˛ Qfu Qfu ˛ Qfy Qfy Qm Qfy Qfy Qfy Qfu Qfu Qal dovas Geology of Zone the Qfy Qm Qfy Qfy Qm Qal Qtu Qtu Qfu Qfy ˛ Qc/˛ N Ba ? o lt u Qfu Qfy lt te a Qfu sa sa Qal Qc/˛ Qm Ba Taos Area, New Mexico Qfu Pl a Qfy Town of Taos Well #6 “Howell” Qfy Qfu Qfu Ta os Qfy Qfu Qfu Qal Qfu Qal Town of Taos Well #7 “Mitchell” Qfu ˛ Qfy ? Qfu Explanation of Map Symbols ? Town of Taos Wells #3 & #8 “Post Office” Exposed contact Taos Qal Qt4 ? Qfy ? 6886/6843/6753 gr+s s,cl ? TW-71 Qfu 6835/6795 E TW-74 65-155 6970/6840 89-304 7060/7010 TW-96 69 6850/6700 Qal Qfy 02/296 Qfy Qt Qfu Qal Qal zo 10/342 San Luis Basin of Rio Grande Rift. Qty Qal Tp 80-228 Qf2 Tpu Tpu 7235/ 6845 Qty Qfy 70-310 Mu ˛m 46 42 82 27 35 54 Xm Qtg Qtg Xm Xm Tpu Qfy 59 78 76 80 70 44 38 54 24 17 70 41 34 34 87 75 g n a ou nt a M to ris de re ng 38-125 09 80 81 35-100 08-013 28 60075 10 89-070 35-112 15-000 12-110 47-060 35 54 56 77 24 68 80 36 79 41 12-090 25-180 50 32 20 80 68 30 74 38 85- 81 340 35 78 80 59 70 04 46 Mu? Qty ˛a 29 86 69 04 38 53 59 Qfy Q/Tpu 25 28 50-084 48 5 38 65 76 89 65 del Rdt-4 Rhyolite Clast 28 Ma Ar/Ar 70 48 38 56 Tpu 44 20 15 80 08 28 350 de Qfy Qtg 28 an Qtg 35 36 85 12-054 64-000 50 88 30 y Tplq Qfy S 60 17 22 25 ffe Qal Tpu 85 Gr Rdt-5 Ash 28 Ma Ar/Ar Qfy 24 16 74 7000 FEET 0.5 0 1 KILOMETER APPROXIMATE MEAN DECLINATION, 1996 105°37'30" 58 82 58 6000 05 26 07 15 76 88-190 5000 16 41 15/270 4000 24 52 C' 75 75 Qfy Qal Qc Xa D' 64 64 78 20-340 Qc 45-190 50-206 3000 Base from U.S. Geological Survey 7.5-minute quadrangles Taos (1964), Ranchos de Taos (1964). 51 18 70 Qc Qf3 84 Qfy ˛a 2000 NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 ˛ 44 Q/Tpu Qty 70 26 1000 CONTOUR INTERVAL 40 FEET 34 46 75 Ga Qfy Qf2 Xp 1 13 85-140 65 0 64 59-220 62-260 79 47-060 1000 59-264 29 65 20/030 32-000 45286 Tplc 55-019 70-204 Qc 70-236 65-240 30-070 61 57-080 43-070 70-070 Qty Qtg Tpu Tpl 6165-056 Qc 050 52-334 52-070 64 01 09-206 Qf3 56 02/162 13-345 zone Md 31/ Tpl 064 30-320 1 MILE 88110 Ql 84 89-116 Qf2 75-040 06/260 70310 Qfy 85-290 Tplq Qal 30-338 66 TW-26 6845/ 6765 55 37-324 38-324 Qf2 Tpu 17 TW-66 Qf1 87-034 Mc Qfy 02/ 171 14 Tp 26-306 32-300 25270 20 75080 15 Tpu Xm 42345 TW-73 05/295 70-070 77-025 04/ 308 73010 7198/7095 Qf3 10/020 20-245 60200 37-320 15-120 Qf3 0 82-290 80 28330 30-300 55-190 7095/ 7065 64-048 67-308 Qty Qf0 70-150 55 Qc/Tp Tpu 6820/6810 Tp Qty 15-330 Qf3 Qf3 75 Qty Qfy TW–65 Tplq 30-280 Qc 60-326 7040/ Qf3 0.5 15-065 o de 25-310 Qf0 45-284 Qty 55-050 55-000 Qf2 26-330 SCALE 1:24,000 1 55-260 15 TW-93 TW–67 6720 Tp ˛ss 28-258 Ri Tpu Qfy Qal 80-160 Qfy Qc Qf2 34-094 50-270 Qal Tpl 57-002 Mt 13280 45-000 30-270 35-100 (Tp@60') Qfy 45-005 50-090 75104 ? Qfy Qf2 Tpu 62-310 65-280 Qtg e 67-250 Qc/Tp Qf3 Qal 60310 80-320 Qty Qfy ˛ss 45/134 02/194 ? Qal Mainly Precambrian rocks Q/Tpu 22/180 40-325 Tplq 7200 Qfy 50 Tpu Tplq Qf1 l tQty 2 3 Qf2 Paleozoic Rocks Qal ? 