Ogden Middle School 14133 S. Donovan Road . Oregon City, OR 97045 503-785-8300. Fax: 503-657-2508 Congresswoman Darlene Hooley 1130 Longworth H.O.B. Washington, DC 20515 May 13, 2005 Dear Ms. Hooley, Enclosed you will find a collection of letters written by my 8th grade Social Studies class at Ogden Middle School in Oregon City. As a relative newcomer to the teaching profession I am constantly exploring ways that I can make the Social Studies curriculum interesting and authentic. I encourage my kids to assign their own meaning t the topics we discuss and I infuse life lessons into our history, geography, economics, politics and the generalities of the Social Studies topics. I am frequently reminded of the effectiveness of this approach when i hear statements like, "This is why I love this class, we learn about life." In the middle of April we completed our TESA exams, and to decompress I thought we as a class coulc depart from the usual curriculum to talk about something that had a more obvious application than, sa Jacksonian Democracy. For many weeks leading up to this decision, my students were practically begging to discuss the War in Iraq Apart from little bits of information at irregular intervals I planned a unit to help the kids come to terms with why we are there what has happened, is happening, and will happen, and what they think about it While the kids' natural curiosity sparked my desire to teach them about this, the true galvanizing event came when I was drilled about it in the middle of a lesson on the Mexican War. I obviously did not have the time to go into details at that moment, so I asked them to write their questions or thoughts on the war on index cards. I was astounded to see the understanding they have developed through watching little bits of the news, whether regular network, CNN, or MTV. The best example of this was a question regarding "Saddam Bin Laden", It was at this point that I realized we needed to address this war. The culminating project of the unit was an authentic assessment piece that had a twofold objective: understand and practice your democratic voice, and express your opinion based on facts. The project was to write a letter expressing their opinion to their congressperson. As you read these letters, please take note that they have not been edited and that they represent a wide variety of students. I have kids of a range of abilities and cultures and I think this is a marvelous cross-section of not only kids, but also of our population. The kids are hoping to receive personal letters but I told them the best hope would be a typical form letter about the war. I truly am hoping that they will see the effectiveness of writing to Congress and feel their efforts are not in vain. If it is at all possible would you mind drafting a personal letter to our class addressing this project and any thoughts you would like to include on the divisiveness and seriousness of this war? Thank you very much for your time. I hope that this is an avenue I can keep open with you and my future classes. Sincerly, Jartes Mardon Social Studies Teacher Together we are boldly committed to re5ponsible lifelong learning. 21Ym',LJ Ofl( i)( / - ( I L/ M * 1 Dc 2o31 I\/i.s J/::Y/y M 1/ /2/)1l k /, J . 1V4 "c/;%"e :i fl, y'T/ -i /)) \JI/L. 72'7 y / iii. - t) ifl)/ '.y jo c \1 uJ*fl zo)5 v1a- V) A kij bc$ (J3YQ kt - S\-t'& vi (h\Ø CL w 1)*/k/ abo'4 } r F,1nCCfl1' 44t o cr 4k k yYç 4 cvc tcY- +kAr kQP cc Fs' )'i ki/t*s UYhLfl r7 fr Congress woman Darlene Hooley 1130 Longworth, H.O.B. Washington D.C. 20515 April 29-2005 My name is Kyle and I'm a student at Ogden Middle School. I live in Oregon City, OR. I have some questions about our current war. Why did we invade fraq instead of a more dangerous country, like Iran? Was it because of fossil fuels or perhaps it was because our past with Iraq. Do you think that it is worth all the soldiers we are losing? I think that 87 per day are too many. Do you think that President George W. Bush is doing a good job? I personally don't think that he is, because we could have waited for support from the U.N.'s support. Another option is we could have just increased our homeland security. I think this was a bad idea because we have not found any W.M.D. although we have found some illegal missals I do not think it is worth all of our soldiers. Speaking of which why do we refuse our soldiers armor and translators. As you can probable tell from the rest of the letter that I am anti war, what are you anti or pro war? Sincerely Kyle Schademan Oleg Vygovskiy 14133 S Donovan Road Oregon City, OR 97045 Congresswoman Darlene Hooley 1130 Longworth, H.O.B Washington, D.C. 20515 April 29, 2005 Dear Mrs. Hooley My name is Oleg Vygovskiy and I'm a student at Ogden Middle School. Our class has been studying the war in Iraq. Which is why I'm writing this letter to you so I could give you my opinion of the war in Iraq. I see both sides of the war in Iraq, but my opinion on the war is that we shouldn't had went to war with Iraq but find a better and peaceful way of solving the problems we have with Iraq. The main reason why I'm against the war is because it is a war and when there is a war there are people dying and getting hurt. I hope in the future the war will end and Iraq will be rebuilt. Thank you Mrs. Hooley for taking your time and reading this letter, I hope my opinion of a war would someday come true. Sincerely, Oleg Vygovskiy Congresswoman, Darlene Hooley 1130 Longworth, H.O.W. Washington, D.C. 20515 May 1, 2005 Pear Mrs. Hooley, How are you today? Good I hope! I'm lea Kinney and I am a student at Ogden Middle School, in Oregon City. I'm in the 8 grade. I am writing you this letter for two reasons, one, because I have to for homework, and also because I wanted to give you my opinion on the war in Iraq. I support the