(C) 1999 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint. Printed in Malaysia. of lnequal. & Appl., 1999, Vol. 3, pp. 45-49 Reprints available directly from the publisher Photocopying permitted by license only J. Equivalence of Markov’s and Schur’s Inequalities on Compact Subsets of the Complex Plane L. BIALAS-CIE2* Department of Mathematics, Jagiellonian University, 30-059 KrakOw, Reymonta 4, Poland (Received 24 March 1997; Revised 3 September 1997) We prove that, on an arbitrary compact subset of the complex plane, Markov’s and Schur’s inequalities are equivalent. Keywords." Markov inequality; Schur inequality AMS Subject Classification." 41A17 We recall first the two classical inequalities of the title. Markov’s inequality ([5], 1889): for any polynomial P max{lP’(x)l" x [-1,1]} <_ (degP) 2 max{lP(x)l" [-1, 11}. x Schur’s inequality ([8], 1919): for any polynomial P max{lP(x)l" x [-1, 1]} _< (1 +degP)max{lxP(x)l" x [-1, 1]}. These inequalities are extensively used in approximation theory and have been widely generalized in many ways (see e.g. [1,4,6,7]). Fax: (48) (12) 632 43 72. E-mail: bialas@im.uj.edu.pl. 45 L. 46 BIALAS-CIE For example in the one-dimensional case, it has been proved for some compact subset E of C that I[P’IILq(E) C (deg p)ml ]lpl}zq(E) (M) ]le[ltq(E) C2(dege)m2l{(x-Xo)P(x)]ILq(E), (s) where Xo E C and C1, ml, C2, m2 are positive constants depending only on E and q, []fllLq(E) [f(x)l q dx IlfllL() max{[f(x)l" q x [1, +), E}. If E [-1,1], it is not difficult to show that (S) can be established using (M) (see [2, Lemma 2]); moreover (S) implies (M). In this note we show that for an arbitrary compact set of C, (M) and (S) are equivalent: PROPOSITION Let E be a compact subset of R (or C) and q [1, +x]. Then the following conditions are equivalent: (i) There exist two positive constants C, m, depending only on E and q such that for any polynomial P 79(R) (resp. 79(C)), IIP’IIq(E) C1 (deg p)m, lipiltq(E) (ii) There exist two positive constants C2, m2, depending only on E and q such that for any polynomial P 79(R) (resp. 79(C)) and any Xo R (resp. C), [IPII.cE/ C2(degp)m2[l(x-Xo)P(x)]ILq(E), (iii) There exist two positive constants C3, m3, depending only on E and q such that for any polynomial P 79(R) (resp. 79(C)) and any a, b, c R (resp. C), [{(ax2+ bx + c)P’(x)IIL,,(E <_ C3(degp)m3ll(ax2+ by + c)P(x)[IL,,(E ), EQUIVALENCE OF MARKOV’S AND SCHUR’S INEQUALITIES 47 (iv) There exist two positive constants C4, m4, depending only on E and q such that for any polynomials P and any polynomial R E P(R) (resp. 79(C)), IIRP’IILq(E) <_ C4(deg P -+- degR)m411RPIILq(E ). Inequalities of types (iii) and (iv) were investigated by many authors (see e.g. Nevai [6, Chapter 9] and Goetgheluck [1]). Proof We will give the proof only for the real case; the complex case is similar. (1) Inequalities (i) and (ii) are equivalent. The implication (i)=> (ii) is due to Goetgheluck [3]. (ii) :=> (i). We can write e(x) (x x)(x x2)... (x xk)(x2 + bx + Cl) (x2 + b2x + c2)... (x2 + blx + cl), where x, x2,..., x:, b, b2,...,bt, c,c2,...,c1 ER and ba2. < 4cj for everyj {1,2,...,1}. Then we have Thus IIP’IIL ,(e) <-- C2k(degp)m llPllL,,( ) + 21C2(degp)mllPllL,() C2(deg p)m +l L. 48 BIALAS-CIE (2) Inequalities (i), (iii) and (iv) are equivalent. (i) (iv). Fix an arbitrary unitary polynomial R. We have R(x)-(X- Xl) (X- X2)... (X Xk) (X2 + blx + cl) (x2 -I- b2x + c:)... (x2 btx + ct), for some x, x2,..., xk, b, b2,..., bt, c, ez,..., ct, R with b} < 4c for every j { 1,2,..., l}. Then = II(RP)’IIq> + () "= + (+ (- ()( + ) + kn=l kj=l,ji Lq(E) (+ (- ) "= + kn=l,ni Lq(E) By (i) which is equivalent to (ii), we have C (deg P + deg R) m’ + C2k(deg P + deg R)m[IRPI[q(e + 2c2(eg e + deg R) m IIRPII Lq(E) 2max{G, C2)(eg P + degR)max{m"m+}l[RP]lcq(e The obvious implications (iv) (iii) and (iii) (i) complete the proof. Remark For the complex case it is easily seen that m m2 m3 m4. Acknowledgments The author wishes to express her gratitude to Professor Pierre Goetgheluck for his interest in this work and stimulating discussions. The author wishes to thank the University Paris-Sud, where the paper was written. References [1] P. Goetgheluck, Polynomial inequalities and Markov’s inequality in weighted LP-spaces, Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 33 (1979), 325-331. EQUIVALENCE OF MARKOV’S AND SCHUR’S INEQUALITIES 49 [2] P. Goetgheluck, Une ingalitb polynomiale en plusieurs variables, J. Approx. Theory 40 (1984), 161-172. [3] P. Goetgheluck, Polynomial inequalities on general subsets of RN, Coll. Math. 57 (1989), 127-136. [4] A. Jonsson and H. Wallin, Function Spaces on Subset of Rn, Mathematical Reports, Vol. 2, Part 1, Harwood Academic, London, 1984. [5] A.A. Markov, On a problem posed by D.I. Mendeleev, Izv. Akad. Nauk St. Petersbourg 62 (1889), 1-24 (in Russian). [6] P. Nevai, Orthogonal polynomials, Mere. Amer. Math. Soc. 213 (1979), 1-185. [7] W. Paqcjucki and W. Pleniak, Markov’s inequality and C functions on sets with polynomial cusps, Math. Ann. 275(3) (1986), 467-480. [8] I. Schur, (Ober das Maximum des absoluten Betrages eines Polynoms in einen gegebenen Intervall, Math. Z. 4 (1919), 271-287.