Using Probabilistic Intelligence to Influence Course of Action Planning and Optimization by Dennis E. Okon, Jr. Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degrees of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering and Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY May 17, 2000 - L750ic 20C0 Copyright 2000, Dennis E. Okon, Jr. All rights reserved. The author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or part. Author Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science May 17, 2000 Certified by Howard Shrobe Profetsor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Thesis Supervisor Accepted by eArthur C. Smith Chairman, Department Committee on Gra uate Theses MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ENG8 JUL 2 7 2000 LIBRARIES Using Probabilistic Intelligence to Influence Course of Action Planning and Optimization by Dennis E. Okon, Jr. Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science on May 17, 2000, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degrees of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering and Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Abstract Several methods based on probabilistic data meant for biasing a genetic search algorithm are presented. Each of the methods is tested against standard genetic algorithm test problems and their performance is compared to neutral tests where the influence is ignored. The intended end use is to influence a GA searching in a predictive mode useful in intelligent game playing. More specifically, the GA is meant to run underneath the FOX system and help predict enemy Courses of Action. probabilistic information comes from military intelligence. For this application, the Thesis Supervisor: Howard Shrobe Title: Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 2 Acknowledgment I would like to thank several people for making this work possible and for guiding my thoughts and efforts while working on this project. I would first like to thank my advisor, Professor Howard Shrobe, for having faith in me and taking the risk of advising an off-campus thesis. Secondly, I owe an immense amount of gratitude to Charles River Analytics, particularly Greg Zacharias, for funding my entire year of work and allowing me full access and support to their FOX system. I would especially like to give Harald Ruda and Janet Burge recognition for working with me on FOX and helping me to understand the system and the technology behind it. I also want to acknowledge DARPA's CPoF project for exposing me to the "real world" side of this work, especially for John Schmitt's electronic tactical decision games (eTDGs), all of the Graybeards' expertise, and the mock combat experience at the JRTC (Joint Readiness Training Center) in Ft. Polk, LA. 3 Table of Contents 1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 15 1. 1 Motivation ............................................................................................ 15 1.2 Idea ....................................................................................................... 15 1.3 Incorporation ........................................................................................ 16 1.4 Paper Layout ......................................................................................... 18 2. FO X .....................................................................................................................19 2.1 Background ........................................................................................... 19 2.2 Abstraction ........................................................................................... 19 3. Goals and Design ................................................................................................. 24 3.1 Goals ..................................................................................................... 24 3.2 Design ...................................................................................................24 3.2. 1 Criteria ...................................................................................24 3.2.2 Design ....................................................................................25 4. Implementation and Testing ................................................................................28 4.1 Im plementation .....................................................................................28 4.2 4.3 4. 1. 1 Initial Skew ............................................................................ 28 4.1.2 Fitness Skew ........................................................................... 29 4.1.3 Crossover Skew ...................................................................... 29 Algorithm Test Cases ............................................................................ 31 4.2.1 Dejong's F1 ............................................................................ 35 4.2.2 Dejong's F2 ............................................................................ 39 4.2.3 Dejong's F3 ............................................................................ 43 4.2.4 4.2.5 Dejong's F4 ............................................................................ 47 F5: Inverted Shekel's Foxholes .............................................. 51 4.2.6 Schaffer's F6 ........................................................................... 56 Conclusion for Test Cases ..................................................................... 60 5. Interfacing with FOX and Scenarios .................................................................... 63 5.1 Interfacing with FOX ............................................................................ 63 5.2 FO X Scenario .......................................................................................64 4 5.2.1 The Battle of johnsonburg ..................................................... 64 5.2.2 eCOA without Influence ....................................................... 68 5.2.3 eCOA with Influence .............................................................69 6. Conclusion ...........................................................................................................72 7. References ............................................................................................................73 Appendix A : Data ......................................................................................................75 A .1. F 1 Data ................................................................................................. 75 A .1. 1. Stage 1 ....................................................................................75 A .1. 2. Stage 2 ....................................................................................78 A .2. F2 Data .................................................................................................81 A .2.1. Stage 1....................................................................................81 A .2.2. Stage 2 ....................................................................................84 A .3. F3 Data .................................................................................................87 A -3. 1. Stage 1 ....................................................................................87 A -3.2. Stage 2 ....................................................................................90 A .4. F4 Data .................................................................................................93 A-4. 1. Stage 1 ....................................................................................93 A-4.2. Stage 2 .................................................................................... A -5. F5 Data .................................................................................................99 A -5.1. Stage 1 .................................................................................... A .5.2. Stage 2 .................................................................................... 102 A .6. F6 Data .................................................................................................105 A .6. 1. Stage I .................................................................................... 105 A .6-2. Stage 2 .................................................................................... 108 5 List of Figures Figure 1.3-1: FOX Framework........................................................................................17 Figure 2.2-1: Traditional COA Sketch.......................................................................... 20 Figure 2.2-2: COA Sketch Overlaid with AAs and LDTs ............................................ 21 Figure 2.2-3: Abstract Battlefield Grid .......................................................................... 22 Figure 2.2-4: Abstract Battlefield and Units................................................................. 22 Figure 4.1-1: Probabilities of Keeping A for Initial Skew............................................... 28 Figure 4.1-2: Fitness Skew (goal = 1)............................................................................ 29 Figure 4.1-3: "Stickiness" Measure for Crossover Skew .............................................. 30 Figure 4.2-1: Fl Function Plot...................................................................................... 36 Figure 4.2-2: F1 Confidence Plot................................................................................... 36 Figure 4.2-3: Fl Skewed Function Plot ....................................................................... 36 Figure 4.2-4: Fl Initial Skew vs. Crossovers ................................................................ 37 Figure 4.2-5: F1 Initial Skew vs. M utation ................................................................... 37 Figure 4.2-6: F1 Fitness Skew vs. Crossovers................................................................. 37 Figure 4.2-7: F1 Fitness Skew vs. M utation................................................................... 37 Figure 4.2-8: Fl Crossover Skew vs. Crossovers ............................................................ 37 Figure 4.2-9: F1 Crossover Skew vs. Mutation............................................................ 37 Figure 4.2-10: F1 Optim al Test ..................................................................................... 38 Figure 4.2-11: F1 Non-O ptim al Test............................................................................ 38 Figure 4.2-12: F2 Function Plot...................................................................................... 40 Figure 4.2-13: F2 Confidence Plot ................................................................................. 40 Figure 4.2-14: F2 Skewed Function Plot ....................................................................... 40 Figure 4.2-15: F2 Initial Skew vs. Crossovers ................................................................ 41 6 Figure 4.2-16: F2 Initial Skew vs. Mutation ................................................................. 41 Figure 4.2-17: F2 Fitness Skew vs. Crossovers...............................................................41 Figure 4.2-18: F2 Fitness Skew vs. Mutation................................................................. 41 Figure 4.2-19: F2 Crossover Skew vs. Crossovers.......................................................... 41 Figure 4.2-20: F2 Crossover Skew vs. Mutation.......................................................... 41 Figure 4.2-21: F2 Optimal Test ..................................................................................... 42 Figure 4.2-22: F2 Non-Optimal Test............................................................................. 42 Figure 4.2-23: F3 Function Plot.................................................................................... 44 Figure 4.2-24: F3 Confidence Plot................................................................................. 44 Figure 4.2-25: F3 Skewed Function Plot ..................................................................... 44 Figure 4.2-26: F3 Initial Skew vs. Crossovers ............................................................... 45 Figure 4.2-27: F3 Initial Skew vs. Mutation ................................................................. 45 Figure 4.2-28: F3 Fitness Skew vs. Crossovers...............................................................45 Figure 4.2-29: F3 Fitness Skew vs. Mutation.................................................................45 Figure 4.2-30: F3 Crossover Skew vs. Crossovers..........................................................45 Figure 4.2-3 1: F3 Crossover Skew vs. Mutation.......................................................... 45 Figure 4.2-32: F3 Optimal Test ..................................................................................... 46 Figure 4.2-33: F3 Non-Optimal Test.............................................................................46 Figure 4.2-34: F4 Function Plot.................................................................................... 48 Figure 4.2-35: F4 Confidence Plot.................................................................................48 Figure 4.2-36: F4 Skewed Function Plot ........................................................................ 48 Figure 4.2-37: F4 Initial Skew vs. Crossovers ............................................................... 49 Figure 4.2-38: F4 Initial Skew vs. Mutation ................................................................. 49 Figure 4.2-39: F4 Fitness Skew vs. Crossovers............................................................... 49 7 Figure 4.2-40: Fitness Skew vs. M utation................................................................. 49 Figure 4.2-41: Crossover Skew vs. Crossovers.......................................................... 49 Figure 4.2-42: Crossover Skew vs. M utation.............................................................49 Figure 4.2-43: Optimal Test ..................................................................................... 50 Figure 4.2-44: Non-Optim al Test............................................................................. 50 Figure 4.2-45: Function Plot.................................................................................... 53 Figure 4.2-46: Confidence Plot ................................................................................. 53 Figure 4.2-47: Skewed Function Plot ....................................................................... 53 Figure 4.2-48: Initial Skew vs. Crossovers ................................................................. 54 Figure 4.2-49: Initial Skew vs. M utation ................................................................. 54 Figure 4.2-50: Fitness Skew vs. Crossovers............................................................... 54 Figure 4.2-5 1: Fitness Skew vs. M utation................................................................. 54 Figure 4.2-52: Crossover Skew vs. Crossovers.......................................................... 54 Figure 4.2-53: Crossover Skew vs. M utation.............................................................54 Figure 4.2-54: Optimal Test ..................................................................................... 55 Figure 4.2-55: N on-O ptimal Test............................................................................. 55 Figure 4.2-56: Function Plot......................................................................................58 Figure 4.2-57: Confidence Plot................................................................................. 58 Figure 4.2-58: Skewed Function Plot ....................................................................... 58 Figure 4.2-59: Initial Skew vs. Crossovers ................................................................. 59 Figure 4.2-60: Initial Skew vs. M utation ................................................................. 59 Figure 4.2-61: Fitness Skew vs. Crossovers............................................................... 59 Figure 4.2-62: Fitness Skew vs. M utation................................................................. 59 Figure 4.2-63: Crossover Skew vs. Crossovers.......................................................... 59 8 Figure 4.2-64: F6 Crossover Skew vs. Mutation.......................................................... 59 Figure 4.2-65: F6 Optimal Test ..................................................................................... 60 Figure 4.2-66: F6 Non-Optimal Test.............................................................................60 Figure 5.2-1: The Battle of Johnsonburg ..................................................................... 66 Figure 5.2-2: A FOX Interpretation of The Battle of Johnsonburg...............................67 Figure 5.2-3: eCOA without Influence..........................................................................68 Figure 5.2-4: eCOA with Influence ................................................................................... 9 70 List of Tables Table 3.2-1: Likelihood Function O utput Definitions ................................................. 27 Table 3.2-2: Confidence M easure Defintions............................................................... 27 Table 4.2-1: Trial Param eter Sets................................................................................. 33 Table 4.3-1: Sum mary of Perform ance Effects............................................................... 61 Table 5.2-1: Position Belief Data....................................................................................69 Table 5.2-2: Com position Belief Data .......................................................................... 69 Table A-1: F1 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers..................................75 Table A-2: F1 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers ............................... 75 Table A-3: F1 Optimal: Crossover Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers........................... 76 Table A-4: F1 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Mutation Rate ............................................... 76 Table A-5: F1 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Mutation Rate............................................. 77 Table A-6: F1 Optimal: Crossover Skew vs. Mutation Rate ........................................ 77 Table A-7: F1 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Fitness Skew ................................................. 78 Table A-8: F1 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Crossover Skew............................................. 78 Table A-9: F1 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Crossover Skew ............................................. 79 Table A-10: F1 Non-Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Fitness Skew........................................79 Table A-11: Fl Non-Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Crossover Skew ................................... 80 Table A-12: F1 Non-Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Crossover Skew..................................80 Table A-13: F2 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers...............................81 Table A-14: F2 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers .............................. 81 Table A-15: F2 Optimal: Crossover Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers..........................82 Table A-16: F2 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Mutation Rate ............................................ Table A-17: F2 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Mutation Rate...........................................83 10 82 Table A-18: F2 Optimal: Crossover Skew vs. Mutation Rate ...................................... 83 Table A-19: F2 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Fitness Skew ............................................... 84 Table A-20: F2 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Crossover Skew...........................................84 Table A-2 1: F2 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Crossover Skew..........................................85 Table A-22: F2 Non-Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Fitness Skew........................................85 Table A-23: F2 Non-Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Crossover Skew ................................... 