AN INVESTIGATION OF VOWEL FORMANT TRACKS FOR PURPOSES OF SPEAKER IDENTIFICATION by Ursula Gisela Goldstein S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1972) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY January, 1975 Signature of Author, . . a000.0 00*0 00 000 0 Department of E ecrical,Engine4eing, January 22, 1975 Certified by... 4 esiSupervisor Accepted by................. 0--.... .... 0 000*0 SCV Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students ARCHIVFS [:MAR 5 1975 is RARI EE AN INVESTIGATION OF VOWEL FORMANT TRACKS FOR PURPOSES OF SPEAKER IDENTIFICATION by Ursula Gisela Goldstein Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering on January 22, 1975 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science. ABSTRACT The formant structure of 3 diphthongs, 4 tense vowels, and 3 retroflex sounds was examined in detail for possible speaker-identifying features. These sounds were spoken 5 times each in sentence context by 10 speakers of General American on one day. Six speakers returned on a second day at least three weeks later to repeat the recordings. A formant-tracking system was devised, based on covariance-type, pitch-asynchronous linear prediction and a root-finding algorithm that was applied to the denominator of the resulting transfer function. The system was evaluated by examining the smoothness and internal consistency of the computed formant tracks of the recorded phones. Particular problems encountered included the apparent disappearance and reappearance of higher formants for two speakers, and the lack of enough poles in the linear prediction program to adequately model the vocal track of a third speaker. Eighteen different measurements were made on each repetition of each diphthong and tense vowel, 24 measurements were made on each repetition of [rE] and [ar], and In 25 measurements were made on each repetition of [3]. order to determine which measurements would be most useful as speaker-identifying features, F ratios were calculated for each measurement as well as individual speaker means and standard deviations. Correlation coefficients were calculated to test for possible dependence between features. Features that are potentially most effective in identifying speakers are the maximum value of Fl for [ar] and [o], the minimum of F2 for [ar], average F4 for [aU], minimum F3 for [T], F2 at a point 20 msec. before the end of [aI], average F3 minus F2 for [rE], F2 at a point 20 msec. after the beginning of [e], and maximum F2 for [o] and [aU]. THESIS SUPERVISOR: Kenneth N. Stevens TITLE: Professor of Electrical and Bioengineering ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my deepest appreciation to Professor Kenneth N. Stevens, who made this thesis possible through his infinite patience, support and advice. My thanks also go to the many people, too numerous to mention, who made the computer work of this thesis possible by providing me with advice, programs, and some of their precious time helping me find the errors in my work. I would like to thank my recording subjects, who cheerfully donated their time free of charge. Special thanks go to Keith North, whose technical advice and maintenance of the spectrograph machine, computer, and tape recorders were invaluable. This thesis was performed in the Speech Communication Group of the Research Laboratory of Electronics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract . . . . Acknowledgement Table of Contents List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 S . . . .4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Chapter I Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Chapter II Literature Review . . . . . . . 18 List of Tables . . . . 2.1 Speaker Recognition Using Feature Extraction . . 2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . Formant Tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 . . . . . . . . . 32 3.1 Data Base 3.2 Formant-Tracking Procedure . Chapter IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 . . . . . . 40 . . 40 . . . Observations Based on Formant Tracks of . The Speaker-Identifying Features . . . . . . . . 69 . . . . 76 . . . . • 83 . . . . . . . . . . 46 . . the Entire Data Base . . Chapter V . Initial Experiments for Determining the Exact Formant-Tracking Method 4.2 . . Evaluation of the Formant-Tracking Procedure 4.1 . . . . . . . 24 . . Chapter III Experimental Procedure . . . . . . . . . . 18 . . . . 5.1 Introduction . . . 5.2 Diphthongs . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Tense Vowels . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Retroflex Sounds . . 5.4 . . Conclusions and Discussion . Chapter VI . . . . 89 ........ 104 . . . . . The Most Effective Features for Speaker 6.1 Identification . ... . . . . . . . . . . . .104 Comparison of Best Features with Previous 6.2 Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110 Implications for Speaker Identification 6.3 Using Spectrograms ...... ..... .. 113 6.4 The Limitations of this Study ..... .. 115 6.5 Relations between Dialect and Various Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . ...116 Possibilities for Further Work . . 6.6 Appendix . . . . . . . . . ...117 . .. . . . . . ... .118 . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .221 LIST OF FIGURES 3.1 Manual Placement of a Beginning-of-Vowel Marker . 3.2 Example of a Formant Track Display 3.3 Example of a Spectrum Plot 3.4 Pole Plot Giving Rise to the Spectrum of Figure 3.3 . . 4.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .37 . . .38 . . .39 . .42 Formant Tracks Computed from a Preemphasized Signal Using 12 Predictor Coefficients 4.2 . . . .35 . .... Formant Tracks Computed from an Unpreemphasized Signal Using 13 Predictor Coefficients with . . Q-Criterion .......... 4.3 . ...... . .43 Formant Tracks Computed from an Unpreemphasized Signal Using 13 Predictor Coefficients without Q-Criterion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 4.4 Average Normalized Error versus Number of Predictor Coefficients for Speaker 1 4.5 Average Normalized Error versus Number of Predictor Coefficients for Speaker 3 4.6 ............ . . 48 Average Normalized Error versus Number of Predictor Coefficients for Speaker 6 4.7 .47 . ........... . ........... .49 Formant Tracks Computed Using 10 Predictor Coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 4.8 Formant Tracks Computed Using 14 Predictor . ... Coefficients 4.9 . ..... ........ . 51 . Speaker 10 Saying "Say bide again." . . . . . ... 54 4.10 Speaker 10 Saying "Say bode again," Second Repetition . ... ... .. ......... . 55 4.11 Speaker 10 Saying "Say bode again," Third Repetition ........ ............ 56 4.12 Speaker 3 Saying "Say bide again," on Day 1 . . . 59 4.13 Speaker 3 Saying "Say bide again," on Day 2 . . . 60 4.14 Uncorrected Formant Tracks Calculated with 12 Predictor Coefficients . . .. .. . ............. 61 4.15 Uncorrected Formant Tracks Calculated with 14 Predictor Coefficients ... . ... ............. 62 4.16 Corrected Formant Tracks Calculated with 12 Predictor Coefficients . ... . . . . . . . .... 64 4.17 Corrected Formant Tracks Calculated with 14 Predictor Coefficients . . .... ............. 65 4.18 Algorithm for Correcting Discontinuities in Formant Tracks . .... . . .. ................. . . 67 5.1 [rE] with a Steady Fourth Formant . . . 5.2 [re] with Fourth Formant Rising Parallel to Third . 97 5.3 [re] with Fourth Formant Rising after Third has Leveled Off . . . . 5.4 . . . . . . . . . . 96 . . . 98 . . . 100 [re] Showing a Noisy Fourth Formant . . LIST OF TABLES . 5.1 Feature Names, Descriptions, and Applications 5.2 Correlation Coefficients for the Features Computed on [aI] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 70 .. .. .. 75 . . . . . . 77 5.3 F Ratios of F2 Measures for Diphthongs 5.4 F Ratios of Timing Measures for Diphthongs 5.5 F Ratios of Fl Measures for Diphthongs 5.6 F Ratios of Higher Formant Measures for Diphthongs 5.7 F Ratios of F2 Measures for Tense Vowels . . . . . 86 5.8 F Ratios of Fl Measures for Tense Vowels ..... 5.9 F Ratios of Timing Measures for Tense Vowels . . . . .. 80 . . . . 82 . 84 88 . 90 5.10 F Ratios of Higher Formant Measures for Tense Vowels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 5.11 F Ratios of Fl Measures for Retroflexes . . . . . . 92 5.12 F Ratios of F2 Measures for Retroflexes . . . . . 5.13 F Ratios of F3 Measures for Retroflexes . . . . 5.14 F Ratios of F4 Measures for Retroflexes . . 102 . . .... 5.15 F Ratios of Timing Measures for Retroflexes . . . . 95 . .103 6.1 Features Having Average F Ratios Greater than 60 6.2 Selected Correlation Coefficients of Features from Table 6.1 . . . . . . . . . . . 107 .... . . . .108 . . . . . . . . The 10 Most Effective Features 6.4 Comparison of Feature Performance Between this ............ .105 . . . . . . 6.3 Study and that of Sambur . 93 . . .111 CHAPTER I Introduction The last decade has seen a great amount of interest and research in the areas of speaker identification and speaker verification using the acoustic speech signal. A reliable system that identifies a person by his voice has numerous direct applications, such as banking by telephone, identification for purposes of credit transactions and privileged access to information, or the controversial practice of using voice evidence for law enforcement purposes. A somewhat less direct application of knowledge about speaker differences is in the area of automatic speech recognition. A method of compensating for individual variations would simplify the recognition procedure. A knowledge of these variations and their relationships to dialect is also of interest to phonetic research. The approach to the problem and the difficulty of achieving speaker recognition depend greatly on the nature of the task to be performed. The easiest task is simply to match an unknown speaker with one of a closed set of two or more reference speakers. Unfortunately, this situation rarely arises in practice, particularly if one expects the speakers to be cooperative. A more common problem is that of matching the unknown to a reference 11 with the possibility of not finding a match, a situation called "open set." This is the situation that usually arises when voiceprint evidence is used in a court case. One might expect the suspect to be in a different physiological state (possibly resulting in a change in his voice), or to try and disguise his voice when saying the phrase that is to serve as his reference. These two matching problems, whether open or closed set, are commonly referred to as speaker identification. In speaker verifi- cation, the task is to decide whether the unknown is the same person as a single reference. This situation can occur when a person is required to verify his identity by saying a certain phrase. An imposter will probably try to imitate the voice of the reference speaker. The earliest work in speaker recognition involved the visual inspection of spectrograms. In this procedure, the observer must perform the separation of the speech signal's linguistic information from the information relating to the identity of the speaker. Complicating the situation is the fact that a certain amount of information is lost because of mechanical difficulties, such as the limited dynamic range of the spectrogram paper. A fairly comprehensive investigation of speaker recognition using spectrograms involved various experimental conditions, such as closed sets versus open sets of 12 reference spectrograms, recordings made at least one month apart as opposed to at the same session, etc. (Tosi, et. al., 1972). Error rates varied from 1% to 30%. The more automated forms of speaker recognition generally fall into two categories: and feature extraction. template matching The template matching type makes a decision about the identity of the speaker on the basis of the mathematical proximity of the sample utterance to a reference, but does not make a detailed comparison of certain acoustic events arising from individual speech sounds. This approach seems to serve quite well for speaker verification, where a speaker would not purposely introduce large variations in the speech sample, as he might in giving evidence for a court case. lies in its simplicity. Its advantage Most template matching schemes perform some form of time and amplitude normalization on the unknown and then calculate the distance of this unknown from the reference it is supposed to represent. If the distance is larger than a certain threshold, an answer of no-match is given (Pruzansky, 1963; Li, et. al., 1966; Luck, 1969; Das and Mohn, 1971; Lummis, 1973). The speech theoretic approach examines linguistic units and tries to extract an optimum set of features. 13 Several criteria have been suggested for selecting these features (Wolf, 1972). They should occur frequently in normal speech, vary widely between speakers but not for a given speaker, not change over time, not be affected by background noise or poor transmission, not be affected by conscious efforts to disguise the voice, and be easily measurable. The list of possible identifying features is virtually endless, and has only been partially examined. One technique which has yielded some good features in previous work but has certainly not been exhausted is that of vowel formant calculation (Wolf, 1972; Sambur, 1972). With the exception of one slope measurement, formant information has generally been taken more or less at one point in the middle of a steady-state vowel. The slope measured was that of the second formant transition of the diphthong [aI], computed by fitting a straight line to the second formant values over the entire duration of the diphthong. The results of this fairly simple measure- ment were so good that it would seem reasonable to do some further investigation into the fine structure of formant locations, transitions, and timing. An indication that formant frequencies of diphthongs might prove to be particularly useful is given by the large 14 individual variability encountered in previous work with diphthongs (Holbrook and Fairbanks, 1962). Diphthongs have also been found to vary widely between different dialects. In their formulation of phonological rules, Labov, Yaeger and Steiner (1972) mention that two rules pertaining specifically to diphthongization have been found not to apply in certain northern United States cities. They also state that different English dialects will require different underlying representations as inputs to these rules - another indication of the large variability between dialects. Another motivation for studying formant movements is that formants figure very prominently in speaker recognition by spectrograms. For example, in the experiment on voice identification, (Tosi, et. al., 1972) the spectro- gram readers were instructed to look for 6 different types of speaker-identifying clues: frequencies of vowel formants, (a) similar mean (b) formant bandwidths, (c) gaps and types of vertical striations, (d) slopes of formants, (e) duration, and (f) characteristic patterns of fricatives and interformant energies. Clues (a) and (d) are directly related to formant frequency tracking, while (e) and (f) are related to a somewhat lesser extent. Therefore, an investigation of formant movements might 15 also help a spectrogram reader direct his attention to the most helfpul details. The three sounds generally called diphthongs are [31] as in boy, [aI] as in buy, and [aU] as in loud. However, [o] in boat and [e] in bay also often have definite diphthong-like glides, as do the vowels [i] in beat and [u] in boot. The other two tense vowels, [a] and [ael , will also sometimes have offglides, but not in the direction of [I] or [U], as one finds in all of the pre- viously mentioned tense vowels and diphthongs. Another potentially interesting group of sounds centers around the retroflex sounds. In the word bird, the retroflex sound is a vowel, but in bread and bard it is generally considered to be consonantal. A recent investigation of the acoustic characteristics of /w,r,l,y/ found that the r-colored sounds differ acoustically from one another and vary from one speaker to another (Klatt, 1972). The purpose of this study is to investigate the formant trajectories of the sounds [I], [o], [e], [aI], [aU], [i] and [u] and the three retroflex sounds [r-], ['] and [-r] in order to find and statistically evaluate features that could be relevant to speaker identification. Secondary objectives are (1) to develop and evaluate a method of tracking formants for a variety of sounds produced by different speakers, and (2) to gain insight into the acoustic and articulatory attributes of these classes of sounds, particularly as they are influenced by the characteristics of the speaker. Chapter II contains a review of the literature in two subject areas. The section on speaker recognition using feature extraction describes some of the more successful features of previous work and how they were chosen. The formant-tracking section discusses some of the different issues involved in the use of linear prediction and also briefly mentions a few other techniques that have been used for formant tracking. Chapter III describes the recording procedure used to obtain the data base and the algorithm used for extracting formant tracks. Chapter IV first presents the experiments which led to the choice of the specific formant-tracking method described in Chapter III. Next, it discusses some of the problems encountered in the use of this method for processing the data of this study and ends by suggesting an additional algorithm for improving the method. Chapter V presents the speaker-identifying features evaluated in this study, giving F ratios for each one and 17 naming their advantages and disadvantages, where appropriate. Chapter VI states some general conclusions obtained in this study, including a list of the 12 best features. It also gives some suggestions for speaker identification by spectrograms, a discussion of the limitations of this study, and some recommendations for future work. The Appendix lists all F ratios and all of the individual speaker means and standard deviations associated with each feature that was investigated. CHAPTER II Literature Review 2.1 Speaker Recognition Using Feature Extraction As mentioned in chapter one, a template matching pro- cedure based on gross measures such as average glottal frequency or average spectrum is fairly easy to implement. It would seem reasonable, however, that a more complicated procedure that examines in detail the acoustic character- istics of different phonetic segments might produce better accuracy. In 1967, a procedure was suggested that automatically extracted certain portions of continuous speech for use in speaker verification (Meeker, et. al., 1967). the slope of the spectrum was measured. For vowels, For consonants, spectral characteristics, duration, and other temporal aspects were used. Best results were obtained when many in- dividual measurements were combined. An experiment reported the following year based its analysis on the power spectrum of the nasal consonant [n] (Glenn and Kleiner, 1968). There are several good reasons for using nasals in speaker identification. First, the spectrum of a nasal depends almost entirely on the physiology of the speaker and would be very hard to disguise or imitate. There is no lack of data, since nasals comprise 19 Also, the measure- 11% of the phonemic content of English. ment of a power spectrum is not very complicated or time consuming; in this experiment it was accomplished with a The one disadvantage is that this measurement filter bank. can be considerably affected by a cold or some other form of nasal congestion. With a population of 10 speakers, With 30 speakers, the identification accuracy was 97%. accuracy fell to 93%. The study by Wolf (1972) evaluated the effectiveness of a number of different measurements with the help of analysis of variance. This technique, which involves cal- culating an F ratio, was first used in speaker recognition for determining which attributes of an utterance would be most useful in identifying the speaker (Pruzansky and Mathews, 1964). the matrix Each attribute, xij, was an element of formed by playing the utterance into a filter bank and sampling the output in time. An F ratio is defined by: variance of the talker means F= average within-talker variance with 2 s1 s22 n m1 m(n-) m 3=1 ( Pj n jm i(ij i=1 j=1 2 ) PJ 2 2 s1 1 s2 20 where m is the number of speakers, n is the number of repetitions of the utterance, j is the mean for the Jth speaker, and 5 is the grand mean over all speakers and utterances. The following parameters were examined by Wolf for possible use as features: 1. Fundamental frequency at several locations in the re- corded sentences. This was estimated from the distance between zero crossings of the low-pass filtered speech wave. Except for one of the locations, FO measurements had the highest F ratio of all parameters tested. Unfortunately, FO is rather susceptible to voluntary changes. Another problem with FO found by Sambur (1972) was that it tended to vary from one recording session to another, a condition not tested by Wolf. 2. Nasal consonants Short term spectra obtained by sampling the outputs of 36 bandpass filters were used as measurements. Pole and zero locations could have been used to express the same information more concisely, but proved very difficult to measure. 