Winter Terms: 2008-09 through 2010-11 University of California, Santa Cruz Three Year Undergraduate Student Credit Hour Report by Division and Department 2009 Winter Quarter Student Credit Hours Course CourseSubject Division/ Division Department ArtDivision Arts 2010 Winter Quarter % of Total SCH Student Credit Hours 2011 Winter Quarter % of Total SCH Student Credit Hours Last Year % of Total SCH Last Year CourseSCH Subject Division SCH % Change Change 4,171 0.6% 4,700 0.7% 4,557 0.7% Arts Division-143 Film and Digital Media 3,990 0.6% 4,106 0.6% 4,852 0.7% +746 +18.2% History of Art & Visual Culture 5,074 0.8% 3,950 0.6% 5,548 0.8% +1,598 +40.5% Music 5,454 0.8% 6,615 1.0% 5,403 0.8% -1,212 -18.3% Theater Arts 4,059 0.6% 5,249 0.8% 5,104 0.8% -145 -2.8% 22,748 3.4% 24,620 3.7% 25,464 3.8% +844 +3.4% 4,605 0.7% 5,128 0.8% 5,931 Biomolecular Engineering 1,005 0.1% 2,436 0.4% Computer Engineering 6,733 1.0% 7,177 Computer Science 7,156 1.1% 7,119 Electrical Engineering 1,312 0.2% 624 Arts Division Applied Mathematics & Statistics School of Engineering -3.0% +15.7% 1,498 0.9% School of Engineering +803 0.2% -938 1.1% 5,902 0.9% -1,275 -17.8% 1.1% 6,965 1.0% -154 -2.2% 1,793 0.3% 1,941 0.3% +148 +8.3% 0.1% 1,254 0.2% 1,299 0.2% +45 +3.6% 21,435 3.2% 24,907 3.7% 23,536 3.5% -1,371 -5.5% AmericanDivision Studies Humanities 2,454 0.4% 2,775 0.4% 1,912 Feminist Studies 2,438 0.4% 2,354 0.4% 3,201 0.3% Humanities Division -863 0.5% +847 History 7,365 1.1% 8,110 1.2% 8,091 1.2% -19 -0.2% 785 0.1% 1,590 0.2% 545 0.1% -1,045 -65.7% Language Program 7,660 1.1% 7,375 1.1% 6,576 1.0% -799 -10.8% Linguistics 3,397 0.5% 3,009 0.4% 3,069 0.5% +60 +2.0% Literature 8,904 1.3% 8,238 1.2% 8,184 1.2% -54 -0.7% Philosophy 4,075 0.6% 3,373 0.5% 3,748 0.6% +375 +11.1% Writing Program 8,619 1.3% 6,505 1.0% 5,811 0.9% -694 -10.7% 45,697 6.8% 43,329 6.5% 41,137 6.1% -2,192 -5.1% Engineering School School of Engineering History of Consciousness Humanities Division Institutional Research and Policy Studies, 5/27/11 Data Source: UCSC Data Warehouse; Student -38.5% -31.1% +36.0% 1/3 Winter Terms: 2008-09 through 2010-11 University of California, Santa Cruz Three Year Undergraduate Student Credit Hour Report by Division and Department 2009 Winter Quarter Student Credit Hours Course CourseSubject Division/ Division Department 2010 Winter Quarter % of Total SCH Student Credit Hours 2011 Winter Quarter % of Total SCH Student Credit Hours Last Year % of Total SCH Last Year CourseSCH Subject Division SCH % Change Change +20.6% Bio Sciences Div 0.5% Physical and+577 Astronomy and Astrophysics Physical and Bio Sciences Div 3,523 0.5% 2,798 0.4% 3,375 Chemistry and Biochemistry 12,425 1.9% 13,112 2.0% 12,745 1.9% -367 -2.8% Earth and Planetary Sciences 3,999 0.6% 5,327 0.8% 5,368 0.8% +41 +0.8% Ecology & Evolutionary Biology 7,271 1.1% 8,382 1.2% 9,064 1.4% +682 +8.1% +1.6% 12,385 1.8% 13,847 2.1% 14,070 2.1% +223 121 0.0% 55 0.0% 71 0.0% +16 +29.1% Mol/Cell/Developmental Biology 6,661 1.0% 7,700 1.1% 7,785 1.2% +85 +1.1% Ocean Sciences 2,520 0.4% 2,720 0.4% 1,910 0.3% -810 -29.8% +7.1% +1.5% Mathematics Microbiology & Env Toxicology Physics Physical and Bio Sciences Div Anthropology Social Sciences Division Community Studies 7,978 1.2% 6,947 1.0% 7,442 1.1% +495 56,883 8.5% 60,888 9.1% 61,830 9.2% +942 5,546 0.8% 6,019 0.9% 5,228 0.8% Social Sciences -791Division -13.1% 4,684 0.7% 3,938 0.6% 1,733 0.3% -2,205 -56.0% Economics 18,354 2.7% 16,556 2.5% 16,789 2.5% +233 +1.4% Education 3,188 0.5% 3,537 0.5% 3,782 0.6% +245 +6.9% Environmental Studies 6,172 0.9% 6,974 1.0% 6,303 0.9% -671 -9.6% Latin American and Latino Studies 2,639 0.4% 3,199 0.5% 2,987 0.4% -212 -6.6% Politics 6,734 1.0% 6,212 0.9% 7,582 1.1% +1,370 +22.1% 13,128 2.0% 11,643 1.7% 12,928 1.9% +1,285 +11.0% 258 0.0% 272 0.0% 232 0.0% -40 -14.7% 7,286 1.1% 6,904 1.0% 7,927 1.2% +1,023 +14.8% 67,989 10.1% 65,254 9.7% 65,491 9.8% +237 +0.4% Psychology Social Sciences Division Sociology Social Sciences Division Institutional Research and Policy Studies, 5/27/11 Data Source: UCSC Data Warehouse; Student 2/3 Winter Terms: 2008-09 through 2010-11 University of California, Santa Cruz Three Year Undergraduate Student Credit Hour Report by Division and Department 2009 Winter Quarter Student Credit Hours Course CourseSubject Division/ Division Department 2010 Winter Quarter % of Total SCH Student Credit Hours 2011 Winter Quarter % of Total SCH Student Credit Hours Last Year % of Total SCH Last Year CourseSCH Subject Division SCH % Change Change College Eight Colleges 216 0.0% 427 0.1% 736 0.1% Colleges +309 +72.4% College Nine 168 0.0% 180 0.0% 467 0.1% +287 +159.4% College Ten 238 0.0% 353 0.1% 544 0.1% +191 +54.1% Cowell College 425 0.1% 356 0.1% 142 0.0% -214 -60.1% +9.1% Crown College 329 0.0% 595 0.1% 649 0.1% +54 Kresge College 599 0.1% 1,098 0.2% 1,047 0.2% -51 -4.6% Merrill College 337 0.1% 233 0.0% 274 0.0% +41 +17.6% Oakes College 399 0.1% 576 0.1% 679 0.1% +103 +17.9% -6.8% 777 0.1% 730 0.1% 680 0.1% -50 Stevenson College 2,338 0.3% 2,033 0.3% 2,043 0.3% +10 +0.5% Colleges 5,826 0.9% 6,581 1.0% 7,261 1.1% +680 +10.3% 220,578 100% 225,579 100% 224,719 100% -860 -0.4% Porter College University University Total Institutional Research and Policy Studies, 5/27/11 Data Source: UCSC Data Warehouse; Student University 3/3 Winter Terms: 2008-09 through 2010-11 University of California, Santa Cruz Three Year Graduate Student/Graduate Course Student Credit Hour Report by Division and Department 2009 Winter Quarter Student Credit Hours Course CourseSubject Division/ Division Department ArtDivision Arts 2010 Winter Quarter % of Total SCH Student Credit Hours 2011 Winter Quarter % of Total SCH Student Credit Hours Last Year % of Total SCH Last Year CourseSCH Subject Division SCH % Change 12 0.0% 4 0.0% 5 321 0.6% 379 0.7% 353 0.6% 5 0.0% 60 0.1% 38 0.1% -22 -36.7% 25 0.0% 20 0.0% 40 0.1% +20 +100.0% Music 248 0.4% 350 0.6% 267 0.5% -83 -23.7% Theater Arts Arts Division 135 746 0.2% 1.3% 110 923 0.2% 1.6% 125 828 0.2% 1.4% +15 -95 +13.6% -10.3% 678 1.2% 838 1.5% 848 1.5% School of Engineering +10 +1.2% 608 1.1% 592 1.0% 573 1.0% -19 -3.2% Arts Division