New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources Socorro. N M 87801 A DIVISION OF NEW MEXICO INSTITUTE OF MlNlNO Information: 505/835-5420 & TECHNOLOGY Publiacionr: 505/835-5410 October 6, 1981 . c .... MEMO - Frank E. Kottlowski,Director FROM : S a m Thompson 111, Petroleum Geologist SUBJECT: Open-file report no. OF-152 TO : As we discussed, the following report from GeoChem Laboratories, Inc. is to be placed in the Bureau Openfile: OF-152 ST: Hydrocarbon source-rock evaluation study, Cockrell Corp.No. 1 Pyramid Federal well, Hidalgo County, New Mexico, L.byPaul Tybor, GeoChem Laboratories, Inc.,1981, 11 p. (including 2 p. text, 8 tables,.2 charts) sn - . cc: Mike R. Smith, GeoChem Robert A. Bieberman, Subsurface Library Robert W. Kelley, Editor An Equal OpportunitYIAffmativive Action Institution CRUDE oIL"SouRc~ GEOCHEMICALANALYSES SOURCE ROCK EVALUATION CHARACTERIZATION OILCRUDE GEOCHEMICAL PROSPECTING 1 1 4 3 4 BRllTMOORE ROAD 0 HOUSTON, TEXAS77043-5094 0 7131467-7011 September 15, 1981 Mr. Sam Thompson 111 New MexicoBureau o f Mines & Mineral Resources Socorro, New Mexico87801 Dear Mr. Thompson: E n c l o s e dp l e a s ef i n dt h er e s u l t s of theorganicgeochemicalanalysesperformed on w e l lc u t t i n g ss a m p l e s from t h eC o c k r e l l No. 1 Pyramid FederalWell,located i n Sec. 31-24S-l9W, HidalgoCounty, New Mexico. Upon a r r i v a l a t GeoChem thesampleswereassignedthe and s u b m i t t e dt ot h ef o l l o w i n ga n a l y t i c a lp r o g r a m : Table - Type of Analysis Totalorganiccarbondetermination & brief lithological description C15+ s o x h l e te x t r a c t i o n ,d e a s p h a l t e n i n g and liquid chromatography ........... I .......11-A,-B,-C C15+ paraffin-naphthenegas chromatography ............................. Visualkerogen GeoChem Job Number 2090 111-A,-B,-C assessment..................IV Vitrinite reflectance.... .................. V; Histogram -2- Mr. Sam Thompson I11 September 15, 1981 DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS A. Thermal Maturity of Sediments The t h e r m a lm a t u r i t y of theanalyzedPaleozoicsediments from t h i s w e l l i s 3 t o 3+. A t t h i s l e v e l ofthermal a verymatureMaturationIndexStage m a t u r i t y ,t h i sw e l li n t e r v a l i s consideredto bebeyond t h e o i l window, w i t h i n t h e wet gas-condensategeneratingzone. T h i sm a t u r i t yi n t e r p r e t a t i o n was based on t h e brown t o d a r k brown c o l o r a t i o no ft h ek e r o g e ni s o l a t e d from thesesamples.Alsothelower 2090-010 v i t r i n i t er e f l e c t a n c ev a l u e ,1 . 5 4 % Ro (Table V), ofsample i n d i c a t e s a verymaturegeothermalregime f o r thesesediments. B. Hydrocarbon Source Characterization of Sediments With t h ee x c e p t i o n of thelowestsamplewithinthePerchaFormation, thesamples from t h e s eP a l e o z o i cu n i t sa r eo r g a n i c - l e a n , w i t h poor hydro'carbon g e n e r a t i n g c a p a b i l i t i e s . a l l of The lowestPerchasample (2090-010) was a n a l y z e dt oc o n t a i nf a i r amounts ( T a b l e I ) ofgas-proneorganicmatter (woody and i n e r t i n i t e ;T a b l e IV), and as a r e s u l tt h i si n t e r v a l i s c h a r a c t e r i z e da s a verymature,fairgas source. Should you haveanyquestionsconcerningthisstudy,orif s e r v i c e ,p l e a s ef e e lf r e et oc o n t a c t me. we may be o f f u r t h e r Sincerely, Pd7& P a u l Tvbor LABORATORIES, INC. GEOCHEM st Enclosures Table I SCREEN ANALYSIS SUMMARY GeoChem Sample Number We1 1 Interval (Feet) Brief Lithological Description Total Organic Carbon ( X o f Rock) 2090-001 5990-6000 Limestone, pinkish gray t o l i g h t gray. 0.14 2090-002 6060-6070 Limestone, p i n k i s h gray t o l i g h t gray. 0.10; 0.10R 2090-003 6160-61 70 Limestone, p i n k i s h gray t o brownishgray. 0.09 2090-004 6490-6500 Limestone, l i g h t brownish gray. 0.04 2090-005 6560-6570 Limestone, l i g h t brownish gray. 0.05 2090-006 6620-6630 Limestone, l i g h t g r a y t o brownish gray. 0.09 2090-007 6680-6690 Mudstone, brownishgray. 