1998-99 Annual Report Alumni Executive Report 1998 - 1999 Annual Report Executive Message To the Stakeholders of the BSUAA: By any measure, 1998-99 was a watershed year for Ball State University and certainly the BSUAA. We have completed one year in our new home—The Ball State Alumni Center. The Alumni Center has hosted 646 events, attended by 28,271 individuals. The Center has proven to be functional, serving a variety of needs, and provides outstanding potential for future events. This is our sixth formal public report that outlines the activities, diverse programs, and services for our alumni. During the 1998-99 fiscal year, we organized and administered 242 events in 8 different states with 22,834 alumni participating. Our volunteer alumni leadership and dedicated staff have worked tirelessly to provide this quality alumni programming. During 1998-99, we expanded the Ball State Alumnus by eight pages; instituted a new award, Graduate of the Last Decade (GOLD); started a new service and benefit, Cardinal Alumni Retail Discount (CARD) a photo ID card program for alumni; and inaugurated the Cardinal Alumni Recruitment Team (CART), which has a two-fold mission: 1) to identify, recruit, admit, and retain http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/ (1 of 2) [07/08/2003 12:57:50 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report Alumni Executive Report highly qualified students; and 2) to expand the network of alumni significantly involved with Ball State University. As the new fiscal year begins, I extend sincere appreciation to our volunteers, staff, participants, advisors, and partners who have made the BSUAA a truly great Alumni Association. I also want to express my heartfelt gratitude to University President John E. Worthen, Vice-President of University Advancement Don L. Park, 1998 BSUAA President Allen Williams, and current BSUAA President Mary Link for their guidance, foresight, creativity, and tolerance. The visionary leaders (especially Robert E. Linson, Executive Director for 25 years) of our prior fiscal years as an alumni association paved the way and built the strong foundation for the success that is today’s Ball State University Alumni Association. I am enthusiastic about our prospects, excited about what lies ahead, and eager to meet the future. I look forward to the challenge of leading one of the most successful alumni associations in the country into the new millennium. I appreciate the opportunity to serve you. Happy Days! Edwin D. Shipley Executive Director Ball State University Alumni Association Return to Top Annual Report Sections Executive Message | Alumni Leadership | Alumni Contacts | Alumni Ambassadors Alumni Staff | Alumni Programs | Alumni Awards | Reunions | Professional & Constituent Societies BSUAA Financial Summary | Past Activities Calendar Ball State University Alumni Association Muncie, IN 47306-0075 Telephone: 765-285-1080 Toll Free: 1-888-I-GO-4-BSU E-mail: alumni1@bsu.edu. Copyright © 2002 [Ball State University]. All rights reserved. Revised: 08 Jul 2003 12:53:48 -0500 . Comments to the Webmaster. http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/ (2 of 2) [07/08/2003 12:57:50 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report Alumni Leaderss 1998 - 1999 Annual Report Alumni Leadership 1999 Alumni Council - Executive Committee Mary A. Link, MA69EdD76, President Anthony L. Schneider, '80, President-Elect Cathey A. Boggs, '71, Vice President Mark A. Ervin, '81MA85, Vice President Lori K. Wean, '85, Vice President Robert C. Woods, '65EdD90, Vice President Allen L. Williams, '73, Past President Edwin D. Shipley, '68MA71, Executive Director Other Members James A. Andrew, '71 Thomas Andrews, '77 John H. Bowles, '67 Julie C. Bradshaw, '80 Richard P. DeCraene, '64 Thomas L. DeWeese, '68MBA69 Kevin J. Ervin, '82 R. Wayne Estopinal, '79 Thomas L. Farris, '67 http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/leaders.html (1 of 8) [07/08/2003 12:58:00 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report Alumni Leaderss Charles E. Green, '72MAE75EdD82 Ann E. Heintzelman, '83MA88 Vicki K. Hermansen, '83 Hollis E. Hughes, Jr., '65MA73 Jacqueline J. Johnston, '64MA67 JoAnn Johnston, '85MA88 Dawn L. Kavanaugh Krabbe, '89 Emily M. Kress, '69MAE72 Robert C. Kuzman, '89 David E. Land, '69MA74EdS82 Michael M. McMillen, '67 Philip L. Metcalf, '70 Richard M. Reece, '78MPA94 Benjamin Robinson, '70 Donald E. Rush, '59MA64 Bruce R. Skiles, '81 Mark C. Smith, MBA92 Craig W. Stephens, '86 Sally J. Tinkel, '64 Timothy J. Underhill, '84 Ball State University Foundation Representative Anthony L. Schneider. '80 Ball State University Board of Trustees Representatives Thomas L. DeWeese, '68MBA69 http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/leaders.html (2 of 8) [07/08/2003 12:58:00 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report Alumni Leaderss Hollis E. Hughes, Jr., '65MA73 COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Alumni Communications Advisory Board Holly Miller, Chair Tom Cochrun Tony Edmonds Jeannie Hermerding Mary Link Ric Reece Phil Schermerhorn Bill Spurgeon Kay Stickle Don Park, Liaison Charlotte Shepperd, Liaison Ed Shipley, Liaison Alumni Legacy Scholarship Sally Tinkel, Chair Tom Andrews John Bowles Charles Green Jackie Johnston Emily Kress Dave Land http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/leaders.html (3 of 8) [07/08/2003 12:58:00 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report Alumni Leaderss Ric Reece Craig Stephens Sue Taylor, Liaison Benny Award Bob Woods, Chair Jim Andrew Tom Farris Ann Heintzelman Vicki Hermansen Ben Robinson Don Rush Bruce Skiles Tim Underhill Ernie Krug, Liaison Corporate Sponsorship Tom Farris, Chair Jim Andrew Dick DeCraene Jackie Johnston Dave Land Mary Link Mark Smith Ed Shipley http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/leaders.html (4 of 8) [07/08/2003 12:58:00 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report Alumni Leaderss Michelle Vore, Liaison Distinguished Alumni Award Wayne Estopinal, Chair (1 year) John Bowles (1 year) Jackie Johnston (1 year) Dawn Kavanaugh Krabbe (2 years) Mike McMillen (1 year) Phil Metcalf (2 years) Don Rush (2 years) Mark Smith (2 years) Sue Taylor, Liaison Executive and Finance Mary Link, Chair Cathey Boggs Mark Ervin Tony Schneider Lori Wean Allen Williams Bob Woods Ed Shipley G.O.L.D. Award Committee Craig Stephens, Chair Tom Andrews Julie Bradshaw http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/leaders.html (5 of 8) [07/08/2003 12:58:00 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report Alumni Leaderss Kevin Ervin Tom Farris Charles Green Dawn Kavanaugh Krabbe Phil Metcalf Mark Smith Russ Lawrence, Liaison Nominating Tony Schneider, Chair John Bowles Julie Bradshaw Wayne Estopinal Mary Link Sally Tinkel Allen Williams Ed Shipley, Liaison Oliver Bumb Scholarship Mark Ervin Sarah Bultemeier, Cardinal Corps President Kay Bales, Cardinal Corps, Advisor Sara Skinner, St.A.R.T. President Oliver Bumb Don Park Ed Shipley, Liaison Robert E. Linson Scholarship http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/leaders.html (6 of 8) [07/08/2003 12:58:00 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report Alumni Leaderss Lori Wean, Chair Mary Link Robert Linson Ed Shipley Sara Skinner, St.A.R.T. President Sue Taylor, Liaison Services Cathey Boggs, Chair Dick DeCraene Tom Farris Ann Heintzelman JoAnn Johnston Emily Kress Bob Kuzman Ben Robinson Bruce Skiles Debbie Linegar, Liaison Strategic Planning Tony Schneider, Chair John Bowles Mark Ervin Wayne Estopinal Tom Farris JoAnn Johnston Mary Link http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/leaders.html (7 of 8) [07/08/2003 12:58:00 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report Alumni Leaderss Ed Shipley Bob Woods Debbie Linegar, Liaison Technology Mike McMillen, Chair Jim Andrew Kevin Ervin Wayne Estopinal Vicki Hermansen Jackie Johnston Bob Kuzman Bruce Skiles Tim Underhill Michelle Vore, Liaison Return to Top Annual Report Sections Executive Message | Alumni Leadership | Alumni Contacts | Alumni Ambassadors Alumni Staff | Alumni Programs | Alumni Awards | Reunions | Professional & Constituent Societies BSUAA Financial Summary | Past Activities Calendar Ball State University Alumni Association Muncie, IN 47306-0075 Telephone: 765-285-1080 Toll Free: 1-888-I-GO-4-BSU E-mail: alumni1@bsu.edu. Copyright © 2002 [Ball State University]. All rights reserved. Revised: 08 Jul 2003 12:53:15 -0500 . Comments to the Webmaster. http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/leaders.html (8 of 8) [07/08/2003 12:58:00 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report Alumni Contact 1998 - 1999 Annual Report Alumni Contacts Board of Trustees Thomas L. DeWeese, '68MBA69•2701 S. Parkway Drive, Muncie, IN 47304 765-284-2317 (W) 765-289-6151 Alumni Council Mary Link, MA69EdD76•305 East Drive, Connersville, IN 47331 765-825-0326 (W) 513-529-5736 Ball State University Foundation Dick Marshall•2300 W. Wiltshire Road, Muncie, IN 47304-3351 765-288-3843 (W) 765-289-6151 Adams-Wells Alumni Board Don Rush, '59MA64•135 North Drive, Geneva, IN 46740 219-368-7771 Indianapolis Area Alumni Board Julie Bradshaw, '80•1464 Laurel Oak Drive, Danville, IN 46122 317-272-0608 (W) 317-839-7711 Michiana Alumni Board Stephanie Markley, '90,•126 Bank Street, Elkhart, IN 46516 219-293-3600 (W) 219-262-5578 Northeastern Indiana Alumni Board Charles Green, '72MAE75EdD82•7621 Glen Oak Parkway, Fort Wayne, IN 46815 219-493-6959 (W) 219-425-7732 Black Alumni Constituent Board Ben Robinson, '70•3910 Fiji Way, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 310-306-2118 (W) 213-388-8822 College of Architecture and Planning Alumni Board Ron Menze, '79•9821 Echo Hill Drive, Fort Wayne, IN 46804 219-436-7214 (W) 219-422-0783 College of Business Alumni Board http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/contact.html (1 of 3) [07/08/2003 12:58:04 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report Alumni Contact Suzette Brown, '72•10502 Schooner Court, Indianapolis, IN 46256 317-578-0356 (W) 317-577-1485 College of Fine Arts Alumni Board Jacque Brown, '74MA77•2686 West 900 South, Pendleton, IN 46064 765-778-4440 (W) 317-845-5100 Family and Consumer Sciences Alumni Board Sharon Stephen, '63MA70•6709 West Isanogel Road, Muncie, IN 47304 765-284-355 (W) 765-354-6640 Journalism Alumni Board Amy Ahlersmeyer, '80•3939 Priority Way South Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46240 (W) 317-843-3939 Natural Resources and Environmental Management Alumni Board Dean Smith, MA796•23 Maplewood Avenue Anderson, IN 46012•765-649-4762 (W) 765-640-2535 Nursing Alumni Board JoAnn Johnston, '85MA88•7427 Covington Hollow Lane, Fort Wayne, IN 46804 219-432-2578 (W) 219-478-5228 Teachers College Alumni Board Eugene White, EdS81EdD82•9307 Oak Run Circle, Indianapolis, IN 46260 317-875-7842 (W) 317-845-9400 Alumni Communications Advisory Board Holly Miller, MA77•3430 Berkeley Road, Anderson, IN 46011 765-642-7660 (W) 765-642-7660 Return to Top Annual Report Sections Executive Message | Alumni Leadership | Alumni Contacts | Alumni Ambassadors Alumni Staff | Alumni Programs | Alumni Awards | Reunions | Professional & Constituent Societies BSUAA Financial Summary | Past Activities Calendar Ball State University Alumni Association Muncie, IN 47306-0075 Telephone: 765-285-1080 Toll Free: 1-888-I-GO-4-BSU http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/contact.html (2 of 3) [07/08/2003 12:58:04 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report Alumni Contact E-mail: alumni1@bsu.edu. Copyright © 2002 [Ball State University]. All rights reserved. Revised: 08 Jul 2003 12:52:03 -0500 . Comments to the Webmaster. http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/contact.html (3 of 3) [07/08/2003 12:58:04 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report Alumni Ambassadors 1998 - 1999 Annual Report Alumni Ambassadors Alaska North Pole - Melissa L. Gordon, '85MA87EdS87 Arizona Phoenix - John M. Rotz, III, '68 California Los Angeles - Benjamin Ramirez, '67MA68 San Francisco - Kelli Burrill, '75 Florida Fort Myers/Naples - James M. Jackson, '72MAE74 EdS82 Jacksonville - Maria Brown, '94 Orlando - Beverly J. Brizendine, '74 Tampa/St. Petersburg - Melissa A. Ransdell, '88 Georgia Atlanta - Diane L. Ulrich, '78MAE83 Indiana Bartholomew County - Nolan G. Bingham, '76 Blackford County - Ted A. Leas, '73 Boone County - Steven C. Bullington, '85 Cass County - Laura L. Cain, '86 Grant County - Todd H. Levy, '74MBA80 Hamilton County - James L. Sparks, '68MA71 Hendricks County - Thomas L. Andrews, '77 Howard County - Marilyn