3. Vowels Formant frequencies were measured using an analysisby-synthesis technique for the vowels [ a] and [a] and by peak picking on the filter bank output for [A]. Formants depend on both vocal tract anatomy and the speaker's acquired habits, and therefore may be somewhat susceptible to change by mimicking or disguising. Three other features giving noticeably good results were the second and third central moments of the spectral peak in [i] caused by the second, thirdl, and fourth formants and an estimate of the source spectrum shape as defined by the relative amplitudes of the first and third formants of [u]. Less good results were obtained from the spectrum of fricatives, the duration of the word "bought," and the presence of prevoicing for voiced stops. A closed set identification experiment with 21 speakers using 17 features produced no errors. Two fairly new techniques for working with speaker identification were used by Sambur (Sambur, 1972). in his Ph. D. thesis The first, predictive coding, had been used by Atal to measure pitch contours for a speaker identification experiment (Atal, 1968). This versatile tech- nique is also useful for finding formants and bandwidths, estimating the glottal spectrum, building a vocoder, etc. (Atal and Hanauer, 1971). The second technique was the use of a probability of error criterion for choosing features. The analysis of variance technique had several drawbacks. First, the F ratio tells whether or not there is a difference between some of the means of the various distributions, but it does not assure us that all of the means are significantly different. Therefore, if one of the speakers used in the evaluation of a feature produces a very large difference in this feature, then a high F ratio will result, even if all of the other speakers' data have almost identical means. The values of FO used by Wolf which gave the high- est F ratios showed this tendency, with about 5 speakers producing most of the variation in a group of 21. The sec- ond problem with the F ratio is that it gives no information about any dependence between different features. The calculation of probability $@ error assumes that the samples of a given feature form a gaussian distribution for each speaker. The overlap of these distributions gives the probability of error for that feature. The total probability of error involving all features is calculated using the union error bound. N features were or- dered in terms of maximum effectiveness using the following procedure: 1) Calculate probability of error using all combin- ations of N-1 features. 2) Select the N-1 features givng the lowest error. 3) Eliminate the feature that was not part of the best set, and repeat the procedure until only one feature is left. The 10 best features indicated by this analysis included 3 vowel formant frequency measurements, 4 nasal formant frequency measurements, the voice onset time of [k], one FO measurement, and a rough estimate of the slope of the second formant in [aI]. Since the three vowel formant meas- urements were taken at only one instant in time, and since the slope measure proved so effective, one might suspect that a more detailed examination of vowel formant movement could yield additional speaker information. This notion is supported by a spectrogram study of formant tracks and fundamental frequency for speaker identification (Boulogne, Carre, and Charras, 1973). Two- dimensional plots were made of F1 vs. F2, F2 vs. F3, Fl vs. F3, and FO vs. AO, where AO is the amplitude of voicing. The data base was 2 repetitions each by 10 speakers of a single phrase. Test plots were matched to references both by visual inspection and by the computation of correlation coefficients. The F2 vs. F3 plot gave no identification errors, and the other plots gave very few errors. The results of this experiment are very encouraging but somewhat preliminary due to the small data base and elementary measurement techniques. The two-dimensional plots have the advantages of including much more information than a single measurement and also avoid some of the 24 problems of temporal alignment. On the other hand, this discarded temporal information might also be useful. Therefore an extended study of formant tracks using a sophisticated formant tracking scheme and a large data base with recordings made on more than one occasion could reveal some potentially effective speaker-identifying features that have been previously overlooked. 2.2 Formant Tracking The problem of determining formant frequencies has been attacked in several different ways. The two oldest methods are peak picking on the output of a filter bank and estimating the center frequency of a high-energy band on a spectrogram. Though fairly simple and straightforward, these methods are not very accurate, and the second one is not applicable to any sort of automatic system. A definite inprovement came with the introduction of an analysis-by-synthesis technique (Bell, et. al., 1961). The spectrum of real speech obtained by passing it through a filter bank was compared with the spectrum generated from information about pole and zero locations. Pole-zero locations were varied until a best fit was obtained. The main drawback was that an automatic version of this procedure was quite slow. Sampling the spectrum at 8.3 msec. intervals, it ran at about 1000 times real time. 25 A different method employing mainly digital analysis techniques used a peak-picking algorithm on a cepstrally The smoothed speech spectrum (Schafer and Rabiner, 1970). cepstral smoothing yields a more detailed spectral envelope than a filter bank, but the peak-picking procedure throws out all information gained from relative amplitudes of spectral peaks and spectral amplitude between peaks. This information sometimes helps to identify two formants that are so close together that they form a single peak. To help resolve spectral peaks suspected of representing more than one formant, Schafer and Rabiner made use of the chirp z-transform. This algorithm enhances peaks by calculating the spectrum on a contour inside the unit circle and hopefully closer to the pole locations. Expected frequency ranges for the first three formants and expected formant amplitudes were used to detect unresolved spectral peaks. Olive (1971) introduced a method that combined the benefits of analysis-by-synthesis with those of cepstral smoothing. His system first calculated a cepstrally smoothed spectrum and then matched it to a theoretical spectrum with 3 formant frequency variables. The matching consisted of deriving 3 nonlinear simultaneous equations by minimizing the least-squared error between the spectra and then solving these 3 equations by an iterative method known as the Newton-Raphson technique. 26 A technique that has been receiving much attention recently is linear prediction, also known as predictive coding. This technique is not new, being Just a special case of a method developed by Prony in 1795 (Markel, 1972). It has also been in common use for quite some time by geophysicists (Treitel and Robinson, 1967). Linear prediction is a generalized analysis-by-synthesis technique which assumes that the signal to be analyzed can be represented by an all-pole spectrum (Makhoul and Wolf, 1972). It has generally been accepted that the vocal tract transfer function has all poles and no zeros for nonnasal voiced sounds (Fant, 1960, p. 42). The combined ef- fect of the glottal source and the radiation load can be approximated by two poles (Atal and Hanauer, 1971). The z-transform of non-nasal voiced sounds can therefore be represented by A U(z) P 1 - akz -k k=l where U(z) is the z-transform of an impulse train and p is the number of poles representing the vocal tract, voicing source, and radiation load. In the time domain, this becomes s = k=l aks n-k + Aun Linear prediction computes a set of predictor coefficients {ak that will minimize the total-squared error between the original signal sn and an approximation sn that does not include the impulse train, un . The term Aun is allowed The total-squared error is to become part of the error. defined by E (s -s " ) 2 = (s n n P E aks nk 2 k=l To minimize this error, the p partial derivatives of E with respect to ak are all set to zero, giving p equations in p unknowns. If the number of samples included in the summation over n in the computation of E is limited to a finite number N, the procedure is referred to as the covariance method of linear prediction, which was the method used by Atal and Hanauer (1971). If the summation is carried out over all time samples, but the original signal is windowed such that only a finite number of samples is non-zero, the procedure is called the autocorrelation method of linear prediction. These two methods can also be implemented either pitch synchronously or pitch asynchronously. If the first sample of the window or of the N samples included in the total-squared error is always in a fixed position relative to the beginning of the pitch period, the method is called pitch synchronous. If the analysis frame is advanced a fixed amount for each computation of the predictor coefficients regardless of the location of the pitch periods, the method is pitch asynchronous. There are various advantages and disadvantages associated with both of these methods. One might expect the autocorrelation method to give somewhat less accurate results, since this method tries to represent a finite duration impulse response (the windowed signal) with an infinite duration impulse response filter (the all-pole model), a situation which is theoretically impossible. But in practice, the two methods of linear prediction give remarkably similar results. Chandra and Lin (1974) found that for pitch asynchronous analysis and relatively large segment size (20-25 msec.), the two methods performed about equally well. Performance was judged on the basis of total minimum normalized squared error, accuracy in estimating the speech spectrum, and accuracy in estimating formant parameters. The covariance method performed better with pitch synchronous analysis than it did with asynchronous analysis, and also performed better than the autocorrelation method when both were tried pitch synchronously. Further improvement can be gained when using the covariance method pitch synchronously if analysis is confined to the closedglottis part of the pitch period or if the one sample producing the largest error in the error signal for a given 29 pitch period is eliminated from the analysis segment (Atal, For these reasons, the covariance method might be 1974). chosen for situations where accuracy of formant frequencies is of utmost importance. By making use of symmetry and other special conditions that arise during the solution of the p simultaneous equations to obtain the predictor coefficients, the time and storage required can be greatly reduced for both the autocorrelation and covariance methods. These savings are somewhat greater with the autocorrelation method than with the covariance method (Portnoff, Zue, and Oppenheim, 1972). The second advantage of the autocorrelation method is that in theory it guarentees that all poles of the transfer function will be inside the unit circle of the z-plane. In actual practice, an unstable filter may result from a finite word length computation (Markel and Gray, 1973). An unstable filter representation can cause prob- lems if the predictor coefficients are to be used for speech synthesis. The determination of the predictor coefficients is only part of the job of finding formant frequencies, since all that it provides is a system function in unfactored form. To find the formant frequencies, one can either find the roots of the denominator of this system function and eliminate those that do not appear to represent 30 formants, or one can perform peak-picking on the spectrum calculated from this system function. The root-finding technique gives excellent resolution of the formant frequencies, but is extremely time-consuming, since the calculation must be performed iteratively. Besides suffering from the problem of resolving merged spectral peaks, the peak-picking method is limited in its frequency resolution by the number of points used by the FFT to calculate the spectrum. For example, McCandless (1974) used a 256 point FFT, giving 40 Hz spectral resolution. Her system included a very sophisticated algorithm for determining which peaks represented formants and where a formant might have been missed. Spectral peaks representing 2 formants were re- solved by repeatedly recomputing the spectrum on a circle in the z-plane with radius less than 1, until 2 distinct peaks were found. The system of McCandless also preemphasizes the input signal 6 dB/octave before sampling it. This 6 dB/octave preemphasis has various effects, most of them beneficial. It deemphasizes the first harmonic, which is otherwise sometimes picked up as a formant (Markel, 1972). It em- phasizes the higher formants, thus bringing them closer to the level of the lower formants and reducing computational problems such as roundoff error. The preemphasis, which Markel simulates by differencing the speech after it has 31 been sampled, acts as an additional zero at z=l. This zero approximately cancels one of the glottal poles, such that the total number of poles in the analysis can be reduced by 1. The disadvantage of preemphasis is that it shifts the formant frequencies somewhat, with the largest effect occuring with the first formant. Makhoul and Wolf (1972) found a raising of the first formant of about 80 Hz when using peak-picking and about 40 Hz for root-finding when preemphasis was used in the analysis of one vowel. CHAPTER III Experimental Procedure 3.1 Data Base Recordings were made of the 3 diphthongs [I], [aI], and [aU], 3 retroflex sounds [r], 4 tense vowels [i], [e], [o], and [u]. [rC], and [ar], and In order to facil- itate comparison of one vowel with another, all vowels were recorded in the context, "Say b d again." Ten adult male speakers of American English with no noticeable accents or speech defects were chosen to make the recordings. Each person spoke 5 repetitions of each of the 10 sentences in one recording session. Six of the original 10 speakers returned at least 3 weeks after the first recording session to make another set of recordings, again with 5 repetitions of each of the 10 sentences. This second set of recordings was made in order to check on the changes in a speaker's voice over time. 3.2 Formant Tracking Procedure Recordings were processed semiautomatically on a PDP-9 minicomputer specially set up for speech analysis. The software written for this purpose seeks to minimize the amount of time needed to compute a highly accurate set of formant tracks, both in terms of computer time and operator time. However, for several reasons, no attempt was made to fully automate this procedure. Currently, there is no automatic formant-tracking program in existence which gives 4 formants with 100% reliability. The best systems giving 3 formants generally have very complicated decision algorithms, and even then cannot guarantee absolute 100% reliability (McCandless, 1974). Since an error in formant identification can produce serious errors in a speaker identification scheme based on specific formant frequencies, and since the major emphasis of the study is on the use of formant tracks rather than on their computation, it was decided that an interactive system should be constructed. With such a system, the operator can observe the results of a first, automatic stage of tracking and can intervene manually to correct errors. Informal observations by the program user during the process of trying to identify missing formants or eliminate extraneous ones could be useful in the construction of a more automatic system at some later time. Audio input was preemphasized 6 dB/octave, band-limited to 5 KHz, and sampled at 10 KHz. The sampled signal was displayed on a cathode-ray tube, and then marked by hand to indicate beginning and end of processing. The beginning was defined at 20 msec. after the noise burst indicating the release of [b]. The end was marked when a sudden drop in amplitude and an obvious loss of high frequencies indicated the closure for [d]. On about 5 sentences, these two points were not obvious, due to unprecise pronunciation by the subject. In these cases, analysis was started well before the expected beginning and stopped after the expected end. The two end markers were then readjusted to the two points where gross discontinuities in the formants indicated the presence of a consonant. Figure 3.1 shows an example of the beginning of a vowel that was marked at the point where the formant tracking program was able to find a continuous set of formants. The first main processing loop of the formant tracking program calculates 12 predictor coefficients for each 10 msec. frame, using the covariance method non pitch synchronously, and stores these values on disk. The second loop calculates pole locations of the transfer function for each frame and then transforms them to formants and bandwidths (Jenkins and Traub, 1970). Formants with bandwidths greater than 700 Hz are removed from the general formant array and placed in a temporary location for extraneous formants. The last phase of the program displays the formants and allows corrections to be entered manually by the operator, according to continuity considerations and his knowledge of acoustic theory. Formants can be restored from the temporary locations if they are FORMANT TRACKS [u] recorded on day 1 by speaker 2, repetition 1 Formant Frequency in KHz 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time in msec. Figure 3.1 Manual Placement of a Beginning-of-Vowel Marker Beginning-of-vowel marker was placed at 40 msec., the point where the formant-tracking program began to find a continuous set of formants. judged as not extraneous. Formants can also be removed if they seem extraneous but were not automatically eliminated. On very rare occasions, the root-finding subroutine could not find the roots in 10 iterations. In this case, the formant frequencies were set to zero by the program and were later filled in by averaging the formants of the previous and the next frame. During the course of the measurements, this situation only occurred twice. Corrected formant tracks were appropriately labeled and stored on DEC-tape. Occasionally, a situation arose when the user had trouble deciding which poles to choose as formants. To help him make a decision, the program calculated a logmagnitude plot of the spectrum and a pole-plot in the z-plane for any frame indicated by the user. are shown in Figures 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4. Examples In actual practice however, these plots rarely gave more insight than the actual formant frequencies and bandwidths. 37 FORMANT TRACKS [aU] recorded on day 1 by speaker 8, repetition 4 50 100 150 200 Time in msec. Figure 3.2 Example of a Formant Track Display 250 300 SPECTRUM - frame 13 [aU] recorded on day 1 by speaker 8, repetition 4 Relative Energy in dB 20 10 1 2 3 4 5 Frequency in KHz Figure 3.3 Example of a Spectrum Plot Spectrum calculated from predictor coefficients 130 msec. from beginning of formant tracks in Figure 3.2 Pole Plot - frame 13 Im(z) [aU] recorded on day 1 by speaker 8 repetition 4 Re (z) Figure 3.4 Pole Plot Giving Rise to the Spectrum of Figure 3.3 CHAPTER IV Evaluation of the Formant-Tracking Procedure 4.1 Initial Experiments for Determining the Exact Formant-Tracking Method The problem of maximizing the accuracy of formant tracking is much less well-defined than the problem of minimizing computation time, simply because there are no absolute scales for comparison. Spectrograms can only be read to an accuracy of about 50 Hz, and quite often do not show more than 3 formants reliably. The analysis of synthetic speech is not a fair test, because the synthesizer usually generates speech under the same assumptions as those used by the analysis scheme, namely, poles and zeros, or just poles. In this study, the accuracy of the analysis was judged on the basis of the smoothness of the formant tracks and the degree to which the uncorrected formant tracks corresponded to those expected on the basis of spectrograms, continuity, and acoustic theory. The effects of varying the number of predictor coefficients and of preemphasizing the signal were investigated briefly in terms of speed and accuracy of formant tracking. Formant tracks of the same vowel seg- ment were compared for 13 poles without preemphasis and 12 poles with preemphasis. (A discussion of the number of poles as related to preemphasis is given in Section 2.2.) The preemphasis case seemed to produce slightly smoother formant tracks, especially in the higher formants, as shown in Figures 4.1 and 4.2. For the case without pre- emphasis, an additional condition was added to the formant and bandwidth calculation subroutine. Since the first harmonic of the unpreemphasized spectrum is often strong enough to be mistaken for a formant, as shown in Figure 4.3, all formants with Q less than 2.0 were labeled as extraneous, in addition to those rejected because of bandwidth greater than 700 Hz. Occasionally this condition falsely eliminated the first formant, and occasionally it failed to eliminate a first harmonic peak. The pre- emphasis case required less computation time, both in calculating predictor coefficients and in finding roots, simply because it deals with one less unknown. For the non-preemphasis case, the root-finder failed to converge within 10 iterations on several occasions, whereas it performed quite well in these instances when preemphasis was used. Since the measurements taken in this study were to be used mainly on a comparative basis, it was felt that the above-mentioned advantages of preemphasis justified the disadvantage of the slight formant frequency shift that it causes. FORMANT TRACKS [aUl recorded on day 1 by speaker 8, repetition 4 Formant Frequency in KHz 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time in msec. Figure 4.1 Formant tracks. computed from a preemphasized signal using 12 predictor coefficients, before manual corrections were made. FORMANT TRACKS [aU] recorded on day 1 by speaker 8, repetition 4 Formant Frequency in KHz 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time in msec. Figure 4.2 Formant tracks computed from an unpreemphasized signal using 13 predictor coefficients and automatically eliminating formants having Q less than 2.0. The first formant was falsely eliminated in 2 frames. FORMANT IRACKS [aU] recorded on day 1 by speaker 8, repetition 4 Formant Frequency in KHz 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time in msec. Figure 4.3 Formant tracks computed from an unpreemphasized signal using 13 predictor coefficients without Q criterion. The first harmonic of the spectrum is sometimes mistaken for the first formant. 