-1- DAILY DIVERGENCE OF WATER VAPOR TRANSPORT by EUGENE BYRON BROCK B. S., Florida State University (1962) N4 SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY January, 1968 Signature of Author.... . Department of Meteorology, 15 January 1968 Certified by. ....................................... Thesis Supervisor Accepted by...... X, qntal Committee on Graduate Students ES DAILY DIVERGENCE OF WATER VAPOR TRANSPORT by - EUGENE BYRON BROCK Submitted to the Department of Meteorlogy on 15 January 1968 in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science. ABSTRACT The water balance equation for obtaining estimated E-P (mean evapotranspiration minus precipitation) from measured < EP> winds and humidities is written < 5_/jt>+ <'- > W/Jt is water vapor storage change and V-9 is where water vapor flux divergence. In this study, the terms on the left are obtained from data at 50 mb intervals, vertically integrated from the earth's surface to the 250 mb level. Evaluated for February 1962 are 28 daily fields of water vapor stream function for the Northern Hemisphere; and, for the western , estimated United States, 24 daily fields of JW/ht , V-( E-P, and observed precipitation (732 rain gages). Objective analyses used throughout are an asset. Daily estimated and observed precipitation are compared for areas of 29x1O5km 2 , 13 x 105 km 2, and 4x10 5 km 2 (California). Sparseness of observed data prevents a similar thorough test of evapotranspiration estimates. Results indicate that when daily estimates for areas as large as 29 x10 5 km 2 are averaged over at least 6 days, their mean will agree reasonably well with observed data. Better results are obtained over longer intervals. At least a month is required for reasonably reliable estimates for a 13 x 105 km 2 region and probably at least a season for areas as small as California. Even so, the monthly total evapotranspiration estimate for California agrees with evaporation measurements. Thus such E and P estimates play a potentially important supplementary role in the study of the hydrologic cycle of mountainous areas. Thesis Supervisor: Victor P. Starr Title: Professor of Meteorology -3- TABLE OF CONTENTS I. II. .............. INTRODUCTION......... IV. ........ of symbols. 14 ........................ A. Explanation B. Development of the balance equation........... C. Interpretation and usage of the water balance ........ 15 18 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... 21 DATA AND PROCEDURES................................. 21 A. Period of study...................................... B. Objective analyses, C. Precipitation analyses ....................... D. Analysis of water vapor parameters.................... E. Evaporation data ........................... F. Daily water volume estimates......................... general .............. ... ....... .22 ....... .23 ....... REPRESENTATIVENESS OF DATA AND ANALYSES....... A. Representativeness of water vapor transport B. 30 30 .32 Representativeness of precipitation data and 36 and analyses....................................... C. D. 25 32 data and analyses................................... V. 14 FORMULATION OF THE BALANCE EQUATION............ equation. . .. .. .. .. .. . ... III. 8 Representativeness of objective analyses .............. 39 Representativeness of evaporation data and analyses............................................ 41 DISCUSSION AND RESULTS ............................. 44 A. B. Northern Hemispheric water vapor transport........... 44 Observed daily precipitation and estimated E-P fields .......................................... 47 62 ................ C. Observed monthly evaporation, Feb. D. Precipitation and evapotranspiration volume estimates for Areas 1, 2 and 3 ....................... .53 54 VI. . CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH............................................ A. B. 67 Conclusions....................................... 67 Suggestions for further research ................... 73 -4- TABLE OF CONTENTS - cont. FIGURES. 74 ................................................. BIBLIOGRAPHY. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................ .................. 96 ............. ... 00..0.99 -5- LIST OF TABLES Page Number Table Number 37 1. Distribution of rain gages, 56 2. Water volumes, Area 1. 57 3. Water volumes, Area 2. 58 4. Water volumes, Area 3. 60 5. Correlations between daily volumes of observed and estimated precipitation. 61 6. Correlations between daily volumes of 'observed precipitation and deviations from 2400 of inflow directions. 64 7. Daily mean precipitation volumes. 66 8. Daily mean precipitation depth. -6- LIST OF FIGURES Page Number Figure Number 74 1. Objective analysis region and distribution of aerological stations. 75 2. Water volume integral areas. 76 3. Water vapor stream function for North ern Hemisphere, 8 Feb. 62. 77 4. Water vapor stream function for North ern Hemisphere, 9 Feb. 62. 78 5. Water vapor stream function for North ern Hemisphere, 10 Feb. 62. 79 6. Water vapor stream function for North ern Hemisphere, 11 Feb. 62. 80 7. Observed precipitation, 8 Feb. 62. 81 8. Estimated E-P field, 8 Feb. 62. 82 9. Observed precipitation, 9 Feb. 62. 83 10. Estimated E-P field, 9 Feb. 62. 84 11. Observed precipitation, 10 Feb. 62. 85 12. Estimated E-P field, 10 Feb. 62. 86 13. Observed precipitation, 11 Feb. 62. 87 14. Estimated E-P field, 11 Feb. 62. 88 15. Observed monthly evaporation, Feb. 62. 89 16. Daily precipitation volumes, Area 1. 90 17. Daily precipitation volumes, Area 2. -7- LIST OF FIGURES - cont. 91 18. Daily precipitation volumes, Area 3. 92 19. Inflow-direction deviations from 240 , also daily observed precipitation volumes for Area 3. 93 20. Area-1 daily mean precipitation for 6-day periods. 94 21. Area-2 daily mean precipitation for 6-day periods. 95 22. Area-3 daily mean precipitation for 6-day periods. --8- I. INTRODUCTION Conventionally, hydrologists have predicted evapotranspiration values on a monthly or seasonal basis through the use of empirical formulas. Weekly or even daily estimates are needed, however, for improving streamflow forecasting and for improving water use efficiency in irrigation programs. In addition, the conventional ap- proach assumes that evapotranspiration is a function of meteorological factors and available soil moisture, necessitating a knowledge of soil moisture conditions before an estimate of evapotranspiration can be obtained. According to Ackerman (1965), there are 15, 000 different soil types in the United States to study. These soil types vary widely in physical-chemical characteristics. Besides such factors as the nature of the parent material and climatic conditions under which the soil was formed, he points out that the water relatioships of soils are further affected by the nature of vegetative cover; the prevalence of surface mulches; the tillage practices, including compunction, organic supplements, chemical amendments, mechanical adjustments of surface such as land smoothing and contour listing; the quality of applied water; the prevalence of frost; and the drainage conditions. The hydrologic cycle of water on the earth can be thought of as having two branches - terrestrial and atmospheric. In both, the main sources and sinks of water on the earth's surface are evapotranspir- -9- ation and precipitation. Since certain areas of the earth are char- acterized by excesses of evapotranspiration and others by excesses of precipitation, -continuity of mass dictates that there be a transport of water to complete the cycle. In the ground branch, evapotranspiration and precipitation for a basin are balanced with stream outflow; the storage change of surface, soil moisture, and groundwater; and the net underground flow through the vertical boundaries of the basin. Even if we assume that the underground flow is very slow and can be neglected when compared to other terms, we are still restricted in the use of the terrestrial water balance equation through a lack of knowledge of soil moisture and evapotranspiration. The transport of water through the atmosphere can occur as liquid, vapor, or ice; but the transport in solid and liquid phases appears to be quite small compared to that in the vapor phase 1960; Rasmusson, 1966a). (Peixoto, Thus in the atmospheric branch of the hydrologic cycle, evapotranspiration and precipitation over an area are balanced with the change in atmospheric storage of water vapor within the boundaries, and the divergence of water vapor flux through permeable vertical walls which extend from the earth's surface to the top of the atmosphere. The storage and divergence terms are derived from measured values of specific humidity and wind. Since precipitation is -10also a measured quantity, evapotranspiration can be determined as a residual in the atmospheric water balance equation. In an important study over a decade ago, Benton and Estoque (1954) pointed out that evapotranspiration estimates obtained in such a way could be used with precipitation and river discharge measurements to calculate changes in ground water storage, thus solving the terrestrial water balance equation. Hutchings (1957) used actual winds and moisture data from the surface and the 950, 900, 850, 800, 750, 650, 550, 450, and 350 mb levels in computing water vapor flux and flux divergence over southern England for the summer of 1954. He dealt with a quadran- gular area formed by the straight lines joining four aerological stations. Assuming a linear variation of transport between the stations, he computed the net transport into the area. Values of precipitation and evapotranspiration were estimated by independent means. His results showed that the net atmospheric transport almost exactly balanced precipitation minus evapotranspiration. In one of their many contributions, Starr and Peixoto (1958) evaluated daily data from some 90 upper air stations to measure the horizontal divergence of the vertically integrated moisture flux over the northern hemisphere for the calendar year 1950. They found cen- ters of convergence in the general vicinity of the headwaters and drainage basins of many large rivers. Several centers of strong di- -11- vergence were located over the oceans; these were notably over the southern Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico and in the mid-Pacific. The areas of divergence corresponded to locations where the concentration of oceanic salinity was high. Divergence centers were also lo- cated over northern Mexico and the southwestern United States, over the western Sahara, and over the general region of Arabia, Iraq and Iran. Although one would expect to find divergence centers over deserts, the magnitudes found in their study were surprisingly great. One of the most comprehensive hydrological studies made yet by a meteorologist is that of Rasmusson (1966a, 1966b, 1967), who used twice daily observations of actual winds and humidities to calculate monthly, seasonal, and annual mean values of flux and flux divergence for North America for the period 1 May 1961 through 30 April 1963. Through the use of precipitation measurements and wa- ter vapor flux calculations, he determined evapotranspiration as a residual. To test his results, he included available stream flow measurements and variations of the Great Lakes. Rasmusson con- cluded that reliable mean annual, seasonal, and monthly values of evapotranspiration minus precipitation can usually be obtained for areas of 20 x 105 km 2 or larger. In an attempt to define the lower limits in space and time for which the hydrometeorological approach could prove effective, Fer- -12- ruzza (1967) completed another vital step in the quest for knowledge of the atmosphere's role in the hydrologic cycle. Using both line integral and grid-point divergence methods, he calculated water vapor flux and flux divergence values for areas of various size and -shape in the eastern United States for a five-day period in September, 1961. Although concluding that E-P estimates could be made with accuracy for periods of two days, even for areas as small as 2. 