NEW MEXICO BUREAU OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES NMBGMR Open-file Geologic Map 11 A DIVISION OF NEW MEXICO INSTITUTE OF MINING AND TECHNOLOGY Last Modified May 2014 60 68 Xa ne Qa 58 83 25 50 57 75 80 37 60 50 87 57 70 80 80 75 Qa Xa+Xd Xgg 3940000 72 Qt 75 78 65 5 85 85 5 85 89 13 43 87 70 37 70 70 80 85 47 5 65 75 89 65 62 70 75 85 85 65 80 80 Xa 85 18 10 10 25 35 75 23 18 3936000 85 87 80 45 3935000 70 75 70 80 3934000 60 85 90 85 35°32'30"N 90 35 75 90 80 60 87 70 90 85 87 3932000 45 Qt Xa 85 87 65 60 40 67 PPNsc 60 70 77 0 Xd 68 53 Xa PPNsc 80 76 14 75 70 50 C' 50 PPNsc 79 Xa Xa 72 Xa 70 Qc 35 64 73 65 Xgg 30 Qt 25 24 Qc PPNsc Xa 70 Xbp Xa 63 Xmg 88 70 Xgg Xa 85 421000 422000 Qc 37 Qc Qa 26 Qt 34 17 20 77 Qt22 40 3936 000 16 Qt Psa 6 4 9 Qt 24 Qc 10 Py 8 17 Pa Pa Psa 14 Qc Qc 14 TRsl 3935 000 16 15 12 3 15 Pa TRm Pg 12 Psa 11 17 Qc Qc Qc TRm Qc 15 Psa 16 26 9 Pg 15 PPNsc Psa 16 10 8 Psa 15 10 Psa 19 Pa 15 Psa 5 9 6 TRsu 23 5 10 17 25 9 83 TRm Qc 4 Pa 6 TRm TRsl Psa Pa Pg TRs TRs Tg 11 8 Psa 17 10 17 TRsl TRm Pa TRsm TRsl 17 7 Qc Qc 8 13 1 7 10 9 8 Tg Tg 4 10 TRsm TRs 5 8 7 10 TRsm 20 Qc Psa Psa Pa TRsm 14 3932 000 TRs Pa Pg 13 TRm TRs 7 22 Qa Pa TRm 3931 000 14 9 Tg 60 15 15 15 18 TRsu 7 Tg 19 Tg 4 3930 000 18 10 17 TRsm Ql 3 19 6 Qc 11 TRs 10 0 29 30 13 11 13 12 TRsm 50 3933 000 TRm Qc 28 12 57 35°32'30"N Pg Psa TRsl 10 37 8 Tg 28 15 9 63 3934 000 6 Qc 5 TRsu PPNsc 15 Qa Qc 25 TRsu 19 Ql 17 19 10 8 19 0 Tg 8 Tg 0 TRsm TRs 10 11 4 Tg 9 TRsm 3 19 Qa 5 Tg 7 0 Qa 15 Tg Tg 424000 425000 426000 428000 427000 429000 3929 000 QTa 7 TRsm Qt 20 35 9 7 Qt TRsu Qc 8 8 430000 35°30'0"N 431000 105°47'30"W 0.5 0 1 ROSILLA PEAK 0 1000 2000 0.5 3000 1 MILE 4000 5000 0 6000 7000 FEET 1 KILOMETER PECO S M agnetic D eclination July, 2003 10º 01' East At M ap Center ROW E QUADRANGLE LOCATION New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources New Mexico Tech 801 Leroy Place Socorro, New Mexico 87801-4796 New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Open-file Geologic Map 11 Mapping of this quadrangle was funded by a matching-funds grant from the STATEMAP program of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Act, administered by the U. S. Geological Survey, and by the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, (L. Greer Price, Director and State Geologist, Dr. J. Michael Timmons, Assoc. Director for Mapping Programs). Geologic map of the Glorieta 7.5 - minute quadrangle, Santa Fe County, New Mexico June, 2012 [575] 835-5490 This and other STATEMAP quadrangles are available for free download in both PDF and ArcGIS formats at: Qa 10 15 17 Py 1 NEW MEXICO BULL CANYON Qt 10 NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 GALISTEO Qa 15 CONTO UR INTERVAL 20 FEET