69 700000 Qal au o f d u b Qf ? EQfm Qty ne 42 Qty Qc 14-258 TW-40 84 40/264 7052/6972 Qf2 7115/ 6865+ Tpu TW–110 Qfy Tpl 75-104 U D 7115/7020 Qf3 Tp Qf1 Qfy Tpu 6970/ 7000/6940 6940 Qfy 85-173 20/254 55-102 Qc Qty TW-77 ˛ TW– 106 Tplq Qf2 03/ 350 80080 10° Qty Qal IntermediateQfto2 granitic intrusive rocks—Miocene and Oligocene Volcanic centers—Pleistocene to late Miocene Qf3 85349 Qf2 fault—Bar and ball on downthrown side 18/280 75 TW-78 6810/6793–6610 75-104 76-104 10-244 21 20 35-105 15 65-080 28 Md 21 08 O RT H Qal 7075 25-286 85-095 44/270 Tp 70-092 ETIC N Qf2 TW–1 Tp TW– 7045 11-270 75096 11-240 Qf2 dry/6715 107 Tp Qf2 Tp Tpu Tpu Tpu 7078/6900 s,gr–art Tpu Qal Tpu ˛ls 25-325 TRUE NORTH Qty Qty ? Cri s Qf2 Tp Tplq Qty Qf1 0 70-100 MAGN 0 69 Qfy 20-004 18-310 25-280 Sa de Qal 21-260 15-210 84-890 e lt zon ur i s P ic t s . M 24-300 TW-101 Rdt-8 White Ash 34.6 Ma Ar/Arr 79-088 Qfy Qal Qal 30-334 30-300 ˛ Qc Qal on 18-300 Ca fault to Cri s Qt 4 Qty 39-290 09-276 Qf1 Qf2 80/290 f 75-116 19-290 Qfu TW-41 i ct 16-000 Qc 7000/6875 70-270 67-095 75-320 20-274 Qty Qty 50/205 Qfy TW-94 fa u Picuris-Pecos f t se ˛cong. 80 ˛ 6961/6821 s,gr w/cl, artesian Qal Qf2 15-270 75110 55-015 04-190 Qfu Tpu l au 16- 08-146 250 Qfu? Qfu Qf2 08/303 88-300 02-030 n nd e Gra Sa Cerro Azul Normal Qf 2 6845/6765 cl,s 86-196 20-320 Qfu Qfy Qf2 Qal TW–104 Qt 2 e o Qfu af 6968/ 6915 35-346 13-076 Qfy 6915/6885 cl,s,gr 44-340 ˛ 40-344 TW-28 87-290 18-358 12-022 Qty r ng 6890/ 6840 17-342 Qfy 6909/6898 tgr TW–72 Study Area Em TW–14 C Qt 2 06-232 10-160 ˛lst 25-296 Qfy Qfu Qal Taos bu ? D Qf2 Qf2 ˛ 70-330 Qfu Qc Qal do Qty Qfy Qfy A Ti Qfu TW-79 Qfu 65-025 19-130 27-300 Qt Spiegel and Couse (1969) Rio Qal 6680/5898 30-335 ˛ 12-384 83-320 80-330 Qf2 73-116 in s Qfu Qal Qty TW–109 UNM-1 well Cr 47-300 Qt4 Ti Qal Qal 30-004 ˛ 6825/6805 Ti ˛ ? Qal 00 Qfu Qfu Qal Tres Piedras 20-064 de TW-102 TW–75 15 km Qfu 33-290 10 mi 10 20-120 Qc/Qfy Qfu ño 5 Qfu 82-082 TW-4 6930/6830 s,cl,gr TW–5 Qfu 87-208 70-090 6875/6830 Qfy Qfy 62/044 82-180 to ? 10-036 85-285 is Qfu TW-100 E' 25-225 60180 68-144 6985/ 6935 TW-88 6895/6855 sg Qfu 82-056 ˛ss 38-210 Questa to TW-55 Qfy 78-134 23/324 Qfu? TW-98 TW-70 Qfu 20-140 ˛ss 10-180 TW-85 TW-83 Qfu? 15-359 6970/6620 g,cl to 320 TW-87 6880/6808 sg 08-040 10/047 Qfu 6905/6843 Qal Qfu? 6875/6825 ? ? Qfu Qfu fault 27-070 27-300 20180 C 5 50-306 ˛ss 20 TW-54 TW-13 Qfu 0 Qf1 Qc Xa 26-146 ˛ 6970/6948–6875 Qal 6683/6626 Qal ˛ 86-270 Qal Qal Qfu Qfy Qfy 85-094 7110/6825 Qfu Qal Geologic mapping by P. Bauer and K. Kelson, 1996-1998 Hydrogeology by P. Johnson, 1998 Digital cartography by M. Heynekamp R. Titus, 1998-1999 Qty andQal Qf2 TW-25 TW-11 TW–17 B ˛ Qfu Qfu 6860/6749 sgr Spiegel and Couse (1969) TW–111 Taos Country Club well Qtu 85 89-324 Qty Qal 10-040 Qfu Qty re Qf2 fault Qtu Qfu 6920/6875 gr,cl Qt 2 20/056 zone To w n Qfy 17300 00 85-280 25-080 15-040 Qtu Qtu Qfy 69 7100 6935/6883 s Qal 04-010 60-204 TW-57 Qal Water well Qty gr 17-072 TW-84 Springs 6610/6270 Qfy 6860/6800 6855/6751 sgr sg Qty TW-7 Abraham Well U lt N s 89-096 Qfu Qfu 6870/? 