S. Skinner, '58MA61 Kentuckiana County - Glen R. Snow, '71 Kosciusko County - Jon R. Parker, '75 Lake County - Foster B. Stephens, Jr., '73MA78 Marshall County - David L. Pruis, EdD86 Miami County - Douglas G. Kuepper, '81 Montgomery County - Charles G. Streetman, Jr., '69MA72 Shelby County - Mary E. Elsbury, '77 http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/ambassadors.html (1 of 3) [07/08/2003 12:58:10 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report Alumni Ambassadors Steuben County - Rex W. Bolinger, '73EdS90EdD92 Vanderburgh County - Elizabeth N. Henry, '87MA88EdS89 Wabash County - Kelli J. Halderman, '91 Wayne County - Amy A. Kienitz, '88 Kansas Kansas City - John B. Yount, Jr., '68MA73 Massachusetts Boston - Traci L. Knoblauch, '92 Nebraska Omaha/Lincoln - Susan K. Staab, '88MA89 Nevada Reno - Fran Torrez, '83 North Carolina Raleigh/Durham - Patrick J. McMillen, '91 Ohio Cincinnati - Lucy H. Atkinson, '78 Columbus - Craig W. Stephens, '86 Oregon Portland - Brent P. Kirk, '84 Tennessee Nashville - Dana L. McGee, '89 Texas Dallas - Scott A. Ford, '83 Fort Worth - Sandra L. Durbin, '61MA66 Houston - Steven C. Moniaci, '79 San Antonio - Suzanne A. Salazar, '78 Virginia Northern Virginia - Ted M. Bechtel, '72 Washington D.C. - Robin L. Lamott, '89 Wisconsin Milwaukee - J. David Fountain, Jr., '67MA72 Wyoming - Gwen S. Finger-Oldfield, '74 Return to Top Annual Report Sections Executive Message | Alumni Leadership | Alumni Contacts | Alumni Ambassadors Alumni Staff | Alumni Programs | Alumni Awards | Reunions | Professional & Constituent Societies http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/ambassadors.html (2 of 3) [07/08/2003 12:58:10 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report Alumni Ambassadors BSUAA Financial Summary | Past Activities Calendar Ball State University Alumni Association Muncie, IN 47306-0075 Telephone: 765-285-1080 Toll Free: 1-888-I-GO-4-BSU E-mail: alumni1@bsu.edu. Copyright © 2002 [Ball State University]. All rights reserved. Revised: 08 Jul 2003 12:50:47 -0500 . Comments to the Webmaster. http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/ambassadors.html (3 of 3) [07/08/2003 12:58:10 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report: Staff 1998 - 1999 Annual Report Alumni Association Staff (L-R) Holly Blair '97, Alumnus Assistant Tracy Curry '89MA98, Assistant Director, Marketing Andrea Deer '95, Information Coordinator Susan Holloway, Alumnus Assistant Ernie Krug '68MA73MA82, Director, Alumni Activities Russ Lawrence '94, Assistant Director, Outreach Debbie Linegar '92, Assistant Director, Services Janie Nicely, Program Assistant Erin Rose, Executive/Financial Assistant Charlotte Shepperd '68MA75, Director, Communications Ed Shipley '68MA71, Executive Director Maggie Study MA70, Alumnus Assistant http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/staff.html (1 of 3) [07/08/2003 12:58:16 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report: Staff Sue Taylor '71, Assistant Director, Constituent Relations Michelle Vore '93, Assistant Director, Technology Diane Williams, Communications Assistant Graduate Assistants Pavan Chayanam Tina Thien '95 Renee Thompson Chris Trice, '98 Student Assistants Chris Bassler Todd Berk Krista Beron '99 April Brooks Rebecca Busenitz Becky Earlywine '99 Cathy Grimes Heather Gunther Sabrina Lawrence Natalie Leakey Chenell McCaleb '99 Subrahmanyam.P Lori Pfister Return to Top Annual Report Sections Executive Message | Alumni Leadership | Alumni Contacts | Alumni Ambassadors Alumni Staff | Alumni Programs | Alumni Awards | Reunions | Professional & Constituent Societies BSUAA Financial Summary | Past Activities Calendar Ball State University Alumni Association Muncie, IN 47306-0075 Telephone: 765-285-1080 Toll Free: 1-888-I-GO-4-BSU E-mail: alumni1@bsu.edu. http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/staff.html (2 of 3) [07/08/2003 12:58:16 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report: Staff Copyright © 2002 [Ball State University]. All rights reserved. Revised: 08 Jul 2003 12:56:57 -0500 . Comments to the Webmaster. http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/staff.html (3 of 3) [07/08/2003 12:58:16 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report: Alumni Programs 1998 - 1999 Annual Report Alumni Programs ALUMNI CENTER The Alumni Center has proven to be an instrumental addition to Ball State University. It has been the homebase for many visiting alumni and friends of the university throughout the year. Various activities including dinners, meetings, pre-game and http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/programs.html (1 of 17) [07/08/2003 12:58:21 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report: Alumni Programs post-game celebrations, and lectures have been sponsored by the Alumni Association and have reached a vast array of constituents. During the past year, more than 20,000 people attended an event in the facility, with the Alumni Association accounting for 124 of the total number of events. ADMISSIONS RECRUITMENT Prospective Student Receptions Ball State’s Office of Admissions conducted prospective student information receptions in Indiana and Chicago. Alumni volunteers staffed registration areas and served as ambassadors for the university. A total of 67 alumni volunteers worked at the receptions. A list of last year’s admissions receptions is included in the past activities section of this report. Alumni/Admissions Partnership The Alumni Association, in conjunction with the Admissions office, is spearheading a new program designed to aid in the recruitment of Ball State students. The program, Cardinal Alumni Recruitment Team (CART) will be organized by Alumni Association assistant director, Tracy Curry, ‘89MA98, who was brought on board in June 1999. The program will develop a network of specially-trained alumni volunteers to help promote Ball State in their communities, and to identify, recruit, and retain quality Ball State students. A listing of the 1998 CART recipients: Elizabeth G. Davis, R. Nelson Snider High School, Ft. Wayne; Joey R. Duncan, Avon High School, Avon; Justin M. Pose, South Side High School, Ft. Wayne; Lorinda M. Sliger, Elkhart Memorial High School, Elkhart; Carinne S. Uslar, South Side High School, Ft. Wayne; Tamara L. Williams, Bluffton High School, Bluffton. Alumni Legacy Scholarship To recognize children or grandchildren of Ball State alumni, the Alumni Association awards scholarships to those who have chosen Ball State for their higher education, and have demonstrated success in academics. To be considered, a parent or grandparent of the applicant must be an active member of the Ball State Alumni Association. Incoming freshmen and currently enrolled undergraduate students are eligible for the one-time award and typically 30 scholarships have been awarded with a $1,500 stipend. A listing of the 40 1998 recipients, their parents and/or grandparents, and hometowns are listed in the Awards and Scholarship section of this report. http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/programs.html (2 of 17) [07/08/2003 12:58:21 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report: Alumni Programs Cardinal Legacy Award The Cardinal Legacy Award is a new tuition waiver program to recruit and retain out-of-state students. Children and grandchildren of Ball State alumni are eligible for the award, which provides $2,500 for each academic year enrolled. Prospective students must be living out-of-state to be considered for the stipend. The award will be initiated with the 1999-2000 academic year. Once admitted, students will receive the award annually, renewable for a maximum of eight semesters (architecture programs, ten semesters). Students must maintain a cumulative grade-point average of 2.0 or higher to remain eligible. ALUMNI ACTIVITIES Indiana Alumni Clubs Alumni clubs serve geographic areas where there are significant numbers of Ball State alumni. Club volunteers organize educational and social activities for alumni and university friends. These activities help to continue and to develop new relationships that are of benefit to alumni, university friends, and Ball State. The activities organized by club boards include golf and dinner outings, continuing professional educational seminars, receptions and dinners for university representatives, social functions such as picnic and baseball games, casino nights, TGIFs, hockey games, and pre-athletic events. Alumni club members also work with the Office of Admissions at annual receptions for prospective students. Alumni clubs work to improve existing activities and look for new ways to involve alumni and friends. Funds raised from the Northeastern Indiana golf and dinner outing hole sponsorships will provide for a student scholarship. Greater Indianapolis area club member Stephanie Beadle, ‘91MA92, organized “Ball State at the Ice”, the best new club activity for ‘98-’99. The Michiana club organized a holiday bus shopping trip. The Adams- Wells Alumni Club continues to try to find a dry day for the annual golf and bridge outing. Adams-Wells Club officers were: Julie Bennett, ‘91MA95, president; Stan Kunkel, ‘78, vice president; Don Rush, ‘59MA64, alumni council representative. Board members: Jamie Bennett, ‘93; Shelly Eisenmann, ‘93; Ned Emshwiller, ‘67; Barbara Engle, ‘67; Holly Mahnensmith, ‘92MA96; Jerry Penrod, ‘65MA71; Bruce Skiles, ‘81; and Steve Skiles, ‘76. Greater Indianapolis http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/programs.html (3 of 17) [07/08/2003 12:58:21 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report: Alumni Programs Club officers were: Julie Bradshaw, ‘80, president and alumni council representative; Tom Andrews, ‘77, vice president. Board members: David Amick, ‘78; Steph Beadle, ‘91MA92; Bob Browning, ‘76; Kevin Ervin, ‘82; Kim Graves, ‘86; Julie Griffith, ‘79; Mark Hess, ‘80; Dick Isenhour, ‘75MA82; Kara Lippie, ‘94; Tom Nowak, ‘86; Deb Petro, ‘88; John Waite, ‘87. New board members include: Brenda Cox, ‘84; Sam Kilmer, ‘91 and Peggy Taylor, ‘91. Michiana Club officers were: Stephanie Pfister, ‘90, president; Amy Richardson, ‘96, vice president; Dick DeCraene, ‘64, alumni council representative. Board members: Kristin Farwig, ‘91; Jim Holtzinger, ‘67MA69; Hollis Hughes Jr., ‘65MA73; Philip Panzica, ‘76BAR77; Steve Rathka, ‘64; Jerry Rummel, ‘72; Stan Rupnow, ‘63; Steve Schafer, ‘77; Mark Siebert, ‘90; Jane Simons, ‘89; Kim Stout, ‘82; Larry Struble, ‘62; and Robert Woods, ‘65EdD90. New board member was Jennifer Sowders, ‘90. Northeastern Indiana Club officers were: Charles Green, ‘72MA75EdD82, president; Russ Crumback, ‘82, vice president; Mike McMillen, ‘67, alumni council representative. Board members: JoAnn Johnston, ‘85MA88; Michelle Lake, ‘91; Calvin Lee, ‘60; Mike McKay, ‘87BAR87; Matt Momper, ‘83; Eric Olson, ‘83; Danielle Shockey, ‘95; Leigh Smith, ‘72; Kevin Walbridge, ‘82; Brenda West, ‘87; and John Williams, ‘82MA86. New board member was Andrea Clark, ‘97. Regional Outings The Ball State University Alumni Association, with help from alumni club members, alumni ambassadors, and alumni leaders, hosted regional outings throughout the United States during the 1998-99 fiscal year. The following is representative of the outings: football pre-game outings were held at South Carolina on September 5; at Iowa State on September 12; and at Central Florida on November 14. Alumni Ambassador Doug Kuepper, ‘81, organized a new golf and dinner outing at Rock Hollow Golf Club in Peru for alumni and friends in North Central Indiana. Chicago-area alumni again gathered for their winter outing on http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/programs.html (4 of 17) [07/08/2003 12:58:21 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report: Alumni Programs December 14 at the Rock Bottom Brewery. Chicago alumni gathered on February 6, at the Holmes Student Center on the campus of Northern Illinois University, for a luncheon buffet. The luncheon was prior to the men’s basketball contest versus Northern Illinois. Attending from campus were Ed Shipley, ‘68MA71; Don Park, ‘61MA63; and Russ Lawrence, ‘94. On March 25, Tampa and St. Petersburg area alumni gathered at Nickalouie’s for a Ball State night in Tampa Bay. The outing was hosted by Alumni Ambassador Melissa Ransdell, ‘88. Guests from Ball State included Coach Ray McCallum, ‘83, and Ed Shipley, ‘68MA71, who provided guests with an update on the basketball program and the university. On March 29, John E. Worthen, Ed Shipley, ‘68MA71, Russ Lawrence, ‘94, and members of the Board of Trustees joined Seattle, Washington alumni for dinner and a university