5 x 10 km2 Ferruzza cautioned against generalizing the results of his study due to the small sample size. The primary goal of the present study was to determine the time and spatial lower limits for which practical use can be made of the atmospheric water balance equation. Secondly, there was a need to learn if such methods can produce useful results over the mountainous terrain of the western United States. To reach these goals, it was necessary to select a month for study which had enough widespread daily precipitation to provide an independent test of the flux divergence estimates. To allow the author sufficient time to process and evaluate the immense amount of data involved, objective analyses were used. Of particular interest were the daily fields of hemispheric water vapor stream function for February 1962, the month of study. Analyses of estimated E-FP and observed precipitation over the western U. S. were compared for 4-27 February 1962, as were -13- integrated water volumes which were determined from the analyses for three different areas. Evapotranspiration rates estimated in a like manner were compared with the few available evaporation pan measurements and results of other studies. sents the findings of this investigation. This report pre- -14- II. A. FORMULATION OF THE BALANCE EQUATION Explanation of symbols = longitude = latitude = pressure = time 't. = Q eastward and northward unit vectors, respectively =total vertically integrated horizontal flux of water vapor above a point on the earth's surface zonal component of the horizontal flux of water vapor meridional component of the horizontal flux of water 4> vapor V .V = = = horizontal wind vector at the level p zonal component of the wind vector eastward V positive V = meridional component of the wind vector V , posi- tive northward = acceleration of gravity = specific humidity = an element of pressure Ott = an element of time W precipitable water contained in a unit column of air at a given instant, hereafter referred to as the atmospheric storage = the --15- ) U = Lt = time mean f= individual change in pressure with respect to time rate of generation of water vapor in a unit mass of air = mean radius of the earth the total rate of generation of water vapor in a unit column of air at a given point over the globe E rate =evapotranspiration precipitation rate area I)oQos$ A A CL CO = spatial mean / - precipitation estimate obtained by summing negatively signed values over a grid = evapotranspiration estimate obtained by summing positively signed values over a grid B. Development of the balance equation The formulation of the water balance equation used here is es- sentially that of Peixoto (1960). Since we may assume that, to a high degree of accuracy, the atmosphere is in hydrostatic equilibrium, we shall take the pressure p as the vertical coordinate in a ( cC,, p, t ) coordinate system. If we consider at each point of the earth's surface a unit column of air which extends from the surface to the top of the atmosphere, the total horizontal flux of water vapor above that point, for a given interval of time T , defines a two dimensional vector field given by The respective zonal and meridional components in the (X, c), o ,t) system are represented by cpAt I-.L (2) and - ff a(3) . The water vapor stored in a unit column of air at a given instant at a point on the earth's surface is expressed by In writing expressions (1) through (4), use has been made of the hydrostatic equilibrium condition. The pressure integrations ex- tend from zero (or in practical use, to that pressure level where q Expres- is negligible) to the value of the pressure at the surface. sion (1) through (4) may be averaged with respect to time over the interval T and , leading to the corresponding values \A) ,where the bar denotes the operator: t .(5) Q , X, -17- Using the continuity equation, the water vapor balance equation at a given point of the atmosphere for an instant t can be ex- pressed formally by the general equation of balance, as follows: /c V- =L 0 /4t LA)/) ~(1r) (6) where 6?'(q) represents the rate of generation of water vapor in the unit mass of atmosphere and W = dp/dt, the individual rate of change of pressure. The balance equation (6) may be integrated with respect to pressure and in the ( A, 4 , , t ) system the resulting equation assumes the form: since 5 WAf Cp is zero for practical purposes. In 0 equation (7) (q) represents the total rate of generation of water vapor in a unit column of the atmosphere at a given point over the globe. Since the only sizeable sources and sinks of water vapor in the atmosphere are those due to evapotranspiration and precipitation as measured at the earth's surface, we set E-P E (8) Thus we are led to the water balance equation in the form /JW/t + QJJA+ 3/4JO(Q Cos <p = [-P (9) -18- Applying the "bar" operator (5) to the previous expression gives because the "bar" and divergence operators are permutable. If we define a spatial mean operator to be A and apply this operator to expression (10) 4 /-- at + j/ho ( we get s} E (12) or in more compact symbology, + 3~v/t' C. V-G' /it> = E-P> -<VV(13) Interpretation and usage of the water balance equation The left side of expression (13) can be conveniently evaluated from measured quantities by finite difference methods. Then, through the use of rain data, the evapotranspiration rate E can be determined as a residual. This then is one practical way to make use of the water balance equation. We wish to determine if this same equation can be used in such a way that reasonable estimates of both evapotranspiration and precipi- -19- tation can be consistently obtained. Since the left side of (13) equals the mean difference between evapotranspiration and precipitation for any area under consideration, a negative value of the left side indicates that precipitation exceeded evapotranspiration over the area in the mean. Also, as we can consider that some evapotranspiration say X units, occurred, we have E-P = X-P. Since X-P includes the contribution of the X units of evapotranspiration but still is of negative sign, we can accept X-P as the lower bound of precipitation that occurred in the area. Likewise, if X-P is positive, it is the lower bound of the evapotranspiration which took place over the area during the period under study. To test this approach, the author conducted a preliminary study of four days (3 summer, lautumn) for a 29 x 10 5 km 2 area in the eastern United States using reported wind and humidity data from 42 stations. By calculating ( 3v/4'7 + ( V-.7 over a two-degree grid of latitude and longitude for the area, daily estimates of precipitation and evapotranspiration were obtained. Each local average of ( N/t'+ < V' ./ was multiplied by the area of its surroun- ding two-degree quadrangle to give an estimate of precipitation or evapotranspiration by volume. These volumes were then summed according to sign. The sum of the negative values, .v'-V' t was taken as the regional precipitation estimate. The daily evapo- -20- transpiration estimate, analogous way. (WI/ t +VQ. , was computed in an Precipitation estimates compared favorably with actual precipitation (within 20%, on the average). Evapotranspira- tion estimates were reasonable and conceivably of the same order of accuracy, since analogously obtained. used in this more comprehensive study. The same approach is -21- III. A. DATA AND PROCEDURES Period of study This is a study of the daily divergence of water vapor trans- port over the western United States during February 1962. The writer's interest in that period was stimulated by the work of Rasmusson (1966a). His analysis of monthly mean V Q. for Feb- ruary 1962 indicated substantial precipitation over most of the west, with a convergence center of 36 cm in California. Remarks in the Climatological Data, National Summary, were to the effect that heavy precipitation in February had ended a three year drought in California and boosted the water supply outlook to normal or above in most other areas of the far west, except in Washington and Oregon. Thus Rasmusson was able to depict reasonably well the monthly precipitation pattern. But how well can vapor flux divergence fields represent precipitation and evapotranspiration on a daily basis, especially over rugged terrain? Only through tests against independent data can this question be answered. Due to the sparseness of evaporation measurements and the dependence of evapotranspiration on soil moisture as mentioned in the introduction, our main hope for an independent comparison rests with precipitation data. 1962, then, is ideally suited for such tests. February -22- B. Objective analyses, general Both Rasmusson (1966a) and Ferruzza (1967) have stressed the need for the use of objective analysis techniques in studies of this kind, for studies which must rely on hand analyses are seriously limited by the great amount of time required for plotting, analyzing, and grid-point reading. In addition, water volume integrals calcu- lated by machine offer distinct advantages over graphical methods-not only is there a great saving of time, but the complete consistency with which the calculations are performed offers less chance for error. Objective methods were used almost exclusively to obtain the Basically,use was made of a main pro- results of this investigation. gram which consists of a library of about 95 operators frequently needed to manipulate fields of observational data. The program, developed at Travelers Research Center and adapted by them to the UNIVAC 1108 computer, is called ANAL68. element in ANAL68 is a field. The basic organizational A field consists of (a) a six-character name, (b) parameters which define the areal extent of the field, and (c) a rectangular array of grid point values, which defines the spatial distribution of the field. In addition to manipulating two-dimensional fields, ANAL68 contains operators which allow the generation of fields from randomly spaced observational data. This is the objective analysis process. -23- A field is a representation of some physical variable on a regular convenient grid. Observational data, on the other hand, are not regularly spaced-, and usually include values of several physical variables (phi's) at the observing station. In ANAL68, observational data are organized as an array of stations, each station comprised of an x coordinate, a y coordinate, and one or four observed values. If there is only one observed value at each station, as many as 1598 stations cin be handled in the computer. With four phi's at each station, as many as 799 stations can be input. The grid used in ANAL68 is related to that defined by the Joint Numerical Weather Prediction Unit (JNWP). JNWP grid points lie with 1- inch spacing on a polar stereographic map, scale 1:15 million true at 60 0N. A rectangle of 47 x 51 grid points is defined, with the lower left point assigned (0, 0), the North Pole assigned 0 (23, 25), and the j-direction of the grid aligned along 80 W. The JNWP grid is generalized to suit the particular problem in ANAL6-8. C. Precipitation analyses Some of the pertinent details associated with the objective analyses of precipitation are included here as an illustration. analysis region is outlined on the map shown in Figure 1. sector of the JNWP grid, with zero rotation. The It is a A mesh equal to 1/7 -24- of the JNWP grid was selected, giving a spacing of from 24-27 nautical miles between neighboring grid points. Observational data from 732 rain gages distributed over the eleven westernmost states were read into the computer. The data included station location by latitude and longitude, station elevation in feet, and precipitation amounts in inches. The February 1962 total precipitation as well as daily values for the period 4-27 February, inclusive, were