Document 10951087

Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Volume 2012, Article ID 429568, 13 pages
Research Article
Stability of Stochastic Reaction-Diffusion
Systems with Markovian Switching and
Impulsive Perturbations
Yanbo Li1, 2 and Yonggui Kao1
Department of Mathematics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Weihai 264209, China
School of Mathematical Sciences, Guangxi Teachers Education University, Guangxi 530001, China
Correspondence should be addressed to Yonggui Kao,
Received 4 September 2012; Accepted 23 September 2012
Academic Editor: Alexei Mailybaev
Copyright q 2012 Y. Li and Y. Kao. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This paper is devoted to investigating mean square stability of a class of stochastic reactiondiffusion systems with Markovian switching and impulsive perturbations. Based on Lyapunov
functions and stochastic analysis method, some new criteria are established. Moreover, a class
of semilinear stochastic impulsive reaction-diffusion differential equations with Markovian
switching is discussed and a numerical example is presented to show the effectiveness of the
obtained results.
1. Introduction
Markovian jump systems, introduced by Krasovskiı̆ and Lidskiı̆ 1 in 1961, have received
increasing attention, see 2–15 and references therein. Shi and Boukas 3 have probed
H∞ control for Markovian jumping linear systems with parametric uncertainty. Zhang et
al. 4–6 have discussed markovian jump linear systems with partly unknown transition
probability. Mao et al. 7–13 have established a number of stability criteria for stochastic
differential equations with Markovian switching. However, impulsive perturbations have not
been included in the above results.
In fact, impulsive effects widely exist in many fields, such as medicine and biology,
economics, mechanics, electronics, and telecommunications 16–19. Recently, impulsive
stochastic differential equations have attracted more and more researchers 20–27. L. Xu and
D. Xu 20 have investigated mean square exponential stability of impulsive control stochastic
systems with time-varying delay. Li 23 has obtained the attracting set for impulsive
stochastic difference equations with continuous time. Pan and Cao 24 have considered
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
exponential stability of impulsive stochastic functional differential equations. Zhang et al.
25 have studied stability of impulsive stochastic differential equations in terms of two
measures via perturbing Lyapunov functions. Moreover, Markovian Jump Systems with
impulsive perturbations have been investigated 28–31. Zhang et al. 28 have established
several criteria for stochastic stability analysis of neutral-type impulsive neural networks
with mixed time-varying delays and Markovian jumping. Zhu and Cao 30 have obtained
several sufficient conditions on stability of Markovian jump neural networks with impulse
control and time-varying delays.
Besides impulsive and stochastic effects, reaction diffusion phenomena cannot be
ignored in real systems 32–42. Kao et al. 34 have discussed exponential stability of
impulsive stochastic fuzzy reaction-diffusion Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with mixed
delays. Wang et al. 40 have probed stochastic exponential stability of the delayed reactiondiffusion recurrent neural networks with Markovian jumping parameters. However, to
the best of our knowledge, there are few considering the Markovian jump systems with
impulsive perturbations and reaction-diffusion effects.
Motivated by the above discussions, in this paper, we consider mean square stability
of a class of impulsive stochastic reaction-diffusion differential systems with Markovian
switching. In Section 2, model description and preliminaries are presented. In Section 3, by
utilizing Lyapunov function and stochastic analysis, we obtain some new conditions ensuring
mean square stability of impulsive stochastic reaction-diffusion differential equations with
Markovian switching. Moreover, mean square stability of a class of semilinear stochastic
impulsive reaction-diffusion systems has also been discussed. In Section 4, an example is
provided. Section 5 is conclusions.
