Pyrolytic Graphite Production: Automation of Material Placement MASSACHUS ETTS "NTMTUTE. OF TEC HNOLOGY by Chase Olle OCT 16 2014 SB Mechanical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2014 LIBR ARIES Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master ofEngineering at MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY September, 2014 ecnology, 2014. All rights reserved Its C Massa s Signature redacted Author:........... Chase R. Olle Department of Mechanical Engineering September, 2014 C tifiedby:.................... Signature redacted David E. Hardt Ralph E. & Eloise F. Cross Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Chairman, Thesis Advisor ;1:t:11dby................ Ac ep Signature redacted ........----...... David E. Hardt Ralph E. & Eloise F. Cross Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students. This page intentionally left blank. 2 Pyrolytic Graphite Production: Automation of Material Placement by ChaseOlle S.. Mechanical Engineering M assachusetts I nstitute of Technology, 2014 SubmittEd to the Departmet of Mechanical Engineering September, 2014 In Partial Fulfillment of the Requi remients for the Degree of Master of Engineering in Manufacturing Abstract This rsech examinestheprocess and challengesassociated with the addition of an autonomous transfer robot to a manufacturing line for AvCarb M aertal Solutions for use in production of pyrolytic graphite. Development of thesystem induded thedesign and fabrication of an end-Wfector, selection of a SCA RA robotic arm, and incorporation of avision system. The arm and theend-effector were tested to seeif maeial would shift during transfer. Theentiresysterm wastner for reptability and transfer time The results of thetest indicted tht the transfer system would succusSflly reet specfications with high procss capability given by aCPI of L47. 3 Acknowledgements First, I would like to thank my teammates Yugank Chawla and Knute Svenson. I couldn't have possibly asked for a more friendly, intelligent and supportive team. Thanks to my advisor Dr. David Hardt for his guidance and insights. His sharp inquiries kept me on my toes and with his direction this project was able to far exceed expectations. Thank you everyone at AvCarb for being friendly, open and helpful. Nearly everyone at AvCarb has, at least once, taken time out of their day to help me. I can't possibly thank them enough. A special thanks to Kathryn Rutter who tirelessly supervised us. Her advice kept the project on track and made the whole thing worthwhile. A special thanks to Don Connors who took a risk on an unproven graduate student with no real-world experience. Last, thanks to my friends and family whose patience and support continue to push me to pursue greater challenges. 5 This page intentionally left blank. 6 Contents 1 2 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 10 1.1 Background and Motivation ................................................................................................... 10 1.2 O bjectives .................................................................................................................................. 11 1.3 Problem Statement ................................................................................................................... 13 1.4 Thesis O verview ....................................................................................................................... 13 H eat Spreader Production ..................................................................................................... 14 2.1 2.1.1 Stacking ............................................................................................................................. 15 2.1.2 Carbonization ................................................................................................................... 15 2.1.3 Graphitization ................................................................................................................... 16 2.1.4 Unstacking and Inspection ............................................................................................. 16 2.2 M aterials .................................................................................................................................... 16 2.2.1 Polyimide Sheets .............................................................................................................. 17 2.2.2 Graphite Foil ..................................................................................................................... 17 2.2.3 Heat Spreader Material ................................................................................................... 18 2.3 3 M anufacturing Process ............................................................................................................ 14 C alendering Process ................................................................................................................ 19 M achine D esign ..................................................................................................................... 20 3.1 Process O verview ..................................................................................................................... 20 3.2 Production Line D esign ........................................................................................................... 21 3.3 Transfer System O verview ..................................................................................................... 25 3.4 Robotic A rm .............................................................................................................................. 27 3.4.1 Concept Selection ............................................................................................................. 27 3.4.2 Selection of SCA RA Type and M otion .......................................................................... 29 3.4.3 A ir Lines ............................................................................................................................ 31 3.5 End Effector .............................................................................................................................. 33 3.5.1 Concept Selection ............................................................................................................. 33 3.5.2 Selection of Vacuum End Effector Type ....................................................................... 35 3.5.3 D esign of the Vacuum End Effector ..............................................................................40 3.5.4 Propagating Vacuum Effect ................................................................................................. 43 7 Contact Detection .............................................................................................................45 3.5.5 3.6 Structural Fram e .......................................................................................................................47 3.6.1 Concept Selection .............................................................................................................47 3.6.2 D esign of the Structural Fram e ...................................................................................... 47 3.7 Vision System ...........................................................................................................................52 3.8 Controller D esign .....................................................................................................................56 3.9 Control System Flow ...............................................................................................................58 3.10 Web Handling ..........................................................................................................................60 3.10.1 4 5 6 D esign of the w eb handling system ..............................................................................60 Experim entation ....................................................................................................................62 4.1 Quality M easures .....................................................................................................................62 4.2 D esign of Experim ents ............................................................................................................ 63 Results ....................................................................................................................................68 5.1 Summ ary of Results .................................................................................................................68 5.2 A nalysis of Transfer System ...................................................................................................68 5.3 Sources of Error in the Vision System ................................................................................... 71 Conclusions and Future W ork ..............................................................................................73 6.1 Summ ary of Conclusions ........................................................................................................73 6.2 Future Work ............................................................................................................................... 74 7 A ppendix ...............................................................................................................................75 8 References ..............................................................................................................................78 8 List of Figures Figure 1: Steps of the heat spreader production process............................................................... Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 15 Material transformation through the production process..............................................17 20 The new production process with four additional steps .............................................. 22 Original layout of the inspection room ........................................................................... CAD model of the inspection room used for experimentation.................23 24 Final layout of the inspection room including transit paths. ................... Concept Production Line....................................................................................................25 Figure 8: Epson G6 SCARA robotic arm...........................................................................................27 Figure 9: Workspace of the robotic arm.............................................................................................30 Figure 10: End effector interaction.....................................................................................................31 Figure 11: Epson G6-451SR annotated drawing .............................................................................. Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 32 Bernoulli non-contact gripper...........................................................................................37 38 Schmalz suction cup gripper lifting heat spreader material ...................................... 39 Vacuum table gripping heat spreader material ................................................................ 40 Vacuum end effector design ................................................................................................ 41 Diffusion plate and vacuum core ........................................................................................ Exploded view of the vacuum end effector and the grip-to-arm fixtures.........42 Vacuum end effector.............................................................................................................42 Diagram depicting the effect of the propagating vacuum design..............43 44 Propagating vacuum effect. ................................................................................................. CAD model of the support structure, mounting plate and manipulator .................. 48 Finite element analysis of the mounting plate examining vertical stress..................49 Exploded view of the structural support subsystem........................................................50 51 Picture showing the final version of the structural frame ........................................... Figure 25: Epson CV1 Vision System............................................................................................... 52 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: Vision system setup...............................................................................................................53 Edge detection algorithm. Green arrows indicate the identified edge......................54 55 Corner detection algorithm............................................................................................. Controller Diagram for the production line ...................................................................... 