THE LONG RANGE DISPERSION OF RADIOACTIVE PARTICULATES by Joshua Michael Aaron Ryder Wurman S.B. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1982 Submi tted to the Department of Meteorolog y and Physical Oceanography in Part ial Fulfillment of the Requir ements of the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN METEOROLOGY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 1982 @Joshua Michael Aaron Ryder Wurman 1982 The author hereby grants to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology permission to reproduce and distribute publicly copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Signature of Author Department of Meteorology and Physical Oceanography 18 June 1982 Certified by_, Dr. 'I, Raymond Pierrehumbert Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Chairman, Department of Dr'. Peter Stone Meteorology and Physical Oceanography LnaoWTHRTAWR FROM-1982 M IT LiB RARE s PAGE 2 THE LONG RANGE DISPERSION OF RADIOACTIVE PARTICULATES by Joshua Michael Aaron Ryder Wurman S.B. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1982 Submitted to the Department of Meteorology and Physical Oceanography in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of Master of Science in Meteorology ABSTRACT Particl e advection in the upper troposphere and lower mo deled using the Arakawa scheme to stratosphere was approximate the Jacobia n of the height of constant pressure and the conce ntration field in the concentration field The scheme was tested with three advection e quation. The different initializati ons of particle dis-tributions. Wakes of numerical properties of the scheme were studied. alternating sign produc ed by the scheme to the lee side of the be unacceptable particle cloud were found to and a modification to the sc heme was proposed. The modified scheme The three initializations. same was tested with the modification was foun d to eliminate the wakes with only a small result ant numeric al diffusion. A crude model for the deposition of particl es to the ground was added to the The resultant scheme was tested and advection scheme. produced a realistic fallout pattern. Horizontal diffusion was neglecte in all the tests. The tests used an idealized repre sen ting purely zonal flow. The model is height fiel syn optic height fields, real diffusion adaptable to real coefficients and more realistic deposition schemes. Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Raymond Pierrehumbert Title: Assistant Professor of Meteorology PAGE 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research Undergraduate was Research thank the people who run project may never have begun in January, Opportunities this program, started. 1981 Program. without the past eighteen months. computer facility running wish which to this invaluable I wish to thank Ken Morey whose assistance and patience with me and efforts the I the I wish to thank my thesis advisor, Raymond Pierrehumbert, whose guidance was during under permitted at keeping the computational phase of this research to occur. Finally, I wish to thank my parents, who instilled in me the greatest of all gifts, the desire to learn. PAGE 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page 1 Abstract 2 Acknowledgments 3 Table of Contents 4 List of Figures 8 List of Tables 19 Definition of Symbols 20 I. Introduction 23 II. Derivation of exact equations 30 III. Derivation of finite difference forms. 39 IV. 46 Trials A. Description of computational method and data 46 B. Individual trials 57 1. Unsmoothed trialsa. One point initialization 57 57 i. Description of the initialization 57 ii. Diagrams of the advection 57 iii. Description of the advection 60 iv. Cross-sections 62 v. Mass in the forward positive area 71 vi. Velocity of the forward positive area 73 vii. Conservation of mass 74 viii. Conservation of squared mass 76 ix. Discussion b. Nine point init'ialization 78 78 PAGE 5 i. Description of the initialization 78 ii. Diagrams of the advection 79 iii. Description of the advection 81 iv. Cross-sections 83 v. Mass in the forward positive area 90 vi. Velocity of the forward positive area 91 vii. Conservation of mass 92 viii. Conservation of squared mass 94 c. Sixty-nine point initialization 96 i. Description of the initialization 96 ii. Diagrams of the advection 97 iii. Description of the advection 100 iv. Cross-sections 102 v. Mass in the forward positive area 108 vi. Velocity of the forward positive area 109 vii. Conservation Of mass 109 viii. Conservation of squared mass 111 2. Smoothed advection 114 a. Discussion 114 b. One point initialization 114 i. Description of initialization 114 ii. Diagrams of the advection 115 iii. Description of the advection 118 iv. Cross-sections 119 v. Velocity of the cloud 124 vi. Conservation of mass 127 vii. Conservation of squared mass 129 PAGE 6 v iii. Discussion c. Nine-point initialization 134 134 i . Description of initialization 134 ii. Diagrams of the advection 134 iii. 137 Description of the advection iv. Cross-sections 137 . Velocity of the cloud 142 vi. Conservation of mass 143 vii. Conservation of squared mass 145 d. Sixty-nine point initialization 147 i. Description of initialization 147 ii. Diagrams of the advection 148 iii. 150 v Description of the advection iv. Cross-sections 150 v . Velocity of the cloud 155 i. Conservation of mass 156 v v ii. Conservation of squared mass 3. Trial with deposition 158 161 a. Discussion 161 b. Description of deposition schem e 161 c. Description of initialization 163 d. Deposition parameters 163 e. Diagrams of the advection 164 f. Description of the advection 167 g. Cross-sections 168 h. Conservation of mass 173 i. Conservation of squared mass 175 PAGE 7 j. Diagrams of deposition 177 k. Description of deposition 181 1. Cross-sections through the deposition pattern 181 V. Conclusions 186 A. Unsmoothed model 186 B. Smoothed model 188 C. Deposition case 191 D. Summary 192 References 194 Appendix A 197 Appendix B 200 PAGE 8 LIST OF FIGURES figure page 1. Wakes in Orzag's advection trials 44 2. Longitudinal gridpoint spacing 48 3. Height fie ld used in the trials 52 4. Wind speed versus latitude in m s-1 55 5. Wind speed versus latitude in gridpoints s-1 56 6a. One point in iti al ization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0000 6b. One point initial ization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0001 6c. 58 One point initial ization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0010 6f. 58 One point initial ization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0003 6e. 57 One point initial ization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0002 6d. 57 58 One point initial ization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0100 6g. One point initial ization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=1440 7a. One point initial ization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=0020 7b. One point initialization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=0050 64 PAGE 9 figure 7c. One point initialization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=0100 7d. 65 One point ini tial ization unsmoothed: cross-sect ion at t=0200 7e. page 66 One point ini tial ization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=0300 7f. One point ini tial ization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=0600 7g. One point ini tial ization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=1440 8. 69 One point ini tial ization unsmoothed: normalized mass 9. 68 75 One point ini tialization unsmoothed: normalized squared mass 77 10a. Nine point initial ization unsmoothed: advection pat tern at t=0000 79 10b. Nine point initial ization unsmoothed: advection pat tern at t=0001 79 10c. Nine point initial ization unsmoothed: advection pat tern at t=0002 79 10d. Nine point initial ization unsmoothed: advection pat tern at t=0003 80 PAGE 10 figure 10e. page Nine point initialization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0010 10f. Nine point initialization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=01 00 11a. Nine point initialization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=0060 11b. Nine point initialization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=0100 11c. Nine point initialization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=0200 11d. 86 Nine point initialization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=0300 11e. 85 87 Nine point initialization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=0600 11f. Nine point initialization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=1440 12. Nine point initialization unsmoothed: normal ized mass 13. Nine point initialization unsmoothed: normalized squared mass 14a. Sixty-nine point initiali zation unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0000 98 PAGE 11 figure page 14b. Sixty-nine point initialization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0001 98 14c. Sixty-nine point initialization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0002 98 14d. Sixty-nine point initialization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0003 99 14e. Sixty-nine point initialization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0010 99 14f. Sixty-nine point initialization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0100 99 15a. Sixty-nine point initialization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=0050 103 15b. Sixty-nine point initial ization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=0180 104 15c. Sixty-nine point initial ization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=0300 105 15d. Sixty-nine point initialization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=0600 106 15e. Sixty-nine point initialization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=1440 16. 107 Sixty-nine point initialization unsmoothed: normalized mass 110 PAGE 12 figure 17. page Sixty-nine point initialization unsmoothed: normalized squared mass 112 18a. One point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0001 115 18b. One point initial ization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0002 116 18c. One point initial ization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0003 116 18d. One point initial ization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0010 116 18e. One point initial ization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0100 116 18f. One point initial ization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0300 117 18g. One point initial ization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0600 117 18h. One point initial ization smoothed: advection pattern at t=1440 117 19a. One point initial ization smoothed: cross-sect ion at t=0100 120 19b. One point initial ization smoothed: cross-section at t=0300 121 PAGE 13 figure page 19c. One point initialization smoothed: cross-section at t=0600 122 19d. One point initialization smoothed: cross-section at t=1440 123 20. Cause of centroid lag in smoothed advection 126 21. One point initialization smoothed: normalized mass 22. 128 One point initialization smoothed: normalized squared mass 130 23a. Cause of squared mass variation: unsmoothed advection 131 23b. Cause of squared mass variation: smoothed advection 132 24a. Nine point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0001 135 24b. Nine point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0002 135 24c. Nine point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0003 135 24d. Nine point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0010 135 24e. Nine point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0100 136 24f. Nine point initialization smoothed: advection patter'n at t=0300 136 PAGE 14 figure page 24g. Nine point initial ization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0600 136 24h. Nine point initial ization smoothed: advection pattern at t=1440 136 25a. Nine point initialization smoot hed: cross-secti on at t=0100 138 25b. Nine point initialization smoot hed: cross-secti on at t=0300 139 25c. Nine point initialization smoot hed: cross-secti t=0600 140 25d. Nine point initialization smoot hed: cross-secti on at t=1440 26. Nine point initialization smoot hed: normalized mass 27. 141 ' 144 Nine point initialization smoot hed: normalized squared mass 146 28a. Sixty-nine point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0001 148 28b. Sixty-nine point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0002 148 PAGE 15 figure page 28c. Sixty-nine point initialization smoothed: 148 advection patter n at t=0003 28d. Sixty-nine point initialization smoothed: 149 advection patter n at t=0010 28e. Sixty-nine point initialization smoothed: 149 advection patter n at t=0100 28f. Sixty-nine point initialization smoothed: 149 advection patter n at t=0300 28g. Sixty-nine point initialization smoothed: 149 advection patter n at t=0600 28h. Sixty-nine point initialization smoothed: 149 advection patter n at t=1440 29a. Sixty-nine point initialization smoothed: cross-sect ion at t=0100 151 29b. Sixty-nine point initialization smoothed: cross-sect ion at t=0300 152 29c. Sixty-nine point initialization smoothed: cross-sect ion at t=0600 153 29d. Sixty-nine point initialization smoothed: cross-sect ion at t=1440 30. 154 Sixty-nine point initialization smoothed: normalized mass 157 PAGE 16 figure 31. 32. page Sixty-nine point initialization smoothed: normalized squared mass 159 Process of deposition 162 33a. Trial with deposition: advection pattern at t=0001 164 33b. Trial with deposition: advection pattern at t=0002 165 33c. Trial with deposition: advection pattern at t=0003 165 33d. Trial with deposition: advection pattern at t=0010 165 33e. Trial with deposition: advection pattern at t=0100 165 33f. Trial with deposition: advection pattern at t=0300 166 33g. Trial with deposition: advection pattern at t=0600 166 33h. Trial with deposition: advection pattern at t=1440 166 34a. Trial with deposition: cross-section at t=0500 169 PAGE 17 figure page 34b. Trial with deposition: cross-section at t=0600 170 34c. Trial with deposition: cross-section at t=1000 171 34d. Trial with deposition: cross-section at t=1440 172 35. Trial with deposition: normalized mass 174 36. Trial with deposition: normalized squared mass 176 37a. Trial with deposition: deposition pattern at t=0001 177 37b. Trial with deposition: deposition pattern at t=0002 177 37c. Trial with deposition: deposition pattern at t=0003 177 37d. Trial with deposition: deposition pattern at t=0010 177 37e. Trial with deposition: deposition pattern at t=0100 178 37f. Trial with deposition: deposition pattern at t=0300 178 PAGE 18 figure page 37g. Trial with deposition: deposition pattern at t=0600 178 37h. Trial with deposition: deposition pattern at t=1000 179 37i. Trial with deposition: deposition pattern at t=1440 180 38a. Trial with deposition: deposition cross-sections at t=0010 182 38b. Trial with deposition: deposition cross-sections at t=0100 183 38c. Trial with deposition: 39. deposition cross-sections at t=1000 184 Wake formation regions 201 PAGE 19 LIST OF TABLES table page 1. One point initialization unsmoothed: magnitudes of wake and the forward positive area 61 2. One point initialization unsmoothed: excess concentration in the forward positive area 71 3. Nine point initialization unsmoothed: magnitudes of wake and the forward positive area 82 4. Nine point initialization unsmoothed: excess concentration in the forward positive area 91 5. Sixty-nine point initialization unsmoothed: magnitudes of wake and the forward positive area 101 6. Sixty-nine point initialization unsmoothed. excess concentration in the forward positive area 108 7. One point initialization smoothed: lag in the centroid 125 8. Nine point initialization smoothed: lag in the centroid 142 9. Sixty-nine point initialization smoothed: lag in the centroid 155 PAGE 20 DEFINITION OF SYMBOLS symbol description page first used a concentration in primary grid box 126 b concentration in secondary grid box 126 cc used to calculate smoothed height field 198 C concentration 30 cos cosine 33 d differential operator 30 a partial differential operator 30 D total differential operator 30 D, vertical distance scale 30 DE diffusion constant 27 dd used to calculAte smoothed height field 198 ee used to calculate smoothed height field 198 f coriolis parameter ff used to calculate smoothed height field 9 gravitational acceleration of the Earth 99 used to calculate smoothed height field gp gridpoint H vertical depth of the cloud of particles 163 hh used to calculate smoothed height field 199 J Jacobian 35 unit vector perpendicular to the Earth's surface 41 kilograms 49 kg 32 199 35 199 53 PAGE 21 symbol description page first used L horizontal distance scale ln longitudinal grid coordinate 198 1t latitudinal grid coordinate 198 m meters 27 mb millibars 49 om angular rotation rate of the Earth 34 0 of order 39 p density of air 32. P pressure 32 Pa pascals 49 ph zonaT distance coordinate in natural system 33 r gas constant for air 35 Re radial distance from the center of the Earth 33 RS Rossby number. 30 R0 radius of Earth 37 RL radius of curvature of wind flow 32 s seconds 27 sin sine 34 t time 28 T temperature 35 th meridional distance coordinate in natural system 33 tstp timestep 53 u zonal velocity 30 u zonal geostrophic wind velocity 32 Li zonal velocity 30 30 PAGE 22 symbol description page first used v meridional velocity, velocity 28 v meridional geostrophic wind velocity 32 V meridional velocity, velocity 32 V geostrophic wind velocity 32 VC cyclostrophic wind velocity 32 w vertical velocity 30 x zonal distance coordinate in cartesian system 30 y meridional distance coordinate in cartesian system 30 z vertical distance coordinate in cartesian system 30 vorticity 41 A incremental change 47 * multiplication operator 34 X cross product operator 41 . dot product operator 41 V del operator 41 V Laplacian operator 36 v mean terminal velocity The units used in this paper specified. Units are expressed 161 are MKS unless in exponent otherwise form velocity is expressed as a certain number of m s-1 ) ( e.g. PAGE 23 I. Introduction It is likely that a large scale military conflict between the United States and the exchange of nuclear weapons. devices is orders of Soviet The Union would involve the explosive magnitude conventional, non-nuclear, weapons. greater The blast force of than these that damage of caused by the detonation of these devices is, of course, much greater than that from a conventional explosion. nuclear detonations extend far beyond caused by the force of the explosion. is the study of a phenomenon But the effects of the. initial damage The focus of this paper unique to nuclear weapons: radioactive fallout. Radioactive fallout *iscomprised of radioactive particles from the bomb itself and from debris that is exposed to the The amount and nature of nuclear blast. radioactive fallout is dependent on the nature of the bomb and the altitude of the detonation above the ground. Earth's surface there In an explosion above the is little solid material present from which fallout can be created. the far When the explosion occurs near ground, however, a large amount of the surface is exposed to the blast and thrown into the atmosphere, become In the event of a war, weapons that are targeted at fallout. strengthened missile silos and other military likely, to be detonated targets would, near ground level in order to maximize PAGE 24 their destructive force. debris that thrown into the of much atmosphere will the become The effects of the resultant radioactivi ty radioactive. these is During such an event, particles eventually fall when to the ground are commonly known and can be disastrous. The fallout, just described, is divided types, distinguished radioactivity consists of to by large included in this the gr ound. radioactive ground rapidly and near the Near particles sit e category of the ground. basic range that fallout fall to the explosion. Also are small particles that are not thrown far into the atmosphere and, thus, the two time that is necessary for the the reach into settle rapidly to This near range fal lout is due to particles that have only a short resioence time in the atmosphere and only short exposure to the transpo rt effects of the wind. paper deals with the long range nuclear explosions. at the surface. 