0.16; 0.16R 2090-008 6760-6770 Shale, medium dark gray t o darkgray. 0.26 2090-009 6790-6800 Shale, medium darkgray t o darkgray. 0.30 2090-010 6840-6850 Shale, medium darkgray t o darkgray. 0.68 2090-01 1 6940-6950 Dolomite, brownish gray. 0.01 2090-01 2 6970-6980 Dolomite,brownishgray. 0.05 2090-01 3 7000-7010 Dolomite, brownish gray. 0.04 2090-014 71 00-71 10 Dolomite, brownish gray. 0.04; 0.04R SUMMARY TABLE 1 nla Very mature, poor o i l and associated gas source. DEVONIAN Percha 6680Shale. medium 6860 to gray dark 2 6 4 dark gray. 69 (41 nla (1) nla (1) (2) W-1;Am-H;- 0.35 (2) (1) -3 2.59 t o 3+ 01:UOVIClAN Montoya Very mature, poor o i l and 68606980 Dolomite, brownish gray. (n2l a) nla nla g a s a s s o c i a t endl an l a 6980- 7130 Dolomite , brownish way. ( 1 )n l a (1) source. h(AI);-;- 0.03 E l Paso nla Very mature, overall m o r hydrocarbon source. The lower portion of t h i s u n i t h a s a f a i r gas source character. (2) 0.04 nla nla nla nla (1) Am;-.- 3 LO (1) 3 3+ nla t o 3+ n/a Very mature, poor o i l and gasassociated source. b5E LE'O 8'OE 5'EZ 9L'O 51'0 12'0 91'0 60'0 89'0 OIi89-Otr89 010-0602 SISAlOUAd lVA3-XIOU 30 SllflS3U V-I 3 1 W L TABLE I1 Summary of c15+ Soxhlet Extraction, Deasphaltening and Liquid Chromatography A.Weights GeoChem Sample Number 2090-010 of E x t r a c t s and Chromatographic Fractions of Well I n t e r v a l 6840-6850 Weight PrecipiT t aot teadl Rock Extd. Extract A s p h aSlSot eul u nl fb eusl re (grams) (grams) (grams) (grams) (grams) (grams) (grams) (grams) (grams) 100.0 0.0264 0.0155 N-C5 ParaffinsNaphthenes 0.0109 0.0003 0.0049 Eluted Noneluted NW'S Aromatics Nm'S 0.0020 0.0029 0.0008 E. Concentration of E x t r a c t e d M a t e r i a l s i n Rock ------------Nonhydrocarbons"------------ --------Hydrocarbons-------GeoChem Sample Number 2090-010 ParaffinTotal Extract Well I n t e r v a l(prim) (Ppm) 6840-6850 Preciptd. Eluted Noneluted Naphthene Aromatic (ppm) (ppm) 49 264 NSO'S Total Sulfur Asphaltene ( P P( P dP~) 69 20 29 3 NSO'S (ppm) (ppm) 8 155 Total (ppm) 195 C. Composition of E x t r a c t s GeoChem SulfurAromatic Naphthene Sample Number 2090-010 ------------Nonhydrocarbons------------ --------Hydrocarbons-------Paraffin- Well I n t e r v a l 6840-6850 I I 18.6 7.6 PN/Arom 2.45 I 1.1 Eluted Noneluted Precipitd. NSO'S NSO'S Asphaltene I I 11.0 3.0 I 58.7 26.1 HC'S Asph/NSO 4.19 S HC/Non HC 0.35 TABLE 111-A S a t u r a t e Hydrocarbon Analyses Summary of Paraffin-Naphthene Distribution GeoChem Sample Number 4.0 x s s C P Well Interval Paraffin Isoprenoid Naphthene Index 32.96840-6850 2090-010 c-P Index B ip19/ip20 A 63.1 1.01 1.58 1.08 TABLE 111-B S a t u r a t e Hydrocarbon Analyses Normalized Paraffin Distribution GeoChem Sample Number 2090-010 6840-6850 Well Interval ~ x x nC15 nC16 nC17 5.3 7.4 x a ~ s z a x s s x s x x ~ i p l 9 nC18 iP20 nC19 nC20 nC21 nC22 nC23 nC24 nC25 nC26 nC27 nC28 nC29 nC30 nC31 nC32 9.1 6.7 9.4 4.2 7.1 9.1 6.6 6.5 6.0 4.8 3.9 3.2 2.7 0.6 z z nC33 nC34 nC35 0.3 0.1 0.0 z x ~ t TABLE V VlTRlNlTE REFLECTANCE SUMMARY GEOCHEM SAMPLE NUMBER 6850 2090-010 DEPTH (tam!) TYPE OF POPULATION NUMBER OF SAMPLE READINGS m 0.452 (1) (2)2.85 MAXIMUM MEAN MINIMUM REFLECTANCE REFLECTANCE REFLECTANCE ( Yo Ro) [ 70Ro) ( Yo Ro) 17 . 2.24 433.89 1.54 2.32 1.93 DEV. STD. ( 70Ro ) 0.200 REMARKS + GEOCHEM NO. 2090-010 CLIENT‘S NAME NEW TYPE OF SAMPLE: m c 0 BUREAU OF 2.23 2.24 2.32 2.34 2.59 2.62 2.63 3.29 3.33 3.34 POPULATION NO. 1.54 (1) (2) 2.34 2.36 2.69 2.70 2.78 3.36 3.40 3.56 OF READINGS MIN. 17 43 RO 2.32 2.37 2.78 3.81 %I 1.80 1.82 1.91 1.93 1.93 2.38 2.39 2.39 2.41 2.41 2.82 2.83 2.87 2.94 2.95 3.84 3.89 MAX. RO (70) 2.24 3.89 MEAN R o ( ” , , 1.93 2.85 NO. 6850 aCKRFml#l PYRAMID m FmL WELL NAME MINES (NO. OF READINGS = 60) 1.54 1.63 1.72 1.76 2.U 2.58 3.28 DEPTH /SAMPLE CTG 2.00 2.43 3.00 DE! STD. 2.02 2.03 2.43 2.48 3.03 3.12 ( %) 2.08 2.54 3.20 REMARKS 0.200 0.452 C - CAVE CONPAMTNATION X - INDIGENOUS POPULATION 0 - RECYCLED POPUIATION (S1 2.10 2.58 3.23