56 58 Control System Flow Diagram ............................................................................................ Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 31: 32: 33: 34: 35: Web handling diagram.................................................................................................... Repositioning test example A .......................................................................................... Repositioning test example B.......................................................................................... Repositioning test example C .......................................................................................... Repositioning test example D .......................................................................................... 60 64 65 66 67 Figure 36: Charts showing the corner position of the detected heat spreader sheet..................69 Figure 37: Chart showing the angle of the detected heat spreader sheet.....................................69 Figure 38: Target and corner location ............................................................................................... 71 9 1 Introduction This thesis will cover the introduction of a robotic manipulator into an existing production line. Specifically, the addition of an assembly robot, which will move finished material to a film line preceding a calendering machine. 1.1 Background and Motivation AvCarb Materials Solutions was founded in February 2013 through an internal buyout from Ballard Power Systems [1]. The factory, located in Lowell Massachusetts, has established carbon material production processes. Currently AvCarb specializes in carbon fiber materials for three main areas: friction applications (e.g. brake pads), electrochemical diffusion applications (e.g. fuel cells), and thermal applications (e.g. heat spreaders for smartphones). [2] The heat spreader material is principally used in consumer electronics to aid in heat dissipation. For small consumer electronic devices (e.g. smartphones and tablets) traditional heat dissipation systems are impractical. Classic heat dissipation systems would remove waste heat using water coolant and air convection by fans. These were common methods for mainframes, personal computers and laptops, however, small electronic devices have much smaller footprints which cannot include these features. Critical components of these devices can easily be damaged by waste heat. Therefore, small devices rely on heat spreader material instead of traditional dissipation techniques. Heat spreader material, also called pyrolytic graphite, is a carbon material with highly structured bonds. These bonds cause the material to have very high thermal conductivity, as much as four times the thermal conductivity of copper. When used in consumer electronics, this material transfers heat away from critical components to the body of the device for dissipation. Consumer electronics are in high demand, and the market is growing which makes the heat spreader market, which is critical to these devices, a very appealing market to enter. 10 AvCarb is currently seeking to generate revenue by expanding their current production portfolio. In relation to the heat spreader production process, AvCarb is scaling-up production twelve-fold and adding a production step which will change the final form of the product which will appeal to a wider customer base. The new production step will be the inclusion of a calendering process which gives the heat spreader material a variety of beneficial properties, these properties are described in greater detail in section 2.3 [Calendering Process]. AvCarb's goal is to increase production of the heat spreader process and change the final form of the product in order to increase their share of the heat spreader market. 1.2 Objectives The AvCarb management team is motivated to increase production and sale of the heat spreader material and the MEngM AvCarb team considered this motivation when selecting topics for study. The MEngM AvCarb team, consisting of Chase Olle, Knute Svenson and Yugank Chawla, applied research techniques in manufacturing to solve issues related to AvCarb's business goals. To this end, the MEngM team decided to implement a fifth step to the heat spreader production process, the process is described in greater detail in section 2.1 [Manufacturing Process]. The current production process produces sheets of heat spreader material which has not been calendered, these sheets are placed in stacks and shipped. By contrast, the most common method of preparing heat spreader material for use is to die-cut the material from heat spreader rolls that have passed through a calendering process. Therefore, with the 4-step production line, material would still need to be calendered in order to be useful. To achieve a more desirable form-factor, a fifth step would be added to the production process. This step would first involve inspecting material from the current process. Then heat spreader material would be placed onto polyester film close together to approximate a continuous roll. This discontinuous roll would then be fed through a calendering process which will reduce the thickness of the film and heat spreader to 25 microns. After exiting the calendering machine, the entire film would be wound into a roll and shipped. 11 These subjects were explored in greater detail by the AvCarb MEng team, each member covered a separate topic. Yugank Chawla [3] implemented a video inspection system, eliminating the need for operators to perform visual inspection. Previously, inspection was done by individual operators and so to reduce errors Yugank introduced a video system which made use of modem detection software. Material that passed Yugank's inspection process went forward to the placement system. From there, Chase Olle was responsible for implementing an assembly robot which places finished material onto a polyester film. This connects the end of the AvCarb's current process with the new calender machine. Last, Knute Svenson developed the calendering process [4], focused on understanding the physics and controls of the process. The calendering process reduces the thickness of the material by compressing sheets between two steel rollers. The process improves the material properties of the heat spreader sheets, increasing their value. Together Chawla's and Svensons's work determined the effect of defects on the material which, in turn, determines the quality of the output material. This thesis covers the design and fabrication of a robotic assembly system. The assembly system, or transfer robot, moves sheets of heat spreader material from a stack to a moving line. AvCarb decided to automate the task for several reasons related to yield, ergonomics and precision. First, the material is very delicate and susceptible to damage. Any time a human operator must handle the material there is a risk that the material will be damaged and rendered unusable. By removing the human factor the automated system will have improved yield. Second, the task of picking up a sheet and putting it down on a moving conveyer web is extremely tiresome. The line is expected to run a sheet every 30 seconds over an 8hr work day for some 2,000 sheets. From an ergonomic perspective, this type of repetitive motion task could negatively affect the health of a human operator. Last, sheets of the material must be placed within a 1mm positional tolerance and a 50 angular tolerance. This would be a difficult tolerance to achieve for a human operator on a stationary position let alone on a moving line. By automating this process the AvCarb team can be confident that a high level of precision is met for their output material. 12 1.3 Problem Statement This thesis will go into detail describing the implementation of a transfer assembly robot into the existing production process at AvCarb. The purpose of the robot is to move finished pyrolytic graphite to a polyester film line so that both can be put through a calendering machine. This system is necessary because manual placement would not be precise enough. The calendering process will increase the value of AvCarb's heat spreader material. The thesis will explain the components, machines and control systems that were used to incorporate the assembly robot in AvCarb's production process. In addition, this thesis will describe the design methodology that was implemented, the fabrication and assembly of machine components and the testing procedures that were used to validate the design. The system will be considered successful if the robotic arm can pick up and place a sheet from a stack every 30 seconds without damaging the material with 1mm positional tolerance and +50 rotational tolerance. 1.4 Thesis Overview This thesis has been organized into different chapters, each addressing a certain topic. Chapter 1 presents the introduction and problem statement. Chapter 2 describes important background information about the production process including the existing manufacturing process, the key materials and their physical properties, the types of defects that may play a role in determining the quality of the output material, and the background information describing the relative benefits of the calender machine. Chapter 3 will discuss the design process including the design methodology, the selection of key features, and the design and fabrication of custom components. Chapter 4 will explain the testing procedures that were used to validate the design. Chapter 5 will discuss results and Chapter 6 will cover the conclusions of the work and suggests topics for further study. 13 2 Heat Spreader Production This chapter describes the current process as well as the processes, materials, and defects that will be important to the implementation of the new calendering process that will be implemented in this thesis. The first section, Manufacturing Process [2.1], describes steps in the four primary steps of the heat spreader production process, prior to the implementation of this thesis. Materials [2.2] describes key materials within the production process and those material that were to be incorporated in this thesis. The last section Calendering Process [2.3] describes the primary step being implemented into the production process. The calendering step will cause the heat spreader material to express desirable physical properties. 2.1 Manufacturing Process The manufacturing process produces heat spreader material by altering the chemical state of polyimide sheets through a two-step carbonization and graphitization process. During this several day process, stacks of polyimide material will be exposed to temperatures in excess of 2500*C. The end result is batch stacks of heat spreader material. The heat spreader material produced during this manufacturing process are used, along with polyester film, as the input materials into the production line described in this thesis. The manufacturing process is broken into four major steps; stacking, carbonization, graphitization, unstacking/inspection. The steps are shown in Figure 1. 14 Graphite Foil ide Film o. 7 me Step 1: Stacking Furnace 1 Spreader Furnace 2 Graphite Foil Step 2: Carbonization Step 3: Graphitization Step 4: Unstacking Figure 1: Steps of the heat spreader production process 2.1.1 Stacking The stacking step (Step 1) of the process begins by interlaying polyimide sheets and graphite foil sheets. This step is completed manually. The polyimide acts as the precursor material and will eventually be converted into heat spreader material. The graphite foil between each sheet improves yield has a number of beneficial effects such as increased thermal and electrical conductivity. Foreign material between layers will ruin the output material and so this operation is performed in a clean room by trained operators. The stack housing is made from graphite and carbon-carbon material so that the stack can withstand the extreme temperatures used during the graphitization and carbonization steps. 2.1.2 Carbonization In the next step polyimide film is converted into an intermediary material (Step 2). The stacks of prepared material are put into a carbonizing furnace. The entire furnace is brought under vacuum and the temperature is raised to over 1000'C. This induces pyrolysis in the polyimide sheet, removing the majority of the non-carbon material. During this step the polyimide sheets lose approximately 30% of their weight. This loss is primarily due to the release of oxygen as CO or C02, the release of nitrogen as N2 gas, release of hydrogen as H2 or CH4 and the combined release of hydrogen and nitrogen as HCN [5]. A vacuum pump is used to evacuate off-gassed material. This evacuation is tightly controlled because some of the gases are toxic, including hydrogen cyanide (HCN). 