update. The dinner was hosted at the Seattle Sheraton Hotel and Towers. A regional outing was held at Widmer Brothers Brewery in Portland, Oregon. Brent Kirk, ‘84, the area alumni ambassador, coordinated the outing. Thirty alumni gathered to enjoy micro brews and learn about the changes that have been made on campus. Attending from Ball State were Ed Shipley, ‘68MA71, and Russ Lawrence, ‘94. ALUMNI PROGRAMS AND SERVICES Alumni ID The Alumni Association began production of the Alumni ID in late 1998 to increase “Cardinal Pride” among alumni and friends of the university. In addition, it serves various purposes at Ball State and throughout the community including: C.A.R.D. The C.A.R.D. (Cardinal Alumni Retail Discount) was initiated at the beginning of 1999. The discount program utilizes the photo Alumni ID that allows cardholders to receive discounts at area merchants. This http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/programs.html (5 of 17) [07/08/2003 12:58:21 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report: Alumni Programs fiscal year the BSUAA had 25 participating vendors offering varying discounts. Participating businesses included: Accessories Plus, Inc., A Place to Tan, Damon’s, Donato’s Pizza, French-Tex Cleaners, Greek’s Pizzeria, Holiday Inn Express, Kirk’s Bike Shop, Liang’s Chinese Restaurant, Noble Romans, Pazols Jewelers, Player’s Club, Ponderosa Steakhouse, Pumpkin Pulp Productions, Rose Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning, Scotty’s Brewhouse, Shaper’s Salon & Day Spa, Stadium Marathon, Standt’s Fine Jewelry, Superior Linen & American Dry Cleaners, Szechuan Garden, Tasty Chinese, and Ultra Image Suntanning. Golf Discount Partnership The Ball State Golf Club was a joint venture between the BSUAA and The Players Club and available to all Ball State employees, students, and alumni with a valid Alumni ID. Annual membership was required to receive the discount on greens fees (currently $19.95 per year). In the program’s first year, 42 memberships were issued. Library Card The Alumni ID allowed usage of resources at University Libraries to active members of the Alumni Association. In addition, it gave alumni the ability to reserve books and periodicals without charge. Recreational Facilities All active members of the Alumni Association were eligible to purchase memberships to BSU recreational facilities for their spouse, children, and themselves (currently $125 per year). The membership utilized the Alumni ID and provided access to Ball State’s exercise rooms, weight rooms, indoor pools, racquetball courts, and locker and shower facilities. Since the Alumni IDs inception, 238 facility memberships have been distributed. Bank Card The BSUAA and First USA Bank continued their affinity credit card partnership. Alumni marketing continued through direct mail, campus-wide promotions, and telemarketing efforts. As of June 30, 1999, the number of First USA credit card accounts for alumni was 5,835 and 919 student accounts for a total of 6,745 accounts. Since the acquisition in January 1997, the total revenue payable to the Alumni Association totaled $206,498.42. Student-focused marketing increased during the past year with the expansion of campus-wide promotional efforts. In addition, the Alumni Association, in conjunction with First USA and St.A.R.T., brought http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/programs.html (6 of 17) [07/08/2003 12:58:21 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report: Alumni Programs Patrick Combs, a nationally known speaker and television personality, to the Alumni Center to speak to students on April 27. Combs motivated students to become involved in their education, and informed them on how to become successful in and out of college. The successful lecture brought 481 students to the Center. Cardinal Corner, Inc. Cardinal Corner continued to serve as the merchandising arm of the Alumni Association, offering items such as t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, golf apparel, calendars, and more. Established in 1982, Cardinal Corner, Inc. has met its mission of providing alumni and friends outside the state of Indiana with merchandise incorporating the Ball State logo. Marketing efforts included an ad in each Alumnus magazine and a display case in the Alumni Center. At the end of the 17th fiscal year of operation, Cardinal Corner had an operating balance of $125,960.16. Career Services Alumni career-related services continue to be a priority of the Alumni Association. The new career section of the Alumni Association Web site is online and contains links to the Career Alumni Network (C.A.N.) Online, the Indiana Jobs Marketplace, the Alumni Career Club Listserv, and the Ball State University Career Center. The Indiana Jobs Marketplace, new to the site in June, provides links to member company Web sites with job postings. Participating companies include Bell Industries, BitWise Solutions Inc., DataShare, Ontario Systems Corp., Sherry Laboratories, Tivoli, USA Group, and Vector Technologies, Inc., all Indiana area companies. Another important part of the career section of the Web site is the Career Alumni Network (C.A.N.), in existence via hard copy since 1994. C.A.N. remains a career network rather than a placement service, and it allows job seeking alumni the opportunity to converse with volunteer career consultants for the purpose of receiving career and relocation guidance. C.A.N. became available online in early 1999 and it permits alumni to browse a list of volunteer career consultants via the Internet by geographic location, company name, and occupation key word. To date, there are 294 volunteer career consultants. Cardinal Job Fair, co-sponsored by the Ball State University Career http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/programs.html (7 of 17) [07/08/2003 12:58:21 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report: Alumni Programs Center and the Alumni Association, was held in University Arena on March 30, 1999. Approximately 180 employers with 30 alumni visited campus to recruit students and alumni for internship and co-op, part-time and full-time, and summer employment opportunities. Teacher Fair, another job fair co-sponsored by the Career Center and the Alumni Association, was held in University Arena on May 5-6, 1999 with approximately 80 school corporations in attendance. Collegiate License Plate university. The Alumni Association, along with the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles, annually issues the Cardinal Pride license plate to interested alumni, students, parents of students, and friends of the The plate has been in circulation for more than six years. With increased awareness and popularity, the number of plates purchased in 1998 was 2,742. Insurance Program The BSUAA sponsors an alumni insurance program available to students, alumni, and their families. The program is administered by American Insurance Administrators, a subsidiary of Bertholon-Rowland, in Columbus, Ohio. They are the largest administrator of alumni group insurance programs in the United States, now serving over 250 major university alumni associations. Current insurance programs available include GradMed, short-term medical insurance; Gift Life, life insurance policies; and AlumniTerm Life insurance for alumni. The number of GradMed offers mailed since the program was established in May 1997 was 5,773 with 340 policies paid for a response rate of 5.9%. At the end of the fiscal year the cumulative totals for the Gift Life offer to new graduates was: 8,073, number mailed; 990, number of acceptors; with a 12.3% acceptance rate. The total number of AlumniTerm life insurance policies was 171 and more than $8 million of term life insurance protection is in effect for Ball State University Alumni. http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/programs.html (8 of 17) [07/08/2003 12:58:21 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report: Alumni Programs New Graduate Mailing The BSUAA New Graduate Mailer was designed to familiarize new graduates with the Ball State University Alumni Association and the programs offered to all alumni upon graduation. Prior to graduation a mailer is sent to all seniors who have applied to graduate for a particular graduation date. Included in the mailer is a booklet that briefly describes some of the BSUAA programs and services, alumni statistics, important BSU phone numbers, and alumni contacts throughout the country. Also inserted in the mailer are a license plate application, an alumni file form, a BSUAA decal, and an address label form. Graduates are encouraged to fill out and mail the alumni file form back and they receive a free gift in return. To increase awareness and encourage pride among new graduates, a new program was established waiving the $25.00 BSUAA license plate fee as a graduation gift from the Alumni Association. Sixty-two graduates took advantage of the offer and now show their Cardinal pride. Last year, 2,912 mailers were sent and 505 returned, which yielded a 17% return rate. ALUMNI OUTREACH Greek Alumni Relations The Ball State University Alumni Association conducted several Greek alumni events over the past year. They included a Greek Alumni Leadership Conference, golf outings, reunions, and Homecoming events. The following shows the events and the Greek groups that participated: Golf Outings In the summer of 1998, golf outings were held by Theta Chi, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Beta Theta Pi, and Sigma Chi. In the summer of 1999 golf outings were held by Sigma Phi Epsilon and Beta Theta Pi. Greek Alumni Leadership Conference The Alumni Association hosted an inaugural Greek Alumni Leadership http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/programs.html (9 of 17) [07/08/2003 12:58:21 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report: Alumni Programs Conference Saturday, August 29, 1998 under the direction of Troy Burk, ‘94. Thirty-four Greek alumni and advisors attended. Topics for the conference included programs and services the Alumni Association offers, current issues and trends within the national Greek movement, and tips to improve alumni operations. Keynote speaker was Maureen Syring, Assistant Development Director, Delta Gamma Foundation. Homecoming The BSUAA hosted 15 Greek groups under the protective roof of the new Alumni Center. The Alumni Center proved its worth with its first Homecoming due to rainy weather and sub-par temperatures, on Saturday, October 3, 1998. The following Greek alumni groups participated in Homecoming ‘98 were: Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Omicron Pi, Beta Theta Pi, Delta Chi, Delta Tau Delta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Delta, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Sigma Kappa/Phi Sigma Epsilon, Sigma Nu, Sigma Sigma Sigma, Theta Chi, Gamma Iota Sigma. Newsletters The BSUAA assisted with the printing and mailing of newsletters and publications for many of the Greek Groups. The BSUAA will provide labels that are either gummed or electronically placed on envelopes free of charge. The Alumni Association will also coordinate the printing and mailing of items for the group. Greek groups that participated in this service were: Sigma Nu, Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Chi, Alpha Gamma Delta, Phi Delta Theta, Beta Alpha Psi, Alpha Phi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Zeta Phi Beta, Alpha Kappa Alpha, and Sigma Delta. Gamma Gamma Members of Gamma Gamma sorority (pre Pi Beta Phi) gathered on June 23, 1999, at the Alumni Center for their fifth biennial reunion. Forty-eight members gathered for lunch and enjoyed singing the Gamma Gamma songs from their college days. Sigma Sigma Sigma On April 24, 1999, Sigma Sigma Sigma celebrated its Founder’s Day at the Alumni Center. The event included a luncheon and a short show by the White River Youth Choir. Forty-six women attended the Founder’s Day celebration. Lambda Chi Alpha During Homecoming 1998 members of the classes of 1971-75 gathered in Muncie for a reunion weekend. Fifty-three members came http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/programs.html (10 of 17) [07/08/2003 12:58:21 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report: Alumni Programs back to Muncie to visit and listen to the sounds of Lambda Chi Alpha band Morningstar. Sigma Delta Members of Sigma Delta fraternity (pre Sigma Chi) joined together on Saturday May 29, 1999 at the Alumni Center to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of their founding. PUBLICATIONS Calendar For the 11th consecutive year, the Alumni Association