1ower the by surface. by large During time, high winds at that altitude cause the particles to may circuit The particulate the globe many times before nearly all of the particles fall and the cloud diffuses and -loses Most caused stratosphere advect away from the site of the explosion. cloud is These particles, often very small, require from hours to years to fa11 to this that This This fallout consists of particles thrown into the upper troposphere and blasts fallout a of the destructive cloud's first day or tivo of identity. fallout, however, falls during the advection on its first c c ir cu it PAGE 25 around the Earth. Studies of the movement fallout from them have been made by other and Zagurek (1981) be calculated the fall out silos in Uta h, Nev ada, prediction Texas, and New WSEG 10 Their f or predicted S tudy, a scale of mor tal ity on the while "typ ical and morbidity that MX missile silos. This a The scheme was magnitude of the eddy displacements effects indicated the " day, d occu r in such an area in th e West all the A study of particl e trajectories by Kao The subject of their and Henderson paper was the diffusivity and statis tics about the after Tanaevsky and Blanchet (1966) very long t ime periods. studied the fallout from nuclear detonations in the atmosphere over in woul the study modeled individ ual particl e trajectories in a Lagrangian manner. Zemlya used Harmf ul lev els of fallout in variable wind fields was conducted particle They indi cating only non-existent, the Atlantic cOast. (1970). would Emergency Management Model Fallout were predicted to fall from the blast to that Wit a wind f ield that was descr ibed as a "'typical day' in March". way amounts Mex ico. utilized by the Fede ral model Agency calle d the tested on investigators. from an attack on the, once, proposed MX missile expected attack of these clouds and the resultant the Soviet Union. Semipalatins k and Novaya They found it difficult to plot cloud trajectories, especially in regions of difluent flow. Instead, probability" which they plotted a "line of represented the front along which the first fallout was likely PAGE 26 to occur. Due to the indeterminate prediction of the location of the cloud, no attempt was made to predict fallout amounts at specific locations. In this paper, the during its first movement of the particulate day of advection is modeled in an Eulerian scheme involving the fields of concentration and pressure heights. directly related cloud The to of constant height field of constant pressure is the wind field approximation to the momentum equation. by the geostrophic The advection term in the rate of concentration change equation is written in terms Of a Jacobian of the concentration and height fields. Jacobian is approximated by a scheme developed by The Arakawa (1966). The Arakawa scheme has advantages and drawbacks that discussed, at length, in the text. are Its basic advantages are designed to be the conservation of mass and the suppression of spurious numerical diffusion. In the trials presented in this paper, the scheme conserves mass very closely. designed to fairly well. masses in all grid boxes, squares of model produced series of is also The drawback to this scheme was that, in order to conserve the quantity just described, the the quantity measure resistance to numeric diffusion, the sum of the squares of the conserved The sum of the masses in all portions of the cloud, the unrealistic wakes, results. The scheme caused a alternating in sign, to develop behind and PAGE 27 around the cloud. These wakes eventually dominated the and obscured any useful results. included, actually dimensions. The expanded The cloud, if the wakes were very rapidly While continental negative and positive the wakes cause the pure Arakawa scheme to not be usable in this context, a scheme is eliminates to sum of the squares quantity is conserved at the expense of creating the series of wakes. cloud the wakes and presented here produces good results. which The small resultant degree of numerical diffusion, that is noticeable by inspection of the cloud and by the drop in the sum of the squares quantity, is acceptable and the cloud appears very realistic. Real turbulent diffusion is ignored in the tests modified scheme that are presented in this paper. done so that the properties of the studied without advection scheme the ThiS is can be the complications introduced by the physical diffusion of the cloud. The advection pattern is not significantly omission. by of this Davidson, changed et. al. (1966) determined that the range of horizontal diffusion coefficients in the troposphere and stratosphere D = 10000 m+2 s-1 and D = 100000 m+2 s-1. the very long term was In their between model of di ffusion of Tungsten-185, a value of D = 40000 m+2 s-1 produced the best agreement with the observed distribution of the element months after its injection into the atmosphere by nuclear detonations. the distribution Dyer (1966) studied of 'vol canic dust in the Southern Hemisphere PAGE 28 during the two years following the eruption of Mount 1963. He determined that the con centra tion of dust found at Aspendale, Victoria, Australia coul d best value of the be explained if diffusion constant was Di = 40000 m+2 s-1. amounts found at the South Pole wer e best of D;= 140000 m+2 s-1. The Even with the lar gest of these values, one The day. advective diffusive length scale, , assuming D,= 100000 m+2 s-1 and t= 100000 s, is of L ~ ViD order after scale the explained by a value the diffusive length scale is much small e r than the length Bali 100000M. The deposition pattern has a.length scale in the direction of the wind vel ocity that is of order L ~ v * t. If a wind speed..of 10 m s-1 and th e same time scale is assumed, then this distance is of order 1 ,000,000 m. long axis of the deposition pattern will affected by the deposition neglect of diffusion. Thus the not be significantly The width pattern is much 1ess than its length. of the But, if, as will be shown in the trials, the minimum stable cloud size is of order five gridpoints or 100,000 m, then the diffusion will only double this scale. Thus , the bulk properties of the deposition remain the same ev en with the neglect of diffusion. This is especially true in diffusion that is the present trials helps where produce the numerical more realistic results. An idealized height field is used in order properties of advection scheme to test the The purpose of this study was not to make actual predictions of real fallout patterns. The PAGE 29 scheme described in the text is, however, fully adaptable to real synoptic situations. The deposition scheme used in this paper is This scheme The crude. is included to indicate the general intensity of, fallout that could be expected cloud. very assumptions of to no fall from vertical a particulate diffusion and a mono-disperse particle size distribution are made and they are clearly not realistic. This paper is intended to provide some basic groundwork towards the prediction of actual distributions under realistic and varying atmospheric conditions. The assumptions of an idealized wind field, zero horizontal or vertical diffusion, a crude deposition scheme, and the neglect of other effects such as the effects radioactive decay of the particles and the scavenging of atmosphere, precipitation cause in the lower portions of the the trials presented here to be of little, actual predictive, significance. The techniques include these, and described possibly here other, should be applied to real wind fields. better understanding of the explosions will. be achieved. long should be effects expanded to and the model Once this is done, a range effects of nuclear PAGE 30 II. Derivation of exact equations In order to predict the concentration particular location of at a at a particular time, it is necessary to know both the concentration at an ini tial able particulates time and then be to integrate the time rate of change of concentration at that location. The total time rate of change of particle concentration can be expressed as DC dC Dt ac dC u-- + ax dt V-- ay ac + w-- (1) az where C is the particle concentration, and u, v, and w are the flow velocities in the x, y, and z directions respectively, and the particles are assumed to be moving at the same velocity as the wind. Scaling arguments can be used to simplify (1). The verti cal motions associated wi th synoptic scale flow are quite smal 1 in the atmosphere. The followi ng scaling of the verti cal wind (Pedlosky, 1979) shows this explicitly. w U [ [ DV ] --- (2) ] R L ] where U is a typical horizontal vel ocity, of vertical distance' , L D. is a typical scale is a typical scale of horizontal PAGE 31 distance, and R is the Rossby number. The ratio of the vertical advection term to the horizontal advection terms is then: [ D, R,][ dC w -- U[ --- dC u -- [ U[ C ] ]( --- ] dz [ L ]( D, ] ----- ~-------------= R [ ax (3) C - L Thus, if the Rossby number is small, then the last term in (1) can be neglected with respect to the other two. The advective velocities. For terms in (1) explicitly directly. certain standard advection. and lower stratospheric It is more useful to use the height field of pressure values to calculate particle In order to calculate the particle advection from this height data it is first necessary to transform pressure wind calculation purposes, it is inconvenient to utilize observed upper tropospheric winds contain coordinates. used in order to do this. are (Holton, 1979): (1) into The horizontal momentum equations are The simplified momentum equations PAGE 32 du -- 1 - v f = - dt p aP (4) ax 1 dp dv -- - +fu = - - (5). p ay dt where f is the coriolis parameter, p is air, and P is the local pressure. the then the first terms can both be resul ts, fter terms of the If the acceleration terms are small, rearranging density are dropped (6a) and and the (6b), the geostrophi : approximation. aP 1 (6a) p f dx aP -1 a (6b) p f dy This approximation is accurate to order R,, the Rossby The greatest deviations from geostrophy will occur in the highest curvature regions of mid-latitude jets. from the more accurate, but number. The deviation more computationally involved- gradient, or cyclostrophic, wind is: VC - V 1+ V ----fR (7) PAGE 33 where RL is the radius of curvature of the flow pattern. cyclonic flow and negative in anticyclonic flow. in positive R. is ten than more rarely is The departure from geostrophy or percent in middle and high latitudes, but can be great twenty geostrophic the with Thus, in the tropics. approximation, study confines itself to the examination of advection in this the middle and high latitudes. The substitution of (6a) and (6b) into (1) gives, aC aP + -------- pf dt Dt 1 dC aP 1 dC DC ax ay (8) pf ay ax It is now necessary to expand (8) The coordinate system chosen is coordinates. natural into the latitude, convention in the western portion of the northern In this th, the northward. hemisphere. the longitude, increases to the west and system, ph, latitude, longitude is zero at the equator and increases With this choice of coordinates, the differential transformations are: dx = - R. cos(th) a(ph) (9a) ay = R a(th) (9b) Where R, is the radial distance from the center of It is also explicitly as, convenient to express the the Earth. coriolis parameter PAGE 34 f = 2 om sin(th) (10) where om is the angular rotation (9a), (9b), of the When earth. are substituted into ( 8) the result is, and (10) DC rate dC dP 1 dC ---------------------------- Dt dt 2 om sin(th) Rp cos(th) d ( th) d ( ph) 1 - ------------------------ ac dP (11) a(th) d(ph) 2 om sin(th) R,p cos(th) This can be modified to give, DC dC Dt dt 1 ] [ ----------------------] [ 2 om sin(th) Re p cos(th)] aP dP d(ph) The data that patterns in is used represen t the weather The data commo nly gives the a standard pressure surface at the location of the of observation. equation to the middle and upper atmosphere is not expressed in terms of pressure fields. height (12) 8(th) a(ph) d(th) usually dC Thus, it is using a useful height for to convert coordinate. ideal gases and (12) The into an hydrostatic small vertical approximation, valid accelerations, gives a relationship between a vertical height coordinate and the pressure coordinate, PAGE 35 -g p dP = --- (13) dz r t where g is the acceleration of gravity, r is the gas for air, and T is the temperature of the air. substituted into (12) DC dC Dt dt constant When (13) is the result is, g P [ ---------------------------[ 2 om sin(th) R,,p cos(th) ac dz dC d(ph) d(th) The last two terms in (14) can ] * rT az (14) a(th) d(ph) be expressed as a Jacobian where, ac aC a(ph) d(th) az az d( ph) a(th) J(C,z) (15) Thus, g P - ---------------------------J(C,z) 2 om sin(th) R p cos(th) r T dt dC (16) If the assumption is made that the atmosphere is an ideal then P/(p r T) equation. is unity and can be eliminated in gas, this PAGE 36 DC/Dt is the time rate of change of concentration with the flow of particles. To obtain equations, DC/Dt is set equal to the rate at are redistributed processes, such a final which moving set of particles or removed from the atmosphere by physical as horizontal and vertical diffusion, radioactive decay, and deposition on the ground. In the model studied here, the assumption is made that the diffusion can be modeled in terms of. a single diffusion constant. The simplified form of the diffusion is assumed to be, 2 DC = -- D V (C) (17) E Dt where Dis the diffusion constant. natural In coordinates, this expands to, 1 DC D E Dt 1 a ac dBRe aR, 2 a cos(th)----- Deposition is radioactive +------------ d(th) Re cos(th) a(th) dealt decay with ac 1 aC in (18) Re sin (th) 6(ph) a later section and the of the particles is neglected in the model studied here. The model used in this study contains only a single PAGE 37 layer. The assumptions essential in approximation are that the concentration the cloud debris and the significantl y with height a certain layer thin nearly unifo rm winds assumption wind this of layer single particulates veloc ities do not vary or that the par ticles only exis t in hat is ot her and greatly simpl ifie charact erized by unifor m or physical Th is prop erties. s the computa tional probl em, but neglects important vertic al v ariations in the at mosphere. real particular, winds do show In consid erable shear in both direction an d speed throu gh t he depth of t he atmosphere. one layer model always being used advected here by assumes winds that The that the particles are are present one at particular l evel. The first term in (18) contains the radial concentration. variation of This term can be eliminated because: Ro= R0 + z (19a) Where R. is the radius of the Earth. The differentiatial form of (19a) is: (19b) dR = dz Thus, dC dRe dC -- = 0 dz - In the single layer approximation (19c) PAGE 38 Thus, by substituting terms, the local rate (18) of into (16) and rearranging change of particle concentration becomes, -- =D dt aC [ 1 a [--------- ----- dC E [ + cos(th) d(th) Recos(th) a(th) t 2 a c 1 Re sin (th) +-------------- a(ph) g P -------------- J(C,z) (20) 2 om sin(th) Re p cos(th) r T As will be seen in the trials calculated in finite difference approximations used advection introduce numerical diffusion. is already section to IV, the calculate the Since some diffusion present, and it is desirable to study the model's properties without physical diffusion, the constant D in was set to zero in the trials presented here. here includes the appropriate diffusion diffusion term constant for should detailed trials and in order to make accurate the deposition onto The derivation completeness be chosen and an for more predictions the grou.nd of radioactive particles. crude calculation of deposition rates is discussed in IV.3. (20) of A section PAGE 39 III. Derivation of finite *difference forms In order to solve this equation numerically, necessary to convert it to finite difference form. it is The finite difference analogues to the diffusion terms can be found in straightforward manner. The standard two point center differenced expansion of a derivative gives, I 1 bcW b(A) ~ C(f '814I ~ f0A,) -c(1,) 4 /42 +Of 2j 2p and, (4) (z) ( I111 ATh g~2 ('h) 4 C -4 Thus, *1 £'A)(c(iI.1AiL)-(t~))-~as( IL- 04) -qtk- 304)( (23) The second order derivative in (20) can be found by using Taylor expansions near the point in question. I ) 2 z (P ( (tk) f ((rL fa p4) 4P4 apj 2 PA) z a6fh 10[4 (t14)J (P4) 2 - ((p L-Af4) { t,) two .