UGA Center For Urban Agriculture 2008 Program Report AGRICULTURAL

UGA Center For Urban Agriculture
ujvuvu.gaurbanag. o r g
2008 Program Report
C o l l e g e o f AGRICULTURAL &
E n v ir o n m e n t a l S c ie n c e s
2008 Program Report
1109 Experiment Street ■ Griffin, Georgia 30223-1797
Phone: 770.228.6107 ■ Fax: 770.233.6109
Email: •
P repared by
Ellen M . Bauske
Gil Landry
Wayne Gardner
2008 Program Report
Gil Landry, Ph.D.
Professor and D irector
Mission Statement and Objectives....................................................... 1
Highlighted Activities............................................................................. 2
Ellen M . Bauske, Ph.D.
Public S ervice Assistant an d Program Coordinator
Center Position Papers............................................................................ 3
Todd Hurt, M.S.
Public S ervice Assistant an d Training Coordinator
Center Related Publications...................................................................4
Wayne A. Gardner, Ph.D.
Professor and UGA Research & Education Garden Coordinator
W illie Chance, M.S.
Public S ervice Associate an d Outreach Coordinator
Active G rants.............................................................................................6
Selected Faculty Impact Statements.................................................... 7
Current Research Projects in the UGA Research
and Education Garden............................................................................ 8
Susan Thornhill
A dm inistrative Assistant
Richie Braman
Application P rogram m er
Randy Drinkard
Technical Assistant
Kris Braman, Chair
Doug Bailey
Alfredo Martinez
Mathew Chappell
Clint Waltz
Gary Peiffer
Paul Raymer
Rose M ary Seymour
Mark Risse
Gary Wade
Sheldon Hammond
Bill Hubbard
Mel Garber
Greg Price
Billy Skaggs
Ellen Bauske
Todd Hurt
Richie Braman
Wayne Gardner
Gil Landry
Gerry Arkin
W illie Chance
The Georgia Center for Urban Agriculture was formed within the
University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental
Sciences in 1998. Its concept and mission began to formalize in
1996 from discussions among faculty, county agents, administrators,
industry, regulatory agencies and other stakeholders. Dr. Gayle
Buchanan, then dean and director of the College of Agricultural
and Environmental Sciences, and his administration envisioned
the Center as an efficient and effective integration of extension,
research and instruction to address the needs of the growing
environmental horticulture, turfgrass and associated industries in
Georgia and the Southeast. The Center was recognized as an
official university center in 2007 by the University of Georgia.
The Center for Urban Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
will provide leadership through research, teaching and extension
to sustain urban ecosystems, enhance economic development,
and improve the quality of life in urban settings. The following
objectives support this mission:
• Provide an organizational structure that facilitates interdisciplinary
scientific cooperation among investigators and educators within
and beyond the college and university, industries, and consumers;
• Improve the University of Georgia’s state, federal, and private
research and education funding. The Center provides a more
recognizable organizational structure which improves funding
opportunities beyond those available to individual investigators
or departments. The Center will become the natural catalyst for
large grant proposals involving multiple investigators seeking
funding for infrastructure, training and collaboration;
The concepts on which the Center was founded are of national
concern and well stated in the Council for Agricultural Science and
Technology Report (2002) which begins, “Agriculture is an integral
part of urban growth and population change. This fact is frequendy
unrecognized by the general public, mainstream agricultural
interests, and political leaders.” The intent of the report was to “...
identify components of contemporary agriculture that can be a
resource to civic leaders and planners who are challenged by issues
of sprawl, vacant city lots, public desire for safe local food and
community livability.” The report concludes, “Agriculture must be
redefined in the context of urbanization. The wealth of knowledge
associated with the agricultural sciences can be put to valuable use
in helping to meet the challenges of urbanization.”
• Serve as a resource for the development of white papers to guide
policy decisions with sound science regarding the complex envi­
ronmental and natural resource issues resulting from urbanization;
• Attract students to the CAES by fostering the development of
programs that will increase the visibility and relevance of the
college to urban students;
• Develop leadership in urban agriculture industries and be a
resource for industry organizations.