used. ANAL68 objective analyses start with an initial guess of the field to be analyzed. As an example, there was a requirement for an analysis of the station elevations; topographical features used as a first guess came fromScripps Institute of Oceanography data. The final analysis -provides major features of topographical relief for maps on which fields of precipitation and estimated E-P are depicted. It is emphasized that the topographical features are refined by, and thus reflect, the actual elevations of the rain gage stations. ANAL68 operators can handle data by blocks rather than individual stations. All precipitation data were tabulated by station in- dex number and mechanically sorted by the unit digit of the index into ten blocks prior to being read into the computer for analysis. One data block was withheld from the analysis to alloW a meaningful testing of the objective analysis techniques through comparison. Prior to -25- each comparison with the withheld block, the analysis was smoothed by the operator +b where A is the analyzed field and smoothing parameter. (14) (A] is its space mean; b is a In general, comparative tests cease and the final analysis is printed when the error score of the withheld block reaches a minimum. D. Analysis of water vapor parameters Water vapor storage and flux values for the North American aerological stations shown in Figure 1 served as the input for estimated E-P (W/ t + V7 ) analyses. Thirty of these stations are located within or along the boundary of the western U. S. region of study, which is outlined in the figure. Twice daily observations of q, u and v taken at 0000 GMT and 1200 GMT in February 1962 were obtained from magnetic tapes which are part of the MIT General Circulation Library. Levels used in the vertical integrals were surface and 50 mb intervals to 250 mb. In addition to the North American stations, data from the entire Northern Hemisphere were available from the same source, but only at 0000 GMT. A discussion of the daily hemispheric analyses of water vapor stream function is included in Chapter V. -26- Two difficult and time - consuming phases of the data pro- cessing involved the unpacking of the February data from five years of record on the-tapes, and the thousands of vertical integrations required to provide the input for the objective analyses. Ground rules for vertical integrations were established for the hemispheric network, as follows: 1) For an integration to be computed for a specific station, both specific humidity q and wind v had to be available at the surface, 850 mb (unless surface was at a lower pressure), 700 mb and 600 mb levels; and at least v at 500 mb and 400 mb. 2) Interpolation for missing reports between reporting levels: (a) linear interpolations were performed between the nearest reporting levels. (b) interpolations were performed separately for q, u, v; ie. qu, qv were not interpolated in the product form. 3) Interpolation for missing levels above highest reporting level: (a) estimated values of q, qu, qv were computed up to 250 mb as follows: 1. Since q was required to be available to at least 600 mb, a linear decrease of q was assumed from its value at the last reported level to zero at 250 mb. -27- 2. at least 400 mb. Wind components u, v were required to Once the high-level values of q were estimated, computations were performed of qu, qv to the highest level at which wind reports were available. Above that level, a linear decrease of qu, qv to zero at 250 mb was assumed. 4) Finally computed were the atmospheric storage W and zonal and meridional transports Q, and Q , respectively. These vertical integrations (in expressions (4), (2) and (3) of Chapter II) were performed by a routine coded to solve the equation 4*'A*o (Xs tXa) (- o + () + X I' '~o 2x2 2.((s- (15) where I = the vertically integrated quantity, K = a dimensional constant, X = the quantity to be integrated, P0 is = surface pressure and = pressure of the first even 50 mb level above the surface. Thus linearly interpolated values of q, qu and qv at 50 mb intervals from the surface to 250 mb were integrated to give cm of water) and the flux components Q > W, Q and Q W in gm cm- and Q 2 (or in gm(cm sec)~1 . were initially analyzed each 12 hours for an area three times the size of, and including, the western U. S. region. The grid spacing for this expanded area was approximately 80 nautical miles. A 60-month mean value of W was used at the boun- dary and linearly interpolated to the actual data in the smaller region. -28- A value of zero for QN and Q qwas assumed for the boundary. At a later step in the analysis process, the 12-hourly field of V- Q was computed and from it a field of velocity potential was derived. From the velocity potential an irrotational flow field was obtained which was considered to represent error. That flow was subtracted from the current analyses to give adjusted fields of Q and Q the error. . This step was performed three times to minimize Final analyses of water vapor stream function and velo- city potential were performed for the large area and interpolated to give analyses for the western U. S. region. All final analyses of Q , Q were performed on the western U. S. area with a grid interval of 24-27 nautical miles. Q and were computed at each grid point. Q j /t /t was obtained by subtracting initial from final 1200 GMT values of I/ while 24-hour average transport values were obtained as in the following example: Q o, 5' + o. 'o0 Q M+ 0.:5 Q CF) (16) where the superscripts refer to initial 1200 GMT (I), mid-time 0000 GMT (M) and final 1200 GMT (F) observations. The final analysis of V. Q was calculated for the smaller area by using interpolations from the large initial analysis region with zero divergence on the boundary. The analysis procedures just discussed gave estimated E-P fields which compared favorably with hand analyses performed as an independent check. Although there are some features which can possibly be improved upon, the analysis routine produces results which are, in the opinion of the author, at least as good as can be obtained through the more tedius and time-consuming subjective analyses. One reason for publishing research results is to apprise others in the field of findings which could contribute to a better general understanding of some physical process. It is quite as important to afford others the benefit of one's mistakes in order to prevent needless and possibly costly duplication. and estimated E-P fields were produced twice. All )W/Jt , V-Q The first production run followed a different routine from the one just described; and the V'G and estimated E-P fields were unsatisfactory due to numerous dipoles in the fields, frequently located in the vicinity of the reporting stations. The unsatisfactory routine that had been initially followed involved using the hemispheric stream flow analysis as a first guess for each analysis over the western United States. Evi- dently the disparity between the grid meshes of the initial guess and final fields caused much of the trouble. The hemispheric mesh was twice the JNWP grid, while the western U. S. mesh was 1/7 JNWP. -30- E. Evaporation data Only a few evaporation pan measurements were listed in the February 1962 climatological summaries for the eleven westernmost states; Washington, Utah, Wyoming, Montana and Idaho had none. The only stations suitable for comparison with vapor flux divergence calculations were located in California, 20; Arizona, 10; and New Even though the much more plentiful precipitation data Mexico, 2. provide the major test of results, some useful information may be gained from the evaporation measurements. F. Daily water volume estimates In Section C of Chapter II we discussed the method we would use to obtain daily estimates of precipitation and evapotranspiration in this study, i. e., we would sum the negative values of *I (tl~.. <OAt7+ over a grid to give the estimate of precipitation /I -- + V, - units: km 3 of water) and sum the posi- tive values to obtain the evapotranspiration rate. All such calcula- tions were performed over the western U. S. analysis grid and daily E and P estimates for three areas were included as part of the computer output. Area 1 (area 29. 07 x 105 km2 ) includes the eleven westernmost states. Area 2 (13. 03 x 105 km 2 ) includes California, Nevada, -31- and parts of Oregon, Idaho, Utah and Arizona. km ) approximates the boundaries of California. Area 3 (4. 05 x 105 These regions are outlined on the map shown in Figure 2. Daily volumes of measured precipitation for these areas were also included as a part of the objective analysis routine. Total volumes were computed by adding the individual grid values as determined from the analyzed field. The consistency with which the machine computed the volumes of observed and estimated precipitation for comparative purposes is a feature which cannot be overstressed. -32- IV. A. REPRESENTATIVENESS OF DATA AND ANALYSES Represencativeness of water vapor transport data and analyses Primary errors in calculated values of water vapor flux and storage are due to lag in the humidity element of the radiosonde, inadequate resolution of winds, and sampling. In an analysis of the results of his study, Hutchings (1957) found that sampling errors caused by the averaging of two observations a day made the major contribution to the vector error. Rasmusson (1966a, some detail. 1966b) has discussed these errors in He found that a 50-mb resolution in the vertical is adequate for studies of this type, although pronounced diurnal variations in the summer could justify a 25 mb interval through the lowest 100 mb during that season. From his study of monthly seasonal and annual mean flux divergence, Rasmusson (1966a) concluded that results over the United States would probably benefit more by having observations four times a day from the present station network than by doubling the number of stations. Although the present network is adequate for studies of monthly means, even over the western United States, daily analyses of estimated E-P for that area often do not represent the true field. There are several reasons for the unrepresentativeness, most im- portant of which are: 1) the lack of "upwind" stations off the west -33- coast; 2) the present networkT s inability to reflect the small-scale irregularities in the field which are caused by mountainous terrain; and 3) evapotranspiration/precipitation dipole effects. Let us dis- cuss these causes in the order given. 1) The void of stations upwind over the Pacific is an inherent problem to west-coastweather forecasters. In this study, the most noteworthy example occurred on 9 February. Though the monthly peak of precipitation in California was reached on that date, the estimated E-P field showed an excess of evapotranspiration. , Hand analyses of the water vapor transport fields showed that divergence of the zonal component misrepresentation. Q) A 3100 gm(cm sec) played the major role in the maximum in the field was located over the California-Arizona border, with values half that amount along the coast to the west, indicating pronounced divergence in the southern half of the state. An examination of sur- face and 500 mb historical weather maps revealed the following: on the surface, a N-S oriented occluded front extended through central California; a 500 mb low was located off the California coast, with the tightest gradient offshore--winds upstream were stronger, and winds downstream along the flow were lighter, than those along the California coast. The abundant observed precipitation and the 500 mb wind flow lead the author to believe that had vertically inte- -34- grated moisture transports been available at points off the coast, flux convergence probably would have been depicted over California. 