* 4 {' (f4 2 fAr)(f ) (2') T he o f(On1 of (24) and (25) gives, PAGE 40 (24 12 thus - (Afh) To approximate (27) ph) - 2 C(k4) (pl, the L 2 Jacobian advection by Arakawa (1966) was used. described 1 term, the method This approximation for the Jacobian is accurate to high order in spatial derivatives and is resistant to computational instabilities that can arise The Arakawa scheme should in long term numerical integration. also conserve concentrations the in square the of cloud. the area-weighted particle The approximation for , (f k + ,f L the Jacobian is, .z(f, (CP44#A,)- (LA 4h)) t,1ft4)-2( , t4ffs))(d(LhA)-C rA'f k], t- 4tlA)2(4fh, I4A) (p,-4 + )(C(f, R#LtA1)-(rfth)) -jt +(p'f puf,ttj (l'Lasfk1I.s ) (fL-ag, - 2t.) f(i2('f4-Af'4, -]-z( p-Af l, - { (f4, -AM)-2( p L.,) C([Li4)- ((A,-L fi~df,] th]( [ (h] -((fJ ,tt-f4] PAGE 41 The Arakawa scheme was developed in order advection Jacobian towards equation for have the conserve certain properties and be stable to long term numerical integration. directed to the solution Arakawa's derivation of two-dimensional, the was vorticity advection incompressible, flow. That equation is: 0 d -- + vV (28.5) 0 dt is the vorticity, k X V - v. where v is the velocity and vorticity, The quantities tha t were to be conserved were mean mean of th e flow, and mean square vorticity. ene rgy kinetic The first constrai nt just fo rces the conservation of the scalar quantity that is undergo ing advection. constraints were derived for incompressible, two flow by Fjortoft (1953). mass, the field concentrations, dimensional, require that the total sum of the squares of the masses, and the kinetic energy of the flow velocity two These constraints, when applied to the concentration advection equation, (1), total latter The the constant. by altered not is remain kineti c energy the constraint Since the advection of- is not of interest here. The stability of the investigated by Lilly second (1965). order Arakawa scheme was He studied certain stability PAGE 42 measures under several time differencing schemes. With the differencing used here, the Eulerian method, (30), Lilly time found that the Jacobian could become unstable when applied (28.5). It be should to that the coupling between the noted vector and scalar fields that is present in (28.5), is absent in the concentration advection equation that is used here. The conservation properties of the scheme were studied by The (1970). Arakawa Small almost exactly conserved. Arakawa and Lamb (1977). by conserved errors found were to be this quantity due to time differencing errors, in introduced square vorticity was found to be mean the While the mean vorticity is exactly the mean square vorticity is only scheme, semi-conserved to within time differencing errors. scheme Numerous investigators have used the Arakawa Brethe rton and Karweit (1975) used the numerical integration. fourth order scheme with the same conservation solve the vorticity used the sec ond order dimensional properties equatio n fo r ocean flows. scheme turbulence. to study (1967), of an two of simulations Two det ailed studies of the Arakawa compared the schemes difference s chemes in their ab ilit y region to Lilly (1969) scheme and other alternate met hods have been done. Molenkamp for arbitrary to sca lar characterize d by purely cyclon ic f low. to The first, accurately quantity finite other advect in The second and a a field fourth order schemes were fou'nd to produces solutions which preserved PAGE 43 the mean vorticity and the mean square vorti city. The Arakawa compared favorably with other simpl e schemes in terms schemes of prese rving the peak value of the quantity scalar terms of the velocity of the peak value. and in Negative values were produced at some gridpoints, but their detailed nature was not discussed. Molenkamp's pape r only considered the first forty timesteps of an advection. 0rzag (1971) studied with similar velocit y and scalar fields. schemes show that the schemes do pres erve the basic scalar field, patterns. the Arakawa His results features of the but that ther e are significant.problems in the Spe ci fically, ther e were a number of what Orzag called "wakes of bad numbers" upwind of the main distribution. These wakes were attributed to phase lag errors in the Arakawa scheme. The wakes were said to be components distribution t ha t were laggin g the main area. the informati on not centered in wakes (1971), is p. shown 84. necessary the proper below in Thus, of the some of to construct the distribution was diagram of location. A figure reproduced from Orzag 1, these PAGE 44 Figure 1: Wakes in Orzag's advection trials The substitution of (23), (27), and (28) into (20) gives, PAGE 45 ~((pL7 h)- c s(A# -^4)(c(M cos Cl% +g -----2 'f + ~~--- cAk hi)- ( , -14})) f PL 4p)(PCh1 4 ,14)-fC(p,,pM) 4t L ohf6,1- ZClfi, i)* c~h (~L tk (a4(sth] (2 (-A/ iLt-,6- i) (t *t A4 ) (4j- t , f'AI ( ., As ))(((f4)(pI i)) (29) +( ( Li( p I 4(p, 14] fQg,- Z( L,4f Af,))(4i -- 2( f-Ap4,t { tif1apH ) 1 4p, 1t4)A i))( c(f4, i)- c(7 4Afh ,af -), ]( ( 1(4 t,4f4)-2 ( (it- 4 i- Al} C(f-A ,lf4l )- f f 1)) c14) 14-A14)) I) f4p t)- 414st f4 -A This equation is suitable for numerical integration. PAGE 46 IV. Trials A. Description of computational method and data from (29) In order to calculate dC /dt it is necessary to the field of constant pr essu re height. pressure values are obse rved every hundred The heights of certain hours twelve acros s the by North several American The height f ield of consta nt pressure can be found continent. by sca tter ed stations know bet ween interpolating all of these stations. The interpolation scheme use d in this pape r is not standard and is discussed in Appendix A. The scheme sufficiently produced smooth fields that were realistic, and, when contoured, agreed closely with with iso-height contours that were produced on NMC analysis of the same data. In the trials tested here, the height field was artificially constructed to produce pure zonal winds. interpolation scheme was used, but in the case of idealized winds, a generating function could have been substituted. intent, again, was to The provide the groundwork for The more sophisticated trials with real wind fields. The method of computation was quite 51 by 151 straightforward. A grid represented the North American region with a grid spacing of 1/2 degree in both latitude and longitude. PAGE 47 The boundaries of the grid were 30 degrees north latitude and 55 degrees north latitude and 55 degrees 130 degrees west longitude. west longitude Since no longitudinal variation was present in the wind field or in the grid spacing that used, not and was the particular longitudinal boundaries of the grid were. important in the advection. The computation was initialized with a starting concentration field and an initial height field. From this initialization, the concentrations at all points were calculated by a backwards differencing scheme, also known as the Euler method: C(t) = C(t- At)+ dC/dt (30) This backwards differencing scheme is The concentration height field was field not was accurate to order At. updated each timestep, but the changed. Upper atmospheric weather systems tend to move more slowly than surface systems and much more slowly than the wind velocity field embedded. Thus, it was reasonable variation of the height field periods. over in to which they are the time short time neglect sufficiently By making this approximation, the model essentially It moves particles along the streamlines of the flow. be simple to would modify the scheme to allow for the updating of the height field at appropriate intervals Longitudinal grid spacing varied southern boundary of the grid to from 48200 m at the 31900 m at the northern PAGE 48 boundary. This variation is shown below in figure 2. Figure Longitudinal gridpoint spacing Latitudinal grid spacing was constant and equal to meters. The result of this introduce a asymmetry into the difference pa rticI e In fact, a symmetrical' concentration 55700 in spacing was to advection pattern patterns. in this grid PAGE 49 space would indicate an unsymmetric mass distribution in the actual cloud. Much of explosions the is debris deposited that at is thrown levels high corresponding to pressures of 10000 pa to kg m-1 s-2 = 0.01 mb ( 1 Pascal = 1 up nucl ear by in the atmosphere 30000 Pa (Pascals) (millibars)). At these levels the winds in the jet stream can be as high as 80 m s-1. In order to keep criterion the the sta ble computation be to CFL number must be less than unity, thus, Courant the time necessary for a particle to must according traverse one gridpoint much less.than one time step (Roache, 1976). With a time step of one minute this condition was always satisfied in the model. In the worst case, with 80 m s-1 winds blowing zonally across the northern edge of the grid, the time that particle take would to cross one larger than one, one minute, timestep. a gridpoint would be much This is shown by the calculation below. grid spacing time ------- gridpoint v 31900 m -------- = 399 s = 6.65 timesteps (31) 80 m s-1 This gives a Courant number of 1/6.65 or 0.15. These trials were run on a Digital Equipment Corporation PAGE 50 PDP-11/60 computer. computer facility Physical in the Oceanography at Technology. were many inst ances unsmoothed of calculate was Department the tria ls when from the other described comput ing time. part of jobs Institute fast couild on and Meteorology Massachusetts trials of the MC IDAS the of there but be calculated system. The below required about one to two The advection program did not the concentrations for any gridpoi nts that were far removed from the cloud. concentrations for limited spatial range. adjacent computer This computer was not extremely without competit ion days The or It was these not necessa ry to calculate grid boxes becaus e (28) has a very ( 28) only affects grid boxes that are diagonal ly adjacent to a non-zero conce ntration. The skipping of many gridpoints al lowed the smoothed trials to run much clouds. the due to the smal 1 dimensions of the smoothed faste r Integer arithmetic was used throughout advection. to calculate This arithmetic saved computational time and space but result ed in truncation errors in some of the trials that were much Iarger than would have been present if floating point arithmetic had been used. descriptions of As will be discussed in the the trials, some of the trials were computed with integer ari thmetic that used truncation rounding and some of the trials were computed with nearest integer rounding. In order to test the properties of the in the advection scheme, the sum of Arakawa the Jacobian area-weighted concentrations and the sum of the squares of the area-weighted PAGE 51 concentrations was The calculated. conserved if the scheme properly first conserved quantity mass. was This was because the area weighted concentration in a grid box was just the number of particles in that grid box. conserved exactly by This quantity is the Arakawa scheme, even in its finite Variations in this quantity are a meas'ure of difference form. arithmetic truncation error due to the integer arithmetic used The Arakawa in the trials studied here. conserve the second quantity. This is not should also This second quantity represents the resistance to spurious diffusion scheme. scheme caused by the numeric conserved exactly and is a measure of time differencing errors in the finite difference scheme. To simp 1ify much of the ear ly testi ng a simpl ified heig field was used The height longitudinal var iation and thus, a pure wes terly figure 3. wind. field by (6a) that was and (6b) used had represented This height field is shown below in PAGE 52 s-s. e So '4~-e. 4.. 5 Va0 4- -4 -x 4- IrI 97120 F0igre Figure Height . field used in the trials The heights dropped uniformly of (10) latitude. gives - The combination 240 m every 10 degrees of equations (6b) , (9b) , and PAGE 53 1 U = - dP - (32) - ---------------- - 2 om sin(th) Rep d(th) which, assuming an ideal gas, reduces to, dz u = - (33) -------------- 2 om Re sin(th) d(th) This gave a wind speed of u = 14.54/sin(th) m s-1 in the simplified field. [ [ U=- [ In grid units the wind was, I -- -g -- - - - - - 2 om Rrsin(th) I * az ] 1 gp 2 pi Recos(th)(0.5 degrees/360 degrees)] Where gp stands for gridpoint . for the physical constants ][ a(th)] By substituting actual (34) values in the above equation, the wind velocity was found to be: -4 2.613 x 10 U =---------------- gp s-1 sin(th) cos(th) where tstp indicates timestep. 1.568 x 10 --------------sin(th) cos(th) gp tstp-1 (35) PAGE 54 The wind coordinates, study. not independent of latitude in north 6.03 x 10~ longitude, of 5.22 x 10 gp s-1 and 5.56 x 10 northern these but. the variation was small in the domain under In the grid units, the wind reached a minimum, degrees and was boundaries of gp s-1 at 45 gp s-1 and rose to at the the grid, respectively. southern In the trials the cloud was initialized at the center latitude of the grid, at latitude 42.5 degrees north. In this region the latitudinal shear of the wind was only of the order of percent over several degrees. a few The longitudinal shear was, of course zero since there was only zonal wind in these trials. The latitudinal variation of the wind is shown below in figure 4 and figure 5. PAGE 55 1.00 24.00 VELOCITY (M/S) Figure 4: Wind speed versus latitude in m s-1 PAGE 56 0.61 Figure Wind speed versus latitude in gridpoints s-1 Using this simplified wind field a number of trials were run. PAGE 57 B. Individual trials 1. Unsmoothed trials a. One point i nitialization i. Description of initialization In the first test case, a concentration of was placed in a grid box longitude of 92.5 degrees. in the model 10,000 units a latitude of 42.5 degrees and The location of the initialization was at gridpoint (76,26) with the longitudinal gridpoint listed first, as will be the convention throughout this paper. ii. Diagrams of the advection The resulting model advection through 6g. 6a. is shown in o 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 One point initialization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0000 0 0 0 0 0 -26 -105 10000 0 -26 0 0 0 0 6b. 0 0 26 105 26 0 0 One point initialization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0001 figures 6a PAGE 58 25.- 6c. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -52 -210 9998 -1 -52 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 21L0 0 0 One point initialization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0002 25- 6d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -789 -315 9993 -789 0 0 0 0 -3 -3 0 0 79 315 78 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 One point initialization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0003 2g - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6e. 0 0 0 -258 -1044 -259 0 0 0 0 -6 -49 -6 0 0 0 0 c2t8 1C>44 259 0 0 One point initialization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0010 0 0 0 0 0 0 25- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -38 -113 -164 -116 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 -94 89 359 -911 590 -1624 363 -816 -95 90 18 0 0 0 0 0 6f. 0 0 0 0 0 0 -24 -43 78 -166 511 107 441 -2759 986 3439 -4739 1887 990 449 -2765 -169 512 109 -44 -26 78 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 -511 -441 4738 -449 -512 26 0 0 0 0 -43 -166 996 3439 990 -169 -44 0 0 0 0 -17 94 811 1624 816 95 -18 0 0 0 0 0 89 359 580 363 90 0 0 0 One point initialization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0100 0 0 0 38 113 164 116 39 0 0 0 -J. mLIi ,00MRooS WOO - wotoOQ emrj MOAT. . . GU~ It 01 ±00 Ut e-1,91 fi 1tv U 10 r to010l- W It 1 SQn011 to lit 4 taaQ 01u 10 4i,-in Sa~~~~W m 011N0 mmm-W4 ummto a-ma ," tu -~ O Woos oe n&Q.0-k.S , 4f0 , mm WMatS W-mmmmmAa-0 01-1XWeSS -QJb, " 4N 401N 1 i hi CD al1 tlaW t 4 aN l QW,s IaN T tn W1i -3a-M -- tT 1011o1T- chk I In a1 tn mm oW1 -a 11 - -. GO914 1 4m 4 it L 844qI.I a ia rW a, UN-N ff5 r Wlmamo tk .Lta-dtj. 2m-sa mt ar~ff~Atta I.8I n 4111-ia~t--i-it - i w -t bci UlO T .- eem44m0MAA 55 a oil 10" -Nn~1~tIJF~f 0~ ii ~tf~ -t Uml .i-iit ~ aamam U00110 tt~iit m NW aa Uit l -co !' N at N O tt 1O1&a&ul~A lk'-FU11Al6 W 00,00( N 6 a 4, 'D -W ta QQllD~01l 0 1 mlt tl-tmal 0 SVI ~l Itt 8ii-.. N 1.1 'ia)tU O1c'11 U a-' "'j tmA TIA -Ua toN fiw Ime P0 U)m N It, 3,!, R A wNrmQ "ITN~ N S 010150101 m m eW kfJ 5me 013m *0 da-aa-i w Seol ani lI 1001 U t01- a 0 I i A8W roi 1N201N lii Mi a~~ln~-.~ i ~ 7&29 1 0! NWA u G- 01 P, -J 100 0101 muu-aa lj 1001 l-'1101i1011m1li10--1.m -Ioi AG -JN 01-m In U 01U-J1 G1 too-~ll N NI 1 ON M muwi ,0--Z- Ua"N A, Ji001 ina 0101a~~~~~~~ al--Ma tit -NI- mu 00011NJi , 00O -rO M 0W2 .0101mmW aM W 1a t -tNN it m ruto4 A W -a Qo~ll .o,) A, W* -- 6 PAGE 60 iii. Description of advection side A problem developed immediately at the lee The cloud. appeared in timestep 0001. This south of gridpoints In timestep 0002, a negative the behind the include the~i nitial burst. positive wak e had developed first wake By timestep 0002 the negative wake had grown larger and had exp anded to and the model produced a wake of negative concentrations upwind of the original burst of particles. north of The one. positive and negative wakes continued to grow in magnitude and at timestep 0010, behind the another trailing negative posit ive one. wake began In subsequent timesteps, the wakes continued to grow in a similar fashion. 0020 the negative first wake had wrapped northeast and southeast of the main cloud. first positive wake had begun develop to to wrap In In timestep to the around addition, the the first around negative wake. The wakes are timestep 0100 a serious problem in this model. they had begun to dominate the advection. gridpoints with non-zero concentrations were counted; By The 54 were in the wake while only 25 were in what appeared to be the real cloud. By timestep 1440, one day after the initial burst, the grid was covered by a confusing field of positive and negative concentrations with a small positive cloud at its front. peak negative The value tended to be found in the first negative wake to the southwest 'of the positive area. A table comparing PAGE 61 the peak values in the positive area to the peak values in the first lee wake is shown below in table 1. timestep largest positive value ratio maximum first wake value 0300 1749 0900 784 -666 (maximum value in any wake was a +894) -1.17 (.88) 1200 657 -624 (maximum value in any wake was a +760) -1.05 (.86) 1440 614 -573 (maximum value in any wake was a -631) -1.07 (-.97) Table 1: -1821 -. 96 One point initialization unsmoothed: magnitude of wake and the forward positive area With this single gridpoint initialization, the absolute value of the concentrations remained perfectly symmetrical about the The only difference between the upwind and starting latitude. downwind concentrations was the region of purely positive concentration at the front of the concentration The cloud east-west axis. was not perfectly symmetrical lost. about an Although in the early timesteps the cloud was nearly symmetrical about this axis, much of the eventually distribution. symmetry was This was not unexpected since the gridpoint area and the wind were not latitude independent. These wakes appear quite similar, qualitatively, to the wakes found in the PAGE 62 advection study by Orzag (1971) and illustrated in figure iv. Cross-sections Cross sections of the concentrations along a latitudinal through the initialization latitude ( 42.5 degrees north or grid level (x,26) ) are shown below in figures 7a for selected timesteps. line These show the through process development along the axis of movement of the cloud. 7g of wake PAGE 63 7a. One point initialization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=0020 PAGE 64 66.00 76.00 LONGITUDE GRID# 7b. One point initial ization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=0050 PAGE 65 66.00 76.00 LONGITUDE GRID# 7c. One point initialization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=0100 116.00 126.0E PAGE 66 126.00 7d. One point initialization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=0200 PAGE 67 LONGITUDE GRID# 7e. One point initialization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=0300 PAGE 68 CONCENTRATION X-SECTION OF TIMESTEP 0600 B~ X t" 0 II * E cc~' j Z V jV 24 0 LI * *1 I I A I I _________ __________ _____ ____A I I I ____ _____ ____ _ 26.00 ___ ____ _________ ________ I I I I A I I_____ I 1 I I ______________________________________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ _____________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ + I 46.00 56.00 66.00 76.00 86.00 96.00 106.00 116.00 1Z6.00 I I LONGITUDE GRID# 7f. One point initialization unsmoothed: cross-sect ion at t=0600 PAGE 69 ICONCENTRATION ABWI X-SECTION OF TIMESTEP 1440 co i Z: 0 CE cc: _ _ _ 1 J1 _ _ _ _ 1 : -. 