THE DIMENSIONAL BEHAVIOR OF INVAR By BERNARD SAMUEL LEMENT B.Sc. (Met), M.I.T., Cambridge, Massachusetts 1938 Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the ReqOuirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCE from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1949 Signature of Author Department of Metallurgy Signature of Professor in Charge of Research Signature of Chairman Department Committee on Graduate Research Signature redacted Signature redacted Signature redacted 4, 1( TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Number Chapter Number List of Tables ................ List of Figures . . . . . . . . . II III .. viii ..... 1 ............... Introduction Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'Previous Work x .............. Acknowledgments. I vi . 2 . 3 ................ 3 .. A. Prior Investigation B. Possible Explanations of Invar . . ......... . . . . 7 . . . 7 1. Magnetic Inversion of Cementite 2. Precipitation of Cementite, Graphite, or Nickel Carbide. 8 . . .... 3. Transformation of Austenite to Ferrite 4. Transformation of Austenite to Marten13 ........ site. .o 5. Residual Stress Formation and Stress 14 Relief ................ 6. Alteration of Magnetic State by Cold 16 Work ................. IV V . 17 . . . 20 . 20 Plan of Experimental Work and Materials Used Experimental Equipment and Techniques A. 12 . ... . Heat Treatment . .. .. 20 . . . . . . . . . * . 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 . 1. Quenchingo. 2. Furnace Cooling 3. Aging . . .. . . .. . . Page Number Chapter Number V VI 4. Carburization and Homogenizatio4 5. Decarburiz4tion . . . . . . . 22 . . . . . . . 25 . . . B. Precision Length Measurements . . . 25 C. Specific Volume Measurements . . . . . . . 27 D. Drop Tests . . . . E. Heyn Analysis for Residual Stress F. X-ray Diffraction Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 . . . . 27 . . . . 29 1. Precision Lattice Parameter Measurements 29 2. Identification of Phases Present . 31 G. Electrolytic Extraction. . . . . . . . . . 31 H. Hardness Tests I. Magnetic Measurements J. Measurement of Thermal Expansion Coefficient . . . . . . . . . . . ... 32 . . 32 32 34 . 34 Invar (0.07 C, 0.44 Mu, 36.8 Ni) . . . 34 Dimensional Charges on Aging 1. . ............. Experimental Results . A. . a. . . . . . . Aging Following Quenching from 8300 C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b. Aging at 700 C Following Quenching from Temperatures up to 540" C c. 34 35 . Re-Aging at 500 C Following Aging . 35 e. Hot Quenching from 205* C to 70* C 39 f. Aging Following Cold Working 40 at 700 C . . . . . . . . d. . . . . Aging Following Quenching from 2050 C . ... . . . ... 36 . . . -iii- Page Chapter Number Number g. Aging Following Furnace Cooling h. 2. . .- - - . . . . . . . 41 42 Quenching in Water from 5400 C Decarburized Invar (0.01 C, 0.44 Mn, 43 . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.8 Ni). . a. Aging Following Quenching from 830 0 C b. Aging Following Furnace Cooling from C 8300 c. 3. 40 Rate of Cooling from 8300 C and 3150 C i. . . . . . . . . from 8300 C . .. 43 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 . 45 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . Invars of Varying Carbon Content (0.02 to 0.58 C, 0.10 Mn, 36.0 Ni) a. 45 45 Aging Following Quenching in Water C... 48 ........ Aging Following Quenching from 8300 C andl2 0 C. . . . .... Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . 48 ... . . . . . . 50 51 Drop Tests C. Residual Stress . . . . . . . . . . . 52 . . . 52 Surface Stress Values . . . . . . X-ray Measurements. . . . . . 1. . . . . 2. . Complete Stress Distribution 53 55 Determination of Solid Solubility of Carbon . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. 1. . B. . d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from 83 0 c. . Aging Following Furnace Cooling from $300 C b. . . vi 55 - - iv Chapter Number Page Number 2. VI Changes in Lattice Parameter due to Aging at 20 0 C to 2050 C. 3. Debye Patterns of Electrolytic Ex- .............. tractions 4. Existence of Martensite or Ferrite E. Metallographic Examination F. Hardness Tests 1. -2. 3. . . . . . 60 . 63 65 . . .. . . . . 65 Temperature and Time of Aging . . . . 65 Aging Following Quenching from 8300 C C. Magnetic Tests . . .. . . . .. .... . . . . .. ... . . . 69 70 1. Determination of Saturation Field . 2. Variation of Magnetization with . 70 . . .. . .. . . . .. . 70 3. Rate of Cooling from 83 0 0 C .. .. . 72 4. Aging Following Furnace Cooling from 830*0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Aging Following Quenching from 8300 C 6. Aging Following Quenching from 8300 C andl2 0 C. . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 75 75 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Measure- ments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .* I. 60 . Temperature H. . . . .. . .. .. . Rate of Cooling from 8300 C andl2 0 G. 57 ..... 77 1. Rate of Cooling from 8300 C . . . . . 77 2. Aging Following Furnace Cooling . . . 80 Summary of Experimental Results . . . . . 80 1. Aging of Quenched Invar . . . . . . . 80 2. Furnace Cooled Invar . . .. .. .. 82 Page Number Chapter Number 83 Formation of Residual Stress 83 B. Relief of Residual Stress 84 C. Formation of and Disappearance of Guinier. 86 Precipitation and Re-solution of Carbide and Graphite . . . . . . Summary * . . * . . 0 . . D. 0 .P 88 . . . . 0 . .* 89 Conclusions . . . 0 . . .0 90 Suggestions for Further Work . . . . . . .0 91 . 0 . . . . 9 . 0 . . 0 . 0 0 92 . Bibliography .* * . E. Appendix A - Formulae and Data Used in Calculating Changes in Length Due to Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . Transformations . Appendix B - Calculation of Length Change due . . 3 . . to Formation of Cementite in Invar Formation of Graphite in Invar. . . . . . . Appendix C - Calculation of Length Change due to . 5 . 6 . 8 to Formation of Nickel Carbide in Invar . . . Appendix D - Calculation of Length Change due Formation of Iron-Nickel Carbide in Invar . Appendix E - Calculation of Length Change for Appendix F - Calculation of Length Change due to Formation of Ferrite in Invar. . . . . Ix . . A. Preston Zones VIII . . Discussion of Results . . VII .9 -viLIST OF TABLES Table Number I II Page Number Chemical Composition.... ........ . . ......... Dimensional Changes on Aging at 700 C Following . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . 49 ... . . . . . 50 . . . 52 Dimensional Changes on Aging Quenched Invar . . . . . . . . . Residual Stress at Surface of 0.375 Inch Diameter Bars of Invar Subjected to Various Treatments X 54 Change in Lattice Parameter of Austenite Phase on Aging Invars of Varying Carbon Content XI . . . 66 Changes in Hardness on Aging Quenched Invars of Varying Carbon Content... XIII 59 Variation of Hardness of Invars of Varying Carbon Content with Rate of Cooling from 8300 C . . . . XII 47 Dimensional Changes on Aging Quenched Invars of Subjected to Drop Tests, IX . Dimensional Changes on Aging Quenched Invars of Medium Carbon Content at 700 C . . ... VIII 39 .. Dimensional Changes on Aging Furnace Cooled Invar Varying Carbon Content. . . VII 24 38 of Varying Carbon Content. VI . .................. Both Regular and Hot Quenching. V 19 Dimensional Changes on Reheating Aged Specimens at 205* C IV . Carbon Contents after Carubrization and Homogenization.... III . ....... . 67 . . Changes in Hardness on Aging Quenched Invars of Medium Carbon Content at 700 C . . . . .. . . . 70 Page Number Table Number XIV Variation of Both Magnetization and Curie Point . . of Low Carbon Invar with Treatment . . . . . XV 73 Changes in Magnetization on Aging Furnace Cooled Invars of Varying Carbon Content YVII . . . .. . . . . . . 74 . . 76 . . . . Changes in Magnetization on Aging Quenched Invars of Medium Carbon Content at 700 C XIX . Changes in Magnetization on Aging Quenched Invars of Varying Carbon Content XVIII 71 Variation of Magnetization of Invars of Varying Carbon Content with Rate of Cooling from 8300 C XVI - vii - Variation of . . . . . . . 77 coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Invars of Varying Carbon Content with Rate of Cooling from 8309 C. . . . XX . . . . . . . . . 78 Changes in Coefficient of Thermal Expansion on Aging Furnace Cooled Invars of Varying Carbon Content ..............--...- 79 - viii - LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page Number Number 1 Atmosphere Controlled Furnace 2 Apparatus for Measuring Coefficient of Thermal Expansion..... 3 . . . ... .. . . . . . 95 . 96 97 . ....... 98 . 99 . Dimensional Changes on Aging quenched Invar (0.07 C, .. . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Dimensional Changes on Aging Quenched Invar C . 101 ... Dimensional Changes oh Aging Cold Worked Invar . . . . . . . . . . 102 Dimensional Changes on Aging Annealed'Invar (0.07 C, 0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni) 10 . ........ (0.07 C, 0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni) 9 . . ....... (0.07 C, 0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni) at 7 0 8 . . . . Dimensional Changes on Re-Aging at 500 C 0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni) 7 . Dimensional Changes on Aging Invar (0.07 C, Following Aging at 70 0 C 6 . . . 0.44 t, 36.8 Ni) at 700 5 . . Dimensional Changes on Aging Quenched Invar (0.07 C, 0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni) 4 . .. 103 *... Dimensional Changes on Aging Invar (0.07 C, 0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni) Cooled at Different Rates from Both 83 0 11 C and 315 0 C ... .. . .. .. . 104 Dimensional and Volume Changes on Aging Annealed Invar (0.07 C, 0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni) at 5400 C and Quenching in Water to 20C. ......... 105 Page Figure Number 12 Number Dimensional Changes on Aging Decarburized and Quenched Invar (0.01 C, 0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni). . 106 13 Dimensional Changes on Aging Decarburized and Annealed Invar (0.01 C, 0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni). . 107 14 Dimensional Changes Remilting from Drop Tests of Quenched and of Annealed Invar (0,7 C, 0.44 . . . . . .108 . Distribution of Residual Stress in Quenched Invar (0.07 C, 0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni) 16 . . . . . . . . . . 15 Mn, 36.8.Ni) Plot of Lattice Parameter vs. Carbon Content of Invar (0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni) Heated 500 Hours at Various Temperatures. 17 . . . .. . . . 110 . . . . 111 Plot of J vs. H for Quenched Invar (0.07 C, 0.44 19 . Solubility of Carbon in Austenitic Phase of Invar (0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni) . . . . . . 18 . un, 36.8 Ni) at 130 C . . . . . . . . . 112 Variation of Saturation J with Temperature for Annealed Invar (0.07 C, 0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni 113 20 Variation of Saturation J with Temperature for Quenched Invars (0.10 Mn, 36.0 Ni) of Varying Carbon Content . . . . . . . . . . . 114 21 Microstructures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 - ix - ACIaOWLEDGMENTS The writer wishes to express his appreciation to: Professors Morris Cohen and Benjamin L. Averbach under whose joint direction this research was carried out, for their advice and deep interest; Professor John T. Norton, for use of x-ray equipment and advice regarding x-ray technique; John M. Fitzpatrick, Walter Fitzgerald, Leonard Sudenfield, and Harold Ludwig for assistance in the various tests and techniques used; My wife, Annette Lement, for measurements of the x-ray diffraction films and for taking care of more than her share of our domestic and social tasks. I. INTRODUCTION The problem of making metal parts that will maintain constant dimensions has become increasingly important to industrial development. Metals changpdimensions when subjected to variations in temperature or to aging at a constant temperature. These dimensional changes are due to normal thermal expansion or contraction, phase transformations, and stress phenomena. To minimize such dimensional changes requires proper selection of alloy composition, method of processing, and heat treatment. Because of its very low coefficient of thermal expansion, the 36:64 nickel-iron alloy "Invar" has an inherent advantage over other alloys for applications requiring constant dimensions. However, even with this alloy there is still the problem of achieving dimensional stability with respect to aging in the ambient range. Furthermore, the coefficient of thermal expansion of Invar has been found to depend on prior thermal and mechanical treatment. Although Invar has been used successfully in the past for such applications as length standards, geodetic tape, clock pendulums and wheels, and thermostatic strips, even more exacting dimensional characteristics are being required by modern high precision equipment. To meet this challenge, a more basi: understanding of the metallurgical phenomena responsible for the dimensional behavior of Invar is necessary. It is for this reason that the present thesis investi- gation was undertaken. -2- II. SUMMARY The dimensional behavior of Invar was studied by means of pre- cision length, specific volume, x-ray diffraction, hardness, magnetic, and thermal expansion measurements. SpWg;al techniques involving decarburization, carburization, stress analysis, x-ray diffraction, electrolytic extraction, and metallograplhic examination were employed. This investigation showed that there are several expansion and contraction effects that play a significant role in the dimensional behavior of Invar. The metallurgical phenomena believed responsible for these effects are as follows: (1) Formation of residual stress by rapid cooling, which results in an expansion. (2) Relief of residual stress by aging or by mechanical "shock", which results in a contraction. (3) Formation and disappearance of Guinier-Preston zones within the austenitic solid solution, which result in an expansion and contraction respectively at low aging temperatures. (/) Precipitation and re-solution of both carbide and graphite, which result in a contraction and expansion respectively at moderately high aging temperatures. -3- III. A. PREVIOUS WORK Prior Investigations The discovery of the alloy vInvar" was made in the year 1896 by C. E. Guillaume of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in France. Guillaume was looking for a cheaper alloy as a substitute for the platinum-iridium alloy used in length standards. He found that iron-nickel alloys in the range of about 30 to 60 percent nickel possess lower coefficients of thermal expansion at room temperature than either pure iron or pure nickel and that the alloy containing 36 percent nickel possesses the minimum coefficient. This alloy was named "Invar" since it is practically invariable with respect to temperature changes in the vicinity of room temperature. Several theories(1) have been advanced to explain the low co- efficient of Invar. 1. These theories may be summarized as follows: Existence of a compound or superlattice corresponding to Fe2 Ni. 2. Reversible transformation of austenite to ferrite in the neighborhood of room temperature. 3. Reversible transformation of a ferromagnetic austenite phase to a paramagnetic phase coexisting below the Curie point. 4. Effect of ferromagnetism on lattice parameter of austenite. No experimental evidence has been presented to support the existence of a compound or superlattice, reversible ferrite-austenite transformation, or coexistence of ferromagnetic and paramagnetic austenites as claimed in theories 1, 2 and 3. On the contrary, evidence (-4obtained by Owen, Yates, and Sully(2) indicates that the overall change in length of a bar of Invar can be correlated with the change in lattice parameter of the austenite phase. SuLLy( Although Owen and have shown that below about 4700 C (8800 F) the equilibrium structure of Invar consists of both austenite and ferrite, the austenite to ferrite reaction does not occur at an appreciable rate at room temperature and the amount of ferrite resulting from an annealing treatment is probably small. Therefore, the anomalous expansion of Invar must be due to the effect of ferromagnetism as claimed by theory 4. According to the band theory (4) , ferromagnetism may occur in elements or alloys with unfilled d-bands provided that the magnetized state has a lower energy than the unmagnetized state. The relative magnitudes of the Fermi and exchange energy associated with the d-band determines which state has the lower energy. The Fermi or kinetic energy depends on the height to which the band is filled with electrons as well as on the shape of the band. The exchange energy which is the potential energy of electrostatic interaction between electrons is dependent on the relative numbers of electrons of opposite spin. If there are more electrons spinning in one direction, than in the opposite direction, the exchange energy is lower than for equal numbers of opposite spin. In order for ferromagnetism to occur, there must be more electrons in the d-band spinning in one direction than in the opposite direction so that a net magnetic moment results. This condition can be stable provided that the associated decrease in exchange energy is larger than the increase in Fermi energy. -5- The difference between the Fermi and exchange energies is called the energy of magnetization and is equal to the difference in energy between the unmagnetized and magnetized states. Knowing both the energy of magnetization and energy corresponding to the magnetized state as a function of atomic separation, it is possible to determine the variation of the energy corresponding to the Unmagnetized state as a function of atomic separation. In the case of Invar the minimum in the energy curve corresponding to the unmagnetized state is believed to have a higher value and to occur at a smaller separation than the minimum in energy curve corresponding to the magnetized state. This means that below its Curie point Invar in the ferromagnetic state is more stable than in the paramagnetic state and has a higher lattice parameter than would be the case if it were paramagnetic. If the ferromagnetism decreases, this is equivalent to a sliift of the ferromagnetic energy curve toward that of the paramagnetic energy curve. Thus on heating up from absolute zero there is- found a de- crease in lattice parameter of the austenite as loss of ferro- magnetism occurs due to the effect of increased temperature which causes the orientation of the magnetic domains to become more and more random. This contraction effect superimposed on the normal expansion due to temperature increase results in a coefficient of almost zero in the vicinity of room temperature. Above room tempera- ture, the coefficient increases with temperature until the Curie point, about 2600 C (5000 F),is reached and the alloy is in the paramagnetic condition. On heating above this temperature the coefficient is fairly constant and has a value even higher than that of pure iron. The coefficient of exoansion of Invar was found by Guillaume(5)P Scott (6), Russell (7) and Hunter mechanical treatments. to be affected by thermal and Quenching from about 8000 C (14700 F) results in a lower coefficient than furnace cooling from this temperature. By cold working it is possible to decrease the coefficient below the as-quenched value and even obtain negative coefficients. However, low coefficients obtained by cold working are found to increase with time. Similarly, low temperature aging treatments increase the value of the coefficient of either cold worked or as-quenched Invar. On reheating cold worked Invar, Hood (9) found that the coefficient increases to a maximum value at about 4700 C (8750 F) and then decreases at higher temperatures. He suggested that the increase in coefficient at 470 0 C (8750 F) might be due to transformation from austenite to ferrite. Sachs and Spretnak (9) disputed this theory on the ground that the alloy is in the single phase austenite field of the equilibrium Iron-Nickel diagram at the temperature considered. In the same investigation Sachs and Spretnak found that cold working is not effective in causing transformation of austenite to ferrite in Invar. Although Invar possesses a low coefficient of thermal expansion at room temperature, Guillaume(10) found that this alloy is subject to dimensional changes which occur on aging at and above room temperature. Guillaume spent over thirty years of research in at- tempting to determine the cause of this dimensional instability and how to overcome it. change occur: (1) In brief, he found that two types of dimensional an expansion or progressive change, and (2) a contraction or transitorr change. Guillaume attributed these changes to the presence of carbon in commercial heats of Invar. He reasoned that carbon was combined in the form of cementite (FeC) which undergoes a volume change in transforming either from the non-magnetic to the magnetic state or vice versa. In support of this theory, he showed that dimensional instability increases with increasing carbon content and decreases with increasing content of carbide forming elements.which he assumed act to prevent the formation of cementite. In order to stabilize Invar without use of carbide forming elements, Guillaume recommended aging for several days at 1000 C (2120 F) and then cooling very slowly to room temperature over a period of several months. B. Possible Eplanations of Invar On the basis of the previous work done on the dimensional be- havior of Invar, it appears that a basic understanding of the various phenomena observed is lacking. In order to form a basis upon which to plan the experimental program, possible explanations of these ohenomena were given consideration. The explanations that were considered involve several metallurgical phenomena known to occur in steel. A discussion of these phenomena and their possible connection with the dimensional behavior of Invar follows. 