The Visualization of Data and the User-Interface in the Auto-ID World by Chaitra Chandrasekhar Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degrees of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering and Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology May 26, 2005 ISI MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ' JU]L 18 2005 Copyright 2005 Chaitra Chandrasekhar. All rights reserved.I LIBRARIES The author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis and to grant others the right to do so Author Department of Electrical Engi. 4 Science Yuter u9 rttig May 17, 2005 Certified by or. David L. Thesis Brock] Supervisor Accepted byCArthur C. Smith Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Theses BAKER The Visualization of Data and the User-Interface in the Auto-ID World by Chaitra Chandrasekhar Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science May 26, 2005 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degrees of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering and Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ABSTRACT This thesis proposes a framework for user interface (UI) design in the Auto-ID world. The thesis includes the examination of issues related to visualizing data to the user from a top-down perspective in the Auto-ID World. Using the main application of supply chain management, the role and cognitive capabilities of the users of the system are analyzed in order to distill the key considerations for a user interface (UI) from the user's perspective. Data related to Auto-ID that is available in the supply chain are explored to provide a clearer picture of the required capabilities of the UI. Systems with different categories of Uls are also studied to provide a more comprehensive view of the options available. A model for a functional and useful UI for supply chain management in the Auto-ID world is proposed as a solution. Thesis Supervisor: David L. Brock Title: Principal Research Scientist, Fmr. Director and Co-Founder Auto-ID Center -2- Contents 2 ABSTRACT ...................................................... ......................................................... 3 Contents List of F igu res ..................................................................................................................... 6 List of Tables ..................................................... 7 1 Introduction..................................................... 8 1.1 1.1.1 Auto-ID and the Electronic Product Code (EPC) network...................... 8 1.1.1 U ser Interface (U I) D esign...................................................................... 9 1.2 Applications ................................................................................................. Supply Chain Management (SCM)........................................................ 1.2.1 1.3 2 3 . 8 B ackground ..................................................................................................... Organization .................................................................................................... Users and their Role in SCM UI Design................................................................... . . 10 11 12 14 2.1 U ser C riteria.................................................................................................... 15 2.2 U sers in the supply chain ............................................................................... 17 2.3 User Information Requirement and Value .................................................... 25 2.4 U I D esign C onsiderations ............................................................................. 27 Human Capabilities and Implications for UI Design............................................. 3.1 V isualization and Cognition .......................................................................... 3.1.1 3 .1.2k Short-term memory and long-term memory .................... ............................................................................................. 29 29 29 . . 30 3.1.3 A nchoring .............................................................................................. .31 3.1.4 T he use of sym bols ............................................................................... 31 -3- The hem ispheres of the brain ................................................................. 3.1.5 3.2 Types of users ............................................................................................... Classification of decision makers .......................................................... 33 3.2.2 Personality Types.................................................................................... 33 Perception of shape and color ........................................................................ 36 Em otional responses to color ................................................................. 36 3.3.1 3.4 Relationships between objects ...................................................................... 38 3.5 A lternate approaches...................................................................................... 39 3.5.1 Jacques Bertin ........................................................................................ 39 3.5.2 Tufte ...................................................................................................... 40 3.5.3 Other m odes ........................................................................................... 42 3.6 Implications for UI D esign ............................................................................ 42 D ata in the A uto-ID world .................................................................................... 43 Types of data available ................................................................................. 43 4.1.1 EPC inform ation ................................................................................... 43 4.1.2 State inform ation.................................................................................... 45 4.1 5 33 3.2.1 3.3 4 32 4.2 M ajor characteristics ...................................................................................... 46 4.3 V alue ................................................................................................................. 47 Other UI Design Considerations and Comparable Systems .................................. 48 5.1 U sability M etrics........................................................................................... 48 5.2 D im ensional representations........................................................................... 50 5.3 U ls of com parable system s ............................................................................. 50 5.3.1 D ashboard-style......................................................................................51 -4- 6 5.3.2 Graph-intensive...................................................................................... 51 5.3.3 Table-intensive...................................................................................... 54 5.3.4 Logic diagram s...................................................................................... 55 5.3.5 Other representations: cartographic and color ...................................... 56 5.3.6 Com bination of graphs, tables, and other aspects.................................. 57 UI D esign for the Auto-ID W orld ......................................................................... 59 6.1 Interface type and high-level choices ............................................................ 59 6.2 Fundamental building blocks of the UI ........................................................ 60 6.3 Role-based im plem entation .......................................................................... 61 6.4 Limitations on com plexity of the UI............................................................. 62 6.5 U se of M etrics............................................................................................... 62 6.6 Proposed UI M odel........................................................................................ 62 Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 65 7.1 Summ ary ........................................................................................................... 65 7.2 Future W ork .................................................................................................. 66 References......................................................................................................................... 67 7 -5- List of Figures Figure 2-1: Product flow between players in the supply chain...................................... 18 Figure 2-2: Information flow between players in the supply chain ............................... 19 Figure 3-1: Map representing the losses over time of French army troops during the Russian campaign (1812-13) - also depicted roundtrip route and temperature. .......... 41 Figure 3-2: Deceptive representation as change in oil price is linear but change in barrel size is qu adratic ................................................................................................................. 41 Figure 4-1: Exam ple of an EPC .................................................................................. 44 Figure 5-1: Dashboard-style interface for a weather monitoring device ...................... 51 Figure 5-2: Stock market variations analyzed in four ways .......................................... 52 Figure 5-3: Stock charts showing fluctuation in stock volumes for different indices ...... 53 Figure 5-4: Position trader's portfolio .......................................................................... 54 Figure 5-5: Chart showing relationships between classes in an object-oriented program 55 Figure 5-6: A radar im age from NW S .......................................................................... 56 Figure 5-7: A test pattern for testing and calibrating color........................................... 56 Figure 5-8: Prerecorded NASDAQ Market Data........................................................... 57 Figure 5-9 : News, prices and stock market data for the German Stock Exchange..... 58 -6- List of Tables Table 2-1: US government agencies that are interested in the supply chain ................ 