produced a full-color calendar, distributed to major donors and friends of the university. The calendar featured campus buildings and scenes. Photographs were provided by Ball State University Photographic Services. Design and layout was completed by the Alumni Communications staff. Alumni Publications To accommodate the expanding needs of the Association and the university, the Ball State Alumnus increased by eight pages, beginning with the July 1998 issue, with four of the additional pages devoted to philanthropy and the other four to alumni outreach. The expansion also enabled the hiring of an additional part-time Alumnus assistant. In addition to the bi-monthly production of the magazine, the communications staff produced more than 200 other projects, ranging from letterhead to fliers and brochures to event program booklets. Under the direction of Charlotte Shepperd, the communications staff consisted of: Alumnus Assistants Maggie Study, Holly Blair (May 1998-April 1999), and Susan Holloway (joined the staff April 1999); graduate assistants Renee Thompson and Christopher Trice; and undergraduate assistants Christopher Bassler, Andrew Brown, Natalie Leakey, and Lori Pfister. SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMS For the 1998-99 academic year, the Alumni Council appropriated $55,644.64 for specific support of six scholarship programs. Scholarship programs funded by the Alumni Association and the amounts were: Alumni Recognition, $5,250; Emens Scholarship, $1,500; Clyde Hibbs Scholarship, $1000; Martin Luther King Scholarship, $1,500; Alumni Legacy Scholarships, $45,000; and Alumni Named Awards, $1414.64. http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/programs.html (11 of 17) [07/08/2003 12:58:21 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report: Alumni Programs SPECIAL PROGRAMS Alumni College In its fourth year in existence, Alumni College continued to draw new and excited alumni back to campus for food, fellowship, and fun. This year’s guests included a group of graduates from the class of ‘51, several couples of college roommates, a set of brothers, and many other singles and couples with varying graduation years. A new event was added to this year’s offering—a Murder Mystery Dinner. Mystery Cafe of Indianapolis brought the interactive, comedic, murder mystery to Ball State with “Peggy Sue Got Murdered” as the theme. Other activities for the weekend included educational lectures, a guest appearance from Charlie Cardinal with a photo opportunity, a picnic, and the annual Symphony on the Green concert. Guest lecturers included: Glenna Jenkins, Fran Rippy, Dave Kain, Bill Lynch, Richard Carr, Tony Edmonds, Vicki Ostby, Bryan Byers, and David Gobble. MAC Alumni Association Staff Retreat The BSUAA hosted a MAC Alumni Association Staff Retreat for 56 participants on April 26-27. The alumni associations shared resources, networked, and discussed universal issues. Twelve of the 13 MAC schools were represented. Schools in attendance were: Akron, Ball State, Bowling Green, Central Michigan, Eastern Michigan, Kent, Marshall, Miami, Northern Illinois, Ohio University, Toledo, and Western Michigan. Corporate sponsors for the conference were AHI International, American Insurance Administrators, Dill Street Bar and Grill, Holiday Inn Express, and First USA Bank. Volunteer Recognition Dinner Twenty past presidents of the Alumni Association were among the 129 alumni past and current volunteers who returned to campus July 10, 1998 for a Leadership Recognition Dinner. Guest speakers included vice president emeritus for University Relations Robert E. Linson; Hollis E. Hughes, Jr., past president of the Alumni Association and member of Ball State’s Board of Trustees; and Jan Abbs, past president of the Alumni Association. Honorary alumnus status was given to Doris K. Georgi for her loyalty to Ball State. http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/programs.html (12 of 17) [07/08/2003 12:58:21 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report: Alumni Programs SPECIAL PROJECTS The Ball State Alumni Association has long been involved in providing funds for various projects throughout the university. Since 1983, the main project has been Charlie Cardinal’s outfit, which the BSUAA provided funding for in 1996. In 1998, the Alumni Council approved funding for a police bike to be used by University Police. Bill Ellington, one of three university bike patrolmen, attended the September 1998 Alumni Council meeting to display the bike and to answer questions. STRATEGIC PLAN Continuous assessment of the Alumni Association is critical to its growth. The Strategic Planning Committee began re-evaluation in mid-June 1997 and the final recommendations for 1999-2001 were approved January 30, 1999. Among the recommendations were the enhancement or development of programs, increasing the amount and number of scholarships and awards, investigation and implementation of staffing needs, and modifying the resources to accomplish the new and expanded initiatives. A complete plan can be obtained through the Alumni Office. STUDENT GROUPS Homecoming Although rain soaked Homecoming Day activities, it didn’t dampen spirits, as thousands participated in the variety of activities that were scheduled for the annual event. http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/programs.html (13 of 17) [07/08/2003 12:58:21 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report: Alumni Programs The parade was canceled due to inclement weather, but all other activities were conducted as planned, with the Alumni Center providing shelter and a gathering place as many assembled to await the start of the football game. There were 434 who attended the pre-game lunch, many gathering as part of respective reunion groups or alumni societies. “BSU Show Your Colors” was the theme for the 1998 week-long festivities. The annual bed race, air jam, and scholarship talent search were traditional highlights. Friday evening’s Alumni Awards Dinner was attended by 163. Janet L. McCarthy, ‘52MA58; Penny A. Ralston, ‘71; and John B. Scheumann, ‘71, were honored as Distinguished Alumni. McCarthy is former director for the Center for Child and Family Studies and Professor of Early Childhood Education at the University of South Florida. Ralston is dean of the College of Human Sciences at Florida State University. Scheumann is co-founder, chairman, and chief executive Officer of Crossmann Communities, Inc. in Lafayette. Benny Award recipients included Frederick E. Cox, Jr., ‘74, past president of the Black Alumni Society; Patricia A. Jacoby, ‘81; Gilbert L. McKean, ‘56; and Patti L. Quiring, ‘75, retiring Alumni Council members; Thomas E. Spangler, ‘66, university employee; Pennie M. Thomas, MA61, former Board of Trustees member; and Stoops Automotive Group, Inc., Jeffrey E. Stoops, ‘69, president and Randy Stoops, vice president. Pre-game festivities were followed by the football game between Ball State and Northern Illinois. The Cardinals won, 18-13. Following post-game events, there was a concert Saturday evening at Emens Auditorium featuring the Contours and the Temptations. The 1998 Homecoming Steering Committee was led by John Court, ‘99, general chairman, and Colleen McNabb, ‘99, and Dana Tillison, ‘99, vice chairmen. Other members included: Adrian Baez; Jaime Jo Freeman; Jessica Giddens; Matt Grashoff, ‘99; Kelli Hahn; Ryan Langeland; Josh Murphy; Alicia Pease; Nathan Pfahler, ‘99; Lori Pfister; Emily Powers; and Travis Shillings. St.A.R.T. http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/programs.html (14 of 17) [07/08/2003 12:58:22 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report: Alumni Programs St.A.R.T. was formed in 1984-85 to cultivate an active relationship between students and alumni of Ball State University. To date almost 400 students have been involved in St.A.R.T. The group was comprised of 25 of the best student leaders on campus. Members volunteered at various Homecoming events, reunion, and other events serving as ambassadors of the Alumni Association. Ed Shipley, ‘68MA71, and Russ Lawrence, ‘94, were advisors for the group. Tina Thien, ‘95, was the graduate assistant. St.A.R.T. hosted different campus organizations for tours and pizza parties at the Alumni Center. The purpose of these tours was to educate undergraduates about the Alumni Center and the Alumni Association. Suz Lewis and Shannon O’Dell were co-chairs of the project. On May 7, 1999, St.A.R.T. hosted its annual Senior Congratulation Party for graduating seniors at Dill Street Bar and Grill. Graduates enjoyed free admittance, refreshments, food, and music. Many door prizes were given out from local Muncie merchants. More than 400 seniors and guests attended the Senior Congrats Party. April Brooks was chair of this event. Officers were: Sara Skinner, ‘99, president; Bracken Ross, ‘99, vice-president; Kelli Hahn, secretary, Stephanie Humbert, membership coordinator; Suz Lewis, publicity coordinator. Other members: Ryan Bergan, Dave Bond, April Brooks, Justin Fekete, Sara Glasgow, Katie Hawkins, Erik Kropa, Chris Long, Kristy Miller, Heather Mysliwiec, Megan Peresie, Emily Rignall, Matt Roberts, Raquel Robertson, Anne Runden, Tricia Schellinger, Jill Unger, and Nick Webster. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/programs.html (15 of 17) [07/08/2003 12:58:22 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report: Alumni Programs www.bsu.edu/alumni The Alumni Association continued to utilize information technology to intensify and expand its programs and services to Alumni. The Alumni Association Web site was redesigned with Java enhanced graphics and photographs and continues to offer such online services as: Alumni Registry (with more than 1,700 participating alumni), the Alumnus magazine online, Alumni Locator Service, Alumni Quiz, the Guestbook, and Cardinal Corner merchandise. Additional information topics available via the Web site included: Alumni Council, Alumni Clubs and Professional Societies, Student Alumni Relations Team (St.A.R.T.), Greek organizations, awards and scholarships, Cardinal Pride License Plates, Alumni Center information, Alumni Association staff, upcoming events, and a photo album of events. A new service offered to alumni with E-mail access is the ability to join alumni listserv groups free of charge. A listserv is a topic-related E-mail group that allows several people with the same interests to communicate with one another about a particular topic instantaneously. There are nine alumni listserv groups with topics ranging from career to technology, and 37 Greek listserv groups with approximately 265 alumni participants. The Alumni Association staff also began to utilize special listserv groups to communicate with Alumni Clubs and Alumni Professional and Constituent Societies. The content of the Web site has been further expanded to include a site-search and index page, an electronic discussion group or bulletin board, a Web site survey, an Alumni Center page, and the 1997-98 Annual Report. Hot links have been created to the Ball State University campus map, the Office of Admissions, University Development, University Foundation, University Relations, and Continuing Education. Due to the continued effort by the Alumni Association to utilize technology to enhance its programs and services, our Web site is the only site in both the Mid-American Conference and institutions of higher education in Indiana to receive a four-star rating in a review conducted by California State University at Fresno in October, 1998. The study is done annually by the Advancement Services Department at CSUF and evaluates Web sites to create opportunities for sharing Web related activities and ideas. Ratings are based on outreach, interactivity, content, navigation, and design. Sites in the four-star category were noted as being appealing, interesting, well designed, and easy to navigate. The rating is based on a five-star scale. http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/programs.html (16 of 17) [07/08/2003 12:58:22 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report: Alumni Programs Return to Top Annual Report Sections Executive Message | Alumni Leadership | Alumni Contacts | Alumni Ambassadors Alumni Staff | Alumni Programs | Alumni Awards | Reunions | Professional & Constituent Societies BSUAA Financial Summary | Past Activities Calendar Ball State University Alumni Association Muncie, IN 47306-0075 Telephone: 765-285-1080 Toll Free: 1-888-I-GO-4-BSU E-mail: alumni1@bsu.edu. Copyright © 2002 [Ball State University]. All rights reserved. Revised: 08 Jul 2003 12:55:03 -0500 . Comments to the Webmaster. http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/programs.html (17 of 17) [07/08/2003 12:58:22 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report Alumni Awards 1998 - 1999 Annual Report Alumni Awards Distinguished Alumni The highest recognition given by the Ball State University Alumni Association, the Distinguished Alumni Award, was established in 1959. It provides recognition to alumni who have demonstrated loyalty to the University and its Alumni Association, and who have made significant contributions to their profession, community or society. 