Faculty FTE & Student Credit Hour Distribution and Ratios By College and Department Fall 2005 and 2004 VISION Ball State University will be a national model for all who seek intellectual vitality in a learner-centered and socially responsible academic community. ____________________________________________________________________ Office of Academic Assessment & Institutional Research March 2006 AAIR No. IR-PRODUCTIVITY RATIOS-2005/2004 Ball State University OFFICE OF ACADEMIC ASSESSMENT AND INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH MEMORANDUM FROM: Debra Y. Atkinson, Institutional Research Analyst DATE: March 22, 2006 SUBJECT: Fall 2005 Faculty FTE Distributions and Productivity Ratios Please find enclosed three sets of tables which have been prepared for the Fall 2005 academic term. The first set of tables summarizes the Fall 2005 Faculty FTE distributions both with and without GA FTEs as assigned by the departments. This set also compares the 2005 and 2004 Faculty FTE distributions without GA FTEs. The second set of tables illustrates the derivation of Adjusted FTEs for each department and college. The Adjusted FTEs are total department faculty FTEs adjusted for overloads, GA FTEs, paid leaves, externally funded grants, and FTEs generated by administrators. These Adjusted FTEs are the basis for calculating the productivity ratios summarized in the third set of tables. The third set of tables summarizes the distribution of Student Credit Hours, Total Faculty FTEs and Adjusted FTEs followed by the calculated productivity ratios for each department and college. The comparison table on Student Credit Hour Ratios allows you to compare Fall 2005 data with Fall 2004 figures and highlights the changes for each department and college. A college summary table is also provided for a quick comparison with the other colleges and the university. This set of documents is available on our department website (password protected) under the Official Statistics/Dept. Reports/University Summary selection. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 5-8919 or datkinson@bsu.edu. I hope the reports will be helpful to you as reference documents. cc: Dr. Donald Whitaker, Executive Director of Institutional Effectiveness Ball State University Distribution of Faculty FTE by Department and Functional Categories Fall 2005 Function College/Dept. Total FTE Teaching Teaching Support Research Public Service Admin Svcs Advising & Other College of Applied Sciences and Technology Dept of Family & Consumer Sciences All 41.331 Without GA 31.831 GA 9.500 School of Nursing All 14.750 1.000 2.583 5.250 1.000 16.417 16.417 4.500 6.083 1.583 2.000 2.000 2.250 2.250 1.000 1.000 4.500 Institute for Wellness/Gerontology All 17.500 Without GA GA 2.583 9.500 Dept of Industry & Technology All 27.750 Without GA 23.250 GA 22.998 22.998 5.000 12.500 2.750 13.750 0.000 0.500 0.500 2.750 1.250 12.500 0.000 0.500 0.500 33.433 27.986 1.225 1.391 2.831 Without GA 32.433 27.986 0.225 1.391 2.831 GA 1.000 1.000 School of Physical Education All 65.222 33.188 5.034 21.251 3.417 2.332 Without GA 46.388 32.388 1.334 6.917 3.417 2.332 GA 18.834 0.800 3.700 14.334 COLLEGE TOTAL All 185.236 103.339 14.925 53.142 0.000 9.998 3.832 Without GA 138.902 102.539 5.725 16.808 0.000 9.998 3.832 GA 46.334 0.800 9.200 36.334 FTE Distribution Fall 05 Office of Academic Assessment and Institutional Research 3/15/06 Ball State University Distribution of Faculty FTE by Department and Functional Categories Fall 2005 Function College/Dept. Total FTE Teaching Teaching Support Research Public Service Admin Svcs Advising & Other 5.375 1.250 2.750 1.250 College of Architecture and Planning Dept of Architecture All 44.333 25.083 3.375 4.250 Without GA 33.833 25.083 1.875 2.875 GA 10.500 1.500 1.375 1.750 3.250 1.500 2.832 2.332 1.750 1.750 0.500 2.500 4.250 1.500 2.500 1.750 2.500 1.500 6.500 Dept of Landscape Architecture All 18.581 Without GA 14.581 GA 4.000 Dept of Urban Planning All 15.900 Without GA GA 10.749 10.749 6.150 9.400 6.500 6.150 All 78.814 41.982 7.625 11.750 Without GA 57.814 41.982 1.875 6.125 GA 21.000 5.750 5.625 5.000 5.000 2.625 1.500 1.500 COLLEGE TOTAL FTE Distribution Fall 05 6.500 Office of Academic Assessment and Institutional Research 9.707 1.250 6.582 1.250 3.125 3/15/06 Ball State University Distribution of Faculty FTE by Department and Functional Categories Fall 2005 Function College/Dept. Total FTE Teaching Teaching Support Research Public Service Admin Svcs Advising & Other College of Business Dept of Accounting All 16.750 10.750 2.750 2.750 0.500 Without GA 14.250 10.750 0.250 2.750 0.500 GA 2.500 2.750 2.750 0.500 0.500 1.750 0.500 1.250 1.750 0.500 1.250 Dept of Economics All Without GA GA Dept of Finance All Without GA GA 2.500 18.650 16.150 12.900 12.900 2.500 2.500 2.500 15.000 9.000 12.500 2.500 9.000 Dept of Info Systems & Oper Mgmt All 26.250 Without GA 22.250 GA 4.000 2.500 2.500 17.417 4.500 4.000 0.250 0.083 17.417 0.500 4.000 0.250 0.083 4.000 Dept of Marketing & Management All 29.000 Without GA 25.500 GA 3.500 20.000 3.500 20.000 4.500 1.000 4.500 1.000 3.500 COLLEGE TOTAL All 105.650 70.067 15.750 15.750 2.750 1.333 Without GA 90.650 70.067 0.750 15.750 2.750 1.333 GA 15.000 FTE Distribution Fall 05 15.000 Office of Academic Assessment and Institutional Research 3/15/06 Ball State University Distribution of Faculty FTE by Department and Functional Categories Fall 2005 Function College/Dept. Total FTE Teaching Teaching Support Research Public Service Admin Svcs Advising & Other College of Comm, Info & Media Center for Info & Communication Sci All 14.000 Without GA 7.000 GA 7.000 Dept of Journalism All Without GA GA 7.970 1.384 0.100 0.623 1.590 0.970 1.384 0.100 0.623 1.590 7.000 Dept of Communication Studies All 31.482 Without GA 20.482 GA 2.333 2.333 26.759 17.423 2.783 1.119 9.336 1.664 32.596 19.597 7.375 3.874 28.096 4.500 19.597 3.375 4.000 3.624 0.250 11.000 Dept of Telecommunications All 23.750 17.500 2.250 0.960 0.960 0.980 0.980 0.250 1.000 0.500 1.000 0.500 0.250 2.500 0.000 1.250 0.250 2.500 0.000 1.250 0.250 20.378 8.718 0.350 3.853 2.340 56.603 5.464 8.468 0.100 3.853 2.340 9.586 14.914 0.250 0.250 Without GA 21.250 17.250 GA 2.500 0.250 2.250 All 101.828 66.189 Without GA 76.828 GA 25.000 COLLEGE TOTAL FTE Distribution Fall 05 Office of Academic Assessment and Institutional Research 3/15/06 Ball State University Distribution of Faculty FTE by Department and Functional Categories Fall 2005 Function College/Dept. Total FTE Teaching Teaching Support Research Public Service Admin Svcs Advising & Other College of Fine Arts Dept of Art All 32.833 27.501 2.333 2.999 0.000 Without GA 30.833 27.501 0.333 2.999 0.000 GA 2.000 1.250 1.250 1.125 1.125 2.000 Dept of Theatre & Dance All 23.750 Without GA 23.750 16.375 16.375 4.000 4.000 0.750 0.750 0.250 0.250 80.104 54.339 17.913 3.018 2.416 2.418 59.104 21.000 48.444 5.895 2.808 15.105 3.018 2.416 2.418 All 136.687 98.215 21.913 6.101 0.250 6.665 3.543 Without GA 113.687 92.320 6.808 4.101 0.250 6.665 3.543 GA 23.000 5.895 