war totally. I iust don't agree with the way we went into the war. I support the war because Sadaum Hussein was and is a very bad man and he needed to he captured. Also because he was a threat to our country. innocent people in Iraq were dying because of him and his ruling. We needed to help them. The thing I don't agree with was the way we went into the war. I think that we should have waited a little longer for other countries support on this. We probably should have waited for the tJ.N. to inspect Iraq before we declared war. Other than that I support the war 99.9%. And I think George W. Bush made good decision going into this war. Thank you for reading this, and keep up the good work! P.S. Next time you see the President can you please say hi to him for me, and give him my best wishes? Thank You, *4e4. Jmc T4 \\)c p\\ Lo 1cc Nct Me . \ rt _1 Lt \ ' vcç ç Congresswoman. Darlene Hooley 1130 longworth, H.O.W. Washington, D.C. 20515 May 1, 2005 Pear Mrs. Hooley, How are you today? Good I hope! I'm lea Kinney and I am a student at Ogden Middle School, in Oregon City. I'm in the S grade. I am writing you this letter for two reasons, one, because I have to for homework, and also because I wanted to give you my opinion on the war in Iraq. I support the war totally. I rust don't agree with the way we went into the war. I support the war because Sadaum Husseine was and is a very bad man and he needed to he captured. Also because he was a threat to our country. Inisint people in Iraq were dieing because of him and his ruling. We needed to help them. The thing i don't agree with was the way we went into the war.! think that we should have waited a little longer for other countries support on this. We probably should have waited for the uN. to inspect Iraq before we declared war. Other than that i support the war 99.9%. And i think George W. Bush made a good desition going into this war. Thank you for reading this, and keep up the good work! P.S. Next time you see the President can you please say hi to him for me, and give him my best wishes? Thank You, 4e4 ue* . flpr( Z)2oO5 Cor Lan . \NOc . Deç IL, a . C. Li D 5 oo\ den U1ikC) J_ f30 a+ Ode rcc1R k\c c\ C(i fl M -ic 0 -cna On. 2 - I r cJQ k-k\c vCL ç IE ø 3Q V ac Q - (?L 3o V) 2 f A . 3t VCic &XQ Th n ic -oM.D Yl c ôvr Wec n ri cicx. OM r' I XOQ OUO\ °dcicQS )i_ O -! pQ'(\O&. cQ A:s \L \ \3c Lc :: J'rQq T7QQC\ J\ 0 Vof pe tcktQ cuST 7 ciot J7 Pit j'V1 "4i 11tH ''v ''< 4LO /pld tj',:: /1A?L4 UJ?1QG 9'4r r' 4r ti vv J11j71 -iqt1 t' sar ¶1-'! 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'u' vnirb \\ c- - L__ Q______ rj ()t_ __i_ eclj _)%- -' Co 'c_ 4- oS:y, 0 'Th C-kr'" Dadev'eo Locj,(1-1.C),j3 4c7Y . An'Ae-cti Ch 1-LooIeq 2o.i?cJIcrt/ C 2c-5 15 LC)R q7c45 -C M r1O'rii M4 Ci-?c-S ,44c1e(Son cLk4 4 ç , joJ JD L ll ; 4ouqh LI LJ 1't4 Jm bt n1 LJI& ci&iflt r $ 4(L4 ds jkt,i w c'4 -We4 $; he \,/ec 7& oIaim -i'nJ /cj, cV?q \,4- J ç 4c ctiq \/&Por6 b1oLIk4 ' lhç 4-1,cç 0(;knj, ic X' co1 &rJ cks Voc) si/ r? 4- ?Je( c4 ci1) ra$ e7cs .5oo/pr71 'a- \J 1 't jd4 lAOt onj sc-i,1, I k A 4- cJ been f)d J9I :i: i;JI 0/ zce, c?s14 -471 r1-T 4c rV) \'& kMJ- ,iCh1 c7r1 ,e J 4 ow4 Wan ( +0 , I. .r Qz2 'a. cJacwd \4 MLk i \ coç uert3 k-crc c'e. flr) 1:3 uJDu \\ u* uc ç)\c rcQ \k° Côb J ,&à 4h tJcçç\(\ \ i&r* T¼ ic Tmk '(-' *¼\C CQC: o'.I xi\ *k Co c. cckcwo c ) t o ö& xBc Vi C±oci bv kck V U \ 'c' 'crA ôC) oo W\U'\. c xok \' JJDSc-1 V'i u\ '\ Hannah Groshong 15067 Armel Dr. Oregon City, OR 97045 Congresswomen Darlene Hooley 1130 Longworth H.O.B. Washington D.C. 20515 5-1-05 Dear Mrs. Hooley, My name is Hannah Groshong and I go to Ogden Middle School in Oregon City. We have been analyzing the war in Iraq and looking at arguments for and against the invasion. Clearly there are many people against this war, especially here in Oregon, but I for one am glad we are in Iraq. Yes, I am glad we are there to ensure that there aren't weapons of mass destruction, but I am also glad we are there for a reason our media fails to bring to our attention. During WWII so many Jews were killed. Many survivors are asked now why they never fought back against the Nazis and they reply with the fact that they were faithful the outside world would come in and help, but no help ever came. We stayed out of the war until Pearl Harbor and that was near the end of the war! Until recently so many Iraqis were being killed because of Saddam Hussein. In 1988 the Anfals, where military people would just go into a village and kill the Kurds (mostly battle age men), killed 50,000 Kurds. In just one year 50,000 people were killed! We needed to get in there and stop Saddam Hussein. He was a dictator and for all we know another world war could have resulted from the genocide toward the Kurds. I understand many people disagree with my point of view, but what I don't understand the reasons why they disagree. Many people are anti-war because Bush went in under false pretenses. There are no weapons of mass destruction as we found out and people can't get over that. Yes, Bush made a mistake but there isn't anything we can do about it now! I believe that people need to get over their hatred for Bush and start supporting all the good things that are going on in Iraq. Unfortunately that may be a little difficult, which brings me to my next point, media. The media is pathetic. The only thing we see in the news or read about in the paper is about car bombings, suicide bombers, and how many people are getting killed because of Bush's mistake! Yes all of those things are happening but what the media fails to capture is all the good things that are going on in Iraq. Kids are going 1 to safe, clean schoois Clean water is being supplied to homes and homes are getting more electricity. So many people have a genuinely better life now that Saddam is gone. But we never hear