86 Table A -24: F2 Non-Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Crossover Skew.................................86 Table A-25: F3 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers...............................87 Table A-26: F3 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers .............................. 87 Table A-27: F3 Optimal: Crossover Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers..........................88 Table A-28: F3 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Mutation Rate ............................................ 88 Table A-29: F3 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Mutation Rate...........................................89 Table A-30: F3 Optimal: Crossover Skew vs. Mutation Rate ...................................... 89 Table A-3 1: F3 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Fitness Skew ............................................... 90 Table A-32: F3 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Crossover Skew...........................................90 Table A-33: F3 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Crossover Skew..........................................91 Table A-34: F3 Non-Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Fitness Skew........................................91 Table A-35: F3 Non-Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Crossover Skew ................................... 92 Table A-36: F3 Non-Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Crossover Skew..................................92 Table A-37: F4 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers...............................93 Table A-38: F4 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers .............................. 93 Table A-39: F4 Optimal: Crossover Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers..........................94 Table A-40: F4 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Mutation Rate ............................................ Table A-41: F4 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Mutation Rate...........................................95 11 94 Table A-42: F4 Optimal: Crossover Skew vs. Mutation Rate ...................................... 95 Table A-43: F4 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Fitness Skew ............................................... 96 Table A-44: F4 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Crossover Skew...........................................96 Table A-45: F4 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Crossover Skew .......................................... 97 Table A-46: F4 Non-Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Fitness Skew........................................97 Table A-47: F4 Non-Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Crossover Skew ................................... 98 Table A-48: F4 Non-Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Crossover Skew..................................98 Table A-49: F5 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers...............................99 Table A-50: F5 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers .............................. 99 Table A-51: F5 Optimal: Crossover Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers............................100 Table A-52: F5 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Mutation Rate ............................................... 100 Table A-53: F5 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Mutation Rate..............................................101 Table A-54: F5 Optimal: Crossover Skew vs. Mutation Rate ......................................... 101 Table A-55: F5 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Fitness Skew .................................................. 102 Table A-56: F5 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Crossover Skew..............................................102 Table A-57: F5 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Crossover Skew............................................103 Table A-58: F5 Non-Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Fitness Skew..........................................103 Table A-59: F5 Non-Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Crossover Skew ..................................... 104 Table A-60: F5 Non-Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Crossover Skew....................................104 Table A-6 1: F6 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers..................................105 Table A-62: F6 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers ................................ 105 Table A-63: F6 Optimal: Crossover Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers............................106 Table A-64: F6 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Mutation Rate ............................................... 106 Table A-65: F6 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Mutation Rate..............................................107 12 Table A-66: F6 Optimal: Crossover Skew vs. Mutation Rate ......................................... 107 Table A-67: F6 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Fitness Skew .................................................. 108 Table A-68: F6 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Crossover Skew..............................................108 Table A-69: F6 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Crossover Skew ............................................ 109 Table A-70: F6 Non-Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Fitness Skew..........................................109 Table A-7 1: F6 Non-Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Crossover Skew ..................................... 110 Table A-72: F6 Non-Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Crossover Skew....................................110 13 Glossary of Terms AA Avenue of Approach BLUFOR Friendly forces COA Course of Action eCOA Enemy Course of Action fCOA Friendly Course of Action FEBA Forward Edge of Battle Area GA Genetic Algorithm LDT Line of Defensible Terrain LOA Limit Of Advance MB Maneuver Box OPFOR Enemy (Opposing) forces TAA Tactical Assembly Area 14 1. Introduction 1.1 Motivation "Ifyou know your enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle." - Sun Tzu [23] Although Sun Tzu wrote this over 2500 years ago, it is still a guiding principle for military planning. "Knowing yourself' is often a logistics problem dependent on having a good flow of information and the ability to look at yourself objectively. However, "knowing your enemy" is a potentially harder problem, because no matter how good your information, there is still an element of guesswork and prediction involved. Throughout the life of Computer Science and Al research, predicting what the enemy will do has been a basic problem. For instance, game playing strategies like Mini-Max Search attempt to find the enemy's best moves and counter them. How successful would Deep Blue have been if it had not considered what Gary Kasporav might do? Unfortunately, fighting wars on any level, from a single Fire Team of riflemen traversing a swamp to coordinating WWII over the Pacific and in Europe, is far from the "simple" deterministic games of chess and checkers. However, while this fact might stop us from fully automating our Armed Forces by replacing men with computers anytime in the near future, we should not be discouraged from developing tools to aid commanders in their command and control decision-making. 1.2 Idea One such tool being developed is most commonly referred to as FOX or FOX-GA. Originally, this tool was conceived of and developed at UIUC by Maj. J. L. Schlabach and Caroline Hayes [7]. The intent of FOX is to generate Courses of Action (COAs) for friendly units given a situation (i.e. mission goals, available resources, terrain information, and enemy COAs). The work by Schlabach and Hayes, and more recently in case-studies [5], showed the feasibility of abstracting the war simulation into an abstract, chessboardlike simulation and using genetic algorithms to search the COA-space defined in this 15 abstraction. Charles River Analytics used this work as a starting point to add functionality, capabilities, power, and flexibility as well as make the system more robust [9][12]. Throughout all the additions and modifications, the basic goal of FOX remained constant: to suggest friendly COAs to a commander. However, that is not the only thing FOX could possibly do; this thesis explores an alternative use for FOX: examining the potential impact of enemy COAs on friendly plans. This is motivated, in part, by Sun Tzu's quote, where we find that FOX could help a commander "know [his] enemy" by predicting enemy COAs. If we pretend FOX is working for the enemy and run it with the current situation (or at least the situation we believe the enemy sees), its output may give us an idea for what the enemy will do and then we can plan accordingly. Using FOX to predict enemy COAs rather than using a human expert allows for a non-biased approach to predicting enemy actions. For instance, a human expert might not see a very powerful plan the enemy might be cooking up because it is not in his doctrinal training - it is simply something he would not think of because it is never done. However, FOX does not inherently have this bias against nontraditional plans and might find them helpful. Another usefulness of this enemy prediction is that FOX can play the enemy commander for training exercises. Unfortunately, this straightforward rotation between BLUFOR and OPFOR is not quite as powerful as it could be since it ignores (or rather simply does not use) any intelligence that may exist about the enemy. The above idea needs to be modified slightly to reflect this observation: FOX should output the best enemy COAs that are viable based on the current intelligence about the enemy. In this way, FOX should be able to predict likely, robust enemy COAs and the commander will better know his enemy. 1.3 Incorporation In order for this idea to be useful in FOX we need a way to incorporate knowledge that will govern any intelligence about the enemy. By looking at FOX's basic framework (Figure 1.3-1 adapted from [12]) we see that there are only a couple of places this knowledge can go: 1. The Abstract Wargamer's Rules 2. The Fitness Function's Criteria 3. The GA Search Engine itself 16 Abstract Terrain BLUFOR data fCOAs OPFOR COA interactions data GA Parameters Figure 1.3-1: FOX Framework The Wargamer's function is to simulate the engagement, so its rule-base should hold knowledge about determining an outcome for a specific engagement; for example, it should know about the fighting styles (e.g., Russian, English, American, etc.), momentum of the battle, and cultural effects (e.g., religious holidays) and how these affect a given battle. However, this is not where uncertain situational intelligence about the enemy is really useful. The Fitness Function's job is to evaluate the outcome of the Wargamer and assign a score to the BLUFOR COA. A low score (close to 0.0) means the BLUFOR's mission was not accomplished, many casualties were suffered, the OPFOR overran the BLUFOR, etc. A high score (close to 1.0) means that BLUFOR was successful, very few casualties were taken, the BLUFOR overran the OPFOR, etc. The knowledge needed by the Fitness Function answers the basic question: "What is good and what is bad?" Again, situational intelligence about the enemy does not belong here. Lastly, the GA Search Engine could easily take into account probabilistic, situationaldependent intelligence simply by modifying how it searches COA-space (e.g., how it 17 chooses which individuals survive and breed). This looks like a perfect fit. The only question now is in the details: How can the intelligence change the search? And, what are the effects of changing the search? 1.4 Paper Layout The rest of this paper explores possible answers to those two questions. To begin dealing with this, Section 2 more fully describes the FOX system; Section 3 describes the design and implementation details; Section 4 demonstrates and analyzes the performance of the newly developed GA on classic GA search problems; Section 5 describes the interface to the existing FOX system and its performance on domain specific problems; and Section 6 concludes the work. 18 2. FOX 2.1 Background FOX is a planning support tool for assisting military intelligence and maneuver battlestaff in rapidly generating and assessing battlefield courses of actions (COAs). The first prototype of FOX (called FOX-GA) was designed and created by Maj. J. L. Schlabach and Caroline Hayes at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) with Carolyn Fiebig and Robert Winkler. [5] [7] Under contract to the Army Research Labroatory, Charles River Analytics is transitioning the work done by Hayes et al. from a research oriented application into a usable product. [12] This transitioned version of FOX will be used as part of the Command Post of the Future (CPoF), a program to research technology for battlespace decision aids under the Department of Defense's (DoD) Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Other possible uses for FOX exist in similar programs, such as the US Army Communications-Electronics Command's (CECOM) Command Post 21 (CPXXI). 2.2 Abstraction FOX's efficiency in generating large numbers of potential COAs stems from its highlevel (abstract) representation of the battlespace and forces (see Figure 2.2-1 through Figure 2.2-4). Wargaming at an abstract level enables a rapid search through COA-space for generally desirable, high-level COAs. In FOX's current configuration, these candidate COAs are then presented to human analysts for a more in-depth analysis and detailed planning effort. However, FOX's output can also be fed into a more detailed COA analysis system, for instance Logica Carnegie Group's CADET system. [9] FOX employs a high-level representation of battlefield engagements in which two units (one BLUFOR and one OPFOR) attack and/or defend against one another. The details of the battle are abstracted as follows: * The most important information about the terrain becomes encapsulated into a generic maneuver box (MB), formally represented as a 2-dimensional grid consisting of N parallel avenues of approach (AAs) crossed perpendicularly by M lines of defensible terrain (LDTs). An LDT is a string of roughly adjacent choke points cutting across all the AAs providing a naturally strong defensive position. (see Figure 2.2-2) 19 " Additional terrain information is encapsulated as "go" and "no-go" regions between AAs. For instance, a mountain range or unfordable river would be considered "no-go" and movement in that part of the battlefield would be restricted. * Offensive forces are modeled as moving from tactical assembly areas (TAAs) behind the forward edge of the battle area (FEBA) toward an envisioned limit of advance (LOA) beyond the furthest LDT. The units' objectives are a variable mixture of two criteria: 1. Capturing as much territory and seizing as many objectives as possible. 2. Attriting the enemy as much as possible and being attrited as little as possible. * Defensive forces are modeled similarly, but their objectives are to hold territory and objectives while warding off the attacking units. Similarly, subordinate unit movements and the outcome of battles are abstracted using a relatively simple, deterministic rule-base and attrition equations. It E3 A a ndi P_ BLUE FROZI VC EM <= Fa K otw xIA PAO" TO" PLGREE-4 X cr~ WM r CW AI-: Pt OAMCE [a_ PLAIW1 (LD) Xxomim PL srse Figure 2.2-1: Traditional COA Sketch 20 PL PL AID NXE FW4 Figure 2.2-1 illustrates a traditional COA sketch. It uses standard symbology to display the basic terrain features, BLUFOR units' compositions, positions, and high-level tasks, OPFOR units' compositions, positions, and objectives. AA LDT MI No-Go CT)=Objective Figure 2.2-2: COA Sketch Overlaid with AAs and LDTs Figure 2.2-2 adds avenues of approach (AAs) and lines of defensible terrain (LDTs) to the sketch according to the existing terrain, obstacles, and control measures already in place. These lines all need to be added by an analyst or some other program since FOX does not perform this function. 21 ........... ........... .................. .................... -.................. .... .... .... ..... ... I............... .......................................... ...................... ......... ........... ....... I.I.I ....... e..... ...... 1 ...... ..... ..... ............................................... .................................. ........................................ ........-- .......... ........... Figure 2.2-3: Abstract Battlefield Grid .4 <0*> N/ ............ I............ I................. ............................. .......................... .............. .............. ............. .......... I.... ........ .................... Y <5> 101 -.1.1 ........... I.I.I................. ........... ... ............................ .................... .............. ........... X W 19 <*.-. ....................... E)-.--................... ................ .............. ......................... ........... ........ ......... ............. SLAM Figure 2.2-4: Abstract Battlefield and Units Using the AAs and LDTs to define a grid over the battlefield, the terrain, obstacles, and control measures are abstracted away, leaving us with the representation shown in Figure 2.2-3. The "no-go" regions marked are abstracted from the existence of the mountains in the original sketch. Figure 2.2-4 adds the units in their abstracted positions; this is the representation used by FOX. After FOX is finished, a COA can be translated 22 back into the sketch format by reversing this process, which again, an analyst or a program other than FOX must do. These simplifications and abstractions exist for two reasons: First, due to FOX's use of a GA to search COA space, wargaming simulations are called thousands of times and therefore need to be as fast as possible; abstraction obviously helps speed up the simulation. Second, commanders tend to wargame on approximately this same level (two echelons below where they are commanding) with a significant degree of fidelity and usefulness. 23 3. Goals and Design 3.1 Goals The main goal of this project is to augment FOX, in its rotated configuration, to take advantage of intelligence about the enemy. This has the obvious advantage of strengthening FOX's usefulness as a tool for commanders; the "smarter" FOX is, the more likely commanders will find it useful and the more likely FOX will help commanders make quality decisions. This goal can be broken down into several subgoals, addressing several levels of this problem: 1. How do we represent the intelligence? 2. How can we use the intelligence? 3. How can we test these methods? 4. What are the advantages/disadvantages of these methods? This thesis will not address the entire scope of this problem - it is far too large for a single project. Instead, this thesis will focus on designing and implementing a couple of methods to combine intelligence into FOX's COA search, empirically analyzing the performance of these methods on problems traditionally solved using GAs, and extrapolating these results to modify FOX. This should both produce some preliminary results as well as provide a starting point for future research on intelligence representations, additional influence methods, effective combinations of these methods, and testing the usefulness in various domains. 3.2 Design 3.2.1 Criteria In order to accomplish the above goals, the design of this system should satisfy several constraints: 1. When no intelligence is available the system should act just like a normal system that does not try to use intelligence. - This is important because on a system level, a lack of information should not mean anything. However, on a higher level a lack of information may translate into useful intelligence. For instance, if 24 no reports are coming in from the field, it may be because the unit was destroyed or captured. 2. The intelligence should be handled as an uncertain quantity. - Intelligence on a battlefield is, at best, noisy and uncertain. For instance, units can easily be misreported: e.g., it is not always easy to differentiate between friendly and enemy forces; events and information can be reported several times: e.g., two reports of 6 casualties each does not necessarily mean 12 casualties; and reports may conflict: e.g., one unit reports there are no enemies in sight while another reports it is under attack. 