15.105 2.000 GA School of Music All Without GA GA COLLEGE TOTAL FTE Distribution Fall 05 Office of Academic Assessment and Institutional Research 3/15/06 Ball State University Distribution of Faculty FTE by Department and Functional Categories Fall 2005 Function College/Dept. Total FTE Teaching Teaching Support Research Public Service Admin Svcs Advising & Other College of Sciences and Humanities Dept of Anthropology All 18.021 13.997 2.000 1.359 0.665 Without GA 16.021 13.997 0.000 1.359 0.665 GA 2.000 10.932 10.932 2.777 2.777 Dept of Biology All Without GA GA Dept of Chemistry All Without GA GA 2.000 45.080 31.580 19.946 17.288 11.092 0.250 13.500 2.658 10.842 22.872 14.875 5.500 17.372 5.500 14.875 Dept of Computer Science All 25.275 Without GA 18.775 GA 6.500 Dept of Criminal Justice and Criminol All 16.750 Without GA 15.250 GA 1.500 Dept of English All Without GA GA Dept of Geography All Without GA GA FTE Distribution Fall 05 0.333 0.333 1.747 0.500 0.250 1.747 0.500 0.250 5.500 12.825 5.000 6.200 1.250 12.825 0.500 4.200 1.250 4.500 2.000 12.060 1.500 12.060 1.690 0.500 1.000 1.690 0.500 1.000 6.748 6.748 1.500 111.000 89.000 77.773 73.023 10.750 0.250 15.729 8.979 22.000 4.750 10.500 6.750 21.000 14.763 3.000 18.000 3.000 14.763 0.000 2.237 1.000 2.237 1.000 3.000 Office of Academic Assessment and Institutional Research 3/15/06 Ball State University Distribution of Faculty FTE by Department and Functional Categories Fall 2005 Function College/Dept. Total FTE Dept of Geology All Without GA GA Dept of History All Teaching Teaching Support Research Public Service 4.122 2.750 1.211 0.500 1.000 7.083 2.500 4.122 0.250 2.500 1.211 0.500 1.000 2.500 44.538 34.511 42.038 34.511 GA 2.500 4.280 1.997 1.250 4.280 1.997 1.250 2.500 Dept of Mathematical Sciences All 55.749 38.655 9.000 5.094 1.250 1.750 5.094 1.250 1.750 3.940 3.940 0.750 0.750 Without GA 45.749 37.655 GA 10.000 1.000 9.000 35.039 32.955 1.666 2.084 1.666 8.356 0.750 2.794 0.350 0.750 2.294 0.500 0.350 Dept of Modern Languages and Class All 41.395 Without GA 37.645 3.750 Dept of Natural Resources All 12.750 Without GA GA Dept of Philosophy All Without GA Advising & Other 9.583 Without GA GA Admin Svcs 9.500 3.250 6.706 1.650 0.500 0.500 19.000 15.501 2.999 0.500 19.000 15.501 2.999 0.500 GA Dept of Physics & Astronomy All 23.249 Without GA 17.749 GA 5.500 Dept of Physiology & Health Sciences All 27.710 Without GA 23.544 GA FTE Distribution Fall 05 4.166 11.585 4.000 11.585 5.917 0.417 0.330 1.000 4.417 0.417 0.330 1.000 0.750 0.750 1.600 1.600 4.000 1.500 19.228 17.815 2.837 0.084 3.295 3.295 1.413 2.753 Office of Academic Assessment and Institutional Research 3/15/06 Ball State University Distribution of Faculty FTE by Department and Functional Categories Fall 2005 Function College/Dept. Total FTE Teaching Dept of Political Science All 21.235 Without GA GA 18.735 2.500 Dept of Psychological Science All 36.726 Without GA 28.226 GA 8.500 Dept of Social Work All Without GA Teaching Support Research Public Service Admin Svcs Advising & Other 14.379 1.452 3.250 0.404 1.750 14.379 0.202 1.250 2.000 1.250 0.404 1.750 23.945 0.350 11.681 0.750 23.945 0.350 3.181 0.750 8.500 8.500 5.000 1.750 1.750 8.500 5.000 1.750 1.750 19.500 15.500 12.750 12.250 5.750 2.250 1.000 1.000 4.000 0.500 3.500 GA Dept of Sociology All Without GA GA Dept of Speech Pathology and Audiol All 24.421 Without GA GA Women's Studies All Without GA 19.171 5.250 15.755 6.166 1.250 0.250 1.000 0.000 15.755 0.916 5.250 1.250 0.250 1.000 0.000 3.737 2.502 1.235 3.737 2.502 1.235 GA COLLEGE TOTAL All 608.091 407.567 70.313 93.105 1.017 26.156 9.933 Without GA 502.175 393.512 2.802 69.105 0.667 26.156 9.933 GA 105.916 14.055 67.511 24.000 0.350 FTE Distribution Fall 05 Office of Academic Assessment and Institutional Research 3/15/06 Ball State University Distribution of Faculty FTE by Department and Functional Categories Fall 2005 Function College/Dept. Total FTE Teaching Teaching Support Research Public Service Admin Svcs Advising & Other 1.000 Teachers College Dept of Counseling Psychology All 32.084 15.333 2.917 7.501 3.250 2.083 Without GA 18.584 12.167 1.417 3.500 0.250 1.250 GA 13.500 3.166 1.500 4.001 3.000 0.833 1.000 1.583 0.333 1.000 0.500 1.917 1.167 0.083 0.083 1.250 0.500 0.750 Dept of Educational Leadership All 9.250 Without GA 6.750 GA 2.500 Dept of Educational Psychology All 46.750 Without GA GA 28.750 18.000 Dept of Educational Studies All 42.637 Without GA 37.137 GA 5.500 18.750 24.750 1.250 2.000 18.750 6.750 18.000 1.250 2.000 26.137 6.500 5.500 0.500 2.250 1.750 26.137 1.000 5.500 0.500 2.250 1.750 5.500 Dept of Elementary Education All 42.375 Without GA 36.375 GA 6.000 25.544 8.082 4.250 1.916 2.583 25.544 2.082 4.250 1.916 2.583 2.000 4.000 2.000 2.167 2.167 2.000 2.000 6.000 Dept of Special Education All 23.418 Without GA 19.418 GA 4.667 4.667 15.251 15.251 4.000 COLLEGE TOTAL All 196.514 105.682 19.499 47.584 4.750 11.583 7.416 Without GA 147.014 102.516 4.499 22.333 1.250 10.000 6.416 GA 49.500 3.166 15.000 25.251 3.500 1.583 1.000 FTE Distribution Fall 05 Office of Academic Assessment and Institutional Research 3/15/06 Ball State University Distribution of Faculty FTE by Department and Functional Categories Fall 2005 Function College Total FTE Teaching Teaching Support Research Public Service Admin Svcs Advising & Other UNIVERSITY TOTAL All 1412.821 893.042 170.403 236.150 12.867 70.712 29.647 Without GA 1127.071 859.540 27.923 142.690 2.267 66.004 28.647 GA 285.750 33.502 142.480 93.460 10.600 4.708 1.000 Source: Faculty FTE by Position Status and Function Distributions, Fall 2005; AAIR. FTE Distribution Fall 05 Office of Academic Assessment and Institutional Research 3/15/06 Ball State University Comparison of Faculty FTE Distributions (without GA FTE) Fall 2004 and Fall 2005 College/Dept. Total FTE Teaching Function Teaching Research Public Support Service Admin Svcs Advising & Other 0.000 College of Applied Sciences and Technology Dept of Family & Consumer Science Fall 2005 31.831 22.998 Fall 2004 33.166 -1.335 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 2.583 5.250 0.000 1.000 23.916 3.500 3.750 0.000 1.000 1.000 -0.918 -0.917 1.500 0.000 0.000 -1.000 Dept of Industry & Technology Fall 2005 23.250 16.417 1.583 2.000 0.000 2.250 1.000 Fall 2004 24.415 16.915 0.000 3.250 0.000 2.500 1.750 -1.165 -0.498 1.583 -1.250 0.000 -0.250 -0.750 0.000 1.250 0.000 0.500 0.500 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Institute for Wellness/Gerontology Fall 2005 5.000 2.750 Fall 2004 5.000 1.751 0.000 1.500 0.500 0.750 0.499 0.000 0.999 0.000 -0.250 -0.500 -0.250 0.001 Fall 2005 32.433 27.986 0.225 1.391 0.000 2.831 0.000 Fall 2004 31.945 25.583 1.830 2.427 0.000 2.105 0.000 0.488 2.403 -1.605 -1.036 0.000 0.726 0.000 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 School of Nursing Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 School of Physical Education Fall 2005 46.388 32.388 1.334 6.917 0.000 3.417 2.332 Fall 2004 51.269 36.794 1.226 7.667 0.000 4.749 0.833 -4.881 -4.406 0.108 -0.750 