NONLINEAR GRAVITY WAVE-WIND INTERACTIONS AND JET STREAM GRAVITY WAVE GENERATION by DONALD LEE PAUL B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY January 1977 Signature of Author Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences Certified by -Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students MIT Ll RAR 77 NONLINEAR GRAVITY WAVE-WIND INTERACTIONS AND JET STREAM GRAVITY WAVE GENERATION by Donald Lee Paul Submitted to the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences in January 1977, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. ABSTRACT Theoretical gravity wave source models have been developed to explain observed ground pressure fluctuation measurements associated with overhead jet streams. The first theory was developed using a multiple-scale analysis for finite amplitude gravity waves in a sheared flow. This anal- ysis is equivalent to a nonlinear WKB approximation and calculations show the assumption of spatial smoothness of the medium will be violated for the low Richardson numbers associated with jet stream source regions. A quasi-linear theory was next developed which is not limited in applicability to large Richardson number shears. The quasi-linear theory allows the essence of the nonlinear wave-wind interaction to be explored, yet retains the features of linear wave propagation away from critical levels. For transient gravity wave sources in the jet stream, numerical experiments show two major effects. First, the initial disturbance is amplified in the source region at the expense of the wind and gravity waves are radiated from the source region up the jet and down toward the ground. An observed peak to peak surface pressure fluctuation of 0.5 millibar would correspond to maximum peak to peak sources region wave wind velocities of approximately 6 m/s. The second effect is a transfer of wind energy from the upper critical level to the lower critical level. This results from the upper critical level absorbing negative momentum waves that propagate up from the source region, while the lower critical absorbs positive momentum waves that propagate down to and are reflected back from the ground. The total energy transferred can be considerably larger than the original disturbance energy when the source region Richardson number is low. A possible mechanism for generating the initial disturbances involves the generation of propagating subharmonics by their nonlinear wave-wave interaction with an unstable mode associated with shears having Richardson numbers less than 0.25. This possibility was studied using linear stabil- ity theory for stratified shear flows and an approximate theory for nonlinear wave-wave interactions. The time his- tory predicted for this interaction is compatible with that of the subharmonic-mean wind interaction previously modeled. The more complete modeling involving the interactions of the unstable mode, the subharmonic, and the mean wind remains as an extension of the current study. iii The unstable modes have periods less than the Brunt period and the periods of their subharmonics will be from 1.2 to 1.6 Bri*nt periods which falls within the range of commonly observed jet stream gravity wave spectra. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ii . . vii . . 1 . . 6 Mathematical Development for Finite Amplitude Waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 LIST OF FIGURES . . . INTRODUCTION I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MULTIPLE-SCALE ANALYSIS OF NONLINEAR GRAVITY WAVES . IN A BOUSSINESQ FLUID WITH A SHEARED MEAN FLOW A. B. C. II. III. Application of the Method of Characteristics to Low Frequency Gravity Waves. . . . . . . . . . 17 Limitations of Multiple-Scale Analysis and the Question of Partial Reflections . . . . . . . . . 20 HORIZONTAL FOURIER EXPANSION ANALYSIS: A QUASI-LINEAR THEORY . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Development of the Governing Equations B. Stream Function - Vorticity Formulation . . . . . 24 .24 . . NUMERICAL EXPERIMENTS: WAVE-WIND INTERACTIONS FOR TRANSIENT GRAVITY WAVE SOURCES . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 . . . 33 . . . 33 A. General Computational Procedure . . B. Basic Jet Stream and Gravity Wave Source Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Transient Behavior of Finite Amplitude Gravity Wave Sources in Low Richardson Number Shears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. IV. . . . . . 44 THE GENERATION OF JET STREAM GRAVITY WAVE SOURCES BY WAVE-WAVE INTERACTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 . 59 . . 61 . . . . . . . . . . . A. Introductory Remarks B. Brief Review of Linear Stability Theory in Stratified Shear Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . C. Source Generation by Subharmonic Wave-Wave Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page V. SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 APPENDICES A. B. C. Numerical Determination of the Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions of the Taylor-Goldstein Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brunt Period Reflection Conditions for Unstable Stratified Shear Flows . . 82 . . . . Detailed Source Region Waveforms for Model A . . . .......... . . . 89 91 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REFERENCES BIBLIOGRAPHY . BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE . vi . . . . . . . . . . l.11 ., 112 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Change in Mean Wind in M/S . . . . . . . 22 2. S/F, the Absolute Value of the Ratio of the Second Harmonic in u, as a Function About 100m above zc (from Breeding (1971) . . . 28 Schematic of Model Jet Stream Profile Including Regional and Source Subregional Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . . . 47 . . . 48 . . . 49 3. . . . . . . . . 4. Time Energy Curves for Model A 5. Time Net Energy Curves for Model A 6. Time Energy Curves - Richardson Number Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. Time Energy Curves - Source Width Effects . . . 50 8, Source Region Wave Energy: Amplification Factor vs. Mean Initial Energy Density .-. . . . 55 Net Energy Transport by Gravity Waves as a Function of Source Subregion Richardson Number . . . . . . . 56 . . . 57 9. 10. Maximum RMS Source Region Wave Velocity in M/S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. Smoothed Typical Gravity Wave Spectra (Normalized) Observed at WEston, Mass. and Theoretical Values From Subharmonic Generation . . . . . . . . . . . 60 12. Stability Diagram for Hyperbolic Tangent Profile and Computed Eigenvalues . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 13. Normalized Growth Rate vs. Wave Number for Unstable 66 Modes of the Hyperbolic Tangent Profile ..... 14. Time Behavior of Primary and Subharmonic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Energies 72 Subharmonic Energy Spectrum - Maximum Output Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 15. vii . . . . NONLINEAR GRAVITY WAVE-WIND INTERACTIONS AND JET STREAM GRAVITY WAVE GENERATION INTRODUCTION Ground level pressure fluctuation measurements with an array of micro-barographs have shown that most of the fluctuation energy in the period range of minutes to an hour behave as propagating atmospheric gravity waves. These waves are especially strong when a well developed tropospheric jet stream is located overhead. Linear wave theory is able to account for many features of these waves. The frequency spectrum of the waves shows a sharp high frequency cutoff at the Brunt frequency. This was shown to be due to the evanes- cent wave behavior for waves with frequencies above the Brint frequency and which have subsonic horizontal phase velocities. The phase velocity of the waves can be used to determine the height of the source region, since one can assume the source region is convected with the mean wind, and in the troposphere the wind velocity is usually monotonically increasing with height. On examining the upper air wind and temperature records it was found that the source regions represented those levels of the jet that were least stable as based on the Richardson number (Claerbout, 1967; Madden and Claerbout, 1968). Linear theory is unable to predict the source charac- teristics, however, as the theory breaks down in the vicinity 2 of the critical level, that level where the wind velocity equals the wave phase velocity. Linear theory predicts growing wave amplitudes and decreasing vertical wavenumbers as one approaches tihe critical level (Booker and Bretherton, 1967; Claerbout, 1967), so that unstable wind shears would result from the waves themselves. Linear theory also predicts that the wave is able to interact with the wind at the critical level (Bretherton, 1968; Garret, 1968; Hazel, 1967), and this interaction could greatly alter the resulting wave behavior. Since linear theory cannot predict how the inter- action proceeds, one must incorporate nonlinear terms in order to study the real situation existing in the-jet stream source regions. A nonlinear investigation of gravity wave behavior near the source region and the relation to ground pressure observations and energy transport within the jet stream seemed a worthy topic of investigation since waves involving surface pressure variations of only fractions of a millibar could become important in the jet stream due to the strong and nonlinear behavior near critical levels. In addition, the association of the source regions with low Richardson numbers was an indication that a study of possible gravity wave source generation by shear flow instability would also be valuable. A start on such a nonlinear study of gravity wave-wind interactions was made by Breeding (1971). In that study the nonlinear critical level phenomenon was investigated by means of finite difference equations. energy and momentum is The study showed how wave taken up by the mean wind and how some higher harmonic wave generation also results. Unfortunately, the finite difference calculations require large amounts of computer time, and without a more analytic basis it is difficult to generate a complete understanding of the phenomenon. In addition, there remains the question of source generation and transient behavior in full jet stream models. Breeding's calculations did show, however, that with realistic wave amplitudes, the time scale of the changes in the waves and the wind could be slow relative to a wave period. This re- sult could justify certain simplifications in the analysis and opens up the possibility of using more analytic methods to efficiently study these interactions. In Section I a multiple scale analysis is applied to gravity wave propagation in a sheared flow. This analysis is based on the concept that while the wave amplitudes are finite so that second-order products cannot be neglected, the changes in the system are slow relative to the wave and spatially smooth compared to the wave phase structure. After considerable algebraic manipulation one is led to a much simpler set of equations for the waves and mean flow that is equivalent to a nonlinear WKB approximation for gravity wave propagation. Unfortunately, in the jet stream environment the condition of spatial smoothness is not upheld, and this analysis gives unrealistic results. The important parameter to define spatial variations is the wave impedance change per radian. From linear theory we know that this parameter is inversely proportional to the square root of the Richardson number, and is therefore not small in regions of interest where the waves are generated. Breeding's analysis also showed that the wave harmonic generation is much smaller than the mean flow - fundamental interaction, and thus an expansion in horizontal Fourier components is justified. II. Such an approach is taken up in Section This method also leads to simplified numerical calcula- tions, but in this case good agreement is obtained with Breeding's two-dimentional finite difference