School of Public and Nonprofit Administration CLASSROOM OBSERVATION REPORT

School of Public and Nonprofit Administration
1. The reviewer and instructor meet ahead of the in-class observation to review the syllabus and planned classroom activities. If previous peerreviews exist, they should be consulted. A set of instructor’s goals should be established and some criteria (based on the goals) should be agreed
upon. This document has nine criteria that can be used in many situations. However, they can be modified.
2. The reviewer then visits the class and makes notes based on the criteria established. A second visit can be scheduled if there are two styles of
class that the reviewer wishes to observe. For an online class, the reviewer should be given access to the class Blackboard site for a week.
3. A debriefing meeting should occur at which the reviewer and instructor discuss strengths and weaknesses regarding achievement of the goals.
4. The reviewer then submits the Classroom Observation Report to the Director. A summary statement should be appended, including suggestions
for the candidate’s growth and development. These Classroom Observation Reports are placed in the candidate's binder.
5. The instructor is encouraged to consider these suggestions for possible syllabus or assignment revisions, provision of materials to students, class
management, etc. They can comment on these intended changes in the Portfolio and Work Plan.
Greg Cline
CLASS DESCRIPTION: PA 630 Health Administration and Service
Rich Jelier
313 CHS
Criteria should be agreed upon by instructor and
observer prior to the classroom visit. Below are only
suggestions. Please modify to fit the situation.
Class Objectives
Brief statement/overview provided
Is a clear statement of goals (learning outcomes) shared
with students at the beginning of class? Does the
instructor indicate how the material links to previous /
future classes and to course texts or to other course
Content Level
Is the content appropriate for the level of the
Check on Learning
Does the instructor periodically pause to ensure learning
is taking place? Does the instructor check on learning by
asking questions or gaining feedback?
1 = Problem
3 = Sound
5= Outstanding
Yes, but student presentations on
What’s new in Health Care were a bit
random, tying the assignment to each
classes’ topical areas would be helpful.
Good interaction and rapport with
students, checks attendance
beginning of class. Solicited good
questions to push conversation .
2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5
Management of Discussion
Are the opportunities for dialogue well facilitated? Is
focus kept on relevant subjects? Are students
contributions treated with respect by the instructor
and by other students? Are conversations not
monopolized by only a few students? Or by the
Management of the Learning Environment
Are students well behaved and attentive? Are classroom
distractions and disruptions minimized?
Good management of classroom
environment. Students were both
comfortable and engaged. Greg kept
the pace moving.
Greg moved the class seamlessly
between student presentation and
short mini-lectures. Professor Cline
was confident and in command of the
material he covered in the short
2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5
Time Management
Is the session well organized? Is the class time used
efficiently? Are activities neither rushed nor drawn
out? Is the variety of mediums and activities
appropriate for the length of the class?
Oral Presentation Style
Does the instructor have a good oral presentation style?
Is volume and enunciation good? Is eye contact good? Is
body language good?
Visual Presentation Style
Does the instructor have good visual aids? If slides or
overheads are used, do they have clear, focused content
with clean, readable images? If the whiteboard is used,
is the handwriting legible?
Pacing and variety was good, student’s
remained attentive.
Laid-back style. Students were
attentive and Professor Cline
engaged students, kept their
attention and kept them on task.
2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5
Powerpoint slides were basic text,
could be enhanced.
Classroom Demeanor
Does the instructor behave appropriately? Is the
instructor on time to class? Does the instructor’s
demeanor encourage a good relationship with the
students in terms of rapport and respect?
The classroom climate and
demeanor was excellent. Students
and professor seemed comfortable
in an engaged learning environment.
2 3 4 5
Summary and suggestions:
Overall a productive and engaged class. The format was split between some
short 10-12 minute straight-forward lectures on Accessing Health Care with
student presentations on “What’s new in Healthcare (current events) and
Country Reports based on health care in other countries.
I believe PA 630 was a first time prep. For Dr. Cline. The syllabus is basic
and could be expanded with a larger course description and an overview of
each of the topical areas covered in the course. A significant amount of
class-time is devoted to student reports on Current events and Country
reports. I’d like to see the “What’s new in Healthcare’ tied to the topical
areas covered each week which would tie in better with lecture/discussions.
Students were well prepared in their presentations and Greg created a
positive learning environment where students were positively engaged in the