45 Since the number of predictor coefficients, p, also affects the accuracy of formant tracking, a brief study was undertaken to determine what number would be most appropriate for the data under investigation. If not enough predictor coefficients are used, there will not be enough poles to account for all formants present in the 5 KHz range being considered. If there are too many predictor coefficients, poles will be assigned to extraneous peaks in the spectrum, possibly shifting the values of other poles, and making it difficult to decide which poles are the actual formants. Theoretically, 12 poles should be about right for the conditions of this formant tracker. A 5 KHz low-pass filtered signal should allow for about 5 formants for a male voice, assuming plane-wave propagation in an acoustic tube (Makhoul and Wolf, 1972, p. 24). The glottal source and the radiation characteristic can be represented by 2 poles, but in order to compensate for aliasing, this number is best raised to 3 (Makhoul and Wolf, 1972). Finally, the preemphasis removes one pole. One method suggested for determining p is to compute the average normalized error for a sound using a number of different p's (Makhoul and Wolf, 1972). of p, this error is fairly high. For low values In theory, the error 46 should decrease substantially with each increase in p until all formants are matched with poles, at which point the error curve levels off. This "knee" in the curve, therefore, indicates the optimum value for p. This type of analysis was performed for 3 speakers with 4 different vowels and p ranging from 9 to 14. Speech was preemphasized 6 dB/octave in each case. As shown in Figures 4.4, 4.5, and 4.6, the error curves obtained generally had a knee at p=10. However, as can be seen by comparing the 10-coefficient formant plot in Figure 4.7 with the 12-coefficient plot of Figure 3.2, 10 predictor coefficients are not enough to represent all formants. for p=10. Every case tested produced bad results Values for p of 11, 12, and 13 all produced good results. For p=14, there was some evidence of extraneous formants, as shown in Figure 4.8. Since 12 is halfway between the two cases that gave trouble, this seems to be a good value for p. Also, with a little imagination, one might discern a second knee for some error curves at p=12. 4.2 Observations Based on Formant Tracks of the Entire Data Base The first formant tracked perfectly on every utterance, never requiring any correction. The second formant .10 .05 1 I I 10 I I 12 13 Number of Predictor Coefficients Figure 4.4 Average Normalized Error versus Number of Predictor Coefficients of Various Phones for Speaker 1 V 14 48 0 .10 *d O 0 .05 9 10 11 12 13 Number of Predictor Coefficients Figure 4.5 Average Normalized Error versus Number of Predictor Coefficients of Various Phones for Speaker 3 14 .10 .05 I Number of Predictor Coefficients Figure 4.6 Average Normalized Error versus Number of Predictor Coefficients of Various Phones for Speaker 6 FORMANT TRACKS [aU] recorded on day 1 by speaker 8, repetition 4 Formant Frequency in KHz 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time in msec. Figure 4.7 Formant tracks computed using 10 predictor coefficients. The fourth and fifth formants shown in Figure 4.1 were generally represented by a single formant track and sometimes missed altogether. 51 FORMANT TRACKS [aU] recorded on day 1 by speaker 8, repetition 4 Formant Frequency in KHz 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time in msec. Figure 4.8 Formant tracks computed using 14 predictor coefficients. An extraneous pole-pair was recorded as the third formant at 30 msec. from the beginning of the tracks. presented problems in about 2% of all utterances. Errors generally occurred in cases where the second formant was unusually high or low, such as in [u] and [i], third formant was low. or if the As the second formant dips in [u] and [I], its level goes down, and the peak blends into the first formant peak. The linear prediction algorithm then assigns a wider bandwidth to the second formant. Occasionally, this bandwidth exceeds 700 Hz for a few analysis frames, so that the formant is labeled as extraneous. When the second formant is close to the third, as in [i] and [], the algorithm sometimes assigns an extra pole-pair to this combined peak. With another pole-pair to raise the spectrum level near the second and third formants, the bandwidths assigned to the polepairs representing these two formants are larger than might be expected, occasionally exceeding 700 Hz. On other occasions, the bandwidth corresponding to the extra pole-pair is narrow enough to cause it to be labeled as a formant. Third formant errors occurred in about 10% of all utterances. Most of these occurred in cases where the second and third formants were very close together. Other errors occur when the third formant is so weak that the bandwidths associated with it sometimes rise above 700 Hz. The fourth formant produced errors in about 25% of all sentences, for reasons similar to those given for the third formant errors as well as a few additional complications. In many cases, it was difficult to decide how and where to correct third and fourth formant errors, even with the help of pole plots, spectrum plots, and spectrograms. With speaker number 10, a resonance of higher frequency than the third formant seemed to disappear and reappear. In all repetitions of [aI], [DI], and [el], it appeared at the very end of the diphthong, as can be seen in the spectrogram of Figure 4.9. [u], [o], and [re], In the phonemes it appeared in some repetitions, but not in others, as shown in Figures 4.10 and 4.11. When it did appear, its level was lower than that of both the next higher and the next lower formants. One possible explanation of this phenomenon is that the speaker sometimes creates an extra cavity in his vocal tract by raising the tongue blade, and therefore introduces an additional pole-zero pair. This is particularly likely for the context used in the recording of these vowels. speaker may be anticipating the final [d], The which is a consonant that requires a raised tongue blade. The [r] in bread can also be articulated with a raised tongue blade, making it very likely that the blade will remain high throughout the following [C]. . : . . .: '2 . _ 7' I i' , -" :; -'_ ° .. . " . ]'. _: 6 . - 5 . . . .,.: 'L\ - I I I I 0.5 I a I I I 1.0 Time in Seconds Figure 4.9 Speaker 10 saying "Say bide again." An extra formant appears between the third and fourth formants at the end of [al]. 5 C4 0 0 0.5 1. 0 Time in Seconds Figure 4.10 Speaker 10 saying "Say bode again," second repetition. "formants" are present in a 4000 Hz range. Five 56 L. 1 1 1 i 0.5 1 I 0.5 m 1.0 Time in Seconds Figure 4.11 Speaker 10 saying "Say bode again," third repetition. four "formants" are apparent in a 4000 Hz range. Only 57 Whether or not this resonance should be called the fourth formant depends on how one chooses to define a formant. For purposes of this study, whenever a resonance was detected with a bandwidth less than 700 Hz for over 50% of the time, it was declared a formant. Missing frames were then filled in from the temporary locations where rejected formants were stored. By following this decision rule, those resonances that were rejected were generally also those that were too weak to be visible on a spectrogram. Speaker number 3 presented a similar problem with the "third" formant, with the difference that his data were self-consistent on a single day's recordings. On the first day, 4 distinct formants were detected in a frequency range up to 3000 Hz for the diphthong [aI]. On the second day, only 3 formants were detected in the same range. Examination of spectrograms revealed that on the recordings from the second day, there was a very weak concentration of energy in the frequency region where a third formant had been detected on the first day's recordings. However, the difference between the two day's recordings is not simply the strength of the resonance that was detected as the third formant on the first day. This resonance also seems to affect the locations of the other formants, since the average value of the fourth formant of the first day was consistently 200 Hz higher than the average value of the apparent third formant of the second day. One possible explanation is that for some reason there was nasal coupling in the production of the vowel on day 2. This nasal coupling would have the affect of lowering the amplitude of the third formant during [a] and lowering the frequency of the fourth formant (House and Stevens, 1956). Examples of spectrograms showing the phenomenon are given in Figures 4.12 and 4.13. Lower-than-expected formants created major problems with speaker 7, who appeared to have the lowest average third and fourth formant frequencies, and therefore, the largest vocal tract. An examination of a frequency listing of formants labeled as extraneous showed that the formant tracker quite often assigned the 12 available poles to 6 recognizable formants. This left no poles for representing the spectrum of the voicing source. The appropriate spectrum was, therefore, approximated by totally inappropriate formant bandwidths, i.e., very low bandwidths on the first formant and much larger bandwidths on the higher formants, which were consequently rejected by the program. When 14 predictor coefficients were used to ana- lyze a few vowels for this speaker, results were much better. Figures 4.14 and 4.15 show formant tracks for this speaker i. -~ er r -' r 3 ~:l:i ar:"il ' ~ni-: a~ ;r7L:~~~t ;rl n'i-Y;~PT~~I I!_~ ~ljlh~i:;~C'4 " 4: -" (5~::e. n .i i" ~~CFZ~~~i o 0.5 1.0 Time in Seconds Figure 4.12 Speaker 3 saying "Say bide again" on day 1, second repetition. Five distinct formants are visible in [al]. 7. 6. 5. 4 3. 2 1 0 1 I- 1 I 5 0.5 Time in Seconds Figure 4.13 Speaker 3 saying "Say bide again" on day 2, fifth repetition. Only four formants are visible in [al]. 1.0 61 FORMANT TRACKS [aU] recorded on day 2 by speaker 7, repetition 5 Formant Frequency in KHz 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time in msec. Figure 4.1 4 Uncorrected formant tracks calculated with 12 predictor coefficients. 62 FORMANT TRACKS [aU] recorded on day 2 by speaker 7, repetition 5 Formant Frequency in KHz 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time in msec. Figure 4.15 Uncorrected formant tracks calculated with 14 predictor coefficients. before manual correction for 12 and 14 predictor coefficients, respectively. Figures 4.16 and 4.17 show the same formant tracks after corrections were made. One problem associated with changing the number of predictor coefficients is that this can cause the apparent formant frequencies to shift considerably. It is, there- fore, inadvisable to adjust the number of predictor coefficients to any sort of "optimum" for a given utterance, as might well be done in a speech recognition system. In determining the number of predictors to be used, it is best to choose the maximum number required by any speaker, since it is generally easier to eliminate extraneous pole pairs than to guess at the locations of non-existent ones. On the basis of experience with speaker 7, it would, therefore, have been better to use 14 predictor coefficients for this experiment. For all of its crudeness, the method of eliminating all of the pole pairs with bandwidth greater than 700 Hz worked remarkably well. A system that simply rejects all but the five formants with the lowest bandwidths probably wouldn't work much better, since the number of formants detected in the 5000 Hz range under consideration varied from 4 to 6, depending on the specific speaker and sound. One possible refinement for the formant-tracking procedure used in this study would be to add a stage for 64 FORMANT TRACKS [aU] recorded on day 2 by speaker 7, repetition 5 Formant Frequency in KHz 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time in msec. Figure 4.16 Formant tracks calculated from 12 predictor coefficients after manual corrections were made. 65 FORMANT TRACKS [aU] recorded on day 2 by speaker 7, repetition 5 Formant Frequency in KHz 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time in msec. Figure 4.17 Formant tracks calculated from 14 predictor coefficients after manual corrections were made. finding discontinuities in the formant tracks and correctThe correction algorithm, ing them, when necessary. summarized in Figure 4.18, scans the formant tracks, looking for discontinuities greater than 300 Hz, beginning with the first formant. A first attempt at correcting discontinuities consists of reinserting formant values that had previously been rejected. If no reject is available of frequency lower than that of the formant suspected in error, one can try removing the formant at the lower end of the discontinuity. If the bandwidth at this point is relatively large, any type of improvement in the continuity of the formants would justify the removal of this pole-pair. However, if the bandwidth is narrow, this formant is best left intact unless the removal of this single frame gives perfect continuity. An aid in testing the appropriateness of a given formant configuration is the examination of a formant higher than the one with the suspected error. For some speakers, there is evidence of a narrow-bandwidth, stable fourth formant but a much less well-defined third formant. By eliminating or inserting values for the third formant that force a smooth fourth formant, a good estimate can be obtained for the third formant. This correction algorithm is not overly sophisticated ._r ___I_~i__ I ~_ FIGURE 4.18 Algorithm for Correcting Discontinuities in Formant Tracks ;_liL~___1_ _I__ _I~ 68 and certainly cannot guarantee perfect formant tracks. Hopefully it will make some improvement in the crude tracks obtained by eliminating all pole-pairs of bandwidth greater than 700 Hz. But in order to obtain any radical improvements in formant tracking, it may be necessary to define more carefully what is meant by the word "formant", for purposes of eliminating ambiguities such as those encountered with speakers 3 and 10. 69 CHAPTER V The Speaker-Identifying Features 5.1 Introduction The formant tracks, as determined by the methods of the previous chapter, contain a mixture of noise, linguistic information, and personal information. The next phase of a speech-theoretic speaker identification system would be to extract the personal information pertaining only to the identity of the speaker. In this study, a large number of features was measured for each of the sounds being investigated, and each feature was then evaluated in terms of its effectiveness in speaker identification. A list of the names given to these features, a short description of each one, and a list of which sounds each was applied to is given in Table 5.1. A more detailed description of how some of the features were measured will be given in the remaining sections of this chapter. In the measurement process, similar phones were grouped together so that approximately the same set of features was tested for each phone of a given class. three major classes used were and [aU]; 2) tense vowels 3) retroflex sounds [rE], [e], [ar], 1) diphthongs [II], [o], [i], and [3]. The [aI], and [u]; and The evaluation of the features will be organized according to these classes. Table 5.1 NAME AVEF3 Feature Names, Descriptions, and Applications APPLICATION :I, aI, aU, e, i, o, u DESCRIPTION average third formant not including last 20 msec of formant track average fourth formant not including last 20 msec of formant track average third minus second formant omitting last 20 msec of formant track total duration AVEF4 all AVE3M2 re, ar, 3" DUR all DUR1 oI, aI, aU DUR2 3I, aI, aU FINAL1 rE, FINAL2 3I, al, aU, re, ar, e, i, o, u FINAL3 re, ar FINAL4 rE, ar F1MAX2 DI, aI, aU, e, i, o, u F lMAX 3 re, ar FlMIN2 DI, aI, aU, e, i, o, u F1 at point in time when F3 reaches a maximum Fl at point in time when F2 reaches a minimum FlMIN3 re, ar,3 F1 at F3 minimum F2MAX3 rE, ar F2 at F3 maximum ar duration 1 measured from beginning of formant tracks to middle of second formant glide duration 2 measured from middle of second formant glide to end of formant tracks Fl measured 20 msec before end of formant tracks F2 measured 50 msec before end of formant track on [aU], [o], and [u]; 20 msec before end on all other sounds F3 measured 20 msec before end of formant tracks F4 measured 20 msec before end of formant tracks F1 at point in time when F2 reaches a maximum 71 NAME APPLICATION DESCRIPTION F2MIN3 re, ar,3^ F2 at F3 minimum F4MAX3 re, ar F4 at F3 maximum F4MIN3 re, ar,3A F4 at F3 minimum INITL1 aI, aI, aU, re, ar, e, i, o, u INITL2 DI, aI, aU, re, ar, e, i, 0, u INITL3 re, ar initial Fl, measured 20 msec after beginning of formant track for [re] and [ar], at beginning of track for all other sounds initial F2, measured 20 msec after beginning of formant track for [re] and [ar], at beginning of track for all other sounds initial F3, taken 20 msec after beginning INITL4 rE, ar initial F4, taken 20 msec after beginning LOCALS aI, aI, aU MAXF1 all local slope, measured over 110 msec around point of maximum slope of F2 for [aI] and [oI], measured from beginning to MINF2 for [au] maximum first formant MAXF2 all maximum second formant MAXF 3 re, ar maximum third formant MAXF 4 maximum fourth formant MIDFl e, i, o, u, MIDF2 e, MIDF 3 MIDF4 i, o, u, first formant at midpoint of formant tracks second formant at midpoint third formant at midpoint T fourth formant at midpoint 72 NAME APPLICAT ION MID1AV e, i, o, u,3' MID2AV e, i, DESCRIPTION MID4AV 3' MINF2 all MIDFI averaged with the first-formant values on either side of it MIDF2 averaged with the surrounding values MIDF3 averaged with the surrounding values MIDF4 averaged with the surrounding values minimum second formant MINF3 rE, ar, 3 minimum third formant MINF4 3' minimum fourth formant PCTDUR aI, aI, aU RANGE 2 DI, aI, aU, e, i, o, u MINF3 averaged with the 2 surrounding values percent duration one = (DURl/DUR) x 100 range of second formant = o, u,3r MID3AV MIN3AV 2 2 2 2 MAXF2 - MINF2 RANGE 4 re, ar SLOPE2 :I, aI, aU, e, i, o, u slope of second formant SLOPE3 rE, ar, 3' slope of third formant STDF1 DI, aI, aU, e, i, o, u standard deviation of F1 over its entire duration TOTALS DI, aI, aU, e, i, o, u, 5 total slope, measured by fitting a straight line to the formant in question over its total duration FlMIN3 averaged with the 2 surrounding points F2MIN3 averaged with the 2 surrounding points F4MIN3 averaged with the 2 surrounding points range of fourth formant = MAXF4 - MINF4 lMIN3A 2MIN3A 4MIN3A The total data collected can also be divided into three groups according to when they were recorded. The first day of recordings for all ten speakers form one group, the second day of recordings for six of the ten speakers form the second group, and both days of recordings for the six speakers form the third group. The statistical evaluation process consisted of computing the mean and standard deviation of each feature for each speaker. For days one and two, these calculations were based on five repetitions, and for the combined group, they were based on ten repetitions. In addition, three F ratios were calculated for each feature for each of the three timegroupings. Tables of F ratios will be given in sections 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4 along with the evaluation of the effectiveness of the features for speaker identification. The full set of means, standard deviations, and F ratios is given in the Appendix. As mentioned in Chapter II, a higher F ratio indicates a feature that gives larger interspeaker variation in relation to the intraspeaker variation, and is therefore usually more useful for speaker identification than a feature with a lower F ratio. Though not as sophisticated as the probability-of-error method used by Sambur (1972), the calculation of F ratios has the advantage of being 74 fast and easy to implement--a very desirable advantage when dealing with a large number of features. However, the problems of possible dependence between features and artificially high F ratios caused by one very different speaker must still be addressed. Therefore, the distribution of speaker means was checked visually for all features with high F ratios. Possible dependence between features was tested by computing correlation coefficients relating all features for a given phone for each time grouping, first using each individual measurement in the data base, then using the speaker averages. For a given phone, the correlation matrices associated with the three time groupings were very similar. The correlations based on speaker averages were almost identical to those based on individual measurements. An example of one of these correlation matrices is shown in Table 5.2. Since the matrix is symmetric, only the lower triangle is shown. Except for those features that were deliberately designed to be redundant, most of the features appeared to be fairly independent, generally having correlation coefficients less than .5. Since the number of correlation matrices computed was very large, and since most did not show anything overly new or interesting, the complete set of correlation matrices will not be given here. Individual correlation coefficients will be given 1 MAXF2 1.00 MINF2 0.33 DUR TABLE 5.2 CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS FOR THE FEATURES COMPUTED ON DAY 1 FOR [AI] USING SPEAKER AVERAGES OF FEATURES AS A DATA BASE 2 4 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1.00 -0.19 1.00 DUR 1 0,32 -0.30 0.98 1.00 DUR2 0*38 0036 0.58 0.41 1.00 LOCALS 0*59 -0.43 0027 0.36 -0.23 1.00 F1MIN2 0.66 0.58 *0.26 -0.29 -0.01 0.31 FI1MAX2 -0.55 0.07 -0 35 -0.37 -0.08 -0.54 -0.13 1.00 INITL I 0.53 0*64 -0*38 -0.43 0.05 0.13 0.96 0.02 1.00 RANGE2 0.83 -0.25 0.49 0.51 0*17 0.86 0.34 -0.61 0o17 1.00 MAXF 1 0.75 0.49 0.06 -0.02 0.38 0.79 -0o09 0*66 0.48 1.00 PCTDUR 0.19 -0.47 0076 0.87 -0.09 0,52 0.*23 -0.37 -0.42 0.47 0*16 1.00 AVEF4 0*78 0032 0.32 0.30 0.27 0.42 0.50 -0.77 0o35 0.61 0.53 0.24 1.00 STDF1 0.93 0.40 0*20 0.19 0.17 0.59 0.80 -0.61 0*66 0.72 0.78 0.18 0.86 1.00 AVEF3 0.27 0.21 -0*45 -0.43 -0.27 0.32 0.50 -0.10 0.44 0.15 0.41 -0.30 0o41 0.41 1.00 FINAL2 0099 0.40 0o29 0*24 0.37 0*56 0.72 -0.49 0.59 0.78 0.78 0.10 0.76 0.93 0.36 1.00 INITL2 0035 1.00 -0.17 -0.27 0.37 -0.42 0059 0.06 0*64 -0.23 0.51 -0.44 0.33 0.42 0.19 0.41 '1B 1.00 e~~ 1.00 in the text whenever they are relevant to the evaluation of the features. 