calculations. A similar expansion was also developed by Boer (1970). This quasi-linear analysis can be given a rather simple interpretation. On the whole the waves behave as in linear theory, but in a time-varying medium. The spatial and temporal variations of the medium are straightforwardly related to nonlinear wave terms. From linear theory we are aware of the large reflection effects occurring because of rapid impedance changes with height in regions of low Richardson number, and it is the presence of these partial reflections which invalidated the multiple-scale analysis. These reflections, which are included in the quasi-linear theory, greatly influence the resulting wave-wind interactions. In Section III the quasi-linear theory is used in a numerical study of the behavior of finite amplitude gravity wave transients in a jet stream model as a function of source 5 characteristics and source region Richardson number. Calcu- lations will show that gravity waves provide a very efficient coupling between the source region critical level and the critical level at the top of the jet. The steady state result is a transfer of wind energy from the topside to the underside critical level, the amount of energy transport rapidly increasing for decreasing Richardson number. Calcu- lations will also show that source region wave-wind velocities of a 6 m/s can produce the observed pressure fluctuation amplitudes of 0.5 millibar at the ground. In the final section we examine the question of gravity wave source generation itself. From linear stability theory for stratified shear flows we know that a certain range of wavenumbers will be unstable and grow at the expense of the wind if the Richardson number is less than 0.25 (Collyer, 1970; Drazin, 1958; Drazin and Howard, 1966; Hazel, 1972; Howard, 1963; Jones, 1968; Miles, 1961 and 1963; Richardson, 1920). However, these unstable wave modes have frequencies above the BrUnt frequency cutoff and are trapped in the jet stream. Untrapped waves can be generated through wave-wave interaction among unstable modes. The development of such waves is studied in Section IV using linear stability theory and an approximate nonlinear wave-wave interaction formulation. The analysis shows that such effects are a possible explanation for the generation of observed gravity waves. I. MULTIPLE-SCALE ANALYSIS OF NONLINEAR GRAVITY WAVES IN A BOUSSINESQ FLUID WITH A SHEARED MEAN FLOW A. Mathematical Development for Finite Amplitude Waves We wish to examine in detail one method of approxi- mation to deal with finite amplitude gravity waves interacting with a sheared mean flow. In an attempt to eliminate algebraic complexities without altering the basic nature of the problem, we shall assume the equations of motion are those describing a Boussinesq fluid. The use of the Bous- sinesq approximation implies that the speed of sound and scale height of the mean density are very large compared to the phase velocities and vertical wavelengths of the fluid motions (Spiegel and Veronis, 1960). The mean vertical den- sity structure is then described by the Brunt-Vasailia frequency QAB, and is otherwise considered a constant. We then wish to examine the interaction of a train of internal gravity waves with a mean horizontal flow. The mean flow is assumed to be sheared and initially independent of time; however, nonlinear interactions with the wave train will introduce both time and spatial variations on the initial structure. The governing equations and variables are given as follows: (1.1) . + H~~)l ~L+? ± 0 +U (1. 4)+DI4 0 where u = Horizontal wave velocity field U = mean horizontal velocity field w = vertical wave velocity field P = (wave pressure field) /p p = mean density field $ = wave bouyancy function ~B2 CI For future reference, it can easily be shown that an energy conservation equation can be derived from (1.1) - (1.4) as: (1. 5) ~..~Fu.RV where E = i~ + WZ +(i.+-O + /IN. The nonlinear terms in the Reynold's stress in Equations (1.1) - (1.4) make a general solution to the above system virtually impossible, However, under certain approxima- tions one can look for special solutions which may give insight into the particular problem. is that of multiple-scale analysis. One method available This method is essen- tially a generalized nonlinear WKB approximation for application to hyperbolic partial differential equations, and has been shown (Whitham, 1970) to be equivalent to the The phase-averaged techniques developed by Whitham (1965). method of multiple scales has been applied to general nonlinear one-dimensional dispersive wave systems by Nayfeh and Hassen (1971), and by Grimshaw (1972) to gravity waves in fluids without sheared mean flows. The following develop- ment represents a new application of the method to the study of the propagation finite amplitude internal gravity waves and their critical level interaction with a sheared mean flow. The basic assumption of the multiple-scale analysis is that there exist two space-time regimes, one representing the rapid phase fluctuations in the wave train, and one representing variation of such variables as amplitude, frequency, wavenumber, and properties of the medium. In order to describe mathematically the multiple-scale procedure, we introduce a small parameter e << 1, such that (1.6) X &.y. , T * Ct where (x,t) refer to the short-term phase behavior of the wavetrain and (X,T) to the long-term behavior of the wave amplitude, phase derivatives (frequency and wavenumber) and medium properties. In linear theory one usually deals with the derivatives of the phase 6 = wt - k'x.: In the multiple- scale analysis a parallel development follows as the variables (x,t) are introduced through a rapidly-varying phase variable 6. written as: The time and spatial derivatives can then be (1.7) a) O - ' + E. =, b) + c) .. as -az In general, the frequency o and wavenumbers k and k Finally, we are also functions of the variables (X, Z, T). introduce an asymptotic series in powers of g. for each The dependent wave variable as functions of (e,X,T). specific notation will be as follows: (1.8) a) b) c) '.(Q, , T) + E -- () W = w ( 2ST) -t-g,W1 ( 1 I> = PO (9 XT) + .P (&,LT)+ .T)+ A d) IT) +- ) It should be noted that the wave field variables are not considered small, that is of O(c), so that quadratic products of zero order in the governing equations may not be neglected as is the case in linear theory. Furthermore, since the wave-train amplitude is not to be considered 0(c) relative to ambient values, one would also expect wave-wind and wave-wave interactions to produce changes in the medium properties. The total field variables will then be written as: (1.9) a) b) t 14, W U(Z) + MW(X)T) + 6 W(K T) +WO(G \o((,XT) + O(E) IT) +0 QCf.) c) P = AP (.,T) + 1 (el;T) + o d) 4P = A4 (KbX T) + c1 0(&,j&L 1-)+ 0 oC~ Note that we initially assume only a horizontal shear U(z) and hydrostatic equilibrium so that P (z) and T(z) do not appear in the Boussinesq equations (1.1)and in (1. 9) c, (1.4) d. Zero and First Order Equations Upon substitution of the scaled derivatives and the asymptotic series for the field variables into the governing equations, one obtains a sequence of systems of partial differential equations after ordering by powers of e. Of immediate interest are the systems of equations corresponding The Q(e") system contains only deriva- to 0(co) and 0(W). tives with respect to 6 and gives the phase dependence of the leading terms of the wave field variables. The O(e)system is as follows: uo+U+ t.)(w+ (1.10) '(w A (1.11) -. -R(w+sw (1.12) Aw)= (). +1 -A) (Vo + AW) --- (Pot+AP) + 4>+ s [+ [&W'(+ 0 +e -Q 7->) O+A In the above equations o,K,2, have been collected inside the brackets as they are a function only of (X,T) and not 6. Also, since U, Au, Aw, AP and A$ are not functions of 6, some terms could be deleted but are retained for convenience in the manipulations that follow. Equations (1.10) and (1.13) can be integrated with respect to 6 directly. (1.14) fir. ((AO From (1.13), U+(A) - .(WO+A)) - and from (1.10) (1. 15) (l4 (0-'- + A( Eliminating (Pet ( ) and (0+&-) o A - '- k o(._.T). in favor of (WD t.AW ) in (1.11) gives (1.16) (- (I &A/&+AtA/) and finally eliminating + J'+ (4t &4 ) yields If we normalize the period of 6 to (1.18) A>tW &J = \ T f \ 2Tr, the solution is T) e> which requires from ( 1.17) that (1.19) tC..QA The relation (1.19) defines a "local" dispersion relation and if f0 (X,T) = KU(z), one would have the linear dispersion relation for internal gravity waves in a Boussinesq fluid with horizontal shear flow. Since w0 = w (6,X,T) and Aw = Aw(X,T), we can take Aw = 0 and then (1. 20) WOG (G)I--X-r ~o(~)=.W~ri + WCi T)e Referring back to Equation (1.14), we can write (1.21) + [XITA and since u0 = u0 (O,X,T) this can only hold for all 6,X,T if (1.22) u (6,X,T) = (Wei+ W e ) and (1.23) f0 (XT)= K(U(z) +Au(X,T)]. We observe then that the "local" dispersion relation (1.15) is exactly analogous to the dispersion relation of linear theory wherein the initial mean horizontal flow U(z) is replaced by the instantaneous mean horizontal flow U(Z) + Au(X,T).. The mean flow is modified by the term Atk(X,T) resulting from nonlinear wave-wave interaction, and this will in turn modify the wave train via wave-wind interaction. The remaining amplitude relationships can be determined straight away. (1. 24) (1.26) Ne +We +~a-f( IC PO - which in turn allows us to take A$ = 0. The amplitude and polarization relations are exactly analogous to those for linear theory in terms of the lowest order wavefield variables. The effect of the finite amplitude of the wave train is 13 observed in the contribution to altering the mean horizontal flow and mean pressure field, which in turn will modify the wave train itself. The 0(cS) system has yielded the phase relationships within the wavetrain and the 0(0') system will give the dependence of the zero-order solution on (X,T). The 0(e') system is: (1.27) +~ +Uc +tt + ~+ L)WAcI A I IT) (CG(G (1. 29) -[ (?-.- (1.30 +- [c1 1 l(, We observe that the homogeneous part of the system of partial differential equations for u1 , w1 , Pl and $l is identical to that of the corresponding 0 (g") variables . In general then, we can expect terms which are secular (nonperiodic) in 6 to be generated in the inhomogeneous solution to the system (1.27) - (1.30). To maintain an asymptotic series which will be uniform in 0, at least to 0(6,1), certain necessary conditions must exist concerning the inhomogeneous portion of the 0() equations . The removal of secular terms at 6(e.) will generate the equations required to describe the m) behavior of the 0(eo) variables with respect to (XT). Since there are four independent equations, in general we would expect four conditions and this proves to be the case. Immediately from equations ( 1.27) and (1.30), we see that removal of secularities requires q 9 (1. 31) =' o T 0. and (1.32) SdG b(Q T) =0O 0 Explicitly this requires [WW (1.33) +APl + +2 L2 We]* and (1.34 X To find the remaining two secular conditions, we derive the governing second-order differential equation for W1 : - ~6E 1~ Ai A, .o E (,.T) Since + we are reduced to the form: =1from the 0'(e) calculations, W (1.36) -E The two remaining secular conditions follow directly. Multiplying both sides of W and integrating over e from 0 to 27T gives and since W9 and - -4 are periodic over 2rr and Wand1 are also (1. required periodic over 27r (with secularities 38WeW ,(,to be LT)=)o removed) then 3wo awl 21L O In an exactly analogous way, multiplying by - integrating (1.36) over 2w gives: dG W* E,(G, (1.39) -) and i 0. As a simple example, consider the case where E1 (e,X,T) = a(_X,T)W9 + 6(X,T) ---- conditions (1.38) and (1.39) give s= a solution to (1.36) using E s= W (1+S/2) + secular terms in 0 unless a The secular term removed . 