2) Under conditions of a broad flow of moisture over a region where precipitation is occurring, greater amounts are generally observed on the windward side of mountain slopes. Thus there is convergence of water vapor transport due to upslope. Since the flow diverges as it descends the leeward side of the mountains, it is there one. would expect an increase of evapotranspiration to occur. The present network of aerological stations simply cannot depict all of the irregularities in the E-P field caused by mountains. Only 30 stations listed in the taped-data directory are located within or along the boundary of the objective analysis region (reference the map in Figure 1), and a few of them transmit only on special occasions. Vertical integrals from an average of 19 of these 30 stations were used in each 12-hourly analysis for this study. For comparison, the author sampled the data received dur- ing the first 7 days of February of 1967. No more than 26 stations were ever received at any one synoptic time, and no fewer than 22 met the vertical integral requirements during the sample period. 3) One should not expect a one-to-one correspondence between observed daily precipitation areas and areas of excess precipitation in the estimated E-P field; while precipitation analyses rep- -35- resent daily accumulations of water mass, negative values in the estimated E-P field represent a 24-hour average of the lower bound of precipitation. Often, for example, summer thunder- storms deposit large volumes of rain over a matter of minutes;then evapotranspiration exceeds precipitation the remainder of the day. Also, any time there is a center of one arithmetic sign in the E-P field, continuity requires that there be one or more centers of the opposite sign nearby. When the gradient around such features is steep, there is a tendency for dipoles to show up in the objective analysis. Hand analyses of the estimated E-P fields for the 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th were completed for comparison. It was found that the dipoles in the objectively analyzed fields were partly due to exaggerations of alternating positive and negative centers found in the hand analyses. Often, however, they were a result of a lack of data along the western boundary. With a steep gradient of negative values as- sociated with a precipitation center on the coast, the objective analysis routine continued the same gradient going away from the center, eventually reversing the sign of the isopleths and locating an evapotranspiration center just off the coast. Note that while the di- poles in the final analyses appear only near strong centers of action, the initial run (discussed in Chapter III) produced fields which were dominated by these doublets. -36- B. Representativeness of precipitation data and analyses The National Meteorological Center publishes daily analyses of total precipitation for 24-hour periods ending at 1200 GMT. Such analyses were used to verify vapor flux estimates of precipitation for the eastern part of the country in a preliminary study which has already been discussed. For consistency, 1200 GMT was also se- lected as the verification time for all daily calculations performed in the prdsent work. Precipitation data were extracted from the Climatological Data, State Summaries, February 1962. Although some of the ob- servations were made at stations manned by Weather Bureau personnel, most were taken by cooperative observers. As an apparent consequence; the daily observation time varied from station to station. By selecting as reasonably representative all stations which took observations daily at 1200 GMT + 4 hours, the writer was able to utilize a network of 732 stations in the objective analyses. The following table shows the distribution of stations furnishing precipitation data for this study. On some days, precipitation amounts were not measured at certain stations but were included in the next daily measurement with no breakdown by time distribution. the objective Such data were handled in analyses by discarding both the unmeasured and suc- ceeding daily value. -37- Table 1. Distribution of rain gages Number State 26 19 15 92 32 17 16 68 44 66 337 Montana Nevada Wyoming Oregon Colorado Idaho Utah Washington New Mexico Arizona California Total: 732 Though precipitation measurements test the accuracy of vapor flux divergence estimates of precipitation, certain shortcomings must be discussed. One difficulty lies in the fact that when we analyze precipitation patterns, we are implying that the field is continuous; this we know is untrue, particularly over mountainous terrain. It is therefore impossible to have an exact representation of actual conditions. In addition, errors in the measurement of precipitation are not random, but biased towards underestimation, Younkin, 1963). son (1966a), (LaRue and The errors, discussed in some detail by Rasmus- are mainly related to the speed of the wind and the -38- character of the precipitation. They are most serious for the commonly used unshielded rain gage. by Weiss and Wilson (1958), In a comprehensive study most tests showed that the unshielded gage underestimated the actual rainfall by 5-15% at wind speeds of 4 meters sec~1, sec~1 . 5-30% at 8 meters sec~1, and 5-50% at 12 meters General compensation cannot be made for such errors. Other problems contributing to the underestimation of ac- tual precipitation are the sparseness of data in mountainous regions and difficulties in measuring snow. LaRue and Younkin (1963) are of the opinion that the paucity of data in the mountainous regions of the United States probably leads to underestimates of a moderate degree. Also, Weiss and Wilson (1958) reveal that in tests of the ground measurement of snow, average underestimates ranging from 4% to 25% occur with gages having flexible shields. The underestimation is much larger for unshielded gages and gages with rigid shields. Considering the mountainous terrain in the western states and the fact that much of the February precipitation fell as snow, underestimates of 10-15% do not seem unreasonable for the present work. -39- C. Representativeness of objective analyses In a report of his work in the objective analysis field, Eddy (1967) considers the data evaluation process as separable into three stages: a) a physical phenomenon varying in space and time; b) a data acquisition system comprising sensors (whose sensing characteristics and whose positions in space and time are known only to a certain degree of approximation), human decision making, and encoding, transmission and decoding routines which finally put the data in the analysis device; and c) the analysis scheme which endeavors to evaluate the system function of b) and to present the best possible description of the physical phenomenon a). He has proposed and tested a statistical objective analysis model for use with scalar data fields which he believes is a first step along the path to producing a completely objective analysis. His present model assumes that any patterns or waves are isotropic in the horizontal plane. Future steps would include the elimination of this assumption and the taking into account of geographical bias, as well as inclusion of time, data at other levels, and other parameters. He states that his present model has eliminated the possibility of forcing uncorrelated data fields to yield "pretty"patterns -40- by pre-specification of influence functions. In his objective anal- ysis model no "first guess" field is required, though a first guess may be useful to an analysis. Also, weight curves used in his in- terpolation formulae are determined by the data themselves. Certain features included in Eddy's objective analysis output would be helpful in determining the representativeness of the present analyses. 1) An estimate of the accuracy of the analysis at each grid point is effected in an objective manner and presented as a companion map to the final analysis. 2) An estimate of the manner in which the analysis scheme partitions the variance between the zonal and eddy components is presented. The error variance in the original data is estimated. 3) A subjective statement about the possible stochastic nature of the perturbation field is offered with associated implications about possible periodic components. As was described in Chapter III, the ANAL68 objective analysis is tested against withheld data blocks until the error score of the withheld data is at a minimum, thus an optimum analysis of the data is produced. Even so, the advantages of the model described by Eddy (1967) are obvious to the research scientist; attempts should be made to incorporate feature objective analysis schemes. 1), at least, in all -41- D. Representativeness of evaporation data and analyses It is extremely difficult to measure actual evapotranspira- tion in practice because of the dependence of this quantity on such factors as soil type and method of land cultivation, type of plant cover, and moisture conditions of the soil profile. Because of these difficulties, the conventional approach has centered on at'tempts to estimate actual evapotranspiration through the use of standard surface data. All such systems embody a means of com- puting potential evapotranspiration, a means of computing actual evapotranspiration and soil moisture, and a way of budgeting soil moisture (Thornthwaite and Hare, 1965). According to Mather (1961), potential evapotranspiration is the water loss under conditions of continuously adequate soil moisture and is controlled solely by available energy. This quan- tity is computed by means of an empirical formula based on air temperature and latitude. When there is no shortage of water, actual and potential evaporation are hypothetically the same; when there is a shortage of moisture in the ground, actual evaporation will always be less than potential evaporation, according to this method. Drinkwater and Jones (1957) have evaluated the relation of potential evapotranspiration to environment and kind of plant. Fifteen evapotranspirometers were installed in five units of three -42-- tanks each to measure potential evapotranspiration (PE) as influenced by surroundings and irrigation of the surroundings. Mea- sured PE exceeded evapotranspiration computed by the Thornthwaite empirical formula by 10 to 70 per cent and appeared more closely associated with the amount of rainfall than with the temperature in summer measurements. In E. A. Colman's report of a study conducted at the California Forest and Range Experiment Station (Colman, 1945), he expressed surprise that soil measurements indicated evapotranspiration rates were actually higher during the winter rainy season than any other time of the year. These measurements, taken in the San Dimas Forest, showed an average evapotranspiration rate of 0. 07 inch per day. Colman concluded that the magnitude of evapotrans- piration was due to the high moisture content during that part of the year and relatively high temperatures prevailing between storms. Another interesting study conducted in the West was that of van Bavel et al., (1963). A 100 x 100 meter observation area at the U. S. Water Conservation Laboratory in south-central Arizona was instrumented with a system of three precision weighing lysimeters for the measurement of evaporative flux. Four major ex- periments were carried out during the late spring of 1961. In the first a small wetted surface was observed, in the second a small -43- ponded surface, in the third a large ponded area, and in the fourth a large wetted area. The soil was bare in all cases. Data were collected every 15 minutes by telemetry, including wind conditions, for the experiments in March, April, and May 1961. Evaporation ranged from 0. 2 to 0. 8 cm (0. 08 to 0. 