unemployment rate (UNEMP), consumption-to-wealth ratio (CAY), and the lagged excess market return (RET). The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago denotes the CFNAI index value of -0.7 as a turning point indicating economic recession. Hence, we generate a recession dummy based on the CFNAI index. Dt is the recession dummy in equation (15) and takes the value of one when the CFNAI index is below -0.7 and zero otherwise. If the intertemporal relation between riskiness and future market returns is stronger during economic recessions, we expect the slope coefficient attached to the interaction dummy, RtAS,Q Dt , to be positive; β2 is expected to be positive and statistically significant in equation (15). Table V of this online appendix presents results from the predictive regressions of one-month ahead excess market returns on the option implied measures of riskiness during recessions vs. normal/boom periods. The results, reported for the CRSP and S&P 500 indices, show that the slope coefficient β2 is positive and highly significant for all measures of riskiness without any exception, implying that the predictive power of aggregate riskiness is indeed stronger during economic downturns. 8 References Aumann, R. J., Serrano, R., 2008. An economic index of riskiness. 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Journal of Financial Economics 79, 365–399. 9 Table I: Empirical Test for the Positive Relation between Riskiness and Market Returns ( AS )) ( AS −γ and Ret This table presents the covariance between ( CCt+1 ) R − E Rt for the risk aversion m,t+1 t t parameter values of γ = 2, 3, and 4, and for each measure of riskiness (1-, 3-, 6-, and 12-month). The sample period is from January 1996 to October 2010. γ=2 γ=3 γ=4 RtAS,Q 1-month -0.000107 -0.000162 -0.000219 RtAS,Q 3-month -0.000073 -0.000109 -0.000147 RtAS,Q 6-month -0.000054 -0.000081 -0.000109 RtAS,Q 12-month -0.000044 -0.000066 -0.000089 10 Table II: Option Implied Measures of Riskiness and Future Market Returns This table presents results from the predictive regressions of one-month ahead excess market returns on the option implied measures of riskiness obtained from the S&P 500 index options with 1, 3, 6, and 12 months to maturity. Panel A presents results for the value-weighted and equal-weighted NYSE/AMEX/NASDAQ (CRSP) index. Panel B presents results for the S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), and NASDAQ. The control variables include the aggregate idiosyncratic volatility (IVOL), default spread (DEF), term spread (TERM), relative T-bill rate (RREL), dividend-price ratio (DIV), growth rate of industrial