C]I II'JCCRPONATION CERTIETCATE OF FOUIIDATION]l{c. CREDITRESEARCH (fncorporated under the laws of Delavrare) . FIRST: The nane of the corporation to as theTffifndntlot tt) is (hereinafter sometinies referred FoU}IDATICli,INC. CFEDITnESEARCH SitC0i'iD: The principal office of the Foundabion in the State of Delarvareis to be located at 317-325 South State Streeb, in the C i t y . o f Dover, County of Kent. The name of its resident agent in chetrge thereof Corporation Syster,r, Inc.1 v,'hoseaddress is No. 317-325 is The Prentice-llalI South State Street, in said city. TIIIRD: The nature of the business of the Foundation and the objects and prrrposes proposed to be transacted, promoted or carried'on by it do any or all of the things hereinafter mentj-oned,as fuIly are to and to the sarne extent as.natural persons roiglrt or'. could clo, anct in any part of the world, viz. i (1) To conduct and carry on the rryorkof the Fotlndat'ion not for profit but exclusively for educational purposes especially in the fielcl of credit and credit practi-ces of both domestic and foreign nature, in such manner that no part. of its or property sha1l inure tb the private director, interest officer or lndividual in the activities shall not in benefit incone of any member, having a personal or private of the Foundafion, and that it any wey, directly 1 or indirectLy, engage in carrying on propaganda ot' othenvj-se a-ttenrpt to influence legisla- . - tion. (2) Subject always to theprovisions of paragraph (1) of this THIRD, to undertake, prornote, develop and carry on educational Article work in the field of credlt and credit practices, to establish and naitrtain inrvhole or in part educational agencies or institutions, and without limiting the generallty absolute discretion gift,s, of the Board of Directors, contributions or ln the aggregate, to all .fostering the District foundations, or polltical of Columbia, governnental bodies, or projects for religious, charitabl€, scientific, and pronoting of a clearer and better unclerstanding of credit and essentiality nent of living of sound credit practlces, for the improve- and lrorking conclitions, for the advancementof kncrviledgeand learning for providing facilities rvill organizations, corporations, to or andr/or educational purposes, for the encouragetnent, literary, (3) recipients) The United St,.:tesrary state, territory, subdiviston thereof, individuals, to rnake donati.ons, (without l-inrit as to the enount going to for the use of any and all institutions, in the and loans out of the annual net income and/or assets of the corporation any one recipient, of the foregoing, and the alleviation of hunransufferlng, and for public education and recreation. In the event that any rnember, or any non-memberby last and testament, deed or other rvriting, Foundation funcls, securities, may give to the andr/or other properties, and therein may designate one or more Linrj.ted purposes (within the scope of the general purpo.sesstated in subdivisions (1) and (2) of this .Article , anVpr TiirRD) to which the whole or a portion income of such gift uc of the principal to be applied by the Foundation, andr/or nay give certain dii'ecbions regarciing the time, manner, amounts and/or cond.itions of. the application such gift or of the. proceeds, principal or disposition and/or incone thereof, ty the Foundation, and/or other.,'iise nay curtail, such gifts on1y, the po,,rers, authorities, as respects andr/or cliscretions v&ich, as regards the corporate property generally, are granted to and vested in the Board of Trustees by the other provisions certificate of rncorporation, of the Founclation in its securities may accept such gift and ho1d, administer and apply the funds, and/or other properties so given, notlvithstanding any of the other provisions of this cert,ificate strictly of this in such event the Board of Trustees discretion, upon such accepfance shrll of of rncorporation, in accorclancewith the provisions of such'1ast will testament, deed.or other writing" and rn no event and under no cir- ounstances, horyever, shaLl the Foundation accept any such gift undertake the administration or distribution thereof, l-i.urited purpose or purposes to whlch the principal, if Articre shalL not the scope of the general purposes stated in subclivisions (1) and (e) of thls Article (h)' the income and/or accuniulations thereof are to be applied and distributed, be within or THIRD. Subject alrrays to the provisions