Marist Economic Report of the Hudson Valley Annual 2007 June 2008 Bureau of Economic Research Dr. Christy Huebner Caridi, Director Dr. Elmore R. Alexander, Dean MARIST COLLEGE School of Management Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-1387 ECONOMIC REPORT of the HUDSON VALLEY ANNUAL 2007 MARIST COLLEGE Dr. Christy Huebner Caridi Bureau of Economic Research School of Management Poughkeepsie, New York 12601 Edited by Dana Gavin, M.A. June 2008 This report is available on the Bureau of Economic Research homepage at The support of research assistant Amanda Pfister and student intern David Betz is acknowledged and appreciated. While every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this report is accurate, Marist College cannot be held responsible for any remaining errors. TEXT DATA Introduction 1-2 — Employment by Place of Residence 3-4 30-33 Non-Farm Employment by Place of Work 4-5 34-35 Select Average Weekly Wages by Place of Work — 36-37 Total U.S. Non-Farm Employment — 38 U.S. Manufacturing: Hours, Hourly and Weekly Wages — 39-42 Employment and Wage Trends 5-11 43-97 Total Personal Income 12-16 43-97 Per-Capita Income 17 43-97 Monthly Income Maintenance Benefits 17-18 99-105 Regional Inflation 18-19 106-107 Migration 19-20 108-118 Home Sales, Prices, and Permits 21-23 119-125 Average Housing Values and Income 23-25 — Sub-Prime and Alt-A Loans 25-28 — Components of Population Change — 126 Sales Tax Collection 28 127 Bankruptcies 28 128-129 Economic Report of the Hudson Valley The Economic Report of the Hudson Valley is an annual report published by the Bureau of Economic Research at Marist College. Its primary goal is to examine and codify existing and emerging trends across the region. As a general rule, trends are a valuable indictor of future economy activity. However, on a day-to-day basis, economic activity can diverge from trend. That said, the slowdown in the national economy is beginning to impact the regional and state economies in an important way. Unemployment is rising, manufacturing activity is contracting, and the growth in personal income (New York State) is beginning to show signs of weakness. Adding to these problems is the continuing contraction in the housing market and the rising cost of necessities. Taken together, these factors will amplify an already weaken household sector. In the year 2007, employment gains in the service sector compensated for the on-going contraction in manufacturing employment. At year-end, 69% of all private sector jobs were in the service sector and 6.5 % were in the manufacturing sector. Since 2003, manufacturing has shed 5,100 jobs: the private service sector has created 28,400 jobs. The continuing structural shift away from manufacturing employment toward employment in the service sector has impacted the regional labor market and economy in an important way. Across the Hudson Valley and on average, wages in the service sector are 62% of the average wages in the manufacturing. Moreover, because of continued slack in the regional labor force, a skill mismatch, and the relative scarcity of high-paying jobs, there has been very little upward pressure on the real wages, salaries and benefits paid to the typical service sector employee. In contrast, there has been significant upward pressure on the cost of living. Additionally, because the regional labor force is growing faster than the number of employment opportunities within the region, an increasing number of residents are employed outside of the Hudson Valley. As a direct consequence, the northernmost counties—Columbia and Greene—are becoming more dependent on the Capital Region, and the lower Hudson Valley has become more closely aligned with New York City. In the year 2006, the net inflow of wages, salaries and benefits into the region, at $23 billion, was 27.83% of total earned income. Moreover, this inflow accounted for 33% of the growth in wages, salaries and benefits between 2005 and 2006. Historically (and on average), wages, salaries and benefits track employment opportunities and the cost of living within defined regions across the county. As the lower Hudson Valley becomes more integrated with and dependent on NYC for gainful employment, the area’s cost of living will more closely track the cost of living in NYC. An early manifestation of this emerging trend is the relationship of income to housing costs. Across the region, the cost of buying a home continues to rise faster than income. At year-end, the average selling price of an existing home at $601,083 was 126.0% above the national average and 73.4% above the average in New York State. In contrast, average wages ranged from a high of $58,000 in Westchester to a low of $28,000 in Greene (income numbers are from 2006). The consequence of this mismatch 1 between income and housing costs is increased outward migration—28,653 households have left the Hudson Valley since 2000—inter-regional migration away from the southernmost counties and a growing pool of residents who cannot afford to purchase a home within the region. Further, while long-term homeowners have experienced a substantial increase in housing wealth, the increase in assessed valuations, insurance, and maintenance costs is demanding an ever-increasing share of disposable income. Add to this the increase in fuel, utilities, food costs and the real possibility of future price increases, and the net result is a smaller pool of discretionary income available for the purchase of “other” goods and services and saving. While the Hudson Valley has not suffered a direct hit from the national housing crisis—activity on the high-end is holding up average housing values—this does not imply that the region is immune. There are four main avenues of concern: the ongoing credit crisis, financial fragility in the household sector, pockets of foreclosure activity and a significant reduction in housing wealth. The credit crisis has resulted in a marked decline in the level of funds available to finance residential real estate. As a result, it has become challenging for existing homeowners to refinance and /or secure home equity loans; draw from existing home equity lines—banks have been calling in the unused portion—and for potential homeowners to secure initial finance. This in turn has contributed to the reduction in sales activity. On average, falling sales activity predates falling home prices. That said, the housing crisis can not pass until such time as the credit markets resume normal trading activity and the banks resume lending. Another important concern is financial fragility in the household sector. An increasing number of households in the region have reported (2006) that their mortgage costs are in excess of 30% of their yearly income. This number is bound to increase as adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) originated after late 2005 are reset to higher interest rates. According to Realty Trac, foreclosure filing in New York State increased from 9,463 fillings in the first quarter of 2007 to14,002 fillings in the first quarter of 2008. Across the region, the largest quarter-to-quarter increases in lis pendens fillings—notice of foreclosure— occurred in Westchester, Rockland and Putnam at 629, 241 and 110, respectively. Lastly, during the housing boom, rising home equity was used as collateral to secure credit and that credit financed an unprecedented increase in consumer spending. As housing prices decline—nationwide housing wealth fell $525 billion between the fourth quarter of 2007 and the first quarter of 2008—and collateral shrinks, the banking system has severely limited the availability of new secured and unsecured credit. In April of this year, 55% of the banks polled by the Federal Reserve indicated that they have tightened lending standards. This has all but eliminated an important source of consumer spending and a primary source of wealth creation and debt repayment. The consequence to the national and region economies is a slow-down in the growth of real consumption and increased saving and debt repayment out of current income. This behavioral shift—contractionary in nature—will amplify an already weakened economy. Early indicators in the second district—which includes the Hudson Valley—point to slower retail sales and an increase in commercial and consumer loan delinquencies. Moreover, consumer confidence in the NY, NJ, and CT—as reported by the Conference Board—has been trending downward and reached a fifteen year low in May of this year. 2 Employment by Place of Residence (2007) ► Labor Force contracted by 1.1% ►The Number of Jobs fell across the Region ► The Regional Unemployment Rate declined 1.8% relative to 2006 A widespread reduction in labor force participation by Hudson Valley residents resulted in a contraction of the regional labor force from 1,217,647 persons in 2006 to 1,203,650 persons in 2007. This 13,997 person (1.1%) decline in labor force participation is the first significant decrease in the labor force since the 1.03% contraction in 1994. Coincident with the drop in the number of persons willing and able to work was a 12,587 (1.1%) reduction in the number of jobs. Chart One Pencentage change in Labor Force and Employment betw een 2006 and 2007 Colum bia Dutche s s Gr e e ne Or ange Putnam Rock land Sullivan Uls te r We s tche s te r Huds on V alle y Ne w Yor k State U.S. -3.00% -2.50% -2.00% -1.50% -1.00% -0.50% Percentage Change in Labor Force 0.00% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% Percentage Change in Em ploym ent Because labor force participation fell by more than the cutback in available jobs (Chart One), the average annual unemployment rate for the Hudson Valley region fell 1.8%, from 3.89% in 2006 to 3.82% in 2007. Statewide, the increase in available jobs lagged behind the change in the labor force, resulting in an increase in the unemployment rate from 4.48% in 2006 to 4.54% in 2007. The average unemployment rate in the U.S. was virtually unchanged at 4.63%. Across the region, Putnam and Rockland had the lowest average unemployment rates, at 3.25% and 3.60%, respectively. The highest average unemployment rates were in 3 Sullivan at 5.00% and Greene at 4.70%. Columbia County experienced the largest increase in unemployment, from 3.74% in 2006 to 4.27% in 2007. Chart Two Average Annual Unemployment Rate 2007 2006 5.50% 5.00% 4.50% 4.00% 3.50% 3.00% 2.50% . .S U YS N y Va te H tc h ud so n es ls U es W l le r te r n ll i va d kl oc R Su an am tn ge Pu ra n O re e s G a ut ch es D um bi ol C ne 2.00% Non-farm Employment by Place of Work 1 ►Goods producing industries added 1,100 new jobs ►Service providing industries added 7,000 new jobs ►Employment in the government sector expanded 2,700 For the year 2007, total non-farm employment in the Hudson Valley rose 1.17% (from 951,100 in 2006 to 962,200 in 2007). Private employment expanded .87%. Employment in the government sector rose .30% and accounted for 26% of the increase in total non-farm employment for the year. Across the region, the largest increase in the number of persons employed occurred in the Putnam-Rockland-Westchester Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) at 11,300. Greene County experienced the greatest percentage increase at 2.72%: 50% of this increase occurred in the service-providing industries of trade, transportation and utilities. Over the same time frame, employment in the Kingston and the PoughkeepsieNewburg-Middletown MSAs declined. Statewide, 125,500 new jobs were created, resulting in a 1.46% increase in employment compared to 2006. The structural change away from employment in the manufacturing sector toward the service sector continued throughout 2007. Across the region, employment in the private service-providing industries advanced 1.07% (7,000 jobs) while employment in the 1 Preliminary statistics 4 manufacturing sector fell 1.77% (1,100 jobs). Over the same time period, manufacturing employment in New York State declined 2.5% (14,400 jobs). Nationwide employment in the manufacturing sector fell 1.98% (1,000,000 jobs). During the five-year period ending in 2007, employment in the private serviceproviding industries advanced 3.7% (28,400 jobs). Employment in the manufacturing sector declined 7.6% (5,100 jobs). Currently, manufacturing employment accounts for 6.44% of all employment by place of work, compared to 7.22% in 2003. Statewide, employment in the manufacturing has declined 9.8% (59,900 jobs) since 2003; nationwide, total manufacturing employment has declined 4.31% (5,700,000 jobs). On a job replacement basis, over the five-year period ending in 2006, the private service-providing industries created 3.88 jobs for each manufacturing job that left the region. In the year 2006, the private job replacement ratio was 3 to 1. In other words, the region added 3 jobs in the private service industries for each job lost in the manufacturing industry. However, while the increase in employment in the service industries more than compensated for the reduction of employment in manufacturing, the jobs are not equivalent. Average wages in the service sector in 2006 were 62% of the average wages in the manufacturing sector. Accordingly, on an average wage basis, one manufacturing job is equivalent to 1.62 jobs in the service providing industries. For the region in the year 2006, the increase in average annual wages paid by the service providing industries (at $103.3 million) more than compensated for the $55.7 million reduction in the wage bill in the manufacturing sector. However, the aforementioned aggregate data neither addresses nor exposes the impact on the individual and/or family unit. Accordingly, while there has been no direct monetary impact on the regional economy from the movement away from manufacturing toward services, the same cannot be said for individual households across the region. County Employment and Wage Trends by Industry: Years 2002-2006 2 In the year 2006, the highest paid private sector jobs by industry were in management of companies and enterprises, finance and insurance, and professional and technical services. Of the 91,457 jobs within these industries, the vast majority (60.17%) were located in Westchester, followed by Orange, Rockland, and Dutchess at 10.39%, 10.24%, and 8.41%, respectively. However, Westchester was the only county in the region with a concentration in these industries above the national average, at 1.64 for management of companies and enterprises, 1.16 for finance and insurance, and 1.04 for professional and technical services. The national average is 1. The average wages in these industries were the highest in Westchester County and the lowest in the northern counties of Columbia and Greene (Chart Three). Over the five-year period ending in 2006, employment in management of companies and enterprises grew the fastest in 2 Final CES statistics 5 Ulster at 22.63%; followed by Dutchess at 22.11% and Westchester at 5.35%. The fiveyear employment growth in finance and insurance ranged from a positive 5.05% in Westchester to a negative 5.4% in Columbia. Employment growth in professional and technical services ranged from a positive 5.71% in Columbia to a negative 7.35% in Greene (Chart Four). The second highest paying private sector jobs by industry were in manufacturing, warehousing, mining, and utilities3 . In 2006 there were 62,478 jobs in the manufacturing sector: 73.95% of these jobs were located in Westchester, Dutchess, Rockland, and Orange at 29.47%, 23.74%, 18.19%, and 12.55% of total manufacturing employment, respectively. Across the region, Dutchess is the only county with a concentration in manufacturing employment above the national average at 1.24 versus 1 for the U.S. Average wages in the manufacturing sector were the highest in Westchester at $93.561, followed by Dutchess at $84,945. The lowest paying manufacturing jobs were located in Columbia at $40,466 and Sullivan at $29,006 (Chart Three). Over the five-year period ending 2006, employment in manufacturing grew in Sullivan, Putnam, and Greene at 5.73%, 3.45%, and 1.82%, respectively. Over the same period, manufacturing employment contracted in Columbia at -2.26%, Dutchess at -2.95%, Orange at -3.74%, Rockland at .-37%, Ulster at -6.65% and Westchester at -2.96%. In 2006 there were 34,495 jobs in the warehousing trade industry: 82.86% of these jobs were located in the southern counties of Westchester, Orange, and Rockland at 47.91%, 20.94%, and 14.01% of total warehousing employment, respectively. Average wages in this industry ranged from a high of $80,512 in Westchester is a low of $35,316 in Columbia. Over the five-year period ending 2006, warehousing employment grew the fastest in Putnam and Greene at 5.34% and 4.90%. Warehousing employment fell in Columbia, Ulster and Westchester. The lowest paying private sector jobs by industry were in accommodation and food services, arts, entertainment and recreation, and retail trade. In the year 2006, these three industry groups employed one out of every four workers in the private sector (25.46%). The counties with the highest concentrations were Greene, Ulster, and Sullivan at 42.49%, 33.54% and 32.98% of total private sector employment, respectively. ♦ 3 Because of incomplete regional data, mining and utilities cannot be properly examined. For county level data (where available) see the data appendix. 6 Chart Three Average Wages 2006 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 Columbia Dutchess Finance and Insurance Greene Orange Putnam Professional and Technical Rockland Sullivan Ulster Westchester Management of Companies and Enterprises Average Wages 2006 $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 $0 Columbia Dutchess Greene Mining Orange Utilities Putnam Rockland Manufacturing Sullivan Ulster Westchester Ulster Westchester W holesale Trade Average Wages 2006 $35,000 $30,000 $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $0 Columbia Dutchess Retail Trade Greene Orange Putnam Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Data Source: New York State Department of Labor 7 Rockland Sullivan Accommodation and Food Services Chart Four Fastest Growing Jobs by County: Five Year Growth (2002-2006) COLUMBIA Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Accommodation and Food Services Professional and Technical Services Educational Services 4.39% 5.21% 5.71% 5.87% DUTCHESS Transport.& Warehousing Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Mining Management of Comp.& Enterp. 5.01% 6.25% 22.11% 8.87% GREENE Wholesale Trade Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Construction Educational Services 4.90% 5.86% 7.91% 8.85% ORANGE Professional and Technical Services Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Administrative and Waste Services Unclassified 3.92% 5.32% 5.58% 10.10% PUTNAM Wholesale Trade Educational Services Unclassified Administrative and Waste Services 5.34% 5.65% 10.57% 13.03% ROCKLAND State Government Management of Comp.& Enterp. Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Unclassified 3.31% 4.88% 8.40% 13.43% SULLIVAN Admin. & Waste Construction Mining Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 7.23% 9.79% 10.53% 23.30% ULSTER Unclassified Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Admin. & Waste Management of Comp.& Enterp. 8.85% 9.08% 10.53% 22.63% WESTCHESTER Unclassified Transport.& Warehousing Finance and Insurance Management of Comp.& Enterp. 4.47% 4.70% 5.05% 5.35% 3% 5% 8% Data: New York State Department of Labor 8 10% 13% 15% 18% 20% 23% 25% Chart Five Average Compensation in the Fastest Growing Jobs by County: Year 2006 COLUMBIA Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Accommodation and Food Services Professional and Technical Services Educational Services $28,746 $11,304 $41,625 $21,143 DUTCHESS Transport.& Warehousing Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Mining Management of Comp.& Enterp. $34,382 $18,940 $56,292 $53,784 GREENE Wholesale Trade Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Construction Educational Services $37,862 $28,313 $37,686 $23,100 ORANGE Professional and Technical Services Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Administrative and Waste Services Unclassified $46,226 $31,452 $26,333 $24,194 PUTNAM Wholesale Trade Educational Services Unclassified Administrative and Waste Services $53,909 $38,648 $29,549 $31,778 ROCKLAND State Government Management of Comp.& Enterp. Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Unclassified $29,664 $64,420 $18,464 $19,267 SULLIVAN Admin. & Waste Construction Mining Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation $24,779 $36,366 $49,348 $21,010 ULSTER Unclassified Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Admin. & Waste Management of Comp.& Enterp. $24,857 $21,227 $33,945 $46,358 WESTCHESTER Unclassified Transport.& Warehousing Finance and Insurance Management of Comp.& Enterp. $41,600 $45,378 $111,653 $0 $50,000 Data: New York State Department of Labor 9 $100,000 $150,000 $209,301 $200,000 $250,000 Chart Six Five Year Growth in the Highest Paid Jobs by County (Numbers in Red are Negatives) COLUMBIA Federal Government Professional and Technical Mining State Government 2.36% 5.71% 3.50% 2.62% DUTCHESS Management of Comp.& Enterp. Mining Wholesale Trade Manufacturing 22.11% 8.87% 3.08% 2.95% GREENE Federal Government Manufacturing Management of Comp.& Enterp. State Government 3.37% 1.82% 0.00% 0.11% ORANGE State Government Mining Utilities Management of Comp.& Enterp. 3.29% 7.04% 0.71% 2.28% PUTNAM Information Finance and Insurance State Government Management of Comp.& Enterp. 1.98% 2.52% 1.49% 0.00% ROCKLAND Information Manufacturing Utilities Management of Comp.& Enterp. 4.61% 0.37% 1.12% 4.88% SULLIVAN Federal Government Mining Finance and Insurance State Government 2.23% 0.62% 10.53% 3.19% ULSTER Finance and Insurance State Government Federal Government Management of Comp.& Enterp. 2.40% 2.07% 1.51% 22.63% WESTCHESTER Manufacturing Utilities Finance and Insurance Management of Comp.& Enterp. 2.96% 2.49% 5.05% 5.35% 0% 5% 10% Data: New York State Department of Labor 10 15% 20% 25% Chart Seven Average Compensation paid in the Highest paid Jobs by County:Year 2006 COLUMBIA Federal Government Professional and Technical Mining State Government $43,749 $45,382 $55,462 $58,239 DUTCHESS Management of Comp.& Enterp. Mining Wholesale Trade Manufacturing $53,783 $56,292 $56,795 $84,945 GREENE Federal Government Manufacturing Management of Comp.& Enterp. State Government $44,733 $47,348 $51,794 $61,372 ORANGE State Government Mining Utilities Management of Comp.& Enterp. $59,578 $65,468 $79,546 $84,516 PUTNAM Information Finance and Insurance State Government Management of Comp.& Enterp. $55,561 $57,266 $61,345 $74,567 ROCKLAND Information Manufacturing Utilities Management of Comp.& Enterp. $67,881 $69,755 $81,658 $99,564 SULLIVAN Federal Government Mining Finance and Insurance State Government $44,220 $49,349 $56,228 $56,707 ULSTER Finance and Insurance State Government Federal Government Management of Comp.& Enterp. $47,696 $49,532 $50,096 $51,008 WESTCHESTER Manufacturing Utilities Finance and Insurance Management of Comp.& Enterp. $93,561 $99,595 $111,651 $0 $50,000 $100,000 Data: New York State Department of Labor 11 $209,299 $150,000 $200,000 $250,000 Total Personal Income (2006) ►Net Earnings by Residence increased $4.60 billion ►Interest, Dividends and Rents increased $3.00 billion ►Transfer Payments advanced $1.00 Billion According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, total personal income (TPI) 4 for residents of the Hudson Valley advanced 7.55%, from $114 billion in 2005 5 to $122.7 billion in 2006. The $8.7 billion increase is explained by a $4.60 billion advance in net earnings by residence, a $3.00 billion increase in income on real and financial assets— interest, dividends and rents— and a $1.00 billion increase in transfer payments. Table One Total Personal Income: Year 2006 (In Thousands of dollars) Source: BEA Earnings by Residence Earnings from Real and Financial Assets Transfer Payments Total Personal Income Columbia $1,306,920 $445,846 $418,276 $2,171,042 Dutchess $8,100,568 $1,898,642 $1,631,232 $11,630,442 Greene $929,761 $209,956 $320,483 $1,460,200 Orange $8,857,423 $1,662,065 $1,946,196 $12,465,684 Putnam $3,565,564 $680,133 $486,766 $4,732,463 $10,754,921 $2,423,851 $1,897,958 $15,076,730 Sullivan $1,416,305 $345,712 $589,711 $2,351,728 Ulster $3,816,567 $1,032,769 $1,116,424 $5,965,760 Westchester $44,097,013 $16,480,202 $6,280,709 $66,857,924 Hudson Valley $82,845,042 $25,179,176 $14,687,755 $122,711,973 NYS $559,901,772 $148,804,631 $140,230,364 $848,936,717 U.S. $7,505,336,000 $1,850,122,000 $1,612,935,000 $10,968,393,000 Rockland Total personal income in the U.S. and New York State advanced 6.65% and 7.45%, respectively. Within the Hudson Valley, Ulster experienced the largest year-to-year increase at 8.19% followed by Westchester and Rockland at 8.09% and 8.06%, respectively. Sullivan County recorded the smallest increase at 4.25%. 4 Total personal income is the sum of earnings by place of residence, income on real and financial assets and transfer payments. It is the most inclusive definition of regional income. 5 In April of 2008, The Bureau of Economic Analysis released revised 2005 income numbers. 12 Net Earnings by Residence (2006) The net earnings of residents 1 of the Hudson Valley increased 5.95%, from $78.2 billion in 2005 to $82.8 billion in 2006. Residents of Westchester, Sullivan and Greene experienced the largest increase in net earnings, followed by Rockland and Orange. Ulster County recorded the smallest increase at 2.14% (Chart Eight). Chart Eight Percentage Change in Nominal Net Earnings by Place of Residence: 20052006 Source : BEA 4.01% Dutche s s 6.36% Gre e ne 4.97% Orange 4.62% Putnam 5.44% Rock land 7.25% Sullivan Uls te r 2.14% 7.31% We s tche s te r 5.95% Huds on V alle y 6.50% NYS 5.66% .U.S Adjustment for Residence 2 (2006) ► Net Inflow of Wages, Salaries, and Benefits increased 7.11% In the year 2006, the number of Hudson Valley residents who worked outside of their resident county increased by 8,900 persons, from 287,000 in 2005 to 296,000 in 2006. Over the same time period, the net inflow of wages, salaries, and benefits (residence adjustment) into the region increased 7.11%, from $21.50 billion in 2005 to $23.00 billion in 2006. Across the region, the percentage of residents willing and able to work—in the labor force—who were employed outside of their county of residence ranged from a high of 55.42% in Putnam to a low of 15.93% in Westchester (Chart Nine). 1 Net earnings by residence consist of earnings by place of work, less contributions to government social insurance, plus adjustment for residence. 2 The adjustment for residence captures the wage, salary and benefits earned by Hudson Valley residents who reside in one county and work in another. 