Because of its history of research and extension in turfgrass
management, environmental horticulture, plant breeding, soil
sciences and integrated pest management, the UGA Griffin
Campus is an ideal headquarters for the Center. The campus is
in a unique location as some six million Georgians live within 60
miles of the campus. Coordinators of the Center have included
Dr. Wayne Gardner (1998-2002), Dr. Mel Garber (2002-2003)
and Dr. Gil Landry (2003 to present).
The Center initially focused on improving the delivery of sciencebased information to stakeholder groups. This work continues
today but as the Center has evolved, its mission has grown to
include urban county agent program planning and training,
professional proficiency certification, World W ide Web educational
programming and support, regional educational programming and
related grant management.
Dr. Gil Landry, Center Director
The Center was approved by the University. In May 2007, the
request to establish a Georgia Center for Urban Agricultural and
Environmental Sciences was approved by the University Faculty
Council and Administration.
The Center was instrumental in developing the State Outdoor
Water Use Program in close cooperation with the Georgia
Urban Agriculture Council and Environmental Protection
Division. The Center identified existing UGA resources which
met the needs of the program, worked with specialists adapting
the resources and provided valuable expertise in the technical
aspects of program implementation. In addition, extensive train­
ing programs are in progress to educate county agents and relevant
staff on their role in this process.
Georgia’s water situation has influenced recent Center activities.
As needs are presented by industry, regulatory agencies, and gov­
ernment, the Center has coordinated UGA/Extension responses.
The drought energized the Georgia Urban Agriculture Council
(UAC). The Center has worked closely with the Georgia Urban
Agriculture Council (UAC). The UAC is an association of
associations (MALTA, GGIA, GSP, GTA, GIA and CLTPA)
representing most of the industries in urban agriculture. The water
crisis helped galvanize the UAC into an effective voice for these
diverse industries. And with significant budget limitations, the
UAC relied on volunteers, including most council members and
the Center, to develop some very successful actions.
Best Management Practices for Landscape Water Conservation,
Bulletin 1329 was completed and posted on the Web in September
2007 to serve as the technical reference for the state. http://pubs.
“Position Papers” coordinated by the Center clarified many of
the key issues and questions raised by the drought and subsequent
water restrictions. They include:
The Education Building in the UGA Research and Education
Garden was completed. The building, which has a classroom that
seats 50, provides opportunities for indoor and outdoor educational
programming. The building was dedicated on June 27, 2008.
• Economic Impact of the Drought and Subsequent
Water Restrictions
• Layoffs Increase and Losses Accelerate in Response to the Drought
The Urban Agriculture Leadership Institute was particularly
appropriate, focusing attention on collaboration and common
issues in the urban ag green industries. Attended by 12 industry
leaders, this program helped them see the value and potential of
the Georgia Urban Agriculture Council and provided an educa­
tional experience which was highly regarded.
• Problems Associated with “Drought Tolerant” Plant Lists
• Best Management Practices for Landscape Water Conservation
The Center became a member of the Environmental Protection
Division multi-agency team established to lead the development
of the Water Conservation Implementation Plan as dictated by the
Statewide Water Management Plan. The Center was invited to
become a member of the team and will lead the development of
municipal outdoor water conservation section.
Chappell, M ., Landry, G., Wade, G. and Waltz, C. (In Review.)
S avin g Water in Your Landscape: Best M anagem ent Practices f o r
Landscape Water Conservation.
Chappell, M ., Landry, G., Wade, G. and Waltz, C. (In Review).
Problems Associated w ith “D rought Tolerant" Plant Lists.
Bauske, E., Florkowski, W ., and Landry G. March, 2008. Layoffs
Increase an d Losses Accelerate in Response to the d rou gh t. Report:
Bauske, E., and Landry, G. December, 2007. E conomic Im pact o f
the d r o u g h t on Urban A griculture Industries. Report: CR-07-01.