15 2.1.3 Graphitization In the graphitization step (Step 3) the intermediary carbonized material is converted into the final product, heat spreader material. Stacks of material are moved from the carbonization furnace to the graphitization furnace. Normal air is displaced by an inert gas such as argon [6] and the environment is brought to atmospheric pressure. The temperature in the furnace is raised to exceptionally high temperatures in excess of 2500 0C. The heat treatment refactors the intermediary carbonized sheets into highly-crystalline and highly-oriented structures by inducing a change in the bonding pattern of the carbon. The result is the heat spreader material, a graphite film with very high thermal conductive properties. 2.1.4 Unstacking and Inspection In the last step (Step 4), the finished material is separated from the graphite foil and inspected for defects. Operators open the stack housing and manually separate heat spreader sheets from graphite foil and place the two materials into separate stacks. While removing heat spreader sheets, the operator will perform a visual inspection of both sides of the material. Potential defects are described in the defects section. The graphite foil will be reused in later production runs. The heat spreader material is weighed and sealed for transportation. After the production line described in this thesis is installed, heat spreader material will pass directly into the system rather than being sealed and shipped. 2.2 Materials During the production process, polyimide material undergoes substantial chemical changes. The following Figure 2 shows the transformation of polyimide throughout the process. This section describes the materials involved during the process. 16 Figure 2: Material transformation through the production process 2.2.1 Polyimide Sheets Polyimide film is the precursor material that will eventually be converted into heat spreader material. Polyimide film is highly desirable as the precursor for heat spreader material because of its chemical structure. Polyimide films have an amorphous structure formed of hexagonal carbon rings [5]. This feature coupled with the in-plane orientation of the carbon chains improves the refactor of carbon bonds into the desired honeycomb lattice present in heat spreader material. High heat resistant polymers which have in-plane orientation i.e. polymers in which the molecular chains are aligned parallel to the plane give graphitic carbon upon heat treatment. The ability of the polymers to graphitize largely depends on their in-plane orientation, even a local difference of a degree in orientation induces non-uniform graphitization [7]. 2.2.2 Graphite Foil Graphite foil is a form of graphite that has been produced by compressing exfoliated graphite flakes and powder into plates [8]. For the heat spreader production process, graphite foil serves three purposes. 17 1. Separate raw polyimide sheets. o If two sheets of raw polyimide are in direct contact during the carbonization stage the surfaces adhere and become marred 2. Improve thermal uniformity across polyimide sheets o The raw polyimide has low thermal conductivity (.37 W/ mK). Inside the furnaces, heat propagates from the edges of the stacks inward causing nonuniform heating. The higher thermally conductive graphite foil reduces the time the temperature takes to stabilize. 3. The graphite foil physically restricts the polyimide o The polyimide undergoes a large amount of shrinkage (30%) and has a tendency to wrinkle or otherwise deform when no forces are applied. [9] 2.2.3 Heat Spreader Material The heat spreader material is one of the two input materials that will be used in the production line developed in this thesis. The material will be placed onto polyester film by the robotic system described in the Machine Design section. The heat spreader material will be input into the production system as a batch stack. The sheets are nominally 220mm x 260mm x 0.025mm and weigh 2.8 grams. Heat spreader sheets are thin, lightweight graphite films with high thermal conductivity when compared to the commonly used materials for dissipating heat. This material is often used to diffuse the heat generated in electronic devices such as CPU's, processors, power amplifiers, cameras and mobile phones. [10] The useful thermal properties of heat spreader material are the direct result of the atomic structure of the material. At an atomic-scale heat spreader material is dominated by two chemical-structural regimes. Carbon rings oriented in a honeycomb lattice forms the backbone of the structure, this is called the in-plane direction. These lattice-planes form layers held together by Van der Waals interactions, the out-plane direction. The carbon honeycomb bonds 18 dominate the thermal properties of the lattice in the in-plane direction resulting in very high thermal-conductivity (-1000 W/m*K) [11]. The Van der Waals interactions between layers are comparably weaker, resulting in a much lower thermal-conductivity (-10 W/m*K). 2.3 Calendering Process The major addition to the production process described in this thesis, will be the addition of a calendering machine. A calendering machine reduces the thickness of input material by compressing it between two steel rollers. The calendering process increases the thermal and electrical conductivity of the material, and makes the less susceptible to damage. Successful introduction of the process will improve the value of the material. This will be the last processing step in the production line. In the calendering process, the finished product sheet is placed on a polyester film and fed into a calender machine which uses two steel rollers to compress the material from 90 microns to a uniform thickness of 25 microns. The process of calendering improves the thermal conductivity of the material and causes the material to be easier to handle. 19 3 Machine Design 3.1 Process Overview Pyrolytic graphite sees widespread use in consumer electrons and so the desirable form factor of the material is well-defined. The most desirable form factor for the material is pyrolytic graphite presented as sheets on a polyester film roll. This roll passes through a die cutting process to produce forms for consumer electronics. There are very high tolerance requirements on placement of the sheet in order to minimize waste material generated by the die cutting process. The goal of the new process is to produce rolls of calendered heat spreader material. Graphite Foil *d Polyimide Film Step 1: Stacking Step S: Visual Inspection Heat Fumace 1 Furnc 2 Step 2: Carbonization Step 6: Placement Spreader Graphite Fo Step 3: Graphitization Step 7: calendering Step 4: Unstacking Step 8: RewInd Figure 3: The new production process with four additional steps The new process introduces four new steps. The entire process including the additional steps are shown in Figure 3. In the first step a vision system inspects material leaving the unstacking process. By using a computer vision system the process can eliminate the need for 20 manual inspection. This will reduce the burden on the operators and reduce variance on acceptance rates. This step is covered in Yugank Chawla's thesis [3] In the next step a robotic manipulator will place sheets of heat spreader material onto a polyester film. The tolerance and repeatability requirements on placement are very high making therefore it would not be feasible to have an operator manually place sheets. The robotic manipulator is divided into two principal components; a robotic arm (section 3.4) and an endeffector (Section 3.5). This thesis is primarily concerned with this step of the process. After the sheets have been placed on the polyester film the film passes through a calendering machine. This step turns the process from a discrete batch process into a semicontinuous process. The calendering process give the heat spreader material several beneficial properties (section 2.3). This step is covered in Knute Svenseon's thesis [4] Last, the entire film line is rewound into a roll. The finished product is now ready for shipment. 3.2 Production Line Design The production line was implemented with the expectation that the line would be used for full scale production with very few changes. For this reason, much thought went into deciding where the production line would be located. This section describes that methodology. There were several important considerations for the position of the production line based on the requirements for the output material. * Finished rolls must be free of debris * Sites for adding and removing material must be easily accessible. " The site must have access to add power, compressed air and vacuum. " The site must be safe for operators. The inspection room, where post-processing of the heat spreader material occurred, was the only room in the factory that met sufficient clean room classification. In addition, the room already has power and compressed air lines and is currently used and meets safety standards. 21 This made the inspection room the natural selection for the site of the production line. The following diagram (Figure 4) shows the room's original setup. Pipes Door Double Door Material Carts I Storage Locker Cabinets for documentaion ] Chairs Workstations Door Material Storage for Testing Pipes Racks for Miscallaneous Equipment Calender Machine Cubicle Sink [WFE- I Powerbox Power line - Structual Beam Compressed Air Figure 4: Original layout of the inspection room Models of the room and the equipment was created to help inform the process of locating the line. A separate contractor was given the responsibility of building the web handling system. Based on specifications provided by the contractor a model of the web handling system was created. The model of the entire room and production line subsystems is shown below (Figure 5). I 22 Web Handling System Model Calender Machine Figure 5: CAD model of the inspection room used for experimentation After experimenting with several possible locations using the models, a final position for the production line was selected. This location was selected to provide the best access for heat spreader and polyester film entering the room, and a natural egress for finished rolls exiting the room. Figure 6 shows the final layout and the paths of the material. 23 Material Carts S Ao 8 C Workstations0 SCARA Robot Calender I [I T Web Handling System Figure 6: Final layout of the inspection room including transit paths. Path A indicates heat spreader moved to inspection tables. A2 - separated heat spreader material is put input into the production line. B - material. Ao - material enters the room, stored on carts. Al - individual stacks are removed from carts and polyester film rolls entering the room and input in the production line. C - finished material exits the room. 24 3.3 Transfer System Overview The transfer system is responsible for moving inspected heat spreader material from a batch stack to the polyester film web. The transfer system represents the placement step of the new process (step 6 of Figure 3). Early in the development process a concept for the production line was produced which can be seen in the following Figure 7. Supp0t Table F"shed Ro M Guip Calender Mcine vTsim System Heat Spread Sheets Reject Pie Figure 7: Concept Production Line From this early concept the transfer was divided into five principal components; input material, vision, robotic arm, grip and web. Roughly the process would occur in four steps. 1. The transfer robot picks up a sheet of input material 2. The sheet is moved to the vision system which will correct for misalignment in the sheet. 3. The robot presses the sheet into the web and the grip is released If the computer vision detects a bad sheet the arm will instead deposit the sheet in reject 4. The arm is withdrawn and returns to the starting position 25 The sheet must be placed within a +1mm positional tolerance. This tolerance requirement was carefully considered. To start, the sheets of the material could be offset within the stack and the act of engaging the grip could cause sheets to shift. However, once the grip was engaged the expectation was that the sheets would not shift relative to the body of the grip. The arm was expected to be highly repeatable and not a source of error. Therefore, a vision system would feedback to the arm and correct for any position errors in the sheet relative to the grip. Once the sheet was in contact with the web, a low-tact adhesive on the web would prevent any shifting. This would ensure that each sheet would be correctly positioned for each placement cycle. To perform the steps described above and two meet the tolerance requirements three key components would need to be carefully considered; an end-effector (grip), a robotic arm, and a vision system. The following sections describe the design and selection of these components as well as supplemental equipment. 