Clicker Question 1

Clicker Question 1
Which of these is an example of a systematic error?
A) differences between four
measurements using a stop watch.
B) a reading of time if the stop watch
reads 2 s before started.
C) the recorded value if you mistakenly
record 4 s rather than 3 s.
Clicker Question 2
Which of these is an example of a random error?
A) differences between four
measurements using a stop watch.
B) a reading of time if the stop watch
reads 2 s before started.
C) the recorded value if you mistakenly
record 4 s rather than 3 s.
Clicker Question 3
What is the relative error in the calculated value for F if
F= M/R2 and
eM = 0.1 and eR = 0.2?
A) 0.1
B) 0.2
C) 0.3
D) 0.4
E) 0.5
Clicker Question 3
What is the relative error in the calculated value for F if
F= M/R2 and
eM = 0.1 and eR = 0.2?
A) 0.1
B) 0.2
C) 0.3
D) 0.4
E) 0.5
Clicker Question 4
Referring to the table above, what is the probability that a data point differs by 0.59 s
or greater?
Clicker Question 4
Referring to the table above, what is the probability that a data point differs by 0.59 s
or greater?
Clicker Question 5
Suppose you roll the ball down the ramp 5 times and measure the rolling
times to be [3.092 s, 3.101 s, 3.098 s, 3.095 s, 4.056 s]. For this set, the
average is 3.288 s and the standard deviation is 0.4291 s. According to
Chauvenet‘s criterion, would you be justified in rejecting the time
measurement t = 4.056 s?
(A) Yes
(B) No
(C) Give your
partner a timeout
Clicker Question 5
Suppose you roll the ball down the ramp 5 times and measure the rolling
times to be [3.092 s, 3.101 s, 3.098 s, 3.095 s, 4.056 s]. For this set, the
average is 3.288 s and the standard deviation is 0.4291 s. According to
Chauvenet‘s criterion, would you be justified in rejecting the time
measurement t = 4.056 s?
(A) Yes
(B) No
(C) Give your
partner a timeout
(A) t-score = (4.056 s
– 3.288 s) /
0.4291 s = 1.78 s
(B) Prob within tscore = 92.5
(C) Prob outside tscore = 7.5
(D) Total prob = 5*7.5
= 37.5 %
(E) < 50%, reject
Clicker Question 6
What is the correct way to report 653 ± 55.4 m
(a) 653.0 ± 55.4 m
(b) 653 ± 55 m
(c) 650 ± 55 m
(d) 650 ± 60 m
Clicker Question 6
What is the correct way to report 653 ± 55.4 m
(a) 653.0 ± 55.4 m
(b) 653 ± 55 m
(c) 650 ± 55 m
(d) 650 ± 60 m
Keep one significant
Last sig fig of answer
should be same order
of magnitude as error
Clicker Question 7
What is the uncertainty formula for P if
P = q/t1/2
dP = [(dq)2 + (dt)2]1/2
dP = [(dq)2 + (2dt)2]1/2
eP = [(eq)2 + (et)2]1/2
eP = [(eq)2 + (2et)2]1/2
eP = [(eq)2 + (0.5et)2]1/2
Clicker Question 7
What is the uncertainty formula for P if
P = q/t1/2
dP = [(dq)2 + (dt)2]1/2
dP = [(dq)2 + (2dt)2]1/2
eP = [(eq)2 + (et)2]1/2
eP = [(eq)2 + (2et)2]1/2
eP = [(eq)2 + (0.5et)2]1/2
Clicker Question 8
Upon flipping a coin three times, what are
the chances of three heads in a row?
Clicker Question 8.5
What are the chances that two people in this
room have a Birthday within one day of
someone else?
> 80%
60 - 80%
40 - 60%
20 - 40%
< 20%
Clicker Question 9
Two measurements of the speed of sound give the answers:
uA = (332 ± 1) m/s and uB = (339 ± 3) m/s.
What is the random chance of getting two results that is  this difference ?
Clicker Question 10
Two measurements of the speed of sound give the answers:
uA = (332 ± 1) m/s and uB = (339 ± 3) m/s.
What is the best estimate (weighted mean)?
336.5 ± 2 m/s
336 ± 2 m/s
336.5 ± 0.9 m/s
332.7 ± 0.9 m/s
333 ± 2 m/s
b) Best estimate is the weighted mean:
Clicker Question # 11
Do you expect a plot of V versus q to be linear?
V = d 2kq/lAe0