3. Likely solutions (those that fit the intelligence best) should be considered even if they are not as good as less likely solutions. - This is basically why we are including the intelligence. Just because a solution is not the best, does not mean the enemy is not using it. 4. Unlikely solutions that are extremely good should not be completely discounted. - Commanders often want to know what the worst case is, even if it is unlikely. 3.2.2 Design The design for this "influenced GA" is basically just a GA search engine with extensions to control the influence measure, distribution, and use. The GA basis should include control and feedback about: * * Population Size: limited only by available memory Fitness: from a single, user-defined function * Generations: unlimited * Minimization or maximization searches Elitism: Retain a user-defined percentage (0% - 100%) of a population between generations according to several schemes: Best', Roulette2 , or Random3 . * Best: chooses the top X% of the population. Roulette: chooses a random X% of the population with each individual weighted according to their fitness. 1 2 ' Random: chooses a random X% uniformly from the population. 25 * * * * Breeding: Choose individuals from a user-defined percentage (0% - 100%) of the population according to several schemes: Best with Best, Best with Roulette, Best with Random, Roulette with Roulette, Roulette with Random, or Random with Random. Only one child should be produced per breeding. Crossovers: User-defined expected number of crossovers per breeding - actual crossover computation is done by making a random decision at each bit of the gene while breeding. Mutation: User-defined probability to mutate any bit of the gene during breeding. Control to evolve for a certain number of generations, until some fitness threshold is reached (with a maximum number of generations), or until a user-defined percentage of the population has reached some fitness threshold (with a maximum number of generations specified). * Ability to insert a phenotype into the current population at any time. * Feedback about any individual in the current population. * Statistics about the current population: average fitness, maximum fitness, minimum fitness, rank of a fitness, and convergence measure. * Statistics about the amount of work done: number of calls to the fitness function and number of generations evolved. In addition to the basic functionality above, the Influenced GA engine needed to be designed to accommodate for the supply and use of uncertain information. Therefore, the following additions were made: * * * User-defined value for a fitness "goal"; i.e. the best-expected fitness. A user-defined function to calculate the likelihood of an individual; this is best thought of as a heuristic based measurement of the desirability of the individual. Table 3.2-1 describes the meaning of its output. In the context of COAs, this function should calculate how well an individual COA fits the observed intelligence. User access to set parameters controlling the confidence level placed on each type of influence. Table 3.2-2 describes the meanings of various levels of confidence. Note that all of these additions fit within the criteria mentioned in Section 3.2.1. 26 Likelihood 1.0 0.0 1.0 I General Meaning Meaning in COA Context Very likely. Fits all intelligence perfectly. Likely, to a certain degree. Probable, to some degree, given current intelligence. No information leading to a likely or unlikely conclusion. No intelligence available to make a conclusion. Unlikely, to a certain degree. Not probable, to some degree, given current intelligence. Very unlikely. Impossible given all known intelligence. Table 3.2-1: Likelihood Function Output Definitions Confidence 1.0 Meaning Absolute confidence: Fully use the value of the likelihood function. Some confidence: Only use a proportion of the likelihood function's value. 0.0 Unconfident: Do not use the value of the likelihood function at all. i.e., act like an uninfluenced GA. Table 3.2-2: Confidence Measure Defintions 27 4. Implementation and Testing 4.1 Implementation The above design for a GA engine extended to deal with uncertain information was implemented in C+ + (specifically, Microsoft's Visual C+ + 6.0) and was implemented to be fully extensible via C+ +'s class inheritance functionality. Using this engine, three types of influence were implemented: 1. Influencing the initial population distribution: a.k.a. "Initial Skew" 2. Influencing the fitness of individuals: a.k.a. "Fitness Skew" 3. Influencing the crossover probabilities between parents during breeding: a.k.a. "Crossover Skew" 4.1.1 Initial Skew Normally, a GA generates its initial population by randomly generating individuals uniformly over the search space. However, if the information available discounts some solutions and supports others, it seems to make sense to generate the initial population from a non-uniform distribution. In order to take advantage of this idea, the following scheme was used to generate the initial population: 1. Randomly create an individual, A, using a uniform distribution over the search space. 2. Add A to the population with a probability: P(addingA) = 1+C(L(A)-1) C Confidence measure of using Initial Skew and L(A) Likeliness measure of A. P (A) C__0 . O=0.50 . 6 0=1 .4 0.2 -1 -0.5 0.5 1 L (A) L) Figure 4.11 -: Probabilities of Keeping A for Initial Skew 28 3. Repeat until the population is full. 4.1.2 Fitness Skew Another way to influence the GA's search is to modify the fitness of individuals based on their likelihood. However, we do not want to modify the fitness function directly since that would break any abstraction we have between the fitness function and the GA procedures. Also, preserving the actual fitness is probably useful since that is the actual measure of how good or bad the individual is. Instead, we will modify the fitness and use the new, "skewed" fitness for elitism and breeding selections. Fs (A) = F(A) + (C . L(A)Xgoal - F(A)) Fs (A) - Skewed fitness of A, F(A) = Fitness of A, C - Confidence measure of using Fitness Skew, L(A) = Likeliness measure of A, and goal is the best-expected fitness in the search space. FS (A) 1 FS (T ) 1 C=0 L(A)=1 0.75 (A)=1 0.5 0.25 -0.25 L (A)=0 0.75 L (A) =0.5 0.5 C=0 .5 SL(A)=0.5 0.25 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 (A) 1 0.4 -0.25 -0.5 -0.5 -0.75 -0.75 -1 0.6 0.8 1 -1 C=1 FS (A) 1 L (A)=0 1 0.75 0.5 L(A)=1 L(A)=0.5 0.25 0.2 0 0.6 0.8 1 k -0.25 -0.5 -0.75 -1 Figure 4.1-2: Fitness Skew (goal = 1) 4.1.3 Crossover Skew The last implemented influence allows a more likely individual to pass more genes on to its children than its "mate." Unlike the previous two techniques, this has less to do 29 with the actual value of L(A), but rather uses a comparison of the likelinesses of the two mating individuals. The scheme is as follows (using the same definitions of L(A) and C as above): 1. For a breeding pair of individuals, A and B, calculate: r =). C(L(A)- L(B))+1 2 C=0 C=0 . 5 r r 1 1 0.8 0 .8 0.4 0 .2 0 0.4 0 .2 0 1 0.8 1 0.8 06 L (B) 0.6 0.4 . 1 ()0.8 0.8 .6 .64 6 0 . 0.2 0.2 L.I .6 0.4 . 0.2 L() 0. 2 L (A) r 1 R. 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.8 0.8 60.6 0. 0.4 0.4 0.2 L (B) 0.2 L t 0 Figure 4.1-3: "Stickiness" Measure for Crossover Skew 2. Let E be the expected number of crossovers and Igene be the length (in bits) of the gene. 3. The probability that A donates the first bit of the gene is r; that it is from B is 1-r. 4. For any bit of the gene, the probability of crossing over is: 2(1- r) P(crossover) = 2r E genel 30 E genel if on A if on B This means that in the normal case: P(crossover)= C = 0 and L(A) = L(B) z -2 and E . Therefore, the expected number of crossovers is in fact E: genel Igenel Igenel E 1=1 Igenel P(crossover)= I However, in an influenced case: C > 0, (Ir -+ r= and P(crossover) L(A) increases, and L(B) decreases a E C) =E if onA . Thus, as C increases towards 'gene (1+ C) E if onB geneI 1.0, the probability of crossover decreases if on A and increases if on B. This means that A becomes "sticky" and contributes more genes than B, which becomes "slippery." The reverse holds true if L(B)> L(A). The expected number of crossovers decreases slightly as r varies from , eventually dropping sharply to 0 for r = 0.0 and 1.0. As would be expected, the expected number of bits donated by A rises (and bits from B decrease) slowly as r increases from 1/2 eventually rising sharply to 100% when r = 1.0. Conversely, the expected number of bits donated by B rises (and bits from A decrease) slowly as r decreases from 1/2 eventually rising sharply to 100% when r = 0.0. 4.2 Algorithm Test Cases The following tests were based on measuring the performance of the Influenced GA presented here on "standard" GA problems. [1] [221 The main reason for doing this testing is to gain knowledge about how the modifications affect GA searches. By using standard problems with known landscapes and characteristics, we can gain some understanding about how the modifications react under controlled conditions and then use this information in more uncontrolled situations, like searching COA-space. For each test case, the following settings were used: * Population Size = 100 * Roulette breeding using 100% of the population * * The best 10% of the last generation was retained (elitism) 100 trials were run at each combination of parameters * A maximum of 200 generations was allowed for each trial 31 Two types of tests were performed: 1. Optimal: Performance was measured as the number of generations taken until at least one individual found the global optimum (with a maximum score of 200 generations). 2. Non-Optimal: Performance was measured as the number of generations taken until at least 10% of the population was in approximately the most fit 0.05% of the search space. Estimates for the fitness threshold that delimitated this top 0.05% area were found using empirical evidence of measuring the fitness of several hundred thousand randomly chosen individuals. Here too, the maximum score was 200 generations. Data was collected in two stages: 1. Effects of Skews on Mutation and Crossover Rates: Performance was measured using the first eight parameter sets in Table 4.2-1 to determine what, if any, effects each Skew independently exerted on the choice of Mutation and Crossover rates. This was done only for the Optimal testing criteria. 2. Skew Interaction: Performance was measured using the last three parameter sets in Table 4.2-1 to determine what, if any, effects Skews exert on each other. The Mutation and Crossover rates were chosen using the data from the first stage and held constant for each problem (F1 - F6). This was done for both testing criteria. 32 Trial Mutation Rate Expected # Crossovers Initial Skew Fitness Skew Crossover Skew Baseline M 0.0-0.05 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Initial M 0.0 - 0.05 3.0 0.0- 1.0 0.0 0.0 Fitness M 0.0 0.05 3.0 0.0 0.0-1.0 0.0 Crossover M 0.0 0.05 0.0 15 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0-11.0 1.0- 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Initial C 0.015 1.0 - 10.0 0.0 - 1.0 0.0 0.0 Fitness C 0.015 1.0- 10.0 0.0 0.0- 1.0 0.0 Crossover C 0.015 1.0- 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 1.0 Initial v. varied varied 0.0- 1.0 0.0-1.0 0.0 Initial v. Crossover varied varied 0.0- 1.0 0.0 0.0- 1.0 Fitness v. varied varied 0.0 0.0-1.0 0.0-1.0 Baseline C - Fitness Crossover Table 4.2-1: Trial Parameter Sets For all problems, the genes were binary strings using reflected Gray-codes [3] [13] to encode the data. This encoding was chosen to provide continuity between elements in the search space and avoid so-called "Hamming cliffs." For instance, the binary representations of 7 ("0111") and 8 ("1000") have a Hamming distance of 4, but are likely to have fitness values very close in a somewhat smooth search space. The following six sections (pages 35 - 60) present tests and analysis over standard GA search problems. These six were used because each problem displays different characteristics of search spaces. Once we know how the Skews affect searches over these characteristics, we can infer how they will affect searches on a more general problem if we know something about what the characteristics of that search space are. The information is organized as follows: 1. The Problem Space - presents the function and domain that define the search space. 33 2. The Confidence Measure - presents a function that will be used to measure the likelihood that a point is the global optimum. For the case of these analytic functions, the confidence measures are created by applying heuristics that emphasize the optimal part of the search space. These are necessarily linked to the fitness functions so that performance can be easily measured and compared. 3. Stage 1 Test Results - six sets of data are presented and analyzed to see what effect the confidence level of the Skews has on the ideal choice for Mutation and Crossover Rates. Each data point is the average number of generations it took for the Optimal Test criteria to be met (see above) for a particular pair of values (the confidence in a Skew and either Mutation Rate or Expected # of Crossovers). The fewer number of generations it took to find the optimum, the less effort was needed and the better the search performed. From these results, we can determine the ideal Mutation and Crossover Rates for each problem space. 4. Stage 2 Test Results - two sets of data are presented and analyzed to see what affect the Skews had on each other for each test criteria, Optimal and NonOptimal. Each data point represents the average number of generations it took for the respective criteria to be met (see above) for a particular set of confidence levels in the three Skews. Due to the shear amount of data and computation power needed to test all possible combinations, the problem's complexity was reduced by keeping the confidence of at least one of the Skews 0.0. For each set of data, dark areas represent a low number of generations (good performance) and light areas represent high values (poor performance). The bar shown next to each graph with the maximum and minimum numbers of generations displayed shows the actual range of the data. For the same reasons mentioned above, this means that dark regions correlate with good performance and light regions correlate with poor performance. 34 4.2.1 DeJong's F1 The Problem Space The function is: 3 f(x 1,x2 ,x3 )= This function should be minimized over -5.12 (4-1) x2 x, 5.12; the minimum occurs at f(0,0,0)= 0. [1][22] The Gray-Code representation for this domain uses 30 bits to represent three signed 9 bit numbers. (Therefore the actual domain searched over is -5.12 x, 5.11 with a resolution of 0.01.) A plot of f(x,x 2 ,0) is shown in Figure 4.2-1. The Confidence Measure For the confidence measure of a point's likelihood of being the global solution, the following function was used: M2 c(xI, x2 , x3 )= 2e -1 where m = maxix,1 i=1.3 (4-2) This formula promotes the minimization of the maximum coordinate magnitude. This heuristic seems a rather obvious choice simply by looking at equation (4-1). The 1 factor of -I was added to "spread out" the distribution to better cover the domain. A 10 plot of c(xI , x 2 ,0) is shown in Figure 4.2-2. A plot of equation (4-1) skewed by equation (4-2) is shown in Figure 4.2-3 - notice how much steeper the skewed function becomes. 35 FI(xx2.0) 1 C1(x1 ,X ,0) 2 go- 0.80.6- 80 - 70- 60 0.4- u 50 0.20 F- - 4030 4 -0.2-4 - -0.4 20- 0.8 10- 0 5 .1- 5 -5 5 X1-5 X -5 Figure 4.2- 1: F1I Function Plot . 0 X2 Figure 4.2,-: F1 Confidence Plot Fs1(xjx 2 0) 90- I so70 - 60 so- - 4030 - 20 - 1055 -5 - Figure 4.2-3: F1 Skewed Function Plot Stage 1 Test Results For the Stage 1 Optimal test, the results are shown in Figure 4.2-4 - Figure 4.2-9 and the actual data is in Appendix A. 36 Generations,7 40 Generations r0.8 -* 20 - 20- 0 0.6 0.4 E xpected # Crossovers 3 of 0.6 0, Initial Skew 2 Mutation Rate 0 2 0.02 Fitness Skew 0.01 0 0 Figure 4.2-4: F1 Initial Skew vs. Crossovers Figure 4.2-5: F1 Initial Skew vs. Mutation Generations Generations 1000 40-0a 00 2010 0.4 0 0.05 Fitness Skew 3 1 Mutation 0 Rate Fitness 40.4 0.03 Figure 4.2-6: F1 Fitness Skew vs. Crossovers Skew 0.2 0.0 01 0 0 Figure 4.2-7: F1 Fitness Skew vs. Mutation Generationc+, Generations 150- 5 40 30 20 - O 0.2 5 Expected # of Crossovers 0.6 5 80. --- 10-- 0.6 0- 10 8 7 6 # of Crossovers E xpected / 04 Crossover Skew 112 3 2 0.05 0.04 . 0.03Mutation Rate 0 Figure 4.2-8: F1 Crossover Skew vs. Crossovers Crossover Skew 0.01 Figure 4.2-9: F1 Crossover Skew vs. Mutation 37 As seen in the above figures, none of the Skews have much effect on performance regardless of changes in the Mutation and Crossover Rates. Likewise, Crossover Rate has little effect on performance, but the best value seems to be at about 7. Mutation Rate has Se a dramatic effect, and the best value appears to be 0.005. Stage 2 Test Results n For the Stage 2 tests, the results are shown in Figure 4.2-10 and Figure 4.2-11; the actual data is in Appendix A. 42 A Crossover Skew Crossover Skew 10 12 31. 2 2.0 Initial Skew Initial Skew Fitness Skew Figure 4.2-10: F1 Optimal Test WPFitness Skew Figure 4.2-11: F1 Non-Optimal Test In the Optimal test results (Figure 4.2-10), there is a slight enhancement in performance for Fitness Skew when accompanied by a significant amount of Initial Skew or Crossover Skew. For the Non-Optimal test (Figure 4.2-11), the performance is best for large values of Crossover Skew, but the effect of Initial Skew and Fitness Skew does not appear significant. 38 4.2.2 DeJong's F2 The Problem Space The function is: f~xi~x2)=00(Xf +(I- _X,)2(43 + 2 This function should be minimized over - 2.048 f(1,1)= 0. [1][22] x, 2.048 ; the minimum occurs at The Gray-Code representation for this domain uses 24 bits to represent two signed 11 bit numbers. (Therefore the actual domain searched over is - 2.048 x, 2.047 with a resolution of 0.001.) A plot of f(xl,x 2 ) is shown in Figure 4.2-12. The Confidence Measure For the confidence measure of a point's likelihood of being the global solution, the following function was used: c(xI,x 2 )=2e- 2 -1 where m= xi -x 2 (4-4) This formula promotes the minimization of x1 - x 2 , which is the dominant term in equation (4-3). A plot of c(x1 , x 2 ) is shown in Figure 4.2-13. A plot of equation (4-3) skewed by equation (4-4) is shown in Figure 4.2-14 - notice how much steeper the skewed function is than the original. 39 C2(x F2(x1 ,x2) ,x2) 0.8 0.60.4 0.2 0- 7000 5000 -0.2-0.4- -0.6 -0.8 -210 Figure 4.2-12: F2 Function Plot Figure 4.2-13: F2 Confidence Plot Figure 4.2-14: F2 Skewed Function Plot Stage 1 Test Results For the Stage 1 Optimal test, the results are shown in Figure 4.2-15 - Figure 4.2-16 and the actual data is in Appendix A. 40 Immmmommow- -- - Generations Generations 150 -- 150- - 0.84 50- 108 s Initial Skew 3 Expected # of Crossovers 0 2 Figure 4.2-15: F2 Initial Skew vs. Crossovers Figure 4.2-16: F2 Initial Skew vs. Mutation 100- 0 -0.03 0.02 0.02' /.2 02 0 0 Generations Generations 150 - 100- rosv. 50 0.6 - 0 1 9 a 0 Skew -Fitness 0.2 5 F Expected #of Crossovers 0.8 0.04 Fitness Mutation Rate Skew 00 2 Figure 4.2-18: F2 Fitness Skew vs. Figure 4.2-17: F2 Fitness Skew vs. Crossovers Mutation Generations 150- 150.] 0.8 50- 0.05 0.2- 0.02 Mutation Rate 0.01 0.5 50-0.04 0.4 0.030 0.2 0.0 0 0 Figure 4.2-20: F2 Crossover Skew vs. Mutation Figure 4.2-19: F2 Crossover Skew vs. Crossovers 41 As seen in the above figures, none of the Skews have much effect on performance regardless of changes in the Mutation and Crossover Rates - although Fitness Skew appears to have a slightly negative effect, degrading performance. Neither Crossover nor Mutation Rate has much effect either, but the optimal values appear to be at about 6 and 0.02 (respectively for Crossovers and Mutation Rate). Stage 2 Test Results For the Stage 2 tests, the results are shown in Figure 4.2-21 and Figure 4.2-22; the actual data is in Appendix A. A Crossover Skew tCrossover Skew 2,5 Initial Skew Initial Skew Fitness Skew Fitness Skew Figure 4.2-22: F2 Non-Optimal Test Figure 4.2-21: F2 Optimal Test In the Optimal test results (Figure 4.2-21), there is no discernable trends that indictates the Skews help or hinder performance when varied two at a time. However, for the Non-Optimal test (Figure 4.2-22), the performance is better for increasing Crossover Skew, especially when accompanied by either Initial Skew or Fitness Skew in significant strength. 