Document 10948153

Drexel University Family Association Dean’s Advisory Council Fall Meeting September 21, 2014 Minutes/Notes Chair’s Report Brenda Wilkin welcomed everyone and introductions were made. Brenda reviewed the purpose of the Drexel Family Association’s Dean’s Advisory Council explaining that the Council is a vehicle that provides an opportunity for the perspectives of parents and their students to be discussed with Dean Ruth, and that the tasks of the Council are to reach out to parents, and provide opportunities for parents to interact. It was also explained that Council members are asked to make a financial donation of their choice to the Council’s Student Emergency Fund and to volunteer to represent the Drexel Family Association during at least one Drexel University event such as at Accepted Student Days, Dean Dessert Receptions, Open House, and/or Family Weekend. Ethics Statement – Each Council member in attendance signed the Ethics Statement. A copy of the statement will be sent to Council members not in attendance for their signature. Dean’s Report Dean Ruth provided the Council with information regarding the incoming class and new initiatives being taken by various departments at Drexel. Committee Business Communication 1. DFA Face book Site– Lisa Dauphin and Sherrie Comply have been monitoring the Face book page. Lisa reported that various comments about Calhoun and University Crossings are being posted, as well as comments about quarterly billing and financial aid. Dean Ruth said he would follow up regarding these comments, and that perhaps Drexel Central and Housing would be invited to join the DFA Face book site to increase their awareness of parent concerns. The question of whether parents whose students have graduated should remain active members of the DFA Face book page was discussed. It was agreed that a meeting of the Communication Committee to address this as well as prepare policies and procedures for this Committee would be scheduled. Amy Bellis offered to assist with Face book on the Communications Committee. 2. Drexel Now Newsletter -­‐ There was also a discussion about the Drexel Now Newsletter. This newsletter is distributed to parents via the Office of Student Life who manages subscriber enrollment. A discussion regarding the need on this newsletter for links and webinars detailing tuition billing and financial aid ensued. Various concerns and current experiences with Drexel Central and financial aid were discussed. Dean Ruth will relay these to Drexel Central administration. Brenda will prepare a welcome letter for the next Drexel Now newsletter. Involvement 1. Family Weekend (Nov 7-­‐Nov 9) a. Location Change – The location of DFA activities and the President’s Wine and Cheese Reception has been changed to the Bossone Research Enterprise Center. b. Panel Discussion Event Title -­‐ The DFA will sponsor a panel discussion again this year, but would like to rename the event to better reflect that students are encouraged to accompany their parents, that an audience generated question and answer activity occurs, and that an update on current and future changes on campus will be provided. Suggestions were “Get the Scoop” and” The Inside Scoop”. Dean Ruth will discuss other possibilities with the Communications Department at Drexel. c. Inclusion of Event on the Program – The Council asked if the panel discussion event could be included on the official Family Weekend Program as it was not included last year and attendance at the event was low. d. Raffle – The suggestion was made to give a raffle ticket to each person attending the Panel Discussion as they enter the Auditorium. Prizes will be Drexel branded items supplied by Dean Ruth’s Office. Winning tickets will be drawn at the end of the panel discussion. e. Family Association table at the President’s Wine and Cheese Reception – A suggestion was made to have a DFA table at the reception with handouts about the DFA, the Student Emergency Fund, the Face book page and the DFA website. Sue Peckman volunteered to manage a schedule of parents who would man the table for short time segments during the Wine and Cheese Reception. f. Nametags – It was suggested that members of the DFA Dean’s Advisory Council wear the printed nametags that Carlos brings to Accepted Students Days during their attendance at the Panel Discussion and the Wine/Cheese Reception. Dean Ruth will follow up with Carlos about this. g. Schedule – The Family Weekend schedule shows a gap of time between the end of the Fall Fest carnival at 1:30 PM and the start of the DFA Panel Discussion at 3:00 PM. Dean Ruth will investigate what activities are scheduled during that time gap with regard to the effect they may have on attendance at the DFA Panel Discussion. 2. Accepted Students Days (March and April) a. Volunteers will be needed to man the DFA table and speak with prospective Drexel parents during Accepted Students Days. Sue Peckman will coordinate volunteers for these days. 3. Dean’s Dessert Receptions During Orientation (July and August) a. Volunteers will be needed to attend the dessert receptions and speak with new Drexel parents during the Dean’s Dessert Receptions during Summer Orientation. Sue Peckman will coordinate volunteers for these days. Development Student Emergency Fund – The establishment of a Student Emergency Fund through the Drexel Family Association was discussed. Details of the proposal were discussed. The DFA Advisory Council voted unanimously to approve the establishment of this fund with the following change: deletion of the “loss of income” example of situations covered by the fund. Brenda will be sending a letter out to all Drexel parents making them aware of this Student Emergency Fund and asking for their contribution to it. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 5, 2015. 