31 inch) per day with the rates decreasing with increasing dryness of the soil. Curves of eva- poration rate were irregular during daylight hours with maximum rates from 1200 to 1600 local time. The studies just described demonstrate the difficulties in measuring evapotranspiration directly, and the need for a more satisfactory way of obtaining this quantity. Certainly the 32 evapora- tion pan measurements (read daily at 1200 GMT + 4 hours) used in the present study cannot be entirely representative of the rate of evapotranspiration from the variety of soils and vegetation. Evaporation analyses, considering the paucity of data, would be unrepresentative of the evapotranspiration throughout the region even if vegetation and soil conditions played no part. -44- V. A. DISCUSSION AND RESULTS Northern Hemispheric water vapor transport Benton, Blackburn and Snead (1950) stressed in their pio- neering study of the atmosphere's role in the hydrologic cycle, that although tremendous quantities of water vapor move across the continents from the oceans, only about 20% is ever precipitated. Thus, while the extreme mobility of the atmosphere may provide a necessary supply of water vapor for excessive precipitation, a large moisture flux is not a sufficient condition for such precipitation to occur. The sufficiency criterion is depen- dent upon the degree of flux convergence. In this chapter we begin with a look at the "big picture," the daily water vapor transport for the Northern Hemisphere. A summary of the major points noted in the analyses of water vapor stream function for each day during the period 1-28 February 1962 will be presented. Particular emphasis will be given the flow of moisture into the United States from the Pacific. From this frame of reference we will go on to compare the daily analyses of observed precipitation and estimated E-P over the western United States for the period 4-27 February. Finally we will compare esti- mated and observed precipitation volumes in an effort to learn the capabilities of the hydrometeorological approach under the conditions of this study. -45- Although February 1962 was characterized by abundant precipitation in California and widespread lighter precipitation over the remainder of the area of study, the first few days were for the most part dry. Precipitation during the first two days was generally re- stricted to Washington and Oregon, spreading to Montana-and Wyoming by the 4th,and to the rest of the area about the 6th. It is interesting to compare this precipitation with the hemispheric flow of moisture. Because the cost of printing is prohibi- tive, only the analyses which bracket the peak of precipitation are included in this report. These analyses, for the 8th through the 11th, are shown as Figures 3-6. The numbers on the analyses are for shading, but their values do increase towards anticyclonic centers and decrease towards centers of cyclonic circulation. With one's back to the flow, the ascending numbers are on the right and descending are on the left. The gradient is an indication of the amount of vertically integrated moisture being transported horizontally over a given point on the earth's surface at 0000 GMT. The units are 1000 gm-grid interval (cm sec) between any two adjacent shaded bands, with the flow parallel to the bands. The major points of interest on the 28 daily water vapor stream function analyses can be summarized in a few brief words. During the first two days of the month both the Pacific high and -46- Aleutian low were very weak and thus the transport of water vapor toward the U. S. west coast was at .a low ebb. Both of these sys- tems continued-to build over the next few days, and the Aleutian low moved eastward and began to affect the western region. The circumpolar vortex became more organized with time, with a peak zonal flow around the hemisphere being reached on the 9th and 10th (see Figures 4 and 5). There was a general coalescence of the circump6lar vortex on the 9th, with the Aleutian low as the main center. The flow of moisture on these two days was approximately normal to the Sierra Nevadas of California, thus orography played an important part in determining the precipitation which occurred. The circumpolar flow of moisture was abruptly interrupted on the 11th through the blocking action of the Azores high at 45 N. From that date until the 17th, the blocking action continued. Al- though the zonal flow into the west coast was reduced somewhat, the Aleutian trough retained a strong influence on the weather of the western states during that period. After the 17th there was only one minor block by a small high over Iceland, and the weather over the western region was characterized by a train of moving waves in the westerlies. The stronger westerlies remained to the south, giving occasionally high moisture contents near San Diego or over Mexico, while less -47- steep gradients predominated farther to the north, Whenever the moisture flow increased along the west coast during the last few days of the month, there was a tendency for it to be from the northwest,parallel to the mountain barriers in California. B. Observed daily precipitation and estimated E-P fields. Daily precipitation analyses for the period 8-11 February 1962 are shown in the odd numbered Figures 7, 9, 11 and 13. ease in making comparisons, estimated E-P ( W/Jt For + ) fields for the same time are shown in the even numbered Figures 8, 10, 12 and 14. Although the patterns can be compared directly, with negative values of E-P corresponding to estimated precipitation, the units are not the same. The E-P values are in mm of water per day, while the precipitation is in inches. Positive val- ues of E-P indicate areas where evapotranspiration exceeded precipitation over the daily mean. Elevation contour units: 103 feet. In an attempt to maintain day-to-day continuity throughout this discussion, the observed precipitation charts will be discussed first. Each analysis is of 24-hour measurements taken at 732 sta- tions within the eleven westernmost states at 1200 GMT (± 4hours) daily. Practically the entire region of study received precipitation on 8 February (Figure 7), with the Continental Divide serving -48- as the eastern boundary. Most of Montana, Wyoming, southern New Mexico and southern Arizona were dry. Substantial amounts of rainfall were received over southern California, with other precipitation maxima occuring over the northern California coastal ranges and the Sierra Nevadas. Minima in the field were analyzed over the Great Nevada Basin and just west of Great Salt Lake. A 0. 7 inch maximum was analyzed over the western Rockies, while the eastern slopes were predominantly dry. No precipitation occurred in the desert area of southeastern California. A cross- check of the data reveals good agreement with the analysis. Although the pattern of precipitation on 9 February (Figure 9) is not quite as widespread as on the preceding day, it still covers over half the area. A significant increase is shown in the central valley of California; where amounts of a few tenths of an inch per day had been reported previously, now reports of 1 to 2 inches are common. When added to the substantial amounts still observed over the coast and higher terrain, we see that a tremendous volume of water was received in California on this date, Of the 337 California stations used in this study, 191 reported one inch or more precipitation on the 9th, with 3 reporting over 4 inches. The predominant feature of the 10 February analysis (Figure 11) is the widespread precipitation of 0. 5 inch or greater -49- which now covers much of the west coast, almost all of California, the Great Nevada Basin and the slopes northwest of Great Salt Lake. The southern California coastal ranges and the Sierras received 3 to 4 inches of precipitation in spots, and amounts of an inch were again common; but the southeast deserts were still dry. The great- est daily volume of precipitation for the area as a whole was received on 10 February, while the volume for California was only slightly exceeded on the previous day. Several California stations had over 4 inches of precipitation, while Challenge Ranger Station (3929 N 12114 W) recorded a total of 7. 13 inches for the day. The analysis shows about 4. 5 inches in the vicinity of Challenge. A significant decrease in the areal extent of precipitation on 11 February (Figure 13), quite noticeable. as opposed to that of the previous day, is Heavy precipitation is confined to the southern California coastal ranges and the Sierras, with several dry spots in northern California. Precipitation in Washington and Oregon is light and found mostly over the western slopes of the Cascades. A center of 1. 5 inches is shown in the southwestern end of the Great Nevada Basin. General precipitation in the range 0. 1 to 0. 2 inch extends southeastward to about the middle of Utah, where it had reached Colorado on the day before. Although we have included only the analyses for the peak -50- precipitation period, by necessity, the rest of the analyses also showed the dramatic effects of orography on the precipitation field. Day after day, more precipitation fell on the coastal ranges, the Sierras and the Rockies of southern Colorado than on the rest of the area. We will now evaluate the daily fields of estimated E-P, to see how well the twice-daily observations of upper winds and humidities for the existing network of aerological stations can depict the true field. We make this judgment through comparison with the observed precipitation. It is well to mention first, however, that though separate VI / , , and estimated E-P (the sum & J +V9) fields were evaluated, only the latter are included as figures in this report. In most of the 24 daily cases which were studied, the di- vergence term made the greater contribution to the sum. The maximum magnitudes of divergence/convergence were on the average 3 to 4 times greater than the maximum changes of water vapor storage. During the peak precipitation period of 8-11 February, the extreme values of \-Q responding values of check, daily values of averaged 7-8 times greater than the cor- I/t JT/It . As a further order of magnitude and V Q. 576 (see Figure 1) were read from the analyses. at stations 493 and When averaged -51- Q over all days, \- TI/Jt greater than 576, - Wit was one order of magnitude at station 493 and of the same sign (negative); at station was just over half an order of magnitude greater , than again with both means having a negative sign. When comparing fields of observed precipitation and estimated E-P, one should remember that the analyses of precipitation extend beyond the dashed boundary line of the eleven-state region and are unreliable except within the boundary. The broad-scale features of the 8 February estimated E-P field (Figure 8) agree quite well with the basic pattern of precipitation depeicted in Figure 7. Notice how the evapotranspira- tion center over the Great Nevada Basin agrees with two'dry patches in the precipitation field. The E-P field indicates that preci- pitation exceeded evapotranspiration over all of California except just south of the Mojave Desert. The E-P field of 9 February (Figure 10) does a poor job of depicting the observed precipitation. According to the analysis, evapotranspiration exceeded precipitation over much of the area where precipitation occurred (reference Figure 9). Especially im- portant is the strong evapotranspiration over southern California, with center of 55 mm over the coast. As discussed in Chapter IV, surface and 500 mb charts for that date indicate that had aerological stations been available upstream over the Pacific, a more rep- -52- resentative E-P field perhaps could have been obtained. In addition, the moisture inflow as determined previously from the stream function analysis (Figure 4) was directly perpendicular to the Sierra Nevada Range. This was a pronounced orographic effect which the present aerological network could not describe. Although the estimated E-P field for 10 February (Figure 12) does show an excess of precipitation over the Sierra Nevadas, the pattern is broader and amounts are less than the observed. Again there is an excess of evapotranspiration along the coast and over Southern California