about all of that! People just can't get over the fact that Bush made a mistake and people are dying for it. We can't change anything now, so why do we continue to look at the past! Yes, many people are dying and that is another reason people dislike the war, mostly families and friends of military soldiers. I can understand it must be very hard wondering if your husband, son, mother, or daughter are going to make it home from Iraq, but I hate to break it to you, but when you enlist in any form of military you have to realize that you may die for your country and your families have to accept that fact as well. The argument against that however is that we are not fighting for our country, we are fighting for Iraq. We are fighting for our country! George Bush is the head of our country and if he believes we need to be in Iraq, we then need to support his decision and help Iraq. We are also fighting for our countries safety as well. It Iraq did have weapons of mass destruction there is no evidence to say they wouldn't use them on us. Another thing many anti-war people claim is that they are anti-war but for getting rid of Saddam. Well, is it really possible for us to go in, get rid of Saddam, and get out? Iraq would be in more chaos then it is now! Someone has to help Iraq get back on its feet, help achieve a democracy, and be united. We got rid of Saddam, so the least we can do is help Iraq be a better place. Well thank you, I appreciate your time and I hope you enjoyed reading a junior higher's opinion on the war. I appreciate all the time and hard work you put in for our country and I am glad to see a female representing our state! Sincerely, Gccon WA q7o p tLo \fl O\1i u3n k-it 'ac ?OO 1c M I cLCJA ?f JcM ci \ \ecc CuO (JN\ '\U O D CU C( U ) cJc uc < \, I r \L T& .T Ucc'2 \Qj L)( *\'\c Qcw \ DY1 J U c ç\ c O2C\ c C \41 O C) \K) c -V C 1\Q . * IThI\T1: 3:. 9111 DL a .u. fb( U/ C .S S c Loc vckr co(i2y e t4 Cr - ,ioi I Me eTcf O34 çv ?Ac(eI ovv 4s 'urr-k ' ,*cADv3 dw\ iu.- M -\ke L41Xf £C oir - O :c - (V I I i U \C:T y* + -e . :<; i-t t-'r' L. \ o( e 1 L F _\ y1at xY1 c.' 41* I'\!: CC ((t Ii. L'( c A)ej44S C)M c&.r,o'. i.:s c+cti1 x-ici i (1 kMu *ti: h-e hcA 4ki a,io1 4'u/ CA 3jk c&,cr #11 4ruQ W cr (èy I &4Q '1v I F \FQ, iLk\23 w crcJ\c V) çmç ____\ \ c3Oi(+\ ckc1 eflc - (I \C? \ 'A 11 cLec 1..c'O\ I (in (' \1 k k V-cEL \\eL) Nes . L'-&t Lorcwonr' j\fl O C* Oor\c,\3C'fl (4 Q-2 Hooe LDCQ'4r t ,V. C. W3 Dir M S \Aco'ey. \ vc rO (3\r o3\ W-. \ coe OL 0 ccc\ Tho k UJhcI) c So vrcxrcu4ç \r\ *me \\\\oc k b.. -\Ct. \fl cS\cc 'we± thr\.1 \k - )(D\ e u2r* Qk , cjor S OVk tLuene o .eo1 e er. o\)er Ck\T\d cc 2t) O¼) ç)t( (s L\W'r -me Ofd Ci.Duk \\' C ' r'*rJ c\\eLJ N\sr' TEt3S1cA 5 ffL OA44-L' ci,,' o72 ORe 7Ocij_. -w- 4fiiE Ofr/( frt3. ::4' I,? £.QN 1 IJASt'/,('6-7O4' 9-0g7s 2.Zooç A-'1 /5 /1 7' 4.'4 ,t15 '11 1 '' MiQpcc iir i-i / k P ''1' /t2Q 'Z 574 r r-#-e &(4-' C42C -/-C r 43ujr 4I '4- ?c..c,e(a ,,, /i- 1-"4D' / i 4'vO / 4 ,,fr(I 1. -' 1-1q ss, Of ti '#" ,4-'Q &-4cfL k 5( C4 L' C44' $7UO/3 f3 Ic l r CQPc( ml 'r ' I- f) C r'',,wc , p*,4'1 7Lu,t,t7(.'r irs -4 Ti/kr 4i"D oç , Yvi,1 ry,s 7 -j- ), I 7 cbA 'r CV W*(2 pcc'/)(C 5-.- /l7,i..fr/f 3 jf 4 /4.' C'- 4f2 'o /7W A/ 1-'E'L( JtkC !Ow-P T' )I qe z? 744f L r.4c:i l7*i tPb fr14 -'c r L- /1(( 7W 41t(1 g cv ii,' i ro t'2 'TA'D S4 it4 <D '-4- éi &i4 (i //XL<- / l r ii2 l7rT p7LY; /s 1 i-'c' ?-f-,"QL[ - jkil ,1g/t?s Th' '7_ '-47 'ic /3/1 7 S ç4LT /1- ir 13 / /vipiag 4 191v'f '(it T 1j(,tk ' q c'f2 1-' -'A frt1r £I/ cLk 'z pAwO g / 4ir'5TJ4r 's 1 f2e4' /,A/ P/PJIYt1 P2E1Ad 4A/ yf-R - /A1 'T / j;4f , -p J3e F? Lr' . \\CCV 1.. r .1 U ( '\ C j iOuc H ' ti\.j- -/ U- - ULU L ; V\ 4 c_ c\ \ \> )V ) 5Y C )( - _I ( Cci ¶1 c 2c5 CK eb cc& 3xec (A:cUk\c U\ A?c) 'l° '2 TC\ 'O&er V\\t cDoC \{ The: rrc\c L) S Tom Grant Period 1 Final Assignment May 2, 2005 Dear Rep. Hooley, Fm a 8th grade student at Ogden Middle School in Oregon City. Fm writing to you so I can finally voice my opinion about the war in Iraq. First of all, our economy is a disater. Many people blame our bad economy on obesity rates as they try and sell you a Bowloflex machine. They majority of our bad economy is base upon the war. If we stopped fighting right now our economy would probably recover quite sufficiently, but since we are still continuing to fight we will still continue to be crippled by the double edged sword. Second of all, is our great soldiers of America. Our loyal soldiers that risk their lives to help all of us to stay safe here. All of these soldiers are caught up in a political war we can't win. I mean even if we rebuild Iraq, and we bring our soldiers home the terrorists will still be there and everywhere. If you can try and bring our soldiers home and bring our economy back up in Oregon the State with the worst economy. Sincerely, Tom Grant Kimmie Kurm May 3, 2005 14984 S. TurLie Bay Dr. Oregon City, OR 97045 Congresswoman Darlene Hooley 1130 Longworth H. 0. B. Washington D.C. 20515 Mrs. Hooley, My name is Kimmie Kurin and I am in eighth grade. My social studies class is studying about Iraq and I have learned much but gained lIttle. Although I don't know everything about the conflict, what I do know doesn't seem to possess a bright ending. I have faith in President Bush but because of what I've been taught about it, it doesn't seem we have the economic strength to handle this expensive war. Also, I believe that too many lives have become a statistic. Not just innocent Iraqis, but that our hoops are fighting for something that seems to be endless. I understand that we began to fight in Iraq to put Saddam Hussein out of authority. Also, that there was suspicion that Iraqi land might be hiding weapons of mass destruction but so far we haven't uncovered any. But of course, every story has two sides to it. The only thing I can say in defense of pro-war is simply a simile. It's like taking medicine: if you only take the medicine without the full length of time, how do you expect to get better? All in all, this is my opinion. War has mustied its open doors on the U.S. and now we must deal with it. How do you suppose how? Thank you for your time, Kim Kurin, Oregon City eckc ook, \ S 4wo W'\M%. tcc1o, ttUp(s u,o co't5 c(e4,1\ .