24 Table 2-2: Value of non-local information for different players in the supply chain....... 26 Table 3-1: Characteristics of the left and right brain ................................................... 33 Table 3-2: MBTI and temperaments............................................................................ 34 Table 3-3: Characteristics of people with different personality types .......................... 35 Table 3-4: Emotional responses to color ..................................................................... 38 Table 5-1: ISO usability metrics ................................................................................... 48 Table 5-2: K inds of representations............................................................................... 50 -7- 1 Introduction In this thesis, I examine the factors that need to be considered in order to build an effective user interface (UI). I propose the need for a role-based UI that takes into consideration the job functions and cognitive abilities of the user. I further emphasize the need for a multi-resolution UI that extracts the details from a complex model and renders it into a comprehensible representation. I examine human cognitive capabilities, representations and personality types to propose an optimized UI that best fits the users' needs. 1.1 Background 1.1.1 Auto-ID and the Electronic Product Code (EPC) network Automatic Identification or Auto-ID refers to all the technologies used for automatically identifying a specific entity. This includes bar coding, magnetic stripe, radio frequency identification (RFID), voice data entry and all the technologies surrounding and supporting them. In this thesis, the primary components of Auto-ID that are examined are RFIDs along with the related technologies of sensors. Electronic Product Cod (EPC) is a standardized method of coding tags. It was created by the MIT Auto-ID Center 1 . The system is currently managed by EPCGlobal Inc., a subsidiary of the Electronic Article Numbering International group and the Uniform Code Council (UCC), creators of the Universal Product Code (UPC) barcode. The EPC IA consortium of over 120 global corporations and university labs -8- network refers to all the technology and capabilities that EPC and related technologies have to offer. 1.1.1 User Interface (UI) Design There has been a lot of research and development in many aspects of RFID and sensors. But historically, there has been a distinctive lack of research in the UI domain. In this thesis, I look at the key components in UI design with a specific emphasis on the Auto-ID realm. A UI may be defined as the aspects of a computer system or program which can be perceived by the human user, and the commands and mechanisms used to control its operation and data 2. The UI is referred to by many names. One of the other more common names is the human-computer interface (HCI). The UI marks the point of interaction between the user and a system. The aim of the UI is to be a representation that best satisfies the needs of the user while conveying the underlying information accurately. In order to satisfy these needs, the UI needs to take into consideration many facets of the user. Some main considerations include experience of the user in the area of use, and role of the user in the context of the organization. These are further discussed in Section 2.1. The two main aspects of a UI are usability and functionality. Usability is the ease with which users can use the interface and understand what it is displaying at all times when in use. Functionality ensures that the interface has the capability to do all that is required for 2 http://dictionary.reference.comlsearch?q=USER%20interface -9- the user. Both these requirements are user-specific. The UI could be a control or display. The focus in this thesis will be on display interfaces. These are more encompassing, can have controls built in and are representative of the kind of UI that users in our systems of consideration use. The main objective of display design is typically to create transparent views into the information space being accessed. The display should not distract the user from the underlying information. The primary goal of designing human-machine interaction, on the other hand, is to create opaque objects that map the information space and afford direct manipulation that guides and constrains human interactions to reduce the complexity load on the individual. For example, a physical map of a region is a direct representation. It is an information representation of a physical area in a scale that the human is familiar with. In Uls, the level of abstraction of detail is an important consideration. Although direct representations of data has its uses, in many cases, the data is either too complex to be represented or cannot show major trends unless simplified. This is where the importance of schematic or abstracted detail representations gives significant benefits. 1.2 Applications There are many possible applications for RFID and sensor data. The main areas of use are access control, security, identification and tracking. Some of the varied applications include supply chain management, asset tracking, medical pedigree tracking, people tracking, livestock, customer/loyalty cards, access cards, fare collection, time and attendance. Auto-ID is either already affecting or predicted to affect all business areas in - 10 - some way or the other. Both direct and indirect effects are already being seen. Many more applications will become cost effective as the price of individual tags reduces and the technology develops. In the foreseeable future, the biggest impact of RFID and sensors is in the supply chain. Therefore, supply chain management is the chosen application in this thesis. 1.2.1 Supply Chain Management (SCM) The supply chain covers all activities associated with the flow of and change in goods from raw materials to finished product along with the associated information flows 3 . All the flows can be bidirectional. Supply chain management (SCM) refers to the integration of all these activities in order to achieve competitive advantage. Supply chains typically stretch across companies and within each company cross over many areas of function. The supply chain includes the following main functions': i. management of information systems: development and use of organizational information technology to optimize the supply chain ii. sourcing and procurement: the obtaining of parts and/or material from another business, country or locale iii. demand planning: forecasting of demand iv. demand collaboration:collaborative resolution process to determine consensus forecasts v. order promising: time of delivery of order looking at lead times and constraints vi. strategic network optimization: what products to serve for what markets and when 3 Robert B. Handfield, Ernest L. Nichols Jr. "Introduction to Supply Chain Management" - 11 - vii. production and distribution planning: coordination of the actual production and distribution plans for an enterprise viii. production and distribution scheduling: creation of feasible production and distribution schedules ix. order processing: handling and filing of customer orders within a distribution center x. inventory management: procedures governing how goods are received, stored, handled and issued xi. warehousing: procedures associated with holding and handling goods in a warehouse or store xii. customer service: ways in which a business meets its customers needs xiii. after-market disposal of packaging and materials: the disposal of unnecessary or used material at the end of its life-cycle These functions are spread across the supply chain and may be managed by any group or subgroup of players within the supply chain. For all these and other many other functions, information needs to be shared across the supply chain in order to avoid duplication and increase efficiency. There are many aspects to the use of RFID and sensors in SCM including installation, data collections, integration, etc. Here we examine the user interface perspective. 1.3 Organization The role of the user is discussed in Chapter 2, cognitive capabilities and other humanrelated factors of visualization are discussed in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 discusses the data that are present in the Auto-ID supply chain. Chapter 5 looks at other aspects of UI -12 - design and comparable systems that should be considered. Chapter 6 proposes key characteristics and a schematic model of the model UI for SCM in the Auto-ID world. Chapter 7 concludes with recommendations and possibilities for future work in this field. - 13 - 2 Users and their Role in SCM UI Design Interface design consists primarily of designing two parts i. Look of the display, ii. Human interactivity components It is the user who judges the aesthetics of the display and directly interacts with the interface. Therefore, the user is of crucial importance in UI design. This is also reflected in the fact that the two major aspects of an effective UI are usability and functionality which are both user-focused elements (discussed further in 5.1). Usability emphasizes on the interactions between the user and the Ul and functionality on how the user can manipulate the available information. Both these elements need to be balanced to design a good interface. The role of the user can be better understood by examining the representation of a relationship between a "kind" of user and a "system". What this means, is that the users' needs, interests, expectations, behaviors and responsibilities drive the "system" over which the UI needs to be built. An explicit user interface design should focus on how the UI satisfies customer wants and needs rather than on how to build it. This may make implementation more difficult, but it is important to focus on this to provide the right interface. An explicit design allows for early detection of implementation issues, as well as for placing the primary focus on satisfying users. Simultaneous design and implementation sometimes occurs on small projects. However, this approach is not scalable. Therefore, we generalize the users into groups according to their