42 4.2.3 DeJong's F3 The Problem Space The function is: 5 |_xi J Ax1, V, x5)= (4-5) This function can be minimized or maximized over -5.12 occurs within -5.12 5 x, x, <-5 with f(x, ? ,x 5 x, 5.12; the minimum )=-30; the maximum occurs within 5 5.12 with f(xj,? , x 5 )= 25. [1][22] The Gray-Code representation for this domain uses 50 bits to represent five signed 9 bit numbers. (Therefore the actual domain searched over is -5.12 x, 5.11 with a resolution of 0.01.) A plot of f(xI, x 2,0,0,0) is shown in Figure 4.2-23. The Confidence Measure For the confidence measure of a point's likelihood of being the global solution, the following function was used: c(x,? ,x 5 )=1- 2 where m = max(x,) i=axx5 1+ e' (4-6) This formula promotes the minimization of the maximum coordinate. This heuristic seems a rather obvious choice simply by looking at equation (4-5). A plot of c(xI, x 2 ,0,0,0) is shown in Figure 4.2-24. A plot of equation (4-5) skewed by equation (46) is shown in Figure 4.2-25 - notice the "buckling" and "stretching" as compared to Figure 4.2-23. 43 F3(x1.x2,0,0,0) c3(xo, X2,0,0,0) 40- 0.8 0.6 30- 0.4 0.2gC 20-0.2-0.4- Figure 4.2,24:- F3 Confidence Plot Figure 4.2-23: F3 Function Plot Figure 4.2-25: F3 Skewed Function Plot Stage 1 Test Results For the Stage 1 Optimal test, the results are shown in Figure 4.2-26 - Figure 4.2-31 and the actual data is in Appendix A. 44 Generations Generations 50- 60- A 403020-- 40 - 20- 10 0.6 10 0.05 Initial of Expected # 4 3 Crossovers 2 2 1 02 0..02 0.2 ne tial Skew 0,2 - 002 0.04 Skew Mutation Rate 0.01 0 Figure 4.2-26: F3 Initial Skew vs. Crossovers Figure 4.2-27: F3 Initial Skew vs. Mutation 0.03 00 Generations Generations 100- 40-- m 3020- 60 - 4020- 100.4 Fitness . 0.6 0.04 Skew 040 Fitness Skew 0.2 of Expected # Crossovers 3 2 Mutation Rate 0 Figure 4.2-28: F3 Fitness Skew vs. Crossovers 0.01 Figure 4.2,29: F3 Fitness Skew vs. Mutation Generations Generations 40 00 3020 50 0 10 .2 0. of Expected # Crossovers 3 0. Crossover Skew 0.6 0..04 Mutation Rate 2 0 Crossover 0.03 Skew 0.2 0.01 Figure 4.2-31: F3 Crossover Skew vs. Mutation Figure 4.2-30: F3 Crossover Skew vs. Crossovers 45 As seen in the above figures, Initial Skew does not effect performance significantly, and both Fitness and Crossover Skews have a negative effect. Crossover Rate has some effect on performance, with the best value at approximately 5. Mutation Rate has a dramatic effect between 0.0 and 0.005; its best value appears to be around 0.010 Stage 2 Test Results For the Stage 2 tests, the results are shown in Figure 4.2-32 and Figure 4.2-33; the actual data is in Appendix A. A Crossover Skew Crossover Skew 27,9 '0 2.5 Initial : Initial Skew 1.0 Fitness Skew 0i F k ew Figure 4.2-33: F3 Non-Optimal Test Figure 4.2-32: F3 Optimal Test In the Optimal test results (Figure 4.2-32), there are no discernable trends that indict the Skews help or hinder performance when varied two at a time. However, for the NonOptimal test (Figure 4.2-33), the performance is clearly better for significant Crossover Skew, especially when accompanied by Initial Skew, and to a lesser degree, Fitness Skew. 46 4.2.4 DeJong's F4 The Problem Space The function is: Axi, , O) N(,1) + ix4 (4-7) N(m, d) = A random number chosen from a Gaussian distribution with mean = m and standard deviation = d. This function should be minimized over -1.28 x, 1.28 ; the expected minimum occurs at f(O, ,0) = 0. However, with the noise, values less than 0 are possible as well as the minimum not being at (0,? ,0). [22] The Gray-Code representation for this domain uses 240 bits to represent 30 signed 7 bit numbers. (Therefore the actual domain searched over is -1.28 xi 1.27 with a resolution of 0.01.) A plot of f(xI, x 2 ,O,? ,0) is shown in Figure 4.2-34. The Confidence Measure For the confidence measure of a point's likelihood of being the global solution, the following function was used: c(xI,? , x 3 0 )= 2e-"' 2 -l where m = maxlx,1 i=1..30 (4-8) This formula promotes the minimization of the maximum coordinate magnitude. This heuristic seems a rather obvious choice simply by looking at equation (4-7), which is clearly dominated by the largest coordinate magnitude. A plot of p(xI , x 2 ,0,? ,0) is shown in Figure 4.2-35. A plot of equation (4-7) skewed by equation (4-8) is shown in Figure 4.2-36 - notice the much more defined bowl-shape as compared to Figure 4.2-34. 47 o4(x1X0... 0) F4(xlx 2 0.---) 0.5 10 0, 5" 0 -0.5 X1 .0. Wr 05 0 0.5 Figure 4.2-35: F4 Confidence Plot Figure 4.2-34: F4 Function Plot F,4(x,,x2,0,15, 5. 0, X1 0.5 0 0.5 X2 Figure 4.2-36: F4 Skewed Function Plot Stage 1 Test Results For the Stage 1 Optimal test, the results are shown in Figure 4.2-37 - Figure 4.2-42 and the actual data is in Appendix A. 48 Generations Generations 1500 so- 100 40 S0.8 10 0.4 0.05aw.0 Initia Sko 0.2 of 3 Expected Crossovers 0.03 2 0.01 Mutation Rate 2 0 Figure 4.2-37: F4 Initial Skew vs. Crossovers Figure 4.2-38: F4 Initial Skew vs. Mutation 0 ,~ ' 0.02 Generations 0.6 0.2 Generatin 60 10 50-a 0-. 40 20 0/0 .6 10 SFitness of Skew 4 0.4 Fitness Skew *00 5 4 Expected # Crossovers 3 Mutation Rate 0 2 Figure 4.2-39: F4 Fitness Skew vs. Crossovers Ooi Figure 4.2-40: F4 Fitness Skew vs. Mutation Generations Generations 100 150-- 60 40 20 0. 10 Crossover Crossover Skew of Expected # Crossovers 2 Mutation 0 Rate o.01 Skew 0.2 0.0/ 4 o 0 0 Figure 4.2-42: F4 Crossover Skew vs. Mutation Figure 4.2-41: F4 Crossover Skew vs. Crossovers 49 As seen in the above figures, none of the Skews have much effect on performance regardless of changes in the Mutation and Crossover Rates. Crossover Rate has minimal effect, and most of that is between 1 and 3, with the best value at approximately 8. Mutation, on the other hand, has a dramatic effect, with the best performance at 0.005. Stage 2 Test Results For the Stage 2 tests, the results are shown in Figure 4.2-43 and Figure 4.2-44; the actual data is in Appendix A. I I Crossover Skew Crossover Skew ntlk Initial Skew Initial Skew Fitness Skew Fitness Skew Figure 4.2-44: F4 Non-Optimal Test Figure 4.2-43: F4 Optimal Test In the Optimal test results (Figure 4.2-43), there is significant increase in performance for high values of Crossover Skew and Fitness Skew; Initial Skew seems to have a negative effect though. Likewise, for the Non-Optimal test (Figure 4.2-44), the performance is clearly better for significant Crossover Skew, especially when accompanied by Fitness Skew. Initial Skew seems to hinder performance here also. 50 4.2.5 F5: Inverted Shekel's Foxholes The Problem Space The function is: f(xIx 2 )= 500- (4-9)* 0.002+ 1 i=1 ai is the ith coordinate of the jt ordered pair generated by {- 32,-16,0,16,32}2. This 65.536; the maximum occurs at function should be maximized over -65.536 s x, f(- 32,-32)~ 499.01996. [1] The Gray-Code representation for this domain uses 34 bits to represent two signed 16 bit numbers. (Therefore the actual domain searched over is - 65.536 x, < 65.535 with a resolution of 0.001.) A plot of f(x , x2 ) is shown in Figure 4.2-45. The Confidence Measure For the confidence measure of a point's likelihood of being the global solution, the following function was used: c(x 1, x 2 )= 2e 50 1 where m = min j=L.25 (xx, i=L.2 -a ) (4-10) By carefully analyzing equation (4-9), the following logic rationalizes the above heuristic: * There is some discrepancy among sources about the exact equation: [221 lists the following equation. However, the character of the search problem is basically identical, the differences between maxima are just more pronounced than in (4-9). 211 f(x,,x2 )=0.002+ 22 j=1 51 j + i=1 (X x - a, 1. 1 (4-9) is maximized when 25 is minimized. 2 0.002+L 2 j1 ) (x -a. 6 :=1 1 2. 0.002+ is minimized when 2 1 2 1=1 is maximized 2 j + + 1j(x, - a, Xx -a)6 i=1 (Since this must be > 0, there's no chance of (4-9) being greater than 500.) 3. A heuristic for maximizing is to minimize the largest 2 j= + i=1 (x, - a . denominator in the sum. 4. The heuristic for finding the largest denominator is to find the maximum element in the sum, namely: max((x, - a 5. However, this can be simplified to: ma x, - a 6. Thus, we want to minimize overj (from #3) the max, - ad. Equation (4-10) promotes this minimization. A plot of c(x1 , x 2 ) is shown in Figure 4.2-46. A plot of equation (4-9) skewed by equation (4-10) is shown in Figure 4.2-47. 52 c5(x F5(xjex2) 0.8 -0.6- 500 40 000 X2) 6 0.- -100-- 0.2 -3000 -000- - 20 0- 40 60 -300--02 -2200 -04 Figure 4.2-46: F5 Confidence Plot 500 XI 20 -2 0 -53.0 -06 4 ---- 0~~ 20 X 400 *5o0j -400- 3 -s s .60 Figure 4.2-47: F5 Skewed Function Plot Stage 1 Test Results For the Stage 1 Optimal test, the results are shown in Figure 4.2-48 - Figure 4.2-53 and the actual data is in Appendix A. 53 Generations Generations r 30 20 40 ''7 1o- 0 2008 0.6 / 0.6 0 10 0. nitial Skew 0.00 0.2 Expected # Crossovers 3 of . 001 Mutation Rate 0 2 0 0 Figure 4.2-49: F5 Initial Skew vs. Mutation Figure 4.2-48: F5 Initial Skew vs. Crossovers Generations Generations 30- 40- 20- 010 0.a 20- 10- 0 6 OA Fitness 8 0 Skew 0.04 04 Fitness 0,2 3 Expected # of Crossovers Mutation Rate 0.01 2 Figure 4.2-50: F5 Fitness Skew vs. Crossovers Skew O2 0.02 0 Figure 4.2-51: F5 Fitness Skew vs. Mutation / Generations Generationsin 100- 30-6 20 50 0.6 0.6 10s 04 Crossover Skew Crossover Skew 6 of E xpected # Crossovers 4 Mutaio3 0. 3 2 Mutation Rate 12 0 02 -- 0,2 0.01 0 0 Figure 4.2-53: F5 Crossover Skew vs. Mutation Figure 4.2-52: F5 Crossover Skew vs. Crossovers 54 As seen in the above figures, none of the Skews have much effect on performance regardless of changes in the Mutation and Crossover Rates. Crossover Rate has minimal effect, and most of that is between 1 and 3, with the best value at approximately 8. Mutation, on the other hand, has a dramatic effect, with the best performance at 0.025. Stage 2 Test Results For the Stage 2 tests, the results are shown in Figure 4.2-54 and Figure 4.2-55; the actual data is in Appendix A. to 4 Crossover Skew 4 Crossover Skew 1.0 2.7 16.2 Initial Sk Initial S ::10 -A10t Fitness Skew Fitness Skew Figure 4.2-55: F5 Non-Optimal Test Figure 4.2-54: F5 Optimal Test In the Optimal test results (Figure 4.2-54), there is little significant effect; Crossover Skew with Fitness Skew might have a slight performance gain and Initial Skew might have a slightly negative effect, but the differences do not look very significant. On the other hand, for the Non-Optimal test (Figure 4.2-55), the performance is clearly better for significant Crossover Skew and Fitness Skew; Initial Skew seems to hinder performance. 55 4.2.6 Schaffer's F6 The Problem Space The function is: si2I 2 2 sin2 x + x 2 f(XI,IX2= 2 2 (4-11) * 22 2 2 1 +- 1 1000 This function should be maximized over -10.24 x 10.24; the maximum occurs at f(0,0)=1. [1] The Gray-Code representation for this domain uses 22 bits to represent two signed 11 bit numbers. (Therefore the actual domain searched over is -10.24 xi 10.23 with a resolution of 0.01.) A plot of f(xI, x 2 ) is shown in Figure 4.2-56. The Confidence Measure For the confidence measure of a point's likelihood of being the global solution, the following function was used: c(xI,x 2 )=2e0 -15 where m = ma4xI, x 2 1) (4-12) By carefully analyzing equation (4-11), the following logic rationalizes the above heuristic: * There is some discrepancy among sources about the exact equation: [22] lists the following equation. However, the character of the search problem is basically identical, the differences between maxima are just more pronounced than in (4-12). sin 2 X2 xI+x x2X x2 1 2 2 2 2 56 + (xI +x2 1000 sin2 vx2 +x 1. (4-11) is maximized when 2 - 2 2 is minimized. 1+ X' + 1000 (K 2. 0ssin 2 1± Jx x 2 +x 2 2 1000 1 and 2 + + 1000 >1, so the fraction is minimized when is minimized. 3. A heuristic to minimize 1+ magnitude: max(x 1 ,|x 2 x2 +x2 1+ 2 1000 is to minimize the largest coordinate j). Equation (4-12) promotes the minimization of this quantity. A plot of c(x, ,x 2 ) is shown in Figure 4.2-5 7. A plot of equation (4-11) skewed by equation (4-12) is shown in Figure 4.2-58 - notice the much smooth middle (near the maximum) and the much lower troughs as compared to Figure 4.2-56. 57 C6(x1x2 F6(x,,x2) -0.5 -1 10 100 10 -5 Fg X -5 -10 10 2-57 x2 .5 -10 -10 Figure 4.2-56: F6 Function Plot -5 X2 .10 Figure 4.2-57: F6 Confidence Plot F,6(xlpx2 0.1 1 0 10 -5 -10 X2 .10 Figure 4.2-58: F6 Skewed Function Plot Stage 1 Test Results For the Stage 1 Optimal test, the results are shown in Figure 4.2-59 - Figure 4.2-64 and the actual data is in Appendix A. 58 -. W'Pm Generations Generations 10100- 50 0.8 ISOi 50- 0.6 00.05 -0..2 ~ Expected #aof Crossovers 0.04 Mutation Rate -, nitial Skew 0.01 2 00 Figure 4.2-59: F6 Initial Skew vs. Crossovers Generations 0.4 0. 0.02 Figure 4.2-60: F6 Initial Skew vs. Mutation I Generations 10 56 0.6 0- 00 0.4 Fitness Skew . 0.2 of Expected # Crossovers OS ----- 0.03 Mutation Rate 3 2 Skew 0.01 0 Figure 4.2-61: F6 Fitness Skew vs. Crossovers Fitness 4.0.2 -~o Figure 4.2-62: F6 Fitness Skew vs. Mutation Generations Generations 150 100 - 500- 50 0.6 10 0.4 Crossover Skew 0 0.05 * - Crossover 0.2 Expected # of Crossovers Mutation Rate 3 2 0 0.02 O0 Skew 0.2 Figure 4.2-64: F6 Crossover Skew vs. Mutation Figure 4.2-63: F6 Crossover Skew vs. Crossovers 59 As seen in the above figures, neither Initial Skew nor Crossover Skew has much effect on performance regardless of changes in the Mutation and Crossover Rates. However, Fitness Skew dramatically helps performance. Additionally, Crossover Rate has little effect on performance, as does Mutation Rate. The best values for these parameters seem to be approximately 0.03 for Mutation and 4 for Crossovers. Stage 2 Test Results For the Stage 2 tests, the results are shown in Figure 4.2-65 and Figure 4.2-66; the actual data is in Appendix A. Crossover Skew I Crossover Skew 10 i 21.' 5 2,0 Initial Skew Initial Skew Fitness Skew Figure 4.2-65: F6 Optimal Test Fitness Skew Figure 4.2-66: F6 Non-Optimal Test In the Optimal test results (Figure 4.2-65), there is a clear performance boost for large Initial Skew values, a slight improvement for increasing Crossover Skew values, and no significant effect for Fitness Skew. On the other hand, for the Non-Optimal test (Figure 4.2-66), the performance is most improved for large values of Crossover Skew and improvements along the other two axes is minimal. 4.3 Conclusion for Test Cases From the performance of the various influence methods on the six test problems above, several conclusions can be drawn. First, a summary of the performance results is shown in Table 4.3-1. A "+" means performance was improved with greater influence; a - means performance was degraded with greater influence, and a blank means there was no significant effect on performance from the influence. 60 Problem Description of Space Performance on Performance on Non- Optimal criteria optimal criteria Initial Skew F1 Fitness Skew Crossover! Initial Skew Skew Fitness Skew Gradient always points to global + optimum; no other local optima F2 Crossover Skew Not quite as "easy" as F1, but there are still no local optima besides the global optimum F3 F4 Staircase, but underlying gradient always points to global optimum Random roughness and high dimensionality, but underlying gradient always points to expected optimum F5 Many local optima with large changes in fitness between them F6 Global optimum is surrounded by a ring of global minima; Rings of local optima are easy to find and difficult to get out of + + + - + + - + + + Table 4.3-1: Summary of Performance Effects It is clear from the summary that for Non-Optimal searches, such as those needed for predicting eCOAs, Crossover Skew is definitely beneficial. However, not much can be said for the Fitness Skew; although, it did help in F4 and F5. Initial Skew was also relatively inert, but it clearly hindered the performance of F4 and F5 in the Non-Optimal case. There are many potential reasons that the various Skews had the effects they did (e.g., Initial Skew may lead to too much convergence too quickly), but actually exploring these reasons and finding an explanation is outside the scope of this thesis and is best left for further research. Now that we have some understanding of how the various influences presented above affect searches over various types of spaces, we can more aptly choose the parameters to use when applying this technology to other spaces. Specifically for FOX, we have learned from experience that the COA-space, as constrained by FOX's wargamer and measured by its fitness function, tends to have the following characteristics: * * There are at least a couple relatively equal optima separated by spaces of significantly worse COAs. Most optimal solutions have a significantly broad area around them containing slight variations that also score quite well. 61 * * Most of the COAs in the space are not good. There are some step-like characteristics present in the space due to some hard mathematical boundaries the wargamer relies on. For instance, a battle that is determined by a very small difference in the opposing forces' strengths would have two distinct outcomes that are based on very small mathematical differences in the formulae used. From all of this information, we can hypothesize that the normal COA-spaces used by FOX have characteristics most similar to F5 and F6 but with some local characteristics similar to F3. Currently, FOX's warganer is deterministic, but it may become based on a Monte Carlo type of simulation instead; this would introduce randomness into the space similar to F4. Using the above equivalencies and the results of the associated test problems, we can choose the confidence we have in each of the Skews. For the COA problem below, we will use a confidence of 1.0 for Crossover Skew and 0.5 for both Fitness and Initial Skews. 62 5. Interfacing with FOX and Scenarios 5.1 Interfacing with FOX The first step, of course, was to modify FOX's current search method, a traditional GA with niches, to use the technology. This was done by using the abstractions already present in FOX and simply replacing the current class with the one used above and wrapping it to have a similar interface. The only problem with doing this is that there is no automatic way to feed the new GA any collected intelligence. To remedy this situation for the purposes here, a somewhat generic set of assumptions was used to replace any run-time intelligence; the actual knowledge needs to be modified in the code per scenario and described in detail below. In order to get the full potential of incorporating intelligence into the GA, FOX will have to make a couple of changes: 1. Modifying the input to include the intelligence or add the intelligence as a separate input source. 2. Pass this information into some knowledge-based application that can translate it from the data collected into a form usable by the GA. The first point is obviously necessary, but should not be too difficult once a standard for communication is developed between FOX and whatever is providing it input. Currently FOX is using canned scenarios created manually in a FOX-specific format, so the inclusion of any needed information is simply a matter of making manual changes. With the ongoing integration efforts in CPoF, a standardization that could potentially support such uncertain and partial intelligence is emerging. The second point is also just as necessary, but much more difficult to implement. The difficulty stems from the implications of pieces of knowledge that are beyond the scope of a simple likeliness measure. For instance, a human expert may know something particular about his enemy's behavior: e.g., this particular Russian commander likes attacking from the North. The problem of interpreting the data is not easy and is probably best handled by some knowledge-based system developed outside of FOX. 63 5.2 FOX Scenario The scenario used to demonstrate FOX integrated with this Influenced GA is from CPoF's eTDG3 (electronic Tactical Decision Games) run by John Schmitt on September 14, 1999. This scenario was chosen for a couple of reasons: 1. It is of the complexity and design that FOX can currently handle. Later scenarios involved more complicated tasks (e.g., evacuation), force structures (e.g., guerillas), and terrain (e.g., crowded cities). 2. A significant amount of information is available about it from both being personally involved in the eTDG as well as having access to the after action reports. 