5.2 Diphthongs The best speaker-identifying features for diphthongs were those associated with the two target frequencies of the second formant. Highest F ratios, shown in Table 5.3, were obtained from the maximum value of F2 (MAXF2). For [aU], this maximum of the second formant was constrained to occur before the minimum in order to insure that it represented the target of [a] rather than the glide up to [d]. The one major drawback to using a maximum second- formant frequency measure in an automatic identifying scheme is that it requires computing a complete set of formant tracks, which is a very time-consuming procedure. One solution to this problem is to guess at the location of the second formant maximum and then compute formant frequencies for only one 10-millisecond frame. and [0I], For [aI] this point, called FINAL2, was set at 20 milliseconds before the end of the formant track. [au], For the first frame of the formant track, called INITL2, was used to represent the maximum of the second formant. F ratios for these measurements, shown at the right side of Table 5.3, were almost as large as those for the original maximum F2 values. All correlation coefficients Table 5.3 day 1 F Ratios of F2 Measures for Diphthongs day 2 both day 1 day 2 both aI aI 57.8 48.4 MAXF2 45.1 78.7 94.6 131.0 30.6 73.9 FINAL2 60.5 36.2 117.2 81.2 aU 84.5 MAXF2 30.2 92.3 81.6 INITL2 36.7 99.2 3I aI 45.6 54.9 INITL2 7.8 34.5 10.2 47.3 aU FINAL2 35.3 78.3 0I aI aU MINF2 13.5 37.8 52.4 9.2 35.8 36.9 MINF2 40.5 87.0 35.7 63.7 35.9 24.4 RANGE 2 27.6 51.9 8.3 39.6 76.7 24.5 8.7 relating MAXF2 to FINAL2 for [aI] and [I] or to INITL2 for [au] were greater than 0.9. The single-frame estimate for MINF2, called FINAL2, was placed 50 milliseconds before the end of the formant [o], tracks for [aU], MINF2 and the corres- and [u]. ponding single-frame estimate, FINAL2, had very high F ratios for [aU], somewhat lower for [aI], low for [I]. and quite A possible explanation for the large intraspeaker standard deviations causing the low F ratios for [,I] is that the degree of lip-rounding at the beginning of this diphthong may be much more variable than the position of the tongue. The RANGE2, computed by subtracting MINF2 from MAXF2, produced fairly high F ratios, but not as high as MAXF2. The intraspeaker variations of MAXF2 are probably not correlated with the variations of MINF2, so a combination of these two measures merely serves to increase each speaker's standard deviation. Since RANGE2 and MAXF2 are highly correlated, with all correlation coefficients greater than 0.8, it would be unwise to include RANGE2 in an identification system that already made use of MAXF2. Another feature that showed some correlation with MAXF2 was SLOPE2. Though Sambur (1972) found the slope of F2 to be one of his better features, this study seems to indicate that several other features are considerably better. Sambur computed the second-formant slope by fitting a straight line to the second formant over its entire duration, a measurement which is here referred to as TOTALS. A slight improvement was obtained in this study with LOCALS, which involved fitting the line over a smaller area around the region of steepest slope. [au], For best results were obtained for a line fit from the beginning of the vowel to F2MIN. For [aI] and [I], the point of steepest slope was assumed to be the point where the second formant frequency was just higher than the average of its maximum and minimum. The slope was then computed over this point and the 10 frames surrounding it for a total of 110 milliseconds. F ratios for slope measurements and other timing measurements are given in Table 5.4. Visual inspection of formant tracks for several speakers seemed to verify the validity of the slope measurements for repetitions that caused large standard deviations. Therefore, a more sophisticated method for finding slope would probably not greatly improve the effectiveness of this feature. The midpoint of the F2 glide, which was used to approximate the region of steepest slope, also served as the basis of three not very successful measurements. This Table 5.4 day 1 F Ratios of Timing Measures for Diphthongs day 2 both day 1 day 2 both SLOPE2 LOCALS TOTALS DI aU aI aU 20.7 38.7 23.1 35.3 29.2 4.4 44.7 50.8 14.1 16.3 37.2 21.1 23.5 17.2 5.9 19.2 42.9 16.0 aI aU 19.2 43.6 36.6 DUR 18.6 20.1 21.8 30.4 26.6 43.6 6.6 7.4 12.6 PCTDUR 13.4 2.4 33.8 17.0 6.5 42.7 DI aI aU 12.0 43.2 7.2 11.1 23.0 17.8 13.6 3.7 31.8 DUR2 21.1 4.2 34.6 32.6 4.2 58.5 DUR1 9.1 9.7 16.4 midpoint was used to divide the overall duration of the diphthong into duration 1, the duration of the first target or steady-state portion, and duration 2, the duration of the second target. Percent duration 1 was calculated as the percentage of the total duration given by duration 1. In general, the F ratios of the total duration were higher than those of any of the other duration measures. The maximum of the first formant gave surprisingly good results. This measure did not show an overly wide range between speakers, but within speakers it was very steady and reliable, making it almost as effective as the target frequencies of F2. Considerably less effective, though related to MAXF1, was the standard deviation of Fl computed over its total duration. This measure had been intended to give an estimate of the overall variation of Fl. Another poor measure was initial Fl, the first formant frequency taken at the beginning of the sound. F ratios for Fl measures are given in Table 5.5. Since MAXF2 and MINF2 were such good measures, one might expect them to represent stable targets of the articulators, indicating that Fl measured at these points might also be a good feature. This proved not to be the case; Fl was extremely unstable at these points, indicating 82 Table 5.5 day 1 F Ratios of Fl Measures for Diphthongs day 2 both day 1 day 2 both 22.9 15.6 39.0 MAXF1 59.7 77.9 32.4 30.0 45.0 56.5 18.3 33.8 17.4 STDF1 26.5 26.3 12.6 47.3 38.8 25.4 0I aI aU 3.3 13.1 7.5 FlMAX2 27.8 13.7 7.6 18.6 2.8 13.2 18.5 13.2 19.4 FlMIN2 6.4 5.4 12.6 15.1 9.2 36.1 aI aU 13.6 41.4 19.6 INITL1 3.9 11.2 18.4 8.8 21.3 24.2 that different formants do not necessarily reach targets at the same time. This finding may not be unreasonable, since the first formant is closely associated with tongue height, while the second formant is associated with forward or backward position of the tongue. Measurements of the third and fourth formants gave conflicting results. Since these formants didn't show much movement, average values of these formants computed over all but the last 20 milliseconds of the sound were used as features. In many cases, these features gave very high F ratios, as can be seen from Table 5.6. However, for AVEF3 on [aI] measured over both days and AVEF4 on [,I] measured over both days, the F ratios were very low, due to a shift in the higher formant frequencies of a few speakers, as mentioned in Chapter IV. Because of the instability of these formants and the difficulty of measuring them, it may not be worthwhile to include these features in an identification scheme. 5.2 Tense Vowels The tense vowels [e], [o], [i], and [u] were examined using a set of features similar to that used for the diphthongs. Generally, these vowels show evidence of an offglide similar to that found in the diphthongs. The magnitude of the formant shift in the offglide is greater Table 5.6 F Ratios of Higher Formant Measures for Diphthongs day 1 3I aI aU 72.5 52.3 18.6 day 2 AVEF 3 22.4 36.5 80.8 both day 1 32.1 8.9 32.4 20.9 92.9 49.0 day 2 both AVEF4 35.3 103.9 182.6 10.7 67.5 59.8 85 in [e] and [o] than in [i] or [u], as expected, but still much less than in the diphthongs, making it difficult to locate the point in time when the maximum slope of F2 occurs. For this reason, the slopes for the tense vowels were calculated by fitting a straight line to the second formant over almost its total duration, eliminating the last 50 milliseconds for [u] and [o], and eliminating the last 20 milliseconds for [i] and [e]. The calculation of durations one and two and percentage duration one would then also be meaningless, so these measurements were dropped and four others were introduced. First and second formants were measured at the midpoint of the vowel, first at one point only, and then averaged over three frames. The tense vowels did not yield as many good measures that were independent of one another as did the diphthongs. The second formant measures, whose F ratios are given in Table 5.7, were reasonably effective but not very independent. For example, the correlation coefficient of MINF2 and MAXF2 averaged about 0.1 for [I] but averaged about 0.6 for [e]. The low correlation of MINF2 and MAXF2 for [I] reflects the large range of possibilities for pronunciation of the two targets of this diphthong, the first target being low, back, and rounded, whereas the second target is high, front, and unrounded. With [e] the Table 5.7 day 1 F Ratios of F2 Measures for Tense Vowels day 2 both day 1 52.9 55.3 48.9 64.7 FINAL2 53.3 39.6 85.4 58.3 93.5 51.7 8.9 INITL2 23.9 7.9 55.5 4.6 day 2 both 37.7 63.0 MAXF2 25.2 29.0 47.8 9.9 MAXF 2 74.0 23.9 57.1 48.1 MINF2 52.5 110.5 24.4 50.2 62.0 66.5 INITL2 104.2 54.1 42.3 74.0 33.5 26.2 MINF2 22.2 13.9 62.1 22.1 21.8 6.0 FINAL2 18.4 18.1 51.1 12.5 37.3 42.1 37.7 41.5 MIDF2 28.1 45.5 28.8 24.5 56.9 57.6 77.1 43.5 33.6 48.7 35.5 59.0 MID2AV 35.3 67.6 31.9 27.7 59.0 74.7 78.5 50.6 20.9 4.2 14.0 4.8 RANGE2 19.7 3.7 25.9 11.3 44.6 6.0 54.2 12.4 only change that generally occurs is a glide from mid to front. Therefore, the correlation between MINF2 and MAXF2 for [e] is an indication of how much individual variation is present in the extent and exact direction of this glide. The best measures for [i] and [u] were the second formant frequencies taken at the middle of the vowel and averaged over three frames. MAXF2, MINF2, FINAL2, and INITL2 were generally less effective, and RANGE2 was totally useless. For [e] and [o], the best second formant measures were those taken at the location of the first vowel target: MINF2 for [e], and MAXF2 for [o]. INITL2 gave a reasonably good approximation to these measures. An even higher F ratio for [e] and [o] was given by MAXF1, as shown in Table 5.8. Unfortunately, most of the interspeaker variation was due to one speaker, a situation that did not exist with MAXF1 for the diphthongs. A possible rival to MAXF1 is Fl at the midpoint of [o] and [u], averaged over three frames (MIDlAV). F ratios for these features are somewhat lower than for MAXF1, but the interspeaker variation is distributed more evenly over all speakers. Table 5.9 shows that slope measurements were generally poor for [i], [o], and [u], and mediocre for [e]. The generally positive slopes of [i] and [e] and the negative Table 5.8 day 1 F Ratios of Fl Measures for Tense Vowels day 2 both day 1 MAXF1 76.3 26.4 153.5 96.1 165.6 43.2 122.1 123.6 27.3 23.0 12.5 18.7 8.5 6.5 8.0 17.4 FlMIN2 76.5 16.8 13.4 26.4 48.7 18.2 15.0 45.7 4.3 9.0 24.5 32.8 16.1 7.5 33.7 21.6 MIDF1 15.2 3.3 63.5 46.7 13.9 7.8 68.8 59.2 17.0 9.3 46.9 25.4 30.9 7.7 11.7 11.1 STDF1 33.2 9.4 32.8 16.6 84.4 7.5 38.5 42.7 80.3 21.5 35.3 39.0 day 2 INITL1 65.4 28.2 42.3 55.1 both 81.4 39.9 32.6 67.9 FlMAX2 15.2 5.4 2.1 5.3 113.9 79.0 59.3 104.2 MIDlAV 18.2 3.6 69.9 61.6 17.6 8.7 72.7 75.6 slopes for [u] and [o] show that these sounds are all somewhat diphthongized, but apparently this slope is not steep enough to allow for significant interspeaker variations. Duration was not particularly effective, and the higher formants were subject to the same measurement problems as found for the diphthongs, as evidenced by the F ratios given in Tables 5.9 and 5.10. 5.3 Retroflex Sounds The general American pronunciation of the retroflex vowel [3] is characterized by a very low third formant. In the retroflex sounds [rs] and [ar], a vowel target is placed next to an [3I]-like target, giving a sound quite similar to a diphthong, but with the largest formant transition in the third formant instead of the second. As with the diphthongs, an attempt was made to define the two target locations of each sound by the time locations of a maximum and a minimum, this time of the third formant. These locations were also approximated by two points in time, 20 milliseconds in from the ends of the formant tracks, and indicated by INITL3 and FINAL3. [rc], For INITL3 corresponded to MINF3, and FINAL3 was to represent MAXF3. For [ar] the situation is reversed, with INITL3 approximating MAXF3 and FINAL3 approximating MINF3. For most measurements taken at the targets and at their Table 5.9 day 1 Table 5.10 F Ratios of Timing Measures for Tense Vowels day 2 both day 1 day 2 both SLOPE2 (TOTALS) 17.7 32.5 50.6 3.6 3.8 4.0 11.5 4.4 14.7 3.1 11.9 6.8 19.1 14.5 20.7 23.0 DUR 19.6 12.2 28.0 48.2 25.4 18.0 25.6 47.1 F Ratios of Higher Formant Measures for Tense Vowels 24.3 18.3 48.4 79.1 AVEF 3 28.5 38.1 9.4 64.0 62.8 60.5 12.6 70.0 71.4 19.5 16.7 5.8 AVEF4 15.9 37.5 5.0 19.5 41.1 76.0 11.1 17.5 91 approximations, results were less than satisfying. Target measurements for [3] were only considered for MINF3 and were approximated by measurements taken at the midpoint of the vowel. Averaging the measures for [3] over three points generally gave somewhat higher F ratios. Without doubt, the best measurement for the retroflex sounds, and possibly for all speech sounds investigated, was MAXF1 for [ar], as can be seen by examining the F ratios of Table 5.11. Not only did this measure have consistently high F ratios and low individual standard deviations, but it varied widely over several speakers, not just one. Also quite good was MAXF1 for [rE]. The interspeaker variation of MAXF1 for [T] was due mainly to one speaker. Another good first formant measure was that taken at the time location of MINF3 in [T]. An excellent approximation is given by Fl measured at the midpoint of the vowel and averaged over that point and the two surrounding points. Rivaling MAXF1 for effectiveness is MINF2 for [ar], as shown in Table 5.12. This measure corresponds closely to F2MAX3 and probably indicates how strongly a particular speaker's [a] is affected by the adjacent retroflex. INITL2, though not quite as effective or stable as MINF2, provides an economical alternative, since it does not require a complete formant track. MAXF2 for [re] and MIDF2 Table 5.11 F Ratios of Fl Measures for Retroflexes day 1 day 2 47.5 52.0 53.1 29.4 151.7 71.4 both day 1 day 2 both MAXF1 re ar 57.5 154.1 87.4 ar 10.5 31.8 F1MIN3 9.7 28.4 5.8 42.4 30.3 34.2 F1MAX3 25.1 27.6 37.8 28.3 re ar 20.1 37.8 INITL1 10.3 48.3 4.3 43.4 23.5 19.2 FINAL1 27.3 7.5 44.1 14.6 35.3 F1MIN3 56.0 63.0 32.7 MIDF1 60.0 68.0 35.8 1MIN3A 62.6 67.9 37.2 MID1AV 65.3 70.7 re 3' Table 5.12 day 1 F Ratios of F2 Measures for Retroflexes day 2 both day 1 day 2 both ar 6.4 131.2 27.5 MINF2 20.0 58.6 14.7 16.3 101.9 30.7 33.8 28.6 22.1 MAXF2 36.1 21.3 21.0 42.7 49.7 35.7 rE ar 43.3 41.9 F2MAX 3 32.8 79.6 53.5 76.8 10.7 11.3 F2MIN3 6.7 11.0 7.8 12.9 7.0 61.9 INITL2 8.3 8.5 107.2 81.4 57.7 28.5 FINAL2 50.3 21.6 60.1 49.8 43.5 MIDF2 20.4 13.6 F2MIN3 12.0 24.4 41.4 MID2AV 21.1 18.4 2MIN3A 12.0 28.8 re re ar T% 36.5 44.8 for [T] provided reasonably good measures, though MIDF2 was quite dependent on MIDF3. The other second formant measures are probably not worth calculating, as shown by their F ratios in Table 5.12. The most effective third formant measure found was MIN3AV for [T], as can be seen from the F ratios of Table 5.13. AVE3M2 for [re] produced slightly lower F ratios, mainly due to the high standard deviations of three speakers. Other third formant measures had lower F ratios simply because the third formant tracks were rough and noisy. formant measures. Similar problems plagued the fourth The fourth formant measure for [re] performed particularly badly because of an inconsistency in the formant tracks of speaker 10. In the case of repetition five of [r] for this speaker, a weak resonance which had been ignored on the four previous repetitions, was tracked as the fourth formant. An interesting pattern was noted in the fourth formant tracks of [re]. was very steady. For five speakers, this formant For one speaker it started low and rose parallel to the third formant. For the four remaining speakers it started low but did not begin to rise until the third formant started to level off. Examples of these three cases are shown in Figures 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3. 95 Table 5.13 day 1 r ar re ar r" F Ratios of F3 Measures for Retroflexes day 2 both day 1 day 2 both 26.5 18.4 MINF3 15.2 34.6 16.6 53.4 19.8 30.8 MAXF3 13.8 10.7 21.7 20.2 21.3 22.5 INITL3 12.7 19.8 13.3 17.7 17.4 29.0 FINAL3 8.3 28.8 13.8 57.0 36.9 MINF3 101.1 93.9 40.4 MIDF3 97.5 82.3 52.9 MIN3AV 119.8 103.8 39.4 MID3AV 102.9 99.7 30.1 17.4 63.6 AVE 3M2 128.7 9.2 33.6 96 FORMANT TRACKS [rE] recorded on day 2 by speaker 6, repetition 2 Formant Frequency in KHz 50 100 150 200 250 Time in msec. Figure 5.1 [rs] with a Steady Fourth Formant 300 FORMANT TRACKS [re] recorded on day 1 by speaker 1, repetition 1 Formant Frequeney in KHz 50 150 100 200 250 300 Time in msec. Figure 5.2 Cre] with Fourth Formant Rising Parallel to Third 98 FORMANT TRACKS [re] recorded on day 2 by speaker 2, repetition 1 Formant Frequency in KHz CC-C~-L'N 50 100 I 150 200 I 250 m 300 Time in msec. Figure 5.3 [re] with Fourth Formant Rising after Third has Leveled Off A possible explanation for this phenomenon is that different speakers use different tongue shapes when saying [r] (Kurath, 1939, p. 128). An [r] formed with a lifted tongue blade might introduce an extra pole in the vicinity of the second or third formant. As the tongue blade is lowered, this pole rapidly rises in frequency and is labeled by the formant tracker as the third formant, then the fourth, and then the fifth, before it finally disappears. This effect can be seen in Figure 5.3. The steady fourth formant in Figure 5.1 may be an indication that the fourth formant of this speaker depends on a portion of the vocal tract that remains relatively fixed in shape, regardless of the particular vowel spoken (Stevens 1972, p. 217). In the case of Figure 5.2, creation of a constriction may lower both the fourth and the third formants. The removal of this constriction allows the two formants to rise simultaneously. Since each speaker was perfectly consistent in producing his particular fourth formant shape, one might expect it to be an excellent tool for separating speakers into three classes. However, as can be seen from the irregularity of the fourth formant in Figure 5.4, a noisy fourth formant track can be a severe limitation in the pattern recognition necessary for classifying the fourth formant shape. A measure of the range of the fourth 100 FORMANT TRACKS [rE] recorded on day 1 by speaker 7, repetition 5 Formant Frequency in KHz 50 100 150 200 250 Time in msec. Figure 5.4 [re] Showing a Noisy Fourth Formant 300 101 formant gave rather poor results, as can be seen in Table 5.14. Rather than trying to devise elaborate schemes for automatically classifying the fourth formant shape, one might find it better to reserve this procedure for a subjective task, such as speaker identification by spectrograms. Duration and third formant slope measures gave mediocre results, as shown in Table 5.15. Slopes for [re] and [ar] were taken over eleven points at the midpoint of the F3 transition, in the same way as slopes were calculated for [aI] and [lI]. taken over the total duration. For [3] the slope was 102 Table 5.14 re ar T both day 1 37.7 F4MIN3 10.9 39.8 35.9 58.8 21.6 9.2 F4MAX3 30.5 19.7 35.4 32.2 14.7 86.8 INITL4 10.5 27.0 39.4 70.6 14.3 12.0 FINAL4 25.9 14.6 27.3 13.9 6.9 MIDF4 20.4 19.4 7.7 MID 4AV 45.3 23.6 11.4 ar day 2 both day 1 re F Ratios of F4 Measures for Retroflexes day 2 7.1 F4MIN3 50.7 8.3 4MIN3A 45.2 21.6 4.9 MINF4 21.3 19.8 16.5 MAXF4 16.9 21.1 AVEF4 21.5 57.9 48.4 51.5 74.7 32.1 22.8 6.0 RANGE 4 33.3 0.7 57.9 1.9 10.1 89.4 13.3 19.4 103 Table 5.15 day 1 rF ar r" 13.5 15.6 20.6 F Ratios of Timing Measures for Retroflexes day 2 SLOPE3 40.9 20.1 5.0 both day 1 day 2 both 25.3 21.3 11.6 16.7 14.1 18.4 DUR 18.8 28.3 23.7 20.9 34.6 27.0 104 CHAPTER VI Conclusions and Discussion 6.1 The Most Effective Features for Speake r Identification After the general discussion of the various advan- tages and disadvantages of all the features given in Chapter V, it seems appropriate to prepare a short list of those features most likely to be effective in a speakeridentification system. Toward this purpose, Table 6.1 lists the 29 features with average F ratios greater than 60. The average F ratios were obtained by averaging the 3 F ratios associated with the 3 recording times: day one, day two, and both days. But these 29 features are not necessarily an optimum feature set, since some of them might be correlated or have artificially high F ratios. An inspection of the individual speaker averages for each feature showed that a number of these F ratios were unduly high because of a large variation by one speaker. For this reason, MAXF1 for [e], FlMAX2 for [o] and [u], [u], and [3], and AVEF3 for [u] were eliminated from further consideration. Several sets of features are obviously redundant, since they represented essentially the same acoustical property but with slightly different measurement procedures. Therefore, it is best to keep only the one feature in each set with the highest F ratio. 105 Table 6.1 Features having Average F Ratios Greater than 60 Feature MAXF1 MAXF1 MAXF1 MINF2 AVEF4 MIN3AV FINAL2 AVEF4 MAXF1 MAXF2 MID3AV MINF3 AVE3M2 AVEF4 INITL2 MIDF3 MINF2 FlMAX2 MAXF2 AVEF3 MAXF1 MAXF2 MAXF2 F1MAX2 MID2AV MIDIAV FINAL2 INITL4 INITL2 Sound F Ratio ar e o ar aU T aI aI u aI 119.3 107.4 103.6 97.2 97.1 92.2 90.8 88.1 86.2 86.0 80.7 77.3 74.0 74.0 73.4 73.4 73.4 72.5 71.8 71.0 70.6 69.0 65.8 65.4 63.7 63.2 62.5 61.5 60.9 3 re ar e 3 e o o u T aU aI u i o e ar i Possible Disadvantage 1 speaker very different correlated with AVEF4 for aU 1 speaker very different same as FINAL2 same as MIN3AV same as MIN3AV correlated with AVEF4 for aU same as MIN3AV same as INITL2 1 speaker very different 1 speaker very different 1 speaker very different correlated with FINAL2 aI 1 speaker very different correlated with FINAL2 aI correlated with MAXF1 o correlated with FINAL2 aI correlated with AVEF4 aU correlated with FINAL2 aI 106 This eliminates MAXF2 for [aI], MID3AV for [3i], [3], MIDF3 for [3], and MINF2 for [e]. MINF3 for In order to further eliminate redundant features, correlation coefficients were calculated for the remaining 18 features, as shown in Table 6.2. As might be expected, several groups of features are quite dependent. The following groups of features all had relative correlation coefficients greater than .8 within the group: 1) for [i], MAXF2 for [oI], FINAL2 for [aI] and [e], MIDlAV and INITL2 for [i] 2) MAXF1 for [o] and MID1AV for [o] 3) AVEF4 for [aU], [aI], 4) MAXF2 for [aU] and [o], and [ar], and INITL4 for [ar] and AVEF4 for [ar]. Keeping only the feature with the highest F ratio in each group of dependent features leaves the 10 features listed in Table 6.3. The first formant measures were generally quite uncorrelated with the second formant measures, indicating that one or both of these types of measures contain more information than just the overall length of the vocal tract. One feature that was particularly uncorrelated with any of the others was MINF2 for [ar]. This feature gives an indication of how strongly a speaker's [a] is affected by the adjacent [r] and may also depend on the way he shapes his tongue for [r]. This notion is supported TABLE 6.2 3 2 I 4 5 7 6 8 9 10 FROA TABLE 6.1 TAKEN ON DAY 1 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 MAXF2 1.00 AVEF4 0,74 1,00 FINAL2 0.95 0076 1.00 MAXF2 0,73 0.51 0 79 1.00 AVEF4 0068 0.80 0.73 0.75 1.00 MIN3AV 0.30 0.25 0.27 0.40 0.37 1.00 INITL4 0.46 0*74 0.50 0.42 0o88 0.14 1.00 06 0.21 0.05 0.17 0.15 0.18 1.00 MAXF 1 0.47 0.22 0.45 0.22 0.24 0.63 -0.01 0.50 1.00 AVEF4 0.52 0 0.59 0.51 0.91 0.09 0.98 0.21 0.03 1.00 AVE3M2 0614 0.26 -0.05 -0.08 0.54 0.15 0.42 -0.21 1.00 FINAL2 0085 0.50 0.84 0.64 0.43 0.41 0.23 0.52 0.30 0.11 1.00 INITL2 0070 0.45 0.79 0.55 0035 0.00 0.24 0.09 0.30 0035 -0.23 0083 1.00 MAXF2 0.48 0.54 0.52 0065 0.71 0.77 0.58 0.32 0.43 0.58 0.20 0.50 0.36 1.00 MAXF 1 0.10 -0.04 -0.04 -0.03 0.03 0074 -0.15 0.30 0.77 -0.20 0.70 0.12 -0.28 0.33 1.00 MIDiAV -0,13 -0.29 -0.22 -0.28 -0.27 0.56 -0.44 0.36 0. 