<. 2O5tS l°t1 24D 1kp MØ 5Ci6t, \ &Yr\ &.A r& o tnq o sqk5 wr co5 'b p w cc\*.v\Os'J, \ vie o(e *@ ', e - c%pc ci \* 3A \4 \ ic4C \jJ\ a c VjG*4 CfC4, v%&c c i <(VCS e lc o iL ( b. 4 üt W. \'Je. wAc¼ cJ-r &? k w \4A-4àb* cJV to). ¼ o r \dp,\t\ OW 4 coS$ A uv* 4\' oLc'Th'ts* w4X4 krji 4oP1# (1b tcp( arT -\r&. a... cU'Jtc OU( 1\tr w'4k VL 5e " OO\t( 6.e&wc 44ç cL tith \ 4LQ kiNk - J's'\ \\$t, v ' 'Jv*\ SWt k .4L( v\ / V\4ç. AY'C nL%4 ji J I1GV Ov r& - cc.j ' . .Ofr,'7- 1Gl JS1I.Z.JIJ?.. bt4K .2i1'ik. J-2CJ 6.A4 LO4. CK c& FQ2JLL Lp 4atL L? LII... I &j6t J efrJJ1PJL noé 4w'.. kxJr r & ItO 1,iW 2 *E t'. a . t I ck JN %w\ L 't &&\\ \ rj \ c Q4i Qr \e tY' 't li>\\ 2u i vs COL1 . iTh Lo wc'# W\ ' Dr H0k. ho.c Or'c'v \L\\01 t S L A I (L. ?OL& rIJeJ kn if A! Lf; 7' rl f I C! Ski 2V 112' tLc o Dexr ,4291 fli v7(jP $ Evct 7L b cc C / L'Y/ rf -fli L4Sf I' 2c,. v' C (1 V" y ,Je-r (ci Or (1Q a LL- 4/so 4è rv' ow H1e tA)kY, I ST' C4 Li 1cutijç,i flMA i2t41ceq Keisey Sether 14133 S. Donavon Rd Oregon City, OR 97045 Congresswoman Darlene Hooley 1130 Longworth H.O.B. Washington, D.C. 20515 April 30, 2005 Dear Mrs. Hooley, My name is Kelsey and I'm a student at Ogden Middle School. Our class has been studying Iraq and I have some thoughts that I'd like to share with you. I think the war is good and bad. It is good because were taking action from them bombing us. It is bad because they really didn't bomb us first, we bombed them first. Also do you realize we are loosing hundreds of men and women over there? I think this because of Suddam Hussien maybe had WMD. I know just my opinion might not have effect on the war but I bet that there are many other kids and adults that probably feel the same way I do. In the future I really hope we still are not in war and we have to make a draft. I really don't want to have the draft because you are just forcing people against their will to do something. Thank you sow much for taking time to read my letter that I wrote. Sincerely, Kelsey Sether Thank you! Dear Congress, First of all my name is Kaitlin Beneville and I go to Ogden Middle School in Oregon City. I'd like to share some thoughts that I've had while my class has been learning about the war in Iraq. You could call me a flip flopper because I have strong opinions both against and for the war. First the arguments against, I don't like that President Bush said that we were going to Iraq to find Weapons of Mass Destruction but we are still there having our US soldiers being killed after we haven't found any. Not only are US soldiers being killed, but innocent Iraqi lives are being ended. I understand that we are there trying to help rebuild Iraq but I think that we've been over there long enough. Pretty soon the United States is going to run out of money -even more than we already have- and other countries won't look at us as one of the strongest nations any more. I also hate to think that by the time I'm 18, the war still could be going on in the Middle East. I would hate to see my family and friends being drafted off to the Middle East. It kills me to think that all this could have never started if we would have waited until we had support from the UN or until the UN did a weapon inspection. I also don't understand why, starting March 20, 2003 through April 9, 2003, we nearly bombed Baghdad to death. I think we killed too many innocent lives, both US and Iraqi. I just don't understand that. We've lost way too many lives in this war. Now the reasons why I think we should have gone to war, I like that even after all the bombing and attacking we've done, we still send supplies and health packs for the Iraqi people. I also think that if we wouldn't have gone to war we could have faced more and more terrorist attacks or maybe even a war on our own land. It's good that we took control and made sure that Iraq didn't have Weapons of Mass Destruction. Iraq could have been planning to attack other countries using Weapons of Mass Destruction. I mean we definitely didn't want to look weak in the eyes of other countries. Plus we got rid of a ruthless, murderous dictator, Saddam Hussein. Not only was he a dictator to his own people but he also supported terrorist networks from around the world. In the end, I think it was good that we went to war. I just think that we could have waited a little longer and gotten more support and we could have done it in a way that wouldn't have killed as many innocent Iraqi and US lives. I hope you understand my point of view on this war and understand how it's affecting our nation's youth. Sincerely, Kaitlin Beneville 19783 Castleberry Loop Oregon City, OR 97045 cc\ W'\ ccciqn c' wuc\ cc3'c o \xj1\ kk.c.Pj %. cq C(\) I L3 \kQk \c ç\ccç \ cr\ S cccn \\ \q\ cr c\ \ cqc\ O\ O\ c\c\ Wc S cc \ 'O' \( c\c \\ec cçkc t\fl YTXQ QC \Q\ ck- r \. N( Sc'c\ ocrIcrt cc ci \ ¶IQ \ 'iATh CL T àcYkY(\ QP\Q L .'ccs \ 'H \ '\o'& sO \4\ ctV SX\ W\(t çcc 's' \rc3Q c\t IEr \c \ )\k' O cO3\ 4\co \ \'r )9 Dear Darlene Hooley, April 29, 2005 My name is Con Ronnander, and I'm a student at Ogden middle school. I consider myself a republican, and I just wanted to tell you that I support the war and think that George W. Bush is doing an o.k. job. The reason I support the war is that that some of the Iraqi people are trying to take the Israelites land away. Anyways I don't think it's wrong for us to search their land for weapons of mass destruction, since they said they didn't have any, and it