GLOR IETA 10 11 Qc 8 14 1000 SETO N VILLAGE 3937 000 1:24,000 Base map from U .S. Geological Survey 1953, from photographs taken 1952. Map updated from aerial photographs taken 1990. M ap edited in 1993 1927 North Am erican datum, New Mexico Coordinate System , central zone, reprojected to UTM projection -- zone 13N 1000-meter Universal Transverse M ercator grid, zone 13, shown in red MCCLU RE RESERVOIR Qt 10 105°50'0"W 105°52'30"W Qa 7 20 35 25 10 Qt 15 13 35 4 Qt 57 20 70 16 40 TRsu TRs 8 TRm TRsu Py Psa 7 0 11 Pg Pa 60 51 12 TRm 44 71 TRsl 19 TRsu 44 423000 20 27 Py Xa Qt Xa Xa PPNsc Qa Xa Pg Xa 80 43 75 18 Qa Qa 44 36 Psa TRsm 31 50 PNs TRsm Xmg 3 70 TRm 63 11 70 77 Pa Qc 17 Qa TRsu 54 20 54 Qa Qt 74 Mt TRsl PNm 16 27 30 33 Qc PNs Qc Qa 11 Qt Qt Qa Qa TRsm 38 22 45 TRsm 72 28 TRsm 37 PPNsc Qt 67TRm Ql Ql Qc Qt 48 60 TRc 27 25 Ql 64 50 PNm 26 26 Qa Qa TRsl 38 Py Ql Ql 13 29 Qt Ql Ql 17 Ql Qt Qc Qt 40 78Py Pg 75 25 Qa Qt Psa Qt 21 TRsm Pg 14 18 Pa TRm 80 69 TRc TRsl 65 TRc 52 TRsl 18 17 Qt Qc TRsm Qa TRsm TRsm Qa TRc 18 Ql 24 Qt 15 4 16 TRc Ql Qc 7 Qt TRc Xa 48 56 30 Qc Qa 61 Qc Qt Qt Pg TRsu 44 Psa 31 54 25 35 60 3931000 Qt 23 21 5 10 30 Qa 26 52 40 PNm 75 TRsu TRsm 34 45 49 TRsl 17 11 Qt TRc Qt Qt 0 26 Pa TRm Qa Pg Qt 33 TRm 63 Pa TRsu Psa Pg 52 Qt TRm 52 QTa SANTA FE 37 80 Qc Qt 82 57 80 87 10 78 14 Qt 23 80 TRsu Py 12 Xgg TRm 61 Qt 80 Xgg Qt TRc 60 90 60 35 Tg PNm 000 3938 35°35'0"N Qt Qc 15 TRsl Psa Qt 1 Psa Py TRm+Pa Qt 37 11 TRsl TRc 67 5 Psa Qc Py TRsl Qt Qc 80 68 55 Xbp Tt 30 Tg 73 89 85 58 88 4 41 90 75 70 77 80 87 3929000 Qc 87 80 76 Qt 60 13 47 Qc 47 Xd 3930000 50 12 Qt 30 Xd 85 60 C- 25 13 PPNsc Qt Qa 10 67 83 60 50 75 45 Qt 27 Qa 85 77 45 15 7 80 75 80 15 Qt 20 65 38 63 Qt 41 65 61 12 60 63 Qt 45 85 87 90 87 37 28 88 85 Qca 85 0 27 27 Qt 3939 000 Qt 85 87 Qt 87 70 85 45 Qc 30 Qt 11 72 59 65 83 4 70 73 18 10 PPNsc 30 83 75 70 3933000 87 45 e 35 89 65 32 63 Qt 57 Qt 89 16 70 20 30 30 27 80 33 65 on 25 3940 000 Qt 9 89 30 90 80 83 22 57 75 45 46 60 Qc 85 68 Xgg 77 Qt 72 1 35 85 78 58 35 80 56 64 45 90 75 85 62 5 90 63 65 80 80 80 76 73 45 70 23 38 90 89 70 30 80 85 Qc 90 90 82 85 42 75 70 85 89 70 35 Qt 45 8085 60 62 88 74 80 55 60 65 90 8 60 90 82 67 70 40 84 Qt 76 83 90 85 0 75 70 75 67 85 85 90 40 0 85 52 79 50 80 80 8 85 85 90 60 Qa 2 65 85 80 80 77 80 70 90 60 42 65 7490 30 35 80 77 75 80 90 80 78 58 30 85 55 35 30 75 57 62 77 69 70 73 Qt 63 80 70 80 90 68 79 67 75 75 88 Qt 90 80 70 48 77 84 55 60 85 50 85 Qa 77 80 77 32 75 75 78 77 Qc Qc 80 85 80 90 63 40 67 23 55 86 Qt PNm 68 85 58 62 85 51 45 30 69 43 37 90 Qc 75 67 Qa 79 60 31 20 15 85 71 15 87 60 Qc 86 23 89 90 80 40 28 75 75 65 80 86 Qt Qc 72 78 70 90 88 88 68 70 80 86 Qt 75 86 30 48 87 85 75 87 50 66 73 45 20 2 87 87 5 3 75 60 Xa 9050 13 