26 3.4 Robotic Arm lb Figure 8: Epson G6 SCARA robotic arm 3.4.1 Concept Selection In order to move the sheets of heat spreader material to the polyester film line a SCARA robotic arm with a custom vacuum tale end effector was used. After review, the decision was made to use a ceiling mounted Epson G6 series SCARA robotic arm, shown in Figure 8. The decision to use this style SCARA robotic arm was based on several important desirable features of the final product, and based on features of the end effector. Key Considerations for the Robotic Arm 1. Must meet location tolerances of .5mm in x and y directions and angular tolerances of +5 2. Highly repeatable, will be required to place 5000 sheets/day 3. Material will be stored in stacks 4. System must be capable of operating the vacuum table end effector (3.5) 27 Three potential styles of robotic motion were considered. 1. 6-axis robotic arm 2. SCARA robotic arm 3. Gantry system Six-axis robotic arms behave most similarly to a human arm. These arms have articulated joints which allow the arm to move objects in any direction with any orientation. These arms are the only style that is capable of changing an objects orientation. An example of this type of arm would be the welding robots seen on an automobile production line. SCARA robotic arms are 4axis. These arms are generally made by two articulated joints and a third shaft that is capable of motion in the z-axis and rotation about the z-axis. This allows the arm to manipulate objects in 3D and rotate objects about the z-axis. The last system, the gantry system, has only two degrees of freedom. The system can translate left to right as well as raise or lower the end effector. This type of system can do no rotations. The types of arms were considered with respect to the key properties and features. The first and most important feature was the tolerance requirements. The gantry system was immediately ruled out because the system could only translate in two axis. As a result, the position of the sheet on the polyester film would be determined by the speed of the line. In order to improve accuracy, another axis of motion would be necessary to decouple the control of position from line speed. The next most important feature was orientation of the sheet and the input of material as a stack. Both the sheet and the polyester film were planar structures and could be brought into contact without rotation. For this reason the two additional rotational degrees of freedom of the 6-axis arm would go unused. In addition programming for a 6-axis arm is more complicated than for a SCARA robot and the systems are more expensive. The SCARA robotic arm was selected because this style was capable of performing the desired motions and because the system was easier to use than a 6 axis arm. 28 3.4.2 Selection of SCARA Type and Motion With the decision made to use a SCARA robotic arm an Epson G6-45SR SCARA arm was quickly selected as the best option. The Epson brand was selected because of precedent for the system demonstrated by Zarrouati 2008 [12]. Once the brand was selected the G6 model was determined based on the end effector. There are five options in the Epson G-series the G1, G3, G6, G10 and G20. The numbers identify the maximum payload by kilogram weight, so the G6 is capable of carry a 6kg payload. When modeled, the custom end effector and fixtures was expected to weigh 2.5kg making the G3 the natural choice. However, in the interest of prototyping the G6 was selected to give a safety factor in the payload in the case that sensors or actuators would be added to the end effector. The last decision made when selecting the SCARA robot was the decision to use a ceiling mounted unit instead of a tabletop mounted unit. This decision was informed by the development of a workspace model. The following Figure 9 shows a birds-eye view of the SCARA robot with the custom end effector attached. The gray shows the arms workspace. The diagram also shows the longest possible unidirectional translation that the arm can perform. This line of motion represents the best location for the midline of the polyester film web, by giving the longest possible operable area. For the G6-45 SCARA the longest line of motion is 765mm. 29 SCARA Robot Inspection End Effector Input - ~-.' C Workspace / N Reject -~ 17 C X Longest line of motion Figure 9: Workspace of the robotic arm By inspection of this model, the ceiling mounted system was shown to be the best possible solution. In the following Figure 10, a G6-45S tabletop mount and a G6-45SR ceiling mount are shown. During travel the end effector would have interacted with the tabletop model's base. 30 Figure 10: End effector interaction. The grip would strike a table-top mounted arm (Left) but not a ceiling mounted unit (Right) 3.4.3 Air Lines The end-effector requires both compressed air and vacuum to function properly. Several considerations were made in regards to the air-lines setup. First, the source for the compressedair and vacuum lines was selected. Electric pumps are the most common way of generating pressure in a manufacturing setting, however, these pumps require lubricating oil which can be ejected into the air. Any foreign material will ruin the heat spreader material and so if these pumps were used they could not be located inside of the clean room. It was decided that the pumps generating both compressed air and vacuum would be located outside of the room. Pressure lines would be run from these pumps to the arm using standard pressure piping. Another consideration was the repeatability of the system with regards to the flow valves. Two air flow control valves were used to activate the grip. These valves must be connected to a 24V DC power source. Electrical wiring is very susceptible to damage from motion and the arm was expected to perform up to 2000 operations per day. This fact and the fact that the G6 is limited to a 6kg payload make it desirable to have the valves located off of the grip, in a location 31 where they won't be moved. The valves would, therefore, be located near the base of the G6 robot connected to the G6 internal pressure lines. The Epson G6 series has internal pressure lines located near the various axis of rotations, this reduces their susceptibility to damage from repeated motion. The pressure lines are shown in Figure 11 as item 7 and 8. Additional air tubing was run from the tube ends located on the G6 Body (3), down through the Z-quill (4), out a gap in the adapter couple (not shown) and finally to the inlet and outlet on the end-effector. 8 7 1 5 ITEM NO. 1 38 4~ A PART NUMBER G6Base 2 G6 Arm 3 G6 Body 4 Zaxis Quill 5 Upper Z-stop 6 Lower Z-stop 7 Compressed Air Line 8 Vacuum Line 6 2 Figure 11: Epson G6-451SR annotated drawing 32 3.5 End Effector The end-effector is responsible for "gripping" the material during movement and placement. The heat spreader material has high quality requirements and is susceptible to damage. Therefore, special consideration was given to the design of the end-effector. Many other design considerations were based on the successful design of the end-effector. For example, the Epson arm described in section 3.4 was selected so that the arm would be capable of supporting the end-effector. 3.5.1 Concept Selection In order to move the sheets of heat spreader material to the polyester film line a SCARA robotic arm with a custom end effector was used. The end effector will behave as the hand for the robotic arm. After review, the decision was made to use a vacuum table end effector. The decision to use this style of end effector was based on several important desired features of the final product and several properties of the material itself. Key Considerations for the End Effector 1. The material had to be placed within a certain tolerance. Location tolerances of +1mm in x and y directions and angular tolerances of +5 0 2. Defects will propagate in the calendering process, so high surface quality must be maintained for the material 3. The material is very delicate and highly susceptible to creasing, tearing and impressions 4. The material will be stored in stacks The primary concern over the end-effector was delivering a system that could lift, move and deposit the material while maintaining the heat spreader materials quality. Several types of potential end-effectors were evaluated [13]. Broadly, end-effectors fall into four categories; 33 1. Impactive:jaws directly clamp and object. 2. Ingressive: pins and needles physically penetrate the surface of the material. 3. Astrictive: suction forces are applied to the objects surface. 4. Contigutive: direct contact with an adhesive. Ingressive and contigutive end effectors were ignored because they would damage the material. From the impactive and astrictive categories four end effector options were considered; 1. Forcegrip: this type works by applying force between two or more points, relying on the force of friction to prevent sliding in the unconstrained directions. Therefore, these types of grips require rigid components with at least two planar surfaces in order to create two opposing contact points. These grips work well on rigid components that must be manipulated in 3D space. 2. Enveloping grippers:this type surrounds the material constraining the material's motion. The enveloping gripper works well with irregular shapes because, unlike the force grip, the enveloping gripper does not require two opposing contact forces. However, this type of grip is worse at "placing" components because the parts of the component that are enveloped cannot be accessed. An example of an enveloping gripper would be a mechanics hand. 3. Lift grippers:this type of grip simply slides beneath a work piece and lift. These grips constrain components in the vertical direction using gravity. Sliding is prevented using either friction from gravity, or rigid stops. A fork lift is an example. 4. Vacuum grip: this type generates a pressure differential above the work piece, allowing the piece to be lifted against gravity. These types of grips work best with large planar surfaces. Operators, prior to the implementation of the transfer system, used a modified force grip approach to separate the heat spreader material and the graphite foil. First operators would slide the top sheet sideways until the sheet formed a lip over the stack. The operator would then 34 pinch the sheet between the thumb and forefinger and lift, removing the sheet from the stack. As the operator draws away from the stack their hand is reoriented from the horizontal direction to the vertical direction so that the sheet lies with gravity. This reorientation is very important because the sheet cannot support its own weight against gravity and so reorienting prevents the sheet from bending and creasing. The types of grippers were considered with respect to the current method used by operators and other features of the material. The first and most important feature was the formfactor of the input material. Heat spreader material would enter the system as individual sheets in a batch stack. In addition, sheets were non-rigid and delicate. For this reason, the enveloping style was immediately ruled out because the material was neither rigid, nor irregular in shape. The next most important feature was placement of the sheet. The polyester film was coated in a low-tack adhesive and so the sheet must be pressed into the film in order to stick. Both the force and lift grip types would have to have physical contact below the sheet during placement in order to support the sheet against gravity. This would prevent the sheet from being pressed into the polyester film until after the end-effector had been removed. By contrast, a vacuum end-effector generates force on the upper surface of the sheet and, therefore, could bring the sheet into contact with the polyester film with the grip still engaged. Accordingly, a vacuum end effector was selected. 3.5.2 Selection of Vacuum End Effector Type With the decision to use the vacuum end-effector the options were further narrowed to three potential options. 