0.000 -1.332 1.499 Fall 2005 138.902 102.539 5.725 16.808 0.000 9.998 Fall 2004 145.795 104.959 6.556 18.594 0.500 11.104 4.082 -2.420 -0.831 -1.786 -0.500 -1.106 -0.250 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 COLLEGE TOTAL Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 FTE Distribution Fall 05 -6.893 Office of Academic Assessment and Institutional Research 3.832 3/15/06 Ball State University Comparison of Faculty FTE Distributions (without GA FTE) Fall 2004 and Fall 2005 College/Dept. Total FTE Teaching Function Teaching Research Public Support Service Admin Svcs Advising & Other 0.000 2.750 1.250 College of Architecture and Planning Dept of Architecture Fall 2005 33.833 25.083 Fall 2004 31.859 24.651 0.500 2.833 0.125 2.750 1.000 1.974 0.432 1.375 0.042 -0.125 0.000 0.250 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 1.875 2.875 Dept of Landscape Architecture Fall 2005 14.581 10.749 0.000 1.500 0.000 2.332 0.000 Fall 2004 13.749 10.749 0.000 1.000 0.000 2.000 0.000 0.832 0.000 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.332 0.000 Fall 2005 9.400 6.150 0.000 1.750 0.000 1.500 0.000 Fall 2004 10.523 7.565 0.000 0.997 0.000 1.961 0.000 -1.123 -1.415 0.000 0.753 0.000 -0.461 0.000 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of Urban Planning Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 COLLEGE TOTAL Fall 2005 57.814 41.982 1.875 6.125 0.000 6.582 1.250 Fall 2004 56.131 42.965 0.500 4.830 0.125 6.711 1.000 1.683 -0.983 1.375 1.295 -0.125 -0.129 0.250 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 FTE Distribution Fall 05 Office of Academic Assessment and Institutional Research 3/15/06 Ball State University Comparison of Faculty FTE Distributions (without GA FTE) Fall 2004 and Fall 2005 College/Dept. Total FTE Teaching Function Teaching Research Public Support Service Admin Svcs Advising & Other College of Business Dept of Accounting Fall 2005 14.250 10.750 Fall 2004 2.750 0.000 0.500 0.000 14.500 10.500 -0.250 0.250 0.000 3.500 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.250 -0.750 0.000 0.000 0.000 Fall 2005 16.150 12.900 0.000 2.750 0.000 0.500 0.000 Fall 2004 16.525 12.275 0.000 3.000 0.000 0.250 1.000 -0.375 0.625 0.000 -0.250 0.000 0.250 -1.000 Fall 2005 12.500 9.000 0.000 1.750 0.000 0.500 1.250 Fall 2004 14.750 11.120 0.000 2.880 0.000 0.500 0.250 -2.250 -2.120 0.000 -1.130 0.000 0.000 1.000 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 0.250 Dept of Economics Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of Finance Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of Info Systems & Oper Mgmt Fall 2005 22.250 17.417 0.500 4.000 0.000 0.250 0.083 Fall 2004 20.500 16.500 0.000 3.500 0.000 0.500 0.000 1.750 0.917 0.500 0.500 0.000 -0.250 0.083 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of Marketing & Management Fall 2005 25.500 20.000 0.000 4.500 0.000 1.000 0.000 Fall 2004 24.300 19.050 0.000 4.750 0.000 0.500 0.000 1.200 0.950 0.000 -0.250 0.000 0.500 0.000 Fall 2005 90.650 70.067 0.750 15.750 0.000 2.750 Fall 2004 90.575 69.445 0.000 17.630 0.000 2.250 1.250 0.075 0.622 0.750 -1.880 0.000 0.500 0.083 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 COLLEGE TOTAL Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 FTE Distribution Fall 05 Office of Academic Assessment and Institutional Research 1.333 3/15/06 Ball State University Comparison of Faculty FTE Distributions (without GA FTE) Fall 2004 and Fall 2005 College/Dept. Total FTE Teaching Function Teaching Research Public Support Service Admin Svcs Advising & Other 0.623 1.590 College of Comm, Info & Media Center for Info & Communication Sci Fall 2005 Fall 2004 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 7.000 2.333 0.970 1.384 0.100 7.099 2.802 0.803 1.090 0.100 0.674 1.630 -0.099 -0.469 0.167 0.294 0.000 -0.051 -0.040 Dept of Communication Studies Fall 2005 20.482 17.423 1.119 0.960 0.000 0.980 0.000 Fall 2004 21.415 18.504 0.949 0.980 0.074 0.908 0.000 -0.933 -1.081 0.170 -0.020 -0.074 0.072 0.000 Fall 2005 28.096 19.597 3.375 3.624 0.000 1.000 0.500 Fall 2004 28.833 19.928 3.000 4.655 0.000 1.250 0.000 -0.737 -0.331 0.375 -1.031 0.000 -0.250 0.500 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of Journalism Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of Telecommunications Fall 2005 21.250 17.250 0.000 2.500 0.000 1.250 0.250 Fall 2004 24.160 18.150 0.500 3.885 0.250 0.875 0.500 -2.910 -0.900 -0.500 -1.385 -0.250 0.375 -0.250 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 COLLEGE TOTAL Fall 2005 76.828 56.603 5.464 8.468 0.100 3.853 2.340 Fall 2004 81.507 59.384 5.252 10.610 0.424 3.707 2.130 -4.679 -2.781 0.212 -2.142 -0.324 0.146 0.210 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 FTE Distribution Fall 05 Office of Academic Assessment and Institutional Research 3/15/06 Ball State University Comparison of Faculty FTE Distributions (without GA FTE) Fall 2004 and Fall 2005 College/Dept. Total FTE Teaching Function Teaching Research Public Support Service Admin Svcs Advising & Other 0.000 College of Fine Arts Dept of Art Fall 2005 30.833 27.501 0.000 0.333 0.000 2.999 Fall 2004 32.498 28.498 -1.665 -0.997 0.000 0.334 0.000 2.666 1.000 0.000 -0.001 0.000 0.333 -1.000 Fall 2005 23.750 16.375 4.000 0.750 0.250 1.250 1.125 Fall 2004 22.672 15.756 5.166 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.750 1.078 0.619 -1.166 -0.250 0.250 1.250 0.375 Fall 2005 59.104 48.444 2.808 3.018 0.000 2.416 2.418 Fall 2004 60.873 47.972 4.911 3.191 0.000 3.799 1.000 -1.769 0.472 -2.103 -0.173 0.000 -1.383 1.418 Fall 2005 113.687 92.320 6.808 4.101 0.250 6.665 3.543 Fall 2004 116.043 92.226 10.077 4.525 0.000 6.465 2.750 0.094 -3.269 -0.424 0.250 0.200 0.793 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of Theatre & Dance Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 School of Music Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 COLLEGE TOTAL Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 FTE Distribution Fall 05 -2.356 Office of Academic Assessment and Institutional Research 3/15/06 Ball State University Comparison of Faculty FTE Distributions (without GA FTE) Fall 2004 and Fall 2005 College/Dept. Total FTE Teaching Function Teaching Research Public Support Service Admin Svcs Advising & Other 0.665 0.000 College of Sciences and Humanities Dept of Anthropology Fall 2005 16.021 13.997 0.000 1.359 0.000 Fall 2004 18.497 14.567 -2.476 -0.570 0.000 1.790 0.000 2.140 0.000 0.000 -0.431 0.000 -1.475 0.000 Fall 2005 31.580 17.288 0.250 10.932 0.000 2.777 0.333 Fall 2004 27.415 18.056 0.409 6.025 0.000 2.200 0.725 4.165 -0.768 -0.159 4.907 0.000 0.577 -0.392 Fall 2005 17.372 14.875 0.000 1.747 0.000 0.500 0.250 Fall 2004 16.762 15.027 0.000 1.235 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.610 -0.152 0.000 0.512 0.000 0.000 0.250 Fall 2005 18.775 12.825 0.500 4.200 0.000 1.250 0.000 Fall 2004 20.167 14.417 0.000 4.500 0.000 1.250 0.000 -1.392 -1.592 0.500 -0.300 0.000 0.000 0.000 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of