3. A large amount of the information from the eTDG is from experts who were forced to explain their thinking aloud due to the environment: telephones and a collaborative, web-enabled whiteboard. 5.2.1 The Battle of Johnsonburg "The Battle of Johnsonburg" was the name of the scenario for eTDG3. [15] The basic situation was as follows (see also Figure 5.2-1): [14] You are the commander of an ad hoc brigade-size task force consisting of a tank-heavy battalion (2d), 2 motorized infantry battalions (1st and 5th), a reinforced light-armored reconnaissance (LAR) company (C), and 2 hostnation mechanized battalions (3d and 4th). Host-nation forces are not up to U.S. standards, but are usually capable of most basic missions. You are supported by 2 battalions of direct-support artillery. The terrain is rolling and thickly wooded in places. The wooded areas are impassable to all but infantry. Enemy forces are principally mechanized and motorized. Friendly forces, advancing north, and enemy forces, advancing south, have clashed along the trace of the Vopeist River. The Vopeist is a shallow, slowmoving river some 200-400 meters wide. Upon contact, in an effort to seize the initiative, both forces started shifting east, trying to turn the other's flank and establish a bridgehead on the far side of the river. Unopposed crossings of the Vopeist at the various ford sites, although time-consuming, are generally not difficult for vehicles or infantry. Assault crossings are another story. The lesser streams feeding into the Vopeist are not obstacles to movement. Your task force is sent east along Rte. 85 with urgent instructions to secure a bridgehead in the vicinity Johnsonburg-Ryerton-Hayesville in order to facilitate the continued advance north of the division, or at least to deny those crossing sites to the enemy. Combat intelligence indicates an enemy mechanized regiment closing on Hayesville from the west along Rte. 81. 64 [Event-0] Charlie Company (LAR) races ahead and clashes with a reinforced enemy company of tanks and mech at Roth Bridge at 1930. [SitRep-0] After a heated engagement, Charlie repulses the enemy, which withdraws to positions north of the river on Holcomb Hill. [Event-1] At 1945, 4th Battalion likewise clashes with enemy armored reconnaissance at O'Neal Bridge, where a standoff develops. Both forces witdraw to their respective sides of the river and continue to observe and enage at long range. [SitRep-1] By 2100, 4th Battalion reports it holds positions in depth south of O'Neal Bridge. Aout this same time, 1st Battalion arrives at Roth Bridge. [Event-21 With heavy supporting arms and Charlie supporting by fire, Furious First launches a hasty attack north across Roth Bridge at 2130. In the darkness, a close, confused engagement develops on the wooded slopes of Holcomb Hill; the use of supporting arms becomes problematic. The 1st Battalion commander reports he has only a rough idea of current friendly-enemy dispositions and that the operation has devolved into a series of intense small-unit actions. [Event-3] By 2330, 2d Battalion has arrived south of Roth Bridge on Rte. 8, and 3d and 5th Battalions are moving up in trace of Slammin' Second. Meanwhile reconnaissance reports indicate continued vehicular traffic between Ryerton and Roth Bridge. Your logistics trains have already replenished 4th Battalion in its positions and will have your units in the vicinity Johnsonburg-Roth Bridge replenished by 0300. By 0030, 1st Battalion commander reports the sounds of significant mechanized activity near the bridge. He estimates the enemy at one or possibly two battalions. He reports that the situation has stalemated, with friendly and enemy forces interspersed in the thick woods of Holcomb Hill. [SitRep-2] He believes that he holds a tenuous bridgehead north of the river but says that the situation will not be sorted out until at least dawn. Around 0130 you receive reports of concentrations of unidentified enemy forces west and southeast of Hayesville, as well as movement south on Rte. 8 toward Roth B. [SitRep-3]. It is now about 0200. 3d and 5th Battalions have been refueled; 2d Battalion is about to start. A calm seems to have settled over the battlefield. What will be your next move? 65 T2 F~~Z; ==P [15] Figure 5.2-1: The Battle of Johnsonburg Later reports also provided the following information: [SitRep-41: 2235: SA-8 Gecko Battery detected vic RYERTON [Event-6]: At about 0230 you receive reports of enemy mechanized forces moving southeast near Ryerton. [Event-7]: At 0400 you receive a report that Kapler Bridge, some 12 km east, was "dropped" by aviation at 0200. Interpreting this into something FOX can handle means taking some liberties with the abstraction into AAs and LDTs, ignoring some information that FOX cannot currently handle (like airsupport), changing some information into something FOX can currently handle (e.g., changing the Motorized Infantry and the Light-Armored Recon. units into Infantry Battalions), giving BLUFOR a COA, and ignoring OPFOR for the moment; we have a situation that looks like this: 66 U0F R L R ............... - - .-.. ........................ ...... Figure 5.2-2: A FOX Interpretation of The Battle of Johnsonburg FOX also needs to know the Order of Battle for the OPFOR. We will use the following: 1 Armored Battalion 2 Mechanized Infantry Battalions 1 Infantry Battalion (rather than a Light-Armored Reconnaissance) And the intelligence about the enemy described above becomes: The Infantry Battalion is probably small and on AA3. One of the Mechanized Infantry Battalions is probably large and on AA2. The other Mechanized Infantry Battalion is probably on AA1 or 2. The Armored Battalion is probably on AA1 or 2. This intelligence becomes the likeliness measure, so any eCOAs that agree with this will be considered more likely, any that disagree will be considered less likely. Now FOX, with its influenced GA, can figure out what the enemy might do. 67 5.2.2 eCOA without Influence Without using the influence from the intelligence in the GA, FOX decides OPFOR's best COA is to have an all out attack (holding no reserves) with the following force composition (see Figure 5.2-3): The Armored Battalion, consisting of 2 Mechanized Infantry Companies and 2 Armored Companies, leads the attack on AA3 to seize O'Neal Bridge. The Infantry Battalion, consisting of 2 Mechanized Infantry Companies, 2 Infantry Companies, and a single Armored Company, follows and supports the Armored Battalion on AA3. A Mechanized Battalion, consisting of 2 Armored Companies and a single Mechanized Infantry Company, leads the attack on AA1 to seize McGee Heights. The other Mechanized Battalion, consisting of 3 Mechanized Infantry Companies, leads the attack on AA2 to seize Roth Bridge. ............... .... ........ .......... ... ....... ............. ........... ..................... .... ......... ..... .. ......... . ........... ...... . .............. .... ....................... ............ . ........... ..... ........... 7.................. <*L ................... ...................... ............ ............... . ............... ................ ............ 1................ ..., -............... 60 L .......... F ...... ............ ................ ............ ......................... . ............. .... .... ........... ........... ...... ......... ............. ...... ........ I..................... ...... ...... ... ................... Figure 5.2-3: eCOA without Influence This plays out, according to FOX's wargaming engine, such that the enemy with a fairly substantial amount of damage takes all three objectives. The BLUFOR forces become reactionary, lose any momentum they had, and are overwhelmed. The fitness score is 0.62 for the enemy. This would be a fine solution to the problem, except it does not agree very much with our intelligence about sizes and positions of the enemy units. 68 5.2.3 eCOA with Influence The first step to using the intelligence is to create a measure of likeliness from it: positivebelief = 0.0 negative belief = 0.0 for each battalion B bl = lookup belief for position of B if bl > 0 then increase(positive belief, bl) if bl < 0 then increase (negative belief, -bl) b2 = lookup belief for size of B if b2 > 0 then increase(positive belief, b2) if b2 < 0 then increase (negative belief, -b2) next battalion increase(double belief, double change) { } belief = belief + change*(1 - belief) The increase function is inspired by MYCIN's method for combining uncertain quantities of belief in its rule-base. The data used in the above pseudo-code is as follows: Battalion AA1 AA2 AA3 Armored 0.4 0.4 -0.5 Infantry -0.9 -0.5 0.9 Mech. Infantry 1 -0.8 0.9 -0.8 Mech. Infantry 2 0.4 0.4 -0.5 Table 5.2-1: Position Belief Data # Companies Battalion 2 3 4 5 Armored 0 0 0 0 Infantry 0.9 0.0 -0.5 -0.9 Mech. Infantry 1 -0.9 -0.5 0.5 0.9 Mech. Infantry 2 0 0 0 0 Table 5.2-2: Composition Belief Data 69 Using the influence from the intelligence in the GA with confidence values of 1.0 for Crossover Skew and 0.5 for both Initial and Fitness Skews, FOX decides OPFOR's best COA is to have an all out attack (holding no reserves) with the following force composition (see Figure 5.2-4): The Armored Battalion, consisting of 2 Mechanized Infantry Companies and 2 Armored Companies, leads the attack on AA1 to seize McGee Heights. A Mechanized Battalion, consisting of a single Armored Company and 4 Mechanized Infantry Companies, leads the attack on AA2 to seize Roth Bridge. The other Mechanized Battalion, consisting of 2 Mechanized Infantry Companies and 2 Armored Companies, joins the first Mechanized Battalion. The Infantry Battalion, consisting of 2 Infantry Companies, leads the attack on AA3 to seize O'Neal Bridge. L Figure 5.2-4: eCOA with Influence 70 This plays out, according to FOX's wargaming engine, such that the enemy with almost no damage takes McGee Heights, with moderate damage takes Roth Bridge, and takes O'Neal Bridge after a significant fight and after substantial loses. BLUFOR loses because its Reserve units are caught too far from the fight at Roth Bridge and McGee Heights, where the Infantry forces are simply overrun by the Armored Battalion. By the time the Reserves get there, they are too late, and are too far from then the battle for O'Neal Bridge to turn a close fight. The score for the OPFOR is 0.61. This COA scores slightly worse than the COA proposed by the uninfluenced search, except it is significantly more probable since it agrees much more with our intelligence about sizes and positions of the enemy units. 71 6. Conclusion Several methods of influencing a GA which incorporate uncertain data as a heuristic for searching the problem space have been presented. The three methods, Initial Skew, Fitness Skew, and Crossover Skew, were applied to a traditional GA that uses fixedlength strings of bits to encode the problem space. All three were tested for effects on Mutation and Crossover Rate selection. In general, the selection of Mutation and Crossover Rates were independent of any amount of the influence measures used while Crossover Skew most dramatically affected performance in the test cases using the NonOptimal criteria. The Non-Optimal cases are interesting since for the intended application of this thesis, incorporation with FOX, it is most relevant to look for several good solutions and not necessarily the global optimum. The reasons behind the success, failure, or indifference exhibited by the various influence combinations are still unanswered. Reasons for failure may range from Initial Skew's propensity for promoting too much convergence too quickly to Fitness Skew's effect of flattening out high and low ranges of fitness. Success might be due to Fitness Skew's ability to ignore unimportant minima and maxima or maybe Crossover Skew works because it works more like an intelligent form of Mutation than the equal contribution of information between individuals. (Think of Crossover Skew as changing one individual by using another individual as a reference for mutation.) Other possible extensions to this research that may shed some light on the qualities of influence methods include applying them to other gene representations, such as strings of integers or floats, or using these influence techniques in combination with nicheing or hybrid search technology. It could be very useful to keep the general idea of the Crossover Skew in mind when developing operators to work on problem specific representations by allowing one individual to contribute more than the other. Incorporation with FOX was shown to be both possible and potentially useful. Due to the additional information requirements, the integration could not be done perfectly, but with minimal changes, FOX could use these devices to become more powerful, apparently more intelligent, and better suited to solving COA problems with realistic solutions. This allows commanders and training instructors a chance to better know their enemies. 72 7. References [1] A. A. 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A maximum number of 200 generations was used, and at least 100 trials were run to compute the average. All Stage 1 data was run using the Optimal Test criteria, Stage 2 data was run for both the Optimal and Non-Optimal Test criteria. A.1. F1 Data A.1.1. Stage 1 Initial Skew Crossovers 1 0 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 48.62 48.83 60.99 56.49 48.96 61.45 50.29 54.67 54.50 45.22 39.57 42.08 40.12 45.49 43.42 50.22 47.25 46.36 46.14 41.02 45.68 40.73 44.56 42.76 44.63 42.86 39.40 39.27 43.90 45.62 38.23 43.74 36.12 42.95 42.08 44.19 41.96 44.63 39.07 42.68 40.91 39.16 43.69 44.72 44.96 51.06 43.63 39.05 41.67 39.92 43.62 41.30 45.52 40.49 40.19 42.48 40.12 42.67 42.00 40.31 48.34 44.24 45.32 41.48 44.01 44.86 43.23 42.82 43.02 42.84 42.62 44.84 41.34 48.45 44.89 43.38 43.53 47.55 35.67 40.35 45.75 43.03 43.09 45.98 44.71 46.37 41.86 36.58 39.99 0.1 0.2 56.52 48.79 2 48.43 49.68 3 47.69 45.90 4 43.04 43.76 5 40.30 48.00 6 45.73 43.12 7 42.37 41.76 8 9 10 50.26 47.88 44.98 44.64 38.89 38.79 47.28 Table A-1: F1 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers Fitness Skew 0 Crossovers 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1 56.52 55.58 55.49 54.99 50.81 49.45 59.11 55.72 61.38 49.21 50.60 2 48.43 49.02 45.55 45.98 48.47 46.59 47.95 51.47 49.66 51.31 50.08 3 47.69 40.36 44.85 47.13 47.57 47.66 37.98 42.30 51.06 47.26 44.74 4 43.04 42.21 45.54 44.00 45.31 46.94 48.45 45.36 48.75 45.41 49.03 5 40.30 41.01 49.36 41.54 46.35 44.29 44.05 47.12 42.61 44.28 49.22 4.r...7 3 35.84 42.45 43.72 42.86 34.98 39.77 45.72 49.82 48.16 53.28 7 42.37 38.97 43.58 44.19 50.79 41.43 44.27 45.62 45.41 43.36 44.73 8 9 10 50.26 43.56 44.62 49.01 41.86 43.43 43.32 41.34 45.87 41.67 47.37 44.64 44.96 45.11 44.49 46.80 44.54 45.14 45.37 48.35 44.60 48.27 38.79 42.50 39.12 39.29 45.63 38.86 43.98 45.94 51.05 50.18 44.66 ......... .. ......... ...... 0 Table A-2: F1 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers 75 Crossovers 0 Crossover Skew 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1 56.52 55.56 55.94 45.66 54.00 52.57 49.77 55.61 49.70 46.47 55.19 2 48.43 49.88 45.49 44.21 48.33 47.75 50.87 42.63 50.70 44.98 48.60 3 47.69 42.53 42.59 47.33 43.62 42.67 42.12 44.31 45.30 43.04 40.01 4 43.04 44.65 44.31 41.59 42.63 39.81 44.11 51.98 40.79 40.70 47.30 5 40.30 42.28 42.51 41.89 41.47 38.94 40.44 38.98 42.24 42.29 40.55 6 7 45.73 42.19 40.19 38.55 35.55 40.42 34.12 39.36 36.09 42.22 43.58 42.37 46.50 39.88 41.74 39.39 47.15 40.22 36.21 42.14 30.55 44.53 8 50.26 41.82 41.36 38.77 43.87 40.13 40.66 38.07 38.10 36.65 38.54 9 44.64 38.21 40.12 45.67 37.94 42.97 39.40 43.71 40.10 44.64 44.51 10 38.79 41.38 37.92 46.09 35.43 43.10 40.39 37.43 45.70 43.26 42.32 Table A-3: F1 Optimal: Crossover Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers Initial Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0 94.66 81.29 82.25 160.57 50.76 101.37 0.005 34.96 42.13 35.62 42.72 46.38 51.26 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 41.03 44.36 41.84 39.54 42.61 47.69 45.90 46.14 41.02 45.68 46.89 48.41 47.95 43.27 53.30 62.26 64.61 004 72.60 65.78 68.20 0.045 0.05 73.47 75.57 63.94 88.09 89.93 91.04 Mutation 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 107.21 105.68 106.19 48.66 47.19 36.56 42.29 41.35 40.04 43.46 40.95 39.64 42.59 41.13 39.39 40.73 44.56 42.76 44.63 42.86 39.40 43.53 4542 40.71 44.15 44.64 43.83 43.86 41.93 53.85 43.83 47.26 51.58 48.43 47.39 51.10 -8.40 1 50.95 50.54 45.22 46.05 49.22 49.01 48.73 54.59 57.72 55.96 56.81 55.92 55.73 56.05 53.44 59.98 54.22 51.68 52.22 55.99 56.73 56.95 59.34 61.03 57.30 65.26 64.06 65.39 60.94 69.81 79.33 68.29 63.74 71.68 69.95 81.07 65.72 60.86 70.3 78.05 84.13 7823 7832 79.51 8193 8902 Table A-4: F1 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Mutation Rate 76 Mutation 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Fitness Skew 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.005 94.66 97.70 112.29 71.43 91.45 68.89 104.24 84.72 87.25 83.05 96.95 34.96 39.40 48.82 44.81 50.68 49.14 38.25 46.23 47.97 44 73 48.35 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 41.03 42.01 41.96 47.19 44.88 42.17 51.36 41.92 42.81 41.95 35.37 47.69 40.36 44.85 47 13 47.57 47.66 37.98 42.30 51.06 47.26 44.74 46.89 46 45 47 48 52.96 49.74 48.08 46.01 44.45 46.70 50.50 49.73 50.95 48.59 52.12 55.38 54.38 47.97 52.11 54.99 53.47 56.76 55.70 48.73 48.23 53.05 53.76 61.45 58.14 61.29 54.08 55.75 58.49 61.49 53.30 59.75 59.71 49.75 64.93 62.34 69.33 59.62 61.80 59.43 67.83 0.04 0.045 0.05 72.60 58.91 67.50 59.46 66.04 70.71 63.08 63.34 59.74 69.07 73.41 73.47 80.87 78.06 63.73 68.27 82.47 58.68 68.92 76.25 80.35 83.24 88 09 81.06 83.42 74.6 69.98 81.2 64.98 84.75 68.37 73.1 79.95 Table A-5: F1 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Mutation Rate Mutation 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0 94.66 0.1 0.2 0.3 Crossover Skew 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 146.84 147.99 118.06 133.96 160.73 36.76 43.71 47.88 40.41 42.27 40.21 41.85 35.99 41.29 43.98 41.24 37.17 42.67 42.12 44.31 45.30 43.04 40.01 44.43 45.59 38.02 41.61 47.70 43.07 41.41 40.90 46.97 47.84 44.93 51.75 46.01 4663 48.57 100.77 89.11 100.14 147.29 34.96 38.59 34.31 44.67 39.18 41.03 41.30 42.01 42.63 39.36 47.69 42.53 42.59 47.33 43.62 0.02 46.89 42.69 41.72 42.34 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 50.95 48.59 44.43 47.22 124.21 48.73 53.53 52.99 55.02 47.83 51.70 48.82 52.14 43.36 46.29 53.30 57.72 60.59 45.40 49.32 54.00 43.80 51.55 52.04 52.32 54.19 72.60 64.51 64.30 54.98 67.77 51.81 64.23 54.16 56.08 60.96 63.72 73.47 69.42 72.35 65.75 79.37 53.08 57.92 64.10 72.23 67.92 64.18 88.09 77.99 62.45 75.56 74.03 74.91 81.52 70.46 87.18 74.8 80.63 Table A-6: F1 Optimal: Crossover Skew vs. Mutation Rate 77 A.1.2. Stage 2 Initial Skew 0.4 0.5 0.6 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Skew .................................................................. t .................................. .................................. ............................................................. .................................... 