0 Li I_____ _____ k ____ __________________ _____ 3 ___________ F1 26.00 36.00 46.00 56.00 66.00 76.00 86.00 96.00 106.00 LONGITUDE GRID# 7g. One point initialization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=1440 116.00 PAGE 70 The graphs show magnitude, of number and in Also shown is the decrease in the area forward the in magnitude peak wakes. the in growth continued the caused numer ical by diffusion in the model. compared In early timesteps, the wake was small peak positive As from its initial in The wakes in.the early timesteps we re longitudinal the But, direction. varying rapidly by timestep 0300, an The clou d began to develop a interesting phenomenon occurred. wake to the immediate rear of the f orward positive area large that had a great longitbdinal extent. and comparable larger than the peak values in the forward positive even area grid soon as the cloud began to drift significantly from its starting location, the wake value s became and the But this was only because the concentration. peak concentration had not yet moved loca tion. to by timestep 1440, a of long period smooth wakes train separated and trailed the forward area Thi s process continued, rapid the it from oscillation s that were still present at th e rear of the cloud. The process responsible for this probably a reduction diffusion i nherent to that of the the smooth wake shedding was gradients in the cloud by the finite differ ence were made in the numerical scheme. approximations The model apparently a long period of t ime and thus slowed the wake fo rming process. This reduced the gradients around the positive may have made the pattern look mor reduce the problem introduced area over pleasi ng, but it the wakes. did not In the later PAGE 71 smooth timesteps, the comparable in magnitude to the forward area. boundaries of the "real" became wakes mostly positive and Thus the actual cloud were difficult to ascertain. Mass in the forward positive area v. It was tempting to try to interpret the forward as area the actual cloud and the wakes as just a spurious byproduct of the Arakawa scheme. not was justified. However, this interpretation The number of particles in the positive area grew quickly to significantly initial burst. positive more particles than the The table below shows the sum of the values of the concentrations in the positive area grid boxes at selected timesteps. timestep sum of concentrations 0 10000 1 10288 2 10315 100 17527 1000 15918 1440 14532 Table 2: percentage over t=0000 One point initialization unsmoothed: excess concentration in the forward positive area PAGE 72 The of mass the including the concentrations, of was- conserved to within a few percent wakes, (see section vii). distribution entire This indicates that the mass in the wakes, in the later timesteps, while nearly adding to zero, must have mass had a negative component representing about one half the of the cloud. The sum of weighted and thus is not above shown area not extent, north-south With of concentrations should be closely conserved. sum mass perfect concentrations conservation, the in change the concentrations would would increase but The percent. eight drop because the area-of the grid boxes the number of particles remain would The number of particles did not remain constant if constant. the positive area was interpreted as the "real" It is notable that, despite the thousands of sum in a cloud that moved from 45 degrees north to 40 degrees north latitude only be minus of grid points filled that fact with This was cloud. were there wake particles, the alternating positive and negative wakes did, zero. is conservation of mass a exactly However, in a cloud of small indicator. the concentrations almost, add to evident because the model conserves mass to within 20 percent (see discussion below) and the positive region's sum of concentrations did not differ -drastically from the initialization value of 10000 units of concentration. PAGE 73 vi. Velocity of forward positive area Another difficulty with interpreting the positive area as the latitude the its was cloud actual winds been located at gridpoint inspection, it was At 42.5 degrees north at particles carry should gridpoints per timestep. velocity. 0.03147 At this speed, the cloud should have (79.1,26) obvious by timestep 0100. the bulk of the region of that positive concentration was far upwind of gridpoint (79,26) that time. By timestep gridpoint (107.5,26). By at 1000 the cloud should have been at It was clear again that the region of positive concentration lagged behind this location. The wakes did have signif icance in the advection speed of the cloud. If the Model advected the cloud at exactly the wind speed, then the centroid of the cloud would been at gridpoint (76+.0314 7*T,26)( see figure 5 ). wakes were included in a calcu lation of the have always centroid If the of the cloud, then the centroid did move at the predicted velocity of the cloud. For example, at timestep 0001 the centroid of positive area was at gridpoint (76.0155,26). of the entire cloud, including the wake, predicted gridpoint, at (76.03 14,26). was the But the centroid close to the PAGE 74 vii. Conservation of mass The Arakawa scheme should conserve both the area weighted sum of the concentrations at all gridpoints and area-weighted sum of the squares of the concentrations at gridpoints. cause all The first is just a conservation of mass criteria and the model did likely the. of fairly the was the from perfect conservation. The well. drift Truncation model lost about one fifth of the particles by but began to regain them by timestep 1600. error timestep 1200 Though the loss of particles appears systematic, it is possible that first the 1600 timesteps are just representative of the first portion of a random walk about pure conservation. program that version of the performed this particular trial was lost and it is not known whether it used truncation integer The rounding in rounding its integer arithmetic. or nearest A graph of the time history of the mass of the cloud is shown below in figure 8. PAGE 75 60.00 80.00 100.00 TIME (MINUTES) Figure 8: (X10 One point initialization unsmoothed: normalized mass PAGE 76 viii. Conservation of squared mass The sum of the area weighted presented more of a problem. squares of concentrations This quantity grew smoothly and systematically to a value that was 69 percent higher than initialization value. This monotonic growth explained by arithmetic truncation error and rooted in spurious numerical diffusion. its The cannot origin Very roughly, diffusion values are produced by of totally positive sum of the masses is conserved. timestep. squares it while While the increase of 69 percent that occurred over the first day of advection was desirable, When diffusion into the wakes, however, the sum of the squares of the masses may go up the was section quantities would result in a decrease in this quantity. negative be mechanism responsible for this growth is discussed in detail in IV.B.2.a.vii. its not represents an increase of only .05 percent per A graph showing the time history of the sum of the of the area weighted concentrations is shown below in figure 9. PAGE 77 NORMALIZED SUM OF CONCENTRATIONS to I -I 00 : 20.00 40.00 I iI 60.00 80.00 100.00 TIME (MINUTES) Figure 9: ABW 120.00 (X10 1 ) One point initialization: normalized mass squared I 140.00 160.00 180.00 PAGE 78 ix. Discussion The wakes make calculating this advection model clearly unsatisfactory with the one gridpoint initialization. This failure stems from the errors introduced gradients of for concentration initialized gridpoint. that Since the model were by the present produced strong at the alternating wakes, the gradients were only slowly positive and reduced. Thus, the wakes continued to grow to the rear of the cloud. only The large number numerical negative had iterations of in wake frequency arose after a reduction diffusion. reduced the gradients by Even this did not reduce the amplitude the only reduction was in their frequency. of the wakes; b. Nine point initialization i. Description of initialization In order to reduce the wake by reducing the gradients of concentration, a multi-point initialization was attempted. In this initialization, a three by initialized gridpoint. north with units of gridpoint region concentration in was each The center of the area was, again, at 42.5 degrees latitude (76,26). 1111 three and 92.5 west longitude, or at gridpoint PAGE 79 ii. Diagrams of advection The results of the advection are shown below 10a through lOf. 2 S - 0 0 111.1 1111 111:1 111.1 1.111 1111 0 1111 111:1. 111.1. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10a. Nine point initialization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0000 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 -3 -15 -17 -15 -3 0 0 -3 1096 1094 1095 -3 0 0 0 1111 1111 1111 0 0 0 3 1126 1122 3 0 10b. Nine point initialization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0001 24- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -6 -29 -34 -29 -6 0 0 -6 1031 1076 1031 -6 0 0 0 1111 1110 1111 0 0 0 6 1140 11.45 1140 6 0 10c. Nine point initialization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0002 in figures PAGE 80 25 .. 0 -9 -43 -51 -43 -9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -9 1066 10581 1066 1 -91 0 0 0 11 109 110 0 0 9 1154 1162 11E4 0 4. 4: e. 10d. Nine point initialization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0003 S7 0 0 -26 -135 -162 -136 -26 0 0 0 0 0 25. 0 0 0 0 0 0! 0 -30 -6 9571 1093 927 1036 956 1093 -30 -6 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 1246 1272 1245 26 0 0 0 0 30 155 185 30 0 0 10e. Nine point initialization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0010 .7.f 0 0 0 -6 -24 -30 2f- -24 -6 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 83 110 86 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 -66 -191 -259 -198 -66 0 0 0 0 0 -10 37 312 385 312 35 -12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 41 26 -98 -286 95 -83 -32 -224 -224 -404 -190 -90 -35 -223 -97 -289 96 186 27 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -565 -301 812 624 606 -305 -56 0 0 0 0 -64 83 1174 1388 1173 61 -64 0 0 0 0 -8 245 669 1106 872 246 -9g 0 0 0 0 0 173 433 552 436 175 0 0 0 10f. Nine point initialization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0100 0 0 0 71 160 201 162 73 0 0 0 PAGE 81 iii. Description of advection The wakes, as expected, developed more slowly. negative wake developed immediately, but timestep 0003 until the first positive wake at timestep concentration serious 0100 At However, the positive was filled developed. Even area. with were still a timestep 0100 the number of grid boxes This occupied by the was better than the one point start, but was still unsatisfactory. grid until wakes occupied with wake was 51, compared with 31 leading it took the initial cloud area still dominated the pattern. problem. The first By timestep 1000 the a huge array of positive and negative wakes trailing a small positive region. The wakes near the-front of the cloud smoothly varying oscillations. highest axis became and of a longer period than the rapid early The ratio of the highest wake value to the forward peak value is shown to decrease to near unity in the table below. the eventually chosen The highest wake value was not found on for the cross sectional graphs and thus the table indicates, perhaps more realistically sections, the scale of the wake problem. than the cross PAGE 82 timestep largest forward positive value ma ximum wake value ratio N.A. 0000 1111 no wake 0001 1128 -17 -66.4 0002 1145 -34 -33.7 0010 1272 -162 -7.9 0050 1483 -464 -3.2 0100 1388 -404 -3.4 0300 1075 -628 -1.7 0600 772 -489 -1.6 0900 012 -430 -1.4 1200 561 -421 -1.3 1440 533 -400 -1.3 Table 3: Nine point'initialization unsmoothed: magni tudes of wake and the forward positive area The symmetry initialization that was not was evident here. windward side of the cloud tended to The value. largest values in present of be the one The valu es larger in point in the absolute concentrations (positive or negative) were always found in the forward positive area, were, of course, positive. and There was not a mirro r image of high alternating positive and negative values at the rear. PAGE 83 iv. Cross-sections Cross sections through the cloud at are shown below in figures 11a through 11f. selected timesteps. PAGE 84 66.00 76.00 LONGITUDE GRID# 11a. Nine point initialization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=0050 00 126.0 PAGE CONCENTRATION X-SECTION OF TIHESTEP 01g0 __ I II - I I I ____________________ 85 RCB II - I I ____ I I 4 I I I I I I ________ ____ I I j I I I I ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ I I I ___ _____ ___ __ ___ ___ I I I I I ___ I ___ I I I ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________ ________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ _______________________ __ __ __- _____I __ I __ __ II __ I I I t __ _____ I __ I ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ I ______ .~0 lib. 46.00 I 56.0w II I I I I I I1. I. I ____ __ __ __ __ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 66.00 76.00 LONGITUDE GRID# 86.00 96.00 __ 106.00 Nine point initialization unsmoothed: cross-section I at t=0100 116.00 126.0k PAGE 86 LONGITUDE GRID# 11c. Nine point initial ization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=0200 PAGE 87 LONGITUDE GRID# 11d. Nine point initialization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=0300 PAGE 88 66.00 76.00 LONGITUDE GRID# 11e. Nine point initialization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=0600 PAGE 89 11f. Nine point initialization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=1440 PAGE 90 These cross sections indicate better indicated in than results the one point initialization. were The forward peak was the dominant feature throughout the first day of advection. Towards the end of one day, however, the wakes were growing to the forward relative initialization, the peak. model As the with to seemed point one reduced have the destablizing gradients, somewhat, by the later timesteps. v. Mass of forward positive area With slightly particles. this more initialization, like what was the area positive became expected of a "real" cloud of As discussed above, it was the dominant feature in terms of the magnitude of its concentrations. still problems with this interpretation. But, there were As in the case, the region contained too much concentration. previous A chart of the sum of the concentrations is shown below in table 4. PAGE 91 timestep sum of concentrations 0 10000 1 10058 2 10114 10 10520 100 12111 500 14181 1000 14391 1440 14155 Table 4: percent over t=0000 Nine point initialization unsmoothed: excess concentration in the forward positive area The magnitude of the excess was a bit smaller of that the one point initialization, but it was still very large. It should be noted again that the sum was than not area weighted of the concentrations and is thus not a perfect measure of conservation of mass. vi. Velocity of the forward positive area The velocity of the positive region was expected of an actual cloud. region at timestep 0001 was at was closer closer to that The centroid of the positive gr idpoint (76.0202,26) to the desired gridpo int, (76.03147,26) which than than PAGE 92 in the one point initialization. The location of the h ighest concentrations at timestep 0100 was at gridpoint (78,26) which was near the predicted gridpoint (79.1,26), 1000 the means and at timestep peak concentration was at gridpoint (104,26). that predicted the positive position by region about only ten lagged percent behind in This the later the timesteps. vii. Conservation of mass The area-weighted sum of the concentrations was much more closely conserved in only about 5 percent. preferentially forth around lose about The maximum deviation was The in mc del, particles , approximate integer rounding was trial. this trial. used case, of- mass. conservation. not Nearest the integer arithmetic in this The variation here was consistent with a perfect did but seemed to waver back and con servation in this random walk The time history of the sum of the area weighted concentration s is shown below in figure 12. PAGE 93 60.00 80.00 100.00 TIME (MINUTES) Figure 12: (X10 Nine point initialization unsmoothed: normal ized mass PAGE 94 viii. Conservation of squared mass As with the one point initialization, the sum As of area weighted the squares of the concentrations grew monotonically. stated discussed before, in an explanation section IV.B.2.a.viii. for this increase The time history of the area weighted squares of the concentrations is shown below figure 13. is in PAGE 95 TIME (MINUTES) Figure 13: (X10 1 ) Nine point initializion unsmoothed: normalized squared mass PAGE 96 c. Sixty-nine point initialization i. Description of initialization The results of the point nine initialization improvement over the one point to further duce gra dien ts and duce the wake, a m uch smo her consisted of thus used. initialization This illustrated initialization. was centered on a evenly in all directions was defined to spacing. nit ialization was 69 point nor mal distribution The variance of the distribution be the distance between adj ace nt gridpoints. Thus, the an d w as concentration latitudinal symmetric gridpoint units but the actual mass distribut ion was skewed. The cloud co ntained more mass at its than in the north due to the greater south. box grid in slightly southern edge area in the addition, t he cloud was longer 1ati tudinally than In longitudinally due to the greater All grid gridpoin t a nd dropped off certain No distinction was made- between longitudinal grid In an attempt The co nce ntrations were determined by calculatin g the value of a that an the edge of the cloud timeste p 0000 below. as were calculated values were latitudina 1 grid spacing. multiplied by 300 00 in order to produce integers large e nough so that they would be relatively resistant to truncation contained 11,968 units of The error. Thus, the central gridpoint concentration gridpoints immedi'ately to the north or 30000*normal(0). south, east and west PAGE 97 of this center concentration immediately had which to a at contained 440 3 30000*normal(1. 