20 August 2012 9:00 – 2:30 Robbins’ Lake Crockery Chateau SPNHA Department Retreat Facilitators: Attendees: Guests: Mark Hoffman Recorder: Ashley Rosener Donjo Robbins, Dan Balfour, Greg Cline, Rich Jelier, Diane Kimoto, Quincy Williams, Priscilla Kimboko, Sherry Moyer, Fran Cain, Michael Moody, Lara Jaskiewicz, Niel Buckwalter, Davia Downey, Heather Carpenter, Sal Alaimo William Crawley, Ashley Rosener Minutes 9:00-9:30 welcome back / introductions Mark shared what he learned on sabbatical with Korean food. Water is very important. Palaces had manmade lakes because water has calming, reflective influence. Thus the retreat is on the lake. Mark reviewed his activities on sabbatical including the classes he taught in Korea and Poland. He taught some very large classes in lecture halls. He had 370 students total. Korean classrooms had amazing technology. Poland’s technology was more minimal. It was interesting to see what faculty do in other countries. He enjoyed the faculty retreat in Korea in the mountains. They did karaoke. Everyone gave brief introductions and summer reports: Salvatore, Rich – working on Fulbright proposal and Jay’s book is selling well, Diane with 16yr old now driving, Heather with 10 month old daughter, presented at conference in Italy, Lara is new!, Greg – landed 2 3yr evaluation contracts, Fran – dept. secretary and adopted a baby girl and has a 2nd job with Adopt-A-Family, Dan – caught fish, Davia – came in from Seattle yesterday and working with Johnson Center, Priscilla – Health administration, Neal – moved here and has 4 kids and going back to defend later this year and is almost a doctor, Donijo – splits time between GVSU and City of Grand Rapids as Controller, Sherry – took some trips home to DC and went to swearing-in ceremony for ambassador to Swaziland, Quincy – oldest child is off to college, Michael – at Johnson Center and is affiliate faculty, teaches 660 and this summer traveled for work (Italy at same conference as Heather) 9:37 Upcoming Events and Announcements 1. Graduate Student Orientation on Wednesday from 5:30-7 PM in 136E a. Coordinators will run orientation and talk about programs. Mark can cover expectations for students. Donijo talks about expectations in 611 b. Faculty should be there to introduce themselves and students introduce themselves. c. End of program, students touch base with advisors. d. Ashley can give short intro. to herself as liaison librarian. 2. New Governance Structure for the department – coordinator for each graduate program, for concentration and soon-to-be masters in philanthropy, and for undergraduate program (Quincy) 3. Donijo needs someone to write a director’s message for the handbook – a coordinator can write this or Mark will 4. Heather is the new United Way Campaign Representative 9:46 Strategic Plan review. We will review the strategic plan adopted last year, point by point. In particular, items indicated as "Year 1" will be reviewed for their completion status. Items marked as "Year 2" will become the primary departmental goals for this year. 1. Mark: We have a strategic plan/road map for everything that should happen from now on. This is like stone tablet come from God. YEAR 1 2. Determine which classes only tenure-track faculty and affiliate should teach: Grad and undergraduate capstone (PA 495 and 619, 520, PA 660, and 630) and intro. classes But then anyone can teach them even if not qualified – just need tenure 3. Form Adjunct Peer Committee to review and establish clear standards on adjuncts 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Priscilla went over her action steps. She has a 4 page document and provided us with a 1 page overview. Should orientation be mandatory? We can’t plan just 1 meeting, therefore informal orientation with coordinator may be better Adjunct academy for adjuncts is not well advertised, and this happens 1 time per semester. Someone should attend this to see what they are learning here. Objective: Improve recruitment and admissions process to better identify, attract, and admit high quality graduate students Rich worked on this – work-in-progress Admissions will change from year to year as we work to streamline and improve Mark would like to do this differently – GVSU transcripts are in Banner and it takes lots of paper for Fran to print them, so we should only print transcripts from other universities because of the large cost to print them all. Essays and other application materials will still be printed Davia: Printed transcripts were helpful when making notes about classes that students took. These notes could be made elsewhere. Recommendation from Donijo: Could we set up admission committee meetings and bring transcripts up on a screen? This might be too time consuming and difficult given our rolling admissions Heather: Maybe we need to review standards for admission in Year 2 of strategic plan, especially Nonprofit subcommittee Dan: We could have occasional meetings regarding admissions decisions for questionable applicants. Heather: Coordinators can take care of admissions standards that are agreed upon, but everyone wants to have input. This should help with efficiency. Mark: MHA will be done differently: paperless with admission officer system. This doesn’t need to be Greg. We need to make a decision tree and define obvious denials and acceptances with questionable applicants going to committee and this number will decrease as people come to understand standards 2 Only thing in student folder is student study plan and forms for exemption or waiver from internship, etc. and that will be entirely electronic soon too 10. Salvatore: So now 3 people look at application at once instead of taking 3 weeks when each person would have to look through applications themselves? Mark: Over time very few students will need to go to the entire committee Rich: We haven’t gone paperless because of lack of ease of getting all documents? Mark: We will train people how to access documents electronically in an easy manner. Heather: We have shared drive for the department. Each student can have a folder. 