1. Magnetic Inversion of Cementite. Guillaume's theory that the low temperature expansion is associated with the magnetic inversion of cementite has been mentioned previously. and Chevenard( Le Chatlier have shown that on cooling annealed steel an ex- pansion superimposed on the normal contraction due to temoerature 0 change sets in at the cementite Curie point,210 C (4100 F). This effect increases with carbon content and must be associated with the magnetic inversion of cementite since it always occurs at the Curie point. In order to relate this effect to Invar, it is necessary to assume that cementite is present and that its Curie point is lowered to at least 1000 C (2120 F) where the low temperature expansion has been observed. It is plausible that this might occur due to the presence of some nickel in solid solution in the cementite. However, it is also necessary to assume that cementite can be retained in the non-magnetic state below its Curie point and that a change to the magnetic state occurs on aging. In view of the fact that the Curie point of other ferromagnetic materials has been found to be virtually independent of heat treatment, it remains to be proven whether cementite if it exists in Invar is an exception. 2. Precipitation of Cementite, Graphite or Nickel Carbide. cording to Hunter Ac- (8), the interpretation of Guillaumes' explanation of the dimensional instability of Invar is changing solubility of carbon in austenite during heat treatment. In order to explain either the expansion or contraction that occurs during the low temperature aging of Invar it is necessary to show that the solid solubility of carbon in 36:64 nickel-iron austenite decreases with temperature. The pioneering work done on the iron-nickel-carbon system by T. Kase (12) indicates that the solid solubility of carbon in 36:64 nickel-iron austenite may decrease with decreasing temperature. Unfortunately, Kases' work was based on chemical analysis of combined carbon content which could be the sum of carbon in the form of a carbide and carbon in solid solution. Therefore, the - -9 location of the solid solubility line for carbon is still in doubt. There' are three main possibilities as to the form of the precipitated carbon: cementite, graphite, and nickel carbide. Cementite and graphite are definitely known to exist in steel whereas the evidence for the existence of nickel carbide is sketchy. According to Jacobson and Westgren , nickel carbide (Ni3 C) has a hexagonal close-packed strouture and is stable at temperatures below about 3000 C (5700 F). Whether precipitation of carbon either in the form of cementite, graphite, or nickel carbide results in an overall expansion or contraction depends on the relative specific volume and amount of the austenite phase and carbon containing phase present after precipitation. All three carbon- containing phases have a higher specific volume than the austenite phase; but this tendency for expansion is opposed by the decrease in specific volume of the matrix solution due to depletion of carbon. An additional factor is the effect of nickel content on the specific volume of the austenite phase. Starting with pure iron the addition of nickel increases the specific volume of nickeliron austenite to a maximUm value at 40 percent nickel after which the specific volume decreases to the value for pure nickel. In the event carbon precipitates in the form of cementite (Fe3 C) there should be a decrease in specific volume of the austenite phase due to the loss of carbon and an increase in specific volume due to lowered iron content. If the resultant change is an increase in specific volume, then precipitation of cementite, which is slightly more voluminous than the austenite phase, should result in an overall expansion. - 10 - If, however, the resultant change is a decrease in the specific volume of the austenite phase, then either an overall expansion or contraction will occur depending on whether the total volume of the precipitated cementite phase is larger or smaller than the decrease in volume of the original austenite phase. In the event carbon precipitates in the form of graphite, then the only significant change in the specific volume of the austenite phase would be a decrease due to loss of carbon. This change in volume of the austenite phase is opposed by the formation of the voluminous graphite phase which is approximately 3 1/2 times greater in specific volume. Thus an overall expansion or contraction will be observed depending on whether the total volume of the precipitated graphite is larger or smaller than the decrease in volume of the original austenite phase. If carbon comes out of solid solution in the form of nickel carbide (Ni3 C), then there should be a decrease in the specific volume of the austenite phase due to loss of both carbon and nickel. Since the specific volume of nickel carbide is larger than that of the austenite phase, an overall expansion or contraction will be observed depending on whether the total volume of the precipitated nickel carbide is larger or smaller than the decrease in volume of the original austenite phase. In order to calculate the overall length change resulting from the precipitation of graphite or carbide, it is necessary to know the specific volumes of the precipitated phases as well as the specific volume of austenite as a function of both nickel and carbon. With the exception of the effect of carbon, sufficient data were found in the literature from which to make these calculations. It was there- fore decided to determine the effect of carbon on the lattice parameter and consequently specific volume of 36:64 nickel-iron austenite. As 11 - - will be discussed later, such information enabled calculations to be made of the overall dimensional change resulting from the precipitatiin This of carbide or graphite from Invar containing 0.05 percent carbon. carbon content was selected since it is the lowest for which theaxpansion effect at low aging temperatures was observed. Guillaume's recommendation for the elimination of the expansior effect by a very slow cool after prior aging at 1000 C (2120 F) couldbe understood on the basis of precipitation of carbon in the form of a carbide or graphite. Assuming that precipitation occurs at a maxi- mum rate at 1000 C (2120 F), then aging at this temperature would be effective in removing most of the carbon from solid solution and reducing the tendency for dimensional change. However, there should still be some carbon in solution corresponding to the solid solu- bility at 1000 C (2120 F). If the alloy is simply air cooled to room temperature, the carbon may remain dissolved but eventually must precipitate out of solution. In order to minimize this effect, it is necessary to precipitate all the carbon in excess of the solubility limit at room temperature. Theoretically all one has to do to accomplish this is to age long enough at room temperature; however, due to the exceedingly low rate of diffusion, such a process might take an infinite length of time. In order to minimize the time for complete precipitation, it would be logical to age at the temperature of maximum rate of precipitation until the process stops, lower the temperature so that the solid solution becomes more supersaturated and age until the process again stops, and repeat until room temperature is reached. In effect, Guillaume's recom- mended very slow rate of cooling can be considered equivalent to a series of Wing treatments at lower and lower temperatures. - - 12 The opposite of precipitation, that is re-solution, could conceivably account for part of the dimensional change observed on aging Invar. If during slow cooling, for example, some of the carbon is precipitated before room temperature is attained, subsequent aging at a high enough temperature could cause re-solution as manifested by an expansion or contraction depending on whether precipitation results in a contraction or expansion. If the precipitated phase has a fine enouch particle size, it is possible for retrogression to occur. This phenomenon involves re-solution of particles below a certain critical size and can orecede further precipitation on aging. The possibility that Transformation of Austenite to Ferrite. 3. the low temperature expansion is due to a transformation from austenite to ferrite as suggested by Russell is supported by the equili- brium diagram of Owen and Sully(3) which shiows that at a temperature of 3000 c (5700 F) a pure Invar should consist of about 55 percent austenite iron). (58:42 nickel-iron) and 45 percent ferrite (5:95 nickel- However, in order to attain equilibrium conditions it was found necessar7 to severely cold work and age for long periods of time. After ordinary heat treatment it is generally claimed that Invar is entirely in the austenitic condition. It is conceivable that a small amount of transformation could occur on aging at 1000 C (2120 F) although the rate of such transformation would be very slow at this temperature. The effect of impurities such as carbon, manganese, and silicon found in commercial Invar on this transformation is not known; however, based on the effect of these elements on ferritic hardenability in ordinary steel, it is suspected that the trans- formation would be retarded by their presence. It is also possible that austenite transforms to a carbideferrite or graphite-ferrite aggregate. Either an overall expansion or contraction will occur depending on the relative amounts and -13- specific volumes of the constituents making up the aggregate and how the specific volume of the untransformed austenite phase is affected. It is obvious that there are numerous possibilities in con- nection with this type of transformation and therefore a detailed analysis of dimensional changes would be of great complexity due to the many assumptions required at this point. Assuming that transformation of austenite to ferrite results in an overall expansion, if any ferrite were present in Invar at room temperature, on reheating there would be a reverse transformation of ferrite to austenite which should result in a contraction. However, it is doubtful whether such a contraction would occur at low aging temperatures where an approach to equilibrium in the opposite direction is more likely. It is believed, therefore, that the ferrite to auste- low aging temperatures as suggested by Russell . nite reaction could not account for the observed contraction at In order to explain why the coefficient of thermal expansion at room temperature should be lower after fast cooling than after slow cooling, the possibility that annealing favors, whereas quench- ing suppresses, transformation of the austenite to ferrite was considered. If ferrite formed, the resulting two-phase alloy should have a higher coefficient than the alloy in the single phase condition due to the much higher coefficient of ferrite containing about 5 percent nickel as compared with austenite containing about 36 percent nickel. 4. Transformation of Austenite to Martensite. The possibility of a martensite reaction occurring isothermally at a low temperature was also considered. Although the martensite reaction was in the -14on past believed to take place only/cooling, recent work by Averbach and Cohen (14) and Kurdjumov (15) has indicated that it can also take place isothermally. On the basis of the austenite-martensite volume change occurring in steel, a length increase of about 140 microinches per inch for each percent of transformation would be expected. If the austenite-martensite reaction were reversible, then the contraction on aging could be accounted for. There is also the possibility that decomposition of martensite by rejection of carbon on aging could at least partially account for the observed contraction. The occurrence of an austenite to martensite transformation could account for the fact that a lower coefficient results after quenching than after furnace cooling in the same way as suggested for an austenite to ferrite transformation provided that the martensite has a higher coefficient than the austenite from which it forms. 5. Residual Stress Formation and Stress Relief. could account for dimensional changes on aging Invar. Stress relief The occurrence of residual stress in a metal object which has been subjected to rapid cooling from a relatively high temperature is well known. Where there is no phase change involved, the setting up of residual stress must be due to the difference in cooling rate between the center and surface portions of the metal object. The cooling stresses usually result in residual compression at the surface and residual tension in the interior. On aging relief of this residual stress occurs giving rise to dimensional changes. Wheth .r a contraction or ex- pension results depends on the exact stress distribution, the 15 - - variation of elastic limit in both tension and compression with temperature, and the rate of heating to and cooling from the aging temperature. Guillaume's recommendation for the achievement of dimensional stability can be partially understood on the basis of stress relief. Heating to 1000 C (2120 F) for several days might result in a sufficient degree of stress relief so that negligible dimensional changes would occur subsequently provided that Invar is not heated above this temperature in service. Slow cooling from 1000 C (2120 F) to 200 C (680 F) over a period of several months as recommended by Guillaume is not an efficient way of achieving stress relief. Holding longer at 1000 C (2120 F) will result in greater stress relief than slow cooling. Residual stress can also be introduced by cold working. The distribution of residual stress and the resulting dimensional changes due to stress relief on aging will depend on how the cold working is applied. It is possible that the reported differences in coefficient of expansion resulting from furnace cooling, cuenching, and cold working Invar may be due to the relief of residual stress. The reported dilatometer curves which were made for the purpose of determining coefficients of expansion usually show that heating was carried out well above room temperature. This could result in stress relief as manifested by a dimensional change superimposed on the normal heating curve and lead to a false measure of the coefficient, particularly if an average value over a range of temperatures is being determined. - -16 Without knowledge of the magnitude of irreversible changes due to stress relief the reported values of the coefficient are open to question. 6. Alteration of Manetic State by Cold Work. The lowering of the coefficient by cold work could be attribut'ed to alteration of the ferromagnetic condition of the austenite. It is possible that the intensity of magnetization could be affected .by cold work in such a way that the temperature dependence of the contraction due to the gradual reversion from the ferromagnetic to the paramagnetic state on heating results in a lowered overall coefficient of expansion at room temperature. The observed effect of reheating after cold working on the coefficient could also be explained on this basis. Reheating tends to remove the effects of cold working and consequently the coefficient would be increased. - - 17 IV. PLAN OF EXPERIMENTAL WOEK AND MATERIALS USED Based on consideration of the possibilities discusged in the previous section, a plan of the experimental work to be followed in this investigation was decided upon. The main outline of this plan is as follows: 1. Determination of the effect of quenching, annealing, and cold working on length changes during subsequent aging of Invars of varying carbon content. 2. Determination of the magnitude and distribution of residual stress in quenched Invar. 3. Determination of the solid solubility of carbon in 36:64 nickel-iron austenite. 4. Determination of the possible existence of cementite, graphite, nickel carbide, ferrite, and martensite in Invar and the conditions under which they form. 5. Determination of the effect of heat treatment on the hardness of Invar. 6. Determination of the effect of thermal and mechanical treatment on the temperature dependence of intensity of magnetization of Invar. 7. Determination of the coefficient of thermal expansion at room temperature of Invar subjected to thermal and mechanical treatments, taking into account irreversible length changes. The materials used in this investigation were iron-nickel-carbon alloys obtained in the form of 0.250 and 0.375 inch diameter rod mostly in the cold drawn condition. The chemical composition of these materials is given in Table I. investigated: (1) 18 Two series of Invars were 0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni; and (2) 0.10 Mn, 36.0 Ni. - - 19 - - TABLE I CHEMICAL CMTPOSITION Ni C Mn Si 8 P 0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni* 0.07 0.44 0.24 0.011 0.007 36.82 0.10 Mn, 36.0 Ni 0.02 0.09, 0.01 0.012 0.008 36.02 0.10 0.12 0.08 0.010 0.009 36.10 0.15 0.08 0.17 0.021 0.009 36.03 0.25 0.05 0.20 0.022 0.010 36.60 0.40 0.10 0.07 0.013 0.009 35.89 0.58 0.07 0.22 0.022 0.012 36.16 0.74 0.07 0.17 0.020 0.009 35.89 0.99 0.14 0.24 0.011 0.012 36.10 Invar Series * By decarburization and carburization techniques, Invars varying in carbon content from 0.01 to 0.84 percent were made from this composition. - - 20 V. A. EXPERIMENTAL EQUIPNENT AiD TECNIQUES Heat Treatment 1. Quenching. Heating prior to quenching of Invar specimens was carried out either in a lead pot furnace or a tube furnace. The lead pot, 10 inches in diameter by 10 inches deep inside a chromel wound muffle, was maintained at 830 + 50 C (1525 + 100 F) for this treatment. It was found that distortion resulting from water quench- ing specimens 0.250 inch in diameter by 4 inches in length could be minimized by use of a jig consisting of two parallel rods 0.25 inch square and 8 inehes long welded 6 inches apart across a rod 12 inches long. Two specimens could be tied on the jig with iron wire in a position parallel to and on either side of the 12 inch rod. The loaded jig was placcd in the lead pot to completely suknerge the specimens about 4 inches from the surface. After 30 minutes of heating at 8300 C (15250 F) the loaded jirg was removed from the lead pot and quenched in a tank of water using an up and down motion. With this procedure, distortion as measured by "bowing" of the specimens was usually found to be less than 0.005 inch. When it was desired to quench specimens from as high as 1205* C (22000 F) a vertical tube furnL.ce shown in Figure 1 was used because the lead pot could not be heated above 8700 C (16000 F). The tube furnace contained a muffle 2 inches in diameter and 24 inches long, wound with Kanthal A resistance wire. A quartz tube with con- strictions for inlet and outlet gas connections was placed inside - - 21 of the muffle. The furnace provided a four inch long zone at the center of the tube throughout which the temperature was constant within 50 C (100 F). Either dry nitrogen, hydrogen, or argon gas was used as a protective atmosphere and entered the quartz tube through the bottom of the furnace. In practice, specimens were tied with iron wires and lowered into the zone. 4 inch constant temperature Because of the lack of space for a quenching jig and the higher temperatures employed, appreciable distortion often occurred. This necessitated heat treating a greater number of duplicate specimens until enough specimens with an acceptable degree of bowing, less than about 0.01 inch, became available. Heating of Invar specimens prior to furnace 2.. Firnace Cooling. cooling was carried out in a small retort furnace heated by resistance elements. The retort contained inlet and outlet connections for a protective atmosphere. Hydrogen gas was found to result in the brightest surface after furnace cooling of Invar. The procedure was to place the specimens in the retort, turn on the hydrogen gas, heat to 830 + 80 C (1525 + 15*0 F) in about 3 hours, hold at tempera- ture for 1 hour, and furnace cool to room temoerature in about 10 hours. 