THTRDTto accept by giit, ..;, of parag""pf, i'r):.of this devi.se, bequest or otherrryise real and perscnal. property of every kind and description wheresoever the samemay be situated and lvithout linit 3 as to alountl .and to purchase, hold, invest, ,se1l-r'lease, assign, transfer reitrvest, use, mortgager piedge, or othen'rise di.sposeof the and incone of the funds and propert'y of the Foundation principal of every kind and descriptio5t aud, in particular, loans, moneyt lands, bui.ldings, nortgages, shares, stocks, debentures, bonds, securities, any interest concessions, bi11s, notes, book-debts, clairns and in any property which may be necessary or convenient for the conduct of the Foundation; and to enter into, make, per- forxr and carry oui, contracts of every kind or nature for any of the purposes of the Foundation iuithout limit to have one or nrore offices to carry on all as to aroount; and or any of the opera- tions and the exorcise any of the powers of tlie Foundation. (5) Subject alivays to the provisions Artj.cle THIRD, to do all of paragraph (1) of this and everythiilg necessary, suitable and proper for the accornplishment o-3 any of the purposes or the attainment of any of the objects or the furtherance of any of the polyers hereinbefore set forth and to the same exfent. as natUral persons rnight or could do, eitfuer alone or through the agency of other corporabions, organizations, foundations, institutionst governmental bodies or individrralsr and to <1oevery other act or thing or things, incidental or appurtenant to or growing ".t:: out of or connected vritl"r the aforesaid.objects or purposes or any par',, or parts thereof, and to do all things not forbidden by the lavrs of the State of Delar,iare and vlith all the polvers conferred upon corporations by the larvs of said State. FOUFfIH: The Foundati-on sha]l have no capital. stocl<. The names and places of residence of er-ichof the incorporators mfTEl are as follorqs: TESIDENCES NAilES 'r;90 Broad Street, Ileli Yorkr N. Y. John F, 6)rrne, Jr, Roy A. Prediger 90 Broad Street, NewYork, I\i. Y, Iliilliam 90 Broad Street, New York, ll. Y, J. La Vigne, Jr. SD(T.I: The Foundation is to have perpetual existence, property. of the incorporators, SLtfgtTS: The private and officers directors of the Foundation rfi"ff rcenbers, not be subject to the payr,rent of corporate debts to any extent whatever. EIGTHT The conditions, terrns ancl qualificaiions for nembership in the Foundation shaIl be provided .for in the l['-Ia:vs of the Foundation. NINIH: In the event of the liquidation, up or' the Foundation, l.rhether vo1untary, dissolution involuntary or viinding or by oSxratiou of larvr.except as- rnay be provided by lan, the direct,ors of the Foundation wlth the consent of a:najority writing of the menbersentitled to'"'ote, given in or pursllant to a vote tal<en at a neeting of the mer,rbers,shall ti:e pover to dispose of the total have assets of the Foundation in such manner as they nay ty a rnajority vote deternj.ne; providecl, horirever, that such disposition to carry out the objects and sh.,:Il be calculated exclusively purposes for vrhi:h the Foundation is fornrecl. TEITiTII: The incorporators shaIl elect a Board of Trustees in whom shall be vested the nanagementof the affairs of the Foundation. The nunber of trusteesr.rrhich shaIl never be less than three (3), t,ogether lvith their qualifications, terrns of office, election, removal, change in nunber, filling of vacancies, powers, .duties and liabilities 'shall be prescribed by the Ey-La-'ts, Each trustee shaIl be a nember of the corporation at all tirnes during hj-s or her tmsteeship. E-IX\iBliT4: In furtherance . . |: arid not in limitation of the .general porrers con.ferced by the lal'rs of the State of Delavrare, the Board of Trustees is expressly aolhorizedr 1.' To tnalce,alter, repeal any Qy-La'ls of the Foundation, but only ty najori'r,y vote of all. the trustee.s at ar$p regular or special neeting of the Board of Trustees. To designate (by approp:'iate Ey-!a',.'rs,or by resolntions 2. . passed of the vrhole menrbership of the Board) two or more of their by rmjority number, to constitute a coriiunittee-br co:-,unittees,vrith such nane or nanes as may be stated in the ff-Laws or as inay 6" detennined froru tirne to time of the Board of Trustees, lvhich corurittee or iommittees, to b5r resolution the extent provided j.n such resolntion or resolut,ions or j.n the b!