The Center continued to work with the 31 designated urban
agriculture county agents located across the state. In quarterly
trainings, via the Web (, and through project
support, the Center fostered issue identification and management
of the following Extension Issue Teams: Turfgrass and Landscape
Management, Information Technology, Urban Water Issues and
Urban Forestry.
Successful program efforts include:
• Improved availability of Center resources for county agents and
industry through Web site development and use of Web CT
Horizon Wimba for statewide broadcasting.
• The Landscape Line, a quarterly electronic newsletter.
• The Georgia Certified Landscape Professional (GCLP) program
has grown and enjoys new Web resources. There are more than
227 graduates and approximately 676 applicants.
• The Georgia Gems Garden Design Contest promotes new UGA
ornamental plant releases from the UGA Agriculture Research
• Train-the-Trainer Urban Forestry Education program was imple­
mented in four surrounding states, training 89 county agents.
• The Center has developed many new educational programs
including one of the first statewide Internet broadcasts through
WebCT. This broadcast saved $6,000 in travel expenses, 200
hours of employee time and 617 gallons of gas or the emission of
12,340 pounds of carbon dioxide.
• The OSHA-approved Hispanic Safety Training program trained
579 Hispanic landscape workers.
• The Center continued to move forward the Urban Water Re­
source Initiative involving On-site Waste Water Management
(new web page), Soil Erosion and Sediment certification training
(350 trained), and Storm Water Management.
Bauske, E., A. Martinez-Espinoza, K. Maqueda and W . Chance
(In Press). Safety “Pays” for Hispanic Employees, Company
Owners and Extension Professionals Active in Urban Agriculture
Industries. Journal of Extension (On-line).
Braman, S.K. 2004. Turfgrass cultivars can affect pest management
needs. Turf Trends- Sept/Oct.
Braman, K. 2008. W hite grub management update. Georgia Sod
Producers Association News. Vol 18: Number 1, March.
Braman, S.K., R.R. Duncan, W .W . Hanna and M .C. Engelke.
2004. Integrated effects of host resistance and insecticide concen­
tration on survival of and turfgrass damage by the fall armyworm
(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). J. Entomol. Sci. 39: 584-597.
Flanders, A., E. Bauske and J. McKissick. 2008. Economic Impact
of Total Watering Restrictions to the Green Industry in the Bear
Creek Reservoir Region. Center for Agribusiness and Economic
Development. Report: CR-08-05.
Braman, S.K., R.R. Duncan, W .W . Hanna, and M .C. Engelke.
2004. Turfgrass species and cultivar influences on survival and
parasitism of fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith)).
J. Econ. Entomol. 97:1993-1998.
Hurt, T., K. Mickler, M . Abreu and A. Martinez-Espinoza. 2008.
Virtual Conferencing in Extension: Reaching Audiences, Saving
Resources and Impacting the Environment. Journal of Extension
(On-line), 47(3) Article No. 3TOT8. Available at: http://www.joe.
Ipser, R.M. 2004. Native and exotic ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Georgia: ecological relationships with implications for
development of biologically-based management strategies. Ph.D.
Diss., University of Georgia, Athens.
Pettis, G.V., D.W. Boyd, S.K. Braman, and C. Pounders. 2004.
Potential resistance of crape myrtle cultivars to flea beetle
(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and Japanese beetle (Coleoptera:
Scarabaeidae) damage. J. Econ. Entomol. 97: 981-992.
Braman, S.K. and C. Waltz. 2007. Evaluation of St. Augustinegrass cultivars for chinch bug resistance: a research update. Georgia
Sod Producers Association News. 17(2): 26-27.
Braman, S.K., and PL. Raymer. 2006. Tolerance of seashore
paspalum to feeding by Japanese beetle. USGA Turfgrass and
Environmental Research Online 6(11): 1-8.
Joseph, S.J. 2006. The potential role of heteropteran predatorsGeocoris punctipes (Say), G. uliginosus (Say) (Geocoridae) and
Orius insidiosus (Say) (Anthocoridae) in warm-season grasses. MS
Thesis, University of Georgia, Athens.