38.51 38.85 41.56 38.93 39.49 35.83 35.87 37.56 40.37 37.44 40.87 0 40.4 37.94 39.23 39.12 41.94 39.16 38.64 40.39 38.15 0.1 39.52 40.32 40.77 39.08 40.81 35.56 38.65 3 9.21 38.34 42.24 40.47 41.32 0.2 38.09 39.14 39.12 38.37 40.81 37.05 36.67 43.79 40.86 41.71 0.3 35.81 35.21 42.89 40.59 41.11 46.65 39.56 4 0.78 39.32 37.56 42.32 36.54 0.4 36.95 38.49 41.51 36.92 4261 45.26 4 1.85 40.79 39.06 39.02 37.34 40.03 0.5 43.74 37.73 36.64 40.84 40.95 42.42 43.05 34.9 40.12 35.31 34.77 0.6 42.59 41.44 39.05 40.92 41.62 38.18 38.72 38.7 39.39 38.76 0.7 40.13 39.24 38.58 42.58 40.17 42.81 42.18 41.63 34.54 38.04 36.09 41.75 0.8 41.91 42.17 41.8 39.68 45.36 39.86 43.71 41.98 41.41 0.9 40.56 38.52 44.84 41.17 41.69 46.01 42.41 4 3.62 45.28 47.19 39.71 44.05 41.37 1.0 Fitness Table A-7: F1 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Fitness Skew Crossover Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Initial Skew 0.5 0.6 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 38.51 38.85 41.56 38.93 39.49 35.83 43.59 39.26 38.14 36.48 35.99 41.55 37.37 39.63 35.75 43.24 37.65 35.73 38.26 36.32 36.6 34.77 36.62 41.27 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 35.87 37.56 40.37 37.44 40.87 38.93 39.11 37.5 35.57 37.09 39.12 38.84 36.42 36.64 36.86 35.12 38.41 39.03 33.78 36.02 37.08 40.08 38.6 40.28 40.68 41.24 38.55 37.84 33.01 31.55 36.85 37.86 40.63 36.95 37.69 36.72 39.81 34.42 36.42 40.92 37.55 33.21 36.65 41.33 42.38 41.18 37.12 38.12 34.56 42.7 39.44 41.09 35.27 39.85 39.37 38.41 37.54 31.22 40.77 41.51 39.3 37.84 42.1 33.72 38.02 37.37 37.99 36.9 43.07 37.79 42.78 34.53 40.33 35.56 38.08 38.33 38.32 36.91 38.81 39.39 38.46 39.06 35.56 38.97 37.81 36.94 40.15 43.91 41.62 39.73 45.08 36.96 38.7 43.68 42.99 38.67 32.78 Table A-8: F1 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Crossover Skew 78 Fitness Skew Crossover Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 38.51 40.4 40.77 39.14 42.89 38.49 43.74 42.59 39.24 41.91 44.84 43.59 38.77 41.17 39.26 38.95 35.6 42.35 37.95 42.58 41.56 43.1 37.37 36.98 41.3 37.89 37.47 41.05 38.38 40.52 39.05 41.05 44.71 38.26 43.24 36.94 43.05 36.25 40.11 41.86 39.04 41.26 42.65 41.54 37.08 40.67 41.14 41.23 38.76 37.39 39.17 45.02 35.49 44.08 49.21 37.86 37.15 37.31 44.62 38.97 44.45 38.07 37.96 40.23 38.71 40.05 36.65 44.7 38.35 45.14 35.95 42.46 39.46 39.99 37.48 41.38 41.19 39.85 39.7 37.01 39.46 39.79 37.43 36.84 40.57 44.8 36.71 41.42 38.02 40.07 40.31 40.66 38.8 35.75 38.02 41.71 47.08 39.8 41.83 38.33 46.97 40.81 42.63 42.4 44.99 43.25 38.92 40.08 39.81 38.02 40.15 37.63 39.16 43.87 41.03 38.67 44.86 44.03 42.35 42.36 40.34 Table A-9: F1 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Crossover Skew 0 Fitness Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Initial Skew 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 7.18 9.25 8.86 9.12 7.87 7.66 10.16 9.28 7.43 5.83 7.56 9.28 7.99 8.78 8.02 8.31 8.68 6.5 7.16 7.52 9.02 6.38 7.8 5.54 10.43 8 99 9.29 9.91 6.23 6.33 8.38 10.27 5.36 7.73 8.71 8.74 9.51 6 10.2 7.55 6 9.8 7.69 6.08 7.66 8.6 7.59 11.22 8.17 6.47 9.76 8.21 8.84 8.42 5.7 7.27 6.79 8 9.92 8.11 9.69 9.45 6.76 6.94 6.83 7.28 8.34 7.68 7.2 10.38 8.27 7.17 9.42 9.33 7.85 6.11 8.55 9.88 9.71 9.36 10.16 7.16 8.36 9.84 9.27 6.65 7.63 7.36 9.34 8.49 7.67 8.42 9.99 7.48 8.42 6.29 8.27 6.84 8.62 9.98 8.25 6.46 9.19 9.87 9 10.2 7.46 8.96 9.83 6.51 9.28 9.34 8.8 8.38 8.65 10.42 9.52 7.33 9.56 7.89 9.15 Table A-10: F1 Non-Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Fitness Skew 79 Crossover Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Initial Skew 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.7 0.9 0.8 7.43 5.83 6.53 6 6.44 6.44 7.52 7.11 8.19 7.4 7.03 7.68 3.27 9.32 5.82 6.62 7.18 7.42 8.53 6.5 5.9 6.04 6.62 6.46 8.29 5.68 6.26 4.78 4.54 8.09 8.72 4.73 3.87 3.69 7 8.71 5.43 4 7.46 7.16 4.49 5.36 7.38 5.55 6.38 6.27 6.84 6.26 5.42 7.08 5.15 5.54 8.68 7.77 6.88 8.21 6.35 9.44 4.98 9.66 7.84 8.8 8.27 8.38 6 7.64 3.57 7.56 7.18 9.25 8.86 9.12 7.87 7.66 10.16 9.28 9.34 7.75 6.38 9.4 6.36 9.9 7.64 8.26 7.24 8.6 6.02 7.87 7.6 5.83 6.58 8.22 7.35 8.02 8.54 4.9 8.77 6.12 6.57 7.63 8.39 6.82 2.62 4.34 5.38 7 7.18 2 7.17 8.86 8.92 7.28 6.07 2 7.73 4.93 4.87 6.86 8.2 6.92 7.56 Table A-11: F1 Non-Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Crossover Skew Fitness Skew Crossover Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 7.18 9.28 7.8 7.73 7.66 7.27 8.34 9.88 9.34 9.98 9.28 9.34 6.5 5.56 9.45 7.27 6.4 7.76 9.8 9.52 8.73 9.57 8.26 5.32 8.71 9.58 6.72 7.01 3.68 8.74 9.87 9.82 9.2 6.58 4.58 5.98 3.72 7.23 9.05 10.6 6 8.39 9.12 9.53 8.77 7.79 5.6 5.7 11.36 6.59 9.34 9.56 9.26 8.4 6.56 6.82 8.5 7.85 8.54 7.89 9.56 7.56 8.65 9.34 9.82 9.56 7.18 7.31 8.41 8.23 8.18 9.16 2 8.1 8.98 9.12 9.69 8.92 9.02 4.16 5.95 8.6 9.28 3.14 6.86 6.88 9.1 8.15 2 6.64 6.29 9.81 8.29 7.94 2.41 4.56 7.5 9.42 7 4.87 5.86 7.46 11.06 7.94 5.59 2 9.87 7.16 6.22 5.44 8.2 5.56 5 10.72 5.43 8 5.58 8.6 9.79 12 3.33 Table A-12: F1 Non-Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Crossover Skew 80 A.2. F2 Data A.2.1. Stage 1 Crossovers Initial Skew 0.4 0.5 0.6 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 164.30 175.33 138.18 127.79 188.12 186.80 128.32 172.77 158.28 145.57 157.59 2 156.96 137.45 147.66 118.15 141.54 175.77 156.65 147.29 176.82 165.14 173.70 1 3 122.64 141.29 125.02 158.98 141.48 126.18 131.07 142.95 159.00 143.04 153.92 4 123.01 132.92 136.65 151.35 127.27 124.50 139.58 148.30 148.89 11475 61.10 5 160.80 107.15 126.89 148.74 147.32 11873 107.08 149.35 149.92 141.87 136.81 6 143.02 145.54 131.49 110.45 152.79 108.01 145.58 161.99 130.73 119.24 112.39 7 119.90 118.88 10693 137.95 150.17 120.79 138.27 112.91 121.88 139.03 11827 8 130.12 117.76 152.92 150.69 150.93 120.68 97.47 112.64 124.56 112.92 148.81 9 138.55 159.18 158.20 86.94 119.30 155.94 102.89 113.33 125.69 93.55 131.92 10 108.36 92.73 138.45 150.86 124.19 126.04 145.04 132.69 132.13 143.57 127.76 Table A-13: F2 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers Fitness Skew 0.4 0.5 0.6 Crossovers 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 164.30 18315 152.40 173.18 142.89 173.79 164.85 198.98 187.82 183.12 17755 2 156.96 148.63 123.76 171.14 179.58 171.82 157.32 152.64 185.94 183.84 193.10 3 I 122.64 115.17 138.37 130.32 148.04 136.17 137.90 177.85 141.33 138.97 180.63 4 123.01 134.39 107.91 148.48 151.77 130.15 181.16 121.64 163.08 150.14 192.94 5 160.80 146.90 141.64 161.64 151.76 155.20 115.64 151.15 145.73 162.17 184.03 6 143.02 160.21 136.00 87.82 138.01 151.27 147.85 103.04 104.62 123.39 176.38 119.90 118.74 145.01 142.03 107.25 116.30 151.81 144.32 119.14 136.37 193.27 130.12 143.51 106.67 129.16 142.79 135.68 14180 133.73 85.13 116.23 174.86 9 138.55 127.84 100.91 111.48 115.30 115.56 147.54 155.47 112.79 133.67 149.34 10 108.36 118.86 138.36 109.18 101.61 140.68 126.45 108.82 109.24 120.17 195.76 7 8 j Table A-14: F2 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers 81 Crossovers Crossover Skew 0.4 0.5 0.6 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 164.30 165.54 172.62 165.33 185.25 192.09 174.03 179.01 173.55 15657 178.42 2 156.96 172.31 168.33 153.93 142.90 173.84 172.90 167.45 163.27 156.77 172.97 1 3 122.64 138.12 147.78 126.27 109.54 118.28 142.17 134.74 151.50 158.45 165.70 4 123.01 164.78 127.97 135.59 143.51 119.89 150.31 135.73 141.32 120.47 97.43 5 160.80 112.94 115.27 137.24 120.42 129.49 135.45 142.67 108.68 110.74 113.13 6 143.02 118.38 116.87 116.91 131.95 132.19 94.11 82.92 87.90 149.59 119.95 7 119.90 131.60 125.12 102.27 125.39 143.68 108.44 118.35 150.27 91.48 90.56 8 130.12 121.75 153.80 104.62 119.53 118.99 137.48 126.24 163.46 133.02 90.60 9 138.55 105.38 110.83 136.19 103.35 128.61 138.98 96.14 118.31 121.39 117.16 10 108.36 152.09 149.53 12269 12741 11284 102.02 15623 104.40 104.03 83.91 Table A-15: F2 Optimal: Crossover Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers Initial Skew Mutation 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.()2 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 187.94 159.18 199.00 147.45 155.80 199.00 199.00 183.20 199.00 172.75 184.04 167.69 124.63 165.14 122.32 164.75 161.15 158.44 179.54 186.56 172.77 173.65 125.79 172.18 128.87 135.07 168.95 173.88 146.09 121.18 59.29 144.99 129.64 122.64 141.29 125.02 158.98 141.48 126.18 131.07 142.95 159.00 143.04 153.92 142.19 159.62 157.01 140.39 79.95 180.95 136.50 119.62 153.96 134.32 140.78 130.51 170.68 170.16 168.05 159.42 135.84 164.44 126.15 125.38 144.99 151.81 148.69 148.02 145.81 155.81 146.77 121.61 138.26 146.84 157.27 147.02 128.86 140.59 154.47 166.72 158.55 152.36 171.71 174.91 154.57 100.20 163.33 126.35 169.42 163.77 149.61 182.69 165.14 165.37 103.96 137.23 146.20 141.98 148.94 172.53 173.10 168.43 18266 174.18 174.83 160.51 10.94 16396 142.97 167.39 187.02 186.27 146.47 133.29 177.63 166.64 161.72 161.29 149.49 173.51 167.99 Table A-16: F2 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Mutation Rate 82 1 Fitness Skew Mutation 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 187.94 199.00 181.51 199.00 147.29 170.10 155.93 160.54 10876 17335 17425 167.69 122.66 187.72 189.22 139.72 183.70 148.96 169.21 168.57 179.70 199.00 1 125.79 157.14 163.11 158.76 179.17 146.24 160.10 160.00 184.02 170.39 182.80 122.64 115.17 138.37 130.32 148.04 136.17 137.90 177.85 141.33 138.97 180.63 142.19 130.59 158.14 164.62 158.57 184.90 171.12 108.11 156.01 175.78 99.12 130.51 142.63 127.66 142.14 156.96 117.31 142.42 124.94 151.27 168.42 184.69 148.69 123.93 158.74 147.86 135.99 182.96 126.16 162.57 16313 174.53 179.92 140.59 168.37 164.27 174.84 103.07 179.25 152.77 170.84 126.78 165.53 186.40 j169.42 157.49 144.07 181.38 143.56 172.81 134.50 134.73 176.70 166.71 192.50 172.53 144.43 180.56 150.60 176.43 154.28 176.83 178.08 183.66 167.19 198.41 187.02 151.64 180.36 174.71 140.67 166.47 160.36 179.38 180.95 191.69 182.82 Table A-17: F2 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Mutation Rate Mutation 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 0 187.94 Crossover Skew 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.3 125.29 146.60 165.94 149.59 101.79 199.00 0.7 0.8 0.9 144.10 199.00 199.00 199.00 1 167.69 177.28 166.33 157.34 148.90 163.59 196.88 198.10 184.49 164.09 174.99 125.79 169.88 182.16 116.40 159.02 99.55 136.70 166.07 117.94 131.08 168.92 122.64 138.12 147.78 126.27 109.54 118.28 142.17 134.74 151.50 158.45 165.70 142.19 141.28 136.61 127.86 104.71 125.51 146.37 162.13 138.19 120.61 131.49 130.51 172.76 118.32 164.94 152.17 139.80 152.68 166.81 158.14 113.91 148.94 148.69 170.00 115.51 156.90 140.54 146.99 121.41 158.74 133.35 143.62 146.92 140.59 173.85 138.62 134.61 148.13 152.87 80.79 145.97 151.15 137.10 146.60 169.42 148.87 185.22 158.09 168.84 132.74 171.57 121.69 145.92 136.86 140.13 172.53 174.21 169.35 160.54 154.29 115.54 148.81 131.55 145.51 143.70 140.32 187.02 191.85 129.5 173.46 180.16 14865 180.41 161.59 165.38 118.91 155.85 Table A-18: F2 Optimal: Crossover Skew vs. Mutation Rate 83 A.2.2. Stage 2 Fitness Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 Initial Skew 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.1 0.2 153.92 148.7 139.21 139.89 131.45 122.74 110.76 126.11 134.92 152.76 128.21 147.09 141.67 132.07 124.43 143.03 142.01 150.59 155.36 122.98 130.55 141 140.16 142.03 142.48 129.1 126.76 139.6 123.7 136.36 105.08 163.29 148.65 134.19 130.12 133.24 150.28 145.19 135.18 153.42 134.86 135.81 148.33 141.64 150.29 136.96 147.52 131.24 159.68 123.29 142.43 141.42 167.59 139.64 146.47 149.97 142.49 0.3 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 129.32 165.83 126.96 126.65 160.45 140.45 146.96 144.24 143.52 122.74 144.24 133.39 118.5 148.3 118.12 119.28 125.93 111.76 142.55 131.08 144.1 112.26 161.01 153.96 129.31 125.07 104.35 142.69 154.2 139.59 158.24 136.57 157.99 140.92 139.51 129.07 155.66 122.55 146.12 154.63 147.83 133.33 169.55 139.43 135.31 104.31 130.72 127.82 139.53 151.29 130.66 153.92 115.7 179.36 194.96 188.79 169.1 180.87 179.18 170.81 167.03 173.37 191.53 139.26 1 Table A-19: F2 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Fitness Skew Crossover Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 0.1 Initial Skew 0.5 0.6 0.2 0.3 0.4 139.89 131.45 122.74 0.7 0.8 0.9 129.07 129.32 165.83 126.96 126.65 153.92 148.7 139.21 133.25 136.8 121.84 150.49 108.51 155.38 138.07 142.55 123.29 131.85 141.55 113.99 145.56 110.1 146.65 136.49 156.09 132.35 123.82 121.88 96.27 130.14 128.27 142.98 149.06 149.27 118.09 108.24 148.73 131.77 134.02 151.8 135.3 121.48 142.03 137.97 146.12 126.71 122.4 134.03 135.65 120.1 147.67 126.35 132.02 127.73 106.6 138.49 137.87 145.62 144.6 110.12 132.68 133.02 124.9 142 145.44 135.44 128.7 112.07 107.5 128.9 105.31 129.59 117.32 108.55 125.51 143.2 134.32 145.1 138.26 136.52 116.2 94.82 110.05 123.25 128.18 108.8 125 118.08 138.08 145.89 105.77 14194 141.15 106.98 127.6 145.46 117.41 142.83 133.45 128.13 145.52 140.99 120.59 135.76 136.45 136.94 122.35 135.63 132.76 146.22 148.91 142.96 116.15 136.29 115.93 149.87 139.69 .21 Table A-20: F2 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Crossover Skew 84 Crossover Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Fitness Skew 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 153.92 110.76 124.43 140.16 105.08 135.18 136.96 141.42 155.66 169.55 179.36 133.25 142.16 98.07 145.58 150.1 145.81 138.77 148.63 145.65 166.73 169.08 113.99 122.14 133.14 127.51 137.6 127.81 160.94 138.22 116.28 148.22 187.64 128.27 135.3 117.6 156.97 121.06 163.43 125.71 140.32 126.6 129.9 184.76 121.48 132.33 153.33 136.87 138.39 145.08 105.89 112.97 124.47 124.88 175.07 132.02 117.38 131.86 145.29 116.7 142.69 141.38 150.39 113.77 123.46 166.1 85.21 122.05 119.03 128.62 151.19 153.33 151.35 120.36 127.37 132.61 170.07 108.55 134.93 140.18 125.03 150.85 116.25 153.37 143.99 145.69 134.06 167.52 128.18 101.57 139.84 133.87 147.5 135.37 138.03 115.79 158 116.37 194.53 145.46 152.96 133.34 143.07 143.67 132.91 139.46 156.7 119.07 165.6 188.28 122.35 132.62 85.12 123.73 148.19 137.88 140.65 112.71 153.51 149.87 186.45 Table A-21: F2 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Crossover Skew Fitness Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Initial Skew 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 ................................ ............................... .................................. ................ .......... .......................... 1............................ ....................... ;, 0 0.1 23.51 16.17 17.49 16.7 15 91 16.15 0.2 11.93 19.62 14.07 15.25 12.89 17.01 17.57 17.49 16.57 16.31 15.39 16.81 15.25 22.87 14.98 17.22 14.3 11.85 16.58 19.05 19.12 13.24 18.21 18.45 19.79 13.14 16.42 19.88 14.76 16.14 21.42 16.25 21.65 14.78 15.72 9.95 16.54 12.8 13.65 17.2 17.32 16.68 15.01 16.14 19.63 12.33 15.54 16.1 14.21 16.45 19.24 19.36 16.73 15.83 13.83 14.27 14.64 17.65 13.59 17.91 15.77 18.38 18.23 18.42 1547 12.02 12.62 16.97 15.26 16.03 12.16 16.59 20.67 16.74 20.49 15.49 16.77 17.45 15.32 18.7 13.21 14.41 19.65 22 12 11.78 14.59 21.54 14.98 20.82 17.71 16.09 21.7 13.32 15.74 11.68 25.24 16.03 20.32 17.46 13.21 16.34 14.58 17.28 10.87 22.37 27.62 21.05 21.4 15.05 14.8 16.57 17.56 21.61 13.62 12.09 Table A-22: F2 Non-Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Fitness Skew 85 Initial Skew Crossover Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 23.51 16.17 11.93 19.62 14.07 17.49 16.57 22.21 16.75 22.71 16.9 18.8 11.33 16.27 12.66 15.12 16.76 14.5 19.42 9.26 13.22 18.57 13.3 11.9 13.07 19.31 1017 9.1 12.11 14.26 12.81 22 11.74 11.65 17.25 12.66 19.46 17.85 13.29 16.6 14.9 8.86 11.94 10.34 12.34 18.46 13.78 9.53 14.16 3 9.73 20.45 15.4 10.12 6.85 10.06 12.2 15.14 1141 9.94 16 11.53 0.9 12.44 18.03 15.2 14.25 1.0 21.86 16.82 15.32 10.84 0.7 16.31 0.8 0.9 15.39 1 16.81 15.25 12.99 13.66 11.69 13.88 12.47 13.82 13.31 8.46 1084 15.93 12.59 14.83 9.56 12.77 8.86 9.42 17.07 14.22 12.04 17.26 16.11 10.76 12.66 7.96 8.1 1412 12.62 8.8 5. 1399 12.23 13.67 11.3 7.52 11.56 14.07 9.6 11.28 13.27 12.43 11.81 15.07 19.86 4.56 13.04 8.12 9.72 Table A-23: F2 Non-Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Crossover Skew Fitness Skew Crossover 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 23.51 17.49 15.91 19 88 13.65 16.45 15.77 16.59 19.65 15 74 22.37 Skew 0 0.1 0.2 22.21 17.83 18.16 22.78 12.52 14.09 16.12 16.52 18.33 17-11 24.71 1 15.12 17.64 14.84 16.27 1289 17.82 15 15.28 16.21 16.27 22.71 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 11.9 15.33 17.15 10.66 16.3 13.31 15.49 8.3 10.17 12.54 24.68 22 12.44 21.76 13.62 8.57 12.39 11.53 9.6 8.52 8.51 10.9 13.29 5.15 8.56 12.27 9.66 15.19 11.46 13.08 12 16.98 7.39 18.46 12.82 15.92 14.81 13.63 14.16 18.36 22.1 5.6 12.46 13.91 20.45 14.27 12.55 7.07 4.49 19.98 11.81 7.91 8.68 10.4 22.88 0.8 15.14 2.54 10.85 10.4 13.49 16.14 8.77 10.09 9.24 10.44 18.23 0.9 12.44 7.58 17.93 18.16 15.28 23.82 10.62 22.38 7.98 8.86 27.88 1.0 21.86 13.69 22.88 12.36 13.69 19.7 9.4 21 3.3 11.39 8.31 Table A -24: F2 Non-Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Crossover Skew 86 A.3. F3 Data A.3.1. Stage I 0 0.1 Initial Skew 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.2 0.3 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1 45.44 45.69 47.49 53.43 49.57 45.54 37.98 54.58 36.28 40.93 43.20 2 4040 37.26 30.36 34.14 32.83 28.28 35.70 38.58 32.17 32.92 26.78 3 29.84 31.70 32.02 32.93 35.91 28.50 22.84 32.31 31.24 27.24 26.31 4 34.17 26.71 29.29 24.27 26.28 35.25 38.39 29.82 31.32 28.22 26.53 5 26.75 27.58 23.68 32.60 27.40 33.81 27.51 30.47 24.46 29.77 23.20 6 22.30 24.38 26.99 28.05 23.47 30.93 31.87 30.87 26.20 28.39 21.25 7 28.76 25.64 29.04 36.54 30.07 29.14 29.10 33.36 32.75 25.11 23.37 8 30.29 30.84 30.02 28.92 31.14 27.74 24.27 22.40 26.25 28.07 30.64 9 30.27 28.17 25.57 26.06 33.89 27.97 26.30 22.68 30.88 22.85 19.31 10 24.08 29.17 34.32 28.39 27.73 27.86 28.17 30.00 26.09 30.00 23.53 Crossovers Table A-25: F3 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers Fitness Skew Crossovers 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 47.35 43.05 53.95 45.93 46.19 50.22 59 78 1 45.44 40.55 39.28 46.06 2 40.40 34.87 38.82 37.98 39.72 498 8 37.06 49.29 44.39 40.94 49.59 3 29.84 30.11 31.03 33.90 34.17 36.04 35.68 41.08 42.02 40.05 48.23 4 34.17 25.26 27.89 37.56 32.82 38.68 37.63 38.85 35.72 41.07 45.00 5 26.75 20.73 35.01 29.72 32.81 30.66 33.30 34.70 38.80 36.23 46.97 6 22.30 24.62 29.02 30.92 36.92 34.18 35.36 40.43 36.34 41.68 44.24 7 28.76 28.99 29.25 32.85 32.62 31.85 33.40 34.45 37.64 39.48 48.28 8 30.29 27.08 32.03 32.24 28.26 33.40 34.12 38.98 40 19 36.54 4119 9 30.27 26.99 27.04 35.44 29.68 34.98 34.54 38.16 36.26 43.89 46.22 10 24.08 27.01 35.09 32.07 33.18 38.33 40.12 34.77 38.82 38.44 42.07 Table A-26: F3 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers 87 Crossovers 0 Crossover Skew 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1 45.44 43.43 53.70 49.90 49.69 50.14 46.62 56.62 52.84 51.33 45.07 2 3 4 5 6 7 40.40 38.90 45.22 41.62 34.68 41.66 48.87 48.48 41.50 40.21 47.93 29.84 31.35 29.00 27.95 34.15 35.52 38.30 35.12 39.75 36.06 37.81 34.17 32.53 29.60 35.35 28.24 37.11 38.98 33.55 42.34 38.42 36.33 26.75 22.97 37.37 27.63 37.03 35.79 30.16 33.63 39.04 39.22 39.16 22.30 24.61 29.76 3282 29.13 31.97 35.90 31.49 36.92 41.47 40.16 28.76 26.00 36.84 33.65 34.07 35.20 34.07 40.62 35.19 38.65 38.69 8 30.29 27.77 31.42 31.25 31.97 34.46 32.62 33.29 32.31 34.65 38.82 9 | 30.27 30.75 25.71 30.48 34.30 38.26 35.37 31.11 37.88 35.48 36.67 24.08 30.60 26.84 31.60 33.81 31.70 38.20 35.18 31.83 32.31 43.28 10 Table A-27: F3 Optimal: Crossover Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers Mutation 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 0 Initial Skew 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 70.56 54.60 51.93 79.28 65.77 84.25 88.15 34.64 54.90 34.93 39.63 30.52 36.73 37.64 34.34 34.74 24.38 32.93 26.31 31.23 33.73 20.68 26.32 33.83 34.05 33.55 34.21 35.60 39.37 24.26 37.19 27.61 32.01 29.84 31.70 32.02 32.93 35.91 28.50 22.84 32.31 31.24 27.24 2631 32.76 29.79 32.56 34.34 35.92 30.53 34.49 26.73 28.96 26.41 21.62 36.86 32.88 36.63 30.96 37.90 37.65 38.75 32.53 34.58 27.50 31.61 37.86 35.43 35.20 33.88 35.95 38.28 34.03 34.86 32.39 34.05 35.65 42.07 44.64 36.14 41.78 36.88 38.27 43.40 36.13 42.13 37.01 33.91 48.46 46.43 51.37 47.86 48.33 45.38 4792 37.23 49.29 46.43 49.51 50.89 52.47 48.67 53.33 52.61 53.06 39.39 41.15 53.56 53.17 53.96 56.67 53.24 59.8 54.92 53.35 56.95 53.58 55.69 58.69 56.83 49.8 Table A-28: F3 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Mutation Rate 88 Fitness Skew Mutation 0 0.005 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.9 1 70.56 0 73.82 73.02 83.48 104.76 100.92 59.72 110.62 109.46 6175 78.50 30.52 33.64 32.26 35.36 32.91 35.48 36.53 36.95 36.65 35.15 52.47 0.01 26.32 28.17 33.85 35.11 36.41 35.35 38.25 37.68 42.15 41.27 44.38 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 29.84 30.11 31.03 33.90 34.17 36.04 35.68 41.08 42.02 40.05 48.23 32.76 28.88 36.32 31.74 33.99 35.87 44.58 43.68 39.29 43.47 49.64 36.86 32.74 34.12 38.48 37.53 44.37 34.43 46.49 45.97 43.06 54.24 37.86 31.28 3591 36.22 39.78 40.27 38.68 49.11 50.61 42.89 51.34 42.07 44.00 41.29 43.22 45.42 50.65 45.44 48.85 42.85 49.79 58.95 48.46 45.29 42.91 46.22 52.53 47.38 57.06 48.12 50.92 57.85 62.98 50.89 44.22 46.27 49.27 43.86 56.62 51.45 62.86 54.96 58.24 66.25 56.67 45.37 55.07 56.1 59.8 53.47 55.12 60.67 69.19 65.7 65.81 0.6 0.7 Table A-29: F3 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Mutation Rate Crossover Skew Mutation 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 70.56 64.83 90.90 97.64 109.69 30.52 46.35 30.15 42.59 53.75 60.62 26.32 31.52 31.72 31.30 42.13 44.98 29.84 31.35 29.00 27.95 34.15 35.52 38.30 32.76 30.82 40.13 34.88 29.33 32.21 44.25 36.86 37.46 39.25 38.43 46.49 43.21 45.22 37.86 30.43 38.74 31.30 37.54 36.03 42.07 40.46 32.59 43.39 36.71 41.24 48.46 35.74 44.43 44.78 45.82 51.83 50.89 45.70 40.60 47.90 60.43 56.67 58.82 58.93 42.79 66.1 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 