11. Mark: Next time Johnson Center needs our time, one of their programmers can create a system for us to organize student applications. It would be nice to have this over the web. Greg: MHA to make student plans a fileable pdf because students must physically sign. Davia: Some PDF files can get electronic signature Mark: Good discussion. This is where we want to go. It would be great to have plans available electronically so easier to access. 12. Mark: MHA program will be small to begin with, so easy to try this new idea out. 13. Mark: Fran’s time is limited. She should handle application materials just 1 time per week. The length of time it takes for application review should be capped at 30 days (starting at date when it is printed or could use on-base date), after which there should be a hold if necessary. A student shouldn’t have to wait more than 30 days to be reviewed. Mark: See page 4 of stats pages compiled by Fran. Mark: The official policy is that applications must be done in 2 weeks. After 30 days, we should let a student know where we are in the process. Heather: We need at least 1 week per admission committee member. Davia: Let’s create a list for the program coordinator to use when making an admission decision. If it is difficult, then more people will review application. Fran: I can email coordinator about no-brainer admissions/denials Rich: Some students haven’t actually completed their applications and so statistically they look like faculty are being too slow. We can designate this as a hold. Fran: You can put a note on someone’s file, ie. Notify student they need MPA essay. 14. PAGE 2 of strategic plan Sal: What is a common portfolio? Diane: It maintains what other people are doing in master’s programs Mark: What is inside this portfolio is still to be decided. Sal: Do we know the exact steps of what will be accomplished to achieve these objectives? Heather: How do we access common grading rubric? Ask Fran. These are only used for capstone papers and such. I would like consistency. 15. 3 year grading assessment needs work. 16. Mark: Define common roles for program coordinators. Greg, Sal, and Quincy contributed. Mark: MPNL original plan: Program coordinator gets a course release, which means Mark needed to write job description. A lot was written to justify release. Dean insists we have measures and outcomes with these, such as number of open houses and recruiting visits. These specific numeric things to do must be included to ensure job is 3 being done so Dean knows. We will work on this throughout this semester and year to create specific position description. Donijo: Tenure promotion point of view: Will assistant professors be in these roles? They get a course release, but will doing this service take time away from other activities they need to do. The work as coordinator does not count for tenure, so how do we protect faculty? Rich, Sal, and Heather argued whether serving as program coordinator counts as service. Dan pointed out that whether someone is coordinator or not, expectations for publishing do not change. We must make sure coordinators are making progress in other dimensions so are on right track for tenure. Davia: Perhaps we can consider this coordinator role for people who are further along toward tenure. Dan: We can oppose someone taking on this role if they can’t handle it. So someone not in nonprofit could take on that coordinator role. Heather: Are coordinators the go-to people for student concerns? Do they meet with prospective students? Mark: Yes, this is on the list. Rich: Mark must decide what belongs with director vs. coordinators. Heather: If someone wants to transfer, send them to coordinator for sake of consistency. Sherry: If we take a call from someone needing a particular person not available, then send to Mark or someone else. I try to field these appropriately. 17. Rich: We have formed a Scholarship Committee. We have new position descriptions. We had 38 applicants. Donors are happy. Process went well. Scholarships went primarily to Year 2 students. Mark: We should consider scholarships for incoming students and in order to recruit more people. Rich: Scholarships are worded such that not many applicants are eligible We should include scholarships in application packets. 18. Davia: Have we created SPNHA Policy and Procedure Handbook for students? 19. Rich: We have one for students. 20. Mark: We need one for the department. 21. RTD Document – Review tenure promotion – must be done Year 2 22. We are increasing communication and interaction with alumni! Sal: When I finds out about alum’s jobs, I tell people. We need a formal procedure for this. This is a university goal. We have the baseball card bulletin board. Rich: We can create more vigorous alumni page on website. We can create alumni association. We named 1st distinguished alum last year. Sal: How can we connect alum with new students? 4 23. Page 4, number 3 of strategic plan - Heather: I would like this action item to be more specific. Encouraging students to participate in particular activities is not specific. We can use more action steps. Mark: Perhaps we need to redo FARS because have new data to capture. Rich: Every year you will be asked about service learning hours. The items we need to capture are not well communicated to us and not in a timely manner. 