Braman, S.K., G.D. Buntin, and R.D. Oetting. 2005. Species and
cultivar influences on infestation by and parasitism of a columbine
leafminer (Phytomyza aquilegivora Spencer). J. Environ. Hort. 23:
Braman, S.K., R.R. Duncan, W .W . Hanna, and M .C. Engelke.
2003. Arthropod predator occurrence and performance of
Geocoris uliginosus (Say) on pest-resistant or susceptible turfgrasses. Environ. Entomol. 32: 907-914.
Braman, S.K., R.R. Duncan, W .W . Hanna, and M .C. Engelke.
2005. Fall armyworm response to insecticides: Influence of turf
type. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online 4(18):
Braman, S.K. and J.G. Latimer. 2002. Effects of cultivar and
insecticide choice on oleander aphid management on Asclepias
species. J. Environ. Hort.20: 11-15.
1 - 11 .
Braman, S.K., R.R. Duncan, W.W. Hanna, and M .C. Engelke. 2005.
Dual defense: Pest-resistant turf and natural enemy interactions.
USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online 4(23): 1-7.
Braman, S.K., A.F. Pendley, and W. Corley. 2002. Influences of
commercially available wildflower mixes on beneficial arthropod
abundance and predation in turfgrass. Environ. Entomol. 31:564-572.
Pettis, G.V. 2005. Management of insect pests of crape myrtle
(Lagerstroemia spp.) with special reference to the ecology and
biology of Altica litigata Fall (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Ph.D.
Diss., University of Georgia, Athens.
Butler, L.M., D.M. Maronek et al. 2002. Urban and agricultural
communities: opportunities for common ground. CAST. Ames, IA.
Braman, S.K. 2004. Development of pest resistant turfgrasses. Turf
News pp. 37-40 - March/April.
Stewart, C.D. and S.K. Braman. 2001. Nontarget effects of two
pest management programs on biodiversity in miniature land­
scapes. J. Entomol. Sci. 36: 453-460.
Anonymous. 2000. Pest management for Georgia homeowners.
University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental
Varlamoff, S., W.J. Florkowski, J.L. Jordan, J. Latimer and K.
Braman. 2001. Georgia homeowner survey of landscape manage­
ment practices. HortTech. 11(2): 326-331.
Braman. S.K.,J.G. Latimer, R.D. Oetting, R.D. McQueen, T.B.
Eckberg and M . Prinster. 2000. Management strategy, shade, and
landscape composition effects on urban landscape plant quality
and arthropod abundance. J. Econ. Entomol. 1464-1472.
Varlamoff, S.M., W.A. Gardner and R.R. Westerfield. 2001.
Homeowner best management practices for Georgia urban
landscapes: a training manual. University of Georgia College
of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Nunan, A., B. McElfresh and J. Johnson. 2000. Student garden
boosts math and science scores. Better Crops 84: 12-13.
Stewart, C.D. 2000. Evaluating and improving pest management in
the urban landscape. Ph.D. Diss., University of Georgia, Athens.
Varlamoff, S.M., W.A. Gardner and R.R. Westerfield. 2001.
Integrated pest management —a homeowners guide. Garden to
Protect Water Quality Series, University of Georgia College of
Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Anonymous. 1999. National catalogue of publications and
professionals. Online resource -
Varlamoff, S.M., W.A. Gardner and R.R. Westerfield. 2001. Care
of ornamentals - a homeowner’s guide. Garden to Protect Water
Quality Series, University of Georgia College of Agricultural and
Environmental Sciences.
Varlamoff, S.M. and J.G. Latimer. 1999. Research and Education
Garden: Disseminating pollution prevention information for urban
landscapes. Proc. Georgia Water Resources Conf., March 29-31.
The University of Georgia, Athens.
Varlamoff, S.M., W.A. Gardner and R.R. Westerfield. 2001. Care
of turf - a homeowner’s guide. Garden to Protect Water Quality
Series, University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environ­
mental Sciences.
Wang, Y., C.D. Robacker and S.K. Braman. 1998. Identification of
resistance to azalea lace bug among deciduous azalea taxa. J. Amer.
Soc. Hort. Sci. 123: 592-597.