Biology Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of Chemistry Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of Computer Science Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of Criminal Justice and Crimino Fall 2005 15.250 12.060 0.000 1.690 0.000 0.500 1.000 Fall 2004 14.000 11.580 0.000 1.920 0.000 0.500 0.000 1.250 0.480 0.000 -0.230 0.000 0.000 1.000 Fall 2005 89.000 73.023 0.250 8.979 0.000 6.748 0.000 Fall 2004 95.252 74.061 0.500 9.944 0.000 6.999 3.748 -6.252 -1.038 -0.250 -0.965 0.000 -0.251 -3.748 Fall 2005 18.000 14.763 0.000 2.237 0.000 1.000 0.000 Fall 2004 18.500 16.250 0.000 1.500 0.000 0.750 0.000 -0.500 -1.487 0.000 0.737 0.000 0.250 0.000 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of English Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of Geography Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 FTE Distribution Fall 05 Office of Academic Assessment and Institutional Research 3/15/06 Ball State University Comparison of Faculty FTE Distributions (without GA FTE) Fall 2004 and Fall 2005 College/Dept. Total FTE Teaching Function Teaching Research Public Support Service Admin Svcs Advising & Other Dept of Geology Fall 2005 7.083 4.122 0.250 1.211 0.000 0.500 1.000 Fall 2004 7.602 4.332 0.000 1.270 0.000 1.000 1.000 -0.519 -0.210 0.250 -0.059 0.000 -0.500 0.000 Fall 2005 42.038 34.511 0.000 4.280 0.000 1.997 1.250 Fall 2004 39.586 33.612 0.000 4.065 0.000 1.116 0.793 2.452 0.899 0.000 0.215 0.000 0.881 0.457 0.000 5.094 0.000 1.250 1.750 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of History Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of Mathematical Sciences Fall 2005 45.749 37.655 Fall 2004 49.662 42.306 0.250 5.688 0.250 1.168 0.000 -3.913 -4.651 -0.250 -0.594 -0.250 0.082 1.750 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of Modern Languages and Clas Fall 2005 37.645 32.955 0.000 3.940 0.000 0.750 0.000 Fall 2004 35.663 31.699 0.000 3.214 0.000 0.750 0.000 1.982 1.256 0.000 0.726 0.000 0.000 0.000 Fall 2005 9.500 6.706 0.000 2.294 0.000 0.500 0.000 Fall 2004 8.650 6.584 0.000 1.316 0.000 0.500 0.250 0.850 0.122 0.000 0.978 0.000 0.000 -0.250 Fall 2005 19.000 15.501 0.000 2.999 0.000 0.500 0.000 Fall 2004 20.000 17.270 0.000 1.980 0.000 0.750 0.000 -1.000 -1.769 0.000 1.019 0.000 -0.250 0.000 4.417 0.417 0.330 1.000 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of Natural Resources Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of Philosophy Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of Physics & Astronomy Fall 2005 17.749 11.585 0.000 Fall 2004 19.215 11.709 0.000 6.770 0.667 0.069 0.000 -1.466 -0.124 0.000 -2.353 -0.250 0.261 1.000 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of Physiology & Health Science Fall 2005 23.544 17.815 0.084 3.295 0.000 0.750 1.600 Fall 2004 26.083 17.859 0.000 4.656 0.000 1.148 2.420 -2.539 -0.044 0.084 -1.361 0.000 -0.398 -0.820 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 FTE Distribution Fall 05 Office of Academic Assessment and Institutional Research 3/15/06 Ball State University Comparison of Faculty FTE Distributions (without GA FTE) Fall 2004 and Fall 2005 College/Dept. Total FTE Teaching Function Teaching Research Public Support Service Admin Svcs Advising & Other Dept of Political Science Fall 2005 18.735 14.379 0.202 2.000 0.000 0.404 1.750 Fall 2004 17.889 14.389 0.000 2.750 0.000 0.000 0.750 0.846 -0.010 0.202 -0.750 0.000 0.404 1.000 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of Psychological Science Fall 2005 28.226 23.945 0.350 3.181 0.000 0.750 0.000 Fall 2004 29.082 24.764 0.250 2.680 0.000 1.388 0.000 -0.856 -0.819 0.100 0.501 0.000 -0.638 0.000 8.500 5.000 0.000 1.750 0.000 1.750 0.000 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of Social Work Fall 2005 Fall 2004 8.750 4.500 0.000 1.750 0.000 1.500 1.000 -0.250 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.250 -1.000 Fall 2005 15.500 12.250 0.000 2.250 0.000 1.000 0.000 Fall 2004 14.775 11.025 0.000 2.000 0.000 0.750 1.000 0.725 1.225 0.000 0.250 0.000 0.250 -1.000 1.250 0.250 1.000 0.000 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of Sociology Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of Speech Pathology and Audio Fall 2005 19.171 15.755 0.916 Fall 2004 18.917 15.917 0.000 1.750 0.250 1.000 0.000 0.254 -0.162 0.916 -0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 Fall 2005 3.737 2.502 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.235 0.000 Fall 2004 3.000 1.758 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.242 0.000 0.737 0.744 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.007 0.000 Fall 2005 502.175 393.512 2.802 69.105 0.667 26.156 9.933 Fall 2004 509.467 401.682 1.409 66.803 1.167 26.720 11.686 -8.170 1.393 2.302 -0.500 -0.564 -1.753 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Women's Studies Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 COLLEGE TOTAL Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 FTE Distribution Fall 05 -7.292 Office of Academic Assessment and Institutional Research 3/15/06 Ball State University Comparison of Faculty FTE Distributions (without GA FTE) Fall 2004 and Fall 2005 College/Dept. Total FTE Teaching Function Teaching Research Public Support Service Admin Svcs Advising & Other 1.250 0.000 Teachers College Dept of Counseling Psychology Fall 2005 18.584 12.167 Fall 2004 16.084 9.167 1.167 2.750 0.250 1.500 1.250 2.500 3.000 0.250 0.750 0.000 -0.250 -1.250 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 1.417 3.500 0.250 Dept of Educational Leadership Fall 2005 6.750 4.667 0.000 0.333 0.500 1.167 0.083 Fall 2004 5.250 3.500 0.000 0.250 0.250 1.250 0.000 1.500 1.167 0.000 0.083 0.250 -0.083 0.083 1.250 2.000 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of Educational Psychology Fall 2005 28.750 18.750 0.000 6.750 0.000 Fall 2004 30.000 22.000 0.000 4.500 0.000 1.500 2.000 -1.250 -3.250 0.000 2.250 0.000 -0.250 0.000 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of Educational Studies Fall 2005 37.137 26.137 1.000 5.500 0.500 2.250 1.750 Fall 2004 39.762 28.262 2.000 5.520 0.000 0.730 3.250 -2.625 -2.125 -1.000 -0.020 0.500 1.520 -1.500 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of Elementary Education Fall 2005 36.375 25.544 2.082 4.250 0.000 1.916 2.583 Fall 2004 38.779 25.778 2.732 4.020 1.000 1.666 3.583 -2.404 -0.234 -0.650 0.230 -1.000 0.250 -1.000 Fall 2005 19.418 15.251 0.000 2.000 0.000 2.167 0.000 Fall 2004 19.615 13.948 0.250 3.270 0.000 2.147 0.000 -0.197 1.303 -0.250 -1.270 0.000 0.020 0.000 Fall 2005 147.014 102.516 4.499 22.333 1.250 10.000 6.416 Fall 2004 149.490 102.655 6.149 20.310 1.500 8.793 10.083 -0.139 -1.650 2.023 -0.250 1.207 -3.667 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Dept of Special Education Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 COLLEGE TOTAL Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 FTE Distribution Fall 05 -2.476 Office of Academic Assessment and Institutional Research 3/15/06 Ball State University Comparison of Faculty FTE