74 -0.48 0.57 0.04 -0.35 0.04 0.91 1.00 MID2AV 0.88 0 56 0090 0.78 0 55 0.43 0.30 -0.14 0.48 0.38 0.02 0 97 0.82 0.56 0.06 -0.12 1.00 INITL2 0*82 0.51 0.86 0.67 0.47 0.27 0.31 -0.11 0.39 0.39 -0.12 0.96 0092 0.49 -0.10 -0.24 0096 MINF2 _1 CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS RELATING FEATURES THAT DID NOT HAVE IMMEDIATE DISADVANTAGES, -0 76 -0015 -0*19 -0.12 -0.14 IIII1IC- ------ 108 Table 6.3 The 10 Features of this Study that are Most Likely to be Useful for Speaker Identification Feature Sound F ratio MAXF1 ar 119.3 MAXF1 o 103.6 MINF2 ar 97.2 AVEF4 aU 97.1 MIN3AV 92.2 FINAL2 aI 90.8 AVE3M2 re 74.0 INITL2 e 73.4 MAXF2 o 71.8 MAXF2 aU 69.0 109 by the low correlation coefficients between MINF2 for [aI] and MINF2 for [ar]: .56 for day 1 and .26 for day 2. One of the original motivations for studying diphthongs and r-colored sounds was the large dialect variation shown by these sounds (Labov, Yaeger, and Steiner, 1972; Kurath, 1939). As can be seen by examining Table 6.3, the most effective features for speaker identification that were found in this study were those that allowed the most variation according to the speakers' individual speech habits. The cardinal vowels [i] and [u] were not represented in this list, presumably because the personal information in their formant tracks was based mainly on vocal-tract size, rather than on individual speaking habits. The list of "best" features includes two measures involving the third formant and one involving the fourth. Of these three features, the only one that appeared completely reliable was MIN3AV for [_], since the third formant of []1 was strong and easily identifiable for each speaker. for [aU]. This was not always the case with AVEF4 The problems encountered in identifying the fourth formant of [o] for speaker 10, as mentioned in Chapter IV, might indicate that the fourth formant makes a rather unreliable feature, and that the high F ratio associated with AVEF4 for [aU] was purely coincidental. 110 Considering the trouble given by the higher formants during the formant-tracking procedure, it might be more reasonable not to even try to measure them. A system where the speech waveform was low-pass filtered to 2500 Hz, then sampled at 5000 Hz would allow at most 3 formants. The linear-prediction program could then be run with 8 predictor coefficients, and the root finder would have to solve only an eighth-order polynomial. With very little loss of information, this system could be expected to run about twice as fast as the one used in this study. 6.2 Comparison of Best Features with Previous Work Since no actual identification experiment was per- formed in this study, a direct comparison between this study and the results of previous work is rather difficult. However, a few simple estimates concerning relative effectiveness of different features can be made. The comparison with the work of Sambur (1972) is facilitated by the fact that this study duplicated five of his measurements and very nearly duplicated 4 others, as shown in Table 6.4. The slope of the second formant of [al], which was ranked as 10th best in Sambur's work, showed an intermediate degree of effectiveness in this work. Sambur's third best measurement, the third formant of [u], was measured at a single point in time in the middle of the vowel. At the outset of this study, it was 111 Table 6.4 Comparison of Feature Performance Between this Study and that of Sambur Sambur's Study Name UF3 Ranking 3 Exact This Study Name AVEF 3 F Ratio u Duplicate ? 71.0 no AI 10 TOTALS aI 39.6 yes UF2 14 MIDF2 u 36.5 yes EEF2 15 MIDF2 i 48.4 yes UF1 18 MIDFl u 42.5 yes EEF1 23 MIDFl i EEF4 24 AVEF4 i 44.3 no EEF 3 25 AVEF3 i 39.0 no UF4 31 AVEF4 u 14.3 no 6.2 yes 112 decided that third and fourth formant measures for tense vowels should consist of the average frequency of these formants taken over the duration of the vowel, because there was very little higher formant movement and because the averaging helped reduce some of the noise of the measurement process. Therefore, the closest measure available to match with Sambur's UF3 was AVEF3 for [u], which probably had a slightly higher F ratio than a single measurement of F3 would have given. Nevertheless, the average F ratio of 71.0 for AVEF3 of [u] was still considerably lower than the F ratio of 119.3 for MAXF1 of [ar], which was judged to be the most effective feature found in this study. Therefore, the better features of this study would probably be somewhat more effective for speaker identification in comparison with those found by Sambur. Six of the best measurements found in this study had higher F ratios than the best feature found by Wolf (1972), which had an F ratio of 84.9. Wolf's nine best features were fundamental frequency measures, which Sambur downrated because of their variability from one recording session to another. The feature with the tenth largest F ratio in Wolf's study was the second formant frequency of [a] , having an F ratio of 46.6. This value is consider- 113 ably lower than the F ratios of the better features of this study. 6.3 Implications for Speaker Identification Using Spectrograms Some of the features found effective for automatic speaker identification would not be very useful when working with spectrograms, simply because spectrograms do not allow formant frequencies to be measured more accurately than within about 50 Hz. This eliminates the use of the first formant features, which must be accurate within about 10 Hz in order to be effective. The second formant measures allow a somewhat larger margin of error and therefore may be useful. As mentioned in Chapter IV, the experience with speakers 3 and 10 indicates that the strength of a higher formant is not always a good clue to the speaker's identity, nor is its frequency. One of the advantages of a subjective approach to speaker identification, such as the use of spectrograms, is that the collection of features used to make the identification can be tailored to suit the individual situation. For example, when a third or fourth formant is strong enough to show up clearly on the spectrograms under consideration, its movement may be a good clue to the unknown speaker's identity, as in the case of the fourth 114 formant of [re]. For this sound, a steady fourth formant on one spectrogram and a sharply rising fourth formant on another would virtually eliminate the possibility that the two samples were spoken by the same person. Another interesting identity clue was shown in Figure 4.9. The extra "formant" that appears between the third and fourth formants toward the end of [aI] may make the formanttracking task more difficult, but because it is consistent for this speaker and did not occur for any other speaker in this study, it makes a very good clue for identifying him from a spectrogram. Other possibly useful features for spectrographic identification are those in Table 6.1 that were rejected on the grounds that most of the variation was due to one speaker. If one of these features gave approximately the same value on two different spectrograms, it might be difficult to judge whether the spectrograms were from the same speaker. But if the feature gave two very different values on the two spectrograms, this could be strong evidence that the two spectrograms did not represent the same speaker. Second formant slopes of diphthongs may be somewhat helpful, because a formant slope can be judged rather easily by eye. However, these slopes are not overly stable from one utterance to the next, since they are strongly 115 affected by the rate of speaking. The highest average F ratio obtained for a slope measurement was 40 for LOCALS of [aI], which is considerably lower than any of the F ratios given in Table 6.3. 6.4 The Limitations of this Study The data used for this study may not be representative of all situations encountered in practice. The recordings were made under ideal laboratory conditions with the subjects reading a prearranged set of sentences. In practice, one will probably have to cope with background noise, distortion or band-limiting of transmission equipment, and different sentence contexts for the sounds under investigation. Other complications include the possibility of an alteration in a person's voice due to emotional or physical stress, or an uncooperative speaker, i.e., a person who is trying to disguise his voice or mimick another person. All of the speakers in the current study were cooperative and under no particular stress. On the other hand, the speakers for this study did not represent a complete cross section of all dialects of American English. The speakers that were originally chosen for the study had no noticeable foreign accents and no strong regional dialects. Therefore, the interspeaker variations of some of the features are probably not as high as they might have been with a more varied group of subjects. 116 6.5 Relationships Between Dialect and Various Measurements Despite the effort that had been made to record only speakers of General American, some dialectal variations were found. Speaker 1 grew up in northern Florida, speakers 2, 4, and 7 were from the Midwest, speaker 3 was from Canada, speaker 5 grew up in New Hampshire, and the others were from the Middle Atlantic area. The dia- lectal variations of these speakers were sometimes confused by the fact that some speakers resided for periods of time in several different geographic regions. One noticeable effect of dialect was in the second formant slopes of [aI]. These slopes were generally smaller for the three midwestern speakers than for any of the other speakers. However, the three midwestern speakers were not readily identifiable from the data of MAXF2, MINF2, RANGE2, or DUR, which are all somewhat related to slope. The speaker from Florida was characterized by a high value of AVE3M2 for [re] and by very large variations in Fl, as evidenced by his large values of MAXF1 and STDF1 for all vowels. However, since there was no other speaker from Florida with whom he could be compared, one cannot determine whether these characteristics were strictly individual or due to some dialect. 117 A characteristic that did not appear to follow any dialect patterns was the fourth formant pattern of [re], shown in Figures 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3. Speakers 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 had steady fourth formants, while the other five had strongly varying fourth formants. 6.6 Possibilities for Further Work Besides extending the work of this study to include some of the additional variables mentioned in Section 6.4, it would be useful to test some of the more effective features in a more rigorous manner. First, one might perform a probability-of-error analysis (Sambur, 1972) of these features together with some of the more successful features of other studies such as the second formant of [n], the voice onset time of [K], the third and fourth formants of [m] and an FO measurement. Next, one might run an identification experiment with this combined feature set, using speakers who had not been involved in the original feature evaluation. Another area of interest might be the study of the higher formants; why they appear and disappear unexpectedly, and how to compensate for this problem. If indeed the problems with speakers 3 and 10 were caused by zeros in the spectrum, perhaps one could devise a system to indicate the presence of a zero, and then determine its frequency (Tribolet, 1974). 118 APPENDIX The Appendix lists all F ratios and all of the individual speaker means and standard deviations associated with each feature that was investigated. presented by phone in the following order: [aU], [e], [i], [o], [u], [rE], [ar], [T]. The data are [Il], [aI], The data for each phone are subdivided into time-groupings, as explained in Section 5.1, and presented in the following order: day 1, day 2, and both days. The features are arranged within each of these time-groupings in the same order in which the F ratios are presented in Chapter V. Explain- ations of the feature abbreviations are given in Table 5.1. MEANS. STANDARD DEVIATIONS AND F RATIOS FOR tOl1] ON TAKEN DAY 1 SPEAKER NUMBER F MAXF2 MEAN STD. 1946.0 32o6 MEAN STD 1926.0 19.4 765*8 21.0 778*6 28.8 RANGE2 MEAN STD. 1180*2 : 1124*8 40o3 F 8.30 0.33 : 932.9 28*4 46.8 1817.3 21*9 2178.6 37,3 1813*6 84*9 1823*7 37 .1 1896*4 120.9 1610,8 68*6 1726*0 78*4 1687.6 117.5 690*7 19.8 877.6 25.7 826*1 30.6 731.4 35*8 649*4 17*8 74563 813*7 44*0 897.8 31.9 826.5 29.8 802.8 115.1 729*4 30.3 774.5 33*8 1084*4 75.3 839.7 35*5 1076*1 50.3 1174.3 49.6 1433.3 58*4 9*26 0657 7626 0o65 8*16 1.24 8*52 1.19 1692*6 14.8 1815.0 36.3 1962*0 1683.2 20.5 1801*2 36*9 821.1 23.7 882*4 23.2 62o3 1665*9 51.7 3061 1805*7 31.0 2155.5 44.4 45.60 901.1 30.3 F LOCAL S MEAN STD* 1997.8 31.3 F INITL2 MEAN STD. = F ' MINF2 MEAN STD* 57.84 2025*8 36*3 F FINAL2 : : 9,*35 1.27 748*3 28.8 2591 9.17 790.7 19.4 63974 1069*1 27.5 871.5 28.7 1124*3 26.8 20.75 11,00 0.43 7648 0 35 9,89 0.33 .___ . __ ~__~C__ 12669 0.92 ~_~__I__ MEANS, STANDARD 5o39 0.27 282*0 13.0 F 16607 8.5 : 92 2 17.0 115.3 12.3 F 578.3 15.1 : 171*8 24.8 F MAXF 1 : 6501 4o6 3.1 DUR2 MEAN STD 264*0 32.1 59*2 DUR 1 MEAN STD 5.44 1.00 F PCTDUR MEAN STD F RATIOS FOR [nI]. TAKEN ON DAY 1 16.28 F : DUR MEAN ST D = F TOTALS MEAN STD. AND 2 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD DEVIATIONS : 521.6 18.4 4*76 0.67 4.44 0*60 5.43 1.11 4.19 8 0.47 0.54 250*0 10.0 238.0 13.0 208.0 13.0 242*0 31.9 328.0 17.9 236.0 15.2 61.1 4.0 65.1 1.9 71.8 5.0 68.6 3.5 62*1 4.1 67*0 1.4 60*5 151.5 13.3 162.6 5o2 171.0 15.4 142.8 12*2 151.1 28.0 219*6 12*8 142*5 6.3 8704 7*6 67*0 12.4 65.2 7.8 90.9 7*3 108.4 2*0 96.5 9*7 93.5 15.4 513.8 12.7 527.0 14.4 506.4 18.1 502.7 794 492,8 17.0 44504 474.2 20.8 6.46 0.49 4.61 0.21 5.21 0 36 248.0 11.0 09 19,25 202.0 8*4 6.56 68.3 1.7 4.4 12.05 138.0 8*8 13.56 64.0 70~ 22o89 20.8 nia ~ 574. 33.9 + q MEANS, SPEAKER NUMBER F 403.9 12.2 430.3 33o1 MEAN STD, MEAN STD. : 2325*0 41*4 F : AVEF4 3015.4 19.7 30.6 3.0 F RATIOS FoR 01 1, TAKEN ON DAY 1 3222.3 58.0 43.4 6.3 40.8 12.8 66.6 12.0 28.4 2*5 43.0 4*9 376*9 47.5 373*2 32.*2 347*3 32*3 371.6 10*9 32*6 2.8 4102 5.0 3.32 413*5 17,6 425.8 22.4 408*8 23*4 408.3 475.8 442.8 8.1 419*9 7*9 411.9 3,1 385o6 15.1 376o4 10.2 419.2 20*6 448*8 416*7 8*6 410*7 4,6 38895 38.7 367*4 16.6 396*1 12.7 7.4 18.52 446*4 9*2 13.4 13.56 443*6 8*2 451.1 12*8 1911.9 67o4 2254,1 24.6 2280*2 9*7 2182*6 51,7 2179*3 27.1 2215e4 52*3 1910.3 37.7 2371.3 3591 3018.4 48*6 3039,0 15.1 3089.3 161.3 3085*3 3047.7 124*5 3205*1 48.7 3486.1 104.3 15*0 F 2302*2 40.7 : 454*5 25.7 AVEF3 : 453*4 15*4 F 423.4 : 377.8 56o2 F INITL 1 MEAN STD, AND 1833 46o 1 2*3 63.8 4o9 F1MI N2 MEAN STD. : F FIMAX2 MEAN STD. DEVIATIONS 1 STDF 1 MEAN STD STANDARD 11,3 72.53 20.87 2876*2 34*8 5309 MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD. FINAL2 MEAN STD. MINF2 MEAN STD. INITL2 MEAN STD RANGE2 MEAN STD AND F RATIOS FOR ro0Il TAKEN ON DAY 2 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF2 DEVIATIONS F = 45.05 1941.7 46.4 F : : : F : MEAN STD* 7*58 0.51 1602.3 5397 2021.3 108.9 1810e2 19,1 1630.7 25*6 2014.0 107.0 1585.3 55.0 717.1 705.0 30.1 841*0 31.5 88809 41.3 745*0 40.3 7 12.8 885.6 25*3 93003 59*9 77709 4904 1343*0 142.7 1117.0 23.4 79490 29.7 1144.8 118.5 857.4 7507 10*84 0.77 11.10 0*16 7.43 0.80 7.77 791.0 7903 821 27.64 1148.8 63.4 LOCALS 2033.7 107.2 76.9 802.8 28.6 F : 1635.0 27.7 13*46 792*9 26.3 F 1822.0 24.3 36.17 1921 .0 47.8 F 2060.1 8907 35.25 9.68 0.98 6074 0.73 MEANS, STANDARD TOTALS F : MEAN STD 4.84 0.33 DUR F : MEAN STD 57.5 2.8 DUR 1 F : MEAN STD, 180.5 15.6 MAXF1 MEAN STD FOR [OI1, TAKEN ON DAY 2 F = = : 556.5 10.5 6.54 0.18 4.50 0.54 5*14 0.79 4o46 258*0 30.3 204.0 8.9 234*0 25. 1 248.0 8.4 224.0 13.4 58.8 2.0 68.8 0.7 61.3 4.5 70.0 4.4 64.6 3.0 151*8 18.9 140.2 5.6 142.7 9.3 173.5 11.8 144.7 10.7 106.2 130 63.8 3.8 91.3 19.3 74'5 11.1 79.3 8.5 493.2 12.1 513.1 10.2 0,35 13.36 9.12 21.12 133.5 12.3 F 6.82 0 45 18.59 314.0 20.7 F MEAN STD, RATIOS 23.48 PCTDUR DUR2 F 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD. DEVIATIONS AND 59.73 530.6 91 522e7 13.5 4416 12.3 MEANS, STANDARD STDF 1 F MEAN STD. 62.8 4.5 FI MAX2 F = F1MIN2 MEAN STD INITL1 MEAN STD AVEF3 MEAN STD. AVEF4 MEAN STD AND F RATIOS FOR t[OIl TAKEN ON DAY 2 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD DEVIATIONS = 26.48 = : : 3096o7 38*7 34.9 4.3 34368 14.5 38962 21.0 432.8 13.9 414.6 338.8 17.1 442*2 44962 8.7 481*1 10.2 43161 18*6 425.8 21.3 439.0 9,9 456.8 16*5 42467 14.0 397*4 41.5 228667 5568 2055.0 111.0 2206*4 15.0 2256o2 28.7 2015.7 6465 321467 48,6 3012.9 3060 30746 1 6468 3002,1 279060 64.5 61.2 17.1 12.7 406.0 3965 22*38 2317.9 23.3 F 3767 5.2 3.94 429.7 12.2 F 3690 4o1 6.37 448,3 24.5 F 3669 4.2 27.79 39568 10.5 F = 45*0 5.3 35.28 MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD. FINAL2 MEAN STD. MINF2 MEAN STD* INITL2 MEAN STD RANGE2 MEAN STD. AND F RATIOS FoR t01o. TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF2 DEVIATIONS F = 94.62 1943.9 204390 37.9 67*0 1819.7 21.9 1663e8 36,9 199708 90.9 1634.1 5409 2009.6 7605 1808.0 24.4 1656*9 35*3 1955.2 124.2 1598.0 60.2 80901 72606 3509 831 .1 28*3 883.3 33.0 785.5* 5405 861.9 9305 806.2 884.0 22.5 23.0 914.0 48.3 802*2 4602 1233.9 151.7 1093.1 832*7 49e3 1114.6 848.6 98*8 5605 10.09 1.27 11.05 0.31 7,46 0 58 9.47 7.00 0.71 F = 60.45 192305 3405 F : 8.69 779.4 111.5 2696 F = 10.18 790,7 29,9 F = 39.60 1164.5 55.1 LOCAL S F MEAN STD. 7*94 : 0055 3409 44.71 0079 MEANS, STANDARD TOTALS F MEAN STD. 5.11 0.41 DUR F = = F = MEAN STD 58.3 2.9 DUR 1 F DUR2 MEAN STD MAXF1 MEAN STD F RATIOS FOR [OI, TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 19.20 : : : 567.4 16.8 0639 4.95 0.72 4.45 0 46 261,0 29*6 203.0 8.2 241*0 19.7 2430 11.6 216*0 15.1 62*0 4.7 6805 1,3 61*2 4.0 70.9 4.5 6606 139o 1 7.0 1470 1 11.7 172.2 13.0 143*7 10.9 16.0 63.9 2.9 9369 14.7 70.8 11.8 72.3 10.7 507.4 21*0 513.5 10,9 528.8 11,5 512.7 14.7 467.2 30.4 3.7 11.11 161*8 23.3 32.62 124*4 15.0 F 6.50 0*35 17.01 173.6 13.9 F 455 6.13 1.03 30.36 298,0 23.5 PCTDUR MEAN STD* AND 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD* DEVIATIONS 9902 29.98 MEANS, STANDARD DEVIATIONS STDF 1 F MEAN STD 63.3 4.4 F1MAX2 F F 1 MIN2 MEAN STD INITLI MEAN STD AVEF3 MEAN = tol,. TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 47.32 33.8 4.8 3967 6.3 35.1 4.8 38,0 5S0 1 360.8 42.6 401,3 22.3 429.3 180 411.5 12.9 357e8 39e2 439*3 44708 17.1 478.4 11.6 425.5 11.6 408.9 29.1 44708 8.6 23.0 441 .3 8.9 453*9 14*2 420.7 11.7 404s0 2807 2305.9 50.5 198305 114.8 2230*2 31*6 2219*4 55.3 209765 98*0 3218*5 50.6 294405 78o3 304663 61.5 3045.7 124*6 2937*6 164*9 : 10.85 399.9 11.6 F F = : 15.14 F : 4406 1 32.14 231001 AVEF4 F = 3056,1 51.7 266 8.77 426e6 19.2 32.4 STD FOR 45*5 3.9 STD MEAN F RATIOS 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD AND 10.74 r~ ~Br a9 MEANS, STANDARD F MAXF2 1878.7 38.6 1850.7 52.5 1219.0 7*5 1222.3 10.9 659.7 33.3 : 1244.5 4795 5.45 0*57 : 1244.5 47o5 : 7389 63*3 F LOCALS MEAN STD* 1972.9 33*8 F RANGE2 MEAN STD = F INITL2 MEAN STD. F RATIOS FOR [AIl] TAKEN ON DAY 1 48.36 1983*4 27s7 F MINF2 MEAN STD. : F FINAL2 MEAN STD* AND 2 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD* DEVIATIONS : 4.13 0.45 1777*6 23.0 1827.1 86*7 1798*9 79*5 2134.6 39,1 1660.1 58.7 1793.0 42*3 1723.7 29.1 2129.2 34*6 1129.8 22o2 1206.4 35.4 1141.2 10.9 961e1 1075*8 32.5 1139.5 34.4 1206.4 35.4 1152* 1 17.8 984.2 29,5 540e2 24.4 684*6 897.2 55*1 43*9 462*6 61*2 68599 84*7 837.8 82.8 4.77 5*96 0.71 7.16 0*70 3*27 5,27 0.48 7.01 1.21 1671*5 17.8 1743*3 4595 2027.0 1668*5 20.6 1723o0 61*3 2021*5 31.5 1131.3 27.2 1058.6 13.1 1135.4 23,2 3206 1669.0 55,9 73.94 1771*2 29.9 54*88 1044.5 33.5 1183 24.6 1 18.3 35.83 1051.8 37.7 1189*8 20*8 35.91 733*1 33*2 951.5 44.9 38.71 7.19 0,27 0.22 0.34 Inrp -- --- ----. 