414 northeast, unit s V2 = larger trials. by units and southeast, of V2 gridpoints from the cen ter, of concentration which is All boxes with calculated values ). were of gridpo ints The northwest, very small. concentration in thi s c loud was 75196, seemed 7259 ini tialized so that the gradients cloud the of 30000*normal(1). d istance above .5 units were of was the southwest, edge concentrations abs olute at the The total amoun t of so errors in this t rial standards than in the prev ious The cloud c ent er was initialized at the same loca tion as the previously described trials. In this trial the cloud began advecting when it was already quite large, covering most of a nine by nine gridpoint box. In real north-south units this dimension of indicated 5 01000 a meters cloud and that an had a east-west dimension of 369000 meters. ii. Diagrams of advection The results of the through 14f. advection are shown below in figures 14a PAGE 98 25 0 0 0 25 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 4 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 18 81 133 81 18 18 219 982 1620 982 219 81 982 4403 7259 4403 982 133 1620 725911968 7259 1620 81 982 4403 7259 4403 982 18 219 982 1620 982 219 1 18 81 133 81 18 0 1 2 4 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 18 81 133 81 18 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 4 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 4 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14a. Sixty-nine point initialization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0000 75 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 4 0 15 76 133 13 197 951 1620 66 916 4307 7259 111 1523 711811968 66 915 4306 7259 13 197 950 1620 0 15 76 133 0 1 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 86 21 1013 241 4499 1048 7400 1717 4500 1049 1014 241 86 21 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 23 96 155 96 23 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 6 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14b. Sixty-nine point initialization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0001 2y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 4 71 133 -1 12 9 176 919 1619 52 851 4209 7256 90 1427 697511964 52 850 4208 7256 8 176 918 1619 -1 12 71 133 0 1 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 91 24 1044 263 4594 1116 7540 1816 4596 1117 1045 263 91 25 2 1 0 0 0 0 3 28 112 178 112 28 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 8 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14c. Sixty-nine point initialization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0002 PAGE 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 25- '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 4 2 1 -2 9 66 132 96 28 S 166 887 1617 1075 286 39 787 4111 7250 4688 1186 71 1333 683111966 7679 1917 39 786 4109 7250 4691 1186 4 155 886 1617 1076 286 -2 9 66 132 96 29 0 1 2 4 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 34 129 203 129 34 4 0 0 14d. Sixty-nine point initialization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0003 7Y. 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 -14 -26 -30 -26 -15 -3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 4 2 1 -10 31 121 125 56 26 653 1567 1274 457 377 3401 7128 5314 1696 726 5795 11788 8601 2664 376 3396 7126 5318 1702 26 651 1566 1276 458 -10 31 121 125 57 1 2 4 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 86 276 416 277 86 13 0 0 14e. Sixty-nine point initialization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0010 0 0 0 0 0 3 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -18 -31 -41 -31 -19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 0 -33 91 -16 -103 38 284 -50 -503 -342 0 23 -79 634 46 -19 -204 449 236 -1262-1167 989 -765 -2357 1023 5367 94 -113 -183 116 -178 -120 1179-1525-2158 3843 9219 992 -754-2378 9865 5346 93 -113 -186 45 -14 -210 451 252-1254-1205 610 35 290 -40 -510 -359 0 23 -80 0 -34 44 0 94 -12 -104 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 -66 123 1868 6238 9181 6250 1866 116 -73 0 0 -13 345 1747 4390 5971 4414 1762 346 -9 0 0 0 19 22 281 153 1048 467 2242 902 2898 1122 2261 909 1062 476 284 157 29 28 0 0 0 4 58 166 297 359 298 169 61 8 0 14f. Sixty-nine point initialization unsmoothed: advection pattern at t=0100 PAGE 100 iii. Description of advection The first thing that was immediately obvious was that the first negative wake previous trials . In much more slowly than in the In timestep 0001 there was no negative wake. 0002 timestep developed t here were two grid points with negative concentrations. Thes e wake values were both much smaller than with poi the nine mar ked especially concentration. two grid boxe s concentration. nt initialization, s ince this trial this had difference a. larger was total In ti mestep 0002, at the lee end of the cloud, con tained a single unit of positive Thes e boxes were relatively isolated from any large concentrations and were, as a result, trapped. of significant gra dients occur at all in this model. concentration, Without no advecti on could The terms in (29) round to in the integer a rithmetic if large gradients are absent. result here was that cloud started to leave the two zero The boxes and the first negat ive wake actually developed between behind the isolated box es and the remaining bulk of the cloud. was seen first in timeste p 0003. isolated by time step 0005. timestep 00 15. It was The two boxes were totally The firs t positive wake formed composed of both and the by a positive wake produced by the large negative conce ntrations to its side, This two isolated boxes just discussed. windward From this time on, the adv ection followed the same general pattern as in the other trials. By timestep 1440, the grid was, again, PAGE 101 filled with a confusing array of alternating and positive negative wakes that extended to the rear and wrapped around to the front of the location of the cloud's positive forward area. The decrease -inthe ratio of the largest forward positive to value the maximum wake value was slower than the decrease with the other initializations. This is shown in the table below. timestep largest forward positive value maximum wake value ratio 0000 11968 0001 11968 0002 11964 -1 -11964.0 0010 11788 -30 -392.9 0050 11303 -526 -21.5 0120 9219 -1525 -6.0 0300 7243 -2976 -2.4 0600 5365 -3206 -1.7 0900 4364 -2789 -1.6 1200 3747 -2488 -1.5 1440 3421 -2394 -1.4 Table 5: no wake N.A. infinite Sixty-nine point init ialization unsmoothed: magnitude of wake and forward positive area The dis tr-ibut ion of concentrations was not symmetric. PAGE 102 The positive cloud dominated the concentration pattern. In the early timesteps the positive area concentrations were much larger than the largest wake values, but, the wakes grew in relative magnitude as tle advection continued. The relative number of grid boxes in the wake slowly, but was still unacceptable. boxes were in the wake and 48 were area. in grow more In timestep 0120, the forward 40 positive This small difference in favor of the positive area was erased soon after this timestep as the wakes continued to grow iv. Cross-sections Cross sections through the cloud are shown below in figures 15a through 15e. PAGE 103 15a. Sixty-nine point initialization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=0050 PAGE 104 15b. Sixty-nine point initialization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=0180 PAGE 105 66.00 76.00 86.00 96. LONGITUDE GRIO# 15c. Sixty-nine point initialization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=0300 PAGE 106 66.00 76.00 LONGITUDE GRID# 15d. Sixty-nine point initialization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=0600 PAGE 107 15e. Sixty-nine point initialization unsmoothed: cross-section at t=1440 PAGE 108 The cross sections show the well ordered pattern of wakes developed, more slowly, behind the cloud. that of the large gradients suppressed the rapidly evident in the other in the cloud The reduction had successfully oscillating, chaotic pattern that was initializations. The varying slowly oscillation was still present and, by timestep 1440 began be comparable in amplitude to the forward positive area. v. Mass of the forward positive area The problems in interpreting the forward as area the "real" cloud that were present in the previous initial izations were still present concentration in this trial. The sum of the in the forward area is shown in the table below for selected timesteps. timestep sum of concentrations % over timestep 0000 75196 0.0 76326 0.2 120 87856 16.8 1020 109231 45.3 Table 6: Sixty-nine point initialization unsmoothed: excess con centrat ion in the forward positive area The excess was in about initializations. the same proportion as the other PAGE 109 v. Velocity of forward positive area The location closely, the of the desired forward location timestep 0010 the locatio n of the area (76+. 03147*T,26). of centroi d area was at gridpoint (76.307,26). of predicted value of the positive (76.3147,26). very close At timestep 01 20, the centroid was at gridpoint (79.307 ,26). gridpoint (79.776,26), prediction by predicted about that positiv e percent. By the point. By location was lagged the 1020, the area t i m estep ,2 predicted the positive area pred i ct ed location was at gridpoint (110. 1 area was mostly behind this clear 0f the so 12 The to Th e centroid of the positive area was, thus, only 2 percent be hind. the location. In The ce ntr oid of the entire cloud, including the wake was at (76.313,2 6), the very approached, 6). The positive inspection, centroid of the cloud still it lagge d about percent behind the predicted location of the actual was ten cloud. vii. Conservation of mass The graphs of the time history of the area-weighted of the concentrations is shown below in figure 16. sum PAGE 110 Figure 16: Sixty-nine point initialization unsmoothed: normalized mass PAGE 111 The graph shows similar results as this case the systematically. mass in -the model previous seemed cases. to It would be hard to argue that drop the In more drop in mass that was indicated is that first part of a random walk as was possible with the nine point was initialization. This drop the result of the accumulation of thousands of truncation errors. The truncation integer rounding. arithmetic used in this trial used The drop was very small, only amounting to about a few percent of the total mass over the first day of advection. The drop appears to have been more smooth than the variation in the other initializations. This was probably due to th' fact that the data was only sampled every ten timesteps in this case and every timestep in the other, With rougher cases. this sampl ng frequency, random, short period variations were, probably, iltered out and the resulting graph was dominated by the general downward trend. viii. Conservation of squared mass A graph showing the time history of the area weighted sum of 17. the squares of the concentrations is shown below in figure PAGE 112 i18.00 Figure 17: Sixty-nine point initialization unsmoothed: normalized squared mass PAGE 113 The growth of the sum of the squares of the mass in each grid box was initializations. over its very similar to that in the other The quantity gre w slowly to about 60 percent initial value. This again represented a very small average increase per timestep. PAGE 114 2. Smoothed advection a. Discussion While the pure Arakawa scheme was certain properti es of a well and it produiced quite which inevitabl y designed conserve particle field, it did not do this unrealis tic dominated the re sults. cloud The pattern undesirable and spurious byproduct of this scheme. wakes were In an order to eliminate this problem, a method of smoo thing was developed that prevented a wake from ever form ing at the lee side of the cloud. Very roug hily, the smoothing scheme prevented the first wake from forming to the lee of the cloud. It did this before the negative wake grew large enough to form a positive wake to its rear, and, forming. thus, prevented the myri of wakes It sub tracted the value o f the elim inated wake from the concentration s in the rear of the cloud in order mass conservation. to obey The particular method of smoothing was not standard and detaile d description of its mode given in Appendix B. b. One point initialization i. from Description of initialization of action is PAGE 115 To compare the smoothed advection with the advection, the were attempted. 10000 units one, nine, and 69 po int same The one of point concentration trial at location was chosen to permit the maximum time centered because wakes. as the the gr id. across was necessary smoothing was gridpo cloud Arakawa pure nitial izations in tialized int to with This (10,26). advect for the The cloud did not have to be wit h the unsmoothed advections elim i nat ed the backwardly propagating The smoothed trials, desc ribed here in sections c and d, were iterated for a much 1onge r time than was possible with In the un smoothed the unsmoothed trials. would reach the edge of the timesteps. The unsmoothed tr ials timesteps, stopping only boundary of the grid. grid trials, in lasted the wakes approximately 1600 approximately 4200 when the cloud reached the eastern Only the f irst day (1440 timesteps) of advection has been considered in this paper. ii. Diagrams of advection The results of the advection are shown below 18a through 18h. 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 9843 0 0 0 26 105 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 18a. On e point initial ization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0001 in figures PAGE 116 0 0 0 0 23-~ 0 0 0 9385 0 0 0 52 208 52 0 18b. One point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0002 0 0 0 2 - 0 0 0 0 9529 0 0 0 77 310 77 0 18c. One point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0 003 0 0 0 0 2 g- 0 0 0 0 0 8436 0 0 . 0 0 240 973 241 0 0 0~ 0 18d. One point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0010 Zr- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 405 0 0 0 0 0 180 1698 180 0 0 0 16 641 2039 643 16 0 0 102 588 1137 589 102 0 0 82 282 442 282 83 0 0 29 92 132 92 30 0 18e. One point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0100 PAGE 117 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a- 0 0 0 0 0 0 281 0 0 0 0 8 264 776 261 8 0 0 130 51 955 583 128 0 0 203 0 187 425 557 427 188 0 54 524 598 207 0 0 122 250 315 252 124 0 0 57 121 149 123 60 0 2 1 41 5 441 2C 18f. One point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0300 0 0 25 24 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 if- 0 0 0 0 27 205 367 201 24 0 0 226 498 627 499 222 0 0 136 424 570 422 130 0 0 242 460 530 465 244 0 0 194 359 401 364 198 0 0 127 221 266 227 131 0 0 60 117 144 122 64 0 0 26 45 60 - 48 27 0 18g. One point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0600 ro 0 0 0 0 iS'- 0 1 0 00 6 0 0 0 12 0 0 93 145 144 146 93 0 178 291 311 292 180 0 0 0 228 377 414 380 233 0 0 242 400 445 405 250 0 0 222 376 419 381 231 0 0 188 312 344 317 195 0 120 213 243 218 128 0 0 62 117 142 117 62 0 18h. One point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=1440 PAGE 118 iii. Description of advection The results of the advection using the of the Arakawa scheme unsmoothed trials. were much more smoothed pleasing After the early timesteps, version than the when most of the concentration was in the initialized grid box, the pattern rapidly developed into an elliptical cloud. The model cloud exhibited features expected of a real cloud of particles. The concentration was highest in and dropped monotonically the towards center of the edges. the cloud The cloud rapidly grew to five gridpoints in length in the latitudinal direction The clouds latitudinal extent remained throughout the rest of the trial. five gridpoints at five gridpoints The longitudinal growth was almost as rapid and the growth continued slowly thereafter so that the cloud was 11 gridpoints long the end of the first day. It was in the by Apparently, the Arakawa Jacobian strongly favors diffusion in the direction of cloud. to direction of motion motion where of the large concentration gradients can coup le with large gradients in the height field and produce a large Jacobian value at the edge of the model cloud. One unrealistic feature in the cloud the later timesteps. trailers noticeable in At the lee end of the cloud there were, occasionally, trailing grid boxes with If 'these was grew too small concentrations. long or separated from the the PAGE 119 cloud, then the smoothing algorithm eliminated them. some trailers timestep 1000. they were not were still However, extant at the edge of cloud after Since they contained only small concentrations a serious problem and a more aggressive smoothing algorithm could have eliminated them altogether. iv. Cross-sections Cross sections through the cloud at are shown below in figures 19a through 19d. selected timesteps PAGE 120 LONGITUDE GRID# 19a. One point initialization smoothed: cross-section at t=0100 PAGE 121 30.00 35.0 LONGITUDE GRIO# 19b. One point initialization smoothed: cross-section at t=0300 PAGE 122 19c. One point initialization smoothed: cross-section at t=0600 PAGE 123 19d. One point initialization smoothed: cross-section at t=1440 PAGE 124 The cross-sections through the cloud of the complicating structure was present without the smoothing. The cloud concentrations distribution quickly formed a show smooth cloud. bell shaped that advected downwind of its original location. The peak concentration dropped as numerical the none spread diffusion The peak values in the cloud were smaller than in the unsmoothed cloud's forward positive area. This not was unexpected since the total concentration in the smoothed cloud was also smaller than the inflated value in present the unsmoothed forward positive area. v. Velocity of The cloud still moved more first this slowly than the wind. difference was very large, but the cloud velocity approached the wind velocity in the later timesteps. showing the A table predicted longitudinal gridpoint location of the centroid of the cloud and its actual location is in table 7. At shown below PAGE 125 timestep predicted location of centroid percentage lag of centroid actual location of centroid 0001 10.03147 10.0157 50 0010 10.3147 10.1670 47 0100 13.147 12.34 26 1000 41.47 38.5 Table 7: 9 One point initialization smoothed: lag in the centroid While the centroid was not explicitly calculated for unsmoothed case, inspection will show that the smoothed cloud was closer to the predi cted location than was in the unsmoothed trials. positive the area, alone, properly interpreted as the "real cloud". that unsmoothed the positi ve trials was the wake. The centroid in the The figure 20. The specific mechanism is In this in lag the gridp oint and b detailed below figure, the result of one time step of advection on a single gridpoint is shown. the not have been could of the centro id of the smoothed cloud was due to the smoothing process. in the moved forward of the positive area by the negati ve concentrat ions in location area The lag in the centroid in the forward po sitive area in the unsmoothed trials was due to fact the a is the value- at is the value produced at a neighbor ing gridpoint by the Jacobian. PAGE 126 - location concentration +1 t=0000 0 0 centroid unsmoothed advection smoothed advection location -1 0 +1 -1 concentration -b a b 0 b concentration that box an cloud adjacen t but the distan ce of this negative value (or reduced reduced from one to zero. figure in presente d example was In reduced. 