responsibilities and requirements that can shape UI design. In this chapter, I examine the different types of users who will form part of the user base in a typical SCM system enhanced with EPC - 14 - network capabilities. In 2.1, I study different ways of classifying users and in 2.2, I elaborate the classifications used to differentiate between users in the supply chain. User Criteria 2.1 The interface has to take into consideration the following user-specific criteria i. Experience ii. Role iii. Data Aggregation Level requirement iv. Cultural variations Most of these categories may be generalized across different fields of usage. Experience: Experience is the level of familiarity that the user has with a system. It refers to the extent to which the user already uses or would want to use Uls. Expert users may have preferred interfaces whereas beginners would probably like the interface that best introduces them to the technology. In SCM, there can be two types of beginners - those who are completely new to the field of SCM and those who are familiar with parts of the supply chain (probably through direct interaction) but with little or no knowledge of different types of Uls. Those who are completely new will have to be trained in the field anyway and UI-training could be included in the general training. Examples of the other type of beginners who have some familiarity could be people who load items on trucks, people who check incoming or outgoing shipments, people who process purchase orders (PO) and advance shipping notices (ASN), etc. These users have some familiarity with the system but are beginners to the use of sophisticated Uls. There are different ways to deal with these types of beginners. One way is through customization capabilities of the - 15 - interface. Another method is the use of multimodal interfaces. These are interfaces in which more than one mode of communication (typing, speech, head gestures, pen gestures, etc) is used as input to the computer. For example, spoken interaction can be integrated as a first-class modality for creating multimodal user interaction with the advances in speech technology. Another method is using similar representations of the physical processes that people are familiar with. For example, for the person checking shipments that arrive or leave, a list of items with missing items highlighted may be similar to a check pad that is already in use. Role: A role-based approach looks at the various "roles" or "job types" in an organization. It refers to the type of role or function that the user has in the organization or system that is using the user interface. In a company, that could literally be the job that the user is doing. In other types of organizational structures this can be used in a more general manner for a category of users. For example, in SCM, a distributor would be a "job type". This method of classification is chosen and elaborated further in 2.2. Data Aggregation Level: Users differ in the level of data aggregation that they would like to see. Some users may want to look at macro views over time, or location. Others may want to look at the micro level. A user may also want to go drill down deeper starting out from a particular level of detail. This would allow users to explore in detail the parts of the data that are relevant to them. A UI that takes this into account needs to understand the role or job-type of the user (examined in 2.2) along with the data that is being represented (examined in 4). - 16 - Cultural variations: Due to cultural differences, people are comfortable with certain colors, looks, features and representations. This needs to be taken into account during UI design. This is an issue that has sprung up due to the rapid globalization of the markets. Differences in language and culture lead to different types of customization. On many occasions, symbols, words, shortcuts and display order needs to be changed according to the user. In the following section, we have used the role-based approach to deal with the SCM world as it describes best the main functions of the different users. Users in the supply chain 2.2 This section looks at the different users in SCM, their functions, relationships and product and information flow between them. There are many players in the supply chain. Along the length of the supply chain, each player acts as a supplier to the downstream party and a customer to the upstream party. The classifications below are made according to job function or "role" (as defined in 2.1.ii). According to this classification, there are six main groups: 1. Suppliers - Different tiers4 a. Raw material supplier = Tier-I Supplier b. Parts supplier = Tier-2 Supplier c. Manufacturer/Assembler/Packager 2. Distributors A tier is defined as a rank or a class. In SCM, suppliers are broken into tiers for definition of supplier status along the supply chain 4 - 17 - 3. Retailers 4. Consumers 5. Recycle or waste managers 6. Third Parties a. Third Party Logistics (3PL) Providers b. The Government This classification is a general one that would work for most supply chains. A supply chain can have multiple parties in each of the above groups. The figure below explains how materials, information and financials flow between these groups. Product Flow Diagram Supplie r Distributor Recycle/Waste Manager Retailer Consumer4 Figure 2-1: Product flow between players in the supply chain - 18 - Information Flow Diagram 3ov Provid P rovide~r Government Supplier Waste Manage Waste - onsumer - Distributor Retailer Figure 2-2: Information flow between players in the supply chain Financial Flow Diagram 3PL GovernmentP Supplier Waste Waste anaer Consumer Dstributor Retailer Figure 2-3: Financial flow between players in the supply chain Material flows include the movement of goods, products, raw materials, etc. Information flow is the exchange of data related to the supply chain whereas financial flow includes 19 - monetary exchanges between parties. In today's SCM environment, information flow in most supply chains is limited and occurs linearly, with most players communicating with their immediate neighbors (except for the 3PL providers). But with increased data and capabilities provided by the EPC network (discussed in Chapter 4), many more interactions are possible. In the following sections, I will put forth all the potential information flows that could happen and the value that arises from them. Financial flows include payments, credits, credit terms, payment schedules, etc. In the current scenario, communication or information flow in the supply chain happens with most players communicating with their immediate neighbors (except for 3PL providers). In the following sections, we will put forth all the potential information flows that could happen. Suppliers For the purposes of this thesis, a supplier is defined as any party who provides inputs to a product that is being transported along the supply chain. For the making of any product, raw materials are the primary inputs. The providers of the raw materials form the Tier-1 suppliers. These suppliers oversee the collection or production of the raw materials and send them to the Tier-2 suppliers. The Tier-2 suppliers manufacture or assemble different parts that will be used in the end product. They get raw material from the Tier-1 supplier and supply parts to the manufacturer. In certain cases, the Tier-2 supplier and the manufacturer are the same party. The manufacturer makes the final product of the supply chain. Once the product is made it needs to be packaged for sale. Depending on the manufacturer, the packaging may be done on-site or contracted out to a packaging unit. This is the final step in the production of a product. -20 - Informationflow andfunctions: Suppliers need manufacture time and time of shipment of goods (and/or materials) at their various locations. This can be used for scheduling, reporting and forecasting, internally. Communication with other parties would allow the stock enquiries, exchange and modification of product information and services, order status updates, invoicing, performance analysis, requirement specifications, quality information and easy recalling of defective items. Distributors Distributors usually get the finished product from the manufacturer and transport it to the retailers. A distributor has distribution centers which are central warehouses that store goods. Most manufacturers use one or more distributors to offset the burden of storage and coordination of distribution to disparate retailers, who may differ in location and scheduling of shipment acceptance. If a manufacturer works solely for one retailer, they might not need the use of a distributor and could take the responsibility themselves. Since distributors supply goods in large quantities and charge prices in bulk, they are also known as wholesalers. Distributors either use a transportation company or have transportation capabilities themselves. Information flow and functions: Distributors require shipment time, arrival time at various locations, status of the shipments, and telemetry data for shipments that require special conditions. Downstream, they require arrival time of shipments along with conditions - telemetry, breach conditions, etc. They would use the information for scheduling, reporting and forecasting. With better transparency, they can build supplier and retailer relationship management. - 21 - Retailers A retailer receives a shipment of goods from the distributor (or directly from one of the other parties) in bulk and makes them available to the individual consumers. They usually buy in bulk (wholesale) and then sell either individual items or small quantities of the items. Information flow and functions: A retailer requires information about items received within a shipment, time of arrival at specific locations and possibly environment information for a subset of the goods. They also need inventory information. Downstream, they require time of sale of individual items. They require this information for inventory. Consumers The end user in the supply chain is the consumer. Consumers are individuals or businesses that consume the goods, which they buy from a retailer. The product is bought in its fully packaged form. Information