-Lals of the Foundation, sha]I have and mo; e*u".ise the pciters of the Board of Trustees in the nianagenent of the lvork and af.fairs of ttre Foundation, and rnay have pcireerto authorize the seal oI' the Foundation, to be affixed all to papers lvhich nray require it. 3. In the exorcise of their to make any and all donations, gifts, absolute and uncontrolled contributions Founclatiolt nay rnake pursuant to this'Certificate discretion and loans which the of fncorporation in such annountsand rnanner and tirrough such agencics throughout the vrorl-d.as may be provided in the W-ta'.,r3 of the corporation such resolution najority or as nay be provided in or resolu'oions as nay be passed from tine to time by a of the vrhole nembership of i:he Board of Trustees, and without responsibility or accountabili'i;y to the nrenbers of thc corporation for any such-.dona-tions, gifts, contril:utions or loans in any respect rvhatever, subjebt, nevertheless, tothe provisions of the ls,',is of Dele.r,vareand this Certificate, lr' by fn a ddition to the pcivers and authorit,ics hereinbefore or the lalrs of the State of Del-atare expressly conferred upon them, to exercise all such po,?ers and do all such acts and things as mey be exercised or done by the For.tndationr subject, nevertheless, laws of Delarvare and this 5, Certificai;e. to the provisions .n The Foundation may at any meeting of its se1I, lease, or exchange all of the Bo:rd of Trustees, properby, of its any substantial part :r thereof, upon such terns and conditions as its tsoard of Trustees deen expedient and for the best interesis authorized by the affirr,rative of the Foundation, l,.*:,en ancl as vote of a rnajority of the mernbersentitled to vote, given at a neeting duly called for tha'b purpose, or when authorized by the lvriiten conscnt of a na.jority .6. and officers of the membersentitled Th" FounCabionmay by its to vote. E'y-Iaws confer upon the t,rustees acidiiional pol€rs and authorities not inconsistent rzith this or the laws of the State of Delaivare, certificate 7, Any ruember,director, trustee or officer of the Foundation .nay be rej:nbursed for any expenses, Cisbursenents, or liabilities made or incumed W such person for or on account of the Foundation or in connection'r':il,h 'the.aCninistration of the Foundation. The provisions in this paragraph ? of Arti.tu ptuuunth shall not be .deemed to exclude any right trustee dennificatlon Dela','rare. I- of'business and affairs of any mernber, director, or officer to in- as granted [- Section 2O3lr of the Genoral Ccrporation Lai'r of . B. office, Any officer of the Foundation v.rhoshal-l, by virtuu oi i-,i, rendsr serrrices in connection vrith the .conduct of the affairs Foundation, shall be entitled of the to such conpensation for such services as the Board of Trustees shall deen reasonable. 9, in this Nothing in these subdivisions (J), Cer'l,ificate of fncorporation a distribution from the properties (B) and (9) or elsewhere contained shall be construed to prevent of the Foundation, othenvise pr-operly made in accordancewith ths provisions and purposes hereof, by reason of the fact that one or roore of the menbers, trustees, directors or officers the Foundation nay be corurected or associated',,vith the distributee shareholder, member,trustee, . 10, director, officer of as- or in any otirer capacity. Ilone of ihe trustees shall r'eceive irny comilensabionfor their services as such, but they sha1l be reirnbursed for all expc:nsesincurred by therti irr conuection lri.th the nnanagenentand adrninistration of the affairs and business of the Foundation. TI,EIIIH: repeal any provision hereafter The Found*tion reserves the right containeC in this Certificate t,o anend, change or in the manner no,'; or prescribed by statulr,e, provided, hovever, that any such action shall be caLculated excLusively to carry out the objects and purposes for which the Foundation is fornred, and all rights herein conferred on trustees and memberso.i the corporatj-on are granted subject to this reservation. TiE, Tffi UllDEnSIGiiE;),for the purpose of forrning this under the lalrs of tt:e State of Delavare, do make, file corporation and record this Certificate f of lnc<.rrporation, and do certify stated are true, that the f a c t s a e h e r e i n and we have accordingly lrereu4to set, our respective hands and seals. Datedr IIew York, NevrYork, Deceu,ber31, 19L8 - John F. Byrne (signecl) fof' - Roy A. Prediger (signed) Jroy A. rredlger Tiilliam 9 J. La Viene, Jr. (si (L.S.) (L.S,)