The Dream Act: The Legal and the Political

The Dream Act:
The Legal and the Political
December 3, 2011 - 2PM
The National Hispanic Cultural Center
History and Literary Arts Bldg. Free to the public.
What is the Dream Act?
How would it affect immigrant students headed to college?
Why has a Dream Act been signed by the Governor of California giving immigrant
students rights that were under attack?
Why is the conservative Republican governor of Texas risking his run for president by
supporting the Dream Act in Texas?
What can students and community leaders do to support the Dream Act in New Mexico?
Why can’t Congress pass the Dream Act nationally?
Come hear a legal scholar from Texas, and a state legislator from California, talk
about their efforts to insure that immigrants are allowed to attend college.
Dr. Michael A. Olivas, William B. Bates Distinguished Chair in Law and Director of the Institute
for Higher Education, Law and Governance at the University of Houston.
(A New Mexican native.)
California Assemblyman Gil Cedillo, author of AB 130 which was signed into law by Governor
Jerry Brown on June 25, 2011 and who has introduced a second bill giving immigrant students access
to public funding for their college education.
National Hispanic Cultural Center • 1701 4th St. SW • Albuquerque, NM • 505.246.2261 •