Latimer, J.G. and S.K. Braman. 1997. Reducing the pollution
potential of pesticides and fertilizers in the environmental
horticulture industry. Proc. Georgia Water Resources Conf.,
March 20-22, Univ. of Georgia, Athens.
Sparks, B. and J. Williams-Woodward (eds.). 1997. Landscape
integrated pest management manual. University of Georgia
College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
NeSmith, D.S., and O.M. Lindstrom. 1996. Vegetation manage­
ment affects growth of Leyland cypress grown for Christmas trees.
J. Environ. Hort. 14: 42-43.
Wang, Y. 1996. Identification of azalea genotypes resistant to
azalea lace bug (Heteroptera: Tingidae) and possible resistance
mechanisms. M S Thesis, University of Georgia, Athens.
NeSmith, D.S. and G. Krewer. 1995. Vegetation-free area
influences growth and establishment of rabbiteye blueberry.
HortScience 30: 1410-1412.
Todd Hurt, Georgia Green Industry
Association Environmental Friend o f the
Industry Award. January, 2007.
E. Bauske, F. Henning, R. M . Seymour, M . Fonseca, K. Smith,
and T. Davis. 2007. A dvanced M aster Gardener T raining in Water
Resources Issues. Southern Regional Water Program. $10,000.
First Place, Communications Award, Team
Newsletter. GACAA. Nov. 12-14,2007
West Georgia Tech College, Thomas Murphy
Conference Center, Waco, GA. Chance III, W.O., Bauske, E. M.,
Hurt, R.T., and Landry, G. W . The Landscape Line Online
Newsletter, (abstr.).
M .R. Howell, W.G. Hubbard and Ellen Bauske. 2007. UFS Web
site E nhancements an d Support. Southern Regional Extension
Forestry Office of Information Technology. $30,000.
T. Hurt and B. Westerfield. 2007. Tree Protection BMPsf o r
Professional Certification Programs. 2007 Urban & Community
Forestry Grant Program - Georgia Forestry Commission. $9,184.
First Place, Agriculture Education Poster Contest, GACAA
Poster Session. Nov. 12-14,2007 West Georgia Tech College,
Thomas Murphy Conference Center, Waco, GA. Hurt, T., Mickler,
K., Abreu, M ., Martinez-Espinoza, A. Virtual Conferencing in
Extension: Reaching Audiences, Saving Resources and Impacting
the Environment.
E. Bauske, S. Hammond, W . Hubbard, K. Coder and G. Landry.
2006. C om pounding the Im pact: T rain-the-T rainer Urban Forestry
Education. USDA Forest Service. $64,426.
E. Bauske, A. Martinez, M . Fonseca, and G. Wade. 2006 Safety
T raining f o r the Landscape Industry: T argeting H ispanic Workers
an d H ispanic M iddle M anagem ent. OSHA. $163,554.
Second Place, Agriculture Education Poster Contest, GACAA
Poster Session. Nov. 12-14, 2007 West Georgia Tech College,
Thomas Murphy Conference Center, Waco. GA. Bauske, E.M.,
Hammond, S., Sheffield, M .C ., Hubbard, W ., Peiffer, G.,
Hutcheson, W ., M ade, J.L., and Blackmon, L. UGA Urban
Forestry Issue Team Takes It Expertise Region.
G. Landry and T. Murphy. 2005. Im proving the Q uality o f Our
E nvironm ent through A dvances in Turfgrass M anagem ent. EPA
Star Grant sub contract with North Carolina State University,
Third Place, Agriculture Education Poster Contest, GACAA
Poster Session. Nov. 12-14, 2007 West Georgia Tech College,
Thomas Murphy Conference Center Waco, GA. Mickler, K. D.
and Hurt, T. Winterschool on the Road “Rome’n the Green”.