24. Mark: We have so much and need to tackle it in smaller groups. I suggest that (on last page) we have a committee structure with thematic pieces and subcommittees. Mark: Everyone will serve on 1 program committee and 1 subcommittee. Meetings are on Wednesdays. There will be a rotation of meetings for subcommittees. Every other Wednesday there will be program based meetings. There will be a meeting every Wednesday, but you will not be part of all committees so you will have some Wednesdays free. 25. Greg: I am the MHA coordinator, but I have dropped CHC and other committees because of this. 26. Mark: For today, you are all split into different groups in order to come up with a task for this year. Your job is to brainstorm a goal for this year and tasks to accomplish it within the department. Please keep in mind the strategic plan, but feel free to introduce new ideas. The goal here is to take the strategic planning process seriously and make some progress. We need to prioritize and make sure I know what needs to be done. William Crawley speaks Welcome back/welcome. Thanks to Rich! He was a great leader for you last year advocating for the department. A couple of issues on budget and personnel. The budget is tight. Our president and provost do good job of messaging us. In prior years there has been some conversation that we won’t hire many tenure-track professors, and that is probably true for the next few years. Having said that, we hired 33 tenure-track faculty and our college had 9 of them. Our college at GVSU is the 2nd fastest growing only behind health sciences, and their growth is coming from new programming. We haven’t had any new programming, though we have tried. We’ve grown without that! There is a new Masters in philanthropy though. Personnel: There are changes in terms of the number of reviews. Your leadership team needs to be careful in watching the different tracks and mentoring. Faculty work load plans are more important. It occurred on annual basis prior, but now it is only once before tenure review. Faculty plans are key! We share responsibility on a person’s struggles with that. Digital Measures – Davia spoke and said that at the end you can create faculty work load report by clicking a button, which is good. William says that most faculty CVs are in it. It does take a lot of time to revamp that. o Where do you put Independent Study? We are working on improving this. The goal is that we use this for everything by this winter, such as for FARS, workload, and resume. Take time this fall to complete this. Print your CV and check that. You can upload an electronic copy of journal article, etc. Personnel reviews will be much easier now. o First, try this out. If it doesn’t work, send suggestions to William. He will speak to vendor on our behalf. There is no section for journal reviewer, only editor, under service. There are places to place notes to put in abstracts, etc. This cross pollinates, so if two people write a 5 journal article, only one person has to upload. This is a tool many other universities are using. Goals for the college are being set. We take ideas from all over. Goals come out at the beginning of year and reports come out periodically. One example is how we are working with ties with adjuncts. This is a theme we recognize. We need oversight and quality control. Last year social work gathered with adjuncts. The adjuncts wanted to be a part of everyone. They filled out a survey. An adjunct professor in CJ was very happy to meet another professor AFTER 13 YEARS. We need better connectivity and communication. We have lots of hires, and we are working on lowering numbers of adjuncts. Budget will be tight going forward because we did hire people with our money - a good decision. One of the goals was to get feedback from faculty about leadership. Are we transparent? We value your feedback. Thank you for responsiveness to unit head surveys. Last year we had small group feedback circles from around the college = cross pollination of ideas. This is an opportunity to communicate among faculty and dean/administration. We get great ideas this way. George wants to set up weekly office hours for faculty to drop by. We want to prioritize in house people and increase transparency. Our coordinator positions are an example of how the complexity of the work in your degree programs is intensifying so you need to develop leadership team and spread workload. I spoke with philanthropy after being at U. of Louisville – Ruth Stagemen (invite her to meeting). At U of L, we looked at how they embraced community engagement. They have been working on it 10 years. They launched their signature project 5 years ago. One is 13th poorest census track in US, and they are doing great work. The infrastructure they had to build, we already have. Ie. Johnson Center like community indicator project. We already do it, but don’t push it forward as being unique to our program. They have marketing and advertising but few publications – this we do! We combine service, teaching, and scholarship well. They have Kent College of Social Work in everything. We brought in an external consultant to the college to emphasize how we need more data! o Data reports will be coming your way to point out important facts and trends. Jeff Prodigar said in Grand Rapids, they went from 6-8 universities to 16 with physical presence. Market pressure is ramping up. Social Work placements are growing more