wouldn't have hurt anybody anyway. Sincerely, Con Ronnander Cr Oiter OVii ilo ko\ti oc \19 OCq 21 Ooic /15 I -( k4vt vO -LL at cc\ U\L ' u' Jii O W &4 h (P\ 9cL v -i;v'c hci c&L(y Qvi vlo frj3 u V)\ Sc yjoo\J C \3cc 1u> y' CoiCev 1 l, i c'7t Coe4 ccxDt C weL Or hC1JDV 4cc M itt'i L it 6 -kô iI- 1e C £ w -v jc i4 iürL 4L jh tiO. I vW -j - /4itt J-vj-c'J V/,x t'3 y piv cv Oh0 11(1 y &h oa(', &1- vi4 ,' tC - ath - e- c flu h ) 1ev dJ - de -k7 h tcL fe Y- qCkf C6tY1 y LJ Qcie +Oc,e O z3 ô4a oIs o5ts 'fr V1S TiiI been 5d a M1e a I LLLQ4 a coc tUYt'cS4JO74(' HYJ Der P Jee J(fj Je oB Wcicj'L 'Lt 'a&:y frc crose. t )c4at cticJ CCIII: i,T Li; k4 g: 'Cie Yft V(. r( : /%t oyiii; fi- &L4'I t 0!1 PthscI F2\ OR c1 cQr\Y-e55 worn ctv"' Ddev lIco\L 3c? Loo- fto.B DEC, 2O5i Apr 2c2OO5 écr i'\rs IOce tdcUL 5doI \CAIV\ OV\ i5 l t r 1' i +t\ ' 1\ r4 vV\ we. S te PQ1L (3. Ioi AC c'v\ L-av vvc1±eck vcAe- I*0 4c' o -b d0 k'v +;9riv-C, Lts '-'be c,)Ie )I V\c p oq \'cVe \W:L 1-vj C S}ec& PeAtrsc Mrs. Darlene Hooley, Writing has never been my specialty; however on this subject I think it best that this should not go on unheard. My name is Missy Miller. I am a student at Ogden Middle school. I can remember the morning I turned on the news to see the twin towers going up in smoke and flames, and then, demolishing to the ground Since then, I never really got the feel or reasoning for war in Iraq. What business do we have there? While studying this subject in social studies, I was able to loo}( at it from the view points of others. I do not believe th+ the war should go on. We have been fighting to find weapons, and so far have not been able to complete this task. Soldiers are being killed everyday to try to succeed a task that is irretrievable. So why risk the lives of others? Bring our soldiers home. If we don't, we wiI soon be past the point of amendment. What we need is strategy rather than playing Pocahontas and going were ever the wind decides blow. It's like playing the game c risk for the first time. You might be having fun and maybe even doing pretty good, but eventually, you will lose. So is it worth it? Please don't just stash this lette away to be unseen and unheard. Take this into consideration. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Missy Miller (OflqreS uov1o..v 1rkre 'L"i9WoyHi -1.o.g. /130 Hoo( qç/ri,L?.C. 2O'S 14133 (47 14pii/ 29 ZooS Detzr t/ç O& Hooky i2a,) is 12ee8 aid iT c /0 C9c/ei I/k/dk School LOeve ciôA -1-hl2 a,ôi- , rcq aMd Mve $o'1e iioa91iis 14c tik Ic kcre wl (G&. I ttU2 a Io .Lrtq) I r aiicJ I I Stpprn'6 I pie who t f-Lan k rt 5oci. mck r. r 14t know ccve w- w U 4y yr lvi trc.q. 1ow e.id ai't4 Sin 7rL$ ,?eed hope or ¶?cqç c\ec\t LDcxY\c\ Q. Decc- zcs 5 -cc1 rOL \ec occ 3 V coc rc) vcf ,'jeCOw& 4hcw C' -- S5On ViM t) ç'\Q ue1 er 4&c\Q an4nc eide ia \u\Je ecAu *-& cecsr\ -ecca? q A\ Ovec- n ck tOth\ ic?c \ 4;fr - eJ ( QedkL TEw co %ic-e j\c YvQO\ 1-Q( ç O'i (\ c frd \5 c OVCN çco8, 41\QJJ\ oe c\G\ o\c &ccS, SccdcuY\ b.ei o- -ue \ () cc¼ I cç- b\C '\ece. _Dccc heô -T \ oc- r\ipocec ee c \c' c' Orr\ Oj2kQY1 cth *\e. -Th o v\e M' .*c cici1 :kpcc o 4 ç,C*() 0 6krçç 9U 5don :A. S0Y'1- -c *e , -cc-T ie e 2!J reJr. Tk Jç() <- c -b Cch-,1 roQ *kei. r U c çc1.CC cc1-y-nsr* 0a AusTh . to W4 c* o t)/t( c kO (\S Ortr\ Iq3 s Ltz7i-W1 U30 evie rt4i L ?LS WcL5 io )t17r( 2\g)2aD3 rrt )d\y I cx 4'W1 ur 4 tk :3: be cyr' sr- 4- e)fl1 CYu / 1b c;-ee, A)s Y-eeYi Jrc LcYl+ -cZCLU.S cnsf cpk - LkJY bezet u-Pc 4csp. Th Y' ) o 4? I b 4e £4i 44 te i - k\ W L- c- & 5 ( & \' £ t - - ' tU C)VC( * \ \Cv\Q_ J41\ ii..ir 3cY\c)\ I-V\ 2QX Ok:y* +Cx eLL vU c* -, XLY\ t3 wtcJv\* e i1 &T- i iz Lc.c tce. -c -4 CLt1OW j.'tj c \,&.jc 1+ ¶3' LI +O (ok eQ.1p 'cftft I. UGLC CJ -I-hs f C ';Qt L3U& 1 '+\\\Q. (Dj cr Cj+ Cüii. LOroVL\ (aass, ac4Q3. -cQ,r (Dk (\ 2"c uox 8irbvgs Ov n. 3r\ k.r'o IS (1 (( (ft'G& hOYQ1 (kth fvttj CioS --h 5 xxct. kU bd Lft,-Y *\Q ' 2. C,rk\. oUt c L\)Q CkS VIQ, ()ocs V\OQC- tL4 ku&tes 'L i.1 Jj)t(\cr\ Lu'\ck LUV'o- : OkQS Lo. I ç1&\ 'L\ kv\ yc (4±t ( ma. ThOj\ k ('LLJ 3Ake L( C.orCQ$5 fta Tyler Simpkins 14133 S Donovan Rd. Oregon City OR 97045 Congresswoman Darlene Hooley 1130 Longworth H.O.B. Washington, D.C. 20515 April 28, 2005 Dear Mrs. Hooley My name is Tyler and I'm a student at Ogden Middle School. Our class has been going over the war in Iraq and I have some questions that I'd like to ask you. I don't entirely agree with this war but here are the questions I have for you. Why are we in this war in the first place? I have heard many things but I can't figure out which one it really is. I have heard that we are there because of Osama, I have heard we are there because of weapons of mass destruction (might I add that we never found any), I have heard we are there because of Sadam, I have heard that we are there to free the Iraqis, and I have heard that we are there because Bush wants the oil fields. I would like to know which one we are really there for, or is it for all of them? Next, what is the exit strategy? I have heard nothing about any exit strategy from Bush, or anybody else for that fact. Also what are you going to do if the elections fail? Are you going to try again, or just give up and let the Iraqis deal with it? Another thing I would like to know is what you are going to do about all the suicide bombings. Are you going to try to stop them, or leave them be? Next, what are you going to do about how the other nations around the world feel about us, because most of them feel we shouldn't have gone to war alone. Another thing is, how is Bush going to mend relations with the U.S. citizens? A lot of citizens think we should have never gone to war in the first place. Well that's about it, thank you for your time and please take my questions into consideration. Sincerely, Tyler I page 46 'n1 Pr ?ject F Iriq Unit You will need to draft a letter to your Congressperson, Darlene Hooley, about your thoughts on the war with Iraq. To do this you will need to use the information from class including facts about the lead up to the war and the sorts of things that are going on today. You will give me a copy of your letter and we will send a package of letters to Congress. 