0. = The exact as above is -l (-aco/2) = = which clearly will have 0 is required. The derivation of the amplitude equations for the zero-order field variables based on removal of secular terms in 0 provides the mathematical foundation for a more intuitive approach. Whitham (1965) has shown that if the original equations can be put into conservation form, the amplitude equations can be derived by simply phase-averaging. A con- servation equation will have the form (1. 4 BM 0) -+ -Fx ZF -+... a T~ Zx and for the system (1.1) - (1.4), , az there are three conservation forms. The governing amplitude equations are: -+ (1.41) (< e -- > 3x lA/0 - (horizontal momentum conserva- tion) < EQ% (1.42) + <(oEc7 + (± +AU E<- where Po (oo 0 -- + (energy conservation) [W. Ec). + < + (1.43) (Eo)e 0 4 (A4 -(. (mass conservation) 'eb x In addition there are two phase conservation equations, - - (1.44) (1.45) 3T . 2. and one dispersion relation (1.46) -. + .= which complete the system. A particularly important -case arises when the amplitudes and medium properties are considered only to be functions of (Z,T). The wavetrain will then retain an x-depend- ence only in the phase through the horizontal wave number K. The resulting theory corresponds to a time-dependent WKB approximation for finite amplitude gravity waves. Even though the x-dependence in the wavetrain amplitudes is ignored, the equations remain nonlinear and numerical computations are required in even the simplist of cases. However, the two-dimensional problem has been reduced to a one-dimensional one resulting in a considerable reduction in computation effort. B. Applications of the Method of Characteristics to Low-Frequency Gravity Waves -'- Some Analytical Results Let us examine more closely the time-dependent, finite amplitude WKB approximation for the case of very low fre- quency gravity waves, that is, when the doppler-shifted frequency is such that o2 << 2 2 For algebraic convenience, let us introduce a mean wind velocity scale v0 and define the nondimensional variables: (1.47) a) b) C) W va V0 TS B 13 CD' - +d The governing equations for the low-frequency case 2 < 1) are: o (1.48) Z1 (horizontal momentum conservation) V (1.(49).V (1.50) a)f where V 2 .v # 31 - (energy conservation) (phase conservation) ' 0 In linear wave propagation theory, V would be the vertical group velocity for wavetrains moving in the negative z-direction. The system (1.48) - (1.50) can be put in matrix form, defining the nondimensional vector (1. 51) (1.52) \/ on-w(e _ ),' =0O +W_ where v, .. n zv4>) (1.53) -- Z v6s 0 O9 V0 OI 0 J Then there will exist a set of three characteristic curves c , i = 1, 2, 3, defining functions 4i(ZT) = 0, which are given from the differential equations: (1. 54) dZ i14". . L C where X (1.55) are the roots of the deterministic equation: (I . det[&-X>O- = identity matrix) The eigenvalues, with A given in (1.53) are: (1.56) 0 a) V +2.twI -+ b) 3V c) --zv4~f' = V - 21WI and the corresponding left eigenvectors are: (1. 57) a) . b b) 2 2v [',24 c) We see that all the eigenvalues are real so the system is totally hyperbolic in character. The system can then be put in canonical form such that in each equation all quantities are differentiated along the same characteristic direction. (1.59) )g -- (1. 58) Z + + V.,+ 2V,, YA-i (1. 60) zVo VT ~ -- +-2V "zv "']1 0 (5-I±zV ) PZ+ ve+ 2 (VIj~ 4 2 V+ , -zVF-FV 20 The details are still quite complicated at this point; however, two important observations about the system can be made. First, in the small amplitude limit where jwj -+ 0, the eigenvalues (1.56) coalesce to a single value V , and the system reduces immediately to the linear theory result (1.61) - + This demonstrates that the total wave energy is conserved as it must be, since there can be no wave-wind energy exchange without nonlinear interactions. The second immediate result from the canonical formulation is that there exists one exact integral. Equation (1.58) can be rewritten as (1.62) which can be integrated directly since $, C, and riare all known functions of z at T = 0 in an initial value problem. Making use of this exact integral, the system can be reduced further to one containing only two dependent variables. The remaining equations are still highly nonlinear, however, the use of the multiple scale approximation has resulted in a considerable simplification of the original Boussinesq system given in C. (1.1) - (1.4). The Limitations of Multiple-Scale Analysis and the Question of Partial Reflections The primary assumption of the multiple-scale analysis is that there exist at least two time-space scales in the 21 problem under examination. In the foregoing analysis, we have assumed that the phase fluctuations of the wavetrainwere much more rapid than the corresponding time and space variations in the wave amplitudes and properties of the medium. This assumption means that only a minor amount of wave reflection can take place and thus the wave impedance change per vertical wavelength mus.t be small. If the reflected waves are of order e compared to the transmitted wave they will be contained in the amplitude equations resulting from the elimination of secular terms-of order E2. From linear theory we can evaluate the criteria for strong reflections. If temperature and density variations are slow only the wind variations modify the wave impedance, and strong reflections result if the Richardson number is less than 1. In the nonlinear theory one cannot develop such an explicit constraint, but it is reasonable to expect difficulties with the multiple scale analysis in regions of strong wind shears. In Figure 1 we show some results of calcula- tions using the multiple-scale analysis for a wave-wind interaction in a region where the Richardson number is 0.53, and compare them with Breeding's more exact numerical calculations. The multiple-scale analysis retains the proper qualitative features, but the amplitudes are considerably in error. Breeding's calculations showed that a substantial reflected wave was present as would be expected with a low Richardson number, and thus much of the wave energy was turned back before it interacted with the mean wind. The multiple- CHANGE IN THE MEAN WIND NEAR THE CRITICAL LEVEL - CALCULATION METHODS COMPARISON 0 I 3.0 0 2.9 2.8 .10 2.7 2.6 0 o 0, 0 2.5 z 2.4w 2.3 0 RICHARDSON NUMBER t = 2190 S. 0--O = 0.53 N 2.2 MULTIPLE SCALE ANALYSIS 2.0 FIRST AND ZERO HARMONIC 0-- R. BREEDING NUMERICAL 2.0 -1.4 FIGURE -1.2 -1.0 1 CHANGE IN MEAN WIND IN M/S -. 8 -. 6 -. 4 -. 2 0 +.2 23 scale analysis which did not properly account for reflected waves thus gave too large a mean wind modification, and the discrepancy would continue to grow with time. When the Richardson number is large, the conditions necessary for justifying the multiple-scale analysis will be upheld and then the methods described above can yield good approximations with a considerable reduction in computational effort. Unfortunately, in our jet stream studies, the areas of greatest interest are those with the lowest Richardson number, and these analysis methods will fail to give us adequate representations of the actual behavior of these regions. Thus, we are led to find a different approach to these problems, which is taken up in the next section. II. HORIZONTAL FOURIER EXPANSION ANALYSIS A. Development of the Governing Equations In the previous section the multiple-scale approxi- mation was used to analyze qualitative features of the nonlinear gravity wave - jet stream interaction. While this method allows certain problems to be attacked by analytical means the approximation appears inadequate for obtaining detailed results in several physical situations. In particu- lar, the important problem of interpretation of gravity wave pressure fluctuations observed at the ground in terms of possible jet stream source parameters appears to lie beyond the scope of the multiple-scale approach. The key to any attempt at inverting gravity wave pressure fluctuation measurements involves the development of an efficient, accurate method of solving the nonlinear hydrodynamic problem under a wide range of initial conditions. A direct approach would be to use a full nonlinear numerical model such as that of R. Breeding. Such a study involves the use of two-space and one time coordinate finite difference grid, and while quite general in application, can require a large computation effort. An examination of R. Breeding's work indicates that there is a useful approximation which can be employed to greatly reduce computation effott while yielding quite satisfactory results under realistic conditions. The above numerical integration scheme requires the application of cyclical horizontal boundary conditions, hence 24 the dependent field variables are required to be periodic over some distance, L, in the horizontal direction. Therefore, the velocity, pressure, and density field can be expanded in a Fourier series in x, where the amplitudes are functions of (z, t) only: *00 (Z t) + -iky1X A (Fj *k -- J io()e (2.3) net + 0± (2.4)40,Lt e where K = L ._ Substituting the above expressions for the field vari- ables in the Boussinesq fluid equations (1.1) - (1.4) and equating Fourier coefficients we have: for n = 0, (2.5) (tko (2.6 + (2.7)+ (2.8) + (A*tp +( (iOLQ~1i~= A 'ZZ 0 LoIo+ A- Z WID -0 "a a--" one -O 02 3 26 (2.9) * -6t -K Pl +2.uOLw 'tre f00 +=2 (2.11) L.4>, +u, ok +W + 0-0 *-a0C +2 ;.r WFW~ [P-, + 2wow, + +iA* kAOW, +-IAIWO -0i K-kAW, 4-U,W (2.10) (2.12) + 2 4> l-Z LAP~ + LA +.(w d>,,,++e <r <r 3 -Smi olIw -dbcux + and for n > 2. (2.13) -- ik 2[ 4-2 1t- e(As L41 +T + ULtW)+ +a+w Ice-I = 0 LA P+ v + *-W (2.14) + (Ap y opt* )]+- 12 +1 2 :: Wr -i mj.m. Ak ~ +~3 z OVYM 2 c). -1- 4)" rv 4-1. 4,y+ --- ..(y (2.15) +0 "Ow, + 4WO) + . 4)II J+ llbz * Loos, + (+ p v > *p (w~ve~ 27 (2.16) 0. . In addition, there are complex conjugate equations for n > 1. A similar development, including compressibility effects (other than through the BrUnt period), was used by Boer (1970) to examine shear flow interaction with a continuous sinusoidal gravity wave source produced by forced motion on the lower boundary. At this point no approximation has been made, given that cyclical boundary conditions are involved. There has also been no savings in computation effort at this step, for if computations are made using N coefficients, the method is equivalent to a finite difference net using 2N horizontal points. However, R. Breeding's calcu- lations have shown that if the source structure has a dominant horizontal wavelength X = 2ir/k, then under most conditions the higher harmonic coefficients corresponding to n = 2, 3,... etc., will generally have much smaller amplitudes than the fundamental corresponding to n = 1. For example, Figure 2 shows the production of second harmonics due to nonlinearities using a source containing only the fundamental as calculated by R. Breeding (1971). Even for a Richardson number of 0.53, the second harmonic amplitude seldom reaches 15% of the fundamental and the third harmonic will be correspondingly less. Therefore, a good approximation can be obtained by retaining on the first few Fourier coefficients with a considerable reduction in computation effort. The simplist approximation available is to consider the interaction between the mean horizontal flow and the first 2.0 1.0 - 0.5 C. 0.2 - 1 < 0.1 -D H I B A 0.05 - o H O~ 0.02 - A . * E D D D D G 0.01 B U-0.005 00 -/ 0.002 G 0.001 * A - REFERENCE, Ri B -Ri = 0.13 A =0.53 C - Ri = 0.13, NEAR FIELD 0.0005 -Do D - Ri = 2.12 E - NEGATIVE SHEAR *G G - SMALL AMPLITUDE H - LARGE AMPLITUDE I -SOURCE AT zc 0.0002 0.0001 0.00005 0.00002 0 1000 2000 TIME (s) FIGURE 2 S/F, THE ABSOLUTE VALUE OF THE RATIO OF THE SECOND HARMONIC IN u, AS A FUNCTION ABOUT 100m ABOVE zc (FROM BREEDING (1971)) 3000 harmonic wave field. In this case, the governing equations become: (2.17) -I- (2.41) (2.1) b (2.20) - IT, + 2Lko L 1 + MOM* -6t '6 4 (2.21)+ If u0 is constrained to be independent of time and equal to the initial mean flow, the basic equations oflinear gravity wave theory result. Thus the system of equations (2.17) - (2.21) can be interpreted in a very simple manner. The gravity waves follow the linear theory for an atmosphere which is slowly varying in time. The atmospheric variations in time result from one nonlinear equation (2.17). The time variations of the mean wind have the effect of preventing the catastrophic build-up of the wave amplitude near the critical level that linear theory predicts if the atmosphere is considered time invariant. This result was also seen in the multiple-scale analysis. In this present analysis, however, we clearly see the failing of the multiple-scale approximation. 