2014-2019 Five-Year Planning Perspectives

2014-2019 Five-Year Planning Perspectives
Contact person: Herbert Lee, Vice Provost for Academic
Affairs, VPAA@ucsc.edu, (831) 459-1349
Campus: Santa Cruz
Report current status of previous entries as well as new additions to the list. New additions
should appear in bold.
1 suggested for list
2 department/school review
3 campus review
1. Establishments - Schools and Colleges *
Previous Status
4 CCGA review
Current Status
2. Establishments - Undergraduate Programs
Games and Playable Media
Digital Arts and New Media
Environmental Sciences
Art Dept
Digital Arts and New
Media Program
Earth & Planetary
Sciences Dept
3. Establishments - Graduate Academic & Professional Programs *
Previous Current
Degree Status
Status Supporting Disciplinary
(1,2,3,4) (1,2,3,4)
Theater Arts
Theater Arts
Social Documentation
Film and Digital
Media Dept
Art Dept
Data Analytics and
Computer Science
Coastal Policy
Physical and
Sciences Division
(renamed from Film and
Digital Media)
Environmental Art & Social
Practice (renamed from
Social & Environmental
Practice in the Arts)
4. Transfers, Consolidations, Discontinuances and Disestablishments * (for
undergraduate, graduate academic and graduate professional programs as well as for
schools and colleges)
Proposed Action
Program or Unit Title
1 Previous
Status Supporting Disciplinary
2014-2019 Five-Year Planning Perspectives
UC Santa Cruz
5. Disposition of items from previous list which are no longer pending
Program or Unit Title
(Approved, Withdrawn, Postponed)
Games and Playable Media MS
Environmental Health M.S
Bioengineering MS/PHD
* Per Compendium provisions (see Appendix 82}, please attach brief descriptions of those items likely
to be submitted for campus review in the next year.
Social Documentation M.F.A.
Description of and Reasons for Anticipated Action
As this program is only in the conceptual stage, we do not have a description of this particular
The proposed program is intended to be a Plan I terminal degree program.
Relationship to Existing Campus Programs, Units, and Mission
This program remains at the conceptual stage; we have yet to determine the focus or direction for
this MFA.
To be determined.
To be determined.
To be determined.
Employment Implications
To be determined.
UC Campuses and Other California Institutions With Similar Offerings
UCLA has MFA programs in Animation, Cinematography, Production / Directing and
Screenwriting. There are no other MFA film programs at other UCs.
Anticipated Campus Review and Implementation Dates
Contingent on resources, implementation dates to be determined.
Current Status
This program remains at the conceptual stage; a formal written proposal has not yet been
Campus Contact Person
Lawrence Andrews, Film and Digital Media Department, landrews@ucsc.edu
Environmental Art and Social Practice M.F.A.
Description of and Reasons for Establishment
The Environmental Art and Social Practice M.F.A. will train artists to work within new
paradigms in contemporary art practice on collaborative and individual art production in
community and studio contexts, with a focus on environmental issues, social issues and
institutional critique. The three-year graduate program is designed to immerse its participants in
the practical, theoretical and historical discourse of social and environmental arts practice.
Students learn to conceive and execute projects, articulate narratives to support their ideas, and
establish working relationships with other practitioners in the field.
It has been a long desire for the Art faculty to have a graduate program. One in Environmental
Art and Social Practice allows us to attract very selective students – some already working
professionals – to our uniquely situated campus. It also allows us to work with other graduate
programs in related fields at UCSC.
Relationship to Existing Campus Programs, Units, and Mission
The Art department currently has close ties with the Digital Arts and New Media M.F.A.
program, with several faculty teaching core courses or project groups for DANM. The
Environmental Art and Social Practice M.F.A. will provide opportunities for further
collaborations. We are also planning to work with Social Documentation M.A. students or
graduate students in Film and Digital Media and Environmental Studies.
Our M.F.A. program will both contribute to and avail itself of the intellectual resources of other
campus departments and programs, including Anthropology, History of Art and Visual Culture,
History of Consciousness, Music and Sociology.
Current faculty, staff, and specialized studio and classroom facilities are sufficient to launch and
sustain the program.
Funding is in place to support the Art Department’s current faculty, staff, facilities, and students.
Minimal new funding needed to create graduate student workspaces, for course replacement for a
graduate director, and for a part-time graduate student adviser, is committed by the Dean of the
Arts Division. Faculty-generated external funding is possible from private foundations, and
The M.F.A. program will have capacity to enroll a steady state of 18 students. A marketing and
outreach campaign will enable the department to broaden their pool and target talented nationally
based candidates.
Employment Implications
Students will be prepared for entering professional careers or pursue higher education in Ph.D.
programs. According to the National Employment Matrix 2008-18 from the Bureau of Labor
Statistics, there should be modest growth in art-related occupations 7 to 14% in the next ten
UC Campuses and Other California Institutions with Similar Offerings
Several UCs offer terminal degrees in Art, but none are in social or public practice. Our students
would be extremely competitive to enter various Ph.D. programs upon graduation. Since this is a
unique M.F.A. program, we will not be in direct competition with other UC degrees.