3. Aging. Aging at room temperature was carried out in a constant temperature room maintained at 20 + 10 C (68 + 20 F). Aging between 200 C (680 F) and 1500 C (3000 F) was carried out in oil pots maintained within 30 C (50 F) of the desired temperature. Aging above 1500 C (3000 F) and up to 5400 C (10000 F) was carried out in salt pots maintained within 50 C (100 F) of the desired - - 22 temperature. The following times were found necessary for the center of specimen 0.250 inch in diameter by 4 inches in length to attain within 50 C (100 F) of the temperature of the aging bath: Tepperature Medium 500 C Oil 1 minute 1500 C Oil 2 minutes 2050 C Salt 1 minute 4250 C Salt 0.5 minute Time for Center to Reach Temperature The time of cooling from a 3150 C (6000 F) salt bath to room temperature for specimens 0.250 inch in diameter by 4 inches in length was found to be as follows: Medium Time for Center to Reach Room Temoerature Water 1 second Air 20 minutes Silocel 45 minutes 4. Carburization and Homogenization. out in the tube furnace shown in Figure l Carburization was carried A gas train similar to that used by Low and Gensamer (16) was constructed for the purpose of carrying out carburization, homogenization, and decarburization experiments. Carburization was carried out by bubbling dry purified hydrogen through liquid heptane. The steps involved in purifying and drying ordinary tank hydrogen consisted of passing this gas through platinized asbestos at 4000 C (7500 F), anhydrous calcium sulfate, anhydrous magnesium perchlorate, and a trap cooled by liquid nitrogen. The purpose of the platinized asbestos was to get rid of any oxygen by catalyzing the reaction 2H2 + 02 -- +. 2H20- The water formed by this reaction as well as any water initially -23- present in the tank hydrogen is removed by the two chemicals and liquid nitrogen trap, and dry oxygen-free hydrogen gas is thus prepared. This gas when bubbled through liquid heptane maintained at 0' C (320 F) in an ice bath acts as a carrier of hydrocarbon vapor. A low flow rate adjusted to result in barely perceptible bubbling through the liquid heptane was maintained during carburization. Appropriate temperature-time combinations were selected to result in the desired degree of carbrization. In order to obtain powder of a given carbon content for the x-ray diffraction experiments, it was decided to carburize Invar specimens 0.250 inch in diameter by 2 inches in length weighing about 9 grams. This size specimen also allowed enough material for chemical analysis of carbon content at both the center and surface of the specimen. It was expected that after carburization a carbon gradient would exist from surface to center and a homogenization treatment carried out in dry nitrogen would be required to equalize the carbon content throughout the 0.250 inch diameter section. An initial experiment gave the following results: Carburization Treatment 12050 C - 6 hours 12050 C - 6 hours Homogenization Treatment % C at Surface % C at Center none 0.824 0.770 0.783 0.775 12050 C - 3 hours Specimens were water quenched to room temperature after carburization and after homogenization. This experiment gave an idea of how much carbon could be introduced by carburization and showed that equali- zation throughout the 1/4 inch section to within 0.01 percent of - - 24 carbon was attainable. Homogenization treatments at lower tempera- tures were tried but the times required became excessive below 10950 C (20000 F). A homogenization treatment consisting of 24 hours at 1095* C (20000 F) was finally selected for this work. The carburizing treatments and resulting carbon contents of the series of specinens used in the x-ray diffraction work are given in Table II. TABLE II CARBE0 CONTENTb-FTER Carburizing Treatment None 9800 C 2 hrs. - CiJRBURIZbTION AND 'TOMOGENIZATION Carbon Content zAfter Homogenizing 24, Hours at 10950 C Average Center Surface 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.130 0.124 0.127 10400 C - 4 hrs. 0.270 0.266 0.268 10950 C - 2 hrs. 0.376 0.365 0.369 1095* C - 4 hrs. 0.421 0.411 0.416 8 hrs. 0.505 0.485 0.495 11500 C - 8 hrs. 0.616 0.638 0.627 12300 C - 8 hrs. 0.832 0.844 0.838 10950 C Melting occurred wehen an attempt was made to carburize at 12600 C (23000 F); therefore a carbon content of about 0.84 percent was considered the limit attainable by this technique using an 8 hour carburizing period. 7 5. 25 - - Decarburization. Decarburization was carried out by the use of wet hydrogen. To produce the wet hydrogen, tank hydrogen was first passed through platinized asbestos at 400 0 C (7500 F) to remove oxygen and then through a water saturator. After some preliminary experimentation, it was found that with a flow rate of 2 cubic feet per hour and the water saturator maintained at 70 0 C (1580 F) effective decarburization of a 0.250 inch diameter Invar specimen could be accomplished in 24 hours at 10950 C (20000 F). Chemical analysis before and after this treatment gave the following results: Treatment As received 24 hours at 10950 C in wet H2 Carbon Pyen Nitrogen 0.070 0.0027 0.0058 0.011 0.0036 0.0077 These results show a significant decrease in carbon content along with but a slight increase in oxygen and nitrogen contents. B. Precision Length Meagurements Precision length measurements were carried out by the use of a Sheffield Comparator of 5000X magnification. Specimens 0.250 inch in diameter and 4 inches long were spherically ground to a 2 inch radius at their both ends in order to provide a reproducible high spot for precise measurement and also to minimize the error due to small deviations in positioning when held vertically in a jig. The anvil to gaging point distance of the comparator was maintained at 4.120 inches so that in making a measurement it was necessary for the specimen to rest with its bottom end on a gage block of the proper size which was wrung to the anvil. By moving the jig and conse- quently the specimen back and forth in contact with the gaging was taken of point a maximum reading could be taken. Next a reading - -26 a 4.120 inch standard block calibrated to the nearest microinch. From the difference in readings between the specimen and standard block and a measurement of the temperature at which the measure- ments were taken, the length of the specimen prior to or after a given treatment could be determined. The sensitivity of the com- parator used is about 5 microinches so that changes in length of a 4 inch specimen could be determined with an accuracy of within 2 microinches per inch. The reproducibility of length change for duplicate specimens varies with the magnitude of the change. In general it is believed that the precision of measurement of the average length change of duplicate specimens is + 2 microinches per inch or 5 percent, whichever is the larger. In order to make a correction for the difference in coefficient of thernial expansion between the specimen and standard block, accurate measurement of temperature is required. Although length measurements were made in a "constant" temperature room maintained at 20 + 10 C (68 + 20 F), the variation of even 10 C (20 F) results in a large error due to the great difference between the coefficient of expansion of the tool steel standard block and the Invar speci- mens (12 compared with less than 2 microinches per inch per OC). To reduce this error, a large copper block, 2 inches thick by 12 inches square was used for the purpoce of keeping both standard block and specimens at constant temperature. This block was machined with grooves in order to attain intimate contact with cylindrical specimens. The standard block and a dumWy block of the same K -27- material and dimensions were kept side by side on a flat surface of the block. A copper-constantan thermocouple was attached to the dummy block and temperatures were measured by a potentiometer to within + 005* C (0.100 F). C. Specific Volume Measurements The weigh-in-water, weigh-in-air method was used for measurement of specific volume. (17) Cohen and Kohl. This method has been described in detail by The accuracy of measurement is about 0.00002 cubic ems. per gram. D. Drop Tests It was noted that the accidental dropping of a quenched Invar specimen resulted in a relatively large contraction. It was sus- pected that this change of length might be associated with a redistribution of residual stress. tests were carried out. In order to check this hypothesis, drop These tests consisted of dropping specimens from a height of 5 feet above a concrete floor and measuring the resultant change in length. In order not to injure the spherical ends of the specimen, a small electromagnet having two wound cores When the was used to hold the specimen in a horizontal position. current in the electromagnet was turned off, the specimen dropped and maintained its horizontal position on striking the floor. The re- bound was as high as 2 feet above the concrete floor and specimens were usually caught on the first bounce. E. Heyn Analysis for Residual Stress The Heyn analysis was used to determine the residual stress in Invar specimens subjected to various heat treatments. This analysis assumes the existence of longitudinal stress but no radial or - - 28 circumferential stress. In carrying out the Heyn analysis it is necessary to determine the change of length resulting from machining off layers from the surface. If after reducing the area of a cylindrical specimen to a value A, a change in length e measured on a unit length basis results, then the force F that the machined off surface layer exerted on the section of area A is given by the following: (1) F = EAe Where E = Young's modulus The stress S that must have existed at the radius corresponding to A prior to machining is given by: (2) S = = -E A + e Thus the residual stress distribution can be calculated knowing the value of E (21 X 106 p.s.i. for Invar), the rate of change of e with A at a given A, and the value of e at a given A. In order to deter- mine the variation of e with A, specimens 0.250 and 0.375 inch in diameter and 4 inches in length possessing spherical ends were centerless ground taking off 0.001 inch from the diameter at each pass. area The change of length corresponding to decreased sectional was determined by precision length measurements. For the most part only the residual stress at the surface was desired and this as determined by machining 0.020 inch in steps of 0.001 inch off the diameter. The value of surfaoe stress was at the calculated using equation (2) substituting the value of d dA surface and zero for e. The accuracy of surface residual stess as determined by the Heyn method is estimated to be about 10 percent. - - 29 F. X-rar Diffraction Measurements 1. Precision Lattice Parameter Measurements. Precision lattice parameter measurements of the austenite phase in Invar were made using a symmetrical back reflection camera 10 cms. in diameter. Specimens in the form of 325 mesh powder were used. A cobalt target was sel-cted in order to obtain enough high angle lines to facilitate determination of lattice parameters by the extrapolation method. The accuracy of this method is about 0.01 percent, which 0 amounts to + 0.0003 A for the austenite lattice parameter. Three lines were obtained in the back reflection diffraction pattern resulting from the face-centered cubic austenitic phase. These lines are as follows: Line hkl 1 400 Cobalt K alpha 1 0.99 Medium (diffuse) 2 400 Cobalt K alpha 2 0.99 Strong (sharp) 3 331 Cobalt K beta 1 0.97 Weak (sharp) Radiation sin 2e Relative Intensity In order to calculate the lattice parameter corresponding to each line the following equations were used: Where 8 = Bragg angle in degrees. = 90 - (1) or 6 = 90 - 0.14129 S S = Separation on film in mm. D = diameter of camera (101.38 mm). (2) a - 2 + I Where a = lattice parameter = wavelength of radiation in angstroms hkl = Miller indicies of atomic plane. The value of the lattice parameter corresponding to each line was plotted against sin 26. The value obtained by extrapolating to sin2e = 1 was taken to be the lattice parameter of the specimen. - - 30 The parametric method of determining the solubility of carbon in 36:64 nickel-iron -austenite was employed. In the determination of the phase boundary of a terminal solid solution in a two component system by this method, there are two main steps. First, it is necessary to determine the relationship between lattice parameter and composition of the solid solution phase by quenching a series of specimens of varying composition from the temperature of maximum solubility. Second, specimens of an alloy exceeding the maximum solubility of the solid solution are brought to equilibrium and quenched from temperatures up to that corresponding to maximum solubility. From the lattice para- meters of the solid solutions in equilibrium with the second phase at each temperature and the relationship between lattice parameter and composition of the terminal solid solution, the composition-temperature or phase boundary of the terminal solid solution can be constructed. The procedure uied for binary systems depends on the fact that the composition of two phases in equilibrium at a given temperature is independent of the amounts of the phases present. In a ternary system, the compositions of two phases in equilibrium at a given temperature are not necessarily fixed. Therefore, instead of determining the relation between the lattice parameter and carbon content at only the temperature corresponding to maximum solubility, it was planned to determine t-nis relation at all temperatures. It was expected that a plot of lattice parameter vs. carbon content would exhibit a discontinuous change in slope (but not necessarily a horizontal break) at the carbon content corresponding to the limit of solubility for a given temperature. The solid solubility curve of carbon in 36:64 nickel-iron austenite could then be determined by plotting the carbon content at the discontinuity vs. temperature. - - 31 2. Identification of Phases Present. In order to determine whether or not Invar contains phases other than austenite two x-ray diffraction techniques were used. One technique described by Averbach and Cohen (is) consists of exposing the polished and etched surface of a solid specimen 0.375 inch in diameter to monochromatic radiation in a modified Debye camera. Iron K-alpha radiation monochromatized by a bent rock salt crystal and exposure times of 12 hours were employed. The other technique involves use of the regular Debye camera and a powdered specimen made in the shape of a wire about 0.5 mi. in diameter with cellulose acetate as binder. The specimens were prepared by an electrolytic extraction technique used to separate carbides from steel. The details of this technique are given in the following section. G. Electrolytic Extraction Electrolytic extractions for possible graphite or carbides were carried out in an acid cell designed by Blickwede (19). In this cell a specimen 0.250 inch in diameter by 4 inches long serves as anoLe and is surrounded by a cylindrical copper cathode. Both anode and cathode are immersed in an electrolyte, 5 percent hydrochloric acid. A current of 0.5 amps is used which results in a current density of 0.15 amp. per square inch. usually about 48 hours. The duration of a run is Every 8 hours specimens are scraped and washed with 2 percent hydrochloric acid to obtain the insoluble residue. This residue is kept at 00 C (-32* F) until vacuum filtered. The filtered residue is washed with 200 cubic cms. of distilled water and dried in a vacuum oven for 8 hours at 650 C (1500 F) after which slow cooling in vacuum is carried out. The filter and residue are placed in a dessiccator for 4 hours and finally weighed. From the 32 - - weight of the residue and the dissolved specimen, the weight percent of the residue can be calculated. H. Hardness Tests Measurements of Rockwell B hardness were made in a standard Rockwell machine. The values reported are accurate to + 1 Rockwell B unit. I. Maanetic Measurements Measurements of variation of intensity of magnetization with temperature were made using the apparatus described by Zmeskal and Cohen(20) for specimens 0.250 inch in diameter by 4 inches long. A rate of heating of 50 C (100 F) per minute was maintained in making a run. By calibration, the following relation was determined from which to calculate intensity of magnetization (J): J = 6.37 (D - D ) gauss. Ds = deflection of galvanometer for complete reversal of field with specimen in secondary cell. DA = deflection of galvanometer for complete reversal of field without specimen in secondary coil. A magnetic field intensity of H = 1100 oersteds which is well above saturation was used in these measurements. J. Measurement of Thermal Expansion Coefficient The determination of the coefficient of thermal expansion of Invar at room temperature represents a more difficult problem than for other metals because of the low magnitude involved. In order to measure the coefficient of Invar an apparatus shown in Figure 2 was - - 33 constructed. This apparatus consists of a water bath with heater and stirrer, two metallographic microscopes on an adjustable support, a clamp for holding test specimens fixed with respect to the adjustable support, and two rectangular arms 3 inches in length. The clamp is attached to the middle of an Invar specimen 0.250 inch in diameter and 4 inches long by a set screw and holds the specimen in a horizontal position below the surface of the liquid bath. The two arms are also attached by set screws to either end of the specimen and protrude vertically through openings about 4 inches apart in the cover of the bath. The specimen assembled with clamp and arms attached is shown outside of the water bath in the front view of Figure 2. When this assembly is put into the water bath and a run started only the arms can be seen as shown in the side view of Figure 2. The arms each have a Knoop impression which serves as a marker for measuring changes in length. The microscopes are focussed on these marks, and by means of a filar eyepiece on each microscope, relative motion of the Knoop impressions and consequently change in length of the