2. Model Description and Preliminaries
In this section, we investigate the impulsive stochastic reaction diffusion equations with
Markovian switching described by
dut, x Dt, x, uΔu f t, x, u, γt dt
σ t, x, u, γt dwt, t ≥ 0, t /
tk , x ∈ G,
utk , x Hk u t−k , x , γtk , x ∈ G,
with boundary condition
∂u 0,
∂N ∂G
and initial condition
u0, x, i0 ϕx,
x ∈ G, i0 ∈ S,
where ut, x u1 t, x, . . . , un t, x , x x1 , . . . , xm ∈ G ⊂ Rm , G is a bounded set
with smooth boundary ∂G, ∂/∂N is the outward normal derivative. tk is the impulsive
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moment satisfying 0 t0 < t1 < t2 < · · · , and limk → ∞ tk ∞, ut
k , x and
ut−k , x denote the right-hand limit and left-hand limit of ut, x at tk , respectively.
ut, x ∈ P C0, ∞ × G, Rn {ut, x : 0, ∞ × G → Rn | ut, x is
continuous for all t ≥ 0 but points tk , ut
k , x and ut−k , x exist, furthermore, ut
k , x ut , x, k {1, 2, . . .}. Dt, x, u is a n × n matrix, Δu {Δu1 , . . . , Δun } , Δui mk 2
l1 ∂ ui /∂xi , i 1, 2, . . . , n. f and σ are continuous, in addition, ft, x, u, γt {f1 t, x, u, γt, . . . , fn t, x, u, γt} , σt, x, u, γt {σ1 t, x, u, γt, . . . , σn t, x, u, γt} .
Hk ut−k , x, γt {H1k ut−k , x, γt, . . . , Hnk ut−k , x, γt} represents the impulsive
perturbation of u at time tk . wt is a one-dimensional standard Brownian motion on a
complete probability space Ω, F, {Ft }t≥0 , P with a natural filtration {Ft }t≥0 . {γt, t ≥ 0} is
a left-continuous Markov process on the probability space Ω, F, Ft t∈I , P and takes values
with generator Λ πij i, j ∈ S given by
in the finite space S {1, 2, . . . , N}
P γt Δ j | γt i πij Δ oΔ,
1 πii Δ oΔ,
if i /
if i j,
where Δ > 0 and limδ → 0 oΔ/Δ 0, πij ≥ 0 is the transition rate from i to j if i /
j and
πii − j / i πij . We suppose that the Markov chain γ· is independent of the Brownian
motion W·. Moreover, we assume that Hk 0, γ0 ft, x, 0, γ0 σt, x, 0, γ0 0, then
system 2.1 admits a trivial solution u 0. For ut, x u1 t, x, . . . , un t, x ∈ Rn ,
we define ut, xG G |ut, x|2 dx1/2 where |ut, x|2 ni1 u2i t, x. For simplicity, we
denote ut, xG by ut throughout this paper.
Let ut, x; 0, ϕ, i0 stand for the solution of system 2.1–2.4 through 0, ϕ, i0 .
Definition 2.1. The trivial solution u 0 is said to be mean square stable if for any ε > 0, there
exists δ δε such that for all i0 ∈ S, we have
2 E u t, x; 0, ϕ, i0 G < ε,
t ≥ 0,
when ϕ satisfies E{ϕ2G } ≤ δ.
Definition 2.2. The function V t, y, γt : 0, ∞ × R
× S → R
belongs to class v01,2 if
1 for k 1, 2, . . ., the function V is once continuously differentiable in t and twice in
y on tk−1 , tk × R
× S, and, in addition, V t, 0, γ0 0 holds for t ≥ 0;
2 V t, y, γt is locally Lipschitzian in y;
3 for each k 1, 2, . . ., there exist finite limits
V t, q, γt −→ V t−k , y, γtk ,
V t, q, γt −→ V t
k , y, γtk ,
if t, q, γt −→ t−k , y, γtk ,
if t, q, γt −→ t
k , y, γtk .
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3. Main Results
In this section, we will discuss mean square stability of the trivial solution of system
2.1–2.4. Assume Hk ut−k , x, γtk satisfies Hk ut−k , x, γtk G ≤ Γ2k ut−k , xG , Γk ≥
0, γt i ∈ S, k 1, 2, . . . .