13 Chart Nine P ercent of County Labor Force that is Employed in another County (year 2006) 55.42% 40.45% 33.57% 33.26% 28.64% 26.36% 28.74% 21.55% 15.93% Columbia Dutchess Greene Orange Putnam Rockland Sullivan Ulster W estchester In the year 2006, the average resident adjustment per worker was the highest in Westchester at $142,357 and the lowest in Sullivan, at $32,383 (Chart Ten). Chart Ten Average Wages, Salaries, and Benefits of County Residents Who Work Outside their Resident County (year 2006) $142,357 $69,271 $80,344 $57,654 $47,596 $36,640 Columbia $33,202 Dutchess Greene Orange Putnam Rockland $32,383 $35,785 Sullivan Ulster W estchester The largest year-to-year increase in the residence adjustment occurred in Dutchess, Sullivan, and Westchester at 16.04%, 9.45% and 8.52%, respectively. Rockland and Ulster experienced the smallest increases at 1.68% and 2.47%, respectively. Over the five-year period ending 2006, the counties that experienced the greatest growth in the adjustment for residence were Dutchess, Sullivan, and Rockland, at 8.51%, 5.76%, and 5.21%, respectively. The adjustment for residence grew 4.91% in 14 Columbia, 4.90% in Ulster, 4.65% in Westchester, 4.47% in Putnam, 3.66 % in Orange and 2.37% in Greene. Earnings from Real and Financial Assets (2006) ►Interest, Dividends, and Rent advanced 13.4% For the region, earnings from real and financial assets increased 13.40%, compared to a 16.28% advance for the U.S. and a 12.08% increase in New York State. Income from real and financial assets increased the fastest in Westchester at 14.62%, followed by Ulster and Columbia a 12.57% and 12.07%, respectively. Transfer Payments (2006) ►Transfer payments expanded 7.31% compared to a 6.58% advance statewide and a 6.04% increase nationwide. Transfer payments include but are not limited to retirement and disability benefits, OldAge, Survivors and Disability Insurance Benefits, medical benefits, income maintenance benefits, state unemployment insurance compensation, veteran’s benefits, federal training and educational assistance. In the year 2006, per-capita transfer payments in the Hudson Valley region were $6,174. This is 114.4% of the National average and 85% of the state average. Across the region, Sullivan County had the Chart Eleven Per-Capita Transfer Payments:Year 2006 Source BEA $6,683 Colum bia $5,583 Dutche s s $6,502 Gre e ne $5,202 Orange $4,903 Putnam $6,414 Rock land $7,785 Sullivan $6,140 Uls te r $6,625 We s tche s te r $6,174 Huds on V alle y $7,273 NYS $5,399 U.S. $3,000 $3,500 $4,000 $4,500 $5,000 15 $5,500 $6,000 $6,500 $7,000 $7,500 $8,000 highest per-capita transfer payments at $7,785. Putnam County had the lowest at $4,903. Contribution to Total Personal Income by Source (2006) The three primary sources of total personal income (TPI) are wages, salaries and benefits (earned income); interest, dividends, and rent (unearned income); and transfer payments. Nationwide, in the year 2006, 68.43% of total personal income was derived from earned income, 16.87% from unearned income and 14.71% from transfer payments. In New York Sate, the earned income component of TPI was lower at 65.95% of TPI, while unearned income and transfer payments were both higher at 17.53% and 16.52% of TPI, respectively. Across the Hudson Valley, and on average, Chart Twelve Contribution to TPI by Source: Year 2006 Source: BEA 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% Dutche s s Gre e ne Orange Putnam W ages, Salaries, and Benefits Rock land Sullivan Uls te r We s tche s te r Interest, Dividends, and Rent NYS U.S. Transfer Payments 67.51% of TPI was earned income, 20.52% was unearned income, and transfer payments were 11.97% of TPI. Within the region, earned income as a percent of TPI was the highest in Putnam and Rockland, at 75.34% and 71.33% of TPI. Earned income as a percent of TPI was the lowest in Columbia and Sullivan at 60.20% and 60.22% of TPI. Unearned income as a percent of TPI was the highest in Westchester at 24.65% of TPI, followed by Columbia at 20.54% of TPI. Unearned income was the lowest in Orange and Putnam at 13.33% and 14.37% of TPI. Transfer payments were the highest in Sullivan at 25.08% of TPI and lowest in Westchester at 9.39% of TPI. 16 Per Capita Total Personal Income (2006) ►Per Capita Income in the Hudson Valley: $51,580 In the year 2006, the per capita income in Westchester, Rockland, and Putnam counties at $70,519, $50,947 and $47,665, respectively were above both the U.S. and state per capita incomes of $36,714 and $44,027, respectively. The per capita income of Dutchess County, at $39,803, was 8.41% above the National level, but fell 9.59% below the state average. The per capita incomes across the remaining Hudson Valley counties were below both the national and state average. Across the region, with the exception of Putnam County, the year-to-year change in TPI exceeded the year-to-year change in per capita income: this relationship occurs when the change in population exceeds the change in TPI. Chart Thirteen 2006 Per Capita Nominal Income as a percentage of U.S. and NYS Per Capita Income: Data Source BEA Colum bia Dutche s s Gre e ne Orange Putnam Rock land Sullivan Uls te r We s tche s te r Huds on Valle y NYS U.S. 55% 70% 85% 100% 115% U.S. 130% 145% 160% 175% 190% 205% NYS Monthly Income Maintenance Benefits (2007) ►Total Income Maintenance Benefits increased 5.57% relative to 2006 ►Expenditures on food stamps increased 7.17% Across the region, total expenditures on income maintenance benefits advanced 5.67% in 2007, compared to a 2.99% increase in 2006 and a 1.64% increase in 2005. Statewide, expenditures on transfer payments increased 2.82% for the full year 2007. The largest percentage increases in monthly expenditures on income maintenance 17 benefits occurred in Orange, Rockland and Dutchess counties at 7.79%, 6.44% and 6.34%, respectively. Across the region, expenditures on temporary assistance increased 5.0% while the number of recipients fell 4.2% compared to 2006. The largest percentage increases in expenditures on temporary assistance occurred in Columbia, Orange, and Sullivan at 13.0%, 11.8% and 8.3%, respectively. During the same time period, the number of recipients increased in Columbia and Orange at 3.9% and .30%: in Sullivan, the number of recipients fell 3.8%. Expenditures on supplemental security income increase 5.19% across the region. The largest percentage increases occurred in Ulster, Westchester, and Orange, at 6.07%, 5.91%, and 5.89%, respectively. Region wide, expenditures on food stamps advanced 7.17% while the number of recipients increased 3.38% relative to the 2006. In the 2007, the average monthly food stamp expenditure per recipient was $99.54 compared to $96.00 in 2006. Chart Fourteen The Change In Total Income Maintenance Payments 2006-2007 Source: NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance 7.79% 6.44% 6.34% 5.08% 3.16% 5.04% 5.24% Ulster W estchester 2.98% 1.64% Columbia Dutchess Greene Orange Putnam Rockland Sullivan Regional Inflation The all item CPI (prices of all goods and services) in the New York- Northern New Jersey-Long Island metropolitan statistical area (MSA) increased at an annual rate of 2.8% for the full year 2007 down from 3.8% for the full year 2006. As of April 2008, the all item inflation rate for the New York- Northern New Jersey- Long Island MSA was 3.6% compared to 2.5% in April of 2007. Over the same time frame, the U.S. City Average all items CPI advanced 3.9%. Across the region, core inflation—all items less food and energy— advanced 2.00% in April 2008 relative to April 2007. Historically, food and housing has the largest impact on the typical household budget at 30% of total personal expenditures, followed by medical costs at 20%. Gasoline, household energy, and other services account for 2.8%, 3%, and 7%, respectively. The current estimate for gasoline as a percentage of total spending is 7%. 18 Table Two 12 Month Percentage Change as Reported by the BLS Core New York-Northern NJ- Long Island Apr-08 2.00% U.S. City Average Apr-07 2.10% Dec-07 2.30% Dec-06 3.40% Apr-08 2.30% Apr-07 2.30% Dec-07 2.30% Dec-06 2.50% All Items 3.60% 2.50% 2.80% 3.80% 3.90% 2.60% 2.80% 3.20% Food Rent Primary Residence Owner's Equivalent Rent Household Energy 5.50% 4.00% 4.00% 3.10% 5.10% 3.70% 4.00% 2.40% 4.70% 4.50% 4.50% 5.20% 3.60% 4.50% 4.30% 3.60% 2.90% 4.10% 3.60% 5.60% 2.60% 3.90% 3.40% 3.50% 11.40% 7.70% 5.40% 8.00% 9.40% 2.50% 2.60% 9.60% Gasoline 20.90% 0.60% 5.70% 13.60% 20.70% 3.20% 8.20% 12.90% 1.90% 5.70% 5.50% 4.00% 4.30% 4.00% 4.40% 4.00% 3.10% 3.20% 3.20% 4.50% 3.90% 2.50% 2.80% 3.20% Medical Services less Medical Migration 8 ►Net Migration into the Region was a Negative 7549 Households ►Migration from New York City was a positive 4215 Households During the period 2005-2006, net migration—defined as inflows less outflows—into the Hudson Valley was a negative 7,549 households. 9 Migration between the Hudson Valley and other New York counties was a positive 4,419 households. Of this total, the region experienced a net inflow of 4,215 households from New York City. Migration between the Hudson Valley and New Jersey, and Connecticut was a negative 1,864 households. Migration outside the tri-state area—defined as New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut——was a negative 11,968 households. The number of households that moved within the Hudson Valley was 12,633. This inter-regional activity accounted for 24% of all outflows and 28% of all inflows. Consistent with earlier findings 10 , migration within the Hudson Valley displayed a near perfect correlation with median housing values: migration flowed from high median housing areas to areas with lower median housing values. The counties that experienced the largest regional inflows were Dutchess at 597 households, followed by Orange and Ulster at 473 households and 344 households, respectively. Westchester experienced a net outflow to all counties in the region; in contrast, Greene and Sullivan experienced net inflows from all counties in the region. 8 9 Data Source: IRS. A household is equivalent to one personal income tax return filed with the U.S. government. 10 Economic Report of the Hudson Valley Annual 2006, Marist College, Bureau of Economic Research 19 During the 2005-2006 period 2,689 households moved into Westchester County from New York City. During the same time frame, 1,376 households moved away from Westchester in favor of other Hudson Valley communities. Of this total, 620 households migrated into Dutchess, 362 to Putnam, and 244 to Orange. During the same period, 324 households moved from Putnam to Dutchess. From Westchester To Dutchess To Putnam To Orange To Duchess From Dutchess, 66 households migrated to Columbia and 238 households migrated to Ulster. The primary migratory flows from Columbia were into Greene. Ulster residents moved into Sullivan. From Dutchess To Columbia To Ulster To Greene To Sullivan From Rockland, 534 households moved into Orange; from Orange, 181 households migrated into Sullivan and 160 households migrated into Ulster. From Orange To Ulster To Sullivan To Sullivan For detailed county by county migratory statistics please refer the data appendix. 20 Home Sales, Prices and Building Permits ► The Sale of Existing Homes continued to decline. ► The Average Housing Price increased 5.73% ►The Median Housing Price fell .22% ►Construction Spending on Single Family Homes declined 28% from peak For the full year 2007, the number of existing homes sold fell 8.7% compared to a 12.34% decline in 2006 and a 7.86% decline in 2005. In the first quarter of 2008, home sales were down 28.77% compared with the same period in 2007. In New York State, existing home sales declined 8.72% on the year. First quarter sales were down 23.47%. Nationwide, sales retrenched 12.75% in 2007 and were down 14.15% compared to the first quarter of 2007. Chart Fifteen $700,000 7,000 $650,000 6,000 $600,000 5,000 $550,000 4,000 $500,000 3,000 $450,000 2,000 $400,000 # Hom es Sold Average Sales Price Hudson Valley Average Sales Price Trend: Data Source NYSAR 1,000 $350,000 $300,000 2003 2004 2005 2006 A vg Sales Price 2007 Homes Sold Each county in the region recorded both a year-to-year and quarter-to-quarter decline in home sales. The largest year-to-year contraction in the number of homes sold occurred in Sullivan, Greene, and Orange at -46.56%, -19.24% and -12.25%, respectively. Westchester and Columbia counties experienced the smallest decline in existing home sales at -.87% and -3.37%. Between the first quarter of 2007 and the first quarter of 2008, the largest percentage declines occurred in Sullivan at -44.21%, Rockland at -36.47% and Orange at -33.20% With the number of homes sold in 2007 falling faster than 2007 sales volume, the average selling price of an existing home in the Hudson Valley rose 5.73% relative to 2006. In contrast, the median selling price fell .22%. During the same time frame, the median selling price of an existing home in New York State and the U.S. declined - 21 3.82% and -1.31%, respectively. The average selling price in New York State increased 3.16%, while nationwide the average selling price declined .82%. Chart Sixteen Average and Median Housing Values 2007 Median Average . .S U YS H W es tc h N r es ud te so r n Va lle y ls te n U va d lli an kl oc R Su am tn ge Pu ra n ne O s re e G ut ch es D C ol um bi a $1,000,000 $900,000 $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $0 By year-end, the average selling price of an existing home in the Hudson Valley at $601,083 was 126.0% above the national average and 73.4% above of the state average. Greene was the only county in the region with an average selling price below the national average. Home prices in Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland and Westchester exceeded both the state and National averages of $346,684 and $266,000, respectively. The median selling price of an existing home in the Hudson Valley, at $340,476, was 55.49% above the national median and 42.46% above the state median. The only counties in the region with median selling prices below the state and national medians were Greene and Sullivan. Since 2003, the average selling price of a singlefamily home in the Hudson Valley has advanced 36.81%; the median selling price has increased 30.19%. 11 Across the Hudson Valley, construction spending on new single-family homes declined 15.51% from $986 million in 2006 to $833 million in 2007. The average cost per permit advanced 2.74% from $230,830 in 2006 to $237,165 in 2006. The number of construction permits fell 17.77% relative to 2006. The largest reduction in aggregate spending occurred in Dutchess at -37.25%, followed by Putnam and Sullivan at 11 When looking at housing data the median selling price captures the cost of a typical home. When the average selling price is greater than the median this is an indication that the distribution of the housing stock is becoming skewed to the left i.e. a large stock of low to medium valued homes with a nontrivial stock of expensive homes. 2007 sales data supports continued activity in the high end of the market. 22 -35.26% and -20.52%, respectively. Rockland and Columbia recorded the smallest declines at -.86% and -3.10%. From the peak in 2005, annual construction spending on single-family homes has declined 28% or $324.86 million. Average Housing Values and Income 12 ►Growth in Average Housing Values outpaced Growth in Income ►Number of Households in Financial Distress continued to climb Between the years 2002-2006, the percentage increase in average housing values in the Hudson Valley increased 16.06% relative to the increase in per-capita income. Over the same time frame, average housing values relative to per capita income advanced 13.92% nationwide and 12.84% in New York State. Within the region, the counties that experienced substantial inter-regional migration from higher median housing cost counties and New York City where the same counties that recorded the largest percentage increases in housing values relative to per-capita income. Chart Seventeen Percentage Increase in Average Housing Values Relative to Per-Capita Income Columbia 40.82% 24.82% Dutchess 30.68% 23.94% 53.46% Greene 51.20% 46.23% 43.02% Orange Putnam 20.41% 10.62% Rockland 43.80% 43.52% Sullivan Ulster Westchester 37.69% 23.42% 12.97% 1.74% Hudson Valley 16.06% 22.89% 25.86% New York 12.84% 13.92% 11.81% U.S. 0.00% 52.32% 39.95% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 2002-2006 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 2002-2005 12 In the long run, housing values display a stable relationship with income, employment and population growth. However, in the short-run, housing values can and do de-link from economic fundamentals. The causative factors in the current economy began in the 1999-2000 period with a portfolio shift away from financial assets toward real estate, coupled with financial deregulation and accommodative monetary policy. Taken together, these factors produced an increase in demand funded by cheap money and innovative finance. The consequence for the regional economy has been an increase in housing inflation that has substantially outpaced the increase in income and population growth. 23 Growth in average housing values relative to the growth in total personal income supports the aforementioned findings. On average, both across the nation and within the region, the growth in total personal income has lagged behind the growth in housing values. As a direct consequence, it is increasing difficult for families within the Hudson Valley to purchase and maintain a household. Further, while long-term homeowners have experienced a substantial increase in housing wealth, the increase in assessed valuations, insurance, fuel and maintenance costs is demanding an ever-increasing share of disposable income. The net result is a smaller pool of disposable income available for the purchase of other goods and services and saving. Chart Eighteen Percentage Grow th in Average Housing Values and Total Personal Income (2002-2006) Columbia 5.63% Dutchess 5.67% 13.09% 11.79% 4.93% Greene 16.69% 5.51% Orange 15.01% 5.36% Putnam 8.16% 6.32% Rockland 16.75% 4.95% Sullivan 15.04% 6.05% Ulster 12.27% 7.24% W estchester 7.55% 6.60% Hudson Valley 10.50% 5.98% New York State 9.54% 5.56% U.S. 2.00% 7.73% 4.00% 6.00% 8.00% Growth in Average Hous ing Values 10.00% 12.00% 14.00% 16.00% 18.00% Growth in Total Pers onal Incom e Coincident with the disjoint between the growth in income and housing values is the increase in the percentage of households in financial distress. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that between the years 2002 and 2006, the number of households nationwide in financial distress advanced 27.39%, from 28.99% in 2002 to 36.93% in 2006. Over the same time frame, New York State experienced a 34.5% increase, from 30.43% in 2002 to 40.93% in 2006. 24 Table Three Percent of Single Family Homes with Mortgage costs greater than or equal to 30% of 12 Month Income 2005 2002 2006 United States New York Columbia Dutchess Greene Orange Putnam 36.93% 40.93% N/A 41.43% N/A 45.91% 47.00% 34.51% 38.91% N/A 38.45% N/A 36.36% 45.68% 28.99% 30.43% N/A 29.75% N/A 24.48% N/A Rockland Sullivan Ulster Westchester 45.74% 46.85% 39.93% 42.91% 39.65% 31.02% 36.56% 39.72% 30.85% N/A N/A 38.85% Data Source: The American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau Sub-Prime and Alt-A Mortgages in the Hudson Valley Nationwide, in the year 2007, there were 1.5 million mortgage foreclosures; of this total, 45% were prime mortgages, near-prime mortgages (Alt-A), and governmentbacked mortgages; 55% were sub-prime mortgages. Of the 7 million sub-prime mortgages as of December 2007, 3.6 million were adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs): 20% (720,000) of this total were either in foreclosure or were 90 days of more past due. In recent months, the Federal Reserve began releasing data on sub-prime and Alt-A mortgages by county and zip code. This data set covers 47% of all sub-prime mortgages and 90% of all Alt-A mortgages. Consequently, while the data is informative, it may or may not provide a complete accounting of the region’s exposure to sub-prime and AltA loans. Given this, what follows is the best-case scenario. As of January 2008, of the 887,442 homes in the Hudson Valley, 4.48% (39,800 homes) were financed through either sub-prime or Alt-A loans. Of this total, 2.67% (23,700 loans) were sub-prime and 1.81% (16,100 loans) were Alt-A. The highest concentrations per 1000 homes were in Orange and Putnam counties at 63 and 60, per 1000, respectively (see Chart Nineteen; also note Alt-A data is not available for Greene and Columbia counties). 25 Chart Nineteen Sub-Prime and Alt-A Mortgages per 1000 Housing Units (January 2008) 70 63 60 60 52 49 50 43 37 40 20 34 33 27 30 17 17 16 19 19 23 20 45 41 39 24 27 26 25 20 21 18 13 9 10 0 Columbia Dutchess Greene Orange Putnam Total Rockland Sub-Prime Alt-A Sullivan Ulster Westchester Hudson V alley While there is no reason to believe all sub-prime and/or Alt-A loans will foreclose, there are certain red flags within these mortgage contracts that point to a higher probability of foreclosure. These red flags include adjustable rates, no or little documentation at origination, low FICO (< 620) and a high Loan to Value ratio (LTV >90%) at origination, originated after late 2005. A red flag specific to Alt-A loans is “interest only.” In January of 2008, just less than half (48.10%) of the sub-prime loans and 32.30% of the Alt-A loans in the Hudson Valley were ARMs. Between January and May of 2008, 15.79% of these loans underwent their first interest reset. By year-end, an additional 20.18% of the sub-prime loans and 1.92% of the Alt-A loans will reset for the first time. In 2009, 19.30% of the sub-prime loans and 5.77% of the Alt-A loans will undergo their first reset. As a general statement, the contractual interest rate on subprime loans is the six-month LIBOR (London Inter-Bank Offer Rate) plus 6%; the interest rate on Alt-A loans is the one-year LIBOR plus 3%. At origination, 39.00% of the sub-prime loans and 65.84% of the Alt-A loans were no or little documentation. In New York State, 44.3% of the sub-prime loans and 80.8% of the Alt-A loans had no or little documentation. California is the only state with a higher concentration of these types of loans. Of the owner-occupied homes financed by sub-prime loans, 4.64% were low FICO (<620) and high LTV (>90%); 28% of the owner occupied homes financed by Alt-A loans had a high LTV. There were no Alt-A loans with a FICO at origination under 620. 26 Chart Twenty Sub-Prime Loans By Year of Origination 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 Columbia Dutchess Greene Orange Putnam Rockland Sullivan Ulster Westchester 1,000 2007 100 500 100 700 200 400 100 300 2006 200 1,100 100 1,700 400 800 300 600 2,100 2005 100 900 100 1,400 300 700 300 500 1,700 In or Bef ore 2004 100 700 100 1,100 300 600 200 400 1,700 In or Before 2004 2005 2006 2007 Finally, with few exceptions, the majority of sub-prime and Alt-A loans in the Hudson Valley originated in 2006 and 2007 (see Charts Twenty and Twenty-one). Chart Twenty-one Alt-A Loans By Year of Origination 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 Dutchess Orange Putnam Rockland Sullivan Ulster Westchester 2007 200 300 100 300 0 100 1,200 2006 400 600 200 600 100 200 1,900 2005 400 600 200 600 100 200 1,700 In or Bef ore 2004 300 400 200 500 100 200 1,800 In or Before 2004 2005 2006 2007 Of the owner occupied homes financed by sub-prime loans, 48.52% (11,500 loans) had missed at least one payment during the twelve month period ending in January 2008; 6.33% (1,500 loans) were 90 or more days past due; 8.86% (2,100) loans were in foreclosure; and 1.49% (400 homes) were owned by the originating bank. Of the owner occupied homes financed by Alt-A loans, 79.14% (11,000) missed at least one payment 27 in the twelve-month period ending in January of 2008; 1.44% (200 loans) were 90 days or more past due; and 2.88% (400 loans) were in foreclosure. No homes financed through Alt-A loans had reverted to the bank as of January 2008. Sales Tax Collection One indicator of retail sales activity is sales tax collection. Across the region, total sales tax collection advanced 3.52% for the full year 2007, compared to a 2.42% advance in 2006 and a 7.95% increase in 2005. The largest percentage increase occurred in Rockland at 8.16%, followed by Sullivan and Putnam at 6.89% and 6.78%, respectively. Sales tax collection fell 6.06% in Columbia and 1.35% in Ulster. Bankruptcies For the full year 2007, total bankruptcies in the Southern and Northern districts advanced 33.9% and 19.6%, respectively, in line with the 37.76% increase in national bankruptcies and the 28.4% increase in bankruptcy filings in New York State. Total business bankruptcies in New York State increased 14.49%. Statewide, non-business bankruptcies increased 408.7.6%. Of this total, chapter 7 fillings advanced from 6,258 in 2006 to 45,600 for the full year 2007. ♦ 28 Page Intentionally Left Blank 29 Average Annual Labor Force for Hudson Valley Counties 2002-2007 County 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 % Change Peak % Change 2002-2007 (Year) From Peak Columbia % Change from Previous Yr. 32,186 0.1% 32,160 0.2% 32,092 -7.6% 34,750 0.2% 34,692 0.5% 34,533 0.9% -6.80% 34,692 2003 -7.22% Dutchess % Change from Previous Yr. 147,856 -1.3% 149,838 1.3% 147,882 12.1% 131,950 1.1% 130,450 0.7% 129,567 3.7% 14.12% 149,838 2006 -1.32% Greene % Change from Previous Yr. 24,083 -0.1% 24,095 2.1% 23,605 3.3% 22,858 -2.2% 23,367 1.0% 23,142 8.1% 4.07% 24,095 2006 -0.05% Orange % Change from Previous Yr. 178,703 -1.1% 180,743 1.4% 178,282 3.7% 171,875 1.2% 169,908 2.0% 166,558 4.6% 7.29% 180,743 2006 -1.13% Putnam % Change from Previous Yr. 56,249 -1.2% 56,906 1.2% 56,243 -9.3% 61,992 3.6% 59,850 1.4% 59,033 4.9% -4.72% 61,992 2004 -9.26% Rockland % Change from Previous Yr. 151,854 -1.3% 153,833 1.0% 152,254 -4.9% 160,025 1.2% 158,142 1.4% 155,908 5.5% -2.60% 160,025 2004 -5.11% Sullivan % Change from Previous Yr. 35,365 -1.7% 35,976 1.7% 35,389 5.2% 33,625 2.8% 32,700 0.3% 32,592 4.0% 8.51% 35,976 2006 -1.70% Ulster % Change from Previous Yr. 92,859 -0.6% 93,409 1.3% 92,214 5.2% 87,675 1.4% 86,467 0.6% 85,942 4.0% 8.05% 93,409 2006 -0.59% Westchester % Change from Previous Yr. 484,500 -1.3% 490,685 1.2% 485,012 3.5% 468,483 0.2% 467,750 0.3% 466,550 2.9% 3.85% 490,685 2006 -1.26% Total Hudson Valley % Change from Previous Yr. 1,203,650 -1.1% 1,217,647 1.2% 1,202,972 2.5% 1,173,233 0.9% 1,163,325 0.8% 1,153,825 3.8% 4.32% 1,217,647 2006 -1.15% 452,870 -1.8% 461,136 1.0% 456,782 -2.7% 469,458 0.1% 469,025 0.1% 468,525 2.9% -3.34% 469,458 2004 -3.53% New York City % Change from Previous Yr. 3,872,009 1.8% 3,801,972 1.1% 3,761,477 2.0% 3,687,192 0.1% 3,682,967 -1.2% 3,726,858 2.0% 3.89% 3,872,009 2007 0.00% New York State % Change from Previous Yr. 9,519,301 0.2% 9,498,563 0.7% 9,429,656 1.2% 9,315,000 0.0% 9,315,250 -0.3% 9,345,000 2.6% 1.87% 9,519,301 2007 0.00% U.S. % Change from Previous Yr. 153,083,500 1.1% 151,427,583 1.4% 149,320,333 1.3% 147,401,167 0.6% 146,510,000 1.1% 144,863,000 0.8% 5.67% 153,083,500 2007 0.00% Albany-Schenectady-Troy MSA % Change from Previous Yr. Source: New York State Dept. of Labor Place of Residence Series Compiled by the Marist College Bureau of Economic Research, School of Management, Marist College 30 6/20/2008 Average Annual Employment for Hudson Valley Counties 2002-2007 County 2007 2006 % Change Peak % Change (Year) From Peak 2005 2004 2003 2002 2002-2007 Columbia % Change from Previous Yr. 30,813 -0.5% 30,958 0.3% 30,855 -7.8% 33,458 0.0% 33,475 0.5% 33,317 1.0% -7.52% 33,475 2003 -7.52% Dutchess % Change from Previous Yr. 142,249 -1.4% 144,231 1.5% 142,141 12.2% 126,675 0.9% 125,517 1.0% 124,225 2.7% 14.51% 144,231 2006 0.00% Greene % Change from