specimen due to change in temperature of the bath can be measured. In making a determination of coefficient of expansion, the temperature of the bath was varied from 200 C (680 F) to 500 C (1200 F) as measured by a copper-constantan thermocouple attached to the middle of the specimen. In order to get rid of any irreversible length changes, measurements were repeated through the same temperature range until a constant value of the coefficient of expansion was obtained. The adjustable support, clamp, and arms were all made of Invar to minimize any expansion due to temperature change. The accuracy of a thermal coefficient determined by this method is estimated to be about 0.1 microinches per inch per OC (0.05 per OF). VI. A. - 34 - EPERIEiTTAL RESULTS Dimensional Changes-on Aging 1. Invar (0.07C, 0.44. Mn, 36.8 Ni) a. Aging Following Quenching from 8300 C. The effect of aging quenched Invar on change of length is shown in Figure 3. Specimens were water quenched to 20* C (680 F) after 30 minutes at 8300 C (15250 F) and initial measurements of length were taken. Aging was carried out for as long as 1000 hours or more at temperatures up to 2050 C (4000 F) and specimens were air cooled to room temperature for measurements of length after successively increasing time increments. As shown in Figure 3, aging at 200 C (6$0 F) results in a slight contraction whereas aging from 50' C (1200 F) to 950 C (2000 F) results in an initial contraction followed by an expansion. The greatest expansion occurs at 700 C (1580 F) th0 curve for which is still increasing after 2000 hours. At 950 C (200* F) the expansion reaches a maximum in about 250 hours after which a contraction occurs. Aging at 120* C (2500 F) to 2050 C (4900 F) results in increasing contractions. On the basis of these initial results it appears that on aging at temperatures up to 2050 C (4000 F) at least two phenomena are occurring. One of these phenomena causes a contraction which increases with increasing aging temperature. The other phenomenon causes an expansion and occurs at aging temperatures up to at least 95* C (2000 F). As will be shown later the contraction effect is due to stress relief. For convenience, the expansion effect will be referred to as the 700 C (1580 F) expansion since it occurs to a maximum extent at this temperature. - - 35 b. Agijng at 700 C Following Quenching From Temperatures up to 5400 C. The effect of water quenching to 20* C (680 F) after 1 hour at temperatures up to 5400 C (10000 F) on subsequent aging at 700 C (1580 F) is shown in Figure 4. Specimens were first water quenched from 830* C (1525* F) and initial measurements of length were taken. As shown in Figure 4, increasing initial contractions result from quenching from temperatures up to 3150 C (6000 F). Quenching from 425* C (8000 F) results in less of a contraction than from 2050 C (400* F) and ouenching from 540* C (10000 F) results in an expansion. On subsequent aging at 700 C (1580 F), an initial contraction followed by an expansion occurs with the exception of specimens quenched from 4250 C (8000 F) which only show an expansion. As judged by the magnitu.e of the expansion which occurred after completion of the initial contraction on aging, quenching from higher temperatures has a greater effect than from lower temperatures. It was noted that quenching from 1200 C (2500 F) results in the smallest expansion. On the basis of these results, it appears that a third phenomenon giving rise to an expansion occurs on quenching from temperatures above 3150 C (6000 F). As will be shown later this expansion effect is associated with the formation of residual stress. c. Re-Aging at 500 C Following Aging at 700 C. The ef- fect of re-aging specimens at 50' C (1200 F) after 1000 hours of aging at 700 C (1580 F) is shown in Fig;ure 5. These specimens were' quenched in water from 8300 C (15250 F) to 200 C (680 F) prior to the first aging treatment at 700 C (1580 F). 36 - - As shown in Figure 5, practically no change in length occurred after 1000 hours of aging at 500 C (120* F). This indicates that the phenomenon responsible for the low temperature expansion effect is 0 slowed down to a negligible rate by a long aging treatment at 7 * C It follows that the high dimensional stability exhibited (1580 F). on aging at 500 C (1200 F) should be duplicated on aging at 200 C (680 F) where any expansion would be expected to occur at an even slower rate. d. Aging Following Quenching From 2050 C. The effect of aging at temperatures from 50 0 C (1200 F) to 1500 C (3000 F) following water quenching after 1 hour at 2050 C (4000 F) is shown in Figure 6. Specimens were first water quenched from 8300 C (15250 F) before reheating to and quenching from 2050 C (4000 F), The initial measure- ment of length was taken after quenching from the latter temperature. As shown in Figure 6, aging at 50' C (1200 F), 700 C (1580 F), and 950 C (2000 F) results in expansions which start after approximately 10, 1, and 0.5 hours respectively. After more than 1000 hours, the specimens aged at 500 C (1200 F) and 700 C (1580 F) are still expanding; whereas, on aging at 950 C (200* F) expansion stopped after approximately 75 hours. Aging at 1500 C (300* F) results in an initial expansion during the first 0.2 hour after which a slight contraction occurs. The effect of three long time aging periods at 70* C (1580 F) is shown in Figure 7. Specimens were first water quenched from 8300 C (15250 F) to 20* C (680 F) and then aged at 700 C (1580 F) for 1000 hours. The dimensional changes resulting from this treat- ment are shown in Plot A of Figure 7 which is similar to the 700 C 37 - - (158* F) curve of Figure 3 which represents the same treatment. The same specimens were next reheated to 2050 C (4000 F) for 1 hour and quenched in water to 20* C (680 F). A contraction of 112 microinches per inch resulted from this treatment. Since the specimens had al- ready undergone a net expansion of 32 microinches per inch during the 1000 hour age at 70' C (158* F), they were 80 microinches per inch shorter than their initial length. On subseq7uent aging at 700 C (158* F) as shom in Plot B of Figure 7, an expansion again occurs although this time the small initial contraction is absent. The magnitude of the expansion after 1000 hours is 30 microinches per inch, which is sLightly smaller than the expansion which occurred during the first aging treatment at 70 0 C (1580 F). On re- heating to 2050 C (4000 F) for 1 hour and water quenching to 200 C (680 F) a second time, a contraction of 44 microinches per inch results. On re-aging at 700 C (158* F) as shown in Plot C of Figure 7, an expansion similar to Plot B occurs. The results of Figure 7 indicate that the 700 C (1580 F) expansion is part of a reversible reaction that can be repeated over and over again by reheating to 2050 C (4000 F) and re-aging at a lower temperature. If this is the case, one would expect that on re- heating to 2050 C (4000 F) after the first aging period at 700 C (1580 F) there should be a contraction +4hich equals rather than exceeds the expansion which occurred on aging at the lower temperature. However, heating of quenched Invar to 2050 U (4000 F) results in a contraction due to stress relief even if the 700 C (1580 F) aging treatment is omitted. The magnitude of this contraction was found to be 70 microinches per inch, which accounts for the difference. - - 38 On reheating to 205* C (400* F) for the second time, a contraction results which is virtually the same as the expansion which occurred during the second aging period at 70 0 C (1580 F). This shows more clearly that the expansion and contraction effects are related. The expansion on aging at 700 C (1580 F) for the third time illustrates that this effect can be repeated over and over again. In order to determine whether the same relation between expansion and contraction holds for aging temperatures other than 700 C (1580 F), the specimens aged as shown in'Figure 4 were reheated to 2050 C (4000 F) for 1 hour and quenched in water to 200 C (680 F). The resulting contractions are compared with the previous expansions in Table III. TABLE III DIMENSIONAL CHANGES ON REHEATING AGED SPECIMENS AT 2050 C Initial Aging Treatment Microinch Per Inch Change Quenched in Water After Microinch Per Inch Change 1250 hours at 50* C +30 1 hour at 2050 C -36 2700 hours at 700 C +37 1 hour at 2050 C -45 1250 hours at 950 C +28 1 hour at 2050 C -37 1250 hours at 1500 C +13 1 hour at 2050 C -19 For each aging treatment, the contraction on subsequent reheating to 2050 C (4000 F) is only about 6 to 9 microinches per inch larger in magnitude than the previous expansion. Thus more evidence points to the existence of a contraction effect that is the reversible counterpart of the 700 C (1580 F) expansion and which differs from the stress relief effect found on aging directly following quenching. For convenience this new contraction effect will be referred to as the 2050 C (4000 F) contraction. 39- e, Hot Quenching from 2050 C to 700 C. In order to de- termine whether the initial quench from 2050 C (4000 F) to 200 C (6* F) was necessary in order for the expansion to occur on subsequent aging at 700 C the following experiment was tried. A series of specimens initially water quenched from 830* C (15250. F) to 200 C (680 F) were all reheated to 2050 C (4 0 Next one F) for 1 hour. was quenched in water to 200 C (680 F) pair of these specimens whereas the remaining specimens vere hot quenched in oil at 700 C (1580F) and aged for increasing increments of time before cooling to 200 C (680 F). Allowing for the change in length due to the one hour treatment at 2050 C (4000 F) as determined by measuring the first pair of specimens, the change in length with time which occurred at 70 0 C (158* F) after hot quenching could be calculated. In Table IV, the results of this calculation are compared with the re- sults of water quenching from 205* C (4000 F) to 200 C (680 F) and then aging at 700 C (1580 F). TABLE IV DIMFNSIONAL CHANGES ON AGING AT 700 C FOLLOWING BOTH REGULAR AND HOT QUENCHING Microinch Per Inch Length Change On Aging at 700 C 200 hrs. Quenching Treatment 20 hrs. Quenched in water from 205* C to 200 C +15 +28 0 +20 Quenched in oil from 205* C to 700 C The results of Table IV reveal that both quenching procedures result in expansions. However, aging at 700 C (1580 F) after regular quenching results in an expansion which starts sooner and has a larger magnitude after 200 hours than the expansion that occurs after hot quenching directly to and aging at 700 C (1580 F). 40 - - On the basis of this experiment it is doubtful whether the 700 C (1580 F) expansion can be attributed to a retrogression effect. Any particles that precipitated out at 2050 C (4000 F) or on cooling down to 70 0 C larger than the critical (158* F) during hot quenching, would be size necessary for re-solution to occur at 70 0 C (158* F). .Aging Following Cold Working. drawn Invar is shown in Figure 8. The effect of aging cold This material was received in the cold drawn condition, having been reduced 25 percent in area to a diameter of 0.250 inch following water quenching from approximately 8000 C (14700 F) to 200 C (680 F). Aging was carried out at tempera- tures from 50* C (1200 F) to 2050 C (400* F) and the specimens were air cooled to room temperature for measurement of length. As shown in Figure 8, the dimensional behavior on aging is similar to that shown in Figure 3 for non-cold drawn Invar. However, with cold drawn Invar the expansion effect at 500 C (1200 F) and 700 C (1580 F) is smaller and the contraction effect at 150* C (30r0 F) and 2050 C (4000 F) is larger than with quenched Invar. It is believed that aging of cold drawn Invar results in a contraction effect which is also due to stress relief. g. Aging Following Furnace Cooling from 830' C. of a furnace cooling treatment is shown in Figure 9. slowly heated to 8300 C (15250 f), held to 200 C (680 F). The effect Specimens were 60) minutes, and furnace cooled After an initial measurement of length, specimens were aged at temperatures up to 2050 C (4000 F) and air cooled to 200 C (680 F) for succeeding measurements of length. -41- As shown in Figure 9 aging of furnace cooled Invar results in expansion and contraction effects of smaller magnitude as compared with aging of quenched Invar. Whereas the 700 C (1580 F) expansion is believed due to the same cause in both cases, it is doubtful whether the contraction that occurs on aging furnace cooled Invar can be attributed to stress relief. h-. Rate of Cooling from 8300 C and, 3150 C. The effect of rate of cooling from 8300 C (15250 F) and from an aging temperature of 3150 C (6000 F) is shown in Figure 10. Three sets of specimens were furnace cooled, air cooled, and water quenched from 83 0 0 C (15250 F) to goo C (680 F) and initial measurements of length were taken. All specimens were aged at 315* C (6000 F). Specimens of each set were cooled in silocel, air, and water from the aging temperature for successive measurements of length. As shown in Figure 10, the effects of furnace and air cooling from 8300 C (15250 F) are similar. Also, the rate of cooling from the aging temperature does not have an appreciable effect on dimensional change of these two sets of specimens. However, water quenching from 8300 C (15250 F) results in more than five times as large a contraction as does furnace or air cooling from this same temperature. There is also an appreciable difference between cooling in water as compared to cooling in silocel or air from the 3150 C (6000 F) aging temperature after an initial water quench from 8300 C (15250 F). Cooling in water from the aging temperature results in the same amount of contraction as does cooling in silocel or air after an aging time of 0.2 hour; however, specimens cooled in water continue to contract with increasing aging time, whereas the more slowly cooled specimens remain fairly constant in length. - - 42 i. Quenching in Water from 54Q0 more about the nature of the.grpansion, C. In order to learn resulting from water quenching from an aging temperature of 5400 C (10000 F), simultaneous measurements of specific volume and change in length were carried out starting with furnace cooled material. The purpose of this ex- periment was to determine (a) whether the expansions in length are accompanied by corresponding changes in volume; and (b) whether the expansions in length depend on the time of aging or number of water quenches from the aging temperature. The results are shown in Figure 11 in the form of two plots of length change and a plot of specific volume. Plot A shows the effect of increasing increments of aging time up to 100 hours on dimensional change, whereas Plot B shows the results of 10 one-hour aging treatments. volume measurements in Plot C Plot B. The specific were made on the same specimens as for The dimensional and specific volume results reveal that there is virtually no volume change even after an expansion of 1700 microinches per inch Mrhich should correspond to an increase in volume of 0.51 percent or approximately 62 X 10-5 cubic cms. per It also shows that 10 one-hour aging and quenching treatments gram. iesult in a greater expansion than a total of 100 hours at 5400 C (10000 F) which involved quenching to 200 C (680 F) only 6 times. Thus it appears that the expansion is dependent to a larger extent on the number of quenching treatments than on the cumulative time of aging. Based on the specific volume and dimensional evidence, it appears that the expansion effect resulting from rapid cooling from relatively high aging temperatures must be due to plastic deformation associated with the formation of residual stress. During cooling the 43 - - surface layer is elongated in tension giving rise to an increase in length without a corresponding increase in specific volume. 2. Decarburized invar (0.01 C, 0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni) a. Aging Following Quenching from 830 C. In order to obtain an idea of the effect of carbon content on dimensional changes which occur during aging, Invar specimens oontaining 0.07 percent carbon were reduced to 0.01 percent carbon by a wet hydrogen treat- ment consisting of 24 hours at 10950 C (20000 F). After this treatment, the specimens were heated for 30 minutes at 8300 C (15250 F) and water ouenched. Aging was carried out at tepoeratures from 200 C (680 F) to 2050 C (4000 F) and specimens were air cooled from the aging temperature for succeeding measurements. The results of the above treatment is shown in Figure 12. The 70 0 C (158* F) expansion appears to have been eliminated by the initial decarburization treatment and therefore must be a carbon dependent reaction. A sizeable contr.ction occurs on aging at 700 C (1580 F) which is the temperature of maximum expansion on aging quenched Invar containing 0.07 percent carbon. This behavior indicates that on aging quenched 0.07 percent carbon Invar at 700 C (1580 F) a contraction and expansion are occurring simultaneously and the actual magnitudes of these effects are not revealed by Figure 3. It should be noted that magnitudes of the contraction found after aging both 0.07 percent carbon and 0.01 percent carbon Invar for 1000 hours at 205* C (4000 F) are approximately equal. It is believed that the contraction which takes place in both compositions is due to the same cause, relief of residual stress. I b. Aging Following Furnace Cooling from 830* C. The effect of furnace cooling decarburized Invar is shown in Figure 13. Speci- mens were heated to 8300 C (15250 F), held kD minutes, and furnace cooled to room temoerature. Aging was carried out at temperatures from 200 C (680 F) to 205* C (4000 F) and specimens were air cooled from the aging temperature for succeeding measurements of length. The result of the furnace cooling treatment is to virtually eliminate the contraction effect. Such would be the case if relief of residual stress results in the contraction observed on aging decarburized and quenched specimens. Furnace cooling is much more effective in eliminating the contraction of 0.01 percent carbon than of 0.07 percent carbon Invar. This behavior indicates that the con- traction effect following furnace cooling is carbon dependent to a greater extent than the contraction following water quenching from 8300 C (15250 F). The contraction effect following furnace cooling Invar containing 0.07 percent carbon seems to be the same as that which occurs on reheating this material after aging below 2050 C (4000 F). Since the 700 C (1580 F) expansion is carbon dependent, it follows that its reversible counterpart, the 2050 C (4000 F) contraction, should also be carbon dependent. It has already been shown that the 700 C (1580 F) expansion can occur isothermally after .hot quenching from 2050 C (400* F) to 70* C (1580 F). This indicates that the 700 C (158* F) expansion may occur to some extent during furnace cooling from 8300 C (15250 F) once a temperature below about 2050 C (400* F) is reached. Subsequent aging would allow the reverse reaction to occur and result in a contraction at temperatures above about 1500 C (3000 F) as was 'found to be the case. - - 45 c. Summay. The results ofaging 0.07 and 0.01 percent carbon Invars (0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni) after water quenching, cold drawing, and furnace cooling indicate that the following effects occur: (1) A contraction due to stress relief of water cuenched and cold drawn specimens. The magnitude of this effect in- creases with temperature. (2) An expansion due to the formation of residual stress in specimens that are quenched in water from temperatures above about 315* C (6000 F). The magnitude of this expansion effect increases with temperature. (3) An expansion which occurs on aging below about 2050 C (400* F). This expansion occurs to a maximum extent on aging at 70 0 C (1580 F). It is due to a reversible carbon dependent reaction. (4) A contraction which is the reversible counterpart of the 700 C (1580 F) expansion. aging above 950 C (2000 F). This contraction occurs on It is essentially completed if aging is carried out at 2050 C (4000 F). 