flow andfunctions: The consumer requires information about availability of items. They could enquire about, add or change information about products that they require or have ordered already. They could also make stock enquiries, price enquiries, order entry, order status enquiry, delivery tracking, account status tracking. Recycle and Waste Managers Most products have package waste at the end of its life. This can be taken care of either by recycling system or a waste management system. Usually, today, waste management and recycling is done at the discretion of the user. At the end of the use of a product, the -22 - product itself may become waste that needs to be disposed or recycled. For example, most laptops and cell phones today are recycled. This could be done directly by the manufacturer or through the use of a third party recycle manager. Waste management is generally taken care of by city authorities. Information flow andfunctions: Currently this is not a very well-defined category. They could primarily use manufacture time information and disposal time information to give them an idea of the lifetime of products in order to perform analysis of when products may reach them. Third Parties Third Party Logistics (3PL) Providers: These are third party vendors who help one or more of the parties in the first three groups (suppliers, distributors, retailers) to track and manage goods. Information flow and functions: 3PL parties mainly require information about location with times of arrival of shipments. In some cases they require information about the environment including temperature, pressure, vibration that the shipments have been subjected to. Government: The US government has a number of different agencies interested in the supply chain. Table 2-1: US government agencies that are interested in the supply chain) gives an overview of the major US government authorities who may need or want visibility into the supply chain. This is a preliminary list of the probable stakeholders in - 23 - most supply chains especially in consumer goods retail. There may be other agencies that are interested in very specific supply chains. Area of focus Security & Justice Immigration authorities Materials Trade & Commerce Intelligence Acronym US Government Agency Name DHS Department of Homeland Security DoJ Department of Justice CSI Container Security Initiative DoD Department of Defense INS Immigration and Naturalization Service USCIS US Citizenship and Immigration Services HAZMAT Hazardous Materials ATF Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives FSIS Food Safety and Inspection Service DEA Drug Enforcement Agency FDA Food and Drug Administration DOA Department of Agriculture WHO World Health Organization NIH National Institutes of Health CDC Centers for Disease Control (& Prevention) WTO DOC World Trade Organization Department of Commerce NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement IRS Internal Revenue Service CBP United States Customs & Border Protection CIA Central Intelligence Agency FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation NSA National Security Agency FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency Coast Guard Others NGA National GeoSpatial-Intelligence Agency AAPA American Association of Port Authorities EPA Environmental Protection Agency Table 2-1: US government agencies that are interested in the supply chain - 24 - Informationflow and functions: The government requires information about goods that pass through borders for use by various authorities. They also use production details in revenue terms for taxation. The EPA helps in "greening the supply chain". They aim to improve the environmental performance of businesses through a series of cooperative agreements. They require information about the conditions (ambient) of the manufacturing sites, monitoring of aspects like emissions, waste management, energy consumption, and other performance metrics. Most of the other governmental agencies use data from different points in the supply chain for monitoring items that could affect the health and safety of the population at large. Without monitoring, hazardous materials can enter the supply chain and harm large numbers of people. In the interests of national security, the monitoring of materials at points of entry into a country are the most important checkpoints. Two other primary reasons for tracking goods include government revenue through taxes and the prevention of the entry of illegal goods. 2.3 User Information Requirement and Value On the first glance, it would seem that a "customer" would only want what is happening immediately upstream, but as the figures and analysis in the previous section show, this is not the case. Almost all the players obtain value from activities upstream and downstream, as well as other non-adjacent parts of the chain. Table 2-2: Value of non-local information for different players in the supply chain) examines the value of information to a particular party in the supply chain from other players (across the supply chain). Supply chain Value of upstream activity knowledge player -25 - Value of downstream ait knowleg activity knowledge Tier-2 Suppli( 2 Manufacturer 4 Retailer 5 Production schedules, manpower and machine requirements Demand-forecasting for manufacturing schedues schedules Schedule of shipment arrivals, request of rapid shipments for sold-out goods Inventory management Logistic Oversees and monitors many activities through the supply chain 6 Government for border control, security, trade, inspection and commerce. 7 Recycle/waste manager Recycling schedules, waste management system schedule Tier-i supplier's raw r l materia demand Table 2-2: Value of non-local information for different players in the supply chain - 26 - 2.4 UI Design Considerations From the previous sections, we see that they are varying requirements for different users in the supply chain. Different players may require different interfaces to parts of the supply chain. Also, a single user may have multiple roles. These are the key takeaways from this chapter. I propose a UI that encapsulates the ideas of the role of the user. This can be implemented either using an explicit definition of the roles, or an implicit, learned role definition system. An explicit role definition system would maintain profiles of different roles that a user can assume. So in an SCM UI that caters to the business community (non-government), the roles that would be used are the ones defined in section 2.2, supplier, distributor, retailer, consumer, recycling manager, and waste manager. Since a 3PL provider just provides visibility over three players, this UI would support that role without an explicit role definition. Each user of the system can choose one or more of the roles that are available. The UI would then present views, functions, and capabilities that would be useful for users in that role(s). Such an approach would require a substantial change in a lot of existing SCM systems. In implicit role definition, the UI would learn the preferences of the user based on the functions that are most used by the user in the "learning" phase and would then provide new views and capabilities that would be useful for the type of user identified in the "execution phase". Such an approach would have a learning period which would generally be considered as "lost time" for people in the business community. Also, this requires a lot of artificial intelligence (Al) programming into the system. Algorithms -27 - would have to be defined for this approach and thus would result in substantial changes in existing systems. In the case of SCM, since the roles of users are fairly well-defined, as seen in 2.2), it would be better to choose the explicit role-based approach. This is reflected in the choices made in the model in Chapter 6. -28- 3 Human Capabilities and Implications for UI Design Another name given to Uls is HCIs or human computer interfaces. In the previous chapter, I examined the user in the SCM world in particular. In this chapter, I look at users more broadly, at a cognitive and behavioral level to understand human capabilities, cognition effects, and other human-specific characteristics that would affect UI design. It is important to choose the right kind of representation for each task. Vessey characterized the relationship between task characteristics, user and representation format using the "cognitive fit" 2 hypothesis. Cognitive fit is defined as "a cost-benefit characteristic that suggests that, for most effective and efficient problem solving to occur, the problem representation and any tools or aids employed should all support the strategies (methods or processes) required to perform the task." 3.1 Visualization and Cognition A more comprehensive term that is sometimes used instead of visualization is perceptualization. Although most of the stimuli in interfaces are received through the visual sphere, additional data is collected by the other senses. The process of visualization depends on a lot of factors, of which cognition is an important element. Cognitive processes interpret the visual data coming in and hence it is important to account and exploit these effects. 3.1.1 Short-term memory and long-term memory In the cognitive sciences, the human memory is divided into the short and long-term memory. Along the lines of classic computer architecture, short-term memory can be said -29 - to be a small set of storage locations that has readily available information whereas longterm memory is the main memory or storage area that stores much larger quantities of information. Short term memory has a short decay time and interference speeds up the decay. Whereas in the case of long-term memory, there is very little decay and relevant information from short-term memory is stored to last for long periods of time. Two phenomena related to short-term and long-term memory respectively are chunking and anchoring explained in the following subsections. 