Previous Yr. 22,952 -0.1% 22,972 2.2% 22,478 3.7% 21,683 -2.5% 22,242 0.9% 22,050 7.9% 4.09% 22,972 2006 0.00% Orange % Change from Previous Yr. 171,290 -1.2% 173,346 1.5% 170,835 4.5% 163,425 0.9% 161,900 1.6% 159,350 3.9% 7.49% 173,346 2006 0.00% Putnam % Change from Previous Yr. 54,419 -1.0% 54,943 1.4% 54,172 -9.6% 59,933 3.6% 57,850 1.5% 57,008 4.1% -4.54% 59,933 2004 -8.33% Rockland % Change from Previous Yr. 146,381 -1.1% 148,058 1.4% 145,980 -4.9% 153,558 1.3% 151,633 1.2% 149,850 4.7% -2.31% 153,558 2004 -3.58% Sullivan % Change from Previous Yr. 33,596 -1.9% 34,236 1.7% 33,662 5.8% 31,817 2.6% 31,017 0.2% 30,950 3.8% 8.55% 34,236 2006 0.00% Ulster % Change from Previous Yr. 89,078 -0.6% 89,598 1.5% 88,245 5.7% 83,450 0.8% 82,767 0.5% 82,333 3.3% 8.19% 89,598 2006 0.00% Westchester % Change from Previous Yr. 466,925 -1.1% 471,948 1.4% 465,325 3.5% 449,425 0.1% 449,042 0.5% 446,800 2.0% 4.50% 471,948 2006 0.00% Total Hudson Valley % Change from Previous Yr. 1,157,702 -1.1% 1,170,289 1.4% 1,153,694 2.7% 1,123,425 0.7% 1,115,442 0.9% 1,105,883 3.0% 4.69% 1,170,289 2006 0.00% 435,211 -1.9% 443,681 1.1% 438,875 -2.6% 450,550 0.0% 450,392 -0.1% 450,700 2.2% -3.44% 443,681 2006 -1.08% New York City % Change from Previous Yr. 3,652,462 1.0% 3,616,432 2.0% 3,545,866 3.6% 3,424,225 1.5% 3,374,900 -1.7% 3,432,950 0.0% 6.39% 3,652,462 2007 0.00% New York State % Change from Previous Yr. 9,087,278 0.2% 9,072,733 1.3% 8,959,845 2.2% 8,771,167 0.5% 8,726,417 -0.5% 8,773,333 1.2% 3.58% 9,087,278 2007 0.00% 146,002,833 144,427,000 1.1% 1.9% 141,729,750 1.8% 139,251,917 1.1% 137,736,000 0.9% 136,485,000 -0.3% 6.97% 144,427,000 2006 0.00% Albany-Schenectady-Troy MSA % Change from Previous Yr. U.S. % Change from Previous Yr. Source: New York State Dept. of Labor Place of Residence Series Compiled by the Marist College Bureau of Economic Research, School of Management, Marist College 31 6/20/2008 Average Annual Unemployment for Hudson Valley Counties 2002-2007 County 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 % Change Peak % Change 2002-2007 (Year) From Peak Columbia % Change from Previous Yr. 4.27% 14.1% 3.74% -3.0% 3.85% 3.7% 3.72% 6.0% 3.51% -0.5% 3.52% 30.4% 21.08% 3.51% 2003 21.53% Dutchess % Change from Previous Yr. 3.79% 1.3% 3.74% -3.6% 3.88% -2.9% 4.00% 5.7% 3.78% -8.3% 4.12% 29.4% -8.01% 3.74% 2006 1.40% Greene % Change from Previous Yr. 4.70% 0.7% 4.66% -2.4% 4.78% -7.1% 5.14% 6.8% 4.81% 2.1% 4.72% 3.6% -0.44% 4.66% 2006 0.78% Orange % Change from Previous Yr. 4.15% 1.4% 4.09% -2.0% 4.18% -15.0% 4.92% 4.3% 4.71% 8.9% 4.33% 17.6% -4.16% 4.09% 2006 1.42% Putnam % Change from Previous Yr. 3.25% -5.6% 3.45% -6.3% 3.68% 10.9% 3.32% -0.6% 3.34% -2.6% 3.43% 29.4% -5.14% 3.25% 2007 0.00% Rockland % Change from Previous Yr. 3.60% -4.0% 3.75% -8.9% 4.12% 2.0% 4.04% -1.8% 4.12% 5.9% 3.89% 26.4% -7.25% 3.60% 2007 0.00% Sullivan % Change from Previous Yr. 5.00% 3.4% 4.84% -0.9% 4.88% -9.3% 5.38% 4.5% 5.15% 2.2% 5.04% 3.5% -0.73% 4.84% 2006 3.31% Ulster % Change from Previous Yr. 4.07% -0.2% 4.08% -5.2% 4.30% -10.7% 4.82% 12.6% 4.28% 1.9% 4.20% 18.6% -3.02% 4.07% 2007 0.00% Westchester % Change from Previous Yr. 3.63% -5.0% 3.82% -5.9% 4.06% -0.2% 4.07% 1.7% 4.00% -5.5% 4.23% 23.6% -14.31% 3.63% 2007 0.00% Total Hudson Valley % Change from Previous Yr. 3.82% -1.8% 3.89% -5.1% 4.10% -3.5% 4.25% 3.1% 4.12% -0.9% 4.16% 22.3% -8.13% 3.82% 2007 0.00% Albany-Schenectady-Troy MSA % Change from Previous Yr. 3.90% 3.0% 3.79% -3.4% 3.92% -2.7% 4.03% 1.4% 3.97% 4.4% 3.80% 20.8% 2.50% 3.80% 2002 2.62% New York City % Change from Previous Yr. 5.67% 16.2% 4.88% -14.9% 5.73% -19.6% 7.13% -14.7% 8.36% 6.1% 7.89% 30.6% -28.10% 4.88% 2006 16.19% New York State % Change from Previous Yr. 4.54% 1.2% 4.48% -10.0% 4.98% -14.7% 5.84% -7.6% 6.32% 3.3% 6.12% 26.2% -25.81% 4.54% 2007 0.00% U.S. % Change from Previous Yr. 4.63% 0.0% 4.62% -9.1% 5.08% -8.1% 5.53% -7.7% 5.99% 3.5% 5.78% 22.2% -20.02% 4.62% 2007 0.00% Source: New York State Dept. of Labor Place of Residence Series Compiled by the Marist College Bureau of Economic Research, School of Management, Marist College 32 6/20/2008 33 2001 2002 Hudson Valley 2003 2004 2005 New York State *Note: Numbers from 2000 and later reflect the 2002 Benchmark. Source: NYS Department of Labor Place of Residence Series Compiled by Bureau of Economic Research, School of Management, Marist College -2.00% -1.00% 0.00% 1.00% 2.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% United States 2006 2007 Quarter-to-Quarter % Change (from Previous Year) in Employment for the Hudson Valley 2002-2007 5/8/2008 Annual Nonagricultural Employment ( Not Seasonally Adjusted) County or Region NAICS Industry Classification Columbia Total Nonfarm Total Private Goods Producing Natural Resources, Mining and Construction Manufacturing Service-Providing Trade, Transportation, and Utilities Information Financial Activities Professional and Business Services Educational and Health Services Leisure and Hospitality Other Services Government 21,500 16,300 2,900 1,100 1,800 18,600 3,800 300 600 1,600 4,300 1,800 1,000 5,200 21,400 16,500 3,000 1,000 2,000 18,500 4,000 300 600 1,500 4,400 1,800 1,000 4,900 21,300 16,300 3,000 900 2,100 18,300 3,900 400 600 1,400 4,400 1,600 1,000 5,000 21,500 16,500 3,100 900 2,200 18,500 4,000 400 600 1,500 4,300 1,600 1,000 5,100 21,000 16,000 3,000 900 2,100 18,000 3,900 400 600 1,500 4,200 1,500 900 5,000 Greene Total Nonfarm Total Private Goods Producing Natural Resources, Mining and Construction Manufacturing Service-Providing Trade, Transportation, and Utilities Information Financial Activities Professional and Business Services Educational and Health Services Leisure and Hospitality Other Services Government 15,100 10,500 1,900 900 1,000 13,200 3,300 200 400 600 1,300 2,400 400 4,600 14,700 10,200 1,900 900 1,000 12,900 3,100 200 400 600 1,200 2,400 400 4,600 14,300 10,000 1,600 800 900 12,700 3,300 200 400 600 1,100 2,300 400 4,300 14,000 9,700 1,600 700 900 12,400 3,000 200 400 600 1,100 2,300 400 4,300 14,500 10,100 2,000 1,200 800 12,500 2,900 200 400 600 1,200 2,400 400 4,400 Sullivan Total Nonfarm Total Private Goods Producing Natural Resources, Mining and Construction Manufacturing Service-Providing Trade, Transportation, and Utilities Information Financial Activities Professional and Business Services Educational and Health Services Leisure and Hospitality Other Services Government 26,600 20,100 2,700 1,300 1,400 24,000 4,600 200 1,400 1,500 5,600 3,000 1,200 6,500 26,400 19,800 2,600 1,400 1,200 23,800 4,600 300 1,400 1,400 5,200 3,200 1,200 6,600 26,500 20,100 2,400 1,300 1,100 24,100 4,900 200 1,400 1,300 5,100 3,600 1,200 6,400 26,400 20,000 2,300 1,200 1,100 24,200 4,800 200 1,400 1,200 5,200 3,700 1,300 6,400 26,000 19,600 2,100 1,100 1,000 23,900 4,700 200 1,500 1,200 5,300 3,300 1,300 6,400 Kingston, NY Metropolitan Statistical Area Total Nonfarm Total Private Goods Producing Natural Resources, Mining and Construction Manufacturing Service-Providing Trade, Transportation, and Utilities Information Financial Activities Professional and Business Services Educational and Health Services Leisure and Hospitality Other Services Government 64,500 49,200 7,100 2,800 4,300 57,400 12,600 1,100 2,800 5,600 10,400 7,000 2,700 15,300 64,800 49,500 7,400 3,000 4,400 57,400 12,400 1,300 2,900 5,500 10,300 7,000 2,800 15,300 64,200 48,700 7,200 2,800 4,500 57,000 12,400 1,800 2,800 4,800 10,000 6,900 2,800 15,500 64,300 48,700 7,500 2,800 4,800 56,800 12,300 1,900 2,700 4,400 10,200 6,900 2,800 15,600 65,000 49,500 7,800 2,600 5,200 57,200 12,200 2,700 2,600 4,300 10,300 6,900 2,700 15,500 Poughkeepsie-NewburghMiddletown, NY Metropolitan Statistics Total Nonfarm Total Private Goods Producing Natural Resources, Mining and Construction Manufacturing Service-Providing Trade, Transportation, and Utilities Information Financial Activities Professional and Business Services Educational and Health Services Leisure and Hospitality Other Services Government 255,000 202,900 34,000 12,200 21,900 220,900 56,300 4,600 10,000 20,600 47,200 20,200 10,000 52,100 255,600 204,000 35,000 12,100 22,900 220,600 56,100 4,700 10,200 21,200 47,300 19,800 9,800 51,500 254,300 202,400 35,200 12,000 23,200 219,000 55,400 4,400 10,400 21,200 46,000 20,000 9,700 51,800 252,000 200,900 35,400 11,300 24,100 216,600 55,200 4,600 10,300 20,500 45,700 19,600 9,600 51,100 248,000 196,800 36,200 11,100 25,100 211,900 53,600 4,700 10,300 19,600 43,900 19,300 9,300 51,200 Data Source: NYS Department of Labor. Complied by The Bureau of Economic Research, School of Management, Marist College 2007 34 2006 2005 2004 2003 5/16/2008 Annual Nonagricultural Employment (continued) Putnam-Rockland-Westchester Total Nonfarm Total Private Goods Producing Natural Resources, Mining and Construction Manufacturing Service-Providing Trade, Transportation, and Utilities Information Financial Activities Professional and Business Services Educational and Health Services Leisure and Hospitality Other Services Government 579,500 482,500 69,300 37,700 31,600 510,300 110,700 16,400 36,900 72,400 110,400 42,200 24,300 97,100 568,200 473,200 66,800 35,200 31,600 501,300 109,600 16,900 37,600 70,600 107,600 40,200 23,800 95,000 566,400 471,800 66,100 33,800 32,300 500,300 110,300 17,200 37,200 71,200 106,000 40500 23500 95200 563,200 468,800 65,800 33,300 32,500 497,400 108,600 18,100 35,300 71,900 104,500 41500 23200 95300 555,100 461,100 66,100 33,300 32,900 489,000 107,300 18,400 33,900 69,200 102,700 40800 22700 94800 Albany-SchenectadyTroy, NY Metropolitan Statistical Area Total Nonfarm Total Private Goods Producing Natural Resources, Mining and Construction Manufacturing Service-Providing Trade, Transportation, and Utilities Information Financial Activities Professional and Business Services Educational and Health Services Leisure and Hospitality Other Services Government 448,300 340,500 41,100 18,100 23,000 407,300 77,800 9,900 26,100 54,300 80,100 33,100 18,200 107,800 447,200 340,600 41,600 18,400 23,200 405,600 79,400 10,700 26,500 53,100 78,700 32,300 18,300 106,600 446,500 338,900 41,200 18,100 23,100 405,300 80,100 10,800 26,400 52,200 78,200 31,800 18,200 107,600 444,200 336,200 40,700 17,900 22,800 403,500 79,600 10,900 26,100 50,900 77,900 31,800 18,400 108,000 439,800 331,500 40,400 17,700 22,700 399,400 78,400 11,200 25,900 49,500 76,800 31,100 18,300 108,300 New York City Total Nonfarm Total Private Goods Producing Natural Resources, Mining and Construction Manufacturing Service-Providing Trade, Transportation, and Utilities Information Financial Activities Professional and Business Services Educational and Health Services Leisure and Hospitality Other Services Government 3,745,000 3,185,800 228,100 127,100 101,000 3,516,900 570,600 165,900 467,900 591,400 707,000 297,000 158,100 559,200 3,664,400 3,109,000 224,700 118,300 106,400 3,439,700 556,800 165,200 458,400 571,500 694,700 283,500 154,200 555,400 3,599,400 3,044,400 227,300 112,900 114,300 3,372,100 545,200 162,900 446,200 554,100 678,600 276,800 153,300 554,900 3,550,300 2,995,400 232,600 111,800 120,800 3,317,700 539,300 160,200 435,900 541,500 665,300 270,100 150,500 555,000 3,531,700 2,974,500 239,300 112,700 126,600 3,292,500 533,600 163,900 433,600 536,600 658,200 260,300 149,100 557,200 New York State Total Nonfarm Total Private Goods Producing Construction Natural Resources, Mining and Construction Manufacturing Service-Providing Trade, Transportation, and Utilities Information Financial Activities Professional and Business Services Educational and Health Services Leisure and Hospitality Other Services Government 8,737,600 7,233,300 910,200 350,500 6,200 553,500 7,827,400 1,525,600 265,200 731,400 1,136,700 1,602,100 698,800 363,400 1,504,300 8,612,100 7,125,200 910,600 336,500 6,200 567,900 7,701,600 1,505,900 269,900 726,200 1,108,500 1,569,800 677,900 356,600 1,486,900 8,528,300 7,040,500 910,100 324,200 5,900 580,100 7,618,200 1,500,000 269,800 713,800 1,080,600 1,540,900 669,300 356,000 1,487,800 8,461,900 6,977,700 924,900 322,200 5,700 597,000 7,537,000 1,486,800 269,100 701,900 1,058,700 1,519,900 663,500 352,900 1,484,200 8,407,000 6,919,200 937,900 319,100 5,300 613,400 7,469,100 1,474,700 276,200 696,500 1,042,700 1,494,900 647,100 349,300 1,487,800 Data Source: NYS Department of Labor. Complied by The Bureau of Economic Research, School of Management, Marist College 35 5/16/2008 Select Average Weekly Wages in the Hudson Valley by Place of Work 2006-2002 % change 2006-2005 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 Current Dollars Real Dollars Columbia All Total Private Goods Producing Construction Manufacturing Service- Providing $616 $604 $705 $652 $778 $573 $600 $583 $665 $595 $737 $557 $604 $597 $660 $622 $725 $576 $563 $553 $654 $634 $701 $521 $552 $527 $615 $592 $662 $499 2.67% 3.60% 6.02% 9.58% 5.56% 2.87% -0.14% 0.79% 3.21% 6.77% 2.75% 0.06% $828 $814 $1,395 $911 $1,634 $644 $797 $786 $1,343 $827 $1,578 $619 $767 $762 $1,310 $792 $1,522 $596 $750 $749 $1,266 $768 $1,467 $582 $735 $736 $1,251 $750 $1,434 $567 3.89% 3.56% 3.87% 10.16% 3.55% 4.04% 1.08% 0.75% 1.06% 7.35% 0.74% 1.23% $629 $540 $807 $725 $910 $477 $632 $514 $752 $667 $861 $466 $608 $498 $708 $638 $797 $454 $593 $514 $740 $718 $795 $471 $543 $457 $688 $657 $733 $407 -0.47% 5.06% 7.31% 8.70% 5.69% 2.36% -3.28% 2.25% 4.50% 5.89% 2.88% -0.45% $698 $643 $786 $816 $802 $620 $677 $625 $764 $796 $777 $602 $653 $605 $750 $768 $772 $581 $628 $585 $729 $765 $741 $560 $603 $561 $720 $791 $711 $531 3.10% 2.88% 2.88% 2.51% 3.22% 2.99% 0.29% 0.07% 0.07% -0.30% 0.41% 0.18% $813 $758 $928 $896 $994 $715 $779 $727 $900 $865 $969 $686 $755 $714 $908 $876 $977 $667 $728 $682 $848 $804 $933 $644 $705 $660 $839 $788 $942 $618 4.36% 4.26% 3.11% 3.58% 2.58% 4.23% 1.55% 1.45% 0.30% 0.77% -0.23% 1.42% $864 $843 $1,234 $1,014 $1,341 $752 $825 $812 $1,205 $1,030 $1,284 $720 $809 $792 $1,181 $980 $1,277 $702 $780 $763 $1,146 $959 $1,232 $675 $760 $741 $1,102 nd $1,155 $656 4.73% 3.82% 2.41% -1.55% 4.44% 4.44% 1.92% 1.01% -0.40% -4.36% 1.63% 1.63% Dutchess All Total Private Goods Producing Construction Manufacturing Service- Providing Greene All Total Private Goods Producing Construction Manufacturing Service- Providing Orange All Total Private Goods Producing Construction Manufacturing Service- Providing Putnam All Total Private Goods Producing Construction Manufacturing Service- Providing Rockland All Total Private Goods Producing Construction Manufacturing Service- Providing Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Complied by The Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 5/8/2008 36 Select Average Weekly Wages in the Hudson Valley by Place of Work 2006-2002 % change 2006-2005 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 Current Dollars Real Dollars Sullivan All Total Private Goods Producing Construction Manufacturing Service- Providing $619 $546 $635 $700 $558 $531 $614 $522 $617 $704 $525 $507 $599 $509 $604 $682 $542 $495 $579 $488 $542 $588 $508 $480 $550 $470 $521 $560 $490 $463 0.81% 4.60% 2.92% -0.57% 6.29% 4.73% -2.00% 1.79% 0.11% -3.38% 3.48% 1.92% $648 $587 $739 $706 $831 $556 $591 $555 $705 $697 $769 $525 $567 $540 $682 $678 $738 $510 $548 $511 $663 $660 $699 $479 $533 $489 $623 $622 $655 $460 9.64% 5.77% 4.82% 1.29% 8.06% 5.90% 6.83% 2.96% 2.01% -1.52% 5.25% 3.09% $1,128 $1,126 $1,404 $1,129 $1,801 $1,086 $1,071 $1,033 $1,337 $1,070 $1,693 $1,033 $1,026 $1,029 $1,325 $1,075 $1,646 $986 $961 $962 $1,269 $1,051 $1,547 $915 $938 $939 $1,186 $1,014 $1,395 $901 5.32% 9.00% 5.01% 5.51% 6.38% 5.13% 2.51% 6.19% 2.20% 2.70% 3.57% 2.32% $760 $726 $1,155 $866 $1,346 $631 $734 $703 $1,116 $812 $1,307 $610 $707 $681 $1,089 $780 $1,267 $588 $687 $665 $1,056 $766 $1,216 $570 $666 $647 $1,039 $770 $1,180 $548 3.54% 3.27% 3.49% 6.65% 2.98% 3.44% 0.73% 0.46% 0.68% 3.84% 0.17% 0.63% $648 $587 $739 $706 $831 $556 $591 $555 $705 $697 $769 $525 $567 $540 $682 $678 $738 $510 $548 $511 $663 $660 $699 $479 $533 $489 $623 $622 $655 $460 9.64% 5.77% 4.82% 1.29% 8.06% 5.90% 6.83% 2.96% 2.01% -1.52% 5.25% 3.09% Ulster All Total Private Goods Producing Construction Manufacturing Service -Providing Westchester All Total Private Goods Producing Construction Manufacturing Service- Providing PoughkeepsieNewburghMiddletown, NY All Total Private Goods Producing Construction Manufacturing Service- Providing Kingston, NY All Total Private Goods Producing Construction Manufacturing Service- Providing Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Complied by The Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 5/8/2008 37 Total U.S. NonFarm Employees (Seasonally Adjusted in Thousands) Month 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 137,108 137,133 137,310 137,356 137,518 137,625 137,682 137,756 137,837 137,977 138,037 138,078 135,110 135,410 135,659 135,803 135,906 136,030 136,252 136,438 136,636 136,745 136,941 137,167 132,471 132,736 132,876 133,104 133,210 133,376 133,617 133,792 133,840 133,877 134,231 134,376 130,372 130,466 130,786 131,123 131,373 131,479 131,562 131,750 131,880 132,162 132,294 132,449 130,247 130,125 129,907 129,853 129,827 129,854 129,857 129,859 129,953 130,076 130,172 130,255 130,581 130,478 130,441 130,335 130,326 130,377 130,277 130,295 130,250 130,309 130,315 130,161 Average % Change 137,618 1.06% 136,175 2.04% 133,459 1.51% 131,475 1.14% 129,999 -0.27% 130,345 -1.13% Monthly Changes in LABSTAT Series Report (in Thousands) Period 2007 Jan-Feb Feb-Mar Mar-Apr Apr-May May-Jun Jun-Jul Jul-Aug Aug-Sep Sep-Oct Oct-Nov Nov-Dec Dec-Jan 25 177 46 162 107 57 74 81 140 60 41 (76) Total Average 894 75 2006 2005 300 249 144 103 124 222 186 198 109 196 226 (59) 1,998 167 Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Compiled by Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College. 2004 265 140 228 106 166 241 175 48 37 354 145 734 94 320 337 250 106 83 188 130 282 132 155 22 2,639 220 2,099 175 2003 2002 (122) (218) (54) (26) 27 3 2 94 123 96 83 117 (103) (37) (106) (9) 51 (100) 18 (45) 59 6 (154) 86 125 10 (334) (28) 5/8/2008 38 Wage and hours data for Manufacturing workers (NAICS 30) Average Weekly Hours New York City** January February March April May June July August September October November December 2007 38.4 37.9 37.3 39.0 40.6 40.7 40.4 39.4 40.0 39.9 40.4 42.3 2006 35.2 36.2 36.0 35.1 37.2 38.3 35.8 37.2 37.8 37.7 39.2 36.8 2005 37.70 37.70 38.00 38.70 38.40 37.30 35.80 38.90 34.90 35.10 35.40 36.50 2004 35.70 35.60 36.40 34.60 36.40 36.00 34.60 36.20 35.70 37.60 38.10 37.60 2003 38.40 37.40 37.00 36.30 36.90 36.90 36.00 34.60 36.40 36.30 36.40 36.10 2002 36.60 36.80 37.30 36.80 36.70 37.60 38.00 37.80 37.60 36.50 37.30 38.70 New York State** January February March April May June July August September October November December 2007 41.1 39.7 40.3 41.1 41.1 41.3 40.3 41.1 41.3 40.3 41.2 41.3 2006 40.7 41.3 41.7 40.0 41.2 41.5 40.3 41.0 41.5 40.8 41.1 41.8 2005 39.30 39.40 39.20 39.60 39.40 39.10 38.50 39.20 39.90 40.50 40.20 40.40 2004 39.60 39.60 39.70 39.10 39.90 39.60 38.90 39.70 39.50 39.70 40.20 40.50 2003 40.30 40.30 40.30 39.90 40.10 40.00 39.00 38.90 40.20 40.10 40.20 40.40 2002 39.80 40.30 40.60 40.20 40.50 40.30 39.60 40.00 40.60 40.40 40.60 41.10 United States* January February March April May June July August September October November December 2007 40.9 40.9 41.2 41.1 41.1 41.4 41.3 41.4 41.4 2006 40.9 41.0 41.1 41.2 41.1 41.3 41.5 41.3 41.1 41.2 41.0 41.0 2005 40.70 40.60 40.40 40.50 40.40 40.40 40.50 40.60 40.70 41.00 40.80 40.80 2004 41.00 41.00 40.90 40.80 40.40 40.70 40.80 40.90 40.80 40.70 40.50 40.50 2003 40.30 40.40 40.40 40.10 40.20 40.30 40.10 40.20 40.80 40.70 41.20 41.30 2002 40.20 40.30 40.60 40.50 40.60 40.70 40.40 40.50 40.50 40.30 40.40 40.50 41.2 41.3 41.1 Seasonly Adjusted* Not Seasonly Adjusted** Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics Compiled by Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 39 6/19/2008 Wage and hours data for Manufacturing workers (NAICS 30) Average Hourly Earnings New York City January February March April May June July August September October November December 2007 $15.89 $15.90 $15.74 $15.42 $14.60 $15.00 $14.58 $14.59 $14.93 $14.70 $14.53 $14.65 2006 $15.04 $14.92 $15.58 $15.41 $14.94 $15.00 $15.30 $15.49 $14.92 $15.53 $15.43 $16.55 2005 $15.15 $15.11 $14.92 $15.35 $15.88 $15.92 $15.32 $14.92 $15.25 $15.04 $15.89 $15.36 2004 $13.99 $13.96 $13.93 $14.04 $13.92 $14.51 $14.77 $14.24 $14.26 $14.04 $14.63 $15.06 2003 $13.52 $12.94 $13.68 $13.84 $13.67 $13.66 $14.34 $14.22 $14.37 $13.49 $13.99 $14.08 2002 $13.00 $12.74 $12.92 $13.43 $13.32 $12.74 $12.73 $13.00 $12.97 $13.41 $13.32 $13.26 New York State January February March April May June July August September October November December 2007 $18.33 $18.43 $18.59 $18.68 $18.48 $18.75 $18.57 $18.78 $18.64 $18.24 $18.18 $18.17 2006 $17.74 $18.02 $18.16 $18.40 $18.40 $18.48 $18.32 $18.47 $18.25 $18.37 $18.42 $18.49 2005 $17.77 $17.74 $17.56 $17.78 $17.73 $17.83 $17.56 $17.87 $17.90 $17.62 $17.95 $17.93 2004 $17.17 $17.00 $16.92 $17.20 $17.26 $17.24 $17.15 $17.32 $17.67 $17.33 $17.45 $17.74 2003 $16.78 $16.69 $16.73 $16.69 $16.70 $16.60 $16.57 $16.88 $16.89 $16.71 $16.91 $17.21 2002 $16.65 $16.81 $16.84 $17.00 $16.70 $16.61 $16.39 $16.64 $16.76 $16.67 $16.98 $16.84 United States January February March April May June July August September October November December 2007 2006 $16.71 $16.72 $16.74 $16.78 $16.79 $16.80 $16.80 $16.85 $16.83 $16.88 $16.89 $16.95 2005 $16.38 $16.42 $16.43 $16.48 $16.54 $16.56 $16.58 $16.65 $16.60 $16.71 $16.68 $16.70 2004 $15.94 $15.98 $16.01 $16.07 $16.08 $16.12 $16.16 $16.22 $16.29 $16.27 $16.29 $16.34 2003 $15.58 $15.62 $15.62 $15.63 $15.64 $15.69 $15.69 $15.76 $15.88 $15.81 $15.92 $16.05 2002 $15.05 $15.12 $15.15 $15.17 $15.23 $15.27 $15.27 $15.34 $15.38 $15.45 $15.48 $15.55 $17.02 $17.06 $17.11 $17.20 $17.23 $17.28 $17.30 $17.33 $17.34 $17.34 $17.40 $17.41 Seasonly Adjusted* Not Seasonly Adjusted** Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics Compiled by Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 40 6/19/2008 Wage and hours data for Manufacturing workers (NAICS 30) Average Weekly Earnings New York City January February March April May June July August September October November December 2007 $610.18 $602.61 $587.10 $601.38 $592.76 $610.50 $589.03 $574.85 $597.20 $586.53 $584.01 $619.70 2006 $529.41 $540.10 $560.88 $540.89 $555.77 $574.50 $547.74 $554.54 $555.02 $587.03 $581.71 $648.76 2005 $571.16 $569.65 $566.96 $594.05 $609.79 $593.82 $548.46 $580.39 $532.57 $527.90 $562.51 $560.64 2004 $499.44 $496.98 $507.05 $485.78 $506.69 $522.36 $511.04 $515.49 $509.08 $527.90 $557.40 $566.26 2003 $519.17 $483.96 $506.16 $502.39 $504.42 $504.05 $518.40 $492.01 $523.07 $489.69 $509.24 $508.29 2002 $475.80 $468.83 $481.92 $494.22 $488.84 $479.02 $483.74 $491.40 $487.67 $489.47 $496.84 $513.16 New York State January February March April May June July August September October November December 2007 $753.36 $731.67 $749.18 $767.75 $759.53 $774.38 $748.37 $771.86 $769.83 $735.07 $749.02 $750.42 2006 $722.02 $744.23 $757.27 $736.00 $758.08 $766.92 $738.30 $757.27 $757.38 $749.50 $757.06 $772.88 2005 $698.36 $698.96 $688.35 $704.09 $698.56 $697.15 $676.06 $700.50 $713.81 $713.61 $721.59 $724.37 2004 $679.93 $673.20 $671.72 $672.52 $688.67 $682.70 $667.14 $687.60 $697.97 $688.00 $701.49 $718.47 2003 $676.64 $673.01 $674.62 $665.93 $669.67 $664.00 $646.23 $656.63 $678.98 $670.07 $679.78 $695.28 2002 $662.67 $677.44 $683.70 $683.40 $676.35 $669.38 $649.04 $665.04 $680.46 $673.47 $689.39 $692.12 United States January February March April May June July August September October November December 2007 $696.12 $697.75 $704.93 $706.92 $708.15 $715.39 $716.22 $715.73 $717.88 $714.41 $718.62 $715.55 2006 $682.62 $684.29 $686.78 $691.10 $689.25 $691.34 $696.37 $695.08 $691.71 $695.46 $692.49 $694.95 2005 $666.67 $666.65 $663.77 $667.44 $668.22 $669.02 $671.49 $675.99 $675.62 $685.11 $680.54 $681.36 2004 $653.54 $655.18 $654.81 $655.66 $659.28 $656.08 $659.33 $663.40 $664.63 $662.19 $659.75 $661.77 2003 $627.87 $626.36 $629.49 $623.64 $628.73 $635.45 $621.32 $633.55 $647.90 $643.47 $655.90 $662.87 2002 $605.01 $609.34 $615.09 $614.39 $618.34 $621.49 $616.91 $621.27 $622.89 $622.64 $625.39 $629.78 Seasonly Adjusted* Not Seasonly Adjusted** Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics Compiled by Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 41 6/19/2008 Average Weekly Earnings of Manufacturing Workers $775.00 $725.00 Dollars $675.00 $625.00 $575.00 $525.00 $475.00 $425.00 2002 2003 2004 2005 NYC NYS 2006 2007 USA Length of Average Work Week for Manufacturing Workers 43 42 41 Hours 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 2002 2003 2004 2005 NYC NYS Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics Compiled by the Marist College Bureau of Economic Research, School of Management, Marist College 42 2006 2007 USA 6/19/2008 United States of America Components of Total Personal Income: 2002-2006 (in thousands of dollars) 2002 Population Per Capita Income Earnings by place of work less: Contributions for government social insurance Employee & self-employed contrib. for govt. soc. ins. Employer contributions for govt. social insurance plus: Adjustment for residence equals: Net earnings by place of residence plus: Dividends, interest, and rent plus: Personal current transfer receipts equals: Total Personal Income Earnings by place of work Wage and salary disbursements Supplements to wages and salaries p y employee pension & insur. funds Employer contributions for govt. social insurance Proprietors' income Farm proprietors' income Nonfarm proprietors' income Earnings by place of work 2003 2004 2005 2006 Growth 287,888,021 290,447,644 293,191,511 295,895,897 298,754,819 0.93% $30,821 $31,504 $33,123 $34,757 $36,714 4.58% $7,108,923,000 $7,567,463,000 $7,978,181,000 $8,432,719,000 5.45% $6,851,318,000 $748,787,000 $777,556,000 $827,415,000 $873,298,000 $926,092,000 5.56% $384,169,000 $395,834,000 $419,781,000 $444,923,000 $474,988,000 5.56% $364,618,000 $381,722,000 $407,634,000 $428,375,000 $451,104,000 5.56% ($1,162,000) ($1,198,000) ($1,228,000) ($1,259,000) ($1,291,000) NM $6,101,369,000 $6,330,169,000 $6,738,820,000 $7,103,624,000 $7,505,336,000 5.44% $1,485,161,000 $1,468,652,000 $1,549,599,000 $1,659,630,000 $1,850,122,000 5.78% $1,286,341,000 $1,351,499,000 $1,422,944,000 $1,521,102,000 $1,612,935,000 5.87% $8,872,871,000 $9,150,320,000 $9,711,363,000 $10,284,356,000 $10,968,393,000 5.56% $6,851,318,000 $7,108,923,000 $7,567,463,000 $7,978,181,000 $8,432,719,000 5.45% $4,976,522,000 $5,107,298,000 $5,388,680,000 $5,661,026,000 $6,015,158,000 4.94% $1,104,311,000 $1,191,021,000 $1,269,098,000 $1,348,451,000 $1,413,866,000 6.38% $739,693,000 $809,299,000 $861,464,000 $920,076,000 $962,762,000 6.77% $364,618,000 $381,722,000 $407,634,000 $428,375,000 $451,104,000 5.56% $770,485,000 $810,604,000 $909,685,000 $968,704,000 $1,003,695,000 7.33% $12,668,000 $28,545,000 $35,376,000 $29,608,000 $16,310,000 5.57% $757,817,000 $782,059,000 $874,309,000 $939,096,000 $987,385,000 7.38% $7,108,923,000 $7,567,463,000 $7,978,181,000 $8,432,719,000 5.45% $57,358,000 $51,711,000 $38,980,000 3.76% $6,851,318,000 Farm earnings Nonfarm earnings: Private and Government $6,817,857,000 $7,060,393,000 $7,510,105,000 $7,926,470,000 $8,393,739,000 5.46% Government $1,121,206,000 $1,192,283,000 $1,258,783,000 $1,323,509,000 $1,389,982,000 5.49% $33,461,000 Data: BEA Complied by:Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College $48,530,000 43 5/28/2008 New York State Components of Total Personal Income: 2002-2006 (in thousands of dollars) 2003 19,132,542 19,207,652 19,258,479 19,262,545 19,281,988 0.18% $35,416 $36,107 $38,423 $41,016 $44,027 5.79% Earnings by place of work $549,508,009 $561,245,567 $599,585,866 $631,696,790 $674,839,138 5.43% less: Contributions for government social insurance $60,352,947 $61,947,244 $65,286,401 $68,082,030 $72,074,108 4.60% Employee & self-employed contrib. for govt. soc. ins. $29,961,033 $30,547,950 $32,378,557 $34,009,134 $36,199,594 4.98% Employer contributions for govt. social insurance $30,391,914 $31,399,294 $32,907,844 $34,072,896 $35,874,514 4.22% plus: Adjustment for residence -$31,536,908 -$31,238,435 -$35,098,648 -$37,871,357 -$42,863,308 Population Per Capita Income 2004 2005 2006 Growth 2002 NM equals: Net earnings by place of residence $457,618,154 $468,059,888 $499,200,817 $525,743,403 $559,901,722 5.33% plus: Dividends, interest, and rent $103,078,144 $102,457,764 $108,460,110 $132,762,592 $148,804,631 10.44% plus: Personal current transfer receipts $116,908,016 $123,015,368 $132,307,646 $131,567,858 $140,230,364 4.40% equals: Total Personal Income $677,604,314 $693,533,020 $739,968,573 $790,073,853 $848,936,717 5.98% Earnings by place of work $549,508,009 $561,245,567 $599,585,866 $631,696,790 $674,839,138 5.43% Wage and salary disbursements $400,159,919 $406,548,023 $431,824,743 $452,655,491 $487,379,090 5.15% Supplements to wages and salaries $81,058,574 $85,564,321 $92,579,052 $98,921,459 $104,044,863 6.66% Employer contrib. for employee pension & insur. funds $50,666,660 $54,165,027 $59,671,208 $64,848,563 $68,170,349 8.04% Employer contributions for govt. social insurance $30,391,914 $31,399,294 $32,907,844 $34,072,896 $35,874,514 4.22% Proprietors' income $68,289,516 $69,133,223 $75,182,071 $80,119,840 $83,415,185 5.63% $247,806 $409,248 $512,903 $292,963 NM $68,306,572 $68,885,417 $74,772,823 $79,606,937 $83,122,222 5.52% $549,508,009 $561,245,567 $599,585,866 $631,696,790 $674,839,138 5.43% $596,210 $772,153 $925,395 $941,897 $741,418 6.55% $548,911,799 $560,473,414 $598,660,471 $630,754,893 $674,097,720 5.43% $79,959,228 $83,745,391 $89,631,859 $94,887,096 $98,177,721 5.50% Farm proprietors' income Nonfarm proprietors' income Earnings by place of work Farm earnings Nonfarm earnings: Private and Government Government -$17,056 Data: BEA Complied by: Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 44 5/28/2008 45 2.02% 0.79% 0.59% 0.97% Federal Government State Government 1.14% Total, All Private Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research 0.71% 1.13% Total, All Government Total, All Industries 0.72% 1.56% Accommodation and Food Services Other Services 7.99% 2.70% Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Local Government 1.73% Health Care and Social Assistance Unclassified 1.70% 3.01% Administrative and Waste Services Educational Services 0.73% 5.87% 1.43% 0.81% Finance and Insurance Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Professional and Technical Services 0.74% 1.02% -2.27% Management of Companies and Enterprises -2.28% -0.34% Transportation and Warehousing Information 0.64% 0.52% -0.07% 4.54% 0.32% -0.72% -2.07% 0.49% 1.48% 1.68% 1.55% 2.33% 0.73% 1.41% 1.16% 0.79% -0.07% -0.81% -0.32% -3.26% Wholesale Trade -2.57% Manufacturing 1.17% Retail Trade 2.46% Construction -2.15% 6.10% 0.95% 0.08% Mining 0.74% -0.32% Utilities Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS Growth in the Number of Firms (within industry) Average Employment Growth (within Industry) 3.86% 3.63% 2.38% 2.30% 2.93% 0.66% 1.61% 3.27% 3.92% 3.34% 4.33% 4.98% 4.45% 3.08% 4.60% 4.87% 6.69% 1.32% 2.41% 3.10% 2.94% 0.20% 1.91% -0.11% 7.09% 3.43% 3.20% 3.09% 2.46% -2.15% 2.59% 1.39% 3.76% 2.77% 2.40% 1.63% 2.73% 2.59% 3.70% 1.65% 2.53% 3.81% 5.90% 3.68% 1.23% 2.28% 3.01% 3.57% 0.73% 2.08% 0.94% 2.67% NM NM NM 18 13 12 7 20 23 14 17 15 19 2 5 10 1 4 16 21 6 8 9 3 11 22 Average Wages by Growth in Average Growth inTotal Industry (2006) Compensation (within Compensation per job Ranked from Highest (within Industry) Industry) (1) to Lowest (23) * New York State Summary Statistics for Firms, Employment, and Wages by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 5/28/2008 NM NM NM 20 2 14 18 11 6 17 1 12 8 19 5 16 7 13 15 3 9 4 10 21 23 22 Level Change in Avg. Employ. By industry (2006-2002) Ranked from Highest (1) to Lowest (23) 46 71,231 56,760 36,741 60,244 Accommodation and Food Services Other Services 6,158 Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research 9,080 529,790 Total, All Private 538,870 Total, All Government Total, All Industries 25,878 Local Government Unclassified 874 State Government 2,048 9,397 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Federal Government 46,416 5,881 23,509 Health Care and Social Assistance Educational Services Administrative and Waste Services 2,500 57,420 Management of Companies and Enterprises Professional and Technical Services 32,399 32,150 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 9,266 530,527 539,793 31,615 6,244 877 2,145 59,830 36,599 9,549 47,136 5,951 23,295 2,500 27,074 11,713 10,944 11,182 27,581 Transportation and Warehousing Finance and Insurance 72,701 11,420 Retail Trade 37,760 Information 21,595 38,575 Manufacturing 20,530 374 355 2,225 43,221 2003 43,090 Wholesale Trade Construction 371 Utilities 2,256 355 2002 Mining Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS 2004 9,288 536,573 545,861 31,525 6,264 877 2,147 60,718 37,780 9,949 48,580 6,213 23,896 2,709 56,718 32,649 27,509 10,715 11,188 71,670 37,487 20,064 44,262 378 360 2,205 2005 New York State Number of Reporting Units by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 9,326 544,883 554,209 34,416 6,326 887 2,113 61,426 38,276 10,167 49,080 6,436 24,440 2,923 57,752 32,972 28,535 10,492 11,189 71,668 37,361 19,666 45,138 381 363 2,204 2006 9,378 553,132 562,510 36,423 6,341 912 2,125 61,842 38,815 10,407 49,569 6,559 24,968 3,075 59,028 33,179 28,847 10,663 11,226 71,337 37,240 19,376 47,614 369 368 2,231 Growth 5/28/2008 0.71% 1.14% 1.13% 7.99% 0.72% 0.97% 0.59% 0.79% 1.56% 2.70% 1.73% 3.01% 1.70% 5.87% 0.73% 0.81% 1.43% -2.27% -0.34% -0.32% -0.81% -2.57% 2.46% 0.08% 0.95% -0.32% 47 137,232 240,059 1,046,036 Federal Government State Government Local Government 6,848,949 1,423,327 Total, All Industries Total, All Private Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research 8,272,276 Total, All Government 34,134 310,619 Unclassified 513,213 Accommodation and Food Services 249,162 Educational Services Other Services 417,797 Administrative and Waste Services 124,520 118,817 Management of Companies and Enterprises Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 509,047 Professional and Technical Services 1,113,327 176,844 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Health Care and Social Assistance 295,415 Transportation and Warehousing 524,760 Retail Trade Finance and Insurance 855,067 215,869 Wholesale Trade Information 649,208 353,739 Manufacturing 319,798 Construction 42,320 Utilities 21,151 4,143 2002 Mining Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS 40,928 4,380 21,285 1,421,443 6,801,127 8,222,570 42,118 1,049,663 236,576 135,204 310,715 517,438 125,315 1,133,299 257,284 410,584 120,332 505,888 178,479 513,759 275,284 214,948 852,040 350,441 610,059 316,553 2003 263,747 418,485 119,376 514,688 181,353 516,342 268,204 217,684 863,990 352,745 593,521 320,282 39,250 4,715 22,048 1,418,587 6,856,764 8,275,351 36,752 1,053,335 235,055 130,197 311,413 529,143 130,926 1,152,100 2004 268,493 425,836 121,981 529,510 183,281 526,099 268,215 220,477 875,115 351,967 578,759 323,456 39,175 4,925 21,928 1,421,003 6,926,223 8,347,226 37,156 1,058,708 233,537 128,758 314,878 536,488 130,268 1,168,218 2005 New York State Average Employment by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 273,638 425,410 126,541 549,842 183,572 538,065 266,661 225,844 877,790 351,759 564,857 335,391 38,810 5,252 21,617 1,418,248 7,006,373 8,424,621 45,382 1,058,511 233,061 126,676 316,208 542,494 132,763 1,184,479 2006 Growth 5/28/2008 -0.07% 0.64% 0.52% 4.54% 0.32% -0.72% -2.07% 0.49% 1.48% 1.68% 1.55% 2.33% 0.73% 1.41% 2.02% 1.02% 0.74% -2.28% 1.16% 0.79% -0.07% -3.26% 1.17% -2.15% 6.10% 0.74% 48 Transportation and Warehousing $47,031 $42,947 Total, All Private Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research $46,328 $46,170 State Government Total, All Government $49,595 Federal Government Total, All Industries $26,307 $41,335 $17,448 Accommodation and Food Services Other Services $34,647 $36,583 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Unclassified $34,357 Health Care and Social Assistance Local Government $30,921 $35,755 Administrative and Waste Services Educational Services $112,772 $68,726 Management of Companies and Enterprises $42,062 Professional and Technical Services $124,531 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Finance and Insurance $66,569 $24,985 $36,663 Retail Trade Information $46,295 $47,721 Construction $55,917 $77,825 Utilities Wholesale Trade $44,625 Manufacturing $22,579 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting 2002 Mining Industry by Three Digit NACIS $44,099 $47,927 $47,266 $32,754 $42,532 $46,915 $51,343 $27,090 $17,788 $38,297 $35,985 $36,833 $32,414 $107,646 $70,252 $42,962 $124,595 $70,355 $37,306 $25,690 $57,812 $48,387 $48,761 $78,970 $46,903 $23,199 2003 $73,565 $38,273 $26,505 $60,369 $50,255 $49,184 $82,721 $47,488 $24,123 $45,889 $50,794 $49,953 $34,368 $44,277 $47,900 $55,295 $27,980 $18,506 $39,177 $37,449 $38,350 $33,885 $115,683 $73,689 $45,758 $143,445 2004 New York State Average Wages by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 $76,200 $39,037 $27,245 $62,387 $51,961 $50,444 $83,248 $48,851 $24,642 $46,920 $52,971 $51,941 $36,139 $45,444 $48,538 $56,118 $29,178 $19,150 $39,705 $38,526 $39,822 $35,428 $120,185 $77,165 $48,033 $153,068 2005 $81,242 $40,360 $28,195 $65,520 $53,770 $52,914 $87,655 $50,499 $26,043 $48,418 $56,878 $55,454 $38,563 $47,155 $48,528 $58,774 $30,548 $20,248 $43,892 $39,891 $41,646 $36,683 $125,871 $80,437 $51,079 $177,637 2006 Growth 5/28/2008 3.06% 4.92% 4.64% 3.17% 3.35% 1.35% 4.38% 3.80% 3.78% 4.09% 3.74% 3.90% 4.40% 3.35% 4.17% 5.13% 9.59% 4.90% 2.40% 3.05% 4.01% 3.78% 2.43% 2.95% 2.92% 3.52% 49 Columbia -0.89% 2.26% NA 6.89% 0.00% -0.93% -1.77% -4.70% 0.86% -2.50% 0.89% 6.27% NA 3.26% 4.22% 3.94% 0.63% 1.22% -0.20% 0.00% 0.00% 1.18% 10.02% 2.06% 2.12% 0.68% Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled By: Marist College Bureau of Economic Research Total, All Government Total, All Private Total, All Industries Unclassified Local Government State Government Federal Government Other Services Accommodation and Food Services Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Health Care and Social Assistance Educational Services Administrative and Waste Services Management of Companies and Enterprises Professional and Technical Services Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Finance and Insurance Information Transportation and Warehousing Retail Trade Wholesale Trade Manufacturing Construction Utilities Mining Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS Dutchess 0.11% 0.69% NA 4.99% -0.19% 1.75% 0.08% 4.44% -1.59% 0.64% 4.30% 0.50% 6.84% 5.26% 3.57% 1.61% 4.01% 4.54% 2.26% 1.74% 0.47% 2.75% 7.94% 2.61% 2.62% 2.35% Greene -12.09% NA NA 5.15% -6.29% 3.37% -1.03% 4.73% -4.30% 3.86% 3.71% -1.21% NA 4.82% 20.13% 2.90% -1.11% -1.12% -1.75% -3.11% 0.00% 0.40% 12.04% 1.12% 1.24% -0.62% Orange 0.99% -3.11% 6.23% 4.21% -0.27% 3.52% 0.95% 0.84% -1.30% 1.02% 4.19% 3.20% 6.93% 4.77% 2.23% 2.70% 3.96% 2.12% 2.30% -0.75% 1.49% 2.05% 12.27% 2.84% 2.89% 1.14% Putnam 1.92% NA NA 4.19% -0.38% -0.43% -0.82% -1.02% -1.32% -0.51% 0.00% 3.01% NA 3.69% 7.22% 0.83% -1.39% 2.03% 1.12% -1.59% 0.00% 0.00% 10.44% 2.13% 2.17% -0.39% Rockland -2.84% NA 16.42% 2.78% -1.82% -0.78% -0.46% -1.19% -3.91% 0.38% 2.44% -0.11% 5.24% 1.33% 4.28% 1.55% 2.13% 2.61% 1.43% -1.91% 0.00% -0.29% 15.47% 1.60% 1.65% -0.57% Hudson Valley Summary Growth in the Number of Reporting Units by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 Sullivan -5.12% 0.16% NA 3.92% -2.28% -1.14% 0.91% -0.03% 0.57% 0.69% 4.65% 2.10% 14.37% 3.88% -1.96% -0.11% 0.82% -0.15% -1.17% 0.53% 0.00% -0.15% 5.04% 1.12% 1.18% 0.09% Ulster -2.34% -2.51% NA 6.00% -2.04% -0.91% -1.17% 1.42% -1.41% 0.64% 5.57% 1.64% 8.04% 1.96% 1.93% 2.12% 5.61% 1.71% 1.39% 0.21% 1.39% 0.53% 11.54% 1.94% 1.99% 0.51% 5/28/2008 Westchester -0.77% NA 2.10% 2.24% -1.68% -1.07% -0.65% 0.50% -2.51% 1.40% 2.23% 0.27% 4.92% 1.71% 1.56% NA 3.13% 1.09% 0.52% 1.28% 1.95% -0.09% 8.66% 1.12% 1.13% 0.30% 50 Columbia 4.39% 3.50% NA 2.95% -2.26% -4.67% 0.77% 0.24% -6.37% -5.40% 0.64% 5.71% NA 1.76% 5.87% 1.36% 3.58% 5.21% 2.94% -2.36% -2.62% 0.61% 0.14% 0.74% 0.96% -0.03% Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled By: Marist College Bureau of Economic Research Total, All Government Total, All Private Total, All Industries Unclassified Local Government State Government Federal Government Other Services Accommodation and Food Services Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Health Care and Social Assistance Educational Services Administrative and Waste Services Management of Companies and Enterprises Professional and Technical Services Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Finance and Insurance Information Transportation and Warehousing Retail Trade Wholesale Trade Manufacturing Construction Utilities Mining Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS Dutchess 3.05% 8.87% NA 3.94% -2.95% 3.08% 0.23% 5.01% -0.18% 1.29% -3.14% 2.80% 22.11% 2.92% 4.34% 1.10% 6.25% 2.64% 2.13% -8.81% -1.55% 1.32% 3.26% 0.98% 1.28% -0.28% Greene -5.58% NA NA 7.91% 1.82% 4.90% 1.88% 2.67% -2.27% 1.14% 5.86% -7.35% NA -0.60% 8.85% 2.81% -0.62% 1.72% 4.35% -3.37% 0.11% 0.90% 0.75% 1.52% 1.96% 0.52% Orange 0.58% -7.04% 0.71% 2.62% -3.74% 0.18% 2.02% 1.92% 0.10% -0.13% 5.32% 3.92% -2.28% 5.58% 1.02% 3.86% 2.69% 0.27% 2.40% -1.15% -3.29% 1.03% 10.10% 1.37% 1.70% 0.16% Putnam -8.14% NA NA 5.24% 3.45% 5.34% 1.20% 1.36% 1.98% -2.52% -2.48% 3.22% NA 13.03% 5.65% 4.44% 1.44% 1.56% 1.01% -3.12% -1.49% 1.54% 10.57% 2.69% 3.02% 1.25% Rockland 8.40% NA 1.12% 2.99% -0.37% 0.80% -0.32% 1.26% -4.61% -0.71% -1.87% 2.95% 4.88% 2.25% -1.46% 1.41% 0.78% 0.86% 1.47% -2.75% 3.31% 1.27% 13.43% 0.91% 0.74% 1.66% Hudson Valley Summary Growth in Average Employment by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 Sullivan 1.35% 10.53% NA 9.79% 5.73% 0.75% -0.77% -1.19% -1.49% -3.19% 0.79% 2.92% 4.75% 7.23% 1.49% 0.33% 23.30% -3.27% -3.80% -2.23% 0.62% -0.11% -1.44% 0.53% 0.73% -0.06% Ulster 9.08% 8.53% NA 5.60% -6.65% -1.36% 0.47% -0.28% -15.81% 2.40% 7.36% -0.23% 22.63% 10.53% 2.35% 0.11% 5.05% -0.52% 1.49% -1.51% -2.07% 1.00% 8.85% 0.14% 0.18% -0.01% 5/28/2008 Westchester -2.62% NA -2.49% 1.50% -2.96% -1.39% 0.71% 4.70% -3.19% 5.05% 1.54% -0.84% 5.35% 0.07% 2.13% NA -2.92% 0.63% 1.55% -1.58% 0.83% 0.08% 4.47% 0.64% 0.76% 0.01% 51 Columbia 7.85% 12.29% NA 4.37% 1.46% -0.33% 4.92% 1.41% -5.45% -5.22% 3.47% 8.79% NA 12.95% 12.40% 6.75% 5.09% 8.48% 6.14% 1.33% 1.72% 1.54% 4.23% 3.63% 4.30% 1.60% Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled By: Marist College Bureau of Economic Research Total, All Government Total, All Private Total, All Industries Unclassified Local Government State Government Federal Government Other Services Accommodation and Food Services Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Health Care and Social Assistance Educational Services Administrative and Waste Services Management of Companies and Enterprises Professional and Technical Services Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Finance and Insurance Information Transportation and Warehousing Retail Trade Wholesale Trade Manufacturing Construction Utilities Mining Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS Dutchess 8.86% 7.77% NA 8.77% 0.35% 6.29% 3.25% 3.10% 2.50% 5.28% 0.63% 5.98% 23.47% 6.82% 6.49% 5.18% 4.56% 5.45% 6.35% -1.39% 1.16% 8.62% 13.00% 4.05% 3.81% 5.03% Greene -5.69% NA NA 9.21% 7.16% 9.01% 6.17% 6.10% -1.92% 8.70% 10.52% -8.47% NA 8.92% 25.29% 6.69% 2.18% 5.07% 8.03% 1.55% 4.08% 6.00% -3.06% 5.18% 5.36% 4.92% Orange 3.55% 0.48% 5.59% 3.67% -0.92% 4.24% 4.62% 4.18% 3.38% 5.47% 8.60% 7.22% -0.12% 10.75% 10.72% 9.87% 4.71% 4.66% 5.64% 3.30% -1.43% 7.08% 17.00% 5.16% 5.20% 5.04% Putnam 1.76% NA NA 8.74% 4.96% 5.20% 4.73% 2.20% 4.52% 3.68% 4.72% 8.71% NA 13.66% 25.45% 9.75% 2.67% 1.44% 4.67% 0.70% -0.42% 6.04% 13.16% 6.35% 6.59% 5.61% Rockland 18.60% NA 1.78% 4.77% 3.07% 4.45% 1.10% 4.80% 3.44% 3.13% -2.06% 4.97% 14.77% 3.55% 0.70% 6.13% -0.47% 4.13% 4.35% 1.33% 4.19% 5.06% 17.31% 4.17% 4.02% 4.75% Hudson Valley Summary Growth in Total Compensation by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 Sullivan 8.80% 15.40% NA 16.86% 8.84% 5.57% 2.20% 1.78% -6.90% 3.13% 5.30% 5.47% 7.51% 11.72% 4.90% 2.79% 34.67% -0.21% -0.61% 1.42% -4.28% 4.38% 5.26% 3.53% 4.50% 1.75% Ulster 13.08% 9.35% NA 8.89% -1.17% 3.02% 3.43% 1.95% -3.14% 7.27% 15.19% 3.93% 33.83% 19.51% 5.94% 3.94% 10.37% 2.68% 6.37% 3.01% 2.26% 7.69% 14.42% 5.02% 4.76% 5.64% 5/28/2008 Westchester 1.60% NA 0.08% 3.87% 3.04% 3.19% 2.07% 15.67% 0.25% 11.37% 7.37% 3.01% 12.46% 7.80% 5.25% NA 1.79% 4.48% 5.51% 3.49% 1.85% 5.75% 6.62% 5.52% 5.58% 5.18% 52 Columbia 3.32% 8.48% NA 1.38% 3.82% 4.56% 4.11% 1.17% 0.99% 0.19% 2.81% 2.92% NA 10.99% 6.17% 5.32% 1.46% 3.11% 3.11% 3.79% 4.46% 0.93% 4.08% 2.87% 3.31% 1.64% Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled By: Marist College Bureau of Economic Research Total, All Government Total, All Private Total, All Industries Unclassified Local Government State Government Federal Government Other Services Accommodation and Food Services Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Health Care and Social Assistance Educational Services Administrative and Waste Services Management of Companies and Enterprises Professional and Technical Services Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Finance and Insurance Information Transportation and Warehousing Retail Trade Wholesale Trade Manufacturing Construction Utilities Mining Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS Dutchess 5.64% -1.01% NA 4.65% 3.39% 3.12% 3.01% -1.82% 2.68% 3.94% 3.89% 3.09% 1.11% 3.80% 2.07% 4.04% -1.59% 2.73% 4.14% 8.14% 2.75% 7.20% 9.43% 3.04% 2.49% 5.33% Greene -0.12% NA NA 1.21% 5.25% 3.92% 4.21% 3.34% 0.36% 7.47% 4.40% -1.20% NA 9.58% 15.10% 3.77% 2.82% 3.29% 3.53% 5.09% 3.96% 5.06% -3.78% 3.61% 3.34% 4.38% Orange 2.96% 8.08% 4.84% 1.03% 2.93% 4.05% 2.55% 2.22% 3.27% 5.61% 3.12% 3.18% 2.21% 4.89% 9.61% 5.78% 1.96% 4.38% 3.17% 4.51% 1.92% 5.99% 6.27% 3.74% 3.44% 4.88% Putnam 10.78% NA NA 3.32% 1.47% -0.13% 3.49% 0.83% 2.49% 6.37% 7.38% 5.31% NA 0.56% 18.75% 5.09% 1.21% -0.12% 3.63% 3.94% 1.08% 4.43% 2.34% 3.57% 3.47% 4.31% Rockland 9.41% NA 0.65% 1.73% 3.45% 3.62% 1.43% 3.50% 8.44% 3.86% -0.20% 1.97% 9.43% 1.27% 2.19% 4.65% -1.24% 3.24% 2.84% 4.19% 0.85% 3.75% 3.43% 3.24% 3.26% 3.04% Hudson Valley Summary Growth in Average Compensation by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 Sullivan 7.35% 4.40% NA 6.44% 2.94% 4.78% 3.00% 3.01% -5.49% 6.53% 4.48% 2.48% 2.63% 4.19% 3.36% 2.45% 9.23% 3.17% 3.32% 3.74% -4.87% 4.50% 6.80% 2.98% 3.75% 1.81% Ulster 3.66% 0.76% NA 3.12% 5.88% 4.44% 2.95% 2.24% 15.05% 4.76% 7.29% 4.17% 9.13% 8.12% 3.51% 3.83% 5.07% 3.22% 4.80% 4.59% 4.43% 6.62% 5.12% 4.88% 4.57% 5.65% 5/28/2008 Westchester 4.34% NA 2.64% 2.34% 6.18% 4.65% 1.34% 10.47% 3.55% 6.02% 5.75% 3.88% 6.74% 7.72% 3.05% NA 4.85% 3.83% 3.89% 5.16% 1.01% 5.67% 2.06% 4.84% 4.78% 5.17% Columbia County Components of Total Personal Income: 2002-2006 (in thousands of dollars) 2002 Population 2003 2004 2005 2006 Growth 62,881 62,844 63,018 62,944 62,590 -0.08% $27,910 $28,751 $31,305 $32,451 $34,687 5.72% Earnings by place of work $866,518 $902,959 $999,811 $1,005,059 $1,033,524 4.70% less: Contributions for government social insurance $104,434 $107,204 $118,123 $118,229 $122,137 4.20% Employee & self-employed contrib. for govt. soc. ins. $51,158 $52,680 $58,230 $59,498 $61,993 5.19% Employer contributions for govt. social insurance $53,276 $54,524 $59,893 $58,731 $60,144 3.22% plus: Adjustment for residence $325,811 $337,180 $341,768 $369,648 $395,533 4.91% $1,087,895 $1,132,935 $1,223,456 $1,256,478 $1,306,920 4.82% plus: Dividends, interest, and rent $323,496 $315,566 $370,031 $397,468 $445,846 9.11% plus: Personal current transfer receipts $343,625 $358,313 $379,305 $388,656 $418,276 4.86% $1,755,016 $1,806,814 $1,972,792 $2,042,602 $2,171,042 5.63% Earnings by place of work $866,518 $902,959 $999,811 $1,005,059 $1,033,524 4.70% Wage and salary disbursements $629,871 $640,680 $707,917 $691,054 $711,713 3.25% Supplements to wages and salaries Per Capita Income equals: Net earnings by place of residence equals: Total Personal Income $136,398 $148,336 $168,774 $172,783 $177,715 7.06% Employer contrib. for employee pension & insur. funds $83,122 $93,812 $108,881 $114,052 $117,571 9.30% Employer contributions for govt. social insurance $53,276 $54,524 $59,893 $58,731 $60,144 3.22% $100,249 $113,943 $123,120 $141,222 $144,096 9.86% -$1,331 $6,650 $3,020 $4,891 $1,695 NM Nonfarm proprietors' income $101,580 $107,293 $120,100 $136,331 $142,401 9.58% Earnings by place of work $866,518 $902,959 $999,811 $1,005,059 $1,033,524 4.70% Proprietors' income Farm proprietors' income Farm earnings $26,036 $30,003 $26,043 $23,935 $21,591 -5.83% Nonfarm earnings: Private and Government $840,482 $872,956 $973,768 $981,124 $1,011,933 5.00% Government $200,466 $198,475 $216,432 $231,472 $228,803 4.27% Data: BEA Complied by: Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 53 5/28/2008 54 0.00% 1.18% Federal Government State Government Local Government 2.12% 0.68% Total, All Industries Total, All Private Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research 2.06% Total, All Government 10.02% 0.00% Other Services Unclassified 1.22% -0.20% Accommodation and Food Services 0.63% Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 184.02% 183.33% 183.52% 169.29% 180.53% 192.75% 182.11% 176.21% 168.22% 184.39% 186.00% 189.64% 4.22% 3.94% Educational Services 183.70% NA 206.52% 178.12% 173.09% 171.99% 183.72% 178.94% 174.19% 180.81% 189.86% 201.59% 192.51% Average Employment Growth (within Industry) 3.26% Health Care and Social Assistance Administrative and Waste Services NA 6.27% Professional and Technical Services Management of Companies and Enterprises 0.89% Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 0.86% Information -2.50% -4.70% Transportation and Warehousing Finance and Insurance -0.93% 0.00% Manufacturing -1.77% 6.89% Construction Wholesale Trade 2.26% Mining Retail Trade -0.89% Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS Growth in the Number of Firms (within industry) 1.60% 4.30% 3.63% 4.23% 1.54% 1.72% 1.33% 6.14% 8.48% 5.09% 6.75% 12.40% 12.95% NA 8.79% 3.47% -5.22% -5.45% 1.41% 4.92% -0.33% 1.46% 4.37% 12.29% 7.85% 1.64% 3.31% 2.87% 4.08% 0.93% 4.46% 3.79% 3.11% 3.11% 1.46% 5.32% 6.17% 10.99% NA 2.92% 2.81% 0.19% 0.99% 1.17% 4.11% 4.56% 3.82% 1.38% 8.48% 3.32% NM NM NM 21 15 1 4 20 22 18 12 19 13 5 3 17 7 6 11 16 9 8 10 2 14 5/28/2008 NM NM NM 21 1 9 19 10 5 17 2 16 12 18 8 20 14 15 11 3 13 4 7 22 6 Average Wages by Level Change in Avg. Growth in Total Growth in Average Industry (2006) Ranked Employ. by Industry (20062002) Ranked from Compensation (within Compensation per from Highest (1) to job (within Industry) Highest (1) to Lowest (22) Industry) Lowest (22) Columbia County Summary Statistics for Firms, Employment, and Wages by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 55 70 55 146 Finance and Insurance Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Professional and Technical Services Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research Total, All Government 87 1,707 Total, All Private 62 Unclassified 1,794 50 Local Government Total, All Industries 8 State Government 29 156 Other Services Federal Government 48 147 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Accommodation and Food Services 151 20 Educational Services Health Care and Social Assistance 72 Administrative and Waste Services 6 47 Management of Companies and Enterprises 44 Information 262 Transportation and Warehousing Retail Trade 78 87 1,705 1,792 57 50 8 29 155 142 53 149 21 78 0 153 58 70 45 39 257 65 78 65 Manufacturing 4 66 Wholesale Trade 4 69 2003 210 2002 208 Construction Mining Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS 2004 87 1,764 1,851 69 50 8 29 152 144 56 159 23 80 9 161 59 69 48 40 253 62 76 233 5 66 2005 Columbia County Number of Reporting Units by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 89 1,793 1,882 89 52 8 29 150 148 50 169 24 79 9 177 57 65 49 36 240 63 78 239 5 68 2006 89 1,849 1,938 80 52 8 29 157 153 51 172 23 84 10 184 58 64 47 36 248 63 78 272 4 65 Growth 5/28/2008 0.68% 2.12% 2.06% 10.02% 1.18% 0.00% 0.00% -0.20% 1.22% 0.63% 3.94% 4.22% 3.26% NA 6.27% 0.89% -2.50% 0.86% -4.70% -1.77% -0.93% 0.00% 6.89% 2.26% -0.89% 56 801 3,655 State Government Local Government Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research 4,651 16,113 Total, All Private Total, All Government 20,764 Total, All Industries 79 195 Federal Government Unclassified 593 Accommodation and Food Services Other Services 260 1,188 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Educational Services 3,614 453 248 Administrative and Waste Services Health Care and Social Assistance 273 Management of Companies and Enterprises 175 169 588 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Professional and Technical Services 452 458 Finance and Insurance 4,771 16,173 20,944 69 3,797 794 180 600 1,242 265 3,638 264 493 0 632 373 426 468 559 2,714 575 2,060 843 36 939 Transportation and Warehousing 2,708 2003 Information Retail Trade 564 2,161 Wholesale Trade Manufacturing 32 888 821 2002 Construction Mining Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS 2004 4,785 16,705 21,490 74 3,813 795 177 637 1,249 287 3,710 293 487 305 651 183 426 388 552 2,815 551 2,134 896 36 1,001 Columbia County Average Employment by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 161,993,063 502,138,634 664,131,697 1,383,535 106,529,925 48,488,125 6,975,013 13,148,641 15,566,504 6,888,426 121,911,936 6,931,002 13,668,980 8,479,487 29,216,934 4,468,148 15,723,637 14,555,755 17,661,009 71,679,952 19,066,395 78,832,323 27,327,098 1,676,198 31,634,120 2005 2006 4,665 16,697 21,362 79 3,791 697 177 644 1,473 300 3,778 312 500 211 740 176 373 321 529 2,814 480 1,929 933 37 1,036 Growth 5/28/2008 184.02% 183.33% 183.52% 169.29% 180.53% 192.75% 182.11% 176.21% 168.22% 184.39% 186.00% 189.64% 183.70% 0.00% 206.52% 178.12% 173.09% 171.99% 183.72% 178.94% 174.19% 180.81% 189.86% 201.59% 192.51% 57 $18,482 $17,938 $28,720 $27,419 $33,228 Unclassified Total, All Industries Total, All Private Total, All Government Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research $26,008 $29,360 Local Government $38,580 $30,994 $28,766 $29,273 $53,118 $37,246 $49,902 $19,351 Federal Government $19,653 Other Services $11,137 $24,039 $28,376 $20,105 $23,456 $0 $39,028 $39,264 $32,054 $24,639 State Government $23,839 $10,791 Accommodation and Food Services $27,111 Health Care and Social