3. Invars of VaryinF Carbon Content (0.02 to 0.58 C. 0.10 Mn. 36.0 Ni) a. Aging Following Furnace Cooling from 8300 C. The effect of aging furnace cooled Invars of varying carbon content is shown in Table V. Following furnace cooling from 8300 C (15250 F) to 200 C (680 F), specimens were reheated for 1 hour at 2050 C (4000 F) and water quenched to 200 C (680 F), This latter treatment results: in contractions which increase with carbon content. Beyond about 0.40 - - 46 percent carbon the magnitude of the contraction is approximately constant. After the water quench from 2050 C (4000 F)) specimens wer'e aged for 500 hours at temperatures varying from 20* C (680 F) to 1500 C As shown in Table V, aging has little effect on Invar con- (3000 F). taining 0.02 percent carbon. carbon contents. However, expansions result with higher For a given aging temperature the magnitude of the expansion increases with carbon content up to about 0.40 percent carbon. For a given carbon content, the aging temperature resulting in the maximum expansion is either 700 C (1580 F) or 950 C (2000 F). The behavior of this series of Invars again illustrates the carbon dependence and the "reversibility" of the phenomenon res- ponsible for the 70 0 C (1580 F) expansion. Slow cooling from 8300 C (15250 F) evidently allows sufficient time for this expansion effect to occur once the temperature falls below about 2050 C (4000 F). On reheating to 2050 C (4000 F) the reaction goes in the opposite direction and a contraction occurs. By water quenching to 20* C (680 F) re-occurrence of the expansion effect on cooling is avoided. However, on subsequent aging below 205* C (4000 F) the expansion takes place. The 0.02 and 0.10 percent carbon Invars (0.10 Mn, 36.0' Ni) are respectively similar to the 0.01 and 0.07 percent carbon Invars (0.44 MA, 36.8 Ni) as far as the 700 C (1580 F) expansion effect is concerned. This indicates that the manganese content of Invar is not significant at least up to 0.44 percent. However, it is be- lieved that higher manganese contents affect the 700 C (1580 F) expansion. It was found that this phenomenon does not occur in a free machining grade of Invar containing 0.07 percent carbon, 0.88 percent manganese, and 0.16 percent selenium. Assuming the selenium - - 47 TABLE V DIMENSIONAL CHANGES ON AGING FURNACE COOLED* INVARS OF VARYING CARBON CONTENT Carbon Content Percent 0.02 Microinch Per Inch Length Change 1 hour** 500 hro. 500 hrs. 500 hrs. 500 hrs. 500 hrs. at 205 0C at 500C at 7000 at 950C at11QC at 200 0 -5 -7 - 2 - 10 - 2 0.10 -32 -5 +29 + 60 + 33 +19 0.15 -55 +18 +38 + 90 + 40 +25 0.25 -80 +28 +80 + 95 +105 +41 0.40 -105 +33 +95 +115 +118 +50 0.58 -110 +38 +79 +130 +100 +60 -* 8300 C, furnace cooled to 200 C. *3* All specimens were reheated for 1 hour at 2050 C, water quenched to 200 C, and measured prior to aging for 500 hours at 20 to 1500 C. 48- is all combined with manganese in the form of MnSe in this grade of Invar, there would be 0.76 percent "uncombined" manganese, presumably in solid solution in the austenitic phase. It appears, therefore, that a minimum manganese content which is between 0.44 and 0.76 percent is necessary to suppress the 700 C (1580 F) expansion. b. Aging Following Quenching in Water from 8300 C. The effect of aging quenched Invars of varying carbon content for 350 hours at aging temparatures up to VI. 5400 C (10000 F) is shown in Table As was found to be the case for Invar containing 0.07 percent carbon, 0.44 percent manganese, and 36.8 percent nickel, aging of this series of varying carbon content at low aging temperatures results in dimensional changes which are due to the combined action of stress relief and the 700 C (1580 F) expansion effect; whereas at high aging temperatures, both stress relief and residual stress formation on subsequent cooling occur. However, on aging above 3150 C (6000 F) extremely large contractions occur which cannot be explained on the basis of stress relief alone. For a given carbon content, the magnitude of the contraction is a maximum at 425* C These large contractions are definitely carbon dependent (8000 F). and could be due to the precipitation of carbide and/or graphite from the austenitic solid solution. c. Aging Following iuenching from 8300 C and 12050 C. The effect of water quenching from 8300 C (15250 F) and 12050 C (22000 F) on dimensional change of Invars of medium carbon content aged at 700 C (1580 F) is shown in Table VII. 49 - - TABLE VI DIMENSIONAL CHiANGES ON AGING QUENCHED* INVARS OF VARYING CARBON CONTENT Carbon Content Percent Microinch Per Inch Length Change after 350 Hours at 700 C 95* C 0.02 -14 - 9 -71 -71 - 0.10 + 55 + 53 -40 -53 - 152 - 35 0.15 + 83 + 96 -32 -51 - 320 - 0.25 +143 +126 -25 -54 - 549 - 357 0.40 +135 +110 -24 -69 -1548 -1420 0.58 +138 +121 -21 -53 -3202 -1823 Aging 205* C Temperature 3150 C 4250 C Quenchrin rater from 8300 C to 200 C. * * Air cooled from aging temperature to 200 C. 40 5400 C + 45 58 - - 50 TABLE VII DIMENSIONAL CHANGES ON ACTING QUENCHED* INVARS OF MEDIUM CARBON CONTENT AT 700 C Carbon Quenched Content Percent From 0C 0.25 830 178 0.25 1205 152 0.40 830 140 0.40 1205 180 0.58 830 143 0.58 1205 173 * Microinch Per Inch Length Change After Aging 500 Hours at 700 C Quenched in water to 200 C. These results reveal that the 700 C (1580 F) expansion is greater after water quenching from 1205* C (22000 F) than from 8300 C (1525* F). It also appears that for a 12050 C (22000 F) quench, the magnitude of the 700 C (1580 F) expansion increases with carbon content; whereas for a 8300 C (15250 F) quench, the expansion is approximately constant beyond about 0.25 percent carbon. The explanation of these results could be that the solubility of carbon in the austenite phase increases with temperature and th.t the magnitude of the 700 C (1580 F) expansion is largely dependent on the amount of carbon in solid solution. d. Su~may. The results of aging 0.02 to 0.58 percent carbon Invars (0.10 Mn, 36.0 Ni) after water quenching and furnace cooling indicate that stress relief, formation of residual stress, the 700 C (1580 F) expansion, and the 2050 C (4000 F) contraction occur. The carbon dependence of the 700 C (1580 F) expansion and the 205* C (4000 F) contraction extends beyond the 0..07 percent - - 51 carbon content dealt with in the previous section. Large con- tractions occur on aging above about 3150 C (6000 F). This effect increases with carbon content and is believed due to the precipitation of carbide and/or graphite. B. Drop Tests The results of drop tests carried out on both quenched and furnace tooled specimens of Invar (0.070, 0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni) 0.250 inch in diameter are shown in Figure 14. These results show that increasing contractions result from repeated dropping of quenched specimens whereas practically no dimensional change results from dropping of furnace Oooled- specimens. After ten drops, an average contraction of 375 microinches per inch occurred in the quenched specimens. This is much larger than the extent of the contractions observed on aging quenched specimens. Specimens of quenched Invar which had been subjected to 10 drops were subsequently aged at temperatures up to 315? C (6000 F). A comparison of the dimensional changes resulting from aging specimens which were "dropped" and specimens which were not "dropped" is given in Table VIII. As shown in Table VIII, the effect of dropping specimens is to substantially reduce the contraction or stress relief effect that occurs on subsequent aging of quenched Invar. specimens actually results Aging of "dropped" in immediate expansions on aging at both 700 C (1580 F) and 150* C (3000 F). At 3150 C (6000 F), "dropped" specimens undergo less than one-half the contraction as compared with specimens that are not "dropped". - - 52 TABLE VIII DIMENSIONAL CHANGES ON AGING QUENCHED* INVAR SUBJECTED TO DROP TESTS Aging Temperature* Condition Microinch Per Inch Length Change 0.2 hrs. 1 hr. 10 hrs, 100 hrs. Dropped 10 times 700 C + 2 +9 + 9 + 22 Not Dropped 700 C - 4 - 5 +3 + 15 Dropped 10 times 1500 C +8 + 8 +12 + 10 Not Dropped 1500 C -32 -32 -35 - 42 Dropped 10 times 3150 C -25 -25 -23- - 23 Not Dropped 3150 C -67 -67 -62 -107 * Water quenched from 830' C to 200 C. * Specimens were air cooled from aging temperature to 200 C. C. Residual Stress 1. Complete Stress Distribution. The distribution of residual stress in quenched Invar (0.07 C, 0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni) as determined by the Heyn analysis is shown in Figure 15 which also shows the magnitude of the successive contractions which resulted from reduction of the cross section area by machining. As calculated from the slope of the change in length curve, water quenching Invar from 8300 C (15250 F) to 20* C (680 F) results in residual compression at the surface and residual tension at the center of a 0.250 inch - - 53 diameter specimen. The aagnitudes of the residual stress at the surface and center were both found equal to about 22,500 psi. The value of the residual stress at the center was determined by extrapolation because of difficulty in reducing the cross section area below 0.012 square inch. Extrapolation of the stress curve for smaller cross sections than 0.012 square inch was carried out by making the area under the curve for residual compressive stress approximately equal to that for residual tensional stress. These areas should be equal since the condition of static equilibrium is that the exterior compressive force equals the interior tensional force. Since the Heyn analysis for residual stress is only approximAte, it may-be that the residual stress curve is actually a straight line instead of varying slope as shown. This is suggested by the fact that the surface and center stresses are approximately equal and that the change from compression to tension occurs at approxima.tely the mid-area point. 2. 6urface Stress Values. The effect of various treatments on the residual stress at the surface of 0.375 inch diameter Invar specimens containing 0.02 and 0.40 percent carbon (0.10 Mn, 36.0 Ni) is shown in Table IX. (680 F) results Water quenching from 8300 C (15250 F) to 200 C in approximaitely the same magnitude of residual com- pressive stress as was found at the surface of 0.250 inch diameter Invar (0.07 C, 0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni) given the same treatment. iIging one hour at 3150 C (6000 F) results in considerable stress relief, which accounts for the observed contraction. times also results in stress relief. Dropping specimens 10 The residual stress after dropping is approximately the same as after a 3150 C (6o0o F) 54 - -. TABLE IX RESIDUAL STRESS AT SURFACE OF 0.375 INCH DIAMETER BARS OF INVAR SUBJECTED TO VARIOUS TREATMFNTS Change in Length Due to Last Step Carbon Content Treatment of Treatment Microinches per Inch Residual Compressive Stress at Surface Lbs. oer So. In. 0.02 8300 C, water quench 24,000 0.40 8300 C, water quench 21,000 0.02 a) 8300 C, water quench b) 3150 C, 1 hour, air cool 0.40 -325 6,000 -368 13,000 +415 13,000 +296 13,000 a) 83 0 0 C, furnace cool b) 540* C, 1 hour, water cuLench 0.40 10,000 a) 8300 C, water quench b) Dropped 10 times 0.02 -126 a) 8300 C, water quench b) Dropped 10 times 0.40 7,000 a) 8300 C, water quench b) 3150 C, 1 hour, air cool 0.02 -114 a) 83 0 0 C, furnace cool b) 5400 C, 1 hour, water qu ench - 55, aging treatment; however, dropping results in approximately three times as large a contraction as does aging at 3150 C (6000 F). It should be noted that greater stress relief occurs in the 0.02 than in the 0.40 percent carbon Invar as a result of either aging or dropping. This behavior may be due to the lower elastic limit of the lower carbon material. Attempts to determine the surface residual stress in furnace cooled Invar gave erratic results. This could be due to the low resistance to plastic deformation of furnace cooled Invar, which may allow residual stress to be introduced by the machining operation. Reheating furnace cooled specimens to 5400 C (10000 F) and water quenching to 200 C (680 F) results in a large expansion as has been noted previously. That this expansion is associated with the intro- duction of residual stress is shown in Table IX . A surface residual stress of 13,000 psi. in compression results from this treatment. This residual stress is about one-half that resulting from water quenching from 8300 C (15250 F) to 200 C (680 F), which corresponds to a more drastic cooling treatment. D. X-rM 1. Measurements Determination of Solid Solubility of Carbon. A plot of lattice parameter vs. carbon content of Invar (0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni) obtained by heating 500 hours at 8300 C (15250 F), 7050 C (13000 F), and 5400 C (10000 F) is shown in Figure 16. features of this plot: There are two distinctive a) an increase in lattice parameter with carbon content up to the solubility limit at a given temperature; and b) constancy of lattice parameter for carbon contents exceeding the solubility limit at a given temperature. From the intersections -56- of the straight portions of the plot with the sloped portion for low carbon contents, solubility limits at the three temperatures studied were determined. Plotting solubility limit vs. temperature gives the solubility curve shown in Figure 15. This curve was extrapolated to lower temperatures on the basis that for an ideal solution the logarithm of the mole fraction of solute is proportional to the reciprocal of the absolute temperature. The result of the ex- trapolation shows that carbon is practically insoluble at 200 C (680 F). The fact that the austenitic lattice parameter is constant for carbon contents exceeding the solubility limit indicates that the second phase at temperatures at least above 5400 C (10000 F) must either be graphite or a carbide that has approximately the same iron- nickel ratio as does the solid solution. An iron-nickel carbide corresponding to (Fe2 NiQ . fulfills this description; however, the existence of such a carbide has not been established. The variation in lattice parameter of Invar austenite with carbon content as determined from Figure 16 amounts to 0.00053 angstrom per 0.01 percent of carbon. This information enables one to cal- culate the overall change in length resulting from precipitation of a carbon-containing phase from solid solution. Such calculations are given in Appendix B, C, D, and E assuming the formation of cementite (Fe3 C), graphite, nickel carbide (Ni3 C), and a hypothetical iron-nickel carbide (Fe-,NiC) respectively. These calculations are based on the formulae and data given in Appendix A. In each case it is assumed that an Invar containing 0.05 percent carbon, 36.0 percent nickel, and 63.95 percent iron initially entirely austenitic precipitates all of its carbon in the form of the second phase. The - - 57 calculated overall changes in length are as follows: Precipitated Phase Microinch per Inch Length Change Resulting from Precipitation of 0.05 percent Carbon Cementite -410 Graphite -170 Nickel Carbide -600 Iron-Nickel Carbide -440 The results of these calculations'show thAt a contraction should occur if any of the above phases precipitate. The contraction is smallest for the precipitation of graphite because it has the largest specific volume. These results indicate that precipitation of either graphite or carbide cannot account for the 700 C (1580 F) expansion. The relatively small contraction effect associated with the precipitation of graphite makes it improbable that this is the sole explanation of the large contraction effects shown in Table VI for aging at temperatures above 3150 C (6000 F). For example, on aging an Invar containing 0.58 percent carbon at .4250 C (8000 F), even if all the carbon in excess of the solubility limit came out in the form of graphite, a contraction of about 500 microinches per inch should result. This is much smaller than the observed contraction of about 3,200 microinches per inch actually observed. It is more reasonable to assume that the contraction is due to precipitation of carbide out of solid solution. 2. 202 C. Changes in Lattice Parameter due to AginZ at 700 C to The effect of aging Invars (0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni) of varying - - 58 carbon content for 500 hours at 700 C (1580 F), 950 C (2000 F), and 205* C (4000 F) on the lattice parameter of the austenitic phase is shown in Table X. The initial treatment was to quench in water from 8300 C (15250 F) to 200 C (680 F). The results shown in Table X indicate that there is no significant change in lattice parameter for carbon contents up to about 0.13 percent. With higher carbon contents, aging at 70* C (1580 F) results in significant increases in lattice parameter as compared to the as-quenched condition. Smaller increases were found on aging at 950 C (2000 F); whereas, aging at 2050 C (4000 F) produced little or no change. From a comparison with Table VI for aging temperatures up to 2050 C (4000 F), it appears that the changes in austenite parameter referred to the as-quenched condition vary in the same manner as the overall length changes. In order to compare the magnitudes of the lattice parameter and length change for aging at 700 C (1580 F), average values were determined for carbon contents ranging from 0.25 to 0.63 percent. The average lattice parameter change as calculated from Table X is an expansion of 0.0008 angstrom , which is equivalent to a length change of +220 microinches per inch. This is in good agreement with the average overall length change of about +160 microinches determined from Table VII allowing for a stress relief effect of -16 microinches per inch which is the magnitude of the contraction resulting from aging the 0.02 percent carbon Invar at 700 C (1580 F). On the basis of these results it appears that the overall increase in length resulting from the 700 C (1580 F) expansion effect is due primarily to the change in parameter of the austenite. This indicates that the 700 C (1580 F) expansion is due - - 59 TABLE X CHANGE IN LATTICE PARAMETER OF AUJTENITIC PHASE ON AGING INVARS OF VAKING CARBON CONTENT Carbon Content Percent Lattice Parameter in Angstroms 500 hours 500 hours 500 hours As Quenched* at 700 C at 950 C at 2050 C 0.01 .3.5937 -3.5939 3.5941 3.5941 0 .07 3.5963 3.5964 3.5962 3.5962 0 .13 3.5991 3.5994 3.5995 3.5994 0 .27 3.6025 3.6029 3.6030 3.6025 0.42 3.6023 3.6032 3.6028 3.6024 0 .50 3.6020 3.6031 3.6025 3.6024 C .63 3.6025 3.6032 3.6028 3.6023 o .84 3.6014 3.6020 3.6019 3.6010 * Quenched in water from 830* C to 20* C. - 6o- to what is happening to the austenitic solid solution rather than being associated with a phase transformation. As will be discussed later, this reversible carbon dependent reaction is believed due to clustering of solute atoms within solid solution as a result of a preprecipitation process. Such clustering is known as Guinier-Preston zones. Debye Patterns of Electrolytic Extractions. 3. In oiu er to check whether the 700 C (1580 F) expansion is associated with the formation of carbide or grqwhite, x-ray diffraction patterns were taken of the residue obtained by electrolytic extraction of an Invar containing 0.15 percent carbon. This carbon content was telected in order to maximize the 700 C (1580 F) expansion without exceeding the solubility limit at 830" C (15250 F) from which quenching was carried Electrolytic extractions were made after the following heat out. treatments: (a) quenching in water from 8300 C (15250 F) to 200 C (680 F); and (b) aging for 350 hours at 700 C (158* F) after treatment (a). Diffraction lines were found after each treatment. These lines could not be identified as either cementite, graphite, or nickel carbide. From prior experience with difficulties involved in electrolytic extractions, it is believed that the patterns may be due to oxide or hydrate phases which form during the extraction. 