6~ _~__ 9*02 0.55 ta -- -- ee ---------- MEANS, STANDARD 2.40 0.10 294.0 16.7 4 FOR IAI], ON TAKEN DAY 1 58*7 3o3 F 205,2 9.6 88,8 17.6 740.2 2107 = 105.5 9.0 F MAXF 1 = 150.5 17.5 F 2,47 4.67 0.18 2.50 0.13 3.41 0.26 2074 0015 2,42 0028 2.85 0.41 264,0 18*2 238.0 13.0 346.0 5.5 218*0 13*0 254*0 26.1 65.4 3*8 65*8 3.5 7005 0.7 58*7 5,9 68.9 4.7 72e 1 107 172.8 19.5 156.5 9.7 244.0 1.6 127*5 701 175.8 27.6 241.0 12.6 91.2 8*2 81.5 11.1 102.0 90.5 17.8 78.2 8*4 93o0 403 8607 12.4 639*5 10.8 702.8 18.7 726.0 43.2 636*1 24.9 709*6 40.7 616*2 21.7 74808 20.0 0.19 43.60 256*0 20*7 -4 DUR2 MEAN STD 0.63 69*9 DUR 1 MEAN STD 4s68 0e46 3.28 F : PCTDUR MEAN STD F RATIOS 3719 F = DUR MEAN STD 3 F TOTALS MEAN STD AND 2 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD. DEVIATIONS : 705.9 20*9 202.0 11.0 334*0 11*4 254*0 11.4 7943 62.7 4.3 66,0 3.6 43.19 126.7 11,0 167.3 6.1 3o72 75*3 905 4.1 15.59 679*2 20.4 Aill MEANS, STANDARD DEVIATIONS AND F RATIOS FOR TAKEN [AIl. ON DAY 1 SPEAKER NUMBER F STDF 1 MEAN STD. 94.3 96*8 10.6 11.4 F F1MAX2 MEAN STD 486*4 40o0 626*0 36.1 INITL 1 MEAN STD. 608.7 4.3 MEAN STD* 22.7 641.3 13.5 = 641*3 13*5 = 2427*7 33.1 3329.2 76.3 3514.9 69.0 91.4 11.8 51.2 6.7 548*7 30.9 460*2 36.2 502.7 9*2 5800 20.4 624.9 25.6 586#8 56*3 562.9 5.1 610*8 17.4 67.5 4.8 64.8 7.1 466*3 17.5 84*5 4.2 68.7 134.0 4*9 15.1 427*3 26*8 412.8 44.3 384.4 568.5 18.5 589.6 57.3 511.8 37.1 719*1 541 8 13.9 568,5 18,5 544*0 487 7 29*0 688*8 13.10 476.3 F : AVEF4 72.4 5.8 15.5 F 237597 61,2 33.82 469*3 F AVEF3 MEAN STD. = F : F1 MIN2 MEAN STD. = 25.5 13.16 581*9 10.2 22.7 41*37 559.6 10.2 40*8 16.7 52*28 2680*1 38*4 2504.7 30.9 2308.5 46.2 2403*5 53.5 2251.3 3329.1 58*6 2897*6 62*9 3386.3 11.0 2866*2 88.9 37o3 2363.7 72*2 212404 62.7 2550*4 26.2 92*93 3191.0 31*3 ___ 3451*7 66.5 ___Y __ 3237.3 54*6 __ _ 3668.5 13.6 _ ____I _ ___~_L _U MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD FINAL2 MEAN STD, MINF2 MEAN STD INITL2 MEAN STD RANGE2 MEAN STD LOCALS F = F RATIOS FOR TAKEN ON [AI. DAY 2 78.66 1970.3 56.8 F = F = = = 0.66 2023,7 58.2 1652.6 58 1 2046e0 3505 1741,7 23.9 1657*9 35*4 2023.0 59.3 163406 5506 1203*6 31.6 1017.6 28.6 1119.3 30o0 1175.6 28.1 1180.2 20*7 1203.7 31.8 1017.6 28.6 1125,0 1179.4 30.7 1184*6 23.5 848*3 7345 25.4 547.7 2607 848.1 5908 472*4 51.7 6*54 4.87 0,76 7078 3094 0045 34o 1 51*88 75207 57.4 F 1667.0 3709 34.54 1228*7 23.7 F 175201 14.5 37.76 1217.6 20.8 F = 2051*9 33.5 81.21 1945.3 55.0 MEAN STD. AND 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF2 DEVIATIONS 5706 29.19 5.21 0.44 0.19 0076 ._ _ I I~_ ___1 __ _I__ L~___ __ ~_L_ ____~_ ~ _________ _ MEANS, STANDARD TOTALS F MEAN STD. 2*79 DUR F = : FOR [Al, TAKEN ON DAY 2 = MEAN STD 69.2 DUR1 F F = MEAN STD 9507 MAXF1 F 751 3 23.1 198.0 16.4 256*0 20.7 268,0 14.8 224.0 60.4 5.9 6409 3.8 71.7 2.4 66.5 6.4 19803 48o6 119.9 17.6 166.6 103.7 18.3 78.1 11.1 89*4 7*8 7509 7.7 75*2 17.1 706*9 11.1 685.7 16.1 652,9 17,8 785.9 19.0 601*8 10.2 302.0 37*0 20.7 9.69 20.4 192o 1 12.0 14808 17.0 4.18 11.5 = 0*11 65* 0 8*6 216.3 19.9 DUR2 3*34 0.13 4.61 0.58 2*42 4*4 = 2.50 0.24 256 3,16 0,74 20.11 312.0 13.0 F MEAN STD F RATIOS 17*23 0.30 PCTDUR MEAN STD. AND 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD, DFVIATIONS 77.92 MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD F1MAX2 MEAN STD. F 1 MIN2 MEAN STD, INITL 1 MEAN STD. AVEF3 MEAN STD* AVEF4 MEAN STD AND F RATIOS FOR JAIl, TAKEN ON DAY 2 1 SPEAKER NUMBER STDF 1 DEVIATIONS F : 26.28 103.2 16.8 71.5 2.8 60*5 9*8 102.7 10,0 55*2 10.3 459.1 403*6 12.9 35o8 476.9 5.4 513.0 20.4 489.3 17.3 434.3 34*8 643*3 17.9 579.2 11.2 609.8 31.9 616.3 36.3 572*2 24.4 640.5 16.7 579.2 11.2 576*5 9*1 604.7 572.4 2483*2 2193,3 42.1 2541.3 49*0 2327.0 38.5 2120.5 124.0 2916.4 50.9 3360*0 3214.2 57.4 2698o1 56,3 114.2 11.3 F F = : 13.67 5.43 659.2 55.9 F = 11.22 603.7 16.2 F = 18.4 42.9 = 3397.8 61.2 2492 36.49 2445*4 F 21.1 103*87 3504*0 50 * 113.4 MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD FINAL2 MEAN STD MINF2 MEAN STD INITL2 MEAN STD RANGE2 MEAN STD AND F RATIOS FOR EAI,. TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF2 DEVIATIONS F : 130.97 1924.5 66.6 F = 71.1 : = = : F MEAN STDo 6.05 0986 1660.8 54.5 2009.4 50.5 1756o5 29.9 1663.2 27*9 2022.3 44.7 1647.4 55,5 1224.1 43.7 1031.0 32.6 1125.3 27*7 1152.7 34,0 1193.3 1224.1 43.8 1034.7 36.3 1130*2 28.0 1159.5 37.2 1195.5 30.6 79396 81.1 733.8 27.9 544*0 24*4 872.6 55.8 467.5 53.6 4,67 0.71 6.87 0.41 4.82 0*53 7,47 0.76 3.60 0.51 30.6 76*69 706.2 66.0 LOCALS 2025.3 445 * 47.28 1225.5 17.7 F 1669.3 28.0 52*44 1218.3 14.7 F 1764.9 22.6 117.21 1898*0 F 2017.6 46*3 50.84 MEANS, STANDARD = TOTALS F MEAN STD 2*59 0.30 DUR F = FOR CAI], TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS MEAN STD 69.6 DUR 1 F : F MEAN STD 92.3 14.5 MAXF1 F = = 745.7 21.9 2053 3.04 2 * 46 0.13 0.33 0025 279.0 3793 200.0 13.3 2600 18.9 307.0 42.4 221o0 16.6 61.9 7.0 61.6 5.0 65*1 71.1 1.8 6206 3.6 174,4 42.7 123.3 14.3 169.7 19.1 218.0 28.5 138*2 16*6 7.1 22*98 210.7 15.9 DUR2 4*64 0.50 6*47 4.1 : 3.22 0065 26.65 17.0 F MEAN STD F RATIOS 42*90 303.0 PCTDUR MEAN STD AND 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD DEVIATIONS 4.81 104.6 13.6 76 * 7 9,8 90.3 796 8900 15.0 82*8 18.3 45.01 70694 15.8 682.4 17.6 646*2 15.6 756*0 44*6 619.0 25.5 MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD FI1MAX2 MEAN STD F1MIN2 MEAN STD INITL1 MEAN STD. AVEF3 MEAN STD AVEF4 MEAN STD . 9I AND F RATIOS FOR CAIl TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 1 SPEAKER NUMBER STDF 1 DEVIATIONS F : 38.78 720 4.3 64*0 8*1 97.0 11.9 5302 8,5 436*5 43.3 47606 489*6 30.5 474.7 30.8 46805 43. 642.6 642*3 15.0 580,6 10.2 594.9 47o7 2907 601.6 47.3 570.3 20.5 640.9 14.3 569.4 569*7 10.0 573.3 37.2 570,4 20.4 2455e4 38*6 2436.7 259.3 2523.0 43.1 2365.2 59.6 2185.9 110*5 350904 57.1 3053.7 150.1 3344.6 86*7 330003 98*7 2782.2 113*0 104.2 14.7 F : 100.0 14.0 2.78 472.7 31.5 F = F : 9*21 21.27 606.2 11.5 F : : 3363.5 7405 14.5 8*86 2410.6 61.9 F 15.6 67*54 9 9 9 9 t 9e MEANS, STANDARD 1491.5 11.3 INITL2 1476.9 9.3 1051.9 14*5 MEAN STD, = FOR [AU]. TAKEN ON DAY 1 25.1 35*7 F 439*6 15.2 : : 1233.1 31.9 1548*8 47.6 1458.5 40.2 1359.2 37.2 1348.7 63.8 1698.5 56o2 1177.3 19.3 122695 38.5 1524.8 49*5 1397.1 34.5 1328.9 5197 1283.8 50*0 1689*0 50*8 973*5 990*0 30*4 1229.3 1130.1 36.3 64.4 1079s7 455S 925.1 31*2 1176.0 41.5 976.0 21.2 993.3 31*6 1239.5 25*9 1154.8 75*9 1122*8 4391 955.5 2394 1190.4 37.6 242.0 18*3 24391 35.1 319.5 37.5 328.4 81.6 27994 46*2 423,7 83.7 522*5 29.8 -1.03 -1.24 -1.48 -1.73 -1.33 -1 "299 0.24 36.90 950.9 45.9 18.3 35.70 960.1 53.8 24.35 268.8 31*4 477.4 29.6 F -1 66 0.08 1192*4 15.0 = 953.3 1215.4 8.9 81.57 949.3 35*6 1067.3 LOCALS MEAN STD = 1394.7 50.7 F RANGE2 1219.7 22*2 20*4 F FINAL2 MEAN STD F RATIOS 84.45 1426.7 F MINF2 MEAN STD = F MAXF2 MEAN STD* AND 2 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD* DEVIATIONS 23.11 -1 45 0,20 -2978 0 45 VIR 0.19 0.18 0.34 0.48 47 0,27 0.34 V4" *a6ikCt'g MEANS, STANDARD -1 65 0,08 340,0 1i0o = 53*4 4*6 F 15204 19.1 187.6 16*9 729 3 10.1 = 114.4 12.3 F MAXF 1 = 131*6 18.1 F DUR2 MEAN STD* 246.0 19.5 44.8 5*1 DUR 1 MEAN STD = F PCTDUR MEAN STD F RATIOS FOR [AU], TAKEN ON DAY 1 21.14 -2076 0.46 F DUR MEAN STD : F TOTALS MEAN STD. AND 2 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD* DEVIATIONS : 680.3 22.0 -1.33 0.24 -1.21 0.21 -1.46 -1.61 0 57 -1.29 0.30 -1.50 0.30 -2.96 0.33 8.9 232.0 4.5 278*0 13.0 234,0 16*7 258*0 32*7 346.0 8.9 256.0 16.7 6509 3.0 6209 1.8 35o4 12.3 5204 54.7 9.2 4*0 50.6 493 174.2 1395 145.8 3*3 -1.01 0.17 0,23 36.62 222.0 8.4 26490 12.60 64.5 5o6 61.9 2,*3 7.17 142.9 798 99*4 37.6 144.8 10.2 136.7 37*5 189*3 15.9 129.3 9*5 121*3 17.7 156.7 13.7 126.7 17.0 666*2 13.5 627*4 17.0 701.1 4.7 31.79 79 .1 15.4 89.8 5*8 8602 5 0 si 17896 2809 89.2 9.3 39.01 668.6 13.3 638.8 15.1 685.7 14.2 761 0 13.9 623*3 24.5 MEANS, STANDARD DEVIATIONS AND F RATIOS FOR (AU], TAKEN ON DAY 1 SPEAKER NUMBER F STDF 1 MEAN STD MEAN STD F 639o1 15.1 619.5 22.5 591.0 14*5 MEAN STD* 2352.9 11*0 AVEF4 MEAN STD* 4*1 66*7 7.9 73*0 8*3 950 10.1 58.0 11.0 92,6 6*6 64.5 10.0 101.7 8.1 7.48 573.2 31.9 606.8 21.6 61698 60*6 545.0 23,0 622.9 11.6 544o8 520.2 491 *2 29*2 455*0 478.9 525* 1 2707 579.7 10.2 59702 8.0 15.1 65.1 11.2 64608 582*6 580.3 620.8 55605 25*4 9,1 2403 54203 25,0 56705 504 4296 480.4 38.1 619.8 14.4 191907 238*4 2451,7 3203 235607 67e4 2236,4 59,0 213208 28*1 2326.8 31.7 2022*0 82,0 2383*4 4905 3273.9 107,7 2881.6 155*3 3586*8 2935*7 3313.2 132*3 149*1 3266.9 34,3 3685*5 82*5 : 475*2 2906 : 2317*0 50*4 F 3369.5 50*7 580 643*2 40*3 F AVEF3 17.35 616.2 8*6 F : INITL 1 MEAN STD : 671 0 17*0 F F1 MI N2 MEAN STD e 88,5 8.5 689 10.5 F1MAX2 : : 3339.4 73o2 644,6 30.5 19.39 16*8 19. 35 7*0 18,57 48.99 2694*3 68s4 52*6 MEANS, STANDARD 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF2 MEAN STD INI TL2 MEAN STD. MINF2 MEAN STD FINAL2 MEAN STD, RANGE2 MEAN STD LOCALS MEAN STD DEVIATIONS F F RATIOS FOR [AU, TAKEN ON DAY 2 2 : 30.24 1455*2 47.3 F AND : 1218.5 14.3 1206.6 16.3 1581 * 2 115.3 1425.7 40*9 1359.6 53.1 1172.7 27,9 1193*1 1509 1559.6 108.3 1355e3 36.69 1435.8 35 7 F : 137393 5500 2605 40.49 1031.7 95464 5560 965.8 31.0 975*8 15.8 38*7 1229,3 21.3 115907 60.2 969*8 586 1 97562 33.0 98460 3565 1239.2 28.5 1169*0 418*8 74*7 252.7 20.9 230*7 351 9 119.5 265*9 61.3 -2.04 -1.14 -1.10 0618 0616 -1.48 0.62 -1.28 0649 F = 35.34 1067.5 28*1 F : 8.30 42305 3662 F : -1.46 0.11 60*6 3504 4*38 0,34 MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD. DUR MEAN STD F = 0.12 F = MEAN STD 52.7 7.6 DUR1 F MEAN STD MAXF 1 MEAN STD RATIOS FOR [AU), TAKEN ON DAY 2 = : : : 752.8 20.1 -1.05 0.15 -144 0*55 -1.25 0,34 292.0 42.1 214.0 8.9 24860 4*5 288,0 16.4 246o0 29.7 52.3 4.4 67.0 4.7 62o 1 3.5 26.3 5905 7.3 404 152*2 20.7 143.5 13.8 154* 1 7568 22.3 14695 19.7 139e8 27.9 70.5 8.6 212,2 23.4 9905 16.3 803.6 589.4 28,4 16*36 8.2 34.58 164,6 25.3 F -1.02 0.13 33.81 183.4 27.7 F -2,04 0.49 21.80 348,0 4.5 F DUR2 F 5.88 -1.47 PCTDUR MEAN STD AND 1 SPEAKER NUMBER TOTALS DEVIATIONS 9309 9.5 32*38 686* 1 20.5 641 2 13.2 645o 1 16.9 60,9 MEANS, STANDARD STDF I F MEAN STD 62.3 797 F1MAX2 F F1MIN2 MEAN STD INITL1 MEAN STD. AVEF3 MEAN STD* AVEF4 MEAN STD. AND F RATIOS FOR EAU], TAKEN ON DAY 2 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD DEVIATIONS = : 12*56 : = 3377.1 57.1 62306 3407 613*6 14.5 611.9 30 * 1 56407 41.3 487*o 26*9 552.7 26,9 537.6 25.7 57304 48.1 473*8 38*7 637*1 18*3 576 8 16.7 581*6 2292 571.7 20.4 515.3 29*3 2351*7 53o5 2131.4 81.0 2454o0 37*8 2252s0 15.2 1925*3 55,0 3310*7 38*6 2911e6 75.9 347395 60.2 3350,9 29o3 2624*0 56,1 80.83 2412.8 2490 F 664*9 150 18*39 609.4 18.7 F 53*6 4.6 12.63 629*0 4206 F = 51.0 8.4 7*58 641 6 15.4 F : 101.6 18.1 56o6 17*2 81.7 13.2 182*63 __ _llil_ __ MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD. INITL2 MEAN STD* MINF2 MEAN STD. FINAL2 MEAN STD. RANGE2 MEAN STD. LOCALS MEAN STD. ~I QC AND F RATIOS FoR [AU], TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF2 DEVIATIONS F : 92*28 147303 1400.0 1211.0 13.2 1442.1 48*2 1219.1 17.6 1565e0 37.6 8409 42*0 1377*1 52.3 1182.6 23.5 118502 18.7 1542.2 R1a5 1376.2 3604 951.9 95804 37.7 974.7 2806 1229.3 28.0 114409 967,6 42.8 98000 27.9 1239.3 1161.9 25.7 6502 4481 61.8 260,8 26.6 23603 2702 335.7 85.2 29792 7505 -2.41 0.59 -1.29 0*24 -1.06 0,17 -1.48 0.48 -1.51 F = 99.15 1456.4 32.8 F = 87.00 1041,8 17.9 F = 43.8 78.30 1067.4 961.5 25.1 46*3 F = 24.50 431.5 27.5 F = -1 56 0o14 60.8 14.15 0046 MEANS, STANDARD AND F RATIOS FOR TAKEN [AU]3 ON BOTH DAYS 1 SPEAKER NUMBER TOTALS F MEAN STD. : 15.95 -1.56 0.13 DUR F : PCTDUR F MEAN STD* 48,7 7.4 DUR 1 F : : MEAN STD 16709 27.8 DUR2 F : MEAN STD 176.1 23,6 F MAXF1 : 741 1 19.4 MEAN STD, IB -2.40 0,59 -1.17 0.25 -1 0,15 -1*45 0.43 -1,43 0,48 26990 3993 218.0 9.2 256,0 10.7 283,0 14.9 2400 23.6 5208 4*3 6508 5.0 64,0 30.9 10.7 60.7 3.5 141.9 21*3 143.2 10,6 87.6 31*7 145.6 14*8 127.1 24.4 7408 91.9 7*7 19504 9404 30.5 13.6 68392 20.3 65409 641.9 15.4 782.3 606.4 30.7 03 43,63 344.0 8.4 MEAN STD. £- DEVIATIONS 42*69 3*7 17.84 1640 1 14.9 58.47 12,6 56.54 19.1 4703 MEANS, STANDARD STDF 1 F = MEAN STD 65.6 9.3 F1MAX2 F F1MIN2 MEAN STD INITL 1 MEAN STD AVEF3 MEAN STD AVEF4 MEAN STDo AND F RATIOS FOR [AU1, TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD DEVIATIONS : 25*36 14.4 : = 3373*3 510 35.6 585e8 38*2 548.8 19.2 528.9 26.8 585.3 36.2 482*5 3396 64290 21,5 57907 12.1 580.9 16.0 557.0 26.5 541.4 34,0 2334.4 52.3 2025,5 201.6 2452.9 33, 1 2244.2 41.4 2029.1 116.9 3325*1 57,2 2802.9 133.3 3373.7 133.6 3468.9 137.3 2779.8 190.2 1505 634.1 32.7 481*5 27o5 32.38 2382.8 36.1 F : 592*6 668*0 9.2 24.23 600.2 18.5 F : 614*9 11,3 6001 36.12 624,2 3205 F 57,3 13.6 54,5 7.2 13.24 64004 F 98,3 14.2 85.1 I1o0 59.85 MEANS, STANDARD MAXF2 F 2146.7 22.8 2087*8 29.7 MEAN STD 1546.1 23.4 INITL2 MEAN STD. 1546.5 23*5 1973.2 47.0 2025*8 21.7 : TAKEN ON DAY 1 1876.2 49,0 2162*8 46.8 2156.5 44*1 1981*8 78*5 2140.3 57*9 197(9 0 82*0 2403*0 1802.5 17*4 2121*6 27*3 2116*4 44*2 1902*4 81*6 2081*6 70s5 1844*2 5396 2367.9 56*2 1516.4 43.0 1766*2 1860.4 172170 98*6 1439*5 2044.4 98*, 1682.2 84*0 41*3 41*8 1517*4 44*7 1766*2 15.4 1867*1 109.8 1682*2 84.0 1750.8 64*4 1439*5 41*3 2044*4 41.8 1770*8 33.6 2036*3 33*4 2105.3 40*4 1936.7 72*8 2021.1 92*3 1867.3 71.1 2323 0 58*7 1772.0 36.1 2022*4 52,1 2100*7 33*0 1925*, 97.1 2024.7 1854*8 77o1 82.1 2309.1 46o1 35.0 57905 : : 2105.4 19.9 F MID2AV MEAN STD* [E], 48.90 1989*7 38o5 F 1973.5 52.0 : 2039.4 22*0 1980.9 22.6 F MIDF2 MEAN STD RATIOS FOR 37.70 2117*4 75.1 F MINF2 = 2163*0 53.0 F FINAL2 MEAN STD* F 2 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD AND DEVIATIONS : 2113.9 27*0 1702*6 25*3 15.4 " 62.04 1702*6 25*3 37.30 1951*9 34*4 33*62 1952*5 31.0 a ap c ~ m~F ~sC MEANS, STANDARD DEVIATIONS AND F RATIOS FOR TAKEN [E3, ON DAY SPEAKER NUMBER RANGE2 MEAN STD* F 600.6 3406 MAXF1 MEAN STD, 558.5 2904 MEAN STD* 560.6 28.7 MEAN STD. 387.5 2506 MIDF 1 MEAN STD* : 355.2 29*2 F 465.7 16.6 = 420*0 59*8 F F1MAX2 : 447*8 20*9 F F 1 MIN2 : 458o3 6*3 F INITL1 MEAN STD* 182.1 53o2 F 606*9 1900 : : 396.8 14*4 20.94 336.8 40.9 359.8 2291 396.7 40.4 296*0 111.9 29996 53.2 413.3 70.3 539.5 65*4 358.6 4802 484*9 11.0 480*4 10.3 475*4 15.3 433.1 14*1 447.8 14. , 481*8 6*2 46607 9.0 469*5 16.8 460.2 9.1 440.8 12*4 428.o 14.4 429.7 15,1 426*2 20,2 460*6 4*3 466*2 11.1 460*2 9.1 443.6 10*7 428 Ii 14.4 399*1 426*2 77*1 20*2 460*6 4.3 359.1 11.4 366.6 52*3 404*9 22*4 39290 34.3 342e4 29*5 324*6 9*1 35901 4*1 416.3 22.4 443o3 434*3 14*7 413*1 19.8 390*7 347*7 24*8 379*6 8*6 80.32 463*4 3*9 27.27 460*2 5*5 8*49 460*2 55 4.29 387*0 12o3 16*14 437*1 8.4 28*3 C 2494 fAPB p kC1 V MEANS, STANDARD F MID1AV 464 * 1 16.7 TO 90* 1 4.0 MEAN STD. F : 270.0 15.8 2668*7 42.0 3404.0 51.1 : 2838.1 69e6 F AVEF4 MEAN STD 238.0 19.2 F AVEF3 MEAN STD* : 0 *64 0 35 2.81 0.29 DUR MEAN STD* : 42.8 3.1 F ALS : 393*4 1497 F STDF 1 MEAN STD. AND F RATIOS FOR [E], ON TAKEN DAY 1 2 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD. DEVIATIONS : 3644*0 14.6 16.98 437*5 6*8 355.4 381*9 436*6 409.6 390*1 16.6 441*1 27*9 14.7 15 .1 28 .1 17.8 7*7 51*9 10.3 54*8 10.7 31.0 34 1 6*0 41.7 7.9 636 43o5 3.2 1.85 0.11 2.12 0 28 1.00 0.20 1 58 1.73 0,19 0.24 1.67 0.48 214.0 *5 212.0 19.2 248*0 27.7 188*0 17.9 240*0 30.0 314*0 2390 218.0 13.0 252';.0 66.9 2541.2 53.5 2640*0 22*9 2318.6 65.8 2549.3 80.7 2423*2 107.0 2675*6 28.9 3368.2 3439*5 16,6 3630.0 3134.0 3369.7 337096 3993o9 26,6 128*5 418.0 3091 35*0 8.3 6,7 5*9 17*,7 2.10 0,38 0.45 1.85 19.14 190.0 10.0 24.30 2616*2 71.7 71.44 3208* , 71.9 23o7 fF 32o6 51*4 112.5 C ~~?~ MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD FINAL2 MEAN STD MINF2 MEAN STD INITL2 MEAN STD MIDF2 MEAN STD. MID2AV MEAN STD, AND F RATIOS FOR E],. TAKEN ON DAY 2 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF2 DEVIATIONS F : 25.16 2150.7 34.1 F : : : 45o4 1817*6 2157o2 22.6 1894*7 83.1 1839.5 106.8 1690e1 34.7 1512.7 20*7 1708.7 34.7 1512.7 20.7 1839.5 106.8 1696 2139*8 22.3 197909 1829o3 17.1 4203 2127*3 24.3 1869.7 103*0 2143,5 28,9R 1978,5 11.4 1823o6 40,7 2131.7 24,4 1862#7 98.4 24,8 31.9 52.49 1967o5 31*6 1708.7 34.9 54.08 19788 36*3 2 31*9 28.10 60.7 2011 .7 2033.8 31.9 1998,6 F = 1934.9 122.8 2132*8 154304 43.7 F : 2202.4 15.8 53.27 154304 43.7 F 1900.5 43.1 41.1 2104.5 26.2 F 2058.6 15.7 2187*8 35.34 MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD. MAXF 1 MEAN STD, INITL 1 MEAN STD, F1MIN2 MEAN STD* F 1 MAX2 MEAN STD, MIDF 1 MEAN STD AND F RATIOS FOR [E], TAKEN ON DAY 2 1 SPEAKER NUMBER RANGE2 DEVIATIONS F : 19.66 607.3 43.2 F = = 11.2 : 11.2 : 11.2 = 44262 3403 36209 9763 244*8 101.2 463*9 15. 45464 19.0 499o6 20.3 471.7 190 411*0 12.0 45792 20.9 441.2 471.9 23.2 452.5 9.0 402.6 10.7 456*4 13.3 441 ,2 14.9 471.9 23*2 452.5 9.0 403.7 12*0 352.9 14.0 38262 27.0 381 *2 100 403.5 11.5 32964 7.7 38463 14,4 4127 892 422.7 17.0 429,8 5.3 355.1 16.5 14.9 15.23 361*1 F 44*0 76.47 573.9 F 38768 65.41 573*9 F 350.0 32.1 76.28 596*9 5.6 F 220*3 6662 15.23 ---- ---r _I. ~.__._~--------- -- MFANS, STANDARD MEAN STD F = F MEAN STD 96.5 TOTALS F MEAN STD, 2.49 DUR F AVEF3 MEAN STD AVEF4 MEAN STD. F RATIOS FOR [El, TAKEN ON DAY 2 18.17 444,0 32.1 STDF 1 MEAN STD, AND 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MID1AV DEVIATIONS = : = 347408 43.1 355.6 14.3 42.4 7.1 34.3 12,6 53*8 5S6 36,2 15.0 3604 4*4 0.60 0 33 2.10 0.30 2.06 0.10 1.48 0.39 1.20 0,19 298*0 42.7 182.0 8.4 208*0 17.9 254v0 11.4 206.0 31.3 2835*3 51*6 2590.5 43.4 2428*9 8406 2673.6 56.5 2385,8 116.1 3604,0 70.7 3065.5 117.3 337591 3479.0 7907 3094*9 253a3 28.51 267203 3608 F 427e8 8.3 19.58 296.0 20.7 F 426*5 15,1 32.53 0.22 : 412.3 7.6 33.17 5.7 : 384*0 13.6 15.89 27*4 MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD* FINAL2 MEAN STD. MINF2 MEAN STD INI TL2 MEAN STD. MIDF2 MEAN STD MID2AV MEAN STD* AND F RATIOS FOR [E], TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF2 DEVIATIONS F = 52.95 2049.0 20.7 188R 4 4504 2179.4 39*6 1958*4 46*0 2125.1 55,0 2029.8 22.4 1810.1 2136,8 39o5 1898.6 7708 154407 197492 1850,0 97e6 168601 2609 1705.6 28.8 1514*5 33.1 1984*3 35*7 1705.6 2808 1515*0 3209 1853.3 103.2 168902 2122*6 27.0 1965.9 29.5 180001 4704 2116.3 33.5 1903.2 91.2 2128*7 30.6 1965*5 179708 2116.2 31.9 1894.1 2175,4 2148.7 27.4 F : 85*41 2096.2 27.8 F F = 31*8 60*8 = 104.19 3391 : 5409 : 199204 48.1 6004 56.94 1986.0 F 25 *, 110.49 154409 F 100.2 59,05 25.9 4503 9709 MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD. MAXF 1 MEAN STD INITL 1 MEAN STD F 1 MIN2 MEAN STD F1MAX2 MEAN STD, MIDFI1 MEAN STD AND F RATIOS FOR [E]. TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 1 SPEAKER NUMBER RANGE2 DEVIATIONS F : 44.59 603.9 37.0 F : 14.2 : 22,5 : : 453.9 28.3 329.5 105.0 272*2 81.5 4611 11.5 458.9 13.8 49292 17.2 473,5 16.4 42260 17*0 452*5 20.3 450.7 14.6 470*7 19.1 446o6 11.9 415.7 18.2 438*2 45.1 450,7 14.6 469*0 17.4 448.0 10.4 416.3 18.2 354*0 21.6 384.6 20*0 370.1 15.4 404,2 16.8 360.7 40*5 390.6 15.1 424.9 15.1 419*5 19.3 432.1 384.1 10.7 3560 5.43 374.3 23.3 F 3660 48.69 567.2 21.7 F 373.8 81.38 566.2 F 34364 35.3 165*65 601.9 F 201.2 60o1 13.90 MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD, F : 26.3 = F MEAN STD* 93*3 5.7 TOTALS F MEAN STD* 2,65 0.30 DUR F = AVEF3 MEAN STD AVEF4 MEAN STD F RATIOS FOR [El, TAKEN ON DAYS BOTH 17.57 454,0 STDF 1 MEAN STD. AND 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MIDI AV DEVIATIONS = = = 3439. 4 58.1 15,0 422*2 15.6 432,2 12.2 382.6 31,6 42*6 592 34.6 10.1 52.9 7.9 3306 35.3 5.1 0*62 0032 2.10 0*32 1.96 0.15 1.24 268.0 186o0 9.7 211.0 12.9 251 0 20.2 2836.7 57*8 2603.4 57.5 247609 8860 2656.8 3624,0 52*6 3137.1 118.8 3371.6 3554.5 98.1 11.3 50.61 0*39 1 39 0,38 25*38 4464 197,0 25.8 62.79 2670*5 37.3 F 424o9 84.39 283.0 22.1 F 388.7 14.2 4403 235202 95*8 41.11 2404 311404 185.9 MEANS, SPEAKER NUMBER 2264.2 20.8 2160.4 STD* 27*3 1952o5 85.1 INITL 2 2212*6 46.2 2217.3 35.3 2122*6 58.7 : [I], TAKEN ON DAY 1 1998.2 26.6 220?,3 23. 2309.7 2117.5 2225*7 2056*6 17*5 23.2 39*7 58*4 249204 26 * : 2140*0 38o7 : 2220.6 35o5 : 2219.0 47.0 193296 15.0 2177*8 25*3 2234.8 35.2 2070.6 42*1 2162.2 40*5 1970.8 53.4 2426*1 20.2 177599 18*6 2078*6 15.4 2145o, 41.6 1883.3 107.6 2075*7 46*5 1834.7 37.8 2323 8 40.5 180192 24*4 2093*6 12.9 2181.2 31.4 193096 80.6 2104*7 49,7 1841*8 44*3 2358.0 38.0 1981.4 25*4 2175.1 17.8 2280e2 18A 2094*0 16.0 2197o2 3593 2028*4 66.6 2457*3 24e6 1984.1 31*0 217491 20.1 2283.2 21*5 2092,2 17.4 2198*5 35*2 202296 63.9 2461.2 25.6 48.07 18*6 F MID2AV MEAN STD. FOR 64.68 209699 F MIDF2 : 2209.0 44*6 F 1991.2 63.4 2209.2 77*2 3303 F MINF2 MEAN STD* F RATIOS 62.96 2270.2 F MEAN MEAN STD. : F FINAL2 MEAN STD* AND 1 MAXF2 MEAN STD* DEVIATIONS STANDARD 1995*7 28* 3 66*52 1999*8 33*2 42,13 2161*1 99*4 48.67 2143*4 85*3 MEANS, STANDARD F RANGE2 311.7 7998 354.5 4*4 MEAN 349*0 STD. 4.8 340*9 14.1 32203 21*4 = 271*8 17*1 = 268.6 14*3 F = MIDF1 MEAN STD, = 301.4 17.8 F F1MAX2 MEAN STD* RATIOS FOR [I]. TAKEN ON DAY 1 318.0 7.3 222*3 35.7 123*7 19.1 164.2 32e4 234*2 89*0 150.0 50*0 221.9 71.7 168.5 56.2 337.7 7*6 289.6 20.9 308.4 9.3 314.3 9Q 300.3 14.0 321*6 3*9 284.3 7.8 336.1 9*7 270*5 14o4 302.2 10.3 309.4 9.7 289.1 10.7 279*6 108 283.1 8.9 323.6 14.4 273.2 16*3 283*0 14.6 274*8 45.4 289.8 20.4 279.2 10.4 270.5 15 , 269.5 6.0 253*3 11.2 290.2 8.9 291.6 17.5 274*3 1294 287* 18.4 270*2 8.9 271.7 4.1 250.2 287*8 282.7 275o2 286.8 271*2 12*3 19,5 20e9 21o4 2*2 21.51 304.3 12*4 F F1MIN2 213*5 78*6 173.2 28*4 F INITL 1 MEAN STD. F 4.17 : F = MAXF 1 MEAN STD. AND 2 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD. DEVIATIONS 267*5 21.8 350.1 15.6 23.05 29993 12.7 6.54 306*6 23.8 9*03 291s5 15.3 7.49 297.2 13*5 10,4 MEANS, STANDARD F = MIDIAV 317.6 9*1 F MEAN STD* F 252.0 32.7 MEAN STD 2806s4 12.1 MEAN STD. 3329.5 9.1 : 3148i 75*8 F AVEF4 : 210.0 12o2 F AVEF3 = 0.43 0022 0.81 0.22 DUR = 11.0 0.8 14.5 493 TOTALS MEAN STD 267.4 17.7 F STDF1 MEAN STD AND F RATIOS FOR TAKEN ON [IJ] DAY 1 2 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD* DEVIATIONS : 3749*8 67*6 9*35 297.5 11.2 271.7 5.7 25198 9.5 289.7 6*5 283.9 272*6 18 180 23.9 3.7 12*7 4v3 8*3 1*1 14.5 7*8 0 88 0 19 0.50 0, 07 0.44 0*22 180 0 18.7 200.0 14"1 206.0 23.0 2804.3 2953.0 4796 3455*7 23*6 9 284o3 190 ( 271*2 4.7 7.71 20.2 7*5 10.1 3. 16.9 2*9 6o2 0.33 0.26 0152 0,40 0,22 0.23 200*0 244*0 1.0 3*62 1 06 0,61 0 77 0 42 14*48 162* 0 8*4 160.s 8*9 186 0 15.2 12.2 20*0 2837.0 54.3 2517.5 164*9 2825.3 6298 288494 70.4 2937*4 107.3 3546o4 18.2 307090 131.1 3407*0 31,5 3387.5 72.3 3828. 303.0 18*26 2903.5 950 2994 19.54 3251.4 89.8 3357.6 17.3 MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD FINAL2 MEAN STD MINF2 MEAN STD INITL 2 MEAN STD MIDF2 MEAN STD MID2AV MEAN STD AND F RATIOS FOR [I], TAKEN ON DAY 2 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF2 DEVIATIONS F = 28.98 232294 54*0 F : : : : : 2267.0 19*4 2107.9 71.9 2194.4 37.1 2104.2 38*8 1979 2296.9 37.3 2003.9 49 9 2098*3 34.2 2017.6 40.2 1796*6 1841.4 19.2 2180.6 70.0 2162o7 550 2039*7 46.0 186508 47*8 2237.8 28.2 1928*3 43.8 2233o4 54*0 2115.1 27,3 2007.4 5905 2314.2 45.4 2047.9 28.2 2234.4 38,1 2116.9 27,7 2013.6 44*2 2305.3 32.6 20480 30.4 440 1 1 122@3 45*47 226902 18.5 F 2334,7 26.1 42.28 2012.7 61.0 F 2048*5 38,4 24.42 2012.7 61.0 F 2131.7 3204 39.57 2222.6 58.3 F 2314*4 75,0 67.60 MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD MAXF1 MEAN STD, INITL 1 MEAN STD. F1MIN2 MEAN STD. F1 MAX2 MEAN STD* MIDF 1 MEAN STD AND F RATIOS FOR [I], TAKEN ON DAY 2 1 SPEAKER NUMBER RANGE2 DEVIATIONS F : 3.68 309.7 86.9 F : : = = = 302.9 20.2 69.1 125o1 338.5 6.7 330a 1 6.1 312,1 4.5 304.8 10*3 298o2 14*7 309.1 6.6 325.6 6*5 301.5 I1 301.3 9.6 288*6 15.5 311.2 8.2 306*0 19.3 278o3 21.1 287.0 17.7 280.9 16.1 311.8 17.6 292.8 22*2 295.1 12.5 280*8 18.7 283.1 14o0 314,9 13.0 288*1 2795 298.5 14.3 276*3 10.5 2.14 297.4 18,0 F 154.1 16.85 357.9 6.6 F 303.6 17o3 266*5 251.9 49.8 42.7 28.19 357.9 6.6 F 114.1 26.45 367.4 13.4 F 216*1 10695 3o27 MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD F = F MEAN STD. 23.4 4.3 TOTALS F MEAN STD, 0.87 DUR F AVEF3 MEAN STD* AVEF4 MEAN STD. RATIOS FOR [I], TAKEN ON DAY 2 3.56 301.6 19.6 STDF 1 MEAN STD* AND F 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MID1AV DEVIATIONS = = = 3432,8 50.7 275s1 10.2 808 2.1 11.2 3,6 16*5 7.3 9,2 2.6 ll.1 2.? 