30 The vertical variations of the mean wind can alter the linear wave impedance, and thus reflected waves can be set up, and these are not included in the multiple-scale approach which is a WKB type of analysis. For linear waves in a constant mean wind shear, the relative change of wave impedance per radian of vertical wavenumber if 1/R.1 2 and is independent of actual wavelength. Thus the shortening of the vertical wave- length as one approaches the critical level does not help justify a WKB~ approximation, and for Richardson numbers close to or less than 1, large errors result if the reflected wave energy is ignored. Again referring to Figure 1, we show comparisons of the results of various computational methods on predicting the mean wind variations caused by wave-wind interaction near the critical level. Solutions to equations (2.17) - (2.21) give excellent agreement with the finite difference solution of the full nonlinear equations. Again we note that the multi- ple scale analysis has overestimated the effect, since the wave reduction due to partial reflections was not taken into account. B. Stream Function - Vorticity Formulation The numerical integration of the fluid equations for incompressible Boussinesq fluids requires the reformulation of the problem in terms of a scalar stream function $, and a vector vorticity X, rather than the standard Eulerian velocity and pressure fields. Since the velocity field in an incompressible or Boussinesq fluid is divergence-free, one introduces 9 and X in terms of the horizontal fluid velocity u and vertical fluid velocity w as: - . (2.22) - W and (2.23) In the case of only two velocity components, X has only one component and the resulting stream function/vorticity equation is scalar: (2.24) --- t+ -- = - where X = YA. Finally, the equation of vorticity transport is developed by taking the curl of the momentum transport equation. This operation eliminates the pressure explicitly from the governing equations. This is beneficial for numerical exam- ination of divergence - free flows, where the time derivative of the pressure is not readily available. Employing a first harmonic vorticity X and stream function $ 1 , the basic system truncated at the first harmonic becomes: (2.25) (2.26) (2.27) (2.28) - Ao \ 4 * UO) K +0 - = (2.29) =- where The specification of the boundary condition at the ground, z = 0, is straightforward since $l must be a constant on a rigid surface. Further, since $l is directly propor- tional to the vertical velocity w1 because of the Fourier expansion in x, then $1 = 0 on z - 0. The condition at the upper boundary z = H, requires more care. Ideally, an out- ward radiation condition would be imposed; however, the use of a steady-state radiation condition will cause errors in a transient calculation; and the addition of a viscous region as considered by Yanowitch (1967) and Houghten and Jones (1968), will be computationally inefficient since an additional grid region several wavelengths in dimension must be included. Fortunately, the existence of large Richardson num- ber shears in the upper jet stream structure resolves these upper boundary condition difficulties. Numerical results have confirmed the calculations of J. Booker and F. Bretherton (1967) that for large Richardson number shears, internal gravit waves as are attenuated by approximately a factor exp [-21(Rthey pass through a critical level. For the case of R = 4.8, as per Figure 3, up-going gravity wave amplitudes would be attenuated by a factor of about 10-2. Since very little wave energy will penetrate the upper shear, the impqsition of a rigid boundary condition above the upper shear will not give rise to spurious reflections. Subsequent numerical results have sub- stantiated this assumption. At the upper boundary the appropri- ate boundary value of the wave stream function is $l -0 at z - H. III. NUMERICAL EXPERIMENTS: WAVE-WIND INTERACTIONS FOR TRANSIENT GRAVITY WAVE SOURCES A. Computational Procedure In this section we wish to examine through a series of numerical experiments the nonlinear interaction of a single harmonic transient gravity wave source with simple models of the jet stream. The purpose is not to formally invert the observed ground pressure fluctuation measurements, but to examine the qualitative features of the interaction in terms of the vertical distribution and strength of the source and initial Richardson number in the source region. Of particular interest is the wave-wind interaction in the presence of strong shear (Ri<0.5), since observed gravity waves often appear to originate from regions of low Richardson number. 1. The Finite Difference Equations The equations describing the wave-wind interaction (2.25) - (2.29) contain nonlinear coupling terms so that a numerical approach is dictated. The finite difference approx- imation employed here is the so-called "leap-frog" method, which is an explicit scheme using spatial and temporal centered differencing. vertical spacing be 6z. Let the time spacing be 6t and the Then for notation purposes, define (3.1)V 33 34 LX o {44 The governing finite difference Iapproximations to equations (2.17) through (2.21) are: (3.2) (~3. 3) ~~o~~~ % ik Ti r [p ~VX~ .. L[ ..L1 ~~ VOt P~[Lcj4e 01y. a- V%* V + %m1 ~n4I The last equation is solved at the end of each iteration as a boundary value problem with =. -0 where j = 1 and j = J MAX are the end points of the finite difference grid. Two other approaches to solving the stream function-vorticity equation involve an integral method using Green's functions and a transform method using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) techniques. Solution of the tridiagonal system (3.6) and the FFT method are about equal in computing time, whereas the Green's function method is much slower. The FFT method is, in principle, more accurate than the secondorder difference approach given in equation (3.6). However, a fourth-order differencing scheme, (3.7) +1- 12 gives much better accuracy with only a slight increase in computing cost over the use of the FFT. All three methods were tested in practice and gave quite similar results. In the case of very low Richardson number shears, the fourthorder scheme was used because of the short wavelengths involved. 2. Convergence, Stability and Grid Dispersion Of fundamental importance in applying finite difference approximations to the solution of partial differential equations are the questions of convergence, numerical stability and accuracy. When dealing with wave propagation phenom- ena, lack of accuracy of the solution usually manifests itself as grid dispersion. Unfortunately, analysis of these effects is limited to a linear, point-wise approach. The global analysis of a given finite difference scheme is fully as difficult as solving the originally partial differential equation. To examine the point-wise characteristics of the difference equations it is useful to derive the governing finite difference dispersion relation. analysis, let ; constant and ' Since this is a local constant. This is not a limitation in terms of the derived stability Consider plane criteria, but greatly simplifies the algebra. wave solutions for the field variables as: -\ (3.8) ~=cte. -% A' = (wstW t + where (LoS-) is the phase, and and (.q[e) are the normalized frequency and vertical Substituting into equations (3.4), wave-numbers respectively. (3.5) and (3.6) and defining, (3.9) St 1 2EZ 47= gives, in matrix form (3.10) O0 A o -t <1 c>ng (et -- coS t) tO Setting the determinant in (3.10) to zero yields the dispersion relation, (3.11) Sirn (00$t) = K(Q L:. In the limit that 9't, 9' -% 0 (3.12) LOk WA 4 (-Cos ) (3.11) becomes KL which is exactly the dispersion relation for the continuum 37 equations. Convergence is therefore established, at least on a point-wise basis. The wave solutions described by the finite difference dispersion relation will, in general, differ from those of the continuum case. In certain instances, completely extraneous wave modes arise which correspond to complex frequencies. Since these modes will occur as complex conjugate pairs, the exponentially growing mode leads to numerical instability. From equation (3.11), unconditional stability requires that Sivi(tot) I for all wavenumbers a. will occur at cos a = 1 for the plus root: SiV1(jst) (3. 13) The maximum value of Mo.A.-[S iki (LOS+3=t-)('v41 The requirement on the time step 6t for unconditional local stability is then (3.14) St : KZ +S2g) Grid dispersion in a finite difference scheme arises because the stable modes of (3.11) corresponding to a wavenumber-frequency pair are not equal to the same wavenumberfrequency pair in (3.12) for finite 6t, 6z. Subsequently, the phase velocity of a given mode will also differ from that of the continuum, and in general this correspondence will vary as a function of wavenumber and propagation angle. Therefore, superimposed on the wave dispersion of the continuum system will be a propagation-angle dependent numerical or grid dispersion. The loss of accuracy resulting from grid dispersion is inherent in all finite difference approximations 38 and can only be minimized, with the lower bound on grid spacing usually determined by computation cost. All numeri- cal computations were done with a step size of 6z = 25m in regions where short wavelengths are expected, such as near critical levels and source regions. Reasonable accuracy is then expected for wavelengths greater than about 100m. with only moderate to poor resolution for shorter wavelengths. B. Basic Jet Stream and Gravity Wave Source Models For use in the numerical experiments a basic jet stream mean flow model was employed. The initial jet stream velocity profile was assumed to be uniform in the horizontal plane with a vertical wind profile. The direction of the mean wind was chosen to coincide with the x-axis. The general model is shown in Figure 3, which is divided into three regions. Region II is taken to be 2.0 km wide centered about the source. The source subregion itself will range in width from about 125 m to 550 m. to a height of 4.0 km. Region I extends from the ground The remainder of the jet and compu- tational grid is contained in Region III with an initial jet core speed of 50 m/s. Except for the source subregion, the Richardson number in the lower and upper shears is fixed for all models at R. II = 0.925 and R. IIII = 4.80 respectively. The source subregion is centered at 5.0 km and the width and initial Richardson number are specified for each model. All shears are initially taken to be linear. The basic structure of the jet stream model was developed from examination of typical Weather Bureau balloon 39 MODEL JET STREAM PROFILE 20 A 15 Ri = 4.80 z (-9 JET STREAM CORE Lu Ri 0.925 U 5 t- SOURCE SUBREGION OF SPECIFIED WIDTH AND RICHARDSON NUMBER _ __ MEAN HORIZONTAL WIND SPEED IN M/S FIGURE 3 SCHEMATIC OF MODEL JET STREAM PROFILE INCLUDING REGIONAL AND SOURCE SUBREGIONAL CONFIGURATION I m 40 measurements over Nantucket Island. In general, the balloon measurements indicate the jet stream velocity profile to be quite symmetrical; however, because of the change in the temperature lapse rate above the jet core, a higher Richardson number results in the upper sheared region. Therefore, in order to use a constant Brunt frequency model in the calculations, the shear in the upper region has been decreased so as to yield an appropriate value for the Richardson number. The simplest source models which will retain the essentials of the nonlinear interaction between finite amplitude gravity waves and the mean jet stream flow are those containing only the first harmonic component of the general horizontal Fourier expansion described in Section II. The general form of the numerical experiments is to specify a gravity wave source structure implanted in the model jet stream flow as an initial condition. The behavior of the model is then governed by the finite difference equations (3.2) - (3.6), which describe the interaction of the zeroth and first harmonic terms. The development of theoretical atmospheric gravity wave source models represents a very difficult problem in its own right. A recently developed approach to gravity wave source generation by wave-wave interaction will be discussed in Section IV. However, at this point a more heuristic approach will be taken. Although the specific choice of a model is admittedly arbitrary, there are constraints on physical grounds and in terms of linear theory behavior. 