20, the the dist ance was Thus the distance weighting used in the centroid weighed this negative value less and calculating centroid lagged have be hind occup ie d. why the centroid in thi s gridpoint, negative woul d have helped move the cloud centroid positive value) to the cloud centroid otherwise, the removed smoothing The negative value was added to forward. t=0001 +b/a the- Essentially, the a-b Cause of the centroid lag in smoothed advection Figure 20: simple +1 +2*b/a centroid grid 0 had the location that it would, The example shown above explains trial, initialized with o nly one moved' only one half of the predicted distance PAGE 127 in the first timestep. cloud became larger The in relative lag decreased as. the longitudinal extent and most of the diffusion acted on internal and forward portions of the cloud. In these forward portions, the addition of the negative value to a rearward gridpoint having a did not negative concentration. result Thus, in that gridpoint the smoothing scheme was not activated and the advection scheme was not affected by the lag mechanism introduced by the elimination of negative concentrations. vi. Conservation of mass The model preserved the mass of the cloud quite is used shown in below the calculation. in figure 21. integer arithmetic well as Nearest integer rounding was that was used in this PAGE 128 Figure 21: One point initial ization smoothed: normalized mass PAGE 129 The fluctuations in the mass of the cloud were much erratic than in this trial's unsmoothed analogue. oscillations with a very short period were less The regular due to the smoothing scheme. vii. Conservation of squared mass The time history of the area weighted sum of the of the concentrations is shown below in figure 22. squares PAGE 130 Figure 22: One point initialization smoothed normalized squared mass PAGE 131 The sum of the of in mass the during the advection. sharply decreased squares gridbox each The decrease slowed masses with time and eventually the sum of the squares of the became reduction is represents The constant. nearly shown symbolically in quantity the a below 23b. figure in this caused that process a grid box and b indicates the quantity that was added to a neighboring grid box at the edges of the Mass was conserved in these diffusion cloud. model processes. rear edge unsmoothed trials: location concentration forward edge -1 0 0 +1 0 a a 0 2*a total sum of squares nI f non wake diffusion wake diffusion location -1 0 0 +1 concentration -b a+b a-b b 2 sum of squares 2 2 b + a + 2*a*b + b total sum of squares Figure 23a: 2*a*b + b 2 2 2*a 2 2 a - + 4*b Cause of squared mass variation: unsmoothed advection + b PAGE 132 forward edge rear edge smoothed trials: location 0 +1 concentration a 0 2*a total sum of squares wake diffusion non wake diffusion 0 location a-b concentration sum of squares of 2 2*a - 2*a*b + 2*b diffusion. the unsmoothed advection caused two The diffusion wake caused concentration, a , to be spread between two grid boxes. one of the grid boxes was negative, value of the sum of the squares of type of + b Cause of squared mass variation: smoothed advection In the example above, types b a - 2*a*b + b total sum of squares Figure 23b: +1 diffusion was entirely the Since this action increased the the masses. The second positive and resulted in a PAGE 133 the decrease in the sum of the squares of canceled and the resulting increase in the almost processes sum of the squares of the masses was of order was the value two The masses. b squared. b that was diffused each timestep due to errors was and approximations difference introduced by the finite much smaller than a. Thus, the sum of the squared masses grew slowly. the be In the unsmoothed advection the wakes grew to the main cloud, but only after there as magnitude same alternating of wakes alternating were several of which sign probably aided in canceling the growth of this.quantity. When the smoothing diffusion was eliminated was scheme thus and unsmooth ed more rapid than the growth in the smoothed were not adjacent to Thus absolutely. in grew cloud the This regi on gr ew decrease of rate squares of the masses was smaller in the As case. of thus, the relatively and in the sum of the later timesteps. reduction in the decay rate of the su m of the squares is shown in the lat er timesteps of figure 22. very squares size, the number of grid boxes that wake the the was of order a*b and was, decrease This masses. wake the unbalanced non-wake diffusion acted alone and reduced the sum of the the introduced, high in thereafter. timestep 1000. the The first quantity 100 was The decay rate was timesteps but dropped rapidly virtually constant after PAGE 134 viii. Discussion The improved smoothed results version of the advection scheme over the unsmoothed scheme. The cloud that was produced conserved mass and moved at an acceptable The main flaw in gave. speed. the smoothed scheme was that the positive numerical diffusion was not balanced by the wake particles and thus the area weighted sum of the concentrations decreased significantly during This decrease squares the of the advection. was an indicator of the scale of the numerical diffusion introduced by finite differencing errors. c. Nine point initialization i. Description of initialization In an attempt to simul ate more realistic clouds, the multi-point initializations used in the unsmoothed trials were repeated. The nine point initialization was centered on gridpoint (10,26). ii. Diagrams of advection The results of the advection are shown below in figures PAGE 135 21a through 2t h. 0 0 1061 1079 zs7- 0 0 1109 1111 1108 0 0 1093 0 0 0 3 1126 1128 1126 3 0 24a. Nine point initial ization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0001 10 2S- 0 0 1029 1045 0 0 1104 1110 1061 1105 0 0 0 1140 1145 1140 - 6 24b. Nine point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0002 00 0 0 1012 1014 - 1013 0 0 0 1100 1108 1101 0 0 9 1154 1162 1164 9 0 9 45 53 45 9 0 0 0 1 0 0 24c. Nine point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0003 0 0 804 799 r-. 8190 0 0 0 1053 1077 1055 0 0 0 25 1239 1271 1239 26 0 0 30 155 184 155 30 0 24d. Nine point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0010 PAGE 136 0 0 374 330 2Y- 380 0 0 0 125 879 1236 880 122 0 0 203 795 1033 798 210 0 0 155 413 530 414 158 0 0 68 155 195 156 69 0 0 18 43 54 43 19 0 0 0 4 8 4 0 0 24e. Nine point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0100 0 0 188 218 185 0 0 ZS- 0 121 523 747 518 117 0 0 228 613 791 614 226 0 0 253 490 613 493 254 0 0 173 321 384 322 177 0 0 87 168 199 169 88 0 0 33 70 83 70 34 0 0 1 18 23 18 2 0 24f. Nine point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0300 0 9 110 122 27- 107 4 0 0 106 345 461 343 98 0 0 201 473 573 474 193 0 0 248 474 547 477 249 0 0 221 392 453 397 225 0 0 153 266 317 279 157 0 0 85 157 184 159 90 0 0 39 72 87 73 40 0 0 6 22 26 22 7 0 24g. Nine point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0600 2S- 59 60 60 60 62 0 0 0 145 225 240 225 146 0 0 207 338 369 341 210 0 0 235 388 429 391 241 0 0 231 383 426 387 238 0 0 198 334 374 339 204 0 0 146 251 281 255 153 0 0 79 151 181 155 85 0 0 41 75 87 75 42 0 0 7 23 26 23 8 0 24h. Nine point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=1440 PAGE 137 iii. Description of advection T concentrations in this trial formed was ve a similar to the one formed in the previous trial. major differ ence was during the early timesteps. immediately 0f in the rear. also expanded distribution and more become elli ptical. remained, as before did not The expansion in the rear would have been algorithm. The to the front and formed an arrow shaped pointin g into the wind. indistinct The pattern the cloud, but this expansion negative and was eliminated by the smoothing cloud The that to cover five latitudinal grid boxes in expande d the frontal portion occur pattern and, The at The arrow became more by timestep 0100, the pattern had latitudinal extent a constant of the cloud five grid boxes. The longitudinal extent also expanded at very nearly the same rate as in the previous trial. The cloud was ten grid boxes long in this direction by the end of one day of advection. The noticeable impr ovement over the one point initialization most was the absence of the trailing particles at the edge of the cloud. iv. Cross sections Cross sections through the cloud at are shown below in figures 25a through 25d. selected timesteps PAGE 138 LONGITUOE GRIO# 25a. Nine point initialization smoothed: cross-section at t=0100 PAGE 139 25b. Nine point initialization smoothed: cross-section at t=0300 PAGE 140 25c. Nine point initialization smoothed: cross-section at t=0600 PAGE 141 25d. Nine point initialization smoothed: cross-section at t=1440 PAGE 142 After the early timesteps, the cloud appeared to be similar to the cloud produced in the previous initialization. The peak values and shape were both almost exactly The peak value was slightly smaller than positive area of the nine point unsmoothed not very unexpected since the peak in trial. the same. the forward This was value at initialization was considerably smaller than in the previous trial. v. Velocity of the cloud The location of the centroid of lagged the of model cloud still location that would have been predicted if it had moved with the local wind velocity. location the the centroid, is The of the longitudinal shown in figure table 8, for selected timesteps. timestep predicted location of centroid actual -location of centroid percentage lag 0001 10.03147 10.0206 35 0010 10.3147 10.259 18 0100 13. 147 12.80 11 1000 41.47 39.0 Table 8: Nine point initialization smoothed: lag in the centroid 8 PAGE 143 The lag was smaller than in the one point initialization, especially during the early timesteps. This was because a relatively smaller portion of the cloud was bordering the wake formation region. As with the previous trial, the percentage lag decreased to a small value after 1000 timesteps. vi. Conservation of mass A graph of the area weighted sum of the concentrations is shown below in figure 26. PAGE 144 180.0s Figure 26: Nine point initial ization smoothed: normalized mass PAGE 145 The mass of the cloud was again well preserved. integer rounding was used in this trial. Nearest The short period artifact of the smoothing was also present. vii. Conservation of squared mass A graph of the area weighted sum of the concentrations is shown below in figure 27. squares of the PAGE 146 TIME (MINUTES) Figure 27: (X10 Nine point initialization smoothed: normalized squared mass PAGE 147 in the one gridpoint initialization. than trial The squared mass dropped more slowly in this This was because some of the gridpoints were removed from the high gradient regions lee the of the cloud where the action of the smoothing side timestep and 0400 began then scheme off to an, level The oscillation caused by the apparently, steady state value. smoothing to until sharply dropped The squared mass scheme was evident. about at had. become a noticeable factor in the drop rate of this quantity. however, small, This oscillation was compared to the systematic drop in the squared mass. d. Sixty-nine point initialization i. Description of initialization with The 69 point initialization was also attempted scheme. smoothed distribution was at from shift the The gridpoint central location the edge of the grid. of of the zero in this region. gradient of height val'ues were other avoiding the smoothed region The height field produced by the interpolation scheme described in Appendix A to gridpoint one The (11,26). initializations was for the purpose near the initial concentration of center the The winds dropped rapidly implied by this high unrealistic and were to be PAGE 148 avoided. ii. Diagrams of advection The results of the advection are shown below in figures 26a through 28h. 2.V- 0 0 0 1 1 2 1I 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 66 111 66 13 0 0 0 0 15 197 916 1523 915 197 15 1 0 0' 0 2 4 76! 133 951 1620 4307' 7259 7118 11969 4306 7259 950, 1620 76; 133 4 2 0 0 0 2 86 1013 4499 7400 4500 1014 86 2 0 0 1 21 241 1048 1717 1049 241 21 1 0 0 0 2 23 96 155 96 23 2 0 28a. Sixty-nine point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0001 0 0 1 0 0 z%'- 0 1 0 0 1 12 175 851 1427 850 175 12 1 4 2 133 71 919 1619 4209 7256 6975 11964 4208 7256 918, 1619 711 133 4 21 2 91 1044 4594 7540 4596 1045 91 2 1 24 263 1116 1816 1117 263 25 1 -7? 0 3 28 112 178 112 28 3 0 28b. Sixty-nine point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0002 0 0 1 0 0 .r- 0 1 0 0 1 9 153 787 1333 786 153 9 1 4 2 132 66 8871 1617 4111! 7250 683111956 4109 7250 886 1617 132 66 4 2 2 96 1075 4688 7679 4691 1076 96 2 1 28 286 1185 1917 1186 286 29 1 ,f 0 4 34 129 203 129 34 4 0 28c. Sixty-nine point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0003 PAGE 149 7$- O 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 zS- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 121 31 644 1567 3400 7128 5793 11783 3396 7126 642 1566 31, 121 2' 4 1 0 25 363 642 360 25 0 1 2 125 1274 5314 8601 5318 1276 125 2 1 56 457 1696 2664 1702 458 57 1 0 13 86 276 416 277 86 13 0 0 0 9 26 38 27 10 0 0 28d. Sixty-nine point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0010 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 21 0 0: 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 2408 2466 2338 0 0 0 0 7 1136 5805 9269 5791 1120 2 0 0 214 1782 5388 7736 5405 1789 213 0 y 0 279 1281 3094 4159 3111 1297 281 0 13 180 621 1305 1675 1317 632 182 14 2 75 228 436 540 439 232 76 3 0 20 64 118 142 118 65 21 0 0 0 12 23 29 23 12 0 0 28e. Sixty-nine point initialization smoothed: 0 0 0 1012 1005 2C -1011 0 0 0 0 0 715 3344 S021 3324 699 0 0 0 179 1641 4318 5679 4329 1626 166 0 51 461 1826 3630 4513 3649 1842 463 48 103 507 1374 2404 2891 2428 1392 523 103 88 362 830 1342 1578 1360 850 377 89 61 201 425 650 755 660 436 210 62 . ? advection pattern at t=0100 33 93 187 279 320 282 192 96 34 4 28 66 103 117 104 69 30 6 0 0 16 26 33 27 17 0 0 28f. Sixty-nine point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0300 2- 0 0 0 0 334 0 206 1655 189 2520 214 1621 308 0 0 0 0 0 0 126 1163 2925 3732 2920 1122 101 0 65 503 1740 3146 3739 3157 1739 490 57 173 728 1687 2699 3147 2723 1714 732 167 231 674 1338 1985 2272 2007 1366 691 235 195 505 914 1296 1461 1317 940 523 203 135 321 555 765 854 780 576 335 143 74 190 305 412 456 420 318 190 82 36 83 146 200 219 205 154 90 39 5 27 57 81 90 84 61 30 9 0 0 12 22 24 23 14 0 0 28g. Sixty-nine point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=0600 I 0 0 0 105 366 374 379 69 0 0 102 616 1279 1513 1248 539 57 0 23 415 1189 1843 2093 1326 1135 353 0 147 733 1437 2030 2275 2036 1447 696 112 267 834 1430 1928 2127 1953 1463 842 244 335 794 1267 1654 1808 1684 1305 821 328 302 673 1024 1304 1419 1335 1065 707 318 237 511 761 955 1036 982 803 546 254 173 347 523 654 710 674 560 305 190 108 219 334 416 452 431 359 249 126 57 120 190 240 265 252 210 141 64 25 54 90 123 135 129 102 66 32 28h. Sixty-nine point initialization smoothed: advection pattern at t=1440 0 15 29 46 53 50 34 21 0 0 0 0 6 9 8 1 0 0 PAGE 150 iii. Description of advection to the other initializations. The latitudinal extent of the cloud remained constant trials. extent longitudinal They arose at the lee edge present. edges regions from slowly of one day. end the by gridpoints grew of of low very initialization. cloud. the The initialization. the of gridpoints nine the south The pattern did not exhibit any spreading that was evident in the previous immediate the at a of considerable extent, was qualitatively quite similar cloud of as initialized The advection pattern, in this trial, to nine fourteen The trailers were again and the at north and They formed because there were gradients of in concentration the The concentrations in these regions were not Any advected and were left behind as trailers. advection in this region was lost to the truncation error introduced by the integer arithmetic. primitive version This trial was have a with more of the smoothing algorithm which could not eliminate all of the trailers. they calculated In order to conserve space, been left off of the above diagrams when the cloud has 1eft them far behind. iv. Cross-sections Cross sections th'rough the cloud at selected timesteps PAGE 151 are shown below in figures 29a through 29d. 76.00 82.00 88.00 94.00 100.00 106.00 112.00 118.00 124.00 LONGITUDE GRID# 29a. Sixty-nine point initialization cross-section at t=0100 smoothed: PAGE 152 94.00 100.00 LONGITUDE GRID# 29b. Sixty-nine point initialization smoothed: cross-section at t=0300 PAGE 153 29c. Sixty-nine point initialization smoothed: cross-section at t=0600 PAGE 154 94.00 100.00 106.00 112.00 LONGI TUDE GRID# 29d. Sixty-nine point initialization smoothed: cross-section at t=1440 PAGE 155 v. Velocity of the cloud The lag in the elimination of location the of the cloud caused by negative wake was sharply reduced. the 69 point initialization, the values in the the With negative wake that were eliminated were very small when compared to the main cloud values. A table showing the lag at selected timesteps is shown below in table 9. predicted location of centroid timestep actual location of centroid percentage lag 0001 76.03147 76.03125 0.7 0010 76.3147 76.311 1 0100 79.147 78.953 6 106.14 107.47 1000 Table 9: Six ty-nine point initialization smoothed: lag in the centroid The lag in the early timesteps value to 4 a few percent. grew from a negligible The reason for this growth was the elimination of the buffer of small concentrations at end of end lee the cloud that suppressed wake formation and thus the lags that were due to wake elimination. lee the By timestep 0100, the of the cloud contained large concentrations and wake elimination had noticeable effects on the speed of the cloud. PAGE 156 As before, as the cloud spread in the 1ongitudinal direction, the fraction of grid boxes exposed shrank and the to the wake elimination cloud began to attain the predicted velocity and close the percentage gap between its actual and predicted locations. vi. Conservation of mass A graph of the area weighted sum of the concentrations is shown below in figure 30. PAGE 157 180. 