0.23 0.27 0*53 0 *32 0.45 0*24 0 14 0.31 0.24 274*0 37.8 154,0 8.9 7.1 218.0 13.0 196*0 71.6 3143.1 59.5 2857,0 46.5 2807.5 71*7 2850.5 67,2 2618.2 77*4 3719.4 67.9 3172.1 29.3 3346.9 88.8 3478.4 51.0 3168*2 127.0 0.19 190 0 38.12 2784*0 39 3 F 298.1 13.9 12.21 11.4 : 287*4 20.7 3.84 294s 0 F 313,1 15.1 9*42 0*40 = 284.2 15*2 37.48 MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD FINAL2 MEAN STD MINF2 MEAN STD INITL2 MEAN STD MIDF2 MEAN STD MID2AV MEAN STD, AND F RATIOS FOR [I]4 TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF2 DEVIATIONS F : 55.29 2293.3 49*2 F : = : : 2242 1 37T6 2112*7 50*6 2201.7 2113.4 47.9 1955*9 39*6 2265,8 47.3 2037.3 3994 2097*6 2006.6 34.7 1786*2 2163o 1 57.3 1862 * 4 2151*4 46.4 2019.8 2209.5 41.0 1934*0 43.3 1833.5 49*4 2227*0 43*6 2138.1 1994.4 72*9 45*2 2297.2 37.3 2071*0 32.5 2226*7 41,2 2130,2 61.4 1998*8 39*2 2294.3 28.6 2070.5 32 * 7 55.9 20.9 110*8 74.00 61.4 57*56 2240*9 44.6 F 2322.,2 24.7 26*0 2001.9 59.8 F 2023,4 40*9 50.18 1982.6 76.7 F : 2170.4 69o 1 58*29 2191.5 54,0 F 2292o3 59*5 74.70 MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD MAXF 1 MEAN STD INITL 1 MEAN STD F1MIN2 MEAN STD F 1 MAX2 MEAN STD MIDF1 MEAN STDe AND F RATIOS FOR [II, TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 1 SPEAKER NUMBER RANGE2 DEVIATIONS F = 6.03 310.7 78.7 F = 11.6 : = 13.7 : 310.4 16*4 250.3 103.7 304.0 14*2 344o3 333,9 7.6 310.3 7.2 309.5 10.8 299*8 330.9 9e5 301.9 10.1 30503 15e 304.2 10,9 280.2 17.7 308.9 17.0 314.8 18e5 28006 280.9 17.3 33.1 274.7 15.8 301.7 18.9 281*1 19.6 292.7 10.6 286.2 18,0 27593 19.1 306,1 15.6 279*9 293o1 13,8 279*5 1591 12.9 10.1 5.29 309.9 22.8 F 159.1 51.1 18.23 349.4 F : 237.1 43.7 39.91 353.5 7.2 F 163,8 7904 43.17 360.9 F 194.7 76*9 7.78 205 MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD F = ON BOTH DAYS 8.72 305,3 15,0 279*6 16.5 293.9 1II 279.5 15.0 9*9 1.9 15.7 7,3 20.2 6.7 8.7 1.9 12.8 5,7 0*33 0,26 0.80 0*54 0 66 0.29 0.34 0.20 0.54 0.41 242.0 42,9 158.0 9,2 1850 14*3 212.0 18*7 178*0 52,0 3145*9 64.3 2880.3 74.6 2805,9 51.7 2843.7 58.0 2567.8 132.5 3734*6 65 * 9 3211,7 75.6 3352.3 60*6 3512.4 50.8 3119.1 132.2 TOTALS F MEAN 0.84 STD* 0.31 DUR F MEAN STD TAKEN 17.9 19.0 6.2 AVEF4 11], 275,8 MEAN STD MEAN STD FOR 16.7 F AVEF3 F RATIOS 309.6 STDF 1 MEAN STD* AND 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MID1AV DEVIATIONS = : = 7.53 3*97 18.02 273,0 32.0 F = 60*50 2795.2 29*9 F = 1 64.4 3381 75.98 MEANS, STANDARD F = MAXF2 1212.1 28.0 1187*2 21.1 938.5 28.6 MEAN STD. 968.6 43.9 1038.7 46.9 MEAN STD 1045.9 51*5 : : 924e4 29.9 F MID2AV : 951.3 62.5 F MIDF2 MEAN STD, FOR [0], TAKEN ON DAY 1 1026.2 22*4 997,0 30,1 1111.8 31.6 104797 37.6 1204*8 55*5 946.2 1021.4 31*4 997*0 30e1 1103e6 22*4 1034*9 39.5 1164*2 25o2 926.5 847.9 19.3 784*5 930*9 42*7 1085.5 24*7 880.8 20.6 823o1 68*7 1180,1 28.9 881.1 23.5 853*2 20*6 881.3 856*0 16*9 28o4 1158.0 21,0 51*74 864.5 42*1 F FINAL2 875*2 26o4 1109.9 54v3 F MINF2 MEAN STD F RATIOS 47.80 1119.6 57,5 F = INITL2 MEAN STD AND 2 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD* DEVIATIONS : 919.9 34.0 864.8 32.3 34o1 1147.8 25 , 981*9 72o8 768*, 37*5 961.7 20.2 949*7 46e2 1075*3 100*3 907o1 46*4 1050.u 72.4 1146.3 46.8 963*0 29.8 1059*2 68.7 820*3 60*1 979 22 1145.1 44.5 964*8 36.5 1062.3 46.9 826.0 50*3 97906 16*7 33o48 79294 20#6 50*6 21.79 794*8 22.4 37.72 810*6 17*1 8 1 46.91 812*3 18.3 16.0 MEANS, STANDARD RANGE2 F 273*5 42 0 600*3 11.8 MEAN STD 52907 25.2 449*3 2907 MEAN STD, 57203 497 : : 46906 13*1 F : MIDF1 MEAN STD = 406*3 20.9 F F1 MAX2 : 474 .9 23*4 F F1MIN2 MEAN STD. 178.3 15.7 212.5 26.3 481*6 5.8 507.5 8*1 523.9 22.2 475*0 466*1 487.8 [0o], TAKEN ON DAY 1 517.6 19.4 13.99 82.8 28,7 419.4 8.3 116.8 53.6 222.9 79.7 177e4 61*3 196e3 24,6 10.8 460*9 21.2 471*8 22.8 460*3 9.2 480.7 10.8 5000 2507 446*3 12.1 453.4 21.8 451*4 429.8 12*9 46705 11.5 427.3 19*9 437*6 21e0 387.9 27.8 392*9 15*4 369.9 24.5 395e2 11*1 494 1 20.7 500*0 25.7 450.4 1294 453.7 17.7 468.7 23.1 437.5 21.2 473.4 10,9 454.4 12*6 473.0 16*7 436*4 9.9 418.4 796 407*7 11.3 394*4 29.7 399.5 4.7 5309 40*4 35.28 47702 22*5 F INTTL 1 : 255* 1 24*7 F MAXF I MEAN STD FOR 2 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD F RATIOS DEVIATIONS AND 12.47 9.7 21*8 8.3 7e96 416.1 12.4 4350 6*4 24.51 477.0 6.8 33.75 457*5 10.4 MEANS. STANDARD DEVIATIONS AND F RATIOS FOR [01. TAKEN ON DAY 1 SPEAKER NUMBER F : MID1AV MEAN STD 521.6 18.4 MEAN STD. 6602 4.0 MEAN STD. -1*34 0.11 MEAN STD* 2780 13.0 MEAN STD, 2404*4 11.9 MEAN STD. 3078.8 46.5 -0,64 0.29 : : 3175*1 48.3 46o5 5*2 45*8 7o4 -0087 0,49 -0.44 0,28 -1.23 0 39 194,0 23*0 234*0 23*0 296.0 15.2 204*0 11*4 2205e7 26*9 2246*1 49.6 2252*3 19.0 1913*2 25*3 2400*0 45.1 2983.4 123*9 3007*5 3112*6 44*9 3244.1 53*9 3648*6 38_3o2 3407 4.9 65*0 1692 24*4 493 4406 14.3 -1.16 0.21 -1.23 0029 0012 0,31 -0088 0038 2120 222*0 16*4 234.0 15,2 2220.3 12*8 2407.4 17.1 2894.9 3124.2 6593 410*3 11.9 4407 9,9 20.67 1900 14*1 lII0 48.42 2233*0 19*(Q F AVEF4 : 398*1 3*4 419.1 9*6 473*3 12s2 11.53 238*0 21*7 F AVEF3 28@,l 3.5 -1.45 0.29 F DUR : 400.6 30.6 436.7 1000 451.9 10.3 11.70 35o6 9.7 F TOTALS 458.1 10.2 420*6 9*6 F = STDF1 35*51 1922*2 160*1 16.70 2690.6 25*9 34.0 93*1 MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD INI TL2 MEAN STD* MINF2 MEAN STD FINAL2 MEAN STD MIDF2 MEAN STD, MID2AV MEAN STD, AND F RATIOS FOR [l1 TAKEN ON DAY 2 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF2 DEVIATIONS F = 74.03 1051.8 4361 893,1 32.0 1022.7 23*2 1173.1 1173e55669 893.1 1021,1 22.8 1167,6 12.3 1038044.8 913.0 88,6 795,0 30.2 860*8 14.2 1079.1 95207 97968 98765 829,4 59*6 29.5 876*4 12*0 1155.0 40.5 103660 39.5 974,3 816.6 33.5 870 0 15.4 1099.6 32.2 961.6 7061 973*2 58,9 812,7 34,7 871*9 17.4 1098.2 34.4 966*4 1218.5 1196e 1 3464 F = 422 23.94 1162.5 94.3 F = 24.3 F = = = 1046.5 44o6 19.5 49 1 18.33 119.3 28986 104869 45.2 F 32,0 22.15 925.6 F 6.9 4864 31*91 49.4 MFANS, STANDARD SPEAKER NUMBER DEVIATIONS F : MAXF 1 F MEAN = INITL 1 F MEAN STD, : MEAN STD = 13. F = F MIDF 1 : 520.4 MEAN STD, 13.6 a% 2 94.0 21.4 99*1 25.9 513.6 13.0 477.1 9.7 423 3 12*5 456.3 16.6 487*5 468.3 15.5 416.4 386e6 30.7 444 * 1 14,2 4410 10.9 433.2 10.7 36.0 19.5 493*9 15.1 45603 16.6 491.8 15.3 47108 12.5 420.3 13*9 412.9 13.5 441.,7 5.5 450.6 12.5 44504 15.2 37402 17.8 98.0 499*5 13*2 470,0 491.3 56.4 10.1 13.0 17*2 113.87 617.3 10.0 MEAN STD, DAY 6 433.9 28.3 F1MAX2 ON 161*9 13.5 28301 59*7 17.6 F TAKEN 42.33 55409 F 1 MIN2 [0], 153.51 621 7 13,2 STD o FOR 25.90 292.9 46.0 MEAN STD* F RATIOS 2 1 RANGE2 AND 63.48 ir Ir MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD F : 14.4 F : MEAN STD 8403 TOTALS F STD, DUR MEAN STD. AVEF3 MEAN STD AVEF4 MEAN STD F RATIOS FOR 0o], TAKEN ON DAY 2 69.86 519.4 STDF 1 MEAN AND 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MID1AV DEVIATIONS : = 3146.5 81.4 8.7 373.6 18.0 48.1 9*2 27.4 3.0 36o3 1*7 25.3 9.9 37.5 7,3 -0 *99 0,49 -0.51 0 59 -1.22 0.13 -0.36 0.15 -0044 0 69 322o0 420 1 188.0 14.8 202.0 13.0 232,0 13.0 190 0 33.9 2212.4 182.6 2193.8 22.9 2266.9 17.4 2082*8 84o0 2942.8 3007.4 22*1 3173,6 294.3 2875*6 7507 9*44 2241 *0 2439o2 10.5 F 440 *6 28.02 302.0 14.8 F : 451*5 11.7 4.37 -1*28 0.26 F 4420 5.8 32.51 13.8 : 414 2 14.5 43*2 5*00 3191.8 77*0 17,5 MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD, INTTL2 MEAN STD* MINF2 MEAN STD FINAL2 MEAN STD MIDF2 MEAN STD MID2AV MEAN STD. AND F RATIOS FOR [o], TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF2 DEVIATIONS F : 93.49 F : : : : 1046.2 45.4 1141.7 62*3 878.9 33.8 1021,3 25.9 1135.6 37.8 103608 39.9 888.8 70.2 79307 24.4 854.4 17.4 1082.3 21*3 941*8 48*4 96964 60.6 812.1 30.7 878.6 16.1 1167.6 35.7 992.8 96.7 949o3 5702 813.6 25.3 875.5 19.6 1123.0 45.2 962.3 37*9 946.5 812.5 26.1 876*6 16.5 1121.7 965*6 40.9 77e14 1043*8 43.7 F 1049.7 38*2 51.10 974.2 39.8 F : 1142.4 38.9 62.08 932o 1 25,9 F 1024.5 21.6 55.51 1174.8 6508 F 6294 884.1 29.2 115709 1215.3 29.8 78,50 53*3 4409 MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD. MAXF 1 MEAN STD. INTTL 1 MEAN STD. F1MI N2 MEAN STD. F1MAX2 MEAN STD* MIDF1 MEAN STD. BOTH DAYS 10], 26991 4565 90.4 4209 170*1 16.3 60.1 108.0 46.9 40.8 488.3 21.0 475.8 9,9 510.6 10.7 47660 442.1 9,7 25.7 48361 20.2 461.,2 13.8 487.6 16.9 457.3 17.5 434.9 396.4 26,9 430.1 19.4 438.0 9.0 435.4 15.9 375.4 26.2 481*8 18.5 466e7 16.2 492*9 17.2 461 416.1 11.1 449.6 11.4 45265 12e0 440.9 13.0 AND F 1 SPEAKER NUMBER RANGE2 TAKEN ON RATIOS FOR DEVIATIONS F = 54.24 283.2 42.8 F = 122.10 611.0 16.4 F : 32.61 542.3 24.4 F = 15.02 441,6 28.5 F : 79.04 594.8 24.8 F : 519.0 15.9 26.9 43760 1 16.3 23.1 68.82 396.3 26e6 _ -- _ _r -- -- 41Lw MEANS. STANDARD MEAN STD* F = F MEAN STD. 75.3 13.5 TOTALS F DUR MEAN STD. AVEF3 MEAN STD AVEF4 MEAN STD F RATIOS FOR to10, TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 72.66 : : : : 3112.6 72s 0 28,1 3.2 35.5 3.6 24.8 7.2 41.1 11*3 -1.22 0 45 -0.57 0,44 -1.19 0 17 "-012 0.34 -0966 0*57 280 0 54*4 189,0 13.7 207.0 12.5 233.0 13.4 192 0 27,4 2237.0 32*0 2067.3 222.7 2207.0 22*4 2236o3 38o7 2164*5 107,9 3183.4 61.2 2816.7 13496 2951 .2 65 * 2 3078o5 235.3 2941.6 106.0 14.69 25.62 12.57 2421.8 21.2 F 438*7 9.1 41.8 11.1 2909 0 18.3 F 451.7 10*4 38.48 -1*31 0 19 F : 396.3 27 * 6 450,0 11.5 417.4 12.0 520e5 15.6 STDF1 MEAN STD. AND 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MID1AV DEVIATIONS 11.12 MEANS, STANDARD F MAXF2 1271.1 14.7 1209*1 24.7 1048.2 12*9 MEAN STD* 110093 54*1 1160.6 9.5 1081.7 39.9 : [U], TAKEN ON DAY 1 1164.2 6*7 1163.8 44.5 1054.7 55.0 1158.3 16.5 1091*3 55.3 1194.2 22.4 894.6 18.2 978*5 63.0 1163.8 44,5 1040*3 32*6 1142.8 7*8 1077.2 53,1 1193* 1 20.4 888*3 25*4 960.8 47o4 925*8 3295 86093 11.2 1106.7 24*5 996.4 69*2 982,3 55.8 708.8 62 * 1 894.4 36*9 980*4 42*0 905.9 28*8 1184*8 32.7 1050*9 66.3 1056*6 107*4 89900 136*5 1031*8 63*9 931.8 31*4 876o3 21,8 1122 * 5 34o5 1007.6 73,1 1074*1 36*1 775*2 63,3 934*8 61.8 945*2 28.7 878*2 22.5 1127.6 29*0 1015.0 63.5 1077o7 27.4 771.4 41*3 932.2 53*6 26.16 : 1211.1 224*5 1168* 1 51*0 F MID2AV MEAN STD* FOR 8.90 F : MIDF2 MEAN STD = 1030o4 89*7 F FINAL2 1085.0 37.1 1180*7 227*4 F MINF2 MEAN STD* F RATIOS 9.95 = 1205.3 222.5 F INITL2 MEAN STD* AND 2 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD DEVIATIONS : 1150.0 43.5 928.6 33.7 5*97 949*8 30,0 41.53 944.7 24,0 58.98 948*1 24*5 MEANS, STANDARD RANGE2 F 222*9 6.9 457*0 14.2 MEAN STD. 418*0 24.7 3690 5*0 MEAN STD 432,9 8.0 381*9 3,8 : = : 310.4 20.7 F MIDF1 MEAN STD* 194.5 64*6 51.6 2497 374.0 23.0 331.7 909 371.7 24o9 343.7 TAKEN ON DAY 1 : 288.9 1061 94*9 211.9 185.8 84.1 49.6 63.2 56*7 4061 331.3 15.0 332.0 7.5 354,0 16*4 344,6 11.8 300.8 5.0 323.7 7,8 327.9 120 330.6 6.5 350*6 20*7 328*8 21.5 297 * 3 5,3 18.1 291.6 24,9 306.1 16.5 298*3 19.9 303*5 16*2 3188 17.2 27798 5*7 371*7 24.9 328.0 5,9 327,0 12.6 325.4 7.6 350.2 20,0 32994 21.0 294*3 2.6 344.2 20.4 298*4 21.3 304.3 6.9 295.2 23.9 325,9 9*4 324*0 16*5 281 * 1 8*9 3901 282*9 6 1 F F1MAX2 : 156*4 35.7 317,7 23*0 F F 1 MIN2 MEAN STD 238.0 58.3 [U], 4.83 321,1 27.2 F INITL 1 : 174*9 14599 F MAXF1 MEAN STD. FOR AND 2 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD* F RATIOS DEVIATIONS 341.9 7.4 18*73 3406 1 8.9 17.39 324.8 50 32.76 340, 1 7.3 21.57 323.0 7.9 MEANS, STANDARD DEVIATIONS AND F RATIOS [U], FOR TAKEN ON DAY 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MID1AV MEAN STD* F 379.7 5.6 STDF 1 MEAN STD. MEAN STD. 35.1 5.2 MEAN STD. -0.90 MEAN STD. MEAN STD. 2926.3 10.6 = = 2233.6 49*9 F AVEF4 7.9 18,8 7.8 8.8 3.0 16.6 2*6 15.6 492 8.3 2.5 13.9 2.4 20.7 9o6 -1.21 -1.66 -1.07 0.04 -0.60 0.44 0.31 : 3201.8 235.7 325*2 279.1 12.9 1.9 17.2 8.1 8.9 1.6 -0.32 0.52 0.25 0*50 17660 8.9 196.0 21*9 264*0 8.9 186.0 21.9 223060 22*6 2186.7 23.8 2236*0 17.0 1924*0 66.2 2386.5 40.2 334962 3045,3 157.5 321463 3086*7 158.2 3585*7 500.9 0.71 0.52 0.21 19060 19860 14.8 214.0 21.9 -1.02 0.59 22.98 17460 224*0 21e9 F 2385.7 21.3 22.9 3.12 2.11 F AVEF3 : 322.0 298.7 298.4 19.7 11.10 0906 0.16 302.0 32.7 = 307*2 343.8 4.8 323o4 13.6 6.8 F DUR 25.36 288.6 9.7 F TOTALS : 11.4 14.1 79.05 2131.5 19.0 229564 3043.8 2981*3 337060 2560 82.7 36*8 2117.2 13.6 30.8 5.76 t ~ 21.2 a 32.7 ~ *pr 4L~~ MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD INITL2 MEAN STD. MINF2 MEAN STD* FINAL2 MEAN STD MIDF2 MEAN STD MID2AV MEAN STD AND F RATIOS FOR [U], TAKEN ON DAY 2 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF2 DEVIATIONS F : 23.91 1260.5 12.5 F = : : : : 1146o 1 26.2 1159*6 48.5 1069.1 39.1 1096*7 47.9 1171.9 21.2 1087,5 39*6 1032*3 37*8 949*3 1098.9 1048.2 50.0 932.6 22.8 34o5 48*0 1096*5 53* 1 970.3 32 .1 967*2 12.3 1236.0 43,0 1201.8 113.4 1080.5 42.0 958,8 40.6 941.8 26*7 1137.8 2398 1068*5 53.9 1079*4 39*5 960.4 41.5 942.8 25.3 1140.5 30.6 1078.9 52*3 24.9 18.12 24.47 1139.8 38.4 F 1095*4 13.86 1062.8 49.6 F 1189.8 34.0 7.91 1033.9 25.9 F 1100.5 51.6 29.9 1192.3 42.0 F 1070.5 37 8 1195*0 27.72 will e d MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD MAXF1 MEAN STD INITL 1 MEAN STD. F1MIN2 MEAN STD. F1MAX2 MEAN STD MIDF1 MEAN STD F : 34,1 = 17.9 = : TAKEN ON DAY 2 = 381.3 8*4 121.2 50.6 167.9 40.2 90 .9 4798 47*2 30.2 325*3 8*6 342.1 9.7 38602 12.3 333.7 3.6 325.6 10.1 31793 10.9 337.9 12.2 384*4 10.1 328.5 7.0 323.4 11.8 300.4 7*9 322.5 10.6 34803 6,1 322.6 4.8 311.4 12.7 319.7 7.7 339.6 12.4 383*8 11.1 328.4 10.4 321.3 7.2 305.7 13.5 321.0 5.1 350.2 10.3 321 .5 3.6 312.0 11.2 59.34 427.0 21.1 F = 162.7 46*4 26*40 36206 14.9 F [U], 55.14 42260 19.8 F FOR RATIOS 96.06 449.3 F F 11.27 226.6 F AND 2 1 SPEAKER NUMBER RANGE2 DEVIATIONS 46.69 _1__ _____ _____~____ _ ~ _ __ __~_ _ MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD. F : F MEAN STD. 33.9 8.7 TOTALS F DUR MEAN STD AVEF3 MEAN STD AVEF4 MEAN STD F RATIOS FOR [U], TAKEN ON DAY 2 61.63 383.0 7.1 STDF 1 MEAN STD* AND 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MID1AV DEVIATIONS : : : 3100.6 118,0 11.0 2.1 10.0 2.0 20*7 6.1 320 0 3.7 311.3 10.7 11.7 4*7 11.9 3.8 22 0 37 0 * 07 0,35 0 56 0 79 -1 -0 *54 0 32 -1 296*0 27.9 174o 0 8o9 182*0 13*0 232*0 2182 * 2 49*4 2069.3 2128*6 17.1 2293.8 10.0 3263.8 3049.6 52 * 4 2962*0 29*5 3291 04 0*43 48*22 23,9 0 29.2 170 63.97 2403.2 27.7 F : 351.0 7.0 11.91 322 ,0 16.4 F 322.4 5.5 16.57 -0.81 0.08 F : 304,2 13.1 35,9 2093.3 54*6 19.45 67*9 ___ 0 127.4 __._ _ . ___llL 2871.3 61.3 _~__ _ __L MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD INITL2 MEAN STD MINF2 MEAN STD. FINAL2 MEAN STD MIDF2 MEAN STD* MID2AV MEAN STD AND F RATIOS FOR [U], TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF2 DEVIATIONS F = 10009 1265.8 14.0 F : : = 1155.1 20.4 1093.3 40.5 1170 * 1 155*4 1075.4 37.8 1130.3 56.1 1157.3 21.5 1082.3 44*5 1031.3 64*9 93990 41.6 929*2 26*7 1102.8 28.5 1022.3 62*,4 1153o8 165*2 960,0 31.2 973*8 30 0 1210.4 45.0 1126*3 118.3 1124,3 63.8 951 7 32*3 936*8 28*,0 1130.2 29*1 1038 * 0 68o5 1114.7 54*0 954.2 32 * 8 944*0 25*5 1134.1 28.9 1047 0 64,4 43.52 1150.2 28.6 F 1174o 1 30.2 12.54 1081.6 52s8 F : 1132*2 56*4 22.12 1041 .0 20.7 F = 1077,7 36.1 4.60 1200.7 33.7 F 1200.2 149*8 50.59 I _I___ __ ____1 __Y_ _____ ___I__ _L_~_ _~__)___ MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD MAXF 1 MEAN STD INITL1 MEAN STD, F1 MIN2 MEAN STD F1MAX2 MEAN STD MIDF1 MEAN STD* AND F RATIOS FOR CU], TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 1 SPEAKER NUMBER RANGE2 DEVIATIONS F = 12*42 224.8 23.3 F = : 21.2 = = : 381.6 6.2 71.0 46.2 323*2 19.1 342.0 8.1 380 1 18.5 332.5 10,4 32808 9.0 317.5 16.9 339.0 10.2 378,0 19.1 328.2 9.3 327,0 9,8 291.7 11.3 32306 3460 7.9 12.9 314.3 14.4 304.9 17.2 315.0 339.9 9e6 377*8 19*3 327*7 10.9 32394 322.0 347*2 15,5 312,9 10.4 30396 19.7 104.20 429.9 15.4 F 71.3 41.4 45.73 365,8 11.0 F 203o0 60.0 67*89 4200 F 138.8 45.2 123.61 453.2 15.7 F 168 B 102.3 15.5 7.3 59.23 297*3 14*3 6.3 a- afi ir % e MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD, F = F = MEAN STD 3465 TOTALS F DUR MEAN STD AVEF3 MEAN STD* AVEF4 MEAN STD F RATIOS FOR [U], TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 75.61 381 .3 693 STDF1 MEAN STD AND 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MID1AV DEVIATIONS 0013 : = 250 : 3013.5 121.2 305.0 15.9 12.3 5.0 9.4 2.5 18.6 4.9 10.0 4.0 12*9 3*2 -0.24 1.46 -1.13 0*37 -1.44 0058 0.06 0*27 -0.02 0.86 260 *0 4407 174.0 9.7 186*0 223.0 23.6 173.0 20.6 2207*9 54* 1 2093.3 2130e0 17.1 2261.9 37.5 2140.0 35.9 3232*8 166*7 3046.7 3808 2971.6 59,4 332001 9104 295803 13.5 69.97 239404 F 313.6 89 47.07 312.0 2696 F 347*4 14o5 6.81 -0*86 F 32209 4.9 42.70 6.8 = 29604 13.6 63.2 17.S3 145*2 f9 MEANS,STANDARD MAXF 1 F 594*6 7.7 390.9 MEAN STD. MEAN 445*3 STD. 21.8 FINAL 1 MEAN STD. F RATIOS FOR [RE], TAKEN ON DAY 1 1202.6 39.7 47.53 504.9 14.0 = 537.8 170 : 1098*6 51.6 548.9 10.8 586*8 10.8 537.0 13.0 481.3 494.7 514,9 8.2 10.7 16.3 546.9 18.1 10.53 434 * 1 13.4 403.4 10.2 436*2 7.9 416*6 12*6 406.6 10.5 364*1 33*4 372*2 9.5 370.5 14.5 538.7 11.2 580 1 11.0 523.4 8*9 457.4 460*7 14.9 471.1 7*3 506.1 20.0 412.9 12.3 460.9 415.8 12.5 427.8 11.8 362*0 27.4 373*7 15.5 369*7 537*2 13*5 556*0 30.2 515.7 7,8 454.7 17.1 453*5 18.7 466*5 5*2 500*4 15.0 1081.8 1210.2 43.9 39*6 1140*6 35.3 1220.7 95.2 1191.8 89*9 988.5 82*7 1190.3 80.0 30.29 499*2 14*2 20.2 20.11 446* 0 8.9 25* 0 F MINF2 = 424.9 F 549.0 25 * 1 = 555 8 26* 1 F INITL 1 MEAN STD. 17.7 F 571.3 32.3 : 420* 1 30.5 FlMAX3 : 571.1 12.5 F F1MIN3 MEAN STD. AND 2 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD. DEVIATIONS 8*3 17.4 23.49 500 7 14.3 6.45 1193.6 61.7 MEANSSTANDARD 1714.5 15.4 1675.6 48.3 1204.8 41.4 1299.3 60.3 ERE]. TAKEN ON DAY 1 1647.3 30.4 171896 62.8 1972*4 3706 1679*1 36.4 1528*3 33.4 1963.2 54.9 1220.7 1245.2 27*2 95s2 57*8 1031*5 51.0 1343.6 75*8 1271.5 38o0 1187.2 35*1 1372.1 92*0 1255o7 50e4 1028*0 62o5 1333.2 167.9 1391.6 19.5 1548.3 15.3 174794 112.8 1649*5 30*2 1678o6 1524.9 39e5 39.7 1972*4 37o6 1525.3 31.7 1589.0 21.2 1526.4 50.8 1713*3 72.5 1710.8 33*6 1601.7 1780.2 1664*7 25*8 21*8 32*4 53*2 125.6 35,5 1400.9 20*6 1589.5 6590 1760.0 98.0 165405 1110.7 31.6 1218o6 56*6 1185.1 1186.9 34.4 168296 34.6 43.32 : 1752*7 32*9 1234.8 52*2 : 1218o3 102.9 : 1747*1 1994 F MINF3 153591 33.7 1522.8 F FINAL2 MEAN STD. FOR 1665*7 F INITL22 MEAN STD, RATIOS 33.79 F : F2MIN3 MEAN STD* F 1784*8 F F2MAX3 MEAN STD* = F MAXF2 MEAN STD AND 2 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD* DEVIATIONS : 1563*8 35.6 1644.9 43*0 27,8 10.72 1240*1 48.7 6.98 1294*5 79*1 57.74 1634.4 27*2 26.55 1552.6 30.7 129792 82.8 1778.5 116.9 MEANS,STANDARD DEVIATIONS F MAXF3 2609.8 45.0 1808.9 101.6 2597.5 40o2 759*0 32.6 MEAN STD* 2693*1 48@3 = = 594*6 14*4 = 2915.0 69*4 F = F4MAX3 MEAN STD* [RE], TAKEN ON DAY 1 3413o8 114.4 2471*6 76.7 2318.8 60*1 2283.9 155.0 2283.3 102.2 2474*6 59*7 2355.2 108.3 2780.7 1552.8 25o3 1622.6 1547*5 25*7 70e4 1757.4 79.5 1758*2 40.2 1327o2 77*8 1812.8 123.9 245296 110*4 2280*8 54*7 2276*4 148*7 2280*4 98.5 2454o5 63.0 2340*2 2730.8 75,0 557.2 15,6 426.9 22.7 467.5 58.8 615*0 538.3 22o9 22*9 3407.2 22.1 2857*1 2194 3612.1 85*6 2825.0 182.8 3087.2 25197 2741*6 8292 3113*3 454.5 3380*4 34.9 3425*3 73*8 3556*1 106.1 3014.1 182,7 3217.1 86.0 3194*5 77.9 3874.8 247*5 43e1 21*28 2609.7 5397 F F4MIN3 2607.7 4993 1605*4 54.9 F AVE3M2 MEAN STD FOR 19.76 2679.8 117.0 F FINAL3 MEAN STD. : F = INITL3 MEAN STD F RATIOS 2 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD* AND 3690*8 83.8 1625.8 61*3 17.36 258195 36.9 122*3 30.12 652o9 52.2 608.9 24.9 585*9 67*2 11.40 3165.8 244.1 21.59 3250*9 6195 DEVIATIONS MEANSISTANDARD INTTL4 F 2727.4 57*6 3408.9 96.0 3239*0 23.7 3206*6 10.6 : 954*7 9993 92*3 F 7967 1.35 256*0 8.9 : 10,57 1 F DUR MEAN STD 3686*1 33*2 886e6 SLOPE3 MEAN STD : F RANGE4 MEAN STD, 2921.9 56*3 F = AVEF4 MEAN STD. - F FINAL4 MEAN STD* F RATIOS FOR [REI. TAKEN ON DAY 1 2 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD, AND 079 = 214*0 20.7 14.69 317792 120.5 3355*4 44.6 2849*3 27.8 3612.9 89,6 2915.7 63.8 3091.4 202.0 2786.9 3056.5 89.1 413.7 3375.4 35*0 3409.9 22*8 3452*9 198.5 3021.9 18708 3231 .7 6496 3080.3 3855.1 291.3 3341.6 3076.9 3566*5 287B.8 41.4 21*8 114.1 3090.2 4491 3093*2 26.1 728*0 42.8 273*4 151*8 329,1 213,3 416*9 79.2 690*4 112*3 920.4 24996 8.03 0.55 6.12 1.17 5o49 1.91 7.15 0.36 7.42 1a20 9,72 0 o67 196*0 3291 172*0 19.2 180.0 14*1 14.32 3273o7 137.9 171.3 10.13 3225. 