Assistance Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation $20,635 $18,473 Administrative and Waste Services Educational Services $34,704 Management of Companies and Enterprises $23,449 $24,490 $38,563 Finance and Insurance $40,786 $42,518 Information Real Estate and Rental and Leasing $31,741 Transportation and Warehousing Professional and Technical Services $47,172 $23,054 Retail Trade $36,445 $33,835 $34,419 $32,975 $30,245 $30,820 Construction $39,331 $29,437 Wholesale Trade $39,090 2003 Manufacturing $26,807 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting 2002 Mining Industry by Three Digit NACIS $41,651 $24,248 $38,230 $40,868 $34,642 $25,132 $35,131 $37,798 $32,342 $40,805 $28,700 $32,613 $31,015 $31,371 $18,232 $27,153 $56,802 $41,608 $19,790 $11,675 $23,793 $30,499 $21,919 $26,576 $114,555 2004 Columbia County Average Wages by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 $34,270 $30,313 $31,192 $19,765 $28,400 $60,309 $40,552 $19,336 $11,591 $24,341 $32,006 $23,495 $28,359 $41,163 $42,039 $25,978 $40,214 $42,811 $33,011 $26,401 $38,753 $38,343 $31,303 $44,110 $29,844 2005 2006 $34,272 $31,434 $32,054 $21,189 $29,423 $58,239 $43,749 $22,910 $12,325 $25,466 $33,083 $23,052 $31,610 $43,419 $45,382 $26,727 $42,169 $42,771 $33,157 $27,241 $35,316 $40,466 $33,878 $55,462 $31,342 Growth 5/28/2008 1.64% 3.31% 2.87% 4.08% 0.93% 4.46% 3.79% 3.11% 3.11% 1.46% 5.32% 6.17% 10.99% NA 2.92% 2.81% 0.19% 0.99% 1.17% 4.11% 4.56% 3.82% 1.38% 8.48% 3.32% Dutchess County Components of Total Personal Income: 2002-2006 (in thousands of dollars) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Growth Population 286,875 289,334 291,051 292,018 292,202 0.46% Per Capita Income $32,057 $32,945 $34,703 $37,103 $39,803 5.67% $5,982,475 $6,200,842 $6,432,115 $6,827,745 $7,083,572 4.44% $714,418 $744,136 $773,461 $815,314 $844,256 4.34% $338,590 $349,976 $362,841 $384,753 $399,391 4.34% $375,828 $394,160 $410,620 $430,561 $444,865 4.35% $1,338,520 $1,370,111 $1,543,245 $1,603,960 $1,861,252 8.51% $6,606,577 $6,826,817 $7,201,899 $7,616,391 $8,100,568 5.31% $1,268,504 $1,325,762 $1,422,686 $1,699,059 $1,898,642 11.12% $1,321,321 $1,379,479 $1,475,764 $1,519,299 $1,631,232 5.32% $9,196,402 $9,532,058 $10,100,349 $10,834,749 $11,630,442 6.16% $5,982,475 $6,200,842 $6,432,115 $6,827,745 $7,083,572 4.44% $4,566,224 $4,704,394 $4,878,989 $5,115,717 $5,314,834 3.95% $989,531 $1,069,572 $1,116,588 $1,207,877 $1,249,577 6.06% $613,703 $675,412 $705,968 $777,316 $804,712 7.06% $375,828 $394,160 $410,620 $430,561 $444,865 4.35% $426,720 $426,876 $436,538 $504,151 $519,161 5.74% -$4,447 -$443 -$1,865 $336 $602 NM $431,167 $427,319 $438,403 $503,815 $518,559 5.48% $5,982,475 $6,200,842 $6,432,115 $6,827,745 $7,083,572 4.44% Earnings by place of work less: Contributions for government social insurance Employee & self-employed contrib. for govt. soc. ins. Employer contributions for govt. social insurance plus: Adjustment for residence equals: Net earnings by place of residence plus: Dividends, interest, and rent plus: Personal current transfer receipts equals: Total Personal Income Earnings by place of work Wage and salary disbursements Supplements to wages and salaries p y employee pension & insur. funds Employer contributions for govt. social insurance Proprietors' income Farm proprietors' income Nonfarm proprietors' income Earnings by place of work Farm earnings Nonfarm earnings: Private and Government $6,574 $8,966 $7,410 $8,017 $8,627 4.41% $5,975,901 $6,191,876 $6,424,705 $6,819,728 $7,074,945 4.44% Government $1,094,532 $1,138,273 $1,222,668 $1,361,683 $1,402,793 6.99% Data: BEA Complied by: Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 58 5/28/2008 59 0.47% 2.75% 7.94% State Government Local Government Unclassified Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research 2.35% 1.74% Federal Government Total, All Government 2.26% Other Services 2.61% 4.54% Accommodation and Food Services 2.62% 4.01% Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Total, All Industries 1.61% Health Care and Social Assistance Total, All Private 5.26% 3.57% Educational Services Management of Companies and Enterprises Administrative and Waste Services 0.50% 6.84% Professional and Technical Services 0.64% 4.30% Finance and Insurance -1.59% Information Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 0.08% 4.44% Transportation and Warehousing 1.75% Wholesale Trade Retail Trade 4.99% -0.19% NA Utilities Manufacturing 0.69% Construction 0.11% Mining Industry by Three Digit NACIS Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Growth in the Number of Firms (within industry) -0.28% 1.28% 0.98% 3.26% 1.32% -1.55% -8.81% 2.13% 2.64% 6.25% 1.10% 4.34% 2.92% 22.11% 2.80% -3.14% 1.29% -0.18% 5.01% 0.23% 3.08% -2.95% 3.94% NA 8.87% 3.05% 5.03% 3.81% 4.05% 13.00% 8.62% 1.16% -1.39% 6.35% 5.45% 4.56% 5.18% 6.49% 6.82% 23.47% 5.98% 0.63% 5.28% 2.50% 3.10% 3.25% 6.29% 0.35% 8.77% NA 7.77% 8.86% 5.33% 2.49% 3.04% 9.43% 7.20% 2.75% 8.14% 4.14% 2.73% -1.59% 4.04% 2.07% 3.80% 1.11% 3.09% 3.89% 3.94% 2.68% -1.82% 3.01% 3.12% 3.39% 4.65% NA -1.01% 5.64% Average Growth inTotal Growth in Average Employment Growth Compensation (within Compensation per (within Industry) Industry) job (within Industry) NM NM NM 17 10 6 7 20 22 21 12 13 15 4 8 16 5 11 14 19 2 1 9 23 3 18 5/28/2008 NM NM NM 21 4 6 18 12 5 15 1 7 9 19 10 17 13 16 11 3 14 2 8 23 22 20 Average Wages by Level Change in Avg. Industry (2006) Employ. By industry (2006Ranked from Highest 2002) Ranked from (1) to Lowest (23) Highest (1) to Lowest (23) Dutchess County Summary Statistics for Firms, Employment, and Wages by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 60 278 Wholesale Trade Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research Total, All Government 243 7,171 Total, All Private 277 Unclassified 7,414 172 Local Government Total, All Industries 50 678 Other Services 21 548 Accommodation and Food Services Federal Government 123 State Government 766 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 97 352 Health Care and Social Assistance Educational Services Administrative and Waste Services 29 721 Professional and Technical Services Management of Companies and Enterprises 394 318 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 146 Information Finance and Insurance 118 Transportation and Warehousing 1,010 212 Manufacturing Retail Trade NA 987 Construction 16 Mining Utilities 95 2002 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS 2003 247 7,204 7,451 307 173 22 52 689 557 125 765 96 364 31 705 325 382 134 114 996 285 202 1,014 NA 14 92 2004 255 7,461 7,716 321 180 22 53 704 588 130 805 104 392 30 709 353 394 129 122 1,003 298 196 1,070 12 14 90 2005 Dutchess County Number of Reporting Units by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 262 7,687 7,949 386 188 21 53 727 615 137 805 106 411 35 713 360 403 126 125 1,006 291 202 1,116 13 15 95 2006 265 7,900 8,165 362 189 22 54 738 651 143 809 110 428 38 735 373 396 139 140 1,009 300 210 1,200 NA 16 94 Growth 0.11% 5/28/2008 2.35% 2.62% 2.61% 7.94% 2.75% 0.47% 1.74% 2.26% 4.54% 4.01% 1.61% 3.57% 5.26% 6.84% 0.50% 4.30% 0.64% -1.59% 4.44% 0.08% 1.75% -0.19% 4.99% NA 0.69% 61 NA 1,852 1,711 3,494 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Professional and Technical Services 22,300 Total, All Government Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research 91,049 113,349 Total, All Private Total, All Industries 330 Local Government Unclassified 7,307 13,305 State Government 3,317 3,185 1,688 6,979 Accommodation and Food Services Other Services 7,177 1,603 Federal Government 16,026 16,243 Health Care and Social Assistance Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 22,001 92,360 114,361 392 13,359 7,065 1,577 1,719 6,040 5,672 Educational Services 5,121 4,501 405 3,584 1,763 2,993 1,903 2,809 13,973 2,032 16,228 Administrative and Waste Services 339 2,914 Management of Companies and Enterprises 2,004 Finance and Insurance 2,981 14,071 Information Transportation and Warehousing Retail Trade Wholesale Trade 16,714 Manufacturing 5,605 NA 5,224 Construction Utilities 135 110 521 Mining 2003 495 2002 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS 2004 22,040 94,131 116,171 351 13,832 6,920 1,288 3,467 7,599 1,804 16,670 6,295 5,310 385 3,552 1,607 2,937 1,961 3,041 14,411 2,078 15,752 5,555 693 136 529 Dutchess County Average Employment by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 2005 22,300 95,108 117,408 379 14,146 6,925 1,229 3,482 7,719 1,904 16,719 6,392 5,148 675 3,837 1,534 3,005 1,911 3,329 14,335 2,096 15,287 5,973 687 155 542 2006 21,841 95,627 117,468 394 13,809 6,826 1,206 3,454 7,667 2,062 16,796 6,818 5,183 713 3,876 1,564 3,100 1,982 3,496 14,055 2,122 14,830 6,138 NA 157 564 Growth 5/28/2008 -0.28% 1.28% 0.98% 3.26% 1.32% -1.55% -8.81% 2.13% 2.64% 6.25% 1.10% 4.34% 2.92% 22.11% 2.80% -3.14% 1.29% -0.18% 5.01% 0.23% 3.08% -2.95% 3.94% NA 8.87% 3.05% 62 $22,217 $32,388 $31,365 $19,990 $13,747 Educational Services Health Care and Social Assistance Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Accommodation and Food Services $20,944 $38,221 $38,294 $37,919 Local Government Unclassified Total, All Industries Total, All Private Total, All Government Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research $46,859 $33,013 State Government $21,769 $27,371 $37,895 $52,063 Management of Companies and Enterprises Administrative and Waste Services Other Services $14,208 $46,001 Federal Government $27,721 $25,952 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Professional and Technical Services $39,197 $38,961 $39,006 $20,388 $33,370 $50,106 $39,689 $19,425 $31,773 $33,392 $27,541 $51,589 $46,476 $47,305 $39,246 $40,717 $38,521 $37,533 Transportation and Warehousing $23,573 $50,741 $45,021 $22,601 Retail Trade Information $50,574 Wholesale Trade $76,293 $40,228 NA $66,778 $21,045 2003 Finance and Insurance $74,568 Manufacturing NA Utilities $39,009 $54,023 Mining Construction $21,113 2002 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS $41,497 $39,637 $39,990 $25,486 $35,309 $52,888 $46,746 $23,166 $14,215 $20,294 $32,665 $33,893 $28,507 $51,063 $48,475 $31,053 $48,334 $41,125 $38,763 $24,363 $50,538 $79,129 $41,077 $79,273 $60,447 $22,258 2004 Dutchess County Average Wages by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 $43,999 $40,832 $41,434 $26,630 $38,663 $54,221 $47,825 $24,501 $14,852 $18,439 $33,167 $34,917 $30,117 $53,993 $52,450 $30,160 $49,778 $41,374 $40,380 $24,993 $54,693 $82,056 $42,964 $77,150 $55,560 $23,933 2005 2006 $46,399 $42,306 $43,067 $28,759 $43,427 $51,592 $51,045 $25,386 $15,386 $18,941 $37,417 $35,081 $31,535 $53,783 $50,429 $30,104 $53,253 $42,822 $34,383 $25,459 $56,795 $84,945 $47,387 NA $56,292 $26,047 Growth 5.64% 5/28/2008 5.33% 2.49% 3.04% 9.43% 7.20% 2.75% 8.14% 4.14% 2.73% -1.59% 4.04% 2.07% 3.80% 1.11% 3.09% 3.89% 3.94% 2.68% -1.82% 3.01% 3.12% 3.39% 4.65% NA -1.01% Greene County Components of Total Personal Income: 2002-2006 (in thousands of dollars) 2002 Population 2003 2004 2005 2006 Growth 48,332 48,480 48,765 49,070 49,292 0.52% $24,681 $26,307 $27,254 $28,076 $29,623 4.39% Earnings by place of work $534,790 $621,859 $628,794 $672,281 $694,296 6.18% less: Contributions for government social insurance $69,366 $79,666 $80,412 $85,352 $88,117 5.63% Employee & self-employed contrib. for govt. soc. ins. $34,759 $39,585 $40,263 $43,261 $44,997 6.24% Employer contributions for govt. social insurance $34,607 $40,081 $40,149 $42,091 $43,120 5.01% Per Capita Income plus: Adjustment for residence $294,257 $285,854 $300,427 $298,833 $323,582 2.37% equals: Net earnings by place of residence $759,681 $828,047 $848,809 $885,762 $929,761 4.83% plus: Dividends, interest, and rent $177,493 $176,771 $194,238 $191,066 $209,956 4.22% plus: Personal current transfer receipts $255,719 $270,546 $286,011 $300,854 $320,483 5.74% $1,192,893 $1,275,364 $1,329,058 $1,377,682 $1,460,200 4.93% Earnings by place of work $534,790 $621,859 $628,794 $672,281 $694,296 6.18% Wage and salary disbursements equals: Total Personal Income $407,860 $473,838 $469,205 $494,658 $508,844 4.97% Supplements to wages and salaries $87,303 $103,882 $112,559 $124,701 $131,548 10.55% Employer contrib. for employee pension & insur. funds $52,696 $63,801 $72,410 $82,610 $88,428 13.81% Employer contributions for govt. social insurance $34,607 $40,081 $40,149 $42,091 $43,120 5.01% Proprietors' income $39,627 $44,139 $47,030 $52,922 $53,904 8.29% $3,684 $4,950 $4,240 $4,914 $3,946 1.31% $35,943 $39,189 $42,790 $48,008 $49,958 9.00% $534,790 $621,859 $628,794 $672,281 $694,296 6.18% Farm proprietors' income Nonfarm proprietors' income Earnings by place of work Farm earnings $6,166 $7,068 $6,327 $6,644 $5,753 -1.99% Nonfarm earnings: Private and Government $528,624 $614,791 $622,467 $665,637 $688,543 6.27% Government $200,892 $218,767 $245,735 $265,877 $257,205 7.14% Data: BEA Complied by: Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 63 5/29/2008 64 -1.75% -3.11% 0.00% 0.40% Other Services Federal Government State Government Local Government 1.24% -0.62% Total, All Private Total, All Government Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research 1.12% Total, All Industries 12.04% -1.12% Accommodation and Food Services Unclassified 2.90% -1.11% Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 20.13% 4.82% Health Care and Social Assistance Educational Services Administrative and Waste Services NA 5.86% 3.71% -1.21% Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Professional and Technical Services Management of Companies and Enterprises 1.14% 3.86% Finance and Insurance 0.52% 1.96% 1.52% 0.75% 0.90% 0.11% -3.37% 4.35% 1.72% -0.62% 2.81% 8.85% -0.60% NA -7.35% -2.27% 2.67% 1.88% 4.73% -1.03% Retail Trade 4.90% 1.82% -4.30% 3.37% Wholesale Trade Information -6.29% Manufacturing 7.91% -5.58% Average Employment Growth (within Industry) Transportation and Warehousing 5.15% -12.09% Construction Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS Growth in the Number of Firms (within industry) 4.92% 5.36% 5.18% -3.06% 6.00% 4.08% 1.55% 8.03% 5.07% 2.18% 6.69% 25.29% 8.92% NA -8.47% 10.52% 8.70% -1.92% 6.10% 6.17% 9.01% 7.16% 9.21% -5.69% Growth inTotal Compensation (within Industry) 4.38% 3.34% 3.61% -3.78% 5.06% 3.96% 5.09% 3.53% 3.29% 2.82% 3.77% 15.10% 9.58% NA -1.20% 4.40% 7.47% 0.36% 3.34% 4.21% 3.92% 5.25% 1.21% -0.12% NM NM NM 20 10 1 4 18 21 19 11 16 17 2 6 12 9 5 15 14 7 3 8 13 5/29/2008 NM NM NM 19 1 4 17 11 3 8 5 20 15 21 12 16 13 14 10 2 9 6 7 18 Average Wages by Level Change in Avg. Growth in Average Industry (2006) Employ. By industry (2006Compensation per job Ranked from Highest 2002) Ranked from (within Industry) Highest (1) to Lowest (21) (1) to Lowest (21) Greene County Summary Statistics for Firms, Employment, and Wages by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 65 Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research 80 1,239 1,159 Total, All Private 44 Unclassified Total, All Industries 8 49 State Government Local Government Total, All Government 112 187 82 1,149 1,231 42 50 8 112 Other Services 24 192 Accommodation and Food Services 38 23 75 37 Health Care and Social Assistance Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Federal Government 36 NA 80 35 Administrative and Waste Services 9 NA Management of Companies and Enterprises 83 32 46 22 26 191 6 84 Professional and Technical Services Educational Services 44 34 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 22 Finance and Insurance 28 Transportation and Warehousing 198 Information Retail Trade 40 33 44 35 Manufacturing 12 Wholesale Trade 14 2003 155 2002 152 Construction Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS 2004 12 81 1,161 1,242 46 50 8 23 111 181 38 87 11 38 NA 82 34 50 22 25 190 34 38 162 2005 Greene County Number of Reporting Units by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 8 79 1,188 1,267 60 50 8 21 111 178 38 81 12 42 5 81 35 52 19 28 193 39 35 171 2006 9 79 1,212 1,291 65 50 8 21 103 186 35 86 13 41 5 80 39 50 19 34 187 38 34 186 Growth 5/29/2008 -0.62% 1.24% 1.12% 12.04% 0.40% 0.00% -3.11% -1.75% -1.12% -1.11% 2.90% 20.13% 4.82% NA -1.21% 3.71% 3.86% -4.30% 4.73% -1.03% 3.37% -6.29% 5.15% -12.09% 66 NA 163 Management of Companies and Enterprises Administrative and Waste Services 50 4,087 Total, All Government Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research 9,226 13,313 Total, All Private Total, All Industries Unclassified 1,385 1,427 2,538 State Government Local Government 4,154 9,793 13,947 58 2,651 118 122 388 1,593 Federal Government 1,516 Accommodation and Food Services 755 349 787 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 1,058 51 177 NA 769 102 252 230 374 1,836 Other Services 989 Health Care and Social Assistance 40 377 Professional and Technical Services Educational Services 297 102 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 231 Information Finance and Insurance 379 1,774 Transportation and Warehousing Retail Trade 835 488 889 493 Manufacturing 91 Wholesale Trade 96 2003 647 2002 634 Construction Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS 2004 4,101 9,452 13,553 47 2,640 1,347 114 386 1,551 733 1,041 56 208 NA 387 110 293 217 370 1,881 464 855 682 79 Greene County Average Employment by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 2005 84 4,067 9,881 13,948 37 2,640 1,316 111 422 1,587 785 1,060 63 155 52 370 124 292 213 389 1,933 679 872 706 2006 75 4,238 10,119 14,357 65 2,660 1,472 106 414 1,654 748 1,135 55 169 51 371 123 292 214 424 1,898 531 952 888 Growth 5/29/2008 0.52% 1.96% 1.52% 0.75% 0.90% 0.11% -3.37% 4.35% 1.72% -0.62% 2.81% 8.85% -0.60% NA -7.35% 5.86% 1.14% -2.27% 2.67% 1.88% 4.90% 1.82% 7.91% -5.58% 67 $36,372 $55,901 $28,485 $21,145 Federal Government State Government Local Government Unclassified Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research $38,293 $18,098 Other Services Total, All Government $11,248 Accommodation and Food Services $28,216 $16,190 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation $23,752 $25,131 Health Care and Social Assistance Total, All Private $15,214 Educational Services Total, All Industries $15,980 Administrative and Waste Services NA $35,607 Professional and Technical Services Management of Companies and Enterprises $27,596 $39,812 Information $24,914 $20,141 Transportation and Warehousing Real Estate and Rental and Leasing $20,061 Retail Trade Finance and Insurance $38,133 $31,736 Wholesale Trade $34,164 Manufacturing $25,432 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting 2002 Construction Industry by Three Digit NACIS $40,387 $26,760 $30,819 $14,783 $28,892 $62,687 $36,909 $19,583 $11,190 $16,902 $25,857 $15,431 $15,835 NA $53,056 $26,816 $29,140 $41,160 $20,991 $22,479 $33,481 $41,359 $37,349 $21,146 2003 $44,882 $25,906 $31,648 $17,986 $32,032 $70,503 $39,703 $18,908 $11,735 $17,641 $28,021 $20,591 $17,072 NA $40,115 $30,389 $31,877 $41,683 $21,976 $23,608 $35,727 $41,442 $33,117 $18,761 2004 Greene County Average Wages by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 $47,553 $26,726 $32,799 $15,909 $33,340 $76,697 $40,070 $20,466 $12,197 $17,318 $28,372 $27,311 $19,410 $54,981 $38,534 $31,925 $33,763 $40,784 $21,651 $23,825 $34,542 $44,750 $34,617 $19,229 2005 2006 $43,735 $28,013 $32,654 $16,809 $33,936 $61,372 $44,733 $21,056 $12,668 $18,380 $28,864 $23,100 $22,801 $51,794 $39,328 $28,313 $36,755 $40,725 $23,374 $23,947 $37,863 $47,348 $37,685 $26,516 Growth 5/29/2008 4.38% 3.34% 3.61% -3.78% 5.06% 3.96% 5.09% 3.53% 3.29% 2.82% 3.77% 15.10% 9.58% NA -1.20% 4.40% 7.47% 0.36% 3.34% 4.21% 3.92% 5.25% 1.21% -0.12% Orange County Components of Total Personal Income: 2002-2006 (in thousands of dollars) 2002 Population Per Capita Income 355,324 2003 2004 363,070 368,189 2005 370,930 2006 374,100 Growth 1.25% $28,409 $29,017 $30,444 $31,849 $33,322 4.21% Earnings by place of work $5,820,961 $6,139,216 $6,536,094 $6,937,755 $7,222,187 5.69% less: Contributions for government social insurance $675,529 $716,523 $758,701 $798,693 $828,158 5.30% Employee & self-employed contrib. for govt. soc. ins. $321,537 $338,890 $357,902 $378,988 $393,998 5.32% Employer contributions for govt. social insurance $353,992 $377,633 $400,799 $419,705 $434,160 5.27% plus: Adjustment for residence $2,138,512 $2,155,421 $2,267,970 $2,326,893 $2,463,394 3.66% equals: Net earnings by place of residence $7,283,944 $7,578,114 $8,045,363 $8,465,955 $8,857,423 5.15% plus: Dividends, interest, and rent $1,235,398 $1,288,555 $1,345,087 $1,522,453 $1,662,065 7.90% plus: Personal current transfer receipts $1,575,167 $1,668,392 $1,818,659 $1,825,483 $1,946,196 5.26% $10,094,509 $10,535,061 $11,209,109 $11,813,891 $12,465,684 5.51% Earnings by place of work $5,820,961 $6,139,216 $6,536,094 $6,937,755 $7,222,187 5.69% Wage and salary disbursements $4,257,427 $4,509,930 $4,769,464 $5,016,124 $5,207,924 5.23% Supplements to wages and salaries equals: Total Personal Income $1,018,454 $1,115,764 $1,235,928 $1,353,833 $1,420,247 8.96% Employer contrib. for employee pension & insur. funds $664,462 $738,131 $835,129 $934,128 $986,087 10.79% Employer contributions for govt. social insurance $353,992 $377,633 $400,799 $419,705 $434,160 5.27% Proprietors' income $545,080 $513,522 $530,702 $567,798 $594,016 2.76% $2,190 $3,163 $7,565 $6,485 NM $550,414 $511,332 $527,539 $560,233 $587,531 2.24% $5,820,961 $6,139,216 $6,536,094 $6,937,755 $7,222,187 5.69% Farm proprietors' income Nonfarm proprietors' income Earnings by place of work Farm earnings -$5,334 $16,919 $21,268 $21,898 $23,246 $22,892 7.18% Nonfarm earnings: Private and Government $5,804,042 $6,117,948 $6,514,196 $6,914,509 $7,199,295 5.69% Government $1,646,319 $1,766,770 $1,910,585 $2,106,717 $2,214,086 7.99% Data: BEA Complied by: Bureau of Economic Reseach, Marist College 68 5/29/2008 69 2.23% 2.70% 3.96% 2.12% 2.30% -0.75% 1.49% 2.05% Educational Services Health Care and Social Assistance Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Accommodation and Food Services Other Services Federal Government State Government Local Government 2.89% 1.14% Total, All Private Total, All Government Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research 2.84% Total, All Industries 12.27% 3.86% 4.77% Administrative and Waste Services Unclassified 1.02% 6.93% Management of Companies and Enterprises 0.16% 1.70% 1.37% 10.10% 1.03% -3.29% -1.15% 2.40% 0.27% 2.69% 5.58% -2.28% 3.92% 5.32% -0.13% 0.10% 3.20% -1.30% Information 1.92% Professional and Technical Services 0.84% Transportation and Warehousing 2.02% 0.18% 1.02% 0.95% 4.19% 3.52% Wholesale Trade Retail Trade -3.74% Real Estate and Rental and Leasing -0.27% Manufacturing 2.62% 0.71% -7.04% 0.58% Average Employment Growth (within Industry) Finance and Insurance 6.23% 4.21% Construction Mining Utilities 0.99% -3.11% Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS Growth in the Number of Firms (within industry) 5.04% 5.20% 5.16% 17.00% 7.08% -1.43% 3.30% 5.64% 4.66% 4.71% 9.87% 10.72% 10.75% -0.12% 7.22% 8.60% 5.47% 3.38% 4.18% 4.62% 4.24% -0.92% 3.67% 5.59% 0.48% 3.55% 4.88% 3.44% 3.74% 6.27% 5.99% 1.92% 4.51% 3.17% 4.38% 1.96% 5.78% 9.61% 4.89% 2.21% 3.18% 3.12% 5.61% 3.27% 2.22% 2.55% 4.05% 2.93% 1.03% 4.84% 8.08% 2.96% NM NM NM 19 10 4 5 20 23 22 14 16 17 1 6 15 8 9 13 18 7 12 11 2 3 21 5/29/2008 NM NM NM 21 2 14 8 9 4 18 3 16 12 19 11 17 13 15 10 1 6 5 7 22 23 20 Average Wages by Level Change in Avg. Growth inTotal Growth in Average Industry (2006) Employ. By industry (2006 Compensation (within Compensation per job Ranked from Highest 2002) Ranked from Industry) (within Industry) (1) to Lowest (23) Highest (1) to Lowest (23) Orange County Summary Statistics for Firms, Employment, and Wages by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 70 12 483 335 741 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Professional and Technical Services 814 125 657 807 Health Care and Social Assistance Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Accommodation and Food Services Other Services Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research Total, All Government 293 8,390 Total, All Private 302 Unclassified 8,683 Local Government Total, All Industries 13 186 State Government 94 101 Educational Services Federal Government 371 Administrative and Waste Services 21 461 Management of Companies and Enterprises 119 Finance and Insurance 227 Information Transportation and Warehousing 1,351 Wholesale Trade Retail Trade 346 Manufacturing 293 8,546 8,839 403 185 13 95 798 675 126 836 100 374 22 753 347 471 109 217 1,342 481 339 1,040 10 1,024 Construction Utilities 10 10 94 Mining 2003 89 2002 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS 2004 305 8,833 9,138 406 197 13 95 830 694 135 857 108 401 25 782 369 482 111 216 1,380 507 338 1,075 13 9 96 2005 Orange County Number of Reporting Units by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 303 9,130 9,433 493 198 13 92 860 707 142 883 109 418 26 809 384 487 108 222 1,383 530 330 1,123 13 9 95 2006 305 9,362 9,667 487 199 14 92 871 713 143 905 108 443 27 837 391 477 112 234 1,395 547 346 1,211 13 9 93 Growth 0.99% 5/29/2008 1.14% 2.89% 2.84% 12.27% 2.05% 1.49% -0.75% 2.30% 2.12% 3.96% 2.70% 2.23% 4.77% 6.93% 3.20% 4.19% 1.02% -1.30% 0.84% 0.95% 3.52% -0.27% 4.21% 6.23% -3.11% 71 7,310 26,969 Total, All Government Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research 95,422 122,391 Total, All Private Total, All Industries 379 Local Government Unclassified 2,960 18,545 State Government 4,681 4,598 5,464 Other Services Federal Government 8,593 7,979 Accommodation and Food Services 26,967 97,075 124,042 540 18,821 2,917 5,229 1,528 15,903 1,492 1,775 15,234 1,769 Educational Services 3,944 1,112 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 3,860 Administrative and Waste Services Health Care and Social Assistance 1,084 Management of Companies and Enterprises 4,432 1,539 1,471 4,194 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Professional and Technical Services 3,813 2,460 3,650 2,320 4,629 20,143 7,097 8,587 4,910 576 86 867 Finance and Insurance 4,560 2003 Information Transportation and Warehousing 19,865 Wholesale Trade Retail Trade 9,044 Manufacturing 573 4,999 Construction Utilities 810 89 2002 Mining Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS 2004 26,751 99,746 126,497 434 18,832 2,908 5,011 4,845 8,292 1,654 16,816 1,824 4,384 1,054 4,645 1,628 3,878 2,447 4,812 20,829 7,390 8,120 5,163 557 87 888 2005 Orange County Average Employment by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 27,203 100,854 128,057 525 19,114 2,925 5,164 4,907 8,394 1,653 17,311 1,823 4,712 1,003 4,787 1,795 3,885 2,352 4,696 20,860 7,403 7,804 5,452 579 71 842 2006 27,061 101,854 128,915 622 19,371 2,501 5,189 5,056 8,182 1,638 17,647 1,836 4,634 1,017 4,891 1,765 3,592 2,456 4,978 21,573 7,222 7,841 5,398 592 68 846 Growth 0.58% 5/29/2008 0.16% 1.70% 1.37% 10.10% 1.03% -3.29% -1.15% 2.40% 0.27% 2.69% 3.86% 1.02% 5.58% -2.28% 3.92% 5.32% -0.13% 0.10% 1.92% 2.02% 0.18% -3.74% 2.62% 0.71% -7.04% 72 $18,477 $28,137 $16,082 $12,761 Educational Services Health Care and Social Assistance Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Accommodation and Food Services $17,444 $31,356 $29,175 $39,074 Local Government Unclassified Total, All Industries Total, All Private Total, All Government Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research $56,250 $35,101 State Government $20,432 $21,863 