180.12 144.22 160.36 136.70 166.24 32.58 54.60 47.86 65.78 63.43 43.27 43.08 37.93 42.85 35.17 35.12 39.75 36.06 37.81 36.40 3945 42.73 36.38 39.59 43.70 33.26 38.93 49.10 37.02 34.64 46.85 42.52 33.30 41.85 43.94 51.24 34.32 41.29 52.39 46.48 50.22 50.15 60.48 55.14 49.01 71.61 51.17 62.39 65.96 56.23 58.47 56.98 61.84 64.93 93.17 Table A-30: F3 Optimal: Crossover Skew vs. Mutation Rate 89 A.3.2. Stage 2 Fitness Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 Initial Skew 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.3 28.07 24.88 29.26 30.84 22.91 27.23 26.2 28.48 23.52 35.57 32.96 26.63 27.31 29.57 28.28 26.62 29.09 31.16 30.39 33.98 29.9 24.3 25.72 33.43 33.84 35.81 38.61 36.56 36.97 34.58 36.66 39.64 31.82 33.68 31.7 39.33 33.2 31.9 40.15 39.89 38.29 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 26.45 24.85 28.68 21.24 22.05 30.13 23.91 28.96 27.8 24.22 22.97 34.22 32.99 28.4 23.94 28.72 27.19 28.27 27.95 30.9 28.53 28.36 31.78 25.96 33.38 35.12 29.57 31.63 34.19 30.5 24.88 28.26 35.21 30.32 30.59 26.04 32.22 32.27 37.89 36.84 38.05 38.65 39 24.97 28.77 40.38 34.59 34.27 35.12 34.1 32.95 33.47 38.35 33.61 38.78 36.35 37.53 29.64 35.37 40 23 40.09 31.2 38.22 34.98 42.01 35.53 38.76 35.1 34.61 40.04 40.05 44.34 50.82 42.57 51.27 44.39 43.82 44.98 45.31 41.79 Table A-3 1: F3 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Fitness Skew Crossover Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Initial Skew 0.5 0.6 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 28.07 24.88 29.26 30.84 22.91 27.23 29.29 22.05 24.76 24.35 27.27 29.8 26.85 27.91 31.71 32.69 32.49 30.99 29.17 35.67 28.07 31.76 32.08 25.38 33.69 38.93 33.8 35.88 37.58 34.83 44.21 34.87 34.38 32.65 36.01 30.72 41.99 43.08 33.61 46.83 43.83 38.24 37.96 42.78 37.83 35.74 37.87 39.43 34.64 37.35 34.33 32.44 41.94 42.11 40.56 40.19 45.26 0.4 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 26.45 24.85 28.68 21.24 22.05 20.94 31.25 24.53 25.89 25.8 25.47 29.14 34.72 28.04 30.19 22.56 29.15 31.13 37.2 26.77 28.85 33.44 24.28 27.08 35.9 38.41 39.71 36.08 27.59 34.42 37.99 40.11 34.98 23.27 23.65 33.04 29.74 33.58 33.18 22.18 36.97 39.23 36.99 33.02 29.85 25.58 30.19 32.24 32.55 41.53 27.83 22.66 39.24 43.02 38.18 35.85 38.8 17.96 29.05 39.71 26.97 41.56 39.51 31.96 Table A-32: F3 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Crossover Skew 90 Crossover Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Fitness Skew 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 28.07 26.2 26.63 29.09 29.9 33.84 36.97 31.82 33.2 35.37 40.04 29.29 30.95 33.25 35.16 29.36 31.53 31.27 37.7 37.31 42.06 52.31 29.8 29.86 34.78 37.91 32.4 36.26 37.19 37.29 35.52 37.16 44.45 32.49 25.89 29.83 31.73 37.34 41.78 36.99 34.42 32.37 32.82 45.91 31.76 33.26 36.18 37.83 38.2 41.05 35.04 39.48 40.49 42.45 44.9 33.8 37.97 36.48 35.43 39.1 38.68 38.36 41.16 44.89 41.3 50.73 34.87 36.49 40.23 33.66 39.62 40.98 37.73 40.74 42.02 41.35 48.2 43.08 28.95 37.32 36.21 38.09 39.51 41.45 39.14 46.62 45.94 52.93 37.96 35.03 36.46 39.51 43.17 37.65 37.01 39.21 39.31 44.05 54.18 39.43 28.14 32.78 40.31 37.79 38.12 42.71 47.24 39.37 48.01 63.88 41.94 32.66 37.91 42.16 40.37 39.36 38.11 39.66 48.41 40.91 50.1 Table A-33: F3 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Crossover Skew Initial Skew 0 Fitness Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 5.5 5.86 6.2 6.37 6.59 5 6.28 5.34 6 6.25 7 6 7.24 6.35 5 6.36 4.24 6.75 4.4 6.28 5.76 6.04 5.38 6.52 6.64 8.19 5 3.75 6.84 6.12 7.12 6.66 7.33 6.64 7.74 5.03 7.11 6.47 5.84 6.96 5.66 6.61 5.97 5.93 5.69 5.71 6.17 7.28 6.44 8.11 5.99 8.17 6.01 6.35 6.45 8.29 5.8 9.03 7.96 4.88 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.8 1 5.3 6.75 5.95 4 5.12 6.71 5.07 4.49 5.2 2.46 6.01 6.64 6.27 5.28 5 3.1 6.1 4.58 5.22 4.7 3.29 5.41 5.79 5.64 505 584 3.97 5.21 4.88 6.69 4.58 4.17 4.03 4.76 6.16 5.66 5.74 4.2 6.05 5.1 5.57 4.68 3.13 5.76 5.59 5.64 4.95 4.15 7.23 4.8 5.28 4.87 5.38 3.53 5.45 5.97 4.2 7.39 2.51 2.65 2.96 ............ . . ....... Table A-34: F3 Non-Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Fitness Skew 91 Initial Skew Crossover Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 5.5 5.86 6.2 6.37 6.59 5 5.3 6.62 5.11 5.53 4.74 6.41 6.36 5.43 4.39 6.66 4.08 5 28 5 5.42 4.66 5.23 6.29 5.82 5.11 5.56 5.63 2.9 4.82 6.19 4 28 8.26 3.41 6.42 5.64 6.91 6.4 4.86 5.47 6.27 8.38 3.68 2.38 6.92 4.76 6.35 4.7 5.84 4.58 7.56 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 2.96 6.75 5.95 3.94 6.27 5.1 5.38 2.59 4.43 5.68 4.54 4.9 2.6 5.34 4.44 5 2.68 3.17 5.58 5.22 4.62 5.42 3.8 3.01 2.9 4.5 4.72 5.6 2.96 2.22 5.77 6.24 3.51 3.62 5.67 3.79 2.94 5.36 4.66 3.12 3.62 3.94 2.82 2.58 5.98 2.38 3.25 3.12 4.71 6 3.36 3.66 5 7.45 4.6 2.6 3.82 3.41 5.9 3.24 2.56 5.73 5.08 7.06 5.41 6.34 6.22 2.78 4.42 2.2 4 Table A-35: F3 Non-Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Crossover Skew Fitness Skem Crossover Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 .......................................................................................................... ................................... .................................. .................................. .................................. ........ 4.24 5.38 3.75 7.33 5.84 5.69 5.99 8.29 6 5.98 5.7 5.7 5.82 7.85 6.37 6.2 6.04 5.13 7.57 5.7 3.66 5.41 7.02 6.13 5.96 7.1 5.8 5.37 7.56 9.19 4.18 6.65 5.51 5.02 7.37 4.52 5.56 5.72 6.64 4.7 6.57 5.34 5.22 5.98 5.75 7.41 5.9 4.28 5.16 6.61 5.65 7.05 8.16 6.12 7.99 6.37 6.65 10.19 6.91 6.6 2 2 7.6 4.36 8.03 7.33 6.88 7.17 8.74 6.27 6.19 4.88 5.17 7.04 7.51 2 9.38 5.31 8.61 8.11 S6.92 7.71 7.17 4.04 8.24 6.03 6.8 7.48 9.61 8.04 4.98 4.7 6.27 6.37 5.48 2.18 4.51 6.43 8.59 8.92 9.16 4.55 4.58 6.04 5.27 6.1 5.96 6.27 6.57 6.36 8.47 5.5 6.28 6.62 5.76 5.43 7.33 5.42 .2 [able A-36: F3 Non-Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Crossover Skew 92 8.56 A.4. F4 Data A.4.1. Stage 1 Initial Skew 0.4 0.5 0.6 Crossovers 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.7 0.8 0.9 113.61 106.09 110.37 102.72 110.24 101.15 107.59 106.92 106.18 109.03 104.79 2 89.10 90.64 95.43 91.49 86.95 85.93 89.70 86.32 84.72 83.66 89.45 3 78.43 78.70 79.44 73.39 78.74 76.48 80.78 76.70 79.54 75.98 83.45 4 74.58 77.13 75.62 74.71 75.92 71.16 72.39 75.14 75.25 73.90 72.00 5 6 74.49 70.86 68.82 76.50 71.95 73.31 70.65 69.15 70.55 76.05 64.56 69.41 72.89 72.08 70.27 71.45 65.32 71.49 69.62 69.53 71.47 77.59 7 74.08 72.16 70.33 67.90 71.45 73.78 70.46 71.19 69.86 72.32 69.56 8 66.84 72.21 72.93 68.31 71.23 70.09 68.15 68.15 71.90 72.47 67.06 9 70.82 69.99 69.50 69.27 69.35 68.96 66.69 65.56 69.95 69.85 75.15 10 66.63 73.18 69.44 71.48 69.54 71.10 65.92 66.62 71.43 72.91 71.98 Table A-37: F4 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers Fitness Skew Crossovers 0 I........... 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 1 0.7 .................................. 0.8 ............................ 0.9 ...................... .................... .......... ...... ................................... ................................... ................................... :................................ -:.................................. o.................................. 113.61 102.83 105.06 106.28 104.12 101.51 101.68 104.50 103.21 97.65 100.65 2 89.10 86.13 81.97 85.45 77.93 76.80 79.75 79.70 84.10 78.10 81.09 3 78.43 79.40 74.80 75.45 73.76 77.59 72.81 73.78 74.67 73.33 75.77 4 74.58 69.33 72.68 73.86 71.16 70.40 71.97 72.35 75.75 67.84 71.42 5 74.49 68.76 71.48 72.98 69.33 70.43 70.53 67.93 69.06 68.15 72.42 6 69.41 74.31 70.74 67.87 67.78 67.58 71.08 68.89 70.48 71.89 72.01 7 74.08 66.41 68.43 67.69 68.01 65.92 68.79 71.07 68.77 68.95 68.47 8 9 10 66.84 67.19 70.85 65.92 72.43 69.88 67.16 67.31 67.36 69.43 71.26 70.82 71.49 71.18 65.34 65.82 64.36 71.95 68.05 69.51 72.05 71.57 66.63 67.75 67.16 69.33 66.09 67.20 66.66 69.81 67.85 69.96 68.92 Table A-38: F4 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers 93 Crossover Skew Crossovers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 113.61 107.70 111.24 93.58 91.45 100.35 96.89 96.75 92.40 96.31 90.86 89.10 84.60 80.62 80.94 75.78 77.04 75.76 76.84 74.01 77.61 74.20 78.43 74.67 71.89 71.82 68.95 68.31 69.00 66.33 67.36 67.07 66.66 74.58 74.40 69.80 65.90 65.45 66.04 63.58 65.56 65.41 62.86 64.51 64.13 0.5 74.49 74.38 69.96 67.66 64.71 62.54 62.45 63.35 61.82 63.16 69.41 67.26 69.19 65.49 64.51 63.16 66.16 63.16 59.25 63.15 59.45 74.08 72.39 66.18 64.57 62.86 62.87 61.46 60.14 62.41 60.44 63.61 66.84 65.50 62.04 66.08 63.20 60.88 61.70 59.80 59.53 59.96 61.51 70.82 65.96 65.40 64.57 62.62 65.54 61.24 57.07 55.89 59.57 58.56 66.63 66.56 66.79 63.53 61.44 59.25 59.99 58.88 59.14 60.18 58.87 Table A-39: F4 Optimal: Crossover Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers Mutation 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 11 0 99.19 0.1 0.2 0.3 101.51 107.77 108.38 Initial Skew 0.4 0.5 0.6 116.15 0.7 0.8 0.9 93.47 101.14 91.66 109.99 112.79 92.81 1 57.55 55.42 57.46 59.26 59.23 58.48 57.79 55.68 58.81 58.29 60.11 63.42 65.74 68.29 65.50 63.16 64.53 61.88 61.55 60.58 63.96 64.55 78.43 78.70 79.44 73.39 78.74 76.48 80.78 76.70 79.54 75.98 83.45 0.02 100.21 107.96 99.37 97.51 94.05 94.35 100.69 96.85 95.72 103.03 100.87 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 126.70 127.32 134.11 133.58 130.22 128.47 131.52 127.00 122.15 129.52 131.50 160.22 154.07 152.85 159.35 154.51 144.19 155.00 158.46 161.68 159.70 160.47 180.29 174.75 182.72 167.33 180.78 181.68 177.66 179.84 174.43 183.78 174.74 188.21 187.84 190.89 189.35 193.12 190.25 189.94 188.05 193.42 189.80 187.65 196.66 198.09 196.05 195.37 193.64 196.81 192.50 197.39 192.96 194.98 195.33 197.55 198.98 197.72 197.54 198.3 197.25 198.56 197.78 197.83 197.82 198.52 Table A-40: F4 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Mutation Rate 94 Fitness Skew 0.4 0.5 0.6 0 0.1 0.7 0.8 0.9 99.19 99.48 92.17 119.3 0 92.63 113.03 110.88 121.30 117.10 118.91 122.38 57.55 56.97 59.60 58.99 59.30 60.72 57.13 58.18 62.49 61.50 62.96 63.42 63.86 63.29 65.38 63.26 61.82 62.86 61.77 63.97 67.86 68.73 78.43 79.40 74.80 75.45 73.76 77.59 72.81 73.78 74.67 73.33 75.77 100.21 102.41 96.28 89.58 95.73 87.54 94.81 92.30 92.05 88.10 91.14 126.70 120.69 125.08 117.1 9 108.02 109.77 118.53 111.42 111.38 107.64 117.02 160.22 154.31 142.11 151.0 2 143.12 137.42 141.11 140.82 142.09 134.65 139.12 180.29 17381 170.96' 170.7 2 162.14 168.42 160.80 157.79 166.24 161.96 163.45 188.21 191.53 187.40 181.8 2 182.99 176.75 183.37 183.59 179.16 183.51 174.04 0.045 196.66 193.11 192.18 194.0 5 192.56 190.77 192.65 191.55 188.17 185.01 191.17 0.05 197.55 194.07 196.97 196.9 4 196.13 195.37 195.59 195.14 193.07 195.59 194.24 Mutation 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.2 0.3 1 Table A-41: F4 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Mutation Rate Crossover Skew 0 0.1 99.19 91.62 57.55 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 97.91 114.24 112.18 108.86 134.11 121.49 121.39 146.75 124.55 60.10 55.27 61.08 56.69 54.86 54.09 59.11 60.4 57.88 57.66 63.42 61.21 61.90 59.04 60.59 56.89 57.96 59.84 56.00 59.09 54.73 78.43 74.67 71.89 71.82 68.95 68.31 69.00 66.33 67.36 67.07 66.66 0.02 100.21 89.40 92.16 85.16 87.39 87.26 84.07 82.02 74.41 78.34 81.10 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 126.70 128.19 112.55 109.69 107.15 107.81 111.57 108.40 97.82 107.09 112.33 160.22 157.22 161.82 148.18 151.86 137.46 139.14 131.74 137.13 133.25 131.36 180.29 173.64 180.15 177.38 170.02 160.84 162.57 166.60 162.86 156.22 155.86 188.21 190.14 180.72 185.06 184.30 186.38 177.21 183.28 182.41 173.86 188.12 196.66 195.48 191.56 192.88 193.01 189.58 193.50 189.20 188.49 188.57 188.66 197.55 198.88 198.53 195.64 193.84 194.83 195.97 195.76 198.71 197.11 190.89 Mutation 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.2 Table A-42: F4 Optimal: Crossover Skew vs. Mutation Rate 95 1 A.4.2. Stage 2 Fitness Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 Initial Skew 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.1 0.2 50.84 51.64 50.97 48.9 49.07 48.46 5171 48.36 4933 50.13 50.16 51.47 52.65 50.4 51.92 51.42 48.66 48.8 50.35 52.39 51.83 52.46 5114 49.27 50.5 51.48 53.76 51.26 54.81 51.1 49.64 54.22 53.48 50.15 50.6 51.25 51.34 53.99 0.3 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 50.81 52.36 50.62 50.88 50.34 49.24 47.19 50.78 49.9 48.19 48.15 50.68 49.42 51.21 50.05 50.62 48.66 50.47 49.35 49.17 48.62 49.19 53.62 50.73 51 51.68 50.23 51.25 5262 51.92 5363 5191 54.13 53.3 51.66 49.46 52.03 49.55 53.12 54.9 53.28 48.41 51.13 52.33 49.75 49.94 52.1 52.45 50.76 54.33 51.41 55.84 52.09 50.85 52.17 51.98 52.01 53.47 51.27 52.03 54.86 55.22 54.43 52.55 52.31 54.91 53.94 53.49 54.12 52.92 52.93 54.28 53.29 54.96 55.82 53.81 52.08 55.17 52.51 52.12 52.01 52.36 54.92 Table A-43: F4 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Fitness Skew Crossover Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 Initial Skew 0.5 0.6 0.1 0.2 50.84 51.64 50.97 48.9 49.07 48.46 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 50.81 52.36 50.62 50.88 50.34 51.45 50.36 50.11 49.18 48.24 47.52 47.23 47.67 49.3 49.2 49.36 49 48.53 49.39 47.52 51.03 48.04 45.36 46.46 47.95 49.24 48.77 48.02 49.24 48.14 46.54 44.91 47.53 46.84 46.32 50.83 48.22 45.09 48.79 46.43 50.19 47.46 50.24 47.69 45.41 43.48 47.83 48.01 48.41 49.46 48.13 46.73 47.2 43.98 46.09 48 47.53 46.36 44.63 46.04 49.58 47.96 49.64 44.71 46.7 43.58 45.81 46.24 45.78 44.5 46.52 49.47 48.61 46.55 46.61 45.61 47.82 46.16 46.95 45.62 48.58 44.59 46.74 46.16 48.3 46.88 48.8 45.99 45.25 44.09 48.91 48.2 45.92 50.26 48.44 51.1 46.83 49.02 4665 4866 43.71 48.49 45.8 4 50.9 51.53 50.04 44 68 47.08 48.23 46.86 47.27 45.45 46.64 48.57 Table A-44: F4 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Crossover Skew 96 Fitness Skem Crossover Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 50.84 51.71 52.65 51.45 49.97 48.82 49 46.98 48.02 48.79 0.4 0.5 0.6 52.39 51.48 54.22 52.62 51.43 51.17 49.49 51.21 49.63 47.54 51.06 51.81 51.59 46.94 50.68 50.79 50.88 51.77 50.52 50.56 50.94 48.3 50.85 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 54.9 51.41 55.22 53.29 50.1 51.73 56.19 52.38 53.77 51.09 57.34 55.44 50.19 50.62 53.49 52.39 52.79 48.65 49.32 53.08 52.37 52.82 54.26 52.06 52.99 52.37 49.46 49.08 49.57 49.12 50.02 52 49.67 51.16 49.58 48.34 48.96 48.64 51.07 47.85 50.94 49.64 51.91 52.56 54.04 49.47 49.17 45.43 50.4 49.33 53.37 49.25 51.76 53.68 52.45 50.57 46.74 49.43 47.92 50.12 53.14 51.42 51.77 52.6 51.52 51.28 53.16 50.26 47.47 51.21 52.5 51.53 51.91 53.65 50.86 48.69 52.64 51.96 50.9 49.86 48.82 49.14 51.82 54.43 48.2 52.92 51.85 52.92 54.05 1 Table A-45: F4 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Crossover Skew Initial Skew Fitness Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 20.47 20.54 21.31 20.58 20.87 21.24 20.74 20.97 20.98 20.94 21.08 21.18 20.8 20.69 20.18 20.78 21.5 20.25 20.62 21.76 20.97 21.1 20.92 21.02 20.32 20.2 19.87 21.06 20.51 20.54 20.83 21.1 21.25 20.97 20.36 20.7 20.67 20.75 20.59 22.16 20.84 20.66 21.94 21.13 21.84 20.29 20.95 21.51 21.31 21.98 21.1 20.54 21.4 21.15 21.43 22.07 20.79 22.74 20.81 22.26 21.25 20.61 20.65 20.65 21.56 22.25 21.86 21.93 21.23 20.79 21.66 21.88 22.33 21.64 21.97 21.05 21.15 21.71 20.73 22.36 21.08 21.71 21.89 21.07 22.94 21.69 22.1 21.84 21.78 20.82 21.5 20.9 21.74 21.91 21.4 21.76 21.73 22.87 21.77 21.86 23.08 22.61 22.38 21.87 22.25 22.66 23.15 22.05 20.85 22.65 22.3 22.45 22.24 22.98 22.83 23.06 21.87 22.77 22.63 22.96 22.41 Table A-46: F4 Non-Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Fitness Skew 97 Crossover Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 Initial Skew 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.3 20.87 21.24 20.74 20.97 20.98 20.94 20.34 21.52 20.81 21.07 20 20.18 19.27 20.07 20.32 20.17 20.38 19.57 20 20.71 20.01 20.11 20.78 19.71 0.7 0.8 0.9 20.47 20.54 21.31 20.58 20.7 20.92 21.15 21.14 19.78 20.02 19.69 19.96 20.52 21.12 20.2 20.03 20.1 19.86 20.25 19.84 1 20.06 20.61 1963 19.69 19.33 19.77 20.02 21.32 20.06 20.27 19.97 0.5 20.53 19.91 19.82 19.17 19.86 21.01 20.78 20.13 19.15 19.79 19.88 0.6 20.21 19.99 19.57 19.78 19.59 19.96 20.38 20.35 19.6 20.29 20.09 0.7 19.75 21.02 19.55 20.13 19.63 19.99 20.09 19.18 19.94 19.96 18.71 0.8 20.25 19.07 19.91 19.03 19.72 19.88 19.48 19.82 19.67 19.44 20.29 0.9 19.94 19.88 19.78 20.38 19.46 20.04 20.19 19.6 20.03 19.56 19.14 1.0 19.83 19.04 20.04 19.5 20.43 18.57 20.01 20.08 19.6 19.6 19.44 Table A-47: F4 Non-Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Crossover Skew Crossover Skew 0 0 20.87 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 21.08 Fitness Skew 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 21.2186 21.71 21.78 21.86 22.3 21.36 22.42 21.63 22.17 1 0.1 0.2 20.34 20.93 20.46 20.54 20.84 19 27 21.01 20.35 22.23 20.59 20.73 21.83 20.41 22.85 22.6 21.7 0.3 0.4 20 199 21. 20 2059 20.5 21.08 21.27 21.19 21.01 21.99 21.99 20 06 20.12 1983 20.53 21.01 2038 21.41 22.22 21.52 23.42 20.65 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 20.53 20.33 19.82 20.12 19.68 20.79 21.78 21.58 21.31 21.54 21.77 2021 20.56 202 19. 20 20.28 19.91 21.33 22.02 21.74 22.53 2189 19.75 20.48 20 08 20.06 21.17 19.44 19.72 21.27 20.7 20.4 21.48 20.25 20.37 20.2 19.28 21.27 20.79 21.05 21.4 21.45 21.68 208 0.9 19.94 19.96 19.66 20.54 21.51 20.61 19.46 21.41 21.59 21.49 21.63 1.0 19.83 20. 19.57 33 20.88 20.89 20.78 20.32 21.77 21.99 21 2177 21.37 21.68 Table A-48: F4 Non-Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Crossover Skew 98 A.5. F5 Data A.5.1. Stage I Crossovers 1 . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Initial Skew 0.4 0.5 0.6 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 36.09 31.51 30.78 31.57 31.16 33.33 33.03 30.95 26.51 29.73 29.49 26.27 24.77 29.80 25.66 26.85 26.54 2 3.19 27.68 25.83 24.39 24.41 26.99 25.71 25.33 24.62 26.37 26.65 2 1.43 24.14 24.56 21.44 18.21 26.94 24.84 19.17 23.94 24.81 18.64 26.98 23.91 24.71 22.41 25.22 25.85 20.70 24.06 24.28 21.03 25.45 22.46 20.45 21.23 25.25 22.81 20.69 21.24 21.82 24.41 23.12 21.53 2 1.28 23.48 20.03 21.57 21.15 22.20 21.81 20.82 18.73 24.12 18.97 20.79 19.99 19.26 20.45 22.08 23.16 20.64 23.09 22.89 23.51 21.74 20.43 18.58 19.79 22.74 19.49 24.49 22.50 19.30 22.52 22.05 17.91 22.83 22.45 22.95 20.50 21.94 23.43 23.98 21.81 22.57 23.23 23.69 23.36 20.71 20.47 22.03 24.05 Table A-49: F5 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers Crossovers 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Fitness Skew 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1 136.09 37.28 34.36 32.62 35.11 35.44 34.39 33.69 37.85 33.92 37.30 2 26.27 29.66 26.91 26.51 27.35 29.87 27.45 30.03 28.24 31.53 27.64 3 26.99 25.65 22.87 24.22 24.32 28.02 27.70 26.00 26.75 28.63 26.85 4 26.94 24.49 24.95 30.33 23.03 27.33 25.22 25.77 24.62 24.08 33.59 5 25.85 23.26 21.81 23.14 27.64 25.29 22.16 22.01 25.74 24.82 26.14 6 20.69 22.43 25.23 27.62 22.30 26.60 23.13 26.35 23.83 22.64 26.78 7 24.12 18.60 20.47 21.99 23.70 24.51 21.66 24.22 25.04 26.94 22.91 8 9 10 23.16 23.43 22.92 24.84 23.56 22.18 20.74 24.75 24.38 24.79 28.41 24.49 23.47 26.23 22.62 22.76 22.52 28.37 26.03 21.14 27.84 23.97 23.43 21.04 22.29 22.35 24.13 23.73 25.20 25.56 20.33 26.01 23.08 Table A-50: F5 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers 99 Crossover Skew Crossovers 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 36.09 32.92 35.04 32.07 2 26.27 28.70 27.90 3 26.99 26.80 26.50 4 26.94 22.97 5 25.85 6 20.69 7 24.12 8 9 10 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 33.15 34.01 35.79 35.78 38.67 35.22 32.46 31.52 28.31 31.04 28.73 27.57 27.97 25.93 29.54 25.24 27.34 25.79 24.87 25.93 23.66 25.09 26.96 23.37 24.02 22.03 24.65 24.55 24.95 25.06 23.28 27.59 19.45 24.72 24.30 22.76 26.04 27.59 20.14 22.71 24.29 25.18 22.62 24.93 23.93 24.37 24.27 21.47 24.73 24.32 23.20 22.95 24.81 23.66 25.67 23.53 22.36 22.66 24.16 24.23 24.81 24.35 23.16 24.34 23.56 22.73 23.51 23.95 24.65 24.09 23.35 22.67 23.36 24.49 23.72 20.97 23.88 20.58 24.14 22.84 23.77 24.30 24.47 24.27 23.43 23.81 23.56 19.81 24.43 21.66 23.52 23.74 22.70 21.61 21.77 Table A-5 1: F5 Optimal: Crossover Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers Mutation 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 0 Initial Skew 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 60.53 71.04 76.39 77.03 52.69 65.65 36.52 34.12 38.57 27.61 28.65 32.75 27.04 28.54 24.27 23.32 26.04 23.43 24.04 24.22 23.36 22.10 29.53 27.31 20.58 27.66 23.04 23.87 23.04 18.81 24.56 20.67 22.72 26.99 25.71 25.33 24.62 26.37 26.65 21.43 24.14 24.56 21.44 18.21 22.28 21.77 23.65 23.13 26.38 25.88 25.17 20.84 23.77 24.49 24.52 26.82 24.83 20.05 29.17 23.45 27.44 29.83 24.01 26.06 21.09 24.20 29.15 27.76 23.39 31.25 27.51 28.56 25.83 22.77 27.60 25.97 28.18 19.25 31.58 25.39 28.45 27.47 29.13 30.05 24.64 26.04 27.28 21.29 29.15 29.09 26.67 28.96 28.12 27.83 27.80 28.16 22.70 28.03 29.62 33.44 32.73 28.10 29.71 33.02 25.85 26.87 23.30 25.09 28.39 28.31 34.42 31.65 32 32.29 27.37 30.89 31.68 26.52 32.49 32.44 29.66 Table A-52: F5 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Mutation Rate 100 Fitness Skew Mutation 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 68.94 59.64 56.17 64.02 42.93 45.65 58.69 58.70 42.07 58.61 32.75 29.75 25.76 28.16 25.08 29.54 28.93 27.59 27.34 26.02 28.84 29.53 27.34 26.86 22.04 25.32 24.63 29.32 30.78 24.82 28.37 34.49 26.99 25.65 22.87 24.22 24.32 28.02 27.70 26.00 26.75 28.63 26.85 22.28 29.37 25.08 29.17 28.50 28.65 26.26 30.04 25.52 29.20 27.01 26.82 26.91 28.74 25.85 32.93 28.34 25.44 26.02 28.89 27.34 28.95 29.15 21.95 29.16 29.35 27.57 29.09 30.95 26.52 30.79 32.54 26.69 19.25 24.32 25.73 27.83 27.68 28.07 29.78 30.55 33.12 32.31 21.87 29.15 27.35 31.60 31.89 33.71 28.79 29.57 27.87 31.00 34.98 31.03 33.44 28.85 33.76 30.68 34.80 29.56 30.23 33.07 35.85 38.50 39.62 34.42 29.96 35.66 32.14 30.07 34.65 38.22 33.31 33.91 37.29 42.12 60.53 Table A-53: F5 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Mutation Rate Crossover Skew Mutation ................................... 