1998 Distinguished Alumni Awards were presented at the annual Homecoming Alumni Awards Dinner on October 2, 1998. Recipients were: Janet McCarthy, ‘52MA58, director of the Center for Research of children and Families in Tampa, Florida; Penny Ralston, ‘71, dean of the College of Human Sciences at Florida State University in Tallahassee; and John B. Scheumann, ‘71, chairman and CEO of Crossmann Communities based in Lafayette. Benny The Benny Award is the Alumni Association’s top award for service to Ball State University or to the Alumni Association. The award gets its name from the statue of Beneficence, the University’s long-standing symbol of unselfish contribution of one’s talents, energy, and time. Eligible candidates are Ball State alumni, university employees, community individuals, and corporations or businesses that contribute outstanding service in support of the University or the Alumni Association. Recipients are selected and recommended by an Alumni Council Committee on behalf of the http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/awards.html (1 of 5) [07/08/2003 12:58:36 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report Alumni Awards Alumni Association. Benny awards were presented October 2, 1998 during the annual Alumni Association Awards Dinner. Recipients included: Frederick E. Cox, Jr., ’74; Patricia A. Jacoby, ‘81; Gilbert L. McKean, ‘56; Patti L. Quiring, ‘75; Thomas E. Spangler, ‘66; Stoops Automotive Group, Inc (Jeffrey E. Stoops ‘69, President); Stoops Automotive Group, Inc. (Randy Stoops, Vice President); and Pennie M. Thomas, MA61. Coach of the Year The 1998-99 Ball State University Alumnus Coach of the Year Award was received by 19 alumni. This program was designed to recognize successful Ball State University undergraduate alumni head coaches in each of the Indiana High School Athletic Association sanctioned sports. The winners were selected by a vote of their coaching peers, Ball State alumni head coaches at other Indiana High Schools, and Ball State coaching staff members in each sport. The recipients were: Larry Wright, ‘63, football coach at Sheridan High School; Kathy Schembra-Nalley, ‘72MA77, volleyball coach at Roncalli High School; Chuck Koeppen, ‘68MA74, boy’s and girl’s cross country coach at Carmel High School; Tim Cleland, ‘87, boy’s tennis coach at Delta High School; Scott Herring, ‘92, girl’s golf coach at Yorktown High School; Chris Schnepp, ‘88MAE94, boy’s soccer coach at Hamilton Southeastern High School; Roger Karns, ‘80, girl’s swimming coach at Wawasee High School; Dave Boggs, ‘81, boy’s swimming coach at Seymour High School; Andy Hobbs, ‘91MAE98, wrestling coach at Peru High School; Charlie Hall, ‘80, girl’s basketball coach at Kokomo High School; JoAnn Borders, ‘80MA86, gymnastics coach at Connersville High School; Keith Hipskind, ‘79, boy’s basketball coach at Greensburg High School; Todd Croy, '86, softball at Whiteland Community High School; Mike Haviland, '71, girl's track at Muncie Central High School; Tim Cleland, '87, girl's tennis at Delta High School; Ted Oliger '65, boy's golf at Cambridge City Lincoln High School; Charlie Owen, '59, boy's track at Yorktown High School; Bill Nixon, '62, baseball at Plymouth High School. G.O.L.D. Over the past year the BSUAA collected nominations for the G.O.L.D. (Graduate of the Last Decade) Award. During the fall of 1999, the inaugural presentation of the G.O.L.D. Award will take place. The G.O.L.D. Award was established and approved by the BSUAA Alumni Council in February of 1998. The purpose of the G.O.L.D. Award is to annually recognize the outstanding accomplishments of recent graduates. It is designed to include both traditional and non-traditional graduates. These alumni have demonstrated their promise and potential for outstanding endeavors by becoming involved in different aspects of life after college. A maximum of eight alumni will be honored each year with the http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/awards.html (2 of 5) [07/08/2003 12:58:36 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report Alumni Awards award. Each award recipient must have received his or her initial Ball State degree within ten years of January 1 of the year of recognition. In addition, the nominee should demonstrate success in his or her professional field and be active in public service to the community, nonprofit organizations, professional organizations, the BSUAA, or Ball State University. Legacy Scholarship To recognize children or grandchildren of Ball State alumni, the Alumni Association awards scholarships to those who have chosen Ball State for their higher education, and have demonstrated success in academics. To be considered, a parent or grandparent of the applicant must be an active member of the Ball State Alumni Association. Incoming freshmen and currently enrolled undergraduate students are eligible for the one-time award. In 1998, twenty-seven scholarships of $1,500 each were awarded. Recipients for 1998-99, their hometowns, and their alumni parents or grandparents included: John R. Ankenbruck, Fort Wayne (John ‘74, Sharman ‘74); Kristin L. Bell, Fort Wayne (Lola ‘76); Kevin J. Blake, Gas City (Judith ‘63MA67); Courtney R. Cates, Mooreland (Gayle ‘74MA75); Amanda R. Dean, Auburn (Terry ‘76, Diane ‘75); Kimberly M. Eckstein, West Harrison (Christina ‘75); Peter A. English, Kendallville (John ‘72, Anita ‘74); Amy A. Garrett, Indianapolis (George ‘74, Anne ‘71); Travis M. Goen, Muncie (Connie ‘72); Jennifer Gordon, Elkhart (Robert ‘72); Amanda E. Graham, Muncie (Gregory BAR’78); Adam K. Haffner, Daleville (Deborah ‘75MAE77); Sherry L. Herlitz, Valparaiso (Karen ‘70MAE75, Jack Niksch ‘47); Robyn A. Kopke, Woodland Park, CO, (Bonnell ZB69); Joshua D. Lassiter, Muncie (Michael ‘74); Joanna R. Lute, Valparaiso (Ruth ‘67, Jim ‘64, Max 71); Sarah L. May, Indianapolis (Dennis ‘75, Margaret ‘73); Sara L. McGriff, LaPorte (Randy ‘72MA77, Nancy MLS75, Harold Schutz MA59); Kelli L. Michael, Muncie (Anthony ‘68MA71EdS84); April D. Oatess, Bluffton (Richard MA87); Jessica A. Perry, Indianapolis (Jeanne ‘72); Carrie L. Powers, Huntington (Elten ‘68MA72EdS90, Roberta ‘68MA72); Jana D. Richards, Muncie (Jane ‘77MA78); Tara A. Scott, New Castle (Donald ‘57MA68, Deborah ‘87); James P. Vigne, Indianapolis (Arlene ‘68); Sarah C. Walker, Cincinnati, OH (Steve http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/awards.html (3 of 5) [07/08/2003 12:58:36 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report Alumni Awards ‘73EdD87, Sally ‘71); Christopher S. Wolf, Valparaiso (Jeffrey BAR75, Deborah ‘73). Legacy Scholarship recipients and their parents were honored at the President’s Pre-game Luncheon September 12, where they were joined by the Alumni Council. This year’s 27 brings the total to 336 scholarships provided since the program’s 1983 inception. Ray Ashley Kelli Hahn, Perrysburg, Ohio, was the 1998 Ray Ashley Memorial Scholarship Award Recipient for her service to Homecoming. She received a $1,500 stipend. Hahn, a junior majoring in urban planning and economics, served on the 1997 and 1998 Homecoming Steering Committee and is general chairman for Homecoming 1999. In addition to Homecoming, she is a member of numerous other organizations. President of her social sorority, Alpha Omicron Pi, she is secretary of Student Alumni Relations Team (St.A.R.T). She has also been a member of Campus Activities Funding Board. The Ray Ashley Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of Raymond W. Ashley, ‘41MA52, who devoted 17 years to the promotion of Homecoming activities as assistant director of the Ball State University Alumni Association. The scholarship is given to help promote student involvement in Homecoming and provide recognition, as well as financial assistance, to Ball State students who contribute outstanding service to Homecoming. Oliver C. Bumb The Oliver C. Bumb Cardinal Corps Scholarship is awarded each year to an outstanding member of Cardinal Corps, an organization of students who serve as the official hosts and hostesses of the university. The $1,500 scholarship was established in 1985 by the university’s Alumni Association in honor of Bumb, a Ball State University Administrator and faculty member for more than 30 years, and the founder of Cardinal Corps. Melanie Grills, ‘99, Anderson, was the 1998 recipient and Natalie Schaefer, Santa Claus, is the 1999 award winner. Grills, a CCIM graduate, majored in Telecommunications and minored in Marketing. In addition to Cardinal Corps activities, she was a member of the Greek Week Steering Committee, Order of Omega, Golden Key National Honors Society, Alpha Lambda Delta, and Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority. Schaefer, a senior, is majoring in choral and general music education with a minor in musical theater. She is vice president of Cardinal Corps. In addition to being active in Cardinal Corps, Schaefer is a member of Sigma Alpha Iota Music Fraternity, Collegiate Music Educators National Conference, Kappa Delta Pi Education Honorary, and National Residence Hall Honorary. http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/awards.html (4 of 5) [07/08/2003 12:58:36 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report Alumni Awards Robert E. Linson Scholarship Emeritus vice president for University Relations Dr. Robert E. Linson, ‘47MA48, served Ball State as executive director of the BSU Alumni Association for 25 of his 32 years as a campus administrator. Although retired, his interest in, and support of, Ball State University has not waned. Named in Linson’s honor, the scholarship recognizes student involvement in alumni activities by providing a financial award to one who has contributed time and energy to student- and alumni-related programs at the university. In 1998, C. Andrew Brown, ‘99, Hanover, received the award. Brown was an undergraduate communications assistant for the Alumni Association, and member of Theta Chi fraternity. He served on the 1998 Homecoming Steering Committee. He was also a member of University Singers and Chamber Choir, and performed in numerous Ball State Theater productions. Linson presented the award to Brown at the October 2 Alumni Awards Dinner in conjunction with Homecoming. Return to Top Annual Report Sections Executive Message | Alumni Leadership | Alumni Contacts | Alumni Ambassadors Alumni Staff | Alumni Programs | Alumni Awards | Reunions | Professional & Constituent Societies BSUAA Financial Summary | Past Activities Calendar Ball State University Alumni Association Muncie, IN 47306-0075 Telephone: 765-285-1080 Toll Free: 1-888-I-GO-4-BSU E-mail: alumni1@bsu.edu. Copyright © 2002 [Ball State University]. All rights reserved. Revised: 08 Jul 2003 12:51:27 -0500 . Comments to the Webmaster. http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/awards.html (5 of 5) [07/08/2003 12:58:36 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report: Alumni Reunions 1998 - 1999 Annual Report Reunions Class of 1949 To celebrate its 50-year anniversary, members of the Class of ‘49 met on campus June 24-25 to re-connect with Ball State and each other. Participants began their two-day stay with a welcome luncheon and sharing anecdotes and fond memories of days on campus. They heard several guest speakers, toured old and new parts of campus, and were inducted into the Half-Century Club by President John Worthen, following a Golden Anniversary Dinner. Locating classmates and planning events were social committee members Frank Arthur, Ralph Boling, Robert Bragg, Annalee Cloud, Thomas Dean, Patsy Fisher Hinkle, Charles Lord, Joe Scherrer, Florence Arthur Shelby, Don Shryock, Joan Carnahan Stairs, and John Wean. A committee of ‘49ers also met to assist with a class gift to the University. Members included Gene Bennett, Ralph Boling, Robert Bragg, J. Paul Georgi, Charles Holt, Thomas Joyce Jr., Charles Lord, Joe Scherrer, Evelyn Aiken Seeger, and Martha Hayes Yarling. Contributions from the class were designated to the Bethel and McKinley avenues gateway project. Class of 1958 A 40-year reunion breakfast was hosted in the Student Center