Administrative and Waste Services $43,251 $77,949 Management of Companies and Enterprises Federal Government $41,523 Professional and Technical Services Other Services $27,585 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing $33,969 Transportation and Warehousing $38,506 $22,399 Retail Trade $36,466 $39,241 Wholesale Trade Finance and Insurance $36,995 Manufacturing Information $66,991 $41,106 Construction $47,504 Mining Utilities $18,975 2002 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS $40,751 $30,408 $32,656 $22,405 $36,462 $59,970 $45,467 $21,179 $12,865 $16,921 $31,250 $23,435 $22,771 $77,004 $42,142 $28,596 $38,418 $42,594 $35,115 $23,486 $41,018 $38,545 $39,749 $68,445 $53,673 $19,803 2003 $44,270 $31,432 $34,147 $23,651 $40,473 $62,797 $47,787 $21,996 $13,587 $17,199 $32,296 $25,098 $24,994 $77,235 $43,522 $28,612 $40,471 $41,950 $35,411 $24,050 $43,337 $40,139 $39,925 $74,792 $51,749 $21,692 2004 Orange County Average Wages by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 $45,241 $32,514 $35,218 $21,386 $41,151 $64,666 $49,374 $22,893 $14,048 $17,471 $33,776 $26,327 $25,308 $81,504 $46,492 $29,898 $44,101 $44,352 $36,122 $24,637 $44,832 $40,442 $41,347 $77,912 $61,482 $20,576 2005 2006 $47,062 $33,417 $36,281 $24,194 $44,193 $59,578 $51,740 $22,970 $15,133 $17,443 $35,851 $27,580 $26,333 $84,516 $46,227 $31,452 $44,721 $44,332 $37,384 $24,798 $45,786 $41,728 $42,419 $79,546 $65,468 $21,536 Growth 5/29/2008 4.88% 3.44% 3.74% 6.27% 5.99% 1.92% 4.51% 3.17% 4.38% 1.96% 5.78% 9.61% 4.89% 2.21% 3.18% 3.12% 5.61% 3.27% 2.22% 2.55% 4.05% 2.93% 1.03% 4.84% 8.08% 2.96% Putnam County Components of Total Personal Income: 2002-2006 (in thousands of dollars) 2002 Population Per Capita Income Earnings by place of work less: Contributions for government social insurance Employee & self-employed contrib. for govt. soc. ins. Employer contributions for govt. social insurance plus: Adjustment for residence equals: Net earnings by place of residence plus: Dividends, interest, and rent plus: Personal current transfer receipts equals: Total Personal Income Earnings by place of work Wage and salary disbursements Supplements to wages and salaries Employer contrib. for employee pension & insur. funds Employer contributions for govt. social insurance Proprietors' income Farm proprietors' income Nonfarm proprietors' income Earnings by place of work Farm earnings Nonfarm earnings: Private and Government Government 2003 2004 2005 2006 Growth 98,257 98,849 99,370 99,442 99,285 0.27% $39,210 $40,298 $42,732 $44,743 $47,665 5.08% $1,210,524 $1,278,901 $1,390,809 $1,474,979 $1,566,392 6.80% $145,243 $153,517 $165,239 $174,488 $185,560 6.37% $70,414 $74,406 $80,054 $85,147 $90,665 6.61% $74,829 $79,111 $85,185 $89,341 $94,895 6.15% $1,845,429 $1,883,937 $1,997,086 $2,081,062 $2,184,732 4.47% $2,910,710 $3,009,321 $3,222,656 $3,381,553 $3,565,564 5.36% $545,835 $561,114 $581,301 $612,492 $680,133 5.42% $396,141 $412,982 $442,324 $455,323 $486,766 5.23% $3,852,686 $3,983,417 $4,246,281 $4,449,368 $4,732,463 5.36% $1,210,524 $1,278,901 $1,390,809 $1,474,979 $1,566,392 6.80% $899,353 $943,678 $1,014,612 $1,064,645 $1,135,469 6.04% $187,991 $205,693 $232,019 $252,054 $266,939 9.47% $113,162 $126,582 $146,834 $162,713 $172,044 11.50% $74,829 $79,111 $85,185 $89,341 $94,895 6.15% $123,180 $129,530 $144,178 $158,280 $163,984 8.03% $3,215 $1,252 $1,002 $1,173 $669 -27.42% $119,965 $128,278 $143,176 $157,107 $163,315 8.54% $1,210,524 $1,278,901 $1,390,809 $1,474,979 $1,566,392 6.80% $4,592 $2,433 $2,162 $2,138 $1,680 -19.27% $1,205,932 $1,276,468 $1,388,647 $1,472,841 $1,564,712 6.87% $254,499 $274,665 $300,732 $324,972 $347,016 8.20% Data: BEA Complied by: Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 73 5/29/2008 74 0.83% -1.39% 2.03% 1.12% -1.59% 0.00% 0.00% Health Care and Social Assistance Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Accommodation and Food Services Other Services Federal Government State Government Local Government Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research 3.02% 2.17% -0.39% Total, All Private Total, All Government 1.25% 2.69% 10.57% 1.54% -1.49% -3.12% 1.01% 1.56% 1.44% 4.44% 5.65% 13.03% NA 3.22% -2.48% -2.52% 2.13% Total, All Industries 10.44% 7.22% Educational Services Unclassified 3.69% Administrative and Waste Services NA 3.01% Professional and Technical Services Management of Companies and Enterprises 0.00% Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 1.98% -1.32% -0.51% Information 1.20% 1.36% -0.82% -1.02% Retail Trade Transportation and Warehousing Finance and Insurance 5.34% -0.43% Wholesale Trade 5.24% 3.45% 4.19% -0.38% Construction -8.14% 1.92% Average Employment Growth (within Industry) Manufacturing Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS Growth in the Number of Firms (within industry) 5.61% 6.59% 6.35% 13.16% 6.04% -0.42% 0.70% 4.67% 1.44% 2.67% 9.75% 25.45% 13.66% NA 8.71% 4.72% 3.68% 4.52% 2.20% 4.73% 5.20% 4.96% 8.74% 1.76% 4.31% 3.47% 3.57% 2.34% 4.43% 1.08% 3.94% 3.63% -0.12% 1.21% 5.09% 18.75% 0.56% NA 5.31% 7.38% 6.37% 2.49% 0.83% 3.49% -0.13% 1.47% 3.32% 10.78% NM NM NM 19 5 2 8 18 21 20 12 14 16 1 6 13 3 4 11 17 9 7 10 15 5/29/2008 NM NM NM 17 1 19 18 7 6 13 2 12 9 21 8 16 11 14 15 3 10 5 4 20 Average Wages by Level Change in Avg. Growth inTotal Growth in Average Industry (2006) Ranked Employ. By industry (2006Compensation (within Compensation per from Highest (1) to 2002) Ranked from Industry) job (within Industry) Lowest (21) Highest (1) to Lowest (21) Putnam County Summary Statistics for Firms, Employment, and Wages by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 75 Administrative and Waste Services Other Services Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research Total, All Government 52 2,812 2,760 Total, All Industries Total, All Private 143 35 Local Government Unclassified 4 State Government 13 254 Accommodation and Food Services Federal Government 66 164 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 226 29 167 Health Care and Social Assistance Educational Services 7 278 Professional and Technical Services Management of Companies and Enterprises 119 102 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 53 Information Finance and Insurance 50 311 Retail Trade Transportation and Warehousing 140 Wholesale Trade 81 51 2,795 2,846 170 35 4 12 257 163 66 225 30 163 8 292 100 115 55 48 298 136 81 570 552 Construction Manufacturing 2003 16 2002 15 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS 2004 51 2,846 2,897 172 35 4 12 261 167 66 222 34 175 6 313 103 115 54 47 297 136 78 580 18 2005 Putnam County Number of Reporting Units by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 51 2,931 2,982 205 35 4 12 266 173 65 226 37 181 NA 310 104 117 52 47 297 136 78 610 17 2006 51 3,001 3,052 214 35 4 12 264 176 62 235 37 190 7 313 100 115 51 48 299 137 81 655 16 Growth 5/29/2008 -0.39% 2.17% 2.13% 10.44% 0.00% 0.00% -1.59% 1.12% 2.03% -1.39% 0.83% 7.22% 3.69% NA 3.01% 0.00% -0.51% -1.32% -1.02% -0.82% -0.43% -0.38% 4.19% 1.92% 76 4,005 Local Government Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research 4,332 Total, All Private Total, All Government 22,850 18,518 Total, All Industries 138 124 Unclassified 203 Other Services State Government 1,279 Accommodation and Food Services Federal Government 651 1,268 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 3,601 739 577 Administrative and Waste Services Educational Services Health Care and Social Assistance 190 4,450 18,801 23,251 181 4,141 120 189 1,322 1,201 737 3,707 625 828 165 1,133 1,009 Management of Companies and Enterprises Professional and Technical Services 329 870 308 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 859 565 Finance and Insurance 536 Information 298 2,509 2,591 326 629 717 Transportation and Warehousing Retail Trade Wholesale Trade 2,134 1,364 2,087 1,373 Construction Manufacturing 2003 57 2002 81 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS 2004 4,679 19,363 24,042 161 4,373 119 187 1,323 1,246 762 3,736 713 945 63 1,166 316 910 563 289 2,619 677 1,388 2,275 59 2005 Putnam County Average Employment by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 4,481 20,150 24,631 178 4,182 118 181 1,370 1,292 717 4,115 699 1,103 NA 1,109 299 893 583 301 2,702 722 1,466 2,369 51 2006 4,594 20,752 25,346 230 4,301 116 177 1,321 1,321 709 4,246 718 1,181 22 1,195 285 751 582 347 2,650 868 1,569 2,557 56 Growth 5/29/2008 1.25% 3.02% 2.69% 10.57% 1.54% -1.49% -3.12% 1.01% 1.56% 1.44% 4.44% 5.65% 13.03% NA 3.22% -2.48% -2.52% 1.98% 1.36% 1.20% 5.34% 3.45% 5.24% -8.14% 77 $23,797 $42,354 $58,619 $46,641 $23,512 $36,681 $34,318 $46,783 Other Services Federal Government State Government Local Government Unclassified Total, All Industries Total, All Private Total, All Government Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research $19,931 $15,304 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation $35,186 Health Care and Social Assistance Accommodation and Food Services $28,489 $16,112 Administrative and Waste Services Educational Services $47,878 $35,473 $37,847 $29,398 $47,749 $59,712 $43,202 $24,524 $14,921 $19,644 $36,706 $25,833 $26,516 $83,885 $47,981 $41,379 $69,219 Professional and Technical Services Management of Companies and Enterprises $27,603 $47,287 $27,938 Finance and Insurance $48,940 $50,128 $45,221 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing $50,022 Information $25,587 $24,716 $43,675 Retail Trade Transportation and Warehousing $43,922 $50,160 Wholesale Trade $41,853 $48,504 $41,007 $49,000 Construction $25,058 2003 $19,628 2002 Manufacturing Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS $48,866 $37,183 $39,456 $30,260 $48,664 $60,415 $46,227 $25,101 $16,201 $21,120 $40,279 $29,358 $28,601 $107,826 $45,831 $31,338 $52,237 $49,989 $41,458 $27,022 $47,003 $50,799 $45,158 $27,875 2004 Putnam County Average Wages by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 $52,903 $37,797 $40,545 $29,034 $53,014 $60,732 $45,247 $25,965 $15,184 $19,984 $40,305 $30,987 $27,905 NA $47,406 $33,475 $61,857 $51,947 $43,311 $27,695 $46,446 $50,380 $44,924 $28,602 2005 2006 $54,958 $39,425 $42,240 $26,556 $54,981 $61,345 $50,214 $27,640 $15,079 $20,983 $43,033 $34,732 $28,559 $74,567 $53,932 $36,221 $57,266 $55,561 $46,503 $28,208 $48,451 $51,707 $46,605 $30,655 Growth 5/29/2008 4.31% 3.47% 3.57% 2.34% 4.43% 1.08% 3.94% 3.63% -0.12% 1.21% 5.09% 18.75% 0.56% NA 5.31% 7.38% 6.37% 2.49% 0.83% 3.49% -0.13% 1.47% 3.32% 10.78% Rockland County Components of Total Personal Income: 2002-2006 (in thousands of dollars) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Growth Population 292,460 294,161 294,945 294,636 295,927 0.25% Per Capita Income $40,734 $41,174 $44,725 $47,352 $50,947 6.05% Earnings by place of work $6,568,177 $6,818,530 $7,226,391 $7,660,490 $8,107,393 5.52% less: Contributions for government social insurance $738,467 $769,567 $805,905 $837,473 $881,136 4.48% Employee & self-employed contrib. for govt. soc. ins. $360,311 $373,314 $391,234 $412,441 $435,847 4.92% Employer contributions for govt. social insurance $378,156 $396,253 $414,671 $425,032 $445,289 4.05% plus: Adjustment for residence $2,888,777 $2,877,929 $3,050,058 $3,204,740 $3,528,664 5.21% equals: Net earnings by place of residence $8,718,487 $8,926,892 $9,470,544 $10,027,757 $10,754,921 5.51% plus: Dividends, interest, and rent $1,670,950 $1,585,161 $1,956,449 $2,167,705 $2,423,851 11.15% plus: Personal current transfer receipts $1,523,769 $1,599,636 $1,764,436 $1,756,186 $1,897,958 5.47% $11,913,206 $12,111,689 $13,191,429 $13,951,648 $15,076,730 6.32% Earnings by place of work $6,568,177 $6,818,530 $7,226,391 $7,660,490 $8,107,393 5.52% Wage and salary disbursements $4,565,895 $4,734,699 $4,939,734 $5,077,088 $5,347,188 3.93% Supplements to wages and salaries equals: Total Personal Income $1,002,954 $1,081,898 $1,192,393 $1,268,638 $1,328,001 7.47% Employer contrib. for employee pension & insur. funds $624,798 $685,645 $777,722 $843,606 $882,712 9.40% Employer contributions for govt. social insurance $378,156 $396,253 $414,671 $425,032 $445,289 4.05% Proprietors' income $999,328 $1,001,933 $1,094,264 $1,314,764 $1,432,204 10.42% $1,003 $714 $526 $706 $619 -9.30% $998,325 $1,001,219 $1,093,738 $1,314,058 $1,431,585 10.44% $6,568,177 $6,818,530 $7,226,391 $7,660,490 $8,107,393 5.52% Farm proprietors' income Nonfarm proprietors' income Earnings by place of work Farm earnings $2,175 $1,713 $1,510 $1,517 $1,465 -8.72% Nonfarm earnings: Private and Government $6,566,002 $6,816,817 $7,224,881 $7,658,973 $8,105,928 5.53% Government $1,096,303 $1,149,270 $1,230,843 $1,318,315 $1,440,727 7.08% Data: BEA Complied by: Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 78 5/29/2008 79 Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research 1.65% -0.57% Total, All Government -0.29% 15.47% Local Government Unclassified Total, All Private 0.00% State Government 1.60% -1.91% Federal Government Total, All Industries 1.43% Other Services 1.55% Health Care and Social Assistance 2.13% 4.28% Educational Services 2.61% 1.33% Administrative and Waste Services Accommodation and Food Services 5.24% Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 2.95% -0.11% Professional and Technical Services Management of Companies and Enterprises 1.66% 0.74% 0.91% 13.43% 1.27% 3.31% -2.75% 1.47% 0.86% 0.78% 1.41% -1.46% 2.25% 4.88% -1.87% 2.44% -0.71% -4.61% Real Estate and Rental and Leasing -3.91% Information 1.26% 0.38% -1.19% Transportation and Warehousing 0.80% -0.32% Finance and Insurance -0.78% -0.46% Wholesale Trade Retail Trade -0.37% 2.99% 2.78% -1.82% Construction Manufacturing 1.12% 8.40% -2.84% 16.42% Utilities Industry by Three Digit NACIS Average Employment Growth (within Industry) Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Growth in the Number of Firms (within industry) 4.75% 4.02% 4.17% 17.31% 5.06% 4.19% 1.33% 4.35% 4.13% -0.47% 6.13% 0.70% 3.55% 14.77% 4.97% -2.06% 3.13% 3.44% 4.80% 1.10% 4.45% 3.07% 4.77% 1.78% 18.60% Growth inTotal Compensation (within Industry) 3.04% 3.26% 3.24% 3.43% 3.75% 0.85% 4.19% 2.84% 3.24% -1.24% 4.65% 2.19% 1.27% 9.43% 1.97% -0.20% 3.86% 8.44% 3.50% 1.43% 3.62% 3.45% 1.73% 0.65% 9.41% NM NM NM 17 10 11 8 21 22 20 12 14 16 1 6 13 7 4 15 19 5 3 9 2 18 5/29/2008 NM NM NM 20 2 7 21 11 5 17 1 12 10 18 6 16 13 14 15 3 9 4 8 19 22 Average Wages by Level Change in Avg. Growth in Average Industry (2006) Ranked Employ. By industry (20062002) Ranked from Compensation per from Highest (1) to job (within Industry) Highest (1) to Lowest (22) Lowest (22) Rockland County Summary Statistics for Firms, Employment, and Wages by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 80 674 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Professional and Technical Services Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research Total, All Government 196 8,731 384 Unclassified Total, All Private 140 Local Government 8,927 18 State Government Total, All Industries 38 778 Other Services Federal Government 155 556 951 Health Care and Social Assistance Accommodation and Food Services 139 Educational Services Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 505 Administrative and Waste Services 23 355 1,101 Finance and Insurance Management of Companies and Enterprises 178 485 Information 149 Transportation and Warehousing 1,147 Wholesale Trade Retail Trade 285 Manufacturing 5 858 Utilities Construction 6 2002 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS 2003 192 8,776 8,968 462 138 18 36 794 568 156 971 142 496 24 1,087 343 464 163 157 1,130 674 267 866 6 8 2004 192 8,958 9,150 543 137 18 37 804 585 157 999 151 511 27 1,091 354 462 160 150 1,135 661 261 896 6 6 2005 Rockland County Number of Reporting Units by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 191 9,126 9,317 619 138 18 35 816 593 168 1,004 157 518 27 1,091 373 478 152 145 1,136 658 263 906 14 6 2006 191 9,290 9,481 681 138 18 35 824 619 166 1,010 163 528 28 1,093 384 487 151 146 1,118 656 262 962 7 6 Growth 5/29/2008 -0.57% 1.65% 1.60% 15.47% -0.29% 0.00% -1.91% 1.43% 2.61% 2.13% 1.55% 4.28% 1.33% 5.24% -0.11% 2.44% 0.38% -3.91% -1.19% -0.46% -0.78% -1.82% 2.78% 16.42% -2.84% 81 4,586 5,040 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Professional and Technical Services 6,439 4,119 Accommodation and Food Services Other Services 19,812 Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research 89,281 Total, All Government 109,093 Total, All Private Total, All Industries 490 14,356 Local Government Unclassified 4,792 State Government 664 1,229 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Federal Government 16,907 3,246 Educational Services Health Care and Social Assistance 4,322 Administrative and Waste Services 860 1,712 Finance and Insurance Management of Companies and Enterprises 3,070 2,781 Information 2,244 14,314 Transportation and Warehousing Retail Trade Wholesale Trade 11,793 Manufacturing 853 71 4,802 2002 Construction Utilities Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS 557 14,584 4,749 640 4,409 6,410 1,264 17,124 3,342 4,055 911 5,237 1,575 2,762 3,142 2,511 14,449 4,860 11,210 5,083 905 75 19,973 90,320 110,293 2003 599 14,800 4,729 618 4,493 6,474 1,292 17,525 3,175 4,269 973 5,346 1,630 2,710 3,090 2,399 14,326 4,530 11,432 5,268 927 89 20,147 91,006 111,153 2004 2005 Rockland County Average Employment by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 20,468 91,575 112,043 701 15,018 4,849 601 4,428 6,643 1,348 17,668 3,141 4,329 1,007 5,665 1,551 2,680 2,669 2,377 14,364 4,735 11,631 5,205 905 90 2006 21,246 91,987 113,233 820 15,068 5,582 596 4,421 6,602 1,237 17,853 3,111 4,675 1,038 5,603 1,570 2,725 2,631 2,455 14,128 4,834 11,364 5,499 902 97 Growth 5/29/2008 1.66% 0.74% 0.91% 13.43% 1.27% 3.31% -2.75% 1.47% 0.86% 0.78% 1.41% -1.46% 2.25% 4.88% 2.95% -1.87% -0.71% -4.61% 1.26% -0.32% 0.80% -0.37% 2.99% 1.12% 8.40% 82 $76,720 $50,400 $60,077 $55,878 $24,719 $28,669 $49,227 $52,148 $34,525 $57,607 $72,329 $29,385 $31,112 $33,240 $23,792 $16,171 $19,414 $47,281 $43,151 $43,935 $25,805 $39,510 $38,545 $43,858 Utilities Construction Manufacturing Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Transportation and Warehousing Information Finance and Insurance Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Professional and Technical Services Management of Companies and Enterprises Administrative and Waste Services Educational Services Health Care and Social Assistance Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Accommodation and Food Services Other Services Federal Government State Government Local Government Unclassified Total, All Industries Total, All Private Total, All Government Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research $21,112 2002 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS $44,678 $39,690 $40,593 $25,812 $45,133 $42,779 $48,386 $20,044 $16,777 $22,924 $34,910 $29,803 $29,451 $70,062 $57,339 $36,238 $53,662 $53,478 $27,496 $25,645 $56,668 $64,060 $49,875 $82,054 $21,324 2003 $45,903 $41,209 $42,060 $25,294 $46,722 $42,553 $51,929 $20,305 $17,023 $22,244 $36,524 $35,151 $29,558 $81,476 $61,144 $35,127 $55,966 $57,730 $29,366 $25,776 $59,330 $66,380 $50,925 $71,557 $26,163 2004 Rockland County Average Wages by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 $46,768 $42,233 $43,061 $27,154 $48,342 $41,249 $51,956 $20,889 $17,750 $22,201 $38,910 $29,980 $30,376 $91,025 $59,183 $34,647 $56,304 $63,215 $31,144 $25,971 $61,336 $66,706 $53,593 $77,253 $28,675 2005 2006 $49,803 $43,868 $44,981 $29,777 $51,023 $45,845 $56,029 $21,875 $18,441 $22,713 $39,525 $34,572 $30,821 $99,564 $62,504 $34,961 $61,535 $67,881 $31,997 $26,366 $64,166 $69,755 $52,973 $81,658 $28,539 Growth 5/29/2008 3.04% 3.26% 3.24% 3.43% 3.75% 0.85% 4.19% 2.84% 3.24% -1.24% 4.65% 2.19% 1.27% 9.43% 1.97% -0.20% 3.86% 8.44% 3.50% 1.43% 3.62% 3.45% 1.73% 0.65% 9.41% Sullivan County Components of Total Personal Income: 2002-2006 (in thousands of dollars) 2002 Population Per Capita Income 73,831 2003 2004 74,546 75,138 2005 75,393 2006 75,754 Growth 0.63% $26,382 $27,203 $28,886 $29,921 $31,044 4.30% Earnings by place of work $1,046,590 $1,093,791 $1,167,363 $1,229,229 $1,230,618 4.51% less: Contributions for government social insurance $127,922 $135,010 $142,243 $148,507 $149,190 4.11% Employee & self-employed contrib. for govt. soc. ins. $64,268 $67,382 $71,017 $74,960 $76,161 4.56% Employer contributions for govt. social insurance $63,654 $67,628 $71,226 $73,547 $73,029 3.65% plus: Adjustment for residence $266,820 $275,374 $289,624 $305,956 $334,877 5.76% $1,185,488 $1,234,155 $1,314,744 $1,386,678 $1,416,305 4.84% plus: Dividends, interest, and rent $290,537 $293,655 $321,762 $317,411 $345,712 4.35% plus: Personal current transfer receipts $471,762 $500,072 $533,960 $551,742 $589,711 5.60% equals: Total Personal Income $1,947,787 $2,027,882 $2,170,466 $2,255,831 $2,351,728 4.95% Earnings by place of work $1,046,590 $1,093,791 $1,167,363 $1,229,229 $1,230,618 4.51% Wage and salary disbursements $754,309 $796,320 $834,049 $860,426 $859,149 3.43% Supplements to wages and salaries equals: Net earnings by place of residence $155,898 $170,511 $195,289 $213,715 $216,300 9.21% Employer contrib. for employee pension & insur. funds $92,244 $102,883 $124,063 $140,168 $143,271 12.64% Employer contributions for govt. social insurance $63,654 $67,628 $71,226 $73,547 $73,029 3.65% $136,383 $126,960 $138,025 $155,088 $155,169 4.69% $4,448 $6,947 $8,767 $10,686 $4,685 5.49% $131,935 $120,013 $129,258 $144,402 $150,484 4.58% $1,046,590 $1,093,791 $1,167,363 $1,229,229 $1,230,618 4.51% $6,021 $8,305 $10,092 $11,814 $5,869 3.06% $1,040,569 $1,085,486 $1,157,271 $1,217,415 $1,224,749 4.50% $327,674 $356,313 $377,179 $399,740 $382,655 4.34% Proprietors' income Farm proprietors' income Nonfarm proprietors' income Earnings by place of work Farm earnings Nonfarm earnings: Private and Government Government Data: BEA Complied by: Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 83 5/29/2008 84 -1.49% 5.04% Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research 0.09% -0.15% Local Government Unclassified Total, All Government 0.00% State Government 1.12% 0.53% 1.18% -1.17% Other Services Federal Government Total, All Private -3.80% -0.15% Accommodation and Food Services Total, All Industries -3.27% 0.82% Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 1.49% -0.06% 0.73% 0.53% -1.44% -0.11% 0.62% -2.23% 23.30% 0.33% -1.96% -0.11% Educational Services 7.23% 3.88% Health Care and Social Assistance Administrative and Waste Services 4.75% 2.92% 14.37% 2.10% Management of Companies and Enterprises Professional and Technical Services 0.79% 4.65% Real Estate and Rental and Leasing -3.19% 0.69% 0.57% -1.19% Finance and Insurance Information -0.77% 0.91% -0.03% Retail Trade 5.73% 0.75% -2.28% -1.14% Manufacturing Wholesale Trade Transportation and Warehousing 9.79% 3.92% Construction 1.35% 0.16% 10.53% -5.12% Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Average Employment Growth (within Industry) Mining Industry by Three Digit NACIS Growth in the Number of Firms (within industry) 1.75% 4.50% 3.53% 5.26% 4.38% -4.28% 1.42% -0.61% -0.21% 34.67% 2.79% 4.90% 11.72% 7.51% 5.47% 5.30% 3.13% -6.90% 1.78% 2.20% 5.57% 8.84% 16.86% 15.40% 8.80% Growth inTotal Compensation (within Industry) 1.81% 3.75% 2.98% 6.80% 4.50% -4.87% 3.74% 3.32% 3.17% 9.23% 2.45% 3.36% 4.19% 2.63% 2.48% 4.48% 6.53% -5.49% 3.01% 3.00% 4.78% 2.94% 6.44% 4.40% 7.35% NM NM NM 18 6 1 4 20 21 17 10 22 15 5 11 19 2 7 14 16 8 12 9 3 13 5/29/2008 NM NM NM 22 1 8 19 7 4 11 2 20 13 17 12 15 9 18 14 3 10 5 6 21 16 Average Wages by Level Change in Avg. Growth in Average Industry (2006) Employ. By industry (2006Compensation per job Ranked from Highest 2002) Ranked from (within Industry) (1) to Lowest (22) Highest (1) to Lowest (22) Sullivan County Summary Statistics for Firms, Employment, and Wages by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 85 183 Other Services Total, All Private Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research Total, All Government 112 1,968 112 1,980 85 66 2,080 83 Unclassified 9 37 182 267 47 2,092 65 Local Government Total, All Industries 9 State Government 38 273 Accommodation and Food Services Federal Government 48 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 188 21 191 21 4 143 121 85 34 42 279 77 58 230 9 18 77 2003 76 Health Care and Social Assistance Educational Services Administrative and Waste Services 4 144 Management of Companies and Enterprises Professional and Technical Services 86 Finance and Insurance 109 34 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 41 Transportation and Warehousing Information 287 81 Wholesale Trade Retail Trade 59 Manufacturing 7 19 229 2002 Construction Mining Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS 2004 114 2,035 2,149 104 66 9 39 187 268 47 184 20 82 4 150 133 89 33 45 284 78 57 243 9 16 2005 Sullivan County Number of Reporting Units by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 113 2,040 2,153 92 65 9 39 179 267 47 186 19 84 5 150 134 87 36 44 293 76 55 260 7 15 2006 112 2,062 2,174 102 65 9 38 174 271 50 191 20 88 7 156 130 88 34 40 293 77 54 261 8 16 Growth 5/29/2008 0.09% 1.18% 1.12% 5.04% -0.15% 0.00% 0.53% -1.17% -0.15% 0.82% -0.11% -1.96% 3.88% 14.37% 2.10% 4.65% 0.69% 0.57% -0.03% 0.91% -1.14% -2.28% 3.92% 0.16% -5.12% 86 Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research 6,296 18,908 Total, All Private Total, All Government 25,204 Total, All Industries 100 4,921 Local Government Unclassified 1,138 State Government 237 1,385 Other Services Federal Government 2,997 Accommodation and Food Services 171 Educational Services 300 436 Administrative and Waste Services Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 197 Management of Companies and Enterprises 4,263 524 Professional and Technical Services Health Care and Social Assistance 412 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 1,019 249 Finance and Insurance 562 3,324 6,155 19,054 25,209 92 4,797 1,130 228 1,339 2,925 332 4,449 184 380 219 530 448 977 230 544 3,376 661 971 624 1,001 100 285 910 2003 855 80 297 Transportation and Warehousing 2002 Information Retail Trade Wholesale Trade Manufacturing Construction Mining Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS 2004 6,149 19,434 25,583 95 4,800 1,128 221 1,331 2,957 578 4,349 179 434 214 536 430 933 228 554 3,358 659 1,057 1,025 106 305 2005 Sullivan County Average Employment by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 6,178 19,590 25,768 75 4,833 1,128 217 1,250 2,950 619 4,317 171 496 218 563 421 912 236 551 3,322 673 1,119 1,183 100 305 2006 6,267 19,335 25,602 103 4,875 1,175 217 1,181 2,527 626 4,399 191 541 249 587 442 897 228 526 3,224 642 1,232 1,196 132 307 Growth 1.35% 5/29/2008 -0.06% 0.73% 0.53% -1.44% -0.11% 0.62% -2.23% -3.80% -3.27% 23.30% 0.33% 1.49% 7.23% 4.75% 2.92% 0.79% -3.19% -1.49% -1.19% -0.77% 0.75% 5.73% 9.79% 10.53% 87 Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research $25,352 $24,438 $41,006 Total, All Private $44,867 $14,986 $36,536 $81,565 Total, All Government $70,251 State Government $38,273 $30,116 $37,940 Federal Government $16,756 $14,112 $28,577 $16,346 Other Services Total, All Industries $14,251 Accommodation and Food Services $14,997 $34,390 $15,346 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation $31,639 $14,053 $15,260 $29,767 Health Care and Social Assistance