1. Bernoulli grip 2. Suction pad 3. Vacuum table Bernoulli grippers create lifting force by generating airflow between two surfaces. The high velocity airstream has low static pressure. In a Bernoulli gripper, this airflow is controlled which results in a pressure that is lower than atmospheric pressure. This low pressure zone 35 creates a partial vacuum. The lifting force is generated by airflow and so the work piece is never brought into contact with the Bernoulli gripper. This was an important consideration because it would help preserve the quality of the heat spreader material. The suction pad gripper is the most common style of vacuum gripper. A low pressure negative airflow is generated at an active site. This active site is brought into contact with the material, blocking airflow and causing a vacuum to build up behind the material. A series of suction pads working in conjunction lift the material and allow the system to be manipulated. The suction pad surrounds the active site, and supports the material. If the material is partially drawn into the active site the soft suction cup helps prevent marring. Last, the vacuum table. This option works in the same way as the suction pad except that a series of active sites are created across a continuous surface. With a large number of active site this option permits the generation of a very even pressure distribution. However, this option is more likely to cause damage to the material in high strength vacuum systems because the edges of the active site are brought into direct contact with the material. Each of these options was tested using available components. Based on the key considerations, three criteria for success were created. 1. The end effector must perfectly hold the material, the material cannot slip once the end effector is engaged. After lifting a vision system will actively correct for misalignment. Therefore, once lifted the material cannot move relative to the end effector or the correction will become invalid. Test: When engaged, does motion of the end effector cause the material to shift? 2. Use of the end effector cannot damage the material. Inspection will occur before the material is placed into the transfer subsystem. Therefore, if the grip creates an impression or crease when the vacuum is engaged then the inspection will become invalid. Even if the end effector itself does not do damage the material can still 36 become damaged during motion if the heat spreader material is not properly supported. Test: Does engaging or moving the end effector cause visible damage to the material? 3. The end effector must be capable of placing the material on the polyester film. This means that the system must be capable of applying sufficient force to the sheet to cause the sheet to stick to the film. Test: Can the end effector be used to press the sheet into place? The first gripper option that was considered was the Bernoulli gripper. The Bernoulli end effector was tested using an SMC Series XT661Non-Contact 60mm Bernoulli type gripper [14]. The gripper is shown in Figure 12. The Bernoulli gripper adequately supported the material without damage but failed to perfectly hold the material and could not be used to press the sheet. This type of end effector uses airflow to generate the gripping force, therefore the work piece is never brought into contact with the end effector. This makes the Bernoulli gripper very useful for semiconductor manipulation. However, semiconductor wafers are rigid while the heat spreader sheets are flexible. In this case the airflow generated by the Bernoulli gripper induced wave-like motion in the flexible sheets. This instability was considered unacceptable. Additionally, because the sheet is never in contact with the end effector no frictional force is generated between the two which causes the sheet to shift easily. There was no obvious way to solve these issues and so this option was rejected. *OOO SMC XT"1 N=a-Cmtut BeruallGrippWr Figure 12: Bernoulli non-contact gripper. 37 The second option that was considered was the suction cup option. This option was tested using a custom system prepared by a Schmalz Engineering Intern. The end effector was created using Schmalz SGP-40-HT 1-60-N035 40mm [15] suction cups and Schmalz FSTE-G1/8AG-15 spring plungers [16]. This option is shown in Figure 13 and was more successful than the Bernoulli gripper, the suction cups could hold perfectly, press the sheet and engage without damage. However, because the available suction cups were round they could not be brought into perfect contact with the edge or the corners. As a result, when the end effector was moved quickly, airflow around the corners and edges quickly caused creasing. This option was rejected because there was no obvious way to protect the edges of the material. Figure 13: Schmalz suction cup gripper lifting heat spreader material The last option that was considered was the vacuum table option. Shown in Figure 14, this option was tested using a SineSetrm S2 Vacuum plate connected to a Welch Duo Seal@ model 1402 Vacuum Pump [17]. This option was used to test the design concept but was not considered a viable option because the weight was too much for any of the robotic arms 38 options. The design would require redesign before the end effector could be considered viable. During testing it was shown that the vacuum table could perfectly hold, press the sheet and move without damage. However, the material could be seen visibly deforming at the vacuum holes. The table was made from steel with 3/16" diameter holes which would leave impressions in the material after the vacuum was released. VaCUUM Plate Figure 14: Vacuum table gripping heat spreader material. The left image shows the vacuum plate and vacuum pump. The right image shows the vacuum plate gripping the heat spreader material. After testing we observed that there were no readily available options that would perfectly cover the sheet and so a custom grip would be required. In addition to being the most likely to succeed, the vacuum table had the additional benefit of being the simplest end effector to design and fabricate. The vacuum table end effector was selected because (with some redesign) the system perfectly held the material, would not damage the material, and could press the material into the polyester film and because this type of end effector was the simplest to design and fabricate. 39 3.5.3 Design of the Vacuum End Effector Figure 15: Vacuum end effector design. SineSetTM S2 vacuum table (Left) and modified design (Right) The design of the vacuum table end effector was based on the SineSetrm S2 Vacuum plate system. The new design would still use holes drilled into a continuous sheet of material with a cavity behind the sheet to create the active sites. The old and new vacuum end-effector are shown in Figure 15. Several modifications were made to the design to reduce weight, eliminate damage, and improve usability. " Steel was replaced by nylon. This reduced the weight of the end effector. " A larger number of smaller diameter holes were used. This reduced contact forces by creating a more even vacuum pressure distribution. * The contact shape of the grip was created to match the shape of the heat spreader sheets. This protected the edges of the sheet and helped eliminate damage * Mounts were added in order to fixture the end effector to the arm. The end effector is created by two components; the diffusion plate and the vacuum core. The diffusion plate is made from 1/8" nylon drilled with 1mm holes. The 1mm holes are spaced 5mm apart. A 15mm border lies between the holes and the edge of the plate, fasteners are placed in this area. When in contact with the material, force is generated by vacuum at each hole while the sheet is supported by the nylon diffusion plate. The holes are connected to a single vacuum cavity in the vacuum core. The core is made from 1/2" nylon and the cavity is created by a 1/16" deep milling process. Support channels are left during the milling process 40 which prevents the diffusion plate from deflecting inward when the vacuum is engaged. The cavity edge and the support structures were coated in epoxy and the two plates are brought into contact with ten 4-40 machine screws that lie on the diffusion plate and cavity border. This internal structure is shown in Figure 16. The support channels prevent the diffusion plate from deflecting when a vacuum is drawn. The location and shape of the support channels provide support without restricting airflow or blocking vacuum holes. Boarders 4-40 Through Hole with Chamfer Diffusion Plate Cavity Vacuum Core 4-40 Tap Holes Vacuum "Pull" Extended Tabs [j - Vacuum Active Site Air Inlet Alternate Inlet { tSupport Channels 225mm I 225mm 305mrr Figure 16: Diffusion plate (Left) and vacuum core (Right). Combined these pieces create the vacuum action, allowing material to be lifted The mounting fixture is attached to two extended tabs on the vacuum core with two pairs of 1/4-20 machine screws. The border and extended tabs are used as the location for fasteners so that the fasteners do not pierce the vacuum cavity. As a result these fasteners do not require seals and the end effector can be disassembled easily. The mounting fixture is attached to an EPSON tool adapter which, in turn, is fixed to the SCARA robotic arm. An exploded model view is shown in Figure 17. The final assembled end effector is shown in Figure 18. 41 10 ITEM NO. 7 8 2 Ji l1 PART NUMBER QTY. 1 Diffusion Ponel 1 2 Vacuum Core 1 3 Mounting Fixture 1 4 4-40 Machine Screw 8 5 1/4-20 Machine Screw 4 6 Air Flow Control Valve 2 7 1/2-20 End Cap 1 8 10-32 Flow Connection 2 9 10-32 to Male Barb 2 10 EPSON Adapter Couple 11 EPSON Tool Adapter 1 1 ,5- Figure 17: Exploded view of the vacuum end effector and the grip-to-arm fixtures (item 3, 10, 11) Figure 18: Vacuum end effector. 42 3.5.4 Propagating Vacuum Effect Two air flow valves lie at opposite corners of the vacuum core. These valves allow positive and negative airflow into the cavity. These locations were selected to create a vacuum force that would propagate across the end effector. In a system where airflow occurs evenly across a number of active sites, there is the possibility for the material to become pinched. Figure 19 subsystem shows what happens when an evenly distributed vacuum force is brought into contact with a slightly concave sheet of material. The two ends of the sheet are gripped first. The vacuum force pulls the sheet flat causing excess material to be pushed towards the middle where the displaced sheet forming a wrinkle. At. tttt 'It''LF Li Figure 19: Diagram depicting the effect of the propagating vacuum design. A- a vacuum table with evenly distributed pressure. Al- table comes in contact with a concave work piece. A2- work piece is gripped at both edges. A3- work piece is brought displacement propagates inward and forms a wrinkle. B- a vacuum table with propagating vacuum design. B1 - table comes in contact with concave work piece. B2- work piece is gripped from one edge. B3- displacement propagates from left-to-right, no wrinkle is formed. 43 The propagating vacuum effect used for this end effector prevents this from occurring. At first, the sheet is not in contact with the end effector and negative airflow occurs only in the corner. When the sheet comes in contact with the end effector the holes located at the corner become blocked off causing negative airflow to be drawn from further along. By propagating the vacuum from one corner diagonally to the other the material can be smoothed out and brought into flat contact with the diffusion plate. This effect can be seen in Figure 20. -- ---- 4 I1- n II ~4 U4 1071% M-) In U =4 CC = 4~--~ - 4- k Figure 20: Propagating vacuum effect caused by airflow within the internal structure of the end effector. The propagating effect can be created at any location on the surface, so long as the airflow starts at only one location. The top left corner was selected as the starting site for the negative airflow because the final product will be registered at the top left corner. 44 3.5.5 Contact Detection The last consideration for the end-effector was the method for detecting contact with the sheet and the support table. As the placement system moves sheets from the input stack to the polyester film the stack will decrease in height. Each sheet measures roughly 25 microns in width, because the sheets are so thin the team decided that dead-reckoning alone would not be accurate enough to guarantee accurate pick-up. Accurately determining the height for pick-up is critical because the material is delicate, and an overshoot could easily destroy an entire stack. Three options were considered; 1. Force sensor 2. Light array 3. Capacitance sensor The first option considered was the force sensor. The Epson Arm selected in section 3.4 can be equipped with a force sensor but the sensor is a non-standard component. Concern with the force sensor option was that the grip would have to be brought into full contact with some non-zero force to be detected. Given the delicate nature of the material any force could cause damage. For example, in a situation where the sheet was not perfectly flat wrinkles could form damaging the sheet (in the same way as seen in Figure 19). Concern about damaging the material ruled out the force sensor as an option. The second option, the light array, works by arranging a series of lights opposite a detector such that light passes the stack. As the stack decreases in height more light will be exposed to the detector giving a very accurate height measure. This option was determined to be unfavorable because of the controller selected for the system (Section 3.8). The Epson RC180 controller has Ethernet and I/O communication options. I/O options can only send and receive "go/no-go" commands and a light array necessarily needs a range of communication in order to send non-binary height information. Therefore, the light array would have to be implemented with a PLC through an Ethernet connection. Concerns about timing made this an undesirable option. 