on the rainiest Homecoming Day in recent memory. When the parade was canceled, participants stayed inside to visit and explore the 1958 Orient, and then headed to the Alumni Center, and later to the football game. Black Alumni Constituent Society The Black Alumni Constituent Society hosted its biennial reunion, July 17-19. The reunion brought 100 alumni and guests to Ball State for the weekend. Outstanding Alumni awards were presented to Francesca Armmer, ‘73; Tim Brown, ‘66; Robert M. Coatie, ‘68MA72; and David H. Miller, ‘63, during the Saturday evening awards dinner. PowerTrain provided music for the closing dance. Cheerleader http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/reunions.html (1 of 3) [07/08/2003 12:58:41 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report: Alumni Reunions Forty-three alumni cheerleaders and guests reunited on January 30 for a basketball game, followed by a reception and dinner at the Alumni Center. Spearheaded by Wendy Spegal Richards, ‘88, the reunion featured a media presentation of cheerleading events throughout the past 25 years, as well as an album of updates and photos submitted by former cheerleaders from across the country. The Lynne Byerly Outstanding Alumnus Cheerleader award was presented to Jed Speakman, ‘86, who cheered from 1982-86. Delta Pi Epsilon Members of the Pi Chapter of Delta Pi Epsilon celebrated their 50th Anniversary at Ball State during dinner July 17, at the Alumni Center. Robert Mitchell, national director of Delta Pi Epsilon, was the guest speaker. Football Lettermen The 1978 Mid-American Conference Championship football team met for a 20-year reunion on October 16-17, 1998. On Friday, participants teed off at the Players Club for 18 holes of golf, followed by dinner at Tony’s Lockeroom. Perfect football weather greeted the team on Saturday, as 26 players and former Coach Dwight Wallace attended a pre-game luncheon at the Alumni Center, and then cheered the Cardinals as they took on the Miami Redhawks. A post-game celebration was hosted at the Alumni Center. http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/reunions.html (2 of 3) [07/08/2003 12:58:41 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report: Alumni Reunions Tennis Lettermen Coach Bill Richards, tennis alumni, and the tennis team gathered at the Alumni Center on February 20, for their annual reunion. More than 60 alumni and guests attended and enjoyed an Italian buffet and reception after playing tennis earlier in the day. Participants received tennis t-shirts as mementos. Return to Top Annual Report Sections Executive Message | Alumni Leadership | Alumni Contacts | Alumni Ambassadors Alumni Staff | Alumni Programs | Alumni Awards | Reunions | Professional & Constituent Societies BSUAA Financial Summary | Past Activities Calendar Ball State University Alumni Association Muncie, IN 47306-0075 Telephone: 765-285-1080 Toll Free: 1-888-I-GO-4-BSU E-mail: alumni1@bsu.edu. Copyright © 2002 [Ball State University]. All rights reserved. Revised: 08 Jul 2003 12:55:26 -0500 . Comments to the Webmaster. http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/reunions.html (3 of 3) [07/08/2003 12:58:41 PM] BSUAA 1999 Annual Report: Professional & Constituent Societies 1998 - 1999 Annual Report Professional & Constituent Societies Black Alumni Four individuals received Outstanding Black Alumni Awards at the July, 1998 Reunion, attended by more than 100 alumni and guests. Recipients were: Francesca (Mukes) Armmer, ‘73, Bradley University professor of nursing; Tim Brown, ‘66, former NFL player, now an actor and deputy probation officer in Los Angeles; Robert Coatie, ‘68MA72, director of Minority Student Services at Florida International University; and David Miller, ‘63, assistant U.S. attorney in Fort Wayne. In its tenth year, the Black Alumni Reunion was chaired by Jenell Joiner, ‘65, and Constance Winfrey, ‘65, and conducted at the Alumni Center. Fred Cox retired as president of the Black Alumni Society after serving six years. New officers were: Ben Robinson, ‘70, president and Alumni Council representative; Homer Jackson, ‘67MAE73EdD82, vice president; Constance Winfrey ‘65, vice president; Fred Cox, ‘74, past president; Sue Taylor, ‘71, BSUAA liaison and secretary; Janie Nicely, BSUAA Program Assistant; and Ed Shipley, ‘68MA71, BSUAA executive director. Members of the board for 1998-99 were: Phil Anderson, ‘95; Mike Chisley, ‘73; Eric Crockett, ‘94; John Hall, ‘72; Jenell Joiner, ‘65; http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/societies.html (1 of 8) [07/08/2003 12:58:45 PM] BSUAA 1999 Annual Report: Professional & Constituent Societies Pamala Morris, ‘69MAE71; Charmaine Powell, ‘75; Keith Robinson, ‘95; Foster Stephens Jr., ‘73MAE78; and Linda Wilson, ‘72MA74, faculty representative: Charles Payne. Ex-officio members were Charles Green, ‘72MA75EdD82; Hollis Hughes Jr., ‘65MA73; Dawn Kavanaugh-Krabbe, ‘89; Allen Williams, ‘73 and Wayne Roberts, ‘87, long-distance liaison. College of Architecture and Planning The college and board hosted alumni and guests during their annual Alumni Day on April 10, 1999. Activities included reunions for the classes of 1969, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, and 1994 and a banquet that honored outstanding alumni. Bruce Race, BAR80, and Julie Monk, BAR79, received the Distinguished Alumni Award and Eric Ernstberger, BLA79, and James Underwood, BAR71, received the Award of Outstanding Achievement. Chris Brandt, BAR76, served as the chair of the awards committee. The board continues to encourage alumni to become involved with the alumni mentoring program and to serve as guest studio critic or juror. Officers were: Ron Menze, BAR79, president; Chris Brandt, BAR76, vice president; Wayne Estopinal, BAR79, Alumni Council representative; Jeffrey Hall, dean; Michel Mounayar, MA82, associate dean; Francis Parker, faculty representative; Pat Quinn Knight, administrative assistant; Ernie Krug, ‘68MAE73MAE82, BSUAA liaison, and Andrea Deer, ‘95, BSUAA assistant. Board members: Gina Bobber, BUPB93; Marsh Davis, MSHP90; Mark Sexton, BLA81; Ron Fisher, BAR79; Deb Schmucker, BLA87; Susan Throckmorton, BAR84; Dawn Kroh MLA88; Hal Kovert, BAR76; and Sheila Snider, BAR74. College of Business The College of Business alumni board conducted its annual events along with its four quarterly board meetings. Included in 1998 was a summer reception for alumni business executives, which was hosted at the Skyline Club, Indianapolis, following its July 15 board meeting. The annual Dialogue Day, co-hosted by the COB Alumni Association and the College, featured two keynote speakers on October 2. James Lintzenich, ‘75, president and CEO of USA Group, Fishers, and Niel Ellerbrook, ’70, president and COO of Indiana Energy, Indianapolis, addressed 550 students and faculty in Pruis Hall. http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/societies.html (2 of 8) [07/08/2003 12:58:45 PM] BSUAA 1999 Annual Report: Professional & Constituent Societies A more social event, Sports and Spaghetti Night, competed with the winter weather on January 13, and was attended by 54 alumni and guests in the Alumni Center, who then joined others in University Arena to watch basketball against Western Michigan. In the spring, the board conducted its fourth meeting, followed by “Takin’ Care of Business,” an event for juniors to hear alumni panelists discuss their jobs and companies, and to network with them. It is co-sponsored by the Career Center. Fifty-one business alumni volunteers wrote letters to encourage prospective students to enroll in the College of Business. This letter-writing campaign is in its second year, and helped attract several highly ranked students in the previous year. Several business alumni were recognized for their outstanding accomplishments in the profession. At the fall Recognition Dinner, Richard Hutson, ‘60MA62, partner of Hewitt Associates, was inducted into the College of Business Hall of Fame, and the family of Wallace Miller, MA63, was presented an Award of Distinction posthumously. At spring commencement, five additional individuals were recognized for their professional achievements. Michael Cox, ’70, president and COO for First Merchants Bank, Muncie; and George Sissel, president and CEO for Ball Corporation, Broomfield, Colorado, were presented Awards of Distinction. Awards of Achievement were given to Walter Catlow, ‘68, president of Ameritech’s Cellular and Paging division, Hoffman Estates, Illinois; Steve Parker, ‘73, CFO for Prairie Group, near Chicago, Illinois; and Patti Quiring ‘75, president of Quiring Associates, Indianapolis. In March, 48 actuarial science and insurance students, alumni and faculty met for a reception and dinner at the Alumni Center, hosted by Stephen Avila, ‘86. Student club presidents spoke about their organizations, and recent or upcoming activities. The College of Business newsletter, Network, was written and designed by Marc Ransford, ‘90, and published twice this year to inform alumni about activities and news of the College. COB board officers were: Suzette Brown, ‘72, president; Craig Dunn, ‘75, vice president; Mark Smith, MBA92, Alumni Council representative; Dan Prickel ‘76MA80, past president; Sue Taylor, ‘71, BSUAA liaison and secretary; and Ed Shipley, ‘68MA71, BSUAA executive director. Additional members included Katherine Arbuckle, ‘80; Thomas Ertel, ‘77; Ray Ferguson, ‘70; John Harris, ‘67; David Heeter, ‘83; Steven Imler, ‘69; W. James Ittenbach, ‘71; Leisa Julian, ‘80MBA83; Julie Kern, MBA83; Stephen Lee, ‘71; Deena Nystrom ‘83; Eric Olson, ‘83; and Marc Ransford, ‘90. Faculty members were Clarence Deitsch, John Fitzgerald, and Neil Palomba, dean. College of Fine Arts http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/societies.html (3 of 8) [07/08/2003 12:58:45 PM] BSUAA 1999 Annual Report: Professional & Constituent Societies The CFA Alumni Board hosted its second Jazz and Java evening on April 8 in the Alumni Center Assembly Hall. Flavored coffees and liqueurs, and fine desserts, including flaming Bananas Foster were served to 95 alumni and faculty before they boarded buses to Pruis Hall. Guest artist Joe LaBarbera, jazz drummer, performed with Larry McWilliams and the acclaimed jazz ensembles for the evening’s entertainment. A new mentoring program, initiated through the efforts of Charles Russell Jr., ‘71, and Dan Conder, ‘72, as well as graphic design faculty, paired 14 juniors with Graphic Arts alumni professionals. The professional met with the student approximately five times to discuss the student’s work, and also to provide networking or internship opportunities. The great success of this first year program has prompted a need for more alumni mentors, because student responses have more than doubled for the 1999-2000 program. CFA pins were again presented to new graduates at commencement. The CFA Alumni Board met three times throughout the year to plan its activities, with a new outing being considered for late summer. Officers were: Jacqueline Brown ‘74MA77, president; Ann Heintzelman, ‘83MA88, vice president and Alumni Council representative; Sue Taylor, ‘71, BSUAA liaison and secretary; and Patricia Theisen, ‘78, past president. Members included Amy Christie, ‘93; Dan Conder, ‘72; Lee Grantham, ‘81; Brent Marty, ‘92; Margaret Merrion, dean; Erwin Mueller, ‘53DA77; Myles Ogea, ‘91MA94; Charlie Russell Jr., ‘71; Pamela Spillman, ‘86; and Michael Wilson, ‘95. Faculty representatives were Sarah Mangelsdorf, Christine Satory and Elizabeth Richter. Ex-officio were Andrea Deer, ‘95, BSUAA information coordinator; and Ed Shipley, ‘68MA71, BSUAA executive director. Family and Consumer Sciences http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/societies.html (4 of 8) [07/08/2003 12:58:45 PM] BSUAA 1999 Annual Report: Professional & Constituent Societies Using a survey to determine the interests and desires of its constituency, the Family and Consumer Sciences Alumni Board began its year with new plans. It worked closely with the department to create and implement Career Mentoring Day at the Alumni Center, attended by 210 students and 40 alumni and faculty. Charles Lazzara, ‘73, president and CEO of Ritz Charles, Indianapolis, made the keynote address. Students then broke into smaller groups determined by their majors, and were addressed by alumni professionals from those disciplines. At the request of numerous alumni who were surveyed, the department reinstated its newsletter to graduates, and mailed it during the winter. Alumni and faculty were invited to attend several departmental functions, including a reception for Distinguished Alumni Award recipient Penny Ralston, ‘71, dean of