Opportunity for Summer Camps/Workshops in STEM Summer 2014 The College of Humanities, Arts and Sciences through the Iowa EPSCoR program will provide support hosting summer camps at UNI for Summer 2014. Funding opportunities will be available for faculty/staff who would like to offer a summer camp/workshop for elementary to high school age students. Camp topics can be in any of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) disciplines or have a focus in renewable energy and/or energy efficiency and utilization. Funds are limited and will be given to camps that focus on topics that support EPSCoR priorities. Iowa EPSCoR will sponsor camps that have the goal of increasing and broadening the participation of students, especially girls and under-­‐represented minorities, into the STEM fields. Scholarships can be provided for those students who meet the requirements. Camp directors will have help with logistics, administrative paperwork, and media relations. Theme: Any STEM focused area Funding Source: Iowa EPSCoR Goal: To increase and broaden the participation of all Iowa students into the STEM disciplines and/or renewable energy and energy utilization, but especially encouraging women and under-­‐represented minorities to participate. Target Audience: Elementary, middle school or high school students. While no specific group of students is required, studies show increased participation of girls and other underrepresented groups occurs in younger students. Length of the Camp: Can be short-­‐term (at least 3 days), 1 week, or longer if desired Compensation and Eligibility: A maximum of $7000/camp will be awarded for supplies, student wages and instructor compensation. Salary compensation is capped at one week of summer pay plus applicable fringe benefit costs. The total budget will depend on the duration and supplies for each camp. Faculty must have no teaching assignment or other UNI support for scholarly, research or creative work, including course development assignments during the week of the camp. The one-­‐ week compensation can not exceed 100% of your summer compensation limit. Staff and non-­‐tenure track faculty may propose camps. Proposal Process: Please submit completed form (attached) for the camp/workshop by 5:00 pm February 17, 2014 to Kavita Dhanwada (kavita.dhanwada@uni.edu). Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by March 3, 2014. Summer Camp/Workshop Funding Request -­‐ 2014 Iowa EPSCoR Please keep in mind the goal is to increase and broaden the participation of all Iowa students into the STEM disciplines, but especially to encourage girls and students from under-­‐represented minorities to participate in these camps. Include the following information in your application. 1. Project Title: 2. Requested Funds Amount: 3. Purpose of Camp: What is the purpose of the camp/workshop for which you are seeking funding? How will it increase knowledge of STEM and or related topics? 4. Plan for attracting target audience: How do you plan to encourage the participation of girls and other underrepresented groups in your camp? 5. Proposed Start Date and End Date for camp: 6. Location and Timings of Camp: 7. Proposed Fee for Camp (if any): 8. Goals and Projected Outcomes: What are the goals and expected outcomes for your camp? 9. Evaluation of metrics: What type of evaluation will you use to determine if projected outcomes are being met? 10. Additional Funding: Please list any other sponsors/supporters for your camp/workshop. 11. DEMOGRAPHICS A. Expected Number of Participants: (Desired quantity is 15 to 35 students): B. Expected Age of Participants: C. Gender Served: D. Ethnicity Served: E. Income Levels Served: BUDGET Total Project Budget Amount: Please list planned expenses on the table below. These expenses should include the major budget items/expenses you will have. Items/Services to Purchase/Expense Cost Per Unit # of Items Total Per Item (Can include supplies, student wages,, instructor compensation and other expenses) (If wages, cost per hour) (If wages, # of hours of work) (total cost of compensation) Justification: Please use the space below to explain/justify your need for the items requested above.