Distributions (without GA FTE) Fall 2004 and Fall 2005 Function College/Dept. Total FTE Teaching Teaching Support Research Public Service Admin Svcs Advising & Other UNIVERSITY TOTAL Fall 2005 1127.071 859.540 27.923 142.690 2.267 66.004 28.647 Fall 2004 1149.008 873.316 29.943 143.302 3.716 65.750 32.981 -21.937 -13.776 -2.020 -0.612 -1.449 0.254 -4.334 Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 Source: Faculty FTE by Position Status and Function Distributions, Fall 2004 and 2005; AAIR. FTE Distribution Fall 05 Office of Acedemic Assessment and Institutional Research 3/15/06 ADJUSTED FTEs - FALL 2005 Department: Dept of Family & Consumer Sciences Term/Year: Fall 2005 Department: School of Physical Education Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 41.331 1.748 9.500 0.500 0.000 0.000 29.583 7,846 189.833 265.220 Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 65.222 2.135 18.834 0.900 0.000 0.150 43.203 9,717 148.983 224.915 Department: Dept of Industry & Technology Term/Year: Fall 2005 Department: Institute for Wellness/Gerontology Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE 17.500 0.000 12.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.000 Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 285 16.286 57.000 Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 27.750 0.500 4.500 0.250 0.000 0.000 22.500 3,939 141.946 175.067 Department: School of Nursing Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE College: Applied Sciences & Technology Term/Year: Fall 2005 33.433 0.000 1.000 0.040 0.000 0.000 32.393 4,566 136.572 140.956 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE 185.236 4.383 46.334 1.690 0.000 0.150 132.679 Stud Credit Hrs* 26,640 SCH/Total FTE 143.817 SCH/Adj FTE 200.785 * these figures exclude PUMET, include MilSc 3/15/06 Fall 2005 Adjusted FTE Report final2 1 ADJUSTED FTEs - FALL 2005 Department: Dept of Architecture Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE Department: Dept of Urban Planning Term/Year: Fall 2005 44.333 0.833 10.500 0.000 1.000 0.000 32.000 4,615 104.099 144.219 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE Department: Dept of Landscape Architecture Term/Year: Fall 2005 College: Architecture & Planning Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 18.581 0.333 4.000 0.114 0.000 0.000 14.134 1,972 106.130 139.522 Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 15.900 0.000 6.500 0.000 0.000 0.150 9.250 1,181 74.277 127.676 78.814 1.166 21.000 0.114 1.000 0.150 55.384 7,768 98.561 140.257 3/15/06 Fall 2005 Adjusted FTE Report final2 2 ADJUSTED FTEs - FALL 2005 Department: Dept of Accounting Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE Department Information Systems & Operations Mgmt Term/Year: Fall 2005 16.750 0.000 2.500 0.250 0.000 0.000 14.000 4,014 239.642 286.714 Department: Dept of Economics Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 26.250 0.500 4.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 21.750 6,235 237.524 286.667 Department: Dept of Marketing and Management Term/Year: Fall 2005 18.650 0.000 2.500 0.000 0.000 0.150 16.000 6,304 338.016 394.000 Department: Dept of Finance Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 29.000 0.000 3.500 0.050 0.000 0.000 25.450 8,586 296.069 337.367 College: Miller College of Business Term/Year: Fall 2005 15.000 0.000 2.500 0.000 1.000 0.000 11.500 4,563 304.200 396.783 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE 105.650 0.500 15.000 0.300 1.000 0.150 88.700 Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 29,702 281.136 334.859 3/15/06 Fall 2005 Adjusted FTE Report final2 3 ADJUSTED FTEs - FALL 2005 Department: Center for Info & Communication Sciences Term/Year: Fall 2005 Department: Dept of Telecommunications Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE 14.000 0.000 7.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 6.000 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 545 38.929 90.833 Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 23.750 0.000 2.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 21.250 4,668 196.547 219.671 Department: Dept of Communication Studies Term/Year: Fall 2005 College: Communication, Info., & Media Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE 101.828 1.123 25.000 0.000 1.000 0.150 74.555 Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 18,364 180.343 246.315 Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 31.482 1.040 11.000 0.000 0.000 0.150 19.292 7,927 251.795 410.896 Department: Dept of Journalism Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 32.596 0.083 4.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 28.013 5,224 160.265 186.485 3/15/06 Fall 2005 Adjusted FTE Report final2 4 ADJUSTED FTEs - FALL 2005 Department: Dept of Art Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE Department: Dept of Theatre & Dance Term/Year: Fall 2005 32.833 0.583 2.000 0.333 0.000 0.000 29.917 7,451 226.936 249.056 Department: School of Music Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 23.750 0.750 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 22.500 4,705 198.105 209.111 College: College of Fine Arts Term/Year: Fall 2005 80.104 0.500 21.000 0.000 2.000 0.000 56.604 7,376.5 92.087 130.318 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE 136.687 1.833 23.000 0.833 2.000 0.000 109.021 Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 19,532.5 142.899 179.163 3/15/06 Fall 2005 Adjusted FTE Report final2 5 ADJUSTED FTEs - FALL 2005 Department: Dept of Anthropology Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE Department: Dept of Criminal Justice and Criminology Term/Year: Fall 2005 18.021 1.500 2.000 0.000 0.000 0.010 14.511 4,625 256.645 318.724 Department: Dept of Biology Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 45.080 0.000 13.500 6.450 0.000 0.000 25.130 7,087 157.209 282.014 Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 4,812 287.284 343.714 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE 111.000 2.250 22.000 1.124 0.000 0.000 85.626 Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 18,306 164.919 213.790 Department: Geography Term/Year: Fall 2005 22.872 0.500 5.500 0.250 0.000 0.000 16.622 6,343 277.326 381.603 Department: Dept of Computer Science Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 16.750 1.250 1.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 14.000 Department: Dept of English Term/Year: Fall 2005 Department: Dept of Chemistry Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 21.000 0.250 3.