45 The last option, the option that was eventually selected, was the capacitance sensor. Capacitance sensors work by measuring electrical capacitance between the sensor and a surface. These sensors work best with conductive material, and the heat spreader material happens to be electrically conductive. This option was the best of the three evaluated. Capacitance sensors can be non-contact, therefore sheets can be detected based on proximity without generating a force [18]. Second, capacitance sensors are available for standard I/O connections, so this option could easily be incorporated into the Epson RC180 controller. The capacitance sensor selected was the 3-Wire DC Metallic-Object Proximity Switch #7674K912 from McMaster-Carr. In the interest of time, the capacitance sensors were selected but not implemented prior to testing. 46 3.6 Structural Frame 3.6.1 Concept Selection The structural frame is the interface between the arm and the global reference frame. Therefore, the design was primarily dependent on the SCARA robot and secondarily on the web handling system. The decision to use a ceiling mounted SCARA robot limited the potential sources for framing. Of those sources, there were no frame options that could be delivered before the SCARA robot was scheduled to arrive. In order to begin testing immediately it was necessary for the frame to be ready before the SCARA robot arrived. For this reason, the decision was made to fabricate a custom frame. The final version of the frame is shown in Figure 24. Several key considerations were made when developing the design for the frame. Key Considerations for the Structural Frame 1. The frame must adequately support the arm without inhibiting motion 2. The placement workspace must lie within the SCARA robots z-axis range. 3. The frame must not interact with the web handling system At the time, the design of the web handling system had not been finalized. In addition, in order for the SCARA robot to have the largest working area the base of the SCARA robot would necessarily be fixed over the polyester web. Considering these two issues and in the interest of providing adequate clearance for the web, the decision was made to use a U-shaped frame. This shape would allow the SCARA robot to rest above the polyester film without risking interaction between the structural frame and the web handling system. 3.6.2 Design of the Structural Frame Based on the rapid prototyping methodology the structural frame was broken into two key features; a mounting plate and a support structure. The mounting plate would fix the SCARA robot to the support structure which, in turn, would be fixed to the global reference frame. The following Figure 21 shows a model view of the support structure, mounting plate, robotic arm and end-effector. 47 Mounting Plate - SCARA Robot End Effector Support Structure Figure 21: CAD model of the support structure, mounting plate, SCARA robot and end effector Mounting features were cut directly into the mounting plate using a single waterjet cutting operation. The support structure were made from 2" structural steel pipe and standardized galvanized iron pipe fittings. Originally 80-20 aluminum extrusions were considered, however, Epson representatives warned against the idea because the repetitive motion of the arm could induce vibration. The mounting plate held the SCARA robot. In order to select the width of the plate and the type of material a model was created and tested using the Von Mises Stress study in the Solidoworks SimulationExpress toolbox (Figure 22). Based on the results 1/4" thick cast alloy steel was selected. The Epson G6 can generate a reaction torque of 500Nm, a horizontal reaction force of 2500N and a vertical reaction force 1500N [19]. The study in Figure 22 indicates at the maximum reaction force specified by Epson that the plate will deflect 0.62mm with a factory of safety of 4.82. 48 Name T Min M Stress VON: von MStress 38856 N/m^2 Node: 17070 5.07306e+007 Node: 18459 N/mA2 VM nA Ie04An2) 4,2==,1.O 38,36 2.0 8,47.408.0 8,4B7,486.D 4,2",1 TI.D I I ode 365I Mounting Ptate-SimutationXpress Study-Stress-Stress Name Disptacement Typn URES: Resuttant Dfspiacement Nde:93.6. -+vi S&WVnW 241,27S,200.C ax 0 MM I ode: 365 0.624185 mm Node: 9379 Figure 22: Finite element analysis of the mounting plate examining vertical stress. The rapid prototyping method dictated that machining steps be minimized in order to reduce fabrication time. This would allow us to deliver a frame before the arrival of the SCARA robot. The entire structure was fabricated using three machining steps; one waterjet cutting operation to produce the mounting plate, one series of drills through nylon blocks to produce a set of spacers, and one series of drills through structural steel pipe cross beams which would be used to bolt the mounting plate to the support structure. The assembly of the frame was made simple by the use of standardized fittings. An assembly diagram is shown below in Figure 23. To attach the robot to the frame, first the SCARA robot was bolted to the mounting plate which was then lifted onto the structural frame. With the mounting plate resting on the structural frame bolts were placed through the mounting plate and the two most internal pipes, fixing the entire structure together. The final assembled system is shown in Figure 24. 49 DETAIL B SCALE 1 :16 13 ITEM NO. 41 75 6 1 PART NUMBER QTY. 1 3-Way Elbow 4 2 Floor Mount Flange 4 3 60" Structual Pipe 4 4 48" Structual Pipe 2 5 Mounting Plate 1 6 Tees with Through Hole 8 7 2 8 24" Structual Pipe with mounting holes 24" Structual Pipe 9 Adjustable-Angle Tees 4 10 93827A245 4 11 1/2"-13 Grade 8 Steel Hex Nut 4 12 M10 High-Strength Cop Screw, 120mm long 4 13 M10 Steel Hex Nut 4 14 Spring Lock Washer 4 15 Delrin Spacer 2 6 2 Figure 23: Exploded view of the structural support subsystem 50 Figure 24: Picture showing the final version of the structural frame 51 3.7 Vision System The vision system will be used to correct for positional errors of heat spreader sheets prior to their placement on the polyester web. This vision system is distinct from the inspection system described in Chawla's thesis [3]. Originally, these two vision systems were expected to be implemented using the same camera but for timing reasons it became easier to separate the two tasks into two separate camera systems. Chawla's inspection system will be responsible for detecting defects (step 5 of Figure 3) and the vision system described in this thesis will be used to correct positional errors ("Vision System" in Figure 7). Figure 25: Epson CV1 Vision System The vision system used for the placement system will be the Epson CV1 vision controller and smart camera (Figure 25). The Epson SCARA robotic arm requires an Epson RC controller to operate and so an Epson vision system was a natural choice. The vision system is intended to aid computer guidance applications and is not designed for inspection for defects. In summary, the CV vision system would be easy to implement but would be unable to detect defects which is why the AvCarb MEngM team decided to separate the two tasks. 52 This vision system is only used to detect position and orientation of the sheet. The camera is mounted vertically, oriented upward. The top of the camera lies flush with the workspace, this reduces the chance that the camera will be damaged if irregular motion occurs. When the arm moves a sheet above the camera system only the top left corner is visible. By viewing only the corner the detail of the camera is increased. The top left corner was selected as the identifying feature because the top left corner is used as the registration point for the film line. This setup can be seen in Figure 26. I Robotic Alrm End Effector / I Heat Spreader Sheets Detected Sheet Camera/ \View/ CV1 Vision Camera Figure 26: Vision system setup. The robotic manipulator moves heat spreader sheet over the camera. The top left corner is used as the identifying feature. The camera is calibrated to relate the width of each pixel to absolute coordinates. This calibration is done using the arms internal position measurement system in conjunction with 53 identification software on the camera control. The arm is positioned above the camera such that a registration feature is visible. The registration feature uses 9 translations of a key feature, as detailed in the Epson Vision Guide [20]. Then, because the position of the arm is known, these positions can be related to an absolute position. When in use, the arm moves a sheet of heat spreader material over the camera prior to placement. The vision system identifies the corner of the sheet using four edge detection algorithms. The edge detection system is shown in Figure 27. The detection algorithm travels along the green path in the direction of the green arrow until it encounters pixels that contrast greatly indicating a transition. This system specifically identifies a transition from dark to light. The green arrows indicate the detected point located along the edge. Figure 27: Edge detection algorithm. Green arrows indicate the identified edge. 54 Two line detection algorithms are used for each edge which identify two points along that edge. The two identified points are projected into a line. The intersection of these two lines is used to estimate the position of the corner. This method is shown in Figure 28, the four squares indicate the detected points and solid black lines are the projection. An offset is determined based on the desired position of the corner and the observed position of the corner. The arm uses this offset to correct the position during manipulation. 11 4 2 Figure 28: Corner detection algorithm. The enumerated squares indicate the four identified points. The solid black lines indicated the projected edge and the intersection indicates the estimated corner position. Angle is determined based on the vertical line, shown by 0. 55 3.8 Controller Design Epson RC 180 Controll ?r E 7Power Ready Running 0 Input Error Stack User Interface (24V DC) Start Stop Reset Recipe Stack Ready Emergency stop Robotic Arm Vacuum Main Safety Power Motion Gripper Control 120V AC --- Grip Contact Table Co PLC 0 CVi Controller Web Handling Input Travel Load I3 System Figure 29: Controller Diagram for the production line An Epson RC180 was selected to control the transfer robotic system including the arm, the vision system, and all the auxiliary equipment such as valves and capacitive sensors (Figure 29). In order for the Epson G6 SCARA robotic arm to function properly the system must be paired with an RC180 or RC620 controller. In addition to controlling the arm, the RC180 also has standard I/O and Ethernet communications and the controller can be easily paired with an Epson vision system. This made the RC180 the obvious choice for the controller for the system. The subsystems commanded by the controller were divided into five major components. 56 1. Robotic arm 2. Gripper 3. Vision 4. Web handling 5. User interface The RC180 controller is powered by an AC 220V single phase 60Hz power supply. The RC180 controller has USB ports, one Ethernet and digital I/O with 16 inputs and 8 outputs. The controller has an independent plug for connection to the robotic arm. The controller also has a separate plug for a primary safety system that directly cuts power to the machine which was connected to a standard emergency stop button. For testing and debugging the RC180 is connected by USB to a computer terminal. When the command software was finalized the connection was removed. The operators will instead use the hardwired user interface, which will prevent modification of the software. An Ethernet bus connects to the RC180 controller, the programmable logic controller (PLC) and the CV1 controller. The PLC is responsible for commanding the web handling system. The CV1 controller commands the vision system. The digital I/O is used to send and receive signals for the gripper and for the user interface. The gripper has two outputs and two inputs; the outputs are for the compressed air and vacuum valve, and the inputs are four the two contact sensors. The user interface has six inputs and five outputs. The output signals command signal lights which provide the user information about the state of the machine, errors, and when the machine needs more input material. The input signals come from buttons on the user interface display. These buttons will be used for typical commands such as start, stop and reset. 