which does not agree with the observed precipitation depicted in Figure 11. The precipitation patterns described by the estimated E-P field for 11 February (Figure 14) agree closely with the broadscale shape and extent of observed precipitation as shown in Figure 13. The estimated precipitation over California runs roughly parallel to the mountains but is much smoother and of lighter intensity than the field of observed data. The estimated precipitation is displaced to the east of the observed. Comparisons have been made between objective analyses of observed precipitation and estimated E-P fields on a daily basis for February 1962, 4 days of which have been discussed at some length. Although there was often good agreement between areas of estimated and observed precipitation, on the one hand, and between areas of -53- evapotranspiration and no precipitation, on the other, the correspondence was far from perfect. a one-to-one In Chapter IV we pointed out that correspondence should not be expected as a rule, since the divergence of water vapor flux represents a mean condition which is derived from 12-hourly observations of wind and humidity data. In addition,we have stressed that the aerological net- work cannot depict the true field near the boundary of the data and over mountainous terrain. The final test of the worth of precipita- tion and evapotranspiration estimates, however, will be determined by comparing observed and estimated precipitation volumes for regions of various size during the period of study. Before proceeding to a discussion of the volume results, we examine one last field-the observed monthly evaporation. C. Monthly evaporation, February 1962 Daily evaporation-pan measurements from the limited net- work of stations ranged from low readings of zero to a maximum of 0. 46 inch (1. 2 cm). Subjective analyses of daily evaporation data were completed but are not included in this report. One problem in attempting to analyze the fields of evaporation was that no readings could be taken under freezing conditions, thus data at some stations were frequently missing. The analysis for February 1962 is shown in Figure 15. A -54- maximum evaporation rate of about 6. 0 inches per month is found over northwestern Arizona, with over 3. 0 inches in most of Arizona and the Mojave Desert of California. Low readings of less than 1. 0 inch are found near Sacramento, within a region of less than 2. 0 inches of evaporation overlying the San Joaquin Valley. These monthly totals give a daily average of 0. 05 inch over the northern two-thirds of California and 0. 12 inch for the southern third. It is interesting to reflect that the daily estimated E-P fields often showed strong centers of evapotranspiration across southern California in support of the monthly evaporation picture. D. Precipitation and evapotranspiration volume estimates for Areas 1, 2 and 3 Daily volumes of precipitation and evapotranspiration were estimated for the 24 days ending 27 February 1962 by the method described in Chapter II. Water volumes were computed for three 5 separate regions, shown in Figure 2 as Area 1 (29. 07 x 10 km 2 2 Area 2 (13. 03 x 105 km 2 ) and Area 3 (4.05 x 10 5 km ). Area 3 approximates the boundaries of California. To evaluate the accuracy of the precipitation estimates, daily volumes of observed precipitation were computed for the same areas. Water volume estimates of precipitation ( CP W/ ), evapotranspiration ([*/ 4 t + V- + ), and their algebraic sum (E-P)are shown in tabulated form along with the -55- computed volumes of observed precipitation. Units are km3 Results for Arca 1 are shown in Table 2. Totals for the 24-day period ending 27 February are also included. Note that although the precipitation was greatly underestimated on the 9th and 10th, the total estimated and observed volumes are very nearly equal. Comparative curves displayed in Figure 16 show that on some days the estimated precipitation exceeded the observed to average out these errors over the month. The results for Areas 2 and 3 are shown in Tables 3 and 4, respectively. The precipitation is greatly underestimated on the 9th and 10th for these areas just as it was for Area 1. Com- parative curves of daily estimated and observed precipitation are shown in Figure 17 for Area 2, and Figure 18 for Area 3. As has been previously discussed, hand analyses for the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th compared favorably with objective analyses for the same days. Water volume estimates computed from the hand analyses were graphed for comparison with the machine results. Although the hand computed volumes were of larger am- plitude, their curves dipped on the 9th and 10th exactly as the objectively derived ones did. Tables 2, 3 and 4 are shown on next three pages. -56- Table 2. Water volumes for Area 1. Feb. 1962 -Estimated P (CESI/n -tV'%neq Vt -6. -2. -2. -7. -12. -7. -6. -13. -14. -9. -8. -8. -11. -6. -1. -4, -7. -5. -3. -5. -4. -3. -3. -3. Total: - 163. 14 Observed Precipitation Units: 3 Estimated E C'S/4+-C 0.55 0.27 1.74 7.31 13.77 18.15 18.57 11.23 9.26 12.58 9.26 10.29 9.34 6.29 3.70 6.15 5.41 2.57 1.76 3.75 2.90 3.47 3.86 2.49 164.67 Km Estimated E-P -5. -1. 1. -2. -9. -3. -3. -12. -11. -5. -4. -7. -10. -5. 1. -4. -6. -4. -0. -4. -4. -1. -3. -2. 51.04 -112. 10 -57- Table 3. Water volumes for Area 2. Feb. 1962 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Total: -Estimated P -2. -0. -1. -4. -8. -2. -4. -10. -9. -5. -4. -3, -8. -3. -0, -2. -5. -3. -1. -1. -2. -2. -1. -2. -91. 21 Observed Precipitation Units: Km Estimated E _./Ye.' Estimated E-P -1. 0. 2. -1. -6. 1. -2. -9. -8. -3. -1. -2. -6. -2. 1. -2. -5. -3. -1. -0. -2. -2. -1. -1. 0. 0. 1. 5. 10. 15. 16. 10. 6. 9. 5. 9. 7. 2. 1. 5. 4. 1. 0. 0. 1. 2. 2. 1. 124. 05 3 28. 26 -62. 95 ~58- Table 4. Water volumes for Area 3. Feb. 1962 -Estimated P (U)J//C Total: +9 Observed Precipitation Units: Kin3 Estimated E I/ltt+-7N Estimated E-P -0. 59 -0.18 -0.19 -2. 67 -4.38 -1.41 -2.18 -5.25 -4.27 -1.10 -2.36 -1.98 -1.91 -0. 79 -0.59 -1.50 -3.23 -0.78 -0.75 -0.57 -0. 68 -0.47 -0.54 -0.48 0.00 0.01 0.94 4.70 6. 88 10.72 10.39 6.45 3.18 6.32 3.78 7.47 4.78 1.48 1.24 4.00 1. 68 0. 79 0.09 0.14 0. 79 0.64 0.70 0.12 0.31 0.29 2.53 1.28 0.48 2.12 0. 65 0.02 0.10 1.54 1.48 1.13 1.08 0.38 1.06 0.47 0.18 0.28 0.08 0.48 0.32 0.08 0.18 0.32 -0.28 0.11 2.44 -1. 39 -3.90 0. 71 -1.53 -5.23 -4.17 0.44 -0.88 -0.85 -0.83 -0.41 0.47 -1.03 -3.05 -0.50 -0. 67 -0.09 -0.36 -0.39 -0.36 -0. 16 -38. 75 77.29 16.84 -21. 91 -59- Under ideal conditions where continuous perfect measuremnents of wind, humidity, precipitation and evapotranspiration are taken over a large smooth area, the water balance equation must be very nearly exact (<. /at'7 - d~if'7 ). As the num- ber of reporting stations and frequency of upper-air observations decreases, the positive correlation between the left and right sides of the equation should decrease. Imperfection in the observation and analysis of the parameters involved also contributes to the inexactness of the results. To test the hypothesis that, despite such limitations, reasonably reliable daily estimates of precipitation can be obtained for large areas over the western part of the United States using the water balance equation, correlation coefficients were calculated for the 24-day period in February 1962. If we let x = observed precipitation volume (km 3 ) on a given day and y = the estimated precipitation volume (km 3 ) for the same day, then the variance in x is indicated by x 2, the covariance between x and y is x'y', and their correlation coefficient is r(x, y). The statistics for 24 days are shown in Table 5. pected, there is a significant positive correlation. the correlations for Areas 2 and 3 are equal. As was ex- Surprisingly, -60- Table 5. Correlations between daily volumes of observed and estimated precipitation X'I : X' Y(1,3) Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 26.0698 12.3849 10.8602 +0.60 21. 1660 7.0919 6.5036 +0.53 10.5691 1.9740 2.4309 +0.53 Since the monthly precipitation' peak occurred in California, pronounced orographic effects in that state should be reflected in the curves of observed precipitation for all three areas. To gain some quantitative estimate of these effects, the average direction of the California water vapor inflow between 300 and 400 North Latitude was measured by protractor from the daily hemispheric analyses of stream function. The Sierra Nevada Range is approximately oriented in a 3300 - 1500 direction; an inflow of moisture from 240 would be perpendicular to the Sierras. Because water vapor transport cores are usually found at levels far below the tops of these mountains, there should be a pronounced orographic effect which is at a maximum when the deviation of the flow from 240 minimum. is at a This then is a second hypothesis which can be tested. A graph of the daily deviations from 2400 of the inflow direction was plotted for comparison with California's observed pre- -61- cipitation; both curves are shown in Figure 19. The inflow curves are not moisture weighted; they reflect the variability of the flow direction only. Notice that the direction curve is inverted, such that the 00 deviation is at the top (flow perpendicular to the mountains) and 900 is at the bottom (flow parallel to the mountains). The direction curve shows a peak of orographic effect on 9 February, coinciding with the maximum of observed precipitation. Correlations which were computed are shown in Table 6. Notation is the same as previously used, except 7 inflow deviation (in degrees of arc). refers to the The correlations are signi- ficantly negative, demonstrating the powerful effects of orography. Table 6. Correlations between daily volumes of observed precipitation and deviations from 2400 of inflow directions Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 X 26.0698 =" 676.3889 21. 1660 676.3889 10.5691 676.3889 -85. 2899 -0. 71 -62. 3321 -0. 74 X''P -91. 2782 YNE -0. 69 It has now been shown that there is a positive correlation between observed and estimated daily precipitation, with the highest correlation occurring for the area largest in size. It has also been shown that an even more significant negative correlation -62- existed for February 1962 between observed precipitation and the deviation of the inflow direction from a perpendicular to the Sierra Nevada Mountains. This effect is greatest in California, naturally, but we reiterate that the abundance of precipitation which fell there affected all three areas under study. At this point it is reasonable to ask if there was a general tendency for underestimation of precipitation in all three areas on the 9th and 10th or if all the underestimation can be attributed to California alone. In an attempt to shed some light on this question, Area 3 estimated volumes for the 8th-11th period were subtracted from those of Area 1 and compared with corresponding differences in the observed precipitation. Thus volumes for that portion of Area 1 which excluded California were considered. The precipita- tion for this reduced area was underestimated by about 50% on the 9th and 10th, where the Area 1 (includes California) estimate was approximately 65% too low. Thus we conclude that though the Cali- fornia underestimate played a significant part in the overall results, there was a general tendency throughout the region for such an underestimation. To demonstrate the degree to which precipitation estimates improve with area and time, daily means were- computed for Areas 1, 2 and 3 for periods of 3, 4, 5, 6 and 24 days. These results, 63- for estimated and observed precipitation, are shown in Table 7. There was an obvious dampening with time of the day-to-day differences between the observed and estimated values. The Area 1 daily mean estimate for the 5 days including the 9th and 10th (6-10 February) differed from the mean observed value by but 39%. For four consecutive 6-day periods, the Area 1 daily mean estimates agreed with the observed precipitation within 6, 14, 14 and 32%. A comparison is shown in Figure 20. Estimates of daily mean precipitation for Areas 2 and 3 also improved when longer intervals were considered, with Area 2 showing just slightly better results than Area 3 for 6-day periods. shown in Figures 21 and 22. These results are Daily mean estimates computed from the total 24 days of the study were much better, with differences between means of observed and estimated volumes of 1% for Area 1, 26% for Area 2 and 50% for Area 3. As the accuracy of the mean estimates was greatest when long time-intervals were considered, daily mean precipitation depths were computed from 24-day totals and are shown in Table 8 for each area. Units are inches per day. Included in the table are daily mean evapotranspiration estimates. The evapotranspiration estimates are higher than February normal potential evapotranspiration (PE) computed by the Thornth- Period Feb.62 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18 19-21 22-24 25-27 Area 1 Observed Estimated 4.04 0.85 13.08 9.08 13.02 11. 