HLC Steering Team |MINUTES

HLC Steering Team |MINUTES
Meeting date | time 2/10/2016 1:00 PM | Meeting location SH205 and QCC3420
Meeting called by
Debbie Kepple-Mamros
Type of meeting
HLC Persistence and
Completion Academy
Audrey Adamson, Jessica Butcher, Debbie KeppleMamros, Nancy Parsons, Roger Runquist
| Agenda topic HLC Update | Presenter Debbie Kepple-Mamros
Discussion: Debbie presented the team with the 6 questions we need to answer for the update that is due February
28. The questions are: 1) What projects have you been following on the Collaboration Network? What have you
learned from the experiences of other schools that is useful to your project? 2) Your team has reached the midpoint
in the Academy. Summarize your team’s three most significant accomplishments thus far. 3) Describe the
significant challenges and encountered thus far. How effectively have you been able to address these challenges? 4)
How have you incorporated the feedback from your Mentor and Scholar? 5) Describe your campus’s level of
engagement in your project. 6) The Midpoint Roundtable will offer an opportunity to review, refocus, and
recharge the Academy team’s efforts. How will the midpoint round table function in the lifecycle of your project?
Conclusion: The team successfully answered the first 5 questions as follows: 1) Responses are being emailed or
have already been emailed from the teams. 2) The Data Warehouse, Distance Learning Survey, Table of Retention
Activities. 3) State Budget, which has caused stress, has directed people’s attention and work elsewhere. It has also
meant that we have data but no time or money to analyze; Turnover of committee members and difficulty getting
new members caught up; Data governance and security of the data warehouse. 4) Our mentor’s feedback was fairly
critical last summer and legitimately so. We have responded by doing more outreach across the institution,
bringing more faculty onto our subcommittees, created a newsletter that drove traffic to the website, and most
importantly, the data team responded by finishing phase I of the data warehouse. 5) The level of engagement is not
perfect but is much improved. We have greater attendance at our meetings, better communication between
committees, and webpage analytics show heavier traffic to the site.
Action items
Person responsible
Re-send web address and passwords for Collaboration Network to Debbie KM
all Steering Team members
2/15/2016 12:00 PM
Team leaders will submit a brief response to other institutions’
projects (some of these have already been submitted)
2/19/2016 12:00 PM
Team Leaders
| Agenda topic Aligning Academy Work with Institutional Initiatives | Presenter Team
Discussion: The team discussed in some detail how best to align Academy work with university initiatives already
in place. With budget cuts, a higher priority is being placed on enrollment, persistence and completion. Compared
to some institutions, we are advanced. At least one Collaboration Network institution is just embarking on early
warning grades, while WIU has been doing that for some time. What we are not doing well is
measuring/documenting the success of our efforts.
Action items
Person responsible
Get VP Support. Contact Writing Center. Ask for data. Are their
Debbie KM
patterns of classes, level of students, times of the semester,
patterns of writing difficulties students are visiting the center for?
2/11/2016 9:00 AM
Contact webmaster for tutoring pages for analytics. How many
students are visiting the site? Also, QC tutoring page needs to be
completed and linked to the Macomb page. Currently the Macomb
page reads “Under Construction”. Needs attention
2/19/2016 9:00 AM
Roger for analytics,
Audrey for QC
Tutoring, Jessica for
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