57 Power CON Po Ready ~Machine OF Error RNningOFF ON Err,,, kdle Stack RedyS E r.zMVEewihLn CM /LGTFMV th MS it ~ ~ ~ ~ Y es No IF Ero F tac Empty 0 EDAK MOVE- ~Rmonxg OI esceatd Stack EkpEypOy R tLrnlt wt ie wihFl"Se C MOVE: YeVaCommreOsedN, 3God Reay ) ~~~Oe C o nt act EOA - r~ LIH-IGHT F - r MVE "IGH esC~IGHTMOV OVE 3.9 Control System Flow Yes M - No soao SysteFEEDBACK- Figure 30: Control System Flow Diagram The main controller is an RC180 using RC +5.0 control software. The controller accepts input from buttons, two contact sensors, an inspection system, a vision system and internal position sensors. The controller commands lights, valves and the position of the arm. The process steps are shown in Figure 30. The process begins when power is turned on (indicated in the top left corner of Figure 30). When power is on for both the RC180 controller (which has an internal power supply) and the separate 24V TDK-Lambda DLP75-24-1/E power supply then the "Power" light turns on. With power on the system begins to "Warm-Up" which takes approximately 30 seconds. After warm-up the machine enters the "Idle" state where it will remain until a stack of material is prepared. Once the material is put into the machine and no errors are detected the system enters the "Machine Ready" state and the "Ready" light is 58 turned on. If the "Stack Empty" or "Error" lights are on when the machine enters the ready state then the lights are turned off. When the start button is pushed the machine leaves the "Ready" state and enters the "Running" state, the "Running" light is turned on. The running state repeats the following steps, repeatedly picking and placing heat spreader sheets from the input stack onto the polyester web. The running state starts when the arm moves to the first position indicated by "MOVE: Start Position". The arm descends from the starting position towards the material stack. If no material is detected the stack is considered empty, and the machine returns to the "Machine Idle" state. If contact is detected with the material the arm stops ("Move: Stop Descend"). While stopped, the "Vacuum" valve is opened causing the end-effector to engage the nearest sheet. With the sheet held, the arm moves to the "Inspection" stage. In this stage two camera systems are used; the first is Chawla's inspection system which detects flaws, the second is the vision system described in Section 3.7 which corrects the arms trajectory in following steps. If no material is seen the arm returns to the start position and makes a second attempt. If the material is present but defects are detected then the arm deposits the material in the reject pile before returning to the starting position. If the material is good then the arm moves over the polyester film line. The web is constantly moving at a rate of .5m/min. The arm descends in a low sweeping arc until contact is detected with the film. Once contact is detected the sweep switches so that it is only translating with the line. During translation the arm moves only in the direction of the web. At the same time the vacuum is turned off, allowing the material to separate from the grip. These two steps "MOVE: Sweep" and "MOVE: Translate with Line" are adjusted according to feedback from the pull roll and the vision system. The vision system identifies how the end effector should be adjusted to correct for position, while the pull roll identifies where on the web the sheet should be placed. These two sets of feedback assure that each sheet is positioned correctly during each pass of the placement system. Contact is detected during the "sweep" which informs the machine when to transition to the "translate with line" step. If the contact is not detected before preselected absolute position, then the system registers an error and returns to the "Machine Idle" state. If the machine correctly places the sheet then the arm begins to rise. Prior to rising a separation is created between the heat spreader sheet and the grip by opening the compressed air valve. This 59 causes a jet of air to push against the sheet, reducing the chances that the sheet will stick to the grip during the rise step. Once the arm has risen a 10mm away from the film the compressed air is shut off to prevent airflow from disturbing the rest of the system. The arm then returns to the starting position to restart the running loop. 3.10 Web Handling 3.10.lDesign of the web handling system SLdLad CQ-2 o GePu CaClrL Ro I L Aad CeDiA& Figure 31: Web handling diagram The web handling system is divided into six principal components with three load cells providing tension feedback and three more rolls which change direction of the film. The original web handling system design is shown in Figure 31. From beginning to end the components are; an unwind roll, roll guide, pull roll, support, calender, and rewind roll. The web begins with a roll of polyester film which is driven by an unwind servo. The web passes over a directional roller and a load cell to the roll guide. The roll guide actively centers the alignment of the web on the rollers. The roll guide is crucial for positional tolerances because the robotic arm does not correct for positional errors in the cross web direction. If the web has drifted 2mm sideways that error will become a 2mm position error in the final product. Next, the web travels to a pull roll which will actively maintain tension and position in the travel direction. Essentially, the roll guide will effect horizontal accuracy and the pull roll will effect vertical accuracy in placement of the heat spreader sheets. The web passes another load cell to a 60 support table. The support is displaced from the web, and is only in contact when the robotic arm is pressing a sheet into the film. The support constrains the web which prevents deflection and reduces the effect placement has on the tension of the web. The web passes another directional roller to the calendering machine. Last, the web passes over another load cell and directional roller to a servo driven rewind roller. The web handling system is separated into four tension zones. A tension zone is the area of web between any two tension elements such as motors, or brakes. In this system there are four elements which principally effect tension; the unwind roll, the pull roll, the calender machine and the rewind roll. Placement can also effect tension due to the friction generated by the act of pinching the web between the end-effector and the support table. However, the tension generated by pinching is highly repeatable and can be eliminated by the control system. As seen in Figure 31, a load cell is located between each of the principal tensioning elements. Feedback from these load cells will be used to control the system. The pull roll will govern the speed of the web. The support table is located directly behind the pull roll because the web will be least susceptible to errors in the area after the speed governing roll. The tension of the calendering machine cannot be changed because any change will affect the quality of the output material. Therefore, only the unwind roll, the pull roll and the rewind rolls will be used to control the system. The system was designed and built by an outside contractor. 61 4 Experimentation This chapter discusses the methods of experimentation including characteristic measurements, measurement techniques and preliminary experimentation. 4.1 Quality Measures The output from the production line has requirements on position and quality. Customer requirements require the material to be defect free, positioned on the roll with a +1mm positional tolerance and a +50 angular tolerance, and that the heat spreader material be between 25-30 microns thick. Defects will be detected using Chawla's inspection system and the thickness will be determined by the calendering process described in Svenson's thesis. Therefore, this thesis will be primarily concerned with the positional requirements, on the conditions that the placement system does not create defects or negatively affect the calendering process. The placement system was tested for accuracy and repeatability. The grip is rigidly fixed to the arm, and the Epson arm has well-documented measures of repeatability (the Epson website reports that the G6-series has a x-y dimensional repeatability of + 0.015mm, a vertical repeatability of + 0.010mm and an angular repeatability of 0.005 degrees [21].) This repeatability represents 1.5% of the acceptable range and so we decided to ignore errors caused by the arm. Additionally, testing during development of the end-effector demonstrated that with the vacuum engaged sheets would not shift when exposed to normal operating forces. We will, therefore, assume that once the vacuum is engaged the sheet does not move. The following experiments are designed to identify and test the sources of positional error. Measures for the experiment were taken using the Epson CV1 camera. -The camera has a resolution of 640x480 pixels and was equipped with a 16x magnification lens. The calibration system indicates a 0.0768 mm/pixel in the X-direction and 0.0785 mm/pixel in the y-direction. 62 4.2 Design of Experiments Two experiments were created to test for causes of variation within the placement system. Two conditions are assumed true: that the arm moves perfectly, and that once the grip is engaged the sheet does not shift. First, a "Stationary" test was used to determine if any shifting occurred during pickup, or placement of the sheet on the testing table. The results of the test were used to determine if errors occurring in the first test were caused by the repositioning algorithm, or the normal shifting. To start, the arm was commanded to pick up a sheet. The arm traveled over the vision system and a vision algorithm is run identifying the corner as described in Section 3.8. The position was recorded. The arm then returned to the starting position and lowered until the sheet was in contact with the worktable. The sheet was then released and the arm withdrawn. The arm repeated the process, identifying the corner position to determine whether shifting had occurred during pick-up or placement. A "Repositioning" test was used to evaluate the placement and adjustment of the transfer system. First, a sheet of material was placed randomly within a 240mm X 280mm square. The randomness was created by releasing the heat spreader sheet from a height of 20mm, and allowing the sheet to fall into position. The arm was then commanded to pick up the sheet. The arm then traveled to a position over the vision system and the angle of the sheet was identified using the vision algorithm. The sheet was then adjusted for angle by turning the grip. The vision algorithm was then run a second time, and the sheet's position was identified. The arm then adjusted the position of the sheet to match a pre-defined central position. The vision algorithm was run a third time and the position of the corner and the angle of the sheet was identified. The starting and ending positions and angles were recorded. The arm then returned to the starting position and released the sheet. This process was repeated for 100 trials. The following Figure 32-35 shows different position adjustments. The top image shows the original position, and the bottom image shows the corrected position. Test A shows a sheet starting with a top-left shift, test B shows a bottom-left shift, test C shows a top-center shift and test D shows a bottom right shift. 63 Figure 32: Repositioning test example A. The top image shows the original random position, and the bottom shows the corrected position. In this example the sheet starts shifted to the top left. 64 Figure 33: Repositioning test example B. The top image shows the original random position, and the bottom shows the corrected position. In this example the sheet starts shifted to the bottom left. 65 Figure 34: Repositioning test example C. The top image shows the original random position, and the bottom shows the corrected position. In this example the sheet starts shifted towards the top. 66 Figure 35: Repositioning test example D. The top image shows the original random position, and the bottom shows the corrected position. In this example the sheet starts shifted to the bottom right. 67 5 Results This chapter reports the results of the designed experiment, including both quantitative and qualitative results. 