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 17.750 5,073 241.571 285.803 Department: Geology Term/Year: Fall 2005 25.275 0.500 6.500 1.250 0.000 0.000 17.025 3,474 137.448 204.053 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 9.583 0.000 2.500 0.000 1.000 0.000 6.083 1,761 183.763 289.495 3/15/06 Fall 2005 Adjusted FTE Report final2 6 ADJUSTED FTEs - FALL 2005 Department: History Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE Department: Philosophy Term/Year: Fall 2005 44.538 1.760 2.500 0.000 1.000 0.000 39.278 15,173 340.675 386.298 Department: Mathematical Sciences Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 55.749 0.500 10.000 0.361 1.500 0.000 43.388 14,700 263.682 338.803 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE Department: Physiology & Health Science Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE 41.395 1.330 3.750 0.000 0.000 0.150 36.165 10,753 259.766 297.332 Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE Department: Natural Resources & Env. Mgt. Term/Year: Fall 2005 Department: Political Science Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Total FTE Minus: Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 5,183 272.789 300.464 Department: Physics & Astronomy Term/Year: Fall 2005 Department: Modern Languages & Classics Term/Year: Fall 2005 Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 19.000 1.250 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 17.250 12.750 0.000 3.250 0.528 0.000 0.000 8.972 2,339 183.447 260.691 Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 23.249 0.250 5.500 1.338 1.000 0.000 15.161 5,788 248.957 381.769 27.710 1.290 4.166 0.200 0.000 0.000 22.054 9,561 345.038 433.527 21.235 0.250 2.500 0.000 1.000 0.000 17.485 5,013 236.073 286.703 3/15/06 Fall 2005 Adjusted FTE Report final2 7 ADJUSTED FTEs - FALL 2005 Department: Psychological Science Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE Department: Speech Pathology Term/Year: Fall 2005 36.726 2.124 8.500 0.000 0.000 0.150 25.952 11,961 325.682 460.889 Department: Social Work Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 24.421 3.084 5.250 0.000 0.000 0.000 16.087 2,474 101.306 153.789 Department: Womens Studies Term/Year: Fall 2005 8.500 0.000 0.000 0.200 0.000 0.000 8.300 1,386 163.059 166.988 Department: Sociology Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 3.737 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.737 792 211.935 211.935 College: Sciences & Humanities Term/Year: Fall 2005 19.500 0.000 4.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 15.500 5,592 286.769 360.774 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE 608.091 18.088 105.916 12.201 5.500 0.310 466.076 Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 142,196 233.840 305.092 3/15/06 Fall 2005 Adjusted FTE Report final2 8 ADJUSTED FTEs - FALL 2005 Department: Counseling Psychology Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE Department: Educational Studies Term/Year: Fall 2005 32.084 0.500 13.500 0.250 0.000 0.000 17.834 3,595 112.050 201.581 Department: Educational Leadership Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 42.637 1.000 5.500 0.000 0.000 0.166 35.971 6,254 146.680 173.862 Department: Special Education Term/Year: Fall 2005 9.250 0.500 2.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.250 1,230 132.973 196.800 Department: Educational Psychology Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 23.418 0.750 4.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18.668 3,175 135.579 170.077 College: Teachers College Term/Year: Fall 2005 46.750 1.000 18.000 0.590 1.000 0.000 26.160 5,365 114.759 205.084 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE 196.514 3.750 49.500 1.590 1.000 0.166 140.508 Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 25,759 131.080 183.328 Department: Elementary Education Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE Stud Credit Hrs SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 42.375 0.000 6.000 0.750 0.000 0.000 35.625 6,140 144.897 172.351 3/15/06 Fall 2005 Adjusted FTE Report final2 9 ADJUSTED FTEs - FALL 2005 University Total * Term/Year: Fall 2005 Total FTE Minus: Overload GA Ext. funded Paid Leave Loan From (Selected) Adjusted FTE 1412.820 30.843 285.750 16.728 11.500 1.076 1066.923 Stud Credit Hrs ** SCH/Total FTE SCH/Adj FTE 271,110 191.893 254.104 * these figures exclude PUMET ** this figure includes interdepartmental data. Office of Academic Assessment and Institutional Research 3/15/06 Fall 2005 Adjusted FTE Report final2 10 STUDENT CREDIT HOUR RATIOS FALL 2005 (SCH) STUDENT CREDIT HOURS COLLEGE/DEPARTMENT APPLIED SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY FAMILY & CONSUMER SCI INDUSTRY & TECH NURSING SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL ED WELLNESS/GERONTOLOGY MILITARY SCIENCE *COLLEGE (FTE) TOTAL ADJUSTED ALL FTE FTE 7,846 3,939 4,566 9,717 285 287 26,640 185.24 4,615 1,972 1,181 7,768 29.58 22.50 32.39 43.20 5.00 189.8 141.9 136.6 149.0 16.3 265.2 175.1 141.0 224.9 57.0 132.68 143.8 200.8 44.33 18.58 15.90 78.81 32.00 14.13 9.25 55.38 104.1 106.1 74.3 98.6 144.2 139.5 127.7 140.3 4,014 6,304 4,563 6,235 8,586 29,702 16.75 18.65 15.00 26.25 29.00 105.65 14.00 16.00 11.50 21.75 25.45 88.70 239.6 338.0 304.2 237.5 296.1 281.1 286.7 394.0 396.8 286.7 337.4 334.9 COMMUNICATION, INFORMATION, & MEDIA CICS 545 COMM STUDIES 7,927 JOURNALISM 5,224 TELECOMMUNICATIONS 4,668 COLLEGE 18,364 14.00 31.48 32.60 23.75 101.83 6.00 19.29 28.01 21.25 74.56 38.9 251.8 160.3 196.5 180.3 90.8 410.9 186.5 219.7 246.3 32.83 80.10 23.75 136.69 29.92 56.60 22.50 109.02 226.9 92.1 198.1 142.9 249.1 130.3 209.1 179.2 ARCHITECTURE & PLANNING ARCHITECTURE LANDSCAPE ARCH URBAN PLANNING COLLEGE BUSINESS ACCOUNTING ECONOMICS FINANCE/INS/INTBA ISOM (formerly BIT) MARKETING & MGMT COLLEGE FINE ARTS ART MUSIC THEATRE & DANCE COLLEGE Fall 2005-06 SCH Ratios 7,451 7,377 4,705 19,533 41.33 27.75 33.43 65.22 17.50 STUDENT CREDIT HRS per per TOTAL ADJUSTED FTE FTE OFFICE OF ACADEMIC ASSESSMENT AND INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH 3/15/06 STUDENT CREDIT HOUR RATIOS FALL 2005 (SCH) STUDENT CREDIT HOURS COLLEGE/DEPARTMENT SCIENCES & HUMANITIES ANTHROPOLOGY BIOLOGY CHEMISTRY COMPUTER SCIENCE CRIMINAL JUSTICE ENGLISH GEOGRAPHY GEOLOGY HISTORY MATHEMATICS MOD LANG & CLASSICS NAT RES & ENV MGT PHILOSOPHY PHYSICS PHYSIOLOGY & HS POLITICAL SCIENCE PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE SOCIAL WORK SOCIOLOGY SPEECH PATH & AUD WOMEN'S STUDIES COLLEGE TEACHERS COLLEGE COUNSELING PSYCH ED LEADERSHIP ED PSYCH ELEMENTARY ED EDUCATIONAL STUDIES SPECIAL ED COLLEGE (FTE) TOTAL ADJUSTED ALL FTE FTE STUDENT CREDIT HRS per per TOTAL ADJUSTED FTE FTE 4,625 7,087 6,343 3,474 4,812 18,306 5,073 1,761 15,173 14,700 10,753 2,339 5,183 5,788 9,561 5,013 11,961 1,386 5,592 2,474 792 142,196 18.02 45.08 22.87 25.28 16.75 111.00 21.00 9.58 44.54 55.75 41.40 12.75 19.00 23.25 27.71 21.24 36.73 8.50 19.50 24.42 3.74 608.09 14.51 25.13 16.62 17.03 14.00 85.63 17.75 6.08 39.28 43.39 36.17 8.97 17.25 15.16 22.05 17.49 25.95 8.30 15.50 16.09 3.74 466.08 256.6 157.2 277.3 137.4 287.3 164.9 241.6 183.8 340.7 263.7 259.8 183.5 272.8 249.0 345.0 236.1 325.7 163.1 286.8 101.3 211.9 233.8 318.7 282.0 381.6 204.1 343.7 213.8 285.8 289.5 386.3 338.8 297.3 260.7 300.5 381.8 433.5 286.7 460.9 167.0 360.8 153.8 211.9 305.1 3,595 1,230 5,365 6,140 6,254 3,175 25,759 32.08 9.25 46.75 42.38 42.64 23.42 196.51 17.83 6.25 26.16 35.63 35.98 18.67 140.51 112.0 133.0 