3.1.2 Chunking Miller , in a classic paper, put forth the idea that the size of the short-term memory is approximately seven items or registers or chunks of information. This phenomenon is called the "chunking limit". The error was found to be one or two entities. Other authors have since offered other sizes with most being slightly smaller estimates. Although the short-term memory has a certain number of 'entities' that it can hold, with learning, the size of the individual entities grows. With familiarity of a system, the amount that the short-term memory holds will get larger. On the other hand, the chunking limit decreases as the complexity of the information increases. By chunking information, the communicator improves the consumer's comprehension and ability to access and retrieve the information. In any data flow diagram, it is important to not go more than nine levels deep - even lesser if the functions are complex. Similarly, while understanding the level of detail in a problem, there is a limit to how deep or how many levels deep a person can dig through to understand a situation. Data beyond -7 layers becomes useless and meaningless for solving most problems. -30- 3.1.3 Anchoring In the case of long-term memory, the most important consideration that needs to be taken into account is the case of interference between similar functions, programs or representations. Long-term memory internalizes data and representations making it easier to process information and situations in the future. This phenomenon is known as anchoring. Anchoring is the preference of humans to work with familiar representations. It describes the common human tendency to rely too heavily, or "anchor" on one trait or piece of information while making decisions. Once an anchor is set, there is a bias towards that value. A consequence of this is that most people makes decisions based on initial value rather than an exploration of the entire range of alternatives. This anchoring and adjustment heuristic was theorized by Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman 4 . 3.1.4 The use of symbols Symbols and icons can help describe concepts, functions, and/or tasks easily. The use of familiar symbols can greatly enhance a UI making it easier to understand. This follows along the line of anchoring which is a fundamental consideration in ease of use. The symbols that are used need to be harmonized within the sphere of use i.e. they need to be consistent across the application. The actual style that the different symbols are represented with should be consistent in order to harness the potential use for symbols. The basic semantics of the symbols should be as standard as possible. There are many standards established for symbols depending on the industry of the product in the supply chain. For example, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has standards for the electronics industry. -31- 3.1.5 The hemispheres of the brain Some research in cognitive sciences has shown that the brain has a tendency to be divided into two hemispheres - the left and the right - with certain characteristics. Further research and analysis has shown that the extrapolations drawn are generalizations as the extensive commissural interconnections do not make it possible to clearly dissociate the specialized functions of the hemispheres5. Table 3-16 summarizes the widely accepted type of processing done by each of the sides: Functions Left Hemisphere Right Hemisphere Sequential, temporal, digital Simultaneous, spatial, analogical Rational Intuitive Fact-based Imagination Detail-oriented "big-picture"-oriented - 32 - Table 3-1: Characteristics of the left and right brain 3.2 Types of users Research, in artificial intelligence (Al) and cognitive sciences, shows that users use different representation formats for the same type of information. Decision makers in any situation have a representation of the problem in their head. This representation may be the same or different from what a layman thinks that it should be. It is important for the designer of the interface to take this into account. 3.2.1 Classification of decision makers Decision makers can be classified into hierarchies dependent on their interaction with the data and information that they deal with. For example, those dealing with day-to-day operations have real-time data requirements as opposed to higher level management who care about final accumulated results. Differentiation can also be made according to technical understanding of the problem. 3.2.2 Personality Types Some people think of the problem in terms of the technical aspect (a scientific or mathematical view) and others in a broader problem-solving format. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a psychological test designed to assist a person in identifying their personality preferences. This is the most popular personality test used by employers the world over today. It is frequently used in the areas of pedagogy, group dynamics, employee training, leadership training, marriage counseling, and personal development, - 33 - although its value has been questioned by scientific skeptics and some psychologists. Approximately 2,000,000 take the test every year 7 . It was developed by Katherine Briggs and her daughter Isabel Myers during World War II, and follows from the theories of Carl Jung as laid out in his work Psychological Types8 . The types or dichotomies the MBTI tests for are extraversion (E), introversion, sensing, intuition, thinking, feeling, judging and perceiving. Participants are given one of 16 fourletter acronyms, such as ENTP or ISFJ, indicating what they prefer. The term best-fit types refers to the ethical code that facilitators are required to follow. It states that the person taking the test is always the best judge of what their preferences are, and the test itself should never be used to make this decision. People can be put into four main categories according to the Keirsey Temperament Sorter - guardians, idealists, artisans, and rationals. The figure below sorts out the Keirsey temperaments into the MBTI types. Temperament (SJ, SP, NF, NT) iStJ ISfJ INFj iNTj iStP ISP iNFp INTp eStP eSfP eNFp eNTp eStJ eSfJ eNFj eNTi Table 3-29: MBTI and temperaments Guardians are shown in pink, idealists in blue, artisans in brown and rationals in green. Guardian Idealist Artisan Rational -34- Depth - level of detail Important high Yes High learning curve Strategic thinking - high Yes abstractions(top-down approach) Table 3-3: Characteristics of people with different personality types When we look at research studies, we see that a lot of designers of Uls (the computer science community) come from the rational type of personality whereas business people tend to come from the guardian type. This shows that there might be a fundamental mismatch between the designers and the users. Also, if we know the general type of the user that the interface is targeted towards then we may need to apply different cognitive elements into the system. If the users are predominantly from the guardian type, then it may be best to consider "anchoring" as the most important element and make sure that there is consistency across the interface and familiar concepts are used. In UI design today, there are many cycles of user-testing. If - 35 - the UI designers correctly take into account personality types of the users then there would be fewer testing cycles, faster turnaround time and more satisfied users. 3.3 Perception of shape and color Shape is a critical dimension of visual representation. The old say "a picture is worth a thousand words" has its value in UI design. In many cases, graphical representations are more powerful than textual ones. Therefore, it is important to use graphics, graphs, and charts to represent voluminous data. For simple representations or small amounts of data, tables, and other textual representations work well. Tables are less effective as the amount of data increases. Color is generally superior to shape to search for a given item within a display. Visually, humans require more time and processing to identify shapes. The caveat with colors is that there is a limit to the number of distinct colors that can be processed. There is a limit of less than ten colors that can be used in one interface with effective results. This is in line with the short-term memory limit seen in section 3.1. There are many color models in place to describe color and its uses. Most of the models are tri-stimulus models. The most common ones in use are RGB [red-green-blue], CMY [cyan, magenta, yellow], and HLS [hue, light, saturation]. 3.3.1 Emotional responses to color 0 Color Main Other emotions [feelings and emotion responses] -36- Use of color Yellow Warm Sunny, cheerful, warmth, Hard to interpret, use for cowardice, caution, decay, highlights sickness Pink Warm Youthful, feminine, warm, Drains energy tranquilizing feelings Green White Cool Neutral Growth, wealth, nature, go, Easiest on eyes, known to comfort, greed, envy improve vision Pure, clean, honest Ideal for background, great sense of space - 37 - Gray Neutral Integrity, neutrality, coolness, maturity, somberness Brown Neutral Wholesome, solid, reliable, Wood, earth colors, could be organic, unpretentious dull or worn with some shades Table 3-4: Emotional responses to color 3.4 Relationshipsbetween objects Gestalt psychology emerged in the early 1900s. The best description of this psychology is "the sum of the whole is greater than its parts". This model studies the interrelationships among objects in an image. It recognizes the fact that the image perceived by a human brain depends not only on the set individual objects that constitute the image, but on the relationships between them. This idea is now almost universally acknowledged in the field of human vision research. Gestalt is the German word for "form" and means "unified whole" or "configuration". The focal point of Gestalt theory is the idea of grouping. " Law of Proximity: Elements that are closer together will be perceived as a coherent object. " Law of Similarity: Elements that look similar in some way tend to be grouped together and perceived as part of the same form. * Law of Good Continuation: Whenever the elements of the pattern establish an implied direction, the human eye tends to continue the contour. - 38 - " Law of Closure: Items that form a pattern are grouped together in order to complete the pattern. Humans tend to enclose a space by completing a contour and ignoring gaps that may occur. * Law of Pragnanz (Good Form): A stimulus will be organized into as good a figure as possible. (good = symmetrical, simple, regular) * Law of Figure/Ground: This refers to the separation that people are able to make between the objects classifying them into foreground and background. 