competitive as well as hiring. We need these students to have an edge when look for jobs. Community engagement can be one way we stand out. Last thing, thank you and welcome. I am honored to represent GVSU when I travel. SPNHA is a star in the GVSU story. Questions for William Sal: How soon before we move to decentralized development? William: The VP we hired worked for Mary Beth. Before they worked at Aquinas. I’m not sure. We are not growing much now as far as students. We need growth from somewhere else. You guys are thinking and talking with alumni. I love your baseball cards. Students look at that board all the time. It is great! Alumni relations – only 6% give because we haven’t asked them. We haven’t cultivated a spirit of giving. We want engagement by grads. They can give time. We need to build tradition. Faculty invests in students, so how do we have students see value in giving their time. 6 Priscilla: Is there a place to track activities you are engaged in with alumni? No. There are other data collection methods, but we do need more systemic measures. William: We need to be able key word search digital measures, so there are some kinks Dan: Brooks College – Someone went to that family to ask for money. We need to be able to do this. We have much more substance, but there is a gap. We have people we could target for money to advance our institutional standing. William: How do we engage development? We have a VP. Start and ask permission later? Collaborate with development. There are upcoming case conferences that GVSU wants to attend. If we build traditions with alumni and other relationships, then development will work better. Grand Valley way – just do it, and then get resources. People feel like they can take from SPNHA, such as GA. It was messy with GAs this year. Decisions should be made at college level as opposed to university level. We must stay centralized for now to keep things organized. Michael: Donors like to give $ to new things where they can use name. The college needs to be on mind of development person who meets with donor. The donor must know SPNHA has community engagement. We need “stories” for development to tell on our behalf or have professor come along with development officer. Donor will then be excited. Gifts: Lara and Neil – glass mugs from Poland since gift giving is important in Korean tradition. Ashley received bookmarks from Korea and Poland. Fran and Sherry received Eurocup shot glasses and chocolate and kitten tongues. Rich received a Czech Republic elixir. William Crawley received Goldwasser lacquer with real gold in it. Priscilla received chrysanthemum tea. Dan received Blackberry flavored brandy. All others get sugar wafer bars, instant tea, and soap. In Korea, former deans are respected because have moved beyond and above past. It is a term of respect. Ashley Rosner, library liaison See her if you want books, journals, databases, DVDs. See her if you’d like library or research instruction in your class. Deposit your scholarly work in ScholarWorks. Unit Goal Confirmation Adopt goals of the unit and an action plan and designated responsibilities. "Year 2" items from the strategic plan will be goals by default. Suggestions from the Dean's office, intended to help the College reach its strategic goals, will be considered. There will also be a "Director's initiative." External Relations Committee Report by Donijo, Quincy, Michael, Diane, Ashley 1. Scholarships a. Most geared toward grad students i. Undergrads – AGAR, OROS, MAWBY fellowships ii. How to develop more? Cultivate more through relationships. We can work with alumni. Must go through development and identify 1- 2 donors through alumni network each year iii. We have a special marketing fund for this year and need to decide how to spend this $ early 7 iv. Grad studies making promotional videos and may make dept. videos – link to that on website 2. Recruitment a. Undergrads i. We are working with undergraduates with “the project” to replace the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance and this cost money. ii. We are trying for a presidential teaching grant iii. Open houses for “The Project” and PA 270 – people from “The Project” will go into to PA 270 every semester b. Grads i. Everything we are doing with undergrads can be extended to grad level ii. YNPN – Young Nonprofits Professionals Network – BLEND – Black Leaders iii. Get career services involved in recruitment iv. Get CCPS advising involved in this v. Conferences like MNA vi. Marketers good at advertising grad programs - Do we have flyers to send out about all programs? vii. MPNL – We need marketing and promotional ideas for this. viii. Look at Central Florida c. Adjuncts/Faculty i. Steve has grant writers roundtable at Johnson Center ii. We can have foundation roundtables 3. Admission Standards a. Compare with U of M, Eastern, Western, Case Western, and IU b. Rosanne Marybella has list of all nonprofit schools – has website linked from NACC (Nonprofit Academic College Council) – for comparison of admission standards c. NASPAA and NACC Standards 4. Student Placements a. We need to do better job tracking them, especially tracking. Alumni relations person – Dan? b. Conduct Survey – get contact info. from alumni relations c. Facebook – where are you now? d. Kim Schmidt has alumni information e. Alumni – encourage them to fill in form on website, encourage them to update i. Alumni Relations is key – future student placements, student internships 5. GAs can help with some of the research outlined above. Unfortunately, demand for GAs is huge and not met. Deans are bartering GAs. This is a problem internally and externally. Should add this to internal issues. Tenured track faculty shouldn’t get a GA. Want those GAs to get a good experience, so maybe should be with tenure track faculty. Internal Relations 1. Lara: Program Coordinator Roles and Responsibilities to be finalized by Mark and taken to Dean’s office. 