Selected Responsibilities and Requirements for Schools and Local School Superintendents... Budget Act and NC General Statutes

Selected Responsibilities and Requirements for Schools and Local School Superintendents in the
Budget Act and NC General Statutes
Epinephrine injector
According to the Appropriations Act of 2014 (Session Law 2014-100
Senate Bill 744)
 Schools must keep an emergency supply of epinephrine autoinjectors on hand and train personnel to recognize anaphylactic
reactions and administer shots (NCGS § 115C-375.2 as amended).
 The requirement is to take effect November 1 or when regulatory
hurdles to implementation have been cleared.
 The principal must develop an emergency action plan for use of
epinephrine auto-injectors during the school day and during schoolsponsored activities on school property.
 Further guidance on these requirements will be provided soon.
Additional health and
Additional health and safety requirements adopted in previous years include
safety requirements at the following requirements for schools in the North Carolina General
 Develop and implement individual diabetes care plans (§ 115C375.3)
 Provide information to parents and guardians about meningococcal
meningitis and influenza vaccines at the beginning of every school
year (§ 115C-375.4)
 Assure that students in grades nine through 12 receive information
annually on the manner in which a parent may lawfully abandon a
newborn baby with a responsible person in accordance with G.S. 7B500
 Provide students in grades seven through 12 with information
annually on the preventable risks for preterm birth in subsequent
pregnancies, including induced abortion, smoking, alcohol
consumption, the use of illicit drugs, and inadequate prenatal care.
New requirements
The Appropriations Act of 2014 also includes a new initiative against school
aimed at preventing
bullying that
school bullying
 Requires all school principals to provide their local school
administrative unit's policies prohibiting bullying and harassing
behavior, including cyber-bullying, to staff, students and parents for
the 2014-2015 school year(GS § 115C-407.16(d) as amended in
Section 8.32 (a) of the Appropriations Act)
 Requires that these policies be provided in any student and school
and employee handbook
The Appropriations Act also adds new requirements for providing
information to local law enforcement agencies to enhance school security
access to schools
(SECTION 8.20.(a) Section 8.39 of S.L. 2013-360 is repealed. SECTION 8.20.(b)
Article 8C of Chapter 115C of the General Statutes is amended by adding
School systems must now
 Provide Schematic diagrams and emergency access to school
buildings for local law enforcement agencies
 Provide the following to local law enforcement agencies:
Injury prevention and
NC Report Cards
Differentiated pay
proposals sought for
highly effective
responsibilities and
(i) schematic diagrams, including digital schematic diagrams, and (ii)
emergency access to key storage devices such as KNOX®boxes for all
school buildings. Local school administrative units shall provide
updates of the schematic diagrams to local law enforcement
agencies when substantial modifications such as new facilities or
modifications to doors and windows are made to school buildings.
Local school administrative units shall also be responsible for
providing local law enforcement agencies with updated access to
school building key storage devices such as KNOX®boxes when
changes are made to these boxes or devices.
 Ensure that schematic diagrams are not considered a public record
as the term "public record" is defined under G.S. 132-1 and shall not
be subject to inspection and examination under G.S. 132-6
 Provide the following to the Division of Emergency Management
(Division) at the Department of Public Safety: (i) schematic diagrams,
including digital schematic diagrams, and (ii) emergency response
information requested by the Division for the School Risk
Management Plan (SRMP) and the School Emergency Response Plan
 Provide updated schematic diagrams and emergency response
information to the division when such updates are made
Under the Appropriations Act of 2014, Section 8.26, G.S. 115C-12 is amended
by adding a new subdivision to ensure that local boards of education
 Implement injury prevention and return-to-work programs
 Comply with loss prevention and return-to-work programs based on
models adopted by the State Board of Education
Section 9.4(f) of S.L. 2013-360 of the Appropriations Act of 2014:
 Delays the first annual NC Report Cards that provide schools and
school systems an A-F grade until no earlier than .January 15, 2015
SECTION 8.41 of the Appropriations Act of 2014 requires local boards of
education to provide proposals to the General Assembly to
 Provide proposals for differentiated pay for highly effective teachers
by January 15, 2015, with funding for these proposals coming from
the newly established North Carolina Education Endowment Fund
 Submit proposals to the Senate Appropriations/Base Budget
Committee, the House Committee on Appropriations, and the Joint
Legislative Education Oversight Committee by January 15, 2015.
Additional responsibilities and reporting requirements are mandated in state
law and articulated in
 § 115C-47 of the General Statutes, which contains the powers and
duties of local school boards, including more than 60 individual
responsibilities such as
o Provide an adequate school system (1)
o Divide local school into attendance areas (3)
o Assure accurate attendance records (9)
o Determine the school calendar (11) under G.S. 115C-84.2
o Make rules concerning the conduct and duties of personnel
Provide for training of teachers (20)
Provide school food service (22)
Refer all students who drop out to appropriate services (32)
Establish alternative learning programs and develop
programs and guidelines (32a)
o Report all acts of school violence to the State Board of
Education (36)
o Establish school improvement teams (38)
o Adopt policies on student retention decisions that include
opportunities for parents and guardians to discuss these
decisions (39)
o Adopt emergency response plans in the event of school
violence (40)
o Adopt policies to increase parental involvement in student
achievement and graduation preparation (54)
o Adopt policies to encourage student voter registration (59)
§ 115C-276 (a-s), which prescribes the duties of the local school
superintendent, including
o Carry out all rules and regulations of the board (a)
o Serve as ex-officio secretary to the board and serve as
executive officer (b)
o Attend professional meetings conducted by the State
Superintendent of Public Instruction (d)
o Become familiar with and implement state policies and rules
o Submit organization reports and other information to the
State Board of Education (k)
o Participate in the development of the school budget and
finances (o)
o Require teachers and principals to make reports regarding
daily attendance, payroll data sheets and other matters (p)
o Assign school principals (q)
o Maintain student discipline and keep data on administration
of corporal punishment , suspensions and expulsions (r)