3.5 Alternate approaches There have been many other approaches to understanding and assessing visualization. In this brief section, a few of them are highlighted. 3.5.1 Jacques Bertin Jacques Bertin described his approach to graphic communication in two classic books of graphical visualization, Semiology of graphics: Diagrams, networks, maps (1967) and Graphics and graphic information processing (1977). In the semiology 5 of graphics, Bertin states that graphics can be accurately used to transcribe the existing relations of difference, order or proportionality amongst qualitative or quantitative data. He formalized the ideas of using graphic representation as a form of "artificial memory" and as a "tool for discovery". His approach can be summarized into the following three main components: 5 The branch of science concerned with the study of linguistic signs and symbols. - Oxford English Dictionary -39- a. The separation of information into "components": This is analogous to dimensions in mathematics. In the case of SCM, examples of components would be time, plant locations, products, etc. b. The assignment of a type to each of the components or "levels": Components can be classified into various types according to their vital characteristics. For example, time would be an ordered quantitative type, plant locations would be qualitative types with values, etc c. The translation into graphical variables: The final step in representation is the conversion of type into corresponding graphical variables like size, value, texture, orientation, shape, color. Depending on the type of the component, valid correspondences could be found. 3.5.2 Tufte Tufte in his three-part series of books on visualization puts forth many suggestions and criteria for building good visual representations. Some of the main criteria that he emphasized on were 1. The usage of graphics only for large quantities of data 2. Importance of integration of text with graphics 3. The use of different levels of detail for complex information 4. The importance of not distorting size or other factors in any way He describes many excellent and bad examples of visual representation through the ages in order to learn best practice. Figure 3-1 and Figure 3-2 are examples taken from his -40 - book 1 , the first being a good and accurate representation and the second a misleading one. 4ap representing the [osses aver time of'Frencharmy troops Joseph Minaid InspectorGeneral-ofT Constructed .y ,ares 6ic thuritiie Wpssvan campaign. 1812-1813. 'Works retired 4Taris, 20 in/vember 1869 -7henumber ni men present at any giwen time is represente /6yt he 4iTh of Iitegryfine; one mm. inficates ten thousanr men. 'Fyurs are a(s wuten besi4"s the IInes. grey dit;atesmen moving nto rRpsia; 6 ack.for those iea-ing. Sourresforthe fata are is wor@ of messes. 1ie, Segur, ')ejensac, C mirsy andehe wnputis/edeia of acoh. win hecarne n nry 'Parmacist on 28 Octobcr; in oedirto visuaAze the army's (osses mow ci'eary,I have drawn this as tfite units underprince :7esae and WMarshaffDarnust (temporariy seperatefiim the main bodjy t go to 9tinskandf i r, which then joined'upwith the main any again). had stayed with the army i' rughout. 2I , -3m7er De*em r -" ,nAT 2 .c" .. .... Aim',,l&b 14 4'-C w . ...... Otab,' 24 Atn*cmberq 43l'C o3c otobr 18 'c Dcember) Fdktwr tnwc. dates A twnpeatres are c,y eereemmed fewS200 the remt from Moset- ,OOTTna. Ali rghts reserved. Figue SK,MisAnrt * map qf Napwtmmr x Russian capanpijp& MldngapteJc has been trastatedfjea French to Rngfixs and noem(Ited to enost effecth'ey dkspksy the tempeetue deta. Figure 3-1: Map representing the losses over time of French army troops during the Russian campaign (1812-13) - also depicted roundtrip route and temperature. Figure 3-2: Deceptive representation as change in oil price is linear but change in barrel size is quadratic - 41 - 3.5.3 Other modes There are many other modes of representing data like sound, touch, hypermedia, virtual reality (VR). With advanced media systems, these can be integrated into the UI. 3.6 Implicationsfor Ut Design After examining all the different aspects of human cognition and capabilities, there are some key takeaways for UI design. From chunking requirements, we see that there should be less than ten elements on the screen and less than nine levels of depth or drilldown. From anchoring considerations, it is important to have familiar representations that make it easier for users to learn and use the system quickly. Therefore, a UI designed for SCM should examine existing interfaces that the users use. After examining personality types, we see that the majority of the users in SCM are from the business community and hence would tend to be from the guardian personality type. Therefore, anchoring should be an important consideration in designing the system. -42 - 4 Data in the Auto-ID world In order to design an effective user interface, it is important to understand the underlying data that is available - both the content and type. In this age of information, there is a surplus of data and information available. Also, there are many methods of categorizing available data. In this chapter, I will look at typical data that is available in supply chain interfaces today, extra data available through the Auto-ID framework, the format that the data is available in, how it can be used, the advantage of the extra data, and the challenges of dealing with the new data. As we have seen, traditionally, the data exchanged in the supply chain has been order information and processing data. Many of the players of the supply chain players maintained inventory information but this is usually in-house and very rarely exchanged across parties. During the physical movement of items through the supply chain, there was information about containers, packages, shipments (and other such collections of items) that was exchanged between parties. This paradigm changes with the introduction of EPC and related technology. 4.1 Types of data available The data in the Auto-ID world can be divided into two main types - EPC information and state information. 4.1.1 EPC information The EPC information consists of the 'what', 'when' and 'where'. It is obtained from RFID tags through readers. The 'what' of the information is the EPC code. The standard -43 - for EPC is a 96-bit code with a fixed 8-bit header. The first EPC configuration, EPC type I, is a public identifier. This is an example of an EPC code ELECTRONIC PRODUCT CODE 01. O00A89. 00016F . 000169DCO Header u-; EPC Manager its8--4 bts Figure 4-1: Example of an EPC Object Wss bits Serial Number t-q~l bits 12 The EPC is divided into four parts - one type and three data partitions. The header (first two digits, bits 0-7) is the type of EPC configuration. The first data partition (7 digits, bits 8-35) identifies the EPC manager who is the manufacturer or entity responsible for maintaining the rest of the EPC code. The second data partition (6 digits, bits 36-59) which is defined by the EPC manager is the object class. The last data partition (9 digits, bits 60-95) which is also defined by the EPC manager is the serial number of the thing which has the tag. The 'when' is the timestamp associated with the read of the tag. Many companies use proprietary format. The standard timestamp representation is the "ISO 8601:2004 Data elements and interchange formats - Information interchange - Representation of dates and times" approved by ISO in 1988, updated in 2000, again in 2004. In this standard, there are five methods of representation, shown below with examples a. date only format: 2005-05-01 b. time of the day only format (local and national use): 12:00 or 12:00:01 -44 - c. time of the day only format (international use): 12:OOZ or 12:00:01Z, the Z represents that it is Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) d. combined date and time format: 2005-05-01T12:OOZ, many people use a space instead of the T e. period of time format (used for time intervals): i. 2005-05-0IT12:00Z/2005-05-03T12:OOZ (extending from one day to another) ii. 2005-05-01T12:00Z/16:00Z (within a day) iii. 2005-05-01/03 (from one day to another) The 'where' of the EPC information is the location. There is no consensus on a standardized location representation. Most companies use proprietary names and representations. One of the standards that is gaining importance and is increasingly being used is the Global Location Number (GLN) format. This may not be adequate for all applications. 4.1.2 State information The state information is obtained from sensors. With the current sensor technology, the following measurements can be made i. temperature ii. pressure, iii. vibration, iv. shock, v. light, -45- vi. ambient noise, vii. velocity, viii. acceleration, ix. physical movement (motion), x. humidity (absolute and relative) and moisture, xi. radiation (nuclear), xii. chemicals (ion concentration), xiii. bacteria, xiv. magnetism, xv. collision, xvi. weight, xvii. biosensors, xviii. explosives, xix. airflow, xx. tampering, xxi. flexure of liquid substances, The list above names the primary sensors in use today. Sensors for other environmental conditions are being developed. 