114.8 144.9 146.7 135.6 131.1 201.6 196.8 205.1 172.4 173.8 170.1 183.3 1,066.92 191.9 254.1 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 1,148 UNIVERSITY TOTAL 271,110 1,412.82 *College Total includes Military Science but excludes PUMET. SOURCE: STUDENT CREDIT HOURS (on and off campus) FALL 2005; AAIR. FTE BY POSITION STATUS AND FUNCTION FALL 2005; AAIR. Fall 2005-06 SCH Ratios OFFICE OF ACADEMIC ASSESSMENT AND INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH 3/15/06 STUDENT CREDIT HOUR RATIOS FALL 05 and 04 COMPARISON (SCH) STUDENT CREDIT HOURS COLLEGE/DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FTE (FTE) ADJUSTED FTE STUDENT CREDIT HOURS per per TOTAL ADJUSTED FTE FTE APPLIED SCIENCES & TECH FAMILY & CONS SCIENCES Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 7,846 7,631 215 41.33 43.67 -2.34 29.58 30.00 -0.42 189.8 174.7 15.1 265.2 254.4 10.9 INDUSTRY & TECH Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 3,939 3,676 263 27.75 27.92 -0.17 22.50 22.25 0.25 141.9 131.7 10.3 175.1 165.2 9.9 NURSING Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 4,566 4,217 349 33.43 32.95 0.48 32.39 31.90 0.49 136.6 128.0 8.6 141.0 132.2 8.8 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 9,717 10,602 -885 65.22 68.77 -3.55 43.20 45.44 -2.24 149.0 154.2 -5.2 224.9 233.3 -8.4 INST FOR WELNS/GERON Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 285 174 111 17.50 17.00 0.50 5.00 4.75 0.25 16.3 10.2 6.1 57.0 36.6 20.4 MILITARY SCIENCE Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 287 339 -52 Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 26,640 26,639 1 185.24 190.30 -5.06 132.68 134.33 -1.65 143.8 140.0 3.8 200.8 198.3 2.5 *COLLEGE 05-04 sch ratio comp OFFICE OF ACADEMIC ASSESSMENT AND INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH 3/15/06 STUDENT CREDIT HOUR RATIOS FALL 05 and 04 COMPARISON (SCH) STUDENT CREDIT HOURS COLLEGE/DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FTE (FTE) ADJUSTED FTE STUDENT CREDIT HOURS per per TOTAL ADJUSTED FTE FTE ARCHITECTURE & PLANNING ARCHITECTURE Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 4,615 4,667 -52 44.33 38.61 5.72 32.00 30.46 1.54 104.1 120.9 -16.8 144.2 153.2 -9.0 LANDSCAPE ARCH Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 1,972 1,932 40 18.58 19.25 -0.67 14.13 13.34 0.79 106.1 100.4 5.7 139.5 144.8 -5.3 URBAN PLANNING Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 1,181 1,387 -206 15.90 17.77 -1.87 9.25 10.37 -1.12 74.3 78.0 -3.7 127.7 133.7 -6.0 Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 7,768 7,986 -218 78.81 75.63 3.18 55.38 54.18 1.20 98.6 105.6 -7.0 140.3 147.4 -7.1 COLLEGE 05-04 sch ratio comp OFFICE OF ACADEMIC ASSESSMENT AND INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH 3/15/06 STUDENT CREDIT HOUR RATIOS FALL 05 and 04 COMPARISON (SCH) STUDENT CREDIT HOURS COLLEGE/DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FTE (FTE) ADJUSTED FTE STUDENT CREDIT HOURS per per TOTAL ADJUSTED FTE FTE BUSINESS ACCOUNTING Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 4,014 4,420 -406 16.75 17.00 -0.25 14.00 14.25 -0.25 239.6 260.0 -20.4 286.7 310.2 -23.5 ECONOMICS Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 6,304 6,225 79 18.65 19.03 -0.38 16.00 15.38 0.62 338.0 327.2 10.8 394.0 404.9 -10.9 FINANCE & INSURANCE Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 4,563 4,827 -264 15.00 17.25 -2.25 11.50 14.70 -3.20 304.2 279.8 24.4 396.8 328.4 68.4 INFO SYSTEMS & OPER MGMT Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 6,235 5,327 908 26.25 24.50 1.75 21.75 20.00 1.75 237.5 217.4 20.1 286.7 266.4 20.3 MARKETING & MANAGEMENT Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 8,586 8,248 338 29.00 27.80 1.20 25.45 23.50 1.95 296.1 296.7 -0.6 337.4 351.0 -13.6 Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 29,702 29,047 655 105.65 105.58 0.07 88.70 87.83 0.87 281.1 275.1 6.0 334.9 330.7 4.2 COLLEGE 05-04 sch ratio comp OFFICE OF ACADEMIC ASSESSMENT AND INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH 3/15/06 STUDENT CREDIT HOUR RATIOS FALL 05 and 04 COMPARISON (SCH) STUDENT CREDIT HOURS COLLEGE/DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FTE (FTE) ADJUSTED FTE STUDENT CREDIT HOURS per per TOTAL ADJUSTED FTE FTE COMMUNICATION, INFORMATION AND MEDIA CICS Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 545 592 -47 14.00 17.10 -3.10 6.00 6.01 -0.01 38.9 34.6 4.3 90.8 98.5 -7.7 COMM STUDIES Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 7,927 8,235 -308 31.48 33.92 -2.44 19.29 19.78 -0.49 251.8 242.8 9.0 410.9 416.3 -5.4 JOURNALISM Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 5,224 5,169 55 32.60 39.33 -6.73 28.01 27.24 0.77 160.3 131.4 28.9 186.5 189.8 -3.3 TELECOMMUNICATIONS Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 4,668 5,007 -339 23.75 30.16 -6.41 21.25 22.44 -1.19 196.5 166.0 30.5 219.7 223.1 -3.4 Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 18,364 19,003 -639 101.83 120.51 -18.68 74.56 75.47 -0.91 180.3 157.7 22.6 246.3 251.8 -5.5 COLLEGE 05-04 sch ratio comp OFFICE OF ACADEMIC ASSESSMENT AND INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH 3/15/06 STUDENT CREDIT HOUR RATIOS FALL 05 and 04 COMPARISON (SCH) STUDENT CREDIT HOURS COLLEGE/DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FTE (FTE) ADJUSTED FTE STUDENT CREDIT HOURS per per TOTAL ADJUSTED FTE FTE FINE ARTS ART Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 7,451 6,998 453 32.83 35.50 -2.67 29.92 30.67 -0.75 226.9 197.1 29.8 249.1 228.2 20.9 SCHOOL OF MUSIC Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 7,377 7,088 289 80.10 83.12 -3.02 56.60 60.37 -3.77 92.1 85.3 6.8 130.3 117.4 12.9 THEATRE & DANCE Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 4,705 4,143 562 23.75 22.67 1.08 22.50 22.09 0.41 198.1 182.7 15.4 209.1 187.6 21.5 Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 19,533 18,229 1,304 136.69 141.29 -4.60 109.02 113.13 -4.11 142.9 129.0 13.9 179.2 161.1 18.1 COLLEGE 05-04 sch ratio comp OFFICE OF ACADEMIC ASSESSMENT AND INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH 3/15/06 STUDENT CREDIT HOUR RATIOS FALL 05 and 04 COMPARISON (SCH) STUDENT CREDIT HOURS COLLEGE/DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FTE (FTE) ADJUSTED FTE STUDENT CREDIT HOURS per per TOTAL ADJUSTED FTE FTE SCIENCES & HUMANITIES ANTHROPOLOGY Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 4,625 4,741 -116 18.02 20.50 -2.48 14.51 17.00 -2.49 256.6 231.3 25.3 318.7 278.9 39.8 BIOLOGY Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 7,087 6,949 138 45.08 48.92 -3.84 25.13 25.70 -0.57 157.2 142.1 15.1 282.0 270.4 11.6 CHEMISTRY Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 6,343 6,275 68 22.87 21.76 1.11 16.62 16.26 0.36 277.3 288.3 -11.0 381.6 385.9 -4.3 COMPUTER SCIENCE Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 3,474 3,761 -287 25.28 28.67 -3.39 17.03 17.19 -0.16 137.4 131.2 6.2 204.1 218.8 -14.7 CRIMINAL JUSTICE Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 4,812 5,051 -239 16.75 15.50 1.25 14.00 