00 Figure 30: Sixty-nine point initial ization smoothed: normalized mass PAGE 158 The mass in thi s trial was lost slowly through truncation error . The model in this trial used truncation rounding in some of its integer arithmetic. However, the mass is still fairl y well conserve d. vii. Conservation of squared mass A graph detailing the time history of the sum of the figure 31. squares area weighted of the concentrations is shown below in PAGE 159 TIME (MINUTES) Figure 31: (X10 1 ) Sixty-nine point initialization smoothed: normalized squared mass PAGE 160 The squared mass decreased, trials, rapidly at first. state of initialization. trailers trial. by the in the other smoothed The rate of decrease became smaller in later timesteps and the value steady as about one approached fifth an, of apparently, the value at The oscillations caused by the elimination of smoothing scheme were very evident in this They were still small compared to the general downward trend in the squared mass. PAGE 161 3. Trial with deposition a. Discussion The eventual goal of this advection model is of amount the fallout such deposition, predict would reach the ground after a In order to test the nuclear explosion. for that to model's predictions a trial that incorporated a scheme for this deposition was attempted. b. Description of deposition scheme in- this The deposition scheme that was used was trial very crude. in a grid box were diagnostic The scheme assumed that the particles uniformly distributed with respect up to the level at which the advection was calculated. height In this particular case, the concentration assumed falling of particles was to have been constant from the ground up to the 30000 The scheme then assumed that the particles were all Pa level. at a single mean terminal velocity, v . In a certain amount of time, all particles in the lowest v,* 4t the to cloud fell and were deposited on the ground. meters of The scheme then assumed that the concentration field instantly readjusted so This that the concentration assumption essentially was again independent of height. def ined an infinite vertical PAGE 162 diffusion constant. The process just described is detailed the diagram below in figure 32. Vf at ____ 4'IIt Vep A+/I CROVND Figure 32: Process of deposition While this deposition scheme made some rather unrealistic assumptions, it lead immediately to a simple modification of the advection equations that permitted direct the deposition on the ground. for the drpIn If (16) concen'tration after the computation of is modified to account readustment of the PAGE 163 concentration field, the result is: dC DC g P -- - ---------------------------J(Cz) dt 2 om sin(th) Re p cos(th) r T Dt where H is the vertical depth of the cloud. v? C (36) H Computationally, this modification just indicates that a certain fixed fraction of the concentration in a grid box is deposited on the each timestep. Thus the ground concentrations in the model cloud should tend to decay in an exponential manner.. c. Description of initialization The cloud was initialized using the 69 point concentrations. The center of the pattern of cloud was at gridpoint (11,26) d. Deposition parameters The model removed a fraction of the concentration in each grid box each timestep and placed it in a corresponding grid box representing the ground. the last term in the The fraction was equation above. determined by The values of the cons tants were set at H=9300 meters which was a typical he ight PAGE 164 value in the height field, and v =.48 in s-1. the velocity was taken from Glasstone The value for (1977). It is the approximate value for the particles that carry the bulk of the radioactivity from an explosion. Thus, in (C)*(.48m s-1)*(60s timestep-1)/(9300 in) on the ground and .997*C remained the advected. in = every .003*C timestep, was placed atmosphere to be The model used integer arithmetic to calculate the remaining concentration in the cloud and used floating point The floating point because many arithmetic to calculate deposition. arithmetic was used for the deposition deposited amounts were small compared to the time the and the computational cost in time caused by the use of the floating small of required point for arithmetic was the advectional calculations. e. Diagrams of advection The results of the advection are shown below in figures 33a through 33h. 10 I0 25 - 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 13 66 111 66 13 0 0 1 15 196 913 1518 912 196 15 1 2 4 76 133 949 1615 4294 7237 7097 11932 4293 7237 947 1615 76 133 2 4 2 86 1010 4486 7378 4487 1011 86 2 1 21 240 1045 1712 1046 240 21 1 0 2 23 96 155 96 23 2 0 33a. Trial with deposition: advection pattern at t=0001 0 0 1 3 6 3 1 0 0 PAGE 165 1o 2 S- 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 9 52 90 52 9 0 0 1 12 173 845 1419 844 173 12 1 2 4 71 133 913 1609 4184 7212 6934 11992 4182 7212 912 1609 71 133 2 4 2 91 1033 4567 7495 4568 1039 91 2 1 24 261 1109 1806 1111 261 24 1 0 3 28 112 177 112 28 3 0 0 0 1 4 9 4 1 0 0 33b. Trial with deposition: advection pattern at t=0002 2s- 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 5 39 68 39 5 0 0 1 9 152 779 1322 778 151 9 1 2 4 66 132 878 1602 4074 7184 6771 11848 4072 7184 877 1602 66 132 2 4 2 96 1065 4647 7610 4648 1067 96 2 1 28 282 1173 1900 1176 283 28 1 0 4 34 129 201 129 34 4 0 0 0 2 6 10 6 2 0 0 33c. Trial with deposition: advection pattern at t=0003 2i - 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 26 352 625 351 25 0 1 4 2 31 121 625 1518 3299 6916 5623 11439 3294 6919 623 1517 31 121 2 4 2 125 1236 9157 8347 5161 1238 125 2 1 56 443 1645 2586 1651 444 56 1 0 13 89 271 404 271 86 13 0 0 0 9 26 38 26 9 0 0 33d. Trial with deposition: advection pattern-at t=0010 1 0 0 0 0 2'- 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 0 1781 1831 1769 0 0 2 0 20 854 4294 6866 4278 844 18 0 169 1319 3992 5733 4005 1332 166 216 950 2291 3087 2306 960 218 145 464 967 1244 974 472 150 61 179 327 406 328 182 62 33e. Trial with deposition: advection pattern at t=0100 17 53 9S 116 97 54 17 0 9 18 23 18 9 0 PAGE 166 ar- 0 0 402 402 0 293 1369 2044 103 724 1774 2308 195 749 1479 1839 195 556 973 1173 161 339 542 636 95 192 271 311 42 93 138 155 408 1363 1780 1496 981 548 274 139 0 0 279 0 715 98 755 191 560 195 343 164 195 98 95 44 33f. Trial with deposition: advection pattern at t=0300 30 0 2- 0 35 32 36 0 0 32 83 269 421 261 71 27 114 264 488 629 489 258 109 165 300 538 646 540 302 163 166 261 440 530 446 265 166 150 192 288 334 293 197 152 117 166 180 196 181 166 119 84 141 166 166 166 145 86 51 96 126 135 127 100 53 33g. Trial with deposition: advection pattern at t=0600 31 0 0 0 Ar- 0 0 29 77 82 82 67 91 83 90 87 115 139 134 139 116 91 84 122 166 166 166 124 89 92 121 166 166 166 122 89 90 120 166 166 166 122 86 79 119 166 166 166 121 85 77 118 165 166 166 120 83 33h. Trial with deposition: advection pattern at t=1440 76 105 157 166 161 108 82 45 72 123 144 127 75 50 PAGE 167 f. Description of advection. The advection pattern was very similar the of advection 69 point latitudinal trailers when concentration not fill these later During the left were failure behind. (see section of the cloud to The total smaller in this cloud was the reason why this trial did layers where the nondepositing did. trial timesteps, the cloud began to develop a line of to enough not The smoothing scheme was trailers that were left behind. aggressive ground. northern and southern layers that were left empty the refill major extent of the cloud decreased to seven This was due to gridpoints. The the mass timesteps, the cloud had lost most of its The to particles smoothed. decreased significantly, and by the later concentrations h). the initialization. difference was due to the loss of The to eliminate these lines and, thus, they persisted and formed a long trail behind the main cloud. The most notable problem in the advection pattern was the end of particle loss due to deposition in the later timesteps. The concentrations in the center of the below 166 attained units this cloud did fall not and eventually a large number of grid boxes same minimum value. This problem can be attributed directly to the integer arithmetic that was used to calculate the concentrations that remained in the cloud after PAGE 168 the deposition. When a grid box 166 units of contained units. concentration, the resulting deposition was .498 remaining cloud concentration was corrected to 166-- 165.502 units, which was rounded up to 166 units. concentration never could The .498 = Thus, the never drop below 166 units except through numerical diffusion in the advection scheme. This diffusion was a very slow process in the later timesteps. g. Cross-sections Cross sections through the cloud are shown timesteps in figures 34a through 34d. for selected PAGE 169 30.00 35.00 LONGITUDE GRID# 34a. Trial with deposition: cross-section at t=0500 PAGE 170 .00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45, LONGITUDE GRID# 34b. Trial with deposition: cross-section at t=0600 PAGE 171 34c. Trial with deposition: cross-section at t=1000 PAGE 172 60.00 34d. Trial with deposition: cross-section at t=1440 PAGE 173 These cross sections show a cloud that was in shape to units. similar The exception was the case with no deposition. the development of the cutoff that was very at concentration 166 This flat region was kept high by the rounding errors just described in section f. h. Conservation of mass The deposition scheme removed a fraction fixed of As was concentration from each grid box during each timestep. expected, this concentrations caused to sum the drop of exponentially the area un til the weighted integer truncation error halted the loss of particles from the From that point on, mass was almost perfectly conserved. pattern is shown in figure 35. the cloud. This PAGE 174 Figure 35: Trial with deposition: normalized mass PAGE 175 i. Conservation of squared mass. The area decreased weighted rapidly. This loss due to deposition. was approached state of was the squared concentrations a result of diffusion and the The almost steady state value that in the later timesteps was about three orders of magnitude lower than steady sum the value at initialization. The was reached as diffusion and deposition stopped in the later timesteps. This pattern is shown in figure 36. PAGE 176 Figure 36: Trial with deposition: normalized squared mass PAGE 177 j. Diagrams of deposition The pattern of deposition on the ground at selected timesteps is shown below in figures 37a through 37 i. 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.3 - 0.2 0.0 0.0 2 0.0 0.6 2.7 4.6 2.7 0.6 0.0 0.2 2.9 12.9 21.4 12.9 2.0 0.2 0.4 4.9 21.8 35.9 21.8 4.9 0.4 0.3 3.0 13.5 22.2 13.5 3.0 0.3 0.1 0.7 3.1 5.2 3.1 0.7 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.0 37a. Trial with deposition: deposition pattern at t=0001 I# 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.1 0.0 25- 0.1 1.1 5.3 8.8 5.3 1.1 0.1 0.4 5.6 25.5 42.2 25.5 5.6 0.4 0.8 9.7 43.5 71.7 43.5 9.7 0.8 0.5 6.2 27.2 44.8 27.2 6.2 0.5 0.1 1.5 6.5 10.6 6.5 1.5 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.6 1.0 0.6 0.2 0.0 37b. Trial with deposition: deposition pattern at t=0002 0.0 0.1 0.5 0.8 jy - 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.1 1.6 7.6 12.8 7.6 1.6 0.1 1.2 0.6 8.2 14.5 65.1 37.8 62.6 107.3 65.1 37.8 14.5 8.2 1.2 0.6 0.8 9.4 41.2 67.7 41.2 9.4 0.8 0.2 2.4 10.0 16.3 10.0 2.4 0.2 0.0 0.3 1.0 1.6 1.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 37c. Trial with deposition: deposition pattern at t=0003 I 0.1 0.1 3.9 3.2 0.1 1.6 3.2 23.7 47.3 33.9 18.8 114.3 213.4 145.4 32.5 191.4 352.3 237.0 18.7 114.2 213.4 145.5 47.3 34.0 3.2 23.7 1.6 3.9 3.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 25s- 0.1 0.6 1.1 0.6 0.1 1.1 10.2 40.3 64.5 40.5 10.2 1.1 0.2 1.5 5.4 8.2 5.4 1.6 0.2 37d. Trial with deposition: deposition pattern at t=0010 0.1 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 z- 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.6 1.1 0.6 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.6 1.2 0.6 0.3 8.9 22.6 35.3 36.9 1.8 0.1 40.0 164.1 291.1 309.3 209.1 3.2 22.1 259.6 975.41449.61125.4'587.3 38.4 422.51576.92358.51722.2 833.0 22.0 259.1 974.61447.61128.2 589.6 3.2 39.9 163.4 289.2 309.9 210.4 8.9 22.? 35.1 36.9 1.8 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.6 1.2 0.3 0.6 0.0 24.8 99.9 234.2 314.6 235.8 100.8 25.3 0.0 0.0 11.0 36.9 76.3 97.9 76.6 37.5 11.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 2.3 4.6 5.8 4.7 2.3 0.5 0.0 0.0 3.4 11.0 20.8 26.0 20.9 11.1 3.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 37e. Trial with deposition: deposition pattern at t=0100 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 2S- 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.6 1.1 0.6 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 1.8 3.6 1.8 0.9 65.7 70.6 0.1 8.9 22.6 35.4 48.2 57.5 1.8 40.0 164.1 291.1 352.8 371.7 378.0 373.4 360.7 3.2 22.1 259.6 975.41501.41501.11356.71206.31073.3 948.4 39.4 422.51576.92407.82320.81996.91715.2 1482.81278.9 22. 0 259.1 974.61501.31502.41357.51210.51077.5 950.1 39.9 163.4 289.2 352.2 374.1 377.7 372.9 361.9 3.2 8.9 22.7 35.2 47.6 57.7 66.6 70.5 1.8 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 1.8 3.6 1.8 0.9 0.0 76.6 329.5 756.5 982.8 762.0 330.5 76.3 0.0 0.0 75.0 261.3 513.5 638.5 517.6 264.0 75.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 61.8 38.5 169.0 95.2 299.7 155.4 363.5 183.9 303.7 156.8 171.2 96.2 62.5 39.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.2 47.4 72.7 84.2 73.5 48.0 21.9 0.0 37f. Trial with deposition: deposition pattern at t=0300 z0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 1- 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.6 1.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 3.6 7.2 3.6 1.8 8.9 22.6 35.4 48.2 57.5 65.7 70.6 76.6 1.8 0.1 3.2 40.0 164.1 291.1 352.8 371.7 378.0 373.4 360.7 340.2 22.1 259.6 975.41501.41501.11356.71206.31073.3 957.7 851.4 38.4 422.51576.92407.82320.81996.91715.21482.81287.31127.5 22.0 259. 1 974. 61501. 31502. 41357. 51210.51077.5 959. 6 859.8 39.9 163.4 289.2 352.2 374.1 377.7 372.9 361.9 340.1 3.2 8.9 22.7 35.2 47.6 57.7 66.6 70.5 76.3 1.8 0.1 0-0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 3.6 7.2 3.6 1.8 0.0 83.2 266.5 547.7 682.0 zS - 550.4 266.7 83.4 0.0 0.0 84.8 242.5 489.2 601.4 492.0 242.7 85.0 0.0 0.0 85.4 231.9 434.3 537.5 436.3 231.7 86.1 0.0 0.0 87.4 216.9 393.7 472.3 394.8 216.2 87.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.1 66.5 79.9 85.3 164.1 118.9 263.2 196.0 115.5 309.9 214.8 133.7 265.6 187.5 117.0 87.0 165.4 120.5 51.1 67.5 80.5 0.0 0.0 0.0- _0.0 0.0 89.7 202.3 335.5 405.2 337.8 202.4 90.2 0.0 34.0 55.8 72.9 78.6 73.6 57.0 34.9 0.0 0.0 20.7 37.1 45.5 49.7 45.7 38.1 21.4 0.0 0.0 80.2 327.3 763.6 986.7 766.6 327.9 80.0 0.0 0.0 85.2 308.3 680.0 869.2 685.5 308.7 84.8 0.0 0.0 10.7 20.8 27.9 30.1 28.1 21.7 11.2 0.0 37g. Trial with deposition: deposition pattern at t=0600 0.0 4.0 8.6 13.1 14.7 13.2 9.1 4.3 0.0 0.0 e2.4 287.9 607.7 765.3 610.9 28.6 82.1 0.0 0.0 0.5 2.2 3.8 4.5 3.8 2.3 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.9 21.2 31.6 36.0 31.8 21.8 9.2 0.0 0.0 2.7 7.3 12.0 13.5 12.1 7.6 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 1.5 3.0 3.6 3.1 1.6 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 I0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 2s. -0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.6 1.1 0.6 0.1 0.0 0.0 2S- 0.1 3.2 22.1 38.4 22.0 3.2 0.1 3.0 0.0 90.5 204.7 349.3 425.9 351.3 204.3 90.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 6.0 6.0 12.0 65.7 70.6 76.6 8.9 22.6 35.4 48.2 57.5 1.8 40.0 164.1 291.1 352.8 371.7 378.0 373.4 360.7 340.2 259.6 975.41501.41501.11356.71206.31073.3 957.7 854.4 422.51576.92A 07.82D20.81996.91715.21482.81287.31127.5 259.1 974.61501.31502.41367.51210.51077.5 959.6 859.8 39.9 163.4 289.2 352.2 374.1 377.7 372.9 361.9 340.1 1.8.9 22.7 35.2 47.6 57.7 66.6 70.5 76.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 6.0 6.0 12.0 0.0 89.7 186.0 314.0 379.5 315.7 185.8 89.4 0.0 jr- 0.0 93.6 166.5 293.5 336.4 283.9 166.4 93.6 0.0 0.0 96.3 154.0 255.7 294.8 257.0 154.5 96.2 0.0 0.0 55.0 70.5 92.9 97.1 0.0 42.1 56.1 75.9 80.7 76.7 57.3 44.1 0.0 93.6 72.4 57.0 0.0 0.0 99.8 141.4 235.8 263.9 236.5 140.8 98.8 0.0 0.0 30.0 41.6 59.1 63.9 60.3 42.5 31.7 0.0- 0.0 0.0 0.0 105.5 103.1 1 02.7 120.9 123.0 1 26.6 212.6 184.2 1 59.1 249.9 222.9 1 99.5 213.2 185.6 1 58.4 123.8 122.0 1 26.9 103.4 104.8 e 02.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.6 27.5 42.7 47.5 43.3 28.8 20.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 15.8 26.1 30.5 27.0 16.4 10.0 0-0 0.0 2.8 7.0 12.7 15.2 12.8 7.7 3.4 0.0 -- 0.0 104.9 120.7 141.4 167.8 141.2 129.2 102.3 0.0 0.0 106.7 120.7 140.9 146.1 141.6 130.3 102.9 0.0 0.0 0.1 1.9 3.6 4.6 3.8 2.1 0.3 0.0 37h. Trial with deposition: deposition pattern at t=1000 0.00.0 0.0 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 85.2 80.2 327.3 308.3 763.6 680.0 996.7 669.2 766.6 685.5 327.9 308.7 84.0 80.0 0.0- 0.0 0.0 104.5 119.8 140.3 144.7 141.8 121.4 104.0 0.0 0.0 96.1 114.7 136.2 10.2 137.2 116.6 96.7 _0-0 0.0 82.4 287.9 607.7 765.3 610.9 288.6 82.1 0.0 0.0 83.2 266.5 547.7 632.0 550.4 266.7 03.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 83.1 68.6 86.1 101.4 125.3 109.3 129.0 113.8 126.1 110.5 87.4 104.1 85.0 70.9 320 -- 2L. 0.0 8A.8 242.5 489.2 601.4 492.0 242.7 85.0 0.0 0.0 85.4 231.9 434.3 537.5 436.3 231.7 86.1 0.0 0.0 87.4 216.9 394.2 472.5 395.2 216.2 87.4 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.3 o 0 0.0 2- 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.6 1.1 0.6 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 6.0 6.0 12.0 3.0 8.9 22.6 35.4 48.2 57.5 1.8 0.1 3.2 40.0 164.1 291.1 352.8 371.7 378.0 22.1 259.6 975.41501.41501.11356.71206.3 38.4 422.51576.92407.82320.81996.91715.2 22.0 259.1 974.61501.31502.41357.51210.5 39.9 163.4 289.2 352.2 374.1 377.7 3.2 8.9 22.7 35.2 47.6 57.7 1.8 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 6.0 6.0 12.0 3.0 0.0 96.3 154.0 255.7 294.8 257.0 154.5 96.2 0.0 0.0 90.5 216.9 204.7 294.2 349.3 472.5 425.9 zr- 395.2 351.3 216.2 204.3 90.7 87.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 99.7 186.0 314.0 379.5 315.7 185.8 89.4 0.0 0.0 93.6 166.5 283.5 336.4 283.9 166.4 93.6 0.0 0.0 111.0 111.7 141.7 144.3 2S- 142.1 113.5 113.5 0.0 0.0 100.3 109.6 142.1 144.4 142.2 111.9 103.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 86.3 93.6 109.5 110.7 142.0 142.7 144.5 144.4 142.6 143.1 111.7 111.9 91.2 97.0 0.0- 0.0 0 .0 0.0 105.4 111.0 141.7 143.9 142.6 112.4 108.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 65.7 70.6 76.6 373.4 360.7 340.2 1073.3 957.7 854.4 1482.81287.31127.5 1077.5 959.6 859.8 372.9 361.9 340.1 66.6 70.5 76.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 80.2 327.3 763.6 986.7 766.6 327.9 80.0 0.0 0.0 85.2 308.3 680.0 869.2 685.5 308.7 84.8 0.0 0.0 82.4 287.9 607.7 765.3 610.9 288.6 82.1 0.0 0.0 83.2 266.5 547.7 682.0 550.4 266.7 83.4 0.0 0.0 84.8 242.5 489.2 601.4 492.0 242.7 85.0 0.0 0.0 85.4 231.9 434.3 537.5 436.3 231.7 86.1 0.0 0.0 99.8 141.4 235.8 263.9 236.5 140.8 98.8 0.0 0.0 105.5 120.9 212.6 249.9 213.2 123.8 103.4 0.0 0.0 103.1 123.0 184.2 222.9 185.6 122.0 104.8 0.0 0.0 102.7 126.6 159. 1 199.5 158.4 126.9 102.8 0.0 0.0 104.9 120.7 141.4 167.8 141.2 129.2 102.3 0 .0 0.0 108.1 120.7 140.9 146.1 141.6 130.3 102.9 0.0 0.0 119.4 119.9 140.5 144.8 142.0 121.6 112.1 0.0 0.0 122.8 119.1. 140.5 144.5 141.5 120.9 117.8 0.0 0.0 128.6 116.9 141.0 144.2 141.6 119.9 120.2 0.0 0.0 129.0 116.2 140.7 144.4 141.8 117.3 123.7 0.0 0.0 127.6 114.6 141.2 144.1 141.7 116.8 124.0 0.0 0.0 122.6 114.1 141.2 144.1 141.7 115.9 121.1 0.0 0.0 117.3 113.0 141.3 144.0 142.1 114.3 118.0 0.0 0.0 82.9 111.5 142.9 144.9 143.4 113.7 87.1 0.0 0.0 79.5 107.8 143.1 144.7 143.8 110.2 83.9 0.0 0.0 71.6 101.4 138.4 141.8 139.3 103.7 75.