Spring Terms: 2008-09 through 2010-11 University of California, Santa Cruz Three Year Undergraduate Student Credit Hour Report by Division and Department 2009 Spring Quarter Student Credit Hours Course CourseSubject Division/ Division Department ArtDivision Arts 2010 Spring Quarter % of Total SCH Student Credit Hours 2011 Spring Quarter % of Total SCH Student Credit Hours Last Year % of Total SCH Last Year CourseSCH Subject Division SCH % Change Change 4,593 0.7% 4,346 0.7% 5,678 0.9% Arts Division +1,332 +30.6% Film and Digital Media 3,913 0.6% 4,696 0.7% 5,785 0.9% +1,089 +23.2% History of Art & Visual Culture 4,334 0.7% 3,641 0.6% 4,084 0.6% +443 +12.2% Music 7,820 1.2% 8,513 1.3% 8,498 1.3% -15 -0.2% Theater Arts 7,379 1.1% 5,907 0.9% 7,670 1.2% +1,763 +29.8% 28,039 4.4% 27,103 4.2% 31,715 4.9% +4,612 +17.0% 4,276 0.7% 5,414 0.8% 6,400 Biomolecular Engineering 2,046 0.3% 2,762 0.4% 1,293 1.0% School of Engineering +986 0.2% -1,469 Computer Engineering 7,610 1.2% 6,745 1.1% 6,743 1.1% -2 -0.0% Computer Science 4,356 0.7% 4,845 0.8% 6,832 1.1% +1,987 +41.0% Electrical Engineering 1,617 0.3% 2,064 0.3% 1,340 0.2% -724 -35.1% Engineering School 1,664 0.3% 1,514 0.2% 1,651 0.3% +137 +9.0% 21,569 3.4% 23,344 3.6% 24,259 3.8% +915 +3.9% AmericanDivision Studies Humanities 1,427 0.2% 1,983 0.3% 1,801 Feminist Studies 1,177 0.2% 1,604 0.2% History 7,943 1.2% 8,324 865 0.1% 825 Language Program 6,435 1.0% Linguistics 1,639 Literature Philosophy Writing Program Arts Division Applied Mathematics & Statistics School of Engineering School of Engineering History of Consciousness Humanities Division Institutional Research and Policy Studies, 5/27/11 Data Source: UCSC Data Warehouse; Student +18.2% -53.2% 1,756 0.3% Humanities Division -182 0.3% +152 +9.5% 1.3% 8,343 1.3% +19 +0.2% 0.1% 355 0.1% -470 -57.0% 6,710 1.0% 5,174 0.8% -1,536 -22.9% 0.3% 1,655 0.3% 3,627 0.6% +1,972 +119.2% 8,912 1.4% 9,067 1.4% 8,229 1.3% -838 -9.2% 2,295 0.4% 2,077 0.3% 3,101 0.5% +1,024 +49.3% 8,276 1.3% 5,219 0.8% 6,160 1.0% +941 +18.0% 38,969 6.1% 37,464 5.8% 38,546 6.0% +1,082 +2.9% -9.2% 1/3 Spring Terms: 2008-09 through 2010-11 University of California, Santa Cruz Three Year Undergraduate Student Credit Hour Report by Division and Department 2009 Spring Quarter Student Credit Hours Course CourseSubject Division/ Division Department 2010 Spring Quarter % of Total SCH Student Credit Hours 2011 Spring Quarter % of Total SCH Student Credit Hours Last Year % of Total SCH Last Year CourseSCH Subject Division SCH % Change Change -35.5% Bio Sciences Div 0.2% Physical and-685 Astronomy and Astrophysics Physical and Bio Sciences Div 1,815 0.3% 1,930 0.3% 1,245 Chemistry and Biochemistry 10,303 1.6% 10,878 1.7% 10,558 1.6% -320 -2.9% Earth and Planetary Sciences 4,450 0.7% 5,227 0.8% 4,393 0.7% -834 -16.0% Ecology & Evolutionary Biology 6,225 1.0% 7,820 1.2% 8,185 1.3% +365 +4.7% -6.8% Mathematics Microbiology & Env Toxicology Mol/Cell/Developmental Biology Ocean Sciences 11,200 1.7% 11,505 1.8% 10,720 1.7% -785 30 0.0% 110 0.0% 120 0.0% +10 +9.1% 11,301 1.8% 10,550 1.6% 11,604 1.8% +1,054 +10.0% 1,586 0.2% 2,265 0.4% 1,205 0.2% -1,060 -46.8% +3.1% 5,765 0.9% 6,260 1.0% 6,454 1.0% +194 80 0.0% 45 0.0% 20 0.0% -25 -55.6% 52,755 8.2% 56,590 8.8% 54,504 8.5% -2,086 -3.7% Anthropology Social Sciences Division 5,793 0.9% 6,875 1.1% 6,304 1.0% Social Sciences -571Division Community Studies 4,847 0.8% 2,938 0.5% 2,612 0.4% -326 -11.1% Economics 15,317 2.4% 16,001 2.5% 12,627 2.0% -3,374 -21.1% Education 2,899 0.5% 2,463 0.4% 2,671 0.4% +208 +8.4% Environmental Studies 7,233 1.1% 5,693 0.9% 5,755 0.9% +62 +1.1% Latin American and Latino Studies 3,505 0.5% 3,663 0.6% 3,328 0.5% -335 -9.1% Politics 6,795 1.1% 5,906 0.9% 6,682 1.0% +776 +13.1% 12,419 1.9% 13,626 2.1% 14,851 2.3% +1,225 +9.0% Physics Science Communication Program Physical and Bio Sciences Div Psychology Social Sciences Division Sociology Social Sciences Division Institutional Research and Policy Studies, 5/27/11 Data Source: UCSC Data Warehouse; Student -8.3% 259 0.0% 278 0.0% 232 0.0% -46 -16.5% 7,936 1.2% 7,425 1.2% 8,213 1.3% +788 +10.6% 67,003 10.4% 64,868 10.1% 63,275 9.9% -1,593 -2.5% 2/3 Spring Terms: 2008-09 through 2010-11 University of California, Santa Cruz Three Year Undergraduate Student Credit Hour Report by Division and Department 2009 Spring Quarter Student Credit Hours Course CourseSubject Division/ Division Department 2010 Spring Quarter % of Total SCH Student Credit Hours 2011 Spring Quarter % of Total SCH Student Credit Hours Last Year CourseSCH Subject Division SCH % Change Change -65 -4.6% 0.0% -105 -66.9% 98 0.0% -82 -45.6% 130 0.0% -56 -30.1% +152.8% College Eight Colleges 1,088 0.2% 1,424 0.2% 1,359 College Nine 60 0.0% 157 0.0% 52 College Ten 82 0.0% 180 0.0% 229 0.0% 186 0.0% Cowell College Last Year % of Total SCH 0.2% Colleges Crown College 249 0.0% 180 0.0% 455 0.1% +275 Kresge College 516 0.1% 618 0.1% 450 0.1% -168 -27.2% Merrill College 241 0.0% 394 0.1% 186 0.0% -208 -52.8% Oakes College 512 0.1% 674 0.1% 429 0.1% -245 -36.4% -6.3% Porter College 376 0.1% 381 0.1% 357 0.1% -24 Stevenson College 349 0.1% 310 0.0% 428 0.1% +118 +38.1% 3,702 0.6% 4,504 0.7% 3,944 0.6% -560 -12.4% 212,037 100% 213,873 100% 216,243 100% University +2,370 +1.1% Colleges University University Total Institutional Research and Policy Studies, 5/27/11 Data Source: UCSC Data Warehouse; Student 3/3 Spring Terms: 2008-09 through 2010-11 University of California, Santa Cruz Three Year Graduate Student/Graduate Course Student Credit Hour Report by Division and Department 2009 Spring Quarter Student Credit Hours Course CourseSubject Division/ Division Department ArtDivision Arts Arts Division 2010 Spring Quarter % of Total SCH Student Credit Hours 2011 Spring Quarter % of Total SCH Student Credit Hours Last Year % of Total SCH 2 0.0% 2 0.0% 5 Last Year CourseSCH Subject Division SCH % Change Change 0.0% Arts Division +3 +150.0% 319 0.6% 314 0.6% 295 0.5% -19 -6.1% Film and Digital Media 25 0.0% 30 0.1% 78 0.1% +48 +160.0% History of Art & Visual Culture 25 0.0% 5 0.0% 45 0.1% +40 +800.0% Music 277 0.5% 265 0.5% 262 0.5% -3 -1.1% Theater Arts Arts Division 105 753 0.2% 1.4% 135 751 0.2% 1.4% 130 815 0.2% 1.5% -5 +64 -3.7% +8.5% 479 0.9% 741 1.3% 586 1.1% School of Engineering -155 566 1.0% 560 1.0% 583 1.1% +23 +4.1% Applied Mathematics & Statistics School of Engineering Biomolecular Engineering Computer Engineering -20.9% 947 1.7% 821 1.5% 774 1.4% -47 -5.7% 1,307 2.4% 1,450 2.6% 1,294 2.4% -156 -10.8% 752 1.4% 793 1.4% 788 1.4% -5 -0.6% 165 4,216 0.3% 7.7% 127 4,492 0.2% 8.2% 193 4,218 0.4% 7.7% +66 +52.0% -274 -6.1% AmericanDivision Studies Humanities 5 0.0% 45 0.1% 15 0.0% Humanities Division -30 -66.7% Feminist Studies 70 0.1% 115 0.2% 80 0.1% -35 -30.4% History 221 0.4% 294 0.5% 227 0.4% -67 -22.8% History of Consciousness 392 0.7% 416 0.8% 368 0.7% -48 -11.5% Language Program 152 0.3% 104 0.2% 140 0.3% +36 +34.6% Linguistics 260 0.5% 301 0.5% 291 0.5% -10 -3.3% Literature 738 1.3% 787 1.4% 703 1.3% -84 -10.7% Philosophy 197 0.4% 150 0.3% 145 0.3% -5 -3.3% 65 2,100 0.1% 3.8% 50 2,262 0.1% 4.1% 45 2,014 0.1% 3.7% -5 -248 -10.0% -11.0% Computer Science Electrical Engineering Engineering School School of Engineering Writing Program Humanities Division Institutional Research and Policy Studies, 5/27/11 Data Source: UCSC Data Warehouse; Student 1/2 Spring Terms: 2008-09 through 2010-11 University of California, Santa Cruz Three Year Graduate Student/Graduate Course Student Credit Hour Report by Division and Department 2009 Spring Quarter Student Credit Hours Course CourseSubject Division/ Division Department 2010 Spring Quarter % of Total SCH Student Credit Hours 2011 Spring Quarter % of Total SCH Student Credit Hours Last Year % of Total SCH Last Year CourseSCH Subject Division SCH % Change Change -45Sciences Div -11.0% 0.7% Physical and Bio Astronomy and Astrophysics Physical and Bio Sciences Div 435 0.8% 410 0.7% 365 Chemistry and Biochemistry 1,307 2.4% 1,332 2.4% 1,248 2.3% -84 -6.3% Earth and Planetary Sciences 668 1.2% 740 1.3% 646 1.2% -94 -12.7% Ecology & Evolutionary Biology 902 1.6% 817 1.5% 890 1.6% +73 +8.9% +33.4% Mathematics 395 0.7% 326 0.6% 435 0.8% +109 Microbiology & Env Toxicology 139 0.3% 250 0.5% 277 0.5% +27 +10.8% Mol/Cell/Developmental Biology 679 1.2% 744 1.4% 995 1.8% +251 +33.7% Ocean Sciences 507 0.9% 605 1.1% 670 1.2% +65 +10.7% -0.5% +10.7% +5.2% Physics Science Communication Program Physical and Bio Sciences Div Anthropology Social Sciences Division 669 1.2% 638 1.2% 635 1.2% -3 135 5,836 0.2% 10.6% 140 6,002 0.3% 10.9% 155 6,316 0.3% 11.5% +15 +314 273 0.5% 398 0.7% 293 -105Division 0.5% Social Sciences -26.4% Community Studies 167 0.3% 113 0.2% 115 0.2% +2 Economics 901 1.6% 1,229 2.2% 1,437 2.6% +208 +16.9% 1,815 3.3% 1,774 3.2% 1,897 3.4% +123 +6.9% 473 0.9% 442 0.8% 410 0.7% -32 -7.2% -31.3% Education Environmental Studies +1.8% 35 0.1% 80 0.1% 55 0.1% -25 Politics 172 0.3% 115 0.2% 175 0.3% +60 +52.2% Psychology 815 1.5% 581 1.1% 572 1.0% -9 -1.5% 305 4,956 0.6% 9.0% 270 5,002 0.5% 9.1% 300 5,254 0.5% 9.6% +30 +252 +11.1% +5.0% Latin American and Latino Studies Sociology Social Sciences Division Porter College Colleges 2 2 Colleges University University Total Institutional Research and Policy Studies, 17,861 5/27/11 Data Source: UCSC Data Warehouse; Student 100% 18,509 100% 18,619 0.0% Colleges 0.0% 100% University +2 +2 +110 +0.6% 2/2