10-020 82-197 D fau Water table elevation contour for shallow (<6800ft) basin wells a oB TW–115 7100/7060 sh 70-260 20-105 Qfu TW–105 alt 7035/6995 sh D U 40/230 55 55/262 TW-6 0 ˛ TW-50 U 58-070 88230 7013/6920 ? Qt 2 0 0 Qfy Qal ? 685 Qal Water table elevation contour for bedrock wells Qal 89-270 D TW-92 Qal alt 7070/6970 ss TW-48 49-290 45-344 7093/6957 s Ba TW-37 7050/6925 ? Qfy Qal Sample location (e.g. for radiometric age) 7015/6930 ls 33-060 Qal Qt4 Qal TW-32 D U 30050 Zone of high transmississivity (from Spiegel and Couse, 1969) A TW-43 73-330 35/ 255 Qfu Qfu 60/240 Qal Qal Los Cordovas Taos quad Subsurface limit of Servilleta Fm. basalts inferred from Taos SW Ranchos boreholes de Taos quad 7110/7040 ss ? Qt4 A' D U 06-175 09/ 190 TW-33 6985/ 6995/6970 6935 ss,sh TW-82 6990/6985 TW-52 sh 6987/6817 10-050 ss Qfy Qfu Direction of landslide movement Qty TW–99 Town Yard Well Qfy 45-210 7020/6945 sh TW-31 695 ? Qty 65-210 22-220 TW-56 TW-44 f a u l t Qal 85-126 47-300 TW-49 89-270 6805/6868 Joints Qal Qfy 7025/6940 sh S1 schistosity—S1 is commonly subparallel to S0 bedding 80 15-310 7030/6751 sh 6970/6911 Qfy Ya r d 75 43-304 TW-46 TW-81 6970/6910 TW-80 Qty Qt4 Qt 2 Qt2 25-330 TW-47 Qty Dominant tectonic foliation or gneissic foliation, if chronology of fabric elements is unknown 60 20-001 6985/6805 ss 6955/6773 ss Qfu Spiegel and Couse (1969) Qal TW-34 Qfy Qfy C Qfy Qt4 Strike and dip of bedding or overturned bedding where stratigraphic tops are known from primary features 50 7000 ? Tb Qt4 Qp1 Qfu 6945/6915 Strike and dip of bedding, vertical bedding Qty 6980/6528 TW-89 Trace of axialQalplane of syncline, with fold plunge, dashed where approximate or inferred, dotted where concealed Qal 30 Qty 40 Qfu Qfy/Qty Trace of axial plane of anticline, with fold plunge, dashed where approximate or inferred, dotted where concealed Tb Tb Qal TW–114 Qal Mesoscopic fault showing separation Qfy ˛ Qfu Qal 64/250 Qt4 os Qt4 Tb Qfu Qfu Qfy/Qty TW–59 Town of Taos Well #4 “Jack Denver” Qty Qp1 Breccia or gouge zones do Qp1 Qt4 Qfu ? D ? C 6950 s a v or U Fa Qfy Slickenlines on fault 30 Tb 00 ts l u Qfu Qfy Qty 50 1 Qfy 6890/6742 scl, congl 1 Qp Strike-slip fault—Tick shows dip Qfu Qfy 6885 68 U af 6919/ 6775 s,g–cl Qfu Qfu Qfy 69 Qp1 Normal or reverse fault—Solid where exposed, dashArroyo Park where approximately located or inferred, dotted where test U concealed; bar and ball on downthrown side; tick D Qp shows dip BIA-5 Qfu TW–60 Town of Taos Well #5 “Sierra Sports” Qty Fault—Movement unknown; tick shows dip if known Buried fault; location inferred from geophysics Fault inferred from air photography Qfu Qfu Qt 2 ? 50 D D U Fault with topographic expression—Barbs show facing direction of scarp; dashed where approx. locatedQalor inferred •••• Qfu Town of Taos #1 “Pump House” Concealed contact lll Qfu Qfy Town of Taos Well #2 “City Well” Approximate or inferred contact llllllllllll Qtu