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 51.5 61.9 77.8 90.3 127.3 111.5 131.5 116.8 128.3 112.5 79.8 92.5 65.5 55.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 42.4 65.0 95.1 99.7 96.1 66.4 46.1 0.0 0.0 33.5 52.7 78.1 83.4 79.2 54.4 36.5 0.0 0.0 25.4 40.3 61.7 66.4 62.7 41.7 27.8 0.0 17.1 28.5 44.7 50.0 45.8 29.7 18.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.5 16.7 28.4 33.0 29.4 17.7 10.7 0.0 0.0 3.1 7.9 14.1 17.3 14.7 8.6 3.8 0.0 0.0 0.2 2.2 4.5 5.7 4.7 2.6 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.9 0.6 0.1 0.0 0.0 37i. Trial with deposition: deposition pattern at t=1440 PAGE 181 k. Description of deposition The deposition pattern deposition pattern that would nuclear explosion (see figure The be 9.105 likely in the to result from a Glasstone, (1977)). amount deposited grew very rapidly near the explosion and quickly became a large, narrowly cloud realistically fairly reproduced drifted downwind, distributed peak. As the amount of particulate matter in the cloud decreased and so the deposition rate was lower. deposition pattern the spread downwind The across the grid but the maximum amplitude that was attained grew smaller at increasing distance from the explosion. 1. Cross sections through deposition pattern Cross sections through the deposition pattern below in figures 38a through 38c. are shown PAGE 182 58.00 38a. Trial with deposition: deposition cross-sections at t=0010 PAGE 183 28.00 33.00 LONGITUDE GRID# 38b. Trial with deposition: deposition cross-sections at t=0100 PAGE 184 28.00 33.00 LONGITUDE GRID# 38c. Trial with deposition: deposition cross-sections at t=1000 PAGE 185 The cross-sections illustrate the peak near the explosion and the nearly exponential decay downwind. The drop was not exponential at the eastern portion of the pattern. were higher than an exponential decay would have produced because they were produced by a cloud truncation error deposited debris eastern portion cross-section particle of discussed on the was larger because 1000. The than At enhancement was implied timestep flat at the level The deposition pattern the. of the by the 1000, the eventually that had already been reached at gridpoints (35,26) through (37,26), where the cloud passed. of cloud was over gridpoints (38,26) to (43,26) and was depositing in that region. became that, above, was not losing mass as it ground. timestep The values had just PAGE 186 V. Conclusions A. Unsmoothed model The Arakawa scheme in its pure form is not the long term advection of particulate clouds. developed with during lo ng the goal that conserved to within attributed were tes ted were integration. a few conserved percent as quite well. monotonically to 1.7 to two times origin quantities quantities, Thes well fairly the total mass was al ways with error the The squared The its mass ea sily was not quantity always grew original value. The of this growth has been discussed and the magnitud e of the growth was not very large considering that the two in to the trun cation errors that were in herent to the integer arithmetic that was used. conserved The here. for The scheme was certai conserving term numerical mass and squared mass, trials of suitable growth occurred over 1400 iterations. factor of With more accurate time differencing schem es, this quantity can be conserved more closely, (Arakawa (1970 Unfortunately, these quantities expense of producing unrealistic results. by the scheme tended to cloud. were Indeed, it 'was almost totally conserved at the The wakes produced obscure the actual difficult to even define the actual PAGE 187 not the entire cloud in these trials. distribution; the negative concentrations are not realistic. It certainly The positive area to the front of the not, itself by a such also The mass and velocity of this positive area did not agree with what should in was distribution actual cloud. the was be present As pointed out in Orzag (1971), the wakes cloud. contained information about the distribution that the lagged proper location of the cloud. The entire distribution, including the wakes, produced by the pu re had scheme a centroid that was in the location predict ed for particles moving at the loca 1 wind velocity. likely th at this agreement is only preserved for cl ouds seems in embedde d present ed ve ry here, idealized the wakes where an actual cloud concent rations should studied never here, not experienced. the field s. In tr ials the into regions of the grid been have present. The thus advected by win ds that a real c loud were have wind spread should wakes In th e simplified c ases always felt a pure zonal wind that through the grid, varied only very little the It thus the locatio n of centroid was not affected by the different winds that the This would not, generally, be the case wake was experiencing. in the real atmosphere. The pure scheme results in the extreme expansion cloud. above, This poses but also is problems unre al istic of the for the advection as described in itself. One of the ultimate PAGE 188 goals of this model radioactive particles carried the by spurious predict the deposition rate of falling to the ground after being of the cloud implies that The exposures to debris would occur over a much larger region than. is realistic. exposures to wind from an unwind nuclear detonation. growth radioactive is In particular, the ( possibly negative, model the would predict that meaning of which is an enigma) even far upwind of the explosion. This does not occur in nature and is a major shortcoming of this model. B. Smoothed model In order to eliminate the the wakes, a with This scheme was very successful at wakes and restoring realistic results to the the advection scheme. method associated smoothing scheme was introduced which modified the pure Arakawa scheme. controlling difficulties described The wakes were totally by eliminated the in Appendix B, and the upwind growth of the cloud was halted. The clouds that were produced did exhibit some diffusion, it but was greatly reduced and positive. The spatial extent of the clouds was reduced. The numerical exclusively significantly clouds were smaller than even just the forward positive areas in the unsmoothed trials. The most rapid PAGE 189 diffusion occurred during the early timesteps of the advect ion that were initialized with *clouds covering only grid nera 11 y have diffe renc ing schemes vary o ver a sma difficulty obj ects with The minimum stable size in the scale. latitudinal direction appears to be five grid boxes . one and nine point slow growth would have arithmetic had been used. continued It pronounced, very rapid after the initial timesteps. expanded only likely With integer arithmetic, very small the directi on of motion was more trials , is the if flo ating point expansions were systematically rounded to zero. the When the initializations grow to this width, growth ceas ed for the remainder of the trial. that nine or This was not an unexpected result because fin ite boxes. that one to Th e growth in but still not The clouds in all of and thirteen ten between gridpoints after over 1000 iterations. his small rate of numerical diffusion was entirely positive nd not diffusion, he sum of the squared mass Since in these scheme. Th cloud. predictions counterbalanced This rials. measure of the was necessarily decreased major flaw of the smoothed the is wake by. negative amount o f the decrease of this is quantity a he amount of numerical diffusion that has affected problem This from being should made. not preclude useful In nature, clouds experience physical diffusion due to turbul ent motions in the atmosphere. In an actual cloud, therefore, the sum of the squared masses would drop. In the 'simplified trials presented here the PAGE 190 natural rate of diffusion was set at zero. If natural diffusion is to be incorporated into this model, the value the diffusion constant in (17) for the numerical diffusion of should be reduced to account already present in the model. Thus a modified equation (17) would be: [ DC -- _ Dt D 2 -D ]V (C) E(natural) E(numeric) j (37) This smoothed model predicts very well the location of particle cloud pressure. In order deposition embedded to in make a height predictions field about of a constant the actual of radioactive debris, some additions must be made to the scheme. 1. An appropriate diffusion constant must be chosen This constant may be negative if the numerical diffusion rate is determined to be larger than the natural diffusion rate. 2. Depending on the type of debris that is under study, a rate of decay should be incorporated into the model. For many long lived isotopes, such as Strontium-90, this decay rate can be safely ignored. 3. A modification should be made to the smoothing scheme, if possible, to prevent the spurious lag in the velocity PAGE 191 of the centroid of the distribution. C. Deposition case The deposition considering the trial patterns of the closely that well, approxi mated actuall, occur especially the The typical in the aftermath of The spurious e hanceme nt of nuclear explosions. portions very deposition scheme that was used. crude pattern that was produced "teardrop" worked the eastern pattern could be easily eliminated with the use of floating point , rather than integer, arithmetic in the calculation of the co ncentrations remaining in the cloud after deposition. If considered, then onl y a long more range deposition assumes terminal which it with finite vertical extent, veloci ty the cloud falls it (The pressure levels are e asily ground, to these wind s.) until the near t falls the In at at the level to height fields at several standard obtainable and can be used to When the bottom of the cloud hits the th en deposit i on begins to occur. occur be of the particles contained in it. As is advected by the wind has fallen cal cul ate deposition a vertical diffusion constant of zero. this scheme the cloud the to sophisticated scheme must be used. The simplest scheme that eliminates the explosion is Deposition continues op of the cloud reaches the ground. This PAGE 192 scheme should produce a region of deposition from explosion the and represents that solely is offset long range deposition. D. Summary The model described here was tested on very idealized and fields simplified of wind The physical and concentration. of diffusion in the atmosphere was ignored and the decay rate The deposition radioactive particles was similarly neglected. scheme was of the crudest nature. A major simplification made when the model incorporated only one layer. was This ignored all vertical variation in the wind and concentration fields. make meaningful predictions of actual fallout dispersion patterns. Rather, it The purpose of this study was not to was to develop and study the properties of a scheme which be used to make such predictions. can This paper discussed the numeric instabilities of the advection scheme and the rates of spurious numerical simulation of serious diffusion fallout dispersion. are to be expected in a The instabilities were but a smoothing scheme was presented which eliminated the instabilities while This that paper should still provide producing realistic results. the groundwork for more detailed studies of the long ra'nge dispersion of particles produced by PAGE 193 nuclear detonations. PAGE 194 REFERENCES Arakawa, A. , (1966), "Computat ional Desi gn for Long-Term Numerical Integration of Fluid Motions: Incompressi ble Flow. Part 1." Two Dimensional Journal of Computational Physics, 1, 119-143. Arakawa, A., (1970), "Numerical Simulation of Large-Scale Atmospheric Motions", Numerical Solution of Field Problems in Continuum Physics, (American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI), 24-40 Arakawa A., and Lamb. 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The scheme presented here to construct a height field is not the only one which would produce acceptable height fields. It is just one method of interpolating between observations. The results of acceptable and agree well with other analysis of the same data. this other methods, the scattered interpolation human and are computerized Where discrepancies arise between the results produced by this method and the by the differences results produced can be explained in the ambiguity of the field defined by the scattered observations. The mechanism of the interpolation is described below. The scheme places all the scattered observations grid. It then finds each of the observations. these pairs of in the a nearest neighboring observation for Lines observations. are drawn between all of The values of the heights on these lines are linear interpolations between the endpoints. PAGE 198 The grid then contains a network of lines that connect many of the observations together. Two interpolating passes are In the first, the scheme searches for filled grid conducted. boxes with the same longitudinal gri dpoint inter polated lines between them. linearly most of a grid with height values. this proc ess, but gridpoint value The filled. interpolat ed contains two fo rms ids height The another se con d pass repeats grid that mostly is are then averaged to form the final fiel d. The result, at stage, this discon tinuities in the first derivat ive of between drawn In orde r to eliminate these discontin uities, the averaged int erpola tion was smoothed. chosen and draws Th is usually fills the regio n of the lines that were the observations fiel d. values values with t he same latitudinal between This equent the field was The smoothing scheme so as to el iminate short period variations in the Each gri dpoint val ue was modified to be the we ighted aver age of itsel f and the neighboring gridpoint values. cent ral height value lo cated at gridpoint (ln,lt), following quantities were defined: cc dd height(ln,1t) = ( height(l n+1, lt) + height(ln-1,lt) + height( ln,lt+1) + height(ln,lt-1))/4 ee = then ( height(l n+1,lt+1) + height(ln+1,lt-1) + height( ln-1,lt+1) + height(ln-1,lt-1))/4 For a the PAGE 199 ff = ( height(l n+2,lt) + height(ln-2,lt) + height( ln,lt+2) + height(ln,lt-2))/4 gg = ( height(l n+2,lt+1) + height(ln+1,l t+2) + height( ln+2,lt-1) + height(ln+1, lt-2) + height( ln-2,1t+1) + height(ln-1, lt+2) + height( ln-2,lt-1) + height(ln-1, lt-2))/8 ( height(l n+2 ,,1t+2) hh t-2) + height(l n+2, + height( ln-2, lt+2) + height( ln-2 The smoothed value at the gridpoint was the of all these quantities. lt-2 ))/4 weighted average The weighting function was the value of a Gaussian normal curve with a stand rd deviation equal the between -two distance example, cc weighted by was weighted normal(V17 +22 adjacent by normal( )=.2136. Thus, for ridpoints. )=.3989, Using to and gg was this weighting function, the average was: he-ight(ln, lt)= .3989*cc+.3521*dd+.3108*ee+.2420*ff+.2136*gg+.1468*hh) ----------------------------------------------------(.3989+.3521+.3108+.2420+.2136+.1468) This produced fields that were very smooth and represented the large scale, synoptic,' variations in the actual height field. PAGE 200 Appendix B: Concentration field smoothing scheme The problems presented by detail in the the wakes main body of this paper. eliminating these wakes is presented means the eliminating only possible, these wakes. or It discussed are in A simple scheme for here. This even the best, is, however, is by no method of a simple, only extend straightforward method. The effects of the Arakawa advection scheme to the eight nearest neighbors of a grid box with a non-zero Thus, in the initial wake forming concentration. wake can only be one layer thick. shows, schematically, the region of around wake possible formation The wind around all grid boxes with concentrations. sufficiently advection in the not do Wakes right. will not form if the concentrations in the The following diagram each grid box with a positive concentration. is blowing from the left to the tested phase, form The negative wakes wake region are positive so as to remain positive even after the scheme this subtracts paper, concentration. wakes will also In not the trials form if the magnitude of the wake is truncated or rounded to zero integer arithmetic used in the advection. by the PAGE 201 beyond range 0 cloud 0 poss. wake poss. wake poss. cloud wake poss. wake 0 0 0 0 timestep 0001 timestep 0000 Wake formation regions Figure 39: As the diagram shows, when a wake forms, all containing poss. wake wake the grid boxes particles are, in the first timestep of wake formation, adjacent or diagonally adjacent to a grid box occupied by cloud particles. The wake el imination scheme eliminates the negative timestep every and, layer dimension. thus, a wake never grows beyond the one A secondary positive wake is never formed. The method of elimination is very scheme searches advection scheme . searches for the wake straightforward. fhe for a negative concentration produced by the When a negdtivc value is found, the scheme largest positive value that is adjacent or PAGE 202 diagonally adjacent concentration in to the largest neighboring the negative positive value and it The possible is the value in the The negative value is added to the largest nearby value instead of because box. negative grid box is then added to the negative grid box is set to zero. neighbor grid the absolute nearest that the absolute nearest neighbor will be smaller in magnitude than the wake value. An addition would then result in just another negative value. As long as the CFL criteria is honored, there will adjacent or diagonally always be a adjacent cloud concentration that is larger than the wake concentration. The elimination results in they occur. he eliminat ion of Trailers result when isolates which particles, were in concentration gradients, tha t were being left advection scheme. In nega tive regions of low behind by the add ition to eliminati ng the wake, the smoothing scheme made an att empt t In being trailers These are described in the particular trials in which formed. wakes sometimes eliminate these trail ers. the trials studied here, sever 1 different versions of the smoothing scheme aggressiveness version of were in eliminat ing smoother the particles. Other quadruplets of version use d. versions isolated eliminated only differed T hey t he eliminated parti cles. single pairs, The t heir The earl iest trailers e liminated in most isol ated triplets and aggressive long li nes of trai 1ers were only attached to the bulk of the cl'ud by a one gridpoint thick string of PAGE 203 concentrations. When found, a trailer was eliminated without regard for conservation of mass. The concentrations in the trailers were small and this did not introduce any significant errors. The search for, and elimination of trailers consuming process the advection. the was a time and was conducted only infrequently during The short period oscillations in the sum of squares of the area weighted concentration and squares of concentrations are a result of trailers the smoothing scheme. being. eliminated by