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Downloading Census boundary files and accompanying Census attribute tables are both
common tasks in GIS. The following tutorial will guide you step by step how to download
and join together these two data sources.
* This tutorial is for users who are familiar with ESRI’s ArcMap software.
* This tutorial will take approximately 1 hour to complete.
Downloading the Census Tiger/Line File
1. Go to ESRI’s Geography Network (www.geographynetwork.com).
2. On the upper right hand corner of the screen click on Free Resources.
3. Choose Census TIGER/Line 2000 Data (see illustration below) .
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4. On the left column of the Census 2000 TIGER/Line Data page Choose Preview
and Download.
5. Select Indiana as the state and click Submit Selection.
6. Under Select by County choose Delaware.
7. In the following screen choose Block Groups 2000 and click on Proceed to
Download. (see illustration below)
*If you scroll down to the bottom of the screen you will see that you can also
download the census block demographics SF1 table from this site. This is an easy
way to download the geography boundary shapefile and the accompanying attribute
data all at once. But in this tutorial we are looking to download information from the
SF3 table, so we must download from the US Census Bureau’s FactFinder website
8. Read the information and press Download File.
9. Save the file to your personal folder and give it name that is descriptive of what the
data shows, such as Delaware_BlkGrps. (Just make sure that you keep the .zip
10. Unzip the dataset after download.
11. The unzipped file contains another zipped file – unzip this one also.
12. Open up this shapefile in ArcMap.
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*You will notice that shapefiles from TIGER/Line come in decimal degrees. You
can choose to re-project them into the coordinate system that best fits your needs
if you like. For this tutorial we are not going to re-project the shapefile.
*You will also notice if you view the files attribute table that no actual census
demographic information is attached other than fields identifying the geography.
That brings us to our next step:
Downloading Census Attribute Data from American FactFinder
This part of the tutorial will show you how to download census attribute data from the US
Census Bureau’s website called American FactFinder.
1. Open your web browser and navigate to www.census.gov
2. Click on the American FactFinder link on the left side of the page.
3. Once on the FactFinder page click on Data Sets on the left hand menu. (see
illustration below)
4. Under the Census 2000 tab choose Census 2000 Summary File3 (SF 3) Sample
Data and select Detailed Tables in the menu to the right. (see illustration below)
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*2000 Summery File 3 contains data from the 2000 sample census and is used to
diagram information about education, family status and education.
5. Choose the geo within geo tab and input the following:
a. Show me all: Block Groups
b. Within: county
c. Select a State: Indiana
d. Select a County: Delaware
e. Select one or more geographic areas: All Block Groups
6. Click the Add button. (see illustration below)
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7. Click the next button.
8. Under the show all tables tab add the following table
a. P52. Household Income in 1999 then click Add.
9. After selecting these tables click on the show result button.
10. Click on the print/download button at the top of the screen and download the
11. In the Detailed Tables Download window scroll down the page and find the
Heading Database Compatible (data rows only) and choose Microsoft Excel
(.xls). (see illustration below)
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12. Click the OK.
13. Save this folder in the same place you saved the TIGER/Line files earlier in this
14. Unzip the contents of the downloaded folder.
*Now that the census data has been downloaded there is still some prep work to do
before it can be joined to your census block group shapefile in ArcMap, which brings
us to our next step in the tutorial:
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Opening the Census File in Excel and Converting it to a Database File
Compatible with ArcGIS
1. Browse to the folder where you unzipped the census data. Open the downloaded
table (dt_dec_2000_sf3_u_data1.xls) with Microsoft Excel. Note: there will be two
.xls files; you want to open the one with the word “data” in its name.
*The second row of the table is the descriptive name of the columns.
Unfortunately, these name formats aren’t compatible with the type of file that
ArcMap uses. We will have to delete this row from the table. But first, we may
want to rename the columns in row one to a more descriptive title. Just remember
the title can’t be over 10 characters long and there can’t be any underscores,
hyphens, spaces or any other nontraditional characters. Example: P001001 could
be called TotPop.
2. Once you have renamed the titles in Row 1 Right-Click on the number 2 on the
left hand of row two and choose Delete to remove the row of descriptive names.
(see illustration below)
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3. Save your changes to the document and Close Excel.
Joining the Census Boundary Files to the Excel Table
Now that we have downloaded the census data we can go back to the ArcMap
document that we opened earlier and join our data to the Delaware County Block
Groups shapefile.
1. Click on the Add Data button and browse to the census data excel file that you
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2. Double-click on the excel file in the open window to browse into it and then
choose “Sheet0$” and click Add.
3. Right_Click on the census block geography layer and select Joins and Relates>
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4. In the Join Data Dialog, set the following:
a. Join attributes from a table
b. Based on: STFID
c. Table to join: Sheet0$
d. Field to base the join on: GEO_ID2.
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5. Click OK.
6. Open the attribute table for the Census Block Geography layer to make the sure
the join was successful.
7. Close the attribute table.
8. Right-Click on the Census Block Geography layer and go to Data> Export Data.
9. If you have set your data frame to a specific coordinate system then choose the
data frame under Use the Same Coordinate System as: if not, then choose this
layer’s data source.
10. Browse to the folder where you saved the original shapefile and excel documents
and save it as Delaware_Population.shp
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11. In the window that pops up choose Yes to add the exported data to the map as a
12. Remove the Census Block geography layer from ArcMap.
13. Remove the excel table you added.
14. Right-Click on the Delaware_Population and open its attribute table to confirm
that the census information is included in this shapefiles attributes.
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15. Save the map document.
You have now downloaded and joined both a census geographic boundary Tiger/Line
shapefile and the accompanying census data table from American FactFinder. You can
now symbolize the data to best represent what your map is showing.
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