4I I , I-... ,._ . - - - aU3Ceopiecve U1IS. Tc.Ln - 1- IL AL).4 .-i ,- t tteIT Ur-e erjJ3(JT,Ls. .- - I RPJJ V ILi t CO* U \ 0flC te Ck 1) rrn1e this ee eoe cUe \ tn eri 1t u)Cus tC .. &eCCheX. 20 poie, QYL 5L .x-e -1c cOuS keLv r i-E rex ä-\C5t u ecçx ULL n - w&c c JrvxWQ rr Oc C\\- U\ Q\ ki ' c\'-. 'Y1O± A' - tn mO a tW tO IS. Q\ tr flex L s -- ee \ C1 .t e - Jflflçfl.. tr\e rnci 'yr C oie be. 'u QeL CCU c -t c tiiv, .Onthnq 'j (\ uv &o...... ccvc c& ( V\ rQ. cc ccS ec\L cckcec\ c is -c.. Ui r L or 'in ro - C LY V o rcien t- me n . Cu Y) Jfl - r -- c- .- -i .. ,- VY V\C \Y .S ucL[ ,- --Lj cLL ' ,-. ,- r 'iCtL 'a%c2 '\O5 Qc t 'I S 1ZC (j 2? D i i . I --. ties teyfre , . - Sc Ly9Joc,jLo.\3 1L A1 1 D c jt +0 O1j c v1 L. '\ \ 5 c\ico L CJY. +e \J - kT SOC 5 Oi ge Uj- + OL)Y 9 4Lk 50 \W\ ii- be- <Liki c' th K 2ee 'iic G\]K ovec te.ie 0 ( Q o ecQa I ) 0 o j + 4\zk I -bk cRe 91< Q 'UC *Vi - ±e Congress Woman Darlene Hooley 1130 Longworth, H.O.B. Washington, D.C. 20515 April 29, 2005 Dear Mrs. Hooley My name is Tye Hickman, a student at Ogden Middle School Oregon City, Oregon. I'm writing this letter to address my concerns on this war on terror. I feel that we went to war for reasons of looking tuff, not for the reason of how many lives where at sake, or economic reasons, or for the negative image that we would be giving to other nations might have for us. Though I'm not saying that going to war was all bad, we captured Saddam Hussein, and made democratic government for Iraq. But by moving our troops to Iraq we caused bombings and death tolls, but if we pull out now we will be setting off even more conflict. You have a lot of work to do, soT end my letter with deep respect for all of you in the government. And hope that you make good decisions for our nation. Sincerely Tye Hickman A ttFt L Pc4r Cc)n,ie; I44'O'(sT 2cL 7 tiI7 tI,15 te Ue We hne C.,trs çg41r ViT (ai (o t 4 k'rifl ,o døA /'\//4 'GM 1/7/ &C LP(i c 'i vvh4i °L: ççt k ?V)"t /I reüc n r,A !i t t , f)7 1h c'Vt I\/tf ri'cL1 lo tA1 '7r, v'1 ,Mq /'? ,t hJI1Ck1 7fr h0e ) May 1,2005 Congress Woman Darlene Hooley 1130 Langworth, H. 0. B. Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Mrs. Hooley, My name is Reed Winner. I go to school at Ogden Middle School and am in the 8th grade. I am writing to you because in my Social Studies class we have been studying the Iraq War. We studied the events leading up to the war and what has occurred after the war. I agree with the decision to go to war in the first place if Iraq would have had weapons of mass destruction like our intelligence told us they did. From what I understand Saddam Hussein used weapons of mass destruction on his own people and that's not good. Now that we know that he probably didn't have any weapons of mass destruction I don't think we should have invaded Iraq. What did he really ever do to us? They didn't attack us. Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction that we could find. All that we did was destroy a country that was ok. Sure they couldn't vote but neither can the Iranians. Now that the United States has invaded and destroyed we have to rebuild the country. Thank you for your time, Reed Winner AC vH L,DI.j Q e4-eV becc-5e k V' f ev; uieil.L - c cd cf ,-I r cb4e 1 t,t/cV tç 6'.ASL Leqkv I oi L I- Lii 4Lfti! a ri1 JI C VOt-tT.. I vi viA tC4i- rq,L +0 +Li 4 c1-f c'J a O+ Sc'p £wi Ui k'i tV i- i So iv -+ië L - re XVtA Cc t c) y C i otc- e LL\ Ci 9 Crjc \\c $o\ \ \\c\ ç Ccv c\eS \\ccQ \ cn a' cçe 1\\ (C u-ccj CCL uQ Ou c c. cCQ *v\ c L LO. bc3F c1\c\ cSie a. *QEk x. 1V \uA cP\ 8 1ec\ c_c' -\-. çr( Ccc c csn 1)5/02/05 Dear Ms Ilooley. I think that the war is bad. I think this tbr a few reasons. For example, the Iraqi people don't (ike us or warn us being there. Another reason is the government spends more money on the war in one week than they do tbr a school district in one school year. [t is bad for the economy to have this expensive war happening, the as prices are sky high and the poverty level is high. The Army also doesn't give the troops enough armor (i.e. body and humvee armor). Please do what you can to bring the troops home. Sincerely. Michael Hernandez woc*-, 3D 2OJS N;?T 1cienQ.1 1+ 'C'5 Coie 4c nee4 Wk t cx -1-0 )rThe s ' Y o.kAjcs 4 o to 4o,r re +0 o. cr cs *o* TAQ. /1 t nd 1w) 19 \ cori cçeci4- yb to -I-cU Ic\ Wc5 o. jer'e LJC1c .Tr-c k\ct. 5 0 *(7\ 43 t1 i'-s cc 4\rc. er - o-c- 9oLk c 4'hc c S+op k]iere C2u' I coo1 i ok S bc,'c"t hen pil5hd cc4I o'n kic çpr\ c,0L-c 1ue hc Corr wo +i-- -ce- w" +1r\ cwd c. (,Q O c-fe a\\DcCM- -j-k o tCxeR t\ c t,3 - t E. fJA I' \\ Iccwe b+rr çir5R\+ *1fl Dre 4 \-c )<Ui"u Oi)\O t! 30 Ljç \-\O frr\cr C4ZO S z co\etT I r\ Q 'r tc Irc TE coç Q' \ -ççO4' ci:j3I cc Sc Or& S+aç ;- cce 4c ove ,jcr 0ç +\\ z?' u$r Cour ks btD pCSc ti1 I &Tk reOIj \2N çckrtCOUry&u% ror+i O4Sff Ir iroj C) OU iU5Sf 4 'c" pL4, I +k S -foc C \ tQUç TT C rQ I ' #5 4o 2- 4\9 j\ \iit\ ? \ (: J0 :'* \ f.c\ s j A\4 . S '\ .\\/\ Q(\3 Avj '4.f\ A3"\ ?- O) \Thj\ 5\ J'J-. '':; -rr\ -p.4 c\ 'O tv-s ' r t\ W") ja" TI T) r4\ \y3\..\ q4)\\ A:I\}. c-\ 01 \\_ \\r\ )j'( Ja 'c\AcA\O A - ''t iQrr\ -4 \Ar \\ \> '4ç \\\tf \\ A\7 ("\ 'V '\ s -(\ ,O\J )ç '-1 ?Y'M - 'ì 1 t:? \AQ M..\. OS QGQ \ 'OO) \\ 3 aG kL\ -ç 4\.\ f3 5\ Y11 3 o5 (1 ) - T o5/ v-'a ) \S o$ r\\ I ' - Y -' k\ -1 J c 'O A'\ I \\t \A "O *' r -J)\A ° "' - c-\\ 'Cj\j \j%.j c \ ct i c;\oQ\ S o rQ k/\) O'V \jQ c C\ :c \ ç\r\( %r\ (r s cç Ccemc\ Oc\ 3c \ k JJOL ?b5\ De C4 ç rñb Dr ( I cc\Jc Ocf\ {\M\e 3& \)Z( \e Lcc¼ o c'cc I I r\ \C\) \e cee\ c è4 ir ç & k\ \4cx. t k cpx 4+'wc cc *\Q. 