UC Irvine, UC Los Angeles, UC Santa Barbara, UC Davis, UC Berkeley and UC San Diego all
offer two- and three-year M.F.A. programs with an emphasis on professional development in the
studio arts. Each of these programs includes traditional studio arts, and in recent years has added
“new genres” to the list. All emphasize the connection of the graduate program to the academic
atmosphere of the university as a whole. Most UC M.F.A. programs have core courses of study,
seminars on theory and practice and emphasis in the second year on independent thesis
development. Most programs encourage an interdisciplinary approach to art practice, but in
contrast to our proposed program emphasizing social practice, environmental inquiry and
collaborative research, these programs are closely structured by traditional media categories.
The Environmental Art and Social Practice M.F.A. at UCSC faces the most competition from the
2-year M.F.A. program in Public Practice at Otis College of Art and Design, the 2-year M.F.A.
in Fine Art with an emphasis in Social Practice at California College of the Arts (CCA), and the
2-year and 3-year low residency M.F.A. in Contemporary Art Practice: Studio and Social
Practice at Portland State University. Both Otis and CCA are private institutions and the tuition
alone for these programs is over $35,000 per year. Portland State is comparable to UCSC at
close to $12,000 in annual tuition. Since these programs are in art schools, they do not offer
opportunities to conduct research at the same caliber as the UCs.
The M.F.A. at UCSC is unique in its focus on both social and environmental issues. This dual
focus is not replicated in any other program. This focus is in tune with other programs on the
UCSC campus such as the agro-ecology program, the social documentation program and the
feminist studies program, for example, and with the city and county of Santa Cruz as a whole.
Furthermore UCSC's emphasis on research, collaboration and cross-disciplinary practices offers
a unique environment in which the program will thrive. UCSC's remarkable location, situated
between unparalleled natural beauty, agriculture and an urban environment close to the heart of
Silicon Valley, will allow the focus of public practice research to develop in an environment
unlike any other. These combined elements will allow the development of a truly unique
program, built upon the natural, social and environmental landscape and intellectual capital on
Anticipated Campus Review and Implementation Dates
2011-12 Campus review, returned to department pending revisions.
2013-14 Formal campus review and approval
2013-14 Systemwide review and approval possible
2014-15 Advertising and Admissions
2015-16 First Student Cohort Enrolls
2017-18 Anticipated Year of Awarding First Degrees
Current Status
The proposal has been reviewed by the campus administration and Graduate Council and
returned to the department pending revisions.
Campus Contact Person
Dee Hibbert-Jones, Art Department, hjdee@ucsc.edu
Theater Arts M.F.A.
Description of and Reasons for Anticipated Action
As this program is only in the conceptual stage, we do not have a description of this particular
The proposed program is intended to be a Plan I terminal degree program.
Relationship to Existing Campus Programs, Units, and Mission
This program remains at the conceptual stage; we have yet to determine the focus or direction for
this M.F.A.
To be determined.
To be determined.
To be determined.
Employment Implications
To be determined.
UC Campuses and Other California Institutions With Similar Offerings
UC Davis has an M.F.A. in Dramatic Art, and UC Irvine has M.F.A. programs in Drama and
Anticipated Campus Review and Implementation Dates
Contingent on resources, implementation dates to be determined.
Current Status
This program remains at the conceptual stage; a formal written proposal has not yet been
Campus Contact Person
Michael Chemers, Theater Arts Department, chemers@ucsc.edu
Data Analytics and Visualization M.S. (professional degree student tuition)
Description of and Reasons for Establishment
The program provides a strong background in multiple facets of big data, including its storage
and representation in large-scale storage systems and databases; analysis of this data using
machine learning, data mining and crowdsourcing techniques; and visualization using current
and novel user interface and display techniques.
Relationship to Existing Campus Programs, Units, and Mission
The program is similar to the existing MS Computer Science degree, and would leverage faculty
in this program. However, the MS Data Analytics and Visualization program is more focused,
and is aimed at working professionals in Silicon Valley, with classes and schedules tailored for
this audience.
The program fits into the School of Engineering plans for developing new professional degree
programs focused on Silicon Valley, and leverages the plans of multiple School of Engineering
departments to expand in the area of large-scale data analysis.
Given the program’s early planning stage, the following should be considered early stage
estimates of resource requirements.
We estimate that 2-3 permanent faculty FTE are required to provide sufficient graduate teaching
capacity for this program, given the scope of areas that need to be taught. Currently, the
Computer Science Dept. just barely covers teaching responsibilities in the areas of databases,
storage systems, and visualization. More teaching capacity is needed to reliably offer multiple
graduate classes per year for this program.