production (IP), unemployment rate (UNEMP), consumption-to-wealth ratio (CAY), and the lagged excess market return (RET). The Newey-West (1987) t-statistics are reported in parentheses. The last row presents the R2 values. The sample period is January 1996 - October 2010. Value-Weighted CRSP Index Equal-Weighted CRSP Index 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month intercept 0.2028 0.2860 0.3042 (3.35) (3.59) (3.98) RtAS,Q 0.0076 0.0175 0.0209 (2.99) (3.07) (3.75) 0.2892 (4.39) 0.1451 0.2373 0.2642 (1.76) (2.42) (2.94) 0.2465 (2.98) 0.0239 (4.61) 0.0067 0.0167 0.0209 (2.01) (2.55) (3.48) 0.0236 (4.00) IVOL -0.5235 -1.0026 -0.9109 -0.6072 (-0.62) (-1.19) (-1.10) (-0.77) -0.0382 -0.4687 -0.3984 -0.0843 (-0.03) (-0.36) (-0.32) (-0.07) DEF -1.3618 -0.2905 -0.4699 -1.1217 (-0.67) (-0.15) (-0.25) (-0.61) -2.9326 -1.5311 -1.6647 -2.3500 (-1.97) (-0.94) (-1.07) (-1.55) TERM 0.5096 0.6305 0.6804 (1.34) (1.51) (1.64) 0.6260 (1.62) 0.6178 0.7959 0.8905 (1.15) (1.44) (1.63) 0.8263 (1.55) RREL 0.1735 0.5659 0.6117 (0.42) (1.37) (1.42) 0.5522 (1.25) 0.3044 0.6584 0.7082 (0.63) (1.36) (1.40) 0.6450 (1.23) DIV 0.0558 0.0722 0.0803 (2.05) (2.61) (2.89) 0.0848 (3.04) 0.0418 0.0603 0.0697 (1.10) (1.54) (1.79) 0.0737 (1.87) IP 1.5930 1.4071 1.4602 (2.00) (1.89) (1.98) 1.5527 (2.08) 1.4822 1.3134 1.3626 (1.57) (1.48) (1.55) 1.4579 (1.64) UNEMP -0.0176 -0.0310 -0.0325 -0.0280 (-2.76) (-3.14) (-3.52) (-4.05) -0.0150 -0.0293 -0.0322 -0.0274 (-1.77) (-2.55) (-3.22) (-3.40) CAY 0.0184 0.1624 0.1614 (0.10) (0.92) (0.92) 0.0923 (0.52) 0.0816 0.1978 0.1945 (0.30) (0.75) (0.74) 0.1256 (0.47) RET 0.1621 0.1642 0.1412 (1.95) (2.00) (1.70) 0.1390 (1.64) 0.2747 0.2905 0.2789 (3.26) (3.34) (3.29) 0.2787 (3.26) R2 15.17% 17.33% 17.59% 17.40% 11 12.93% 14.48% 15.01% 14.77% 12 0.0390 (4.48) 0.5520 (1.30) 0.1968 0.5638 0.6071 (0.49) (1.42) (1.46) 0.0562 0.0718 0.0798 (2.24) (2.80) (3.04) 1.4830 1.3050 1.3545 (2.01) (1.89) (1.98) RREL DIV IP 14.86% 17.15% 17.39% 17.24% R2 0.0929 (1.08) 0.1188 0.1189 0.0958 (1.38) (1.43) (1.14) RET 0.1155 (0.72) 0.0483 0.1821 0.1805 (0.28) (1.16) (1.15) CAY UNEMP -0.0155 -0.0284 -0.0298 -0.0257 (-2.47) (-2,85) (-3.12) (-3.65) 1.4407 (2.09) 0.0841 (3.19) 0.5024 (1.31) TERM 0.3788 0.5051 0.5517 (1.01) (1.22) (1.33) -3.1749 -1.9136 -2.0571 -2.7102 (-2.25) (-1.21) (-1.34) (-1.82) 1.4713 (1.56) 0.1194 (2.46) 0.6878 (0.94) 1.1665 (1.50) 0.0751 (1.20) 0.2354 (0.71) 8.80% 11.65% 12.64% 12.50% 0.0872 0.0928 0.0772 (1.37) (1.48) (1.24) 0.1597 0.3573 0.3485 (0.44) (1.10) (1.07) -0.0248 -0.0479 -0.0535 -0.0464 (-2.32) (-3.16) (-3.59) (-3.74) 1.5329 1.2399 1.3203 (1.48) (1.27) (1.40) 0.0672 0.0946 0.1117 (1.36) (1.94) (2.30) 0.1265 0.6995 0.7837 (0.18) (1.00) (1.09) 0.7805 1.0708 1.2472 (0.99) (1.35) (1.55) -3.6866 -1.9912 -2.3512 -3.4810 (-1.33) (-0.76) (-0.93) (-1.38) 0.0105 0.0268 0.0340 (2.94) (3.38) (4.25) 0.4474 (3.73) DEF 0.0226 (4.42) 0.2724 0.4190 0.4700 (2.36) (3.14) (3.59) -1.2199 -1.9962 -1.8845 -1.3918 (-0.75) (-1.24) (-1.18) (-0.88) 0.0070 0.0165 0.0197 (2.90) (2.92) (3.46) 0.2792 (4.21) IVOL -0.4253 -0.8884 -0.7902 -0.5057 (-0.59) (-1.20) (-1.09) (-0.74) RtAS,Q intercept 0.1945 0.2752 0.2927 (3.34) (3.47) (3.75) NASDAQ index 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month 0.0154 (3.10) 0.1863 (2.54) 1.4103 (2.44) 0.0593 (1.99) 0.2086 (0.47) 0.0213 (0.05) 0.0409 (0.50) 0.1062 (0.58) 10.70% 12.21% 12.18% 12.17% 0.0556 0.0566 0.0424 (0.66) (0.71) (0.53) 0.0691 0.1534 0.1509 (0.36) (0.87) (0.85) -0.0070 -0.0170 -0.0175 -0.0149 (-1.07) (-1.65) (-1.74) (-1.97) 1.4418 1.3153 1.3523 (2.35) (2.25) (2.34) 0.0394 0.0511 0.0560 (1.43) (1.81) (1.93) –0.0199 0.2240 0.2454 (-0.05) (0.54) (0.57) -0.0991 0.0305 0.0491 (-0.25) (0.07) (0.11) -2.2838 -1.5842 -1.6603 -2.1179 (-1.55) (-1.05) (-1.12) (-1.41) -0.2269 -0.5681 -0.4803 -0.2887 (-0.29) (-0.70) (-0.60) (-0.37) 0.0044 0.0114 0.0133 (1.95) (2.14) (2.37) 0.1220 0.1856 0.1941 (1.93) (2.25) (2.33) DJIA index 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month Panel B. Alternative Stock Market Indices: S&P 500, NASDAQ, and DJIA S&P 500 index 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month Table II (continued) Table III: VIX and Future Market Returns This table presents results from the predictive regressions of one-month ahead excess market returns on the S&P 500 index option implied volatility (VIX). Equity market index is proxied by the value-weighted and equal-weighted CRSP, S&P 500, NASDAQ, and DJIA indices. The control variables include the aggregate idiosyncratic volatility (IVOL), default spread (DEF), term spread (TERM), relative T-bill rate (RREL), dividend-price ratio (DIV), growth rate of industrial production (IP), unemployment rate (UNEMP), consumption-to-wealth ratio (CAY), and the lagged excess market return (RET). The Newey-West (1987) t-statistics are reported in parentheses. The last row presents the R2 values. The sample period is January 1996 - October 2010. VW CRSP EW CRSP S&P500 NASDAQ DJIA intercept 0.0806 (1.28) 0.0321 (0.39) 0.0811 (1.38) 0.1029 (0.97) 0.0503 (0.90) VIX 3.4449 (1.83) 1.2405 (0.54) 3.2763 (1.78) 5.2115 (1.74) 2.0387 (1.18) IVOL -1.0181 (-1.44) -0.0695 (-0.06) -0.9340 -2.0548 -0.5589 (-1.49) (-1.30) (-0.84) DEF -1.2964 (-0.77) 0.8074 (0.37) -1.6770 -1.6239 -1.3288 (-1.06) (-0.58) (-0.89) TERM -0.1436 (-0.33) 0.0019 (0.00) -0.2257 -0.1379 -0.4835 (-0.54) (-0.18) (-1.20) RREL 0.4963 (1.16) 0.5211 (1.04) 0.5001 (1.23) 0.6035 (0.85) 0.1773 (0.45) DIV 0.0343 (1.11) 0.0254 (0.61) 0.0355 (1.25) 0.0358 (0.70) 0.0262 (0.93) IP 1.4387 (1.66) 1.4487 (1.37) 1.3318 (1.66) 1.2689 (1.14) 1.3447 (2.04) UNEMP -0.0011 (-0.23) 0.0003 (0.06) -0.0002 -0.0018 0.0027 (-0.05) (-0.25) (0.63) CAY 0.0519 (0.24) 0.1752 (0.55) 0.0792 (0.40) 0.1987 (0.52) 0.0928 (0.47) RET 0.1997 (2.19) 0.2720 (2.93) 0.1523 (1.63) 0.1185 (1.79) 0.0700 (0.75) R2 12.88% 10.93% 12.92% 7.54% 9.90% 13 14 -0.0045 -0.0049 -0.0055 -0.0056 (-1.82) (-1.91) (-2.14) (-2.16) 0.0349 0.0385 0.0479 (1.44) (1.57) (1.90) RREL -0.0028 -0.0031 -0.0034 -0.0036 (-1.39) (-1.48) (-1.66) (-1.71) 0.4181 (1.14) 0.0003 (0.18) 0.0153 0.0175 0.0239 (0.77) (0.87) (1.16) 0.3604 0.4018 0.4343 (0.97) (1.10) (1.19) DIV IP UNEMP 0.0005 0.0011 0.0012 (0.25) (0.55) (1.75) 3.88% R2 4.74% 0.0391 0.0330 0.0295 (0.95) (0.79) (0.71) RET 4.13% 0.2106 0.2023 0.1959 (1.95) (1.84) (1.75) CAY 4.56% 0.0298 (0.73) 0.2293 (2.10) 7.25% 7.56% 8.40% 0.2048 0.1991 0.1882 (4.58) (4.43) (4.28) 0.0542 0.0404 0.0286 (0.41) (0.30) (0.21) 0.0009 0.0016 0.0019 (0.39) (0.66) (0.79) 0.2745 0.3262 0.3798 (0.59) (0.70) (0.82) -0.0645 -0.1134 -0.1583 -0.1620 (-0.25) (-0.41) (-0.57) (-0.58) TERM -0.0721 -0.1151 -0.1430 -0.1553 (-0.33) (-0.51) (-0.64) (-0.68) 0.0259 (1.20) 0.3670 -0.1156 -0.7243 -0.2424 (0.42) (-0.12) (-0.70) (-0.25) 0.3850 (0.46) 0.8892 0.5083 0.1101 (1.19) (0.60) (0.12) DEF 7.94% 0.1926 (4.41) 0.0741 (0.54) 0.0007 (0.29) 0.3456 (0.75) 0.0486 (1.88) 0.1919 (0.27) 0.4110 0.3058 0.2063 (0.59) (0.44) (0.29) 0.0256 (2.27) IVOL -0.2372 -0.3440 -0.4120 -0.4402 (-0.45) (-0.62) (-0.75) (-0.80) 0.3827 0.0159 0.0303 (0.46) (1.56) (2.86) -3.9798 -1.1460 -1.1911 -0.6970 (-0.46) (-1.11) (-1.46) (-0.90) 0.0206 (2.41) RVAR -5.0884 -1.5462 -1.4898 -1.1959 (-0.66) (-2.05) (-2.84) (-2.33) 0.4845 0.0123 0.0211 (0.65) (1.04) (2.21) -0.0178 -0.0181 -0.0181 -0.0156 (-1.17) (-1.17) (-1.18) (-1.02) intercept -0.0035 -0.0033 -0.0032 -0.0013 (-0.29) (-0.27) (-0.26) (-0.11) RtAS,P Equal-Weighted CRSP Index 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month Value-Weighted CRSP Index 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month 0.0203 (2.46) 0.4242 (0.52) 0.2665 (2.49) 0.0006 (0.35) 0.4485 (1.30) 0.0144 (0.69) 3.68% 3.92% 4.44% 4.43% -0.0069 -0.0117 -0.0136 -0.0151 (-0.16) (-0.27) (-0.32) (-0.36) 0.2488 0.2407 0.2351 (2.34) (2.22) (2.13) 0.0008 0.0013 0.0015 (0.42) (0.68) (0.76) 0.3925 0.4296 0.4580 (1.12) (1.26) (1.34) 0.0037 0.0059 0.0116 (0.19) (0.30) (0.58) -0.0028 -0.0031 -0.0034 -0.0036 (-1.48) (-1.56) (-1.73) (-1.82) -0.1122 -0.1497 -0.1740 -0.1917 (-0.53) (-0.68) (-0.80) (-0.87) 0.9206 0.5737 0.2205 (1.24) (0.69) (0.25) -0.2126 -0.3009 -0.3603 -0.3987 (-0.42) (-0.56) (-0.68) (-0.75) -3.9842 -1.7136 -1.6467 -1.4139 (-0.53) (-2.32) (-3.57) (-3.14) 0.3752 0.0112 0.0189 (0.51) (0.89) (1.96) -0.0033 -0.0033 -0.0033 -0.0014 (-0.28) (-0.28) (-0.27) (-0.12) S&P 500 index 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month This table presents results from the predictive regressions of one-month ahead excess market returns on the generalized physical measures of riskiness obtained from daily returns on the S&P 500 index over the past 1, 3, 6, and 12 months. The results are reported for the value-weighted and equalweighted CRSP and the S&P 500 indices. The control variables include the physical measure of market variance (RVAR), aggregate idiosyncratic volatility (IVOL), default spread (DEF), term spread (TERM), relative T-bill rate (RREL), dividend-price ratio (DIV), growth rate of industrial production (IP), unemployment rate (UNEMP), consumption-to-wealth ratio (CAY), and the lagged excess market return (RET). The Newey-West (1987) t-statistics are reported in parentheses. The last row presents the R2 values. The sample period is January 1960 - October 2010. Table IV: Physical Measures of Riskiness and Future Market Returns for the Long Sample Period 15 This table presents results from the predictive regressions of one-month ahead excess market returns on the option implied measures of riskiness during recessions vs. normal/boom periods. The recession dummy (Dum) in predictive regressions takes the value of one when the CFNAI index is below -0.7 and zero otherwise. The results are reported for the value-weighted and equal-weighted CRSP and the S&P 500 indices. The control variables include the S&P 500 index option implied volatility (VIX), aggregate idiosyncratic volatility (IVOL), default spread (DEF), term spread (TERM), relative T-bill rate (RREL), dividend-price ratio (DIV), growth rate of industrial production (IP), unemployment rate (UNEMP), consumption-towealth ratio (CAY), and the lagged excess market return (RET). The Newey-West (1987) t-statistics are reported in parentheses. The last row presents the R2 values. The sample period is January 1996 - October 2010. Table V: Option Implied Measures of Riskiness and Future Market Returns During Recessions 16 0.2914 (4.16) 0.3698 0.5507 0.6632 (0.90) (1.30) (1.65) 0.3461 -0.1308 -0.1749 -0.3170 (0.65) (-0.21) (-0.26) (-0.46) 0.0330 0.0650 0.0728 (1.26) (2.41) (2.74) 1.7190 0.9814 1.0222 (2.10) (1.10) (1.17) -0.0100 -0.0260 -0.0291 -0.0256 (-1.43) (-2.17) (-2.94) (-3.41) -0.0439 0.0234 -0.0017 -0.0888 (-0.20) (0.10) (-0.01) (-0.39) DEF TERM RREL DIV IP UNEMP 19.58% 19.73% 20.97% 21.27% R2 0.1306 (1.38) 0.1956 0.1650 0.1395 (2.03) (1.77) (1.46) RET 1.1195 (1.25) 0.0764 (2.79) 0.6491 (1.64) -3.3052 -3.3749 -4.0925 -5.3084 (-2.02) (-1.76) (-2.16) (-3.05) DEF -1.1352 -0.9749 -0.9133 -0.6065 (-1.54) (-1.31) (-1.22) (-0.80) IVOL 0.4497 (0.22) 2.7942 0.7688 0.6485 (1.38) (0.34) (0.30) 0.0199 (3.28) RtAS,Q ×Dum 0.0089 0.0088 0.0134 (3.39) (2.09) (2.78) VIX 0.0208 (3.43) 0.0000 -0.0279 -0.0321 -0.0370 (0.00) (-1.65) (-1.84) (-2.01) 0.1356 0.2682 0.2984 (2.25) (2.93) (3.74) Value-Weighted CRSP Index 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month -0.0033 0.0138 0.0176 (-0.81) (1.77) (2.53) RtAS,Q Dum intercept Table V (continued) 0.2727 (3.24) 0.0211 (2.56) 0.0236 (3.51) 0.4242 (0.35) 0.9211 (1.67) 1.0088 (0.99) 0.0746 (2.05) 0.2395 2.96 15.87% 16.36% 17.52% 17.83% 0.2698 0.2614 0.2450 (2.92) 3.01 (2.89) 0.1193 0.1300 0.1014 -0.0037 (0.36) (0.39) (0.31) (-0.01) -0.0106 -0.0285 -0.0325 -0.0278 (-1.22) (-2.25) (-3.28) (-3.30) 1.9671 0.8422 0.9047 (2.08) (0.83) (0.91) 0.0282 0.0632 0.0718 (0.77) (1.77) (2.05) 0.6091 -0.2301 -0.2652 -0.4515 (1.01) (-0.29) (-0.33) (-0.53) 0.6360 0.8005 0.9484 (1.17) (1.45) (1.78) -1.1527 -1.4336 -2.2154 -3.6408 (-0.51) (-0.55) (-0.85) (-1.45) -0.2318 0.0165 0.0753 (-0.20) (0.01) (0.06) 0.4450 -1.5223 -1.6280 -1.7884 (0.19) (-0.57) (-0.66) (-0.75) 0.0082 0.0086 0.0136 (2.69) (1.66) (2.16) -0.0023 0.0159 0.0206 (-0.50) (1.91) (2.95) 0.0092 -0.0339 -0.0380 -0.0442 (0.74) (-1.76) (-1.94) (-2.17) 0.0986 0.2498 0.2853 (1.21) (2.45) (3.27) Equal-Weighted CRSP Index 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month 0.2812 (3.88) 0.4677 (0.23) 0.0189 (3.30) 0.0195 (3.25) 0.5206 (1.35) 1.0085 (1.16) 0.0763 (2.83) 0.0842 (0.84) 19.78% 19.62% 20.85% 21.12% 0.1494 0.1179 0.0928 (1.53) (1.22) (0.93) -0.0210 0.0470 0.0218 -0.0591 (-0.10) (0.22) (0.10) (-0.28) -0.0072 -0.0235 -0.0264 -0.0233 (-1.07) (-1.94) (-2.58) (-3.04) 1.5552 0.8799 0.9153 (-1.98) (1.02) (1.08) 0.0312 0.0649 0.0726 (1.28) (2.48) (2.77) 0.3081 -0.1181 -0.1626 -0.2900 (0.60) (-0.18) (-0.24) (-0.41) 0.2033 0.4235 0.5307 (0.51) (1.00) (1.33) -3.5241 -3.7029 -4.4098 -5.5470 (-2.28) (-2.05) (-2.46) (-3.38) -1.0463 -0.8657 -0.7948 -0.5033 (-1.65) (-1.33) (-1.21) (-0.76) 2.8105 0.7723 0.6596 (1.43) (0.36) (0.32) 0.0093 0.0084 0.0129 (3.71) (2.10) (2.79) -0.0044 0.0129 0.0165 (-1.15) (1.68) (2.34) -0.0024 -0.0274 -0.0316 -0.0360 (-0.23) (-1.57) (-1.75) (-1.89) 0.1219 0.2576 0.2868 (2.10) (2.78) (3.44) S&P 500 index 1-month 3-month 6-month 12-month