63 10.71 8.87 6.44 6.70 4.71 6.02 2.80 4.51 3.52 3.27 Area 2 Estimated 1.32 Observed 0.45 4.86 7.93 4.55 10.63 3. 89 3. 83 2.02 2.01 4.12 11.07- 8.06 3.97 1.02 2.03 Area 3 Observed Estimate d 0.32 0.29 7.43 2.82 6.67 3.90 5.86 1. 81 2.50 1.10 2.16 1.84 0.34 0. 67 0.49 0. 50 4-7 8-11 12-15 16-19 20-23 24-27 4.90 9.96 10.36 6.27 5.41 3.89 2.47 15.43 10.35 6.37 3.37 3.18 2.08 6.11 5. 80 3.59 3.12 2.10 1.74 13.18 7. 72 4.51 1.91 1.94 0.88 3.30 2.43 1.20 1.33 0.54 1.41 8..61 5. 19 2.88 0.68 0.56 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 7.23 11.03 6.45 4.51 11.91 10.52 6.18 2.89 3.99 6.67 3.98 2.33 9.86 8.26 4.49 1.47 2.15 2.99 1. 60 0. 65 6.73 5.44 2. 64 0.49 4-9 10-15 16-21 22-27 6.56 10.25 6.36 4.02 6.96 11.86 5.58 3.04 3.09 6.24 3.86 2.01 5.54 9.56 4.05 1.53 1.57 2.86 1.47 0. 58 3.88 6.26 2.33 0.41 4-27 6.80 6.86 3.80 5.17 1.61 3.22 Table 7. Daily mean precipitation volumes. Units: Km3 day~ . -65- waite method (Thornthwaite et al., 1964) but in California agree amazingly well with evaporation pan measurements depicted in Figure 15. The estimated daily rate of 0. 07 inch per day was used to compute a monthly total of 1. 96 inches for California. The area- average of evaporation pan measurements is about 2 inches, as can be seen from the chart. Tabulated normal values of potential evapotranspiration (Thornthwaite et al., 1964) show a July maxi- mum and winter minimum for each of the 11 western states. The February daily mean PE for California was 0. 03 inch day, less than half the estimate achieved in these results. -66- Table 8. Daily mean precipitation depth. Units: inches day~ Area 1. Evapotranspiration 0.03 Estimated Pre cipitation 0.09 Estimated 0.09 Observed Area 2. Evapotranspiration 0.04 Estimated Precipitation 0. 11 Estimated 0.16 Observed Area 3. Precipitation 0. 16 Estimated 0.31 Observed Evapotranspiration 0.07 Estimated -67 VI. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH A. Conclusions The time saved by using objective analysis procedures during this study were a definite asset, allowing the author to evaluate far more information than would otherwise have been possible, including daily fields of Northern Hemispheric water vapor stream flow; and for the western United States, daily fields of water vapor storage change ( aV/It ), flux divergence ( V7Q), their sum(es#IV timated E-P), and observed precipitation. The analyses of precipitation data, using an approximately 25-mile grid mesh and 732 reporting stations, gave both reasonable and useful results. The analyses depicted rather well the observed conditions, including orographic effects. Though the objectively analyzed E-P fields compared favorably with hand analyses for a 4-day sample of 8-11 February 1962, results indicate that neither method is able to produce consistently reliable estimates of E-P on a daily basis over the western states, even for areas as large as 29 x 105 km 2 . In all, 24 objective analyses of estimated E-P and observed precipitation were compared, covering the period 4-27 February 1962. The main factors which contributed to the unreliability of daily estimated E-P are as follows: -68- 1) The lack of data off the Pacific coast, which caused unrepresentative fields of divergence along the western boundary. 2) The strong orographic effects prevalent throughout the region and especially in California. The aerological network simply cannot depict the many irregularities in the E-P field which are caused by mountains. 3) Sampling errors caused by the averaging of 12hourly observations to depict conditions for an entire day. Contributing factors are the limited number of stations in the present network, and dipole effects which occurred in the objective analyses near strong centers of evapotranspiration or precipitation along the coast. The latter factor is related to the lack of data upwind over the ocean. The atmospheric water balance equation for obtaining spatial and time mean estimates of E-P is ( +(.7*Q = E-P> The left side of the equation is evaluated from measured winds and humidities. In this study the estimated E-P value at each grid point on an approximately 25 mile mesh was multiplied by its surrounding grid area and summed according to sign, giving total volumes of minus and plus E-P. The total minus-volume within a given region was accepted as the lower bound of the estimated precipitation; similarly, the total plus-volume was used as the evapotranspiration estimate. -69- With the limited evapotranspiration data available, it is impossible to have good independent tests of evapotranspiration estimates. With widespread precipitation and with measurements from 732 stations available however, it is possible to evaluate the precipitation estimates. The assumption is that since both types of esti- mate are made from the same data and analysis, they have the same degree of accuracy. Following the described procedures, estimated and observed precipitation volumes for three different sized areas were compared for each day during the period 4-27 February 1962. The largest area (Area 1) was 29 x 10 5 km 2 and included the eleven westernmost states. Area 2 (13 x 105 km 2 ) included California, Nevada, and- parts of Oregon, Idaho, Utah and Arizona. Area 3 (4 x 105 km 2) bounded California. Although precipitation estimates correlated significantly positively with observed precipitation (+0. 60 for Area 1, +0. 53 for Areas 2 and 3), more highly correlated with observed precipitation was the direction of water vapor inflow. A flow of moisture from 2400 is approximately perpendicular to the Sierra Nevada Range in California; thus if orographic enhancement of precipitation is important, any deviation from 2400 of the inflow direction will be negatively correlated with precipitation amounts. Correlations de- -70- ter aI ed from this limited 24-day sample were -0. 74 for Area 3, -0. 7 1 for Area 2, and -0. 69 for Area 1 (correlations becoming less significant with distance inland). Thus the tremendous effect of orographic uplift is clearly shown. The results of this study agree with Rasmusson's finding (1966a) that the accuracy of E-P estimates is best for large areas and long intervals of time. The daily estimates we calculated for the western states were not consistently reliable when compared with daily observed precipitation. On the other hand, when the daily volumes were added and averaged over longer periods, errors in the estimated field compensated each other; and we obtained decidely useful results. Following such a procedure for the 29 x 105 km 2 area gave reasonable results for periods as short as 6 days (difference between observed and estimated daily mean precipitation averaged 14%, max. 32%). The daily mean precipitation for 24 days was within 1% of the observed. The evapotranspiration es- timate of 0. 03 inch per day was probably just as accurate. The 24-day precipitation volume was underestimated by 26% for the 13 x 10 5 km 2 area and by 50% for California. The re- sults suggest that reasonably reliable mean estimates of both precipitation and evapotranspiration can probably be obtained for the 13 x 105 km2 area if periods of a month are considered, while areas as small as California would require at least a season to ob- -71- tain reliable daily mean estimates from flux divergence fields. The California mean estimate of evapotranspiration for February 1962 agreed closely with evaporation pan readings. The daily mean estimate of 0. 07 inch (average of 24 values) was higher than the potential evapotranspiration normal for February, of 0. 03 inch per day. The potential rate, heavily weighted by temperature, reaches a maximum in July; however, the studies of Colman (1945), Drinkwater and Jones (1957), and others have suggested that evapo- transpiration is more closely related to the amount of rainfall than with temperature. Thus, we conclude that even though the daily mean estimate of evapotranspiration for California is probably off as much as 50%, it is as representative of the true rate as are estimates obtained through conventional techniques. Daily mean esti- mates taken over intervals longer than 24 days do considerably better. Comparisons have been made between estimated and observed values. It is well to remember that just because the monthly estimate of precipitation for Area 1 was within 1% of the observed, does not mean to imply that the estimated and true precipitation values agreed that well. The observed values themselves are thought to underestimate the actual precipitation by 10 - 15%. Another objection which could be raised concerns the reli- -72- ability of flux-divergence methods when evapotranspiration is much more significant, say over the eastern United States in summer. In a pilot study already mentioned, a 29 x 105 km 2 of the eastern United States was considered for June 1967. For the 3- day period ending on the 23rd, the estimated E-P field gave daily estimates of precipitation which were larger than the observed by an average of 22% (the worst daily difference was 32%). If we accept that precipitation measurements are moderate underestimates themselves, the daily results obtained under summer conditions are quite reasonable. In summary, evaluation of the limited 24-day sample in this study indicates that when daily water vapor flux-divergence estimates of. evapotranspiration or precipitation are averaged over periods of at least 6 days, they give reasonably reliable results for areas as large as 29 x 105 km 2 over the western United States. Even better results are obtained with longer intervals of time. At least a month is required for reasonably reliable daily mean estimates for a 13 x 105 km 2 region, and probably a season for areas as small as California (4 x 10 5 km 2 ). Even so, the evapotranspir- ation estimates taken over a month agree with evaporation-pan measurements for California. Thus the hydrometeorological ap- proach to estimating evapotranspiration and precipitation for large areas over the mountainous western states can play an important -73- supplementary role in the study of the hydrologic cycle. B. Suggestions for further research Since the methods used in this study received their sever- est test in the western region and yet still produced useful information, it is suggested that a similar study be conducted over the eastern states where the terrain is smoother. In particular, close cooperation between a hydrologist and meteorologist in the form of a joint study would be highly beneficial. In this way, a compre- hensive study of all phases of the hydrologic cycle could be studied for regions of various size, as small as river basins. Methods developed in this study could be applied on a hemispheric basis, adding up daily estimates of precipitation and evapotranspiration to give more accurate longer-term values. Such values could then be used to increase the knowledge of the energetics of the general circulation of the earth's atmosphere. -74- Figure 1. Objective analysis region and distribution of aerological stations. -75- Figure 2. Water volume integral areas. L\1 C+ 0 0 CD2 C-. co SCO CD 0i Cd zs 4-40 0 4-4 Cdc C) Co OI o a) p) I 0 P) C1 0 C.) a) r4 C) SOLIDUT :sIlunI -961 Sxenqf a'- 0T- 0-TCIT0-Ta0-TaTa. 0T- o- ~~~a a -a 1.