Unclassified $12,652 Educational Services $22,430 $38,038 $43,022 $44,362 $24,636 $21,321 Local Government $21,459 Administrative and Waste Services $27,190 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing $26,488 $44,770 $17,149 Finance and Insurance $39,071 $44,429 Information Professional and Technical Services $21,518 Transportation and Warehousing Management of Companies and Enterprises $18,118 $20,383 Retail Trade $26,460 $31,648 $25,479 $30,520 $30,353 $29,098 Construction $42,338 $21,612 Wholesale Trade $43,397 2003 Manufacturing $22,329 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting 2002 Mining Industry by Three Digit NACIS $46,044 $26,456 $31,165 $16,613 $38,555 $78,779 $41,628 $17,111 $14,425 $16,926 $32,271 $13,499 $24,464 $39,060 $28,305 $19,577 $49,484 $47,391 $24,774 $21,985 $32,553 $28,211 $35,338 $46,418 $23,932 2004 Sullivan County Average Wages by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 $47,022 $27,148 $31,912 $16,887 $40,555 $75,950 $40,673 $17,672 $15,233 $19,336 $32,669 $14,978 $25,363 $40,543 $28,396 $20,747 $51,339 $36,398 $24,445 $22,558 $34,191 $27,285 $36,489 $50,363 $26,382 2005 $43,807 $28,384 $32,159 $19,972 $40,679 $56,707 $44,220 $18,739 $16,033 $21,010 $33,063 $14,454 $24,779 $43,100 $29,297 $19,953 $56,228 $36,982 $25,054 $22,968 $36,881 $29,006 $36,366 $49,349 $28,816 2006 Growth 5/29/2008 1.81% 3.75% 2.98% 6.80% 4.50% -4.87% 3.74% 3.32% 3.17% 9.23% 2.45% 3.36% 4.19% 2.63% 2.48% 4.48% 6.53% -5.49% 3.01% 3.00% 4.78% 2.94% 6.44% 4.40% 7.35% Ulster County Components of Total Personal Income: 2002-2006 (in thousands of dollars) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Growth Population 179,839 180,389 181,183 181,586 181,820 0.29% Per Capita Income $26,314 $27,009 $28,644 $30,367 $32,811 5.74% $2,461,285 $2,564,754 $2,679,605 $2,810,424 $3,077,396 5.53% $301,242 $312,458 $323,721 $338,507 $372,440 5.17% $147,443 $152,617 $158,450 $167,646 $184,725 5.60% $153,799 $159,841 $165,271 $170,861 $187,715 4.76% $927,681 $965,769 $1,024,961 $1,084,821 $1,111,611 4.90% $3,087,724 $3,218,065 $3,380,845 $3,556,738 $3,816,567 5.38% $734,340 $700,580 $806,527 $917,409 $1,032,769 9.98% $910,259 $953,401 $1,002,419 $1,040,143 $1,116,424 5.08% $4,732,323 $4,872,046 $5,189,791 $5,514,290 $5,965,760 6.05% $2,461,285 $2,564,754 $2,679,605 $2,810,424 $3,077,396 5.53% $1,828,675 $1,883,763 $1,941,150 $2,012,275 $2,216,339 4.61% $394,228 $428,255 $467,410 $504,055 $551,849 8.72% $240,429 $268,414 $302,139 $333,194 $364,134 11.03% $153,799 $159,841 $165,271 $170,861 $187,715 4.76% $238,382 $252,736 $271,045 $294,094 $309,208 6.95% $2,457 $265 $106 $1,322 NM $241,887 $250,279 $270,780 $293,988 $307,886 6.65% $2,461,285 $2,564,754 $2,679,605 $2,810,424 $3,077,396 5.53% $13,020 $16,600 $14,175 $11,694 $13,441 -2.83% $2,448,265 $2,548,154 $2,665,430 $2,798,730 $3,063,955 5.57% $653,028 $665,029 $684,593 $748,495 $881,405 7.44% Earnings by place of work less: Contributions for government social insurance Employee & self-employed contrib. for govt. soc. ins. Employer contributions for govt. social insurance plus: Adjustment for residence equals: Net earnings by place of residence plus: Dividends, interest, and rent plus: Personal current transfer receipts equals: Total Personal Income Earnings by place of work Wage and salary disbursements Supplements to wages and salaries Employer contrib. for employee pension & insur. funds Employer contributions for govt. social insurance Proprietors' income Farm proprietors' income Nonfarm proprietors' income Earnings by place of work Farm earnings Nonfarm earnings: Private and Government Government -$3,505 Data: BEA Complied by: Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 88 5/29/2008 89 0.51% Total, All Government Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research 1.94% 1.99% Total, All Industries Total, All Private 11.54% 0.53% Unclassified Local Government 1.71% Accommodation and Food Services 1.39% 5.61% Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation State Government 1.49% 2.12% Health Care and Social Assistance 1.39% 1.93% Educational Services 0.21% 1.96% Administrative and Waste Services Other Services 8.04% Federal Government -0.52% 1.64% Management of Companies and Enterprises -0.01% 0.18% 0.14% 8.85% 1.00% -2.07% -1.51% 5.05% 0.11% 2.35% 10.53% 22.63% -0.23% 7.36% Professional and Technical Services 2.40% -15.81% 5.57% -1.41% Information 0.47% -0.28% Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 1.42% Transportation and Warehousing 0.64% -1.17% Retail Trade -1.36% -6.65% 5.60% 8.53% 9.08% Finance and Insurance -2.04% -0.91% 6.00% Construction Wholesale Trade -2.51% Mining Manufacturing -2.34% Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS Growth in the Number of Firms (within industry) Average Employment Growth (within Industry) 5.64% 4.76% 5.02% 14.42% 7.69% 2.26% 3.01% 6.37% 2.68% 10.37% 3.94% 5.94% 19.51% 33.83% 3.93% 15.19% 7.27% -3.14% 1.95% 3.43% 3.02% -1.17% 8.89% 9.35% 13.08% Growth inTotal Compensation (within Industry) 5.65% 4.57% 4.88% 5.12% 6.62% 4.43% 4.59% 4.80% 3.22% 5.07% 3.83% 3.51% 8.12% 9.13% 4.17% 7.29% 4.76% 15.05% 2.24% 2.95% 4.44% 5.88% 3.12% 0.76% 3.66% NM NM NM 16 6 3 2 19 22 20 13 18 12 1 11 14 4 10 15 17 7 5 9 8 21 Average Wages by Growth in Average Industry (2006) Ranked from Highest (1) to Compensation per Lowest (22) job (within Industry) Ulster County Summary Statistics for Firms, Employment, and Wages by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 5/29/2008 NM NM NM 21 1 6 19 9 4 18 3 16 7 20 11 17 10 14 12 2 13 5 8 22 15 Level Change in Avg. Employ. By industry (2006-2002) Ranked from Highest (1) to Lowest (22) 90 401 Professional and Technical Services Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research 155 4,505 Total, All Private Total, All Government 4,660 Total, All Industries 152 94 Local Government Unclassified 14 State Government 439 388 Accommodation and Food Services Other Services 47 112 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Federal Government 425 56 183 Health Care and Social Assistance Educational Services Administrative and Waste Services 14 222 164 Finance and Insurance Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Management of Companies and Enterprises 109 161 4,571 4,732 172 98 15 48 396 449 123 438 55 188 17 404 187 214 Transportation and Warehousing 730 157 220 535 12 68 92 103 Retail Trade 2003 95 769 Wholesale Trade Information 222 156 Manufacturing 517 13 Construction 71 Mining 2002 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS 2004 158 4,708 4,866 199 96 15 47 409 466 128 443 56 191 18 415 191 221 87 111 749 154 215 571 13 68 2005 Ulster County Number of Reporting Units by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 159 4,777 4,936 222 97 15 47 403 468 134 461 58 197 20 423 198 222 87 110 726 157 206 604 13 64 2006 160 4,864 5,024 231 97 15 48 412 468 141 460 60 197 19 425 209 225 91 110 727 149 207 651 11 65 Growth 5/29/2008 0.51% 1.99% 1.94% 11.54% 0.53% 1.39% 0.21% 1.39% 1.71% 5.61% 2.12% 1.93% 1.96% 8.04% 1.64% 5.57% 0.64% -1.41% 1.42% -1.17% -0.91% -2.04% 6.00% -2.51% -2.34% 91 2,091 1,922 Finance and Insurance Professional and Technical Services 2,062 Other Services Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research 47,769 47,466 14,243 Total, All Private Total, All Government 14,257 62,026 248 9,391 4,371 495 2,143 6,280 582 61,709 Total, All Industries 166 Local Government Unclassified 4,418 9,316 State Government 509 6,254 Accommodation and Food Services Federal Government 599 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 719 8,280 677 8,248 2,199 152 2,075 292 Health Care and Social Assistance Educational Services Administrative and Waste Services Management of Companies and Enterprises 1,874 2,691 1,470 1,659 1,438 Transportation and Warehousing Information 8,841 1,621 9,248 Retail Trade 1,375 5,190 2,384 123 695 625 1,312 Wholesale Trade 2003 562 5,669 Manufacturing Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 2,164 115 Construction 718 Mining 2002 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS 2004 14,412 47,367 61,779 240 9,570 4,351 491 2,234 6,209 636 8,275 688 2,166 274 1,707 670 1,981 1,863 1,437 9,128 1,358 4,673 2,527 139 921 2005 Ulster County Average Employment by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 14,252 47,426 61,678 205 9,638 4,134 480 2,228 6,182 652 8,210 714 2,448 469 1,690 720 2,020 1,700 1,425 9,239 1,278 4,433 2,526 144 914 2006 14,236 48,077 62,313 279 9,666 4,091 479 2,178 6,140 724 8,328 763 3,245 461 1,588 747 2,084 1,113 1,440 9,260 1,271 4,348 2,761 160 967 -0.28% 0.47% -1.36% -6.65% 5.60% 8.53% 9.08% 5/29/2008 -0.01% 0.18% 0.14% 8.85% 1.00% -2.07% -1.51% 1.49% -0.52% 5.05% 0.11% 2.35% 10.53% 22.63% -0.23% 7.36% 2.40% -15.81% Growth 92 $19,884 $42,698 $24,918 $31,497 $32,343 $34,066 $35,945 $21,344 $24,960 $21,229 $38,917 $23,283 Construction Manufacturing Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Transportation and Warehousing Information Finance and Insurance Real Estate and Rental and Leasing $26,589 $22,041 $25,742 Administrative and Waste Services $43,044 $40,251 $17,907 $13,642 $18,831 $41,836 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Accommodation and Food Services Other Services Federal Government $26,586 $27,728 $25,449 $35,321 Total, All Industries Total, All Private Total, All Government Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research $28,515 $20,356 Unclassified $34,980 $22,281 $32,102 $40,689 $32,420 State Government Local Government $19,906 $13,702 $18,969 $29,750 $20,971 $28,416 Educational Services Health Care and Social Assistance $40,192 $29,013 $35,846 Professional and Technical Services Management of Companies and Enterprises $26,082 $22,436 $38,540 $36,330 $34,336 $40,723 $40,342 $19,942 $18,237 2003 Mining 2002 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS $34,230 $28,030 $29,476 $19,324 $30,997 $40,014 $46,001 $20,565 $14,316 $20,214 $30,659 $23,836 $31,025 $42,578 $32,007 $27,480 $44,634 $25,716 $25,432 $23,292 $42,105 $38,472 $35,215 $38,815 $20,443 2004 Ulster County Average Wages by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 $37,618 $28,873 $30,894 $24,613 $35,321 $41,881 $47,012 $21,539 $14,447 $21,117 $31,711 $24,060 $33,372 $47,552 $32,579 $28,830 $45,264 $27,293 $26,126 $23,282 $42,426 $39,979 $36,262 $40,845 $21,091 2005 2006 $44,832 $30,529 $33,797 $24,857 $42,582 $49,532 $50,096 $22,890 $15,568 $21,730 $33,211 $23,846 $33,944 $51,008 $34,991 $30,775 $47,696 $36,517 $27,865 $24,233 $42,573 $43,206 $36,694 $41,828 $21,226 Growth 5/29/2008 5.65% 4.57% 4.88% 5.12% 6.62% 4.43% 4.59% 4.80% 3.22% 5.07% 3.83% 3.51% 8.12% 9.13% 4.17% 7.29% 4.76% 15.05% 2.24% 2.95% 4.44% 5.88% 3.12% 0.76% 3.66% Westchester County Components of Total Personal Income: 2002-2006 (in thousands of dollars) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Growth Population 941,543 944,309 947,073 947,719 948,080 0.17% Per Capita Income $54,590 $55,092 $59,832 $65,265 $70,519 7.05% Earnings by place of work $29,766,189 $30,563,887 $33,383,466 $35,136,730 $36,900,646 5.86% less: Contributions for government social insurance $3,246,994 $3,360,379 $3,599,618 $3,766,398 $3,928,999 5.08% Employee & self-employed contrib. for govt. soc. ins. $1,607,141 $1,647,288 $1,780,340 $1,867,093 $1,954,594 5.30% Employer contributions for govt. social insurance $1,639,853 $1,713,091 $1,819,278 $1,899,305 $1,974,405 4.86% plus: Adjustment for residence $9,396,450 $9,119,437 $9,728,264 $10,252,007 $11,125,366 4.65% equals: Net earnings by place of residence $35,915,645 $36,322,945 $39,512,112 $41,622,339 $44,097,013 5.62% plus: Dividends, interest, and rent $10,199,293 $10,206,046 $11,239,216 $14,378,240 $16,480,202 13.91% $5,283,963 $5,494,976 $5,913,828 $5,852,018 $6,280,709 4.17% equals: Total Personal Income $51,398,901 $52,023,967 $56,665,156 $61,852,597 $66,857,924 7.24% Earnings by place of work $29,766,189 $30,563,887 $33,383,466 $35,136,730 $36,900,646 5.86% Wage and salary disbursements plus: Personal current transfer receipts $20,976,383 $21,544,487 $23,261,771 $24,265,613 $25,607,903 5.32% Supplements to wages and salaries $4,188,971 $4,492,570 $4,962,314 $5,299,642 $5,511,365 7.40% Employer contrib. for employee pension & insur. funds $2,549,118 $2,779,479 $3,143,036 $3,400,337 $3,536,960 8.94% Employer contributions for govt. social insurance $1,639,853 $1,713,091 $1,819,278 $1,899,305 $1,974,405 4.86% Proprietors' income $4,600,835 $4,526,830 $5,159,381 $5,571,475 $5,781,378 6.87% $1,617 $930 $604 $746 $587 -20.12% $4,599,218 $4,525,900 $5,158,777 $5,570,729 $5,780,791 6.88% $29,766,189 $30,563,887 $33,383,466 $35,136,730 $36,900,646 5.86% $4,516 $3,420 $3,045 $2,800 $2,738 -11.32% $29,761,673 $30,560,467 $33,380,421 $35,133,930 $36,897,908 5.86% $3,912,240 $4,161,196 $4,518,306 $4,845,136 $5,147,781 7.26% Farm proprietors' income Nonfarm proprietors' income Earnings by place of work Farm earnings Nonfarm earnings: Private and Government Government Data: BEA Complied by: Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 93 5/29/2008 94 Industry by Three Digit NACIS 1.56% Educational Services 1.09% 0.52% 1.28% 1.95% -0.09% 8.66% 1.12% 1.13% 0.30% Accommodation and Food Services Other Services Federal Government State Government Local Government Unclassified Total, All Industries Total, All Private Total, All Government Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research 3.13% Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation NA 1.71% Administrative and Waste Services Health Care and Social Assistance 4.92% Management of Companies and Enterprises Information 0.27% -2.51% Transportation and Warehousing Professional and Technical Services 0.50% Retail Trade 1.40% -0.65% Wholesale Trade 2.23% -1.07% Manufacturing Real Estate and Rental and Leasing -1.68% Construction Finance and Insurance 2.10% 2.24% Utilities NA -0.77% Mining Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Growth in the Number of Firms (within industry) 0.01% 0.76% 0.64% 4.47% 0.08% 0.83% -1.58% 1.55% 0.63% -2.92% NA 2.13% 0.07% 5.35% -0.84% 1.54% 5.05% -3.19% 4.70% 0.71% -1.39% -2.96% 1.50% -2.49% NA -2.62% Average Employment Growth (within Industry) 5.18% 5.58% 5.52% 6.62% 5.75% 1.85% 3.49% 5.51% 4.48% 1.79% NA 5.25% 7.80% 12.46% 3.01% 7.37% 11.37% 0.25% 15.67% 2.07% 3.19% 3.04% 3.87% 0.08% NA 1.60% 5.17% 4.78% 4.84% 2.06% 5.67% 1.01% 5.16% 3.89% 3.83% 4.85% NA 3.05% 7.72% 6.74% 3.88% 5.75% 6.02% 3.55% 10.47% 1.34% 4.65% 6.18% 2.34% 2.64% NA 4.34% NM NM NM 16 9 12 8 21 22 19 14 15 17 1 5 11 2 7 13 20 6 4 10 3 23 18 5/29/2008 NM NM NM 21 2 18 19 9 7 17 1 12 8 16 5 15 6 13 14 3 11 10 4 20 23 22 Average Wages by Level Change in Avg. Growth inTotal Growth in Average Industry (2006) Ranked Employ. By industry (2006Compensation (within Compensation per job from Highest (1) to 2002) Ranked from Industry) (within Industry) Lowest (23) Highest (1) to Lowest (23) Westchester County Summary Statistics for Firms, Employment, and Wages by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 95 Industry by Three Digit NACIS 1,522 1,350 Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research 431 33,866 Total, All Private Total, All Government 34,297 Unclassified Total, All Industries 439 33,803 34,242 25 324 25 322 90 5,176 Local Government 5,227 Other Services 1,808 State Government 1,816 Accommodation and Food Services 573 3,055 84 556 467 1,749 171 4,187 2,171 1,826 715 530 3,907 1,797 764 Federal Government 2,995 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 465 1,755 Health Care and Social Assistance Educational Services Administrative and Waste Services 186 4,227 Professional and Technical Services Management of Companies and Enterprises 2,161 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 733 1,884 Finance and Insurance Information 545 3,969 Transportation and Warehousing 1,853 Wholesale Trade Retail Trade 788 Manufacturing 13 3,304 16 67 NA 2003 4 67 3,271 2002 Construction Utilities Mining Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting 2004 436 34,278 34,714 1,556 319 26 91 5,236 1,870 595 NA 472 1,807 188 4,157 2,231 1,862 698 537 3,914 1,804 747 3,379 17 NA 66 2005 Westchester County Number of Reporting Units by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 436 34,841 35,277 1,811 321 26 89 5,272 1,856 625 3,159 485 1,859 205 4,228 2,307 1,929 664 545 3,881 1,787 737 3,416 16 NA 62 2006 439 35,280 35,719 1,875 322 27 90 5,314 1,892 621 3,194 493 1,853 216 4,263 2,341 1,965 670 551 3,855 1,761 737 3,594 16 NA 67 Growth 5/29/2008 0.30% 1.13% 1.12% 8.66% -0.09% 1.95% 1.28% 0.52% 1.09% 3.13% NA 1.56% 1.71% 4.92% 0.27% 2.23% 1.40% -2.51% 0.50% -0.65% -1.07% -1.68% 2.24% 2.10% NA -0.77% 96 Industry by Three Digit NACIS 47,614 Retail Trade 1,907 Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research Total, All Government 62,947 340,127 Total, All Private 63,973 338,973 402,946 1,696 403,074 Total, All Industries Unclassified 6,159 52,399 6,269 18,416 51,285 18,484 Other Services 21,122 State Government 21,205 Accommodation and Food Services 9,272 58,223 Local Government 8,986 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 13,160 21,088 7,809 24,550 9,316 18,073 14,037 9,972 46,907 16,953 20,025 24,412 3,329 NA 398 5,415 57,067 Health Care and Social Assistance 2003 5,393 12,976 Educational Services Federal Government 21,086 Administrative and Waste Services 7,735 24,817 Professional and Technical Services Management of Companies and Enterprises 9,243 Finance and Insurance Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 14,885 18,102 Information 9,835 17,767 Wholesale Trade Transportation and Warehousing 20,817 Manufacturing 3,391 23,971 Construction Utilities 440 12 2002 Mining Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting 2004 63,913 345,537 409,450 1,722 52,302 6,358 5,253 18,818 21,634 9,875 NA 13,552 23,240 8,964 24,299 9,564 19,062 13,443 10,397 47,880 16,903 19,393 24,120 3,141 NA 374 2005 Westchester County Average Employment by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 63,293 347,540 410,833 1,829 51,904 6,230 5,159 19,181 21,748 8,044 59,925 13,860 22,108 9,175 23,840 9,850 20,730 13,253 11,488 48,321 17,038 18,957 24,709 3,109 NA 371 2006 63,327 348,893 412,220 2,155 51,728 6,497 5,102 19,560 21,559 8,320 60,579 14,048 20,671 9,262 24,146 9,701 21,622 13,024 11,531 48,608 16,525 18,413 25,669 3,093 NA 399 Growth 5/29/2008 0.01% 0.76% 0.64% 4.47% 0.08% 0.83% -1.58% 1.55% 0.63% -2.92% NA 2.13% 0.07% 5.35% -0.84% 1.54% 5.05% -3.19% 4.70% 0.71% -1.39% -2.96% 1.50% -2.49% NA -2.62% 97 $74,485 Professional and Technical Services $18,613 Accommodation and Food Services $36,525 $48,773 $48,806 $48,594 Local Government Unclassified Total, All Industries Total, All Private Total, All Government Data Source: NYS Department of Labor QCEW Series Compiled by Marist College Bureau of Economic Research $49,112 $48,479 State Government $24,450 $26,478 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation $49,090 $38,142 Health Care and Social Assistance Federal Government $37,988 Educational Services Other Services $30,241 Administrative and Waste Services $168,068 $45,779 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Management of Companies and Enterprises $88,678 $31,538 Transportation and Warehousing $67,098 $28,700 Retail Trade Finance and Insurance $67,482 Wholesale Trade Information $72,516 Manufacturing $49,721 $49,978 $49,937 $35,471 $49,543 $49,812 $51,333 $25,560 $19,028 $27,741 $39,360 $39,097 $31,253 $156,736 $73,753 $49,351 $88,680 $73,342 $32,086 $29,628 $69,090 $80,427 $54,676 $93,523 $90,296 $52,746 Utilities Construction NA $74,610 Mining $33,903 2003 $32,076 2002 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Industry by Three Digit NACIS $52,626 $53,428 $53,303 $33,433 $52,624 $49,894 $55,951 $26,105 $19,706 $27,668 NA $41,534 $32,383 $194,428 $76,352 $54,579 $95,249 $72,669 $36,898 $29,322 $83,711 $85,428 $55,750 $105,924 NA $37,522 2004 Westchester County Average Wages by Three Digit NACIS Years 2002-2006 $55,475 $55,678 $55,646 $33,518 $55,965 $50,838 $56,149 $27,232 $20,393 $30,560 $43,222 $41,147 $43,244 $194,069 $83,158 $53,542 $100,347 $75,276 $41,956 $29,766 $76,451 $87,972 $55,618 $99,762 NA $38,457 2005 $78,867 $45,376 $30,611 $80,512 $93,561 $58,701 $99,595 NA $37,236 $59,190 $58,402 $58,523 $41,598 $60,089 $51,118 $60,353 $28,674 $21,701 $31,966 $45,009 $43,036 $37,291 $209,299 $84,862 $58,123 $111,651 2006 Growth 5/29/2008 5.17% 4.78% 4.84% 2.06% 5.67% 1.01% 5.16% 3.89% 3.83% 4.85% NA 3.05% 7.72% 6.74% 3.88% 5.75% 6.02% 3.55% 10.47% 1.34% 4.65% 6.18% 2.34% 2.64% NA 4.34% Page Intentionally Left Blank 98 Total Income Maintenance Benefits Annual: Monthly Average Counties 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Columbia $1,210,551 $1,151,993 $1,155,570 $1,092,486 $1,011,710 Dutchess $4,394,956 $4,132,884 $3,953,620 $3,697,104 $3,292,412 Greene $1,104,341 $1,070,520 $1,053,224 $992,130 $924,490 Orange $7,082,456 $6,570,537 $6,522,531 $6,311,445 $5,981,138 Putnam $536,058 $527,427 $518,072 $493,008 $466,129 Rockland $5,081,955 $4,774,392 $4,487,391 $4,185,748 $3,895,930 Sullivan $2,356,722 $2,288,596 $2,113,196 $2,003,474 $1,849,606 Ulster $3,652,213 $3,476,840 $3,274,569 $3,092,776 $2,981,162 Westchester $18,494,766 $17,574,154 $17,271,742 $17,853,885 $17,267,565 Hudson Valley Total $43,914,018 $41,557,340 $40,349,916 $39,699,236 $37,670,142 New York City $446,737,688 $438,033,856 $422,255,558 $406,860,304 $376,104,930 New York State $688,151,210 $669,290,316 $647,423,962 $624,765,911 $576,279,092 Annual Percentage Change: Monthly Average Counties 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Columbia 5.08% -0.31% 5.77% 7.98% 7.20% Dutchess 6.34% 4.53% 6.94% 12.29% 8.90% Greene 3.16% 1.64% 6.16% 7.32% 13.20% Orange 7.79% 0.74% 3.34% 5.52% 5.80% Putnam 1.64% 1.81% 5.08% 5.77% 4.20% Rockland 6.44% 6.40% 7.21% 7.44% 3.40% Sullivan 2.98% 8.30% 5.48% 8.32% 10.70% Ulster 5.04% 6.18% 5.88% 3.74% 7.10% Westchester 5.24% 1.75% 12.35% 10.30% 6.10% Hudson Valley Total 5.67% 2.99% 1.64% 5.39% 6.50% New York City 1.99% 3.74% 3.78% 8.18% 2.10% New York State 2.82% 3.38% 3.63% 8.41% 0.00% Data: New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance Compiled by: Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 99 6/23/2008 Food Stamps - Recipients Annual: Monthy Average Counties 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Columbia 3041 3033 3121 2982 2721 Dutchess 11153 10582 10111 8772 7353 Greene 3274 3275 3250 3125 2922 Orange 23144 22261 21807 20733 19863 Putnam 993 933 929 866 806 Rockland 21732 20864 19680 17828 16630 Sullivan 6702 6449 6067 5553 5032 Ulster 9580 9121 8416 7733 7269 Westchester 40459 39640 39745 36733 33949 Hudson Valley Total 120077 116157 113126 104324 96545 New York City 1105981 1092542 1084739 1006928 884909 New York State 1813683 1789666 1767780 1646075 1469563 Annual Percentage Change: Monthy Average Counties 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Columbia 0.26% -2.82% 4.65% 9.59% 7.87% Dutchess 5.39% 4.66% 15.26% 19.31% 13.51% Greene -0.02% 0.77% 4.00% 6.94% 9.75% Orange 3.97% 2.08% 5.18% 4.38% 5.41% Putnam 6.39% 0.43% 7.33% 7.38% 13.04% Rockland 4.16% 6.02% 10.39% 7.20% 6.67% Sullivan 3.92% 6.30% 9.27% 10.35% 11.48% Ulster 5.03% 8.38% 8.83% 6.39% 10.65% Westchester 2.07% -0.26% 8.20% 8.20% 6.76% Hudson Valley Total 3.38% 2.68% 8.44% 8.06% 7.64% New York City 1.23% 0.72% 7.73% 13.79% 7.70% New York State 1.34% 1.24% 7.39% 12.01% 8.42% 100 Food Stamps - Expenditures Annual: Monthy Average Counties 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Columbia $279,238 $271,369 $279,731 $253,759 $231,816 Dutchess $1,109,332 $1,005,837 $921,553 $766,541 $620,346 Greene $312,681 $299,596 $296,391 $277,808 $249,595 Orange $2,365,777 $2,201,482 $2,090,600 $1,918,185 $1,832,239 Putnam $84,331 $81,581 $70,811 $64,206 $55,237 $2,138,955 $1,984,423 $1,828,164 $1,572,947 $1,438,235 Sullivan $605,950 $565,199 $521,859 $449,937 $392,239 Ulster $916,154 $832,975 $722,271 $629,456 $582,959 $4,140,521 $3,910,993 $3,803,788 $3,385,590 $3,069,341 $11,952,938 $11,153,455 $10,535,167 $9,318,428 $8,472,007 New York City $129,146,805 $128,674,463 $119,248,814 $107,362,677 $94,857,515 New York State $198,332,627 $184,617,184 $182,366,739 $163,776,695 $145,168,998 Rockland Westchester Hudson Valley Total Annual Percentage Change: Monthy Average Counties 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Columbia 2.90% -2.99% 10.24% 9.47% 16.03% Dutchess 10.29% 9.15% 20.22% 23.57% 20.78% Greene 4.37% 1.08% 6.69% 11.30% 15.35% Orange 7.46% 5.30% 8.99% 4.69% 10.51% Putnam 3.37% 15.21% 10.29% 16.24% 15.48% Rockland 7.79% 8.55% 16.23% 9.37% 11.33% Sullivan 7.21% 8.30% 15.98% 14.71% 16.39% Ulster 9.99% 15.33% 14.75% 7.98% 17.25% Westchester 5.87% 2.82% 12.35% 10.30% 12.19% Hudson Valley Total 7.17% 5.87% 13.06% 9.99% 13.00% New York City 0.37% 7.90% 11.07% 13.18% 13.88% New York State 7.43% 1.23% 11.35% 12.82% 14.55% 101 Total Temporary Assistance - Recipients Annual: Monthly Average Counties 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Columbia 619 595 664 687 664 Dutchess 2188 2345 2459 2464 2312 Greene 740 815 923 899 828 Orange 4656 4643 5032 5304 5656 Putnam 145 158 163 191 196 Rockland 2289 2313 2478 2525 2587 Sullivan 1535 1596 1560 1477 1390 Ulster 2297 2406 2337 2289 2511 Westchester 13121 13935 15112 17030 18010 Hudson Valley 27589 28795 30717 32808 34152 New York City 359425 391895 416012 433928 423945 New York State 530912 572152 604922 629062 612423 Annual Percentage Change: Monthly Average Counties 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Columbia 3.9% -10.4% -3.4% 3.6% -1.7% Dutchess -6.7% -4.6% -0.2% 6.6% -1.5% Greene -9.3% -11.6% 2.6% 8.6% 1.7% Orange 0.3% -7.7% -5.1% -6.2% -5.7% Putnam -8.3% -3.5% -14.7% -2.3% -9.0% Rockland -1.0% -6.6% -1.9% -2.4% -9.3% Sullivan -3.8% 2.3% 5.6% 6.2% 10.1% Ulster -4.5% 2.9% 2.1% -8.8% -0.8% Westchester -5.8% -7.8% -11.3% -5.4% 1.9% Hudson Valley -4.2% -6.3% -6.4% -3.9% -0.5% New York City -8.3% -5.8% -4.1% 2.4% -1.9% New York State -7.2% -5.4% -3.8% 2.7% -1.2% Source: New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance Compiled by: Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 102 6/20/2008 Total Temporary Assistance - Expenditures Annual: Monthly Average Counties 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Columbia $201,363 $178,261 $193,047 $188,473 $168,530 Dutchess $968,141 $916,686 $949,048 $921,589 $840,599 Greene $195,180 $199,767 $220,340 $209,167 $199,805 Orange $1,699,301 $1,519,445 $1,705,412 $1,745,647 $1,635,837 Putnam $70,528 $74,802 $85,965 $73,661 $88,099 Rockland $688,441 $651,747 $662,113 $661,481 $620,265 Sullivan $490,463 $452,837 $432,479 $417,362 $372,086 Ulster $726,138 $748,890 $684,837 $663,898 $711,952 $6,359,082 $6,113,819 $6,353,062 $7,569,137 $7,739,408 Hudson Valley $11,398,637 $10,856,252 $11,286,301 $12,427,596 $12,376,581 New York City $100,027,333 $99,119,833 $101,521,500 $101,819,583 $93,519,583 New York State $151,274,557 $155,468,765 $154,261,676 $156,739,338 $145,078,963 Westchester Annual Percentage Change: Monthly Average Counties 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Columbia 13.0% -7.7% 2.4% 11.8% 6.6% Dutchess 5.6% -3.4% 3.0% 9.6% 12.5% Greene -2.3% -9.3% 5.3% 4.7% 9.4% Orange 11.8% -10.9% -2.3% 6.7% 5.8% Putnam -5.7% -13.0% 16.7% -16.4% -4.9% Rockland 5.6% -1.6% 0.1% 6.6% -3.4% Sullivan 8.3% 4.7% 3.6% 12.2% 22.0% Ulster -3.0% 9.4% 3.2% -6.7% 7.5% Westchester 