INSTITUTION: _UC Santa Cruz_______________________________ PRESIDENT/CEO: __Martin Chemers________________ DATE: 11/15/2004 SUMMARY DATA FORM 1. YEAR FOUNDED: __1965______________ 2. CALENDAR PLAN: _Quarters_________________________________ 3. DEGREE LEVELS OFFERED: ______ Associate ___X__ Bachelors __X__ Masters __X___ Doctorate ______ Professional 4. SPONSORSHIP AND CONTROL: ___State________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. LAST REPORTED IPEDS DATA FOR ENROLLMENT BY ETHNICITY AND GENDER Use IPEDS definitions for students. Data reported as of __Fall 2003____________________________________ (date) 13,660 NonResident Alien Headcount 120 Black, NonHispanic Headcount 328 Am Indian/ Alaska Native Headcount 123 Asian / Pacific Islander Headcount 2,366 Hispanic/ Latino Headcount 1,952 White/NonHispanic Headcount 7,155 1,291 1,337 235 22 12 123 100 Non-degree 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 14,512 14,997 355 350 135 2,489 Total FTE of Students* Total Headcount of Students 13,221 Graduate Enrollment by Category Undergraduate Ethnicity Unknown Headcount 1,616 Total Male Headcount 6,168 Total Female Headcount 7,492 645 200 614 723 0 0 0 0 0 2,052 7,800 1,816 6,782 8,215 * If you have used a formula other than FTE = FT + (PT/3), please indicate how you have calculated FTE. 6. LAST 3 YEARS IPEDS DATA FOR 6-YEAR COHORT GRADUATION RATE BY ETHNICITY & GENDER: If you track graduation rates separately for freshman students and for students who transfer in to your institution, please use question 6 to record FRESHMAN GRADUATION RATES and question 7 to record TRANSFER STUDENT GRADUATION RATES. Please indicate if the data provided in question 6 table below is ___X_____for freshmen only OR ________for freshmen and transfer students combined. Freshman Cohort Year (Entering Fall) 1997 Overall Graduation Percentage 65 Non-Resident Alien % 50 Black, NonHispanic % 56 Am Indian/ Alaska Native % 45 Asian / Pacific Islander % 65 Hispanic/ Latino % 64 White/NonHispanic % 67 Ethnicity Unknown % 67 Male % 62 Female % 68 1996 67 60 47 65 60 65 69 70 65 68 1995 63 50 50 60 62 58 65 62 60 64 Averages 65 53 51 57 62 62 67 66 62 67 7. If you track freshman and transfer graduation rates separately (see question 6), please provide LAST 3 YEARS DATA FOR 6-YEAR COHORT TRANSFER GRADUATION RATE BY ETHNICITY & GENDER: Transfer Cohort Year (Entering Fall) 1997 Overall Graduation Percentage 81 Non-Resident Alien % 40 Black, NonHispanic % 72 Am Indian/ Alaska Native % 100 Asian / Pacific Islander % 75 Hispanic % 80 White/Non Hispanic % 81 Ethnicity Unknown % 81 Male % 80 Female % 81 1996 81 78 75 71 74 80 83 79 79 83 1995 82 88 90 78 77 85 83 78 81 83 Averages 81 69 79 83 75 82 82 79 80 82 8. CURRENT FACULTY: Total FTE of faculty______753_____________ as of _____Oct. 2003____ (date) Full-time faculty headcount: ___533______ % Non-Caucasian ____22%__ % Male ___63%_____ % Female ___37%___ Part-time faculty headcount:____196_____ % Non Caucasian __12%______ % Male __56%_____ % Female ___44%___ 9. FTE STUDENT TO FTE FACULTY RATIO: ____19.4 to 1________ 10. FINANCES: A. Annual Tuition Rate: Undergraduate Resident Tuition: ____$6,455.95______ Undergraduate Non-Resident Tuition: ___$23,411.95_____ Graduate Resident Tuition: ___$6,997.25____________ Graduate Non-Resident Tuition: ____$21,936.25_________ B. Total Annual Operating Budget: _______$413.6 million____________ C. Percentage from tuition and fees: _______24%_______________________ D. Operating deficit(s) for past 3 years: ____0______________ (FY2003); _____0____________ (FY2002); ______0__________ (FY2001) E. Current Accumulated Deficit: _______0_________________________ F. Endowment: _______$74,602,726______________ 11. GOVERNING BOARD: A. Size: ___26__________________ B. Meetings a year: ____6_________________ 12. OFF-CAMPUS LOCATIONS: A. Number: ____0_______________ B. Total Enrollment: _____0_______________ 13. ELECTRONICALLY-MEDIATED PROGRAMS (50% or more offered online): A. Number: ____0________ B. Total Enrollment: _____0_________