41 Gravity wave-wind interactions essentially only exist around a narrow region about the critical level. Therefore it is reasonable to locate the source at a critical level and Linear require it to rapidly decay away with distance. theory shows that the horizontal wave-wind velocity has opposite signs on different of the critical level. Further, the vertical wave-wind velocity must go to zero at the critical level while the horizontal wave-wind velocity becomes discontinuous with infinite amplitude. Any source model should approach these limits as the amplitude of vertical velocity and the source width go to zero for a source of fixed total energy. Under these constraints, a simple source model is chosen with a Gaussian distributed stream function: -t=o) (3.15) = 2A e, Cos ( , The associated velocity field is: (3.16) WtxA2,t=O)-z ce Sin kX Z (3.17) ') X),t=0)Z =or q -L C If we consider the limit as A+O and a->oo, the con- straint of constant total source energy requires A2a straint, then w a- and uca k- = con- (z-z ), so that linear theory behavior at the critical level is obtained. Wave and Wind Energy Calculations 42 In a Boussinesq fluid, the conservation of energy is given as tE + ?2 (3.18) LE + (. where u and w are the total horizontal and vertical velocities, and E is the total energy density. terms of the field variables, u, w, (3.19) E =5 Expressing E in and P, we have: + /2 1-4 + (recalling that P = pressure/mean density). If we consider the total Eulerian field to be composed of a mean flow and finite amplitude single harmonic wave, the total energy density averaged over a horizontal wavelength is (3.20) < 1E (o?'t) + Lk'Lk +V IVNJ4 + C The equation of energy conservation for this system is obtained from averaging (3.18): (3.21) ,.....ow or equivalently, (3.22) (E>> +r Lkuu +f,'W+P + W)= One can easily demonstrate that the energy conservation form developed directly from the zero and first harmonic expansion equations yield an identical result. Integrating 43 (3.21) over z from 0 to H gives (3.23) < WE). d E- <E% 01 0 and z - H, then If we assume rigid surfaces to exist at z = the vertical velocity must vanish there. Therefore, 14 (3.24) d E 0 and the total integrated energy per wavelength must be a The behavior of constant over time in such a closed system. the computed total system energy as a function of time provides one of the constraints on the global behavior of the finite difference scheme. It will be useful in the analysis of the numerical experiments to examine the behavior of wave and wind components of the total energy as a function of time in each of the three regions of the model. Since the total kinetic energy of the mean wind is very large with respect to the other components of the total energy, it is useful to redefine the total system energy excluding the total wind kinetic energy at t = 0. Changes in the wind energy will then be reflected by alterations in the mean flow caused by wave-wind interactions. Under this defin- ition, the total energy of the system will be equal to the total source energy at t = 0. Using this definition, the wave and wind energy densities are from (3.20). (3.25) c AAit 4 OE z(L(,V 44 (3.26) <E> I , ) where 4-/ * +2 and Z , L(AZ-ft) is the time- varying change in the mean wind. To determine the total energy input to each model we need the total source energy. from the critical level as Since the energy decays away 6 and the source width is at most a few hundred meters, the integration interval 0 to H = 20 km can be extremely well approximated by ( In this case the source energy at t (3.27) E, = 0 is J'(crtz <Egr~Po The total system energy and the source width parameter a can be used as input parameters to completely describe the source model. C. Transient Behavior of Finite Amplitude Gravity Wave Sources in Low Richardson Number Shears The gravity wave source and jet stream models to be examined numerically will have the following fixed and variable parameters. Fixed parameters for all models: (1) Jet stream mean flow structure excepting the source subregion: (a) upper shear (b) lower shear R R. 3. (c) jet core speed = 4.800 0.925 50 m/s (2) Source centered at 5.0 km. 45 (3) Wind speed at source initially 25 m/s. (4) BrUnt period 300 s. (5) Horizontal wavelength 10 km. Variable parameters: (1) Total source energy E (2) at t = 0. Source width at t = 0. (3) Richardson number of source subregion at t Specific models given in figures: MODEL A at t = 0 R. = 0.200 width = 318 m peak wave velocities horizontal = 0.085 m/s vertical = 0.010 m/s MODEL B at t = 0 R.= 0.250 width = 318 m peak wave velocities horizontal = 0.85 m/s vertical = 0.10 m/s MODEL C at t = 0 R. = 0.500 width = 318 m peak wave velocities horizontal = 0.85 m/s vertical = 0.10 m/s = 0. 46 MODEL D at t = 0 R. = 0.500 width = 136.5 m peak wave velocities horizontal = 1.30 m/s vertical = .066 m/s MODEL E at t = 0 R. = 0.500 width = 273 m peak wave velocities horizontal = 0.92 m/s vertical = 0.092 m/s MODEL F at t = 0 R. = 0.500 width = 546 m peak wave velocities horizontal = 0.64 m/s vertical = 0.13 m/s The phenomena observed during the wave-jet interaction will be discussed in terms of the time-energy curves given in Figures 4 through 7. The detailed vertical distribution of wave and wind velocities in regions I and II for Model A are given as a function of time in Appendix C. The energies shown refer to the integrated energy densities within each of the three regions shown in Figure 3. The time-energy curves give spatially integrated values for both the wave motion and changes in the mean wind structure, whereas the time-net energy curves refer to the total system energy integrated over each region. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. -- 20 - --- - WAVE ENERGY - REGION I1 WAVE ENERGY - REGION I WIND ENERGY - REGION 11 REGION III WIND ENERGY - 10 . -6 .0 -- -10 -20 1000 0 FIGURE 2000 t,sec. 3000 4000 4 TIME ENERGY CURVES FOR MODEL A -4 # 40 o 0 0 REGION I I REGION 11 x x x REGION III E/EO 0 1000 FIGURE 5 TIME - NET ENERGY CURVES FOR MODEL A 2000 T, SEC 3000 4000 49 MODEL B R = .250 *o. *Og -S. E -S. S.. - % - - - - __ ~ - a, \ \\ -10 -20 - NK- ~ - a- L. MODEL C R= .500 E 0 a -0- - - -10 -20 1000 t, sec. FIGURE 6 TIME ENERGY CURVES - RICHARDSON NUMBER EFFECTS 2000 50 MODEL D WIDTH = 136.5 m E Eo N -5 a- MODEL E WIDTH = 273.0 m 5 E ~ 0 - - .. -5 L- MODEL F WIDTH = 546.1 m " \ - -5 - 'p ,~ wo- .. - - I 1000 2000 t, sec. FIGURE 7 TIME ENERGY CURVES - SOURCE WIDTH EFFECTS 51 All energies shown are normalized to the total integrated input source energy, E , at t = 0.Wind energies then refer to changes from the mean flow state at t = 0. The boundary conditions of the jet model require that the total system energy integrated over the entire model remain constant and provides an estimate of cumulative truncation effects of the finite difference solution. A maximum deviation of eight per- cent from the condition of constant total system energy was observed after 400 time steps for the case of R. = .200. The total system energy typically oscillated about a slowly decreasing mean value. The period of the oscillations was about 100 time steps with an amplitude of less than 0.01E . The mean value decreased as a function of the number of time steps as very short wavelength disturbances are dissipated by the finite difference scheme. The total system energy after 200 time steps (= 2000 s in model time) ranged from E = .995E for R. = 0.925 to E = .97E for R. = 0.200. Results: The initial interaction in the source region extracts considerable wave energy at the expense of the wind. The amount of wave amplification increases dramatically with decreasing Richardson number as seen in the time-energy curves, but is observed in all cases even when the Richardson number was greater than 0.25. As the wave energy in the source region nears a maximum, substantial gravity wave energy is being radiated away from the region as observed from the increase in wave energy in region I. Approximately equal amounts are radiated up the jet and toward the surface. Waves traveling up the jet transport negative momentum and will decrease the wind in the region about the topside critical level. Waves traveling*: toward the surface are carrying positive momentum. Until the return to the source region of ground reflected wave energy, the net energy in the source region declined slightly but remains near its initial value of E/E - 1.0. The two-way travel time from the source critical level for the surface reflection can be shown to be approximately 700 s on the basis of linear calculations, and at about this time the net energy in the source region is rising rapidly. Since the ground reflected waves are moving faster than the wind as they approach the critical level, they are carrying positive momentum and will increase the mean wind and net energy in the source region on being absorbed. Waves traveling up the jet are moving slower than the wind as they approach the topside critical level so aE/Dt < 0 in this region. If no secondary sources are gener- ated and no additional gravity waves are emitted from the source region, energy in Region III will approach a negative constant as wave motions are converted to mean flow deformations. > .25 this was the observed process, For R. 3. however at lower Richardson numbers secondary sources do result with subsequent gravity wave radiation into Regions I and 1II. For Model A this process is observed in Figure 5 with slight increases in Region I and corresponding decreases in Region III being seen at t - 1400 a. Additional secondary 53 radiation occurs at t = 2100 and t = 3400, although the system remains stable with each subsequent radiation process being less energetic than its predecessor. The radiation, reflec- tion and reabsorption processes will continue until virtually all wave motion has been converted to mean flow deformations through the efficient gravity wave - mean flow coupling mechanism at the source and topside critical levels. Of particular interest is the amount of energy transport provided by the gravity wave coupling of the topside and source region critical levels. The amount of net energy transport from the critical level at the top of the jet to the source region critical level is shown in Figure 9 and is a strong function of the initial source subregion Richardson number. For the case of R = 0.200, 16 energy units per unit of input have been transported from the top of the jet to the source region. Even for a Richardson number of 0.500, the energy transport is three times that of the source input. For a fixed initial total source energy, the effect of decreasing the width is to increase the efficiency of the energy transport process and lengthen the time scale of the interaction. The time scale of the interaction can be seen from Figure 6 to be directly proportional to 1/width. For instance, the wave energy maximum in the source region occurs at 900, 450 and 225 s for