4.2 Major characteristics The three major characteristics of the data are that it is quantitative, has many dimensions and goes down to the item-level. The main dimensions of the data are identity, time, location, value. -46 - 4.3 Value Auto-ID data allows for additional information, granularity and increased accuracy. Due to the dynamic response of the data, we obtain more timely and accurate data. The increased capability for customization allows for high fidelity information. Due to the presence of full life cycle information, an increased data range is obtained. -47 - 5 Other UI Design Considerations and Comparable Systems 5.1 Usability Metrics A good UI can increase the intuitiveness, efficiency and comfort level of the user. In other words, it should be easy to master (almost intuitive), easy to operate and aesthetically pleasing to the user. These considerations can be measured using some metrics described in the next subsection. The table below shows how three main usability objectives can be measured on three different scales. Usability Effectiveness: Efficiency: Satisfaction: Objective Quantitative Quantitative Qualitative Suitability % of goals achieved Time taken to User satisfaction rating complete a task "ease of learning" rating % of functions Time taken to learn learned criterion Error % of errors Time spent on Satisfaction with error Tolerance corrected correcting errors handling rating Learnability Table 5-1: ISO usability metrics The measurement of the metrics can be made across user level: novice, intermediate, expert and occasional user. The metrics above are based on standardized metrics defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The particular standards that focus on Uls (context, usability and development) and on which the above table is based are -48 - ii. ISO/IEC DTR 9126-4: Software Engineering - Product Quality - Part 4: Quality in use metrics (2001) iii. ISO 9241-11: Guidance on Usability (1998) iv. ISO 13407: Human-centred design processes for interactive systems (1999) v. ISO DTR 16982: Usability methods supporting human centred design (2001) Apart from the standardized metrics, other metrics can be designed to measure characteristics of the system. Some of the metrics that can be used are i. Ease of use: Number of clicks ii. Aesthetics: Text-to-image ratio iii. Learnability: Length of manual, leaming curve - time taken to learn iv. Ease of use for experts: Number of shortcuts v. Anchoring metrics: a. Similarity of functions to common systems like Microsoft Windows, Apple O/S, Linux O/S b. Similarity of shortcuts with other systems familiar to the users vi. Chunking metrics: Number of items per page vii. Amount of information displayed: Controls/display ratio a. Subject to size of the display. More content displayed, less clutter. viii. Customizability of display: Ability to change views -49- 5.2 Dimensional representations Representations can be in multiple dimensions. Kind of Actual Representation Dimension Tabular 2D + Volume visualization 2D Models 3D Other Effects Can have 3D effect Table 5-2: Kinds of representations 5.3 Uls of comparable systems The use of different graphical components and combinations of them can give rise to various classes of interfaces. In the subsection below, I examine different "graphic variables" (in the Bertin sense of the word). These include graphs, tables, maps, color representations, dashboards and combinations of these. - 50 - 5.3.1 Dashboard-style A dashboard is an interface that has indicators, dials and controls that show levels of activity, changes and states of various parts of the system and allow for the control of various functions and aspects of the system. For example, in the figure below, the indicators and dials show the weather conditions of a particular region. 23.0 mph 20 25 30 40 10 urrent 5 W SW 50 60 60 so Otdoor ppnaure 1 80 4 i 40 40 20 20 1010 0.0 go 0 I [rL ) 1a d -r 20 r 0.4 0.8 - 1.2 Fw~b~~ lu et -- 1201F 2u58 7.0 ; 1 Ram today 2.679 110 -103 2o 40 0008 Rauin do0 ty I 118 110 30403 29 100 80 732 T0 40 70 0 10 i5 Barometer 80 93% 10? r 0 t SE ' Humidty It) 20 50 73.2"F W0i, 4 301405060 71 30 30 debo 0 10 E 5 Oud~!ne'taute J'Fj 90 -- 35 15 4T 0 90 20 25 30 ENE 070 NE NW 35 15 23.0 mph 0*) W"n Chiec3" in. 9 i7 70m.960 -: 0 7 2.0 72=f 30 20 10 -12 - 10 30 20 -800 4800 2400 - 4800 2400 0 0 0 3.2 4.0 2-4 1.6 0.8 0.0 -10 10 Figure 5-11: Dashboard-style interface for a weather monitoring device A dashboard-style interface could be used for an SCM UI for executives and managers at the business level since they need consolidated information which would be well represented through such an interface. 5.3.2 Graph-intensive Graphs are useful representation of large quantities of data as they summarize the trends that the data take. As such, there are useful in applications like the stock market where -51 - 0---, -- -Alii; - - . - = == =- = -- there is a huge amount of data. Below are two figures that depict interfaces that use graphs as their main representation format. Figure 5-2-: stock marxet variations anaiyzea in tour ways A UI with graphs as seen in Figure 5-2, is useful for comparing situations with similar or the same variables and slight changes or differences. - 52 - --.. - - Fisher Scientific Intl (FSH) Price Relative to $SPX 0-0517 EM.(20) 0. 4,74- Stj StcckC ha rs ,orn NYSE ~ .0.050 'Q.046 0.O40 -~ FSH Div 17-Dec-2004 I Q:0Er 6-60.25~H:62.15 L:60.25 Last:61 .76 Chg:+0.59 MA30)56.76 8B(20,2.0)53.74-O1.8 MN4)Th0.87 60.75 60.77 .9.80 MA050)57.15 J5 63-0:4 08 ~ ~ 52224 15328 55.834 W 2.4hp FSt has IWroken out of the rtctangej.that- contaiAed -tfr severat mnopths. Fridayts vohzme was nearly dopble normal d:aily itve s. 41 3 .27 Volume 2431200 EMA(60) 1367194 12.6M - 10.0 M 17.5M '5.0 M 2-5M 40 120 MA4CD(12.26.9) 1.27 hACD1228) 27ADX w. w _ _ .. .. .. ...... __ .. anddA3MACC) are onstrong by sigals. ' ...... ROC(12) 6.!99 120 10 0 10 ... ..... .......... Fu I S TO%k(14.3) %D(3) 06.23 96. 15 A A^ k7NV-Vb zwiuzii j Vik 7 V $r CiC (20) 162.4 L~t4~t* 80 200 '100 \ALAAJ4PA tA4~> 100 ~-200 Themomentum, ndcta RSI(14) 73.7 becoming over.ought w 04 F M 70 60 ttX~f~kv30 A M J J A S 0 N D Figure 5-315: Stock charts showing fluctuation in stock volumes for different indices 53 - Graphs are useful for large quantities of data. In the SCM world, when the user is looking at large numbers of containers coming in, a graph that shows reads over time is useful. 5.3.3 Table-intensive Tables are coming into wide use with the introduction of spreadsheet technology. They have always been used to support simple functions such as logging, tracking and totaling information. With increased capabilities tables with enhanced formulas and built-in advanced features are now used to support such business functions as complex valuation models. The figure below shows a sample application that uses a lot of tables to represent its data. Figure 5-416: Position trader's portfolio - 54- One of the most common functions of tables is for logging information. Most databases are stored in structures resembling tables. Hence, it can be used for SCM models. 5.3.4 Logic diagrams Logic diagrams are useful for showing logical, schematic relationships between entities. ScoutTracker (fro.m AwardAdmin AdministrationPage ain) (frm - AdmMeu: a tio wcAwardForm: LoginController: Login filt Adminaution) AwardForm BrowseAwards - wcBrowseAwards: erey : AwardForm (fro. Adminiqtatn) uins orTypa I BAwards ( I Logos ~~kLogIn~~J Scou IN . (foro NavBar controll) ScoutAwardForm (toM Main) - Mode = View tFor7 ScoutListComboBox (ftom main) (fm Main) ScoutAwards ScoutAccountScout (ftom ) (hoe Main Main) ScoutAwardForm - wcScoutAward: wcScoutAccount : ScoutAccoutForm ScoutAccountScoutMaster (ft. MainPage (form - Menu - Main) NavBar - Main) ScoutAccoutForm - cmbScouts: ScoutListComboBox wcAddressForm: HouseHoldAddressForm - wcSMF : (ScoutMaster) -ScoutAwards - cmbScouts : ScoutListComboBox wcScoutAward: ScoutAwardForm _......... ScoutMasterAccount TroopInformation kr.m Main) -A:TroopAccount TroopAccoutForm wParpntAccoud : :me~minormcmbParert Am~ad ('om .. Main) wcScoutMasterAccount :ScoutMasterAccoutForm ParentAccountFerm mB w a s , Parent'Combo PGY cAddressForm Haus HoldAddrpzsForm Figure 5-5: Chart showing relationships between classes in an object-oriented program Logic diagrams can have varied uses within SCM UI design. It can be used to represent relationships between locations, facilities, users, etc. 55 - 5.3.5 Other representations: cartographic and color There are many types of graphic variables that can be used in UI design. Two important ones are spatial (2D or 3D) and color. $e Teri StEOns sage K Logs sL=g :n Radar OpnOns SuP imaige He 5 from NWS : cr y i6:11 <7 710 Figure 5-6: A radar image from N WS Figure '-'/: A test pattern tor testing ana - 56 - UC O 0Ey20 In SCM, due to the globalization of the supply chain, many of the players are not limited to geographical areas. Hence the use of cartographic representations would be useful. 5.3.6 Combination of graphs, tables, and other aspects The various graphic components can be combined successfully to produce Uls as the following examples show. Cncl Amend Buy I Price Sell I 0y~4. AmendjCncl . PYTIONTE±'AI .TT 1408.00 1410.00 T 1409.50 TOT 1405.50 1409.00 1408.50 00 1408.00 776' 1407.50 687 1407.00 890, 1406.50 1054 400 0 2001 191,38 20 3 20-0 20 0 1406.00 365 103 1405.50 (7) 323 1405.00 505 1404.50 917 1404.00 574 1403.50 Current P/L Lots Center 0.00 Cunce ALL , Loss: El Profit FPatten l OCO El Moc Gauge Trades; UserName State eenbroker Active Contract NetPos AveragePrice Profit [16-2c Working Buys Working Sells Completed Orders Display Rows UserName AddUser Refresh Block incoming 4 Figure 5-8": Prerecorded NASDAQ Market Data - 57 - 20:1 20 12 20:15 DEUTSCHEPOSTAONA1555200 37W H ;1 Tul LUFTSWiSAAGVAON. 823712 TOAG0N 895200 VI)% YU(KSWAGENAGST ON76640 CB. COMMERZ8ANKAG 0,4 90200 D(1 OEUTSCHE8ANKAGNAIS14000 S BAYINWVEREINS8K.OO02200 65690 ILP MLPAG 51510 8BASFAGON 515200 BA BAYERAG N Etj46 S, 12 1258 17111 1267 1266 14450 11503 9,90 $ 17,224 37,48 t 0.664 0,11 1,W 11-37129 +412.123 11:309 422 -126 0.76 1.9 11370 11:3:45 .0.15 4176 48.18 t 113757 16,20 t 1110 3.01 R t 11:37,23 +079 1131231 0,40 348 11:3723 454 -140 11:3&12 027 1222 10.08 AML I< i? 12.71 8500 122 120 12.73 12500 16511274 11:3740 t 403 0.6 +5131 '80 89i 30) 30 62 30.66 30.65 30,.4 1703 7440 10.08 10.09 100 9.88 931 7003 190 3772 1000 2438 103 10 1120 50 10 300 5@ 5571 4475 200 60 860 52 17.21 17.26 37,48 3753 1086 8.5 8.67 1201 48,14 48.18 17% 1620 2009 . 11.04 11,11 200 37.99 30.03 2065 A-4 33,71 3072 22%58 10,15 9,85 $05011 124108 17,45 802868 38.10 475739 8..3 954346 48.03 1043. 15.25 87327 11,48 640810 3 22.03 AS#' 1135 t< ;.B 313 1000 1003 30,74 3143j ssi, ~AO, 10.20 1008 1002 9.0 2233k 10,15 9.85 17,45 38.10 836 36k 48.03 9.8 152k 17,17 17,44 37,46 3824 8,71 8,34 8.51 48.46 475 4821 1625 15.14 1541 11.4 10.8 11.0 38.75 37.83 3855 22.27 21,54 2Z10 59735 1764k 1755 30.47 All 1526k 16,0 513987 2382k 3357k 265 3003 80 37,% 2400 37 95 37.94 2M2 38.04 38.05 38.07 90 1500 522 37.4i 10% 37 44 37.43 37,40 390 Tt, -fw. 4~ar V Mbwen Figure 5-918: News, prices and stock market data for the German Stock Exchange -rqto A - 58 - 10,90 38.