'ec'c\ cx\ \)tLhR f\\C \,rc \c &(Y ea cck\Oc\, L *C\"- W 'c eciy.t cit Cc cXc\ - s5 o 5 ec Fw\thr opc (A\ O {\ C\ó P'k \\& OQ \C\ 9 (C C V( \ \ \'& '3cr\v\ \ ocQ) flcM W\ 1 Q_ 4o (\t vM'\ \4Yt & °1\\ & cece\ , \ok (c ex?ec, E ceccoc . tJ, jUl33 S 95. 1- 1$ ic; ' I-J QJ? 4k; 3, b ' i 1D5 i c -te r *cre W. h;hk. wQ of fe koW Lr ho4!orM7 -L2 uicer o4 -Lh - ' tL1;bKji oj, eccAW e Y55 we tckVe 40 I -4w o( ?c r eiff cOh- 3 Lc th&ecçe\ Sc -to o-t I cp -L c ° tkhe L-/z LOk5S(j,\ f-fflt *hk °ver (fox k I cjô c (1I A rA oC *4 m.W\y - c-f -. I --ce I c w\ 1 'C A c&& f\OYV')1 Q'ft 9 C' Ot O JO - e4 cct çvt1 t.L k'1 !4t ' f\è \' e3r LJ&_tr1c &tt . c cf\ \.)O& f ti\ tc,di &etL \ Deoc ckxc\ \-1:A3\e±) '* Ctt4 \Y\ 5o t4)i\ £t e \'O4t O/Ir s\ Itcs4O9O cS OçO '-''r kè O: cu-oL DO \- Q\\\\ er'\cD G(Y\3 SQ 4-& c4s P 30 ' 'Vc' CcJ :e0Pe. 1 ey 5i\o oL:cl 0 çtov. ThG1_ ce 5 Lcs Congresswoman barlene Hooley 1130 Longworth H.O.B Washington, b.0 20515 bear Mrs. Hooley, My name is Rosie Newton and I am an eighth grade student at Ogden Middle School in Oregon City, Oregon. Recently in our Social Studies class we started talking about Iraq, the war, and all the things that go on over there. After learning all this stuff I decided that I would like to share my thoughts with you. I don't think that we should be in Iraq right now because so many people are dying over there, American and Iraqi. We were trying to make things better for their people but we are taking a step backwards and making their lives harder. We are killing their loved ones, making it harder to get food, bombing their houses, their schools, making it harder to get jobs, and devastating all of them more as each day passes and more people die. One of our reasons for going over there was the possibility of them in possession of weapons of mass destruction. Still we have not found anything of the sort, only a little evidence of them being made. United States also has weapons of mass destruction so what makes that okay? I mean who gave United States the power to make the decision, of whether or not to have weapons of mass destruction for other countries. We have them so what makes that fair? If we tell other countries that they should not have weapons of mass destruction then we should not be able to have them either. This war is also turning Iraqi people against Iraqi people not just Iraqi people against the American's. The United States is causing more trouble then necessary and we are turning other countries against us, which is going to lead us into more problems then we could handle. Well that's pretty much my entire opinion on the war that is going on over in Iraq. I want to thank you for your time and for reading my letter. It is much appreciated. Sincerely, Rosie Newton Dear Darlene Hooley, My name is Rachel Wong. I am an eighth grade student at Ogden Middle School. We had an opportunity to study about the war in Iraq. While studying, I became very disturbed by the amount of people that have been killed or badly injured. I personally have not lost any one, but know of many people that have. One day my social studies teacher asked us, "How many of you know someone that is presently in, or has been in Iraq?" I was surprised to see that more than 75% of my classmates raised their hands along with me. I have heard the large number of people that die ever day and year. Also I have heard things like Saddarn has weapons of mass destruction; he has used biological weapons on Kurds. Saddam has oppressed the Iraqi people. He has violated his treaty signed after the Gulf War. He supported terrorist networks. He tried to kill George W. Bush Senior and has made the American people feel threatened. The government spends so much money on the war in Iraq but doesn't spend enough money at home on things like education. I know there are a lot of poor Americans that could use help and education but there is no money for them. What I want to know is, do people like President Bush ever stop to think about how many people have died? Or how many wives, husbands, kids, parents, and friends cry themselves to sleep every night because they have lost a loved one? Their family lost the member that supported the family's financial needs. I personally don't have a family member in Iraq, but my hula teacher's son was in Iraq. I know how hard it was for my hula teacher to know her son was in Iraq. My neighbors have a daughter and a son in Iraq. I just hope that people realize how many lives could have become something, or invented something. Maybe he or she was the person that was going to go back to school to become a doctor and discover the cure for Leukemia. Now that won't happen. Now look and see how many lives have been affected or changed because one more person has died. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. Sincerely, Rachel Wong \AS4(\ \°\AcL ACOO \Q r. \\3s Acço(\ c\p 'zq125 D C °7(2 Z 3\ . ome I rcc 3fl Lv (o V\\m cn ') o cm (cv\ hQrOS çcc C Scc nc V\ii\ \c\ L '5r ocu kQ Eco' c. 0(C& Oft*- Or\'O : I oe, . Ec £z'( ccoiS - ,rsth c'ce k'"c* t ''(\ Te cwe O t1f( y kcr\\ becusQ \ck\c (\E. L'rr\ \4 : tJc¼\ \V ceu fl\O Cc \ k icia1 çcc tç i1c\ \ Dkv\c\\-\ CkY\c t'x* +"- (Y cc t*rn (-'nc \X\ 'c? Wkm). ';\wi J\ &'& cjc%rc?e \ \(\\\(\ (\d\ cs ce 'c rc ievn Or \(oc fl\ o \ c\ ve eAe C3'(\ 'ZCi &ritS C\e knQ tA a 'ec'c \ e cic' '(\- c nc Y'\ cO WW, tYj cx rnc \ede& n kSi 'n ok - Eik cx (t\ \ç\ \oW k) 'X\k OOOU 7-f/ ¶Vcr ccxcec'. e c, oI c kp O rr c 0 4\roc c sfl 0 nc (\O\ k\1e c cc G S ') Y)4V\ r0rtK Dc [33S tQx\ c l-Lo. Ci+y,O W&3r Qç Dr t1r4 (cey $ Oar- I -L Lzo- kwt w L4)i, shkJ ofly YV1orQ.. c -3j (1*JQ pptz. M -t+ b 5co c. GAI?. 