46 44 86 10 0 79 80 86 37 72 77 80 50 19 64 81 72 15 20 90 88 75 76 35 75 14 65 79 87 10 64 77 45 70 34 44 Qt 76 75 60 20 Qt 24 80 Xa 30 70 85 70 80 PNm 16 83 80 89 88 75 82 17 47 12 69 85 32 54 84 78 Qc 65 Qc 60 15 PPNsc 20 26 12 80 75 Qt Qt70 Qc 58 45 25 Qt 25 80 49 80 47 Qt PNm 40 65 65 64 72 20 Qt 31 65 56 70 0 Xa Qc 70 60 27 70 60 Qc 52 43 Qt 50 70 75 42 65 60 PNm 29 40 75 Qa 55 55 48 55 60 55 61 2 Qt 55 10 Qt 50 Qt35 Qc Qc Xgg 89 Qc 89 50 75 Xgg Pa 5 45 80 Py PPNsc PPNsc 17 50 80 55 Psa 85 50 Pg 68 PNm 58 15 Ql Qc 57 37 TRm 70 45 32 55 80 37 Ql Ql 40 30 15 40 37 Qt 2 85 15 55 20 57 25 Xgg Qt 48 TRs 75 80 37 Psa 65 85 45 60 23 10 73 75 80 25 Qa 45 80 23 PNm PPNsc 40 82 57 Ql Ql 50 65 70 15 45 Xgg 20 Pa Pg 34 15 70 65 55 89 62 13 80 Qc Psa 5545 18 60 30 40 43 50 45 15 45 14 Pa Py Psa Psa 38 10 71 30 TRsl TRsl 50 87 70 85 30 80 65 36 25 22 Pg PPNsc PPNsc TRsl 71 Pa 2 TRsu TRsm 22 80 56 Psa 63 60 32 5 25 Pa Qc Qt 17 12 TRm 66 80 42 45 80 TRsl TRc 17 PPNsc Pa 50 Xgg TRsm 67 0 TRsl TRm Psa 30 Qc 40 24 TRs 65 Qc TRsl TRm 60 TRc 60 Xgg Qc Qt 27 70 83 30 55 Pg 60 Qt Qc Qt 80 70 75 17 65 30 78 55 77 45 12 lt Z 80 65 5 10 10 25 85 3937000 85 88 50 50 Fau 89 20 55 70 0 85 85 Xbp Qt 73 5 B o r r e g o F a u lt Z o n e 70 40 80 78 Tg PPNsc 18 3 10 77 75 7 Qt 80 80 40 10 89 70 15 20 80 80 65 15 33 83 89 5 75 30 PNm 57 27 Ql 28 7 85 70 10 85 75 3941 000 70 41 Qa 70 10 20 75 35 37 Tg 20 16 73 27 45 10 23 55 15 40 85 40 Qa 87 30 67 83 72 80 7 63 Qt 63 PNm 48 10 52 25 30 20 48 47 15 85 3938000 80 80 80 65 70 70 70 80 52 82 88 30 35 87 Tg 63 Qt 83 65 50 15 15 80 87 3942 000 PNm Tg 25 82 77 20 30 10 25 74 17 25 40 Qc 82 89 35 65 35 80 PNm 60 83 70 85 50 20 20 PNm Qt Xbp Xf 60 82 35 87 62 48 55 77 Tg 20 37 30 88 77 42 30 70 Qt Qt 70 27 87 20 28 31 Qa 62 Xbp 35 38 Qc Qc 48 25 Qt 75 85 89 60 35 85 75 7 Tg Tg Xf 10 80 80 66 Xg 74 50 80 Qa Qt 7 75 35 78 5 17 37 23 85 19 86 81 75 85 3939000 27 17 Qt 65 37 70 85 63 80 35 Xf 35 85 Xa Qt 70 70 75 75 60 40 Qa 87 5 18 33 27 33 Qt Xgg 67 85 63 70 70 58 67 10 33 89 77 85 47 Qt 38 Qa Qt Qa Xa 67 78 80 46 32 Tg 43 50 Tg 30 30 Qa Qa PNm Xf 69 47 Tg 37 68 39 Xgg 70 Qt Xa Xf 35 Xgr PNs 34 36 Qc Tg Xa 35 Qc Qc 48 Xf 37 Xgg 69 46 ta M esa lt Z o a Fau 2 63 67 G l o r ie S a rc 55 81 55 432000 431000 s-P Agua 28 70 77 54 60 53 27 62 75 Xbp 33 PNm 18 35 Qa Xqms 77 85 65 42 15 45 Qt Qt Qt 37 PNm 85 45 44 77 75 77 80 50 80 42 Qt 83 Xa 35°35'0"N 30 50 60 Xf 44 80 Xf 71 71 Xf 60 B-B' 3941000 88 65 Qt 27 32 55 45 89 Qt 30 80 Qa 22 Xms Xf 51 u ri 5 20 43 45 Qa 430000 429000 on e 75 67 Qa 70 428000 427000 P ic 18 426000 lt Z 45 25 80 425000 Xg Xa Xg Xqms Xa Xg Xa 35 34 424000 423000 sF au 422000 eco 421000 3942000 105°47'30"W 105°50'0"W 105°52'30"W by Bradley R. Ilg, Paul W . Bauer , Steven Ralser, John