Garden Design Contest Promotes UGA Plant Cultivar
Development Programs. E. Bauske, 2007
Internet Program Delivery Reduces Carbon Emissions and
Travel Expenses. T. Hurt, 2007
To promote UGA plant material, a garden design contest for
Master Gardeners featuring ornamental cultivars released by plant
breeders at UGA was implemented. In preparation for the contest
the Office of the Vice President of Research created a Web site for
the Georgia Gems (
html) showcasing the plant material. The Web site not only met
the needs of the contest, but continues to advertise the Gems to
potential propagators seeking licensing opportunities. The winning
gardens were spodighted on the Web site: http://apps.caes.uga.
edu/urbanag/Home&Garden/gardens. All gardens feature a large
blue sign identifying the UGA Georgia Gems Collection.
A series of four, one-hour workshops were held using Horizon
Wimba, a live Web-based classroom software. Workshops were
broadcast to 17 counties representing all four Extension districts.
Some 349 people attended the series. Conservative estimates
suggest the following savings: $6,000 in mileage reimbursement,
200 hours of UGA employee time, and 3,400 less pounds of
carbon emissions. A total of 197 respondents (93 percent)
indicated they would attend future sessions given in this format.
The sessions rated 82 out of 100 as to personal value.
UGA Urban Forestry Issue Team Takes its Expertise
Region-wide. E. Bauske, 2007
Thirteen trainings targeted both traditional workers and Hispanics
in middle management positions. Some 248 people were trained.
Pre- and post-training test scores were used to assess training
effectiveness. The average score prior to the training was 69
percent and after the training it was 89 percent.
Landscape Safety Training Taught in Spanish. E. Bauske, 2007
A team of UGA Cooperative Extension agents trained 89 agents
in Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia in
urban tree care and introduced them to local efforts fostering green
infrastructure and sustainable community forests. Response to the
trainings was excellent and the pre- and post- training test scores
clearly indicate that the learning objectives were met. The average
pre-training test score was 56 percent and the average post-training
test score was 86 percent.
Master Gardeners Guide the Public in Sound Gardening
Techniques at the South East Flower Show. E. Bauske, 2007
The Center for Urban Agriculture coordinated the efforts of the
10 counties with 10 agents and 40 Master Gardeners who manned
the display at the South East Flower Show in Atianta. Some 969
visitors talked to Master Gardeners and 20 percent (193) filled
out impact cards. As a result of their conversation with the Master
Gardeners, almost all respondents (96 percent) felt they learned
something new and 90 percent said they would change a garden­
ing practice as a result of the conversation. Respondents estimated
a savings of $19,712 as a result of their interaction with a Master
Gardener. Extrapolating this value to the 969 people who inter­
acted with the Master Gardeners and county agents results in an
estimated $98,968 savings to the public.
UGA Urban Agriculture Leadership Program. E. Bauske, 2007
The Center for Urban Agriculture’s Leadership Program provided
training to leaders in the urban agriculture industry. Evaluations
made by participants in the program assessing achievement of
program goals and instructor quality were very high, ranging from
89 to 96 percent. Jenny Hardgrave, president of Simply Flowers,
said, “Once again, Gil and the UGA team, thank you for the excel­
lent leadership training course.”
Landscape Contractors Receive Certification through UGA.
T. Hurt, 2007.
Landscape Line E-newsletter Connects Landscapers to the
Resources of UGA Extension. E. Bauske and W illie Chance, 2006
Since the Georgia Certified Landscape Professional program’s
inception in 1994 there have been 676 applicants. The program
has had 227 graduates, a 34 percent success rate. This indicates the
program’s intensity. The future of the GCLP program includes
offering more targeted study resources and reviews, continuing
education programs, graduate networking, and a public awareness
campaign. Negotiations with Florida and Alabama are in the final
stages for reciprocal agreements on landscape contractor certifica­
tion among the three states. More information can be found at
The Landscape L ine E-newsletter delivers timely information via
the county delivery system and direct email to 1,112 urban agri­
cultural industry contacts. Fifteen Extension specialists and county
agents contributed to the Landscape L ine this year. The newsletter
has generated a 288 percent increase in the number of page views
on the Center Web site and doubled the number of first-time
viewers. Via survey, 63 percent of respondents said the newsletter
was ‘very helpful’ and 37 percent said it was ‘somewhat helpful.’