the College of Human Science at Florida State University. FCS Spring Alumni Day, an event held every other year, attracted 50 persons. Four alumni awards were presented at the luncheon: Ellen Lacey, MA60, Award of Distinction; Ann (Dilley) Smart, ‘69, and Nancy (Martin) Torgerson, ‘63, Awards of Achievement; and Joyce (Keever) Meyer, ‘81, Award of Merit. Joy McMechan Robbins, ‘69MA72 made the keynote presentation. Officers were: Sharon Stephen, ‘63MA70, president; Jackie Johnston, ‘64MA67, vice president and Alumni Council representative; Pat Barnes, ‘68MA72, secretary; and Christina Means, ‘94, past president. Members were: Corine Carr, ‘80BS82MS84EdD98; Bonnie Johnston, ‘72MA77; Jama Kirby Montgomery, ‘50MA60; Jeanine LeMaster, ‘92; Joy Robbins, ‘69MA72; Katina Roberts, ‘87; Linda Wallace, ‘62; Sandra Wimmer, ‘62MA67; Alice Spangler, department chair; Marla Kurtz, ‘78MA82, faculty representative; Diane Williams, BSUAA communications assistant; Sue Taylor, ‘71, BSUAA liaison; and Ed Shipley, ‘68MA71, BSUAA executive director. Journalism The Journalism Alumni Association enjoyed an active year, working with scholarship and alumni award selections, and seeing the ground breaking of a new building that will house the Department of Journalism, among other departments. During its annual spring awards luncheon, the Department of http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/societies.html (5 of 8) [07/08/2003 12:58:45 PM] BSUAA 1999 Annual Report: Professional & Constituent Societies Journalism and Journalism Alumni Association honored several alumni. Emily A. Holmes, ‘96, graphics editor of the Baltimore Sun, was presented the Outstanding Young alumnus Award. The Outstanding Journalism alumnus Award was presented to Bruce E. Konkle, ‘76, associate professor in the College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of South Carolina. John M. Butler, ‘71; Gary A. Hengstler, ‘69; and Homer B. Smith, ‘36MA40, were inducted into the Journalism Hall of Fame. Butler is assistant to the director of Quill and Scroll National Honorary, prestigious national honorary for high school journalism students. Hengstler is editor and publisher of the American Bar Associations’s ABA Journal, the largest legal magazine in the world. Smith has been an active journalist for more than six decades, serving as a publications editor, author, and columnist. The Journalism Alumni Association also planned a seminar to be hosted in the Alumni Center. The seminar, planned for spring 1999, was rescheduled with the hope of involving more participants. The Association board was led by Amy Ahlersmeyer, ‘80, president; Susan Akers, ‘90, vice president; and Vicki Hermansen, ‘83, Alumni Council representative. Other board members included: Ray Begovich, MA88EdD93; Myra Borshoff, ‘69; Marlene Carey, ‘77; Larry Costello, MA88; Tim Fought, ‘87; Jim Grim, ‘80; Christopher Jensen, MA88; Guy Johnson, ‘66; Mark Kornmann, ‘83MA84; Adele Lash, ‘72; Kirby Sprouls, ‘74; and Tracy Warner, ‘80. Members by position at the university were: Marilyn Weaver, ‘65MA70EdS81, department chair; Shirley Serini, faculty representative; Charlotte Shepperd, ‘68MA75, Alumni Association liaison and secretary; and Diane Williams, BSUAA Communications Assistant. Lettermen’s Alumni “B” Club On October 16 and 17, Ball State inducted six former student-athletes into its Athletic Hall of Fame at a ceremony in the University Arena Alumni Lounge. In addition, they were honored at halftime at Ball State’s home football game vs. Miami University. The inductees included: Jenny Eckert, ‘90, Women’s Basketball; Ron Duncan, ‘88, Football; Jeff Gallagher, ‘88, Men’s Golf; Todd Hershey, ‘88, Men’s Tennis; Eric Nixon, ‘88, Men’s Tennis; and Derrick Wesley, ‘88, Men’s Basketball. Natural Resources and Environmental Management The Clyde Hibbs Memorial Scholarship fund reached an endowed level, enabling the department to award $500 to an outstanding junior with an NREM major. Although contributions to the fund are sought on a continual basis, this first award will be used in the 1999-2000 school year. Completion of the Alumni Profile book, which spotlights board members and their professions, was accomplished late in the summer. The booklet is available for recruiting efforts. Alumni were invited to speak at a Fall Career Day, as well as at http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/societies.html (6 of 8) [07/08/2003 12:58:46 PM] BSUAA 1999 Annual Report: Professional & Constituent Societies Senior Recognition Day. Highlighting the spring, the Society selected two alumni to recognize for their outstanding accomplishments in the profession. John T. McCory, ‘58, Fort Wayne Northrop High School teacher, received the Award of Distinction, and Ronald A. Weiss, EdD95, executive director of the Chipper Woods Observatory, Indianapolis, received the Award of Achievement. The presentations were made at a dinner in their honor at the Alumni Center. Several alumni and faculty gathered for a picnic and concert at the annual Symphony on the Green. Board officers were: Dean Smith, MA79, president; Terry Coleman, ‘84, vice president; Emily Kress, ‘69MAE72, Alumni Council representative; and David Hoffman, ‘72, past president. Members were John Bergman, ‘71; Chris Bishop, ‘85; Timothy Johnson, ‘85; Stan Lengerich, ‘86; Scott Mynsberge, ‘77; Hugh Brown, faculty representative; Charles Mortensen, department chair; Janie Nicely, BSUAA programs assistant; Sue Taylor, ‘71, BSUAA liaison and secretary; and Ed Shipley, ‘68MA71, BSUAA executive director. Nursing The Nursing Alumni Board coordinated the annual winter candlelight pinning ceremony held at Pruis Hall and the spring ceremony held at Emens Auditorium. The boards’ scholarship committee awarded over $5000 to nursing students for the 1999-2000 academic year. The board hosted the annual Nursing alumni banquet. Class reunions were chaired by Mary Whitaker, ‘49; Cleo Haney, ‘54; Marsha Miller, ‘59; and Barb Garringer, ‘59. Board president JoAnn Johnston, ‘85MA88 recognized outstanding alumni award recipients Marsha Casey, ‘79, and Barbara Cox, MA91 at the banquet. Also recognized were the graduates of the December 1998 class, May 1999 class, and 1999-2000 scholarship recipients. Board officers were: JoAnn Johnston, ‘85MA88, president and Alumni Council representative; Janet Noel, ‘68, vice president; Sherrill White, AS95, secretary; Kathy Hutson, ‘80MA82AS92, past president; Phyllis Irvine, Director, School of Nursing; Joyce Anne Baldwin, MA77, faculty representative; Ernie Krug, ‘68MA73MA82, BSUAA liaison; Diane Williams BSUAA communications assistant. Board members were: Mary Buckley, ‘94; Pam Cole, ‘80MA89; Sheri Frankenfield, ‘71MA86; Doreen Johnson, ‘79MA86; Nancy Lee, ‘94; and Ruth Ann Tolle, ‘76; Teachers College The Teachers College Alumni Association recognized Dr. Jon R. Hendrix, EdD74, and Philip L. Metcalf, ‘70, as Teachers College Outstanding Alumni this year. In addition, the board awarded Innovative Education Grants to Donald R. Underwood, ‘70MA75, and Ann E. Polk, ‘91MA98. More than $11,000 in scholarships were awarded by the board for the 1998-99 academic year. The board met with the scholarship and Innovative Education Grant recipients at a dinner in their http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/societies.html (7 of 8) [07/08/2003 12:58:46 PM] BSUAA 1999 Annual Report: Professional & Constituent Societies honor. Board officers were: Eugene White, EdS81EdD82, president; Mike Garringer, 74MA77, vice president; Cathy Palmer, ‘66MA72EdD75, secretary; Phil Metcalf, ‘70, Alumni Council representative. Board members were: Terri Austin, ‘77MA81; Sharon Gunyon, ‘58MA62; Mary Link, MA69EdD76; Roy Weaver, ‘68MA71 dean; Ernie Krug, ‘68MA73MA82, BSUAA activities director, and Andrea Deer, ‘95, BSUAA information coordinator. New board members were: Judy Briganti, ‘69; Mike Garringer, ‘74MA77; Suellen Reed, MA70EdD91 and June Rimmer, ‘70. Return to Top Annual Report Sections Executive Message | Alumni Leadership | Alumni Contacts | Alumni Ambassadors Alumni Staff | Alumni Programs | Alumni Awards | Reunions | Professional & Constituent Societies BSUAA Financial Summary | Past Activities Calendar Ball State University Alumni Association Muncie, IN 47306-0075 Telephone: 765-285-1080 Toll Free: 1-888-I-GO-4-BSU E-mail: alumni1@bsu.edu. Copyright © 2002 [Ball State University]. All rights reserved. Revised: 08 Jul 2003 12:56:09 -0500 . Comments to the Webmaster. http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/societies.html (8 of 8) [07/08/2003 12:58:46 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report Alumni Financials 1998 - 1999 Annual Report Financial Summary Revenue (1998-1999) Alumni Association (Net) Ball State University Foundation University Total Revenue Expenditures (1998-1999) Administrative Salaries Support Salaries Fringe Benefits Student/Graduate Assistant Salaries Ball State Alumnus (printing/postage) Other Publications (printing) General Operations Other University Department Support Travel UBI Taxes Alumni Center Gift and Grand Opening Events Alumni Clubs/Regional Alumni Outings Awards Program Constituent Programs Homecoming Reunions New Graduate Promotions Scholarships Student Programs Total Expenditures Retained to Current Assets Current Assets (June 30, 1999) Endowed Scholarships (June 30, 1999) Investment Assets (June 30, 1999) Total Assets (June 30, 1999) $212,727.00 229,000.00 *817,253.00 $1,258,980.00 $333,783.00 110,122.00 124,293.00 37,100.00 243,671.00 15,022.00 105,229.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 1,105.00 81,286.00 64,867.00 2,820.00 4,102.00 16,209.00 7,761.00 6,208.00 55,665.00 4,747.00 $1,238,990.00 $19,990.00 $95,382.24 121,551.77 974,791.48 $1,191,725.49 *The university provides office space (rent, utilities, maintenance) and computer services in addition to the revenue shown. http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/financial.html (1 of 2) [07/08/2003 12:59:00 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report Alumni Financials Return to Top Annual Report Sections Executive Message | Alumni Leadership | Alumni Contacts | Alumni Ambassadors Alumni Staff | Alumni Programs | Alumni Awards | Reunions | Professional & Constituent Societies BSUAA Financial Summary | Past Activities Calendar Ball State University Alumni Association Muncie, IN 47306-0075 Telephone: 765-285-1080 Toll Free: 1-888-I-GO-4-BSU E-mail: alumni1@bsu.edu. Copyright © 2002 [Ball State University]. All rights reserved. Revised: 08 Jul 2003 12:52:35 -0500 . Comments to the Webmaster. http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/financial.html (2 of 2) [07/08/2003 12:59:00 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report: Past Activities 1998 - 1999 Annual Report July '98 Event Location 9 9 10 10 11 Delta Pi Epsilon Reunion Committee Meeting 7 Northeastern Indiana Golf & Dinner Outing - Brookwood Golf Club 121 BSUAA Recognition Dinner 129 Linson Scholarship Committee Meeting 5 Delta Pi Epsilon College of Business Honorary 50 50th Anniversary Reunion 11 Three Rivers Festival Parade 29 12 Indianapolis Indians Picnic & Baseball Outing 85 15 COB After Work Cocktail Party 34 15 COB Board Meeting 15 17-19Black Alumni Reunion Weekend 100 18 Theta Chi Alumni Golf Outing - Players Club 12 23 Sigma Phi Epsilon Golf & Dinner Outing - Hickory Hills 41 26 Homecoming Committee Meeting 14 28 Eastern Indiana Golf & Dinner Outing 49 Aug. Event '98 3 5 5 12 15 22 22 23 26 26 29 Shelby County Area Alumni - Elks Golf Club Indianapolis Area Golf & Dinner Outing Fort Benjamin Harrison Golf Club CPE Accounting Seminar - Fort Benjamin Harrison Fort Wayne Wizards Baseball Outing Symphony on the Prairie Outing - Conner Prairie Beta Theta Pi Golf & Dinner Outing - Players Club Sigma Chi Alumni Golf Outing - Royal Hylands Golf Club Homecoming Steering Committee Meeting Nursing Alumni Board Meeting Homecoming Steering Committee Meeting Alumni Greek Leadership Conference Homecoming Fall Information Meeting St.A.R.T. Meeting Homecoming Steering Committee Meeting Alumni Dinner Football - Alumni Pre-Game Outing (BSU vs. SC) St.A.R.T. Meeting Natural Resources Alumni Board Meeting Fort Wayne Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Alumni Center Yorktown Farmland Alumni Center Winchester Location 37 119 Shelbyville Indianapolis 31 65 67 52 85 16 7 16 34 Indianapolis Fort Wayne Fishers Yorktown Knightstown Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Sept. Event '98 1 1 2 4 5 8 9 Alumni Center Fort Wayne Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Location 94 12 16 98 151 5 7 http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/pastactivities.html (1 of 7) [07/08/2003 