Home Base Instructional Materials in Schoolnet Collections of Content Available in Schoolnet – May 20, 2015 Collection Name Description Schoolnet State Bank SAS Curriculum Pathways OLE – Science/ Social Studies MORE Open Education Resources (OER) that have been vetted by the state for quality and alignment to the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Interactive, standards-based materials in the core disciplines. Online Learning Exchange (OLE) purchased from Pearson includes materials for Science and Social Studies. Currently includes materials from the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources in Arts, ELA, Healthful Living, Science and Social Studies. Number of Unique Materials 19,635 TOTAL 1,194 8,671 2,110 31,610 Home Base Instructional Materials in Schoolnet by Grade Level and Subject (Schoolnet: State Bank includes 19,635 unique materials) Totals as of May 20, 2015 Grade PK KG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL* 59 1516 1855 1915 2424 2848 3071 3977 4001 4356 8913 7873 7698 7649 ELA Math Science Social Studies Healthful Living/PE World Languages Arts English as a Second Language STEM 2 202 220 252 244 222 196 303 276 295 667 675 512 482 3 246 231 250 318 351 350 601 432 495 906 907 906 904 99 149 142 270 349 305 361 299 498 1711 1783 1784 1783 53 63 84 98 115 127 111 96 107 1572 1572 1571 1577 366 504 508 644 818 991 1211 1507 1469 1171 30 28 28 1 119 134 102 166 221 270 408 428 499 1322 1347 1352 1345 11 360 467 483 578 656 705 620 592 639 1173 1181 1067 1054 21 37 44 51 61 61 74 71 62 48 41 41 39 - * Some materials cross various grade levels and are tagged to standards from multiple subjects 1 1 1 5 5 15 14 22 15 258 256 256 256 CTE 225 229 228 33 29 29 29 Home Base Instructional Materials in Schoolnet: State Bank by Subject Totals as of May 20, 2015 Subject/Focus Area* English Language Arts Mathematics Science Social Studies Healthful Living/Physical Education World Languages Arts Education English as a Second Language STEM CTE (Career and Technical Education) Other TOTAL Actuals in Schoolnet 2,129 3,785 3,275 2,126 3,327 1,487 2,713 209 302 230 52 19,635 * Although materials are tagged to standards across multiple subjects, each material is assigned to one and only one subject in Schoolnet Home Base Instructional Materials in Schooolnet: SAS Curriculum Pathways Totals as of May 20, 2015 Subject/Focus Area English Language Arts Mathematics Science Social Studies Spanish TOTAL Actuals in Schoolnet 307 252 211 274 133 1,194 Home Base Instructional Materials in Schoolnet: OLE Totals as of May 20, 2015 Subject/Focus Area Science Social Studies TOTAL Actuals in Schoolnet 3,329 5,342 8,671 Home Base Instructional Materials in Schoolnet: MORE Totals as of May 20, 2015 Subject/Focus Area Arts ELA Healthful Living Science Social Studies Other TOTAL Actuals in Schoolnet 44 91 36 98 1,721 120 2,110