HLC Steering Team |MINUTES Meeting date | time 3/9/2016 1:00 PM | Meeting location SH205 and QCC 3420A Meeting called by Debbie Kepple-Mamros Type of meeting HLC Persistence and Angela Bonifas, Jessica Butcher, Stacie Hunt, Debbie Completion Academy Steering Kepple-Mamros, Angela Lynn, Nancy Parsons, Roger Team meeting Runquist Attendees AGENDA TOPICS | Agenda topic Updates from Teams | Presenter Team Leaders Discussion: The Macomb team has met and continues to discuss different pieces of data that would be useful. The Distance Learning team is analyzing the survey. Nothing in particular is jumping out yet. They are also thinking about sending the survey out to current students. The Quad Cities team has not met since our last meeting. The Data team is on track with a production schedule for Phase I. From the Steering team chair - The HLC Update was submitted but no feedback has been posted yet. The request for writing center data has been submitted. Also, web analytics for the Academy webpage show that the newsletter is driving increased traffic to the page. There were 252 views on the day the most recent newsletter came out. Agenda topic Tutoring Website Discussion: The group looked at the web analytics for the tutoring site as well as the site itself. The data gave us great information but also led to additional questions such as where is the traffic to the site coming from and which tutoring pages are getting hits and which ones are not? Finally the Tutoring site itself still says it’s under construction. Is it really under construction? Could this message be driving students away from the site? And why does it take so long into a semester to finalize tutoring schedules? Finally, is it possible to connect the tutoring opportunities with the DFWI rates? Conclusion: It is understood that it sometimes takes two weeks or more for tutors to finalize their own class schedules before they can create a tutoring schedule. This is what causes the majority of the delay. However, graduate students theoretically should not still be finalizing their class schedule two weeks into a semester. The process could be improved. Angela Lynn agreed to contact Jane Coplan about the “Under Construction” message on the tutoring page. Update: by the end of the day (March 9) Jane had responded and the message was removed. The conversation moved on to a related topic – Early Warning. Is it possible to track how many students receive (actually click on) an Early Warning? And can we encourage faculty to use the gradebook in Western Online so that students will always have access to how they are doing in a course? Special notes Next meeting is on 3/23/2016