Also required for the program is (with estimates of yearly cost as base plus benefits):
- Program Director (could potentially be shared with another professional degree program):
$85k + 17k
- Core Program Faculty (year-round adjunct): $100k + 20k
- Program Coordinator (job placement, internships, events, etc., could also be shared with
another professional degree program): $55k + 11k
- Events and Misc: $30k
We anticipate the School of Engineering/UCSC will provide the new permanent faculty FTE for
the program, and will provide some seed funding for launching the program.
The program will have approximately $12k/year/student professional fees that will be used to
fund the above steady state.
The program anticipates 35 masters students steady state, and it is anticipated that it will take
three years to achieve steady state (10 students year one, 20 students year two, 35 students year
Employment Implications
Program graduates will be able to find jobs among many information technology companies in
Silicon Valley. Most large Internet companies now involve a heavy element of large-scale data
storage and analytics, and data analysis is increasingly becoming a competency most large
organizations require.
UC Campuses and Other California Institutions With Similar Offerings
The Stanford Center for Professional Development offers a certificate program in Mining
Massive Data Sets. This is just a 4-course program, and focuses on the analysis aspect, without
covering either storage or visualization.
Due to the economic importance of information technology to California, it is reasonable for
state-funded education at the master’s level in the area of large scale data storage and analytics.
This type of education can educate California workers to be leaders in the development and
application of this technology.
Anticipated Campus Review and Implementation Dates
Contingent on resources, implementation dates to be determined.
Current Status
The program is currently in the early stages, and is undergoing design and development of the
initial proposal.
Campus Contact Person
Jim Whitehead, Dept. of Computer Science, ejw@soe.ucsc.edu
Coastal Policy M.S. (Professional) or Certificate Program
Description of and Reasons for Anticipated Action
To achieve the campus goal of prominence in coastal protection, including a strong focus on
coastal science, a professional program (professional M.S. or certificate program) in Coastal
Policy is being planned. The Physical and Biological Sciences 2011 Strategic Plan for Coastal
Sciences advocates for a professional program that would include training in science
communication. This program will focus on understanding coastal science as well as
management, socio-economics, government/law, and communications in order to provide the
leadership needed to develop and implement rational and sustainable coastal and ocean policy
and management. The program will offer a core set of courses in the diverse and relevant
disciplines so that all students acquire the fundamental skills necessary to become effective
practitioners, but will also offer more focused courses tailored to specific career objectives or
UCSC has a reputation as a leading institution in Earth and ocean science, and significant
strengths in biological, physical, and biogeochemical aspects of coastal science. With this
reputation, UCSC could attract a greater number of excellent graduate students.
Relationship to Existing Campus Programs, Units, and Mission
Instruction and research in environmental sciences is one of the three areas of emphasis for
present and future initiatives in the Division of Physical and Biological Sciences. This program
fits into the UCSC Strategic Academic Plan theme of “Evolving Environments, Science and
Policy”, and coastal studies is one of two proposed immediate programmatic priorities for the
This program would require faculty hires with expertise in sustainability science to building off
existing expertise across campus on environmental policy and economics.
Additional space for faculty and researchers will be generated by expansion of the Center for
Ocean Health and construction of the Coastal Biology Building.
This program is being rethought. Once a draft proposal is ready to be circulated, the appropriate
representatives will discuss funding necessary to mount the program.
To be determined.
Employment Implications
There is a market for professionals with both scientific and management/policy training for
positions in marine agencies, natural resource leadership and management at both the state and
federal levels, legislatures and legislative bodies (especially policy development), public
education and outreach with non-governmental organizations, university-based research groups,
and governmental research institutions.
UC Campuses and Other California Institutions With Similar Offerings
UCSB’s Bren School of Environmental Science and Management offers a professional Master of
Environmental Science and Management addressing scientific and socio-economic issues related
to coastal marine ecosystems and a Ph.D. program geared to future research professors.
Berkeley’s M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Environmental Science, Policy and Management focuses
on addressing environmental problems of major social and political impact. Irvine’s M.S. and
Ph.D. degrees in Environmental Health Science and Policy emphasize public health and the
Nationally, there are about a dozen universities that provide graduate degrees in marine policy,
marine affairs, or marine resource management. All offer master’s degrees, and three offer Ph.D.
programs (University of Delaware, University of Rhode Island, and East Carolina University).
CSU Monterey Bay admitted their first cohort of 12 students into the Coastal and Watershed
Science & Policy M.S. program in fall 2006.
Anticipated Campus Review and Implementation Dates
This program is at the conceptual stage. At the earliest, campus review may begin in fall 2014,
with first enrollments anticipated in fall, 2019.
Current Status
This program remains at the conceptual stage, with discussions occurring within the division. A
formal written proposal has not yet been developed.
Campus Contact Person
Peter Raimondi, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department, raimondi@ucsc.edu