'I)b'5 \L C t4ej i_5 H. Q (3 7r U &,-.. /,d -ii 4 kt 1L Q. V j3 4 4 c¼'t w 4S Uv(7_4/ 1A/L \ c4 l-iQ. rvI3L+ L-ev- 1 d;s v'JcYU2 Ni 0 '/ - 2: +1; AA5 d+A-i4J( 'l+Q.cL. LA\r I $-Cv\ - W th> - ,-s4 k tp V{t33 5,pflov I O(Cp )! Hooley Lcx1#/WoVTh 5iLj1, ),C. vV 9cc\t Lckrc-c cJetc +2 c-\A IrN S cô -; O? 1 )7 0Mc sr 1)10 9 _____ 1 - Thç1 * 1AJflr4 S CS4I,)o,.% W30 TU 'Ot4,11C,. ZOS \cLv1 t.Aj Svu* LJYI4 Cti Ou &Ibt arrL T 4t o,v a. s isg I. e- r, S4)r X 4$c '%UC Th,rr 4C i A$'4 1X7WpQf Sw *v4egl> z Cf >4"A4f Gvr 4x.i) uavQef$/v dou.o Vou ac - o'v' (..i41& lb O'& Oo4rtws A/( 9Rc $ftvwa 4wr OF b*u')C. r.f (JAR Xa I4aQ re 4rF $7 RC'CA 4 %.'z OPZA'XQ,Q \ t%) .SI\ O5 T (J\\3 \¼a S. Øcf2t\) 4 - CR ¼j L:Q ?O U D2e, c+ UL -k E S?c ii U &-f L\L) ijc 1frc4 i C) a 4-k U1 -LJVh G' kJ: A)&' k-L b t- cMX"'\ \kE L) ç\Cy o L 1-F O-J- &S -c C (? -. - th\ ;4:; r() i1\U\1 LJk3 '-4Z9 \ef2\_. CJc uI -fttj ç:'&) JpL - EC>c 7 L ve*'a '1 - 1L +LLg r ' aj 4 j LS4\, -rt.cs +. ri J&qc, (- kL)E Ji p1 i 'uCJ LkI k) / - U 4-- ck)E , dr- aD\/c k8) LasL) MICHELLE PRAY Po Box 466 Bea ciciik OR 97004 Congresswomen Darlene Hooley 1130 Longworth H.O.B Washington, D.C. 20515 May 1,2005 Dear Mrs. Hooley, My name is Michelle and I am a student at Ogden Middle School. Our class has been studying the war in Iraq for the past couple of weeks and I have some thoughts that I'd like to share with you. For starters I'd like to say that I am pro-war and I agree with our country's decision to go to war. In our class we were equally divided half were pro and half were anti-war. Now after we talked about why we were there and how we have come so far. I started to think if it was a good idea or not. After I thought I decided that it was a good idea to go to war. After all the people of Iraq needed us to help them. Innocent people were dicing everyday for no reason. So we went in and got rid of Saddam Hussein. So then we had to get them a new ruler and that's why we are siill there right? I hope we get our solders out soon so no more get hurt. I know a lot of family members and friend are missed. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Michelle Pr Dear Mrs. Hooley, I don't know if you remember me. I met you once at the last democratic campaign party. My mom & I helped with your campaign. I helped around the office by making phone calls, entering data into the computer, making posters, counting tickets, ect. My mom made lots of phone calls until she offered to do canvassing for your campaign. Yesterday, in my social studies class, I found out that my social studies teacher, Mr. Mardon, wanted us to write a letter to you. I thought how perfect that was I've been meaning to write you for a long time. I just haven't found the time so now I get to do it for points & I get to write to my favorite congresswoman. I'm writing to tell you where I stand with the war in Iraq. & what I would do if I were in "President" George W. Bush's shoes. In some ways I agree with the war in others I don't. I agree that Sadam was an evil person & shouldn't be able to rule a country. I also think that we could have done it with out killing so many innocent people. Our soldiers are smart they could have figured out a way to do something like his with out killing as much. I personally think that we should have gone in got Sadam Hussein trying to not kill every thing that moved, get him out& in prison. Then offer them money & help for the rebuilding of their country if they pay us back with help in wars & if we get stuck in a frnical fix. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, S rhct LocAf- /I1 5, o Cj 6 30 , D.0 2o Apci 2q 'S cic. Lç I \\C C\[' CtU I ('vAJ \(%C\ C\' \ \_1\ ciet c'rc1\j AC M... 1\Qt k 't( C(\ 0 5 tk a SOm. we. i* -( e c 317 C(L, / S (V('ii P1L CocDoc\8r\ \ Loccç c\e \'o\ 0-c, 205V3 \ 2\ 2cx 5 ec OO\) \-offi e\C\1\ ci\e \ ( -'c\Q c\eA Y) 'kn \rn-e c\ç\ co \-iQ D \J\k('\ çe D&) \ \ç\J cor.\, -\ ço ie / öc -V3( ce )3ç\ç\ c \J ko A . \r\ ç\ (j\ \- c'kM - c V (C m - \Q ç ac k j\c (Wc Y\ \ec\ \c1e cc o okh ce ec cc O fl- cceIs o \*c ooc \- o( J.)eat iongtewoinanJ)atleze (floo4 4/30/06 fiz nj name L C#e9an /iattLn ftom ogden ct&cldlle 5c/zooL '1 have a twin Ltet named CattLe and we live with mpatent oat in (fleavetcteek t. Z am itinggou t/zib tettet LecauM c1a and 2 ate btu4zzg the wat in Qta. 2 think we /zould he te4ete List then again ometime3 '1 don 't. '1 thin/c it a good thing wete Aetàing most of the Qtai people 4y ke4oLng build up some of the tz#that wab knocked down, like Aoae and baikliijp and ato Ae4oing them he some of tize tteet sa/. J3at some thneb 2 thin/c we i,/zoaldn 't be thete beccw.e 6efo'ce we wete thete evetg thing wab fine. Then we caine and meed it all up. fiat Qgaeiut depends on the waggou took at it and w/zatgou believe Lh the tiy/zt thing. Qn the Legging of the wat 2 thought it wab caae ofthe 9/11 tatetL6t. attacks. Q/ztil mg teachet i/ft. (flatdon told me othet wLM. (ou know how on CTCV goa alwag heat about Lad thingt happening? 0T/&at' w/t q evetg dcjy waii li/ce thete alt ovet that coantcg. due news nevet w/zat good thing3 ate happening. o it ma/ce me think and ptob a lot ofothet people think w/w.t ate we doing to thziplace? qt loo/c like wete de.4ttogu&g it 4y being t/zete. cT/zete atwag a cat Lomhe'c killed oldet3 ftom the Q1 but nevet ang tiling good ot ptogte t/zat's hen made on AeoLag the 2taL that didn't a5kt ang of titi. 2 wLh thL6 wa3 to help the innocent people that live thete and not to caM havoc andbo mang people die fotna the cauM. 2gueh Liz the end z am againM t/zewat, but then again 2 can 't teal do angt/zing about it an till £ 'am old enough to vote ot teallg do omet/zing about it. 5o that's whig z 'am wtWng togou <nhIAegoLt can do borne tiling about it Ot at leabt bag !ornet/zL,zg. Congtewonzan thzan.hgoa bo much /tgoat time. q teng aptiatiate it. 5incete, k)Cufi jY' flL\C oc.- \C\ \3() L\\L 1C) 5 \ rc '2O 1iV ctl 5 ? ;_c 'c2. c:)N j\è ' 11 SL\.) --\ k- V \J c$Z I -'cQJ Vr%r U c:.C)c c \