4. Existence of Martensite or Ferrite. In order to determine whether transformation of austenite to either ferrite or martensite is responsible for the 700 C (1580 F) expansion, long time exposures were made of specimens of Invar containing 0.40 percent carbon using a modified Debye camera and monochromatized iron radiation. Specimens a) quenched in water from 830" C (15250 F) to 20" C (68" F), b) quenched - - 61 and aged 500 hours at 700 C (1580 F), and c) furnace coolpd from. 8300 C (1525* F) to 200 C (680 F) were x-rayed. In the case of each treatment, only lines resulting from the austenitic phase appeared. The absence of martensite or ferrite lines does not necessarily prove that these phases are absent since the sensitivity of the method used is about 0.5 percent. Furthermore, if either phase were present in the form of extremely fine particles in amounts even above 0.5 percent, the resultingc diffraction lines might be so diffuse as to be undetectable. Therefore, all thi t can be said is that there is no direct evidence for the existence of either martensite or ferrite in 0.15 percent carbon, Invar. The possibility that an isothermal transformiation of austenite to martensite results in the 700 C (1584 F) expansion cannot be reconciled with the carbon dependence of this phenomenon. Increasing amounts of carbon in solid solution should stabilize the austenite to an increasing extent and thereby decrease the extent of transformation, whereas the 700 C (1580 F) expansion actually increases with increasing carbon content. Furthermore, on the basis of a martensite reaction it is difficult to understand why no such expansion occurs in Invar of very low carbon content. The carbon dependence of the 700 C (1580 F) expansion is also in conflict with the possibility of a transformation of austenite to ferrite. It would be expected that increased carbon content would make the austenite more stable with respect -to transformation to to ferrite. Furthermore, there is some question as to whether such - - 62 a transformation would result in an overall expansion or contraction. According to the calculations made in Appendix F, the length changes associated with the formation 1, 10, and 45 percent ferrite con- taining 5 percent nickel are as follows: Amount of Ferrite Overall Length Change Present Microinches per Inch 11 +160 10 +930 45 -3,000 These calculations neglect the effect of carbon content and assume that in the austenite that remains untransformed sufficient diffusion occurs to make both the nickel and iron contents uniform throughout the solid solution. On this basis small amounts of transformwtion to ferrite result in expansions whereas large amounts result in contractions. In view of the low aging temperatures at which the 700 C (1580 F) expansion occurs it is doubtful whether the assumption of complete homogenization of the untransformed austenite by diffusion is a cgood one. It is more likely that due to limited diffusion only the chemical composition of the austenite in the immediate vicinity of the ferrite formed would be affected by the transformation. Assuming that both the ferrite formed and the affected austenite are at the ecquilibrium compositions (5 and 58 percent nickel respectively), the overall change would be a contraction. The magnitude of the contraction would depend on how much ferrite formed. If equilibrium conditions could be attained throughout, 45 percent ferrite would form according to the ironnickel equilibrium diagram of Owen and Sully and an overall contraction of 3,000 microinches per inch would :esult. - 63 - On this basis, a contraction of about 67 microinches per inch should occur for each one percent of ferrite formed. On the basis of the role carbon plays in iron-carbon austenite it seems more logical to assume that the iron-nickel-carbon austenite of Invar would transform to a ferrite-carbon phase aggregate rather than to ferrite alone. This type of reaction would be in accord with the carbon dependence of the 7Q0 C (1580 F) expansion since the transformation of iron-carbon austenite to pearlite, a ferritecementite aggregate, is speeded up by increasing carbon content. However, as has been calculated, the formation of either graphite or carbide alone results in a contraction. Since forming ferrite is also likely to result in a contraction, it is doubtful whether the 700 C (1580 F) expansion can be explained on the basis of the formation of either a ferrite-carbide or ferrite-graphite aggregate. E. Metallographic Examination Metallographic examination was carried out on specimens con- taining 0.15 and 0.58 percent carbon. All specimens were water quenched from 8300 C (15250 F) to 200 C (680 F). Aging was carried out for 500 hours at temperatures up to 6500 C (12000 F). In the as-quenched condition, the structure of the 0.15 percent carbon Invar consists of twinned grains of austenite whereas the 0.58 percent carbon Invar consists of twinned grains of austenite plus streaks of graphite elongated in the longitudinal direction (Figures 23A and 23B). Chemical analysis of the 0.58 percent carbon Invar - - 64 showed the presence of 0.39 percent graphite, which is approximately equal to the difference between the total carbon content and the solubility limit. No graphite was found in the 0.15 percent carbon Invar by chemical analysis. Examination failed to show any significaat difference in microstructure between specimens in the as-quenched and quenched-and-aged at 70 0 C (1580 F) conditions regardless of carbon content. Thus there is no metallographic evidence that would associate the 70 0 C (158* F) expansion effect with a phase transformation. Aging at higher temperatures results in no significant change in microstructure up to 4250 C (8000 F). At this temperature precipi- tation of a carbide phase occurs at the grain boundaries (Figure 23C). This effect occurs at the temperature of maximum contraction as shown in Table VI. Although a greater contraction occurs in the 0.58 percent carbon Invar as compared with the 0.15 percent carbon Invar, less grain boundary carbide precipitation was found in the higher carbon material. It is therefore believed that precipitation of carbide occurs to a larqe extent within the grains of the 0.58 percent carbon Invar. Aging above 4250 C (8000 F) also results in grain boundary carbide precipitation; however, the extent of this precipitation decreases with temperature. This is in line with the results of Table VI, which show a decrease in the magnitude of the contraction above 4250 C ,(8000 F). After aging at 6500 C (12000 F) practically no grain boundary precipitate is visible in either composition. On aging quenched Invar having excess graphite present at 4250 C (8000 F), there is opportunity for precipitation of carbide both at the grain boundaries and within the grains. The presence 65 - - of graphiGt. is believed to provide lIterfaces whicn lower the surface energy required for precipitation within the grains. This could ex- plain why less grain boundary carbide precipitation occurs in the 0.58 perc.ent carbon Invar even though there is a greater total amount of precipitation as compared with 0.15 percent carbon Invar. F. Hardness Tests 1. Rate of Cooling from 8300 C. The effect of rate of cooling from 8300 -C (1525O F) on the Rockwell B hardness of Invars (0.10 Mn, 36.0 Ni) of varying carbon content is shown in Table XI. For each carbon content, the hardness in the as-received or cold worked condition is higher than in the heat treated condition. The chief effect of a 8300 C (15250 F) treatment is to result in recrystallization and substantial softening. The hardness of Invar containing 0.02 per- cent carbon is not sigrificantly affected by the rate of cooling from 8300 C (1525 -F). However, rate of cooling does affect the hardness of higher carbon Invar. For a given carbon content there is practi- cally no difference between water quenching and air cooling; whereas, furnace cooling results in decreased hardness to a significant extent in the range of about 0.10 to 0.25 percent carbon. For both water ouenching and air coolin: the variation of hardness with carbon content shows a maximum at about 0.25 percent carbon. For furnace cooling the maximum is displaced to about 0.+0 percent carbon. 2. Teperature and Time ofAging. The effect of aging tempera- ture and time of' aging on the hardness of Invars (0.10 Mn, 36.0 Ni) of varying carbon content initially water quenched from 8300 C (15250 F) to 200 C(680 F) is show~n in Table XIT. These results show that the hardness of quenched Invar is not significantly affected by aging as long as 500 hours at temperatures up to 3150 C (6000 F). In particular, there is no hardness change associated with the 700 C - - 66 TABLE XI VARIATION OF HARDNESS OF INVARS OF VARYING CARBON CONTENT WITH RATE OF COOLING FROM 8300 C Carbon Content Percent * Ro ckwell B Hardness Water Air Cold Drawn* Quenched Cooled Furnace Cooled 0.02 89 69 70 69 0.10 96 77.5 78.5 74 0.15 99,5 82 82 76 0.25 102.5 86.5 87 81.5 0.40 101.5 84 84 83 0.58 101.5 83 82.5 82 0.74 81 82 79 0.99 82 80.5 79 As received condition: 8000 C, quenched in rater to 200 C, cold drawn (27 percent reduction in area). - - 67 TABLE XII CHANGES IN HARDNESS ON AGING QUENCHED* INVARS OF VARYING C.ARBON CONTENT Carbon Content Percent Aging** Time Hours 200 C 0.02 1 69 Rockwell B Hardness 10 100 500 1 0.10 70 C 69 77.5 10 100 77.5 500 1 0.15 82 1 0.40 ** 82 82 81.5 82.5 77.5 78.5 82 82.5 84 82.5 83.5 84 78 78 78.5 79 78.5 83.5 84.0 84.5 85.5 84.5 84.5 84.5 85.5 84.5 85.5 84.5 82.5 81 78.5 77 -77.5 82.5 83.0 83.5 84.5 83 83.5 83.5 81 82 82 82 81 84 83 80.5 1 10 100 *All 82 82 78 79 100 500 500 82 78.5 78.5 78.5 79.5 87 100 0.99 80.5 78.5 79 80 81 71 86 80.5 78 79.5 500 10 80 71 71 72 87 10 100 0.74 78 70.5 72 72 72 87 87.5 87.5 88 500 1 78 79 79 70 71.5 71.5 70 70, 87.5 87.5 87.5 88 10 100 0.58 69.5 70 70.5 86.5 87 87.5 87.5 10 100 500 69.5 70 70 71 81.5 1 0.25 31*2C 425_ C 540 C 6500 C 82 83 84 10 100 500 2050 C 81-5 specimens were initially 83 83 83.5 82 80 79 78.5 81 81 81.5 82 78 81 76 81.5 81 81 81.5 81.5 82 80 79.5 81 79 77 75 87 77.5 .77 78 80.5 79 83 78.5 75.5 77 79 77 76 76.5 81.5 76.5 74 75 76 73 73.5 81 77.5 71.5 71.5 78.5 81 77 70.5 70 quenched in water from 8300 C to 200 C. All specimens were quenched in water from aging temperature to 200 C. - - 68 (1580 F) expansion. At higher aging temperatures than 3150 C (6000 F) decreases ia hardness occur. The higher carbon Invars soften to a greater extent For a given carbon content, the time than the lower carbon Invars. rate of hardness change increases with aging temperature. The most rapid changes occur at 6500 C (12000 F) which was the highest aging temperature investigated. In order to explain these hardness results, the following Precipitation of carbide at the grain considerations are involved. boundaries at 425* C (8000 F) should result in an increase in hardness but this is opposed by a hardness decrease due to lowering of the carbon content. The net result of these effects is a retardation of softening in the lower carbon Invars and actual softening in the higher carbon Invars in which most of the precipitation occurs within the grains. The reverse situation occurs on aging above 4250 C (8000 F) where re-solution of the grain boundary carbide was observed. In this case the hardness decrease due to removal of the grain boundary precipitation is opposed by the hardness increase due to increased carbon content of the austenite. Since the overall effect is. a decrease in hardness when precipitation occurs in the higher carbon Invars, an overall increase in hardness would be expected on re-solution. However, what actually occurs is a decrease in hardness on aging the higher carbon Invars above 425* C (8000 F). This could be explained if simultaneous precipitation of graphite, the more stable phase, occurs during the re-solution of the carbide phase. Precipi- tation of graphite would lower the hardness by decreasing the carbon content of the austenite and due to the fact that graphite - - 69 is a phase of extremely low hardness. This explanation is in accord with what occurs during the graphitization of white cast iron. On this basis, the decrease in the contraction which occurs on aging above 4250 C-,(8000 F) can also be explained. Because of the ligher specific volume of graphite as compared to carbide, the resultant conversion of carbide to graphite should result in an expansion ;r what amounts to the same thing, a decreased contraction starting from the as-quenched condition. The austenite solid solution could be continually decreasing in carbon content while the process of carbide re-solution and graphite precipitation was occurring. At a high enough aging temperature re-solution of graphite should occur due to the increase in solubility of carbon with temperature. The hardness results indicate why furnace cooling results in lower hardness than water quenching from 8300 C (15250 F). EvidenQLy slow cooling allows Invar to spend sufficient time at temperatures in the vicinity of 6500 C (12000 F), which allows softening to occur. presumably due to both for.iation of graphite and lowering of the carbon content of the austenite. 3. Aging Followin= Quenching from 830* C and 1205* C. The effect of aging at 700 C (158* F) following water quenching from 8300 C (15250 F) and from 12050 C (22000 F) on the hardness of Invars of medium carbon content is shown in Table XIII. The rasults shown in Table XIII indicate that the hardness of Invars whose carbon contents exceed the solubility limit at 8300*C (15250 F) can be increased by quenching from 12050 C (22000 F) to 200 C (680 F). Heating to the higher temperature allows more carbon - - 70 to go into solid solution and the hardness consequently increases. Aging to result in the 70' C (1580 F) expansion effect does not change the hardness to a significant extent. TABLE XIII CHANGES IN HARDNESS ON AGING QUENCHED INVARS OF MEDIUM CARBON CONTENT AT 70 0 C Carbon Content Rockwell B Hardness Quenched in Water from 8300 C Quenched in Water from 12050C Aged at 700 C Aged at 70 0 C Percent. AsQuenched for 500 hours As Qienched for 500 hours 9.25 86 86 85 85.5 0.40 84 84 87.5 89- 0.58 83 83 90.5 91.5 G. Magnetic Tests 1. Determination of Saturation Field. A plot of intensity of magnetization (J) vs. magnetic field intensity (H) for quenched Invar (0.07 C, 0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni) at a temperature of 130 C (550 F) is shown in Figure 18. of This plot shows that a saturation intensity magnetization (J) of approxinmately 1000 gauss is obtained with an applied magnetic field intensity (H) of 500 oersteds or over. In order to insure saturation, a magnetic field intensity (H) of 1100 oersteds was used in all the magnetic tests subsequently des- cribed. 2. Variation of Mapnetization with Termperature. of intensity of The variation magnetization with temperature of furnace cooled Invar (0.07 C, 0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni) is shown in Figure 17. Similar results were found for water ciuenched and for cold dramn Invar. A comparison of saturation J values at 200 C (680 F) and Curie points - - 71 for a) cold drawn, b) water quenched, and c) furnace cooled Invar is given in Table XIV. Curie points were determined by extrapolation as indicated in Figure 19. TABLE XIV VARIATION OF BOTH MAGNETIZATION AND CURIE POINT OF LdW CARBON INVAR WITH TREATMENT Treatment Saturation Intensity of Magnetization (J) at 200 C, Gauss Curie Point OC Cold drawn (25 percent reduction 1000 272 8300 C, water quench 1010 268 8300 C, furnace cool 1020 266 in area) As shown in Table XIV, the magnetic properties of low carbon Invar are only slightly altered by heat treatment or cold working. It is doubtful whether cold working affects the magnetic condition sufficiently to result in an appreciable change in coefficient of expansion. The effect of carbon content on variation of saturation J with temperature is shown in Figure 20. Specimens of Invar (0.10 Mn, 36.0 Ni) were water quenched from 8300 C (1525* F) to 200 C (680 F) and tested in this condition. Both magnetization at a given tempera- ture and the Curie point increases with carbon content. The Curie points for 0.02, 0.10, and 0.40 percent carbon are 2480 C (4800 F), 2550 C (4920 F), and 2700 C (518* F) respectively. This amounts to an average increase ofabout 0.60 C (1.00 F) in the Curie point per 0.01 percent carbon. This variation in the Curie point may be associated with the reported increase in coefficient of thermal ex- pansion with carbon content. - , 72 3. from 8300 C. Rate of Coolin The effect of rate of cooling from 830* C (1525* F) on intensity of magnetization at 200 C (68* F) of Invars (0.10 Mn, 36.0 Ni) of varying carbon content is show.n in Table XV. Up to 0.25 percent carbon, the magnetization in the as- received (cold drawn) condition is lower than after a 8300 C (15250 F) heat treatment. Furnace and air cooling from 8300 C (15250 F) are equivalent up to about 0.25 percent carbon. With higher carbon contents, furnace cooling results in higher magnetization than does air cooling. In all cases, water quenching from 8300 C (15250 F) results in lower magnetization than do furnace or air cooling. For a given treatment, the magnetization increases with carbon content up to 0.40 percent carbon. 4. Aging Following Furnace Cooling from 8300 C. The effect of reheating furnace cooled Invar (0.10 Mn, 36.0 Ni) for 1 hour at 2050 C (400* F), water auenching to 200 C (680 F), and then aging for 500 hours at 70 0 C (1580 F) on intensity of magnetization at 200 C (680 F) is shown in Table XVI, For carbon contents above 0.02 percent, the 205* C (4000 F) treatment results in lowered magnetization. Aging at 700 C (158* F) for 500 hours restores the magne- tization to about the furnace cooled value in all cases. It therefore appears that an increase in magnetization is associated with the 70* C (1580 F) expansion. Since this phenomenon also occurs during furnace cooling from 8300 C (15250 F) to 200 C (680 F) the higher magnetization resulting from furnace cooling as compared with water quenching can be at least partially accounted for. Since reheating furnace cooled Invar to 2050 C (4000 F) results in a contraction which is the reversible counterpart of the 700 C - - 73 TABLE XV VARIATION OF MAGNETIZATION OF INVARS OF VAIrING CARBON CONTENT WITH RATE OF COOLING FROM 8300G Carbon Content Percent Saturation Intensity of Magnetization (J) at 200 C in Gauss Air Cooled Cold Drawn* Water Quenched Furnace Cool d 0.02 970 995 1005 1005 0.10 1015 1030 1040 1040 0.15 1025 1030 1040- 1040 0.25 1050 1050 1070 1060 0.40 1065 1060 1070 1100 0.58 1035 1020 1030 1060 * As received condition: 8000 C, water quenched to 200 C, cold drawn(27 percent reduction in area). 74 - - TABLE XVI CHANGES IN MAGNETIZATION ON AGING FURNACE COOLED* INVARS OF VARYING CARBON CONTENT Carbon Content Percent Saturation Intensity of Magnetization (J) at 200C in Gauss 2050 C. Water Quench 500 hrs. at 70 0 C Furnace Cooled* 0.02 1005 1010 1005 0.10 1040 1035 1040 0.15 1040 1030 1040 0.25 1060 1050 1070 0.40 1100 1085 1105 0.58 1060 1045 1070 * Furnace cooled from 8300 C to 200 C. 75 - - (1580 F) expansion, the reduction in magnetization from the annealed value can be understood. 5. Aging Following Quenching from 8300 C. The effect of aging following water quenching from 8300 C (1525* F) to 200 C (680 F) on the iatensity of magnetization of Invars of varying carbon content is shown in Table XVII. As was expected, due to tae 700 C (1580 F) expansion effect aging below 2050 C (400* F) results in an increase in the magnetization in Invars of all carbon contents with the exception of the lowest. Following aging at 2050 C (4000 F) the magnetization is only slightly changed from the as-quenched value. 