corresponding widths of 136.5, 273.0 and 546.1 m. The effect of absolute wave amplitudes on the system behavior is approximately linear. Shown in Figure 8 is the source region wave amplification as a function of initial source input energy for a fixed width of 318 m.. The net energy transport also shows a slight, but definite increase with increasing source energy input. However, the ampli- tude behavior is essentially linear over decade variations in input energy. For very large source wave amplitudes (greater than 10 m/s), rapid and large variations in the mean wind can occur with subsequent Richardson number reduction to below 0.10 and generation of short vertical wavelength disturbances. Neither of these effects can be dealt with accu- rately by the current numerical procedure and probably invalidate the initial assumption of a single component - mean flow interaction model. The maximum wave amplitudes success- fully modelled were observed to be less than 8 m/s in the source region. Of fundamental importance is the magnitude of wave velocities in the source region necessary to produce the peak to peak pressure fluctuations observed at the ground. Typi- cal measurements of jet stream associated gravity waves in eastern Massachusetts show peak to peak pressure amplitude variations of 0.1 to 0.5 millibars, although disturbances occasionally 1.0 mb or greater in amplitude are observed. Shown in Figure 10 are the calculated peak to peak ground pressure amplitudes as a function of the maximum rms wave velocity in the source region for models with varying initial source subregion Richardson numbers. The observed 0.2-0.5 mb pressure amplitudes are being produced by source region wave velocities of 1-2 m/s which are well within the limitations R =.200 4.0 F- R = .240 -%-. --- 3.0 x R = .500 2.0 I-' \:J R 1.0 FIGURE .001 8 SOURCE REGION WAVE ENERGY: AMPLIFICATION FACTOR vs. MEAN INITIAL ENERGY DENSITY = .925 0.10 0.01 m/sec. 1.00 0 10.0 56 E/EO 0.56/R; 10.0 0.5 1.0 0 1 0.33 0.25 0.2 3 4 5 2 1/Ri E= TOTAL SOURCE ENERGY AT T = 0 FIGURE 9 NET ENERGY TRANSPORT BY GRAVITY WAVES AS A FUNCTION OF SOURCE SUBREGION RICHARDSON NUMBER 1.0 INCREASING R 0.1 0.925 0.500 0.240 0.200 0.01 0.1 I I I i 1.0 MAXIMUM RMS SOURCE REGION WAVE VELOCITY IN M/S FIGURE 10 PEAK-PEAK GROUND PRESSURE FLUCTUATIONS IN MB 10.0 58 of the model. The increase in transmission efficiency for higher Richardson number is due to the relative decrease in the partial reflections in the source region resulting from reduced impedance change per wavelength. IV. THE DEVELOPMENT OF JET STREAM GRAVITY WAVE SOURCES BY WAVE-WAVE INTERACTIONS A. Introductory Remarks The results developed thus far describe the propaga- tion effects and energy transport in the jet stream due to single harmonic finite amplitude gravity wave sources. The question of the origin of natural jet stream sources has been left unanswered. In this section we will discuss a possible mechanism for the generation of such gravity wave sources. Observational information shows a strong correlation between horizontal phase velocities of gravity wave pressure fluctuations at the ground and jet stream velocities in regions of low Richardson number (Claerbout, 1967). A natural mechanism would seem to be the amplification of small disturbances due to dynamic instability in regions of the jet stream where the Richardson number falls below 0.25. A large body of literature exists on the instability of shear flows to small perturbations within the appropriate range of horizontal wavenumbers and Richardson numbers (see References). However, the wavenumber dependence of instability is such that exponentially growing waves in the jet stream source regions will have periods less than the BrUnt period and are essentially trapped within the jet stream. Typical power spectra of ground pressure fluctuations show a sharp cutoff for periods less than the Brunt period (Fig.ll). The dominant observed periods correspond to waves which are predicted by linear 59 60 Odb 10db I- Odb x% 20db - ,- % SMOOTHED WESTON 10ildb GRAVITY WAVE SPECTRA 0-X- - - X-- COMPUTED SUBHARMONIC SPECTRA BRUNT PERIOD 30db 3.0 22.8 2.5 2.0 1.5 15.2 FIGURE 11 SMOOTHED TYPICAL GRAVITY WAVE SPECTRA (NORMALIZED) OBSERVED AT WESTON, MASS. AND THEORETICAL VALUES FROM SUBHARMONIC GENERATION. 1.0 T/TB 7.6 T, min. 61 stability theory to be stable in source regions even if the Richardson number is less than 0.25. These observational difficulties can be resolved through a wave-wave interaction mechanism. B, ' Brief Review of Linear Stability Theory The infinitesimal stability of inviscid, parallel, stratified shear flows is an area of extensive study in fluid mechanics and applied mathematics. Using a single Fourier component of the vertical perturbation velocity w(z), with horizontal wavenumber k, the linear stability of the flow is governed by the Taylor-Goldstein equation in the Boussinesq approximation, (4,) ....- + [f--- -- where v(z) is the mean flow and C the horizontal phase speed. Together with appropriate boundary conditions, it defines an eigenvalue problem for C given K, or vice-versa, for a specified mean flow v(z) and BrUnt frequency 0B' Often of particular importance is the calculation of "neutral curves," which for a given value of Re (C) divide the Im(C)-Richardson number plane into regions of stability (Im(C) > 0, say) and instability (Im(C) matical subtleties. < 0, say). There are mathe- However, for asymmetric flows, it can be shown that the neutral curves separate simply-connected regions (Miles, 1961, 1963). Separate flows have been examined in the literature (Collyer (1970), Drazin and Howard (1966), Hazel (1972), Maslowe and Kelly (1971); however, for 62 the sake of explicitness the remainder of the chapter will concentrate on the hyperbolic tangent mean velocity profie. Stability of the Hyperbolic Tangent Mean Wind Profile with Constant Brunt Frequency Let the mean wind v(z) be written in scaled terms as v(z) = vof7 (4.2) + tanh(z/d)] where d is a vertical scale length. We can then introduce further scaling, (4.3) E-,; a E Kd 0 and the Richardson number dependence upon z is (4.4) R.(z) = J 1 o cosh 4 (z/d), ~2 where Jo0 2 is the minimum value of R1(z) occurring at ve z = 0. IzJI.+ The appropriate boundary conditions are w(z) -+ 0 as All eigenvalues have the same real part, R (C) = 1, and the neutral curve [Im(C) = 0], was first obtained by Drazin (1958) and is given analytically as (4.5) Jo a (1- a) The eigenvalues, except on the neutral curve where C = 1, are not available analytically and must be computed numerically (see Appendix A). The stability diagram for this flow is given in Figure 12, showing the neutral curve, intermediate eigenvalues at J0 = .15 and .20, all with the curve 63 J = 2 The latter represents a condition of BrUnt . frequency reflection somewhere in the shear for wave with phase velocities of C = 1 (see Appendix B). Im(C) Of course, if # 0, there will not be total reflection; however, the attenuation lengths for J0 > a2 are much greater than for j < a2. if Ci 1, the attenuation lengths are given approximately by jo>o(: 0_ d . __ (4.6) Since C2 << 1 we observe that unstable waves are effectively trapped in the source region, which strongly supports the observational evidence. Furthermore, frequently observed ground pressure fluctuations must represent waves which are theoretically stable in the source region. C. Source Generation by Subharmonic Wave-Wave Interaction One possible mechanism for generating observed waves is through a wave-wave interaction involving an unstable mode of horizontal wavenumber 2K and a stable (observable) wavenumber K. Laboratory experiments by Browland (1965), Miksad (1970) and Scotti and Corcos (1972) on free shear layers indicate that a growing fundamental mode interacting with the background noise could generate substantial energy at the subharmonic frequency. An examination of the stability 64 diagram (Figure 12) indicates that the subharmonics corresponding to the unstable modes would have periods of about 1.2 to 1.6 times the Brunt period, which fall in the range of substantial observable gravity wave energy. To examine the plausability of the subharmonic generation mechanism one could employ the zeroth, first and second harmonic equations developed in Chapter II using very samll initial values for the primary and subharmonic waves. The unstable mode would first be expected to grow exponentially at a rate determined from linear theory. The growth of the subharmonic is proportional to the amplitude of the primary so eventually its growth will be very large, thereby altering significantly the primary wave growth, perhaps even stopping it altogether. Unfortunately, the finite differ- ence solution will be very costly because of the small time steps required to accurately follow the large expected growth rates, This problem is indigenous to finite difference simu- lations of physically unstable systems. However, an approxi- mate approach can be taken to qualitatively examine this generation mechanism. Let us assume that each wave behaves as it would in linear theory, excepting that the nonlinear wave-wave interaction terms will produce a time variation in the amplitude. The horizontal (complex) wave velocities are given then as: (4.7) u = Ae ) Jo = R j (z = o) = min (R) 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 STABLE AND PROPAGATING .2 .3 .4 .036 a Jo = a 2 .063 .5 .075 .6 UNSTABLE AND TRAPPED .079 .077 .7 .071 .060 .8 STABLE AND TRAPPED .046 .028 1.0 FIGURE 12 STABILITY DIAGRAM FOR HYPERBOLIC TANGENT PROFILE AND COMPUTED EIGENVALUES NEUTRAL CURVE (Im(c) = o) 66 1.0 .9 Jo = .150 .8 .7 .6 27rC a .5 -5 Jo = .200 .4 .3 .2 .1 0 13 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 FIGURE 13 NORMALIZED GROWTH RATE VS. WAVE NUMBER FOR UNSTABLE MODES OF THE HYPERBOLIC TANGENT PROFILE .8 .9 1.0 67 where a = Im(w) for unstable mode, computed for a hyperbolic tangent shear model with constant Bru*nt frequency. The non- linear terms in the horizontal equations of motion are: -- o + -21tKttl (A + Ntt '* 1 * , +L-U k (4.8) Then if we multiply each equation by f and f2 respectively and average over the region (R,-R) corresponding to the Brunt reflection of the unstable mode, we have: (4.9) (4.10) _- C, A Z - 2 dat A2 where -R R e 68 The formulation given in equations (4.9) and (4.10) are analogous to those used by Thorpe (1966) and Garret (1968) For in discussing resonant interactions in stratified media. the case of homogeneous media, the vertical distribution functions are simple plane wave solutions and the interaction integrals can be evaluated by inspection. A full discussion of resonant wave-wave interaction for gravity waves in homogeneous media is given by Phillips (1968), with further developments by Craik (1968), Simmons (1969) and Martin, etal (1972). Due to the very restricted phase structure, resonant gravity wave interactions in homogeneous media require a triad resonance such that (4.11) . - and (4.12) W.,Z. =(D. W3 In stratified shear flow this is not the case, however, due to the possible extensive phase overlap between the unstable mode and its subharmonic. In order to estimate the integrals, let us assume that the significant contributions to the interaction will occur very near the critical level (which is the same for both modes). The solution of ( 4.1) for the normalized vertical velocity structure for z/d << 1 can then be approximated for z positive as: WccZ (4.13)(c ____P/i V0 VO The corresponding forms for the functions f and f2 are: .L (4.14) come8 L--W V. --- 1 -U (I Afz (4.15) Using the fact that near -n (4.16) -+ Vf 2 C> C. and (4.17) y CL T we have, defining h(j) (4.18) 48 A '1 ci C--w-L b4% -A) n- * ,V + (4.19) -Q~ dit L18 V% 1 L~~ 4 4#) :~~,M) (1+ Since the solutions to (4.16) and (4.17) apply only near the critical level, the upper limit r is difficult establish. that (4,20) The criterion for use of ( 4.16) and (4.17) is and since 2. The integrals cannot be done exactly; however, retaining only the dominant terms (r<< 1) gives = (4.21) (4.22) .q = - Toc C where e A -- E = 4z-' (w/) If we further scale the time as (4.23) = -r .53 t then (4.21) and (4.22) become (4.24) j(AlVo) a Lr.A/C._ *(Y/s(Bl)1 dc (4.25) AC0/vO) C s4(AV2YJ There remains the choice for the upper integration limit r. A reasonable choice would be to take z corresponding to r to be one-half of the widths used in the subharmonic transient calculations. If W is the width, then r is given directly as (4.26) v - 30 s., 0 For values of TB= 300 s., W = 150Omand V 0 r = .06/JOP mation. so that r2 << =25 m/s; o/2 as required in the approxi- Given an unstable mode corresponding to a (a, Im(c)) 71 pair for a specified Richardson number at z = 0 (J ), we can compute the coupling coefficient C0 . With the initial values of A and B specified, A(t) and B(t) can be found by direct numerical integration of (4.24) and (4.25). Shown in Figure 14 is the time behavior of the energies for the least stable mode with R.