Theorem 3.1. If there exist constants α > 0, β > 0, κ > 0 and a Lyapunov function V t, ut, i
such that for γt i, i ∈ S, we have the following.
A1 αut ≤ V t, ut, i ≤ κut.
A2 LV t, ut, i ≤ βV t, ut, i, t ∈ tk−1 , tk .
Here the operator LV t, ut, i is defined as
LV t, ut, i ∂V ∂V
2u Dt, x, uΔu dx 2u ft, x, u, idx
∂u G
2 ∂V
2 trace
u œt, x, u, idx
u œt, x, u, idx
πij V t, x, j .
A3 λ > 1, where λ inf{λk | λk α/κγ 2 , k 1, 2, . . .}.
A4 βtk − tk−1 < ln λ, k 1, 2, . . . .
Then, the trivial solution u 0 of system 2.1–2.4 is stable in mean square.
Proof. For any ε > 0, there must exist a scalar δ δε > 0 such that δ < α/κλε. Next we
will prove that E{ut, x; 0, ϕ, i0 2G } < ε if ϕ satisfies E{ϕ2G } ≤ δ.
Let u ut, x; 0, ϕ, i0 . Multiplying both sides of 2.1 by u , we obtain
d|u|2 u Dt, x, uΔu u f t, x, u, γt dt u σ t, x, u, γt dwt.
By integrating the above equality with respect to x on G, we then have
u Dt, x, uΔu dx |u|2 dx G
u f t, x, u, γt dx dt
u σ t, x, u, γt dx dwt.
dut u f t, x, u, γt dx dt
2u Dt, x, uΔu dx G
2u σ t, x, u, γt dx dwt.
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Applying Itô formula, we further compute, when t /
tk ,
dV t, ut, i LV t, ut, i ∂V
2u σt, x, u, idx dwt,
where γt i and
LV t, ut, i
∂V t, ut, i ∂V t, ut, i
2u Dt, x, uΔu dx 2u ft, x, u, idx
2 ∂V
2 trace
u σt, x, u, idx
u σt, x, u, idx
πij V t, x, j .
For t ∈ tk , tk
1 , integrating 3.5 with respect to t from tk to t, one has
V t, ut, γt V tk , utk , γtk t
LV s, us, γs ds
2u σ t, x, u, γtdx dwt .
Taking the mathematical expectation of both sides of 3.7, we obtain
EV t, ut, γt EV tk , utk , γtk t
ELV s, us, γs ds.
Choosing small enough Δt > 0 such that t Δt ∈ tk , tk
1 , it is easy to see that
EV t Δt, ut Δt, γt Δt EV tk , utk , γtk t
ELV s, us, γs ds.
We thus derive from 3.8 and 3.9 that
EV t Δt, ut Δt, γt Δt − EV t, ut, γt t
ELV s, us, γs ds
βEV s, us, γs ds.
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EV t, ut, γt ≤ βEV t, ut, γt .
Next, we will first prove
EV t, ut, γt ≤ κλδ,
0 ≤ t < t1 .
EV 0, u0, γ0 ≤ Eκu0 κEϕG ≤ κδ < κλδ.
If inequality 3.12 does not hold, there must exist some s ∈ 0, t1 such that
EV s, us, γs > κλδ > κδ ≥ EV 0, u0, γ0 .
Let s1 inf{s ∈ 0, t1 | EV s, us, γs > κλδ}. Since EV t, ut, γt is continuous on 0, s1 ,
there exist s ∈ 0, s1 such that
s, γ
s κλδ,
EV s, u
EV t, ut, γt ≤ κλδ, t ∈ 0, s,
s, γ
s > 0.
EV s, u
From EV s, u
s, γ
s κλδ > κδ, if EV 0, u0, γ0 ≤ κδ, we know that there is s2 ∈ 0, s
such that
EV s2 , us2 , γs2 κδ,
EV t, ut, γt ≥ κδ, t ∈ s2 , s,
EV s2 , us2 , γs2 > 0.