6. Aging Following Quenching from 8300 C and 12050 C. The effect of water quenching from 8300 C (15250 F) and from 12050 C (22000 F) to 200 C (68* F) and then aging at 700 C (1580 F) on intensity of magnetization of Invars of medium carbon content is shown in Table XVIII. - - 76 TABLE XVII CHANGES IN MAGNETIZATION' ON AGING QUENCHED INVARS OF VARYING CARBON CONTENT Saturation Intensity of Magnetization (J) at 200 C in Gauss Carbon Content Percent Aged 150 Hours As Quenched* 2050 C 700 C 0002 995 985 1000 1000 0.10 1030 1040 1035 1030 0.15 1035 1050 1050 1040 0.25 1050 1080 1080 1060 0.40 1060 1090 1085 1070 0.58 1025 1055 1050 1035 * Quenched in water from 8300 C to 20* C. - - 77 TABLE XVIII CHANGES IN MAGNETIZATION ON AGING QUENCHED INVARS OF MEDIUM CARBON CONTENT AT 700 C Carbon Saturation Intensit- of Magnetization (J) at 200 C in Gauss Quenched in water from 8300C Quenched in Water from 12050C Content Percent As Quenched Aged at 700 C for 500 hours 0.25 1050 1080 1055 1085 0.40 1060 1090 1090 1130 0.58 1025 1055 1085 1125 As quenched Aged at 700 C for 500 hours As shown in Table XVIII, water quenching from 12050 C (22000 F) results in a higher magnetization than from 8300 C (1525* F) to 200 C (680 F). Also on subsequent aging at 700 C (1580 F), a greater iicrease in magnetization occurs in specimens quenched from the higher temperature. These results are in line with the fact that the solubility of carbon increases with temperature and that the magnitude of the 700 C (1580 F) expansion is largely dependent on the amount of carbon in solid solution. H. Coefficient of Thermal 1. Expansion Measurements Rate of Cooling from 830 C. The effect of rate of cooling from 8300 C (15250 F) on the coefficient of thermal expansion at 200 C (680 F) of Invars (0.10 Mn, 36.0 Ni) of varying carbon content is shown in Table XIX. With the exception of the Invars containing 0.25 and 0.58 percent carbon, the coefficient of thermal expansion in the as-received (cold worked) condition was found to be the same as in the quenched condition. Furnace cooling from 8300 C (1525* F) results in a substantially increased coefficient of thermal expansion as compared with water quenching from the same temperature. This holds for all the carbon contents investigated. - - 78 TABLE XIX VARIATIOP OF COEFFICIENT OF THEiRHAL EXPAISION OF INVARS OF VARYING CARBON CONTENT E ITH RATE OF COOLING FROM 8300 C Carbon Content Percent Coefficient of Ther Exhansion Qual at 20 C* Cold Drawn* Water Quenched Furnace Cooled 0.02 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.10 0.0 0.0 1.2 0.15 0.1 0.2 1.6 0.25 0.2 0.7 1.9 0.40 1.0 0.9 2.3 0.58 1.1 0.6 2.2 * Microinches per inch per *C. * As received condition: 8000 C, quenched in water to 200 C, cold drawn (27 percent reduction in area). - - 79 TABLE XX CHANGES IN COEFFICIENT OF THE1fALT EXPANSION ON AGING FURNACE COOLED INVARS OF VARYING CARBON CONTENT Carbon Content Percent Coefficient of Thermal Exroansion at 200 C* Reheated 1 hour Furnace Cooled at 2050 C and Aged 500 hours from 8300 C Water Quenched at 700 C 0.02 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.10 1.2 1.0 1.1 0.15 1.6 1.1 2.0 0.25 1.9 0.40 2.3 1.9 0.58 2.2 1.4 * Microinches per inch per 2.2. 0 C. 2.0 2. A ing1Followng Furnace Cooling. 80 - - The effect of reheating furnace cooled Invar (0.10 Mn, 36.0 Ni) for 1 hour at 2050 0 (4000 F), water quenching to .200 C (680 F), and aging for 500 hours at 70 0 C (1580 F) is shown in Table XX. With the exception of the 0.25 percent carbon Invar, the 2050 C (4000 F) treatment results in a decrease in the thermal expansion coefficient. After aging for 500 hours at 70 0 C (158* F) the coefficient tends to increase to the furnace cooled value for carbon contents up to 0.15 percent; whereas for higher carbon contents, the furnace cooled value is surpassed. These results indicete that an in- crease in coefficient is associated with the 70 0 C (1580 F) expansion. Since on furnace cooling from 8300 C (15250 F) this phenomenon will occur, the higher coefficient of furnace cooled as compared with water quenched Invar can be at least partially accounted for. I. Summary of Experimental Results 1. Aging of Quenched Invar. The experimental results can be summarized by considering the phenomena that are believed to occur during the aging of quenched Invar in the following temperature ranges: a. 200 C (680 F) to 950 C (2000 F) Aging in this temperature range results in a contraction due to stress relief and an expansion due to formation of GuinierPreston zones. Formation of Guinier-Preston zones results in an increase in magnetization and coefficient of expansion. There is no significant change in hardness or microstructure in this range. b. 81 - - 950 C (2000 F) to 3150 cO (6000 F) Aging in this temperature range results in continued stress relief as manifested by further contraction. In addition, the Guinier-Preston zones disappear, giving rise to a contraction and loss of magnetism. There is no significant change in hardness or microstructure in this range. c. 3150C6000 F) to 5400 C(10000 F) Aging in this temperature range results in continued stress relief as manifested by further contraction. The rate of' cooling from the aging temperature to room temperature now becomes a factor in dimensional change. Water quenching results in an expansion due to formation of residual stress. Precipitation of carbides occurs both at grain boundaries and within grains and results in larger contractions. The higher the carbon content, the greater is the extent of carbide precipitation; however, less precipitation occurs at grain boundaries in higher carbon Invars. Precipitation of carbides at grain boundaries opposes the hardness decrease due to loss of carbon from solid solution. Thus, there is a greater decrease in hardness in the higher as compared with lower carbon Invars. d. 540* C (1000 F) to 60 C (12000 F) Aging in this temperature range results in continued contraction due to stress relief and increased tendency for expansion due to residual stress formation on cooling from the aging temperature to room temperature. Re-solution of the carbide phase and precipi- tation of graphite occurs. 82 - - The combined re-solution and precipi- tation process results in an expansion due to the higher specific volume of the graphite compared to the carbide phase. The formation of graphite and continual decrease in carbon content of the austenite result in lowered hardness. e .650 C (12000 F) to 830. C _1525_ FI Aging in this temperature range results in continued contraction due to stress relief and increased tendency for expansion due to residual stress formation on cooling from the aging temperature to room temperature. Solution of graphite occurs, which results in an exoansion as well as an increase in hardness. 2. Furnace Cooled Invar Furnace cooling from 8300 C (15250 F) to 200 C (680 F) can result in precipitation of some graphite and/or carbide above about 3150 C (6000 F), as well as formation of Guinier-Preston zones below about 950 C (2000 F). Lowering of carbon content of the austenite due to precipitation of graphite or carbide should result in decreased magnetization and coefficient of thermal expansion; but this is opposed by the increase in these properties due to the formation of Guinier-Preston zones. The latter effect is evidently greater than loss of carbon since the magnetization and coefficient of expansion of furnace cooled Invar is greater than that of quenched Invar. The lower hardness resulting from furnace cooling as com- pared with water quenching is probably due to precipitation of graphite. vilr. 83 - - DISCUSSION OF RESULTS The results of this investigation indicate that there are several expansion and contraction effects that are of importaze in, considering the dimensional behavior of Invar. The metallurgical phenomena that are bClicved resporsiblc for tLe oLerved changep are as follows: liyenvional 1) formation of residual stress 2) relief of residual stress, 3) formation and disappearance of GuinierPreston zones, and 4) precipitation and re-solution of carbide and graphite. A. A discussion of each phenomenon follows: Formation of Residual Stress It was found that an expansion occurs as a result of the for- mation of residual stress during rapid cooling. Formation of residual stress is believed to involve plastic deformation of the surface layer of an Invar bar according to the following mechanism. On rapid cooling from a high enough temperature, the surface of the bar will attain room temperature before the interior has cooled appreciably. However, the shrinking of the surface is resisted by the interior which is put in hydrostatic compression and cannot undergo plastic deformation. Accordingly, the surface layer is put in tension and plastic flow occurs because of the large magnitude of the stress involved. When the interior cools it tends to contract further but this contraction is resisted by the cold surface layer. The net result is that when both the .'urface and interior reach room temperature the bar as a whole has elongated and there is an equilibrium stress distribution with the surface in compression and the interior in tension. Since the resultant expansion is due solely to plastic deformation there is no appreciable change in specific volume. B. 84 - - Relief of Residual Stress On aging, relief of residual stress occurs. If, as in-quenched Invar, the compressive stress at the surface is equal to the tensional stress at the interior, stress relief could occur in the following manner, On heating to the aging temperature, the temperature of the surface of a bar increases faster than does that of the interior. Since the elastic limit decreases with temperature, the compressive stress at the surface exceeds the elastic limit sooner than does the tensional stress at the interior. Plastic flow in compression therefore occurs until the surface compressive stress is decreased to the elastic limit corresponding to the aging temperature. As plastic flow in compression occurs at the surface, the bar will contract and some of the tensional stress at the interior will be relieved. By heating at a high enough aging temperature complete stress relief can be achieved providing no residual stress sets in as a result of a phase change. However, very slow cooling from the aging temperature must be carried out to avoid re-formation of residual stress. In the aging experiments that were carried out in this investigation cooling from the aging temperature was mainly done in air. This rate of cooling was found to avoid the formation of resiaual stress provided that the aging temperature does not exceed about 3150 C (6000 F). Because of the extremely low coefficient of expansion of Invar up to its Curie point, there is less danger of introducing residual stress as compared with materials of higher expansion coefficients. It was found that stress relief can be achieved by subjecting quenched Invar to mechanical shock. Dropping on a concrete floor is believed to achieve stress relief in the following way. On striking the floor transverse elastic waves are set up in the specimen. These waves are equivalent to an applied stress which varies from tension to compression with time at any point along the barand the maximum magnitude of which occurs at the surface. The addition of an compressive elastic stress component to the residual compressive stress at the surface could exceed the elastic limit. Thus at the surface plastic flow could occur in compression and stress relief would be achieved in the same manner as described for aging. This would result in a contraction as observed; however, why a larger contraction occurs by "shock" stress relief-than by "thermal" stress relief even though thesurface stress is reduced the same amount is not understood. It may be that "shock" stress relief results in a different triaxial stress distribution than "thermal" stress relief even when the longitudinal stress at the surface is reduced by the same amount. "Shock" stress relief could account for the fact that repeated water quenching from an aging temperature of 3150 G (6000 F) results in larger contractions than repeated cooling in air or silocel. Due to localized pressure areas set up by steam formation during water quenching it is possible that transverse elastic waves are produced. Stress relief of cold drawn Invar rod was found to result in a contraction. The actual distribution of residual stress in cold drawn Invar prior to aging was not determined. Generally, cold drawing results in tension at the surface and compression at the interior. With such a stress distribution, a contraction would occur on aging if the maximum compressive stress exceeds the maximum tensional stress. - - 86 In addition to the macroscopic distribution of residual stress in cold drawn Invar there is also the possibility of residual stress on a microscopic scale. Due to unequal plastic deformation resulting from differences in grain orientatiori, the residual stress may vary in sign from one grain of the metal to the next. relief called creep recovery should occur. On aging stress If plastic flow during cold drawing has occurred primarily in tension, the creep recovery effect would be expected to result in a contraction. C. Formation andDiappearance of Guinier-Preston Zones The 700 C (1580 F) expansion and its reversible counterpart, the 2050 C (4000 F) contraction, are believed to be associated with a pre-precipitation brocess occurring within the austenitic solid solution. This hypothesis is based on the correlation between lattice parameter and overall length changes associated with these phenomena as well as the failure to find evidence of a phase transformation resulting in the formation of either. ferrite, martensite, carbide, or graphite at the low aging temperatures involved. It is possible that prior to actual precipitation of a carbon containing phase, clustering may occur within the .olid solution due to diffusion of carbon,and perhaps nickel, to particular lattice sites in order to result in a lowering of free energy as compared to the random condition. Such clustering could result in an overall increase in lattice parameter and account for the observed expansion, On the basis of the Band Theory of Invar referred to in Chapter IV, it would be expected that there should be an increase in both magnetization and thermal expansion coefficient associated with the increase in austenite parameter. Due to low solute concentration build-up, there might be little or no hardness change associated with this process. - - 87 Even though such clustering within solid solution occurs at a low aging temperature it might still take an extremely long aging time for the carbide phase to actually precipitate. Raising the temperature should speed up the process; however, a temperature may be reached where thermal fluctuations would tend to wipe out the clusters and decrease the austenitic lattice parameter, thus resulting in a contraction. The reversible relation between the low aging temperature expansion and contraction effects can be explained on this mechanism. The carbon dependence of the 700 C (1580 F) expansion and the 2050 C (4000 F) contraction is in accord with a pre-precipitation process. The more carbon in solid solution the greater the tendency for clustering to occur. It is believed that any carbon out of solid solution would only a slight influence on these phenomena. At the present time there are two main theories with reference to the initial stage of the precipitation process. According to Guinier and Preston, the initial stage is the occurrence of platelike clusters of solute atoms within solid solution; whereas ac- cording to Barrett and Geisler, the initial stage is the immediate precipitation of extremely thin lamellae of a transitional phase. The proposed mechanism for the reversible carbon dependent changes in Invar is in conformity with the theory of Guinier and Preston. However, direct evidence of the occurrence of Guinier-Preston zones on aging Invar has not been obtained by x-ray methods. An investi- gation to confirm the existence of these zones is a logical sequence but would require studies with single crystals. -88- D. Precipitation and Re-solution of Carbide and Graphite Evidence was found that precipitation of a carbide phase occurs on aging quenched Invar above 3150 C (6000 F) and results in a comparatively largecontraction. This precipitation is believed to occur both at the grain boundaries and within the grains of the austenitic solid solution. The magnitude of precipitation is a maximum at about 4250 C (8000 F). At higher aging temperatures, it is believed that the carbide redissolves and carbon is re-precipitated in the form of graphite within the grains of the austenite. This conversion of carbide to graphite is essentially completed at a temperature of 6500 C (12000 F). Above this temperature re-solution of graphite should occur because of the increase in solubility of carbon with temperature. The precipitation of carbon from golid solution is in accord with the solubility curve determined for the austenitic phase. Depending on the carbon content of Invar, water quenching from 8300 C (15250 F) retainr up to. 0.17 percent carbon in solid solution. Since the solubility of carbon decreases with temperature and is approximately nil at room temperature, as-quenched Invar consists of a supersaturated austenitic solid solution plus any excess graphite insoluble at 8300 C (15250 F). On aging the tendency is for carbon to come out of solution; however, moderately high aging temperatures are .required for precipitation to occur at an appreciable rate. Whether carbon comes out in the form of carbide or graphite depends on the energy barriers to each process. It appears that conditions are right for initial formation of a metastable carbide phase in preference to the more stable graphite phase. 89 - - However, at higher aging temperatures the energy barriers ehange and the formation of graphite is favored. This appears to occur by re-solution of the carbide phase and precipitation of graphite rather than by decomposition of the carbide phase directly to graphite. aging temperatures, At still higher solution of graphite must occur in accordance with the solubility curve determined for Invar austenite. E. Summary The dimensional behavior of Invar is believed affected by several phenomena which overlap to some extent. The phenomena re- sulting in expansions are formation of residual stress, formation of Guinier-Preston zones, re-solution .of carbide, and re-solution of graphite. The phenomena resulting in contractions are stress relief, disappearance of Guinier-Preston zones, precipitation of carbide, and precipitation of graphite. Stress relief increases with aging temperature. However, there is a tendency for residual stress formation on subsequent cooling which increases with aging temperature, but this effect can be prevented if cooling from the aging temperature is slowly carried out. The formation of Guinier-Preston zones is restricted to aging temperatures below about 950 C (158* F). in the disappearance of these zones. on aging above 3150 C (6000 F). Higher temperatures result Precipitation of carbide occurs Re-solution of carbide and simultaneous precipitation of graphite occurs on aging above 4250 C (8000 F). Re-solution of graphite occurs on aging above 6500 C (12000 F). VIII. 1. - -90 CONCLUSIONS The metallurgical phenomena believed responsible for dimensional changes in Invar are residual stress formation, stress relief, formation and disappearance of Guinier-Preston zones, and precipi- tation and re-solution of both carbide and graphite. 2. Residual stress formation occurs on rapid cooling from aging temperatures aboye approximately 3150 C (6000 F) and results in an expansion. 3. Stress relief incurred by either aging or mechanical shock results in a contraction. 4. Guinier-Preston zones form on aging at temperatures up to about 950 C (2000 F) and result in an expansion; whereas on aging above this temperature these zones disappear and a contraction results. 5. Precipitation of carbide and graphite occurs on aging above 3150 C (6000 F) and results in contractions; re-solution of these phases results in expansions. 6. The coefficient of thermal expansion at 200 C (680 F) was found to increase as a result of formation of Guinier-Preston zones. -91- I. SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER WORK The t'ollowing investigations would be valuable in further clarifying the dimensional behavior of Invar: 1. Confirmation of the formation of Guinier-Preston zones by determination of the existence of characteristic streaks in Laeue patterns of single crystals of austenitic Invar when aged to result in the 700 C (1580 F) expansion. 