Film and Digital Media History of Art & Visual Culture Applied Mathematics & Statistics School of Engineering Biomolecular Engineering Computer Engineering 0.0% Arts Division +1 Change -26 +25.0% -6.9% 818 1.4% 951 1.7% 967 1.7% +16 +1.7% 1,442 2.5% 1,380 2.4% 1,345 2.3% -35 -2.5% 793 1.4% 919 1.6% 840 1.5% -79 -8.6% 75 4,414 0.1% 7.7% 112 4,792 0.2% 8.4% 145 4,718 0.3% 8.2% +33 +29.5% -74 -1.5% AmericanDivision Studies Humanities 25 0.0% 15 0.0% 60 0.1% Humanities Division +45 Feminist Studies 65 0.1% 55 0.1% 45 0.1% -10 -18.2% History 328 0.6% 339 0.6% 237 0.4% -102 -30.1% History of Consciousness 455 0.8% 458 0.8% 413 0.7% -45 -9.8% 91 0.2% 50 0.1% 105 0.2% +55 +110.0% Linguistics 284 0.5% 319 0.6% 309 0.5% -10 -3.1% Literature 680 1.2% 728 1.3% 730 1.3% +2 +0.3% 255 2,183 0.4% 3.8% 187 2,151 0.3% 3.7% 145 2,044 0.3% 3.6% -42 -107 -22.5% -5.0% Computer Science Electrical Engineering Engineering School School of Engineering Language Program Philosophy Humanities Division Institutional Research and Policy Studies, 5/27/11 Data Source: UCSC Data Warehouse; Student +300.0% 1/2 Winter Terms: 2008-09 through 2010-11 University of California, Santa Cruz Three Year Graduate Student/Graduate Course Student Credit Hour Report by Division and Department 2009 Winter Quarter Student Credit Hours Course CourseSubject Division/ Division Department 2010 Winter Quarter % of Total SCH Student Credit Hours 2011 Winter Quarter % of Total SCH Student Credit Hours Last Year % of Total SCH Last Year CourseSCH Subject Division SCH % Change Change +3.8% Bio Sciences Div 0.7% Physical and +15 Astronomy and Astrophysics Physical and Bio Sciences Div 470 0.8% 390 0.7% 405 Chemistry and Biochemistry 1,417 2.5% 1,305 2.3% 1,354 2.4% +49 +3.8% Earth and Planetary Sciences 618 1.1% 726 1.3% 631 1.1% -95 -13.1% Ecology & Evolutionary Biology 927 1.6% 940 1.6% 1,063 1.9% +123 +13.1% +31.1% Mathematics 380 0.7% 370 0.6% 485 0.8% +115 Microbiology & Env Toxicology 146 0.3% 209 0.4% 242 0.4% +33 +15.8% Mol/Cell/Developmental Biology 764 1.3% 773 1.3% 982 1.7% +209 +27.0% Ocean Sciences 586 1.0% 717 1.2% 683 1.2% -34 -4.7% -2.9% -3.3% +6.2% Physics Science Communication Program Physical and Bio Sciences Div Anthropology Social Sciences Division 683 1.2% 684 1.2% 664 1.2% -20 150 6,141 0.3% 10.7% 150 6,264 0.3% 10.9% 145 6,654 0.3% 11.6% -5 +390 333 0.6% 329 0.6% 302 -27Division 0.5% Social Sciences -8.2% Community Studies 254 0.4% 157 0.3% 171 0.3% +14 Economics 938 1.6% 1,269 2.2% 1,324 2.3% +55 +4.3% 1,842 3.2% 1,867 3.3% 1,894 3.3% +27 +1.4% 372 0.6% 450 0.8% 416 0.7% -34 -7.6% -40.0% Education Environmental Studies +8.9% 15 0.0% 50 0.1% 30 0.1% -20 Politics 180 0.3% 180 0.3% 150 0.3% -30 -16.7% Psychology 811 1.4% 664 1.2% 668 1.2% +4 +0.6% 350 5,095 0.6% 8.9% 255 5,221 0.4% 9.1% 260 5,215 0.5% 9.1% +5 -6 +2.0% -0.1% 18,579 100% 19,351 100% 19,459 100% +108 +0.6% Latin American and Latino Studies Sociology Social Sciences Division University University Total Institutional Research and Policy Studies, 5/27/11 Data Source: UCSC Data Warehouse; Student University 2/2