On the other hand, noticing D
EV t, ut, γt ≤ βEV t, ut, γt, we obtain
EV t, ut, γt
≤ β.
EV t, ut, γt
Integrating both sides of 3.17 on t ∈ s2 , s gives
EV s, us, γs
βds < βt1 < ln λ.
ds ≤
EV s, us, γs
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
EV s,us,γs
EV s, us, γs
lnκλδ − lnκδ ln λ,
ds η
EV s, us, γs
EV s2 ,us2 ,γs2 κδ
which is a contradiction. Therefore,
EV t, ut, γt ≤ κλδ,
0 ≤ t < t1 .
EV t1 , ut1 , γt1 ≤ Eκut1 κEH1 ut−1 , xG ≤ κΓ21 Eu t−1 , x Ω
EV t1 , u t−1 , γt1 ≤
≤ κδ.
Now we assume that
EV t, ut, γt ≤ κλδ, tm−1 ≤ t < tm
EV tm , utm , γtm , γtm ≤ κδ
EV t, ut, γt ≤ κλδ, tm ≤ t < tm
1 ,
EV tm 1, utm 1, γtm 1 ≤ κδ.
and then prove
If not, there must exist some τ ∈ tm , tm
1 such that
EV τ, uτ, γτ > κλδ > κδ ≥ EV tm , utm , γtm , γtm .
τ1 inf τ ∈ tm , tm
1 | EV τ, uτ, γτ > κλδ .
Since EV t, ut, γt is continuous in tm , τ1 , there exists τ2 ∈ tm , τ1 satisfying
EV τ2 , uτ2 , γτ2 κλδ,
EV t, ut, γt ≤ κλδ, t ∈ tm , τ2 ,
EV τ2 , uτ2 , γτ2 > 0.
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Because of EV τ2 , uτ2 , γτ2 κλδ > κδ and EV tm , utm , γtm ≤ κε, there is τ3 ∈ tm , τ2 such that
EV τ3 , uτ3 , γτ3 κδ,
EV t, ut, γt ≤ κδ, t ∈ τ3 , τ2 .
EV τ3 , uτ3 , γτ3 > 0.
Noticing D
EV t, ut, γt ≤ βEV t, ut, γt, we obtain
EV t, ut, γt
≤ β.
EV t, ut, γt
Integrating both sides of 3.28 on t ∈ τ3 , τ2 , we claim that
EV s, us, γs
β ds < βtm
1 − tm < ln λ.
ds ≤
EV s, us, γs
EV τ2 ,uτ2 ,γτ2 D
EV s, us, γs
lnκλδ − lnκδ ln λ.
ds η
EV s, us, γs
EV τ3 ,uτ3 ,γτ3 η
This leads to a contradiction. Then, we have
EV t, ut, γt ≤ κλδ,
tm ≤ t < tm
1 .
EV tm
1 , utm
1 , γtm
1 ≤ Eκutm
1 κEHm
1 u t−m
1 , x G ≤ κΓ2m
1 Eu t−m
1 , x G
EV tm
1 , u t−m
1 , γtm
1 ≤
≤ κδ.
EV t, ut, γt ≤ κλδ,
t ≥ 0,
which results in
αEut ≤ EV t, ut, γt ≤ κλδ,
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
2 E u t, x; 0, ϕ G < ε,
t ≥ 0.
This ends the proof of Theorem 3.1.
As an application, we consider a class of semilinear impulsive stochastic reactiondiffusion equations with Markovian switching as follows:
dut, x C γt Δut, x A γt ut, x dt
σ t, x, u, γt dwt, t ≥ 0, t /
tk , x ∈ G,
utk , x Hk u t−k , x , γtk , x ∈ G,
with boundary condition
∂u 0,
∂N ∂G
and initial condition
u0, x, i0 ϕx,
x ∈ G, i0 ∈ S
where Cγt diag{c1 γt, . . . , cn γt} diag{ci1 , . . . , cin } with cij ≥ 0 for i ∈ S, j i
1, 2, . . . , n. Aγt Ai alj γtn×n alj n×n , i ∈ S, is matrices. The remainder of system
3.36–3.39 is the same as that defined in system 2.1–2.4.