12.75 1.25 287.3 325.9 -38.6 343.7 396.2 -52.5 ENGLISH Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 18,306 18,008 298 111.00 117.75 -6.75 85.63 88.77 -3.14 164.9 152.9 12.0 213.8 202.9 10.9 GEOGRAPHY Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 5,073 5,884 -811 21.00 21.50 -0.50 17.75 17.00 0.75 241.6 273.7 -32.1 285.8 346.1 -60.3 GEOLOGY Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 1,761 1,824 -63 9.58 10.35 -0.77 6.08 6.60 -0.52 183.8 176.2 7.6 289.5 276.3 13.2 HISTORY Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 15,173 15,214 -41 44.54 42.59 1.95 39.28 37.21 2.07 340.7 357.3 -16.6 386.3 408.9 -22.6 MATHEMATICS Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 14,700 15,131 -431 55.75 57.66 -1.91 43.39 47.71 -4.32 263.7 262.4 1.3 338.8 317.2 21.6 Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 10,753 10,472 281 41.40 37.33 4.07 36.17 32.83 3.34 259.8 280.5 -20.7 297.3 319.0 -21.7 MOD LANG & CLASSICS 05-04 sch ratio comp OFFICE OF ACADEMIC ASSESSMENT AND INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH 3/15/06 STUDENT CREDIT HOUR RATIOS FALL 05 and 04 COMPARISON (SCH) STUDENT CREDIT HOURS COLLEGE/DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FTE (FTE) ADJUSTED FTE STUDENT CREDIT HOURS per per TOTAL ADJUSTED FTE FTE NAT RES & ENVIR MGT Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 2,339 2,200 139 12.75 12.90 -0.15 8.97 8.25 0.72 183.5 170.5 13.0 260.7 266.7 -6.0 PHILOSOPHY Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 5,183 6,050 -867 19.00 20.00 -1.00 17.25 18.75 -1.50 272.8 302.5 -29.7 300.5 322.7 -22.2 PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 5,788 5,567 221 23.25 24.22 -0.97 15.16 15.49 -0.33 249.0 229.9 19.1 381.8 359.4 22.4 PHYSIOLOGY & HS Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 9,561 9,740 -179 27.71 31.58 -3.87 22.05 21.60 0.45 345.0 308.4 36.6 433.5 450.9 -17.4 POLITICAL SCIENCE Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 5,013 5,142 -129 21.24 20.39 0.85 17.49 17.39 0.10 236.1 252.2 -16.1 286.7 295.7 -9.0 PSYCH SCIENCE Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 11,961 12,075 -114 36.73 37.08 -0.35 25.95 27.92 -1.97 325.7 325.6 0.1 460.9 432.5 28.4 SOCIAL WORK Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 1,386 1,395 -9 8.50 8.75 -0.25 8.30 7.75 0.55 163.1 159.4 3.7 167.0 180.0 -13.0 SOCIOLOGY Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 5,592 5,805 -213 19.50 18.28 1.22 15.50 13.78 1.72 286.8 317.6 -30.8 360.8 421.4 -60.6 SPEECH PATH & AUD Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 2,474 2,340 134 24.42 27.17 -2.75 16.09 17.58 -1.49 101.3 86.1 15.2 153.8 133.1 20.7 Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 792 478 314 3.74 3.00 0.74 3.74 3.00 0.74 211.9 159.3 52.6 211.9 159.3 52.6 Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 142,196 144,102 -1,906 608.09 625.88 -17.79 466.08 470.52 -4.44 233.8 230.2 3.6 305.1 306.3 -1.2 WOMENS STUDIES COLLEGE 05-04 sch ratio comp OFFICE OF ACADEMIC ASSESSMENT AND INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH 3/15/06 STUDENT CREDIT HOUR RATIOS FALL 05 and 04 COMPARISON (SCH) STUDENT CREDIT HOURS COLLEGE/DEPARTMENT TOTAL ALL FTE (FTE) ADJUSTED FTE STUDENT CREDIT HOURS per per TOTAL ADJUSTED FTE FTE TEACHERS COLLEGE COUNSELING PSYCH Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 3,595 3,581 14 32.08 29.58 2.50 17.83 14.50 3.33 112.0 121.0 -9.0 201.6 247.0 -45.4 ED LEADERSHIP Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 1,230 1,193 37 9.25 7.25 2.00 6.25 5.00 1.25 133.0 164.6 -31.6 196.8 238.6 -41.8 ED PSYCHOLOGY Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 5,365 6,217 -852 46.75 50.00 -3.25 26.16 27.13 -0.97 114.8 124.3 -9.5 205.1 229.2 -24.1 ELEMENTARY ED Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 6,140 6,129 11 42.38 45.28 -2.90 35.63 36.20 -0.57 144.9 135.4 9.5 172.4 169.3 3.1 EDUCATIONAL STUDIES Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 6,254 6,393 -139 42.64 46.76 -4.12 35.98 35.04 0.94 146.7 136.7 10.0 173.8 182.4 -8.6 SPECIAL ED Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 3,175 3,171 4 23.42 24.62 -1.20 18.67 19.20 -0.53 135.6 128.8 6.8 170.1 165.2 4.9 Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 25,759 26,684 -925 196.51 203.49 -6.98 140.51 137.06 3.45 131.1 131.1 0.0 183.3 194.7 -11.4 COLLEGE 05-04 sch ratio comp OFFICE OF ACADEMIC ASSESSMENT AND INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH 3/15/06 STUDENT CREDIT HOUR RATIOS FALL 05 and 04 COMPARISON (SCH) STUDENT CREDIT HOURS COLLEGE/DEPARTMENT INTERDEPARTMENTAL UNIVERSITY TOTAL** Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 (FTE) ADJUSTED FTE STUDENT CREDIT HOURS per per TOTAL ADJUSTED FTE FTE 1,148 1,469 Fall 05 271,110 Fall 04 273,159 05-04 -2,049 * College Total includes Military Science but excludes PUMET. **University Total includes Interdepartmental data. SOURCE: TOTAL ALL FTE 1,412.82 1,462.67 -49.85 1,066.92 1,072.52 -5.60 191.9 186.8 5.1 254.1 254.7 -0.6 STUDENT CREDIT HOURS (on and off campus) FALL 2005 and 04; AAIR. FTE BY POSITION STATUS AND FUNCTION FALL 2005 and 04; AAIR. 05-04 sch ratio comp OFFICE OF ACADEMIC ASSESSMENT AND INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH 3/15/06 COMPARISON OF STUDENT CREDIT HOUR RATIOS FALL 05 and 04 (SCH) STUDENT CREDIT HOURS ^ COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY (FTE) TOTAL ADJUSTED ALL FTE FTE # STUDENT CREDIT HRS per per TOTAL ADJUSTED FTE FTE APPLIED SCIENCES & TECH Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 26,640 26,639 1 185.24 190.30 -5.06 132.68 134.33 -1.65 143.8 140.0 3.8 200.8 198.3 2.5 Fall 05 Fall 04 7,768 7,986 78.81 75.63 55.38 54.18 98.6 105.6 140.3 147.4 -218 3.18 1.20 -7.0 -7.1 Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 29,702 29,047 655 105.65 105.58 0.07 88.70 87.83 0.87 281.1 275.1 6.0 334.9 330.7 4.2 COMMUNICATION, INFORMATION AND MEDIA Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 18,364 19,003 -639 101.83 120.51 -18.68 74.56 75.47 -0.91 180.3 157.7 22.6 246.3 251.8 -5.5 Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 19,533 18,229 1,304 136.69 141.29 -4.60 109.02 113.13 -4.11 142.9 129.0 13.9 179.2 161.1 18.1 Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 142,196 144,102 -1,906 608.09 625.88 -17.79 466.08 470.52 -4.44 233.8 230.2 3.6 305.1 306.3 -1.2 Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 25,759 26,684 -925 196.51 203.49 -6.98 140.51 137.06 3.45 131.1 131.1 0.0 183.3 194.7 -11.4 Fall 05 Fall 04 05-04 271,110 273,159 -2,049 191.9 186.8 5.1 254.1 254.7 -0.6 ARCHITECTURE & PLANNING 05-04 BUSINESS FINE ARTS SCIENCES & HUMANITIES TEACHERS COLLEGE UNIVERSITY TOTAL* 1,412.82 1,066.92 1,462.67 1,072.52 -49.85 -5.60 ^ includes on and off campus # includes graduate assistant FTEs * includes interdepartmental data SOURCE: STUDENT CREDIT HOURS (on and off campus) FALL 2005 and 04; AAIR. FTE BY POSITION STATUS AND FUNCTION FALL 2005 and 04; AAIR. 05-04collegecomp OFFICE OF ACADEMIC ASSESSMENT AND INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH 3/15/06