12:59:04 PM] Student Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Columbia, SC Columbia, SC Alumni Center Indianapolis 1998-99 Annual Report: Past Activities 9 Cardinal Varsity Club Golf Outing - Hickory Hills 9 Homecoming Steering Committee Meeting 12 Alumni Council Meeting 12 Legacy Scholarship Luncheon 12 Teachers College Alumni Board Meeting & Lunch 14 Michiana Alumni Club Meeting 14-16Homcoming Talent Search Auditions 15 FCS Alumni Board Meeting 15 Northeastern Indiana Alumni Club Meeting 16 Homecoming Steering Committee Meeting 16 Career Information Day 18 Alumni Dinner 19 Football - Alumni Pre-Game Outing (BSU vs. Iowa St.) 19 Journalism Alumni Board Meeting 20 Homecoming Royalty Fashion Show 20 Alumni Admissions Reception 20 Homecoming Royalty Tea - Music Lounge 21 Earl Yestingsmeier Recognition Dinner - Delaware Country Club 22 St.A.R.T. Meeting 23 Homecoming Steering Committee Meeting 23 CFA Alumni Board Meeting 23 Nursing Alumni Board Meeting 24-25Homecoming Promotional Sales 24 Homecoming Royalty Dinner/Interviews 27 Homecoming Opening Day Activities Pep Rally/Basketball & Volleyball Tournaments 28 Homecoming Air Jam 29 College of Architecture & Planning Board Meeting 29 Homecoming Bed Race 29 Homecoming Faculty/Staff Wine & Cheese Reception 29 Homecoming Talent Search Technical Rehearsal 30 Homecoming Student Scholarship Talent Search 30 Homecoming Royalty Coronation 30 All Campus Picnic 30 Homecoming - Twister Competition - LaFollette Field Oct. '98 Event 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 Homecoming Faculty/Staff Breakfast - Music Lounge Homecoming Student Concert - Michelanjelo/ Cootie Brown Lambda Chi Alpha Reunion Kickoff - Radisson Hotel Homecoming Alumni Association Awards Dinner Lambda Chi Alpha Reunion Breakfast and Tour Lambda Chi Alpha Golf Outing - Delaware Country Club COB Alumni Board Meeting COB Dialogue Day Homecoming All Alumni Coffee Hour - Alumni Lounge Lambda Chi Alpha Breakfast - Fraternity House 76 16 35 78 7 14 80 12 13 17 1,200 83 91 13 600 11 40 67 20 16 10 7 689 50 387 Farmland Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Mishawaka Student Center Alumni Center Fort Wayne Alumni Center Arena Des Moines, IA Ames, IA Alumni Center Pruis Hall Merrillville Student Center Muncie Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Campus Alumni Center Irving Gym 1,376 14 350 104 80 670 670 300 300 Emens Alumni Center Campus Alumni Center Emens Emens Emens Campus Campus Location 95 250 5 163 0 15 13 550 40 25 http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/pastactivities.html (2 of 7) [07/08/2003 12:59:04 PM] Student Center Emens Muncie Alumni Center Alumni Center Muncie Alumni Center Alumni Center Student Center Muncie 1998-99 Annual Report: Past Activities 3 3 Classes of 1948 & 1958 Reunion Breakfasts 22 Alumni Center Homecoming Alumni Pre-Game Rally 434 Alumni Center Group Gatherings Alpha Gamma Delta Alumni 1 Alpha Omicron Pi Alumni 2 COB Alumni 10 Delta Tau Delta Alumni 19 FCS Alumni 8 Journalism Alumni 11 Kappa Alpha Theta Alumni 5 Kappa Delta Alumni 12 Lambda Chi Alpha Alumni 53 Phi Delta Theta Alumni 1 Phi Sigma Kappa/Phi Sigma Epsilon Alumni 6 Sigma Nu Alumni 8 Sigma Phi Epsilon Alumni 78 Sigma Sigma Sigma Alumni 1 Theta Chi Alumni 7 Class of 1948 12 Class of 1958 11 Gamma Iota Sigma 6 3 Homecoming (BSU vs. Northern Illinois) 16,829Stadium 3 Homecoming Post-Game Celebration 189 Alumni Center 3 Lambda Chi Alpha Reception & Dinner - Horizon Convention Center60 Muncie 3 Homecoming Entertainment - Temptations 1,407 Emens 4 Alumni Admissions Reception 16 Indianapolis 5 Ashley Award Reception - Cardinal Hall 60 Student Center 6 St.A.R.T. Meeting 12 Alumni Center 7 Indianapolis Alumni Club Meeting 13 Indianapolis 9 St.A.R.T. Interviews 1 Alumni Center 9 St.A.R.T. Applications Due 20 Alumni Center 10 Black Alumni Constituent Society Meeting 10 Alumni Center 14-15St.A.R.T. Interviews 16 Alumni Center 15 St.A.R.T. Meeting 13 Alumni Center 16 Football Lettermen’s Golf Outing-Players Club 16 Yorktown 17 Football Lettermen’s Reunion 42 Alumni Center 19 Natural Resources Alumni Awards Committee 5 Indianapolis 20 St.A.R.T. Meeting 23 Alumni Center 21 Journalism Planning Committee Meeting 6 Alumni Center 24 Phoenix Area BSU-Marshall Football Watch Party 2 Phoenix, AZ 27 Class of 1949 Reunion Committee Meeting 15 Alumni Center 28 Nursing Alumni Board Meeting 11 Alumni Center Nov. Event '98 3 7 7 St.A.R.T. Meeting Michiana Alumni Club Shopping Trip Football - BSU vs. Western Michigan Location 30 Alumni Center 25 Chicago, IL 19,107Stadium http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/pastactivities.html (3 of 7) [07/08/2003 12:59:04 PM] 1998-99 Annual Report: Past Activities 10 13 13 13 14 15 17 20 23 24 Greek 401- Presented by St.A.R.T. Orlando Area Golf Outing - Celebration Golf Club Alumni Dinner FCS Career/Mentoring Day Committee Football - Alumni Pre-Game Outing (BSU vs.Central FL) Homecoming Steering Committee Wrap-Up Meeting St.A.R.T. Meeting FCS Career/Mentoring Day Committee Indiana Association of School Principals Reception Class of 1949 Reunion Committee Meeting Dec. '98 Event 2 3 4 4 6 8 8 8 12 14 17 19 Nursing Alumni Board Meeting - Van’s Restaurant Indiana Association of Public School Superintendents Reception FCS Career Day FCS Alumni Board Meeting St.A.R.T. Christmas Dinner Alumni Council Strategic Planning Meeting Alumni Council New Member Orientation St.A.R.T. Meeting BSU vs. Butler Pre-Game Outing Chicago Alumni Outing - Rock Bottom Brewery Muncie/Delaware County Chamber of Commerce After Hours Reception Nursing Candlelight Pinning Ceremony Jan. '99 Event 9 13 13 16 16 18 19 21 23 26 26 26 29 30 30 30 Indianapolis Ice Outing COB Sports & Spaghetti Night COB Alumni Board Meeting Teachers College Alumni Board Meeting Journalism Alumni Board Meeting Sigma Sigma Sigma Founder’s Day Meeting St.A.R.T. Meeting CFA Alumni Board Meeting Michiana Casino Boat Bus Trip CAP Alumni Board Meeting Journalism Awards Committee Meeting Northeastern Alumni Club Meeting - La Margarita’s Alumni Council Executive Committee Meeting Alumni Council Meeting Cheerleaders Reunion Elkart Kids Bus Trip Feb. '99 Event 2 St.A.R.T. Meeting 15 29 212 6 317 15 25 6 212 15 Student Center Orlando, FL Orlando, FL Alumni Center Orlando, FL Muncie Alumni Center Alumni Center Indianapolis Alumni Center Location 10 87 250 11 26 5 6 24 66 78 48 Muncie Indianapolis - Marriott Hotel Alumni Center Alumni Center Muncie Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Indianapolis Chicago, IL Alumni Center 211 Pruis Hall Location 85 54 11 12 14 4 22 14 39 12 7 13 8 39 40 48 Indianapolis Alumni Center Alumni Center Campus Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center East Chicago Alumni Center Alumni Center Fort Wayne Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Location 18 http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/pastactivities.html (4 of 7) [07/08/2003 12:59:04 PM] Alumni Center 1998-99 Annual Report: Past Activities 6 7 10 11 13 15 16 19 19 20 21 22 24 25 25 Pre-Game Basketball Outing (BSU vs. NIU) Indianapolis Club Argosy Casino Bus Trip Nursing Alumni Board Meeting NREM Alumni Award Committee Meeting Black Alumni Board Meeting Homecoming Steering Committee Interviews Begin St.A.R.T. Meeting Homecoming Ashley Scholarship Committee Meeting Northeastern Indiana TGIF - Columbia Street West Tennis Alumni Reunion Alumni/Admissions Reception St.A.R.T. Tour for Asian American Student Association FCS Nominating Committee Meeting COB Alumni Board Planning Committee Meeting Little Shoestring Tent Theater Reunion Meeting 40 34 12 6 13 26 24 5 86 64 284 10 4 3 8 March Event '99 1 1 2 3 9 9 11 15 16 16 16 20 21 23 24 25 29 30 30 30 31 FCS Banquet Committee Meeting Homecoming Steering Committee Pizza Social St.A.R.T. Meeting FCS Alumni Board Meeting Indianapolis Alumni Club Meeting NREM Alumni Board Meeting Technology Committee Meeting Little Shoestring Tent Theater Reunion Meeting Alumni Communications Advisory Board Meeting St.A.R.T. Alumni Center Tour Michiana Alumni Club Meeting Homecoming Steering Committee Retreat Alumni/Admissions Reception Class of 1949 Social Planning Committee Meeting Homecoming Steering Committee Meeting Actuarial Science and Insurance Alumni Dinner Alumni Dinner/President Worthen - Sheraton Hotel Cardinal Job Fair St.A.R.T. Meeting Oregon Outing - Widmer Brothers Brewing Co. Homecoming Steering Committee Meeting Location 4 17 20 11 10 11 4 9 12 20 10 71 257 11 17 48 44 617 20 25 17 April Event '99 1 1 1 1 1 7 7 Journalism Awards Luncheon Journalism Alumni Board Meeting COB Takin’ Care of Business College of Business Alumni Board Meeting North Central Indiana Outing Meeting Nursing Alumni Board Meeting Homecoming Steering Committee Meeting Dekalb, IL Lawrenceburg Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Fort Wayne Alumni Center Schaumburg, IL Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Indianapolis Alumni Center Boardroom Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Elkhart Student Center Indianapolis Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Seattle, WA University Arena Alumni Center Portland, OR Alumni Center Location 31 10 109 17 8 11 17 http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/pastactivities.html (5 of 7) [07/08/2003 12:59:04 PM] Student Center Student Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Perz Alumni Center Alumni Center 1998-99 Annual Report: Past Activities 8 CFA Jazz and Java 10 CAP Alumni Board Meeting 10 CAP Alumni Day 11 Alumni/Admissions Reception 12 Alumni/Admissions Reception 13 St.A.R.T. Meeting 13 Homecoming Spring Information Meeting 14 Homecoming Steering Committee Meeting 18 Alumni/Admissions Reception 21 Homecoming Royalty Meeting 21 Homecoming Steering Committee Meeting 24 Sigma Sigma Sigma Founder’s Day 24 Nursing Alumni Spring Banquet 24 Nursing Alumni Reunion - Class of 1949 24 Nursing Alumni Reunion - Class of 1959 24 Nursing Alumni Reunion - Class of 1954 25 Alumni/Admissions Reception 26-27MAC Alumni Association Staff Retreat 27 “Majoring in Success” Lecture Sponsored by BSUAA, First USA, and Visa 27 St.A.R.T. Meeting 28 Legacy Scholarship Committee Meeting 28 Homecoming Steering Committee Meeting 30 NREM Alumni Awards Dinner May '99 Event 1 1 5 5-6 6 7 7 8 17 29 FCS Spring Alumni Day Michiana Casino Night Homecoming Steering Committee Meeting Teacher Fair Distinguished Alumni Committee Meeting St.A.R.T. Senior Congrats Party Nursing Candlelight Pinning Ceremony Commencement Luncheon Little Shoestring Tent Theater Reunion Meeting Sigma Delta Reunion 84 11 141 114 22 20 80 16 158 77 15 45 170 21 25 14 99 56 481 Alumni Center Alumni Center Campus Evansville Vincennes Alumni Center Student Center Alumni Center Fort Wayne Burkhardt Building Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center South Bend Alumni Center Alumni Center 20 7 14 22 Alumni Alumni Alumni Alumni Location 49 52 16 550 7 537 616 528 4 59 June Event '99 9 Northeastern Indiana Alumni Club Meeting 11-12Alumni College 12 Distinguished Alumni Committee Meeting 12 G.O.L.D. Committee Meeting 12 Journalism Alumni Board Meeting 12 Alumni Council Meeting 12 Symphony on the Green (NREM) 12 Symphony on the Green (Alumni College) 14 FCS Alumni Board Meeting Center Center Center Center Alumni Center Elkhart Alumni Center University Arena Alumni Center Muncie Pruis Hall Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Location 11 84 7 6 10 27 4 90 6 http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/pastactivities.html (6 of 7) [07/08/2003 12:59:04 PM] Fort Wayne Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Alumni Center Campus Campus Alumni Center 1998-99 Annual Report: Past Activities 18 Football Lettermen Golf & Dinner Outing Hickory Hills Golf Club 19 Homecoming Steering Committee Meeting 22 Indianapolis Golf & Dinner Outing - West Chase Golf Club 23 Gamma Gamma Reunion Luncheon 24-25Class of ‘49-50 Year Reunion 29 Michiana Golf & Dinner Outing - Juday Creek Golf Club 84 Farmland 14 24 50 109 83 Muncie Indianapolis Alumni Center Alumni Center Elkhart Return to Top Annual Report Sections Executive Message | Alumni Leadership | Alumni Contacts | Alumni Ambassadors Alumni Staff | Alumni Programs | Alumni Awards | Reunions | Professional & Constituent Societies BSUAA Financial Summary | Past Activities Calendar Ball State University Alumni Association Muncie, IN 47306-0075 Telephone: 765-285-1080 Toll Free: 1-888-I-GO-4-BSU E-mail: alumni1@bsu.edu. Copyright © 2002 [Ball State University]. All rights reserved. Revised: 08 Jul 2003 12:54:22 -0500 . Comments to the Webmaster. http://www.bsu.edu/web/alumni/annual_report/1999/pastactivities.html (7 of 7) [07/08/2003 12:59:04 PM]