2. 2 goals regarding graduate curriculum and class sizes 8 3. Identify courses that need to have max class size like 20 and justifications, at what point do we add other section, what is reasonable max class size for some courses?, enforce class size caps. We can look at this at Sept. meeting 4. Review curriculum across concentrations and how handled in courses – need consistency and can learn from others 5. Develop and implement syllabi of record– repository of syllabi being taught – Program Coordinator will request syllabi from Fran and share with adjuncts 6. Create SPNHA procedure manual – develop topics at Sept. meeting and create initial draft at Oct. meeting – look at draft by Seidman and CJ 7. Examine excessive overlap in grad courses within the school. Focus groups with students indicate that our students were happy but some courses had same information. Content has been the same across some classes. The flexibility of our program makes this hard. Evaluation Committee 1. Course evaluations – problem with response rate. We need to discuss this as full faculty meeting so we get more enriched response. a. We need a way to notify students and faculty when evals are available. We should check with other depts. To see how get large response rates. We need an incentive/penalty. Student can see grade earlier if have done eval. b. Evals should be open longer than end of semester. c. Adjuncts with less than 10% response rate. This is bad. Coordinator will need to be able to email adjunct‘s students to tell them to fill out eval. 2. Role of Accreditation: MHA – NASPAA will come up with competencies and we want to fill gap beforehand and can do so by answering what is expected of someone graduating with NPA! This is complicated, but NASPAA may be helpful. 3. We need to review existing assessments. All 3 learning assessments came back with work needed to be done here. We need to fix stuff by Dec. 7 and then need to adjust this assessment and invite Julie to help us before Dec. 7. a. Dan: Don’t expect much from NASPAA, we have program based NPAs. There is no tried and true set of competencies. What if NPNL goes through? No accrediting body so like professional degree. 4. Determine program learning assessment pieces and analyze syllabi course goals/outcomes to see if match assessment. Check buzzwords in syllabi. a. At end we need to see what classes we use to assess – maybe could use different classes to get data? b. MPA grad learning assessment – nonprofit concentration – will have different answer of what expect grad to know. But degree can only have one expectation – but maybe split into common goals with specifics for concentrations 5. 619 – class on professional competence with technical skills and leadership and ethical skills. Can evaluate technical, not so much others but the other two are common. Assessment is skill-based. a. Assessment is about counting because lots to assess. 6. Performance Review – not sure what it is? a. Annual reviews are more important now for untenured people now. 9 b. Mark: Should we change how evaluations are done. Should director do the performance eval or should it be done differently? c. FTLC – internal mentoring system for new faculty. d. Rich: We need more eyes on evaluation of new faculty. e. Dan: Mentoring should be voluntary. Coaching is better and should occur especially when going for tenure. f. Send annual review to coordinators, but what if not tenured? g. We did not address strategic planning yet. As we get to year 3 we will look at it again. h. Priority is getting done by Dec. 7 and accrediddation. i. When splitting up committees, tried to give everything a home, but some tasks go under all committees. j. Question: Can we move current committees from last year into these 3 committees? k. Mark: Yes, I think we can do this. Consolidation is good. These committees – spend so much time just trying to schedule a meeting time. l. Let’s tie adjuncts to alumni and recruit adjuncts from alumni. Closing Remarks 1. Heather: Student projects committee met before graduation and will meet this semester – starting to document types of projects happening in courses – goal is to maintain consistency across courses so orgs. And businesses not contacted by students in different courses. There is software we can use for this that is upcoming. Goal is to see this across department. 2. Priscilla: When I teach grant writing, I don’t know where other grant writing faculty send students. Also assessment of those interactions would be good – who is good to work with. We don’t want to burden people – local agencies and orgs. 3. Sal: Katherine’s award was paid for by me. I propose students’ awards paid for by dept. This is $50. Phi Kappa Phi – 1 per year. We can pay for grad student but not undergrads 4. Davia: We have a PowerPoint of student announcements will be sent by Fran and published on website. She will solicit every couple weeks. Announcements like internship fairs, scholarship apps. Jobs should be separate from other announcements so more up-to-date and posted to FB. 5. Priscilla: Don’t advertise jobs that not in MI? Fran received notice from students that they don’t want jobs from outside MI. 6. Mark: Our Neighbors want to tear down wall in offices. They want more space, but too loud. So we will say no. 10