One hundred percent indicated they ‘learned something they plan
to use’ as a result of the newsletter. Eighty-one percent indicated
they would change their behavior as a result of something they
learned in the Landscape Line.
‘Rome’n the Green’. K. Mickler, 2007
There were 107 and 121 attendees in 2006 and 2007 respectively.
Combined survey results from both years indicate that 100 percent
of attendees thought that the program was helpful and would at­
tend future programs. Ninety percent said they would implement
the principles they learned.
Cooperative Extension Provides Guidance and Training in
Erosion and Sediment Control Certification in Georgia.
R. M . Seymour, 2006
More than 900 professionals involved with soil disturbing activities
were trained in workshops organized and taught by UGA county
agents and specialists. This training certified these individuals as
erosion and sediment control professionals in Georgia to comply
with new requirements in House Bill 285. Approximately 85
percent (about 774 professionals) of those receiving training
from courses with Extension faculty trainers passed the exam and
became certified.
Evaluation ofTurfgrass Establishment Methods for Erosion and
Sediment Control at Construction Sites. R. M. Seymour, 2007
This report found that sod had the best turfgrass coverage and
hydroseeding coverage, though not statistically different from the
sod coverage, was 20 percent less than sod. Straw mulch and
erosion blanket treatments were significandy different from the
sod soil coverage and were much poorer in coverage.
Clean Water Campaign Collaboration. E. Bauske, 2005
Onsite Wastewater Management System Training Program.
L. West, 2007
The Center for Urban Agriculture works with the Adanta Regional
Commission’s Clean Water Campaign to coordinate educational
efforts and messages with UGA Cooperative Extension. County
agents conducted 28 programs on
water-wise landscaping, integrated
pest management, composting,
rain gardening, tree care, and
lawn management in which a
total of 601 people participated.
ARC polls determined that
awareness of stormwater runoff
as a primary source of water
pollution increased by 12 percent
or about 600,000 people in the
metro area.
Twenty, eight-hour continuing education sessions have been
offered in all parts of the state, and more than 1,100 onsite pro­
fessionals have attended. In general, each session includes discus­
sions of the basics of wastewater management, basic hydrology,
the function and design of onsite system components, and basics
of soil evaluation and function.
Turfgrass Team Receives Funding. E. Bauske, 2005
St. Augustinegrass Cultivar Evaluation. Dr. Kris Braman
(Entomology) and Dr. Clint Waltz (Crop and Soil Science)
The UGA turfgrass program received a $338,000 subcontract
through North Carolina State University as part of a $700,000
grant to both universities through the EPA Star Grant program.
The Center for Urban Agriculture manages this grant that
involves 10 UGA faculty working on 10 separate projects which
encompass turfgrass breeding, the environmental fate of pesticides
applied to turf, soil erosion control methods, exploration of new
turf diseases, and biological control of turfgrass insects.
Eleven cultivars of St. Augustinegrass are being assessed for host
plant resistance to chinch bug and other insect pests. Corollary
studies are assessing the usage of natural enemies and other IPM
control tactics in managing chinch bugs in these turfgrass cultivars.
Urban Ag Issue Teams. E. Bauske, 2005
The Center for Urban Agriculture creates and fosters Urban Ag
Issue teams. These teams combine resources and expertise to find
solutions to urban ag Extension challenges. Urban Extension
agents work with very large populations. Gwinnett County has a
larger population than the state of North Dakota. Agents address
the needs of homeowners, large multimillion dollar urban ag busi­
nesses (nurseries, landscape design, installation and maintenance
companies), and county park and recreational facilities. The Center
facilitated a planning process to enhance the impact of urban
programs by developing a mechanism to consolidate educational
resources across county lines and Extension district lines. Four
critical issue teams were identified: turfgrass management, water
quality and quantity, urban forestry, and landscape management.
The Center helped three of the teams acquire and manage grants
totaling $146,690. The turfgrass management and urban forestry
issue teams used the funds to develop train-the-trainer programs
and subsequently trained 75 county agents.