5.1 Summary of Results The experiments were conducted to test the accuracy and precision of the automated transfer system. " The transfer operation took less than 30 seconds to complete. " After 100 trials no damage was identified on any of the placed material. * No shifting occurs when picking-up or placing the heat spreader material under the testing conditions we used. The end-effector and arm are not the cause of significant variation. " Errors in sheet position could be corrected prior to placement using the proposed robotic arm and vision system. " The system met the criteria for success for position by successfully positioning the heat spreader material within the +1mm positional tolerance and 50 angular tolerance for all trials. 5.2 Analysis of Transfer System The results of the experiments proposed in Section 4.2 are shown here. The ability of the system to correct for positional and angular errors is demonstrated by the repositioning experiment and shown in Figure 36 and Figure 37 respectively. The target position is (0,0) and the target angle is 00. In Figure 36, the gray dots show the corner position as identified by the edge detection software. The left graph shows the starting position of the sheets, and the right shows the position of the sheet after the offset has been corrected. In Figure 37, the grey line shows the initial angle, and the black line shows the angle of the sheet after correction. 68 Corrected Position Starting Position 10 * 10 &* * E % -10 0 * go e * 2 2 0 E E % 00, -4 a 2 4 10 8 6 1= -8 -6 -4 -2 I 2 4 6 8 10 0 S. .0 -4 . * -60 -10 x position (mm) -10 x position (mm) Figure 36: Charts showing the corner position of the detected heat spreader sheet, both the starting position and the corrected position. Detected Angle for Random and Corrected Position Sheets 10 8 6 4 02E be v 2 0 -2 -4 -6 - Starting Angle - Corrected Angle -8 -10 Figure 37: Chart showing the angle of the detected heat spreader sheet. The grey line shows the starting position and the black line shows the corrected position. 69 Table 1: Test of pickup and placement shifting, offsets were not corrected. The shift was identified as the difference between the two corner positions identified by the vision system. Stationary Test X Shift Y Shift (mm) (mm) Mean Range Std Dev -0.038 0.299 0.073 0.020 0.719 0.130 The stationary test shows that there was no significant shifting occurring during pickup, placement, or during travel. The stationary test measured shift during pickup, travel and placement. The difference between the starting and final position of the sheet was recorded and the mean, range and standard deviation of this difference is shown in Table 1. The null hypothesis was that there was no significant difference between the starting and ending position of the sheet during the stationary test for either the x or y direction. The test was performed using fifty samples. The result using a t-test was a p-value of 0.9884 for the xdirection and a p-value of 0.97 for the y-direction. We therefore accepted the null hypothesis. If there was no significant difference between the starting and ending position of the stationary test we can assume that that the robotic arm and end-effector perform the transfer operation with no shifting. Using the result of the stationary test indicating no shifting, we can assume that the repositioning test is an accurate representation of the system. From Figure 36 and Figure 37, we see that the transfer system does adequately adjust for both position and angle using the vision system. The sheets were positioned within the +1mm and 50 tolerance for all trials. The sample mean, sample standard deviation, Cp, and Cpk values are shown for the corrected position in the following Table 2. These values indicate extremely good process control, we expect less the 25 parts per million to fall out of the specification limits. Figure 38 shows that corner position for all trials were well within the specification limits. Given the very high value for Cpk for angle we suggest reducing the specification limits for angle from 5* to 1'. 70 Table 2: Process Capability X Y Angle V (mm) s (mm) 0.06 0.18 0.09 0.21 -0.1 0.17 Cpk C_ 1.82 1.92 1.47 1.61 10.06 10.26 Corrected Position 1 0.8 0.6 0 e .seses E 0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.*0 -" 0se oe - m C 0 CL @0*@ O a 2* 0 00 e 0.2 @0* 0.4 0 0.6 0.8 -0.4 0 -0.6 0 -0.8 -1 x position (mm) Figure 38: Target and corner location. This is the same as the corrected position from Figure 36 with a different set of axis. 5.3 Sources of Error in the Vision System During testing, a number of recurring problems presented themselves related to the vision system. These errors do not occur often, but could still cause problems during a full-production run. 71 " Contrast:the edge detection software works best in high contrast. If the grip and the material are similar in appearance the software will not easily detect the edge of the material. It is important to keep the end-effector clean, particularly in a carbon-materials facility, because debris can cause variations in contrast. Lighting is crucial, in this system an upward-facing camera was used and overhead lights caused incorrect sources of contrast. We had to use a shield to block light from overhead lighting. " Local defects: the edge detection software identifies a single point of high contrast by traveling a detection line (3.7). Because of this, if there are local defects the algorithm will give an incorrect point. The corner is determined by projecting two lines from four points and if one point is off the entire estimation will be incorrect. There are two ways to avoid these errors; only use good material, use multiple redundant edge detection lines. " Inaccurateabsolute coordinates: after experimentation we recommend positioning the camera in a position that naturally matches the reference frame of the robotic arm. The vision system was turned 450 relative to robotic arm, the grip was turned to match (this was done to reduce cycle time). However, this meant that "correction" of the position of the grip were not the same for placement and for the over-camera position. Simply put, the camera's x and y coordinates are relative to the end-effector, not the reference frame of the arm. This reference frame causes some coordination issues. * Sheet incongruity: The heat spreader material undergoes shrinkage during processing. Occasionally this causes some of the material to be produced with non-rectangular geometries. The vision software used assumes a perpendicular corner and straight edges. If either of those assumptions are not true then the correction software will be off, particularly with regard to angle. 72 6 Conclusions and Future Work 6.1 Summary of Conclusions A working transfer robotic assembly robot was designed and developed for use in a heat spreader production line. The robotic system was capable of transferring a sheet of heat spreader material, every 30 seconds within a positional tolerance of +1mm and angular tolerance of 50 without damaging the material. This work has revealed a variety of useful insights into the design of transfer systems for delicate, thin-film materials. The insights of greatest interest are: * Robotic Arm: SCARA robots are highly effective for material transfer systems. The four degree-of-freedom style SCARA robots balance versatility and repeatability, making them more useful than a gantry system and more cost effective than a 6-axis robot. Additionally, when using a large area end-effector we recommend a vertically mounted robot to increase the size of the functional workspace. Last, if available, select a model with internal air and electrical lines. Lines passing near or through the axis of rotation of a joint will be much less susceptible to damage from repetitive motion. " End-Effector: The vacuum table style end-effector is an excellent method for manipulating delicate, thin-film materials. The small, highly distributed set of vacuum sites helps to prevent damage by uniformly distributing the vacuum force and the propagating vacuum flow by preventing creases. The large contact surface protects the edges of the sheet during motion by preventing large deflections. The smooth nylon surface does not scratch or otherwise damage the surface of the material that the endeffector is manipulating. Last the end-effector is easy to fabricate, built from only three components and a set of fasteners. " Vision: A robust vision system will be dependent on a number of factors. The most important factor is creating high contrast between the manipulated material and the background. The color of the end-effector should be selected with respect to the 73 material. For large sheets, a vision system limited to one corner can be an effective way to increase precision. 6.2 Future Work There is a great deal of additional work to be done on the heat spreader production process. The following are a list of recommended topics for future work: * Incorporation:First and most important work is to incorporate the three subsystems presented in the three AvCarb MEng thesis; "Implementation of Automatic Inspection System" [3], "Pyrolytic Graphite Production: Automation of Material Placement", and "The Addition of a Calender Machine to a Pyrolytic Graphite Sheet Production Plant" [4]. * TranslatingPlacement:The current process places sheets onto a stationary table. However, in a full production run it is desirable to place onto a moving polyester web. Pausing the line during placement causes marking on the calendering sheet as the pressure from the calendering machine engages and disengages. * Incorporatecapacitancesensors: The starting material begins with 90micron thickness prior to being calendered. As sheets are removed from a stack and placed on the line the height of the stack will decrease. Active feedback from the capacitance proximity sensor will reduce the chance that the material will be damage during pick-up. " Placement pressure: Actual placement pressure should be measured to evaluate effects on the effectiveness of transfer to the polyester film web. Initial testing indicated that pressure above a certain threshold did not improve the adherence of the material to the film. This effect should be tested and analyzed. " Tack and static cling for placement: Similar to the placement pressure, the low-tack adhesive on the polyester film and static electricity could both effect the adherence of the material to the film. Some observations were made which indicate that static electricity is sufficient to hold the spreader material to the polyester film. 74 7 Appendix Engineering Diagrams 1200 8.86 7.68 .20 .39 42 3.94 += 10.43 9.25 .26 .63 ______________________U + .® .50 .16 .50 UNLME OTHWISE SPEC94ED: DMENK AREt INC-EM "M.E - - .0Q DC DRAV TITLE: XAR: MA.VIC MM i TWO PLAM D~CVAAd THM RACE DEQUAL SolidWorks Student License INTERPRET cec/Ertc Academic Use Only JN N T-S I 'lESC E PRAPPETCC N44ERmI COMPANY NAME HEIE. ANY REPRCLtrON N FARF OR AS A WHOLE 1.E-C OF OMEOI.T E MbITS ftEJUE/lSF .4QwET COMPAKY NAMe HERE. IS PpoiYefrio TOEAMVG PE: NE F PCHfats MATEVI rfr- AF aA "^NeS RE% SIZE DWG. NO. A Vac. Core An APPICATON ENGAP 00 NCT SCALE CRA OINC SCALE: 1:4 WEIGHT: SHEET 1OF 75 12.00 5.50 R 1.57 .20 90.000 R.50 .50 .20 1.69 1.00 R.71 T . 01 5,7 - UNLESS OTIERWISE SPECEc: CPMNSN ARE IN INCE AN.k*Pi MOA :EDSMO THREERLACECMW ThORarfl MATBnutMc SolidWorks Student License Academic Use Only -RH110 NAM DATE DRAMN TImE- S i t neR-"^twL ME RTCN cRAWINCE 101 CNTNEO S 9O >.-WYrGOF CINERT CUPMC NAP/E !SE. Aff RPROCLCM NPART OR ASA W410!E A.ITHEO VtWlTN PEinShONC SERT COM PAN MA SE is 1.69 - Nr VI &M APtR CCTo GA SIZE DWG. NO. Of NEC APL 63 LIEO A E.E. Fixture ON DO NOT SCALE RA 'NC SCALE: 1:4 WBGHT: RE% SHEET 1OF 76 1.0 6.0.0) 7 00 ".43 15 2.48 .50 62 r3. 7_50 I .52 6-o0\ - /2.00 2.00 . 1 0- 7.00 43 - 18 .00i \2.50 33.00 50 - .25 I 2.00 Ul.ES OTHERWISE SPECIfED: 1E4D0e AM IN INO- NM t--- - .505 3.00 DAIE DRAhM TITLE: ANGUk MCH -WC 1WOPLACECECAAL 1 PLACE CMAL SolidWorks Student License Academic Use Only N!E EN1G AP ANVG AM ETZMEM-: AGAM SIZE DWG. NO. 'HOLrT TIE !TEN 3EIEIflMPANY NAME E.5? AS A eswQLE NEXT PEEMSSICN OF . F"ERODt.CON ft FARI OR RE\ 1 A Mt. Plate A35Y CC 1JO* : e& iA cCA.E SCALE: 1:12 WEIGHT: SHEET 1OF 77 8 References [1] Ballard Power Systems Inc. Ballard Sells U.S. Material Products Division. 31 Jan. 2013. <>. Accessed April 4, 2014 [2] AvCarb Website. Mar. 2014. <>. Accessed April 4, 2014 [3] Chawla, Y. "Implementation of Automatic Inspection System" [4] Svenson, K. "The Addition of a Calender Machine to a Pyrolytic Graphite Sheet Production Plant" [5] Inagaki, M.; Ohta, N; Hishiyama, Y., "Aromatic polyimides as carbon precursors", Carbon N.Y., vol 61, pp. 1-21, Sept. 2013. [6] Y. Kaburagi and Y. Hishiyama, "Highly crystallized graphite films prepared by high-temperature heat treatment from carbonized aromatic polyimide films," Carbon N. Y., vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 773-777, Jan. 1995. [7] H. Hatori, Y. Yamada, and M. Shiraishi, "In-plane orientation and graphitizability of polyimide films: II. Film thickness dependence," Carbon N. 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