% 22,03 M, M1 37 2705 10.19 896455 2W03 63W Ask 3753 37.54 3735 37,56 )N qt ASt 1129 2170 400 100 11:3 UI Design for the Auto-ID World 6 After examining the key aspects affecting UI design for Auto-ID, I identify the following six chief considerations in an ideal UI: i. Utility considerations a. Role of the user b. Functionality ii. Cognitive considerations a. Chunking b. Anchoring c. iii. General personality type of users Evaluation a. Use of standardized usability metrics In this chapter we discuss the type of interface, key components of the UI, and other considerations that support the choice of our proposed schematic for Uls in the Auto-ID realm. 6.1 Interface type and high-levelchoices The type of interface recommended is a display screen. The main reasons for the choice are ease of use, familiarity of these systems, cost and functionality. Display screens are easy to use as stand-alone touch screens or combined with various types of input devices. With the ubiquitous nature of computers today, people from all walks of life are familiar with them. They are available in all price ranges and hence cost would not be a -59- hindrance. They also have a range of functionality depending on the choice of screen. They can be used for both 2D and 3D representations. Two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) representations have uses in different circumstances. In most cases, graphs, tables, maps and charts can be represented using two dimensions. 3D representations are generally processor-intensive and put more load on the UI designer. We suggest the primary use of 2D representations combined with a restricted use of 3D representations only when required. 3D representation could be used in the future but in the present technology and user demands scenario, 3D design is not an important consideration. 6.2 Fundamental buildingblocks of the UI There is a wide range of graphic variables that are available for use. The main ones identified for use in this area include: i. Graphs ii. Logic diagrams iii. Tables and charts iv. Maps v. Images and Symbols Typical graphs used in the SCM world include line charts, bar charts, pie charts, pictographs, etc. Tables can be in spreadsheet format as this has become the de facto standard for tabular representations. All these elements can be combined in various forms to give maximum utility. -60- 6.3 Role-based implementation It is important to incorporate the idea of the role of the user using an explicit role designation (as described in Section 2.3) with five sub-roles - supplier, distributor, retailer, consumer, and waste manager - and one overview role that encompasses all the roles. A third party can choose the role that best suits the needs that he has. Since most third parties are interested in the supply chain as a whole, the overall role may be the best choice. The implementation of the roles in the UI can be through a user login. Different profiles would be maintained for the different roles. These profiles would include the types of functions that the role would use. The choice of user role can be further customized according to user preferences. These types of customization are similar to the ones that exist in most Uls today. Some examples include color, design, skins, orientation, placement, front page, display size, options, shortcuts and other appearance and behavioral considerations. Other factors that can be customized include type of navigation, point of entry, etc. Navigation can happen in a top-down manner. On many occasions, a user may want more flexibility in categorizing the functions and use of the UI. A learning-mode of the UI may be made available. This would allow a user to activate certain using patterns that would define the types of views and perspectives that he desires. This could have various modes based on time, point of entry, etc. The modes would group the user preferences making it easier for the user to use the UI according to his specifications. -61- Limitationson complexityof the U! 6.4 Due to the short term memory limitations that we discussed in Section 3.2, we see that there are limitations to the number of entities that can be processed at one time. Therefore, our recommended UI has a maximum of ten elements per display screen. Also, the number of levels of detail that a human can process is around the short-term memory limit. 6.5 Use of Metrics Metrics are important to use for comparing the efficacy, efficiency and user-satisfaction of different systems. I have proposed the key metrics to use for comparison of different Uls (taken from the ISO standards) in Section 5.1. For certain applications, some metrics are more important than others. A method of weighing the various metrics can be used to find the optimal combination. 6.6 Proposed U! Model Taking into account cognitive considerations, role-based behavior, and background research, the recommended model for a UI for SCM applications in the Auto-ID world has the following important characteristics: i. Windows'-like interface ii. Dashboard for top-level view iii. Logic diagram connecting the views that the user is looking at, and the navigated levels iv. Consistency across layers -62- v. Use of tables for small amounts of data vi. Use of graphs for larger amounts of data vii. Choice of user role The interface should be windows-like. It can be along the lines of X-windows or Microsoft Windows (both of which are very similar). This choice is mainly due to the anchoring considerations. This type of UI is the most common one that users are familiar with. In order to give a user the high-level outlook, a dashboard style interface is proposed for the main screen. This would give the user a one-shot look at all the parts of the supply chain that he has an interest in. On many occasions, a user may want to explore and drill down many layers. Even within, the short-term memory limit, keeping track of the various levels and views may not be straightforward. In order to make sure that the user has a clear representation of the logical relationships. There needs to be consistency across the screens and layers. This is important in the light of the fact that the different screens will have combined views of different types of graphic variables (like graphs, tables, etc). Tables are useful for a small number of elements. It is especially useful in cases where the dataset is within the short-term memory limit. Graphs, on the other hand, are useful for larger datasets when it is difficult to process data in tables. It is also useful in order to see trends in data. -63 - The proposed model should also take into consideration the elements mentioned in Sections 6.1 through 6.5. In short, this includes a display screen-type of interface, primarily 2D representation, with limitations based on cognitive capabilities, and the use of metrics during testing. -64 - 7 7.1 Conclusion Summary We see that there are a lot of aspects to the designing of a user interface. In most systems today, the UI is given little importance. This has led to many UI failures including complexity that hinders the user in their functions. A good UI must take into account both the users perspective and the data perspective, blending them seamlessly to provide the best functionality and representation that accurately represents the data and satisfies the needs of the user. I have proposed a framework for the design of Uls for SCM in the Auto-ID world that takes into consideration the role of the user, cognitive capabilities of the user, data perspective, and other comparable systems. The main features of the proposed model include the use of a familiar interface with a dashboard-style look for the overall view that the user wishes to see. There needs to be a method of navigating between the various layers that the user is interested in along with the available layers. Consistency is important between the layers for both aesthetic and functional reasons. Appropriate graphic variables need to be used for representing data. The proposed model calls for the definition of user roles or perspectives in order to make the problem-solving easier and more intuitive. The proposed framework will address many of the issues facing Uls today. There are many problems facing decision-makers today and a well-designed UI can help them better understand the facets of a problem in order to reach a solution faster. With -65- increased information in today's information age, visualization of data is of crucial importance. Without proper methods of visualization, data can become useless. 7.2 Future Work There is a lot of work to do in this area in the future. The design and implementation of the ideas in the proposed model is a key step to take in the near future. There are other areas of cognition that are gaining credence. UI design needs to walk the interdisciplinary line to truly satisfy users' needs. Existing Uls and upcoming ones need to be evaluated using the metrics proposed in this thesis. Pilot testing with representative samples needs to be undertaken. This thesis hopes to be a springboard for further exploration. The crossover of various disciplines in UI design, the importance of all aspects of the user and re-evaluation of new data made available is the perfect opportunity to work towards building a perfect UI. -66 - References Chopra, S., Meindl, P. Supply Chain Management. Strategy, Planning, and Operation. Prentice Hall, 2001. 2 Vessey I., Galetta D.F. Cognitive Fit: An EmpiricalStudy of Information Acquisition. Information Systems Research, V2, N1, pp. 63-84, 1991. 3 Miller AR. The ABC's ofAUTOCAD. San Francisco:Sybex, 1988. 4 Kahneman D., Slovic P., Tversky A., editors. Judgement under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Pres, 1982. 5 Kandel, Schwartz and Jessel. Essentials of Neural Science and Behavior. 1995. Jones, C. Visualization and Optimization. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 6 7 MBTI Instrument/Home.cfm 8Jung, Carl Gustav. Psychological Types (Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 6). 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