Seashore Paspalum Cultivar Evaluation. Dr. Kiris Braman
(Entomology) and Dr. Paul Raymer (Crop and Soil Sciences)
Eight cultivars of seashore paspalum turfgrass are being assessed
for host plant resistance to fall armyworm larvae, Japanese beetle
and other white grubs, two-lined spittlebugs, and other insect
pests. Natural enemy interactions with these target pests as influ­
enced by grass cultivar also are being quantified.
Development ofTraining Programs and Published Material
for the Georgia Green Industry’s Hispanic Workforce. A. M ar­
tinez, 2005
Development of Biologically-Based Turfgrass Pest
Management. Dr. Kris Braman (Entomology), Shimat Joseph
(Entomology, Ph.D. Student), Dr. Wayne Hanna (Crop and Soil
Sciences, Tifton Campus), Dr. Ronny Duncan (industry), and
Dr. M ilt Engelke (Agronomy, Texas A&M )
A series of statewide pilot trainings and educational materials
were developed in Spanish on turf and ornamental production and
management, proper handling of pesticides and general worker
safety. Programs were attended by 300 individuals. Indirectly, an
estimated 10,000 Hispanic green industry personnel have ben­
efited from these published materials which have been available
in several journals and magazines with statewide circulation.
This result represents an outstanding first step breaking language
and cultural barriers and opening up venues of cooperation and
networking and the availability of high quality and diverse educa­
tional materials.
Three cultivars each of zoysia and bermudagrass with demon­
strated varying levels of host plant resistance to fall armyworm
larvae are being used in collaborative projects with industry for
new product development for Japanese beetle gmb control and to
assess ground-dwelling carabid beetles as predators of turfgrass
pests. These studies are further defining IPM practices and tactics
that might be used in maintained turf areas.
Fall Herbicide Applications for Control o f Dallisgrass. Dr. Tim
Murphy (Crop and Soil Sciences).
A replicated field study is being conducted in bermudagrass turf in
the garden to assess the efficacy of herbicidal materials applied in
the fall to control dallisgrass.
Azalea Screening and Breeding Program. Dr. Carol Robacker
(Horticulture) and Dr. Kris Braman (Entomology)
Various sites within the garden are being used for screening azaleas
for lace bug resistance and for tolerance to sun. Selections are
being combined with those stocks that have desirable horticultural
Blueberry Yield Evaluation. Dr. Scott NeSmith (Horticulture)
Two newly-released varieties of blueberry will be compared in
terms of fruit set and fruit production.
Demonstration Vegetable Garden. Bob Westerfield (Horticulture)
Canna Cultivar Evaluation. Dr. Kris Braman (Entomology) and
Evelyn Carr (Entomology, M.S. Student)
An area of the garden remains dedicated to demonstration of
vegetable varieties and growing practices for the homeowner. For
the past three years, this garden has yielded 1,500 pounds of produce
that has been donated to a local food pantry. This year, a newlydeveloped low volume drip irrigation system will be evaluated, and
newly-released sweet corn varieties will be planted and compared.
Twenty-two canna cultivars have been planted in replicated field
plots and will be used in studies to identify relative susceptibility of
cultivars to canna leaf rollers and Japanese beetle adults and to iden­
tify any parasitism or predation by natural enemies on these pests.
Leaf Rust Management. Dr. James Buck (Plant Pathology)
Several cultivars of daylilies are included in a replicated field study
assessing cultivar tolerance and resistance to the leaf rust that is
attacking these popular plants in southern landscapes.
Evaluation of Christmas Trees for the Southeast. Dr. Mark
Czarnota (Horticulture)
A series of small tree species are being evaluated for use as
Christmas trees grown in the southeastern U.S.
Ornamental Grass Cultivar Evaluation. Dr. Wayne Hanna
(Crop and Soil Sciences, Tifton Campus) and Dr. Kris Braman
Experimental and commercially available cultivars of ornamental
grasses which have been evaluated in south Georgia are now being
evaluated at the garden for adaptability to conditions in central
Georgia. One cultivar from this collection has already been submit­
ted for release.