4.0% -3.8% -16.1% -2.2% 5.8% Hudson Valley 5.0% -3.8% -9.2% 0.4% 6.2% New York City 0.9% -2.4% -0.3% 8.9% -7.7% New York State -2.7% 0.8% -1.6% 8.0% 3.2% Source: New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance Compiled by: Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 103 6/20/2008 Supplemental Security Income -Recipients Annual: Monthly Average Counties 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Columbia 1,495 1,501 1,499 1,481 1,483 Dutchess 4,615 4,592 4,471 4,419 4,356 Greene 1,230 1,201 1,172 1,157 1,101 Orange 6,140 6,001 5,884 5,899 5,893 Putnam 798 774 770 783 771 Rockland 4,527 4,459 4,364 4,301 4,315 Sullivan 2,481 2,490 2,491 2,531 2,537 Ulster 4,001 4,030 4,017 3,982 3,957 Westchester 16,151 15,837 15,391 15,206 14,981 Hudson Valley 41,437 40,886 40,060 39,758 39,391 New York City 407,052 405,476 400,470 398,504 397,940 New York State 649,071 644,062 634,231 630,097 627,083 Annual Percentage Change: Monthy Average Counties 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Columbia -0.39% 0.15% 1.23% -0.13% 0.34% Dutchess 0.51% 2.70% 1.18% 1.43% 0.61% Greene 2.34% 2.45% 1.35% 5.04% 2.47% Orange 2.26% 1.98% -0.25% 0.11% -1.11% Putnam 3.01% 0.49% -1.57% 1.56% 5.26% Rockland 1.50% 2.18% 1.46% -0.32% -2.11% Sullivan -0.36% -0.05% -1.57% -0.24% 0.34% Ulster -0.72% 0.34% 0.86% 0.64% 0.12% Westchester 1.94% 2.90% 1.22% 1.50% 1.13% Hudson Valley 1.33% 2.06% 0.76% 0.93% 0.29% New York City 0.39% 1.25% 0.49% 0.14% -0.19% New York State 0.77% 1.55% 0.66% 0.48% 0.13% Data: New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance Compiled by: Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 6/20/2008 104 Supplemental Security Income- Expenditures Annual: Monthly Average Counties 2007 2006 Columbia $729,950 $702,363 $682,793 $650,254 $611,363 Dutchess $2,317,483 $2,210,361 $2,083,020 $2,008,974 $1,831,467 Greene $596,481 $571,157 $536,494 $505,155 $475,090 Orange $3,017,378 $2,849,610 $2,726,519 $2,647,612 $2,513,063 Putnam $381,199 $371,044 $361,296 $355,141 $322,794 Rockland $2,254,559 $2,138,222 $1,997,114 $1,951,320 $1,837,430 Sullivan $1,260,309 $1,270,560 $1,158,859 $1,136,175 $1,085,281 Ulster $2,009,921 $1,894,975 $1,867,461 $1,799,423 $1,686,251 Westchester $7,995,163 $7,549,342 $7,114,892 $6,899,158 $6,458,815 $20,562,444 $19,547,633 $18,528,448 $17,953,212 $16,821,554 New York City $217,563,550 $210,239,560 $201,485,244 $197,678,044 $187,727,833 New York State $338,544,025 $329,204,367 $310,795,547 $304,249,878 $286,031,132 Hudson Valley 2005 2004 2003 Annual Percentage Change: Monthly Average Counties 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Columbia 3.93% 2.87% 5.00% 6.36% 4.26% Dutchess 4.85% 6.11% 3.69% 9.69% 3.85% Greene 4.43% 6.46% 6.20% 6.33% 13.80% Orange 5.89% 4.51% 2.98% 5.35% 2.64% Putnam 2.74% 2.70% 1.73% 10.02% 5.27% Rockland 5.44% 7.07% 2.35% 6.20% 0.19% Sullivan -0.81% 9.64% 2.00% 4.69% 5.52% Ulster 6.07% 1.47% 3.78% 6.71% 3.81% Westchester 5.91% 6.11% 3.13% 6.82% 3.86% Hudson Valley 5.19% 5.50% 3.20% 6.73% 3.74% New York City 3.48% 4.34% 1.93% 5.30% -2.70% New York State 2.84% 5.92% 2.15% 6.37% 2.56% Data: New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance Compiled by: Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 6/20/2008 105 The Rate of Inflation Year-to-Year Percent Change in CPI-U Jan 2002 to December 2007 Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) NY, NY -Northeastern NJ 2007 2006 2004 2003 2005 2002 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2.72% 3.08% 2.91% 2.53% 2.50% 2.54% 2.48% 1.89% 2.43% 3.11% 3.89% 3.66% 3.75% 3.59% 2.73% 3.62% 4.82% 5.65% 4.99% 4.67% 3.29% 2.35% 2.60% 3.31% 4.10% 3.88% 4.42% 4.17% 3.42% 2.28% 3.41% 4.08% 4.81% 4.49% 3.91% 3.58% 2.67% 2.50% 3.20% 3.71% 3.86% 4.62% 3.95% 3.31% 3.16% 3.65% 3.91% 3.76% 3.29% 3.32% 3.14% 2.55% 2.82% 2.82% 2.97% 3.11% 3.26% 3.25% 3.10% 3.21% 1.95% 2.48% 2.52% 2.79% 2.19% 1.70% 2.24% 2.66% 2.82% 3.14% 2.98% 3.10% Average 2.81% 3.78% 3.88% 3.53% 3.07% 2.55% Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) US City Average 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2.08% 2.42% 2.78% 2.57% 2.69% 2.69% 2.36% 1.97% 2.76% 3.52% 4.31% 4.06% 4.10% 3.88% 4.42% 4.17% 3.42% 2.28% 3.41% 4.08% 4.81% 4.49% 3.91% 3.58% 2.97% 3.01% 3.15% 3.51% 2.80% 2.53% 3.17% 3.64% 4.69% 4.35% 3.46% 3.42% 1.93% 1.69% 1.74% 2.29% 3.05% 3.27% 2.99% 2.65% 2.54% 3.19% 3.52% 3.26% 2.60% 2.98% 3.02% 2.22% 2.06% 2.11% 2.11% 2.16% 2.32% 2.04% 1.77% 1.88% 1.14% 1.14% 1.48% 1.64% 1.18% 1.07% 1.46% 1.80% 1.51% 2.03% 2.20% 2.38% Average 2.85% 3.88% 3.39% 2.68% 2.27% 1.59% Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Compiled by Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 106 5/8/2008 107 2003 % Change NY/NJ CPI-U 2004 Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Compiled by Bureau of Economic Research, School of Management, Marist College 2002 0.00% 1.00% 2.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00% 2005 % Change US Cities CPI-U 2006 The Rate of Inflation Year-to-Year Change - 2002 to 2007 (All Urban Consumers) 2007 5/8/2008 Total Migration Year 2005-2006 Number of Personal Tax Returns INFLOWS TO → Columbia Dutchess Greene Orange Putnam Rockland Sullivan Ulster Westchester Total 1220 5821 1154 8103 2338 4282 1761 3731 16668 New York State 843 4006 883 5070 1912 2417 1314 2692 10663 New York City 160 852 120 1071 461 1192 351 497 7688 Hudson Valley 369 2634 375 2611 1342 924 753 1760 1865 Connecticut and New Jersey 26 357 10 834 102 795 38 119 1751 Tri-State Region 869 4363 893 5904 2014 3212 1352 2811 12414 Outside of TriState Region 351 1458 261 2199 324 1070 409 920 4254 Columbia Dutchess Greene Orange Putnam Rockland Sullivan Ulster Westchester Total 1386 6,545 1055 8765 2808 6137 1794 3966 20171 New York State 816 3,277 737 3559 1730 2746 935 2246 9335 New York City 103 592 56 746 220 942 192 327 4999 Hudson Valley 286 2,037 224 2138 1342 1453 496 1416 3241 Connecticut and New Jersey 10 287 0 680 259 1143 38 101 3378 Tri-State Region 826 3,564 737 4239 1989 3889 973 2347 12713 Outside of TriState Region 560 2,981 318 4526 819 2248 821 1619 7458 FROM ↓ OUTFLOWS FROM → TO ↓ Data Source: IRS Compiled by: Bureau of Economic Research, School of Management, Marist College 108 6/11/2008 Migration within the Hudson Valley: Year 2005-2006 Number of Personal Tax Returns INFLOWS TO → Columbia Dutchess Greene Orange Putnam Rockland Sullivan Ulster Westchester Columbia 0 130 105 0 0 0 0 31 20 Dutchess 196 0 48 386 211 33 32 707 424 Greene 71 12 0 11 0 0 0 118 12 Orange 0 358 21 0 36 366 499 618 240 Putnam 12 535 0 54 0 19 0 32 690 Rockland 10 70 0 900 22 0 35 44 372 Sullivan 0 16 0 318 0 18 0 112 32 Ulster 45 469 179 458 21 25 144 0 75 Westchester 35 1,044 22 484 1,052 463 43 98 0 OUTFLOWS From → Columbia Dutchess Greene Orange Putnam Rockland Sullivan Ulster Westchester Columbia 0 196 71 0 12 10 0 45 35 Dutchess 130 0 12 358 535 70 16 469 1,044 Greene 105 48 0 21 0 0 0 179 22 Orange 0 386 11 0 54 900 318 458 484 Putnam 0 211 0 36 0 22 0 21 1,052 Rockland 0 33 0 366 19 0 18 25 463 Sullivan 0 32 0 499 0 35 0 144 43 Ulster 31 707 118 618 32 44 112 0 98 Westchester 20 424 12 240 690 372 32 75 0 FROM ↓ To ↓ Data Source: IRS Compiled by: Bureau of Economic Research, School of Management, Marist College 109 6/11/2008 Columbia County Migration: Year 2005-2006 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 All NYS NYC Hudson Valley Conn. and NJ Tri-State Other than Tri-State Inflows 1,220 843 160 369 26 869 351 Outflows 1,386 816 103 286 10 826 560 Inflows Outflows $280,000 $230,000 $180,000 $130,000 $80,000 $30,000 NonMigrant All NYS NYC Hudson Valley Conn. and NJ Other Tri-State than TriState Average AGI Inflow $56,727 $77,098 $87,265 $83,981 $47,087 $49,192 $86,125 $54,749 Average AGI Outflow $56,727 $59,341 $67,760 $271,767 $35,129 $36,000 $67,375 $47,489 Data: IRS Complied by: Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 110 6/11/2008 Dutchess County Migration: Year 2005-2006 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 All NYS NYC Hudson Valley Conn. and NJ Tri-State Other than Tri-State Inflows 5,821 4,006 852 2,634 357 4,363 1,458 Outflows 6,545 3,277 592 2,037 287 3,564 2,981 Inflows Outflows $120,000 $110,000 $100,000 $90,000 $80,000 $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 NonMigrant All NYS NYC Hudson Valley Conn. and NJ Other Tri-State than TriState Average AGI Inflows $65,605 $55,592 $58,196 $75,302 $54,260 $58,978 $58,260 $47,610 Average AGI Outflows $65,605 $53,396 $49,741 $50,986 $51,462 $118,718 $55,296 $51,125 Data: IRS Complied by: Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 111 6/11/2008 Greene County Migration: Year 2005-2006 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 All NYS NYC Hudson Valley Conn. and NJ Tri- State Other Than Tri-State Inflows 1,154 883 120 375 10 893 261 Outflows 1,055 737 56 224 0 737 318 Inflows Outflows $70,000 $65,000 $60,000 $55,000 $50,000 $45,000 $40,000 $35,000 $30,000 NonMigrant All NYS NYC Hudson Valley $47,367 $45,023 $48,920 $68,008 $40,133 Average AGI Outflows $47,367 $41,760 $41,053 $47,321 $31,335 Average AGI Inflows Data: IRS Complied by: Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 112 Other Conn. Tri- State Than Triand NJ State $50,700 $48,940 $0 $41,053 $31,621 $43,399 6/11/2008 Orange County Migration: Year 2005-2006 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 All NYS NYC Hudson Valley Conn. and NJ Tri-State Other than Tri-State Inflows 8,103 5,070 1,071 2,611 834 5,904 2,199 Outflows 8,765 3,559 746 2,138 680 4,239 4,526 Inflows Outflows $80,000 $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 $20,000 NonMigrant Average AGI Inflows All NYS NYC Hudson Valley Other Conn. Tri-State than Triand NJ State $62,704 $53,765 $56,299 $67,274 $53,291 $68,350 $58,002 $42,392 Average AGI Outflows $62,704 $53,278 $44,597 $43,674 $45,629 $63,985 $47,707 $58,496 Data: IRS Complied by: Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 113 6/11/2008 Putnam County Migration: Year 2005-2006 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 All NYS NYC Hudson Valley Conn. and NJ Tri-State Other than Tri-State Inflows 2,338 1,912 461 1,342 102 2,014 324 Outflows 2,808 1,730 220 1,342 259 1,989 819 Inflows Outflows $90,000 $80,000 $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 NonMigrant All NYS NYC Hudson Valley Conn. and NJ Tri-State Other than TriState Average AGI INflows $82,379 $69,139 $72,454 $85,464 $68,495 $60,814 $71,864 $52,201 Average AGI Outflows $82,379 $65,758 $60,450 $65,368 $60,949 $68,869 $61,546 $75,987 Data: IRS Complied by: Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 114 6/11/2008 Rockland County Migration: Year 2005-2006 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 All NYS NYC Inflows 4,282 2,417 1,192 Outflows 6,137 2,746 942 Inflows Hudson Valley Conn. and NJ Tri-State Other than TriState 924 795 3,212 1,070 1,453 1,143 3,889 2,248 Outflows $80,000 $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 NonMigrant All NYS NYC Hudson Valley Conn. and NJ Tri-State Other than Tri-State Average AGI Inflows $78,000 $62,312 $66,384 $69,107 $64,145 $67,795 $66,733 $49,037 Average AGI Outflows $78,000 $62,742 $60,160 $54,861 $63,219 $69,761 $62,982 $62,328 Data: IRS Complied by: Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 115 6/11/2008 Sullivan County Migration: 2005-2006 2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 All NYS NYC Inflows 1,761 1,314 389 753 Outflows 1,794 935 192 496 Tri-State Other than TriState 38 1,352 409 38 973 821 Hudson Valley Conn. and NJ Inflows Outflows $75,000 $70,000 $65,000 $60,000 $55,000 $50,000 $45,000 $40,000 $35,000 $30,000 NonMigrant All NYS NYC Hudson Valley Conn. and NJ Tri-State Other than Tri-State Average AGI Inflows $47,188 $47,136 $47,657 $61,373 $42,250 $57,184 $47,925 $44,531 Average AGI Outflows $47,188 $36,212 $35,138 $39,578 $34,754 $55,184 $35,921 $35,921 Data: IRS Complied by: Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 116 6/11/2008 Ulster County Migration: Year 2005-2006 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 All NYS NYC Hudson Valley Conn. and NJ Tri-State Inflows 3,731 2,692 497 1,760 119 2,811 920 Outflows 3,966 2,246 327 1,416 101 2,347 1,619 Inflows Other than Tri-State Outflows $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 $20,000 NonMigrant All NYS NYC Hudson Valley Conn. and NJ Tri-State Other than Tri-State Average AGI Inflows $52,737 $47,363 $51,702 $88,811 $44,518 $60,134 $52,059 $33,015 Average AGI Outflows $52,737 $39,681 $40,932 $55,193 $38,576 $53,089 $41,455 $37,108 Data: IRS Complied by: Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 117 6/11/2008 Westchester County Migration: Year 2005-2006 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 All NYS NYC Hudson Valley Conn. and NJ Tri-State Other than Tri-State Inflows 16,668 10,663 7,688 1,865 1,751 12,414 4,254 Outflows 20,171 9,335 4,999 3,241 3,378 12,713 7,458 Inflows Outflows $110,000 $100,000 $90,000 $80,000 $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 NonMigrant All NYS NYC Hudson Valley Average AGI Inflows $103,490 $84,710 $85,569 $92,617 Average AGI Outflows $103,490 $80,895 $67,258 $63,355 Data: IRS Complied by: Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 118 Conn. and NJ Tri-State Other than Tri-State $59,982 $94,709 $86,858 $78,442 $68,729 $104,870 $77,252 $87,105 6/11/2008 Existing Home Sales 2003-2007 County Columbia 2007 516 2006 534 2005 631 2004 606 2003 581 % Change 2007-2006 -3.37% Dutchess 2437 2759 2,985 2,880 2,284 -11.67% -7.57% 3.65% Greene 277 343 345 346 346 -19.24% -0.58% -0.29% Orange 2679 3053 3,555 4,384 3,613 -12.25% -14.12% -18.91% Putnam 764 852 1,088 1,122 1,154 -10.33% -21.69% -3.03% 1494 1585 1,760 2,509 2,257 -5.74% -9.94% -29.85% 350 655 708 620 562 -46.56% -7.49% 14.19% Ulster 1288 1345 1,494 1,560 1,322 -4.24% -9.97% -4.23% Westchester 5119 5164 6,019 6,118 5,537 -0.87% -14.21% -1.62% Hudson Valley Total 14873 16290 18,584 20,169 17,656 -8.70% -12.34% -7.86% New York State 92,308 101,131 104,949 102,726 94,196 -8.72% -3.64% 2.16% 5,652,000 6,478,000 6,178,000 6,781,000 6,101,000 -12.75% 4.86% -8.89% Rockland Sullivan **U.S. % Change % Change 2006-2005 2005-2004 -15.37% 4.13% Median Annual Selling Price (in Dollars) 2003-2007 County 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 % Change 2007-2006 % Change 2006-2005 % Change 2005-2004 Columbia $239,313 $232,250 $233,688 $206,781 $162,175 3.04% -0.62% 13.01% Dutchess $332,500 $350,000 $339,313 $301,750 $267,500 -5.00% 3.15% 12.45% Greene $169,438 $174,500 $160,688 $140,050 $120,925 -2.90% 8.60% 14.74% Orange $321,438 $320,000 $315,225 $296,250 $234,475 0.45% 1.51% 6.41% Putnam $402,250 $410,000 $410,100 $378,925 $353,463 -1.89% -0.02% 8.23% Rockland $495,000 $495,000 $495,238 $467,950 $375,875 0.00% -0.05% 5.83% Sullivan $173,350 $170,330 $157,488 $133,000 $104,188 1.77% 8.15% 18.41% Ulster $254,750 $250,000 $248,263 $215,250 $179,800 1.90% 0.70% 15.34% Westchester $676,250 $669,000 $665,750 $628,750 $555,250 1.08% 0.49% 5.88% Hudson Valley* $340,476 $341,231 $336,194 $307,634 $261,517 -0.22% 1.50% 9.28% New York State $239,000 $248,500 $256,899 $242,240 $199,475 -3.82% -3.27% 6.05% U.S. $219,000 $221,900 $219,600 $195,400 -1.31% 1.05% 12.38% NA * Estimate Source: NYSAR, (**NAR) Compiled by the Marist College Bureau of Economic Research, School of Management, Marist College 119 6/11/2008 Average Annual Selling Price (in Dollars) 2003-2007 County Columbia % Change % Change % Change 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2007-2006 2006-2005 2005-2004 $328,380 $298,062 $309,609 $282,693 $219,760 10.17% -3.73% 9.52% Dutchess $393,438 $405,247 $391,454 $346,544 $306,366 -2.91% 3.52% 12.96% Greene $201,739 $194,204 $188,750 $153,193 $133,200 3.88% 2.89% 23.21% Orange $403,946 $407,279 $392,637 $297,172 $274,250 -0.82% 3.73% 32.12% Putnam $463,688 $467,000 $469,137 $424,026 $391,032 -0.71% -0.46% 10.64% Rockland $689,309 $695,257 $690,697 $462,966 $448,580 -0.86% 0.66% 49.19% Sullivan $279,645 $197,099 $188,826 $154,245 $133,212 41.88% 4.38% 22.42% Ulster $311,033 $292,353 $296,342 $250,669 $221,532 6.39% -1.35% 18.22% Westchester $935,930 $900,695 $879,976 $826,799 $733,464 3.91% 2.35% 6.43% Hudson Valley $601,083 $568,486 $560,894 $481,492 $439,340 5.73% 1.35% 16.49% New York State $346,684 $336,060 $340,286 $293,959 $270,100 3.16% -1.24% 15.76% U.S. $266,000 $268,200 $256,550 $235,419 $216,523 -0.82% 4.54% 8.98% Difference Between Average and Median Selling Price (in Dollars) 2003-2007 County 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 % Change 2007-2006 % Change 2006-2005 % Change 2005-2004 Columbia $89,067 $65,812 $75,921 $75,912 $57,585 35.34% -13.32% 0.01% Dutchess $60,938 $55,247 $52,141 $44,794 $38,866 10.30% 5.96% 16.40% Greene $32,301 $19,704 $28,062 $13,143 $12,275 63.93% -29.78% 113.51% Orange $82,509 $87,279 $77,412 $922 $39,775 -5.47% 12.75% NM Putnam $61,438 $57,000 $59,037 $45,101 $37,569 7.79% -3.45% 30.90% Rockland $194,309 $200,257 $195,459 -$4,984 $72,705 -2.97% 2.45% NM Sullivan $106,295 $26,769 $31,338 $21,245 $29,025 297.08% -14.58% 47.51% $56,283 $42,353 $48,079 $35,419 $41,732 32.89% -11.91% 35.74% Westchester $259,680 $231,695 $214,226 $198,049 $178,214 12.08% 8.15% 8.17% Hudson Valley* $260,606 $227,255 $224,699 $173,858 $177,823 14.68% 1.14% 29.24% New York State $107,684 $87,560 $83,387 $51,719 $70,625 22.98% 5.00% 61.23% $47,000 $46,300 $36,950 $40,019 NA 1.51% 25.30% -7.67% Ulster U.S. * estimate Source: NYSAR, (**NAR) Compiled by the Marist College Bureau of Economic Research, School of Management, Marist College 120 6/11/2008 Median and Average Quarterly Sales Data 2000-2007 Columbia County Median Average $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Dutchess County Median Average $450,000 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Greene County Median Average $225,000 $200,000 $175,000 $150,000 $125,000 $100,000 $75,000 $50,000 $25,000 $0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Data Source: NYSAR Compiled by the Marist College Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 121 2005 2006 2007 6/20/2008 Median and Average Quarterly Sales Data 2000-2007 Orange County Median Average $450,000 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007 Putnam County Median Avgerage $550,000 $500,000 $450,000 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Rockland County Median Average. $1,150,000 $1,000,000 $850,000 $700,000 $550,000 $400,000 $250,000 $100,000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Data Source: NYSAR Compiled by the Marist College Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 122 2005 2006 2007 6/20/2008 Median and Average Quarterly Sales Data 2000-2007 Sullivan County Median Average $500,000 $450,000 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007 Ulster County Median Average $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Westchester County Median Average $1,050,000 $975,000 $900,000 $825,000 $750,000 $675,000 $600,000 $525,000 $450,000 $375,000 $300,000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Data Source: NYSAR Compiled by the Marist College Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 123 6/20/2008 Annual Number of Construction Permits Single Family Homes % Change 2006-2005 2003 2007-2006 Counties 2007 2006 2005 2004 Columbia 223 224 287 117 67 -0.45% -21.95% Dutchess 472 736 623 872 1,026 -35.87% 18.14% Greene 247 323 320 105 54 -23.53% 0.94% Orange 861 1,033 1,244 1,445 1,405 -16.65% -16.96% Putnam 83 129 141 206 286 -35.66% -8.51% Rockland 324 307 308 210 197 5.54% -0.32% Sullivan 420 554 740 401 219 -24.19% -25.14% Ulster 418 531 767 443 228 -21.28% -30.77% Westchester 464 434 780 934 876 6.91% -44.36% 4,271 5,210 4,733 4,358 -17.77% -18.02% Hudson Valley 3,512 Annual Number of Construction Permits All Residential Construction (# of Buildings) Counties 2007 2006 2005 2004 % Change 2006-2005 2003 2007-2006 Columbia 230 233 293 117 69 -1.29% -20.48% Dutchess 506 750 634 904 1,045 -32.53% 18.30% Greene 250 325 327 112 54 -23.08% -0.61% Orange 905 1080 1321 1,498 1,518 -16.20% -18.24% Putnam 89 133 141 207 290 -33.08% -5.67% Rockland 371 362 348 269 248 2.49% 4.02% Sullivan 471 625 778 441 220 -24.64% -19.67% Ulster 433 536 790 459 233 -19.22% -32.15% Westchester 556 497 847 1,083 984 11.87% -41.32% 5,090 4,661 -16.08% -17.12% Hudson Valley 3,811 4,541 Data: U.S. Census Bureau Complied by: Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 5,479 6/8/2008 124 Annual Dollar Cost of Construction Single Family Homes Counties 2007 2006 2005 2004 Columbia 52,377,806 54,053,396 70,322,585 Dutchess 96,671,081 154,048,551 177,699,719 207,898,500 Greene 53,105,236 57,135,027 55,683,143 Orange 160,487,926 189,404,978 Putnam 27,445,262 Rockland -23.14% 201,597,563 -37.25% -13.31% 16,156,157 7,022,479 -7.05% 2.61% 214,025,745 246,866,692 214,986,585 -15.27% -11.50% 42,392,642 42,503,964 50,781,492 55,236,442 -35.26% -0.26% 65,124,840 65,689,936 68,443,950 48,672,414 43,423,114 -0.86% -4.02% Sullivan 80,576,632 101,382,701 112,176,237 52,802,002 24,548,895 -20.52% -9.62% Ulster 90,065,971 107,806,325 153,153,240 82,205,080 35,817,203 -16.46% -29.61% Westchester 207,069,651 213,963,490 263,772,800 296,289,502 250,023,711 -3.22% -18.88% Hudson Valley 832,924,405 $844,283,626 -15.51% -14.85% 1,157,781,383 $1,021,597,514 $11,627,634 % Change 2007-2006 2006-2005 -3.10% 985,877,046 $19,925,675 2003 Annual Dollar Cost of Construction All Residential Construction Counties 2007 2006 2005 2004 Columbia 54,336,893 58,073,544 71,125,585 Dutchess 134,811,581 161,798,551 189,095,719 221,325,439 Greene 53,655,236 57,635,027 58,733,143 Orange 189,860,955 221,848,499 Putnam 31,851,552 Rockland Sullivan $12,109,634 % Change 2007-2006 2006-2005 -6.43% -18.35% 210,956,785 -16.68% -14.44% 17,666,884 7,022,479 -6.91% -1.87% 258,326,383 273,253,352 246,871,656 -14.42% -14.12% 44,648,967 42,503,964 51,478,674 62,530,042 -28.66% 5.05% 96,123,605 106,642,755 85,254,584 67,419,788 58,184,679 -9.86% 25.09% 90,517,632 114,335,201 126,581,537 60,321,970 25,878,750 -20.83% -9.67% Ulster 111,383,951 115,546,325 164,526,059 88,193,425 36,653,203 -3.60% -29.77% Westchester 548,799,763 272,219,151 300,981,571 441,150,329 363,453,426 101.60% -9.56% 13.76% -11.13% Hudson Valley 1,311,341,168 1,152,748,020 $19,925,675 2003 1,297,128,545 $1,240,735,536 $1,023,660,654 Data: U.S. Census Bureau Complied by: Bureau of Economic Research, Marist College 6/8/2008 125 126 -46 3,069 204 556 549 40 Greene Orange Putnam Rockland Sullivan Ulster 15,741 -9,538 1,636 309 433 329 75 3,642 263 637 -372 2006 249,203 11,928 1,891 681 2,106 587 5,601 498 3,297 631 2007 Births 247,783 12,093 1,757 884 4,777 1,138 5,325 432 3,159 592 2006 Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau Complied by: Bureau of Economic Research, School of Management, Marist College * Residuals arise when a state or county challenges an estimate and the U.S. Census Bureau accepts the challenge. New York State 3,245 544 Dutchess Westchester -227 2007 Total Population Change Columbia County 153,730 7,195 1,530 681 2,106 587 2,521 513 2,248 657 2007 156,561 7,377 1,615 713 1,990 591 2,518 575 2,323 736 2006 Deaths 53 111,607 6,338 187 102 1,380 206 656 20 636 2007 124,371 6,996 235 130 1,545 226 975 34 738 58 2006 Net International Migration -189,765 -7,744 -558 156 -3,270 -462 -739 -48 -1,196 -271 2007 -225,766 -10,104 -107 118 -4,009 -712 -226 370 -990 -293 2006 Net Internal Migration Estimates of the Components of Population Change July 1, 2005 to July 1, 2006 and July 1 2006 to July 1, 2007 460 72 -3 55 17 -1,574 -82 50 291 2,446 2007 635 28 39 14 6 14 86 2 53 7 5/8/2008 2006 Residual* 127 3.52% 2007-2006 -6.07% 2.96% 3.08% 1.03% 6.78% 8.16% 6.89% -1.35% 4.52% $1,241,935,574 2007 $29,746,165 $153,483,935 $27,244,420 $221,891,371 $45,888,246 $169,716,412 $34,773,456 $96,959,053 $462,232,516 $1,171,396,866 2005 $30,387,155 $153,789,345 $25,203,780 $212,411,769 $37,989,168 $155,461,881 $31,543,725 $94,371,372 $430,238,671 2.42% 2006-2005 4.22% -3.06% 4.87% 3.39% 13.12% 0.93% 3.13% 4.14% 2.79% 7.95% 2005-2004 6.19% 3.96% 11.31% 16.75% 3.78% 5.16% 5.09% 3.18% 8.07% Yearly Percentage Change $1,199,746,376 2006 $31,668,939 $149,078,594 $26,431,417 $219,619,088 $42,974,171 $156,905,915 $32,531,975 $98,281,471 $442,254,806 Source: NYS Department of Taxation and Finance Compiled by Bureau of Economic Research, School of Management, Marist College Hudson Valley County Columbia Dutchess Greene Orange Putnam Rockland Sullivan Ulster Westchester Hudson Valley County Columbia Dutchess Greene Orange Putnam Rockland Sullivan Ulster Westchester Total Sales Tax Collection Years 2007-2002 12.43% 2004-2003 6.00% 14.83% 8.75% 20.06% 7.00% 1.08% 20.38% 2.02% 16.41% $1,085,148,057 2004 $28,615,352 $147,933,116 $22,642,246 $181,933,402 $36,605,169 $147,829,373 $30,014,631 $91,463,759 $398,111,009 7.19% 15.84% 5.73% 3.40% 4.62% 18.68% 10.71% 8.00% 1.64% 2003-2002 7.59% $965,201,267 2003 $26,996,809 $128,831,444 $20,820,638 $151,534,021 $34,211,919 $146,248,414 $24,932,819 $89,649,405 $341,975,798 9.61% 2002-2001 9.29% 4.27% 6.44% 11.39% 21.85% 21.67% 18.31% 9.27% 5.58% 5/8/2008 $900,472,676 2002 $25,092,772 $111,217,081 $19,692,787 $146,555,138 $32,699,867 $123,231,352 $22,520,587 $83,010,457 $336,452,635 Bankruptcies by Court District 2002-2007 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Southern (HV) 16,407 17,548 20,729 26,856 5,732 7,674 Northern 16,309 17,399 17,501 24,148 8,653 10,345 Eastern 26,216 25,949 26,445 36,589 8,808 12,726 Western 13,347 14,894 15,285 21,979 7,023 8,628 Total for New York State 72,279 75,790 79,960 109,572 32,222 41,380 District Change From Prior Year District 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Southern (HV) 10.1% 7.0% 18.1% 29.6% -78.7% 33.9% Northern 3.5% 6.7% 0.6% 38.0% -64.2% 19.6% Eastern 2.9% -1.0% 1.9% 38.4% -75.9% 44.5% Western 3.5% 11.6% 2.6% 43.8% -68.0% 22.9% Total for New York State 4.7% 4.9% 5.5% 37.0% -70.6% 28.4% Bankruptcies within New York State by District 2002-2007 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 2002 Southern (HV) 2003 2004 Northern 2005 Eastern Western Source: United States Courts, Statistical Division Compiled by the Marist College Bureau of Economic Research, School of Management, Marist College 128 2006 2007 Total for New York State 6/19/2008 Total Bankruptcy Filings By Chapter Total Filings 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 69,045 72,279 75,790 79,960 109,572 9,299 47,304 Total Business 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2,429 2,582 1,945 4,063 2,106 335 1,704 Total Non-Business 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 66,616 69,697 73,845 75,897 107,466 8,964 45,600 Chapter 7 54,923 56,134 59,704 61,938 94,576 6,430 33,125 Chapter 7 853 717 634 657 931 172 861 Chapter 7 54,070 55,417 59,070 61,281 93,645 6,258 32,264 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 1,427 1,754 1,180 3,174 1,049 123 631 Chapter 11 10 14 28 5 19 0 32 Chapter 12 1,368 1,679 1,119 3,139 985 116 590 Chapter 11 Chapter 13 Chapter 13 10 14 28 5 19 5 32 Chapter 12 59 75 61 35 64 7 41 Source: United States Courts, Statistical Division Compiled by the Marist College Bureau of Economic Research, School of Management, Marist College 129 12,659 14,342 14,836 14,733 13,876 2,734 13,484 172 139 122 152 128 36 189 Chapter 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,487 14,203 14,714 14,581 13,748 2,698 13,295