0 ................................. 0.1 .. 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 .................................. 0.8 4............................ 0.9 ...................... 1 a ............................................................. .................................................................... ........................................................ :................................... p ......................... 60.53 101.08 121.50 87.96 81.54 106.11 110.52 113.81 0 105.52 98.70 108.55 32.75 25.06 26.74 26.40 26.06 28.44 24.27 23.76 29.13 0.005 34.09 34.58 29.53 29.12 26.76 26.41 28.25 27.70 28.31 27.19 0.01 27.24 26.11 27.90 26.99 26.80 26.50 27.34 25.24 25.79 24.87 25.93 23.66 0.015 25.09 26.96 22.28 26.39 26.39 27.79 26.67 26.28 26.90 0.02 27.67 27.21 27.92 26.32 26.82 28.23 27.51 26.68 27.37 25.99 29.14 27.08 0.025 25.12 27.16 26.62 29.15 29.20 27.88 27.55 28.59 26.72 26.72 27.27 0.03 24.52 22.65 25.13 0.035 19.25 27.63 28.87 27.73 31.51 26.99 26.69 27.26 30.21 28.47 25.49 0.04 0.045 0.05 29.15 28.94 31.42 28.71 27.33 28.21 30.81 26.96 27.95 27.40 25.39 33.44 31.68 31.96 31.74 27.12 31.62 29.60 28.69 27.45 28.67 29.49 34.42 31.32 30.45 31.83 30.47 31 91 33.24 31.51 33.27 32.1 30.3 Table A-54: F5 Optimal: Crossover Skew vs. Mutation Rate 101 A.5.2. Stage 2 Initial Skew 0 0.1 0.2 Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 24.72 24.82 23.23 25.29 20.07 27.94 21.84 23.35 25.73 25.18 25.06 26.88 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 25.19 24.18 23.05 26.87 23.51 22.06 22.6 22.88 23.52 24.43 23.4 22.58 26.79 22.56 21.29 22.58 21.77 25.29 21.11 24.07 23.82 25.23 25.39 25.44 22.53 23.02 26.49 24.32 24.37 21.3 23.17 23.5 19.39 23.77 24.87 23.79 22.44 27.83 24.52 25.07 26.66 23.49 22.95 21.27 22.81 25.25 27.08 24.75 26.64 25.52 27.6 24.14 16.83 24.36 24.89 23.53 25.15 27.63 29.73 24.15 26.43 27.4 22.03 27.08 24.09 20.88 27.94 25.54 29.3 28.28 25.82 22.81 25.64 29.18 23.96 21.67 30.18 26.72 28.23 23.76 22.2 26.71 27.01 26.43 21.67 23.25 25.02 27.89 27.2 30.05 25.89 28.8 26.33 25.98 25.12 21.95 26.16 26.93 29.57 26.56 28.11 27.1 30.95 24.36 24.71 24.8 24.83 28.24 25.43 0.9 1 Fitness 0.9 1 Table A-55: F5 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Fitness Skew Initial Skew Crossover Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 24.72 24.82 23.23 25.19 24.18 23.05 26.87 23.51 22.06 22.6 22.88 24.81 24.31 21.5 22.19 21.51 19.83 23.44 23.82 21.54 24.41 19.74 26.13 23.26 23.76 22.92 21.35 21.88 22.51 20.73 23.85 20.23 22.18 18.31 21.85 22.7 22.32 23.29 21.26 22.27 22.05 20.81 22.92 20.54 26.91 22.34 17.79 21.56 21.26 22.73 24.26 23.54 23.13 24.67 23.88 23.25 25.27 23.73 24.89 26.88 23.67 21.43 18.57 22.06 22.21 21.62 25.26 21.22 24.71 25.74 23.95 23.63 23.42 22.1 23.6 21.92 21.49 22.19 23.59 27.19 23.18 22.31 22.16 22.86 20.4 21.93 22.43 22.55 26 25.19 26.58 19.74 24.88 25.31 23.56 22.17 23.78 23.1 20.61 20.23 25.5 25.95 23.49 20.77 22.82 18.52 23.52 24.35 25.42 24.7 23.35 27.46 25.32 16.21 25.37 19.84 23.03 21.94 19.78 23.97 21.94 0 Table A-56: F5 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Crossover Skew 102 Fitness Skew Crossover Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 24.72 25.29 27.94 23.35 25.73 25.18 25.06 24.81 17.46 25.14 22.78 26.45 25.95 27.26 26.13 19.74 24.1 26.67 26.46 28.22 18.31 20.24 27.3 20.25 27.3 26.91 24.14 21.05 26.52 21.43 23.25 23.94 23.91 25.36 25.26 24.08 25.59 22.19 17.9 23.54 26 24.9 20.23 23.79 23.35 20.84 0.8 0.9 1 26.88 30.18 27.89 29.57 27.66 27.07 27.16 27.27 27.94 26.68 25.03 23.7 27.22 27.22 24.85 25.06 23.34 27.68 28.32 25.58 22.06 23.22 26.16 25.53 24.94 27.24 24.81 23.2 24.89 24.19 23.89 27.19 23.36 25.38 20.35 24.29 25.59 24.52 27.69 27.11 24.16 26.02 27.09 24.72 25.41 24.51 28.55 29.63 18.24 26.28 24.88 22.64 25.5 27.33 26.33 24.96 27.44 27.18 25.3 26.29 25.93 23.11 26.28 24.56 28.14 26.32 21.82 23.48 21.1 23.58 26.6 24.42 27.28 24.03 25.42 0.9 1 Table A-57: F5 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Crossover Skew 0 Fitness Skew 0.1 0.2 0.3 Initial Skew 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 ............................................. .................................. .................................. .................................. 4 .................................. ................................. 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 6.39 6.86 2.68 4.75 4.9 5.83 4.67 5.1 5.03 5.18 4.43 5.84 4.6 5.85 5.62 4.29 5.17 5.76 4.92 4.95 5.28 4.64 6.51 5.66 5.32 5.67 5.06 5.77 5.46 5.74 5.1 5.62 4.22 6.28 6.67 6.8 5.85 5.13 6.27 5.38 5.82 5.9 5.31 5.13 7.25 6.15 6.42 6.73 5.25 6.33 5.63 5.5 5.53 4.16 5.48 6.36 6.94 6.2 7.35 6.46 5.9 7.56 6.17 5.46 5.23 5.14 7.58 5.84 6.04 6.81 6.88 7.65 6.87 5.9 6.49 6.55 4.89 6.71 6.86 6.96 7.14 6.88 7.37 5.67 6.09 6.81 6.35 6.81 7.62 7.88 6.97 7.44 6.88 7.85 6.51 6.59 6.82 6.09 6.02 7.96 6.76 8.49 7.01 7.95 7.96 7.68 8 7.46 6.9 6.27 6.9 5.55 6.57 7.62 6.13 7.01 6.23 7.27 5.63 7.04 6.36 Table A-58: F5 Non-Op timal: Initial Skew vs. Fitness Skew 103 Initial Skew Crossover Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 6.39 6.86 2.68 4.75 4.9 5.83 4.67 5.1 5.03 5.18 4.43 5.79 4.17 5.01 5.48 4.52 4.81 4.66 5.38 6.28 4.46 4.47 3.82 4.47 5.38 5.41 6.09 4.38 5.32 3.89 4.32 5.44 5.73 4.23 5.08 5.67 5.42 5.27 3.85 4.7 5.72 4.15 4.79 4.85 7.51 5.36 4.24 5.42 3.17 3.27 4.36 4.85 4.87 4.37 4.73 5.44 4.22 4.46 4.81 3.77 4.6 6.3 4.64 4.4 4.55 4.1 3.33 6 4.25 3.56 5.13 4.47 5.08 3.32 4.6 3.77 3.39 4.75 5.26 3.84 4.04 5.28 4.6 4.11 4.53 4.27 3.74 3.58 5.45 5.18 5.02 4.91 4.2 3.58 5.13 4.56 3.56 3.81 4.47 5.08 5 76 5.28 5.9 4.69 4.57 5.38 5.29 4.21 4.45 4.72 5.47 7.25 5.61 5.12 4.28 5.34 6.37 3.69 3.87 4.49 5 Table A-59: F5 Non-Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Crossover Skew Fitness Skew Crossover Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 6.39 5.84 6.51 6.28 7.25 6.36 7.58 6.71 7.62 7.96 6.9 5.79 6.89 5.8 6.18 6.42 5.67 7.1 7.09 7.64 7.22 8.2 3.82 5.29 6.43 7.5 7.07 5.76 6.53 7.07 6.09 7.91 6 75 4.23 4.18 5.12 6.03 6.6 654 647 6.47 7.17 734 8.76 7.51 5.31 5.83 5.06 4.37 5.76 6.03 6.18 8.08 6.31 6.31 0.5 0.6 5.44 3.33 7.35 56 5.97 6.72 5.87 6.26 6.34 7.36 8.31 6.98 6.06 3 78 5.5 6.58 4.82 7.27 6.35 7.4 7.52 631 0.7 0.8 0.9 4.75 3.54 6.66 5.4 7.29 7.3 6.33 8.43 5.68 6.82 9.42 5.45 5 17 5.95 7.62 5.14 5.86 6.42 7.34 6.09 6.54 7.17 08 5 03 4.12 6.39 5.24 7.28 6.76 5.86 5.95 8.39 5.64 1.0 5.47 5.19 4.72 6 12 6.92 7.31 7.05 6.92 4.18 7.36 5.69 5 Table A-60: F5 Non-Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Crossover Skew 104 A.6. F6 Data A.6.1. Stage 1 Initial Skew 0 Crossovers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 163.67 147.12 0.6 0.7 0.8 116.72 199.00 161.92 148.30 162.80 159.78 181.49 86.45 146.80 141.14 147.18 178.84 98.20 141.90 163.20 110.63 146.43 129.86 154.56 108.74 174.69 167.29 166.81 180.36 168.95 149.12 131.79 153.57 159.60 136.00 143.32 146.86 124.50 142.09 140.97 85.64 142.07 95.52 199.00 128.66 117.06 158.92 190.42 127.98 184.60 153.60 157.20 171.54 181.33 154.27 178.86 155.06 186.44 179.85 156.25 155.97 184.87 182.22 172.98 143.63 149.87 160.82 105.90 169.23 161.72 180.95 138.90 146.27 166.22 193.00 146.07 160.54 168.53 163.26 102.40 157.16 177.42 149.99 149.58 191.52 198.76 185.68 133.85 92.31 160.14 136.07 154.37 110.20 145.83 157.89 181.13 199.00 137.28 177.55 170.36 134.10 172.77 189.84 164.14 179.13 118.96 199.00 155.10 156.51 153.60 158.93 169.25 174.41 | 0.9 1 Table A-61: F6 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers Crossovers 2 Fitness Skem 0.5 0.7 ................................... 1 0.8 ................................... 0.9 .............................. ......................... .................................. 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 163.67 195.64 147.61 115.71 167.78 119.29 114.98 130.59 91.89 93.55 41.65 141.14 138.44 129.87 102.32 115.21 118.58 73.73 64.17 88.62 73.07 27.19 3 174.69 136.32 156.16 119.65 137.22 104.38 139.18 94.50 98.11 57.07 27.29 4 146.86 133.08 136.71 136.92 132.98 165.49 169.76 126.01 113.03 80.74 30.62 5 190 42 104.02 115.58 157.04 114.61 115.77 120.82 11454 111.92 54.61 32.41 6 179.85 96.03 176.83 155.71 132.82 103.45 103.01 88.99 43.32 88.06 31.93 71 161.72 138.03 182.39 166.24 122.45 150.48 111.64 119.28 93.41 84.54 30.28 8 9 157.16 175.95 144.53 103.72 100.94 100.71 100.79 97.57 81.18 57.38 27.59 154.37 181.29 135.34 182 14 156.03 95.79 97.82 66.74 98.01 82.30 31.78 189.84 158.77 153.09 147.49 155.39 145.28 136.15 131.08 79.25 99.23 28.27 10 | Table A-62: F6 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers 105 Crossover Skew Crossovers 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 163.67 162.96 163.68 183.55 178.40 150.35 162.00 127.19 123.89 122.31 152.63 2 141.14 171.64 135.47 152.85 110.70 138.51 99.63 138.26 110.73 118.60 139.05 3 174.69 143.52 163.36 139.81 149.98 153.56 149.88 121.23 134.86 113.43 117.15 4 146.86 119.60 158.16 157.43 109.71 146.92 108.57 131.12 114.21 129.76 147.60 5 190.42 150.25 166.46 166.57 139.24 106.24 108.33 107.83 112.53 14919 159.11 6 179.85 1-714 151 1r 170.66 99.96 11955 126.84 148.91 141.84 113.51 141.48 7 161.72 165.32 149.08 163.02 166.75 151.29 104.11 168.87 91.49 107.78 99.09 8 9 10 157.16 166.71 147.20 136.38 137.23 96.81 176.63 113.58 137.97 131.92 163.86 154.37 167.60 131.04 116.22 151.89 152.08 129.82 156.04 107.08 141.39 162.90 189.84 147.23 149.27 147.68 172.14 173.89 130.86 150.66 153.30 134.13 148.14 .0 1 Table A-63: F6 Optimal: Crossover Skew vs. Expected # Crossovers Initial Skew Mutation 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 171.25 106.88 136.44 120.49 138.61 199.00 160.50 199.00 132.06 168.58 199.00 140.22 190.75 119.44 164.73 183.34 160.38 158.03 180.96 119.29 162.76 156.44 142.16 158.74 116.81 123.66 187.08 105.95 125.12 168.37 118.87 163.71 124.23 174.69 167.29 166.81 180.36 168.95 149.12 131.79 153.57 159.60 136.00 143.32 0.02 145.39 134.39 171.50 101.00 139.55 111.48 155.06 139.05 130.87 167.68 131.16 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 157.61 142.79 111.07 104.14 142.57 161 25 174.04 149.60 110.37 137.05 153.52 139.30 161.57 184.57 70.07 149.31 138.15 138.85 125.78 153.58 171.50 165.89 119.79 113.32 112.39 152.80 145.90 136.41 148.66 126.26 111.92 125.55 113.28 131.25 122.74 154.02 146.43 149.02 114.69 174.30 116.58 170.34 165.32 147.89 142.09 182.74 164.37 130.19 146.21 146.24 141.21 164.89 144.32 172.82 147.51 119.9 127.96 144.58 173.34 156.78 98.79 147.19 163.19 135.49 138.49 136.98 Table A-64: F6 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Mutation Rate 106 1 Mutation 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.023 0.03 0 Fitness Skew 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.3 1.25 199.00 173.24 165.18 163.60 165.56 199.00 1 0.22 145.14 169.73 138.94 118.55 146.05 2.16 166.88 93.09 131.82 109.10 133.00 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 180.30 52.46 82.99 58.39 128.40 131.41 89.95 82.96 26.37 130.45 134.58 53.10 62.47 22.92 98.11 57.07 27.29 4.69 136.32 156.16 119.65 137.22 104.38 139.18 94.50 5.39 116.45 83.93 150.78 131.12 137.17 112.07 126.29 92.58 67.30 34.04 7.61 188.57 93.71 149.87 98.45 142.01 142.66 83.98 102.86 61.48 34.98 9.30 160.15 63.76 147.85 104.32 88.25 110.75 97.46 100.18 82.45 29.52 0.035 11 9.79 137.26 118.73 115.39 125.55 107.19 90.62 92.03 100.62 76.58 40.51 0.04 1.25 138.28 115.67 133.20 108.19 95.33 82.69 82.48 100.50 73.19 33.82 2.09 139.08 101.62 136.36 130.88 127.17 110.06 97.10 71.08 62.82 35.73 9.9 98.07 153.48 96.76 140.82 101.8 92.89 90.21 86.07 48.06 44.73 0.045 0.05 13d Table A-65: F6 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Mutation Rate Crossover Skew Mutation 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0 .. 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 .................................. 0.6 I.................................. 0.7 .................................. 0.8 ............................... 0.9 ......................... 1 ....... ... .................................. .................................................................... ................................... ................................... :................................... 171.25 179.63 197.29 133.48 163.80 156.30 146.47 140.22 146.17 169.46 175.85 169.47 126.33 155.34 142.16 180.51 139.81 140.29 126.37 140.72 174.69 143.52 163.36 139.81 149.98 153.56 0.02 145.39 122.41 164.63 144.79 131.22 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 157.61 145.96 142.87 132.43 139.30 169.84 157.35 117.92 119.79 112.74 166.87 131.25 142.46 148 92 142.09 123.21 134.36 0.05 119.9 153.11 106.69 149.1 167.88 4 115.00 167.02 146.57 80.80 104.43 87.28 143.08 112.35 108.36 134.78 124.88 112.86 149.88 121.23 134.86 113.43 117.15 163.62 159.87 127.71 140.87 126.87 131.54 126.09 125.35 108.54 126.34 120.08 92.09 150.89 125.44 157.62 134.21 103.32 108.81 160.15 142.55 139.64 140.56 127.34 131.64 102.78 129.86 121.54 111.30 151.04 110.85 158.36 134.78 107.15 152.01 122.94 130.41 146.73 167.86 136.16 121.34 104.76 113.11 127.59 117.74 139.88 108.83 113.05 97.05 100.79 142.46 131.85 Table A-66: F6 Optimal: Crossover Skew vs. Mutation Rate 107 A.6.2. Stage 2 Fitness Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 Initial Skew 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.3 169.2 120.28 161.98 161.37 149.61 123.69 139.06 69.38 96.78 162.85 115.03 153.63 117.89 144.13 156.66 143.54 117.54 125.69 133.9 132.48 128.92 132.39 145.07 117.32 114.1 128.62 128.8 117.43 0.7 0.8 0.9 144.79 109.7 164.32 129.59 120.4 153.94 116.52 134.41 108.7 145.83 147.01 104.03 126.16 123.12 163.68 106.19 142.86 131.43 132.59 146.97 128.82 150.56 80.95 98.53 138.78 98.92 107.71 158.78 86.51 127.09 119.46 125.56 126.72 136.72 85.43 60.4 110.16 74.38 1 117.54 119.96 112.79 114.34 114.49 88.78 84.09 82.04 109.57 130.58 64.15 92.72 55.11 84.52 123.6 96.1 112.01 95.68 63.57 83.01 101.79 105.76 52.02 68.54 66.81 100.53 94.25 88.93 98.79 86.93 66.89 75.5 59.48 53.1 56.27 60.34 67.97 63.03 71.59 58.28 61.99 64.11 66.62 57.66 34.35 33.48 37.95 38.67 32.47 25.39 33.33 27.06 37.04 28.6 28.73 Table A-67: F6 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Fitness Skew Crossover Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Initial Skew 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 ------------ 169.2 120.28 119.04 81.27 161.98 161.37 107.19 180.78 161.9 104.13 91.16 138.25 125.48 97.82 93.33 149.61 123.69 182.66 166.38 110.38 97.34 97.02 187.53 150.12 113.34 139.48 126.94 92.13 111.53 109.61 107.53 108.92 107.82 78.88 53.09 100.41 117.83 113.13 125.09 144.79 109.7 164.32 129.59 120.4 133.44 149.37 135.4 117.38 157.08 68.4 136 159.29 144.47 165 151.69 161.34 121.91 102.61 97.39 100.95 158.52 115.84 118.32 112.7 141.51 131.27 174.6 156.77 136.66 118.72 94.4 131.67 89.71 131.98 136.24 97.01 97.81 127.09 113.77 157.54 82.1 84.14 89.77 56.51 69.59 81.03 114.46 158.82 104.03 149.61 117.31 151.91 86.28 87.33 111.13 118.01 125.43 100.28 88.39 126.89 68.63 112.27 119.7 141.32 132.42 85.11 85.72 109.58 77.43 98 76.49 90.66 85.65 157.94 98.25 98.72 142.26 96.19 67.09 82.74 130.36 Table A-68: F6 Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Crossover Skew 108 Fitness Skew Crossover Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 169.2 139.06 153.63 117.54 128.92 114.1 119.04 164.89 121.89 135.62 115.38 87.23 81.27 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 117.54 92.72 52.02 53.1 34.35 91.58 97.62 60.89 46.39 31.62 57.55 73.4 31.6 0.9 1 112.27 115.45 81.04 118.12 118.33 98.33 94.84 91.16 112.76 138.99 111.76 104.23 64.6 93.58 82.84 59.21 53.93 32.14 125.48 88.08 104.43 103.97 65.38 72.81 123.3 84.82 43.03 53.06 31.57 93.33 131.19 121.81 107.14 77.96 126.22 70.85 66.33 65.76 52.78 30.68 109.61 136.02 142.76 57.65 108.54 68.42 57.82 85.38 89.37 21.05 28.95 107.82 103.52 76.42 95.77 140.44 82 75.51 61.51 57.35 43.68 28.61 100.41 148.84 60.35 91.14 96.46 61.39 103.93 74.54 51.89 49.61 29.5 113.13 74.76 100.05 87.74 51.84 65.39 91.64 66.18 73.94 51.29 28.47 125.09 85.18 125.48 72.29 65.27 59.05 57.4 69.62 59.36 53.41 30.3 Table A-69: F6 Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Crossover Skew Initial Skew Fitness 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.9 1 0.6 0.7 Skew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. 4 .................................. .................................. ................................... ................................... .......................... :................................... 14.09 10.29 8.44 10.77 7.74 7.93 9.42 9.75 8.11 6 7.24 0 7.81 10.73 5.97 9.71 8.78 10.21 8.12 8.18 7.87 6.62 4.66 0.1 8.48 9.69 9.53 8.59 9.62 6.96 10.3 7.46 8.32 7.82 5.38 0.2 6.57 7.76 8.39 10.25 8.66 8.44 7 7.76 8.97 10.26 9.44 0.3 8.95 8.61 8.64 7.09 10.4 8.89 7.88 8.16 7.57 8.85 5 0.4 8.02 9.41 9.7 7 6.43 6 6.97 8.09 4.33 9.45 6.75 0.5 7 11.53 7.02 7.86 9.94 9.34 7.34 6.3 7.95 7.18 5.54 0.6 9.16 8.68 10.23 7.19 9.04 6.75 8.73 6.1 9.52 7.62 6.56 0.7 6.68 5.32 11.04 9.77 8.1 4.86 5.02 7.96 8.27 6.97 5.28 0.8 6 5.39 5.97 8.38 6.76 7.39 6.94 8.06 7.58 6.78 8.96 0.9 6.17 8.32 6.28 10.93 8.09 13.76 4.75 9.54 7.06 10.06 4 1.0 Table A-70: F6 Non-Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Fitness Skew 109 Crossover 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Initial Skew 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 14.09 10.29 8.44 10.77 7.74 7.93 9.42 9.75 8.11 10 8.46 9.59 8.16 9.25 5 5.92 6.28 7.79 7.45 9.17 8.98 7.54 6.78 7.8 6.4 7.46 6.46 7.99 6.24 7.99 8.89 5.59 S8.23 6.69 7.62 6.8 4.75 5 6.49 7.37 8.11 6 7.68 8.41 7.77 6 7.24 6.92 9.18 6.58 7.8 7.64 6.17 6.68 5.73 8.36 7.24 5.64 4.84 6 6.39 6.52 5.89 5.82 6.76 8 8.31 8.66 5.71 3.32 6.35 5.6 4.6 6.15 7.52 5.98 10.09 5.9 6.92 5.6 6.88 7.32 3.89 6.6 5 7.96 4.55 7.69 8.92 3.8 7.63 6.31 5.28 2 8.08 4.55 5.89 6.38 6 6.64 2 5.76 7.52 5.76 5.28 3.7 3.57 7.6 6.6 3.72 4.3 4 3.6 4 4.51 3.52 5.82 6.1 3 i4.66 Table A-71: F6 Non-Optimal: Initial Skew vs. Crossover Skew Fitness Skew Crossover Skew 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 .................. 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 ......... ................................... I................................... ................................... :................................... A................................... ; ...................................................................... 4 .................................. .................................. .................................. 14.09 7.81 8.48 6.57 8.95 8.02 7 9.16 6.68 6 6.17 10 10.34 6.49 6.19 4.66 7.56 7.6 6.89 9.27 7.76 6.25 7.79 7.78 9.98 6.78 7.06 9.71 4.18 6 71 7.61 8.77 5.8 7.46 4.17 7.52 9.54 7.39 8.4 6.51 8.89 7.91 4.58 4 8.23 8.2 9.76 4.17 7.43 9.54 7.7 4.48 6.2 9.85 6.52 7.37 6.73 7.08 5.53 6.62 6.88 6.34 5.46 10.65 9.38 4 8.36 5.7 8.96 7.75 4.84 5.3 8.45 5.39 7 8.17 3.64 10.09 7 6.12 6 4.48 5.15 5.03 7.64 7.9 9.86 7.67 7.69 6 4.44 6.26 4.47 6.38 8.46 6.08 7.72 4.16 10.25 5.23 4 8.88 5.12 6.88 5.22 7.79 5.38 5.51 11.44 8.6 6.54 6.69 9.74 6.94 8.39 5.73 4.24 5.8 2 4.66 Table A-72: F6 Non-Optimal: Fitness Skew vs. Crossover Skew 110