(z = 0) = J = 0.200. The eigenvalues of this mode are a = 0.65, Im(C) = 0.044 and the initial amplitudes were: JA0 1 = |B| = .004U0 (corres- ponding to peak horizontal wave velocities of 0.1 m/s for U0 = 25 m/s). Also shown is the total energy extracted from the wind to drive the process. In this simple model there is no limit to the energy that can be extracted by the unstable mode. Clearly there will be a point where the energy extracted will have substantially altered the wind, and therefore the interaction. The cutoff line shown in the figure corresponds to an average reduction in the wind of 16%. The peak amplitude of the subharmonic corresponds to a velocity of about 5 m/s in the source region. Using the parameterized relationship between peak source wave velocity, Richardson number and ground pressure fluctuations, we would expect a peak to peak ground pressure of 0.5 mb, which corresponds very well with observations. In Figure 11 the expected peak to peak ground pressure fluctuations are shown as a function of period as calculated from the peak horizontal subharmonic velocities generated in the simple model considered. Overplotted are the averaged observed values. The simplicity of the model certainly precludes any statement 1.0 - - Eprimary/U 2 -- -10 MIS Esubharmonic/U 0 2 0 00 0 TOTAL SYSTEM/UQ2 R = 0.200 = (kd) =0.65 Ci/Cr = 0.044 VELOCITY MARKS ASSUME U0 =25 M/S 10-2 0 2 0 E0 1.0 M/S 10-3 00 /o1- 10-4- 0.1 M/ 10-5 0 2 4 6 8 t/TB FIGURE 14 TIME BEHAVIOR OF PRIMARY AND SUBHARMONIC ENERGIES 10 12 5 M/S INITIAL VELOCITY MAGNITUDE X 2 M/S RATIOS (FOR Uo = 25 M/S) 0---co .004 (.01 M/S) .004 (0.1 M/S) X-X R ; = 0.200 1 M/S T TB .60 .80 TB T FIGURE 15 SUBHARMONIC ENERGY SPECTRUM - MAXIMUM OUTPUT VALUES f 4) 1.0 74 of the decisiveness of the theory, however, the close similarity of the spectral shape and amplitude do indicate the plausability of the subharmonic generation mechanism. Figure 14 shows that the subharmonic waves will be present in the source region with sufficient amplitudes for interaction with the wind for about two Brunt periods. This is the same time scale observed for the subharmonic-mean wind interaction studied in Section III. Additionally, the growth of the unstable mode is slow relative to the Brunt period and its amplitude is small enough so that little modification of the mean wind will occur until substantial subharmonic amplitudes are reached. The time scales of the subharmonic-unstable mode interaction are therefore compatible with those of the subharmonic-mean wind interaction found in the transient gravity wave source calculations. As a note of numerical interest, accuracy of the integrations of (4.24) and (4.25) required a time step 6t such that 6t < .002T For a system including the zeroth, first, and second harmonic, the total computation time would be at least 20 times as great as that for the zeroth-first harmonic system for the same vertical grid spacing. As a final point, although the lowest Richardson number we have observed on Weather Bureau balloon measurements is 0.25, the existence of regions for stability with R. < 0.25 seems likely. The absence of observations of Richardson numbers as low as 0.20 can be explained on the basis of the vertical sampling of the mean velocity. If the entire lower jet were modeled by a hyperbolic tangent profile with a source 75 velocity Us, Brunt period TB, and a vertical sampling distance Az, then the lowest observed Richardson number would be with the sampling parameter Ao given as 2Az Using the balloon measurements for typical values of Us, B' and for minimum Richardson number points and a true value of 0.200, the estimated Richardson number would be 0.243 if the critical level were exactly between the sample points and no noise was present in the observations. An error of half a sample point would give a value of 0.260 for the minimum Richardson number. V. SUMMARY The first approach developed to study finite amplitude gravity wave-wind interaction was based on a multiple scale analysis technique. The assumptions are that there exist two time and space scales governing the dynamics of the waves and wind: (1) a "fast" scale corresponding to the relatively rapid temporal-spatial variations of the wave phase, and (2) a "slow" scale corresponding to the variations in wave amplitude and mean flow. The analysis is nonlinear in that wave amplitudes are not considered infinitesimal. The resulting theory is equivalent to a finite amplitude WKB approximation. The limitations of applicability are much like that of linear WKB theory. That is, partial reflections are considered to be second-order effects so that appropriate use of the theory implies that the change in impedance per vertical wavelength be small. For the gravity wave - sheared flow interaction, the change in impedance per wavelength is proportional to 1/R5, so the theory is asymptotically correct as R. will give good results only for R. > 1. and If the theory is applied to lower Richardson numbers, the change in the mean wind is overestimated since partial reflections are neglected to first order. Since observed gravity waves appear to originate from the least stable portions of the jet stream where R. < 1, . a theory incorporating partial reflections as well as finite amplitude effects was required. A quasi-linear theory was developed in section II which made no restrictions on the phase and amplitude structure of the waves and was well suited to transient source calculations. The equations of motion are those of linear theory except that time changes in the mean flow due to wave-wind interaction are incorporated through a momentum transport equation for the mean flow. The waves then propagate through a time-varying medium whose time variations are produced by gradients of the wave Reynold's stress. theory has certain appealing features. The The nonlinear inter- action takes place in a small region about the critical level and these changes are directly incorporated. The induced time changes in the mean flow near the critical level are included in equations of motion for the waves, thereby eliminating the singular nature of the linear theory. Away from critical levels, linear theory describes the propagation of gravity waves quite well and the quasi-linear theory becomes essentially linear there since there is virtually no wave-wind interaction. The intuitive aspects of linear theory can therefore be applied except near critical levels. From a computational point of view, the quasi-linear theory is much more efficient than a full nonlinear calculation as only one space and time variable are required since one can consider waves to be harmonically varying in the direction of the mean flow. Quite general one-dimensional source and jet models can be modelled for transient calculations. Using the quasi-linear theory several numerical experiments were made using a model jet to examine the transient behavior of finite amplitude gravity wave sources. The calculations of the effects of finite sources show that considerable energy is withdrawn from the wind in the source region and put into wave energy. The gravity waves very effi- ciently couple the critical level at the top of the jet with the critical level at the source region. The steady-state of all models resulted in a net decrease in the wind energy at the topside of the jet and a net increase in wind energy in the source region. The ultimate energy source is then seen to be this upper critical level. The magnitude of the gravity waves produced and therefore the amount of wind energy transported depends strongly on Richardson number, the lower the Richardson number, the greater the wave amplification and energy transport. However, the system remains stable for small sources even at Richardson numbers as low as 0.200. This would appear to be in keeping with the linear stability calculations for shears with a ground reflector (Jones, 1968) which state that for R. >.15 the unstable waves cannot have frequencies less than the BrUnt frequency. The amount of energy transport by transient gravity wave sources can be an order of magnitude greater than that of the input source for R. < 0.25. Calculations of the ground pressure fluctuations due to these sources show that observed peak to peak surface values of from 0.1 to 0.5 millibars can be generated by source region rms velocities of only 0.5 to 2.0 m/s, which are well within the limitations of the quasi-linear theory. The quasi-linear theory has provided a framework for studying the propagation and energy transport properties of 79 finite amplitude gravity wave transients, however, tion of spontaneous source generation remains. the ques- In section IV a theory of subharmonic wave-wave interaction was discussed. A natural mechanism for spontaneous source generation would seem to be the dynamic instability of highly sheared flows to small perturbations. A considerable volume of literature exists on the determination of unstable regimes in terms of Richardson number and horizontal wavenumber. Since observed gravity waves seemed to originate in localized regions in the jet a small, high shear linear segment or hyperbolic tan- gent profile is an appropriate model for the wind near a source. Neutral curves, separating stable and unstable regimes, have been found analytically for the hyperbolic tangent shear (Drazin, 1958), and numerically for the linear shear (Jones, 1968). A striking feature of both these curves, however, is that all unstable modes require periods less than a Brint period and therefore would be severely attenuated before reaching the ground. Observations of surface pressure power spectra confirm this result, showing a sharp cutoff for periods less than the BrUnt period. Conversely, the propagat- ing gravity waves observed would be stable in the region of maximum shear for all Richardson numbers greater than zero. Therefore, the source regions responsible for the observed gravity waves do not arise spontaneously as an instability of such waves. Observed gravity waves with periods greater than the Brunt period can arise from a wave-wave interaction with an 80 unstable mode through the mechanism of subharmonic generation. For two waves having the same source region critical level, a growing disturbance can amplify a wave with twice its period. The growth rate of the subharmonic is proportion- al to the amplitude of the unstable mode which is initially growing exponentially in accordance with linear theory. Growth of the subharmonic extracts energy directly from the unstable mode and will eventually stabilize it when both waves reach approximately the same amplitude. The calculated growth rate of the subharmonic is shown to be very rapid compared to a wave period and appears to be almost spontaneously generated, and since it is a propagating mode it will eventually be observed at the ground. Calculations have also shown that through this mechanism a background velocity noise of 1.0 cm/sec can generate surface pressure fluctuations