B. Rogers, and Shari Kelly 1 1 1 New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, 801 Leroy Place, Socorro, NM 87801 This draft geologic map is preliminary and will undergo revision. It was produced from either scans of hand-drafted originals or from digitally drafted original maps and figures using a wide variety of software, and is currently in cartographic production. It is being distributed in this draft form as part of the bureau's Open-file map series (OFGM), due to high dem and for current geologic map data in these areas where STATEMAP quadrangles are located, and it is the bureau's policy to disseminate geologic data to the public as soon as possible. After this map has undergone review, editing, and final cartographic production adhering to bureau map standards, it will be released in our Geologic Map (GM) series. This final version will receive a new GM number and will supercede this preliminary open-file geologic m ap. DRAFT COM M ENTS TO MAP USERS A geologic map displays information on the distribution, nature, orientation, and age relationships of rock and deposits and the occurrence of structural features. Geologic and fault contacts are irregular surfaces that form boundaries between different types or ages of units. Data depicted on this geologic quadrangle map may be based on any of the following: reconnaissance field geologic mapping, compilation of published and unpublished work, and photogeologic interpretation. Locations of contacts are not surveyed, but are plotted by interpretation of the position of a given contact onto a topographic base map; therefore, the accuracy of contact locations depends on the scale of mapping and the interpretation of the geologist(s). Any enlargement of this map could cause misunderstanding in the detail of mapping and may result in erroneous interpretations. Site-specific conditions should be verified by detailed surface mapping or subsurface exploration. Topographic and cultural changes associated with recent development may not be shown. Cross sections are constructed based upon the interpretations of the author made from geologic mapping, and available geophysical, and subsurface (drillhole) data. Cross-sections should be used as an aid to understanding the general geologic framework of the map area, and not be the sole source of information for use in locating or designing wells, buildings, roads, or other man-made structures. The map has not been reviewed according to New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources standards. The contents of the report and map should not be considered final and complete until reviewed and published by the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the State of New Mexico, or the U.S. Government.