Theorem 3.2. Assume that
A5 λ > 1, where λ inf{λk | λk 1/Γ2k , k 1, 2, . . .},
A6 2 maxi {λmax Ai }tk − tk−1 < ln λ, k 1, 2 . . . , i ∈ S.
Then, the trivial solution u 0 of system 3.36–3.39 is stable in mean square.
Proof. Construct a Lyapunov function V t, ut, γt ut, and compute the operator
LV t, ut, γt that
LV t, ut, γt 2u A γt ut, xdx.
2u C γt Δu dx G
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
By Green formula, we get
2u Ci Δu dx 2
uj cij Δuj dx 2
G j1
n j1
n j1
uj cij Δuj dx
n ∂uj
ds − 2
uj cij
cij ∇uj · ∇uj dx.
j1 G
It follows from boundary condition that
n j1
uj cij
ds 0.
2u Ci Δu dx −2
n j1
cij ∇uj · ∇uj dx ≤ 0.
LV t, ut, γt ≤ 2
u A γt ut, xdx ≤ 2 max{λmax Ai }ut.
According to Theorem 3.1, we find that the trivial solution of system 3.36–3.39 is stable in
mean square.
4. Example
Consider the following two dimension Markovian jumping impulsive stochastic reaction
diffusion systems with two modes. The parameters are given as follows: Let |G| 1/8, when
rt 1, we have
du1 t, x
3.4 0
Δu1 t, x
2.6 0
u1 t, x
du2 t, x
Δu2 t, x
u2 t, x
0 5.5
0 1.7
2u1 t, x
dwt, t ≥ 0, t /
tk ,
−u2 t, x
− u1 tk , x
0.5 −0.2
u1 tk , x
u2 tk , x
0.3 0.6
u2 t−k , x
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
when rt 2
2.4 0
1.6 0
du1 t, x
Δu1 t, x
u1 t, x
du2 t, x
Δu2 t, x
u2 t, x
0 2.5
0 2.7
2u1 t, x
dwt, t ≥ 0, t / tk ,
−u2 t, x
− u1 tk , x
u1 tk , x
−0.1k 0.6 −0.3
u2 tk , x
0.3 0.4
u2 t−k , x
where t0 0, tk tk−1 0.1, k 1, 2, . . .. By simple calculation, we obtain Γk 0.6e−0.1k , λ 2.6 > 1, 2λmax Ai tk −tk−1 < ln λ 0.856. From Theorem 3.2, the trivial solution of this system
is stable in mean square.
5. Conclusion
In this paper, we discuss mean square stability of stochastic reaction diffusion equations
with Markovian switching and impulsive perturbations, by means of Lyapunov function
and stochastic analysis. As an application, we investigate a class of semilinear impulsive
stochastic reaction-diffusion equations with Markovian switching and establish the stability
criterion. Finally, we provide an example to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of
the obtained results.
The authors would like to thank the editors and the anonymous reviewers for their
valuable comments and constructive suggestions. This research is supported by the National
Natural Science Foundations of China 60974025, 60939003, National 863 Plan Project
2008AA04Z401, 2009AA043404, the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province
no. Y 2007G30, the Natural Science Foundation of Guangxi Autonomous Region no.
2012GXNSFBA053003, the Scientific and Technological Project of Shandong Province
no. 2007GG3WZ04016, the Natural Scientific Research Innovation Foundation in Harbin
Institute of Technology HIT.NSRIF.2001120, the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation
20100481000 and the Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Industrial Control Technique
Qingdao University.
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