of approximately 1 millibar. Lower frequency observed waves could also be generated through wave-wave interaction as difference waves of two unstable modes. Although a plausible mechanism, calculations on the three wave interaction mechanism remain an area for further work. A natural extension of the work presented here would be to include the wave-wave source generation directly into the quasi-linear theory including unstable modes and wave-wind interaction. One would also like to use a very realistic wind and temperature profile and attempt direct comparison with observed gravity waves. Such a development would require a 81 far more sophisticated numerical simulator and large amounts of machine time owing to the very short wavelengths and extreme growth rates to be encountered. APPENDIX A NUMERICAL DETERMINATION OF THE EIGENVALUES AND EIGENFUNCTIONS FOR STRATIFIED SHEAR FLOWS. The linear stability for plane, stratified shear flow is governed by the Taylor-Goldstein equation in the Boussinesq approximation. For vertical velocity disturbances of the form w(x, z, t) --Q(z)ei(wt-kx) in a medium with Brunt frequency fB and mean flow structure U(z), the governing equation is 1z A jR +w w ___ Introducing a vertical length scale d and mean velocity scale U 06 C then define the nondimensional parameters: U .... ...... U0 and scale the flow as U(z) independent variable U f(z/d) and introduce a new - =z/d. Letting primes denote differentiation with respect to (, the nondimensional form of the stability equation is: +Wr - C. 82 ~C The stability problem is formulated for the complex eigenvalues c, given a, J0 and the flow structure f(z/d), along with the boundary conditions where (Za' Zb) are the boundary points of the system and can be infinite. The Hyperbolic Tangent Flow with Constant Brunt Period. The functional form of the flow is given as (+ 0 14h(2/). Drazin (1958) showed that all the eigenvalues will have the same real part, that is Re(c) = 1, and that the neutral curve for which Im(c) = o is given by To specify the boundary value problem we then require: a) 1IWI R-:10 oO () lm ( - 00 The stability problem is then to determine Im(c) given J a. and The eigenvalues must be determined numerically away from the neutral curve, but the existence of this curve means the region to be examined is J' ( c 2 (1-2). 84 Transformation to Riccati Form for Eigenvalue Determination. For numerical integration it is useful to map the infinite domain (o, -o) into the finite domain (1, -1). Clearly, the transformation to use is %J +&VI(/d which is monotonic and reduces f(z/d)-c to y-ilm(c). Then introduce the transformation w( [ 1-%12, - and the stability equation is reduced to a first-order Riccoti equation, zP c Im~c) where = Im(c). where c. 3. The initial values for $ at Y = + 1, can be determined by requiring d$/dy to be finite there. a) % GM b) b.-N Then The starting values for d4/dy can be obtained from L'Hopital's rule: a) b) = I = - do -T-"A + -- -NM-W- - TO For a given (a, J ) pair, the solutions for $ will only match at y=0 if C is an eigenvalue. Define 85 Now, since W(zld) + + 0 as z initial condition branches at y Re (e(t) 4 0 a, then we require that the = + 1 be chosen such that Re.( (-o))>O. and One can then straight forwardly integrate in from -- + 1 and find the zeros of C(o as a function of Much work can be saved, however, c. for given a(a, Jo) pair. The governing equation is with some additional analysis. again, cp(+tC = and at y = +1; : with Re (4<:4+)) 4. 0 required. y = -y. (i..._c _-- . Now let - with Then we have with E() 0<_______ - and Re (B (+1)) < 0. Therefore, since the differential equations and initial values are identical, ( Nw - by uniqueness. Therefore, For an eigensolution, Re (0co)) = 4+ = 0 isrequired. --( , hence 86 Further, for an eigensolution, we see that fjRe *~k [k [(k-4)] (&cU) is Therefore, a much easier method for finding C. 3. available since Re. j(==0) =-O so.that only one integration from either y = + 1 to y = o is required. Initial values of C. are then iterated until a .zero is found in the real part of 4(y=0) which gives the eigenvalue C. for a given (Jo, a) pair. In principle, the nonlinear eigenuvalve problem is now straight forward, however, if care is not taken with the integration technique, substantial errors in the estimate of C. can result due to the nearly singular term - - Since typically C2 <<(, then and any attempt at direct integration of the equation without regularizing the solution is subject to significant errors in the estimate of Ci. Regularization of the Solution for Accurate Numerical Integration of the Riccati form. Let us examine the solution as W/ > / as variable -(4) - as 4i k(:E/d\O. and define a corresponding Riccati Let 87 j -rpr where \A)W and 0 )-i + d satisfy and CL Gi **t- ) exactly. There is an analytic solution for 9 d4 ; the exact solution for where g_%f/4-iO is J+ +J A- since (for unstable flows '.J- 1 Now, since the previous formulation involved 4( so <>)so - $G)as , ) define O will be much reduced from near y =0o affording much more accurate estimations of C . There remains to fix the constants a, b for &. Re 0=0 at y = 0, at y = + 1. choose RP (9) = at y = o and Since = 9 The eigenvalue problem is then reformulated as: with initial conditions at y = +1: h = 0 ctk= Ir To __ 1~__ T 88 with ( : :: cg ___...-_.. such that Re ($(+1)) <0. are then found such that Re(h) = 0 The eigenvalues at y = 0, given values for a and J0 . Eigenfunction Calculations . Once an accurate determination of C (J a) pair has been made, for a given direct calculation of W(y) can be made by writing which is governed by P -a d9F + V 2 with the initial conditions FCq=o) ==owd (J 23(0-4f) c and APPENDIX B BRUNT PERIOD REFLECTION CONDITIONS FOR UNSTABLE HYPERBOLIC TANGENT FLOWS Consider the mean flow velocity given as then the Richardson number is C 0S&(('/d). CM3 =i The condition for waves capable of propagating to infinity is ,IQ gfor 7- where 52.= all z -C00) is the doppler-shifted frequency. the choice of profiles, the source level is z - o, so w For o. Therefore the propagation condition is S2 > c Uc +xVY12 'j) . The minimum Richardson number is Therefore the propagation condition is To, '> kzc -al O/4) and since tanh 2(z/d) < 1, then the condition is Further, since a necessary (but not sufficient)condition for unstable modes is 89 90 all unstable modes are Brunt reflected for some finite value of z and therefore trapped within the flow. APPENDIX C DISTRIBUTION OF VELOCITIES AND ENERGY DENSITIES IN REGIONS I AND III FOR MODEL A AS A FUNCTION OF -TIME. CALCULATED GROUND PRESSURE FLUCTUATIONS. The intermediate computer output for Model A is shown in the following figures at times corresponding to t = o, 200, 400, 800, 1200, 1600, 2000, 2400, 2800, 3200, 3600 and 4000 sec. The symbol map is * = 100.ID =-100. 1 = O-. 2= 10. W, (x=0) 3= . W/ (X=o) L/ c -0) ( . The final figure shows the calculated ground pressure fluctuations as a function of time for the model. 91 w M ~M -- tt rr &m 6C h2 6C 6C tc ,r - CocccCCCCCCCCCCOCCCCCCCCCCCCCOCCOCCCCOCCC~CCCCCCCCCCCCCtCCOCC Z mc~ , C r N C rN CO-C Z k %P N N N N N r - - vJ N %P - -- W" -- - - - -- CDCCCCOCC~cCCCCCOCCCCCCCOC v v 5Z ~ + - + C . - c m Z. C < I X * C C - m C3C Z mm OO << CX-TXC - a - - OOOC. * - ftUK~,NM . L - F Cx '0 m C N Z - O L O c 4z D4 C zm0:=w =wm 4 4-4 -4--4- c - CO w i n C L CIC C C C e~~~ COOCCCnC Cc c c N N -v hJ P, C - - N r c OC - - N N z C cC C C - - - - tA C C - - N N N NNN L Or C ,C o c C, -*-- --- N NJ kn - N N cc r c C 4NMOCeM n 0N NN Cc aC- 0oe-#ewWN-WNO O C C **** C 0 cOC - - - - - - - - ----- Ln M CCOOCCCCN c 0 C 0C - - L%0 CCCCCnC C C C ~~ C CCCCCOCCCCCCCCCCCOCCCCCCCOCCOCCCCcCCCOCCCCCCOCCC -- - - L - W %.n~ P - - c 4 cr c . - c m NN rv NJ , %c.- - NJ M, a CofM C (-- rk oC C C 0 c -4 14 - - 11 c 1 C C - - C 'WL C W 4- WN N N N N CC CC CCC C W - - C - - hi - - zC~ 4 1 - C6 - NJNJ ruN N~ N N N N C N~ C nCCwnCC'CCMC O C M t C -4 c CQ - - - N N - - - - c C c CCcCCCC C~ %. M CC n kn w C C N N ;NN CCCCOCCCCCOCCCOCCOCCCCCOCCCOCCCCCCCC NN P- 14 CCCCCCCC 14'4 C Oc - --- coonnCCC c 0 '>aAe - C C C roNN,- 4 C CCc 2Wf 0o O c C C C :: z 0 uNr O;r&NA-. P 0 C C C C 0 COCCCcooC C O C kC C 41 CCCC . In3 , C-C >n C n x a Cl c N- N, Z) rr r C < "- C C0 C''.g wt Cc - r 0 c c 4 Z / r O Z C' C Cc C 0 C * I-Pe~jrxxxx r,~~~~ az aj C ~~~ C Na Ic - O 0C-s w fN - w -- 444 rl )( --L P, rl wu -Lj l. PN NJ N L: P 0 W N C 4 C0 wX *xxN X N L r X A,' L, 0 ru a -. ' Pii X Nx' CNC C x.J' % C, %P Ic P w N - 0'C&NOO ' w Nu re w CT c 4 r X '4' 41 C X A, w r 4 - A-.- a, oa v 4I I- N - r- - 0 r -- z rt 41 X0 C v 0 w r, 41X, -- a 4. - M Cr w N %. 0 W P S. 1Xr NNNNNN M C, Ir W 4C.wCl V A, C. I r NI' N N f- , i .x N ru n4 Cw .N l t ru xxx> ru . O N.N O C C. C + .L.f- 1^ a N Cl m C fT 0 xX C C C -< ( e-O r C - C 7 C, if If N CC NOlr %P4 >C2Z~~m3 Or- C. X 3 C r C .r 2 - > 7 0 414 M O C O + c a 4 4-1--4- -.- C .. - , -.- C c - c -e- t ... c c C -- ,. ...- iP - .. N -.--.. iC c --- C c .-..--..---.- CCCCOCCCOCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC0COOCOCCCCCCCCC O C O C C Ice c c C Cn c C Cn In C O C m C, rI. . 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C M z M M M x x x x N CCC C C C C e C M N' Cf v 8+ va i( iC 0 W& C . -4 C-4 x x x x- -C CCCCC C C- x- x x n 4- er C C C4 - ' ' x C C, C, C ' C ' 83 x P4 N---- F, N N 4' C 4' ~C.--o'e 4. W A- 0 - , C 441 x x CC&OC w. 0C O. N 0 %. . Cc--N . C 41 x x x x Oi C. 4' C " . ," -P a Or C 4, O C 4 C i N -x rNNN x- - x x - J% V X ririr L l x . -Wi JP , -C--OCOCCCCCCCCC0CCOCOCCCCCOO .4 %Pu ,N x x x x x QN C 4O C C , t C x x x -NN w WC . C x x Nr NJ N NN N x x . NtC N C- N N C C; C x x C C C x x x w W C , C C- x + Bn4 I C C -r <-K mm C < O C Z =7 mmcO0 - r C (A 4'xx - r4 Zc, IN 01 N | m-,-00 It - -C - C1 7Z Or 0 o - t C r.-eN T -C + a + X . XK X - U-tejN- Sa X - X -- 0 Q COC.CCCC C -4 0 %r 4. X1 - N C X X1 --.- >1 <# X - - 0 X . U C 6* X - C n C X c - w x - C O C ..- - N 0 XX K X1 0 C C - X -- CXK O x 8 C A CC - X1 - >C - - XC - &NceC N X1 .-. C O c CCCCCCOO0CCCCCCCCCCCCC.CCCOOCL.( c C C c C C C 0 C C C C Cc C 0 c X - - K - X - - x -. C-(>N4 -. ) - - X O .- N - - - 41 >1 r. CN-OC we -. 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C Z + e c c I z C--4C a o O Ca 7 %L~ ALA A * A~ 41 ' 4 -1 iA 4 4'4' 9-41 W X X 4 -- --- - --- - CC - . -- - - L w.. EH aa -- - L. am C - -- -*- x a. - X -- 1XX4 - -- 4 - aa C#C - -- O 4. ---- *c 41 U'N - -- LA - - ' w.Lo L- -- - w* -- - ------ .xwwL. OOCCCCCCCCCCCCCOcCCCCC-CNComm~eNNCCOOCCCCCOCCOCOCCOCCCCCCOCCCCOCCCCCCC ,aIc4 * --- NJN N N -- - - - -- -- - -- -- C N.-me - -- XXXXW1 - -- CoL.e Ir C C i0 1) 7, C M C) '-I K - A LA Z, .4 rI-mnD n + n c o - r, n OCC C n C e i* 8N bl g n Q n 0C cC C c c C o C m CC- n C e ,(C-C lli III COCCCCCCCCCOCOCCCCCCCCCCcCCCCCccCCCOCCCO.!- - CO O O I ------ 0C I ', C 111lli C C C- L r C Z 4- NJ M L e. C-4'--C--- Cp 4'N Q | 4- 4' *~ v C, - - rui C La COCC0C C C C N'. OCC WrN C a Ii g ocCOcCcocCCOCoCcccC r' -cCO -r 0 g| W g W C LL r C Cc r C L 0 CCC gIg Or C CCC-c C C Q 0 0 C C cO ... O iU -0C S < "n C C C~ 7<) 7 - C C C~ 4tm cc*CcooL ccccccceccc C gsia SC Cco i Iu XU ------------ PNN a opo CCCCCCC Co-CC CC Nc o C we- C CCOCCC --- 00w C e -e - - - C c oco w CC -- - - & -s - - i+-- &W u i r I e i iX i7 -~~~~ ~ ~ N "*N~44 8C 5 X --- -- ~ *U K - NJ --- K' - 4*4 - -- N- - -- fl C C C CCC CC C C J-c oe&OJ&C - .jo c.e uoe JC No - ON C C * -s -- N iIaa C c - - - ~ -O Cw is - 44KK oc.---.e c- u s )l71 -e -- & ~- N~ a C -- -- CC C), s 0 X x - -'- r - N - - -- -- - -N... - Nc-c 4 - - -- - - -- -- XN - mO ic CC CC - - *- -- - -N X0 - - wN - - - -a--'- C C COCC oaCeeeoeoeaaaaaaaaoeeeaAnnAN 0 COCO OcCe CC COO i cy.C)zc, COCO K ) -m N* -' wxNr - -e US U. 4o , CCC CC CC > oow Cf CC C - - -- - -- cc: - - - - WnOnow rC - - -- C CCOCOCCCCCCCC - - -C - - ca -- OCC - -- w - - N ~ eCc...e, e-. c.7 CC -- + I. 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He has been employed as a Research Geophysicist at Chevron Oil Field Research Company since September 1975. 112