2. Determination of the composition and crystal structure of the carbide phase which precipitates on aging above about 3150 C (6000 F). 3. Determination of the effect of both carbide and graphite precipitation on the coefficient of thermal expansion at 200 C (680 F) of Invars of varying carbon content. 92 - - BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. J. S. Marsh, "The Alloys of Iron and Nickel, Vol. 1 - Special Purpose Alloys," McGraw-Jill Book Company, Inc. New York and London 1938, Chap. VI, P. 135. 2. E. A. Owen, E. L. Yates, and A. H. Sully, "An X-ray Investigation of Pure Iron-Nickel Alloys. Part 4. The Variation of Lattice Parameter with Composition," Proc. Phys. Soc.,Vol. 49, 1937, P. 315. 3. E. A. Owen and A. H. Sully, "On the Migration- of Atoms in Iron-Nickel Alloys," Phil. Mag. Vol. 31, 1941, P. 340. 4. W. Shockley, "The Quantum Physics of Solids - Monograph B - 1184, Bell Telephone Laboratories. 5. C. E. Guillaume, "Changements Passagers and Permanents des Aciers au Nickel (Transitory and Permanent Changes of Nickel Steels)," C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, Vol. 136, 1903, P. 356. 6. H. Scott, "Expansion Characteristics of Low-Expansion Nickel Steels," Trans. Am. Soc. Steel Treat., Vol. 13, 1928, P. 829. 7. T. F. Russell, "Low Expansion Nickel Steel," Engineering (London), Vol. 128, 1929, P. 400. 8. M. A. Hunter, "Low-Expansion Alloys," Metals Handbook, American Society for Metals, Cleveland, 1948, P. 601. 9. S. R. Hood, Discussion on Paper by G. Sachsand J. W. Spretnak, "The Structure and Properties of Some Iron-Nickel Alloys," Trans. A.I.M.E. Vol. 145, 1941, P. 356. 10. 93 - - C. E. Guillaume, "Recherches Metrologiques Sur Les Aciers Au Nickel (Metrologic Researches on Nickel Steels)," Travaux et Memoires du Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, Vol. 17, 1927, P. 113. 11. P. Chevenard and A. Portevin, "Dilatometric Analysis of Some. Alloys," Revue de i4etallurgic Memoires, Vol. 22, 1925, P. 357. 12. T. Kase, "On the Equilibrium Diagram of the Iron-CarbonNickel System," Science Report, Tohoku Imperial University, Ser. 1, Vol. 14, 1925, P. 173. 13. B. Jacobson and S. Westgren, "Nickel Carbide and its Relation to Other Carbides of the Element Series Scandium-Nickel", Z. Physik. Chemie, ser. B, Vol. 20, 1933, P. 361. 14. B. L. Averbach and M. Cohen, "The Isothermal Decomposition of Martensite and Retained Austenite," Trans. A.S.M., Vol. 41, 1949, P. 1024. 15. G. V. Kurdjumov and 0. P. Maksimova, "Kinetics of the Transfromation of Austenite to Martensite at Low Temperatures," Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR 61, No. 1, 83(1948). 16. J. R. Low and M. Gensamer, "Aging and the Yield Point in Steel," Trans. A.I.M.E., Vol. 158, 1944, P. 207. 17. M. Cohen and P. K. Koh, "The Tempering of High Speed Steel," Trans. A.S.M., Vol. 27, 1939, P. 1015. 18. B. L. Averbach and M. Cohen, "X-ray Measurement of Retained Austenite by Integrated Intensities," T.P. 2342, Metals Technology Feb. 1948. 19. D. J. Blickwede, "Effect of Vanadium and Carbon on the Constitution of High Speed Steel," M.I.T. Thesis, 1948. 20. 0. Zmeskal and M. Cohen, "Siultaneous Measurement of Magnetic and Dilatometric Changes", Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 13, 1942, P. 346. 94 - - -4 FIGURE 1 - ATMOSPHERE CONTROLLED FURNACE FIG. 1 FRONT SIDE VIEW - -q6- VIEW FIGURE 2 - APPARATUS FOR MEASURING COEFFICIENT OF THERMAL EXPANSION FIG. 2 FIGURE 3 DIMENSIONAL CHANGES ON AGING QUENCHED INVAR (0.07C,0.44Mn S36.8 Ni) + 8300C, QUENCHED IN WATER TO 200C, AGED AS INDICATED, 50 - - AIR COOLED TO 200C. 700C (. 5000 UI) 0 wA ~ 950C 7~ - .~ zu 4 C ' m: 0 z U 120C '.7... 0 X -50 150 OC T 1 4 -lO0 205~.~ I.~ )CV ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-- -t I I'D I 0.1 I I I 0.5 I I) I I 5 I I 11 10 50 AGING TIME - HOURS I IL 100 500 1000 FIG. 3 +200 t ( FIGURE 4 FIGURE 4 54000, WATER QUENCH +100'[ N) AT 70OC DIMENSIONAL CHANGES ON AGING INVA R (0.07c O 44 Mn 0 QUENCHED IN WATER TO 20 C AFTER I HOUR AT TEMPERATURE INDICATED, AGED AT 70*0, AIR COOLED TO 200C 1368 -t50 ZERO CORRE SPONDS TO INITIAL LENGTH AFTER QUEN CHING IN WATER FROM 8300C TO 2 )0c -150*C, WATER QUENCH z 0 200C 120 0 C WATER QUENCH Ln 4250C. WATER QUENCH 41m, 0 cr 50[ 2050C, WATER QUENCH -100 315*C, WATER QUENCH -150 1 ! 1 0.1 0.5 I 50 10 5 100 AGING TIME - HOURS AT 700C 500 1000 FIG. 4 FIGURE DIMENSIONAL CHANGES ON RE-AGING 5 AT 50*C FOLLOWING AGING AT 700C. 8300 C,QUENCHED IN WATER PLOT A-AGED AT 700C TO 200C PLOT B-RE-AGED AFTER 1000 HOURS AT 700C AT 500C A -AGED A-GDAT70 +251 0 X 0 z AT 70*C "f f cr w w 0 25 B-AGED AT 50*CB-AGED AT 5000 - a + z -- 0 -25 -- - --- --- - ------------- I U.' --. ------ ____________________ - --- __---__- --t------- ~~ii~J 10 50 100 AGING TIME-HOURS -------------.------- t-- ____________________ 5 500 1000 FIG 5 FIGURE 6 DIMENSIONAL CHANGES ON AGING QUENCHED INVAR (0.070, 0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni). 8300C, QUENCHED IN WATER TO 200C, REHEATED FOR I HOUR AT 2050, QUENCHED IN WATER TO 20*C, AGED AS INDICATED, AIR COOLED TO 200C t251 1500C l-e OF z 950C 25 0 Cr 700C ii 2 50 500C t 0 0.1 i I I I I I I 0.5 I Ii' 5 10 AGING TIME -HOURS I i 50 II I 100 ill I 500 1000 FIG.6 ~~1 FICURE 7 DIMENSIONAL CHANGES ON AGING QUENCHED INVAR (007 C 0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni) AT 700C PLOT A - 830 0 CQUENCHED IN WATER.TO 20 0 C) AGED AT 70 0 C PLOT B - REHEATED TO 205 0 C, HELD I HOUR, QUENCHED IN WATER TO 20*C, AGED AT 700C PLOT C -- SAME TREATMENT AS B A- FIRST AGING ZERO CORRE SPONDS TO INITIAL LENGTH AFTER QUEN CHING IN WATER FROM 8300C TO 2 0 0 C z w a- OK. PERIOD AT 700C - 50 t ft () w 0 -50 0 7 CORRESPON DS TO LENGTH AFTER *Cl QUENCHING IN WATER FROM 205C TO 200C B- SECOND AGING PERIOD AT 70 0 C C-TIHIRD AGING PERIOD AT 70-C -100 CORRESPONDS TO LENGTH AFTER QUENCHING IN WATER FROM 2050C TO 200C FOR SECOND TIME H 0. 1 i 0.5 I 5 10 AGING T IME A T 70* 50 100 - HOUR S 500 1000 FIG. 7 FIGURE DIMENSIONAL CHANGES ON AGING COLD WORKED INVAR (0.07C, O 44Mn, 36,8 NI) REDUCED 25 PEF CENT IN AREA BY COLD DRAWING FOLLOWING ABOUT 8000C TO 20*C WATER QUENCHING FROM +501 70*C 0 5oc 0 uj k' 9' 0 cr k _bO F 9' 50*C 2050C -100L 0 0.1 0.5 I 5 10 AGING TIME -- 50 HOURS 100 I if- 500 1000 FIG 8 FIGURE 9 DIMENSIONAL CHANGES ON AGING ANNEALED INVAR (0.07 C, 0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni) 8300C, FURNACE I -. 4. COOLED TO 2000, AGED AS INDICATED, AIR COOLED TO 200C z a: LAJ i U) 0 700C 20*C 1500C 2050C "m lo 6w 0r -50 H U.' 0.5 I 5 1) 100 50 AGING TIME - HOURS 500 1000 FIG 9 FIGURE 10 DIMENSIONAL CHANGES ON AGING INVAR (0.07 C,0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni) COOLED AT DIFFERENT RATES FROM BOTH 8300C AND 3150C - - - - Ol- A 0 ft.-W -25 ---- AL AIR COOLED I x v 0 0 -25 x 8300C TO 200C * z w x FURNACE COOLED FROM 0 I 0 n r7l FROM 8300C TO 20OC 0~ 0 z - - - MEDIUM USED FOR COOLING FROM 3150C I 0 * WATER X AIR 0- __ 501 SILOCEL QUENCHED IN WATER FRO A 8300C TO 200C -100 x0 0 -150 I- 0.1 0.5 I 5 10 50 100 AGING TIME-HOURS AT 3150C i I II 500 1000 FIG. 10 I FIGURE x t1600 II DIMENSIONAL AND VOLUME CHANGES ON AGING ANNEALED INVAR (0.07 C, 0.44 Mn) 36.8 NI) AT 5400C AND QUENCHING IN cr +0 WATER TO 200C. 83O0 'C, FURNACE CO )LED TO 2 0 *C, AGED AT 5400C AS INDICATE D 00 x- +1200 (nf PLOT B-10 HOURS TOTAL AT 5400C QUENCHED 10 TIMES So x IN WATER TO 2000C LENGTH CHANGES +400[-+ /00 / ul PLOT A -100 HOURS TOT AL AT 5400C QUENCHED 7 T IMES IN WATER TO 2OOC x /00.0 ~ 0 5 0 +20 SPECIFIC LA-i a- VOLUME CHANGES _-eEL-___ O P LOT C - 10 HOURS TOTAL AT 54 0*C QUENCHED 10 TIMES IN WATER TO 200C Q) Q 0 ,Z) Q0 -20 C I ___________________ 0.1 0.5 I I I I oil 5 10 50 100 AGING TIME -HOURS AT 5400C 500 1000 FIG. I FIGURE I 12 +100K DIMENSIONAL CHANGES ON AGING DECARBURIZED AND QUENCHED INVAR (o0 C, 0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni) DECARBURIZED IN WET HYDROGEN FOR 20 HOURS AT 10950C 8300 C, QUENCHED IN WATER TO 200C, AGED AS INDICATED, AIR COOLED TO 2C *c +50 Ir 0i w 0 20*0 4 a~ (I) -50 \ 1500C 2050C -100[ 0 QN 0.1 0.5 I 0.5~ AN10 AGING I I I 5I1 50 TIME -HOURS. 100 500 1000 FIG. 12 FIGURE 13 DIMENSIONAL CHANGES ON AGING DECARBURIZED AND ANNEALED INVAR (0.01C, 0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni) DECARBURIZED IN WET HYDROGEN FOR 20 HOURS AT 1095 0 C 8300c) FURNACE COOLED TO 20*C, AGED AS INDICATED, AIt COOLED TO 20*C f 10 200C -10 70 C 0 1O -4- --- t ui i sC:"o 0 F-, - -10 1o U 205" C. -ICy H 0 -ci i DI I II 0.5 ! I I I I I 5 I II 50 10 AGING TIME -HOUR I I I I I 100 I 500 1000 FIG. 13 -~ iRThILUI 1IL~HiilJJ JiL FIGURE 14 DIMENSIONAL CHANGES RESULTING FROM DROP TESTS OF QUENCHED AND OF ANNEALED INVAR (0.06C,0.44 Mn,36.7 Ni). z -100 e 830 0 C, QUE NCHED IN WATER TO 200C X 830*C, FUR NACE COOLED TO 200C Lu-I cr -200 z 0 0r -300 -400 0 I I I 2 6 4 3 5 NUMBER OF DROPS 7 8 9 10 FIG. 14 - -lo9 FIGURE 15 DISTRIBUTION OF RESIDUAL STRESS IN QUENCHED INVAR -100- (.07 C, 0.44 Mn, 36.7 Ni) 830 0 CQUENCHED IN WATER TO 20 0 C,CENTERLESS GROUND. 430)000 RESIDUAL STRESS CALCULATED FROM CHANGES IN LENGTH BY USE OF HEYN ANALYSIS. -200- z w -300- +20,000 w +10,000 -400- 0 z 0 az -500- 0 0 w a:_ D -10,000 SURFACE CENTER w a:.-20, 000 -600- -700RESIDUAL STRESS -30,000 -800- CHANGE 11N LENGTHi / -900- I, FRACTION OF DIAMETER I I I1il I . 0.7 0.0 0.6 .08 0.9 0.100 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 CROSS SECTION AREA-SQUARE IN. CENTER -V I I. 0 0.1049 SURFACE -1000 F IG. 15 FIGURE 16 PLOT OF LATTICE INVAR (0.44 Mn TEMPERATURES. PARAMETER VS. CARBON 36.8 Ni) HEATED CONTENT 500 HOURS OF AT VARIOUS 80 0 60 40 cr / 20 8050 C / w / w / 6000 / cr 705 - 80 60 mu~~ 5i4 0 0C u 91 C C 0 40 H 0 2013.5900 U.u 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 CARBON CONTENT -PER 0.6 CENT 0.7 0,8 F IG. 16 -III- FIGURE 17 SOLUBILITY OF CARBON IN AUSTENITIC PHASE OF INVAR (0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni) 90C 80C 70C 60C 50C 400 300 100 _ I (. 0i 0 .0 _________ 0 DETERMINED EXPERIMENTALLY '' CALCULATED ASSUMING IDEAL SOLUTION I _________ 1 _________ 1 .1 _________ 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 CARBON CONTENT- PER CENT , 200 !I 1 _______________________ 0.5 FIG. 17 PRO ii FIGURE PLOT OF J VS. H FOR QUENCHED 18 INVAR (0.07C, 044 Mn,36.8 Ni) AT 130C 0 830 0C, QUENCHED IN WATER TO 20 C 1200 _ _ _ _ _ -. I _ I 11000 _ _ - I II I I I z SATURATION \ I z Z 3600 600 I 4 .?7. uz 0 >- 400 z w z 200 0 0 N 200 400 IUU 1000 600 800 MAGNETIC FIELD INTENSITY (H) IN OERSTEDS l'+uu IOuu 'ou' r-000 FIG. 18 I-Mimi -'/13- flj FIGURE 19 100 VARIATI ON OF SATURATION J WITH TEMPE RATURE FOR ANNEALED INVAR (0.07C, 0.44 Mn, 36.8 Ni). 90( 830*CF URNACE COOLED TO 200 C. MAGNET IC FIELD INTENSITY (H) = 1100 OERSTEDS 80C i X 70C U, 60 -x i z -. 0 -- 50C i HEATING CURVE x COOLING CURVE x z o400 i- x z x w z 300 200 100 01 0 -CURIE POINT =266*C 4-i i 50 100 150 200 TEMPERATURE*C 250 L 300 350 FIG. 19 FIGURE 1100- 20 1 VARIATION OF SATURATION J WITH TEMPERATURE FOR QUENCHED INVARS (0.10 Mn, 36.ONi) OF VARYING CARBON CONTENT. 1000- 8300c QUENCHED IN WATER TO 20 0C MAGNETIC FIELD INTENSITY 900 1100 OERSTEDS. 800- 0700- z o600 N z __ 500 _ _ _ _ 0 >400 -- - x 200- 100 E 0 0 L.400 50 I50 100 TEMPERATURE 200 00 0.02c 30 3C 0 0.1OC FIG. 20 FIGURE 21 - CuSO4 + HCO Etch FIG. 21A - - 500x Longitudinal Section of 0.58 Percent Carbon Invar in AsQuenched Condition. Twinned Austenitic Grains and Graphite Streaks. Unetched FIG. 21B MICROSTRUCTURES 1500X Longitudinal Section of 0.58 Percent Carbon Invar In AsQuenched Condition. Graphite Streaks. CuS04 + HC1 Etch 150OX FIG. 21C- Transverse Section of 0.15 Percent Carbon Invar Water Quenched and Aged 500 Hours at 425* C. Carbide Precipitation at Grain Boundaries. FIGURE 21 -- APPENDIX A FORMULAE AND DATA USED IN CALCULATING CHANGES IN LENGTH DUE TO PHASE TRANSFORMATIONS (a) Change in length in terms of change in volume: aL =1 AV where L = change in length Lo = initial length AV = change in volume Vo = initial volume (b) Specific volume from x-ray data: NO An where V = specific volume N = Avogadro's number a = lattice parameter in A 0 n = number of atoms in unit cell A = mean atomic weight (c) Change in specific volume due to change in lattice parameter and atomic weight: AV =3Aa (d) ~A Lattice parameters of iron-nickel austenites at 150 C. according to Owen and Sully(3) V Nickel Content Lattice Parameter Nickel Content Lattice Parameter in Atomic Percent in Angstroms in Atomic Percent in Angstroms 100 3.5171 3.5027 3.5241 3.5278 3.5378 3.5494 3.5626 3.5691 3.5779 3.5828 3.5858 3.5881 96.58 93.65 90.63 82.13 73.03 62.66 57.19 50.91 46.74 44.26 41.50 (e) 39.46 37.24 36.01 33.97 33.34 33.07 32.48 32.29 31.13 30.60 29-25 27.12 3.5887 3.5886 3.5883 3.5859 3.5847 3.5842 3.5833 3.5829 3.5808 3.5798 3.5769 3.5743 Lattice parameters of iron-nickel ferrites at 150 C according to Owen and Sully : Nickel Content in Atomic Percent Lattice Parameter in Angstroms 2.96 2.8624 5.73 8.56 2.8633 2.8634 - -3 APPENDIX B CALCULATION OF LENGTH CHANGE DUE TO FORMATION OF CaMENTITE IN INVAR (1) Assume complete precipitation of 0.05 percent carbon as Fe 3 C according to the following equation: I gram A -- +- 0.9925 gram A' + 0.0075 gram Fe3 C where A = austenite containing: At= austenite' containing: (2) 0 0.00 30 63 95 36.3 63.7 Specific volume of Invar containing 36 percent nickel and 64 percent iron calculated from formula (a) Appendix A using 3.587 angstroms as the lattice parameter of 36:64 nickel-iron austenite from (d) Appendix A: (6.023 X 10) (3) (3) ,= 0.12234 cubic ems. per gram. Increase of volume of 36:64 nickel-iron austenite due to solution of 0.05 percent carbon assuming an increase of 0.0023 angstroms in lattice parameter as determined from Figure 16. AV (4) 3.587 + 0.00023 cubic cms. Volume of 1 gram of A-phase: VA (5) 3(0.0023) (0.12234) 36 + A V = 0.12257 cubic ems. Change in specific volume of 36:64 nickel-iron austenite due to increase of 0.30 percent nickel calculated from formula (b) Appendix A knowing from (d) Appendix A that an increase in - -4 lattice parameter of 0.0Q4 angstrom occurs: i(.584 AVNi (6) .9 5 Lper % (0.12234)= + 0.00002 cubic cms. gram Volume of 0.9925 grams of A'-phase: VA, = (0.9925) (0.12236) = 0.12145 cubic ems. (7) Volume of 0.0075 grams of Fe 3 C having a specific volume of 0.13000 cubic cms. per gram: VFe3C = (0.0075) (0-13000) = 0.00097 cubic cms. (8) Change in length for reaction (1) calculated using equation (a) Appendix A: AL L - 1 3 (0.12145 + 0.00097 - 0.12257 0.12257 AL =-410 microinches per inch = 0 .00041 I I r -5.APPENDIX C CALCULATION OF CHANGE OF LENGTH DUE TO FORMATION OF GRAPHITE IN INVAR (1) Assume complete precipitation of 0.05 percent carbon as graphite according to the following equation: 1 gram A -- +-0.9995 gram A' + O.0U05 gram G (2) where A = austenite containing: 5 A'= austenite containing: 0.00 Ni Fe 36 63.95 36 64 From equation (4) Appendix B: VA = 0.12257 cubic ems. (3) Volume of 0.9995 grams of A'-phase of specific volume equal to 0.12234: VAt = (0.9995) (4) (0.12234) = 0.12228 cubic cms. Volume of 0.0005 gram of graphite of specific volume equal to 0.44500: VG = (0.0005) (0.45500) = 0.00023 cubic cms. (5) _4 L _i (0.12228 + 0.00023 - 0.12257) L 3 0.12257 AL = -170 microinches per inch L -0.00017 6- APPENDIX D CALCULATION OF LENGTH CHANGE DUE TO FORMATION OF NICKEL CARBIDE IN INVAR (1) Assume complete precipitation of 0.05 percent carbon as Ni3 C according to the following equation: 1 gram A -0O.9922 gram A' + 0.0078 gram Ni 3 C where A = austenite containing: A'= austenite containing: (2) C Ni 3 6395 0.00 3564 64.46 - Fe From Equation (4) Appendix B: VA = 0.12257 cubic ems. (3) Change in specific volume of 36:64 nickel-iron austenite due to decrease of 0.46 percent nickel calculated from formula (b) 0 Appendix A knowing from (d) Appendix A that a decrease of 0.0005 A in lattice parameter occurs: Ni=L (4) + 61: (.12234)= -0.00002 cubic cms. per gram Volume of 0.9922 grams of At phase of specific volume equal to 0.12232 cubic cms. per gram. VAt = (0.9922) (0.12232) = 0.12137 cubic ems. (5) Specific volume of Ni 3 C according to reference and formula (b) Appendix A: (6.023 Ni 3 C X 1023) (0.8660) (188.08) (0.6667) (2.646)2(4.329) x 10-24 12608 cuiic ems. per gram. -7- (6) Volume of 0.0078 grams of Ni 3 C: VN13C AL 1 (0.12137) + 0.00098 - 0.12257) = -0.0006 0.12257 3 L or cms. = (0.0078) (0.12608),= 0.00098 cubic L = -600 microinches per inch APPEDIX E CALCULATION OF LENGTH CHANGE FOR FORMATION OF IRON-NICKEL CARBIDE IN INVAR (1) Assume complete precipitations of 0.05 percent carbon as Fe 2NiCaccording to the following equation: 1 1 gram A (2) 0.9924 gram At + 0.0076 gram Fe 2NiC where A =austenite containing: Ni C 0.05 36.0 Fe 63.95 At= austenite containing: 0.00 36.0 64.0 From equation (4) Appendix B: V = 0.12257 cubic ems. (3) Volume of 0.9924 gram of A'-phase of specific volume equal to 0.12234: cms. VA, = (0.9924) (0.12234) = 0.12142 cubic (4) Volume of 0.0076 grams of Fe2NiC which is assumed to have the same specific volume as cementite: 0.0076 (0.13000) = 0.00099 cubic cms. VC (5) Change in length for reaction (1) calculated using equation (a) Appendix A: SL_ 1 3 L or L = (0.12142 + 0.00099 - 0.12257) 0.12257 -44+0 microinches per inch =-0.000 - - 9 APPENDIX F CALCULATION OF LENGTH CHANGE DUE TO FORMATION OF FERRITE IN INVAR A. Formation of 1 percent Ferrite (1) Assume transformation of austenite to ferrite occurs according to following equation: 1 gram A-.-0.99 gram A' + 0.01 gram F = austenite containing Ni 36.0 Fe 64.0 A'= austenite containing 36.3 63.7 = ferrite containing 5.0 95.0 where A F (2) Volume of 1 gram of A-phase from equation (2) Appendix B: VA = 0.12234 cubic ems. (3) Difference in specific volume between At and A phase according to equation (5) Appendix B. LWNi = +0.00002 cubic cms. per gram (4) Volume of 0.99 gram of A' phase: VA, = 0.99 (0.12234 + 0.00002) = 0.12114 cubic cms. (5) Specific volume of F-phase calculated according to formula (b) of Appendix A, knowing from (e) Appendix A that the lattice parameter of the ferrite phase = 2.8629 angstroms F (6) (6.023 X 1023) (2.8629)3 (102 2 4 (56.04) 2 Volume of 0.01 gram of F-phase: VF = (0.01) (0.12610) = 0.00126 cubic cms. 0.12610 (7) Change in length is given by formula (a) Appendix A: A 10.12114 + 0.00126 - 0.12234 0.12234 L or B. 10 - - W A = orL = 0.000160 0006 +160 microinches per inch Formation of 10 Percent Ferrite (1) 1 gram A--0.90 where A grams At + 0.10 grams F N). Fe 36.0 64.0 austenite containing: 39.5 60.5 austenite containing: A' F = ferrite containing: 5.0 95.0 (2) VA = 0.12234 cubic cms. (3) For increase of 3.5 percent nickel, corresponding increase in lattice parameter = 0.0017 angstrom according to (d) Appendix A. Change in specific Volume due to increased nickel content is given by formula (c) of Appendix A: (0-001.) 'Ni = (4) 3.488 - 56.85 ) (0.12234)= -0.00004 cubic cms. -prgem gram per Volume of 0.90 grams of A'-phase: VA, =(0.90) 9 [0.12234 - 0.00004] (5) 0.11007 cubic CMs. Volume of 0.10 grams of F-phase: VF = 0.10 (0.12610) = 0.01261 cubic ems. (6) AL L or L - 0.11007 + 0.01261 0,12234 3 (0.12234) = + 930 microinches per inch +000093 - Il- C. Formation of 45 percent Ferrite (1) 1 gram A-*.0.55 gram At + 0.45 gram F Ni where A = austenite containing: 36.0 A'= austenite containing: F = ferrite containing: Fe 64.0 58.0 42.0 5.0 95.0 (2) VA = 0.12234 cubic cms. (3) For nickel content of 58.0 percent, lattice parameter of A' phase equals 3.569 angstroms according to (d) A. Specific volume of A' phase is given by formula (b) of Appendix A. (6.023 X 1023) (3.569 x (57.50) (4) VA' (4) 8)3 10 = 0.11905 cubic cms. per gram Volume of 0.55 grams of A? phase: VA' = 0.55 (0.11905) = 0.06548 cubic ems. (5) Volume of 0.45 grams of F-phase of specific volume equal to 0.12610: 0.05675 cubic ems. VF = 0.45 (0.12610) (6) 1 (0.12223 3 L or. L 0.12234) -0.0030 0.12234 L~- -3,000 iicroinches per inch