-T.TT.-T0--0aa a. .. 8 'UOTj-ejTdTZO;jd PaAJasqoJ T0- 0T-0!a' 0 0. .'.. a. 0T0. TOTrIa' 0. . T1 . 0TT. . a- -L aJfl2L! 0TT. 1. 0. 0 a- -4-a iITT ITT T T U? YNTTIITITTITTO;Ia' TTTTTT ITTIT IT TIII -E-oTTTTTITTTTTTIIITTTTT tITITTTTtTITII * * - 0 - a*- a*- 0- '- a' IT a- a.. . . . ITTITT ..- ~ nan 3N -o 0. T~~~TjT~lTTTTTTT O~27 a.. TIT ITTTTY TT TTTTTTIIT IITTTaTTTI~aTTTTT ltTTITTTaTIITTIITTa ITTTITTTTITT "ITT IllTTITTTTTITTTTTITT 1. 0. TTTUU IT? T UTMI'll TTUTT TITITTTTITT TTTT i T"T .TITI1aa V, ".11 ta. TI TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTITTIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTITTT TTTTTTTUTT 0a a 0.a. a.- O T 0' 'lI- a'- T.- 0. a. TITI - a t - I M001a. a aAcI ' ~ I a Itj TT TIIITl I TIII I;TT ---lt~SIT:m ITiTIT I 10 . a -- - 1'' . . 1111 I I . 1. 6 1V IT . . . . . Il i TTITT iiTTTTTTITITTTTiITTITTTTTTITTTTTaaII TIITTITITRTIT iI IITTTTTI TITT aa I~TTTITaI aIT I I TIT TTTTIIITTTTYITTIT a I~ hI a a~ P T 1 1111TINN -08- -81- Figure 8. Estimated E-P field, 8 February 1962. Units: mm day 1 0 C.- 0.- 0.- 0.- *Z96T S-renaqaA 6 0.- C.-0.- a- 0 aT S-ep SaLI;DUT :SjTufj UOT p .j-ejTd-paad aAlasqo 0.- 0.- v 1- 0.. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 6 ain.2-ij a- 0. 0. 1. 1.1. D. 0. 0. a1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. a- 1. 0 0. 1. -0. 0 0 0.- 0. 0.-0.- ad_0.-a.- 1. 1. 0' .TttlTttTTTT' I. I tTTTTtITTTT 1. 0.-o 0 a-, a- 0 0. 0."0 0. 0. 0' 1. a' 0' 1 0.- 1. 1. T 1 1. 0 1. 1. 0. 1. gm a, a- V I. V, 0. 1*- 0 T' a. 0. jP) 0! 1 v ITI ITTTIT Till vViviv ."IT !11. 1. 1. I a 8.\a- TtTTITT1 ITI ITITTT TTTTIt Till JITTT !, T I IIT t TTTTTTT TITTiTTTli * 'hITT 'TTTTTTYTtt IT I 1;it-IT 1IT;ILTI Tlkti L '311TIll _ITTiTvl -I tTkTiniTTytitTTT" r itii;TTj;TTiITitTTITtT I- 1- 0. 1- a- 0. 0. a TTTtTTTTTTTITTTTTTITTTTT "TVITTVITTITTTI-I I. I. . G. 0. D. 1 0. 0.-0. 0 IT!TTTITTtTTT 0.- 0.-a 01 0.01 a- 0. a- a 0, 1.. 4a.-0.- C.- TTTITTTITTTTTT"T TtVTTTT I 0' D-MP11 1. 0. G. cn o 0' 0 0. C. 0.0- -0--0 TITT o, M TIT TTTVITTTTTTY C.-0. 0.-84 4, C.-0.- 0' -//a . ..... Akc)OJ t, a- 0.1* - 1, 0'. - 1; 0. IV 0.-a.IT -I will if I 7?ppb ttl* *I'I 'I 'Till'Tit 9N;_. 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II" 13TTIVIIII Ift"11,111T, TTTTTTITTITTTTTTtTTIITTTITITTTTTVITTTI TTVITTTVIITTTTTI ITT TITIT ITTT I 12]3tTIT TITT;TIT R Till T fit 0. 0. NITT I I IT ;114ITTIT I.. ITTITT TIVITIMI I I. 1. 1111TTTTITTIT ITT IT Till .1 TTTTTITTTTTTTTI .?I MITTIVITT --ItTUTT III itTITTTTITTTTTT 0. D-M ir- fec 1 0. t VITT I T 0. I VMT 4. 11 0. a- 9-T covegfggfefw M 1 2an 6 .... iINTil ITTjVj TTl!!!!;FT!!!1!!!;T1 IT I ITT 0.-0.-a*-0' I 0. 0- 0 0' Till M 0' = - 0-16 1 9.1 c ATTITiTNdITTTITTTIIZTITTVITTTT,,, if AW Assvi*") ... II.... MIT -------r. ---------Niiiiiiiiiijfiiiiii iiii ii !y4w olazip - 0. ;iiiia 0.- 0.-0.- 0.-0 0. 0. 0. ITTI IT t ITT nITITTtITTITT T1. 0' cc cm rum 1 9-8*-1 G-T_ t-t0-1 tem'suct zalm - ----- 9-T4 gam jTTTTTTT'TjT!TTT!tTT TTT!TIT ------------- 10. a. k. a.or"IT 0.-a- 1. 9 fill I.0. - , 0.-a.- 0.- 1 I-T tITtTTTTTtii __:7 iii-M ?_ 2,MI _T4 MITI,-TTTVITTTTITTItTiii' i iiiiiiiiiiRkiTt II I? 0. a- -0. I. I 0. 0. 0. ?ITTTTrTTTf TTTTTtT I -No g . 0. ttITTTTTTT -Ttv"T ITT m 0. 0. 0. T' 1! 0. 0 0. T; ITTITI'M T111MIT1.11 TTITttTTTTTITTTTTTTTTI TIM . - __1 -,I, TitjTjjtjTTttTTTTTITTITtTTITT ITTTTTTIITT ITT TTTTTITT TITM TITTITTTITIIII I 0' a- a- IT 0 0. 0. -0. -83- Figure 10. Estimated E-P field, 9 February 1962. Units: mm day~1. . - -- -- :Z961 Sieaa - -- -- -- - -- ---11 0.- D.- __o-- o-- a .4 o-18-- o a- -A-- 0.- saqz3UI :Sl.Tua 01 'Uo-r-eTdT~ad pa~aq * -Sp o. o-- o-- Q. o- ci D. a a. a o- o- 0' . o. I. 0' o. G' .1. o. o. 0' 0' a D 0' 0' 8- D. 0' . . 1.. Sa~ a.0 a- 0' 0-- a-a-- ~ a. D. a o. 0a-- .-- aC.- 0 a-a.0 a. aC.. 0 1-- o 1- - o D. Q. 'a-8-/o o o-o--a-o-- P. a--a . ~ ~~~ ~ ~ _~00 - 7bS , ~ ~- ~ ~ :z o - e- a0- a a- 0' 0 a-- - - - a G-MD(;11 D. o. D. 00001 o. o D. o a- 0. -a a a a -a a, -NW-. 'i oloano--10100a1000001 ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ aa0aooaoooa fIl00l Iaoaoaafoo0a~OOO~OaO-'M1 -a a - 0000 100t 00-0-aOOOO aaaTa01001 IT00000-a0---aOa~a "T -,0I1000 ITT!TT!"T a-. . . aa1aI . . . a~ll . . 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Q --o-1 a a.Bo a. 0- 0. .aja 0a- ~ a-1 a- a a-a ~ .-0.a0. a- a a a a -10-000110 4oaooaoooaaaoaoaaaaoooaoaaooaoaaaonaooaraaaaoaoaaao 6 a- ~ . -oo-ooon-o 0. -;aa 0 0 4-- a-Ia-T A .1I1 ;Jfl2!RIf - - a, 91a, , A I IA I D- I.- o. o - o-A, *- e- e ot a- .-0 a-CAa-apaFa--- I -- - -a * 0 a I 0 a- ~ a Neff179o.- a-/-L-.-A--. -4 a- - o.11 01. ~~~~ 000~ 001 . 910000 tL 000 .a. . . . 01001000100 0110010001 0111IT IT -000001 0--I- 1 0111,0 I TV10 001 O0100001000a1001. a ;a Ta.NT;TT aT 010 tTt0T 9 PJa ,11. a .. Ma?.. 0. 0 0*---00 I -85- Figure 12. Estimated E-P field, 10 February 1962. Units: mm day . 0 0 a--0.-0r-0.1- D. 0. .- 0- . *Z96T iSxenjqqa - 00- 0.- -0 0.- W_ C' 1 Xep S~qZpui :Sjiufl 11 'uoA-elTdioaad paA.I9sqQ 0- 0 . 0 0 1 1. 1 . a . 0. 0. 0 1.- 0. - 0.- -0 ./ 0. 0. a.-0 0, 6. .-. 0. 0 0.- . ~ 1*0- 0. 0~ 00 0 a ~ ~ VIA I~ 0 -e 0. anIT a- 0. 0- 1~ - 1, 0. 0 0 - -- ---- -~ -- --- 1 0-0 04 4. 0 0 - - ~ 0 0 - -0- ~ 0 ~ '* ~ -0 0 .0 0(.1 l MI01III - ti011001lI000010010100100000 . 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I -. 15 5 . -12-. 8 -1-9-1.6-. 7 -'.7-16-1.-1.5 -1.8 -1.9 -1.5-, -20-. --. .. : .7 **"18-2.0 -2.2 -2.2 -2.*I - 2 -2-3 -2.2 -2.3 -2.9 -3.5 -9.-2.2e5-2.0 -3 -9.5 -2.6 -5 -2.6 -9-3 3.-. - 0 *6-2.2 -2.6 -2.8 *72.5 - -271 -9 -2.7 -3.1 -3.4 -3.2 -2-5 -2.7 -19*. .0 -2.8 Ja .5 00 1a'-. -3.1 -3.-2.9 -27 1.-. 0 0 0 0 -3.3 -3.4 -3-1 -2e5 - .4-1.9 -1.2 -1 .7 00 0 -3.o-3.6- .1-2-3 -2.2 -17 - . .9-3.1 -2.2 -2.4 -2-1 -1.2 -2. 3 0 03 0 0 ,3-2.9 -3.. -3.8 - 00 00 -300 -2.. -3.1 -3., -2-9 -2.9 8 .7-2.-2. Do 00 0 000 -2.7 -1.7 -2--2*9-2. 0 0 - M Figure 14. - . - Estimated E-P field, 11 February 1962. Units: mm day~ 1 . -88- 1.91 2.02 1.72 .97M 1.95 -0.89 1,87'1 1.66 3 3 2,49 4 5 ,1.64 1.66 2 1.86 5 4 3 . 1.92 -5.94 2 2.12 3.24 ' : 3.85 2.05 3,.17 *5Q 4.55 3 \4 3 OBSERVED UNITS: EVAPORATION inches FEBRUARY Figure 15. 3 4 month- 1962 Observed monthly eva oration, February 1962. Units: inches month . PRECIPITATION VOLUMES , AREA KM 3 I (LaW/t + V.Q neg) 2018 1614- 1210- 864 -' 01 4 7 I 15 FEBRUARY Figure 16. 19 23 1962 Daily precipitation volumes, Area 1. 27 KM3 t - Ineg) niiW/- 2018161412 0 10 8- I I't 6 I \ ' I 4-I 2-e 4 Figure 17. 7 I1 15 FEBRUARY 19 23 1962 Daily precipitation volumes, Area 2. 27 PRECIPITATION VOLUMES . AREA 3 KM 3 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 4 7 Figure 18. I 15 FEBRUARY 19 1962 23 Daily precipitation volumes, Area 3. 27 KM3 Degs. 20- , 0 lB 16 -10 14- -20 12 - -30 Co 10- -40 8 -50 6 - -60 4 -70 2- -80 0 4 Figure 19. 7 I 15 FEBRUARY 19 23 27 1962 Inflow-direction deviations from 2400. Also shown are daily observed precipitation volumes for Area 3. 90 A AR EA I .FA 1 DAILY ME AN MEAN .AILY PRECIPITATION FOR 6-DAY PERIODS Observed Estimated KM 3 2018161412I O- FEBRUARY Figure 20. 1962 Area-1 daily mean precipitation for 6-day periods. AREA 2. DAILY MEAN PRECIPITATION FOR 6- DAY PERIODS. Observed Estimated 3 KM 20F- 16 14 - FEBRUARY Figure 21. 1962 Area-2 daily mean precipitation for 6-day periods. 3. AREA DAILY MEAN PRECIPITATION FOR 6- DAY PERIODS. KM3 2018161412- Co 1086 4- 0 4 to 16 FEBRUARY 22 27 1962 Figure 22. Area-3 daily mean precipitation for 6-day periods. -96- BIBLIOGRAPHY Ackerman, William C., 1965: Committee on status and needs in hydrology: a look at data and instrumentation. Trans. AGU, 46, 700-715. Benton, G. S., R. T. Blackburn, and V. 0. Snead, 1950: The role of the atmosphere in the hydrologic cycle. Trans. AGU, 31, 61-73. Benton, G. S., and M. A. Estoque, 1954: Water vapor transfer over the North American Continent. J. Meteor., 11, 462-477. Bock, P., H. M, Frazier and J. G. Welsh, 1967: Moisture flux over North America, II, 99 pp. Final report 7477-244, Contract Cwb-11313, The Travelers Research Center, Inc., Hartford, Conn. Colman, E. A., 1945: Report of the committee on evaporation and transpiration, 1944-1945. Trans. AGU, 26, 451-455. Drinkwater, W. 0., and B. E. Jones, 1957: Relation of potential evapotranspiration to environment and kind of plant. Trans. AGU, 38, 524-528. Eddy, Amos, 1967: The statistical objective analysis of scalar data fields. J. Appl. Meteor., 6, 597-609. Ferruzza, D., 1967: Analysis of synoptic scale water vapor transport. S. M. Thesis, M. I. T., 100 pp. Hastenrath, S. L.,1 1966: The flux of atmospheric water vapor over the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. J. Appl. Meteor., 5, 778-788. Hutchings, J. W., 1957: Water vapor flux and flux divergence over southern England: summer 1954. Quart. J. R. Meteor. Soc., 83, 30-48. LaRue, J. A., and R. J. Younkin, 1963: Large-scale precipitation volumes, gradients, and distribution. Mon. Wea. Rev., 91, 393-401. -97- Linsley, Ray K., 1951: The hydrologic cycle and its relation to meteorology-river forecasting. Compendium of Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, 1048-1050. Mather, J. R., -1961: The climatic water balance. 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J. , 1963: Evaporation and transpiration. Trans. AGU, 44, 556-558. Starr, V. P., and J. P. Peixoto, 1958: On the global balance of water vapor and the hydrology of deserts. Tellus, 10, 188-194. Thornthwaite, C. W., et al., 1964: Average climatic water balance data of the continents, part VII, United States. Pubs. in Climatology, 17, 615 pp. C. W. Thornthwaite Associates Laboratory of Climatology, Centerton, N. J. 98-- Thornthwaite, C. W., and F. Kenneth Hare, 1965: The loss of water to the air. Met:cor, Monographs, 6, 163-180. Am. Meteor. Soc., Boston, Mass. U. S. Department of Commerce - Weather Bureau: Climatological Data - State Monthly Summaries, February 1962. van Bavel, C. H. M., et al., 1963: Surface energy balance in arid lands agriculture 1960-61. Prod. Res. Rept. No. 76, Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 46 pp. Water Resources Committee, 1966: In committee reports, soil characteristics in the hydrologic continuum. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., 30, 418-421. Weiss, L. L. and W. T. Wilson, 1958: Precipitation gage shields. Trans. Int. Assn. Sci. Hydrology, 1, 462-484. White, R. M., 1950: The meridional eddy flux of energy. Quart. J. R. Meteor. Soc., 77, 188-199. -99- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am most grateful to the United States Air Force for making my residence at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology possible. The atmosphere created through the efforts of dedicated MIT professors and students alike has been most conducive to learning. Especially noteworthy have been the advice, encouragement and continued support of Professors V. P. Starr, J. P. Peixoto, E. N. Loi-enz, and J. M. Austin. I also wish to thank Capt. David Ferruzza, who stimulated the interest which led to the study just concluded. The tremendous data processing job was conducted through support of the National Science Foundation and performed by the Travelers Research Center (TRC), Hartford, Conn. The coordin- ator at TRC was Mr. Howard Frazier; vertical integral programs were by Mr. Edward Sweeton, and the intricate objective analysis routines for all fields were written by Mr. James G. Welsh. Pre- cipitation data were furnished by Mr. W. M. McMurray of the National Weather Records Center and punched on cards at MIT. Many hours preparing the data for punching were spent by the author's wife, Eloise. Drafting of the figures was done by Miss Isabelle Kole, and the manuscript was typed by Mrs. Cynthia Webster. tiring efforts I am most grateful. For their un-