School Technology Commission January 25, 2010 NC DPI Instructional Technology STC Objective List Due Date Ongoing Ongoing and at least one by 1/15/10 3/2010 3/2010 1/27/10 Topic Make LEA tech plans available for input from the state Chief Information Officer. For future meetings have “spotlight” on one or more LEAs re: federal focus and on best practices. We will have at least one per meeting Legislature needs a focus on technology priorities for funding – what to fund first Update in progress for next cycle on table for suggestions Work started with Friday Institute, MCNC, and other state partners Identify from state and national level, what schools NCDPI Instructional can and can not do in a Web 2.0/social networking Technology and environment (CIPA and FERPA). Consult with Connectivity the attorney general’s office to have someone help initiative personnel with this effort. Pull the information together and working on task with share statewide. DPI’s hands are tied – must be SBE legal counsel LEA sign off; would require change in state or federal policy to be able to provide this guidance. Katie Corne to talk about student privacy and CIPA/FERPA – Ouida and Barry Pace Develop an online survey for superintendents, Draft shared with principals, and technology directors to determine STC what each school system needs in the way of Complete? No Yes Partially Partially Partially 2/2010 1/15/10 1/27/10 1/27/10 2/2010 information and assistance related to technology implementation. Work with Jerry Fralick and Bill Randall. Share the resulting information statewide. Create survey questions regarding needs, wants, haves that will drive decision making. Separate survey formats for each group. Technology needs assessment from the District Transformation Team survey needs to be collated and shared with the STC as a starting point in how to serve the needs of low-performing schools. Finish identifying DPI staff for internal committee to support the STC. Review current tech plan and mark off any goals that have been met; determine what remains to be done. Provide link to state tech plan for commission members. Remind new teacher facilitator/liaison to Gov. Purdue rep to talk with teachers, students, and TFs re: needs that should be brought to the attention of the commission. NC Instructional Technology collaborating with Maria Pitre-Martin in School and District Transformation office. Rubric provided that is used for their assessment which includes some direct looks at technology Assessment has been completed In progress Yes, First meeting in February 2010 Yes Update links Yes in progress No