1 87o 7 5403 3461*3 412*6 22.82 362o3 71.4 236,9 58.4 13.50 11.78 1.15 8.11 0,74 16.68 168.0 8.4 206,0 11.4 170,0 10.0 258.0 25.9 192o0 14.8 MEANS.STANDARD MEAN STD F 1 MIN3 MEAN STD* F1MAX3 MEAN STD INITL 1 MEAN STD FINAL 1 MEAN STD MINF2 MEAN STD AND F RATIOS FOR [RE], TAKEN ON DAY 2 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF1 DEVIATIONS F : 29.39 583o5 10.9 F : 23.6 : : 1160.2 30.4 454,9 21.1 410.3 22.6 413.5 4.2 440.6 12.1 435,0 10.4 379.5 17.3 519.5 49405 19.5 16.0 542*0 14*8 515.0 35.1 424.4 1398 19*3 414.9 7,9 441.6 896 42602 9*9 374.8 26,5 522,5 170 501.5 5.5 543.1 16.1 515.0 35.1 424.4 13*8 1002.8 24.2 1207,6 6.7 1060.4 1181.5 38.1 120992 76.0 396* 1 27o32 53602 6.6 F : 567.8 36.5 10*32 443.0 27.8 F 548*2 12.8 25.13 562,1 21.3 F 506.7 8.9 9.73 396.1 F = 550*3 110 20.02 46,7 MEANSSTANDARD MEAN STD. F2MAX3 MEAN STD. F2MIN3 MEAN STD, INIT L2 MEAN STD FINAL2 MEAN STD MINF3 MEAN STD AND F RATIOS FOR [RE], TAKEN ON DAY 2 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF2 DEVIATIONS F = 36.10 1739.0 57.7 F : 6502 : : 1664.9 44*8 1106.3 890 1 1249,6 1286.0 50.7 1306.1 27.7 1172.6 1225.0 43.5 1268.0 34*2 1710.6 21.8 1619.3 30.9 143907 2609 1827,5 53.7 1591.9 1458*6 1550,8 19.8 1545o2 44.5 1645,8 32.5 1652.7 42e0 1702.6 6301 1633,5 9,5 143792 1178*7 56*2 1229.5 30,1 1081*3 9303 2708 56.6 82*2 50.25 1701.0 28.7 F : 1591.9 66.8 27.2 8.51 1227.1 50.8 F : 1827.5 53.7 1511*1 24,7 6.68 1166.0 33.8 F 1592.0 66.7 1659.2 32.81 1732*3 F 1830.1 49.7 179901 33.2 6608 15.22 77*3 ___ ~_ MEANS.STANDARD DEVIATIONS MEAN STD INITL3 MEAN STD FINAL3 MEAN STD* AVE3M2 MEAN STD. F4MIN3 MEAN STD F4MAX3 MEAN STD* F RATIOS FOR [RE], TAKEN ON DAY 2 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF3 AND F = 13.78 262502 36.6 F = : : = = 3430.8 80.9 8307 2217.9 182.5 1515*6 1580,8 20,5 156302 1665.8 41.0 1675*8 33*8 2343.4 225.9 2455*1 48.3 2449o6 83*7 2217.9 182.5 19*3 505.2 18.5 584.7 22.4 426.7 26,8 401.7 38.0 2898o9 119.7 3100.9 65,0 3454o0 77o8 3362o4 365,5 2889*2 214e1 366290 173*6 2993.7 90,1 3309.0 106.5 3311.2 70.5 2799.3 181.6 2657.6 34*5 4207 128.74 641 2 10.90 2783.9 58.2 F 244906 8.29 730,9 20.5 F 2456*8 46.4 54*3 2606.6 35.2 F 2428.7 110.3 12.75 169704 67.8 F 2680.4 48,4 30.51 J-- --- -- --- --- ----- ~ -- ------- ~ ---- ~ -~-~----~ Il-----~---- C-- ------ -- 1- -I------ MEANS,STANDARD MEAN STD FINAL4 MEAN STD* AVEF4 MEAN STD RANGE4 MEAN STD F F : F : FOR [RE]. TAKEN ON DAY 2 F = : MEAN STD. 8.27 0.85 DUR F : 266.0 15.2 3404.9 401,6 2859 1 210.6 3678*6 69,9 2910.9 181.6 3329.5 3311,2 70.5 2799*3 3225o8 87*6 3058.4 44 * 7 3324,0 3423.6 187.0 2799*9 25.88 135.7 181.6 21.51 69*5 132*5 33.25 750*6 85*6 : 3452.4 81*1 146*5 3209.7 23.2 F 3212s 0 29,7 2880.7 3375.2 166.6 F C F RATIOS 10.47 2827.2 20.4 SLOPE3 MEAN STD AND 1 SPEAKER NUMBER INITL4 DEVIATIONS 989.3 67*0 418.1 117,3 326*7 42,3 444*3 105.3 260*0 180.4 12057 0097 8*63 0*62 7089 0 76 6.37 0.19 6962 1.01 282*0 50.7 180,0 12.2 186*0 15.2 214.0 8.9 16890 19.2 40.87 18.78 c 9 MEANS.STANDARD MEAN STD FIMIN3 MEAN STD. F1MAX3 MEAN STD* INITL 1 MEAN STD FINAL 1 MEAN STD MINF2 MEAN STD F RATIOS FOR [RE]. TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF1 DEVIATIONS AND F : 57.52 589.1 10.7 F : : : = 468.1 20.5 415.2 19.9 423.8 14.3 422.0 22*3 425.8 14.6 393,0 19.6 53707 29.0 496.9 14.5 540.4 519.2 24.5 440.9 12.5 410.5 26,0 430.5 18.2 427.2 18.1 421.0 11.9 401.3 34,0 530.2 17.9 501 1 10.2 540.2 14.4 515.4 24.0 439*6 21.7 1071o1 44,2 1161.0 40.8 1215.0 81.4 23.8 44.12 542.6 18.6 F : 552.4 30.5 4.33 44402 23.6 F 548-6 11i 1 37.83 56607 26.2 F 505.8 11.1 5.80 393.5 25.8 F 560.7 15,6 16*28 1181.4 1050.7 40.2 63.2 1200.6 42.0 ap at MEANSSTANDARD MEAN STD F2MAX3 MEAN STD,* F2MIN3 MEAN STD. INITL2 MEAN STD. FINAL2 MEAN STD MINF3 MEAN STD AND F RATIOS FOR [RE]. TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF2 DEVIATIONS F = 42.67 1517.0 28.9 1805,1 93.8 1628*3 63*3 1639.2 29.9 1419*1 30 * 0 1793.8 82 * 5 1623.2 1206.8 59,1 1234.8 38.6 1108.5 63* 1 1217.3 53.9 1253*4 79,7 1149.8 117.4 1300.3 56o2 1179*7 33e2 1206.1 42.2 1320 1 98*9 1674,2 1728*9 1626 * 9 39.7 27.4 1415.6 33*6 1787,5 93.4 1620e7 57*5 1535*3 37*9 1586.1 1683.0 74*7 64*4 1726.7 41.9 F : = 65.0 = F = 1691.8 58*7 58*4 8.31 1263*2 F 1727 * 6 54o3 22.2 7*83 1185.4 41.1 F 1662o4 53.49 1704.0 61.8 F : 1791.9 29o 0 60.14 28.6 16.55 1511.2 79*,3 1551.7 24.4 MEANS,STANDARD MEAN STD, INITL3 MEAN STD FINAL3 MEAN STD. AVE3M2 MEAN STD F4MIN3 MEAN STD F4MAX3 MEAN STD, AND F RATIOS FOR IRE]. TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF3 DEVIATIONS F = 21*69 2518.2 124.0 2464.2 60.3 2366*7 146o4 2250*6 143.6 69*9 1603.3 49.2 155800 33.6 1606.6 82.7 1716e6 71.9 2633.6 49*5 2462.5 197,6 245308 8003 2363,0 145.9 2249.1 142*1 617.9 579,0 86.1 59608 25.7 42608 23.4 434.6 29*3 29070 9206 3133.3 171.8 3430*6 3487,3 59*3 28207 190.7 3676*4 129,4 3122*3 153.8 334407 8306 3433.6 154o5 290607 2617.5 2680.1 39.5 8494 F = 13.32 1560*5 1753.2 100.4 F = 13.79 2602.1 36.0 F : 63.29 745*0 29o6 F = 35.91 2738.5 69*5 F : 3422.3 93.8 58*1 2857 1 35.39 205.7 MEANSSTANDARD SPEAKER NUMBER 1 INITL4 F : MEAN STD. FINAL4 MEAN STD AVEF4 MEAN STD RANGE4 MEAN STD* AND F RATIOS FOR RE],. TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 39.37 2777.3 2901*3 66.5 106.8 319406 84,7 3403*9 80#1 3508.9 29504 2887.4 14907 3682,4 51.8 3092,3 24403 335204 9605 3382.1 2910*6 3216.2 5907 3141.8 3332*8 5003 3495*0 283903 146.4 123.8 972*0 78*2 39002 96.2 281*8 358,8 152.6 294*6 11.57 1.72 10.21 1*87 8.00 0,72 6024 0.80 6.06 1 *56 24890 51.2 174*0 11.7 196*0 205.0 24.2 170o0 18.3 F : 27.29 3392*0 129 *4 F : 2609 F = : MEAN STD* 7.97 DUR F 261e0 12.9 109.7 6704 189*8 25.30 1.11 = 210.0 57.90 818.6 113.0 F 15900 51.51 3224.3 SLOPE3 MEAN STD* DEVIATIONS 20.90 16.5 v W, MEANS, STANDARD DEVIATIONS 710.4 13.5 677.5 30.8 560.4 25.4 INITL 1 594o6 14.7 ON DAY 1 534.2 15.6 : 555.4 10.0 578*0 30.3 526.2 8.1 627.8 23.1 9.4 551 .6 10.5 5507 40.8 573.8 18.1 490*1 21.5 425.6 29.8 492.2 19.1 599.0 9*5 583.9 17.6 606.4 19.8 638*3 12*4 589.0 44*5 515.8 16.4 47298 464*2 28*3 21.9 574.6 15.6 593.2 23.0 611.6 19*3 574,6 25*2 520.3 16.5 481.6 29.4 481*3 10*8 568.9 9.6 498*2 491.0 16.7 10*5 500.5 29.0 512*1 14,8 464*2 16*6 419.0 15.9 430.5 20.5 430*7 32*7 965*6 18.7 1067.9 28.6 964.7 14.1 996.3 9.8 850.0 13.2 89503 18.3 569*9 34o17 : 37.82 616*4 9*8 = : 566.3 9.7 19.18 492.5 16*7 F 1055.0 22*3 656.7 17.2 31.78 626*3 9*1 F MINF2 MEAN STD, TAKEN 654.2 8.9 4901 F FINAL 1 MEAN STD* LAR3, 612.7 20.7 610.8 9.8 561.3 F F1MAX3 MEAN STD 638*6 8.2 F : F 1 MIN3 MEAN STD RATIOS FoR 51. 95 F = MAXF 1 MEAN STD F 3 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD AND 131.20 1142.9 11.1 952.8 32*6 1154.8 12.6 MEANS, STANDARD F MAXF2 1539*3 27.8 1080*1 3698 1259*6 92,3 1077.8 39.1 1539.3 27.8 1944.6 44.8 : 1199.1 26.2 : 1560*2 29*8 F MINF3 MEAN STD, 1491*4 48.9 F FINAL2 MEAN STD. 1204.0 35.1 F INITL2 MEAN STD. = F : F2MIN3 MEAN STDe ; 1560.2 29.8 F F2MAX3 MEAN STD AND F RATIOS FOR CAR]. TAKEN ON DAY 1 2 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD DEVIATIONS : 1789*2 48o2 28.55 1429.5 219 1453*2 29.5 1441*1 49*7 1500.8 41*0 1321.3 44*0 1470.4 42*1 1355.5 74.3 1656o9 1179o5 10.5 1023.2 58.6 1106.0 31.7 981.8 12.7 1011*7 9,6 928*5 23*2 921.0 24.0 1282*4 38.0 1353.6 24.4 131397 48o0 1244.9 85.9 1454 5 34*3 1140.0 1361.4 97.1 69.1 22,0 41.94 1026*6 50.2 11*27 1130.8 156.0 61*85 980*4 39.0 1165.4 16.4 97492 12.6 1112*2 36.3 985.5 10.7 1019.9 12.5 908.4 45.4 913.1 20.8 1453.2 29.5 1441* 1 4967 1500*4 41*6 1321.3 44.0 1470*4 42,1 1355,5 74.3 1656*9 22#0 1713v4 31.8 1714.8 91.5 1759.8 21*7 1584.6 106.6 17700 6396 1521.3 84*3 1815.8 32.5 28.47 1429*5 21.9 18*39 1607*3 65*1 MEANS, STANDARD F MAXF3 2249.0 54.9 2215.7 60.5 MEAN STD. 2091*6 42.5 878.0 38.8 3054.6 43*7 [AR], FoR TAKEN ON DAY 1 3048.6 80.0 2290 .3 43.8 2396*7 51.9 2109.5 47.3 2116.4 42*9 2224.8 57*7 1906*7 48*3 2265.1 55.7 2273,9 44,0 2307*3 38.6 2075e3 34.0 2112.7 44.8 2211*7 46*0 1896*6 53*6 2251*6 68*4 1822.7 51*4 1781.1 83.3 1879*0 1628*3 65*5 1812*1 78*0 1638.3 91.7 2028.7 15.4 723.4 17.7 973.1 44.1 775.8 52.2 780.9 84,0 875.0 62.7 725*4 46.8 86506 48.1 3333.8 38.3 2907.7 64.1 3480.9 94.5 2934*6 121.6 3019.3 132*4 3229.4 78.2 3556.4 101*3 3305.6 44.5 3017.0 89.3 3350.9 96*4 2838.9 71.1 3330.8 366.5 3312*2 89*6 340401 63 3 22.49 1816.6 162.5 : 29o04 = 698.5 71.4 3376*3 47.2 F F4MAX3 MEAN STD : F = F4MIN3 MEAN STD. 2051.9 310 1822.7 59.8 F AVE3M2 MEAN STD. F RATIOS 30.81 2154*3 111.0 F FINAL3 m 2168.8 9992 F INI TL3 MEAN STD* AND 2 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD. DEVIATIONS : 331695 37*3 1730*2 30.0 5804 17.37 650.1 44o4 37.70 2703*2 187.7 9*15 2848.0 281.2 rf rC p Ww MEANS, STANDARD F INI TL4 3089.1 70.8 2838.5 49.2 MEAN STD 3036.9 35.3 RANGE4 MEAN STD* 308.6 85.8 : = 199.3 58*8 F : -1.33 0.51 -3.19 0.63 F DUR MEAN STD. : 3335.2 34.3 F SLOPE3 MEAN STD, F RATIOS [AR), FOR TAKEN ON DAY 1 86.83 3268*6 53.3 F AVEF4 : 333098 39*6 F FINAL4 MEAN STD* AND 2 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD* DEVIATIONS 314.0 11.4 : 254*0 23.0 2662*8 28*5 3367.7 74*0 2824.6 82*5 3431.8 585 3325*5 97*3 3418*4 58*6 2833.7 46*7 3375.4 109.8 3001.8 120.1 3028*2 107*2 3076.0 119.3 3599*0 13908 33180 1 28*4 2952.9 19*8 3411*3 67.6 2864.0 47.0 3342*4 139.0 3248.5 25.5 3490.9 76o0 353o7 104.6 311.9 101.7 2307 97*5 390.2 270.7 692.3 238.2 395*2 120*0 280.5 130.7 -5.24 0,34 -6.23 0.88 -3.18 0.20 -4.70 1.00 -2.61 0,37 -1.94 0.71 -3075 0 79 266.0 20.7 236*0 15.2 256.0 15.2 232.0 14.8 238.0 14*8 296.0 37.8 230.0 10.0 3303.5 63.5 2975*6 3096*5 114.4 4504 11.98 2787*8 433*7 89*41 266205 70*6 6.00 777*1 318*6 15.63 -2.44 1.93 14.13 208.0 110 r f- 4ppop r v MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD F1MIN3 MEAN STD F1MAX3 MEAN STD IN T TL 1 MEAN STD. FINAL MEAN STD* MINF2 MEAN STD, AND F RATIOS FOR [AR]. TAKEN ON DAY 2 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF1 DEVIATIONS F = 151.71 695,8 13.7 F : : 19.6 15.4 : : 1020.9 22.2 538.8 9.9 53608 3903 545.8 22.7 570.9 11.5 581.5 22.3 46801 12.4 600.6 4.7 570.3 14.0 602*3 7.4 626.5 31.4 501 0 20.2 59901 7*3 579.0 3.6 608.2 6.2 601.1 21.4 500.9 14.9 502.4 1909 494.9 6.8 501.4 12.0 517.5 2903 44793 27,2 1090.8 42.9 953,7 16.3 1166.2 12.4 1085.4 21 * 968.7 13*9 7.50 504.6 13.8 F 670.4 7.2 48.31 599.4 F 618.9 9.7 27.61 574.6 F : 618.9 5.8 28.38 631.7 17.0 F 621 7 10*5 58.57 MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD F2MAX3 MEAN STD F2MIN3 MEAN STD * INITL 2 MEAN STD * FINAL2 MEAN STD MINF3 MEAN STD, AND F RATIOS FOR [AR]. TAKEN ON DAY 2 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF2 DEVIATIONS F : 21*28 1571.3 2507 F : : = 190005 16.9 977.6 14.7 1180*2 18.5 1124.1 998*8 17.8 8.3 1448.0 84*6 1312.3 63.9 1263,3 1350,7 24.9 1208*4 5705 1160.6 986,1 12.5 1180*2 19.5 1111.6 26e6 980.0 19.1 154693 84.6 1395.6 52.2 1436.1 28*0 1490e0 4907 128101 46 1 1791.6 69,9 1667.5 26.3 1743.8 21.9 1750o 1 25.6 1593,3 50.8 30.6 250 21.55 1571 .3 25.7 F 1167o5 4907 81.39 1051.2 22.5 F : 1490o0 10.97 45.9 : 1436.1 28*0 31*2 129804 F 139596 52*2 79.58 1044.1 30.7 F 128207 48.5 1549o0 8495 34.61 MEANS. STANDARD MEAN STD INITL3 MEAN STD FINAL3 MEAN STD AVE3M2 MEAN STD* F4MIN3 MEAN STD F4MAX3 MEAN STD AND F RATIOS FOR CAR]o TAKEN ON DAY 2 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF3 DEVIATIONS F : 10.68 2074.9 63.9 2270*1 3260 2175.4 10.6 2042*6 2176*3 55.9 2037.0 2263.4 3768 2154.4 1970.7 I1a4 87o3 1871*1 113o0 1708.4 2565 1825.6 1791 6 17.3 161298 3894 771.3 702,5 52,8 729.9 170 814.8 21.9 72768 2881.5 107,1 3421.4 17,2 3358.9 143.1 284964 78,2 290265 3289*8 3144,6 47.7 106.4 2834.2 56*0 2245.2 2213.8 39.9 4763 F : 19.84 2183.6 42.2 F = : 52,9 3067.6 102.5 6869 39.83 3185o7 71.6 F : 41.6 9.22 862.3 30 1 F 57.3 28.82 1992.9 32.7 F = 122*7 329996 44.6 19.68 330260 113.9 13169 MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD FINAL4 MEAN STD AVEF4 MEAN STD RANGE4 MEAN STD SLOPE3 MEAN STD DUR MEAN STD,* AND F RATIOS FoR [AR], TAKEN ON DAY 2 1 SPEAKER NUMBER INITL4 DEVIATIONS F = 27.03 3100.9 92.1 F = : : : : 334a0 15.2 2815.0 88*5 3224o1 7908 3054.1 152,0 319568 75* 1 3319.8 85.0 2886.2 133.7 3292*9 45*9 2919*4 55.7 3293*9 3205.2 57.4 2843.6 7403 362o1 156.8 321 6 100.6 485*3 158,3 478.2 240,8 440.6 249,8 -3.12 0*93 "3.70 0.87 -4.89 0057 "4*42 0.28 -3*74 0,68 304*0 36*5 208.0 11.0 248o0 16*4 250,0 18.7 208.0 21.7 66.8 20.12 -1.14 0.27 F 3223.9 108.2 0.72 371 8 98.8 F 3309,2 114.7 57.89 3076,4 25.5 F 288008 58,3 14.58 2925e8 44.3 F 3264.5 56,9 28.27 MEANS, STANDARD AND F RATIOS FOR [AR). TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 1 SPEAKER NUMBER F : MAXF 1 154.08 703.1 15.0 MEAN STD F : F 1 MIN3 33.7 F F 1 MAX3 = F INITL 1 : 14.4 F FINAL 1 = F MINF2 MEAN STD : 1037,9 27o6 p 663.5 14.4 547.1 12.8 549*1 43.9 557.9 20.7 561*2 14.5 577.7 19.6 479.1 20.2 613*4 15.2 577.1 16.6 604.4 14.3 607.8 41.4 508.4 19.0 607*7 12.2 572,6 9*7 600.7 17&7 587.8 26.1 510.6 18.0 497.4 18.1 496.5 12.2 496.2 12,0 514.8 22.1 45598 23.0 1116.9 40.4 953.3 24.3 1160.5 13.2 1076o7 25.4 966.7 13.4 14.62 519*4 20.9 MEAN STD 615.8 15.6 43.44 597.0 MEAN STD 614.8 8.7 28*31 567.5 22.6 MEAN STD 630.1 12.6 42.43 654.6 MEAN STD, w DEVIATIONS 101*90 MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD. F2MAX3 MEAN STD F2MIN3 MEAN STD INITL2 MEAN STD FINAL2 MEAN STD MINF3 MEAN STD F RATIOS AND FOR [ARl, TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF2 DEVIATIONS F = 49.72 1555.3 30.3 F : : 1469*7 69,0 1179*8 1302 0 4892 1179.9 14*2 1115.0 26.0 990 * 3 122105 147.6 127209 1332.2 41.0 122607 34.1 983,3 27.5 117208 18.7 1111.9 29.4 98208 1412.6 41.8 1444*6 28,6 149502 1301.2 60.3 43.5 47.5 1790.4 163704 56*6 56,5 172806 3003 1754.9 23.0 1588.9 78*9 43o4 : 3201 13*5 71.6 : 1922.5 39.5 14.8 49.78 1555.3 30.3 F 1002.1 1495,4 43.3 = 107.18 1064.5 33.2 F 1185.8 36 8 1444.6 28 * 6 41.8 12.88 1279.0 71.7 F 1412.6 76.78 1062.1 37.1 F 1554*6 60 * 0 1553*2 53.36 ___I_ _ ___ __ _~ __~_1___ MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD INTL3 MEAN STD. FINAL3 MEAN STD AVE3M2 MEAN STDe F4MIN3 MEAN STD F4MAX3 MEAN STD AND F RATIOS FOR CAR]. TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF3 DEVIATIONS F : 20.20 2063.4 48.9 2280*2 37o7 2142.4 47.4 2079.5 95*0 1926.8 163.4 2268.7 39.1 2114.8 48.1 2041.7 1846.9 89.0 1719e3 28.6 1824.1 1835.3 61.4 1620.6 42.8 734*9 70*6 676.3 53.7 726.6 16.7 795,3 43,0 75404 7706 333890 5902 279204 172.0 3377.6 54e0 3419.9 131.2 2892*0 106.3 3309.2 8003 2875,3 3297,7 19203 7704 3247.8 153.9 2836.6 6004 2247.1 2191.3 45.3 77o0 F : 17.71 2165*3 219906 52. 0 F = 83.7 57.05 204203 63.1 F : 33.8 : 58.84 3120.1 8809 F : 3058, 1 87.3 5204 15e51 870.2 F 9904 32*19 __ __ ~__I_ MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD FINAL4 MEAN STD. AVEF4 MEAN STD* RANGE4 MEAN STD. SLOPE3 MEAN STD DUR MEAN STD AND F RATIOS FOR [AR], TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 1 SPEAKER NUMBER INI TL4 DEVIATIONS F = 70*62 3095.0 77,7 F 2819*8 80.8 3347.6 97.1 2944.0 105.2 3306o0 330802 2853.8 55.5 2771.8 122.8 3306.4 3246*4 680 1 292 1 0 337,0 3146, 1 3314.1 2791 .0 148.1 87,5 13.92 : 2882.2 63*7 F = 134.4 74.67 3056*6 7 35 329508 115.7 3297o 7 5709 F = 4403 54@5 123.7 1.93 35404 280.7 140*8 54903 327,5 419*5 14463 216.8 415.4 247*0 -3.15 0O75 -3.07 1.56 5,.07 0.48 -3*80 0*69 -4.22 0.95 324.0 279*0 39*0 208.0 10.3 257,0 20o0 253,0 16.4 220*0 16.5 340*2 9304 F = 21*29 -124 0*40 F : 34.64 21*6 ___ _ ______1~1_ MEANS, STANDARD MAXF 1 F 554.0 10.1 540.2 13.5 1MIN3 A MEAN STD 542.1 14.3 538.9 1594 417*3 31.8 540.4 15.0 : 420*3 33*2 F 1287.8 3892 : 419.3 31.3 F MINF2 MEAN STD 417*4 31.6 F MID1AV MEAN STD = F : MIDF 1 MEAN STD. = 447.5 29.0 F F 1 MIN3 MEAN STD* AND F RATIOS FOR CER1, TAKEN ON DAY 1 2 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD DEVIATIONS : 1221*4 23*0 53.06 460.9 6.2 451.4 6.3 475.5 3*7 471.0 10.1 431.6 7*9 407*0 11.3 442.7 10.8 431.6 5.7 432.5 7.7 412.5 16.3 448.2 12*8 411*4 24.0 382o2 9.1 401.9 21.2 397*2 6.4 432.1 8.6 416.9 8.2 449,8 150 411,5 24s7 385*1 6*9 402*.1 22.2 398.3 6.5 424.4 5.2 431 1 18.4 453*2 10.7 414.4 16.0 385*4 80 406.7 29*5 390.7 6.1 426*6 5.5 427*8 17.5 452 0 5,5 416.1 12.9 390.7 7*0 408*3 24*5 392.1 3.0 1175.7 1271.6 150 1260.4 30,5 1228*3 1254*1 1113.2 1293*4 35.32 456*9 6*5 35.83 45 4*5 4*5 32.77 45 4.4 5*3 37.16 454*8 4o4 27.53 1102.3 3098 23.0 26,8 30,9 36.8 31,3 MEANS, STANDARD F MAXF2 1602.1 38.6 1375.8 42.0 MEAN STD 1377.6 42.0 1398.9 37.1 MEAN STD* 1399*4 38.5 MEAN STn w , , . 1896.7 46,1 --- = : 1388.2 27,5 F MINF3 : 1408.1 3693 F MID2AV : 1339*3 35*2 F MIDF2 MEAN STD F RATIOS FOR [ER]. TAKEN ON DAY 1 22907 1345*9 40.1 F 2MIN3A = 1557.1 23.3 F F2MIN3 MEAN STD AND 2 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD. DEVIATIONS = 1489*0 -105.4 - 142098 310 1649.1 1455*1 43*8 1419e5 11.8 1503.1 1436.8 21.0 1468*9 78*0 1429.5 33*7 1238.7 23.6 1315.8 47*3 1302*1 25,5 1305.2 13.5 1325*2 43.2 1182*9 83.3 1341.2 2496 1242.5 17.1 1320.9 35*1 1309.1 22.0 1304.8 132196 17.6 42.1 1204o6 55,3 1343.5 18.7 1251.0 24.5 1294*6 23.9 1322*5 18.1 1297*2 13.1 1310*6 22.8 1204.3 25.2 1370.6 13.5 1253.i 25.9 1296*6 24.8 1318.8 23,4 1297,1 11.9 1310.0 22*2 1198.9 25*4 1367.8 12.4 1526.3 27.7 1571*8 8.0 1608.3 44.6 1542.1 51.1 1699*1 24.5 14455' 23*2 1642.3 44*5 38*3 31,6 13.59 1182.7 18.2 18.39 1182*5 22*3 43.48 1199.8 21.9 41.37 119896 24*2 36.94 1499*3 39.1 MEANS, F MIN3AV 1919.2 43.9 1953*7 31.3 MEAN STD. 1944*3 29o3 MEAN STD. 579.0 18.4 MEAN STD* 3113*4 11*9 : 3206.0 176*3 F 4MIN3A MEAN STD : 234.3 4905 F F4MIN3 : 1593.2 86.4 F AVE3M2 : 1642*9 89*1 F MID3AV : 1532.8 73*0 F MIDF3 MEAN STD. AND F RATIOS FOR [ER]. TAKEN ON DAY 1 2 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD. DEVIATIONS STANDARD 52.88 1522.0 330 1538.4 2902 1592.7 10.5 1633.6 31*7 1555.4 50,8 1725.8 2360 1478.6 17.9 1650.3 45.4 1540*1 25.7 1608.0 22.1 1661.5 4208 1553.4 41 1 1732*6 23.8 1509.5 43.6 1660.4 50.5 1541.9 1601.8 21*1 1647*2 61.2 1551.4 43.3 1736*2 25*8 1505*2 42*5 1658*3 49*0 286*9 33.5 433*8 20.3 321.9 12.2 33790 40*40 1525.0 54.1 39.38 1530.9 38.5 28.1 63.63 35604 10.1 346*4 21*4 38204 346309 78.3 293907 5507 3542.6 42*7 3000*1 115.1 331501 2942.5 59,8 3539.0 47*4 2970.4 83.5 323.5 14.1 21.0 3405 7.09 3270.3 260.4 172o4 3242*4 283.6 3296.0 3282*9 3207.7 127,9 96*1 289e7 114*3 3186 6 826 8: 3109.7 3211*9 3269.2 3419.4 13,7 141,8 24297 6290 MEANS, STANDARD F MIDF4 3103.8 21.1 3109.5 12,6 MEAN STD* 2909*1 94.4 MAXF4 MEAN STD. AVEF4 MEAN STD SLOPE3 MEAN STD, : 3130*1 143o2 F 0,44 0,18 : 3307*3 88*4 F 3093.5 18.5 : 2909*5 244o8 F 3169o7 21*1 : 3113*3 21596 F MINF4 : 3136.8 182.6 F MID4AV MEAN STD, AND F RATIOS FOR [ER]3 TAKEN ON DAY 1 2 SPEAKER NUMBER MEAN STD, DEVIATIONS : 0 74 0.47 6.93 3202.7 305,7 3374.9 40.9 2982*2 55*9 3553*0 63.8 2915.1 122.1 3351.4 111.7 3306.5 53.5 3255.6 314.9 3408.5 52.3 2976.9 48,1 3546.2 58.8 2952.7 103.5 335390 3308*2 77.1 3275.3 2822 3246. ~ 82,3 2842*8 54.9 3282.0 91.3 2808.9 189.0 2938.5 102*6 3009*5 980 3067.1 299*6 3508.3 93.0 3015.4 629 3583*1 67.9 3093,8 115*4 343690 84*9 3464.6 60*3 3683*8 231.0 3391*1 38.6 2937.8 43.1 3499.5 50.8 2947.8 104.5 3276.5 78*4 330591 61*1 3329.5 217.6 -1.22 0.43 -0.47 0.35 -0*25 0.18 -0.15 0.20 0 65 0*33 7.75 3219*1 262.1 111.1 4.90 3009.8 155.7 16.45 343907 203.2 13*28 3224.8 183*2 20.62 0.40 0.28 0.46 0.15 -0.43 0,34 MEANS, o STANDARD DEVIATIONS AND F RATIOS FOR tER1, TAKEN ON DAY 1 CNI SPEAKER NUMBER 1 DUR MEAN STD. F 276.0 29.7 = 212.0 25*9 18.41 170.0 12s2 196*0 15.2 214.0 8*9 232*0 16.4 202.0 19.2 2100 2902 298.0 17.9 218.0 8.4 MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD F1MIN3 MEAN STD 1MIN3A MEAN STD. MIDF 1 MEAN STD MID1AV MEAN STD MINF2 MEAN STD 9p 4 AND F RATIOS FOR CER]. TAKEN ON DAY 2 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF I DEVIATIONS F = 71.44 433.3 5.0 456*8 49402 12*7 17. 1 426e6 6.4 44402 19.7 46207 20.7 20.9 37409 20.3 39706 426,5 20.4 7.1 441*5 13.1 463.6 21.2 376*9 22.1 401.7 426.7 6.0 443*2 470,2 20.5 377.3 12.5 427.2 6.2 440.8 13.6 469.1 20.4 377*9 13.9 1151 .7 1197.9 10.8 1280.9 23.4 1200*7 37o0 565,0 44001 12.7 19*4 F : 56.03 39505 541 .4 11.7 F = 62.58 542.3 7.0 F : 60.03 547,2 10.9 F : 2504 = 20.3 65.31 543o7 9.9 F 410.2 17,0 401 *8 25*2 14*70 1179.7 48*2 1298.5 32*7 c f 39.0 o e t MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD* F2MIN3 MEAN STD, 2MIN3A MEAN STD MIDF2 MEAN STD. MID2AV MEAN STD MINF3 MEAN STD AND F RATIOS FOR [ER), TAKEN ON 2 DAY 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF2 DEVIATIONS F = 20.97 166767 35.0 F : = 31.6 29.8 : 1834.0 36.1 1422.6 82.7 1252*2 6564 1204.7 18,0 1238.3 11.2 1342.2 4962 1295.0 5365 1271.2 6964 1208.4 19.3 1238.2 130 1348,6 51.0 1287*3 43.5 129798 66o8 1196.6 15,1 123962 12.5 1333.1 30.5 1271*8 23.6 1308.2 6861 1195.1 15.7 123864 13.5 1332.4 29.0 1277*8 19.7 1460*9 25.9 1530 4 149968 24.2 10.2 1629.1 44.1 1543.4 28.3 21.15 1396.7 F 1523,6 41.0 20.38 139667 F : 142362 3460 11.96 138068 29.6 F 1391 .9 2665 11*96 1381.6 35.1 F : 1501.3 55*8 101.10 V C MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD MIDF3 MEAN STD* MID3AV MEAN STD AVE3M2 MEAN STD F4MIN3 MEAN STD 4MIN3A F RATIOS FOR EER], TAKEN ON DAY 2 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MIN3AV DEVIATIONS AND 1:03.83 F 1855.4 F = : MEAN 3280.3 STD* 2294 1503*1 12.1 1650 * 5 39.3 1563.8 37.1 1520.9 26*2 153907 1507*.3 11*6 1647.1 35.1 1570.1 34,7 238*6 50.7 356.4 24s0 313.0 5.7 345.1 23.6 337.8 51.0 3054.8 5502 295702 48o3 342795 59,0 3315o4 80.8 2746,0 303507 82.7 3001.4 3420.2 90*2 3307.2 70.5 274490 12509 28,7 50.75 3268.7 29.1 F : 1538.5 30.2 33.62 9.7 = 1518.4 102.86 498.6 F 30*1 30.6 187393 38*7 F = 39.0 1538.5 97.53 1878,5 35.8 F 155696 2603 1507.6 11.5 1636*3 33e4 1474o 1 3407 14990 45,19 72.2 MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD* MID4AV MEAN STD MINF4 MEAN STD* MAXF4 MEAN STD AVEF4 MEAN STD AND F RATIOS FOR [ER]. TAKEN ON 2 DAY 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MIDF4 DEVIATIONS F : 20.38 3315.0 9697 2755 5 135.2 56.7 3328*0 9509 2753.7 117.5 2813.3 123o3 3263*7 6796 3205.9 90.2 2630.5 158,2 314890 60*6 3293.2 3490*4 3451 2957.6 17594 3062.6 64.9 3046.3 91.0 342103 42o0 3330.6 87.3 2783*1 0*76 0.43 -0928 0,35 0,28 0022 -0.40 0,25 -1.00 329293 3030.0 35.4 68o0 F : 303101 28.2 5992 : 2917o7 14408 = F MEAN STD* 0.16 0.13 = 132.0 37.3 6 130.8 48.44 326706 13.6 SLOPE3 3440.5 16.94 3351.1 23.9 F 2991.2 114.4 106.2 21.27 3096.8 101.6 F : 34081 45.35 3284.0 F 3025.0 207,8 108.4 4.96 1.35 MEANS, STANDARD DEVIATIONS AND F RATIOS FOR [ER3, TAKEN ON DAY 2 SPEAKER NUMBER DUR MEAN STD. F : 310.0 15.8 23973 276o0 43.9 172.0 8.4 192 .0 19.2 238,0 23.9 19000 2405 MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD. F1MIN3 MEAN STD 1MIN3A MEAN STD MIDF 1 MEAN STD MID1AV MEAN STD. MINF2 MEAN STD* AND F RATIOS FOR [ER), TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF 1 DEVIATIONS F : 87.37 559.5 12*3 F = 11.9 : : : 12.1 1293.1 34.0 482*6 18.0 420.9 16.8 406*4 27.7 441 8 17.1 438.4 15.4 455.5 18.0 393.1 28*4 407,5 27.2 44095 15.8 436*8 11.6 456.7 18.8 394*2 410*5 440.5 15.5 433*8 17.1 461.7 2804 17.8 395.9 23*8 411,1 29*4 441.0 15.4 433.7 12.3 460.6 16.7 397.0 23.7 1200.5 1127.0 41*8 42.1 1186*8 20.6 1270.7 27*8 1214.5 33.7 28.7 70.67 542o 1 F : 454*1 9,9 67.99 543.1 13.3 F 15.5 67.89 542,2 10.6 F 4470 63.01 540.8 F 1 443*8 23*6 30.73 MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD* F2MIN3 MEAN STD. 2MIN3A MEAN STD MIDF2 MEAN STD MID2AV MEAN STD MINF3 MEAN STD AND F RATIOS FOR [ER). TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MAXF2 DEVIATIONS F : 35.75 1634.9 49.0 F : = = = 1865o3 51.1 142997 5704 129961 1 1193.7 20.6 1238o5 17.4 1322.2 42.5 1300.1 37.2 1305.3 63o1 1195.4 2460 1240.3 14.5 1328.9 42.5 1296*0 3206 1353,0 77e2 1198.2 17,8 1245.1 19.4 1327.8 2403 128465 1348*2 1196.8 19.3 1245.9 21.0 1325.6 25.8 1287*5 18*4 1514.8 34o8 1513.1 1618.7 154208 39.0 36.50 22.4 44*83 1398.1 3205 F 1513.3 37.0 28.81 1397.8 32.5 F 1439.1 40*7 71 1379.2 34.3 F = 1406.3 31.2 24.45 137807 36@6 F 1529*2 4909 64,6 93.87 1474.9 73.9 24o 1 4303 MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD. MIDF3 MEAN STD. MID3AV MEAN STD AVE3M2 MEAN STD* F4MIN3 MEAN STD 4MIN3A MEAN STD AND F RATIOS FOR TAKEN [ER], ON BOTH DAYS 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MIN3AV DEVIATIONS F = 119*77 188703 50.2 F = : 4905 = = : 3195.0 91.6 1556.0 3904 1580.7 90.9 1531 .7 41.9 1521.6 27*2 1656.0 1558.6 37*3 1557.1 1535.3 32o4 1524*6 2793 1647e2 47.0 1560*7 236.4 356,4 47*3 17,4 318.2 11.5 363,8 28.9 312.4 48.7 3445*7 680 1 3429.0 134.3 2873.0 183e6 3419.8 72o9 3423.1 134.7 2857.2 156.1 39*2 383 77.94 19*41 3191.1 84.5 F 1634.9 33,5 71*2 538.8 44.6 F 1523,0 26.5 99.67 1908,8 F 1530.2 29.4 82.26 1916.1 50.8 F 1503.4 61.8 3130.4 146*7 3113.7 3123*8 143,5 3135.3 220.0 241 6 21.59 I _ ____ L__ ___ _ _C__~_L _ _ _ _ __ __IL~I MEANS, STANDARD MEAN STD MID4AV MEAN STD, MINF4 MEAN STD. MAXF4 MEAN STD AVEF4 MEAN STD AND F RATIOS FOR [ER3, TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 1 SPEAKER NUMBER MIDF4 DEVIATIONS F = 19.39 319860 103.1 F : : = : F MEAN STD. 0.30 0.21 : 3072*2 155,3 3105.2 225.3 3424.5 3437.1 137.3 285302 2913*6 189.7 2911,6 168.1 3255.1 71.6 3244,0 2719.7 189*3 3227.6 110*2 3366.4 179.0 3499*3 67o5 3517.3 12003 3025o7 157.3 3096*4 110.7 3135.6 165.7 3406*2 41.2 3415,0 111.6 2865.5 13297 0075 0.42 0.06 0.47 0037 0.20 -0*44 0*29 -0.71 0.98 147.3 2835.3 147 7 54*1 148o0 9405 32.08 3180.5 93.0 SLOPE3 3434o0 21.15 3260.4 97.9 F 3391 *5 77*9 19.76 3003.0 135.4 F 3113.9 263.6 23*55 3196,8 94.2 F 3083.4 141.6 11.59 CL-----~-~L-L~ ---~ -~--~Y--- o MEANS, STANDARD SPEAKER NUMBER DUR MEAN STD* DEVIATIONS 1 F = 293.0 28.7 AND F RATIOS FOR [ER], TAKEN ON BOTH DAYS 2 3 4 6 7 244,0 47.9 171.0 9.9 194.0 16.5 235.0 1996 196*0 21*7 26.96 f9 221 REFERENCES Atal, B. S., "Automatic Speaker Recognition Based on Pitch Contours," Ph.D. Thesis, Polytech. Inst. of Brooklyn, 1968. Atal, B. 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